barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-14 15:45:33
TAG: team eam mo te od mod st


1. 游戏中按 “~”键 开启控制台,输入内容按回车键,字幕会全部消失 (或者这里按下Ctrl+L就可以去除那些残留的字幕了) 2. 如果想获取东西,在框中输入:

uf075 DebugSpawn"XX"——放一个XX在鼠标指针指示的地上 uf075 c_give(“XX”,数量)——直接放包里

uf075 c_spawn(“XX”,数量)——放鼠标指针指示的地上

XX填饥荒中的生物/物品等的英文名称(下面有会有详细的物品表单,替换即可) 例如:c_give(“meat”,2),回车键后,包里就多出来2块大肉了。 其他指令:

uf075 全物品直接制造:GetPlayer().components.builder:GiveAllRecipes() uf075 饥饿值不降低:GetPlayer().components.hungerause(true) uf075 精神值不降低(慎用不可取消):


uf075 最大血格:GetPlayer() uf075 上帝模式:GetPlayer() uf075 下面是开全地图,要输入2个指令才行,每次都要回车执行:

minimap = TheSim:FindFirstEntityWithTag("minimap")

minimap.MiniMap:ShowArea(0,0,0, 10000)



cutgrass(草) twigs(树枝) log(木头) charcoal(木炭) ash(灰)

cutreeds(采下的芦苇) lightbulb(荧光果) petals(花瓣)

petals_evil(噩梦花瓣) pinecone(松果) foliage(叶子)

cutlichen(摘下的苔藓) wormlight(虫子果) lureplantbulb(食人花种子)flint(燧石) nitre(硝石) redgem (红宝石)

bluegem(蓝宝石) purplegem(紫宝石) greengem(绿宝石) orangegem(橙宝石) yellowgem(黄宝石) rocks(岩石) goldnugget(黄金) thulecite(铥矿石)

thulecite_pieces(铥矿碎片) rope(绳子) boards(木板) cutstone(石砖) papyrus(纸) houndstooth(犬牙) pigskin(猪皮)

manrabbit_tail(兔人尾巴) silk(蜘蛛丝)

spidergland(蜘蛛腺体) spidereggsack(蜘蛛卵) beardhair(胡子) beefalowool(牛毛) honeycomb(蜂巢) stinger(蜂刺) walrus_tusk(海象牙) feather_crow(乌鸦羽毛) feather_robin(红雀羽毛) feather_robin_winter(雪雀羽毛)horn(牛角)

tentaclespots(触手皮) trunk_summer(夏象鼻) trunk_winter(冬象鼻) slurtleslime(蜗牛龟粘液) slurtle_shellpieces(蜗牛龟壳片)butterflywings(蝴蝶翅膀) mosquitosack(蚊子血囊) slurper_pelt(啜食者皮)


minotaurhorn(远古守护者角) deerclops_eyeball(巨鹿眼球) lightninggoathorn(闪电羊角) glommerwings(格罗门翅膀) glommerflower(格罗门花) glommerfuel(格罗门燃料) livinglog(活木头) nightmarefuel(噩梦燃料) gears(齿轮) transistor(晶体管) marble(大理石) boneshard(硬骨头) ice(冰) poop(便便) guano(鸟粪)

dragon_scales(蜻蜓鳞片) goose_feather(鹿鸭羽毛) coontail(浣熊尾巴) bearger_fur(熊皮)


goldenaxe(黄金斧头) lucy(露西斧子) hammer(锤子) pickaxe(镐)

goldenpickaxe(黄金镐) shovel(铲子)

goldenshovel(黄金铲子) pitchfork(草叉) razor(剃刀) bugnet(捕虫网) fishingrod(鱼竿)

multitool_axe_pickaxe(多功能工具) cane(行走手杖) trap(陷阱) birdtrap(鸟陷阱) trap_teeth(牙齿陷阱)


backpack(背包) piggyback(猪皮包) krampus_sack(坎普斯背包)

umbrella(雨伞) grass_umbrella(草伞) heatrock(保温石) bedroll_straw(草席卷) bedroll_furry(毛皮铺盖) torch(火炬) lantern(提灯)

pumpkin_lantern(南瓜灯)compass(指南针) fertilizer(化肥) firesuppressor(灭火器) sewing_kit(缝纫工具包) spear(矛)

boomerang(回旋镖) tentaclespike(狼牙棒) blowdart_pipe(吹箭) blowdart_sleep(麻醉吹箭)blowdart_fire(燃烧吹箭) hambat(火腿短棍) nightsword(暗影剑) batbat(蝙蝠棒) ruins_bat(远古短棒)

spear_wathgrithr(瓦丝格雷斯矛) panflute(排箫)

onemanband(独奏乐器) gunpowder(火药) beemine(蜜蜂地雷) bell(铃)

amulet(红色护身符) blueamulet(蓝色护身符) purpleamulet(紫色护身符) yellowamulet(黄色护身符) orangeamulet(橙色护身符) greenamulet(绿色护身符) nightmare_timepiece(铥矿奖章) icestaff(冰魔杖) firestaff(火魔杖) telestaff(传送魔杖) orangestaff(橙色魔杖)


strawhat(草帽) flowerhat(花环)

greenstaff(绿色魔杖) yellowstaff(黄色魔杖) diviningrod(探矿杖) book_birds(召唤鸟的书) book_tentacles(召唤触手的书) book_gardening(催生植物的书)book_sleep(催眠的书)

book_brimstone(召唤闪电的书)waxwelljournal(麦斯威尔的日志)abigail_flower(阿比盖尔之花) balloons_empty(空气球) balloon(气球) lighter(薇洛的打火机) chester_eyebone(切斯特骨眼) featherfan(羽毛扇) staff_tornado(龙卷风魔杖) nightstick(夜棍)

beefalohat(牛毛帽) featherhat(羽毛帽)

footballhat(猪皮帽) tophat(高礼帽) earmuffshat(兔耳罩) winterhat(冬帽) minerhat(矿工帽) spiderhat(蜘蛛帽) beehat(蜂帽) walrushat(海象帽) slurtlehat(蜗牛帽子) bushhat(丛林帽) ruinshat(远古王冠) rainhat(防雨帽) icehat(冰帽)

watermelonhat(西瓜帽) catcoonhat(浣熊帽)



campfire(营火) firepit(石头营火)

armorgrass(草盔甲) armormarble(大理石盔甲) armor_sanity(夜魔盔甲) armorsnurtleshell(蜗牛龟盔甲) armorruins(远古盔甲) sweatervest(小巧背心) trunkvest_summer(夏日背心) trunkvest_winter(寒冬背心) armorslurper(饥饿腰带) raincoat(雨衣) webberskull(韦伯头骨) molehat(鼹鼠帽)

armordragonfly(蜻蜓盔甲) beargervest(熊背心) eyebrellahat(眼睛帽) reflectivevest(反射背心) hawaiianshirt(夏威夷衬衫)

coldfire(冷火) coldfirepit(石头冷火)

cookpot(锅) icebox(冰箱)

winterometer(寒冰温度计) rainometer(雨量计) slow_farmplot(一般农田) fast_farmplot(高级农田) siestahut(午睡小屋) tent(帐篷) homesign(路牌) birdcage(鸟笼) meatrack(晾肉架) lightning_rod(避雷针) pottedfern(盆栽) nightlight(暗夜照明灯) nightmarelight(影灯) researchlab(科学机器) researchlab2(炼金术引擎) researchlab3(阴影操纵者) researchlab4(灵子分解器) treasurechest(木箱) skullchest(骷髅箱)

pandoraschest(华丽的箱子)minotaurchest(大华丽的箱子) wall_hay_item(草墙) wall_wood_item(木墙) wall_stone_item(石墙) wall_ruins_item(铥墙) wall_hay(地上的草墙) wall_wood(地上的木墙) wall_stone(地上的石墙) wall_ruins(地上的铥墙) pighouse(猪房) rabbithole(兔房) mermhouse(鱼人房) resurrectionstatue(肉块雕像) resurrectionstone(重生石) ancient_altar (远古祭坛) ancient_altar_broken (损坏的远古祭坛)

telebase(传送核心) gemsocket(宝石看台)

eyeturret(固定在地上的眼睛炮塔) eyeturret_item(可带走的眼睛炮塔) cave_exit(洞穴出口)

turf_woodfloor(木地板) turf_carpetfloor(地毯地板) turf_checkerfloor(棋盘地板) adventure_portal(冒险之门) rock_light(火山坑) gravestone(墓碑) mound(坟墓土堆) skeleton(人骨) houndbone(狗骨头) animal_track(动物足迹) dirtpile(可疑的土堆) pond(池塘)

pond_cave(洞穴池塘) pighead(猪头棍) mermhead(鱼头棍) pigtorch(猪火炬) rabbithole(兔子洞) beebox(蜂箱) beehive(野生蜂窝) wasphive(杀人蜂窝) spiderhole(洞穴蜘蛛洞) walrus_camp(海象窝)

tallbirdnest(高鸟窝) houndmound(猎犬丘) slurtlehole(蜗牛窝) batcave(蝙蝠洞) monkeybarrel(猴子桶) spiderden(蜘蛛巢穴) molehill(鼹鼠丘) catcoonden(浣熊洞) rock1(带硝石的岩石) rock2(带黄金的岩石)

rock_flintless(只有石头的岩石) stalagmite_full(大圆洞穴石头) stalagmite_med(中圆洞穴石头) stalagmite_low(小圆洞穴石头) stalagmite_tall_full(大高洞穴石头) stalagmite_tall_med(中高洞穴石头)

stalagmite_tall_low(小高洞穴石头) rock_ice(冰石)

ruins_statue_head(远古头像) ruins_statue_mage(远古法师雕像) marblepillar(大理石柱子)

marbletree(大理石树) statueharp(竖琴雕像) basalt(玄武岩) basalt_pillar(高玄武岩) insanityrock(猪王矮柱石) sanityrock(猪王高柱石) ruins_chair(远古椅子) ruins_vase(远古花瓶) ruins_table(远古桌子) statuemaxwell(麦斯威尔雕像) statueglommer(格罗门雕像) relic(废墟)

ruins_rubble(损毁的废墟) bishop_nightmare(损坏的雕像)rook_nightmare(损坏的战车) knight_nightmare(损坏的骑士)chessjunk1(损坏的机械1) chessjunk2(损坏的机械2)



chessjunk3(损坏的机械3) teleportato_ring(环状传送机零件) teleportato_box(盒状传送机零件) teleportato_crank(曲柄状传送机零件)


teleportato_base(传送机零件底座) teleportato_checkmate(传送机零件底座)




treasurechest_trap(箱子陷阱) icepack(冰包)




berries_cooked(熟浆果) pumpkin(南瓜)

pumpkin_cooked(熟南瓜) dragonfruit(火龙果)

dragonfruit_cooked(熟火龙果) pomegranate(石榴)

pomegranate_cooked(熟石榴) corn(玉米)

corn_cooked(熟玉米) durian(榴莲)

durian_cooked(熟榴莲) eggplant(茄子)

eggplant_cooked(熟茄子) cave_banana(洞穴香蕉)

cave_banana_cooked(熟洞穴香蕉) acorn(橡果)

acorn_cooked(熟橡果) cactus_meat(仙人掌肉) watermelon(西瓜) red_cap(采摘的红蘑菇) red_cap_cooked(煮熟的红蘑菇)

green_cap(采摘的绿蘑菇) green_cap_cooked(煮熟的绿蘑菇) blue_cap_cooked(煮熟的蓝蘑菇) blue_cap(采摘的蓝蘑菇) seeds(种子)

seeds_cooked(熟种子) carrot_seeds(胡萝卜种子) pumpkin_seeds(南瓜种子) dragonfruit_seeds(火龙果种子) pomegranate_seeds(石榴种子) corn_seeds(玉米种子) durian_seeds(榴莲种子) eggplant_seeds(茄子种子) smallmeat(小肉)

cookedsmallmeat(小熟肉) smallmeat_dried(小干肉) meat(大肉)

cookedmeat(大熟肉) meat_dried(大干肉) drumstick(鸡腿)

drumstick_cooked(熟鸡腿) monstermeat(疯肉)

cookedmonstermeat(熟疯肉) monstermeat_dried(干疯肉) plantmeat(食人花肉)

plantmeat_cooked(熟食人花肉) honey(蜂蜜) butter(黄油)

butterflymuffin(奶油松饼) frogglebunwich(青蛙圆面包三明bird_egg(鸡蛋)

bird_egg_cooked(煮熟的鸡蛋) rottenegg(烂鸡蛋) tallbirdegg(高鸟蛋)

tallbirdegg_cooked(熟高鸟蛋) tallbirdegg_cracked(孵化的高鸟蛋) fish(鱼)

fish_cooked(熟鱼) eel(鳗鱼)

eel_cooked(熟鳗鱼) froglegs(蛙腿)

froglegs_cooked(熟蛙腿) batwing(蝙蝠翅膀)

batwing_cooked(熟蝙蝠翅膀) trunk_cooked(熟象鼻) mandrake(曼德拉草)



honeyham(蜜汁火腿) dragonpie(龙馅饼) taffy(太妃糖)

pumpkincookie(南瓜饼) kabobs(肉串) powcake(芝士蛋糕) mandrakesoup(曼德拉草汤) baconeggs(鸡蛋火腿) bonestew(肉汤) perogies(半圆小酥饼) wetgoop(湿腻焦糊) ratatouille(蹩脚的炖菜) fruitmedley(水果拼盘) fishtacos (玉米饼包炸鱼) waffles (华夫饼) turkeydinner(火鸡正餐) fishsticks(鱼肉条)

stuffedeggplant(香酥茄盒) honeynuggets(甜蜜金砖) meatballs(肉丸)

jammypreserves(果酱蜜饯) monsterlasagna(怪物千层饼) unagi(鳗鱼料理) bandage(蜂蜜绷带) healingsalve(治疗药膏)





grass(长在地上的草) depleted_grass(草根) dug_grass(长草簇) sapling(树苗)

dug_sapling(可种的树苗) berrybush(果树丛)


spoiled_food(腐烂食物) flowersalad(花沙拉) icecream(冰激淋) watermelonicle(西瓜冰) trailmix(干果) hotchili(咖喱) guacamole(鳄梨酱) goatmilk(羊奶)


dug_berrybush2(可种的果树丛2) marsh_bush(尖刺灌木) dug_marsh_bush(可种的尖刺灌木)

reeds(芦苇) lichen(洞穴苔藓) cave_fern(蕨类植物) evergreen(树)

evergreen_sparse(无松果的树) marsh_tree(针叶树)

cave_banana_tree(洞穴香蕉树) mushtree_small(小蘑菇树) livingtree(活树) deciduoustree(橡树) deciduoustree_tall(高橡树) deciduoustree_short(矮橡树) red_mushroom(红蘑菇) green_mushroom(绿蘑菇) blue_mushroom(蓝蘑菇) mushtree_tall(高蘑菇树) mushtree_medium(中蘑菇树)


rabbit(兔子) perd(火鸡) crow(乌鸦) robin(红雀) robin_winter(雪雀) butterfly(蝴蝶) fireflies(萤火虫) bee(蜜蜂) killerbee(杀人蜂)

flower_cave(单朵洞穴花) flower_cave_double(双朵洞穴花) flower_cave_triple(三朵洞穴花) tumbleweed(滚草) cactus(仙人掌)

cactus_flower(仙人掌花) marsh_plant(水塘边小草) pond_algae(水藻)

flies(苍蝇) mosquito(蚊子) frog(青蛙) beefalo(牛) babybeefalo(小牛) lightninggoat(闪电羊) pigman(猪人) pigguard(猪守卫) bunnyman(兔人)


spider_hider(洞穴蜘蛛) spider_spitter(喷射蜘蛛) spider(地面小蜘蛛) spider_warrior(地面绿蜘蛛) spiderqueen(蜘蛛女王) spider_dropper(白蜘蛛) hound(猎狗) firehound(红色猎狗) icehound(冰狗) tentacle(触手)

tentacle_garden(巨型触手) leif(树精)

leif_sparse(稀有树精) walrus(海象) little_walrus(小海象) smallbird(小高鸟) teenbird(青年高鸟) tallbird(高鸟) worm(远古虫子) abigail(阿比盖尔) ghost(幽灵)

koalefant_summer(夏象) koalefant_winter(冬象) penguin(企鹅) slurtle(蜗牛龟) snurtle(黏糊虫) bat(蝙蝠) rocky(龙虾) monkey(猴子) slurper(缀食者) buzzard(秃鹫) mole(鼹鼠) catcoon(浣熊) knight(发条骑士) bishop(主教) rook(战车)

crawlinghorror(爬行暗影怪) terrorbeak(尖嘴暗影怪) deerclops(巨鹿) minotaur(远古守护者) shadowwaxwell(麦斯威尔黑影小人)


glommer(格罗门) chester(切斯特) lureplant(食人花) eyeplant(食人花眼睛) bigfoot(大脚) pigking(猪王) moose(鹿鸭) mossling(小鸭) dragonfly(蜻蜓) warg(座狼) bearger(熊)

birchnutdrake(坚果鸭) mooseegg(鹿鸭蛋)




陈奕迅新歌muffin man什么意思

2023-07-14 09:32:556

在国外,“the muffin man”有什么特殊含义吗?

“the muffin man”:是指那些很“软”的比如黄油等,特殊含义是:指像那些很容易被别人欺负的人。“the muffin man”解释:muffin英u02c8mu028cfu026an美u02c8mu028cfu026ann.玛芬,涂牛油趁热吃的英格兰松饼。黄油Butter是用牛奶加工出来的,把新鲜牛奶加以搅拌之后上层的浓稠状物体滤去部分水分之后的产物。主要用作调味品,营养丰富但含脂量很高,所以不要过分食用。 公元前5世纪,中国的匈奴人就已经因为以牧业为主,奶制品各种制作技术成熟并传播国内外。外国人称为黄油,就是中国人称为奶油的奶中炼制食用油品。匈奴人是世界上最早加工食用黄油的民族。软,跟硬相对,原意物体内部的组织疏松,受外力作用后,容易改变形状,如柔软。也引申为柔和,软弱,能力差、质量差,容易被感动或动摇的意思。如柔风,欺软怕硬,货色弱,耳朵软。欧洲西部濒大西洋地区和附近岛屿,包括英国、爱尔兰、荷兰、比利时、卢森堡、法国和摩纳哥。中欧指波罗的海以南、阿尔卑斯山脉以北的欧洲中部地区。包括波兰、捷克、斯洛伐克、匈牙利、德国、奥地利、瑞士、列支敦士登。
2023-07-14 09:33:161

儿歌do you know the muffin man什么意思

2023-07-14 09:33:301


英文儿歌松糕老人歌词   《The muffin man 松糕老人》食蚁兽在英国广为流传的儿歌,节奏活泼。下面是我分享的歌词,希望大家喜欢。   The muffin man 松糕老人   Oh, do you know the muffin man,   The muffin man, the muffin man,   Oh, do you know the muffin man,   Who lives in Drury Lane?   Second Verse:   Oh, yes, I know the muffin man,   The muffin man, the muffin man,   Oh, yes, I know the muffin man,   Who lives in Drury Lane.   More Second Verse Responses:   Oh, two of us know the muffin man,   The muffin man, the muffin man,   Oh, two of us know the muffin man,   Who lives in Drury Lane.   A few of us know the muffin man,   The muffin man, the muffin man,   A few of us know the muffin man,   Who lives in Drury Lane.   Now we all know the muffin man,   The muffin man, the muffin man,   Now we all know the muffin man,   Who lives in Drury Lane.   参考翻译:   哦,你认识松糕老人吗,   松糕老人,松糕老人,   哦,你认识松糕老人吗,   谁住在特鲁里街吗?   第二节:   哦,是的,我认识松糕老人,   松糕老人,松糕老人,   哦,是的,我认识松糕老人,   谁住在特鲁里街。   更多第二句回应:   哦,我们俩认识松糕老人,   松糕老人,松糕老人,   哦,我们俩认识松糕老人,   谁住在特鲁里街。   我们中有几个人认识松糕老人,   松糕老人,松糕老人,   我们中有几个人认识松糕老人,   谁住在特鲁里街。   现在我们都知道松糕老人,   松糕老人,松糕老人,   现在我们都知道松糕老人,   谁住在特鲁里街。 ;
2023-07-14 09:33:361

Muffin Man是什么含义?

2023-07-14 09:33:514

Muffin Man(英) 歌词

歌曲名:Muffin Man(英)歌手:陈奕迅专辑:?Muffin Man(英)词:Adrian Fu 曲:Adrian FuPaging all my people who are hurtIn the desert of their liesWe won"t take this from them anymoreWe"re not astrayWe"re not ashamedCome on down my friend from hereThere"s a chance, I know, of rainWash those tears you have insideIt"s a fear, it will subsideYou should try, you should tryChange it any way you canRhyme it like the Muffin ManYou should try, you should tryYou don"t need to hide it anymoreIt"s OK, you can feelI don"t have to tell you who you areYou"re a star, you"re a starCome on down my friend, I knowThis is life, and we"ve got to goWash those tears you have insideIt"s a fear, it will subsideYou should try, you should tryChange it any way you canRhyme it like the Muffin ManYou should try, you should tryWash those tears you have insideIt"s a fear, it will subsideYou should try, you should tryChange it any way you canRhyme it like the Muffin ManYou should try, you should tryEvery time I see your faceYou look at me with foolish eyesEverybody hold your horsesDon"t believe in what they sayEveryone is here tonightSo you should try那些让你死去活来的女孩词:黄伟文 曲:Adrian Fu看你气冲冲的走进来对着吧台 发着呆我就知道你的心情坏不用猜 为了女孩这夜幸好有我在教你早一点看开那些让你徘徊在水深火热的恋爱You Should TryYou Should Try那些让你浮沉在死去活来的女孩You Should TryYou Should Try你会有段时间难释怀我明白 我明白可是这是套餐分不开虽悲哀 也精彩下面这句话厉害请你好好记下来那些让你徘徊在水深火热的恋爱You Should TryYou Should Try那些让你浮沉在死去活来的女孩You Should TryYou Should Try如果一点点失败让你未来更可爱You Should TryYou Should Try多少恋爱的天才也是这样练出来You Should TryYou Should Try没有经历错的爱情歌怎样写出来没有碰过些狠女孩心酸怎样唱出来不想生命太空白You Should Try
2023-07-14 09:33:581

muffin man什么意思

2023-07-14 09:34:051


此中文对照以下英文 我刚翻译的 大家有更好的请发布 感谢陈奕迅带给我们这些感触良多的歌我寻呼所有我身边受伤的人在他们谎言的沙漠里我们不是迷路了也不是羞愧了从此刻重新开始吧朋友这次是新的机会 我懂得 在雨中洗掉所有内心的泪水这些恐惧 会逐渐消退你应该试试 去试试用尽所有办法去改变演奏所有这些 就像卖松饼的人你应该试试 去试试不要去隐藏了没事的 你会感觉到我不需要去告诉你 你的真实你是一颗星 一颗星从此刻重新开始吧朋友这就是生活 我们要继续前进洗掉所有内心的泪水这些恐惧 会逐渐消退你应该试试 去试试用尽所有办法去改变演奏所有这些 就像卖松饼的人你应该试试 去试试每次我看到你的脸你用笨笨的眼神看我所有的人都不要惊慌不要相信别人所说的今夜我们都在所以 试试吧Paging all my people who are hurtIn the desert of their liesWe won"t take this from them anymoreWe"re not astrayWe"re not ashamedCome on down my friend from hereThere"s a chance, I know, of rainWash those tears you have insideIt"s a fear, it will subsideYou should try, you should tryChange it any way you canRhyme it like the Muffin ManYou should try, you should try#You don"t need to hide it anymoreIt"s OK, you can feelI don"t have to tell you who you areYou"re a star, you"re a starCome on down my friend, I knowThis is life, and we"ve got to go#*Wash those tears you have insideIt"s a fear, it will subsideYou should try, you should tryChange it any way you canRhyme it like the Muffin ManYou should try, you should try*Repeat #**Every time I see your faceYou look at me with foolish eyesEverybody hold your horsesDon"t believe in what they sayEveryone is here tonightSo you should try
2023-07-14 09:34:132

muffin man的故事背景

Have you seen the Muffin Man the Muffin Man,the Muffin Man Have you seen the Muffin Man Who lives in Drury Lane. Yes we"ve seen the Muffin Man the Muffin Man,the Muffin Man Yes we"ve seen the Muffin Man Who lives in Drury Lane. Have you seen the post man the post man,the post man Have you seen the post man Who lives in Drury Lane. Yes we"ve seen the post man the post man,the post man Yes we"ve seen the post man Who lives in Drury Lane. Have you seen the Muffin Man the Muffin Man,the Muffin Man Have you seen the Muffin Man Who lives in Drury Lane. Yes we"ve seen the Muffin Man the Muffin Man,the Muffin Man Yes we"ve seen the Muffin Man Who lives in Drury Lane. Have you seen the post man the post man,the post man Have you seen the post man Who lives in Drury Lane. Yes we"ve seen the post man the post man,the post man Yes we"ve seen the post man Who lives in Drury Lane. OverOh, do you know the muffin man, The muffin man, the muffin man, Oh, do you know the muffin man, Who lives in Drury Lane? Oh, yes, I know the muffin man, The muffin man, the muffin man, Oh, yes, I know the muffin man, Who lives in Drury Lane. Oh, two of us know the muffin man, The muffin man, the muffin man, Oh, two of us know the muffin man, Who lives in Drury Lane. A few of us know the muffin man, The muffin man, the muffin man, A few of us know the muffin man, Who lives in Drury Lane. Now we all know the muffin man, The muffin man, the muffin man, Now we all know the muffin man, Who lives in Drury Lane.
2023-07-14 09:34:201

求陈奕迅新歌 Muffin Man的英文歌词和中文意思对照 全部!

呼叫那些受伤的人 在他们的谎言沙漠我们不会再重蹈覆辙 我们不是迷路了 我们并不感到羞愧我的朋友从这里失败 这是一个机会 我知道 雨洗刷了你内心的泪水它是一种恐惧 它将会逐渐减退 你应该试一试 你应该试一试你可以以任何方式改变它 押韵以后 就像松饼人 你应该试一试 你应该试一试你不必隐藏它 情况很好 你可以感觉得到 你是一颗星星 你是一颗星星来吧我的朋友 我知道 这就是生活我们一定会洗去你内心的泪水 它是一种恐惧 它将会逐渐减退 你应该试一试 你应该试一试你可以以任何方式改变它 押韵以后 就像松饼人次看到你的脸 你愚昧的眼睛看着我 每个人都认为你愚笨 他们说什么不要相信 今晚每个人都在 你应该试一试
2023-07-14 09:34:281

求陈奕迅muffin man中文版歌词 谁有啊?

Paging all my people who are hurtIn the desert of their liesWe won"t take this from them anymoreWe"re not astrayWe"re not ashamedCome on down my friend from hereThere"s a chance, I know, of rainWash those tears you have insideIt"s a fear, it will subsideYou should try, you should tryChange it any way you canRhyme it like the Muffin ManYou should try, you should tryYou don"t need to hide it anymoreIt"s OK, you can feelI don"t have to tell you who you areYou"re a star, you"re a starCome on down my friend, I knowThis is life, and we"ve got to goWash those tears you have insideIt"s a fear, it will subsideYou should try, you should tryChange it any way you canRhyme it like the Muffin ManYou should try, you should tryWash those tears you have insideIt"s a fear, it will subsideYou should try, you should tryChange it any way you canRhyme it like the Muffin ManYou should try, you should tryEvery time I see your faceYou look at me with foolish eyesEverybody hold your horsesDon"t believe in what they sayEveryone is here tonightSo you should try
2023-07-14 09:34:473


  1、Twinkle Twinkle Little Star2、hide and seek.3、do re me .4、long long ago .5、jingle bells6、my bonnie7、five little ducks8、happy birthday 9、if you are happy .10、i have two hands.11、bingo12、you are my sunshine13、baa baa black sheep14、the little inidan boys15、give me you love tonight16、i`ve got no strings17、little bird18、the more we get together19、red river valley20、donkey donkey21、friends22、our school we shine23、fingersong 24、the honey pokey25、two little eyess26、Froggie Froggie27、Colour Song28、Old Macdonald Had A Farm29、Valentine"s Dance Tango30、The Morning Song31、Follow Me32、Good Morning To You33、Ding Dong Bell34、Are You Sleeping35、Oh!Suzanna36、Let Me Fly Away37、Head shoulders knees and toes38、Boy & Girl39、Cuckoo Clock40、The Farmer In The Dell41、Hush Little Baby42、Santa Claus Is Coming To Town 43、Abc44、Sing A Song45、Fishes,Fishes Where Are You46、How Much47、The Mulberry Bush48、Starry Skies49、Three Blind Mice50、Auld Lang Syne51、Silent Night52、Everybody jump53、Ten Green Bottles54、To The Circus55、Table And Chair56、I Went To School On Monring57、Ichiban58、On The Way To School59、By The Beach60、Looby Loo61、I Saw Three Ships62、The Library63、A For Apple B For Boy64、Sunny Day65、How Do You Do66、Kids Medley67、Goodbey To You68、Did You Ever See A Lassie69、Melody Fair70、I Have Got Six Pence71、When I Was A Young Girl72、Three Little Kittens73、This Old Man74、Burn It Up75、This Is The Way76、The Music Room77、Talk To Me78、Ring A Ring Of Roese79、I Had A Litle Nut Tree80、Colour81、The Muffin Man82、London Bridge Is Falling Town83、Can You Tell Me What This Is84、Rainbow85、Mary Had A Little Lamb86、You Know What I Mean87、The best is yet to come88、Gimme 589、Beautiful Day90、Isabella91、Row Row Row Your Boat92、Upgrade Medley93、Medley94、Disco Dancing95、Porcelein96、Talk97、The Train98、Merry-Go-Round99、Encore Medley100、Twins Medley102、Opening Medley103、Merry Go Round104、Hickory Dickory Dock105、Skip To My Lou复制粘贴了105次。有些歌没听过,不包含歌词中有英文的中文歌,希望能帮到你,望采纳。
2023-07-14 09:34:541

原意给女友摘悬崖边的花 故事 文章给我发过来

Test of True Love真爱的考验真爱是一种平实无华、不求回报的爱。为了对方的幸福、快乐,默默无闻地奉献、毫无保留地给予……My husband is an engineer. Since the day we met, he has always been the rock in my life. I know he had his feet firmly planted on the ground, and it seemed that no matter what else went crazy, he would be the one constant.Three years of romance and two years of marriage later, I tired of him. He is the most unromantic[1] man I know. He never bought me flowers, he never surprised me, and nothing had changed in our marriage.After some time, I finally found the courage to tell him that I wanted out. He just sat there, speechless. My heart froze: what kind of man was I married to who didn"t even know what to say to make me stay? After a while, he spoke. “What can I do to change your mind?”“I will stay if you can give me a good answer to this question,” I replied coldly. “If I asked for a flower that grew on a cliff[2], and you knew that getting it for me meant certain death, would you still get it for me?”His face grew troubled. “Can I give you the answer tomorrow morning?” with that, my heart sank. I knew that I could never be happy with a man who couldn"t even give me an answer straight away.The next morning, when I woke up, he was missing. In the living room, under a warm glass of milk, was a note. My eyes grew misty[3] as I read it.“Dear, I have my answer. I will never pick the flower for you if it meant certain death.But before you leave, I hope you will give me a chance to give you my reasons.You always sit in front of the computer and type the whole day. But you always end up in tears because your format goes all over the place. I need my fingers to do the formatting for you, so that your tears will become smiles.You like to travel but always get lost. I need my eyes to take you to the nicest places on earth. Every time you leave the house, you forget your keys. I need my legs to run home and open the door for you.You never know how to take care of yourself. I need my hands to help you get rid of the pesky[4] white hair you hate so much when you grow old, to trim[5] your nails and to feed you.So you see, that"s why I cannot pick the flower for you. Until I find someone who loves you more than I do, I will need my body to take care of you.If you accept my reasons, then open the door and I will be waiting with you favorite muffin[6].”With tears streaming from my eyes, I opened the door. And there he was with an extremely worried look on his face. He still had nothing to say; he just stood there, waving the packet[7] he had in his hand in front of me.I knew then that I would never find another man who will love me as much as my husband does.Just because someone does not love you the way you want him to, it doesn"t mean that he does not love you with all he has.我丈夫是个工程师。自从我们相遇,他一直是我生命中的磐石。我知道他很务实,好像不管其他人变得多么疯狂,他都能一如既往地保持自己的本色。三年的恋爱,两年的婚姻生活之后,我渐渐厌倦了他。他是我认识的最不浪漫的人,他从不买花送我,也不给我惊喜。我们的婚姻生活永远一成不变。一段时间过后,我终于鼓起勇气告诉他我想跟他分手。他只是坐在那里不说话。我的心凉了:跟我结婚的人怎么是这样的啊,他甚至不知道说些让我留下的话。过了一会儿,他说:“我能做些什么才能让你改变主意呢?”“如果你能对这个问题给我一个满意的答案,我就留下。”我冷冷地说:“如果我要一朵开在悬崖上的鲜花,你也知道上那儿采花意味着死亡,你还愿意为我采吗?”他一脸苦相地说:“我能明早给你答案吗?”听到这话,我的心往下沉了。我明白和这样一个不能立马给我答案的人一起生活不会让我幸福的。第二天早上,我醒来的时候没看见他。客厅里,一杯热牛奶的底下放了一张纸条。我读着读着眼睛模糊了。“亲爱的,我有答案了。如果必死无疑的话,我是不会去采那朵花的。但在你离开之前,我希望你能给我一个机会让我告诉你理由。你经常坐在电脑前整天打字,但是最后你总是被气哭了,因为你的格式弄得乱七八糟。我需要用我的手指为你调整格式,把你的眼泪变成笑容。你喜欢旅游,但经常迷路。我需要用我的眼睛带你到世界上最美丽的地方去。每一次你离开家总是忘记带钥匙,我需要用我的腿跑回来为你开门。你从不知道照顾自己。当你年老的时候,我需要用我的手帮你拔掉你那么憎恨的烦人的白头发,帮你修剪指甲,喂饭给你吃。所以你看,这就是我不能为你采花的原因。在找到一个比我更爱你的人之前,我需要用我的身体照顾你。如果你接受了我的理由。请开门吧。我买了你最爱吃的松饼在等你。“我满脸泪水打开了门。他站在那儿,脸上显得很焦急。他还是没说什么,只是站在那儿,在我眼前晃了晃他手上的一包松饼。那时我知道我再也找不到比我丈夫更爱我的人了。仅仅某人不是以你想要的方式爱你这一点并不意味着他不是全身心地爱你。
2023-07-14 09:35:021

Before Monica made an honest man out of him ,he used to be my muffin!make out of怎么解释?

make an honest man out of sb.和sb.订婚
2023-07-14 09:35:194

陈奕迅Muffin man歌词翻译

Paging all my people who are hurt   寻呼所有受伤的人   In the desert of their lies   在沙漠中的谎言   We won"t take this from them anymore   我们不会再与他们重蹈覆辙   We"re not astray   我们不会误入歧途   We"re not ashamed   我们不羞愧   Come on down my friend from here   来吧我的朋友在这里   There"s a chance, I know, of rain   有机会的话,我知道,雨   Wash those tears you have inside   抹下你的眼泪   It"s a fear, it will subside   这是一个恐惧,它就会消失   You should try, you should try   你应该试试,你应该试试   Change it any way you can   你可以改变它的一切方式   Rhyme it like the Muffin Man   就像松饼人   You should try, you should try   你应该试试,你应该试试  You don"t need to hide it anymore   你不需要躲藏了   It"s OK, you can feel   好吧,你可以感受到   I don"t have to tell you who you are   我不会告诉你你是谁   You"re a star, you"re a star   你是一个明星,你是一个明星   Come on down my friend, I know   来吧我的朋友,我知道   This is life, and we"ve got to go   这就是生活,我们得走了   Wash those tears you have inside   抹下你的眼泪   It"s a fear, it will subside   这是一个恐惧,它就会消失   You should try, you should try   你应该试试,你应该试试   Change it any way you can   你可以改变它的一切方式   Rhyme it like the Muffin Man   就像松饼人   You should try, you should try   你应该试试,你应该试试   Wash those tears you have inside   抹下你的眼泪   It"s a fear, it will subside   这是一个恐惧,它就会消失   You should try, you should try   你应该试试,你应该试试   Change it any way you can   你可以改变它的一切方式   Rhyme it like the Muffin Man   就像松饼人   You should try, you should try   你应该试试,你应该试试   Every time I see your face   每次我看到你的脸   You look at me with foolish eyes   你看我的眼睛   Everybody hold your horses   每个人都握住你的马匹(不要急,慢慢来)   Don"t believe in what they say   不相信他们所说的   Everyone is here tonight   每个人今晚在这里   So you should try   所以你应该尝试
2023-07-14 09:35:381


  The muffin man 松糕老人   Oh, do you know the muffin man,   The muffin man, the muffin man,   Oh, do you know the muffin man,   Who lives in Drury Lane?   Second Verse:   Oh, yes, I know the muffin man,   The muffin man, the muffin man,   Oh, yes, I know the muffin man,   Who lives in Drury Lane.   More Second Verse Responses:   Oh, two of us know the muffin man,   The muffin man, the muffin man,   Oh, two of us know the muffin man,   Who lives in Drury Lane.   A few of us know the muffin man,   The muffin man, the muffin man,   A few of us know the muffin man,   Who lives in Drury Lane.   Now we all know the muffin man,   The muffin man, the muffin man,   Now we all know the muffin man,   Who lives in Drury Lane.   参考翻译:   哦,你认识松糕老人吗,   松糕老人,松糕老人,   哦,你认识松糕老人吗,   谁住在特鲁里街吗?   第二节:   哦,是的,我认识松糕老人,   松糕老人,松糕老人,   哦,是的,我认识松糕老人,   谁住在特鲁里街。   更多第二句回应:   哦,我们俩认识松糕老人,   松糕老人,松糕老人,   哦,我们俩认识松糕老人,   谁住在特鲁里街。   我们中有几个人认识松糕老人,   松糕老人,松糕老人,   我们中有几个人认识松糕老人,   谁住在特鲁里街。   现在我们都知道松糕老人,   松糕老人,松糕老人,   现在我们都知道松糕老人,   谁住在特鲁里街。
2023-07-14 09:35:481

muffin man歌词

have you seen the muffin man the muffin man,the muffin man have you seen the muffin man who lives in drury lane.yes we"ve seen the muffin man the muffin man,the muffin man yes we"ve seen the muffin man who lives in drury lane.have you seen the post man the post man,the post man have you seen the post man who lives in drury lane.yes we"ve seen the post man the post man,the post man yes we"ve seen the post man who lives in drury lane.
2023-07-14 09:35:563


 Muffin Man   词:Adrian Fu   曲:Adrian Fu   Paging all my people who are hurt   寻呼所有受伤的人   In the desert of their lies   在沙漠中的谎言   We won"t take this from them anymore   我们不会再与他们重蹈覆辙   We"re not astray   我们不会误入歧途   We"re not ashamed   我们不羞愧   Come on down my friend from here   来吧我的朋友在这里   There"s a chance, I know, of rain   有机会的话,我知道,雨   Wash those tears you have inside   洗那些你的眼泪   It"s a fear, it will subside   这是一个恐惧,它就会消失   You should try, you should try   你应该试试,你应该试试   Change it any way you can   你可以改变它的一切方式   Rhyme it like the Muffin Man   韵像松饼人   You should try, you should try   你应该试试,你应该试试   You don"t need to hide it anymore   你不需要躲藏了   It"s OK, you can feel   好吧,你可以感受到   I don"t have to tell you who you are   我不会告诉你你是谁   You"re a star, you"re a star   你是一个明星,你是一个明星   Come on down my friend, I know   来吧我的朋友,我知道   This is life, and we"ve got to go   这就是生活,我们得走了   Wash those tears you have inside   洗那些你的眼泪   It"s a fear, it will subside   这是一个恐惧,它就会消失   You should try, you should try   你应该试试,你应该试试   Change it any way you can   你可以改变它的一切方式   Rhyme it like the Muffin Man   韵像松饼人   You should try, you should try   你应该试试,你应该试试   Wash those tears you have inside   洗那些你的眼泪   It"s a fear, it will subside   这是一个恐惧,它就会消失   You should try, you should try   你应该试试,你应该试试   Change it any way you can   你可以改变它的一切方式   Rhyme it like the Muffin Man   韵像松饼人   You should try, you should try   你应该试试,你应该试试   Every time I see your face   每次我看到你的脸   You look at me with foolish eyes   你看我的眼睛   Everybody hold your horses   每个人都握住你的马匹   Don"t believe in what they say   不相信他们所说的   Everyone is here tonight   每个人今晚在这里   So you should try   所以你应该尝试
2023-07-14 09:36:031


The Muffin Man 是英美国家一首经典童谣,歌词简单,曲调欢快。陈奕迅的Muffin Man里的歌词“Rhyme it like the Muffin Man”,这句话直译的话是指:就像给The Muffin Man谱曲作词一样简单,歌里的意思指只要勇于面对和尝试,击败心中的恐惧其实就像给儿歌谱曲作词一样简单。
2023-07-14 09:36:101

英文儿歌《The Muffin Man》歌词

  Have you seen the Muffin Man   the Muffin Man,the Muffin Man   Have you seen the Muffin Man   Who lives in Drury Lane.   Yes we"ve seen the Muffin Man   the Muffin Man,the Muffin Man   Yes we"ve seen the Muffin Man   Who lives in Drury Lane.   Have you seen the post man   the post man,the post man   Have you seen the post man   Who lives in Drury Lane.   Yes we"ve seen the post man   the post man,the post man   Yes we"ve seen the post man   Who lives in Drury Lane.   Who lives in Drury Lane.   Have you seen the Muffin Man   the Muffin Man,the Muffin Man   Have you seen the Muffin Man   Who lives in Drury Lane.   Yes we"ve seen the Muffin Man   the Muffin Man,the Muffin Man   Yes we"ve seen the Muffin Man   Who lives in Drury Lane.   Have you seen the post man   the post man,the post man   Have you seen the post man   Who lives in Drury Lane.   Yes we"ve seen the post man   the post man,the post man   Yes we"ve seen the post man   Who lives in Drury Lane.   Who lives in Drury Lane. 英文儿歌《The Muffin Man》歌词
2023-07-14 09:36:171

muffin man中英文歌词

在他们谎言的沙漠里 我们不会再相信他们了 我们不会误入歧途 我们不以为耻 从这下来吧我的朋友有一个机会,我知道,充满了雨水 洗净你隐藏的眼泪 恐惧将会逐渐消退 你应该尝试,你应该尝试用任何你可以做到的方法改变它 韵率像松饼人一样 你应该尝试,你应该尝试 你不再需要隐藏它了你可以放心感受 我不必告诉你你是谁 你是一个明星,一个明星 我的朋友快下来,我知道这就是生活,我们得不得不去经历 洗净你隐藏的眼泪 恐惧将会逐渐消退 你应该尝试,你应该尝试用任何你可以做到的方法改变它 韵率像松饼人一样 你应该尝试,你应该尝试 洗净你隐藏的眼泪恐惧将会逐渐消退 你应该尝试,你应该尝试 用任何你可以做到的方法改变它 韵率像松饼人一样你应该尝试,你应该尝试 每当我看到你的脸 你用愚蠢的眼神看着我 所有人稍安毋躁 不要相信他们说什么 每个人今晚都在 所以,你应该尝试</p>
2023-07-14 09:36:251

The Muffin Man 歌词

歌曲名:The Muffin Man歌手:Ella Fitzgerald专辑:Miss Ella"S PlayhouseHave you seen the Muffin Manthe Muffin Man,the Muffin ManHave you seen the Muffin ManWho lives in Drury Lane.Yes we"ve seen the Muffin Manthe Muffin Man,the Muffin ManYes we"ve seen the Muffin ManWho lives in Drury Lane.Have you seen the post manthe post man,the post manHave you seen the post manWho lives in Drury Lane.Yes we"ve seen the post manthe post man,the post manYes we"ve seen the post manWho lives in Drury Lane.
2023-07-14 09:36:331


和尚433 .silent night 434 .simple simon 435 .八荣八耻歌 436 .爸爸 437 .西游记 438 .一二三四五 439 .sing a song of sixpence 440 .Sing Together 441 .五只小青蛙 442 .我有一只可爱的小狗 443 .Six Little Ducks 444 .skidamarink 445 .小螺号 446 .外婆的澎湖湾 447 .我唱歌儿 448 .四只小小鸟 449 .一只只小鸟 450 .祖国祖国多美丽 451 .skip to my lou 452 .spring arrival 453 .数字谣 454 .什么上山吱扭扭 455 .take me out to the ball game 456 .teddy bear 457 .小雨小雨沙沙沙 458 .月儿弯弯象小船 459 .十盏灯 460 .南南有个篮篮 461 .几条腿 462 .对数歌 463 .稍息立正站好 464 .金鸡报喜 465 .凑数歌 466 .不字歌 467 .小乌鸦爱妈妈 468 .中国少年先锋队队歌 469 .不倒翁 470 .别说我小 471 .Ten little indian boy 472 .the bear went over mountain 473 .青春舞曲 474 .花仙子之歌 475 .板凳绑扁担 476 .吃饼干 477 .The Family 478 .The Farmer in the Dell 479 .红星闪闪 480 .每当我走过老师窗前 481 .我是一个大苹果 482 .月亮姑姑跟我走 483 .The Finger Family 484 .The first noel 485 .小雨沙沙沙 486 .安静小宝贝 487 .蚂蚁搬虫虫 488 .拉大锯 489 .种太阳 490 .母鸭带小鸭 491 .小狗抬花轿 492 .狗与猴 493 .The months 494 .The More We Get Together 495 .棒棒儿歌 496 .小雪花 497 .角对角 498 .漂亮鞋子 499 .The muffin man 500 .this is the way 501 .吹起小喇叭 502 .小猪盖新房 503 .七个妞妞来摘果 504 .数数歌 505 .this little pig 506 .This old man 507 .棒棒儿歌_大冰箱 508 .大千世界真奇妙 509 .小兔想小猪 510 .吃果果 511 .Three blind mice 512 .Three Little Kittens 513 .互相帮助 514 .儿歌联唱 515 .高高山上一头牛 516 .蝴蝶飞 517 .老鼠搬鸡蛋 518 .棒棒儿歌_调味品 519 .我不哭 520 .小小红孩儿会唱歌 521 .today is monday 522 .Trot to boston 523 .小司机 524 .小蜜蜂 525 .小兔想小猪 526 .起床啦 527 .Twinkle twinkle little star 528 .two little blackbirds 529 .小西瓜要吃糖 530 .我画画 531 .稀奇稀奇真稀奇 532 .我爱我的家 533 .打花巴掌 534 .老狼老狼几点了 535 .under the spreading chestnut tree 536 .Walking Walking 537 .卖火柴的小女孩 538 .嘎子嘎 539 .种瓜 540 .种西瓜 541 .We Wish You a Merry Christmas 542 .What Are You Wearing 543 .快乐的小蜗牛 544 .爱唱歌的小鸟 545 .what is this 546 .whats your name 547 .小松树 548 .猴子吃掉小桃子 549 .两只猫 550 .下蛋咯 551 .wheels on the bus 552 .where do all the daisies go 553 .爸爸妈妈吵架了 554 .狼真来了怎么办 555 .数青蛙 556 .小花狗 557 .winter cheer 558 .yankee doodle
2023-07-14 09:36:401

The Muffin Man 歌词

歌曲名:The Muffin Man歌手:Twins专辑:Singing In The Twins WonderlandHave you seen the Muffin Manthe Muffin Man,the Muffin ManHave you seen the Muffin ManWho lives in Drury Lane.Yes we"ve seen the Muffin Manthe Muffin Man,the Muffin ManYes we"ve seen the Muffin ManWho lives in Drury Lane.Have you seen the post manthe post man,the post manHave you seen the post manWho lives in Drury Lane.Yes we"ve seen the post manthe post man,the post manYes we"ve seen the post manWho lives in Drury Lane.
2023-07-14 09:37:001

The Muffin Man 歌词

歌曲名:The Muffin Man歌手:Kidzup Production Inc&Kidzup Children"s Music专辑:The Top 30 Toddler SongsHave you seen the Muffin Manthe Muffin Man,the Muffin ManHave you seen the Muffin ManWho lives in Drury Lane.Yes we"ve seen the Muffin Manthe Muffin Man,the Muffin ManYes we"ve seen the Muffin ManWho lives in Drury Lane.Have you seen the post manthe post man,the post manHave you seen the post manWho lives in Drury Lane.Yes we"ve seen the post manthe post man,the post manYes we"ve seen the post manWho lives in Drury Lane.
2023-07-14 09:37:081

The Muffin Man 歌词

歌曲名:The Muffin Man歌手:Ella Fitzgerald专辑:Jazz For Kids: Sing, Clap, Wiggle, And ShakeHave you seen the Muffin Manthe Muffin Man,the Muffin ManHave you seen the Muffin ManWho lives in Drury Lane.Yes we"ve seen the Muffin Manthe Muffin Man,the Muffin ManYes we"ve seen the Muffin ManWho lives in Drury Lane.Have you seen the post manthe post man,the post manHave you seen the post manWho lives in Drury Lane.Yes we"ve seen the post manthe post man,the post manYes we"ve seen the post manWho lives in Drury Lane.
2023-07-14 09:37:151

The Muffin Man (Toddler Toons Music Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Muffin Man (Toddler Toons Music Album Version)歌手:Thingamakid专辑:Toddler Toons MusicHave you seen the Muffin Manthe Muffin Man,the Muffin ManHave you seen the Muffin ManWho lives in Drury Lane.Yes we"ve seen the Muffin Manthe Muffin Man,the Muffin ManYes we"ve seen the Muffin ManWho lives in Drury Lane.Have you seen the post manthe post man,the post manHave you seen the post manWho lives in Drury Lane.Yes we"ve seen the post manthe post man,the post manYes we"ve seen the post manWho lives in Drury Lane.
2023-07-14 09:37:341

The Muffin Man歌词

have you seen the muffin man the muffin man,the muffin man have you seen the muffin man who lives in drury lane.yes we"ve seen the muffin man the muffin man,the muffin man yes we"ve seen the muffin man who lives in drury lane.have you seen the post man the post man,the post man have you seen the post man who lives in drury lane.yes we"ve seen the post man the post man,the post man yes we"ve seen the post man who lives in drury lane.
2023-07-14 09:37:421


  The muffin man   Oh, do you know the muffin man,   The muffin man, the muffin man,   Oh, do you know the muffin man,   Who lives in Drury Lane?   Second Verse:   Oh, yes, I know the muffin man,   The muffin man, the muffin man,   Oh, yes, I know the muffin man,   Who lives in Drury Lane.   More Second Verse Responses:   Oh, two of us know the muffin man,   The muffin man, the muffin man,   Oh, two of us know the muffin man,   Who lives in Drury Lane.   A few of us know the muffin man,   The muffin man, the muffin man,   A few of us know the muffin man,   Who lives in Drury Lane.   Now we all know the muffin man,   The muffin man, the muffin man,   Now we all know the muffin man,   Who lives in Drury Lane.
2023-07-14 09:37:491

2023-07-14 09:38:061


2023-07-14 09:38:142的两首歌曲分别叫什么名字?

Lloyd Banks的《on fire》 第二首《hands on you》new york cityyou are now rockin with the bestlloyd banksg-unit[chorus 50 cent]we on fireup in here, it"s burning hotwe on fireshawty take it off if it get to hot, up in this spotwe on firetear the roof off this motherfucker, light the roof on firenigga what you saywe get loose in this motherfucker, light the roof on fire fire fire[verse 1- lloyd banks]now i aint putting nothing out, i smoke when i wanna26-inch chrome spokes on the hummerthis heat gon last for the whole summerrunning your bitch faster then the road runnerrocks on my wrist, rolls gold underglocks on my hip, those throw thunderim buying diamond by the pierbut when you stop, the only thing still spinning is your earyeah, im riding with that all black snubraiders cap back, all black glovesim 80s man, but the boy smack thugsthese record sales equal more back rubsnot to mention i bought a pack of clubshis impacts about as raw as crack wasnow all these new artists getting raw dealsim only 21, sitting on mills[chorus 50 cent]we on fireup in here, it"s burning hotwe on fireshawty take it off if it get to hot, up in this spotwe on firetear the roof off this motherfucker, light the roof on firenigga what you saywe get loose in this motherfucker, light the roof on fire fire fire[verse 2- lloyd banks]if you know anything about me, then you know im a ballerif i aint hit the first night, i aint gon call herim trying to play, you trying to have my daughterbut i can"t blame her for what her momma taught herand i don"t care bout what the next nigga bought hercause i aint putting no baguettes in her abuelai got a diamond about as clear as waterand i got bread, but i aint spendin a quarterso cut the games ma, lets go in the backmatter fact, turn your ass round, back a nigga downand i aint bias when im riding through the townlike em small, like em tall, like em black, like em brownshe gotta be able to cum when i need hertight ass pants, little wife beaterregular chick or r&b divabitch say something, i aint a mind reader[chorus 50 cent]we on fireup in here, it"s burning hotwe on fireshawty take it off if it get to hot, up in this spotwe on firetear the roof off this motherfucker, light the roof on firenigga what you saywe get loose in this motherfucker, light the roof on fire fire fireHands On You feat Eminem歌词Hands On You feat Eminem歌词babe uh, yeah!girl, you my only one though aight, hahayou my baby, fuck all that shityou"re the one for mecheck it out.[verse - obie trice]baby i"m feeling the feelings you giving, i"m feelin your styleand i"m willing to let my guard down to figure you outi"m picturing your figure in a swimsuit wilingsomewhere in the caribbean islandscause the vibe you giving me nowfeels like i"m an innocent childsinning is never tempting when other womens aroundhands down, this is my vowi never heard a moan sound so profoundwhen a nigga"s digging you out, phone ringsyou cuss them motherfuckers out, quit calling the house!if i call, you"re in routethere"s a drought, you look outi"m on edge, you put the palm of your hand on my head and squeezeplease believe i ain"t scared of commitmentfuck head from them bitches!when you could do the same, but that respect is givenour intimacy is significantly different[chorus - eminem (obie trice)]you gon ride for me (you gon ride?)then i"m gon ride for you (i"m gon ride)if you put your mouth on me (put it on me)i"m a put my mouth on youtogether there ain"t nothing we can"t do (there"s nothing)any problem we can see it through (we see it through)baby if you promise to be true (you promise?)i will never put my hands on youcome on and think about it[verse - obie trice]we ain"t even got to talk when we see each otherwe got it all chalked out when we see each other under them coversyou my lover, i"m your friend, i"m your man, but i"m sayinwho needs a label, we roll hand in handvisions of you having my little manwe joke, you call me george foremancause i"m namin him o number four, me i"m threeplus the ol" g like the personality, she say it"s meant to bei"m in the bathroom when you peeshe in the bathroom too when a nigga doo doo, you my boo boothere"s nothing in this world that a nigga wouldn"t do tosatisfy - this my bitch that ridemy bitch wit the pistol in the ridea nigga act up she busting, she ain"t got to decideno discussion, she"ll put a slug in a tough niggaz muffinyou"re fucking wit her husband[chorus][verse - obie trice]come on and think about ityou got a ring about itnothing could ever come between or intervene our bondagedrama we overcome it if we out numberedi promise it"ll be us against a hundredrushing to your side when you vomit eating pickles and peanutbuttereight months later obie rubbing your stomachpaying homage to your momma for raising a girl properenough to call o her baby fatheryou ain"t gotta bother bout a deal, i swear i keep it realraise young o trill and cook a decent mealit"s signed and sealed, you the only femalehail, my one and only pal come to get me outta jailpost bail and post up for salei swore, i swear we will always live welllong as i got my bombshell from the hood to the hillswho"s gon stop up? nobody! we"s that deal[chorus][bridge - eminem (obie trice)]if you gon stand by me (if you gon stand by me)then i"m gon stand by you (then i"m gon stand by you)if you promise you"ll be truethen i"ll never put my hands on you (hands down)but! don"t you play me for no fool (no fool) bitch!cause if i put my mouth on you (on you)after you put your mouth on someone elsebetter find someone else newcome on and think about it[outro - obie trice]yeah.. obie triceshady!
2023-07-14 09:38:221


2023-07-14 09:35:131

树的英语怎么读 树的英语如何读

1、“树”的英语说法是“tree”。 2、读音:英[triu02d0];美[triu02d0] 3、作名词时意为“树;木料;树状物,人名;(英)特里”; 4、作及物动词时意为“把...赶上树”,作不及物动词时意为“爬上树;逃上树”。 5、family tree:家族树 ; 家谱 ; 家庭树 ; 族谱 6、Leftist tree:左偏树 ; 左倾树
2023-07-14 09:35:161

Jericho (Remix 2005) 歌词

歌曲名:Jericho (Remix 2005)歌手:Hilary Duff专辑:4Ever Hilary DuffHilary Duff - JerichoAlbum: Hilary DuffHop a fast train out of townDownside up and upside downGoing fast is going slowWhat could"ve been, we"ll never knowIn this place that has no nameI can"t remember why I cameThen I hear you whisper lowOne more mile to JerichoNothing is ever what it seemsWhen you live inside you dreamsThe walls will tumbleBut I"m not gonna cryMy heart won"t crumbleIf we ever say goodbyeEverybody gets the jokeWhere"s the fire?Where"s the smoke?Money, love and jealousySomething"s got a hold of meBut I"ll follow where you goGoodbye nowGoodbyeOne more mileOne more kissOne more wordOne more wishAnd love will save usThis I knowFrom this place called Jericho(The walls will tumble)(My heart won"t crumble)If we never say goodbye
2023-07-14 09:35:171


首先自己得先喜欢。第二人品要好。第三要会关心人的。这是大众女生的标准。ISFP(内倾/感觉/情感/理解)是迈尔斯-布里格斯性格分类法(MBTI)中十六种人格类型之一。在凯尔西气质分类量表中被称为“创作者”,属于“工匠”的四种类型之一。ISFP大概占人口的5%~10%。ISFP型的人温和、敏感、亲切且行事谦虚, 喜于避开争论,不对他人强加已见或价值观。无意于领导却常是忠诚的追随者,办事不急躁,安于现状无意于以过度的急切或努力破坏现况,且非成果导向。喜欢有自由的空间及照自订的时程办事。性格特点:友好谦逊,感情投入;关心熟人,并能真挚的对待;对批评很敏感,容易受伤;温柔文静,谈吐文雅;很现实,但平易近人沉静,友善,敏感和仁慈。欣赏和他们周遭所发生的事情。喜欢有自己的空间,做事又能把握自己的时间。忠于自己的价值观,忠于自己所重视的人。不喜欢争论和冲突,不会强迫别人接受自己的意见或价值观。isfp型的人平和、敏感,他们保持着许多强烈的个人理想和自己的价值观。他们更多地是通过行为而不是言辞表达自己深沉的情感。isfp型的人谦虚而缄默,但实际上他们是具有巨大的友爱和热情之人,但是除了与他们相知和信赖的人在一起外,他们不经常表现出自我的另一面。因为isfp型的人不喜欢直接地自我表达,所以常常被误解。
2023-07-14 09:35:181


1. 前言三维扫描仪作为一种新型的数字化设备已经在制造、医疗、文化遗产保护等领域广泛应用。通过三维扫描技术,可以快速、精确地获取物体的三维模型,大大减少了传统测量和建模的时间和精力。然而,市场上的三维扫描仪品牌繁多,消费者往往难以选择。本文将从品牌实力、产品性能、客户口碑等角度对几个知名三维扫描仪品牌进行评测,帮助消费者了解哪个品牌的三维扫描仪更好。2. 三维扫描仪品牌概述目前市场上比较有名的三维扫描仪品牌有德国的FARO、德国的GOM、美国的Artec、意大利的Creaform、美国的3D Systems等。这些品牌都具有一定的知名度和市场份额,在三维扫描仪领域拥有较高的技术实力和丰富的应用经验。3. 三维扫描仪品牌对比(1)FAROFARO是一家总部位于德国的公司,成立于1981年,是全球领先的测量技术和3D图像系统公司之一。FARO推出了一系列高精度三维扫描仪,如FARO Focus、FARO Freestyle、FARO Edge,这些产品在航空航天、汽车、医疗等行业广泛应用。FARO的三维扫描仪具有快速、精度高、易于操作等特点,得到了广泛好评。(2)GOMGOM是一家总部位于德国的公司,成立于1990年,致力于开发激光测量和3D测量技术,是全球领先的3D数字化解决方案的供应商之一。GOM的三维扫描仪以GOM Atos系列为代表,具有高速、高精度等特点,广泛应用于汽车、飞机、医疗等领域。(3)ArtecArtec是一家总部位于美国的公司,成立于2007年,是全球领先的3D扫描技术提供商。Artec的三维扫描仪以Artec Eva系列为代表,具有高速、高精度、易于使用等特点,适用于人体、工业、文化艺术等领域。(4)CreaformCreaform是一家总部位于加拿大的公司,成立于2002年,是全球领先的光学3D测量技术提供商。Creaform的三维扫描仪以Handyscan系列为代表,具有高精度、便携、易于操作等特点,广泛应用于工业制造、航空航天、医疗等领域。4. 客户口碑评估除了关注品牌实力和产品性能外,消费者在选择三维扫描仪时还需要考虑客户口碑。以下是对几个品牌的客户口碑评估:(1)FARO:FARO的三维扫描仪被广泛应用于多个领域,受到了用户的好评。用户表示FARO的扫描仪精度高,稳定可靠,易于操作。(2)GOM:GOM的三维扫描仪在汽车、航空航天、医疗等行业应用广泛,用户反映其扫描仪精度高、数据质量好、软件易于使用。(3)Artec:Artec的三维扫描仪适用于工业、艺术、医疗等多个领域,用户评价良好。用户表示Artec的扫描仪速度快、精度高、软件易上手。(4)Creaform:Creaform的三维扫描仪主要应用于工业制造、航空航天、医疗等领域,用户反映其设备精度高、易于携带,软件功能丰富。5. 三维扫描仪市场应用三维扫描仪作为数字化设备,在日常的工业生产和文化遗产保护中得到广泛应用。例如:(1)工业制造:三维扫描仪可以帮助制造企业快速获取零部件和产品的三维数据,提高制造精度和质量,减少因误差造成的浪费和损失。(2)文化遗产保护:通过三维扫描技术,可以对文物和建筑进行数字化保护和修复,为历史、文化遗产的保护和传承提供技术支持。(3)医疗行业:三维扫描技术可以获取人体数据,应用于医学研究、体检和手术设计等领域,提高医疗服务的效率和准确性。6. 三维扫描仪的未来趋势随着科技的不断发展和应用场景的不断拓展,三维扫描仪也将面临着更新换代和新的市场机遇。未来的三维扫描仪将会有以下趋势:(1)更小型便携化:随着移动互联网和智能设备的普及,三维扫描仪将会更加便携,更加适用于各个场景。(2)更高精度、更快速度:随着硬件技术的不断进步,三维扫描仪将会实现更高的精度和更快的扫描速度,提高数字化转型的效率。(3)更加智能化、自动化:随着人工智能和自动化技术的发展,三维扫描软件将会更加智能化,更加容易使用。7. 小结综上所述,三维扫描仪虽然是一种数字化设备,但在工业制造、文化遗产保护、医疗行业等领域发挥着日益重要的作用。消费者在选择三维扫描仪时,需要考虑品牌实力、产品性能和客户口碑等因素。随着科技的发展,未来的三维扫描仪将会更加精准、智能、便携化,为数据采集和数字化转型提供更多的可能。
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  131. call off取消   132. call on号召,邀请,点某人的名,拜访   133. capable of能够   134. careful of/about/with小心,注意   135. certain of /about确信,肯定   136. chair a meeting 主持会议   137. charge sb. with sth.控告   138. clear of没有,不接触   139. clever at善于   140. close to接近,亲近   141. come in contact with 与…取得联系   142. come out of sth. alive大难不死   143. come up (with)提出,拿出   144. comparable to/with比作/比较   145. conscious of察觉到,意识到   146. consequent on随之而来   147. considerate towards体谅,体贴   148. contemporary with与...同时代   149. content with满足于   150. contrary to违反   151. cost someone an arm and a leg代价很大   152. count down倒计时   153. count one"s chickens before they are hatched过于乐观   154. count on依靠   155. count on依靠   156. count the day期待   157. count the day期待   158. counter to与...相反   159. crazy about热衷,着迷   160. critical of挑剔,批评   161. cry in one"s beer借酒消愁   162. cry on one"s shoulder依靠   163. curious about好奇,想知道   164. cut down on 减少   165. cut down削减   166. cut in插入   167. cut off切断   168. cut out切除   169. cut someone short打断   170. cut through抄近路   171. cut up切碎   172. die out 灭绝   173. distinct from种类(风格)不同   174. do the laundry洗衣服   175. doubtful of /about怀疑   176. drop by / in 顺路拜访   177. due to 由于,因为   178. each other 互相   179. easier said than done说起来容易做起来难   180. east of在...东面   181. equal to相等,胜任   182. equivalent to等于,相当于   183. essential to/for必不可少   184. even if/though 即使,虽然   185. ever so 非常,极其   186. every now and then 时而,偶尔   187. every other 每隔一个的   188. except for 除了...外   189. expert at/in/on善于   190. face to face 面对面地   191. faculty members 教职员工   192. faithful to忠实于   193. fall flat 平躺在地上   194. familiar to sb为...所熟悉   195. familiar with sth熟悉,通晓   196. far from 远非,远离   197. fatal to致命的   198. favorable to支持,赞成   199. fearful of惧怕   200. feel at home熟悉   201. feel blue心情不好   202. feel free to随便   203. figure out sth. 解决   204. fit for适于   205. flat tire轮胎没气   206. flat tire轮胎没气   207. fond of喜欢   208. for ever 永远   209. for good 永久地   210. for the better 好转   211. for the moment 暂时,目前   212. for the present 暂时,目前   213. for the sake of 为了,为了...的利益   214. for the time being 暂时,眼下   215. foreign to非...所原有   216. free of /from未受...;免费   217. free with康慨,大方   218. from time to time 有时,不时   219. full up客满   220. get a bargain 买到便宜货   221. get nowhere with 毫无进展   222. get over恢复   223. get used to习惯于   224. give off发出   225. give someone a big hand为某人鼓掌   226. give someone a hand帮忙   227. go about sth. 开始做…   228. go after追求   229. go ahead同意做某事   230. go by遵守   231. go down下降,往下传   232. go for竭尽全力做   233. go into进入,开始从事   234. go off出发   235. go out熄灭,外出   236. go over复习   237. go over复习,从头到尾检查一遍   238. go round/around足够分配   239. go sightseeing 去观光   240. go steady with和某人确定关系   英语短语2   1. face to face 面对面   2. far away 遥远   3. far behind 落后   4. far from 远离   5. fall asleep 入睡   6. fall down 倒下;跌倒;从……落下   7. fall ill/sick 生病   8. fall in 在……失败,(考试)不及格   9. fall on top of 掉到了……上面   10. fall off 从……掉下来/摔下来   11. fall one"s exam 考试不及格   12. fall over 滑倒,摔倒   13. family name 姓   14. family tree 家谱   15. feel afraid 觉得害怕   16. feel at home 像在家里一样舒适   17. feel proud 感到自豪   18. feel lonely 感到寂寞   19. feel like doing sth 想要做某事   20. feel tired 感到疲劳   21. feel well 觉得舒服   22. feel worried 感到忧虑   23. field trip 野外旅游   24. fight against 为反对……而斗争   25. fill with 装满   26. fill in the blanks 填空   27. finish doing sth. 完成/结束……   28. find out 查出,查明,发现,了解   29. find it difficult to do sth 发现很难做某事   30. (sth)fit(sb)well 非常合身   31. fly a kite 好风筝   32. follow one"s example 仿照……的榜样   33. follow one"s instruction 听从某人的指导   34. for a moment 一会儿   35. for a walk 散步   36. for ever 永远   37. for example 例如   38. for long 很长,很长时间   39. forget doing sth 忘记做过某事   40. four times as…as…是……的"四倍   41. form now on 从此以后,今后   42. from then on 从那时起   43. from…to… 从……到……   44. full name 全名   45. full of 装满   46. get back 返回,取回   47. get down 下来,落下   48. get dressed 穿衣服   49. get home 到家   50. get in 收集,进入   51. get into 搭乘(出租车)   52. get lost 迷路,丢失   53. get long/short 变长/短   54. get off 下车,取下,离开   55. get on 上车   56. get on…with sb 与某人相处……   57. get on well with sb与某人相处融洽   58. get married 结婚   59. get more exercise做更多运动   60. get out of 从……出来,把……拿出来, 从出租车(轿车)下来   61. get out of bed 起床   62. get ready for sth 为……作准备   63. get ready to do sth 准备做某事   64. get up 起床,起立   65. get warm 变暖和   66. get well 痊愈   67. get together 团聚   68. get to 到达(某地)   69. get to know 逐渐认识到   70. get to work 开始工作(学习)   71. give advice to 给……提建议   72. give sb .a call 给某人打电话   73. give back 归还,送回   74. give first aid 进行急救   75. give sb. a push 推某人一下   76. give sb. a talk 给某人做报告,发表讲话   77. give…a big hug 热情拥抱…   78. give… a hand 给予……帮助   79. give a warm welcome to… 热烈欢迎   80. give an operation 做手术   81. give up 放弃   82. give up doing sth. 放弃做某事   83. give up smoking 戒烟   84. given name 名字   85. go abroad 出国;在国外   86. go away 走开,离开   87. go extinct 灭绝   88. go back 回去   89. go past/by 走(路)过   90. go for a walk 去散步   91. go for walks去散步   92. go home 回家   93. go on 继续   94. go on doing sth.。 继续做某事   95. go on trips/a trip (去)旅行   96. go out for a walk去外散步   97. go over 复习go over 复习   98. go cycling/shopping 骑自行车/去买东西   99. go swimming/skating 去游泳/滑冰   100. go skiing/climbing 去滑雪   101. go through 穿过   102. go to bed 睡觉   103. go to hospital 去医院(看病)   104. go to school 上学   105. go to sleep 入睡,睡着   106. go to the cinema 去看电影   107. go to the movie 去看电影   108. go up 上升,增长   109. go wrong 走错路   110. good idea 好主意   英语短语3   1. have a meeting开会   2. listen up 注意听   3. get out of 从……内出来; 离开   4. reply to sth./sb. 答复某事/某人   5. on the edge of 处于……的边缘   6. at the bottom of 在……的底部   7. write down 写下,记下   8. tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事   9. do some reviews about… 对…做评论   10. do an interview with sb. 采访某人   11. How/What about sth./sb./ doing sth.某人/某物/做某事怎么样? to do sth. 怎么做某事   13.a boy called Tom 一个名叫   14.suggest doing sth.建议做某事   15. go through 走过,穿过 front of 在……的前面   in the front of 在……的前部   17. in five minutes 五分钟后, 在五分钟内   18. too……… 太……而不能   19. look down 往下看,俯视   look across 眺望   20. arrive at/in 到达   21. faster and faster越来越快   22. be afraid of 害怕……   23. more and more people 越来越多人 the future 在将来   25. all kinds of 各种各样   26. look forward to doing sth. 盼望做某事   27. thousands of 成千上万的   28. as…as possible/ one can 尽可能……   29. be able to do sth. 能/.会做某事   30. because of +名/代/动名词 由于/因为   英语短语4   1.ask a favour( of sb.) 请求(某人)帮助 the age of 在……岁时   3.see to 负责,注意   4. look through 浏览   5. at a time 一次   6. at the beginning of 在……的开始   7. rather than 而不是   8. one day 某天   9. would like to do sth. /feel like doing sth. 想要做某事   10. take photos 拍照片   11. from now on 从现在起   12. be used for sth./doing sth. e used to do sth. 被用来做某事   13.a couple of months 几个月   14. turn off 关掉 turm on 打开   15. lend sth. to sb.借某物给某人   16. look after/ take care of 关心   17. leave sth. in/ at+地方 把某物留在某地   18. on one"s way to 在往……的路上   19. go to sleep 去睡觉   20. be made of 由……制成/构成 (制出的成品能看出原材料)   21. in the 19th century 在十九世纪   22. as a result 结果是   23. in a way 在某种程度上/意义上   24. so that 以便,以致   25. It is said that… 据说   英语短语5 far as 就……来说,至于   2. not …any more 不再……   3.millions of 数百万的   4. run away 逃跑;潜逃   5. for a time 暂时,一度   6. grow up 成长,长大成人   7. talk about 谈论   8. think about 考虑   9. sound like 听起来像……   10. look for 寻找   11. be known as… 作为……而闻名/知名   12. at the end of 在……末尾/尽头   13. get lost 迷路 surprised to do sth. 做某事感到惊奇   15. be pleased to do sth. 高兴做某事 to do with sb./sth. 和某人/某事有关   17. all over the world 全世界   18. in the 19th century 在19世纪   19. try to do sth. 努力/设法去做某事   20. prefer to do sth. 更喜欢做某事   21. in fact 事实上   22. sothing else 别的一些东西
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MJ关键词词汇底特律变人篇Androids —— 机器人Connor —— 康纳Markus —— 马库斯Kara —— 卡拉Cyberlife —— 赛博生命Jericho —— 杰里科Deviants —— 变节者Amanda —— 阿曼达Hank Anderson —— 汉克·安德森Carl Manfred —— 卡尔·曼弗雷德Alice Williams —— 艾丽斯·威廉姆斯Luther —— 卢瑟Chloe —— 克洛伊Ralph —— 拉尔夫Simon —— 西蒙Josh —— 乔什North —— 北Cyberlife Tower —— 赛博生命塔Jericho"s Ship —— 杰里科的船Eden Club —— 伊甸俱乐部Stratford Tower —— 斯特拉福德塔Cyberlife Store —— 赛博生命商店Hart Plaza —— 哈特广场Capitol Park —— 国会公园The Eden Club —— 伊甸俱乐部Cyberlife Warehouse —— 赛博生命仓库Public Opinion —— 公众舆论Freedom March —— 自由游行Cyberlife Tower Assault —— 赛博生命塔袭击Stratford Tower Infiltration —— 斯特拉福德塔潜入Jericho Raid —— 杰里科突袭Crossroads —— 十字路口The Nest —— 鸟巢Battle for Detroit —— 底特律之战Android Revolution —— 机器人革命Connor"s Investigation —— 康纳的调查Markus" Rebellion —— 马库斯的起义Kara"s Escape —— 卡拉的逃亡Public Trust —— 公众信任Android Rights —— 机器人权益Human-Android Relations —— 人机关系Freedom vs. Control —— 自由对抗控制Ethical Dilemmas —— 道德困境Self-Awareness —— 自我意识Identity —— 身份认同Choice and Consequence —— 选择与后果Prejudice and Discrimination —— 偏见与歧视Technology and Humanity —— 科技与人性Empathy and Compassion —— 同理心与同情心Morality and Ethics —— 道德与伦理Freedom and Rebellion —— 自由与反抗Artificial Intelligence —— 人工智能Android Emotions —— 机器人情感Android Rights Movement —— 机器人权利运动Human-Android Integration —— 人机整合Android Upgrades —— 机器人升级Android Deviancy —— 机器人叛变Android Manufacture —— 机器人制造Android Revolutionaries —— 机器人革命者
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2023-07-14 09:35:112

the closest thing we have to a global family tree. 这句话的语法是什么?

the closest thing (we have )to a global family tree. 首先,这个不是句子,是名词短语,中心词是the closest thing括号里是定语从句省略了thatbe close to sth是接近某物的意思意思是: 我们拥有的最接近环球家族树的东西
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选手名:Chris Jericho(克里斯·杰里科) / Y2J(YEAR 2000 JERICHO)现状:回归WWE绰号:世界之王真实姓名:Chris Irvine家乡:原居住于纽约(New York)州曼哈斯特(Manhasset)地区,曾居住于加拿大马尼托巴(Manitoba)省温尼伯(Winnipeg)市詹姆斯街。现居住于佛罗里达(Florida)州坦帕(Tampa)市婚姻状况:已婚,妻子为Jessica,育有一子(Ash Edward Irvine)身高:182CM(6英尺)选手现状:回归体重:104.7kg(231磅)首次登台:1990年10月2日曾用角色名:Corazon de Leon (墨西哥时期)Lion Do (日本时期)The Lion Heart (War)Super Liger (NJPW one night)Lionheart (WCW时期)Doink the Clown (WWE once)Moongoose McQueen (of Fozzy)终结技密码破解杰里科长城(Walls ofJericho)常用技雄狮下压密码破解杰里科长城Triple PowerbombStep Up EnziguriRunning Knee to VictimThe LionsaultThe BreakdownFlashbackJumping ForearmCocky PinMissile DropkickModified BulldogBackhand ChopSpringboard Dropkick to ApronFlying Corkscrew Back Elbow SmashDouble Underhook BackbreakerAdjacent Springboard PlanchaBackbreaker into Over Knee Back RackRunning Back ElbowRunning Spinning HeelkickRoll-Through Schoolboy TakedownDouble Underhook PowerbombJericho Spike (Standing Huracanrana)
2023-07-14 09:35:041


阿姆斯特丹大学研究生留学费用如下:1、对于非欧盟/欧洲经济区(EEA)和荷兰国籍的学生,学费为每学期2050欧元加上一个额外的学费,具体数额取决于学生所学的专业。2、对于商业管理、经济学和国际关系等学科,额外学费为每学期3000欧元。3、对于法律、建筑学、艺术和设计等学科,额外学费为每学期4000欧元。4、对于医学、牙科、药学和护理等学科,额外学费为每学期5000欧元。阿姆斯特丹大学研究生学费因评估学生的学科表现和结果、所选课程和个人情况而异。欧洲经济区(EEA)国家的学生应该支付较少的学费,而来自非欧洲经济区国家的国际研究生需要支付较多的学费。然而,阿姆斯特丹大学提供了多种财政援助方案,以帮助学生支付学费。如果你有更多问题,可以直接向学校咨询或浏览学校的官方网站获取更多信息。阿姆斯特丹大学(荷文:Universiteit van Amsterdam;英文:University of Amsterdam,简称UvA)创建于1632年,是一所坐落在荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹的研究型大学。它是全球大学高研院联盟、Universitas21、欧洲首都大学联盟、欧洲研究型大学联盟成员。办学规模学校共诞生了六位诺贝尔奖获得者,五位荷兰首相,七位斯宾诺莎奖得主和一位图灵奖得主。知名校友包括欧洲理事会主席夏尔·米歇尔,Python之父吉多·范罗苏姆,图灵奖得主艾兹格·迪科斯彻,诺贝尔物理学奖得主范德华和世界国际象棋联合会主席马克斯·尤伟等。阿姆斯特丹大学的奋斗目标为:在荷兰同行中取得并保持优势地位,在欧洲优秀大学中力争一席之地,积极参与本市的经济、科技、社会、文化活动,建立一个富有活力的行政管理组织。他们将开设的课程有医药信息学、医学生物学、统计学、人工智能、信息系统、社会科学信息、影视科学和书籍信息学等。
2023-07-14 09:35:031


汽车MIST是一种用于识别和跟踪汽车的设备。它可以通过车载摄像头和其他传感器来检测车辆的位置、速度和行驶方向。MIST是一种非常重要的技术,因为它可以帮助汽车制造商和驾驶员提高交通安全和行车效率。 MIST可以在许多不同的应用程序中使用。例如,它可以用于自动驾驶汽车中,以帮助汽车识别并避免障碍物。它还可以用于跟踪车辆,以便在紧急情况下快速响应。MIST还可以帮助汽车制造商开发更加智能的车辆,以提高燃油效率和行车安全性。 尽管MIST是一种非常先进的技术,但它并不是完美的。例如,当天气恶劣或道路状况不佳时,MIST可能无法准确地检测汽车的位置和方向。此外,MIST还需要大量的数据来进行训练和优化,这可能需要花费大量的时间和资金。 总的来说,MIST是一种非常重要的技术,它可以帮助汽车制造商和驾驶员提高交通安全和行车效率。然而,我们也需要注意到它的局限性,并持续研究和改进这种技术,以使其更加准确和可靠。
2023-07-14 09:35:031

以My Family Tree为题目写一篇英语短文

I have a happy family of four .father ,mother ,my brother and father is a policeman,he works at a police mother is a nurse ,she works in the People"s Hospital .Both my brother and I are students,we are in the same class.we are very busy,only at night we can get together,but we are very happy.because on weekends,we can stay together,stay at home ,or have a trip.and we can always enjoy ourselves .
2023-07-14 09:35:021


2023-07-14 09:35:011


M IS T是前雨刮器开关,即刮一次。指示为手动打开,向上按住整个雨刷器,向前推一次,刮一次雨。根据车型的不同,雨刷拨杆上面的标注也会有些许不同。雨刷器是安装在风窗上的重要附件,它的作用是扫除风窗玻璃上妨碍视线的雨雪和尘土。因此,它对于行车安全具有重要的作用。 一般来说雨刷的寿命在1年左右,经历了暴晒的夏天和寒冷的冬天,橡胶条就会老化、脆弱,甚至是断裂脱落。在使用雨刷时,会出现有水残留在玻璃上、有很多影响视线的纹路、雨刷在风挡玻璃上出现严重抖动和异响,遇到以上情况,建议尽快更换雨刷。 要想雨刷器在每次使用的时候都能保持良好的使用效果,那么我们就要对其进行每周一次的定期清洗,清除表面灰尘、沙粒等异物。使用的清洗剂建议选用中碱性清洗剂即可,不会使得雨刮片变形、老化而影响其工作。(图/文/摄: 陈敏2) @2019
2023-07-14 09:34:552