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2023-07-14 16:05:37
TAG: 英语 翻译




Secretary 可以用这个单词


secretary 或者clerk



Party Secretary





秘书 secretary英语怎么读

2023-07-14 10:11:372


2023-07-14 10:11:486


大概是female secretary
2023-07-14 10:12:055


2023-07-14 10:12:192


2023-07-14 10:12:273


secretary 英[u02c8sekru0259tri] 美[u02c8sekru0259teri] n. 秘书; 干事,书记员; 部长,大臣; [例句]My grandfather was secretary of the Scottish Miners "Union.我的祖父是苏格兰矿工工会干事。
2023-07-14 10:12:341


您好! 以下资料供您参考,祝您开心每一天!-----------------------------------------------------------------通过发音,分成3段来记se cre tary美["sekru0259.teri]
2023-07-14 10:12:423


life(复数)_life__usually(形容词)usual____quick(反义词)_slow___ work(名词)_worker___hard(反义词)easy____secretary(复数)__secretaries__ 楼上回答有错误,quick的反义应是slow
2023-07-14 10:12:491


2023-07-14 10:13:082

为什么secretary前不加the 而city前一定要加

这里secretary表示职业,不需要加冠词。例如:I turned teacher when I was 20.我二十岁的时候成为教师这里turn teacher相当于become a teacher.再一个例子:Obama, president of US, visited Asia last week.这里president也是职业,所以也不需要用冠词。而city是一个可数名词,用单数形式的话,前面需要加上冠词。
2023-07-14 10:13:151


秘书 [mì shū] 基本翻译 secretary clerk secretaire SEC 网络释义 秘书:Secretary | SEC SECRETARY | sec second
2023-07-14 10:13:241


secretary 读音:1.英["sekru0259tr 2.美["sekru0259.teri]例句:1.Itwouldbedifficulttofindamantotaketheplaceofthesecretary.找一个代替秘书的人会很难的。2.Hissecretarytriedtofitmeintohisschedule.他的秘书想办法安排我符合他的时间表。
2023-07-14 10:13:321


2023-07-14 10:13:401


秘书单词为secretary,作为秘书,需要掌握许多英语单词,以下是一些常用的秘书英语单词及其解释。1、Appointment(预约):指定时间的会见或访问。2、Agendas(议程表):文件记录将要讨论事项的表格。3、Call back(回电):返回未接的电话。4、Confidential(机密的):指有限制的、需要保密的信息。5、Correspondence(通讯):书面或电子信函。6、Delinquent(未按时完成):指未按时完成的任务或者未按时偿还的债务。7、Filing(归档):将文件存档以便将来找到。8、Invoices(发票):列明贸易销售及服务的账单。9、Minutes(会议纪要):一份记录会议内容的文件。10、Schedule(日程表):指定时间内要完成工作的计划。11、Rescheduling(重新安排时间表):指更改已计划的会议或其他活动的时间。12、Reminder(提醒):一条提醒客户或公司员工需要及时完成某项任务的消息。13、Report(报告):详细介绍一项工作、活动或事情的文件。14、Time management(时间管理):确保工作按时完成的方式或者理论。15、Travel arrangements(旅行安排):为办公室的会议、员工出差等安排相关的交通和住宿细节。秘书的作用:协助领导处理日常事务工作,掌管文书的人员,他们以辅助领导决策,综合协调各部门或各人员的工作,沟通收集处理信息,办文、办会、办事等为主要职能,是领导者、主事者的参谋和助手。
2023-07-14 10:13:471


She is a secretary.
2023-07-14 10:14:112


塞鬼死去1 3 3 3音调
2023-07-14 10:15:113


2023-07-14 10:15:182


问题一:秘书英语单词怎么读 你好 秘书翻译成英语是:secretary secretary读音的汉语谐音是:赛克瑞泰瑞 问题二:秘书这个英文字母怎么读 秘书[mì shū] secretary美[?sekr?teri]; SEC; secretaire; [电影]Secretaries; 问题三:问一下秘书的英文怎么读 问一下秘书 Ask the Secretary 顺便问一下,你在等谁?我在等秘书。 By the way, who are you waiting for? I"m waiting for my secretary. 问题四:秘书的英文单词怎么说 secretary 亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V! 望采纳,thx! 问题五:文秘用英语怎么拼? 文秘 Secretary文秘人员 Secretarial Clerk ; clericalstaff 前台文秘 Reception and Secretary ; ACSH ; Receptionist SEC 文秘写作 SECRETARY WRITING 高级文秘 secretarial 文秘英语 English for the Secretary 文秘桃 Marid 文秘翻译 Secretary and Interpreter 文秘技巧 Secretarial Skills 法律文秘 secretary for legal affair 问题六:请问秘书资格证的英文怎么说? Certificate of Secretary
2023-07-14 10:17:101


boss wife!
2023-07-14 10:17:186


1、如果你本来认识secret(秘密)这个词的话,可以把秘书记为“管理(老板)秘密的人”,或者借助联想,例如:偷偷使用词典的秘书(secret + dictionary). 2、如果你本来认识的词不多,不容易建立联想,那么可以考虑汉语谐音记忆法,如“塞给了锤”或“塞可乐太累”,具体可以参考你自己的方言.
2023-07-14 10:17:351


  秘书可以指:1.政党之内的要职,最高者称为。2.写字楼及商业机构内的文员职位,专长是速记、打字、安排日程、会议、订机票、订酒店等。3.香港决策局的最高阶公务员职位。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    秘书英语说法1:   secretary    秘书英语说法2:   moonshee    秘书的英语例句:   他是俱乐部秘书。   He was club secretary.   他按蜂鸣器叫秘书进来。   He buzzed for his secretary to e.   委员会决定选他为秘书长。   The mittee has settled on him as secretary general.   我们可以保证她能胜任此秘书工作。   We can certify for her petence as a secretary.   我的新秘书很好,确实是难得的人才。   My new secretary is very good; quite a find, in fact.   那个冒失的新秘书兴冲冲地蹦跳到我跟前,问我是否在这里工作。   That cheeky new secretary just pranced up to me and asked if I worked here!   他叫秘书把档案复制一份。   He asked his secretary to make a copy of the document.   我跟他的秘书通了电话,他秘书对我很无礼,并叫我稍后再打过去。   I got his secretary who was rather brusque with me and told me to call back later.   他在职业介绍所登记要当秘书。   He enrolled with an employment agency for a secretary.   秘书忘了给这位客户电打话,结果公司失去了这位客户。   The secretary failed to call the customer and the pany lost the account.   我的秘书真是个难能可贵的人。   My secretary is an absolute gem.   她是我们公司的一位秘书。   She is a secretary in our pany.   他的秘书停止了记录,目瞪口呆地望着我。   His secretary stopped taking notes to gape at me.   我们的老板最近解雇了一名秘书,因为她总是在交谈时对同事说些含沙射影的难听话。   EXAMPLE: Our boss recently fired a secretary who was always filling her conversations with nasty innuendoes about our co-workers.   她给他的私人秘书写了一份简短的备忘录。   She penned a short memo to his private secretary.   我在离开之前预先把桌子整理好了,这一点只有我的私人秘书知道。   I took the precaution of clearing out my desk before I left, and only my private secretary knows it.   柴郡养蜂人协会名誉秘书   The honorary secretary of the Cheshire Beekeepers "Association   他的秘书是位戴着夹鼻眼镜的高个女士。   His secretary was a tall woman in pince-nez.   我雇用了一名秘书转接打给我的电话。   I employ a secretary to screen my calls.   他妻子原先作为他秘书的身份   His wife"s former status as his secretary   他的秘书替他挡住胡搅蛮缠的来访者。   His secretary shielded him from importunate visitors.   首相的官方新闻秘书   The Prime Minister"s official press secretary   我是个不称职的秘书。   I was a lousy secretary.
2023-07-14 10:18:041

secretary 翻译

secretary意思如下:1、部长。举例:He was the then secretary of Defense.他是当时的国防部长。2、秘书。举例:My secretary is an absolute gem.我的秘书真是个难能可贵的人。3、书记。举例:At this moment she noticed the secretary coming in.这时她注意到书记走了进来。4、大臣。举例:The secretary is proposing to stand down in favor of a younger man.这位大臣打算辞职,让位给一个比较年轻的人。5、写字台。举例:Emily doesn"t have a secretary, so she has to write her essay on the tea table.艾米莉没有写字台,所以她只能在茶几上写论文。
2023-07-14 10:18:131


secretary:n.秘书;(俱乐部、社团等的)干事,文书;部长;大臣 复数: secretaries 短语:executive secretary 行政秘书 ; 总经理秘书 ; Senior Secretary 高级秘书 ; 高级文秘 ; permanent secretary 常任秘书 扩展资料   例句:   She started as a secretary but ended up running the department.   她起初只是一个秘书,但最后掌管起了整个部门。   What should a secretary do during the meeting?   那么在会议期间秘书要做些什么呢?   Who should be the next Treasury Secretary? Give us your thoughts.   谁将接替下一任财政部长?给我们你的意见。
2023-07-14 10:19:101


秘书 1. 名词 [指人] secretary2. 名词 [指工作] secretarial work例句:总经理在纸上草写了一行字,交给了秘书。 The general manager scratched some words on the piece of paper, and handed it to his secretary. 总经理让秘书把电文念给他听。 The general manager asked the secretary to read the telegraph for him. 这些摇笔杆的事情你可以让秘书做啊。 You can have your secretary do this paper work. 总经理去国外开会了,现在公司上下的工作由秘书抓总儿。 The general manager has gone abroad for a meeting. Now the secretary assumes the overall responsibility of the company"s business. 经理的秘书 the manager"s secretary 万一他不在,把信交给他的秘书。 If by any chance he isn"t there, give the letter to his secretary. 经理的秘书总是对我们指手画脚,因为她有恃无恐。 The manager"s secretary is always bossing us around, secure in the knowledge that she has backing. 老板指定王小姐当秘书。 The boss appointed Miss Wang as his secretary. 这张唐代的书法作品可是我难得的秘藏。 This Tang Dynasty calligraphy work is a rare treasure in my collection. 这本书介绍了许多晚清大内的秘闻。 The book reveals many secrets of the imperial Palace during The Qing Dynasties. ☆予人玫瑰之手 经久犹有余香 如果对你有帮助 请点击好评 ☆
2023-07-14 10:19:241


secretary ["sekru0259tu0259ri] n. 秘书;书记;部长;大臣 [ 复数secretaries ]
2023-07-14 10:19:311


2023-07-14 10:19:532

英语 secretary 单词每次写每次错,我该怎么办?

2023-07-14 10:20:294


Secretary of General Director
2023-07-14 10:20:394


2023-07-14 10:21:181

type use secretary哪个不同?

secretary 不同。type, use 都是单音节,secretary 是多音节。type, use 里的 e 不发音,secretary 里的两个e 发音。type, use 可作动词,type - 打字,use - 使用。secretary 是 秘书。
2023-07-14 10:21:321

Secretary 同 Admin Officer 的分别 (HR请进)

更新1: IN OFFICE 嘅野全部都要做。 ADMIN, HR, A/C, 连订货... ... 当然唔小得仲要SERVE两个老板。 ,其实呢种工作最好听既名系Office Manager。 首先你要谂谂究竟你自己将来想做咩,如果你打算做秘书既,咁就继续叫Secretary啦,将来继续做就会系Senior Secretary, Executive Secretary, Personal Assistant等等。 但如果你唔系想长远做秘书既,Admin Officer呢个名都可以考虑,第一,起码title系officer,第二,secretary通常俾人感觉都系manage老板diary、book下机票、take下minutes,都系比较clerical既工作,但admin就会广泛少少,将来可能有机会转做pure admin或者HR等等,唔好处就系太广泛,无一样专长,除非你将来想揾呢d Office Manager既工就好o岩。 所以我会提议你谂清楚究竟自己将来想点,咁系咪决定左个title就决定左你要行咩路? 咁又唔系既,睇你将来再揾工既时候点present你既experience啦,只不过有时候有d人睇完个title觉得唔o岩就唔再睇o者,但唔系一个咁严重既影响罗。 祝工作顺利! =],参考: self - over 10 years" HR exp,本人建议secretary,因对将来前途较好及弹性大.由于公司规模小,相信一人多职,你会涉及办公室行政的事务,可写于履历内,参考: 曾任职office admin & PA > 6年,
2023-07-14 10:21:391


可以是秘书, 也可以是书记
2023-07-14 10:22:002


party committee Assistant Deputy Secretaryinspection commission SecretaryLabour Union chairman
2023-07-14 10:22:108


2023-07-14 10:22:292

怎样用英语表达 书记 和 秘书 ?

2023-07-14 10:22:434

党委书记英文怎么是Secretary of Committee ?secretary不是秘书吗?老外看了能懂不?

2023-07-14 10:22:502


I am a secretary 。I have been a secretary for two years.
2023-07-14 10:23:015


一般都要加冠词。secretary是秘书 是人 for example : A people。 so,it should be a secretary。:)
2023-07-14 10:23:172

做公司秘书(Company Secretary)要附合甚么资格?

A pany secretary is not a secretary that deals with admin work or serving the boss. In order to be a chartered secretary, you need to be a degreeholder, pass all 8 exams from the HKICS, have 3yrs (full time degreeholder) or 6 yrs (part time degreeholder) of sec experience. Listed pany usually won"t hire pany secretarial assistant with no experience, so you should try to apply for CPA firm or Law firm post first, and then change to listed co. The pany secretary of a listed pany must be either a chartered secretary, a qualified accountant, or a qualified lawyer. Getting a degree is the most important thing for you, as it is the HKICS requirement for being their student member and to take their professional exams.,参考: my experience, ics,做公司秘书(Company Secretary)要附合甚么资格? The office title refers to a person who performs routine administrative, or personal tasks for a superior. These office employees perform duties such as word processing, bookkeeping, file and record keeping, and sche *** ng for a manager or executive. They usually work at desks with personal puters in business offices. Secretarial jobs are popular as they require few formal qualifications yet can be skilled jobs: At the most basic level a secretary may need only a good mand of the prevailing office language and the ability to type, and may spend a large part of his or her time filing and fetching papers (or the equivalent regarding electronic files and database information) or wering telephones. A more skilled secretary may be required to take dictation by writing in shorthand at spoken-language rates, type at high speeds using technical or foreign languages, anise diaries, itineraries and meetings and carry out administrative duties which may include accountancy. An executive secretary may also control access to a manager, thus being an influential and trusted aide. Interaction with the general public varies from none to extensive (especially in *** aller offices, where they may also work as receptionists. In the modern offices those whose work entails customer service requests are often called "customer service representatives". They are distinct from those called "secretaries" because the scope of their work is *** aller. A large urban supermarket, for example, will have a separate office staff in addition to checkout staff, with the latter usually only handling their own receipts for that day"s sales while the office staff must reconcile all accounts daily. ps it depends on the size of the pany~ 本人刚完成Corporate Admin. & Systems的高级文凭课程;之后要甚样做? experience is what u need the most!! even receptionists or administrative assistant, just go for it~ In business administration many job descriptions overlap. A secretary in one pany might be called an administrative assistant in another. However, while administrative assistant is a generic term, not necessarily implying directly working for a superior, a secretary is usually a personal assistant to a manager or executive. Other titles describing jobs similar to or overlapping those of the traditional secretary are office coordinator, executive assistant, office manager and administrative professional.,一般要求包括: 最好懂两文三语; 懂使用电脑常用的软件,例如wordz,excel; 有秘书的相关的经验,若能对入职公司所从视的行业有认识,更佳; 性格开朗、善于沟通、细心、得体; 而你读完高级文凭课程,最好能取得经验,就算是义务的学校/教会/屋苑秘书都好,起码是经验。,
2023-07-14 10:23:261


这是因为这句话里secretary是特指,指的是我是市学联的干事。但 student,professor在这句子里是泛指,指的是我是一名学生,我是一名教授。
2023-07-14 10:23:351


干事 [简明汉英词典]secretary in charge of sth.quill-driver
2023-07-14 10:23:566

(test) (went) (secretary)哪个发音不同

2023-07-14 10:24:124


Secretary, secretary, secretary of the law of
2023-07-14 10:24:343


问友,你好,因为在英国,美国,没有书记这个职位,所以答案就是Clerk"s Office
2023-07-14 10:24:431


Secretary 用在公司中比较多KK: []DJ: []n. 1. 秘书 2. (政府机关等的) 秘书官, 书记官 3. (协会等的) 书记, 干事 4. (政府各部的) 部长5. 【英】大臣; 副部长
2023-07-14 10:24:491


2023-07-14 10:24:213


Fefe Dobson 《stuttering》中英对照歌词There"s a whole lot of things that I will forgiveBut I just can"t take a liarI was by your side till the very endSo you push me in the fire..I try to believe you but somethin is wrongYou won"t look in my eyesTell me Whats going onIts you and me danced the worldThats what You said..Thats what you saidIf You can"t be honest with me,then I am afraid this is the endHurry up Hurry up..If you ever really care about me ..Tell the truth,Give it up...You sound guilty coz you are stutteringOhhh... eyyy... OhhhhhThere you stutteringOn the seconds turn into minutes nowBut you won"t give me an answerYou can tell me this ,you can tell me thatBut don"t say you don"t rememberCoz I know you better than you know yourselfSo don"t say I am crazy,i know very wellIts you and me danced the world,Thats what You said..Thats what you saidIf You can"t be honest with me,then I"m afraid this is the end..Hurry up.. Hurry up..If you ever really care about me ..Tell the truth,Give it up..You sound guilty coz you are stutteringOhhh...eyyy...OhhhhhThere your stutteringI- I- I don"t don"t wanna hear you sorry nowThe-the best thing you can do for me is just stayed outI- I- I don"t don"t wanna hear you sorry nowStop stuttering in your words it"s only making you the worstHurry up.. Hurry up..If you ever really care about me ..Tell the truth,Give it up..You sound guilty coz you are stutteringOhhh...eyyy...OhhhhhThere your stutteringOhhh... eyyy... OhhhhhThere you stutteringKeep on stutteringThere you stuttering我已经语无伦次噢噢噢噢噢令我难以置信,宝贝你让我头脑一片空白起身,结束就像被困在某个地方我告诉自己忘记所说过的话你是唯一一个能让我有如此感觉的人至多宝贝我们一起做着沉默游戏已经不再我甚至不清楚我还是我自己吗因为很难做到自我当你在我身边时如果我能这样说我会告诉你我现在的想法但是当我这样说时我的嘴唇在颤抖我已经语无伦次噢噢噢噢噢我已经语无伦次噢噢噢噢噢我已经语无伦次噢噢噢噢噢我所发生的一切我已经语无伦次我想要倾诉出来告诉你我现在对你的想法这就是我,可爱的我这就是我想说的但是我已没有时间文思枯竭别无选择我能够做的只有转身然后离开至多宝贝我们一起做着沉默游戏捕捉对方的眼神但是那将会是结束的地方直到你问我的名字感觉我又像一个小孩懵懵懂懂,当我再次碰到时已经不再我甚至不清楚我还是我自己吗因为很难做到自我当你在我身边时如果我能这样说我会告诉你我现在的想法但是当我这样说时我的嘴唇在颤抖我已经语无伦次噢噢噢噢噢我已经语无伦次当你在我身边时如果我能这样说我会告诉你我现在的想法我甚至不清楚我还是我自己吗因为很难做到自我当你在我身边时如果我能这样说我会告诉你我现在的想法我已经语无伦次噢噢噢噢噢我所发生的一切我甚至不清楚我还是我自己吗因为很难做到自我当你在我身边时如果我能这样说我会告诉你我现在的想法但是当我这样说时我的嘴唇在颤抖我已经语无伦次噢噢噢噢噢我已经语无伦次噢噢噢噢噢
2023-07-14 10:24:221


楼主你好!!只选对的,不选多的,本人自己觉得最好听的歌,楼主一定要听听啊!(以下的超好听,推荐先听) 朴尚民-不要哭 受了点伤(英文).最终幻想10主题曲-素敌だね(日文版)sg wannabe-我的人金钟国-如果我爱你,劲舞团-姐姐今晚我感觉离你很近-仓木麻衣far away from home七公主-love song黄牌-高耀太飞翔-高耀太为什么这样-乌龟我爱摇滚-高耀太唱啦啦啦-乌龟花样-松隆子我在那一角患过伤风zone - despre tinetake play love甜蜜的爱-七公主飞机-乌龟男人也没办法劲舞团-question小情歌-苏打绿念奴娇-伊能静老人与海-海鸣威我们都是好孩子-王筝My all -滨崎步特别天使-高耀太英雄-高耀太起立-仓木麻衣原地踏步-劲舞团7公主-悲伤恋歌结婚-朴慧京As long as you love me-后街男孩7 Days -Craig David罪与罚-sg wanna bebe what you wanna be施展咒语-七公主hey boy-徐智英火花-高耀太坚持-Us倾我所有-(DONNA LEWIS)Swan-(劲舞团)莫失莫忘upside只恨我一个人初春踏青(音乐)(以上的超好听)纯音乐:(超级好听)紫日Kiss The Rain神秘园之歌天空之城再见警察classic river卡农夏日香气迷情仙境Tearsdream catcher被遗忘的天使我在那一角落患过伤风雨的印记罗密欧与朱丽叶寂寞之声很流行的韩日歌曲rain-sadtango李孝利 TOC TOC TOC李孝利 不要爱上他所以冰淇淋 MC梦爱情过后 劲舞歌曲30次左右question ha,yoo suni believe 劲舞歌曲坚持 usnever say goodbyeu superjunior听我说 papaya不能遗忘你tonight,i feel close to you 仓木麻衣&孙燕姿我的人 sg wannabe试着说 WaWa2年零2月 fod一个人/两个人/只有你 蔡妍花样 松隆子Come on/飞机 乌龟relove 徐智英英文歌:I"m Gonna Getcha Good!--Shania Twain <一定要听这首哦>Never Had A Dream Come True--S Club 7 最近开始听这首歌的,太好听了Any Man Of Mine--Shania Twain 还有这个My name is --Emimem阿姆的经典之作Happy Boys & Girls---Aqua 他她们的歌很活泼Barbie Girl--AquaWhen You Say Nothing At All--Alison Krauss细心品味,我很喜欢这首歌的Candy Shop--50 Cent 相信很多人听过吧Back to you--Bryan AdamsThe Power Of Love--Celine Dionyellow--coldplayI COULD BE THE ONE--Donna Lewis 声音很甜Without Me--Eminem 又一首阿姆的经典之作Don"t Turn Off the Light--Enrique IglesiasAny one Of Us--Gareth Gates 经典American Idiot--Green Day 朋克乐,我很喜欢Boulevard of Broken Dreams--Green DayMoonlight Shadow --Groove CoverageYesterday Yes A Day--Jane BirkinBecause You Live--Jesse McCartney 人又帅歌又好When You Believe--Mariah-Carey 很多地方介绍这首经典的Nothing gonna chang my love for youWe Will Rock You--Queen 摇滚中的经典better man--Robbie Williams第一首:Stand第二首:peerless第三首:floorfiller第四首:sosforlove(又名:爱情求救号)第五首:hey-oh第六首:OneForDaMoney第七首:Ein Kleines Lied第八首:la isla alizee第九首:groove coverage第十首:LET"S TALK ABOUT A MAN第十一首:Human Sacrifice第十二首:Wet Wet Wet第十三首: 冰河时代2第十四首:i saw you walkinag in the rain第十五首:You`re Not Gonna Score第十六首:Self Control Laura Bran第十七首:doo be di boy第十八首:dreams come true ``第十九首:I Saw You Walking In The Rain ``第二十首:sound of my dream ``DJ舞曲:TIME TO ROCK 舞曲大帝国大爆炸lalaloveIts Oki"m gonna getcha good ! 仙尼亚 唐恩辛巴达皇冠一刻钟AU坚持ARE YOU DJtalalawalking in the sunone for da moneymove somethindo somethinClose to You Radio Jay DelanoDJ Let s Talk About A ManLa Club kingchipz in black鈈鍀鈈爱专属~请勿抄袭~我敢保证一定很好听 ,只选好听的,不选多的,楼主听下吧。好听记得加分哦!谢谢 !
2023-07-14 10:24:251


mul(1+2,3-4,5)宏展开,即1+2-(3-4*5)显然值为 20
2023-07-14 10:24:182


周杰伦《牛仔很忙》,《彩虹》,《青花瓷》,《扯》,《我不配》 阿杜《差一点》,《撒野》 胡彦斌《男人KT V〉〉 周渝民《我不是F4》 游鸿明《夫妻脸》,《倦鸟余花》 李玖哲《想太多》,《你好吗》,《围墙》,《退后》,《快点来爱我》 潘玮柏《玩酷》,《爱不离》 周蕙《学会》 唐禹哲《最爱还是你》,《吻到一公里之外》,《爱我》 苏打绿《无与伦比的美丽》 蔡景佑《我可以》 历娜 灰色幸福 张惠妹《如果你也听说》 张韶涵《不想懂得》 陶喆:《普通朋友》《自导自演的悲剧》《黑色柳丁》《寂寞的季节》 张靓颖:《个人秘密》 蔡依林/陶喆:《今天你要嫁给我》 F.I.R:《天天夜夜》 容祖儿:《爱情复兴》 王心凌:《彩虹的微笑》 花儿乐队:《我的果汁分你一半》 蔡依林:《乖乖牌》 蔡健雅:《Beautiful Love》 古巨基:《爱得太迟》 何洁:《发光体》 陈绮贞《旅行的意义》 周笔畅《别爱我像爱个朋友》 周杰伦&温岚《屋顶》 五月天《温柔》 TANK《给我你的爱》《三国恋》. 月牙湾 f.i.r ↑ 玩酷 潘玮柏 ↑ G大调的悲伤 张靓颖 ↓ 酷爱 张敬轩 ↓ 新专辑《酷爱》 出神入化 飞轮海 ↑ 穷开心 花儿乐队 ↓ 特务J 蔡依林 ↑ 蔡依林一贯的风格,熟悉的那段前奏 1 百度网友点评 爱的期限 薛之谦 纯音乐 Kiss The Rain 神秘园之歌 天空之城 再见警察 卡农 夏日香气 迷情仙境 Tears dream catcher 被遗忘的天使 我在那一角落患过伤风 很流行的韓日歌曲 rain-sadtango 李孝利 TOC TOC TOC 李孝利 不要爱上他 所以 冰淇淋 MC梦 爱情过后 劲舞歌曲 30次左右 question ha,yoo sun i believe 劲舞歌曲 坚持us never say goodbye u superjunior 听我说 papaya 不能遗忘你 tonight,i feel close to you 仓木麻衣&孙燕姿 我的人 sg wannabe 试着说 WaWa 2年零2月 fod 一个人/两个人/只有你 蔡妍 花样 松隆子 Come on/飞机 乌龟 relove 徐智英 英文歌: I"m Gonna Getcha Good!--Shania Twain <一定要听这首哦> Never Had A Dream Come True--S Club 7 最近开始听这首歌的,太好听了 Any Man Of Mine--Shania Twain 还有这个 My name is --Emimem阿姆的经典之作 Happy Boys & Girls---Aqua 他她们的歌很活泼 Barbie Girl--Aqua When You Say Nothing At All--Alison Krauss细心品味,我很喜欢这首歌的 Candy Shop--50 Cent 相信很多人听过吧 Back to you--Bryan Adams The Power Of Love--Celine Dion yellow--coldplay I COULD BE THE ONE--Donna Lewis 声音很甜 Without Me--Eminem 又一首阿姆的经典之作 Don"t Turn Off the Light--Enrique Iglesias Any one Of Us--Gareth Gates 经典 American Idiot--Green Day 朋克乐,我很喜欢 Boulevard of Broken Dreams--Green Day Moonlight Shadow --Groove Coverage Yesterday Yes A Day--Jane Birkin Because You Live--Jesse McCartney 人又帅歌又好 When You Believe--Mariah-Carey 很多地方介绍这首经典的 Nothing gonna chang my love for you We Will Rock You--Queen 摇滚中的经典 better man--Robbie Williams 歌曲TOP500 排名 歌曲名 歌手名 1 彩虹 周杰伦 2 青花瓷 周杰伦 3 爱转角 罗志祥 4 日不落 蔡依林 5 有一种爱叫做放手 阿木 6 思念是一种病 张震岳 7 触电 S.H.E 8 会呼吸的痛 梁静茹 9 该死的温柔 马天宇 10 命运 香香 新歌TOP100 排名 歌曲名 歌手名 1 投名状 刘德华 2 围城 张靓颖 3 有钱没钱回家过年 王宝强 4 爱超越 范冰冰 5 重来 张韶涵 6 帝王之恋 BOBO 7 头号粉丝 莫文蔚 8 九十九次我爱他 元若蓝 9 什么都没有发生过 秦海璐 10 你给的坚强 苗圃 中文金曲榜 排名 歌曲名 歌手名 1 会呼吸的痛 梁静茹 2 我走以后 张靓颖 3 青花瓷 周杰伦 4 乐园 张韶涵 5 彩虹 周杰伦 6 你最近还好吗 s.h.e 7 不是我的我不要 刘德华 8 我不会唱歌 罗志祥 9 婚礼进行曲 胡彦斌 10 夏雪 何洁 <发现> 路绮欧 <白色距离> 路绮欧 <恶作剧之刎>路绮欧 <青花>周传雄 <蓝色土耳其> 周传雄 <有没有人告诉你>陈楚生 <不想懂得> 张韶涵 <我决定> 梁静茹 <相反词> 蔡卓妍 <被你爱过我很快乐> 卓文萱 <爱超越>范冰冰 <狂想的旅程> 韩雪
2023-07-14 10:24:182