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2023-07-14 23:54:23






























2023-07-14 23:49:311


over是介词,意思是“ 在…期间”period和time不是重复,period是时间time的一段(A period is a length of time).
2023-07-14 23:50:221


2023-07-14 23:50:312


During this time period... In this era... In this centry... In today"s world..
2023-07-14 23:50:401

redundancy auto-sync time-period 3600 啥意思,给解释下, 怎么使用

redundancy auto-sync time-period 3600 冗余自动同步的时间周期3600
2023-07-14 23:50:471


2023-07-14 23:51:211

Which American president was at the same time period with Martin Luther King Jr.?

【答案】:A美国历史。考查和Martin Luther King Jr.处于同一时期的美国总统。Martin Luther King Jr.所处的时代是美国民权运动时期,当时的美国总统是John Kennedy,二者先后遇刺身亡。Abraham Lincoln领导了美国的南北战争;George Washington则领导了美国的独立战争。
2023-07-14 23:51:281


投资回收期[词典][化]capitalpay-offtime;paybackperiod;timeperiodforrecoveryofinvestmen[例句]The payback period will be shortened up to2 months.投资回收期将被缩短到两个月。
2023-07-14 23:51:471


在这个时期In this period
2023-07-14 23:52:022

金融方面的词汇:look-ahead bias,time-period bias是什么意思?中文名称是什么?

2023-07-14 23:52:191

a period of time是什么意思

一段时间。period 时期,期间比如:a period of three years 三年的时间
2023-07-14 23:52:273


  孩子的英语词汇不够?不要怕,我给大家带来要背诵的关于时期、季节、月份和星期的英语词汇,同学们可以利用寒假的时间来背一下。   时期   age时代,时期,年龄   century世纪   future未来,将来   past过去   period时期   present现在   time时间;时期;钟点;次,回   year年   季节   season季节   spring春天   summer夏天,夏季   autumn秋天   fall秋天   winter冬天,冬季   月份   month月,月份   January一月   February二月   March三月   April四月   May五月   June六月   July七月   August八月   September九月   October十月   November十一月   December十二月   星期与日期   week星期;周   Monday星期一   Tuesday星期二   Wednesday星期三   Thursday星期四   Friday星期五   Saturday星期六   Sunday星期天   weekday平日;工作日   weekend周末   date日期   day白天;一天   today今天;本日   tomorrow明天;明日   tonight今晚,今夜   yesterday昨天
2023-07-14 23:52:341


2023-07-14 23:52:411


2023-07-14 23:52:511


2023-07-14 23:53:123


2023-07-14 23:53:211


2023-07-14 23:53:314

A period of time对不对

2023-07-14 23:53:4310

a period of time是什么意思

2023-07-14 23:54:102

请教关于time 的可数不可数问题

这里的 time 表“时间”,是用作不可数名词,但又可与不定冠词“a”连用。经查证,多数权威词典均将其列为不可数名词:1.《21世纪英汉汉英双向词典》(U) [又作 a time] (某一) 期间,某一段时间。for a time 暂时;一时;after a time 过一会儿;in a short time 不久;It"s a long time since I met you last. 好久不见 [久违] 了。2.《柯林斯高级英语学习词典》[N-UNCOUNT] also a N。For a long time I didn"t tell anyone. 很久我都没有告诉任何人。A short time later they sat down to eat. 过了一小会儿,他们坐下来吃东西。3.《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》[U] portion or measure of time 一段时间:What a (long) time you"ve been! 你花费那麽长的时间了!I had a most unpleasant time at the dentist"s. 我在牙医那里受了大罪。4.《剑桥高级学习词典》noun [U]I enjoyed my course at first, but after a time I got bored with it.They stayed with us for a short time.5.《朗文当代英语词典》【PERIOD OF TIME】 [singular, U]I first met Jennifer a long time ago.They stopped for a short time to rest the horses.但《麦克米兰英语词典》[count] a period:She thought about it for a long time.The company only started trading a short time ago.
2023-07-14 23:54:171

Climate is the average weather usually taken over a 30-year time period for a particular region...

小题1:B小题2:B小题3:C小题4:C 小题1:根据Climate is not the same as weather,可知天气不同于气候,故选B。小题2:根据Well, scientists are not exactly sure. 可知科学家也不知道确切的原因,故选B。小题3:根据短文描述,可知砍伐树木无助于解决全球变暖问题,反而会破坏环境,故选C。小题4:通过阅读短文可知,本文主要描述了气候变化和全球变暖的问题。故选C。
2023-07-14 23:54:371

for long periods time为何加s?

因为period是可数的,比如a period of time,所以自然可以加s。for long periods time这里表示几段长的时期。
2023-07-14 23:54:441


――1T拥有较少的延迟,较佳的系统内存效能。却较差的兼容性。适合DIMM未插满时。 ――2T拥有较久的延迟、差很多的系统内存较能。较高的兼容性、稳定性。适合DIMM已全部插满时。测试极限频率是经常用到。 我建议将内存设定为1T以便让内存达到最佳效能。如果1T不稳定再换为2T也不为过!解释一下:DRAM Command Rate (内存命令速率)一般还被描述为DRAM Command Rate、CMD Rate等。由于DDR内存在寻址时,先要进行P-Bank的选择(通过DIMM上CS片选信号进行),然后才是L-Bank/行激活与列地址的选择这个参数的含义就是指在P-Bank选择完之后多少时间可以发出具体的寻址的L-Bank/行激活命令,单位是时钟周期。显然,也是越短越好。但随着主板上内存模组的增多,控制芯片组的负载也随之增加,过短的命令间隔可能会影响稳定性。因此当你的内存插得很多而出现不太稳定的时间,需要将此参数调长。
2023-07-14 23:54:511

quartus ii 怎样将时钟脉冲调为1khz

2023-07-14 23:55:004

A period of time 用于什么时态满意的话加分加到满为止

一般情况在将来时和完成时用得多一些。I will stay in Beiing for a period of time.He has been in Beiing for a long period of time.
2023-07-14 23:55:091

I will give you ( ) tofinish it.这里为什么不能写成two week’s time 或two —week time 而应该填two we

you can write the sentence like this:i will give you two weeks to finish iti will give you two weeks" time to finish it you already know two week is a time period, you dont need to put time after it
2023-07-14 23:55:282

a long period of time是什么意思

2023-07-14 23:55:352

Time off的中文意思?

首先给你英文解释:a time period when you are not required to work中文就是:闲暇时间希望能帮到你~
2023-07-14 23:55:441

编译Qt应用程序的时候出现如下错误,哪位高手给解答一下? 编译器是arm-linux-gcc 4.5.1,qt版本是4.7.0

找友善,这个应该是友善的gcc包吧See <> for instructions.
2023-07-14 23:55:512


Our two companies must be united together and conquer the difficulties during such a hard time period,and i also totally start from my lowest acceptable/tolerable price.
2023-07-14 23:55:582


standstill period停滞期
2023-07-14 23:56:074

During a period of time有没有语法错误

2023-07-14 23:56:211

particular period of time

a period of time指一段时间 a particular length of time指特定的那段时间
2023-07-14 23:56:281

period 前面应该加什么介词

2023-07-14 23:56:363


ki mi no na ha
2023-07-14 23:51:575


pe下hdtune不能运行是因为缺少库文件,copy odbcbcp.dll、pdh.dll、shfolder.dll三个dll文件与hdtune主程序放在一起就能在pe下运行了。HD Tune Pro运行环境需求:支持Winxp/vista/win7/2000/2003
2023-07-14 23:51:593


嗯,大概是这样。两个句子都对。ne rien ne personne之类的可以省略pas另外要看前面的动词或者词组的用法来决定rien或者personne 的位置,这里由于是avoir besoin de的固定词组,所以他们两个要放在de的后面再给你几个句子体会一下:Je n"ai pas besoin de votre aide我不需要您的帮助Je n"ai besoin de rien我什么都不需要Je n"ai pas besoin de ma mère我不需要我妈妈。(意思是自己也可以,不用妈妈在身旁之类的)Je n"ai besoin de personne我不需要任何人。
2023-07-14 23:51:592


懂视张若昀明星大侦探哪几期2022-08-04 16:05:53张若昀是《明星大侦探》累积超过四期的明星玩家,大侦探称号是“明侦四子”哈士昀,分别在第一季:05期和08期;第三季:00期、01期和02期;第四季:00期、01期、02期、05期、11期、12期、13期;第五季:00期、01期和02期。《明星大侦探》是芒果TV推出的明星推理综艺秀,每期设定一个故事为剧情背景,各玩家运用各种方法指证嫌疑人,主要在芒果TV播出。第一季的05期张若昀作为婚礼策划师和08期成为甄漂亮整形医院张代表,张若昀参加的每一期都是他演的角色攒的局,也被网友戏称为张攒局,《消失的新郎》》《都是漂亮惹的祸》《玫瑰酒店》《逃出无名岛》《天堂公寓》这些剧情从头到尾张若昀与角色纹丝合缝,绝对的稳定输出,逻辑有理有序人物也演得淋漓尽致。大家还在搜张若昀明侦6来过几期张若昀当凶手在哪期吴磊参加几次大侦探张若昀当侦探是哪一期张若昀参加明侦哪几期张若昀明侦录了哪几期明星大侦探为什么停播明星大侦探第几集有张若昀张若昀上的哪几期明星大侦探张若昀在明星大侦探是哪几期明星大侦探张若昀哪一期是侦探张若昀明星大侦探参加了哪期明星大侦探有张若昀的哪一集张若昀参加过哪几期大侦探明侦张若昀刘昊然哪几期张若昀参加密室是哪一期张若昀明星大侦探蔷薇下的罪恶明星大侦探张若昀的表现张若昀是第几季加入明星大侦探张若昀明星大侦探第几集张若昀我是大侦探哪几期张若昀大侦探都参加哪期明星大侦探有张若昀的是哪几期张若昀明星大侦探都参加哪期张若昀参加了明侦哪几期我十大侦探张若昀哪几期期张若昀去过几次明星大侦探明侦第五季张若昀哪几期明星大侦探1张若昀哪一期明星大侦探4张若昀哪几期张若昀明星大侦探蔷薇下的罪恶明星大侦探张若昀的表现张若昀是第几季加入明星大侦探张若昀明星大侦探第几集张若昀我是大侦探哪几期张若昀大侦探都参加哪期明星大侦探有张若昀的是哪几期张若昀明星大侦探都参加哪期张若昀参加了明侦哪几期我十大侦探张若昀哪几期期张若昀去过几次明星大侦探明侦第五季张若昀哪几期相关推荐明星大侦探哪期有刘昊然_懂视第一季的20160424期这一期的《人鱼眼泪》主要嘉宾除了有刘昊然饰演人鱼岛的岛草然朋友,还有欧阳娜娜饰演人鱼岛信仰娜公主,另有何炅饰演的何侦探,撒贝宁饰演撒老板,王鸥饰演鸥助理,鬼鬼吴映洁饰演鬼少爷...明星大侦探换脑子是哪一期_懂视明星大侦探换脑子是明星大侦探第三季的最后一期:酒店惊魂.这期讲述了color7成员惨遭杀害的故事,何漫画、白大神、吴所谓以及路人甲乙丙丁组成了这个组合,不过这个组合因为本性不好,作恶多端,经常喜欢在校...白敬亭破解密室哪几期_懂视比如,《明星大侦探第一季》《决战欧冠之巅》那一期,他成功破解密室.再比如,《明星大侦探第二季》《博物馆奇妙夜》那一期,明星大侦探第三季《又是漂亮惹的祸》那两期,《明星大侦探第四季》《逃出无名岛》那两期...又是漂亮惹的祸是哪一期_懂视节目中每期有六位明星嘉宾出席,扮演不同的人物角色,他们中有一个侦探、一个凶手和四个嫌疑人,并同处于一个固定空间.他们共同面对一起精心策划的谋杀案,并需要通过搜集证据和推理找出真正的凶手.根据节目设定,...唐艺昕张若昀在哪结婚_懂视长恋八年最终还是迈进婚姻的殿堂,张若昀和唐艺昕的遇见真的就像偶像剧,因为一个绿灯,让他们遇见彼此最美好的自己,昨天在爱尔兰阿代尔庄园举行隆重的婚礼,婚礼在露天举...相关搜索明侦张若昀刘昊然哪几期张若昀参加密室是哪一期张若昀明星大侦探蔷薇下的罪恶明星大侦探张若昀的表现张若昀是第几季加入明星大侦探张若昀明星大侦探第几集张若昀我是大侦探哪几期张若昀大侦探都参加哪期明星大侦探有张若昀的是哪几期张若昀明星大侦探都参加哪期张若昀参加了明侦哪几期我十大侦探张若昀哪几期期张若昀去过几次明星大侦探明侦第五季张若昀哪几期
2023-07-14 23:52:011


lie to me 篮球兄弟one tree hill
2023-07-14 23:52:048


15:A s"attendreà) 预计,料想 ce que 指代“我们队赢了比赛”这件事。在后面的从句中作宾语。 16: A
2023-07-14 23:52:075

HD Tune Pro 硬盘进行写入测试 提示写入已禁用 怎么解决 懂的进

2023-07-14 23:52:095


2023-07-14 23:52:101


Fragrant Hill Lake National Scenic Area WaterFragrant Hill Lake National Scenic Area Water Resources, Department Eyuwan with the Department"s new county, the county seat is located 6 kilometers southeast of Beijing-Kowloon Railway across the county, a straight-line distance of 2 kilometers away from the scenic area, 160 km south to Wuhan, 110 km south of Xinyang , Zhengzhou 290 kilometers. Xinyang section away from the entrance of Beijing-Zhuhai expressway 80 km, under construction A Shengao Su exports are in the scenic area on the 1 km of the path.The upper reaches of the Huaihe River is a river lake, from artificial inland lake formed by water Natural Beauty. In 1969 the construction of a masonry gravity arch dam, forming a storage capacity of 83.85 million cubic meters of reservoir bank fishing and boating tours available to visitors. In 1972 to an open society. Tour with a red county, South Bay Lake, Jigongshan, Ling Shansi connected to form a high-quality tourist routes.Scenic spot for the sub-tropical and warm temperate zone of the transition zone, belongs to humid sub-humid climate. Therefore, four distinct seasons, mild climate, ample rainfall, cool, the annual average temperature of 23.5 degrees Celsius. More than 85% forest cover, ecological good, beautiful environment. Is a natural big Oxygen Bar. Scenic area of 10.6 square kilometers, beautiful mountains, rock spectacle with stunning lakes and mountains, the mountains Maolin tall bamboo, with its spring-lake around the endless mountains, numerous islands, Chau staggered, spread, known as "West Henan Province "good reputation. Mainly Fragrant Hill Lake as the center,Also opened a water table and water sightseeing experience the fishing village folk lines, concentrated within the scenic natural landscape and the essence of tourism resources, highlighting the natural ecology of rivers and lakes of small villages and cultural style features. At present, in order to speed up the scenic area development, and constant development and improvement of scenic spots and recreational facilities-related projects, which are also put into the construction of water amusement centers, which covertly drift and so on.Fragrant Hill Lake scenic area is an eco-protective sightseeing, the, supplemented by a variety of natural and cultural landscape of the comprehensive scenic. "Man and nature in harmony, landscape gardens complement each other" constitutes a unique tourist attractions Xiangshan Lake. The south side of the dam, elevation 297 meters of the Hyangnobong erected, peak between the rocks clouds, its winding. Yu-free stone, thin strip of sky, snails and other natural stone KingConcept, form lifelike, life-like. Inter-Lakes Region Xiuzhu Maolin has a long history of ancient temples Fusaiji, incense constantly throughout the year. The main landscape Hyangnobong, dam with big, Fusaiji, civet Shi, Kuanyin Lake-stone, ladder, nursing homes, Journey Into Amazing Caves, Buddhism in their hearts more than 40 stone. Main attractions are the Millennium Han Shan Wisteria trees forest, acres of ecological tea plantations, and grow into Aluminum Group Training convalescence base. CHESTNUT rich, green tea, of which the "Xiangshan Cuifeng" as represented by green tea has won awards, while "Pearl Flower", "fern" and so on more than 10 kinds of wild vegetable.Kim Polysar National Forest Park is located in Xinyang City, Henan Province, the southern foot of the Dabie Mountains in the new county, the Beijing-Guangzhou, Xining Railway, Beijing-Kowloon high-speed, the letter leaves the South line of State Road 107, both to Xinyang, Beijing-Kowloon Railway, A Shengao Su, 106 State Road, south letter Ye line, 1655 lines have been adopted in the new county Jian Zhan, 120 km away from Xinyang, Wuhan Tianhe Airport, 160 kilometers, the new county town 2 km, based on forest ecology, human-based natural scenic landscapes.Kim Polysar a total area of 33.4 square kilometers park, forest coverage 98.1%, the original ecological well-preserved, local peaks of more than 300 seats, the peak wind tip 817 meters from the golden Blue Mountains, and even Hong Shan, the western mountains, the four 9 Longtan scenic composition. Many species of the region, rich in natural resources, is a typical sub-tropical to warm temperate transitional zones is China"s eastern, central, north junction of the three major flora and our flora and fauna migrated to the south moving north buffer zone, a total of national key protected animals 34 species of national key protected plants, 19 species of both scientific expedition, camping adventure, an important place for teaching practice, but also tourism and leisure, fitness and entertainment, summer vacationThe ideal resort, set-hung, strange, secluded, show, soul in one, and peaks, stone, lake, waterfall, Lin Yu a, and to leisurely Taoist groups, mysticism sage valley is famous for. Major attractions are gold Blue Mountains, and even Hong Shan, the western mountains, 9 Longtan so.Soul Mountain scenic area is located southwest of the territory of Luoshan County in Henan Province, southwest, respectively Xinyang Jigongshan Management District, Hubei Dawu County border, east cages Hill, west Jigongshan, South Bay Lake, including six major scenic spots: Ling Shansi area, Happy-dong area, Jinding scenic, Lung Xiang-Lin area, Aralia Temple scenic area, scenic Lake Harmony between nine years, a total area of 61.5 square kilometers scenic,West of Beijing-Guangzhou railway and 107 national highway 40 kilometers, 50 kilometers east to Beijing-Kowloon Railway, open arms highway 28 kilometers, north to the letter and leaves high-speed 20 km, 312 State Road 30 km, South Letter (yang) leaves (Set) Road, 10 km , travel south road and Jigongshan connected to the foot of the Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway from the Soul Mountain by and leave a segang exports, scenic area, 2.5 kilometers south of the other exports will soon open, mt, Ng Ka-slope Jigongshan, Dawu Xinyang often buses come here.Soul Mountain, the earliest known eight mountain, from eight major peaks. Its highest peak is called Ba Mountain, elevation 827.7 meters, the ancients in order to do this peak as the county mistakenly peak of the rules. A result of "eight" and "grabbing" sound, after being mixed with eight mountain known as the Ba Mountain. This Mountain "Every time there was rain and clouds will cover the top, and examination of the letter ran," one of the peak called the Little Soul Mountain, a natural fit with the appearance of mountains, "Ling" "hegemony," the word has the same "Rain" header, so the name of Ba Mountain gradually was replaced by Soul MountainKing Kong Taiwan National Geological Park, surging Huaihe River water, gave birth to a beautiful historical stories, towering Dabie Mountains, has created an amazing geological landscapes everywhere. Has a "God Fuzao cison rocks, cloud cover around the days of fogUp, "said King Kong Taiwan geological park, sit by the" green sub-Chu Yu heaven and earth is small, ancient and modern pneumatic Song Heng Hung "in Pulse in the Dabie Mountains.King Kong Taiwan Geological Park is located southeast of Henan Province, Xinyang City, County Mall, is located at the junction of Henan and Anhui provinces, only there Shiyu Zuo peaks above 1000 meters, 1584 meters above sea level peak King Kong Taiwan due to vertical and horizontal rocks, derived from the shape of King Kong name, for the highest peak in the Dabie Mountains in Henan. King Kong Taiwan GeologyPark by the King Kong Taiwan Tang Quan Chi scenic resorts and the composition, vertical and horizontal scenic 470 square kilometers, mountains, hills, valleys, lakes and other landforms seamless, park attractions, the red sites, geological sites, biological resources and cultural heritage, such as the typical set of Xing, rarity, ornamental, scientific research value, health infirmary is equal to one, especially the strange volcanic landscape, CodeHomologous type magmatic evolution of the Dabie Mountains five needle pine, Pachyhynobius salamander, etc. are the province only, the domestic rare, has a very high appreciation and conservation value
2023-07-14 23:51:521


具体操作 按出功能菜单(按功能键,也就是拨号键下面,*号键左边的那个,出现的菜单就是功能菜单) 此时用大拇指沿着navi导航键的凸出部分(银色的圆角正方形)顺时针或逆时针旋转磨动,光标就会在各个项目上面滚动了,滚动到你需要的项目你就停下来,按确认打开就行了 navi只能用于功能菜单.
2023-07-14 23:51:511

高手推荐几部美剧,既要能提升英语听力(主要目的), 又好看的(不要越狱)

everybody hates ChrisfriendsHeroICSSex and City
2023-07-14 23:51:497


2023-07-14 23:51:451


哪也我喝醉了拉着你的手啊 胡乱的说话
2023-07-14 23:51:445

勇士之歌歌词中英文都有的 mp3

ar:Lyrics][ti:The Warrior Song][00:27.80]I"ve got the reach and the teeth of a killin" machine,[00:30.83]with a need to bleed you when the light goes green[00:33.44]best believe, I"m in a zone to be, from my Yin to my Yang to my Yang Tze[00:37.99]put a grin on my chin when you come to me,[00:40.31]‘cuz I"ll win, I"m a one-of-a-kind and I"ll bring death[00:42.73]to the place you"re about to be: another river of blood runnin" under my feet[00:47.19]forged in a fire lit long ago, stand next to me, you"ll never stand alone[00:51.98]I"m last to leave, but the first to go, Lord, make me dead before you make me old[00:56.42]I feed on the fear of the devil inside of the enemy faces in my sights:[01:02.12]aim with the hand, shoot with the mind, kill with a heart like arctic ice[01:06.14]I am a soldier and I"m marching on[01:11.12]I am a warrior and this is my song[01:24.95]领先音乐分享平台[01:25.95]I bask in the glow of the rising war, lay waste to the ground of an enemy shore[01:30.22]wade through the blood spilled on the floor, and if another one stands I"ll kill some more[01:35.96]bullet in the breach and a fire in me, like a cigarette thrown, to gasoline[01:39.36]if death don"t bring you fear, I swear, you"ll fear these marchin" feet[01:45.34]Come to the nightmare, come to me, deep down in the dark where the devil be[01:50.10]in the maw with the jaws and the razor teeth,[01:52.53]where the brimstone burns and the angel weeps[01:55.01]call to the gods if I cross your path and my silhouette hangs like a body bag[01:59.78]hope is a moment now long past, the shadow of death is the one I cast.[02:04.95]I am a soldier and I"m marching on[02:09.75]I am a warrior and this is my song[02:14.59]my eyes are steel and my gaze is long[02:19.31]I am a warrior and this is my song[02:42.59]now I live lean and I mean to inflict the grief,[02:45.19]and the least of me is still out of your reach[02:47.91]the killing machine"s gonna do the deed,[02:50.06]until the river runs dry and my last breath leaves[02:52.76]chin in the air with a head held high,[02:55.00]I"ll stand in the path of the enemy line[02:57.44]feel no fear, know my pride:[02:59.23]for God and Country I"ll end your life[03:02.58]I am a soldier and I"m marching on[03:05.55]I am a warrior and this is my song[03:12.18]my eyes are steel and my gaze is long[03:16.96]I am a warrior and this is my song
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