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2023-07-15 09:35:31


the stability of financial market


" the Law of the People"s bank of china " give the function that guard against and dissolve financial risks , maintain the stability of financial market to the People"s bank of china ,and define that the People"s Bank of China can adopt various kinds of legal means to maintain the stability of financial market

为了适应职能调整的需要,中国人民银行在总行和分支行设立了专门的金融稳定职能部门。In order to meet the function adjustment need, the People"s Bank of China has set up the special steady functional department of finance in the head office and branch bank.


The head office of the People"s Bank of China has set up finance stability bureau , the branch and provincial capital centre subbranch have set up finance stability office .

中国人民银行总行金融稳定局的主要职责是:研究银行、证券和保险业协调发展问题,会同有关部门综合研究金融业改革发展规划;评估金融系统风险,研究实施防范和化解系统性金融风险的政策措施;协调风险处置中财政工具和货币工具的选择;实施对运用中央银行最终支付手段机构的复查,并参与有关机构市场退出的清算或重组工作;负责金融控股公司和交叉性金融工具的监测;承办涉及运用中央银行最终支付手段的金融企业重组方案的论证和审查工作;管理中国人民银行与金融风险处置或金融重组有关的资产。The main duty of finance stability bureau of the head office of the People"s Bank of China is: research bank, securities and insurance coordinated development problem; evaluate the risk of financial system research and implement the special operational policy measures to guard against and melt the systematic financial risk ; Coordinate the choice of financial tool and monetary tool in handling risk ; Implement the reexamination to utilization the Central Bank finally payment means organization ,and participate in the related organization market withdrawal the settlement or the reorganization work; Responsible for the financial holding company and the overlapping financial tool monitor; undertake involve the utilization Central Bank finally payment means the financial enterprise to reorganize the plan the proof and the examination work; Manages People"s Bank of China and financial risk handling or the financial reorganization related property.


Duty of the branch and provincial capital centre ‘stability offices are: Responsible for coordinating and communicating with the supervising and managing organization and related departments; Monitor, assess province governs the financial system risk ;the province and have jurisdiction over the risk of the financial system, research and implement the special operational policy measures to guard against and melt the systematic financial risk ; According to the general headquarter"s related stipulation, participate in related risk processing and other involve the financial stable item.


2004, the People"s Bank of China will continue fulfilling the function conscientiously, will take every measure to safeguard the Chinese financial stability.


The main content includes: Continue implementing the sane monetary policy, make great efforts to guarantee the steady of the exchange rate of RMB, create good macroeconomy environment for stability of the finance; Advancing the reform of banking system actively, enhances the financial organ movement robustness; Strengthen the infrastructure construction with steady finance, such as, enhance payment system and drafts the letter system construction, establish and complete finance risk early warning system Strengthen information interchange and policy coordination between the People"s Bank of China and financial regulator; Finish the finance stability assessment work by oneself, judge wholly China"s financial system sanely, proposes policy and suggestion.of guarding and the melting finance risk



Financial stability

"People"s Bank of China Law," the People"s Bank of China to guard against and defuse financial risks and maintain financial stability of functions, defined the People"s Bank of China to maintain financial stability can be taken by legal means. In order to adapt to the needs of adjustment functions, the People"s Bank of China head office and branches set up a special financial stability functions. People"s Bank of China head office established the Financial Stability Bureau, the provincial capital city centre branch and the establishment of a branch of the Financial Stability Department.

People"s Bank of China head office for financial stability is the main duty: banking, securities and insurance industries coordinated development issues, with the relevant departments to study the financial sector reform and comprehensive development planning; risk assessment of the financial system, study the implementation of systemic guard against and defuse financial risks Policies and measures in the disposal of coordination risk financial instruments and monetary tools of choice for the implementation of the central bank to use the ultimate means of payment review, and participate in relevant agencies to withdraw from the market liquidation or reorganization; responsible for the financial holding company of financial instruments and cross-monitoring ; Contractors involves the use of the Central Bank paid the ultimate means of financial enterprises restructuring plan the verification and review; People"s Bank of China and financial risk management or disposal of assets related to the financial restructuring. Branches and financial stability in the capital city centre branch of the functions are: the area responsible for financial and regulatory bodies and relevant departments of communication, monitoring, assessment of the financial system risks jurisdiction on the implementation of systemic guard against and defuse financial risks of policy measures According to relevant provisions of the head office, involved in the risk management and other matters related to financial stability.

In 2004, the People"s Bank of China will continue to perform its functions effectively, taking various measures to safeguard China"s financial stability. Mainly include: continue to implement prudent monetary policy, efforts to ensure a stable RMB exchange rate, for the financial stability to create a favorable macroeconomic environment; actively promote the reform of the financial system and improve the soundness of financial institutions operating in strengthening financial stability in the construction of infrastructure, such as Strengthen the payment system and credit system, establish and improve financial risk early warning system; People"s Bank of China to strengthen financial supervision and the exchange of information between agencies and policy coordination; completion of the assessment of financial stability, the Chinese financial system to the overall stability of the Judgement, to guard against and defuse financial risks of policy recommendations.


"People"s Bank of China Law," the People"s Bank of China to guard against and defuse financial risks and maintain financial stability of functions, defined the People"s Bank of China to maintain financial stability can be taken by legal means. In order to adapt to the needs of adjustment functions, the People"s Bank of China head office and branches set up a special financial stability functions. People"s Bank of China head office established the Financial Stability Bureau, the provincial capital city centre branch and the establishment of a branch of the Financial Stability Department.

People"s Bank of China head office for financial stability is the main duty: banking, securities and insurance industries coordinated development issues, with the relevant departments to study the financial sector reform and comprehensive development planning; risk assessment of the financial system, study the implementation of systemic guard against and defuse financial risks Policies and measures in the disposal of coordination risk financial instruments and monetary tools of choice for the implementation of the central bank to use the ultimate means of payment review, and participate in relevant agencies to withdraw from the market liquidation or reorganization; responsible for the financial holding company of financial instruments and cross-monitoring ; Contractors involves the use of the Central Bank paid the ultimate means of financial enterprises restructuring plan the verification and review; People"s Bank of China and financial risk management or disposal of assets related to the financial restructuring. Branches and financial stability in the capital city centre branch of the functions are: the area responsible for financial and regulatory bodies and relevant departments of communication, monitoring, assessment of the financial system risks jurisdiction on the implementation of systemic guard against and defuse financial risks of policy measures According to relevant provisions of the head office, involved in the risk management and other matters related to financial stability.

In 2004, the People"s Bank of China will continue to perform its functions effectively, taking various measures to safeguard China"s financial stability. Mainly include: continue to implement prudent monetary policy, efforts to ensure a stable RMB exchange rate, for the financial stability to create a favorable macroeconomic environment; actively promote the reform of the financial system and improve the soundness of financial institutions operating in strengthening financial stability in the construction of infrastructure, such as Strengthen the payment system and credit system, establish and improve financial risk early warning system; People"s Bank of China to strengthen financial supervision and the exchange of information between agencies and policy coordination; completion of the assessment of financial stability, the Chinese financial system to the overall stability of the Judgement, to guard against and defuse financial risks of policy recommendations.


In English

"Chinese people Banking law" has entrusted with the People"s Bank of China guard and the melt finance risk, maintains the financial stability the function, has been clear about the People"s Bank of China each legal means which may adopt for the maintenance financial stability. In order to meet the function adjustment need, the People"s Bank of China has set up the special financial stability Functional departments in the general headquarters and a minute sub-branch. The People"s Bank of China general headquarters have set up the financial steady foregone conclusion, the branch and the provincial capital urban center sub-branch have set up the financial stability place. The People"s Bank of China general headquarters finance steady foregone conclusion"s primary interest is: Studies the bank, the negotiable securities and the insurance business coordinated development question, handles jointly with the Department concerned synthetic study financial industry reform development project; The appraisal financial system risk, the research implementation guards against and melts the systematic financial risk the special operational policy measures; In coordinated risk handling financial tool and money instrument"s choice; The implementation to utilizes the Central Bank finally the payment means organization reexamination, and participates in the related organization market withdrawal the settlement or the reorganization work; Is responsible for the finance Holding company and the overlapping financial instruments" monitor; The undertaking involves the utilization Central Bank finally the payment means finance reshuffle of the enterprises plan proof and the examination work; Manages the People"s Bank of China and financial risk handling or the financial reorganization related property. The branch and the provincial capital urban center sub-branch financial stability place the responsibility is: Is responsible with the area of jurisdiction finance supervision organization and Department concerned"s coordinated communication; The monitor, the appraisal province govern the financial system risk, the research implementation systematic finance risk guard and the melt special operational policy measures; According to the general headquarters concerned requirements, participation related risk"s processing and other involve the financial stability the item. in 2004, the People"s Bank of China will continue to fulfill the function earnestly, takes each measure to maintain China"s financial stability. The primary coverage includes: Continues to implement the steady monetary policy, guaranteed diligently the RMB rate is stable, for financial stability creation good macro economic environment; Advances the reform of monetary system positively, enhances the financial organ movement robustness; Strengthens the financial stability the infrastructural facilities, like strengthens the payment system and drafts the letter system construction, the establishment and the consummation finance risk early warning system; Strengthens the People"s Bank of China and between the financial supervision organization communication and the policy is coordinated; Completes the financial stability from the appraisal work, makes the whole judgment to China financial system robustness, proposes the guard and the melt finance risk policy suggestion.


汇率英语 汇率用英语怎么说

exchange rate
2023-07-14 23:56:574


题库内容:汇率的解释[exchange rate] 某国货币对外汇的比价 详细解释 一个 国家 的货币兑换其他国家的货币的比例。也叫汇价。 《解放日报》 1942.1.4:“今后大后方( 重庆 、 昆明 )的外汇率 不再 为 上海 汇率所 左右 ,而完全断绝关系了。” 词语分解 汇的解释 汇 (汇③④汇) ì 河流会合在一起:汇注。汇合。 由甲地把款项寄到乙地:汇寄。汇款。汇兑。汇率(?)。 聚合,以类相聚:字汇。词汇。 汇报 。 综合,合并:汇总。汇编。 笔画数:; 部首 :氵; 笔顺编 率的解释 率 à 带领: 率领 。统率。率队。率先(带头)。率兽食人(喻暴君残害人民)。 轻易地,不细想, 不慎 重:轻率。草率。率尔。率尔操觚(“觚”,供写书用的木简;意思是轻易地下笔作文)。 爽直坦白:直率。坦率。
2023-07-14 23:57:041


货币外汇汇率,简称为FXRate,FXRate是英文的 “Foreign Exchange Rate”(外汇汇率)的缩写。是以另一国货币来表示本国货币的价格,其高低最终由外汇市场决定。外汇买卖一般均集中在商业银行等金融机构。它们买卖外汇的目的是为了追求利润,方法是贱买贵卖,赚取买卖差价,其买进外汇时所依据的汇率为买入汇率,也称买入价;卖出外汇时所依据的汇率叫卖出汇率,也称卖出价。拓展资料在直接标价法下,买入汇率是银行买入一单位外汇所付出的本币数,卖出汇率是银行卖出一单位外汇所收取的本币数。 中间汇率是买入汇率与卖出汇率的中间价,也即买入汇率十卖出汇率1/2=中间汇率,适用于银行之间买卖外汇,意味着它们之间买卖外汇不赚取利润。外汇的概念具有双重含义,即有动态和静态之分。外汇的动态概念,是指把一个国家的货币兑换成另外一个国家的货币,借以清偿国际间债权、债务关系的一种专门性的经营活动。它是国际间汇兑(Foreign Exchange)的简称。外汇的静态概念,是指以外国货币表示的可用于国际之间结算的支付手段。这种支付手段包括以外币表示的信用工具和有价证券,如:银行存款、商业汇票、银行汇票、银行支票、外国政府库券及其长短期证券等。国际货币基金组织的解释为:“外汇是货币行政当局(中央银行、货币管理机构、外汇平准基金组织和财政部)以银行存款、财政部国库券、长短期政府债券等形式保有的、在国际收支逆差时可以使用的债权”。固定汇率制(fixed exchange rate system)是指以本位货币本身或法定含金量为确定汇率的基准,汇率比较稳定的一种汇率制度。在不同的货币制度下具有不同的固定汇率制度。   浮动汇率制(floating exchange rate system)是指一国不规定本币与外币的黄金平价和汇率上下波动的界限,货币当局也不再承担维持汇率波动界限的义务,汇率随外汇市场 供求关系变化而自由上下浮动的一种汇率制度。该制度在历史上早就存在过,但真正流行是1972年以美元为中心的固定汇率制崩溃以后。
2023-07-14 23:57:431


the middle exchange rates of + currency /the intermediate exchange rate/都可
2023-07-14 23:57:514


exchangerate 和 import 俩变量之间相关显著,r(55)= 0.972,α= 0.006。
2023-07-14 23:58:131


the RMB exchange rate issued by the People"s Bank of China
2023-07-14 23:58:352


2023-07-14 23:58:541


The US dollars custom clearance ratio RMB yuan
2023-07-14 23:59:034


  即期汇率:Thespotexchangerateisthequotationbetweentwocurrenciesforimmediatedelivery.  远期汇率: Theforwardrateistheforeignexchangetradingagreementbetweenbothparties,thecontractsometimeinthefutureusedintheactualdeliveryofforeignexchangerate.  即期汇率:即是交易双方达成外汇买卖协议后,在两个工作日以内办理交割的汇率。这一汇率一般就是现时外汇市场的汇率水平。即期汇率是由当场交货时货币的供求关系情况决定的。一般在外汇市场上挂牌的汇率,除特别标明远期汇率以外,一般指即期汇率。  远期汇率是指一个远期市场交易的汇率,与即期汇率相对。外币买卖双方成交后,并不能马上交割,而是约定在以后一定期限内进行交割时所采用的约定汇率。远期外汇是以即期汇率为基础加减升贴水来计算的。直接标价法下,远期汇率低,其差价称为贴水(Discount);远期汇率高,其差价称为升水(Premium)。间接标价法下则相反。即期汇率与远期汇率两者相等称为平价(Atpar)。
2023-07-14 23:59:121


2023-07-14 23:59:273

提单Ex.Rate 是什么

Exchange Rate. 货币汇率(通常指运费)
2023-07-14 23:59:503

留学作业Discuss Essay怎么写?

discuss包含正反两面,一般是让我们去discuss某一个概念或者一种方法所带来的好处和坏处,这种其实是非常直接的,也相对简单一点。但今天要针对比较难的题目来进行说明,如下:Discuss whether a rise in interest rate will cause the inflation rate to fall.利率的上升是否会导致通货膨胀率下降。这道题考的是利率上升和通货膨胀率下降的关系,一方面,利率的上升确实能够导致通货膨胀率下降,另一方面则是这种关系不一定存在。正面解体思路:interest rate increase 如何导致inflation rate decrease;首先我们知道 rise interest rate 是deflationary monetarypolicy aiming to reduce aggregate demand; 再回顾到三大引起inflation的原因,我们就可以推出提高利率是旨在减少demand-pull inflation。详细地展示了interest rate上升导致inflation rate下降的几个路径,那么我们该如何来写反面呢?首先我们来看第一个路径,也就是interest rate 通过改变exchange rate来影响进出口这个路径。interest rate 上升导致exchange rate下降的前提是这个经济体所采用的是floating exchange rate system,所以反面的第一个论点就出来了:whether the exchange rate system is floating。即使在floating exchangerate system下,exchange rate上升,出口真的会下降吗?进口真的会减少吗?这里就需要考虑elasticity这个因素了,于是第二个论点也出来了: whether the demands for exports and imports are elastic or not.分析完第二个路径,我们来看第二个路径,也就是inflation rate rise 通过改变private consumption 来减少aggregate demand 从而减少demand-pull inflation,这时候你就要拆掉private consumption decrease这一招;那什么时候利率上升private consumption不会减少呢,这个取决于consumer 对于prospective economy的confidence,所以第三个论点也出来了。最后一个路径是通过减少investment 来减少aggregate demand,同样我们需要拆掉这一招:利率上升能不能影响investment的数量取决于business confidence,如果investor对于整个economy非常positive,他们可能会在高利率的情况下继续投资;此外,如果目前的利率非常低,比如2%,那么利率提高20%,annual interest rate也才2.4%,影响就不会特别大。所以第四个论点就是:consider business confidence and the current interest rate level. (注意:在这里的investment纯粹指的是producers" investment on capital goods)那以上是整个见招拆招的过程,就是一步一步拆毁整个正面的逻辑,从而形成反面论点。那我们现在来练习一下这种招式,下面是几个比较典型的题目适合这个招式:Q1: discuss whether a country"s current accountis expected to be worsening when there is a high inflation rate.Q2: discuss whether expenditure switchingpolicies can improve a country"s current account situation.
2023-07-14 23:59:571


2023-07-15 00:00:042


欧元的英文怎么说 欧元的英文全称:EUROPEANDOLLAR 发行机构:欧洲中央银行(EUROPEANCENTRALBANK) 货币符号:EUR 辅币进位:1欧元=100欧分(CENTS) 钞票面额:5、10、20、50、100、200、500欧元。铸币有1、2、5、10、20、50欧分和1欧元、2欧元共8个面值。“欧元”用英文怎么写 你好! 欧元 euro 英[u02c8ju028au0259ru0259u028a] 美[u02c8ju028arou028a] n. 欧元; [例句]Millions of words have been written about the introduction of the euro 有关采用欧元的文章已经有很多。 欧元用英语怎么读? Euro ["ju028aro] 欧元(Euro)是欧盟中19个国家的货币。2002年7月欧元成为欧元区唯一合法货币。欧元由欧洲中央银行和各欧元区国家的中央银行组成的欧洲中央银行系统负责管理。 中文名:欧元 外文名:Euro 标准代码:EUR 货币符号:u20ac 货币兑换:1欧元=7.4664人民币元 欧元账户用英语怎么说 Euro Account 外汇欧元的英文缩写是什么? 欧元的英文缩写是AUD澳元。 欧元(euro)是欧盟中19个国家的货币。欧元的19会员国是爱尔兰、奥地利、比利时、德国、法国、芬兰、荷兰、卢森堡、葡萄牙、西班牙、希腊、意大利、斯洛文尼亚、塞浦路斯、马耳他、斯洛伐克、爱沙尼亚、立陶宛、拉脱维亚 。1999年1月1日在实行欧元的欧盟国家中实行统一货币政策(Sin功le Monetary Act),2002年7月欧元成为欧元区唯一合法货币。欧元由欧洲中央银行(European Central Bank,ECB)和各欧元区国家的中央银行组成的欧洲中央银行系统(European System of Central Banks,ESCB)负责管理。另外欧元也是非欧盟中6个国家的货币,他们分别是:摩纳哥、圣马力诺、梵蒂冈、黑山、科索沃和安道尔 353.70欧元用 英语怎么说,要大写的,多谢 Three hund耽ed and fifty-three point seven zero euros
2023-07-15 00:00:122


2023-07-15 00:00:321


libxml2xmlReadMemoryxmlParseMemory网上的大部分关于xml的文章都是处理xml文件的,就没直接处理xml字符串的说明。下面是用libxml2解析xml格式的字符串的函数顺序:1. xmlParseMemory,字符串转为XML文档2. xmlDocGetRootElement,获取XML文档根节点3. xmlStrcmp,比较XML字符串,与strcmp差不多4. curr = curr->xmlChildrenNode,XML节点指针指向第一个子节点5. curr = curr->next,XML节点指针指向下一个兄弟节点6. xmlNodeGetContent,获取XML节点的内容7. xmlFreeDoc,释放节点,与free差不多贴段代码作为参考:[cpp] view plain copy#include <iconv.h> #include <libxml/parser.h> #include <libxml/xmlmemory.h>#include "soapH.h" #include "ExchangeRateWebServiceSoap12.nsmap"#define FIELD_LEN 16int conv_charset(const char *dest, const char *src, char *input, size_t ilen, char *output, size_t olen) {iconv_t conv = iconv_open(dest, src);if ( conv == (iconv_t) -1 )return -1;memset(output, 0, olen);if ( iconv(conv, &input, &ilen, &output, &olen) )return -1;iconv_close(conv);return 0; }int main(int argc, char **argv) {if ( argc != 2 && argc != 3 ) {printf("Usage: %s type [end_point] ", argv[0]);printf(" type = A : all rate ");printf(" type = B : basic rate ");printf(" type = C : cross rate ");exit(-1);}struct soap soap;soap_init(&soap);// don"t set is OK//soap_set_mode(&soap, SOAP_C_UTFSTRING);struct _ns1__getExchangeRate request;struct _ns1__getExchangeRateResponse response;request.theType = argv[1];char *endpoint = NULL;if ( argc == 3 )endpoint = argv[2];if ( soap_call___ns3__getExchangeRate(&soap, endpoint, NULL, &request, &response) == SOAP_OK ) {int len = strlen(response.getExchangeRateResult->__any);xmlDocPtr pdoc = xmlParseMemory(response.getExchangeRateResult->__any, len);xmlNodePtr root = xmlDocGetRootElement(pdoc);xmlNodePtr curr = root;while ( xmlStrcmp(curr->name, (const xmlChar *) "getExchangeRate") )curr = curr->xmlChildrenNode;for ( curr = curr->xmlChildrenNode; curr; curr = curr->next ) {xmlNodePtr data;for ( data = curr->xmlChildrenNode; data; data = data->next ) {char ifield[FIELD_LEN];char ofield[FIELD_LEN];strcpy(ifield, xmlNodeGetContent(data));if ( conv_charset("GBK", "UTF-8", ifield, strlen(ifield), ofield, FIELD_LEN) )printf("%s %s ", data->name, ifield);elseprintf("%s %s ", data->name, ofield);}printf(" ");}xmlFreeDoc(pdoc);}else {soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr);}//<a href=""></a>soap_destroy(&soap);soap_end(&soap);soap_done(&soap);return 0; }
2023-07-15 00:00:391


2023-07-15 00:00:503


CORRECT: WORLD FOREX: Dollar A Bit Higher Vs Euro After US Data ("WORLD FOREX: Dollar A Bit Higher Vs Euro After US Data," at 8:47 a.m., EDT, omitted the word "World Forex" from the title. A corrected version follows with additional information) By Dan Molinski OF DOW JONES NEWSWIRES NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- The dollar is modestly stronger Thursday morning in New York as a negative U.S. jobs report and lower stock markets in Asia pull risk appetite out of the market and push investors back into the dollar for safety. The number of idled workers filing new unemployment benefit claims rose more than expected last week, driven higher by filings in car-industry states, according to data out Thursday from the U.S. Labor Department. But the dollar"s gains are being hamstrung by another U.S. economic report out Thursday that showed producer prices climbed 0.3% in April, which was more than the 0.1% rise economists were expecting. Some investors are concerned that U.S. inflation could take off, weakening the value of the dollar. "The downside momentum (in the dollar) that seemed so strong in recent days has eased, but the tone remains fragile," said currency analysts at Brown Brothers Harriman in a research note. Early Thursday in New York, the euro was at $1.3563 from $1.3591 late Wednesday. The dollar was at Y95.57 from Y95.30, according to EBS. The euro was at Y129.58 from Y129.43. The U.K. pound was at $1.5099 from $1.5155. The dollar was at CHF1.1104 from CHF1.1072 late Wednesday. The dollar"s moderate gains come after it declined earlier in the week to a seven-week low against the euro and a four-month low against sterling as some investors began to bet on higher-yielding currencies in the hopes the global economy was starting to recover. That positive sentiment seems to have been cast aside for the time being in currency markets. Meantime, the Canadian dollar is little-changed from late Wednesday in light and narrow dealings, with the ebb and flow of global risk aversion as reflected in equity market valuations remaining the key influence on the currency. Having weakened recently from six-month highs as the global market environment turns more risk-averse, the Canadian dollar is "in the midst of a needed corrective move," according to currency strategists at Scotia Capital in Toronto. However, they suggest that until the U.S. dollar can break and close above the C$1.1917 mark, the U.S. unit likely remains biased for further downside, with initial support in the C$1.1680 region. Early Thursday, the U.S. dollar is trading at C$1.1752, from C$1.1768 late Wednesday. -By Dan Molinski, Dow Jones Newswires; 201 938-2245; (END) Dow Jones Newswires May 14, 2009 09:19 ET (13:19 GMT) Copyright (c) 2009 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
2023-07-15 00:01:362

ORA-01722 数据插入

2023-07-15 00:02:563


2023-07-15 00:04:091

01 米什金《货币金融学》笔记

1. 证 券 (security,又称金融工具)是 对 发 行 人 未 来 收 入 与 资 产 (asset,金融索取权或隶属 于所有权的财产权)的索取权。 2. 债券 (b o n d ) 是债务证券,它承诺在一个特定的时间段中进行 定期支付。由于债券市场可以帮助政府和企业筹集到所需要的资金,并且是决定利率的场所,因此在经济活动中有着重要的特殊意义。 3. 利 率 (interest rate) 是借款的成本或为借入资金支付的 价 格 。在经济生活中有很多 利 率 ,例如抵押贷款利率、汽车贷款利率以及各种不同类型的债券的利率。 一 方 面 ,高利率会提高融资成本,从 而阻止或推迟其购房或购车决策,但另一方面,高利率会鼓励个人增加储蓄,因为这样可以赚 取更多的利息收入。 宏观上,由于利率不仅影响消费者支出与储蓄的意愿,还影响 企业的投资决策,因此利率对于整个经济的健康运行有着重要的意义。例 如 ,企业在高利率的经济环境中可能会推迟建设新工厂,从而对就业产生不利的影响。 不同种类债券的利率之间有着很大的差别,例如,3 个月期国库券利率的波动幅度要大于其他利率,但总的来说,其 平 均 水 平 最 低 ;B a a 级 (中等质量)企业债 券利率的平均水平要高于其他种类。 4. 普 通 股 (c o m m o n stock),通 常 简 称 为 股 票 (stock),代表持有者对公司的所有权。股票是 对公司收益和资产的索取权。 由于股票价格可以影响企业通过发行新股所能筹集到的资金规模,因而决定了企业可以用于投资的支出。 因此,股票市场在企业的投资决策中同样扮演着十分重要的角色。一家企业股 票价格高昂意味着它可以筹集到更多的资金用于购置生产设施和设备。 5. 金融体系 是由银行、保险公司、共同基金、财务公司、投资银行等不同类型的私人金融机构构成的复杂系统。所有金融机构都受到政府部门的严格监管。例 如 ,如果某人希望向I B M 或通用汽车公司提供一笔贷款,他不会直接找到 这些公司的总 裁,而 是 通 过 金 融 中 介 (financial intermediaries,从储蓄者手中吸收资金,并向需要资金的企业或个人提供贷款)间接进行这一活动。 6. 银 行 (b a n k s ) 是吸收存款和发放贷款的金融机构。具 体 而 言 ,银行又可以细分为商业银行 、储蓄与贷款协会、互 助 储 蓄 银 行 与 信 用 社 。银行是与一般 公众 打交道最多的 金融中介 机构。很多人从地方银行获取贷款用于购买住房或汽车。 7. 金融危机 是 指金融市场出现混乱,并伴随着资产价格的暴跌以及众多金融机构和非金融机构的破产。 8. 货 币 (m o n e y ) , 也称 为货币供给 (m o n e y supply), 是在商品或服务支付以及债务偿还中 被广泛接受的东西。与货币相联系的经济变量同我们每一个人都密切相关,它对于经济的健康 发展也是至关重要的。 9. 失 业 率 (u n e m p l o y m e n t r a t e)可供雇佣的劳动力中未就业的比率 10.货 币 在 经 济 周 期 (business cycles, 即经济总产出的上升和下降运动)形成的过程中扮演了十分重要的角色。 经济周期 可以通过很多重要 的渠道立即影响到我们。例 如 ,当产出上升时,找工作变得相对比较容易;当产出下滑时,寻 找一份理想的工作就会比较困难。 经济 衰 退 (recessions,总产出下降的时期)。我们可以发现,每次经济衰退出 现 前 ,都伴随着货币增长率的下降. 说 明 货 币 供 给 的 变 动是 经济 周 期 波 动的 推 动 力 之 一 。然而 ,并非每次货币增长率下降之后都会出现经济衰退。 11.一个经济社会中商品和服务的平均价格被称为 物价总水平 (aggregate price level),或者简称 为 物 价 水 平 12. 通货膨胀 (inflatum)是指物价水平的持续上涨 物 价 水 平 和 货 币 供 给 的 走 势 相 当 一 致 货币供给的持续增加应当是推动物价水平持续上涨(即通货膨胀)的一个重要因素。 货币供给增长率与 通货膨胀率之间存在正相关关系 :通货膨胀率高的国家的货币增长率往往也很高 13. 货币 政 策 (monetary p o l i c y )即对货币和利率的管理。 中央银行 (central b a n k ) 负责一个国家货币政策的实施。 14. 财 政政策 (fiscal poli c y )是有关政府支出和税收的决策。 预 算 赤 字 (budget deficit)是指在 一 个 特 定 的 时 间 段 (通常是一年)中政府支出超过税收收人的差额,而当税收收入超过政府 支出时,就会出 现 预 算盈余 (budget surplus)。政府必须通过借款来弥补预算赤字,而预算盈余可以减轻政府的债务负担。 15.跨国转移的资金必须由流出国的货币(例 如 ,美 元)兑 换 为 流 人 国 的 货 币 (例 如 ,欧元 )。 外 汇 市 场 (foreign e x c h a n g e m a r k e t ) 就是货币兑换的场所,因此是资金跨国转移的中介市场。 外汇市场之所以重要的另外一个原因在于,它 是 汇 率 (foreign exchangerate , 用其他国家货币表示的一国货币的价格)决定的场所。 【注 1】 美元汇率下跌意味着外国商品更加昂贵.出国度假的成本更加高昂,这自然会削弱公众消费外国商品和服务的欲望。随着美元贬值,美国人会减少购买外国商品,增加对本国商品的消费(例如,在美国国内旅游或饮用美国产的红酒)。 相 反 ,美元汇率上升意味着美国出口的商品在国外市场上变得更加昂贵,因此会减少国外消费者的购买。 【注 2】 随着美 元汇率走 强,钢材的出口 急剧下滑。强势的美元通过降低进口外国商品的价格,提高了美国消费者的生活福利,但会冲 击美国企业在国内市场和国际市场上的产品销售,从 而 影 响 到 国 内 就 业 。 美元汇率走弱产生了相反的影响:国外商品变得更为昂贵,但美闰企业的竞 争力得到了增强。总之 ,外汇市场的波动对美国经济产生了十分重要的影响。 1. 国 内 生产总 值 (gross domestic product, G D P ) 指的是一 个国家在一年中所生产的所有最终产品和服务的市场价值。 2. 总 收 入 (aggregate i n c o m e )是 指 在 一 年 中 生 产 要 素 (factors of production, 土 地 、劳动力 和资本)在生产产品和服务的过程中所获得的全部收人。 3. 名 义 G D P : 当最终产品和服务的总值以现行价格水平计算时,得 到 的 G D P 被 称 为 名 义 G D P 。 “名义” 一词表明,价值是按照现价计算的。 如果所有的价格都上升了一倍,但产品和服务的实际产出保持不变,尽 管 人 们 并 没有 享受 到两倍的 产品 和服 务带 来的福利 ,名 义 G D P 也 会 上 升 一 倍 。 4. 实 际 G D P :更 加 可 靠 的 经 济产 出指 标应当用被认 定为基年 (一 般 是 2 0 0 5 年 )的价格 来计值。用不变 价 格 衡 量 的 G D P 被 称 为 实 际 G D P 。 “实际” 一词表明价值是按照不变价格来计算的。 这样看来 ,实际变量衡量了产品和服务的数量,它不随着物价水平的变动而变动。只有实际数量发生 变动时,这一指标才会变动。 【例】 假 定 2 0 0 5年 与 2 0 1 6 年你 的名义收人分别为15 0 0 0 美 元 与 30 0 0 0 美 元 。如 果 在 2005 —2 0 1 6 年 间 ,所有商品的价格都上涨了一倍,你的生活水平是否得到了提升?答案是否定的。虽 然你的收入上涨了一倍,但由于物价水平也上涨了一倍,30 0 0 0 美元只能购买到同样多的商品。从实际收人指标中可以看出,按照所能购买的商品来衡量,你的收入水平是不变的。 以 2 0 0 5年物价水平为基数,2 0 1 6年 30 000美元的名义收人只相当于15 0 0 0 美元的实 际 收 人 。因为这两年的实际收人是相等的,你 2016年的生活水平与2 0 0 0年相比没有变化。由于实际变量是以实际的产品和服务数量来计算的,因此它们比名义变量更值得关注。 经济社会中平均价格的指标。 经济数据中广泛使用的物 价总水平的指标有三种: G D P 平减指数的公式表明, 自 2 0 0 5年以来,物价平均上涨了 1 1 % 。在通 常情况下 ,物价 水平的指标用物价指数的形式表示,它 将 基 年 的 物 价 水 平 (在我们的例子中,2 0 0 5年为基年)表 示 为 1 0 0。这 样 ,2 0 1 6年 的 G D P 平 减 指 数 应 当 为 1 1 1。 2. 个人消费支出 平 减 指 数 (P C E deflator),它 类 似 于 G D P 平 减 指 数 ,是名义个人消费支出除以实际个人消费支出的商 3. 消 费 者 物 价 指 数 (c o n s u m e r price index,C P I )通 过给一个典型的城市家庭所购买的一揽子产品和服务定价,可以得到消费者物价指 数 。如果在一年中,这一揽子产品和服务的支出由5 0 0 美 元 上 升 到 6 0 0 美 元 ,消费者物价指数就上涨了 2 0 % 。消费者物价指数同样是以基年为1 0 0的物价指数来表示的。 衡量物价总水平的消费者物价指数、P C E 平 减 指 数 与 G D P 平减指数都可以将名义变量转 化为实际变量。名义变量除以物价指数就可以得到实际变量。在 我 们 的例子 中,2 0 1 6 年 G D P平 减 指 数 为 1.11 (用指 数形式表示为11 1 ),2 0 1 6年 的 实 际 G D P 就等于 其 中 ,t表示现在,t-1表示一年前。
2023-07-15 00:04:241


2023-07-15 00:04:432

外币现金换人民币存入银行卡 照什么汇率算?

2023-07-15 00:04:525


libxml2xmlReadMemoryxmlParseMemory网上的大部分关于xml的文章都是处理xml文件的,就没直接处理xml字符串的说明。下面是用libxml2解析xml格式的字符串的函数顺序:1. xmlParseMemory,字符串转为XML文档2. xmlDocGetRootElement,获取XML文档根节点3. xmlStrcmp,比较XML字符串,与strcmp差不多4. curr = curr->xmlChildrenNode,XML节点指针指向第一个子节点5. curr = curr->next,XML节点指针指向下一个兄弟节点6. xmlNodeGetContent,获取XML节点的内容7. xmlFreeDoc,释放节点,与free差不多贴段代码作为参考:[cpp] view plain copy#include <iconv.h> #include <libxml/parser.h> #include <libxml/xmlmemory.h> #include "soapH.h" #include "ExchangeRateWebServiceSoap12.nsmap" #define FIELD_LEN 16 int conv_charset(const char *dest, const char *src, char *input, size_t ilen, char *output, size_t olen) { iconv_t conv = iconv_open(dest, src); if ( conv == (iconv_t) -1 ) return -1; memset(output, 0, olen); if ( iconv(conv, &input, &ilen, &output, &olen) ) return -1; iconv_close(conv); return 0; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if ( argc != 2 && argc != 3 ) { printf("Usage: %s type [end_point] ", argv[0]); printf(" type = A : all rate "); printf(" type = B : basic rate "); printf(" type = C : cross rate "); exit(-1); } struct soap soap; soap_init(&soap); // don"t set is OK //soap_set_mode(&soap, SOAP_C_UTFSTRING); struct _ns1__getExchangeRate request; struct _ns1__getExchangeRateResponse response; request.theType = argv[1]; char *endpoint = NULL; if ( argc == 3 ) endpoint = argv[2]; if ( soap_call___ns3__getExchangeRate(&soap, endpoint, NULL, &request, &response) == SOAP_OK ) { int len = strlen(response.getExchangeRateResult->__any); xmlDocPtr pdoc = xmlParseMemory(response.getExchangeRateResult->__any, len); xmlNodePtr root = xmlDocGetRootElement(pdoc); xmlNodePtr curr = root; while ( xmlStrcmp(curr->name, (const xmlChar *) "getExchangeRate") ) curr = curr->xmlChildrenNode; for ( curr = curr->xmlChildrenNode; curr; curr = curr->next ) { xmlNodePtr data; for ( data = curr->xmlChildrenNode; data; data = data->next ) { char ifield[FIELD_LEN]; char ofield[FIELD_LEN]; strcpy(ifield, xmlNodeGetContent(data)); if ( conv_charset("GBK", "UTF-8", ifield, strlen(ifield), ofield, FIELD_LEN) ) printf("%s %s ", data->name, ifield); else printf("%s %s ", data->name, ofield); } printf(" "); } xmlFreeDoc(pdoc); } else { soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr); } //<a href=""></a> soap_destroy(&soap); soap_end(&soap); soap_done(&soap); return 0; }
2023-07-15 00:05:071


2023-07-15 00:05:154


2023-07-15 00:05:265


2023-07-15 00:05:433

Magic是什么意思 华为荣耀Magic怎么读?

荣耀是华为旗下与华为系列手机并列的一个品牌,在市面上很受欢迎喔。尤其是年轻一代,因为荣耀的定位正是做年轻人喜爱的手机品牌吖。之前我一直觉着小米在网络销售这方面很强势,红米则更是流量机。但其实不然,数据显示,荣耀品牌多次获得中国互联网手机销量第一。荣耀系列定位于中低档,价格不算贵,可以说是华为的流量产品啦。荣耀主要有magic、V、N、X四大系列,你知道它们的含义嘛?荣耀magic系列magic其实是一个相当让人震撼的系列,主打“未来科技”,在人们眼里它就是一台拥有魔法的手机!它的存在不是为了销量,而是为了探索手机领域那些未知的黑科技。magic是华为用来打头阵的一个系列,很多的“突发奇想”,很多的先进技术会首先应用在它身上。比如说,magic2运用了滑盖技术,以及处理器应用了麒麟980处理器。通俗来说,也就是拿来试水的!不知为啥我很心痛它,它似乎承担着很重的责任,却又很冷门。荣耀V系列V系列主打“先锋科技与极致性能”,是荣耀中既稳妥又能抗的一个系列。目前V系列还有V20在出售,搭载华为最新的7nm工艺麒麟980处理器,4800万像素深感相机,价格2000左右,性价比较高喔。荣耀N系列荣耀 N系列主打“潮流科技”。设计从美学角度出发,摄影与拍摄功能是卖点。它是很时尚的一个系列,方方面面都与年轻一代想契合,果真是潮流科技吖!价格稍微贵一些,与华为nova系列不相上下,感觉这是荣耀系列的门面了喔。荣耀X系列荣耀X系列主打“极致性价比”,属于千元机,处理器性能稍微差一些,是走流量的一个系列啦。
2023-07-15 00:00:591


2023-07-15 00:01:008


2023-07-15 00:01:024


这还用问那?那当然是我啊 苯
2023-07-15 00:01:033

2023-07-15 00:01:051

英文歌中有歌词有boom,ciap,the sound my heart the beat goes on and on and on

歌手 Charli xcx歌名 boom clap歌词Boom! Boom! Boom! Clap!You"re picture perfect blueSunbathing on the moonStars shining as your bones illuminateFirst kiss just like a drugUnder your influenceYou take me over you"re the magic in my veinsThis must be loveBoom! Clap!The sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom! Clap!You make me feel goodCome on to me, come on to me nowBoom! Clap!The sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom! Clap!You make me feel goodCome on to me, come on to me nowNo silver or no goldCould dress me up so goodYou"re the glitter in the darkness of my worldJust tell me what to doI"ll fall right into youGoing under cast a spell just say the wordI feel your loveBoom! Clap!The sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom! Clap!You make me feel goodCome on to me, come on to me nowBoom! Clap!The sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom! Clap!You make me feel goodCome on to me, come on to me nowYou are the light and I will followYou let me lose my shadowYou are the sun, the glowing haloAnd you keep burning me up with all your love, uhBoom! Clap!The sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom! Clap!You make me feel goodCome on to me, come on to me nowBoom! Clap!The sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom! Clap!You make me feel goodCome on to me, come on to me nowBoom! Clap!The sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom! Clap!You make me feel goodCome on to me, come on to me nowBoom! Clap!The sound of my heartThe beat goes on and on and on and on andBoom! Clap!You make me feel goodCome on to me, come on to me now
2023-07-15 00:01:051

Figure You Out 歌词

歌曲名:Figure You Out歌手:Ruth专辑:Secondhand DreamingBackstreet Boys - Best That I CanOh oh oh oh oh yeahYou had me waiting even on the second dataI picked you up I took ya to your favorite placeI saw you flirting but I looked the other wayAway away away heyYou voted me up and said you had a place to goJust dragged my keys you took my car and stole my phoneI knew I shoudn"t but I let you get awayAway away awayBut I"m not a playerI"m not a clownI won"t be your premit just hanging aroundYou meet another man to put down me on your handsLet you take his carI found out who you areI finally figure you outOh noI should"ve seen and come and you were just pretendYou stole my credit card and malice till the endI wish I know before I hit the ATMOh noIt happened to goCuz I"m not a playerI"m not a clownI won"t be your permit just hanging aroundYou meet another man to put down me on your handsLet you take his carI found out who you areI finally figure(I figure you out)I finally figure(I figure you out)I finally figure(oh yeah)you outI"m going away(from far away)I"m going away(so far away)I"m going away(from far away)I"m gonna pack your bags and kick you out I"m sorry but I figure you outFigure you out yeahSo long so long farewellCuz I"m not a playerI"m not a clownI won"t be your permit just hanging aroundYou meet another man to put down me on your handsLet you take his carI found out who you areI"m not a playerI"m not a clownI won"t be your premit just hanging aroundYou meet another man to put down me on your handsAnd let you take his carI found out who you areI finally figure(I figure you out)Finally figure(I figure you out)I finally figure(oh yeah)you outLove BSB Forever
2023-07-15 00:01:051


2023-07-15 00:01:311

【教你轻松说法语】第十五课 指路(一)

主要句型    1)乘坐出租车      Vous pouvez y aller en taxi, attendez, je vous en appelle un.   您可以乘坐出租车,稍等一下,我帮您叫一辆车。   讲 解   → y 地点副词,“这儿,那儿”,这里代替地点le Louvre“卢浮宫”。   → le taxi 出租车。aller en taxi,搭乘出租车,详见“搭乘交通工具的说法”。   →(vous)attendez,口语中常用,“等一下”。原形动词:attendre“等待”   →je vous en appelle un. 这里的en,用作名词补语,代替“un taxi”,是法语中常见的表达方式。   2)乘坐地铁   Vous pouvez prendre le métro pour y aller.你可以坐地铁去。   (或者:Pour y aller vous pouvez prendre le métro. )      vous prenez à gauche, vous marchez sur 200m, 向左走200米,   là, vous verrez un grand 《M 》de couleur jaune : c"est la station de métro.   你可以看到一个很明显的黄色“M”标志,这就是地铁站。   Prenez la ligne de métro numéro 1, et 5 stations après, vous descendez, c"est le Musée du Louvre.   乘坐1号线,坐5站之后,到Musée du Louvre(卢浮宫博物馆)这一站下就到了。   讲 解   →固定搭配prendre le métro,详见“搭乘交通工具的说法”。这里的prenez 是prendre的第二人称直陈式动词变位形式。   →(vous)sortez,原形动词sortir,是外出,出来的意思,   →vous prenez à gauche, 详见第14课讲解。   →là, vous verrez un grand 《M》de couleur jaune,“在那里,你会看到一个大大的黄色M标志,” là,表示地点的常用副词。(vous) verrez ,第二人称的将来时变位形式,原形动词:voir,“看”。couleur jaune,黄颜色,固定搭配“coleur+具体的颜色”,一般coleur可省略。   →c"est la station de métro.这就是地铁站。口语常用固定搭配:c"est+地点“这里是……”。   →la ligne de métro numéro 1,地铁一号线,其中,la ligne 是线路的意思,numéro号码,numéro 1,是1号的意思 。(回顾第3课内容:数字)   →vous descendez,原形动词descendre“下车”。   3)乘坐公共汽车   Vous pouvez prendre le bus pour y aller.你可以坐公共汽车去。   (或者:Pour y aller vous pouvez prendre le bus.)      vous marchez toujours tout droit. 你就一直往前走。   Jusqu"au carrefour,ensuite vous tournez à droite,il y a un arrêt de bus.   一直走到十字路口,然后呢,你往右拐,那里有一个公共汽车站。   Vous prenez le 92, et vous descendez à la station Musée du Louvre.   你坐92路车,到Musée du Louvre(卢浮宫博物馆)这一站下就到了。   讲 解   →l"autobus,公共汽车,简称:le bus   →(l"arrêt)un arrêt de bus,公共汽车站;(une)la station de métro 地铁站。un arrêt和une station都表示车站,公共汽车站也可用une station d"autobus来表示,但通常人们习惯用un arrêt de bus,所以需分别记忆。   →Vous prenez le 92,你乘坐92路车,这是省略了的用法,完整句型应为:vous prenez la ligne de bus numéro 92. prenez的原形动词prendre有“拿”的意思,但在这里属于上述搭乘交通工具的说法的用法。prendre另一种特殊用法:prendre le temps,意思是“放松,还有时间,不要着急”,而不是“拿时间”。
2023-07-15 00:01:361

magic 怎么读

就读magic天猫和京东 还有华为官网平台预约华为的全新未来手机——荣耀Magic。荣耀Magic的基本配置,该机配备5.09英寸的2K Super AMOLED显示屏,搭载麒麟950处理器,4GB RAM,64GB ROM,主摄像头为1200像素+1200万像素的双镜头,最大支持3968x2976照片拍摄以及1080P视频录制,前置摄像头为800万像素。荣耀Magic有三大亮点,分别是外观设计,系统和Magic Charge闪充。在外观上,新机前后均为3D弧面玻璃(cover glass),就是前4曲面+后4曲面设计。手机侧面边框最薄处2.8mm,使其手感温润,而航空级金属中框则有效保护了曲面玻璃,配合5.09英寸超高清显示屏,荣耀Magic非常适合单手使用。可以说,这是一款小而美的手机。荣耀Magic的一个杀手锏是采用了同样由华为2012实验室打造的Magic Charge闪充技术,该机电池容量为2900mAh,充电最大规格为5V/8A(40W),据称荣耀Magic在30分钟能充进90%的电量,是世界上充电最快的商用手机。
2023-07-15 00:01:521


2023-07-15 00:01:554

HD Tune Pro扫描硬盘后如图,怎么判断是逻辑损坏还是物理损坏?

是物理损坏的坏道,自己不能修的 ,在保修找经销商换新的
2023-07-15 00:02:092


2023-07-15 00:00:571


vi. 参加 participate 填写 fill outvt. 评估,评价 evaluatevt. 安排,准备 arrangen. 黑猩猩 chimpanzeen. 海豚 dolphinn. 符号,记号 signvi. 打猎,猎杀 huntn. 演员 actorn. 女演员 actressn. 作者,作家 writern. 收集,收取 collection U7 Warm-up vi. 滑雪 skin. 滑水 water skiingn. 风帆滑浪 windsurfingadj. 令人惊恐的,骇人的 frighteningadj. 在水下,供水下用的 underwater L1 n. 精神 spiritn. 探险家 explorern. 水手,海员 sailorn. 维京人,北欧海盗 Vikingn. 航海,航空 voyagen. 祖先,祖宗 ancestor 启航 set sailn. 公元 ADadv. 更远,较远 further 根据,依照 according 陷入麻烦,陷入困境 get into troublevt. 说服 persuade 到达 make it to 寻找,寻求 in search ofadj. 不知道的,未知的 unknownadv. 最终,终于 eventuallyadj. 当今的,现代的 present-dayn. 行为,行动 deedn. 旅行,旅程 journeyn. 讲授,演讲 lecturen. 制动器,刹车 brakevi. 道歉 apologisevi. 浮,漂 floatvt. 令人感到恐惧 terrifyvi. 逃脱,逃跑 escapen. 恐怖,恐惧 terrorn. 灵魂 souln. 窗帘 curtain Communication Workshop 空调 air conditionern. 结论,结束 conclusion 南极洲 the Antarctica L2 vt. 使污染 polluten. 污染 pollutionn. 过度捕捞 over-fishingadj. 工业的 industryadj. 农业的 agriculturen. 化学物 chemicaln. 唐人街 Chinatownvt. 禁止 banadv. 完全 altogethervt. 对付 handlen. 部,系,局,部门 department 谋生 make a livingn. 答案,解决办法 solutionn. 港口,海港 portvt. 演讲,演示 presentn. 智力,理解力 intelligenceadj. 有才智的,理解力强的 intelligent L3 n. 冰山,浮冰 icebergn. 海豹 sealadj. 有活力的 energeticn. 企鹅 penguinn. 珊瑚 coraln. 发现 discoveryn. 蟹 crabvt. 教育 educateadj. 现代的,新式的 up-to-daten. 吸引人的地方,吸引人之物 attractionvt. 吸引 attraction 注意 watch outn. 鲨鱼 sharkn. 折扣,减价 discountn. 戏法,把戏 tirckvi. 融化,熔化 meltv. 度量,测量 measuren. 长度,长 lengthn. 男生 schoolboyn. 厘米 centimeter L4 n. 圆桶 barreln. 漩涡 whirlpooladj. 可怕的,令人厌恶的 horriblen. 地平线 horizonn. 团体,组织,机构 organisationadj. 不舒服的,不自在的 uncomfortablen. 路线,路程 routen. 行李搬运工 portervi. 幸存,生存下来 survive 突然,忽然 all at once vi. 恢复正常;康复 recovervi. 尖声喊叫,惊呼 screamvi. 下沉,沉没 sinkn. 杂技 acrobaticsn. 戏服;服装 costume 取,接载 pick upadj. 不能的,不会的 unablevt. 辨认出 recognisen. 大洋洲 Oceanian. 对立的人;反义词 oppositen. 网 netvi. 渗漏,泄露 leak Communication Workshopn. 运动场,体育馆 stadiumn. 辩论,争论 debateadj. 当地的,地方性的 localn. 店主,店东 shopkeepern. 海湾,湾 bayn. 野生生物 wildlifevi. 意见不合,不同意 disagree U8 Warm-up n. 奇遇,冒险的经历 adventuren. 沙漠,荒原 desertvi. 乘独木舟,独木舟 canoen. 游猎,探险旅行 safariv&n 徒步旅行,远足 hike 起飞 take offn. 节目主持人 presenteradj. 较重要的,较严重的 majoradj. 野生的,狂热的 wild adj. 令人疲劳的 tiring L1 n. 木排,木筏 raft 激流漂流 white-water raftingadj. 特别的,额外的 extraadj. 可选择的,非强制的 optional 坏事突然发生,爆发 break out 关进监狱 put into prisonn. 作者 autorn. 口述,听写 dictation 坚持某种说法 stand byn. 陈述 statementn. 量,数量 quantityn. 教授 professorn. 猎人 huntern. 皮,皮肤 skin L4 南极地区 the Antarctic L3 phoenixn. 凤凰 Norwegiann. 行李 luggagen. 住所,住处 accommodationn. 旅社,招待所 hostaladj. 最大的,最多的 maximumn. 高度,海拔 altitude 就在此刻 right nowadv. 直的,直接 straightadj. 忧虑的,担心的 anxious L2 adj. 极度的,极端的 extremen. 蹦极 bungee jumpingn. 单板滑雪 snowboardingn. 动力雪橇滑降 snowrafting 为了 in order ton. 体操,体操训练 gymnasticsn. 相似性,类似性 similarity 颠倒地,倒置地 upside downadv. 确切地,精确地 exactlyvt. 冒…的危险 riskn. 兴奋,激动 excitementadj. 不同的,各种各样的 variousvt. 流动,涌出 flown. 配备,设备 equipmentadj. 暗淡的,迟钝的 dulln. 较喜欢的东西,偏爱 preference 出现,到场 turn up 决定不履行允诺的事 back out 使理解某事 get acrossvi. 慢跑 jog L3 n. 旅行者 travellern. 皇帝 emperorn. 宫廷,法庭 court 轮流 in turnvt. 使惊愕,使惊奇 amazen. 商品,物品 goodsvt. 使困惑 confusen. 燃料 fueladj. 富有的,富裕的 wealthy Warm-up ferryn. 渡船 minibusn. 小巴 cyclistn. 骑自行车的人 motoristn. 驾驶汽车的人 pedestriann. 行人 jamn. 阻塞,拥挤 traffic jam 交通阻塞,塞车 actuallyadv. 实际地,真实地 L1 benefitvi&n 得益,好处 flatadj. 平的 thereforeadv. 所以,因此 convenientn. 停车场 parkingn. 挪威人,挪威的 preparationn. 准备,预备 sledgen. 雪车,雪橇 break down 损坏,不能运转 shockvt. 震惊,惊骇 goaln. 目的,目标 ambitionn. 志向,抱负 exhaustedadj. 疲惫的 run out of 用完,耗尽 hopelessadj. 没有希望的 cheerfuladj. 愉快的,高兴的 distantadj. 远处的,久远的 carry on 继续做某事 withinprep 在..里面,在..内部 sadnessn. 悲哀,忧伤 functionvt. 运转,起作用 patiencen. 耐心,忍耐力 nationalityn. 国籍 aimn. 目标,目的 Communication Workshop Arcticn. 北极,北极区 transportn. 运输,运送 observevt. 观察,观测 disadvantagen. 不利,不利条件 staffn. 员工,全体工作人员 survivaln. 幸存,残存,生存 sheltern. 遮蔽,庇护所 philosophyn. 哲学 limitn. 边界,限度 U9 n. 负责,责任,职责 responsibility 依赖,依靠 rely onn. 女主人 hostess 空中小姐 air hostessadj. 禁止吸烟 non-smokingn. 大箱子 casen. 手提箱,皮箱 suitcase 停止,停车 pull up 火车驶离车站,出站 pull outn. 内容 content L3 n. (英)汽油 petroln. 赛车手 racern. 阳光,日光 sunlightn. 幼儿园,幼稚园 kindergarten 迄今为止 so far 发生 take placen. 方便,便利 convenientadj. 有希望的 hopefuln. 街坊,邻近地区 neighborhoodconj 无论在何处,无论到哪里 wherevern. 贼,小偷 thiefn. 集成电路片,硅片 chipvt. 插入,嵌入 insertadv. 当然,确实 indeed 不愉快的,厌烦的 fed upn. 后果,结果 consequencevt. 逮捕,拘留 arrestn. 骨头 bone 锻炼身体,做运动 work outvi. 争辩,争吵 argue L2 n. 行李 baggagen. 站台,月台 platformn. 带子 beltn. 大使 ambassadoradj. 敏感的,能理解的 sensitiveadj. 灰色的,灰白的 greyadj. 和善的,温和的 gentlyadj. 残忍的,凶猛的 fiercen. 词汇,词汇量 vocabularyn. 重音,口音 accentn. 译员,口译者 interpreteradj. 可能的 likelyn. 时间表,进度表 schedulen. 时间表 timetableadj. 愚蠢的 foolishvt. 居住,占有 occupyadv. 以某种方式 somehowpron 无论哪个 whichevervt. 适合 suit Communication Workshopvt&n 损害,损失 damageadv. 无处,任何地方都不 nowheren. 交叉路口,人行横道 crossingn. 地道,隧道 tunnelprep 加,加上 plusadj. 时常发生的 frequentn. 票价,车费 n. 西北,西北方 northwestn. 东南,东南方 southeastn. 章节 chaptern. 印象,感觉 impressionadj. 可靠的 reliablen. 高尔夫球运动 golfn. 操作人员,接线员 operatorvt. 欣赏,鉴赏 appreciaten. 散文 essayn. 购物 shopping L4 一氧化碳 carbon monoxiden. 公路 highwayn. 建造,建筑业 constructionn. 人行道 pavementn. 十字路口 crossroadn. 数量 amountadj. 身体的,物质的 physicaln. 马达,发动机 motorn. 数字,数目 figure 上升 go upn. 发动机,引擎 engineadj. 每,每一 pern. 摄氏度 centigradevt. 承认,供认 admitadj. 沉溺于……的 addicted 通常 on averagefare
2023-07-15 00:00:571

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这个硬盘检测工具很好用,只是没有自带中文,可以在网络上查找老毛×等等pe工具,通常会附带有汉化版hdtune pro
2023-07-15 00:00:561

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2023-07-15 00:00:534


2023-07-15 00:00:522

HD Tune Pro检测不到硬盘 这是怎么回事

2023-07-15 00:00:501

Father Figure 歌词

歌曲名:Father Figure歌手:George Michael专辑:Twenty FiveThat"s all I wantedSomething special, something sacredIn your eyesFor just one momentTo be bold and nakedAt your sideSometimes I think that you"ll neverUnderstand meMaybe this time is foreverSay it can beThat"s all you wantedSomething special, someone sacredIn your lifeJust for one momentTo be warm and nakedAt my sideSometimes I think that you"ll neverUnderstand meBut something tells me togetherWe"d be happy(Baby)I will be your father figure(Oh baby)Put your tiny hand in mine(I"d love to)I will be your preacher teacher(Be your daddy)Anything you have in mind(It would make me)I will be your father figure(Very happy)I have had enough of crime(Please let me)I will be the one who loves youUntil the end of timeThat"s all I wantedBut sometimes love can be mistakenFor a crimeThat"s all I wantedJust to see my baby"sBlue eyed shineThis time I think that my loverUnderstands meIf we have faith in each otherThen we can beStrongI will be your father figurePut your tiny hand in mineI will be your preacher teacherAnything you have in mindI will be your father figureI have had enough of crimeI will be the one who loves youUntil the end of timeIf you are the desertI"ll be the seaIf you ever hungerHunger for meWhatever you ask forThat"s what I"ll beSo when you remember the ones who have liedWho said that they caredBut then laughed as you criedBeautiful DarlingDon"t think of meBecause all I ever wantedIt"s in your eyes baby, babyAnd love can"t lie, no...(Greet me with the eyes of a child)My love is always telling me so(Heaven is a kiss and a smile)Just hold on, hold onI won"t let you go, my babyI will be your father figurePut your tiny hand in mineI will be your preacher teacherAnything you have in mindI will be your father figureI have had enough of crime(So I am gonna love you)Until the end of timeI will be your fatherI will be your preacherI will be your daddyI will be the one who loves you until the end of time
2023-07-15 00:00:491

Dive (Acoustic Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Dive (Acoustic Version)歌手:Ironica专辑:DiveArtist: Sarah BrightmanAlbum: DiveTitle: DiveFrom space,the planet is blueFrom space,the planet is the territoryNot of humans,but of the whale
2023-07-15 00:00:451


2023-07-15 00:00:443


2023-07-15 00:00:435

谁有hdtune pro v4.6 注册码

用户名:John Smith注册码:YF5C-ED52-F6BF-EE19-C101
2023-07-15 00:00:411