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2023-07-15 10:09:51




  • 01


    英 [u02c8mu0252dl] 美 [u02c8mɑu02d0dl]



    第三人称单数: models

    复数: models

    现在分词: modelling

    过去式: modelled

    过去分词: modelled

  • 02


    build a model 建造模型

    make a model 制作模型

    base something on a model 将…建立在模型的基础上

    follow a model 仿照模型

    serve as a model 充当模型

    business model 商业模式

    basic model 基本型

    current model 当前型

    latest model 最新型

    new model 新型

    standard model 标准型

  • 03


    I made a model out of paper and glue.


    We believe that this is a general model of managerial activity.


    Darwin eventually put forward a model of biological evolution.


    A model of good manners, he has conquered any inward fury.


    As a girl she had been a model pupil.


    There"s absolutely nothing wrong in modelling yourself on an older woman.




“model”在英汉词典中的解释(来源:百度词典): modelKK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 模型,雏型;原型[(+of/for)]2. 模范,典型[(+of/for)]3. 模特儿;时装模特儿4. (汽车等的)型号,样式5. 【英】【口】极相似的人(或东西)[S][(+of)]vt.1. 做...的模型;(用蜡,泥等)塑造2. 按模型制作;使模仿[(+on/upon/after)]3. 做模特儿展示(服装等)4. 使(画等)具有立体感vi.1. 做模型;塑像[(+in)]2. 当模特儿[(+for)]a.[B]1. 用作模型的2. 模范的,榜样的
2023-07-15 01:19:085


  model英 [u02c8mu0252dl] 美 [u02c8mɑ:dl]  n.模型; 模式; 模特儿; 典型;  vt.做模特儿;  vt.模仿; 制作模型,塑造; 将…做成模型;  [例句]Darwin eventually put forward a model of biological evolution.  达尔文最终提出了生物进化的模型。  [其他]第三人称单数:models 复数:models 现在分词:modelling 过去式:modelled 过去分词:modelled
2023-07-15 01:19:221


模特儿,模范生, 模型,典型,模范,样式,模拟,塑造,模仿,做模型,做模特儿,模范的
2023-07-15 01:20:076


2023-07-15 01:21:013


2023-07-15 01:21:373


model 英[u02c8mu0252dl]美[u02c8mɑ:dl]n. 模型; 模式; 模特儿; 典型;vt.& vi. 做模特儿;vt. 模仿; 制作模型,塑造; 将…做成模型;[例句]Analysts seem to like the new pricing model.分析师们似乎很青睐新的定价模式。
2023-07-15 01:22:271


model 类型,类别的意思
2023-07-15 01:22:364


2023-07-15 01:22:521

电脑 model是什么意思

2023-07-15 01:22:593


2023-07-15 01:23:283


n. 1. 模型,雏型;原型[(+of\/for)] 2. 模范,典型 3. 模特儿;时装模特 vt. 1. 做...的模型;(用蜡,泥等)塑造 2. 按模型制作;使模仿. vi. 1. 做模型;塑像[(+in)] 2. 当模特儿[(+for)] a. 1. 用作模型的 2. 模范的,榜样的
2023-07-15 01:23:561


2023-07-15 01:24:031


Model不是路由器Model 一般叫做 宽带猫 学名 叫 调制解调器路由器 是用来连接广域网的设备 基于IP地址通讯交换机 一般用于连接局域网 主要是数据转发 它是基于MAC地址通讯
2023-07-15 01:24:301

model读音 model解释

1、model,模型。读音:美/u02c8mɑu02d0dl/;英/u02c8mu0252dl/。 2、解释:n.模型;典型;模范;模特儿;样式。vt.模拟;塑造;模仿。vi.做模型;做模特儿。adj.模范的;作模型用的。n.(Model)人名;(德、俄、英)莫德尔。 3、音词时态:过去式modeled或modelled;过去分词modeled或modelled;现在分词modeling或modelling;第三人称单数models;复数models。
2023-07-15 01:24:461


  Model是指宽带猫,即调制解调器,是用来为上网提供的ADSL的拨号器,电脑通过宽带猫才能拨号上网。宽带猫有两个端口,一个接电话线一个接网线,连接的是电话线和路由器或电脑。   路由器是用来连接广域网的设备,作为IP地址通讯交换机连接局域网,负责数据转发,以实现宽带接入,能实现多个用户使用同一个网线上网。路由器以四口最为常见,有明显的天线作为识别标志,连接宽带猫和电脑。
2023-07-15 01:24:551


Model1是jsp+javabean jsp既充当显示层又充当控制层!(不推荐使用)Model2是jsp+servlet+javabean 这里jsp只用充当显示层而控制层则交给了servlet处理
2023-07-15 01:25:303


模式 工作模式、休眠模式等等
2023-07-15 01:26:332


2023-07-15 01:26:424


model的释义n. 模型;模式;(机器等的)型号;模范,典型;模特儿;样本,范例;(小说中人物或地点的)原型;(著名设计师设计的)款式v. (为艺术家)当模特儿;模特儿展示(服装);(用黏土、木头等)做……的模型,塑造;(用计算机)做出(情景、事件)的模型;使仿效,使模仿adj. 模范的,榜样的;模型的【名】 (Model)(英、德、俄)莫德尔 (人名)变形models复数models第三人称单数modellingmodeling现在分词modelledmodele过去式modelledmodeled过去分词
2023-07-15 01:27:411


平时在看一些时尚秀或者是看电视剧的时候经常能听到model这个词,那么你知道这是什么意思吗?下面我就来说说model是什么意思。 简要回答 model作名词时意为(依照实物按比例制成的)模型;样式;设计;型;(用于示范运作方法等的)模型,作动词时意为做模特儿;(向顾客)穿戴展示;将…做成模型;复制。 详细内容 model 英 [u02c8mu0252dl] 美 [u02c8mɑu02d0dl] n.(依照实物按比例制成的)模型;样式;设计;型;(用于示范运作方法等的)模型 v.做模特儿;(向顾客)穿戴展示;将…做成模型;复制 第三人称单数: models 复数: models 现在分词: modelling 过去式: modelled 过去分词: modelled 词语搭配 build a model建造模型 make a model制作模型 base something on a model 将…建立在模型的基础上 follow a model 仿照模型 serve as a model 充当模型 business model 商业模式 basic model 基本型 current model 当前型 latest model 最新型 new model 新型 standard model标准型 双语例句 I made a model out of paper and glue. 我用纸和胶水制作了一个模型。 We believe that this is a general model of managerial activity. 我们认为这可以作为管理活动的普遍范例。 Darwin eventually put forward a model of biological evolution. 达尔文最终提出了生物进化的模型。 A model of good manners, he has conquered any inward fury. 作为一个非常懂礼貌的人,他已经学会了克制内心的任何愤怒情绪。 As a girl she had been a model pupil. 还是个小女孩的时候,她就是一个模范学生。 There"s absolutely nothing wrong in modelling yourself on an older woman. 以年纪较长的女性作为自己仿效的对象绝没有什么不对。
2023-07-15 01:28:001


model 的中文意思:模型;设计;模特儿。n.模型;模式;样式;模范;时装模特儿;设计;型号;典型;榜样;原型。v.制作…的模型;塑造;当模特儿展示;仿效;当模特儿;把(某事物;尤指体制或程序)当作模式;把…当作模范;以…为榜样一、短语搭配role model,榜样。model ship,模型船;轮船模型;模型轮船。business model,商业模式;经营模式;业务模式。economic model,经济模式;经济模型。三、例句1、Take your car in for a tune-up if it"s an older model.如果你的车是旧型号的,你就送进去调试一下。2、A statistical model used for predicting the survival rates of endangered species.预测濒危物种生存率的统计模型。3、Each course member tries to persuade his pair of the merits of his model.每个赛车手都试图使他的搭档相信他那种型号赛车的优点。4、If next year"s model is as successful, Ford will be laughing.如果明年的车型一样成功,福特就走运了。5、To question the traditional model of education opens up too big a can of worms.质疑传统教育模式会引起一场轩然大波。
2023-07-15 01:28:091


modeln. 模型;典型;模范;模特儿;样式vt. 模拟;塑造;模仿vi. 做模型;做模特儿adj. 模范的;作模型用的
2023-07-15 01:29:231


2023-07-15 01:30:553


品牌、生产日期(Manufactured)、型号(Model)、产品序号(FCC ID)、产地(Made in XXXXX )、条形码以及通过的各种国际认证的标志。移动电话,或称为无线电话,通常称为手机,原本只是一种通讯工具,早期又有大哥大的俗称,是可以在较广范围内使用的便携式电话终端,最早是由美国贝尔实验室在1940年制造的战地移动电话机发展而来。1958年,苏联工程师列昂尼德.库普里扬诺维奇发明了ЛК-1型移动电话,1973年,美国摩托罗拉工程师马丁·库帕发明了世界上第一部商业化手机。迄今为止已发展至4G时代了。
2023-07-15 01:31:311


1.特斯拉model y是一款优秀的新能源汽车。最新在售车型为2022,其指导价为316-37.59万元。那么特斯拉model y 2022的价格是多少呢?这款机型的落地价格是多少?我们来看看详细的解释。2022款特斯拉model y只卖31万。2.2022年有两款最新特斯拉model y在售,指导价316-37.59万元。下图为特斯拉model y 2022所有在售车型详情及报价。可以看出这款车型价格比较高,其中后驱版特斯拉model y关注度较高,该款车型的裸车价格为31.69万元。特斯拉model y落地32万3.根据上面对特斯拉model y 2022价格的描述,我们可以计算出该车型对应的落地价格。以31.69万元的裸车价格计算,领证需要500元,交强险950元,商业险9594元。最后,特斯拉model y的落地价格为32.79万元。注意购车细节。4.买车的时候,有一些细节需要我们注意。看车的时候一定要知道那辆车的裸车价,才能谈那辆车相应的优惠活动。不要贪小便宜,零首付买几款。这类车的后期贷款利息很高。贷款费用不包括首付。通过这次谈特斯拉model y 2022的价格,可以看出这款车型的价格是比较高的。另外,买车还有很多细节需要我们注意。百万购车补贴
2023-07-15 01:31:561


model,v是动词词性的缩写。n. 模型;模式;(机器等的)型号;模范,典型;模特儿;样本,范例;(小说中人物或地点的)原型;(著名设计师设计的)款式v. (为艺术家)当模特儿;模特儿展示(服装);(用黏土、木头等)做……的模型,塑造;(用计算机)做出(情景、事件)的模型;使仿效,使模仿adj. 模范的,榜样的;模型的【名】 (Model)(英、德、俄)莫德尔 (人名)词语辨析model, facsimile, duplicate, reproduction, copy这组词都有“复制品”的意思,其区别是:model 可指按某物式样制造、按比例缩小的模型,也可指某物未制成之前做出的模型。facsimile 含义与copy大体相同,但较文雅。duplicate 常指完全一模一样,可代替原件的复制品。reproduction 批按原物复制的产品,着重复制品与原物相似。copy 普通用词,含义广泛,指精确的或不精确的复制品。
2023-07-15 01:32:421


品牌、生产日期(Manufactured)、型号(Model)、产品序号(FCC ID)、产地(Made in XXXXX )、条形码以及通过的各种国际认证的标志。移动电话,或称为无线电话,通常称为手机,原本只是一种通讯工具,早期又有大哥大的俗称,是可以在较广范围内使用的便携式电话终端,最早是由美国贝尔实验室在1940年制造的战地移动电话机发展而来。1958年,苏联工程师列昂尼德.库普里扬诺维奇发明了ЛК-1型移动电话,1973年,美国摩托罗拉工程师马丁·库帕发明了世界上第一部商业化手机。迄今为止已发展至4G时代了。
2023-07-15 01:32:501


2023-07-15 01:32:594

model 是什么意思

模型1.常见释义:n. 模型; 型; 样式; 样本; 模特儿; 模范; 设计;v. 做模特儿; (向顾客)穿戴展示; 将…做成模型; 复制; 将(黏土等)做成模型;adj. 模范的;2.例句The model of the building was made of card.建筑物的模型是用厚纸片制造的。3.其他]第三人称单数:models 复数:models 现在分词:modelling 过去式:modelled 过去分词:modelled
2023-07-15 01:33:381


2023-07-15 01:33:521

model是什么词性 英语

model[英][u02c8mu0252dl][美][u02c8mɑ:dl]n.模型; 模式; 模特儿; 典型; vt.& vi.做模特儿; vt.模仿; 制作模型,塑造; 将…做成模型; adj.典型的,模范的; 第三人称单数:models复数:models现在分词:modelling过去式:modelled过去分词:modelled 双语例句 Darwin eventually put forward a model of biological evolution.达尔文最终提出了生物进化的模型。
2023-07-15 01:34:531


2023-07-15 01:35:022

「模特儿」英文怎么说?model 中文意思跟用法!

「模特儿」英文 应该怎么说呢?模特儿的英文叫做model ,model 的中文意思就是指模特儿。还有另外一种比较老旧的模特儿英文说法叫mannequin,不过这个英文单字现在多半都指的是商店橱窗里面的服装模特儿、人体模型,现在要指模特儿,都是说model。 下面整理了「模特儿」的英文例句与中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.model 模特儿(基本意思、解释、用法) 「模特儿」的英文说法是model,model的中文意思就是指「模特儿」。这边要提的是mannequin这个英文单字,以前也叫模特儿,现在多半都指商店橱窗里面的服装模特儿。 2.model 相关英文字汇与中文意思 下面整理model相关英文字汇。 例: a fashion model 时装模特儿 a nude model 裸体模特儿 3.model 英文例句与中文意思 下面列出model 相关英文例句与中文意思。 例: Jenny is a model. 珍妮是个模特儿。 例: She wants to bee a model. 她想当个模特儿。 例: The model was posing carefully. 这个模特儿很小心的摆姿势。 model 中文, model 意思, model 翻译, 模特儿 英文, 英文 模特儿
2023-07-15 01:35:171


model是华为Mate X型号。 此型号是华为Mate X。 HUAWEI Mate X采用折叠屏;颜色为星际蓝;机身展开宽度161.3毫米,长度146.2毫米,厚度5.4毫米;折叠宽度161.3毫米,长度78.5毫米,厚度11毫米;重量约300克。 HUAWEI Mate X搭载海思麒麟980+Balong5000处理器,预装基于Android 9.0的EMUI 9.1.1操作系统,内置4500毫安时不可拆卸式电池;后置4000万像素+1600万像素+800万像素+华为Time-of-Flight(ToF)镜头;为全网通手机。
2023-07-15 01:35:551


model 英["mu0252dl] 美[u02c8mɑdl] n.模型;模特儿;模式;典型 vt.& vi.做模特儿 vt.模仿;制作模型,塑造;将…做成模型 手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可. 互相帮助,祝共同进步!
2023-07-15 01:36:161


mode主要指模式、方式、方法model 主要指模型、模特、模范
2023-07-15 01:36:241


名词:模型(model, models),建模者(modeler) 动词:对……建模,模型化(model something) 动名词:建模(modeling) 另外,对模型一词的典型用法如“作为模型”(used as a model),“基于模型”(made something on a model)。 比较常见的同义或近义语,模型(model)一词显示出更加基本和通用的特征。 范式、样式、模式;模范;式样:其动词意思为“摹”、仿制。引申也很广泛,但以强调形式、样式为多。“范”,也有原型、样板的意思,但与“原型”的使用方式不同。在软件开发领域,近年赋予了特殊的意义,并且稳定地对应采用了“模式”一词。似乎有一些倾向认为,它比模型 model 一词更宽泛,谁是谁的上位概念,这个似乎不易断定,也要看是在什么样的语境之下讨论。仅从用法的广泛性、适应性上,可能 model 一词要更普遍。 韦 氏 在 线 词 典 的 解 释 , 强 调 pattern 提 供 清 楚 、 详 细 的 典 型 或 原 型 ( archetype or prototype)。 方式、模式;样式、风格;状态:与方法、行为(状态)相关。方式(mode)不是模型,模式是包含在所研究系统(过程)中的特征,而不是被抽离、另行表达出来的实体。更进一步,可以分析某系统行为或事物发生的模式(例如:行为模式),并加以描述——这个描述就是模型,它表达了特定的模式(样式)。 典型、典范;原型:完美或经典的例子。 通常是选择的特定事实或实体,而不是一个“模型”。Example 有反例、警示的意思,这是中文字面没有的。 与典型类似。exermplar 是供效仿、学习的,与 example 相比,强调了正面的、可效仿的价值。 范例、范式:比较强调“例子”,一种实例。paradigm 有词形变化表的意思。 原型、雏形:处于开发或演化早期的范例,强调阶段性,是进一步完善、改变的出发点。与 archetype 比较,prototype 似更偏重于人工选择的、作为标准的,所以多用在开发中。 模板;通常是实物样板,类似原型。 用作代表的实体。它代表的是“母体”(同类实体群体),与模型的“代表性”不同。 分析 model 相关词语,常包含 ideal 一词。与之对应的是“实际的”actual。理想的东西,可看作某些“实际事物”的模型,它代表一种极端、最佳的情形,可能是一种难以或无法达成的状况。类似于对方式(mode)的分析,可以认为一种理想,如若被清楚地描绘出来,这个描绘,就是一种模型。 其在“模型”方面的意义,与 ideal 类似。它可以是某些事务特定样子或状况,但不是想象中的,而是正式、应用的、公认的,可达成或应该达成的。 一种产品(例如电视机、汽车)的型号,在英文是 model。从中文思考,似乎并不会将“型号”和“模型”混淆。这也许是英文 model 相对引申的例子。 与“型号”类似,中文直觉上,似乎与“模型”相差很远,而英文是同一个词 model。对模特为何就是 model 的分析是有意思的,对“模型”model 的理解很有启发。 与“模型”相近的概念中,有“式样”和“实例”两类,反映了形式、实例的区别。强调形式用模式、范式、样式,强调实际的实体或事物用例子、范例、榜样等。“式”的方面,更接近模型的一般意义。属于“例”的,比如例子 example、榜样 exemplar、模板template、样本 sample 等,似乎可以从一般“模型”意义的研究中排除。原型 prototype,应该与模板比较接近,即与实例比较接近。 数理逻辑中的“模型”(model)有特定的含义,与诸如建筑模型、软件模型、企业或业务模型、气象模型、经济发展模型、各式理论物理模型等等可能完全不同。但是数理逻辑,特别包括模型论(Model Theory)等,对于一般模型的研究具有深刻的意义。在讨论有关话题的时候,需要非常小心地区分和说明“模型”一词是在什么意义之下使用。“模型论”model theory、“模型论的”model-theoretic 对应数理逻辑专门分支,必须区别于“关于模型的一般理论”——眼下看来,它还没有建立。 原发:企业工程论坛, 2010-05-31, 作者印:dcb442
2023-07-15 01:36:401


2023-07-15 01:29:173


问题一:3等奖学金怎么说英文 三等奖学金 third-class award,Third-class scholarship 期间获得两次三等奖学金,通过大学英语四级。 Obtain the third-class scholarship two times during this time, pass four grades of university English. 问题二:大学三等奖学金用英文怎么说? 中式:the third-prize scholarship in university 美式 问题三:“获得奖学金”用英语怎么说? 你好,楼主 “获得奖学金”通常有四种英语译法,不凡根据侧重点,择一即可: get a scholarship,obtain a scholarship, have a scholarship(强调结果得到了奖学金) win a scholarship (感 *** 彩较浓,含自豪之意) 问题四:大学三等奖学金用英文怎么说 中式:the third-prize scholarship in university 美式 问题五:我连续两年获得学校的奖学金 英语怎么说? I have got the scholarship continuously for two定years. 问题六:校级三等奖学金用英语怎么翻译 the third prize of scholarship in university 如果是写简历的话,想要突出不是院级凸显优势的话 就括号说明奖励校级的top %的学生 问题七:大学三等奖学金用英文怎么说? 中式:the third-prize scholarship in university 美式 问题八:3等奖学金怎么说英文 三等奖学金 third-class award,Third-class scholarship 期间获得两次三等奖学金,通过大学英语四级。 Obtain the third-class scholarship two times during this time, pass four grades of university English. 问题九:“获得奖学金”用英语怎么说? 你好,楼主 “获得奖学金”通常有四种英语译法,不凡根据侧重点,择一即可: get a scholarship,obtain a scholarship, have a scholarship(强调结果得到了奖学金) win a scholarship (感 *** 彩较浓,含自豪之意) 问题十:几个英语词:"一等奖学金","三等奖学金"怎么说 一等奖学金: First Level Scholarship, or Premium Scholarship 三等奖学金: Third Level Scholarship 如果你在写简历,就说Scholarship 好了,不用那么准确,很多国家也没有奖学金分等概念。 辅导班中文什么意思?失足青年辅导班?教授辅导班?戒烟辅导班?差多了。一般可以用 Training 或者 Training Class,不过不知道你到底在说什么辅导。
2023-07-15 01:29:201


  中国有上下五千年的文明史,而饮食 文化 则是文明史上一颗璀璨的明珠。下面是我带来的关于美食的英语对话,希望这些英语对话对大家能够有所帮助。   关于美食的英语对话篇一   AMy dear, what"s for supper?   亲爱的,晚饭做什么吃?   BRed cooked carp and rape with fresh mushrooms.   红烧鲤鱼和鲜蘑油菜。   AWhat about soup?   做什么汤?   BSour-peppery soup.   酸辣汤。   AWhich condiment do you use for?   你要用什么调料?   BI"ll use ginger, garlic scallion, hot pepper and vinegar.   我要用姜、蒜、葱、辣椒和醋。   AVery good, need I help you?   很好,要我帮忙吗?   BNo, don"t need, I can do myself.   不,不需要,我一个人就行了。   AThanks. I can watch TV now.   谢谢,现在我可以看电视了。   BBut you must cook that dinner next time.   不过,下次你得做正餐。   AOkay, I"ll do it next time.   好的,下次我一定做。   关于美食的英语对话篇二   AAll the food smells tasty today and makes my mouth water.   今天所有的食物闻起来都很香,我都流口水了。   BLet"s line up here. This line seems a little shorter.   我们在这儿排队吧。这一队看起来短些。   AWhat"s on the menu today?   今天的菜单上有什么?   BFish, beef, pork, chicken, vegetables and beancurd. For staple food we have rice, steamed bread, stuffed buns and noodles.   有鱼、牛肉、猪肉、鸡肉、青菜和豆腐。主食有米饭、馒头、包子和面条。   AOh,we"re lucky today, aren"t we?   噢,今天我们很幸运,不是吗?   BI"d rather take stewed cabbage with beef.   我想吃牛肉炖白菜。   AI think I"ll take fried fish, because fish is one of my favorites.   我想吃炸鱼,因为鱼是我最喜欢的。   BThat"s good, we can share what we have. Here we are. You go ahead.   那太好了,我们可以分享我们的菜。到我们了,你先买。   A(They get everything ready)Here is a free table. Let"s sit down. Help yourself to some fish please. Isn"t it delicious and appetizing?   (他们买好了)这里有一张空桌子。我们坐下吧,请吃鱼。难道不好吃,看着很有食欲吗?   BI"m sorry I don"t like it"s a little too salty.   很抱歉我不喜欢。有点咸。   AI see. You people from south prefer sweet, don"t you?   我知道你们南方人喜欢吃甜食,是吗?   BYes, I like the fish cooked in sweet and sour sauce best. Try some beef, please.   对,我最喜欢吃糖醋鱼。请吃点牛肉吧。   AThank you. I"m through with one steamed bread and I"d like a second helping.   谢谢你。我已吃完一个馒头了,而且我还想吃一个。   BYour appetite is good.   你的胃口不错。   AI"m always feeling hungry.   我总是感到饿。   关于美食的英语对话篇三   AHi, I"m George. I"ll be your waiter this evening. Are you ready to order or do you need a few more minutes?   嗨,我是乔治,今晚我将为您服务。您现在准备点菜还是稍待一会呢?   BI"m ready now. I"d like the roast chicken and a side order of corn.   我现在点菜,我要烤鸡和玉米副餐。   AAnd would you like an appetizer before your meal? The soup of the day is our delicious tomato soup.   在正餐之前您要来个开胃菜吗?今天的汤是我们最美味可口的蕃茄汤。   BI"ll pass on the soup, but I"d like a garden salad.   我不要汤,不过我要田园沙拉。   ACan I get you anything to drink?   您要什么饮料吗?   BYes, I"d like a glass of iced tea.   好啊,我要一杯冰茶。   AOkay. I"ll be back in a minute with your drink and salad.   好的,我很快会把您的饮料和沙拉送来。   BThank you.   谢谢。 >>>下一页更多“英语美食话题对话带翻译”
2023-07-15 01:29:201


宁波市中宪巷74号 乐土户外有卖
2023-07-15 01:29:211


  Administrator/Scholarship Administrator: 管理者/奖学金管理者 管理一个或多个美国奖学金的个人、公司、学校、协会或政府部门。他们负责审理奖学金或助学金的申请,并确定将奖学金或助学金授予哪个申请人。   Admission Award: 入学奖学金 授予高校第一学年学生的奖学金,也可称为“Entrance Award”。   Award: 奖励 授予取得优异成绩的学生的各种奖励,可以是书本、奖章或现金。现金形式的奖励通常被称为“奖学金”或“助学金”。   Bursary: 助学金 主要根据学生的财政需要授予的无须偿还的资金,但学生的学习成绩也是必须考虑的条件。申请人通常需要提供详细的财务状况说明文件。   Entrance Award/Scholarship: 入学奖学金 授予高校第一学年学生的奖学金,也可称为“Admission Award”。   Fellowship: 研究生奖学金 授予本科以上阶段学生的奖学金。这项奖学金根据学生的学习成绩授予。   Financial Need: 财政需要 学生通过财政资助继续学业的需要。对于财政需要的评定标准各机构通常都不一样,通常根据学生或其家庭的具体情况,可以减免一定的学费、书本费,或给予生活费用的补助。关于财政需要的具体评定标准可联系奖学金管理者进行咨询。   Graduate Award: 研究生奖学金 授予硕士或博士阶段学生的奖学金。申请人通常已获得一个学位,并正在进行某个研究项目。   Grant: 补助金 主要根据学生的财政需要授予的无须偿还的资金,但可能也需要考虑学生的学习成绩。申请人通常需要提供正式的财务状况说明文件。   In-course Award/Scholarship: 高学年奖学金 授予高校第二学年及以上阶段学生的奖学金。   Loan: 助学贷款 作为财政援助发放给学生的贷款,学生必须偿还。   Prize: 奖励 以现金或奖品形式授予取得优异成绩的学生的各种奖励。   Scholarship: 奖学金 授予给学生,帮助他们接受进一步教育的无须偿还的资金。奖学金的授予通常根据学生在学术领域、体育领域或其它领域的特长,而不是他们的财政需要。   Undergraduate Award/Scholarship: 本科奖学金 授予本科阶段学生的美国奖学金。
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2023-07-15 01:29:272


【 #英语资源# 导语】中秋节,又称祭月节、月光诞、月夕、秋节、仲秋节、拜月节、月娘节、月亮节、团圆节等,是中国民间的传统节日。以下是 无 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.高中生难忘的中秋节英语作文   Mid Autumn Festival, this is a beautiful word. It reminds people of the bright moon and the reunion of relatives. However, this year"s Mid Autumn Festival is lonely and sad for me.   I remember that afternoon after school, other students walked home happily and said what delicious food their mother had prepared. But I am not happy, because I know that my home welcomes me with the cold iron lock on the door. Mom went to work, and today they have to work overtime in the supermarket. They won"t come back until very late. I go home and do today"s homework first. After finishing my homework, my nose smelled a smell. It was delicious food cooked by my neighbor"s house. Yes! Whose family doesn"t celebrate the festival? My stomach began to "coo" at this time. I came to the kitchen and found only a fish my mother had bought and had not made in time, and a few leftover steamed buns. What are you eating? You"d better cook instant noodles and beat a poached egg. It"s a holiday for yourself!   After dinner, it was boring to be at home alone. I decided to go to my good friend Xiao Wei. Before entering the house, I heard a burst of laughter. Xiao Wei"s father, mother, grandfather and grandmother are chatting and watching TV. How happy they are! I envy to death. Xiao Wei and I were playing in the street, looking at the bright moon in the sky. We walked, and the moon followed us. After playing for a while, Xiao Wei was going home, so I had to go home.   When I walked into the house, the light in the house was black. I walked into the house by moonlight. Just when I wanted to turn on the light, a cat suddenly jumped up from me and scared me into a cold sweat. Turn on the TV and don"t have your favorite programs. You"d better turn it off and go to bed! Lying in bed, covering my head with a quilt, my tears couldn"t be controlled and flowed down. A car accident in the Spring Festival the year before last took my father"s life. Since then, my mother has often taught me: "you are a boy, you must be strong." But at this moment, in this family reunion day, how can I be strong? Let tears flow... I don"t know when I fell asleep.   Alas! My mid autumn festival! 2.高中生难忘的中秋节英语作文   This year, we spent a happy and unforgettable Mid Autumn Festival at school.   As early as a few days before the Mid Autumn Festival, we began intense preparations. In math class, Mr. Du always uttered a few words like "Hey, let"s buy a few barrels of coke" from time to time, which aroused our infinite longing for the Mid Autumn Festival.   The Mid Autumn Festival has finally come! When we came to school in the afternoon, several of our school running students took the panel, rolling pin and other furniture to the classroom according to the plan. After two classes, we set up the class table and began to make dumplings!   As I had learned to roll dumpling skins before, I picked up a rolling pin and began to work. Although I was not very skilled at the beginning, after a while, I rolled very fast, and the finished product was beautiful and generous, which made me very satisfied.   More than half an hour later, the first batch of dumplings came out of the pot! I was about to taste it when Mr. Du suddenly called me and said, "come with me. There is an induction cooker in my office. Bring a plate of dumplings and cook there!"   In this way, I started the new work of cooking dumplings and repeated the workflow of "next dumpling - pushing dumpling - Fishing dumpling". Qin Yu and Yang Yingzhao, who were stopped by Mr. Du, kept sending the cooked dumplings to the classroom, and then brought them down.   While we were cooking happily, the "white haired" teacher Meng suddenly broke into the door and shouted, "what a crazy girl!"! I walked around and asked to sprinkle a head of flour... "Then I rushed to the faucet. The three of us and Mr. Du looked at Mr. Meng"s face full of flour and laughed. After a while, Mr. Meng strode out with water droplets all over his head. Mr. Du also followed him to the classroom. The office is very quiet, only the "buzzing" sound from the induction cooker.   After three or four pots of dumplings were transported away, the silence was broken again. Teacher Meng broke in again and shouted, "the girls are absolutely crazy! Chasing (Zui) class 9 and 19 to bully me... "I looked up and found that teacher Meng turned white again in just a few minutes. He rushed to the faucet, wiped it a few times, and then "disappeared". 3.高中生难忘的中秋节英语作文   Spring Festival and Mid Autumn Festival are two important festivals in my hometown. Perhaps it was because the standard of living was relatively low at that time. Only during the festival will the family improve their life; Maybe it"s a holiday as soon as the festival comes. I always have some entertainment activities. I can have a good time; Maybe both. In short, adults are busy during the festival. But adults are busy, and they have a relaxed mood every holiday. Of course, the fun is still us carefree children. During the Spring Festival, although it coincides with the slack season, I always feel busy every year. Only the mid autumn festival gives people a special joy, a peace of mind and a special longing. Later, it seemed that it was due to different moods.   I like the mood of the Mid Autumn Festival. That is not only the savings of harvest, but also the beginning of harvest. She said she was saving because the summer harvest was not much. It is said that she is the beginning because autumn is coming with her fruitful steps, melting the joy of harvest in people"s hearts. I think only those who have experienced the experience of rural life can have such feelings, mood and deep feelings.   I like the mood of the Mid Autumn Festival. Under the round moonlight, round moon cakes, ripe apples, pears, grapes and other fruits are also on the market. In the moonlight, people taste the festival food and talk about harvest. While appreciating the moon, I miss my relatives in a foreign land. In fact, it is called "prepare for relatives every festival"   I like the mood of the Mid Autumn Festival. Moon cakes look like big cakes, very thick, fresh noodles and fresh fillings. Whether it is steamed or baked, there are patterns of the moon depicted by the big bowl of the farmer, including petals carved from Osmanthus fragrans. The stuffing is also very special. The main ingredient is Hongtang. There are some sesame, Qinghong silk, nuts, raisins and so on. The newly made moon cakes are steamed, soft and delicious, suitable for the elderly; It"s baked, scorched outside and tender inside. Young people have a special preference. You see, the new moon cakes are steaming and have a faint smell. They are really mouth watering!   Many years have passed. Although there are a variety of moon cakes on the market and all kinds of melons and fruits are available, I still like to eat moon cakes made by my mother. Although the patterns of moon cakes have not changed much, the patterns are always so clear, so uniform and so beautiful. So as soon as I catch up with the Mid Autumn Festival and go home, I always have to eat two big pieces. I feel so fragrant and sweet
2023-07-15 01:29:271


可以尝试以下4种方法: 1.右击“我的电脑”,依次单击“属性/高级/性能设置”在“视觉效果”页中将“在桌面上为图标标签使用阴影”选中,单击确定即可。 2.右键桌面空白处右击,在“排列图标”里去掉“锁定桌面的web项目” 3.有时会出现上述设置也不能解决问题,我们就可以通过新建一个用户的办法解决,但桌面图标、快速启动栏以及环境变量等等设置会恢复为默认状态,需要重新设置。(一般不用这项) 4.另一种方法也可轻松解决问题:右击桌面空白处,依次单击“属性/桌面/自定义桌面/web”选项,将“网页”栏中的“当前主页”以及“http//......”等所有各项前面的勾全部去掉(“http//……”为从Internet添加网页或图片的地址,一般不需要,可将它们全部删除),并将下面“锁定桌面项目”前面的勾也去掉,单击确定完成设置,就又能看到可爱的桌面图标了。 另外有一种情况就是安装了某种程序之后(比如系统提示:是否将该Active Desktop项添加到您的桌面上),桌面文字变的不透明。在“运行”中输入“gpedit.msc”,打开组策略;在“用户配置→管理模板→桌面→Active Desktop”中,点 启用Active Desktop(活动桌面)然后点击“属性”选定“已禁用”,点禁用Active Desktop (活动桌面)“属性”选定“已启用”;之后打开控制面板,在经典视图中打开系统,在“性能→高级选项→性能→视觉效果→使桌面文字透明”(等价于在之后执行第1种方法)。 二、注册表修改法: 在“开始”--->运行--->打入“regedit”回车HKEY_USERS--->S-1-5-21-1121289129-3884528725-3932546534-1006>Software--->Microsoft--->Windows--->CurrentVersion--->Explorer--->Advanced 找到“ShowCompColor”=“dword:00000001”更改为“dword:00000000” 找到“ListviewShadow”=“dword:00000000”更改为“dword:00000001” (更改方法为双击) 要重启动。
2023-07-15 01:29:131

《角色扮演》。。。英文是什么? 急啊。。。

role play
2023-07-15 01:29:115


2023-07-15 01:29:0813

Internet Explorer没有找到 Active Desktop上的HTML文件.该文件是

2023-07-15 01:29:051


2023-07-15 01:29:0411

Osprey 210采集卡的使用方法?

210的使用很简单的啊,就看你要做什么了,如果只是采集的话,随便用WDM标准的软件就可以使用,比如会声会影 ,WME,AMCAP等等。要用于视频会议的话,一般所有的视频会议都可以用,比如视高,网动等。录播软件一般也可以用,直播也没有问题,当然像QQ和MSN也是能用的。使用方法就是安装驱动后,要什么功能就用什么软件。不同的软件使用方法就不同了,当鮁你要开发的话,也很简单,调用WINDOWS下的摄像头就能调用这个卡了
2023-07-15 01:29:031