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2023-07-15 10:36:44
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
Perhaps the most famous manga character in all of Japan is Doraemon. Almost the equivalent of Mickey Mouse in the U.S., Doraemon and his namesake series symbolize to many the foibles and adventures of childhood. Characters from DORAEMON are referenced in adult manga, Doraemon"s face graces candy, and just about anyone you ask in Japan would recognize the name and the round face with the round button nose, long whiskers, big smiling mouth, and collar with a bell.
Penned by famous children"s mangaka Abiko Motoo and the late Fujimoto Hiroshi, who for a long time co-authored the series and called themselves "Fujiko Fujio," DORAEMON was a big hit in the 1970s that continued through the 1980s, and even into the 1990s (though with only Fujimoto Hiroshi on the project, writing as "Fujiko F. Fujio"). The children who first grew up reading DORAEMON are now adults rising up through Japanese society.
What is DORAEMON? It is a humorous children"s manga (later a TV-series) about a boy named Nobi Nobita who is so unlucky, weak and lazy that his descendants had to send the family robot back in time to help him out. That robot is Doraemon (where the "Dora" is presumably based on the word "dora-neko," or stray cat), and his four-dimensional pocket produces any number of futuristic gadgets and devices meant to help Nobita become something other than a complete failure in adulthood. Though smart and caring, Doraemon has his own foibles, and his partnership with Nobita produces both triumphs and disasters, hilarious situations and occasional poignant moments.
As a "gag" manga for children, the series has no real progression; our hero is always a fourth-grader, and rarely do changes carry over from story to story. As a glimpse into Japanese family life, though, DORAEMON is priceless. We see Nobita"s parents as very typical for Japan of the 1970s, with the father a stocky and mellow salaryman, and the mother a hardworking housewife whose job it is to make sure Nobita studies hard and does his chores. Although ferocious when angry, she is also caring and smart; at heart she just wants her son to grow up to become a decent, hardworking adult with a bright future. Nobita"s friends include the class bully nicknamed Gian (presumably based on the word "giant"), the class rich kid Suneo who usually acts as Gian"s lieutenant, the gentle and smart girl Shizuka and the occasionally appearing super-brilliant Dekisugi (which can be read as "over done" or "overly perfect"). There"s also their schoolteacher, a stern man who has no compunction against sending Nobita off to stand in the hallway for being late. In all this, Doraemon acts as the childhood friend or older sibling we all wish we could"ve had: caring, smarter than us, with a sense of justice, imperfect and fallible enough to not be irritating, and with a magic pocket that can produce the solution to any problem.
A typical DORAEMON story starts with Nobita suffering from the abuses of Gian and Suneo, or doing badly in school, coming home crying, and being comforted by a tried but true Doraemon. Doraemon patiently (or resignedly) digs into his four-dimensional pocket and produces a new gadget that (it seems) might offer the perfect cure for the problem...until Nobita or his friends get too greedy (and even Doraemon"s been known to screw things up from time to time).
For example, after a day of forgetting his books at home and his pack at school, Doraemon produces a handbag that allows one to reach in and pick up something far away. Nobita retrieves his pack from school...and then promptly rushes out to show off the handbag to his friends. To prove its abilities, he grabs his mother"s glasses from the handbag—which doesn"t impress anyone—and then goes on to pull out Suneo"s narcissistic diary and even Gian"s suspiciously wet futon. But when he returns home, his mother is angry about her glasses—and she quickly finds the handbag very useful for retrieving her wayward son!
Doraemon also sometimes carelessly leaves devices lying around. Nobita once found a time vending machine, which allowed the user to buy products from other times with modern money: thanks to inflation, of course, things from the past cost much less in absolute yen terms. Nobita uses it to buy boxes of cheap 1933 cigarettes for his father and a mountain of jars of ink for his mother, and even fails to buy a camera from the year 745. But when Doraemon warns him not to use the machine for making a profit, Nobita naturally rushes off to do so. With his new earnings, he decides to buy something different—candy from 100 years in the future, indescribably delicious. Unfortunately, he forgot about cost inflation...and he finds himself 230,000 Yen in debt to the machine, which is now demanding its payment!
Almost every story brings a new gadget at play: a camera that turns objects into two-dimensional photos that need hot water to revert to normal (don"t ask how Nobita returned to normal after he used it on himself!); a deluxe light that converts anything it shines on into a more deluxe model (which surprisingly makes some people unhappy); a cloud-shaping machine that alters the clouds in the sky (but don"t let it overheat!); the flavor-sharing gum, which allows one to taste what someone else eats (great for rich friends, but very bad if a stray dog chews it); or the helping pill, which makes those who swallow it help out anyone they meet in need (and of course, Nobita winds up swallowing it instead of his friends). A few gadgets, though, return once in a while or are standard "staples" of the series. For example, the Dokodemo Doa ("Wherever Door"), which allows one to go anywhere; the Moshimo Box ("What If Phone Booth"), which allows one to go to an alternate world where a suggested proposition is true; the time machine in Nobita"s desk drawer, which allows one to travel to any time; the take-copter, a tiny helicopter-style blade to wear on one"s head, that allows one to fly; the time-cloth, which makes objects it is wrapped around younger or older; and of course, Doraemon"s four dimentional pocket itself, which produces all these items. The stories, however, are not really about the gadgets; they are about Nobita and his decisions. The gadgets serve only as outlets for his character to shine through, whether in moments of greed, indignation, remorse or compassion. His mistakes, moments of weakness and occasional moments of bravery are what make the stories. And ultimately, the stories have a moral core. Nobita"s misuse of the gadgets usually bring dire consequences back on his head, but when he champions justice and acts for worthy reasons, he usually manages to do lasting good. Thankfully, Nobita is at heart a good kid with a compassionate heart, if fraught with flaws.
A prime example of this is the story where a new transfer student turns out to be even worse off than Nobita: slower, weaker and with even poorer test scores. Nobita is overjoyed to find someone worse than himself, so he studies with, races against and plays games with the new kid; and in each case the new boy fares worse. At last, Nobita even gets him drafted into Gian"s dreaded baseball games instead of himself. But Doraemon brings out a film viewer in which characters can be switched. He shows that Nobita"s actions to the new kid were just like Suneo"s usual behavior to Nobita: condescending, arrogant, mean and self-serving. Nobita sees the truth in this, and when he sees Gian and Suneo beating up the other kid over his poor baseball performance, exactly where Nobita would have been, Nobita jumps in and takes the beating instead.
Indeed, a number of DORAEMON stories depart from a simple gag routine and take a long, steady look at issues of moral and ethical importance. Stories have been told about environmental issues, caring for pets, self-sacrifice for another"s sake, bravery in the face of danger, parental love and guidance, and the importance of reading. If not concerned with ethics, some stories are educational, touching on subjects ranging from biology, history, genetics, archaeology and geology (or even the notion of economic inflation, as mentioned above). When these elements are combined with comedy, familiar characters and a plethora of fun and fantastic gadgets, there is very little doubt about why DORAEMON became as popular as it did, or why so many Japanese can look back it with such fondness.
For anyone who has the chance to read DORAEMON, it offers an excellent look at child"s eye view of Japanese home life of the 70s, and should not be missed.
Here"s more about the main characters from the classic series:

u2022 Nobi Nobita: The only child in his family, Nobita unfortunately inherited his dad"s poor academic ability and his mother"s poor athletic ability (along with her bad eyesight). His only two talents are cat"s cradle and shooting, skills that are almost completely useless in modern Japanese society.
u2022 Doraemon: A cat-based robot from the future, Doraemon has a four-dimensional pocket filled with useful gadgets. Doraemon loves dorayaki (a snack food made with sweet bean paste), hates being cold and he absolutely loathes rats and mice, to the point of digging out a nuclear bomb from his pocket when he thinks they"re around.
u2022 Nobita"s Mother: A classic Japanese mother, good at lecturing Nobita, scary when angry and overall a sharp cookie. She also cares very much for her son, and is just as quick to bring him a snack when it looks like he"s actually studying as she is to yell at him when he"s goofing off.
u2022 Nobita"s Father: A laid back Japanese father and salaryman. Normally cheerful, he"s ready to offer a lecture or two to his son about the hard times when he was a boy, during the war era. His nemesis appears to be learning to drive a car, though his inability to quit smoking has come up as a plotline as well.
u2022 Gian: Gian (Takeshi) is the local bully, who forces everyone to do things his way, who takes other kids" toys, and who beats up those who oppose him. His dream is to become a singer, and he periodically forces other kids to come and listen to his mind-numbing, ear-warping "concerts." Once in a while he acts kindly towards others, but that"s rare. His family is relatively poor. His mother slaps him when she finds him beating up other kids.
u2022 Suneo: The local rich kid, Suneo finds his surest safety in obeying Gian and being his lieutenant, but Suneo secretly resents the stronger boy. His family often goes on expensive trips to which Suneo usually invites Shizuka and Gian, but not Nobita. Suneo has a narcissistic streak a mile wide and loves showing off what his wealth can buy him.
u2022 Shizuka: The nicest girl in the neighborhood, Shizuka is also smart, pretty and gentle. Her hobby unfortunately is frequent bath-taking in the later books (yes, Japanese children"s comics have nudity), but overall, she is one of Nobita"s protectors and his favorite friend. In the future (as seen by time travel) it seems that she will become his wife, although Nobita was originally going to marry Gian"s obnoxious younger sister. Doraemon, it appears, was at least partially successful in changing Nobita"s fate.
u2022 Dekisugi: A sometimes-appearing character, Dekisugi is Nobita"s main rival for Shizuka. Handsome, athletic and smart, he appears to have no real flaws.
u2022 Dorami: Doraemon"s younger sister, who is apparently a somewhat better grade of robot. Her application of futuristic gadgets is usually more intelligent than her elder brother"s, but she knows that Nobita and Doraemon are the best of friends. Dorami appears only occasionally, usually when Doraemon is in his periodic "off" state (necessary for robot health).
u2022 The teacher ("Sensei"): The teacher is a fairly stern man who often sends Nobita off to stand in the hallway (a traditional Japanese school punishment). He doesn"t hesitate to lecture poorly performing students if he runs into them on the street.
u2022 Nobita"s Grandmother (father"s side): A small, gentle woman who died some years before, she makes a very rare appearance once in a while when Nobita goes time traveling. Remarkably, she accepts his story about coming from the future, and always treats him with kindness.












最讨厌:老鼠, 被人叫狸猫,冷天,热天



品质: 次品

居住地: 大雄家















Hi everyone,today i will talk about my favourite cartoon .He is name is Doraemon .He was born on September the third ,2112.But he got the modern world by magic machine .Now he is lives in a boy"s home and make friend with the boy called Daxiong .The boy always meeds problems .But Doraemon will help him in time .With the help of Doraemon.The boy can come over the difficult things well .But sometimes , Doraemon makes the things worse . Doraemon loves Dousha Cake very much and he will hide away when he sees the mouse ,so he hates the mouse very much .When he won"t eat his favourite food ,then he will became so angry .

I like Doraemon very much .Because he is very lovely and he always makes me happy .


















































继续continue; go on; continuation; keep on; carry over战斗继续到第二天凌晨。The fighting went on till the small hours of the next morning. 中国革命是伟大的十月革命的继续。The Chinese revolution is a continuation of the great October Revolution.
2023-07-15 02:25:282

carry on和carry over区别

carry on的意思是继续;继续下去carry over的意思是延期;运输;携带;
2023-07-15 02:25:352


  下面是我整理的carry的 英语 短语 ,希望对大家有帮助。   1 carry away   2 carry forward 发扬,结转   3 carry out 执行,实行;贯彻;实现;完成   4 carry on 开展;维持;继续   5 carry to 把什么拿到哪里   6 carry for 为了谁拿什么一般后面家人   7 carry through 帮(某人)渡过难关; 使(某人)保持勇气   8 carry off 夺去;获得;使丧命;成功地处理   9 carry on with (与)u2026调情;与u2026有暧昧关系   10 carry about 随身携带   carry的英语短语二: carry on with 暂时使用着的东西; 目前正做的事情   carry all before one 势如破竹,所向披靡,获得全胜,取得重大成功   arry everything before one 势如破竹,所向披靡,获得全胜,取得重大成功   carry the world before one 势如破竹,所向披靡,获得全胜,取得重大成功   carry all before it 势如破竹,所向披靡,获得全胜,取得重大成功   carry everything before it 势如破竹,所向披靡,获得全胜,取得重大成功   carry the world before it 势如破竹,所向披靡,获得全胜,取得重大成功   carry along 使人佩服   carry的英语短语:   carry away   (1)运[搬,带]走   (2)   [一般用被动态]使着迷,使陶醉,使神魂颠倒,受感动,使失去自制力   (3)【航海】(风暴)刮断...,水冲走...   (4)赢得(奖品等)   carry back   (1)运[拿,带]回   (2)使回想起   carry down   (1)搬下,取下   (2)滚入,结转(帐目); 诱使承受   carry forward   (1)发扬,使进行; 推进,发展(业务等)   (2)结转,转入(下页,下期等)   carry high and dry 戏弄(某人),逗恼(某人)   carry sb.high and dry 戏弄(某人),逗恼(某人)   carry it 获胜; 占优势   carry it off   (1)移到远处   (2)杀死   (3)顺利地应付过去   carry off   (1)运走,移走   (2)夺走,拐走,抢走   (3)得(奖)   (4)(成功地)对付,(若无其事地)应付   carry on   (1)继续开展,进行下去   (2)经营,处理   (3)感情冲动,大哭大闹   (4)(with)与...有暧昧关系; 调情   carry oneself well 举止文雅,彬彬有礼   carry oneself gracefully 举止文雅,彬彬有礼   carry out   (1)开展,实现,完成,进行到底   (2)贯彻,执行,落实   carry over   (1)贮存(货物等)供下一季供应   (2)把(帐目)结转(次页); [英](在证券交易中)将...转期交割   (3)(从前一阶段或领域等)遗留下来,继续下去   (4)延期   carry sth.too far 把某事做得过分,走极端   carry through   (1)贯彻,完成,进行到底   (2)维持,使渡过难关   carry up   (1)建高(房屋)   (2)追溯   carry with one   (1)随身携带   (2)在记忆中保留(某事,某人)
2023-07-15 02:25:431


不太好对准 表面解:移动部件
2023-07-15 02:25:533


2023-07-15 02:26:011

carry over into 是什么意思

carry over继续存在 into是介词,要看后面跟的什么
2023-07-15 02:26:103

化学中讲的携带效应(Carry-over effect )是什么意思?

2023-07-15 02:26:203

You have to carry life,have to carry over.什么意识

2023-07-15 02:26:272


一、详细释义: , n. , 射程 , 例句: ,The gun has a carry of 400 yards.,这枪的射程为四百码。, 运输,运送,运载 , 例句: ,He"s in the plane of cattle of a carry.,他在一架运生畜的飞机里。, v. , 输送,运载,运送,搬运 [I,T] , 例句: ,The expedition used packhorses to carry their food and tents across the mountains.,探险队用驮马运载干粮和帐篷越过了这些崇山峻岭。, 例句: ,The city subway carry hundreds of thousands of passenger a day.,市内的地下铁每天运载数十万乘客。, 例句: ,Can you [carry] it?,你能搬得动它吗?, 拿,提,拎,搬,扛 [I,T] , 例句: ,I can"t carry the bucket if the handle is broken.,提手要是坏了我就提不动这桶了。, 例句: ,The case weigh so much that she can not carry it.,这箱子很重她搬不动。, 携带 [I,T] , 例句: ,You have to carry a bleeper so that they can call you in at any time.,你要随身带着寻呼机,以便他们随时呼你。, 例句: ,The official number of people carrying the AIDS virus is low.,艾滋病病毒携带者的官方数字并不高。, 达到一定距离 [I,T] , 例句: ,Even in this stillness Leaphorn doubted if the sound would carry far.,就是在这样的寂静当中,利普霍恩也怀疑声音不会传很远。, 例句: ,Her voice will carry far enough to the back of the classroom.,她的声音足可以达到教室的后部。, 登载,刊登,印有 [I,T] , 例句: ,The newspapers and magazines carry a lot of articles written by famous experts.,报刊杂志刊登了许多名家的文章。, 例句: ,The radio carried the announcement all the time.,收音机一直广播着这个通知。, 带有,具有 [I,T] , 例句: ,The job carry an attractive salary package.,这份工作具有诱人的丰厚工作与各种福利。, 例句: ,To him those o words carry great meaning.,这两个字对他来说包含深远的意义。, 支撑,维持,扶持;使达到(目标),帮助…渡过(难关) [I,T] , 例句: ,This money will carry us for about a month.,这笔钱将维持我们大约一个月的生活。, 例句: ,He carried himself upright.,他极力让自己支撑着。, 在…获胜 [I,T] , 例句: ,Gee W. Bush carried the state with 56 percent of the vote.,乔治·W·布什在该州以56%的得票率获胜。, 例句: ,Our troops carried the enemy"s fort.,我们的部队攻占了敌人的炮台。, 走,移动 [I,T] , 例句: ,The deep snow and bitter frost made it impossible for his horse to carry him any farther.,厚厚的积雪和严酷的霜冻使他的马没法驮着他前进了。, 例句: ,They carried themselves with great pride and dignity.,他们举手投足间透着傲气和高贵。, 出售 [I,T] , 例句: ,Most department stores in large cities carry average to better quality products at average to higher prices.,一般大城市的百货商店,出售的商品既有质量优良的,也有普普通通的;价钱也贵贱不一。, 例句: ,Do you carry stationery?,你们有文具出售吗?, 使通过,赞成 [I,T] , 例句: ,I declare the motion is carry by a majority of six to one.,我宣布该决议以6比1的多数获得通过。, 例句: ,A motion backing its economic policy was carried by 322 votes to 296.,一项支持其经济政策的动议以322票对296票通过。, 怀孕,怀上 [I,T] , 例句: ,A man could carry an embryo and have it delivered by caesarean section.,男人可以怀胎,并以剖腹生产的方式,把婴儿生下来。, 例句: ,There are many theories that claim to be able to predict whether you"re carrying a boy or a girl.,有许多理论声称能够预测胎儿的性别。, 使用,采纳,发挥 [I,T] , 例句: ,It"s not such a new idea, but I carried it to extremes.,这虽然不是什么新想法,但是我将它发挥到了极致。, 例句: ,We could carry that one step further by taking the same genes and putting them into another crop.,我们可以再进一步:取出相同的基因,并将它们植入另一植株。, 应处以…刑罚 [I,T] , 例句: ,It was a crime of espionage and carried the death penalty.,这是间谍罪,应判死刑。, 具有某种姿势 [I] , 例句: ,The horse carries well.,那匹马的姿态很优美。, 二、词义辨析: , bring,carry,take,fetch,get,convey,transport ,这些动词均有“带、拿、取”之意。bring指从某处把人或物带到或拿到说话者所在的地点,强调方向,不着重方式。carry指把物品从一个地方带到另一个地方,不涉及方向,只强调方式。take指从说话人或说话人心目中所在处把某人或某物带离开,带到离说话者有一定距离的地方,与bring的方向正相反,侧重方向,不着重方式。fetch指一往一返,相当于go and bring,去取了东西或带人再返回到出发处。get口语用词,与fetch基本同义,语气随便。convey指通过中间人传递信息,或以某种方式把人或物送到目的地。transport指使用车辆或机械设备把人或货物从一处运载到另一处。, 三、相关短语: ,carry away,v.感动,使…忘乎所以,冲走,运走,使失去自制力,冲昏头脑carry away是个习语,表示因为由于过于激动而事情做过头。 例句:I guess you and your boyfriend got a little carried away.,carry back,v. 运回,拿回,使回忆起,carry forward,推进;使继续进行;发扬;弘扬;宣扬;贯彻把(账目)转入(次栏,次页);把(账款)转入(下期);结转,carry off,v.1.夺得,赢得2.夺去,偷去,拐去3.巧妙应付,成功地对付,carry on,1. 从事;经营;进行;继续2.(尤指迎着困难)进行下去,继续进行,坚持下去3.【口】举止放肆;举动愚蠢胡闹;吵闹4. 发怒;悲伤5. 喋喋不休地诉说6. 调情,carry out,1. 实施,施行2. 拿出去,擡出去3. 完成,实现,carry over,保存,持续;推迟,延期;持续下去,遗留下去,carry through,完成,贯彻,进行;帮助克服困难,carry weight,v.重要,有影响, 四、参考例句: ,Can you carry it?,你能搬得动它吗?,Do you carry stationery?,你们有文具出售吗?,Rats carry very nasty diseases.,老鼠传播非常严重的疾病。,Please carry the desk upstairs.,请把这桌子搬到楼上。,The minibus can carry ten seated passengers.,这辆小型巴士能坐十名乘客。,Lisa can just carry the light suitcase.,丽莎只能搬动轻的行李箱。,This bus can carry 50 passengers.,这辆公车可载五十名乘客。,Every student should carry a school badge.,每个学生都应该佩带校徽。,I always carry my lucky penny.,我的吉祥钱币时刻不离身。,Every car should carry a spare tire.,每辆车子应带一个备用轮胎。
2023-07-15 02:26:521


表示延期的英文有postpone、put off、delay、procrastinate。1、postpone推迟、延迟。postpone是指将某个活动、事件、计画延期、延后的意思,postpone不是指某人迟到,而是指某个事物被延后举行的意思。例: She has postponed his departure until tomorrow. 她将她的离开,推迟到了明天。2、put off延迟、延后、延期。put off同样指将某件事情延后。例: They have put off the show until tomorrow. 他们将表演延迟到了明天。3、delay延迟。delay是指迟到、延迟的意思,或是某个事情、事物被延迟了。例: The accident delayed the train for five hours. 这场事故使火车耽搁了五个小时。4、procrastinate拖延。procrastinate的中文意思就是指拖延的意思。例: How to overe procrastination? 如何克服拖延?英文延期的词语搭配。1、延期补偿合同:deferred compensation contracts.2、延期偿付法:moratory law.3、延期地雷:delayed-action mine.4、延期付款:deferred payment.5、延期付款贸易:deferred payment trade.6、延期付款信用证:deferred payment of letter of credie.7、延期付息股票:deferred stock.8、延期回扣支付制度:deferred rebate system.9、延期机构:delay device.10、延期交割:carry over.
2023-07-15 02:26:591

carry over into 是什么意思

2023-07-15 02:27:285


2023-07-15 02:27:461


carry about 带着;随身携带1. Those who have much to carry about within them have little to fulfill.那些心中牵挂的事情多的人能够完成的事情就少。 carry away 运走;使失去自制力1. Several houses in the village were carried away when the river was in flood.河水泛滥时村中有几座房屋被冲走了。 carry back vt. 运回;拿回;使回想;使回忆起1. The old picture carried her back 30 years to her wedding day.这张老照片使她回想起30年前结婚那天的情景。 carry coals to newcastle 做徒劳多余的事;多此一举;白费力气1. Don"t carry coals to Newcastle.不要将煤运到纽卡斯尔.---多此一举。 carry forward 推进;发扬1. He called on his people to carry forward their struggle for national liberty.他号召人民开展民族解放斗争。 carry into effect 实行;使生效(等于bring to effect) carry off 夺去;获得;使丧命;成功地处理carry out vt. 执行,实行;实现;完成;贯彻carry over 继续;结转;把...留到以后处理;继续存在carry the torch 开战;奋斗;单恋carry through 完成;贯彻;坚持下去
2023-07-15 02:28:051


2023-07-15 02:28:121

high carryover inventory什么意思

high carry over inventory高携带库存双语对照例句:1.In total, we plan to shutdown at least 800 data centers, some40% of our inventory over the next four and a half years. 我们计划一共关闭至少800个数据中心,其中要在接下来的4年半的时间里关闭40%。2.Granted, it does not carry the inventory risk or face the propertyand equipment depreciation of the retailers it supplies nor ofthe factories from which it sources. 确实,利丰不用承担由其负责供货的零售商的存货风险,也无需面对其外包生产工厂的房产和设备折旧。.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!
2023-07-15 02:28:212


2023-07-15 02:28:281


turnby turn轮流,交替in turn 依次,轮流,转而,反过来it"s your turn轮到你了take one"s turn 该(轮到)谁做什么了take one"s turn 依次,轮流turn against 背叛turn away 走开,转过脸去turn back 往回走,翻回到,挡住turn down 调低,拒绝turn off 关掉,避开 turn out 驱逐,出来,结果是,原来是,证明是turn the corner 拐弯,转危为安turn to 转向,求助于,致力于turn up 发现,出现,调大,寻找turn upside down 上下倒置carrycarry away 运走,使着迷carry back 运回,使回想起carry forward 推进,结转carry in to effect 实行,实现carry it 获胜carry off 轻而易举完成carry on 继续,坚持,吵闹carry out 执行.实现carry over 转入,继续carry sth too far 作的太过分look have(take) a look 看一下look about 环顾四周look after 照顾,关心look around 仔细查看look back 回顾,回想look for 寻找look down upon看不起look forward to 期望look in 调查,向...里看look on sb as 把某人看作look oneself (健康状况)正常look on 旁观look out 当心look over 快速查看look though 浏览,仔细看look up 好转,有起色look up and duwn 上下打量
2023-07-15 02:28:421


2023-07-15 02:29:032


2023-07-15 02:30:001


【留用】的意思是什么?【留用】是什么意思? 【留用】的意思是:留用liú yòng谓人员留下继续任用或使用。 ●明沈德符《野获编补遗·台省·科道互纠》:「桂萼以礼部右侍郎,为南科道所纠,虽俱奉旨留用,而心恨甚。」 ●周而复《上海的早晨》第一部十四:「 *** 解放了上海,他是一名留用人员,对 *** 的情况不了解,但 *** 反对贪污不爱钱财,他是知道的。」★「留用」在《汉语大词典》第10928页 第7卷 1326★「留用」在《现代汉语词典》第831页留用liú yòng谓人员留下继续任用或使用。 u25b6 明·沈德符《野获编补遗u2022台省u2022科道互纠》:「桂萼以礼部右侍郎,为南科道所纠,虽俱奉旨留用,而心恨甚。」 u25b6 周而复《上海的早晨》第一部十四:「 *** 解放了上海,他是一名留用人员,对 *** 的情况不了解,但 *** 反对贪污不爱钱财,他是知道的。」 留用的拼音liú yòng 留用是什么意思留用 liú yòng谓人员留下继续任用或使用。●明沈德符《野获编补遗·台省·科道互纠》:「桂萼以礼部右侍郎,为南科道所纠,虽俱奉旨留用,而心恨甚。」●周而复《上海的早晨》第一部十四:「 *** 解放了上海,他是一名留用人员,对 *** 的情况不了解,但 *** 反对贪污不爱钱财,他是知道的。」 ( ) ★「留用」在《汉语大词典》第10928页 第7卷 1326 ★「留用」在《现代汉语词典》第831页 留用 liú yòng谓人员留下继续任用或使用。 u25b6 明·沈德符《野获编补遗u2022台省u2022科道互纠》:「桂萼以礼部右侍郎,为南科道所纠,虽俱奉旨留用,而心恨甚。」 u25b6 周而复《上海的早晨》第一部十四:「 *** 解放了上海,他是一名留用人员,对 *** 的情况不了解,但 *** 反对贪污不爱钱财,他是知道的。」留用的反义词革除 留用的英语单词1.carry over2.remaining 用留用造句 1.第三,自留预备费,结余留用不上缴。 2.情节恶劣,后果严重的,可给予留用察看直至开除公职处分。 3.斯梅尔重视选聘和留用女职员。 4.他继续留用鲍勃当经理。 5.他庸碌无能, 不值得留用.>
2023-07-15 02:30:071


顺序效应实质就是通称的遗留效应(carryover effect),即上一阶段的处理由于效应去除时间不足或其它原因干扰了下一阶段的处理效果。自变量的呈现顺序对因变量产生的影响。当相同的被试接受不同的实验处理时,第一次实验处理对第二次实验处理可能产生的影响。这种影响可能是巨大的,也可能是轻微的,可能是短暂的,也可能是长久的。一般说来,在重复处理的实验中,顺序效应是影响实验效果的重要的额外变量,须加以有效控制。控制方法有完全的平衡方法及拉丁方平衡方法。如,当实施两种不同数学教法的教学实验时,若以同一个班的学生为被试,则第一种教法的效果就会对第二种教法的效果产生影响。这时,可对两个班分别采用“先实施教法甲、再实施教法乙”和“先实施教法乙、再实施教法甲”的实验顺序,以平衡实验顺序的影响。
2023-07-15 02:30:141


2023-07-15 02:30:211


翘尾因素,(carryover effects),也称滞后影响,是计算同比价格指数中独有的、上年商品价格上涨对下一年价格指数的影响部分。如某一商品1995年前6个月价格均为每公斤0.5元,7月份上涨到1元,一直到1996年12月份均保持同一价格,虽然1996年价格保持稳定,但计算出来的1996年前6个月的同比价格指数却为200%,表明价格上涨一倍,这就是这一商品价格指数中的翘尾因素,是上年7月份价格上涨对下一年上半年价格指数的滞后影响。翘尾因素的计算方法很多,但由于每年进行权数调整和部分代表规格品的更换,不同的计算方法可能会出现不同的计算结果。新涨价因素和翘尾因素的计量单位是百分点。
2023-07-15 02:30:281

Relax and explore

你好!Relax and explore放松和探索
2023-07-15 02:30:511


2023-07-15 02:31:161


词组如下:carry out vt. 执行,实行;贯彻;实现;完成 carry on 继续 carry forward 发扬;推进 carry through 贯彻;完成;坚持下去 carry in 携带;输入 carry with 进行 carry on with 继续;与…调情 carry around 随身携带 carry away 运走;使失去自制力 carry off 夺去;获得;使丧命;成功地处理 carry over ..留到以后处理;继续存在 fetch and carry 做杂务,打杂 carry trade 套利交易;套息交易;利差交易;息差交易 carry about 带着;随身携带 carry the torch 开战;奋斗;单恋 carry weight 有影响;重要;有分量 carry up 建高(房屋),追溯 carry back vt. 运回;拿回;使回想;使回忆起 carry bag n. 手提袋;厚纸袋 carry the can 代人受过;背黑锅;单独承担困难的任务
2023-07-15 02:31:231


carry out vt. 执行,实行;贯彻;实现;完成; carry on继续; carry forward发扬;推进; carry through贯彻;完成;坚持下去; carry in携带;输入; carry with进行; carry on with继续;与…调情 扩展资料   carry around随身携带;   carry away运走;使失去自制力;   carry off夺去;获得;使丧命;成功地处理;   carry over..留到以后处理;继续存在;   fetch and carry做杂务,打杂;   carry trade套利交易;套息交易;利差交易;息差交易;   carry about带着;随身携带;   carry the torch开战;奋斗;单恋;   carry weight有影响;重要;有分量;   carry up建高(房屋),追溯;   carry back vt. 运回;拿回;使回想;使回忆起;   carry bag n. 手提袋;厚纸袋;   carry the can代人受过;背黑锅
2023-07-15 02:31:311


postpone及物动词 vt. 1.使延期,延迟,延缓[(+to/until)][+v-ing] They postponed sending an answer to a request. 他们耽搁了对一项请求的答覆。 The concert has been postponed to Saturday. 音乐会延迟到星期六。 The sports meet was postponed because of rain. 运动会因雨延期。 2.把...放在次要地位 postpone private gain to the public welfare 把个人利益置于公众福利之后 3.把...放在后面(或句尾)不及物动词 vi. 1.延迟,延缓2.(疟疾等)延缓发作(或复发)carry over1.继续存在 That habit carries over from his childhood. 那个习惯他从小保持至今。 carry-over名词 n. 1.结转额2.滞销品put off1.推迟;拖延 Don"t put off till tomorrow what can be done today. 今天可做的事不要拖到明天再做。 put-off名词 n. 1.推诿;延期
2023-07-15 02:31:451


2023-07-15 02:31:553


2023-07-15 02:32:063


  下面是我整理的carry的相关的 短语 ,希望对大家有帮助。   1 carry for 为了谁拿什么一般后面家人   2 carry away   3 carry out 执行,实行;贯彻;实现;完成   4 carry on 开展;维持;继续   5 carry to 把什么拿到哪里   6 carry forward 发扬, 结转   7 carry through 帮(某人)渡过难关; 使(某人)保持勇气   8 carry off 夺去;获得;使丧命;成功地处理   9 carry on with (与)u2026调情;与u2026有暧昧关系   10 carry about 随身携带   补充:   sth. to carry on with 暂时使用着的东西; 目前正做的事情   carry all before one 势如破竹, 所向披靡, 获得全胜, 取得重大成功   arry everything before one 势如破竹, 所向披靡, 获得全胜, 取得重大成功   carry the world before one 势如破竹, 所向披靡, 获得全胜, 取得重大成功   carry all before it 势如破竹, 所向披靡, 获得全胜, 取得重大成功   carry everything before it 势如破竹, 所向披靡, 获得全胜, 取得重大成功   carry the world before it 势如破竹, 所向披靡, 获得全胜, 取得重大成功   carry along 使人佩服   carry away   (1)运[搬, 带]走   (2)   [一般用被动态]使着迷, 使陶醉, 使神魂颠倒, 受感动, 使失去自制力   (3)【航海】(风暴)刮断..., 水冲走...   (4)赢得(奖品等)   carry back   (1)运[拿, 带]回   (2)使回想起   carry down   (1)搬下, 取下   (2)滚入, 结转(帐目); 诱使承受   carry forward   (1)发扬, 使进行; 推进, 发展(业务等)   (2)结转, 转入(下页, 下期等)   carry high and dry 戏弄(某人), 逗恼(某人)   carry sb. high and dry 戏弄(某人), 逗恼(某人)   carry it 获胜; 占优势   carry it off   (1)移到远处   (2)杀死   (3)顺利地应付过去   carry off   (1)运走, 移走   (2)夺走, 拐走, 抢走   (3)得(奖)   (4)(成功地)对付, (若无其事地)应付   carry on   (1)继续开展, 进行下去   (2)经营, 处理   (3)感情冲动, 大哭大闹   (4)(with)与...有暧昧关系; 调情   carry oneself well 举止文雅, 彬彬有礼   carry oneself gracefully 举止文雅, 彬彬有礼   carry out   (1)开展, 实现, 完成, 进行到底   (2)贯彻, 执行, 落实   carry over   (1)贮存(货物等)供下一季供应   (2)把(帐目)结转(次页); [英](在证券交易中)将...转期交割   (3)(从前一阶段或领域等)遗留下来, 继续下去   (4)延期   carry sth. too far 把某事做得过分, 走极端   carry through   (1)贯彻, 完成, 进行到底   (2)维持, 使渡过难关   carry up   (1)建高(房屋)   (2)追溯   carry with one   (1)随身携带   (2)在记忆中保留(某事, 某人)
2023-07-15 02:32:191


carry:作动词时,意为“拿,扛;携带;支持;搬运;能达到;被携带;被搬运”。作名词时,意为“运载;[计] 进位;射程;(Carry)〔英〕卡里(人名)”。同义词v.:bear、bring、cart、haul、lug、move、tote、truck短语动词carry off1成功完成 2赢得,获得(奖项、奖杯)carry on1继续;接着;坚持 2举行;进行;开展 3喋喋不休;絮絮叨叨carry out实施;执行;实行carry over(使)延续;(使)延伸carry through(常指艰难地)做,完成习语 carried away变得很激动;失去自制力carry all/everything before you全胜;大获成功carry the ball(US, informal) 承担责任carry the can (for sb/sth)(BrE, informal) 承受责难;(尤指)代人受过,背黑锅carry a torch for sb爱上(尤指单相思);痴恋carry/win the day(formal) 得胜;占上风;取得成功carry/take sth too far做得过分as fast as your legs can carry you尽快fetch and carry (for sb)(为某人)打杂,当听差,跑腿
2023-07-15 02:32:261


2023-07-15 02:32:401

carry out同义词替换

动词 carry out:1,put in effect同义词:carry through, accomplish, execute, action, fulfill, fulfil2.pursue to a conclusion or bring to a successful issue同义词:follow through, follow up, follow out, implement, put through, go through例句:The police will carry out a dawn raid.警方将在拂晓展开突然搜查。They swore an oath to carry out their duties faithfully.他们发誓要忠实履行自己的职责。He balked me to carry out my plan.他阻止我实施我的计划。No matter what difficulty you will meet with, carry out your plan.不管你遇到什么困难,都要执行计划。He was found out before he could carry out his plan.他的计谋还未实现就被人查获了。Carry out a new policy.实行一项新政策He will carry out his plan.他要执行他的计划。
2023-07-15 02:33:201


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2023-07-15 02:33:481


2023-07-15 02:33:551

carry out什么意思中文翻译

2023-07-15 02:34:041


2023-07-15 02:34:171


A carryover effect is an effect that "carries over" from one experimental condition to another.Whenever subjects perform in more than one condition (as they do in within-subject designs) there is a possibility of carryover effects.For example,consider an experiment on the effect of rate of presentation on memory.Subjects are presented with a list of words and asked to recall as many words as they can.In one condition,the words are presented one word per second; in the other condition,the words are presented two words per second.The question is whether or not having performed in one condition affects performance in the second condition.Perhaps learning the first list of words will interfere with learning the second list because it will be hard to remember which words were in each list.Or maybe the practice involved learning one list will make it easier to learn a second list.In either case,there would be a carryover effect:performance on the second list would be affected by the experience of being given the first list.Assume two experimental conditions:A1 and A2.Half the subjects perform in Condition A1 first and then in A2; the other subjects perform in Condition A2 first and then in A1.The following table of means shows "symmetric carryover effects."
2023-07-15 02:34:361


搬运 携带
2023-07-15 02:34:461


2023-07-15 02:34:542

i carry it over my shoulder 为什么不用on?

I carry it over my shoulder.用肩膀扛。
2023-07-15 02:35:033


lcarryitovermyshoulder哪首歌?lcarryitovermyshoulder是《Con Il Tuo Nome》 这首歌曲
2023-07-15 02:35:191

用"carry bag over I my shoulder my"组成句子 句号

I carry my bag over my shoulder.
2023-07-15 02:35:261

walk over to the sea什么意思? walk over to什么意思? carry out什么意思?

2023-07-15 02:35:461

carry out

2023-07-15 02:35:567

he can`t carry his bag over my shoulder如何翻译

2023-07-15 02:36:263