barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-15 11:42:39





It appears to me that you are all mistaken.我看你们都错了。


He is mistaken about her.他误会她了。

He may have been mistaken about what he saw.他可能看错了。


That"s a mistaken idea. 那是个错误的想法。

A mistaken person should admit his error.一个犯错误的人应该要承认错误。

I helped him in the mistaken belief that he needed me.我误以为他需要我所以去帮助他了。


mistakes是什么意思 解释mistakes的含义和用法?

作为名词,mistakes通常指一个人或组织在某件事情上做错了什么。我们在写作文、做数学题、工作等方面可能会犯错误。此时,我们可以用mistakes来表示这种错误。“I made a mistake in my calculation”(我在计算中犯了一个错误)。在这个例子中,mistakes被用作了名词,表示了一个特定的错误。总的来说,mistakes是一个常用的英语单词,用于表示人在某个方面犯的错误。在日常生活中,我们应该尽量避免犯错误,但偶尔犯错也是可以理解的。当我们犯错误时,应该及时认识到自己的错误,并尽可能地加以纠正,以避免给自己或他人带来不必要的麻烦。作为名词,mistakes通常指一个人或组织在某件事情上做错了什么。我们在写作文、做数学题、工作等方面可能会犯错误。此时,我们可以用mistakes来表示这种错误。“I made a mistake in my calculation”(我在计算中犯了一个错误)。在这个例子中,mistakes被用作了名词,表示了一个特定的错误。作为动词,mistakes通常表示犯错误。“I mistook the time and arrived too early”(我误以为时间还早,结果到得太早了)。在这个例子中,mistakes被用作了动词,表示了一个人在某个方面犯了错误。作为名词,mistakes通常指一个人或组织在某件事情上做错了什么。我们在写作文、做数学题、工作等方面可能会犯错误。此时,我们可以用mistakes来表示这种错误。“I made a mistake in my calculation”(我在计算中犯了一个错误)。在这个例子中,mistakes被用作了名词,表示了一个特定的错误。
2023-07-15 05:22:262


2023-07-15 05:22:355


错误的英文是mistake,读音为英[mu026a"steu026ak],美[mu026a"steu026ak]。mistake解析如下:一、读音英式发音:[mu026au02c8steu026ak]美式发音:[mu026au02c8steu026ak]二、释义n. 错误,过失v. 犯错,误解三、词形变化复数:mistakes现在分词:mistaking过去式:mistook过去分词:mistaken四、常用短语make a mistake:犯错误learn from one"s mistakes:从错误中吸取教训correct a mistake:纠正错误admit one"s mistake:承认错误common mistake:常见错误五、用法mistake的基本意思是“错误,过失”,词义笼统,使用广泛,可指没有做对或做得不好的事物,也可指错误的想法或见解,还可指“误解”或“误会”。mistake多由认识或判断上的错误或粗心、遗忘所致。常用于语法、词汇、拼写、计算、行为、决策等。 mistake后可接介词短语、动词不定式、现在分词作定语。接about表示“关于…的错误”,接in表示“某方面的错误”。 “犯错误”不说do a mistake,而说make a mistake; “错误地”不说for mistake,而说by mistake。 六、例句I made a mistake on my math homework and got a lower grade.(我在数学作业上犯了一个错误,得了较低的分数。)She mistook me for her sister because we look alike.(她因为我们长得相似而把我误认为她的妹妹。)It was a mistake to leave my phone at home when I went out.(我出门时把手机落在家里是个错误。)The chef realized his mistake and added more salt to the soup.(厨师意识到自己的错误,给汤加了更多的盐。)Don"t make the mistake of thinking that success comes easily.(不要犯认为成功很容易的错误。)
2023-07-15 05:22:491


这句话可以翻译成这就是他(她)们被误解的地方.这个他(她)们就是they,可以指人,要看上下文. mistaken应该是动词的被动用法. 这句话的从句是they are mistaken,已经完整了,用where这个表方位的词来引导这个表语从句,可以强调这就是...的地方这个意思,是对从句的一种修饰限定,相当于占从句的状语成分,they are mistaken here.而若改成This is just what they are mistaken.用what来引导表语从句,一般它会在从句中占主语或宾语的位置,也就是缺了它从句就不能通.但they are mistaken是一个完整的句子,what并没有占不可缺少的位置,所以这句话不对.可以改成This is just what they are mistaken for.what是从句的介词宾语,这句话可以还原为they are mistaken for this.他(她)们被误解成这(个样子).就通顺了.(mistake sth for sth把什么误解成什么.)
2023-07-15 05:23:281

mistake怎么读 英语单词mistake的正确发音?

2023-07-15 05:23:352

mistake是什么意思 解释mistake一词的含义?

2023-07-15 05:23:445


  mistake有误解;弄错等意思,那么你知道mistake的 同义词 有哪些吗?下面我为大家带来mistake的同义词及辨析,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!   mistake同义词:   error, fault, blunder, flaw, mistake, shortcoming, defect, slip   mistake同义词辨析:   这些名词均有"错误"或"缺点"之意。   error 指思想或行动背离正题轨道或没有得到正确指引而出现的偏差或错误。   fault 一般指小并且可宽容的缺点、错误。   blunder 通常指由于无知或情况不明造成判断或行动上的大错。   flaw 指结构或组织上的缺点,如破裂之处。用作比喻意义时,指品格上的缺陷。   mistake 最普通用词,泛指思想上、行为上或认识上的判断或理解方面的错误。   shortcoming 指没有达到所要求的标准、没有充分发展或没尽到职责的不足、缺点或短处。多用复数形式。   defect 普通用词。指表面上的缺陷,或指人或物本质上的缺点。   slip 指因疏忽或无意而造成的差错。   mistake的例句:   1. The president beat his breast and called that deal a mistake.   总裁捶胸顿足,称那是个错误的交易。   2. This was a genuine mistake, but it did cause me some worry.   这是好心办错事,可是确实让我担心了一阵子。   3. Could you have given them the wrong drug by mistake?   你有没有可能一时疏忽给错他们药了呢?   4. I may have made a mistake in that regard.   我在那一点上可能已经犯了一个错误。   5. What women mistake as thoughtlessness is often just diffidence.   女性误以为是考虑不周的事情往往只是缺乏自信。   6. No one should mistake how serious the issue is.   任何人都不该低估该问题的严重性。   7. I think it"s a serious mistake to confuse books with life.   我认为把书本同生活混为一谈是大错特错。   8. Beth was struck by how Naomi took the mistake in her stride.   娜奥米在失误面前表现得处乱不惊,给贝丝留下了深刻印象。   9. That was a mistake. We"ll never do it again.   那是个错误,我们永远不会再犯了。   10. Why should I pay the penalty for somebody else"s mistake?   为什么我要代人受过?   11. Once they realised their mistake the phone was reconnected again.   他们一意识到他们的错误,电话就重新接通了。   12. To be frank with you, Harvey, I may have made a mistake.   老实跟你讲,哈维,我可能犯了个错。   13. Mr Morris said the victims had suffered from a very grievous mistake.   莫里斯先生说遇难者因为一个极其严重的失误而遭遇不幸。   14. She went pink again as she remembered her mistake.   想起自己的错误,她又脸红了。   15. It sounds as if they might have made a dreadful mistake.   听起来他们似乎犯下了一个可怕的错误。
2023-07-15 05:23:591

mistake怎么读音 英语mistake怎么读

1、mistake英[mu026au02c8steu026ak]美[mu026au02c8steu026ak]。n.错误; (言语或行为上的)失误; (用词或数字等上的)口误; 笔误;vt.误会; 误解; 看错。 2、[例句]This decision is, I feel, a huge mistake.我认为这个决定是个天大的错误。
2023-07-15 05:24:181

make a mistake后加什么介词?

1.make a mistake后面加in表示在...方面犯错误;在方面出错;犯错误 在...方面犯错误eg:Are you diffident and panic when found yourself make a mistake in working or performance in duty make the whole thing out of control.若您发现在工作或执行任务时出错,是否会感到缺乏信心或惊慌失措,好象事情完全失控?2.make a mistake后面加about sb.表示误解某人 误解某人 3.make a mistake后加on+具体的东西(名词)eg:He was absolutely inch-perfect in qualifying, when it was very easy to make a mistake on the tyres as we saw other drivers were doing.他几乎在排位赛上表现完美,而我们常常看到其他车手在轮胎上犯错误。
2023-07-15 05:24:271


mistake错误,做名词,make a mistake出错,by mistake错误地mistake做动词,意为弄错、误解mistake sb/sth for sb/sth把某人物错当成某人物
2023-07-15 05:24:351


2023-07-15 05:24:421


by mistake 错误的,表示某人错误的做了某事,主语是人;mistake A for B将A错认为是B,主语可以是人也可以是物,make a mistake犯了一个错,主语是人,
2023-07-15 05:25:032


mistake作名词时意为“错误;误会;过失”;作动词时意为“弄错;误解”。短语搭配Big mistake铸成大错 ; 大错特错 ; 大错误 ; 民谣摇滚Beautiful Mistake美丽的遗憾 ; 美丽的错误 ; 美错Mistake area误区 ; 减少企业失误的学问incorporation mistake渗入误差 ; 掺入误差system mistake系统错 ; 系统错英语unilateral mistake单方错误 ; 翻译relative mistake相对差overlook mistake包容失误 ; 宽容对方的错误 ; 包容对方的过失 ; 包容对方过失Not mistake at all.一点也没有弄错。Not you but I am blamed for the mistake.不是你而是我该为此错误而受到责备。If we do not have to drive him, we have at the above mistake, but this is an excusable.如果说我们没有驱赶他,在这个上面我们有错,但是这也是一个情有可原。Don"t make mistake cause of careless. If as this . It competely advoice .不要因为粗心而犯错误,如果那样,是可以避免的。
2023-07-15 05:25:461


fault和mistake和error和wrong的区别为:一、指代不同1、fault:过错。2、mistake:失误。3、error:错误。4、wrong:不正确。二、侧重点不同1、fault:fault多指性格、心智状态、情绪、行为或习惯中的“缺点”。2、mistake:mistake指判断或理解方面的错误,或是由于缺乏思考或疏忽而造成的错误。3、error:error可指任何错误,也可指笔误,印刷上或计算上的错误。4、wrong:wrong通常用在口语中。三、引证用法不同1、fault:fault表示具体的“缺点,错误,缺陷,故障”时,可用作可数名词; 泛指抽象的“过失,过错”“责任”时,是不可数名词。2、mistake:mistake的基本意思是“错误,过失”,词义笼统,使用广泛,可指没有做对或做得不好的事物,也可指错误的想法或见解,还可指“误解”或“误会”。3、error:error指违反既定标准和规范而造成的“错误,过失”,而且会因此遭受严厉的责备。4、wrong:wrong的基本意思是“不道德的,不正当的,不义的”,指某人做某事违背了道德要求或不符合一个人的行为准则。
2023-07-15 05:26:061


mistake英音[ mu026au02c8steu026ak ] 美音[ mu026au02c8steu026ak ]释义:n. 错误,过失;(用词或数字上的)错误,口误,笔误;(令人后悔的)错误v. 误解,误会;错误判断;把……误认为变形:mistakes 复数mistakes 第三人称单数mistaking 现在分词mistook 过去式mistaken 过去分词搭配:1、make a mistake 犯错误2、by mistake 错误地;由于差错3、make mistake 犯错4、make no mistake 别搞错5、mistake for v. 把…错认为6、common mistake 共同错误;普通错误7、take sth. by mistake 错拿了某人的东西8、mistake sb./sth. for sb./sth. 把某人/物错当成某人/物用法:1、 The president beat his breast and called that deal a mistake.总裁捶胸顿足,称那是个错误的交易。2、This was a genuine mistake, but it did cause me some worry.这是好心办错事,可是确实让我担心了一阵子。3、Could you have given them the wrong drug by mistake?你有没有可能一时疏忽给错他们药了呢?4、I may have made a mistake in that regard.我在那一点上可能已经犯了一个错误。5、What women mistake as thoughtlessness is often just diffidence.女性误以为是考虑不周的事情往往只是缺乏自信。6、No one should mistake how serious the issue is.任何人都不该低估该问题的严重性。
2023-07-15 05:26:281


mistake是可数名词。mistake,作名词时意为“错误;误会;过失”;作动词时意为“弄错;误解”。 扩展资料   mistake是可数名词   1.I found a mistake in that sentence.   我发现那个句子有一个错误。   2.You"ve made several grammatical mistakes in the composition.   你的.作文中犯了几处语法错误。   3.They made the big mistake of thinking they could seize its border with a relatively small force.   他们大错特错,居然认为以较少的兵力就能够夺取其边境地区。   mistake基本含义   n.(言语或行为上的) 错误,失误;(用词或数字等上的) 错误,口误,笔误;   v.误会;误解;看错;   第三人称单数:mistakes   复数:mistakes   现在分词:mistaking   过去式:mistook   过去分词:mistaken
2023-07-15 05:26:401


  mistake的用法在英语中是比较常见的一个单词,也是容易混淆的知识点之一,它的用法也很多,也是一个非常重要的知识点。接下来我在这里给大家带来mistake的用法,我们一起来看看吧!   mistake的用法   1.n.错误。常用搭配:make a mistake 出错,犯错;   take sth. by mistake 错拿了某人的东西;by mistake 错误地。   2.mistake作动词时,意为“弄错;误解”。过去式为mistook,过去分词为mistaken。常用搭配:mistake sb./sth. for sb./sth. 把某人/物错当成某人/物   mistake的相关解释   n. 错误,过失,误解;差错,口误,笔误;失策,失误;   vt.& vi. 弄错,误解;   vt. 认不出;误会;看错;   vi. 弄错;误解;   mistake的例句   1. The president beat his breast and called that deal a mistake.   总裁捶胸顿足,称那是个错误的交易。   2. This was a genuine mistake, but it did cause me some worry.   这是好心办错事,可是确实让我担心了一阵子。   3. Could you have given them the wrong drug by mistake?   你有没有可能一时疏忽给错他们药了呢?   4. I may have made a mistake in that regard.   我在那一点上可能已经犯了一个错误。   5. What women mistake as thoughtlessness is often just diffidence.   女性误以为是考虑不周的事情往往只是缺乏自信。   6. No one should mistake how serious the issue is.   任何人都不该低估该问题的严重性。
2023-07-15 05:27:551


fault和mistake和error和wrong的区别为:一、指代不同1、fault:过错。2、mistake:失误。3、error:错误。4、wrong:不正确。二、侧重点不同1、fault:fault多指性格、心智状态、情绪、行为或习惯中的“缺点”。2、mistake:mistake指判断或理解方面的错误,或是由于缺乏思考或疏忽而造成的错误。3、error:error可指任何错误,也可指笔误,印刷上或计算上的错误。4、wrong:wrong通常用在口语中。三、引证用法不同1、fault:fault表示具体的“缺点,错误,缺陷,故障”时,可用作可数名词; 泛指抽象的“过失,过错”“责任”时,是不可数名词。2、mistake:mistake的基本意思是“错误,过失”,词义笼统,使用广泛,可指没有做对或做得不好的事物,也可指错误的想法或见解,还可指“误解”或“误会”。3、error:error指违反既定标准和规范而造成的“错误,过失”,而且会因此遭受严厉的责备。4、wrong:wrong的基本意思是“不道德的,不正当的,不义的”,指某人做某事违背了道德要求或不符合一个人的行为准则。
2023-07-15 05:28:021


fault和mistake和error和wrong的区别为:一、指代不同1、fault:过错。2、mistake:失误。3、error:错误。4、wrong:不正确。二、侧重点不同1、fault:fault多指性格、心智状态、情绪、行为或习惯中的“缺点”。2、mistake:mistake指判断或理解方面的错误,或是由于缺乏思考或疏忽而造成的错误。3、error:error可指任何错误,也可指笔误,印刷上或计算上的错误。4、wrong:wrong通常用在口语中。三、引证用法不同1、fault:fault表示具体的“缺点,错误,缺陷,故障”时,可用作可数名词; 泛指抽象的“过失,过错”“责任”时,是不可数名词。2、mistake:mistake的基本意思是“错误,过失”,词义笼统,使用广泛,可指没有做对或做得不好的事物,也可指错误的想法或见解,还可指“误解”或“误会”。3、error:error指违反既定标准和规范而造成的“错误,过失”,而且会因此遭受严厉的责备。4、wrong:wrong的基本意思是“不道德的,不正当的,不义的”,指某人做某事违背了道德要求或不符合一个人的行为准则。
2023-07-15 05:28:531


mistake 英[mu026au02c8steu026ak],美[mu026au02c8steu026ak],n. 错误; (言语或行为上的)失误; (用词或数字等上的)口误; 笔误;vt. 误会; 误解; 看错。Big mistake铸成大错 ; 大错特错 ; 大错误 ; 民谣摇滚Beautiful Mistake美丽的遗憾 ; 美丽的错误 ; 美错Mistake area误区 ; 减少企业失误的学问incorporation mistake渗入误差 ; 掺入误差system mistake系统错 ; 系统错英语unilateral mistake单方错误 ; 翻译relative mistake相对差overlook mistake包容失误 ; 宽容对方的错误 ; 包容对方的过失 ; 包容对方过失Not mistake at all.一点也没有弄错。Not you but I am blamed for the mistake.不是你而是我该为此错误而受到责备。If we do not have to drive him, we have at the above mistake, but this is an excusable.如果说我们没有驱赶他,在这个上面我们有错,但是这也是一个情有可原。 Don"t make mistake cause of careless. If as this . It competely advoice .不要因为粗心而犯错误,如果那样,是可以避免的。
2023-07-15 05:29:101


mistake是可数名词 释义: n.(名词) 错误,谬误;误会,误解;过失,失策,失误;恶果;误差;笔误,口误;准确无误,毫无疑问;收起。 v.(动词) 误解,误会,领会错,理解错;犯错,看错,搞错,挑选错,弄错;想错,估计错,打错算盘;把…误认为,把…错当成;误认,把…认错;认不出;解释错;判断错。 扩展资料   例句   (1)用作名词(n.)   His costly mistake resulted in severe loss.   他的严重的错误导致了重大的损失。   You"ve made several grammatical mistakes in the composition.   你的作文中犯了几处语法错误。   Tom must have taken your dictionary by mistake.   汤姆一定是弄错了才拿了你的"字典。   (2)用作动词(v.)   You mistook my meaning entirely.   你完全误解了我的意思。   I used to mistake his reserve for haughtiness.   我过去常把他的沉默寡言误以为高傲。   I mistook the number and went to the wrong room.   我记错了号码,走错了房间。   2、常用短语:   in mistake for错当成;   make no mistake (about)不犯错误(关于)   If I mistake not如果我没弄错的话;   mistake about〔in〕 (v.+prep.)弄错,看错   mistake for (v.+prep.)把…错认为,错把…当作   There be no mistaking...弄错,误解;认不出; 误会; 看错
2023-07-15 05:30:171


fault和mistake和error和wrong的区别为:一、指代不同1、fault:过错。2、mistake:失误。3、error:错误。4、wrong:不正确。二、侧重点不同1、fault:fault多指性格、心智状态、情绪、行为或习惯中的“缺点”。2、mistake:mistake指判断或理解方面的错误,或是由于缺乏思考或疏忽而造成的错误。3、error:error可指任何错误,也可指笔误,印刷上或计算上的错误。4、wrong:wrong通常用在口语中。三、引证用法不同1、fault:fault表示具体的“缺点,错误,缺陷,故障”时,可用作可数名词; 泛指抽象的“过失,过错”“责任”时,是不可数名词。2、mistake:mistake的基本意思是“错误,过失”,词义笼统,使用广泛,可指没有做对或做得不好的事物,也可指错误的想法或见解,还可指“误解”或“误会”。3、error:error指违反既定标准和规范而造成的“错误,过失”,而且会因此遭受严厉的责备。4、wrong:wrong的基本意思是“不道德的,不正当的,不义的”,指某人做某事违背了道德要求或不符合一个人的行为准则。
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2023-07-15 05:30:401


mistake的过去式是mistook。mistake,英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“错误;误会;过失”;作动词时意为“弄错;误解”。例句:Not you but I am blamed for the mistake.不是你而是我该为此错误而受到责备。
2023-07-15 05:30:581


fault和mistake和error和wrong的区别为:一、指代不同1、fault:过错。2、mistake:失误。3、error:错误。4、wrong:不正确。二、侧重点不同1、fault:fault多指性格、心智状态、情绪、行为或习惯中的“缺点”。2、mistake:mistake指判断或理解方面的错误,或是由于缺乏思考或疏忽而造成的错误。3、error:error可指任何错误,也可指笔误,印刷上或计算上的错误。4、wrong:wrong通常用在口语中。三、引证用法不同1、fault:fault表示具体的“缺点,错误,缺陷,故障”时,可用作可数名词; 泛指抽象的“过失,过错”“责任”时,是不可数名词。2、mistake:mistake的基本意思是“错误,过失”,词义笼统,使用广泛,可指没有做对或做得不好的事物,也可指错误的想法或见解,还可指“误解”或“误会”。3、error:error指违反既定标准和规范而造成的“错误,过失”,而且会因此遭受严厉的责备。4、wrong:wrong的基本意思是“不道德的,不正当的,不义的”,指某人做某事违背了道德要求或不符合一个人的行为准则。
2023-07-15 05:31:051


mistake作名词时意为“错误;误会;过失”mistake双语例句:1、Read through your work and correct any mistakes that you find. 从头至尾看一遍你们的作业,发现的错误都要改正过来。2、That one mistake seriously endangered the future of the company. 那一个失误就严重地危及了公司的未来。3、I still hold that the government"s economic policies are mistaken. 我仍然认为政府的经济政策是错误的。4、Make no mistake, this is one crisis that won"t just go away. 要知道,这是一场不会自行消失的危机。5、Leaving school so young was the biggest mistake of my life. 我一生中最大的错误就是那么年轻就离开了学校。
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2023-07-15 05:31:542


这句话可以翻译成这就是他(她)们被误解的地方.这个他(她)们就是they,可以指人,要看上下文.x0dmistaken应该是动词的被动用法.x0d这句话的从句是they are mistaken,已经完整了,用where这个表方位的词来引导这个表语从句,可以强调这就是...的地方这个意思,是对从句的一种修饰限定,相当于占从句的状语成分,they are mistaken here.而若改成This is just what they are mistaken.用what来引导表语从句,一般它会在从句中占主语或宾语的位置,也就是缺了它从句就不能通.但they are mistaken是一个完整的句子,what并没有占不可缺少的位置,所以这句话不对.可以改成This is just what they are mistaken for.what是从句的介词宾语,这句话可以还原为they are mistaken for this.他(她)们被误解成这(个样子).就通顺了.(mistake sth for sth把什么误解成什么.)
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2023-07-15 05:32:092


mistake是可数的。mistakes是mistake的复数形式。mistake既可以作名词也可作动词,作为名词意思为错误、过失、失策,作为动词时意思为误会、把…误认为。英语单词的产生是汉英两种语言双向交流的产物,一些带有中国特色的名称和概念进入了英语词汇,同时还有一些英语词汇进入了汉语,在文化环境中衍生出新的含义,形成了英语词汇的语义文化特征。背单词记忆算法的特点是结合权威的记忆理论,充分调动用户的眼、耳、口和手等各种感官,根据用户的实际情况和使用环境智能确定内容和方法,根据用户的使用情况进行动态调整。单词的记忆算法设计的宗旨是以最大限度的计算机资源耗费取代学习者的精力耗费。单词的记忆算法基于两个比较成熟的记忆理论或算法,一个是艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线理论,另一个是Super Memo记忆算法。艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线理论在1885年提出,通过大量数据,证实了人的记忆存在着一个相似的遗忘规律。而Super Memo算法作者则从1985年开始研究,在长时间和海量的数据基础上,总结出了Super Memo算法。该算法至今还在研究,在差不多20年的时间里已发展成为世界上最科学最有效的记忆算法之一。学习英语的重要性:1、学习英语可以提高自己的语言技能,增加一项语言能力。2、学习英语有利于和外国人交朋友,聊天或者一起工作。3、学习英语有利于了解其他国家的习俗文化等。4、学习英语有利于找工作,例如很多外企,英语都是必修需要。5、学习英语有利于出国学习或者旅游,不会迷路或者手足无措。6、学习英语有利于看外国的原著小说或者电视电影等。
2023-07-15 05:32:161

mistake, error 和wrong有什么区别?

2023-07-15 05:32:524


make a mistake犯错误find out the mistake发现错误
2023-07-15 05:33:234

mistake怎么读 英语单词mistake的正确发音?

2023-07-15 05:33:301

Moby的《Mistake》 歌词

歌曲名:Mistake歌手:Moby专辑:Live De La SemaineRushing, way too fast,Why do I always do it?Thinking this might last,How could I be so stupid?But this time,I"m not OK, no,I need to breathe again,"Cause I don"t want toI don"t want to makeAnother mistake like youAnd I don"t want to hateBut love doesn"t get me through"Cause I can"t be alone againNo I don"t want to makeAnother mistake like youStone cold and hurt inside,Not what I wanted to beI don"t sleep,It"s kind Of hard when you cry,Yeah thats where you left me,But this time,It"s not alright, no,I need to find someone,Cause I don"t want toI don"t want to makeAnother mistake like youAnd I don"t want to hateBut love doesn"t get me through"Cause I can"t be alone againNo I don"t want to makeAnother mistake like youDon"t want to be caught in the moment,that never comes,is it too much to ask,that real love will find me,I won"t get stung, I"ll find the one but,I don"t want to makeAnother mistake like youAnd I don"t want to hateBut love doesn"t get me through"Cause I can"t be alone againNo I don"t want to makeAnother mistake like youI don"t want to makeAnother mistake like youAnd I don"t want to hateBut love doesn"t get me through"Cause I can"t be alone againNo I don"t want to makeAnother mistake like you
2023-07-15 05:33:371

miss mistake区别

两者根本就不同义,没有可比性.Miss 是指错过/遗失.; (但没有犯错误的意思,只是强调错过.这一事实)Mistake 是指弄错/做错/过失;(犯了一个错误)如:He made a mistake when he did the job;He missed the train ...
2023-07-15 05:33:431


error 指计算的错误,或道义的错误mistake 误会或粗心、遗忘所致错误fault 一般指小的且可以宽容的缺点
2023-07-15 05:33:511

mistake 要不要浊化

2023-07-15 05:34:102

make a mistake后加什么介词

make a mistake in: 在...方面犯错误;在方面出错;犯错误 在...方面犯错误Are you diffident and panic when found yourself make a mistake in working or performance in duty make the whole thing out of control.若您发现在工作或执行任务时出错,是否会感到缺乏信心或惊慌失措,好象事情完全失控?make a mistake about sb.: 误解某人 误解某人 make a mistake on+具体的东西(名词)He was absolutely inch-perfect in qualifying, when it was very easy to make a mistake on the tyres as we saw other drivers were doing.他几乎在排位赛上表现完美,而我们常常看到其他车手在轮胎上犯错误。
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2023-07-15 05:34:282

Yael Kraus的《Mistake》 歌词

歌曲名:Mistake歌手:Yael Kraus专辑:BoutiqueJesse McCartney - Mrs. MistakeUsed to be the richestBut I didn"t pay attentionMessed around and maxed out of loveSo now my hearts emptyI used to wake up dailyin the arms of a blessingCouldn"t see what was right in front of meIt taught me a lessonWent around here hittin" these clubsThrowing up moneyPicking up girlsBring "em back to the house on the hillTwo at a timePop "em like pillsWhen my prize was sittin" at homeWaiting for me all alongNever thought that one day I"d come homeand she"d be gone...She was the one that got awayThe one I regretMy biggest mistakeShe was my Mrs. WifeMiss I can spend my lifeIt"s too late, now she"s miss mistakeShe should"ve been my Mrs.Don"t wanna move on but I know that she hasNow every other I compare to herShe was my Mrs. WifeMiss I can spend my lifeIt"s too late, now she"s Ms. mistakeShe should"ve been my Mrs.I"m not asking for.. what we had beforeTook my loss like a man its over now I understandOh, I messed up what we hadOh, could"ve been the mother of my kidsOh, I knew just what I didNow I gotta live with itYou really didn"t take that longThe lies got old, the bed got coldShut her heart up, closed the doorTold me no, not no moreSo I gotta respect her wishesShe deserves more than I"ve givenAnd I"ll probably be okay if I can get her out of my brainShe was the one that got awayThe one I regretMy biggest mistakeShe was my Mrs. WifeMiss I can spend my lifeIt"s too late, now she"s miss mistakeShe should"ve been my Mrs.Don"t wanna move on but I know that she hasNow every other I compare to herShe was my Mrs. WifeMiss I can spend my lifeIt"s too late, now she"s Ms. mistakeShe should"ve been my Mrs.Mrs. Settle downNo more sleepin" around...Mrs. Picket FenceMrs. Brand New HouseBut I screwed it upI"m Mr. out of luckHad a good oneNow she"s got a new misterIf there"s a brother out there that understands then help me say yeeeahh...yeah whoaohohAnybody that knows you better go and help say whoaohohShe was the one ...She was the one that got awayThe one I regretMy biggest mistakeShe was my Mrs. WifeMiss I can spend my lifeIt"s too late, now she"s miss mistakeShe should"ve been my Mrs.Don"t wanna move on but I know that she hasNow every other I compare to herShe was my Mrs. WifeMiss I can spend my lifeIt"s too late, now she"s Ms. mistakeShe should"ve been my Mrs.Should"ve been my Mrs.Should"ve been my Mrs....Now it"s too late...
2023-07-15 05:34:351


英文版叫做watching over me
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2023-07-15 05:28:339


ZARA(飒拉)是Inditex集团旗下的一个子公司,也是服装连锁零售品牌,1975年成立,总部位于西班牙。 1988年,ZARA在葡萄牙波尔图市开设第一家海外门店。1999年,公司收购STRADIVARIUS。2003年,开设第一家ZARA HOME的门店。2018年12月18日,入选2018年度(第十五届)《世界品牌500强》排行榜,排名第46。
2023-07-15 05:28:272


1、幸福,是心灵的醉意。 Happiness is the soul of the drunk. 2、爱情无需言作媒,全在心领神会。 Love without words for the media, all at the hint. 3、喜欢一个人是没有理由的,无悔的付出。 Like a person is no reason, no regrets to pay. 4、此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然。 Remembrance into, but was already frustrated. 5、爱那一场场繁华落尽后的曲终人散。 Love the busy fall after the end of. 6、审慎会使人安全,但往往不会幸福。 Prudence makes man safe, but often not happy. 7、对于平凡人来说,平凡就是幸福。 For ordinary people, ordinary is happiness. 8、上一秒钟还在缠绵,下一秒钟变陌生人。 The second is still lingering, the next second become strangers. 9、幸福那么缺货,请别肆意挥霍。 Happiness is so out of stock, please don"t squander it. 10、应该多行善事,为了做一个幸福的人。 We should do more good deeds in order to be a happy man. 11、希望呀,你是业已许诺的幸福的开端。 Hope, you are the promised beginning of happiness. 12、最有幸福的,只是勤劳的劳动之后。 The happiest thing is after hard work. 13、造福于人,无疑是千真万确的幸福。 Undoubtedly, it is true happiness for the benefit of people. 14、爱情不是强扭的,幸福不是天赐的。 Love is not a strong twist, happiness is not a godsend. 15、我只想要一点俗气的幸福。 I just want a little cheesy happiness. 16、做好事的乐趣乃是人生惟一可靠的幸福。 The pleasure of doing good is the only reliable happiness in life. 17、要节约用水,尽量跟女友一起洗澡。 Save water. Shower with your girlfriend as much as possible. 18、狂热的爱情总是绝不会持久的。 Crazy love never lasts long. 19、不就范于不幸就是极大的幸福。 It is great happiness not to submit to misfortune. 20、彼此相爱就是幸福。如此简单,如此难。 Love each other is happiness. It"s so simple, so difficult. 21、恋爱不是慈善事业,所以不能慷慨施舍。 Love is not charity, so you can"t give alms generously. 22、幸福的首要条件在于健康。 The first condition of happiness lies in health. 23、爱情中的欢乐和痛苦是交替出现的。 The joy and the pain in love alternated. 24、只期盼少许,才能接近最高的幸福。 Only a little hope can reach the highest happiness. 25、走辛福的路,让忧伤无路可走。 Take the road of Xin Fu, let sorrow have no way to go. 26、我们手里的金钱是保持自由的一种工具。 Money in our hands is a tool for freedom. 27、幸福是一种比较,一种知足。 Happiness is a kind of comparison, a kind of contentment. 28、追求幸福,免不了要触摸痛苦。 In pursuit of happiness, there is no need to touch the pain. 29、生活中,唯一的幸福就是不断前进。 In life, the only happiness is to keep moving forward. 30、独有一枝红,秋晚花才放。 Unique red, late autumn flowers. 31、爱是远远的城市里有所依托的幸福。 Love is the happiness that depends on the city. 32、幸福属于满足的人们。 Happiness belongs to the contented people. 33、醉心于某种癖好的人是幸福的。 Happy is the man who is addicted to some hobby. 34、爱情不是索取,而是给予。 Love is not taking, but giving. 35、才智无疑是幸福的首要条件。 Intelligence is undoubtedly the first condition of happiness. 36、做一个善良的人,为群众谋幸福。 Be a good man and seek happiness for the masses. 37、幸福就是两个人待在一起很舒服。 Happiness is two people staying together is very comfortable. 38、相爱是人的一种巨大的幸福。 Love is a great happiness for human beings. 39、人生,幸福不是目的,品德才是准绳。 Happiness is not the end of life, but morality is the criterion. 40、亲善产生幸福,文明带来和谐。 Goodwill creates happiness, civilization brings harmony. 41、我们爱幸福,幸福爱我们。 We love happiness, happiness loves us. 42、爱情的欢乐中掺杂着泪水。 Tears of love mingled with joy. 43、从梦幻中清醒过来是多大的幸福呀! How happy it is to wake up from a dream! 44、自由是上帝赐给人类的最大的幸福之一。 Freedom is one of the greatest happiness God has bestowed upon mankind. 45、人类幸福的两大敌人是痛苦和无聊。 The two enemies of human happiness are pain and boredom. 46、我是幸福的,因为我爱,因为我有爱。 I am happy, because I love, because I have love. 47、为美而献身比为面包而活着要幸福得多。 To devote oneself to beauty is much happier than to live for bread. 48、快乐应该是美德的伴侣。 Happiness should be a companion of virtue. 49、不承认自己幸福的人,不可能幸福。 He who can not admit his happiness cannot be happy. 50、女人的一生就是一部爱情的历史。 A woman"s life is a history of love. 51、走在一起是缘分,一起在走是幸福。 Walking together is fate, walking together is happiness. 52、快乐可依靠幻想,幸福却要依靠实际。 Happiness depends on fantasy, but happiness depends on reality. 53、幸福是别无他求,只要所拥有的一切。 Happiness is all I have, as long as. 54、今日的良心是幸福的要求。 Conscience today is the requirement of happiness. 55、学会学习的人,是非常幸福的人。 The person who learns to learn is a very happy man. 56、青春作证,理想作证,我付出,我无悔! Youth testify, ideal testify, I pay, I have no regrets! 57、坏记性是变得幸福的一大法宝。 Bad memory is a great weapon to become happy. 58、幸福不是一时的事,而是一世的事。 Happiness is not a matter of the moment, but a matter of life. 59、无聊是幸福的人的不幸。 Boredom is the tragedy of a happy man. 60、曾经相遇,总胜过从未碰头。 It"s better to have met than never to meet. 61、劳动是幸福之父。 Labor is the father of happiness. 62、乌云过后阳光更欢,不和之后爱情愈甜。 After the dark clouds, the sunshine is more pleasant, the love is sweeter after the discord. 63、就是神,在爱情中也难保持聪明。 It is God, who is difficult to remain wise in love. 64、生活可以不知足,但幸福一定要知足。 Life can be insatiable, but happiness must be contented. 65、可是这样会很辛苦,不容易幸福。 But it will be very hard, not easy to happiness. 66、幸福,就在于创造新的生活。 Happiness lies in the creation of new life. 67、凡是事皆有价格,欢愉的价格即是痛楚。 Everything has price, and the price of happiness is pain. 68、如果你知道去哪,全世界都??你?路。 If you know where to go, the world will make way for you. 69、人民的幸福是至高无上的法。 The happiness of the people is the SuPme law. 70、有生活的时候就有幸福。 There is happiness when there is life. 71、背离自然也即背离幸福。 Deviation from nature is happiness. 72、幸福是无拘无束没有任何负担的心理。 Happiness is unrestrained, without any burden of psychology. 73、月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后。 On the willow, after dark. 74、幸福不可能十全十美。 Happiness can"t be perfect. 75、幸福和快乐是两码事。 Happiness and joy. 76、黄发垂髫,并怡然自乐。 Old and young, and contented and happy. 77、此情无计可消除,才下眉头,却上心头。 This situation can not be eliminated, just frown, but in mind. 78、只有爱给你解开不死之谜。 Only love will unlock the mystery of immortality. 79、予将专业致志以注意授予护理者之幸福。 Give professional attention to the happiness of caregivers. 80、有一个能够思念的人也是一种幸福。 A person who can miss is also a kind of happiness.
2023-07-15 05:28:261