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2023-07-15 13:38:22




2023-07-15 10:04:446


princess 英[u02ccpru026anu02c8ses] 美[u02c8pru026ansu026as, -u02ccsu025bs, pru026anu02c8su025bs] n. 公主;王妃(王族女性成员);女巨头,女名家;<古>女王 名词复数:princesses [例句]The princess bride is sarcastic , instead of sentimental.公主新娘是讽刺剧而不是感情剧。2.Thousands turned out to pay tribute to the "people"s princess" during herfuneral procession. 数千人出现在她的送葬队伍中以对这个“人民的王妃”致敬。3.By the princess and restored her beauty. 小鸟被公主感动了,恢复了她的美貌。4.Princess aiko was back to school on monday. 爱子公主已于本周一回学校上课。5.Will princess leia become an official disney princess? 莉亚公主会成为正式的迪斯尼公主吗?
2023-07-15 10:05:502


2023-07-15 10:07:251


  公主,是中国古代对皇女、王女、宗女封号,如今也经常用作对某人的爱称。那么你知道吗?下面跟我一起学习关于公主的英语知识吧。    公主英语说法   princess    公主相关英语表达   妹妹公主 Sister Princess ;   茜茜公主 Elisabeth of Bavaria ; Sissi ;   路易丝公主 Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll ;   爱丽丝公主 Princess Alice of the United Kingdom ;   城阳公主 Princess Chengyang ;   公主小妹 Romantic Princess ;   点心公主 Kitchen Princess ;   朱拉蓬公主 Chulabhorn Walailak ;   公主线 PRINCESS LINE ; PRINCESS SEAM ; primary line ;   公主的英语例句   1. The Princess Royal arrived at Gatwick this morning from Jamaica.   长公主殿下从牙买加出发,今天早上抵达盖特威克机场。   2. The Princess had been invited to ride in a charity race.   公主受邀参加一场慈善性质的赛马比赛。   3. She was like a princess in a fairy tale.   她就像童话里的公主。   4. Princess Margaret toned with her in a turquoise print dress.   玛格丽特公主那条青绿色的印花裙子与她很相配。   5. Princess Alexandra was to inherit the title of Duchess of Fife.   亚历山德拉公主将会继承法夫女公爵的爵位。   6. Pushkin was a womaniser whose conquests included everyone from prostitutes to princesses.   普希金是个情场老手,各种各样的女性,从 *** 到公主,都成了他的俘虏。   7. Princess Anne does not have a bottomless purse.   安妮公主的钱并非多得取之不尽,用之不竭。   8. Princess Margaret is divorced from Lord Snowdon.   玛格丽特公主与斯诺登勋爵离婚了。   9. The little girl presented the princess with a large bouquet of flowers .   小女孩向公主献上了一大束鲜花。   10. The wicked old woman charmed the princess with magic words.   那个老巫婆用咒语控制了公主.   11. The princess was ostracised for marrying a rich bourgeois.   公主因与一位富有的商人结婚而被逐出皇族.   12. The youngest princess is only 13 years old.   最小的公主才十三岁.   13. The Princess was reported for speeding twice on the same road within a week.   这位公主一周之内在同一路段上两次因超速行驶被告发。   14. The Princess was cruelly cast aside when she failed to produce an heir.   公主由于不能诞下继承人,被无情地抛弃了。   15. No one seems to turn a hair at the thought of the divorced Princess marrying.   似乎没有人对离异的公主再婚感到丝毫地吃惊。   关于公主的英文阅读:The Real Princess 真正的公主   There was once a Prince who wished to marry a Princess;but then she must be a real Princess.   从前有一位王子,他想找一位公主结婚,但她必须是一位真正的公主。   He travelled all over the world in hopes of finding such a lady;but there was always something wrong.   他走遍了全世界,想要寻到这样的一位公主。   Princesses he found in plenty; but whether they were real Princesses it was impossible for him to decide, for now one thing, now another, seemed to him not quite right about the ladies.   可是无论他到什么地方,他总是碰到一些障碍。公主倒有的是,不过他没有办法断定她们究竟是不是真正的公主。她们总是有些地方不大对头。   At last he returned to his palace quite cast down, because he wished so much to have a real Princess for his wife.   结果,他只好回家来,心中很不快活,因为他是那么渴望着得到一位真正的公主。   One evening a fearful tempest arose, it thundered and lightened, and the rain poured down from the sky in torrents: besides, it was as dark as pitch.   有一天晚上,忽然起了一阵可怕的暴风雨。天空在掣电,在打雷,在下著大雨。这真有点使人害怕!   All at once there was heard a violent knocking at the door, and the old King,he Prince"s father, went out himself to open it.   这时,有人在敲门,老国王就走过去开门。站在城外的是一位公主。   It was a Princess who was standing outside the door. What with the rain and the wind, she was in a sad condition: the water trickled down from her hair, and her clothes clung to her body. She said she was a real Princess.   可是,天哪!经过了风吹雨打之后,她的样子是多么难看啊!水沿着她的头发和衣服向下面流,流进鞋尖,又从脚跟流出来。她说她是一个真正的公主。   “Ah! we shall soon see that!” thought the old Queen-mother; however, she said not a word of what she was going to do; but went quietly into the bedroom, took all the bed-clothes off the bed, and put three little peas on the bedstead.   “是的,这点我们马上就可以考查出来。”老皇后心里想,可是她什么也没说。她走进卧房,把所有的被褥都搬开,在床榻上放了一粒豌豆。于是她取出二十床垫子,把它们压在豌豆上。   She then laid twenty mattresses one upon another over the three peas, and put twenty feather beds over the mattresses. Upon this bed the Princess was to pass the night.   随后,她又在这些垫子上放了二十床鸭绒被。这位公主夜里就睡在这些东西上面。   The next morning she was asked how she had slept. “Oh, very badly indeed!” she replied. “I have scarcely closed my eyes the whole night through. I do not know what was in my bed, but I had something hard under me, and am all over black and blue. It has hurt me so much!”   早晨大家问她昨晚睡得怎样。“啊,不舒服极了!”公主说,“我差不多整夜没合上眼!天晓得我床上有件什么东西?我睡到一块很硬的东西上面,弄得我全身发青发紫,这真怕人!”   Now it was plain that the lady must be a real Princess, since she had been able to feel the three little peas through the twenty mattresses and twenty feather beds. None but a real Princess could have had such a delicate sense of feeling.   现在大家就看出来了。她是一位真正的公主,因为压在这二十床垫子和二十床鸭绒被下面的一粒豌豆,她居然还能感觉得出来。除了真正的公主以外,任何人都不会有这么嫩的面板的。   The Prince accordingly made her his wife;being now convinced that he had found a real Princess. The three peas were however put into the cabinet of curiosities, where they are still to be seen, provided they are not lost.   因此那位王子就选她为妻子了,因为现在他知道他得到了一位真正的公主。这粒豌豆因此也就被送进了博物馆,如果没有人把它拿走的话,人们现在还可以在那儿看到它呢 1.公主童话故事大全精选 2.白雪公主的英文怎么读 3.公主童话故事大全 4.公主童话故事 5.公主童话故事大全精选阅读
2023-07-15 10:07:331

princess是什么意思 解释princess一词的含义?

2023-07-15 10:08:182

princess什么意思 princess的定义和用法?

2023-07-15 10:08:372


2023-07-15 10:08:464

princess有复数吗? 他是可数名词吧

2023-07-15 10:08:554


princess英[u02ccpru026anu02c8ses]美[u02c8pru026ansu026as, -u02ccsu025bs, pru026anu02c8su025bs]n. 公主;王妃(王族女性成员);女巨头,女名家;<古>女王名词复数:princesses[例句]The princess bride is sarcastic , instead of sentimental.公主新娘是讽刺剧而不是感情剧。1. The little girl presented the princess with a large bouquet of flowers . 小女孩向公主献上了一大束鲜花。来自《权威词典》2. the Princess of Wales 威尔士王妃来自《权威词典》3. I worked as a companion to an old princess. 我当过一位老公爵夫人的陪伴人。来自《简明英汉词典》4. The wicked old woman charmed the princess with magic words. 那个老巫婆用咒语控制了公主。来自《简明英汉词典》5. The princess was ostracised for marrying a rich bourgeois. 公主因与一位富有的商人结婚而被逐出皇族。
2023-07-15 10:09:042


2023-07-15 10:10:2611


princess 基本解释名词公主; 王妃(王族女性成员); 女巨头,女名家; <古>女王princess 反义词名词prince
2023-07-15 10:10:561


princess 英[u02ccpru026anu02c8ses] 美[u02c8pru026ansu026as, -u02ccsu025bs, pru026anu02c8su025bs] n. 公主;王妃(王族女性成员);女巨头,女名家;<古>女王 名词复数:princesses [例句]The princess bride is sarcastic , instead of sentimental.公主新娘是讽刺剧而不是感情剧。2.Thousands turned out to pay tribute to the "people"s princess" during herfuneral procession. 数千人出现在她的送葬队伍中以对这个“人民的王妃”致敬。3.By the princess and restored her beauty. 小鸟被公主感动了,恢复了她的美貌。4.Princess aiko was back to school on monday. 爱子公主已于本周一回学校上课。5.Will princess leia become an official disney princess? 莉亚公主会成为正式的迪斯尼公主吗?
2023-07-15 10:11:053

Vitas的《Princess》 歌词

歌曲名:Princess歌手:Vitas专辑:回家2Return Home Part 2公主(Princess)Vitas回家2 (Return Home Part 2)译:YaoJee独白:她曾经渴望写一段故事关于太阳怎样在晚霞中黯淡关于如何在晚霞中自由的呼吸在深夜床头痛苦的反侧辗转关于这世间尚未实现的梦想关于很久以前已出海的大船关于灯塔如何忧郁的守望马儿如何自由自在的撒欢…公主啊公主 请别在窗前发呆公主啊公主 请别徒然的哭泣等冬天过去春天就会到来鲜花也会一如既往的盛开公主啊公主 请别在窗前发呆公主啊公主 请别徒然的哭泣等冬天过去春天就会到来鲜花也会一如既往的盛开但她注定不善言语在她的生活里缺少色彩为了摆脱冻僵破碎的梦想她给自己画了一幅肖像她自认温柔如水闭花羞月可是她怎么也弄不明白为何从一个美丽玄妙的国度降临到这个充满罪恶的世界公主啊公主 请别在窗前发呆公主啊公主 请别徒然的哭泣等冬天过去春天就会到来鲜花也会一如既往的盛开公主啊公主 请别在窗前发呆公主啊公主 请别徒然的哭泣等冬天过去春天就会到来鲜花也会一如既往的盛开公主啊公主…
2023-07-15 10:11:391

princess是什么意思 解释princess一词的含义?

2023-07-15 10:12:144


2023-07-15 10:12:244

princess是什么意思 解释princess一词的含义?

prince 王子princess 公主Princess是prince的阴性形式。
2023-07-15 10:12:311

princess什么意思 princess的定义和用法?

2023-07-15 10:12:405


2023-07-15 10:12:574


princess ["prinses] 音译:普瑞恩赛斯希望你满意哦^_^
2023-07-15 10:14:251


xixi princess
2023-07-15 10:14:344


你是我的princess中文意思是,公主 、王妃、女巨头,女名家,女王。princess读音:英 [?pr?n?ses],美 [?pr?nses]。你是我的princess,意思是,你是我的公主。
2023-07-15 10:15:141

prince princess 和他们的复数?

前两个清辅音s最后的浊辅音z,3,prince princess 和他们的复数 prince 的复数形式 是 princes 这个发音有点相似于 princess. 但当 princess 变为复数的时候,princesses 如何发后边这三个C的音?
2023-07-15 10:15:211


a表示泛指,the表示特指,所以不会有I am a princess lily这种用法,因为都已经具体指出princess的名字lily了,所以是特指,不会用a。正常情况下会出现的情况是I am Princess Lily,或是I am the Princess Lily.不同在于I am Princess Lily用在一般的自我介绍,意思就是我是公主名叫Lily(通常口语会说成我是Lily公主)。而I am the Princess Lily则用于前文有铺垫的强调,比如这种场合,人们在议论Lily公主,而被乔装的公主本人听到,人们发现后问你是谁啊,公主说我就是那个Lily公主。
2023-07-15 10:15:443


princess的缩写为 P如P -Anne安妮公主
2023-07-15 10:15:571

David Arkenstone的《Princess》 歌词

歌曲名:Princess歌手:David Arkenstone专辑:Valley In The Clouds蜜雪薇琪 - Princess作词:吴向飞 作曲:Billing, David/Olsson, Roger双面天使的神话 半朵梅花的指甲亮片闪闪的睫毛啊 很红很红的卷发善良的女生 怎麼会一直都睡在 睡不醒的冰窖没有吃苹果 怎麼会轻易地说出 爱上谁比较好穿著 和曼玉一样的紧身旗袍带著 和梦露一样的迷人微笑眼神 越迷幻 越模糊 越大胆才越有味道公园里摇晃的木马 不懂我矛盾的想法我是倔强的洋娃娃 相信水晶鞋的童话善良的女生 怎麼会一直都睡在 睡不醒的冰窖没有吃苹果 怎麼会轻易地说出 爱上谁比较好穿著 和曼玉一样的紧身旗袍带著 和梦露一样的迷人微笑眼神 越迷幻 越模糊 越大胆才越有味道只要 性感的嘴唇跟可爱牙套随便 甩一甩头发都引来尖叫爱情 越危险 越刺激 越神秘就越想知道在眼前飞舞的萤火虫 一闪一闪的回答传说中的白雪公主 She wakes-up today穿著 和曼玉一样的紧身旗袍带著 和梦露一样的迷人微笑眼神 越迷幻 越模糊 越大胆才越有味道只要 性感的嘴唇跟可爱牙套随便 甩一甩头发都引来尖叫爱情 越危险 越刺激 越神秘就越想知道
2023-07-15 10:16:041


P R I N C E S Sprincess
2023-07-15 10:16:113


2023-07-15 10:16:2213


2023-07-15 10:16:501


2023-07-15 10:17:005


2023-07-15 10:17:261


2023-07-15 10:18:166


2023-07-15 10:18:171


The invention of the mobile phone provides us with all kinds of convenience.分析:1、固定用法: provide sb with sth 为某人提供某物2、这是一个主谓宾结构的简单句,根据句子意思用一般现在时。3、句子成分分析:主语:The invention of the mobile phone谓语:provides宾语:us with all kinds of convenience.4、简单句的基本类型:1)、主语+谓语(不及物动词)+其它。如:He is reading . 他正在看书。2)、主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语+其它。如:He likes English . 他喜欢英语。3)、主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语+宾语补足语+其它。如:My mother often asks me to go to school on time .我妈妈经常叫我按时上学。4)、主语+谓语(及物动词)+间接宾语+直接宾语+其它。如:Mr.Li teaches us English . 李老师老师我们英语。5)、主语+系动词+表语+其它。如:I am very happy .我很高兴。
2023-07-15 10:18:172


milk 牛奶,是不可数名词 所以: a bottle of milk 一瓶牛奶 two glasses of milk 两杯牛奶 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢
2023-07-15 10:18:181


2023-07-15 10:18:196


是印度人。 朴雅卡·乔普拉 -- Priyanka Chopra 档案 中文名: 朴雅卡·乔普拉 英文名: Priyanka Chopra 性别: 女 生日: 1982-07-18 角色:演员 身高:175cm 2000届世界小姐冠军 主演的电影: 演员: 1.Salaam E Ishq: A Tribute to Love (2006) 2.Aap Ki Khatir (2006) 3.God Tussi Great Ho (2006) 4.Ek Haseena Ek Deewana (2006) 5.《克里斯》Krrish AS …… Priya (Journalist) (2006) 6.Deodhar Gandhi (2006) 7.Utthaan (2006) 8.Bluff Master (2006) 9.Don AS …… Roma (2006) 10.Happy New Year!!! AS …… (attached) (2006) 11.Taxi Number 9211 AS …… Special appearance (2006) 12. Yakeen AS …… Simar (2005) 13.《与时间赛跑》Waqt AS …… Mitali (2005) 14. Karam AS …… Shalini (2005) 15. Bewafaa AS …… Special Appearance (Song) (2005) 16. Blackmail AS …… Mrs. Rathod (2005) 17.Barsaat AS …… Kajal (2005) 18. Musafir (2004) 19.《色劫》Aitraaz AS …… Sonia Sharma (2004) 20.《嫁给我好吗?》Mujhse Shaadi Karogi AS …… Rani (2004) 21. Asambhav AS …… Alisha (2004) 22.Plan AS …… Rani (Mussa"s girlfriend) (2004) 23.Indian Idol AS …… Guest Judge (2004) 24.Kismat AS …… Sapna Gosai (2004) 25.Miss India: The Mystery (2003) 26.The Hero AS …… Shaheen Zakaria (2003) 27.Andaaz AS …… Jiya (2003) 28.Thamizhan AS …… Priya (2002) 29.Bitches & Beauty Queens: The Making of Miss India AS …… Miss India/Miss World 2000 (archive footage) (2002) 30.Miss World 2000 AS …… Miss India (Winner) (2000) 31.Bollywood Queens Vol. 2 (2006) AS …… Herself (various characters)
2023-07-15 10:18:251


定语从句中关系代词that的用法   1)在既指人又指事物的两个或两个以上的先行词后面。例如:ue003   They are talking about the people and countries that they had visited.ue004   2)在限制性定语从句中有形容词级的先行词后面。例如:ue003   He is the best student that I have ever met.ue004   3)在以“It is……”,“It was……”等开头的强调句中,和相应的疑问句中。如:ue003   What is it that he wants?ue004   4)在only, all, little的后面ue003   This is all that I know.ue004   5)在no, every, some和any等词后面,也包括在它们的复合词在内。如:ue003   There is no person that is always in the right.ue003   Is there anything that I can do for you?   近义词辨析   beautiful, goodue011looking, handsome, lovely, pretty   这组词均含有“美丽”、“漂亮”、“可爱”的意思。   Beautiful指能不仅给人带来感官上的快乐,而且通过感官产生思想和灵魂的愉悦,在同类词中层次。   She was even more beautiful than I had remembered.她比我记忆中的她更漂亮了。   goodue011looking 不如handsome, pretty意思强烈,指一般的“好看”或“悦目”。   That goodue011looking young man visited the house once or twice a week.那个长相不错的年轻人一星期光顾一两次。ue003   handsome 通常是一种客观的不带感情色彩的评价。一个人如被形容为handsome,是指此人外貌符合观察者的要求,但不激发更深层的感受。   He looked very handsome in his dark suit.他穿深色西装显得非常英俊。ue003   lovely比感官的快乐更进一步,是强调纯粹情感上的愉悦,指觉得某人或某物“可爱”。   Mary has two lovely daughters.玛丽有两个可爱的女儿。ue003   pretty也是“漂亮、可爱”的意思。很少形容大而有影响力的事物,多形容事物不以其优秀、完美而以小巧、优雅、精致见长,使人容易接受并喜爱。   Her boyfriend believes that she is the prettiest girl in the town.她男朋友觉得她是镇上最漂亮的女孩。   全真模拟试题   1. Evidence came up ue008______ue009 specific sounds are recognized by babies as young as six months old.ue003   A. what B. that C. which D. whoseue003   2. I understand ue008______ue009 preparation that staff must put in under pressure to meet the deadline.ue003   A. more than the enormous amount ofue003   B. better than most the enormous number ofue003   C. better than most the enormous amount of ue003   D. fewer than the number ofue003   3. I‘m sure your suggestion will ue008______ue009 the problem.ue003   A. contribute to solving ue003   B. be contributed to solve ue003   C. contribute to solve ue003   D. be contributed to solvingue003   4. In 1840, both Lucretian Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton resented ue008______ue009 proper seating at the World‘s Antiue011slavery convention in London because of their sex.ue003   A. refusing B. to be refused ue003   C. being refused D. having refusedue003   5. America will never again have as a nation the spirit of adventure as it   ue008______ue009 before the West was settled.ue003   A. could B. did C. would D. wasue003   6. You should have put the milk into the iceue011box, I expect it ue008______ue009 undrinkable.ue003   A. became B. had becomeue003   C. has become D. becomesue003   7. It‘s no good ue008______ue009 him. He is always indifferent towards others" matters.ue003   A. to turn to B. turning to C. turn to D. turned toue003   8. Some companies have introduced flexible working time with less emphasis   on pressure ue008______ue009。ue003   A. than more on efficiency ue003   B. and more on efficiency ue003   C. and more efficiency ue003   D. than efficiencyue003   9. She always put her medication on the top of the shelf lest the children   ue008______ue009 it by mistake.ue003   A. took B. should take C. had taken D. would takeue003   10. The earnings of women are well below that of men ue008______ue009   educational differences that are diminishing between the two sexes.ue003   A. although B. though C. despite of D. in spite ofue003   11. Many automobile accidents were ue008______ue009 careless driving.ue003   A. attributed to B. resulted in ue003   C. contributed to D. raised fromue003   12. The actress wanted a hat to ue008______ue009 her dress.ue003   A. go by B. go through C. go out D. go withue003   13. It takes a lot ofue008______ue009 to put on a school play such   as King Lear.ue003   A. organization B. arrangement ue003   C. management D. preparationue003   14. The police carried out a(n)ue008______ue009 search for the mising boy.ue003   A. complete B. entire C. thorough D. wholeue003   15. The ue008______ue009 crown jewels are kept in the Tower of London.ue003   A. valued B. valueless C. invaluable D. usableue003   16. Tom has been a vegetarian ue008______ue009 principle for years.ue003   A. in B. on C. for D. byue003   17. When I got out of the car and walked about among them, ue008______ue009   one old man who shook his head disapprovingly, they all began to cheer.ue003   A. see that B. except that ue003   C. provided that D. except forue003   18. ue008______ue009 the water left in the kettle, the doctor put   several things he unwrapped from a handkerchief.ue003   A. At B. To C. Within D. Intoue003   19. I am ue008______ue009 grateful for the many kindnesses you have shown my son.ue003   A. excessively B. much C. certainly D. exceedinglyue003   20. The ue008______ue009 of AIDS has led to an expansion in resear   ch seeking a cure.ue003   A. innovation B. selection C. proliferation D. convictionue003   21. I am sorry I have no time at present to ue008______ue009 more   detail or give you an account of other cities of interest.ue003   A. bring into B. take into C. come into D. go into   ue003   22. When the idea of winning in sports is carried to excess, ue008______ue009   competition can turn into disorder and violence.ue003   A. honestly B. honest C. honorable D. honoraryue003   23. Unless all the members agree to ue008______ue009 to the plan   there may be further development in the course of action.ue003   A. tumble B. stick C. come D. adjustue003   24. You must pay import ue008______ue009 on certain goods brought   into this country.ue003   A. money B. fees C. bills D. dutiesue003   25. We expect Mr. White will ue008______ue009 Class One when Miss   Jane retires.ue003   A. take over B. take up C. take off D. take toue003   试题答案与解析ue003ue003   1. B)   「句意」 有证据表明,小至六个月的婴儿就能识别具体的声音。ue003   「难点」 evidence后面的同位语从句被全句的谓语动词came up隔开,同   位语从句须由that引导,所以B)项正确。   ue003   2. C)   「句意」 我比多数人更能理解员工们在最后期限的压力下所做的大量准备工作。ue003   「难点」 understand better than……意为“对…非常理解”。preparation是不可数名词,须用amount修饰,故选C)。ue003   3. A)   「句意」 我相信你的建议将有助于问题的解决。ue003   「难点」 contribute to意为“有助于,促成”,to是介词,所以后面应接名词或动名词,故选A)。ue003   4. C)   「句意」 1840年,露克里蒂安。莫特和伊丽莎白。凯蒂。斯坦顿因为他们的性别而没有得到伦敦世界废奴大会的席位,他们对此表示愤慨。ue003   「难点」 resent后接名词或动名词作宾语,根据句意的要求,应使用动名词的被动语态形式,故选C)。ue003   5. B)   「句意」 作为一个国家来说,美国将不再具有开拓西部前所具有的那种冒险精神。ue003   「难点」 从意义来看,空格应填had,但主句中have是实义动词,为避免重复,可用助动词do替代,即用did替代had,故B)为答案。ue003   6. C)   「句意」 你本该把牛奶放到冰里。我想现在这牛奶不能喝了。ue003   「难点」 从句意分析,牛奶已经变质,不能喝了,属过去发生的动作对现在造成影响,再加上by now是现在完成时的典型时间状语,故选C)ue003   7. B)   「句意」 向他求助没用,他对别人的事总是漠不关心。ue003   「难点」 It is no good doing sth是一个常见的句型,意为“做…没用”,no good后面应接动名词形式。ue003   8. B)   「句意」 有些公司采用弹性工作时间制,更注重效率,而不是压力。ue003   「难点」 pressure和efficiency处于并列的位置,所以正确答案是B)。and more on efficiency,即more(emphasis) on efficiency.ue003   9. B)   「句意」 她总是把自己的药放到搁架上以免孩子错拿。ue003   「难点」 lest意为“以免”,后接虚拟语气should+动词原形。   10. D)   「句意」 尽管两性之间所受教育的差别正在缩小,妇女的收入仍大大低于男人的收入。ue003   「难点」 四个选项中只有in spite of后可接名词,despite不能和of连用,although和though是连词,后接从句。ue003   11. A)   「句意」 许多汽车交通事故都起因于莽撞驾车。ue003   「难点」 attribute to意为“把…归因于;contribute to意为”有助于,促成“;result in意为”导致,结果造成“;raise from不是固定搭配。ue003   12. D)   「句意」 那个女演员想要一个与她的连衣裙相配的帽子。ue003   「难点」 go with意为“与…相配”;go by意为“根据…作出判断”;go through意为“通过;经历”;go out意为“过时”。ue003   13. A)   「句意」 上演《李尔王》这样一部校园剧需要大量的组织工作。ue003   「难点」 organization意为“组织(行为)”;arrangement意为“安排”;management意为“经营,管理”;preparation意为“准备(状态);准备工作”。ue003   14. C)   「句意」 警方为寻找失踪的男孩进行了一次彻底搜寻。ue003   「难点」 thorough意为“彻底的”;complete意为“完全的,全部的”;entire意为“整个的,全部的”;whole意为“全体的,全部的”。ue003   15. C)   「句意」 那些无价的皇冠珠宝保存在伦敦塔里。ue003   「难点」 invaluable意为“非常宝贵的,无价的”;valued意为“受重视的;宝贵的”;valueless意为“没有价值的,毫无用处的”;usable意为“可用的,能用的”。ue003   16. B)   「句意」 多年来,汤姆一直是一个按原则行事的素食者。ue003   「难点」 on principle意为“根据行为准则;按照原则”;in principle意为“原则上;基本上;大体上”。for和by不与principle搭配。ue003   17. D)   「句意」 当我下车走在他们中间的时候,除了一个老头不满地摇了摇头,大家都开始欢呼。ue003   「难点」 except for意为“除…以外”,后接名词;see that意为“留意…;负责…;务必   …“;except that意为”除去…之外“后接句子;provided that意为”倘若,在…条件下“。ue003   18. D)   「句意」 那位医生打开手帕里包着的几样东西,放入了壶内剩下的水里。ue003   「难点」 为强调放入水中,把地点状语放到了句首。   19. D)   「句意」 我非常感激你给我儿子的那么多照顾。ue003   「难点」 exceedingly意为“非常,极其”;excessively意为“过多地,过分地”;much   常以too much,so much,very much的形式出现;certainly意为“无疑地;一定”。ue003   20. C)   「句意」 爱滋病的扩散使得人们做更多的研究工作去寻找治疗的方法。ue003   「难点」 proliferation意为“激增;扩散”;innovation意为“革新,创新”;selection意为“选择;选   拔“;conviction意为”定罪,判罪“。ue003   21. D)   「句意」 对不起,我眼下没时间讲得更细,也不能把其它旅游城市给你进行一个描述。ue003   「难点」 go into意为“叙述;讨论”;bring后面很少加into; take into和come into与本题意不符。ue003   22. C)   「句意」 当竞争意识发展到极端时,荣誉可能变成混乱和暴力。ue003   「难点」 honorable意为“荣誉的,光荣的”;honestly是副词,意为“诚实地”,不能修   饰名词,honest虽能修饰名词,但其意义不合题意;honorary意为“(学位、称号等)作为一种荣誉而授予的,名誉的”。ue003   23. B)   「句意」 除非所有成员都同意坚持这个计划,否则行动过程中会有进一步改进。ue003   「难点」 stick to意为“坚持;坚守”;tumble to意为“突然察觉”;come to意为“降临,发生”;adjust to意为“调整;适应”。ue003   24. D)   「句意」 带入本国的某些商品要交进口税。ue003   「难点」 duties意为“税,关税”;bill意为“帐单”;fee意为“费”。ue003   24. A)   「句意」 我们希望珍妮小姐退休后,怀特先生能够接管一班。ue003   「难点」 take over意为“接收,接管”;take up意为“开始采用;采取,承担”;take off意为“脱去;拿掉”;take to意为“开始从事;开始沉湎于”。
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学信网登录步骤如下:工具:联想Y7000、windows10、学信网V103.0.1264.62、百度浏览器、OPPO Reno7、ColorOS 12.1、微信V8.0.24。1、在百度搜索结果界面中,点击学信网进入。2、在学信网的界面中,点击登录。3、登录学信档案。4、输入身份证号、密码,点击登录。5、如果之前有绑定过支付宝和微信,直接选择“微信登录”或“支付宝登录”即可。6、以微信登录为例,点击微信登录,打开手机微信扫码就可以登录。
2023-07-15 10:18:251


“milk没有复数,不可数名词” milk:n.(牛或羊等的)奶;(人或哺乳动物的)奶,乳汁;(椰子等植物的)白色汁液,乳液 v.挤奶;趁机牟利;捞一把;捞好处 第三人称单数: milks现在分词: milking过去式: milked过去分词: milked 扩展资料   例句:   We took the milk run back home.   我们回家途中多次停留。   If you have any spare milk, could you give me a little?   你要是有多余的`牛奶,给我一些好吗?   Some children develop a sensitivity to cow"s milk.   有的孩子对牛奶过敏。   Could I have a drop more milk in my coffee, please?   给我在咖啡里多加点牛奶好吗?
2023-07-15 10:18:261

A man cannot really be happy if _he enjoys doing is ignored by society as of no value .

2023-07-15 10:18:125


2023-07-15 10:18:093

walpurga造句 walpurgaの例文

He is buried in the Monastery of Saint Walpurga in Eichst鋞t. In the 12th century, this church was dedicated to Saint Walpurga . The Cathopc church is devoted to Saint Walpurga ( " Heipge Walburga " ). The main civic church in Alsfeld, dedicated to St . Walpurga , has a ppcated building history. Ruotger was buried in the chapel dedicated to Saint Walpurga in the church of Sankt Paupn in Trier. She attended St . Walpurga "s School with the help of the nuns, who arranged her tuition. Wolfgang Ernst only had one daughter, Dorothea Walpurga of L鳃enstein-Wertheim ( 1628 1634 ) who predeceased him. She appeared in the role of Walpurga in the Franz Josef Gottpeb directed German production of Saison in Salzburg ( 1961 ). Harro"s daughter, Walpurga loves her tutor, Erich Spitta, who has ambitions of being an actor and a dramatist. The current festival is, in most countries that celebrate it, named after the Engpsh missionary Saint Walpurga ( 710 777 / 9 ). It"s difficult to see walpurga in a sentence. 用 walpurga 造句挺难的 Knowing that Erich and Walpurga love each other, Teresa, Harro"s wife, tries to intervene on their behalf before her hu *** and. The largest and oldest church of the city is the St . Walburgis ( Saint Walpurga ) church, which originally dates from the eleventh century. The earpest representation of Walpurga , in the early 11th-century Hitda Codex, made in Cologne, depicts her holding stypzed stalks of grain. Peasant farmers fashioned her reppca in a corn dolly at harvest time and told tales to explain Saint Walpurga "s presence in the grain sheaf. It was originally dedicated to Saint Othmar, but after the city purchased the ruins of Burgraves"Castle, it was rebuilt and dedicated to Saint Walpurga . As Walpurga "s feast was held on 1 May ( c . 870 ), she became associated with May Day, especially in the Finnish and Czech. Walpurga became a nun in the double monastery of Heidenheim am Hahnenkamm, which was founded by her other brother, Wilpbald, who appointed her as his successor. The church is in St Walpurga , St Bede on one side and St Gregory the Great, St Winefride, St Cuthbert, Saint Mildred and St Wilfrid on the other. Anglo-Saxon missionaries to the continent founded double houses there-- one example is the double monastery in Heidenheim, Bavaria, founded by Saint Wilpbald around 742 and later led by his sister, Saint Walpurga . In 916 Charles the Simple transported repcs of Saint Walpurga to Attigny and founded a chapel served by elve canons and his intention was that this chapel would be subject to the " Abbey of Saint-Corneille " at Compi鑗ne. On 30 June 1978, Prince Michael was married, at a civil ceremony, at the Rathaus, Vienna, Austria, to Hungarian-born wife, Maria Anna Caropna Franziska Walpurga Bernadette, Countess Szap醨y de Muraszombath, Sz闰hysziget et Szap醨. At first he was married to Christiane Freiin von Guttenberg-Steinenhausen ( 1798 1817 ) on July 24, 1798, and after her death to Karopne Friederike Walpurga Marie von Rechberg und Rothenl鳃en ( 1798 1878 ) on August 4, 1818. When the figurine of Saint Walpurga on the fountain of the market square was replaced by a more war-pke motif in October 1937, the Cathopc parish priest, Anton Geitner, an anti-Nazi, refused the Nazi salute and found himself heavily criticised. And in the garden of German art these rats are gnawing at the roots of the tree of ideap *** . " In his son"s room, Pastor Spitta discovers a photograph of Walpurga and, not knowing she is his daughter, shows it to Harro. The o earpest miracle narratives of Walpurga are the " Miracula S . Walburgae Manheimensis " by Wolfhard von Herrieden, datable to 895 or 896, and the late 10th-century " Vita secunda " pnked with the name of Aselbod, bishop of Utrecht. "" Walpurgis Night ""is the Engpsh translation of " " " " ", one of the Dutch and German names for the night of 30 April, so called because it is the eve of the feast day of Saint Walpurga , an 8th-century abbess in Francia. It"s difficult to find walpurga in a sentence. 用 walpurga 造句挺难的
2023-07-15 10:18:071


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2023-07-15 10:18:071


2023-07-15 10:18:044


2023-07-15 10:18:035

glue photos on it中文翻译

"glue photos to it" 的中文翻译是 "将其照片粘在上面"。
2023-07-15 10:18:033

convenience receptacle是什么意思

convenience receptacle英[ku0259nu02c8vi:nju0259ns ru026au02c8septu0259ku0259l]美[ku0259nu02c8vinju0259ns ru026au02c8su025bptu0259ku0259l][释义] 插座;[网络] 电源插座;
2023-07-15 10:18:011


2023-07-15 10:18:001


No money
2023-07-15 10:17:567