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2023-07-15 13:51:38
TAG: ig might mi mig

might生词本 低频词,记不记随你啦!英 [mau026at] 美 [mau026at]

aux. 表示可能;表示许可;表示询问情况

n. 力气;力量;威力;权力

v. 可以;应该

网 络

可能; 可以; 可能会; 也许



柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 现代英汉综合大词典 英汉双向大词典

1. MODAL USES 情态用法

2. NOUN USES 名词用法


Might is a modal verb. It is used with the base form of a verb. might 为情态动词,与动词原形连用。

1. MODAL 情态动词也许;有可能会 You use might to indicate that something will possibly happen or be true in the future, but you cannot be certain. 【语用信息】:vaguenessSmoking might be banned totally in most buildings...


The two countries might go to war...


I might well regret it later...


He said he might not be back until tonight.


2. MODAL 情态动词或许(是);可能(是) You use might to indicate that there is a possibility that something is true, but you cannot be certain. 【语用信息】:vaguenessShe and Simon"s father had not given up hope that he might be alive...


You might be right...


They haven"t seen each other for five years; he might not be interested in her any more.


...a suit that looks as though it might contain polyester.


3. MODAL 情态动词可能(会发生或属实) You use might to indicate that something could happen or be true in particular circumstances. 【语用信息】:vaguenessAmerica might sell more cars to the islands if they were made with the steering wheel on the right.


...the type of person who might appear in a fashion magazine.


4. MODAL 情态动词可能(表示已经发生或过去某件事可能属实,但不确定;有时用于对某事提供一种可能的解释) You use might have with a past participle to indicate that it is possible that something hap-pened or was true, or when giving a possible explanation for something.

I heard what might have been an explosion...


She thought the shooting might have been an accident...


The equipment needed to clean up the spill might not have arrived yet...


The letters might not have been meant for me at all.


5. MODAL 情态动词本来可以;原本可能 You use might have with a past participle to indicate that something was a possibility in the past, although it did not actually happen.

If she had had to give up riding she might have taken up sailing competitively...


Had the bomb dropped over a populated area of the city, there might have been a great deal of damage...


The report might have been better written...


I didn"t give my name because if I did I thought you might not have come.


6. MODAL 情态动词可能,也许(表示虽然接受某一事实,但将其与更为重要的方面对比) You use might in statements where you are accepting the truth of a situation, but contrasting it with something that is more important.

He might be a bore, but he was as quick-witted as a weasel...


They might not have two cents to rub together, but at least they have a kind of lifestyle that is different.


7. MODAL 情态动词应该(强调某人应该做某事,尤指对某人未做某事感到气愤) You use might when you are saying emphatically that someone ought to do the thing mentioned, especially when you are annoyed because they have not done it. 【语用信息】:emphasisAnd while I"m out you might clean up the kitchen...


You might have told me that before!


8. MODAL 情态动词可以,不妨(用于委婉提出建议或忠告) You use might to make a suggestion or to give advice in a very polite way. 【语用信息】:politenessThey might be wise to stop advertising on television...


You might try the gas station down the street...


You might want to consider cycling...


I was just wondering if you might like to go feed the cat...


I thought we might go for a drive on Sunday...


It might be a good idea to tell your husband.


9. MODAL 情态动词可不可以,能否(用于礼貌地打断别人、提出问题、做出请求或引出接下来要说的话) You use might as a polite way of interrupting someone, asking a question, making a request, or introducing what you are going to say next. 【语用信息】:politeness

【语域标签】:FORMAL 正式

【STYLE标签】:SPOKEN 口语Might I make a suggestion?...


Might I ask what you"re doing here?...


Might I trouble you for a drop more tea?...


I was wondering if I might talk to you for a moment...


Might I draw your readers" attention to the dangers in the Government"s proposal.


10. MODAL 情态动词(表示接下来的陈述并不令人惊讶)可以,能够(预料) You use might in expressions such as as you might expect and as you might imagine in order to indicate that the statement you are making is not surprising.

"How"s Jan?" she asked. — "Bad. As you might expect."...


The drivers, as you might imagine, didn"t care much for that.


11. MODAL 情态动词我可以这么说(表示强调接下来的陈述) You use might in expressions such as I might add and I might say in order to emphasize a statement that you are making. 【语用信息】:emphasisRelatives ring up constantly, not always for the best motives, I might add...


It didn"t come as a great surprise to me, I might say.


12. MODAL 情态动词我早该知道/我早该猜到(表示对某件令人失望的事情或情况并不吃惊) You use might in expressions such as I might have known and I might have guessed to indicate that you are not surprised at a disappointing event or fact.

I might have known I"d find you with some little slut...


"I detest clutter, you know." — "I didn"t know, but I might have guessed."


13. might as well→see: well;


1. N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词权力;力量;能力 Might is power or strength. 【搭配模式】:usu with supp

【语域标签】:FORMAL 正式The might of the army could prove a decisive factor.


2. PHRASE 短语全力以赴;竭尽全力 If you do something with all your might, you do it using all your strength and energy. 【搭配模式】:PHR with vShe swung the hammer at his head with all her might.


行业释义 英英释义 网络释义




双语例句 词组习语 同反义词 同义词辨析 语源派生

1. One false move and the bomb might blow up. 一步弄错,炸弹就可能会爆炸。


2. The interval between major earthquakes might be 200 years. 大地震之间的间隔时间可能有200年。


3. He said he might come tomorrow. 他说他明天可能来。


4. It might be more prudent to get a second opinion before going ahead. 行动之前再征求一下意见也许更为慎重。


5. Getting a visa isn"t as simple as you might suppose. 办签证不像你想的那么容易。



might 英[mau026at] 美[mau026at]

aux. 表示可能;表示许可;表示询问情况

n. 力气;力量;威力;权力

v. 可以;应该

[例句]Some insurers might go bankrupt.




意思是 可能
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might [maɪt] aux. 可能;也许n. 力量;威力;势力v. 可以;或许(may的过去式);应该Might I use your pen? 我可以用你的笔吗?
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might的读音是:英[ma?t]。might的读音是:英[ma?t]。might的例句是用作助动词(aux.)That might be in your favor.那可能对你有利。might【近义词】force。一、详尽释义点此查看might的详细内容aux.(助动词)可以,指非常礼貌地提议或建议可能,也许,用于表示在特定环境中的一种可行性或可能性用于询问、婉转的请求或吁请应该强调提出了重点可能,会用于表示过去时中的可能性或许可性或许,用来表示一种与事实相反的情况或状态可以,允许,指接受某种情况为事实可能,也许,用于表达方式中,表示对某种状况或对令人失望的事件或事实不觉得惊讶可以,用于表达方式中,例如"I might add"和"I might say",强调所做的声明n.(名词)势力,强权,权力力气,(强大)力量,力威力兵力智力才干,能力v.(动词)可以,能可能,也许,或许应该,会,该请愿...就好了还是...好如能便会二、词典解释情态用法(MODAL USES)Might is a modal verb. It is used with the base form of a verb. might 为情态动词,与动词原形连用。1.也许;有可能会You usemight to indicate that something will possibly happen or be true in the future, but you cannot be certain.e.g. Smokingmight be banned totally in most buildings...绝大多数建筑中可能会全面禁止吸烟。e.g. The two countriesmight go to war...两国有可能交战。2.或许(是);可能(是)You usemight to indicate that there is a possibility that something is true, but you cannot be certain.e.g. She and Simon"s father had not given up hope that hemight be alive...她和西蒙的父亲还没有放弃他或许还活着的希望。e.g. Youmight be right...你或许是对的。3.可能(会发生或属实)You usemight to indicate that something could happen or be true in particular circumstances.mighte.g. Americamight sell more cars to the islands if they were made with the steering wheel on the right.如果制造的汽车方向盘是装在右边的,美国可能会在这些岛屿卖出更多的汽车。e.g. ...the type of person whomight appear in a fashionmagazine.那种可能会登上时装杂志的人4.可能(表示已经发生或过去某件事可能属实,但不确定;有时用于对某事提供一种可能的解释)You usemight have with a past participle to indicate that it is possible that something hap-pened or was true, or when giving a possible explanation for something.e.g. I heard whatmight have been an explosion...我听见了一声巨响,可能是爆炸声。e.g. She thought the shootingmight have been an accident...她想这次枪击可能是一次意外。5.本来可以;原本可能You usemight have with a past participle to indicate that something was a possibility in the past, although it did not actually happen.might的反义词e.g. If she had had to give up riding shemight have taken up sailing competitively...如果她当时不得不放弃骑自行车的话,她或许就从事她很有优势的帆船运动了。e.g. Had the bomb dropped over a populated area of the city, theremight have been a great deal of damage...如果炸弹投在了该市人口密集的地区,那损失就大了。6.可能,也许(表示虽然接受某一事实,但将其与更为重要的方面对比)You usemight in statements where you are accepting the truth of a situation, but contrasting it with something that is more important.might的翻译e.g. Hemight be a bore, but he was as quick-witted as a weasel...他也许是个很无聊的人,可是却像黄鼠狼一样机灵。e.g. Theymight not have two cents to rub together, but at least they have a kind of lifestyle that is different.他们也许穷得叮当响,但他们至少拥有一种不同的生活方式。7.应该(强调某人应该做某事,尤指对某人未做某事感到气愤)You usemight when you are saying emphatically that someone ought to do the thing mentioned, especially when you are annoyed because they have not done it.e.g. And while I"m out youmight clean up the kitchen...我不在的时候,你打扫一下厨房总该可以吧。e.g. Youmight have told me that before!你之前应该告诉我那件事情!8.可以,不妨(用于委婉提出建议或忠告)You usemight to make a suggestion or to give advice in a very polite way.e.g. Theymight be wise to stop advertising on television...他们不妨停止在电视上做广告,这样做可能是明智之举。e.g. Youmight try the gas station down the street...你可以到街那头的加油站试试。9.可不可以,能否(用于礼貌地打断别人、提出问题、做出请求或引出接下来要说的话)You usemight as a polite way of interrupting someone, asking a question, making a request, or introducing what you are going to say next.e.g. Might I make a suggestion?...我能否提个建议?e.g. Might I ask what you"re doing here?...我可不可以问一下,您在这里干什么?10.(表示接下来的陈述并不令人惊讶)可以,能够(预料)You usemight in expressions such asas you might expect andas you might imagine in order to indicate that the statement you are making is not surprising.e.g. "How"s Jan?" she asked. — "Bad. As youmight expect."...“简怎么样?”她问道。——“如你所料,情况不好。”e.g. The drivers, as youmight imagine, didn"t care much for that.和想象中的一样,这些司机对此并不太在意。11.我可以这么说(表示强调接下来的陈述)You usemight in expressions such asI might add andI might say in order to emphasize a statement that you are making.e.g. Relatives ring up constantly, not always for the best motives, Imight add...亲戚们不断打电话过来,不客气地说,他们并非全都出于最好的动机。e.g. It didn"t come as a great surprise to me, Imight say.可以这么说,这并没有令我大吃一惊。12.我早该知道/我早该猜到(表示对某件令人失望的事情或情况并不吃惊)You usemight in expressions such asI might have known andI might have guessed to indicate that you are not surprised at a disappointing event or fact.e.g. Imight have known I"d find you with some little slut...我早该知道你会跟哪个小娼妇在一起。e.g. "I detest clutter, you know." — "I didn"t know, but Imight have guessed."“我特别厌恶杂乱无章,你是知道的。”——“我可不知道,不过我早该猜到了。”13. might as well -> see well名词用法(NOUN USES)1.权力;力量;能力Might is power or strength.e.g. Themight of the army could prove a decisive factor.军事力量可能会成为决定性的因素。2.全力以赴;竭尽全力If you do somethingwith all yourmight, you do it using all your strength and energy.e.g. She swung the hammer at his head with all hermight.她使出全身力气抡起榔头砸向他的脑袋。三、网络解释1. 力量:光环种类 - 力量(Might) 作用 - 增加对敌人的伤害pet类型 - 战斗型(combat) 光环种类 - 荆棘(Thorns) 作用 - 反弹敌人的伤害pet类型 - 防御型(deffensive) 光环种类 - 神圣冰冻(Holy Freeze) 作用 - 冻结敌人洗橙色装备的原材料类型必须是蓝色魔法,2. might的解释2. 能力:克鲁泡特金说--他是一个虔诚的人,一个真正虔诚的人--联合是基於生命的,而不是基於战争,这不是一个适者生存的问题,因为如果这是一个适者生存的问题,那麼能力(might)就成了权力(right).四、例句That might be in your favor.那可能对你有利。You might do me a favor?你或许能帮我—个忙吧?If someone had been with him, he might not have been drowned.如果有人在他旁边,或许他就不会溺死。The boy might have known the truth, but I am not quite sure.这男孩当时也许知道真相,但我不很确定。We fear the military might of the enemy.我们惧怕敌人强大的军事力量。To be frank, this mission is beyond my might.说实话,这一使命非我能力所及。He fought back with all his might.他倾全力反击。五、常见句型用作助动词(aux.)Might I make a suggestion?我可以提个建议吗?He might get here in time, but I can"t be sure.他可能及时来到这里,不过我不能确定。The prisoner had hopes that he might be set free.那囚犯希望他会被释放。How long might that take?那要多长时间?I think you might at least offer to help?我认为你至少可以主动帮忙吧?If it were necessary,I might leave the office for a few minutes.如有必要,我可以离开办公室一会儿。You might have tried to be a little quieter last night.昨晚你本应该安静点的。Try as I might,I couldn"t lift the stone.无论我使多大的劲,也举不起这块石头。用作名词(n.)I pushed the rock with all my might.我用全力推那块石头。He worked with all his might.他竭尽全力工作。Might is right.强权就是公理。六、常用短语用作助动词(aux.)might (just) as well最好还是…; 还是…为好have no strong reason not tomight well很可能have been likely to用作名词(n.)with might and main竭尽全力with all one"s physical strength七、词语用法aux.(助动词)might用作助动词可与实义动词搭配,以用来表示可能性很小、许可、愿望、祝愿、请求; 还可用于表示希望或目的的从句中。might也是may的过去式,用于问句中代替may,以表示礼貌。用于肯定句, might可以用来表达一种像是认真、客气的抱怨或指责。might用于让步状语从句中,表示“不管,无论”。might的相关近义词force、power、strengthmight的相关反义词weaknessmight的相关临近词mighty、mien、mightily、mightless、might well、mightiness、might works、might as well、Might and main、might is right点此查看更多关于might的详细信息
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以下是might的中文翻译:1、aux.可能;也许;may的过去式2、might用作助动词可与实义动词搭配,以用来表示可能性很小、许可、愿望、祝愿、请求还可用于表示希望或目的的从句中。might也是may的过去式,用于问句中代替may,以表示礼貌。用于肯定句,might可以用来表达一种像是认真、客气的抱怨或指责。might用于让步状语从句中,表示“不管,无论”verb:modal.也许会,有可能会(多用于口语);或许(是);可能(是);可能(会发生或属实);可能,也许(表示虽然接受某一事实,但将其与更为重要的方面对比);应该(表达对某人未做应做之事的不满);可以;不妨;可以;可否;能否;可以,能够(用于that或so that引导的从句中,表示结果或目的);n.权力;力量;能力;(尤指)强大力量,威力;They wouldn"t stop halfway however great the difficulties might be.不管困难多大,他们也不会半途而废。Might I ask a question?我是不是可以提个问题? It might rain.可能下雨。she were older she might understand.要是她年龄大些的话,她就可能懂了。
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2023-07-15 10:53:132

初三英语 may和might的区别

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它难道不是may 的过去式?
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may和might所表达的语气不同,may所表达的可能性比might要更大。二者都可表示推测,may通常用于肯定陈述句或否定陈述句,而might则用于肯定句,否定句或疑问句。1、might在语法形式上,是may的过去式。所以,如果要表达对现在或未来的猜测的话,一般要用may;而要表达对过去的猜测的话,则要用might。 2、一般来说,may所表达的可能性比might要更大。如: They may visit Ireland in the near future. 这句话说明说话者认为他们还是比较有可能在不久的将来去爱尔兰的。 The woman looked as if she might have been in her late 40s. 这句话说明说话者并没有什么把握确定这位女士的年龄,只是做了个尝试性的猜测而已。 需要注意的是,如果只是做假设性的猜测的话,还是建议多用might。如果是在虚拟语气中,肯定要用might。 3、如果要表示“本可以怎么样”,以此来表达说话者的不满或批评时,一般要用might,而不是may。如果要提出问题、请求或建议时,might比may更加礼貌、委婉。如: Don"t you think you might be a little old for him? 你不觉得你对他来说可能有点老吗? MightI ask the Court to glance briefly at the judgment of Lucy? 我可以请法庭简要地看一眼Lucy的判决吗? 4、当要表达祝愿或希望时,may一般常用来表达祝愿或希望,但might不行。当要征询许可时,may或might都可以,但是might如今被认为过于正式。而may又比can更显得有礼貌、更委婉。当要给予或拒绝别人许可时,则只能用may或can,不能用might。 5、两者均可后接动词完成式,表示对过去可能发生的事进行推测;但若不是单纯地对过去可能发生的事进行推测,而是表示过去可能发生而实际上未发生的情况(有时表示一种委婉的批评或责备等),则只能用“might+完成式”,而不能用“may+完成式”。
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might 与 could区别,

主要区别如下: 1.用于疑问句表示请求时,一般只用Could,且可用于各人称.如: Could you help me explain the difference between "might" and "could"? Could I use your mobile phone a little while? 上句可用May代替:May I use your mobile phone a little while? 用Might也是可以的,但不常见. 2.could和might都可用在条件句中,表示假想的情况.表示“本来会、本来可以/能够”.例如: If you tried you could/might do the work better.如果你试试的话,准能把那项工作干得更好. You could have met her if you had gone that way.如果你走那条路的话,你准能遇见她. 此句中的could如改成might则表示:……,你也许能见到他. They could/might have worked it out if they had asked me for help.如果他们来向我求助的话,他们本能够做出来的. He could/might have give the answer,but he refused to.他本来能够回答的,但他拒绝这么做. You were stupid to go skiing there — you could have broken your leg.你真笨,竟会到那地方滑雪.你本来会摔断腿的. 上面的例句中用might则因其语气较轻而语意效果不甚理想. 在此场合,could和might的区别是could较might的可能性强. 3.couldn"t be + 比较级句型不能用might代替.如: Their lifestyles couldn"t be more different.他们的生活方式极为不同. 4.could和might都可用在表示“结果”的状语从句中,同样,could语气较重些.例如: He expressed his ideas clearly so that the average person might understand.他把他的意思清楚地表达出来,以便一般人能听明白. 5.might as well表示“不妨、可以、倒不如”,此时的might是不能用could代替的.例如: We might as well look for some food now.现在我们不妨找些吃的东西. I expect I might as well be going.我希望我可以走了. Since it"s a fine day we might as well walk.既然是一个晴朗的天,我们不妨步行. We might as well have gone home as you suggested.我们还不如按你建议的回家去呢.
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这个我刚刚给孩子们讲过 (1)can can表示体力、脑力方面的能力或客观的可能性,也可表示对事情的推测.口语中, 在询问或说明一件事可不可以做时,常用“can”代替“may”.情态动词“can”的过去式是“could”,否定式是“cannot”通常缩写成“can"t”,“could”的否定式是“could not”,通常缩写成“couldn"t”.如:Can I help you?(要帮忙吗?)/ He can swim.(他会游泳)/ That can"t be Mr Li.(那不可能是李先生) (2)must must表示“必须”、“一定”的意思.表示“必须”时否定形式是mustn"t;表示“一定”时,否定形式是“can"t” 如:We must be very careful when we cross the road.(我们过马路时一定要非常小心)/ It must be Jack.(那准是杰克)/ I haven"t seen Kate today. She can"t be here.(我今天没有看到过凯特,她不可能在这里) 注意:用must(必须)进行提问时,肯定回答用must,否定回答用needn"t;用must(一定)进行提问时,肯定回答仍用must,但是否定回答用can"t.如:Must we clean the room before we leave? –Yes,you must.或No,you needn"t.(我们走之前必须要打扫房间吗?是的,必须打扫./ 不,不需要.) / Must she be in the romm? –Yes,she must.或No,she can"t.(她一定在房间里吗?是的,一定./ 不,不可能在.) (3)may may表示允许、请求或可能性,用may提问时,肯定回答一般用Certainly或Yes,you may.;否定回答一般用can"t或mustn"t. 如:May I ask you a question?—Certainly.(可以问你一个问题吗?当然可以)/ You may go now.(现在你可以走了)/ It may be in your pocket.(它可能在你的衣袋里) (4)might might是may的过去式,表示请求的时候语气更委婉,表示猜测的时候语气更弱
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英语中may 和might的具体用法是什么?

may与might的用法 ■表示请求允许:可以 —May/Might/Can I come in?我可以进来吗? —Yes,please.请. He said I might borrow his car.他说我可以借他的车. 注意:前例中的might不是过去式,只是更婉转;但在后例这样主句动词是过去式的句子里,might可看作是may的过去式. ■表示给予允许:可以 You may bring it back tomorrow.你可以明天把它带来. You may not go there.你不可以去那里. 注意:1.表示给予允许,不能用might;2.常用来回答表示不允许.如: —Might I go now?我可以去吗? —Yes,you may.可以. —No,you mustn"t/can"t.不可以去. —You"d better not.你最好不去. ■表示祝愿 May you succeed! May you live happily.祝你生活幸福! ■表示推测:可能 It may/might rain this afternoon.今天下午可能会下雨 He may come,or he may not.他可能来,也可能不来. She may still be waiting for us.她可能还在等我. 注意: 1.作此种用法时,也可用might(不是过去式) 语气更委婉;若是对过去情况的推测,用may/might have加过去分词.如: You may/might have helped me when I asked you.我请你帮忙时,你本可以帮我的. 2.表示推测时,may not意为“可能不”,can"t意为“不可能”,前者较后者语气弱得多.如: He may not come today,for it"s raining.今天他可能不会来,因为在下雨. He cannot come today,for he has gone to America.他今天不可能来,因为他去美国了.
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may might 的区别与用法

may might的区别是两者的侧重点不同,may偏向肯定,might偏向否定。用法:may和 might均可表示推测,意为可能。此时might并非表示过去,只是比may语气更不确定,表示的可能性更小。两者均可用于肯定句和否定句。 扩展资料 例句:May (Might) I come round in the morning? 我早上来可以吗?“May I take this book out?” “Yes, you may.” “我可以把这书带走吗?”“唔,可以。”(由于答语是表示给予允许,可用 may,但不能用 might)。You may take my dictionary as long as you don"t keep it too long. 只要使用时间不太长,你可以把我的词典拿去。(不用might)。 
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may be vs.might bemay be 多用于现在时.例句:If you don"t go,you may be in trouble.如果你不去,你就可能要有麻烦了.might be 多用于过去时,另外,它表示的可能性较小,说话人多半抱着猜测和不确定的心理.例句:If ...
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May Might probably的区别

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may,might,maybe和may be的区别

might be 多用于过去时,另外,它表示的可能性较小,说话人多半抱着猜测和不确定的心理.例句:If you can"t do this on your own,it might be hard for him.如果你不能自己应付这个的话,他可能会很辛苦.  may be和maybe它们的含义和用法不同.may be中,may是情态动词,be是动词原形,两者构成完整的谓语形式,与主语形成系表结构,意为“也许是、可能是”.He may be a teacher.他可能是个老师 maybe是副词,意思是“也许、可能”,在句中作状语,相当于perhaps,常位于句首.Maybe he will go to the hospital.也许他会去医院.maybe和may be可相互转换.You may be right.= Maybe you are right.你或许是对的.maybe是副词,“也许,可能”,“大概”,用法很简单,常用于句子开头,有时后边紧接着加一逗号,与后面的句子分开.表示一种可能性?可能发生某事(可能是这样),或可能不发生某事(可能不是某种情况).例句:1.He has been ill for 3 days .He may be fine now .2.He has been ill for 3 days .Maybe ,he is fine now .3.Maybe he will come ,maybe he won"t .求采纳
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may, might用法

可能已经做了may, might后接完成式的用法 ①表示对过去某事的推测,认为某一件事情在过去可能发生了。如果使用might,语气就比较婉转或更加不肯定,如:Mary might have learned some Chinese before. ②可以表示过去本来可以做到而实际没有做到的事情,有“劝告”或“责备”的语气,如:You didn"t do the work well that day. You might have done it better.
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may,might,maybe和may be的区别

may 1.(有可能但不肯定)也许,可能 2.(转折前所述情况属实)也许,可能 3.【正式】(征求同意或表示允许)可以 4.【正式】【口】(礼貌地评价或提问等)可以 5.【正式】(表示愿望)但愿 6.【正式】(表明目的)可以,能够 might 1.(用以表示许可) 2.(表示可能) 3.(用于问讯情况) 4.(用于婉转的请求或吁请) might比may婉转,可用于过去时,虚拟语气中 may be 是动词,maybe是副词. Maybe we"ll put less value on things that use lots of materials and more on things that don"t swallow up resources-like telecommuting and the Internet 我们可能会减少对消耗大量原材料的产品的重视,而更看重不会鲸吞资源的事物--比如说远程办公和互联网. I will never forget to catch the thief who stole my necklace wherever he may be. 我永远也不会忘记去抓住那个偷我项链的贼,无论他会在哪里.
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1) 表示允许或请求;表示没有把握的推测;may 放在句首,表示祝愿. May God bless you! He might be at home. 注意:might 表示推测时,不表示时态.只是可能性比may 小. 2) 成语:may/might as well,后面接不带to 的不定式,意为不妨. If that is the case,we may as well try.
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might be与may be的区别

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might 与 probably 的区别

might与probably的区别是:1、作名词时:might:力量;威力;势力。例句:The might of the army could prove decisive.翻译:军事力量可能会成为决定性的因素。probably:没用名词含义。2、作动词时:might:可以;或许(may的过去式);应该。例句:We might go to Spain next year.翻译:我们明年可能会去西班牙。例句:He might not be interested in her any more.翻译:他或许对她不再感兴趣了。probably:没有动词含义。3、作形容词时:might:没有形容词含义。probably:大概;或许;很可能。例句:The White House probably won"t make this plan public until July.翻译:白宫很可能到七月才会公开这个计划。例句:He probably thinks you"re both crazy!翻译:他可能认为你俩都疯了。参考资料来源:百度翻译—probably参考资料来源:百度翻译—might
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MAY 与MIGHT表推测的区别?

一、表示允许(1)表示请求允许(即请求别人允许自己做某事),两者都可用,只是might表示的语气较委婉(但并不表示过去):May[Might]Isithere?我可以坐在这里吗?IwonderifImightaskyouafavor.不知能否请你帮个忙。I"dliketoaskaquestionifImay.如果可以的话,我想提个问题。(2)表示给予允许(即自己允许别人做某事),通常要用may而不用might:Youmaycomeinnow.你现在可以进来了。Youmaynottellhimthis.你不可以告诉他这件事。体会以下对话的问句与答句:  A:May[Might]Istay?我可以留下吗?(表请求,可用两者)B:Yes,youmay.可以。(表允许,不能用might)【注】在通常情况下,may表示允许(请求允许或给予允许)时,总是针对“现在”或“将来”而言,若要表示已经给予或已经存在的允许,则通常不用may,而用can:Nowadays,childrencandowhattheylike.现在小孩子喜欢干什么就可以干什么。It"sunfair.HecanstayandIhavetoleave.这不公平,他可以留下,而我却得离开。例外的情况是,might用于间接引语和may用于否定句表示禁止:HesaidthatImightborrowhiscar.他说我可以用他的车。Visitorsmaynot(=mustnot)feedtheanimals.参观者不得给动物喂食
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1.都表示“可以”,语气客气委婉;例句: You might as well tell the truth. 你不妨讲真话。 2.表示“可能”、“或许”;例句: You might have caught a cold. 你也许感冒了。 3.用在表示目的等一些状语从句中。 扩展资料   情态动词may与might用法要点归纳:   1. 表示允许   (1) 表示请求允许(即请求别人允许自己做某事),两者都可用,只是 might 表示的语气较委婉(但并不表示过去)。如:   May I come round in the morning? 我早上来行吗?   (2) 表示给予允许(即自己允许别人做某事),只用能 may而不能用might。如:   You may stop now. 你现在可以停下来了。   You may not tell him this. 你不可以告诉他这件事。   体会以下对话的问句与答句:   A:May [Might] I stay? 我可以留下吗?(表请求,可用两者)   B:Yes, you may. 可以。(表允许,不能用 might)   注意,might 表示允许通常不表示过去,但是在间接引语(即宾语从句)中可以用作 may 的过去式来转述已给予的允许。如:   She said that he might take her dictionary. 她说他可以拿她的词典去用。   2. 表示推测   两者都可用,只是 might 比 may 语气更不确定,表示的`可能性更小(注意此时的might并不表过去)。在句型使用方面:may通常用于肯定句或否定陈述句,一般不用于疑问句(疑问句中用 can, 参见 can),而might 则可用于肯定句、否定句或疑问句。在用法方面注意以下几点:   (1) 后接动词原形,表示对现在或将来的推测。如:   He may [might] be in his office now. 他现在说不定在办公室里。   Might he know the answer? 他可能知道答案吗?   (2) 后接动词进行式,表示动作正在进行或将要发生。如:   They may [might] be going abroad next month. 他们可能在下个月出国。   Might he be waiting for us at the station? 他会不会在车站等我们?   (3) 后接动词完成式,表示对过去可能发生的事进行推测。如:   He may [might] have gone to have his hair cut. 他可能理发去了。   She may [might] have read it in the papers. 她可能在报上已读到过此事。   注意,若不是单纯地对过去可能发生的事进行推测,而是表示以下用法,则只能用“might+完成式”,而不能用“may+完成式”:   ①表示过去本来可能发生而实际上没有发生的情况,通常译为“本来可以”“本来可能”等。如:   She felt horror at the thought of what might have happened. 一想到之前可能会发生的事情她就感到害怕。   You were stupid to try climbing up there. You might have killed yourself. 你从那儿往上爬,太蠢了,你可能会摔死的。   ②表示过去本来有责任或义务应该做某事的,但实际上却没有做成,含有批评和责备的意味,通常译为“本来应该”“本来可以”等。如:   You might have told us half an hour ago. 你半个钟头前告诉我就好了。   ③用于虚拟条件句中谈论过去的情况时:   If you hadn"t reminded me, I might have forgotten. 你如不提醒我,我可能就忘记了。   If we had taken the other road we might have arrived earlier. 如果我们当时走了另一条路,就可能到得早一些。   3. 用于 may [might] (just) as well   意为“不妨”“还是……为好”等,用 might 比用 may 语气更委婉。如:   We may [might] (just) walk there. 我们不妨步行去。   might as well有时还可用于指过去的情况或用于比较两个令人不愉快的情况。如:   Now that they were all there she might as well speak her mind. 由于大家都在,她不妨把自己的想法都说出来。   This holiday isn"t much fun; we might as well be back home. 这个假日过得真没意思,我们还不如呆在家里。
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用might造句如下:1、I was scared that Imight be sick.我担心我可能病了。2、Bring a coat.It might turn chilly later.带件大衣,过一会儿天气可能会变冷。3、I might take a little nap.我可能会打个盹儿。4、"I might never see you again",she moaned.她呻吟着说:“我可能再也见不到你了”。5、I heard what might have been an explosion.我听到的可能是爆炸的声音。6、I might well regret it later.我以后也许会对此很后悔。7、I might get a paper in the town.我或许能在城里买到一份报纸。8、Tighter trade restrictions might cramp economic growth.较严格的贸易限制会妨碍经济的增长。
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一、表示允许   注意以下两种情况。如:   1. 表示请求允许(即请求别人允许自己做某事),两者都可用,只是 might 表示的语气较委婉(但并不表示过去)。如:   May [Might] I sit here? 我可以坐在这里吗?   I wonder if I might ask you a favor? 不知能否请你帮个忙?   I"d like to ask a question if I may. 如果可以的话,我想提个问题。   2. 表示给予允许(即自己允许别人做某事),通常要用 may而不用might。如:   You may come in now. 你现在可以进来了。   You may not tell him this. 你不可以告诉他这件事。   体会以下对话的问句与答句。如:   A:May [Might] I stay? 我可以留下吗? (表请求,可用两者)   B:Yes, you may. 可以。(表允许,不能用 might)   注:在通常情况下,may 表示允许(请求允许或给予允许)时,总是针对“现在”或“将来”而言,若要表示已经给予或已经存在的允许,则通常不用 may,而用can。如:   Nowadays, children can do what they like. 现在小孩子喜欢干什么就可以干什么   It"s unfair. He can stay and I have to leave. 这不公平,他可以留下,而我却得离开。   例外的情况是,might用于间接引语和 may 用于否定句表示禁止。如:   He said that I might borrow his car. 他说我可以用他的车。   Visitors may not (=must not) feed the animals. 参观者不得给动物喂食。   二、表示推测   两者都可用,只是 might 比 may 语气更不确定,表示的可能性更小。   1. 在句型使用方面:两者均可用于肯定句和否定句,但用于疑问句时,may通常不用于句首,但可用于疑问句的句中(如特殊疑问句等),而might尽管可以用于疑问句的句首,但不算普通,通常会改用其他句式(如用could等):   He may [might] know the answer. 他可能知道答案。   And who may [might] she be? 那么她会哪一位呢?   Do you think he may [might] not be able to pay? 你认为他可能会付不起钱吗?   Might [Could] I ask a question? 我能问一个问题吗?   注:在很正式的文体中,may 可用于否定疑问句的句首:   May we not be making a big mistake? 我们难道不可能在犯大错误吗?   2. 在用法方面注意以下几点。如:   ① 后接动词原形,表示对现在或将来的推测。如:   You may [might] be right. 你可能是对的。   He may [might] tell his wife. 他也许会告诉他妻子。   ② 后接动词进行式,表示动作正在进行或将要发生。如:   He may [might] be writing a letter. 他可能在写信。   They may [might] be going abroad next month. 他们可能在下个月出国。   ③ 后接动词完成式,表示对过去可能发生的事进行推测。如:   She may [might] have read it in the papers. 她可能在报上已读到过此事。   He may [might] have gone to have his hair cut. 他可能理发去了。   might 后接动词的完成式,除表示对过去的推测外,还有以下用法(不用may)。如:   a. 表示过去某事可能发生而实际上却并没发生:   A lot of men died who might have been saved.很多人本来可以获救的却死了。   It was really very dangerous. I might have killed myself. 那真的是太危险了,我差点没命了。   b. 表示委婉的批评或责备。如:   You might have made greater progress. 你的进步本来可更大一些的。   You might at least have answered my letter. 你至少可以回我一封信嘛。   三、may和can表推测时的区别   can和may均可表示推测,can用于否定句和疑问句,may用于肯定句和否定式。两者均可用于否定句,但是含义不同:cannot=不可能,may not=可能不。比较。如:   It can"t be true. 这不可能是真的。   It may not be true. 这可能不是真的。   四、如何加强推测的语气   若要加强推测的语气,表示较大的可能性,可在may, might后加副词well:   You may well be right. 你很可能是对的。   That may well have been their intention.这很可能是他们的意图。   注:could表推测时也可后接well来加强语气。   五、用于 may [might] (just) as well…   意为“不妨”、“还是…为好”等,用 might 比用 may 语气更委婉。如:   I"m ready,so I might as well go now.我已准备好,因此不妨现在就走。   There"s nothing to do, so I may [might] as well go to bed. 既然没什么事可做,我还是去睡觉为好。   注:might as well 还可用于指过去的情况或用于比较两个令人不愉快的情况:   This holiday isn"t much fun; we might as well be back home. 这个假日过得真没意思,我们还不如呆在家里。   六、may 用于表示祝愿   主要用于正式场合或书面语中。如:   May you be happy! 祝你幸福!   May God bless you! 愿上帝保佑你!
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might 与 could区别,

主要区别如下: 1.用于疑问句表示请求时,一般只用Could,且可用于各人称.如: Could you help me explain the difference between "might" and "could"? Could I use your mobile phone a little while? 上句可用May代替:May I use your mobile phone a little while? 用Might也是可以的,但不常见. 2.could和might都可用在条件句中,表示假想的情况.表示“本来会、本来可以/能够”.例如: If you tried you could/might do the work better.如果你试试的话,准能把那项工作干得更好. You could have met her if you had gone that way.如果你走那条路的话,你准能遇见她. 此句中的could如改成might则表示:……,你也许能见到他. They could/might have worked it out if they had asked me for help.如果他们来向我求助的话,他们本能够做出来的. He could/might have give the answer,but he refused to.他本来能够回答的,但他拒绝这么做. You were stupid to go skiing there — you could have broken your leg.你真笨,竟会到那地方滑雪.你本来会摔断腿的. 上面的例句中用might则因其语气较轻而语意效果不甚理想. 在此场合,could和might的区别是could较might的可能性强. 3.couldn"t be + 比较级句型不能用might代替.如: Their lifestyles couldn"t be more different.他们的生活方式极为不同. 4.could和might都可用在表示“结果”的状语从句中,同样,could语气较重些.例如: He expressed his ideas clearly so that the average person might understand.他把他的意思清楚地表达出来,以便一般人能听明白. 5.might as well表示“不妨、可以、倒不如”,此时的might是不能用could代替的.例如: We might as well look for some food now.现在我们不妨找些吃的东西. I expect I might as well be going.我希望我可以走了. Since it"s a fine day we might as well walk.既然是一个晴朗的天,我们不妨步行. We might as well have gone home as you suggested.我们还不如按你建议的回家去呢.
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might是may的过去式,might和may有时可以互换,只是might表示的语气较may委婉。1、表示允许。2、表示推测。3、表过去的“可能”和“允许”多用于间接引语。4、表现在的“可能”,其可能性要比may小。1、表示允许a、表示请求允许(即请求别人允许自己做某事),may,might两者都可用,只是 might表示的语气较委婉(但并不表示过去)。b、表示给予允许(即自己允许别人做某事),通常要用may而不用might。2、表示推测表示推测may,might两者都可用,只是might 比 may语气更不确定,表示的可能性更小。a、在句型使用方面:两者均可用于肯定句和否定句,但用于疑问句时,may通常不用于句首,但可用于疑问句的句中(如特殊疑问句等),而might尽管可以用于疑问句的句首,但不算普通。b、在用法方面注意以下几点:①后接动词原形,表示对现在或将来的推测。②后接动词进行式,表示动作正在进行或将要发生。
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might用作助动词可与实义动词搭配,以用来表示可能性很小、许可、愿望、祝愿、请求;用作名词,有势力,强权,力气等含义。1.might用作助动词可与实义动词搭配,以用来表示可能性很小、许可、愿望、祝愿、请求; 还可用于表示希望或目的的从句中。might也是may的过去式,用于问句中代替may,以表示礼貌。 You might do me a favor? 你或许能帮我—个忙吧? If someone had been with him, he might not have been drowned. 如果有人在他旁边,或许他就不会溺死。 2.用于肯定句, might可以用来表达一种像是认真、客气的抱怨或指责。 3.might用于让步状语从句中,表示“不管,无论”。 4.might用作名词,有势力,强权,力气等含义。 To be frank, this mission is beyond my might. 说实话,这一使命非我能力所及。 He fought back with all his might. 他倾全力反击。
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probably大概;肯定的成分较大,是most likely的意思 ,语气最强烈. perhaps也许;是也许如此、也许不如此的意思,语气相对弱. may和might用法几乎是相同的,但might的语气更委婉一点.这两个是情态动词,后面的动词用原型.
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主要区别如下:1. 用于疑问句表示请求时,一般只用Could,且可用于各人称。如:用Might也是可以的,但不常见。2. could和might都可用在条件句中,表示假想的情况。表示“本来会、本来可以/能够”。例如:If you tried you could/might do the work better. 如果你试试的话,准能把那项工作干得更好。You could have met her if you had gone that way. 如果你走那条路的话,你准能遇见她。此句中的could如改成might则表示:……,你也许能见到他。They could/might have worked it out if they had asked me for help. 如果他们来向我求助的话,他们本能够做出来的。He could/might have give the answer, but he refused to. 他本来能够回答的,但他拒绝这么做。You were stupid to go skiing there — you could have broken your leg. 你真笨,竟会到那地方滑雪。你本来会摔断腿的。上面的例句中用might则因其语气较轻而语意效果不甚理想。在此场合,could和might的区别是could较might的可能性强。3. couldn"t be + 比较级句型不能用might代替。如:Their lifestyles couldn"t be more different. 他们的生活方式极为不同。4. could和might都可用在表示“结果”的状语从句中,同样,could语气较重些。例如:He expressed his ideas clearly so that the average person might understand. 他把他的意思清楚地表达出来,以便一般人能听明白。5. might as well表示“不妨、可以、倒不如”,此时的might是不能用could代替的。例如:We might as well look for some food now. 现在我们不妨找些吃的东西。I expect I might as well be going. 我希望我可以走了。
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might用作助动词可与实义动词搭配,以用来表示可能性很小、许可、愿望、祝愿、请求; 还可用于表示希望或目的的从句中。英文是西日耳曼语的一种语言,最早是在中世纪早期的英格兰使用的,该语言最终成为21世纪国际话语的主要语言。它以Angles的名字命名,Angles是古老的日耳曼人民之一,后来移居到大不列颠地区,后来以他们的名字英格兰命名。这两个名字都源于波罗的海半岛的安格利亚(Anglia)。英语与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语最相关,但其词汇已受到其他日耳曼语语言(尤其是北挪威语(北挪威语))以及拉丁语和法语的很大影响。
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might 不能用在疑问句中吗?

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情态动词:must, may, might的区别

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may跟might的区别? 一、表示允许 其意为“可以”。表示请求允许(即请求别人允许自己做某事),两者都可用,只是 might 表示的语气较委婉(但并不表示过去);表示给予允许(即自己允许别人做某事),通常要用 may而不用might。如: May (Might) I e round in the morning? 我早上来可以吗? “May I take this book out?” “Yes, you may.” “我可以把这书带走吗?”“唔,可以。”(由于答语是表示给予允许,可用 may,但不能用 might) You may take my dictionary as long as you don"t keep it too long. 只要使用时间不太长,你可以把我的词典拿去。(不用might) 二、表示推测 may 和 might 均可表示推测,意为“可能”。此时 might 并非表示过去,只是比 may 语气更不确定,表示的可能性更小。两者均可用于肯定句和否定句,但用于疑问句时,may 通常不用于句首,而 might 有时可用于疑问句的句首。如: He may (might) be in his office now. 他现在说不定在办公室里。 You may (might) be able to persuade him. 你也许能说服他。 Might it rain tonight? 今晚会下雨吗? 要表示对过去的情况进行推测,不能用“might+动词原形”,必须用“may / might+have+过去分词”结构。如: I may have hurt your feelings but that was certainly not my intention. 我或许伤害了你的感情,但那绝非我的意图。 There may (might) have been someone waiting outside. 可能曾有人在外面等候。 另外,“might+have+过去分词”还可表示过去可能发生而实际上却并没发生的事(此时的might不能换成may)。如: In other circumstances, I might have agreed. 在其他情况下我可能就会同意的。 I might have guessed he"d fail to read the instructions. 我本来早该知道他不会看说明书的。 三、may 和 can 表推测时的区别 can 和may均可表示推测,can用于否定句和疑问句,may用于肯定句和否定式。两者均可用于否定句,但是含义不同:cannot=不可能,may not=可能不。比较: The water may not be warm enough to swim. 要游泳,这水可能不够暖和。 She"s very young. She can"t be over enty. 她非常年轻,绝对不超过20岁。 四、may (might) as well 的用法 may (might) as well 主要用于提出建议等,可译为“不妨”(用 might 时口气更委婉一些)。如: Catherine, you may as well e too. 凯瑟琳,你不妨也去。 If that"s the case, I may as well try. 如果情况如此,我不妨试一试。 比较:may (might) well可表示比较有把握的推测,意为“很可能”。如: You might as well be right. 你很可能是对的。 might may的区别 might-------------可能性更小,语气委婉 may--------------有可能性,一般语气 may和 might的区别? 比较may和might 1) 表示允许或请求;表示没有把握的推测;may可以放在句首,表示祝愿。 May God bless you! He might be at home. 注意: might 表示推测时,不表示时态。只是可能性比may小。 2) 成语: may/might as well,后面接不带to 的不定式,意为"不妨"。 If that is the case, we may as well try. might和may的区别 might和may的区别: (1) 表示请求允许(即请求别人允许自己做某事),两者都可用,只是 might 表示的语气较委婉(但并不表示过去): May [Might] I sit here? 我可以坐在这里吗? I wonder if I might ask you a favor. 不知能否请你帮个忙。 I"d like to ask a question if I may. 如果可以的话,我想提个问题。 (2) 表示给予允许(即自己允许别人做某事),通常要用 may而不用might: You may e in now. 你现在可以进来了。 You may not tell him this. 你不可以告诉他这件事。 体会以下对话的问句与答句: A:May [Might] I stay? 我可以留下吗? (表请求,可用两者) B:Yes, you may. 可以。(表允许,不能用 might) (3)在通常情况下,may 表示允许(请求允许或给予允许)时,总是针对“现在”或“将来”而言,若要表示已经给予或已经存在的允许,则通常不用 may,而用can: Nowadays, children can do what they like. 现在小孩子喜欢干什么就可以干什么。 It"s unfair. He can stay and I have to leave. 这不公平,他可以留下,而我却得离开。 (4)例外的情况是,might用于间接引语和 may 用于否定句表示禁止: He said that I might borrow his car. 他说我可以用他的车。 1.may的过去式是might. 2.作使役动词时,may的一起比might强点。 eg:(i may do that)VS(i might do that) 前句语气强于后句。 相同点是意思都是“能”。 might与may的区别 1.might是may的过去式 2.might用于提建议用于礼貌地询问 may用于客气地问例如may I help you? may be和might be的区别 前者常用,但后者语气显得更委婉更有礼貌。 请采纳,谢谢~ May Might probably的区别 这四个词都表示“可能”的意思,但总体来说,possible是最常用的,它可以表示“可能的方式 ,可能出现的情况”等等,如possible ways,possible condition,etc.也有It"s possible that…的表达 ,你可以从它的用法来记住他的意思; probably表示“很可能”,它通常的表达是“Probably he"ll…”或者“He"ll probably…”也就是说它常 常放在句首或者在句中修饰,只要记住句型就没问题了; may也是“可能”的意思,它通常表示“可能;也许”句型例如It may rain today. 今天可能下雨。也有“可以;允许”的意思,如You may e if you wish. 假如你愿意的话,你就来。此外,may还有祝愿的含义,May they live long. 祝他们长寿。 might是may的过去式,它的意思与may很相近。概括的说,用might的语气比may更加委婉。(有一个规律,过去式可以表达更委婉的语气,如would,could相对于will,can等) possible、probably、perhaps、might、may、maybe、may be的区别 perhaps也许;是也许如此、也许不如此的意思,大体和possibly同义 probably大概;肯定的成分较大,是most likely的意思 possibly或者;常和can, may must等情态动词连用,比probably语气弱得多 maybe或许;比perhaps普通,但不够庄重 possible是形容词,故此处用其副词形式与其它表“也许”的副词相比。 Perhaps the letter will e today. 或许那封信今天能到。 It will probably rain. 天很可能要下雨了。 I"ll do all I possibly can. 我会做我可能做到的事。 It"s clouding up. Maybe it"ll rain this afternoon.天阴上来了, 今天下午也许有雨。 在表示“也许”、“大概”的副词中,还有一个,即likely: likely或许;通常与most, very连用,如: Most likely she is over thirty.她也许已经过了30了。 may be是“可能是”,后接表语。 My answer may be correct.我的回答可能是正确的。 must,can的区别。may,possible,might的区别 must是“必须”,语气强,提要求什么的时候会用到;can是“能”,“可以”表示能力或有权力做某事 1. may是情态动词,后面一般只加动词原形,可能性不太大,用法较复杂,但常见结构:may+do sth/have done sth/be doing sth 如: May I help you? You may be right. He may/might have finished the work. He may be sleeping now. 2. possibly (副词)或许,常和can, may, must等情态动词连用, 比probably的语气弱得多. 3.may,might是情态动词,或可接动词原形.
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might的用法l)表示允许或请求;表示没有把握的推测;may放在句首,表示祝愿。May God bless you! He might be athome.注意: might表示推测时,不表示时态。只是可能性比 may小。2)成语: may/might as well,后面接不带to的不定式,意为不妨。If that is the case, we may as well try.
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1、can 表示现在的能力,could 表示过去的能力,例如:He can speak a little English now.She could play the piano when she was five.2、在表示请求许可时,没有时间区别,在语气上could 更加委婉客气,例如:Can I use your pen Could I have a look at your book 3、在表示可能性方面,没有时间区别,can 可能性比could 大;1、can 表示现在的能力,could 表示过去的能力,例如:He can speak a little English now.She could play the piano when she was five.2、在表示请求许可时,没有时间区别,在语气上could 更加委婉客气,例如:Can I use your pen Could I have a look at your book 3、在表示可能性方面,没有时间区别,can 可能性比could 大;表示逻辑上或理论上的可能性,而不是某种实际上将要发生或正在发生的可能性.Can it be true?这会是真的吗?Anybody can make mistake.任何人都可能犯错误.The weather here could be very cold in winter.冬天这的天气有时很冷.一般用于否定句和疑问句.He can"t be at home.他不可能在家.注意和may not 的区别.He may not be at home.他可能不在家.也可以用于肯定句.,An accident can happen if you do this.如果你这样做,可能会发生事故
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1. would/might用法区别would :①. 表will的过去,用于过去将来时 ②. 表"意愿",乐意做某事 ③. 用于虚拟语气might: ①1. may的过去,表猜测:可能是 ②. 表许可(婉转语气)
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1) 表示允许或请求;表示没有把握的推测; may 放在句首,表示祝愿。    May God bless you!    He might be at home.注意: might 表示推测时,不表示时态。只是可能性比may 小。2) 成语: may/might as well,后面接不带to 的不定式,意为"不妨"。    If that is the case, we may as well try. 出于这种情况,我们不妨试试典型例题 Peter ___come with us tonight, but he isn"t very sure yet.  A. must  B. may  C. can  D. will 答案B. 表可能性只能用may. 此句意可从后半句推出。
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和should一样,might和may作为表示可能的情态动词时都有过去式,表达方式为might have/may have+过去分词,表示过去发生的某种可能性。例如:I wonder why Bob was late for the meeting. 我好奇Bob为什么会迟到(已经发生的事情)He might have/may have gotten stuck in traffic. 他可能堵路上了(过去发生的可能性)
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2023-07-15 11:04:043

请问may和might的区别, may not 和might not的区别, 谢谢。

may与might的用法区别 一、表示允许 注意以下两种情况。如: 1. 表示请求允许(即请求别人允许自己做某事),两者都可用,只是 might 表示的语气较委婉(但并不表示过去)。如: May [Might] I sit here? 我可以坐在这里吗? I wonder if I might ask you a favor? 不知能否请你帮个忙? I"d like to ask a question if I may. 如果可以的话,我想提个问题。 2. 表示给予允许(即自己允许别人做某事),通常要用 may而不用might。如: You may come in now. 你现在可以进来了。 You may not tell him this. 你不可以告诉他这件事。 体会以下对话的问句与答句。如: A:May [Might] I stay? 我可以留下吗? (表请求,可用两者) B:Yes, you may. 可以。(表允许,不能用 might) 注:在通常情况下,may 表示允许(请求允许或给予允许)时,总是针对“现在”或“将来”而言,若要表示已经给予或已经存在的允许,则通常不用 may,而用can。如: Nowadays, children can do what they like. 现在小孩子喜欢干什么就可以干什么 It"s unfair. He can stay and I have to leave. 这不公平,他可以留下,而我却得离开。 例外的情况是,might用于间接引语和 may 用于否定句表示禁止。如: He said that I might borrow his car. 他说我可以用他的车。 Visitors may not (=must not) feed the animals. 参观者不得给动物喂食。 二、表示推测 两者都可用,只是 might 比 may 语气更不确定,表示的可能性更小。 1. 在句型使用方面:两者均可用于肯定句和否定句,但用于疑问句时,may通常不用于句首,但可用于疑问句的句中(如特殊疑问句等),而might尽管可以用于疑问句的句首,但不算普通,通常会改用其他句式(如用could等): He may [might] know the answer. 他可能知道答案。 And who may [might] she be? 那么她会哪一位呢? Do you think he may [might] not be able to pay? 你认为他可能会付不起钱吗? Might [Could] I ask a question? 我能问一个问题吗? 注:在很正式的文体中,may 可用于否定疑问句的句首: May we not be making a big mistake? 我们难道不可能在犯大错误吗? 2. 在用法方面注意以下几点。如: ① 后接动词原形,表示对现在或将来的推测。如: You may [might] be right. 你可能是对的。 He may [might] tell his wife. 他也许会告诉他妻子。 ② 后接动词进行式,表示动作正在进行或将要发生。如: He may [might] be writing a letter. 他可能在写信。 They may [might] be going abroad next month. 他们可能在下个月出国。 ③ 后接动词完成式,表示对过去可能发生的事进行推测。如: She may [might] have read it in the papers. 她可能在报上已读到过此事。 He may [might] have gone to have his hair cut. 他可能理发去了。 might 后接动词的完成式,除表示对过去的推测外,还有以下用法(不用may)。如: 2014年执业医师资格考试 医学综合笔试 临床执业医师 口腔执业医师 中医执业医师 a. 表示过去某事可能发生而实际上却并没发生: A lot of men died who might have been saved.很多人本来可以获救的却死了。 It was really very dangerous. I might have killed myself. 那真的是太危险了,我差点没命了。 b. 表示委婉的批评或责备。如: You might have made greater progress. 你的进步本来可更大一些的。 You might at least have answered my letter. 你至少可以回我一封信嘛。 三、may和can表推测时的区别 can和may均可表示推测,can用于否定句和疑问句,may用于肯定句和否定式。两者均可用于否定句,但是含义不同:cannot=不可能,may not=可能不。比较。如: It can"t be true. 这不可能是真的。 It may not be true. 这可能不是真的。 四、如何加强推测的语气 若要加强推测的语气,表示较大的可能性,可在may, might后加副词well: You may well be right. 你很可能是对的。 That may well have been their intention.这很可能是他们的意图。 注:could表推测时也可后接well来加强语气。 五、用于 may [might] (just) as well„ 意为“不妨”、“还是„为好”等,用 might 比用 may 语气更委婉。如: I"m ready,so I might as well go now.我已准备好,因此不妨现在就走。 There"s nothing to do, so I may [might] as well go to bed. 既然没什么事可做,我还是去睡觉为好。 注:might as well 还可用于指过去的情况或用于比较两个令人不愉快的情况: This holiday isn"t much fun; we might as well be back home. 这个假日过得真没意思,我们还不如呆在家里。 六、may 用于表示祝愿 主要用于正式场合或书面语中。如: May you be happy! 祝你幸福! May God bless you! 愿上帝保佑你
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may和might的区别如下:1、如果表示“本可以怎么样”,一般用might,而不是may。例句有:You might have told me that she wouldn"t be in today!你本可以告诉她今天不用过来的!这里就用might而不能用may。2、如果指提出问题或建议时,might比may更加礼貌、委婉。例句有:Might I have a cup of coffee?我可否要一杯咖啡。这里的might就表示委婉的态度。3、may后面可接不定式的完成时,may用在祈使句中加动词原形,表示祝愿。例句有:may the wind bless you,愿微风祝福你。扩展资料:may是个情态动词,无不定式和分词形式,第三人称单数现在时也无变化,表示否定缩写为mayn"t。常见句型:She started work here last May.去年5月她开始在这里工作。May flowers were blooming everywhere.五月的鲜花到处盛开。He will graduate from the school in May.他将要在五月份毕业。词汇搭配:last May最后的一个五月May Day五一国际劳动节in May last year在去年五月 may well很可能might用作助动词可与实义动词搭配,以用来表示可能性很小、许可、愿望、祝愿、请求。还可用于表示希望或目的的从句中。might也是may的过去式,用于问句中代替may,以表示礼貌。
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may might的区别是两者的侧重点不同,may偏向肯定,might偏向否定。用法:may和 might均可表示推测,意为可能。此时might并非表示过去,只是比may语气更不确定,表示的可能性更小。两者均可用于肯定句和否定句。 扩展资料 例句:May (Might) I come round in the morning? 我早上来可以吗?“May I take this book out?” “Yes, you may.” “我可以把这书带走吗?”“唔,可以。”(由于答语是表示给予允许,可用 may,但不能用 might)。You may take my dictionary as long as you don"t keep it too long. 只要使用时间不太长,你可以把我的词典拿去。(不用might)。
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可以。表示把握不大的猜测It might be his sister.
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may和might的区别及用法:1、表示许可。在表示请求、允许时,might比may语气委婉些。2、may用于祈使句中表示祝愿。而might没有这个功能。3、表示无把握的推测,might比may的语气更加不肯定,语气较委婉(用于肯定句中,疑问句用can)。 扩展资料 may的`例句:He may have been to some of those places(那些地方他也许去过一些);might的例句:Smoking might be banned totally in most buildings(绝大多数建筑中可能会全面禁止吸烟)。
2023-07-15 11:05:421

might 是 may 的过去式吗

您好!词典对might的解释: n.(名词)力量;威力;势力v.(动词)可以;或许(may的过去式);应该aux.(助动词)可能;也许所以:might作为动词时是may的过去式在使用上:might 比may的说法更加委婉。表达可能性的时候,might比may的可能行更小。Hemightcometomorrow.他明天也许会来。Hemaycometomorrow.他明天可能来。作为名词might可以表示力量:例如:with(或by)(allone"s)mightandmain竭尽全力,全力以赴地
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