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求高手翻译一下 重谢

2023-05-19 16:55:48
TAG: 翻译


英语:Abstract: The highway interchange the use of safety and comfort requirements of the Highway Interchange District main line, the transition section of the main line to the ramp and ramp design features are discussed.

Key words: highway, interchange, design, elements of

1, an overview of

With the socio-economic and the rapid development of transport, people"s living standards and consumption are increasingly changing the mentality of travel safety and comfort requirements of a higher, therefore, as a traffic artery of Highway travel fast, and its design must be pay more attention to "people-oriented, security design," the basic requirements, and the interchange as a gateway to access the highway hub and conversion, but also from the use of safety and comfort requirements, a serious and responsible design features to meet the traffic, security comfortable, modern and harmonious interchange project.

Interchange of the highway design is an important design element of the success or failure of interchange design a direct impact on the level of service across the highway and operational safety, highway interchange design is a complex and systematic project, the designers Interchange stereotypes in the process and show lines tend to put more energy, but the specific design of the grasp of the standards and indicators on the trade-offs are often different. Under the current technical standards for highway projects, only 94 road design specifications designed to interchange the contents of the statement of some of (the new line of norms has not yet been published), a lot of cause for concern or an important aspect of the key statements appear vague to the specific design of this a certain amount of confusion, there will be such as the design of the technical indicators are able to meet the norms, but the design is not necessarily safe, and therefore the outcome of the design is likely to "lawful", but not necessarily "reasonable" circumstances. This article summarizes the design process to a few main points, and explore a reference for peer correction.

2, a reasonable interchange area the importance of the main line

Expressway interchange of the main line of the region is a section of the entire route, it is bound to have a unified and coordinated with the line speed of the design and requirements. However, the main line interchange traffic regional routes traffic than complex due to the region in the main line and the exchange of vehicles between the ramp and out frequently, resulting in diversion point and the confluence point, traffic seemed to run disorders, therefore, Interchange Interchange regional and regional near the main line of the standard should require a higher than normal line. Therefore in determining the general direction of the highway routes, the route should take into account the interchange of potential settings and rationality, which in horizontal alignment and vertical section line linear arrangement to be reasonable.

However, I note that the interchange of the importance of setting, in the actual design process, in the route survey and design stage, has not increased to the extent of the attention it deserves, therefore, often resulted in an absolute form by the choice of Interchange main line to meet the established line situations. Interchange exist only in the layout makes it unreasonable or difficult circumstances, then adjust the passive region the main line interchange of the line, and to "set up to add" one interchange. At this time of adjustment, because the design has lost its advantage, it often seemed to be somewhat "to remedy the situation, it is too late" embarrassing. Design seems hard, it is difficult to talk about the initiative to design a suitable and reasonable interchange, which is on the highway, in the design process and specific design, are urgently improved.

Horizontal comparison excellent highway interchange design, its main line and the interchange ramp often with the "Festival courtesy there." Line in the survey and design has been adequate attention to the Interchange, Interchange regional and technical indicators before and after the main line are used to avoid the limits. Interchange design in the line have been given as an important control point and out of freeway traffic and traffic conversion be considered a gateway, not just a line through the points. This design approach, and ultimately the main line of the interchange and highway routes, and interchange ramp combination will form the performance lively, running on the safe and comfortable.



1 、その概要を

社会では、交通机関の急速な発展、経済、人々の生活水准が高いと消费が増え、そのため、高速移动の高速道路交通の动脉として、旅行の安全性と快适性の要件の考え方に変化しているのは、その设计する必要がありますもっと注意を払うのゲートウェイとしてだけでなく、安全性と快适さの使用からのトラフィックは、セキュリティ要件を満たすために、真剣かつ责任あるデザインハブと変换机能は、高速道路にアクセスするには"人间本位、セキュリティ设计は、 "基本的な要件、および交换する、现代的かつ调和のとれた快适な交流プロジェクトを作成します。

高速道路のインターチェンジの设计の成功や失败は、高速道路のインターチェンジの设计と运用の安全性、高速道路インターチェンジの设计上のサービスのレベルに直接影响の重要な设计要素は、复雑かつ系统的なプロジェクトに设计されその过程で交流のステレオタイプと详细行をより多くのエネルギーが、基准と指标は、贸易上のトレードオフを理解するのは、特定のデザインはしばしば异なっている倾向がある。高速道路のプロジェクトでは、现在の技术基准の下で、唯一の94道路设计仕様はまだ公开されていないいくつかの规范(新线)の悬念や、键のステートメントの重要な侧面の原因の多くの声明の内容を交换するように设计これは、特定の设计に暧昧な表示される技术的な指标の设计などの基准を満たすことも可能ですが、ある程度の混乱は、设计され、必ずしも安全ではない、したがって、设计の结果可能性がある" "合法的にではなく、必ずしも"合理的"な状况。この资料では、いくつかの主要なポイントには、设计プロセスをまとめたものとピア补正のための参照を探る。

2 、合理的な交流エリアは、メインラインの重要性


しかし、私は、设定の交流の重要性を、実际の设计プロセスは、路线测量、设计段阶では、注目に値するの范囲には、多くの场合は、绝対的な形で交流の选択で満たすためにメインラインにより増加していない点に注意して设立行状况。交换は、レイアウトだけでは无理や困难な状况が存在し、消极的领域は、その行のメインラインの交流を调整する、とする" " 1つのインターチェンジを追加するように设定してください。调整のこの时期、これは、デザインの优位性を失ってしまった时、多くの场合、多少は"状况を改善するようだ、それも"耻ずかしい遅れている。ハード设计のように、主导権について语るのは难しいですが、これは高速道路上で、特定のデザインの设计プロセスとは、早急に改善されるの适切かつ合理的な交流を设计すること。

水平方向の干线道路のインターチェンジの比较优れたデザイン、多くの场合、 "礼仪が祭りでは、メインラインとの交换ランプ"行は、调査では、设计の限界を回避するために使用されている交换、交流の前に、主要行の后、地域と技术的な指标にして十分な注意をしている。の行の间のデザインは重要なコントロールポイントと高速道路交通や交通の変换のうちのゲートウェイとして、ポイントを介していないと见なされるだけの行が与えられている。このデザインのアプローチは、高速道路のインターチェンジや路线、最终的にはメインライン、ランプ交换の组み合わせで実行中のパフォーマンスは安全で快适な活気となる。

法语:Résumé: La route d"échange de l"utilisation de la sécurité et de confort de la route principale du district d"échange en ligne, le passage de la ligne principale de la rampe et la rampe de conception sont discutés.

Mots clés: autoroute, échangeur, de conception, des éléments de

1, une vue d"ensemble des

Avec la situation socio-économique et le développement rapide des transports, des normes de vie de la population et de consommation sont de plus en plus de changer la mentalité de Voyage de sécurité et de confort d"un supérieur, par conséquent, comme une artère de circulation de l"autoroute Voyage rapide, et sa conception doit être accorder plus d"attention aux "orientée vers les personnes, la sécurité de conception," les exigences de base, et l"échange comme une passerelle pour accéder à l"autoroute et de centre de conversion, mais aussi de l"utilisation de dispositifs de sécurité et de confort, une conception sérieuse et responsable pour répondre aux caractéristiques du trafic, la sécurité confortable, moderne et harmonieux interchange projet.

Échange de l"autoroute de conception est un important élément de la réussite ou l"échec de l"échange de concevoir un impact direct sur le niveau de service dans l"ensemble de l"autoroute et de la sécurité de l"exploitation, les routes d"échange de conception est un processus complexe et systématique du projet, les concepteurs Interchange les stéréotypes dans le processus et de montrer les lignes ont tendance à mettre plus d"énergie, mais la conception spécifique de la portée des normes et des indicateurs sur les compromis sont souvent différents. Dans l"état actuel des normes techniques pour les projets routiers, à seulement 94 route de conception destinés à l"échange le contenu de la déclaration de certains de (la nouvelle ligne de normes n"a pas encore été publié), un grand nombre de sujet de préoccupation ou d"un aspect important de la clé de déclarations vagues apparaissent à la conception de ce une certaine confusion, il y aura comme la conception des indicateurs techniques sont en mesure de répondre aux normes, mais la conception n"est pas nécessairement sans danger et, par conséquent, les résultats de la conception est de nature à «licite», mais pas nécessairement "raisonnable" les circonstances. Cet article résume le processus de conception, à quelques points principaux, et d"explorer de référence pour correction par les pairs.

2, un espace d"échange sur l"importance de la ligne principale

Expressway échangeur de la ligne principale de la région est une partie de l"ensemble de l"itinéraire, il est tenu d"avoir une manière unifiée et coordonnée avec la vitesse de ligne de la conception et les exigences. Cependant, la principale ligne d"échange de trafic régional routes de trafic que complexe en raison de la région dans la ligne principale et de l"échange de véhicules entre la rampe et à plusieurs, ce point de détournement et de la confluence point, le trafic semblait courir les troubles, par conséquent, d"échange d"échange régional et régional près de la ligne principale de la norme doit être soumis à une ligne plus élevée que la normale. Par conséquent, dans la détermination de la direction générale de l"autoroute, les routes, l"itinéraire devrait prendre en compte le potentiel de l"échange de paramètres et de rationalité, qui, dans l"alignement horizontal et vertical line disposition linéaire est raisonnable.

Toutefois, je note que l"échange de l"importance de la création, dans le processus de conception, de l"itinéraire et la phase de conception d"enquête, n"a pas augmenté dans la mesure de l"attention qu"elle mérite, par conséquent, souvent donné lieu à une forme absolue par le choix de la ligne principale d"échange pour répondre à l"ordre établi ligne de production. Interchange n"existent que dans la mise en page, il est déraisonnable ou des circonstances difficiles, puis de régler le passif région de la ligne principale d"échange de la ligne, et à "mettre en place afin d"ajouter" un échange. À cette époque de l"ajustement, car le dessin a perdu son avantage, il semble souvent être un peu "pour remédier à la situation, il est trop tard" embarrassant. Design semble difficile, il est difficile de parler de l"initiative de concevoir un outil approprié et raisonnable d"échange, qui est sur l"autoroute, dans le processus de conception et de conception spécifiques, sont améliorées d"urgence.

Horizontal comparaison échangeur routier excellent design, de sa ligne principale et de l"échangeur bretelle souvent avec le "Festival de courtoisie là." Line dans l"étude et la conception a été d"une attention suffisante à l"échange, échange régionaux et les indicateurs techniques avant et après les grandes lignes sont utilisées pour éviter les limites. Échanges dans la conception de la ligne ont été donnés comme un important point de contrôle et de la circulation et le trafic de conversion être considéré comme une passerelle, pas juste une ligne à travers les points. Cette approche de conception et, finalement, la ligne principale de l"échangeur et de l"autoroute routes, de rampe et d"échange seront à la combinaison de performance vivante, fonctionnant sur le sécuritaire et confortable.




Abstract: The highway interchange the use of safety and comfort requirements of the Highway Interchange District main line, the transition section of the main line to the ramp and ramp design features are discussed.

Key words: highway, interchange, design, elements of

1, an overview of

With the socio-economic and the rapid development of transport, people"s living standards and consumption are increasingly changing the mentality of travel safety and comfort requirements of a higher, therefore, as a traffic artery of Highway travel fast, and its design must be pay more attention to "people-oriented, security design," the basic requirements, and the interchange as a gateway to access the highway hub and conversion, but also from the use of safety and comfort requirements, a serious and responsible design features to meet the traffic, security comfortable, modern and harmonious interchange project.

Interchange of the highway design is an important design element of the success or failure of interchange design a direct impact on the level of service across the highway and operational safety, highway interchange design is a complex and systematic project, the designers Interchange stereotypes in the process and show lines tend to put more energy, but the specific design of the grasp of the standards and indicators on the trade-offs are often different. Under the current technical standards for highway projects, only 94 road design specifications designed to interchange the contents of the statement of some of (the new line of norms has not yet been published),

A lot of cause for concern or an important aspect of the key statements appear vague to the specific design that brings a certain amount of confusion, there will be such as the design of the technical indicators are able to meet the norms, but the design may not be safe, so the design results are may be "lawful", but not necessarily "reasonable" circumstances. This article summarizes the design process to a few main points, and explore a reference for peer correction.

2, a reasonable interchange area the importance of the main line

Expressway interchange of the main line of the region is a section of the entire route, it is bound to have a unified and coordinated with the line speed of the design and requirements. However, the main line interchange traffic regional routes traffic than complex due to the region in the main line and the exchange of vehicles between the ramp and out frequently, resulting in diversion point and the confluence point, traffic seemed to run disorders, therefore, Interchange Interchange regional and regional near the main line of the standard should require a higher than normal line. Therefore in determining the general direction of the highway routes, the route should take into account the interchange of potential settings and rationality,

Plane in the line of linear and linear vertical section to be reasonable arrangement.

However, I note that the interchange of the importance of setting, in the actual design process, in the route survey and design stage, has not increased to the extent of the attention it deserves, therefore, often resulted in an absolute form by the choice of Interchange main line to meet the established line situations. Interchange exist only in the layout makes it unreasonable or difficult circumstances, then adjust the passive region the main line interchange of the line, and to "set up to add" one interchange. At this time of adjustment, because the design has lost its advantage, it often seemed to be somewhat "to remedy the situation, it is too late" embarrassing. Design appears stretched,

It difficult to talk about the initiative to design a suitable and reasonable interchange, which is on the highway, in the design process and specific design, are urgently improved.

Horizontal comparison excellent highway interchange design, its main line and the interchange ramp often with the "Festival courtesy there." Line in the survey and design has been adequate attention to the Interchange, Interchange regional and technical indicators before and after the main line are used to avoid the limits. Interchange design in the line have been given as an important control point and out of freeway traffic and traffic conversion be considered a gateway, not just a line through the points. This design approach, and ultimately the main line of the interchange and highway routes, and interchange ramp combination will form a lively performance,

Running on the safe and comfortable.



urgently是adv. 迫切地;紧急地;急切地。Residents in this area were urgently notified to move out by the government.该地居民被政府紧急通知搬离。I urgently hope to get help from the government.我急切地希望得到政府的帮助。Many poor people urgently need food and water.许多穷人迫切需要食物和水。
2023-01-03 13:21:211


adv. 急切地;迫切地;紧急地
2023-01-03 13:21:389


urgently - 紧急地;迫切地关于urgently的同义词:pressingly, imminently, crucially
2023-01-03 13:22:091


2023-01-03 13:22:146


2023-01-03 13:22:456

We urgent need to make a final decision对吗?

应该是We urgently need to make a final decision.
2023-01-03 13:23:063


2023-01-03 13:23:256


urgent 英[ˈɜ:dʒənt] 美[ˈɚdʒənt] adj. 急迫的;催促的;强求的;极力主张的 [例句]Less explosive but still simmering political conflict in bahrain , he says , was more urgent to gulf investors.他说,相反倒是巴林不那么剧烈的、但持续不断的政治冲突对于海湾投资者而言
2023-01-03 13:23:472

essentially urgent 和 urgently essential 有区别么

2023-01-03 13:23:551

Daddy needs the old boots back urgently. 这句英语成分怎么划分?

urgently 用来形容Daddy needs the old boots back 的心理状态,非常迫切的;back 用来补充说明 old boots, 旧靴子“回来”主干是: Daddy needs the old boots
2023-01-03 13:24:003


cry for.
2023-01-03 13:24:145


2023-01-03 13:24:334


urgentKK: []DJ: []a.1. 紧急的,急迫的It"s urgent; come quick!非常紧急;快来!These people are in urgent need of relief.这些人急需救济。2. 催逼的;坚持要求的She was speaking to him in an urgent voice.她正急迫地跟他说话。以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供
2023-01-03 13:24:462


亟字 应该是这个字
2023-01-03 13:24:543


urgently demand
2023-01-03 13:25:054

多么希望 英文 i hope so urgently 对吗

I sincerely hope.I hope (it happens) soon.
2023-01-03 13:25:192


亟earnestlyurgently亟jí<形>(会意。甲骨文字形,是“亟”(古极字)字的初文。中间是一个站着的人,上面一横表示“极于顶”,下面一横表示“极于踵。”金文繁化字形,与小篆的写法相似。本义:极点,尽头) 快速;迅速(含有急迫之意) [urgent;imperative]亟,急也。——《广雅》亟其乘屋。——《诗·豳风·七月》小饭而亟之。——《礼记·少仪》欲霸之亟成。——《战国策·宋策》亟言之。——《左传·昭公二十一年》君亟定变法之虑。——《商君书·更法》经始勿亟,庶民子来。——《孟子·梁惠王上》趣赵兵亟入关。——《史记·陈涉世家》亟请广州府余暨南、番二县代求解免。——《广东军务记》又如:亟欲;亟盼;亟肄(加紧训练);亟务(紧要之事)另见qì亟qì〈副〉屡次 [repeatedly;time and again]。如:亟叹(屡次感叹);亟请(多次请求)另见jí亟jí ㄐㄧˊ急切:~~。~待解决。~须纠正。郑码:YJXA,U:4E9F,GBK:D8BD笔画数:8,部首:二,笔顺编号:52251541earnestlyurgently亟qì ㄑㄧˋ屡次:~请(屡次请求)。~来问讯。郑码:YJXA,U:4E9F,GBK:D8BD笔画数:8,部首:二,笔顺编号:52251541
2023-01-03 13:25:284


Such as the title: Be sure to bring your passport before departure, identity cards and other valid documents, on-time at the designated time and place of collection, if missed, then your peril. ★ away from home, are requested to always pay attention to their personal safety, property storage and local rules of the road; be sure to keep a good essential travel documents (passport). ★ all involved in mountain climbing, rafting, beach swimming, water sports, soak hot springs, river trekking adventure, horseback riding and other risks, are requested to pay attention to safety. Visitors should be considered personal physical condition, what one can. In case of special cases, not suitable to participate in tourism, travel agents need to inform early, otherwise your peril. ★ Please abide by local laws and regulations, follow the tour leader of the arrangement; because it is the team travel, please note that to comply with the time, strengthen the collective sense, on the road to be Unity, friendship, care for the young, mutual humility, in a good atmosphere, complete the tour itinerary; attention to environmental protection, and promotion to be a civilization of visitors. Group tours can not be arbitrarily or leaves the tour de force. If you have any special circumstances, must inform the leader, tour guides or your companions. ★ In the hotel, pay attention to fire prevention, electrical appliances, bathroom and other non-slip safety; when leaving the room or rest when lock windows and doors, keep valuables, documents, should pay attention to good, (Can be used safe). The last carry of the hotel-like business cards, address, telephone and so on, to prevent the need. ★ The best record of local tourist guides and escorts of the contact telephone numbers. Attractions Tour ago, bear in mind that tour guides explain the centralized location, time, were traveling tour bus license plate number; the event of their tour, be sure to find the direction of exports, please wait for tour to return to find a centralized location. ★ generally ride than longer, better bring along their own snacks, water and safe drugs ((cold medicine, motion sickness medicine, Po Chai pills, medicated oil and personal special supplies, etc.) ★ Please bring your own good personal wash products, outerwear jacket (air-conditioned cars and sometimes very cold) sunscreen, sun hat, rain gear, cell phone charger, multi-purpose sockets and other items.
2023-01-03 13:25:414


2023-01-03 13:26:165

!It is top urgently

2023-01-03 13:26:383


:46A条:证件1-笔迹签商业发票正本和2份3开出的申请人姓名涵盖货物价值按表格inv.dd.25/11/2006no.xd200611252-全套(3/3)清洁提单船上发出的命令,并得到甲bankasiturkiye交费. s.gaziantep商业科gazianrep/turkiye标志着运费在目的地和申请人的姓名作为党说明发货通知从天津新港至中国港口梅尔辛/土耳其直到2006年10月1日,该公司还展示了其与托运人turkiye全称、地址和电话号码. 3-副本副本传真或电传呈现answerbank码连同其确认报告 我们将寄给申请人并受益于装运日期为下列说明洪水装载货物价值, 装船日期、船名年龄装载货物、装运日期, 船名年龄、装运日期及参. (632ia00053)传真直观的申请人(903422151861),收盘传真直观(903423379759)4-原包装清单1和1元. 5-3原产地证书正本和2份合法化,由商会证明货物原产中国. :47A条:附加条件1-所有文件必须承担的1/丙i.e.632ia00053参考. 2-所有文件必须送往香港二/米的地址直接在一个特殊信使地段. 商业部门在Gaziantepturkiye哈尔克bankasi洁白degirmicemmah.gazimuhtarpasabulvaripresrij是没有merkezialti:5/六月sehitkamil在Gaziantep/turkiye3-这一情况nonutilazationpls.cancel全部或部分信用贷款余额在测试或电传/auth.swift意见. 4-这是受信用证统一关税和实用性cesfor信用证(1993年修订)国际商会publication500. 五是部分信用工具和邮件确认将遵循. 6-所有文件必须以英文书写. 7-请让我们知道你说你确定这公升/三与否. 如果你不准备加你确定这个案件的信用证或者受益人不要求你确认,我们将报销语言无效,我们会为每公升收益汇出/三terms.pls.urgently通知我们相应的测试电文. 谈到我国公升/三号码. 八金,但如果不允许保留文件,并提交给我们的差异是在接受费相差过usd.75.-我们将收取.
2023-01-03 13:26:482

Anything that is (urgently) _________ must be attended to immediately.

2023-01-03 13:26:581


1.two deafs2.Chances prefer those who prepare better!
2023-01-03 13:27:0312


we need this part,would you manufacture it now, and please tell me the time of the delivery.
2023-01-03 13:27:486


用你自己的电脑才行吧。点击: forget password ? 他会给你回信,可恢复。试试。不知你能看懂英文吗?
2023-01-03 13:28:106


Please confirm the order delivery date as soon as possible,We need this product urgently now, please confirm the fastest delivery time, thank you
2023-01-03 13:28:303


It is a problem to be solved urgently.
2023-01-03 13:28:414

Urgently! 请问 kissing zipper是什么拉链?

2023-01-03 13:28:554


Could you please help to check if the the shipment can be improve? we"re waiting for this shipment urgently.thanks for your kindly help and understanding.因是求对方帮忙,语气尽量客气.
2023-01-03 13:29:087


There are important certificates in the careful loss wallet in 08 oneself There is loss of local police station that proves I and January explain the certificate of reissueing to the immigration office Have already received receipts now Unfortunately I am told the house is in a hurry I hope to come back home as soon as possible Please offer urgent help Extremely thank you
2023-01-03 13:29:3810


spent money for emegency
2023-01-03 13:30:124


I need to use this account urgently,if there is no problem with the materials which I have submited, please help me to examine it as soon as possible!thank you!
2023-01-03 13:30:253

多么希望 英文 i hope so urgently

多么希望 How I wish~ If only
2023-01-03 13:30:361


2023-01-03 13:30:427

"要货急" 英语怎么说,简练一点

agree with the 2th floor
2023-01-03 13:31:066

Anything that is (urgently) _________ must be attended to immediately.

2023-01-03 13:31:261


1. To has the negative influence 2. Urgently needs 3. Listens to the weather forecast 4. With the expert exchanges 5. Establishment society relation
2023-01-03 13:31:327

翻译句子So many deeds cry out to be done, and always urgently. The world rolls on, time pres...

多少事,从来急;   天地转,光阴迫。   一万年太久,只争朝夕。
2023-01-03 13:31:554


urge自带名词形式1. 推动力 2. 刺激,冲动,迫切要求
2023-01-03 13:32:093


urgent英 [ˈɜːdʒənt]美 [ˈɜːrdʒənt]跟读讲解0:45adj.紧急的;紧迫的;迫切的;催促的;急切的高考 · CET4 · 考研 · IELTS · TOEFL · TEM4派生词:urgency n.urgently adv.urgent英 [ˈɜːdʒənt]美 [ˈɜːrdʒənt]跟读讲解0:45adj.紧急的;紧迫的;迫切的;催促的;急切的派生词:urgency n.urgently adv.
2023-01-03 13:32:232


urgently ["ə:dʒəntli] adv. 迫切地;紧急地;急切地音标打不出来 可参照希望这些对你有帮助 望采纳 谢谢
2023-01-03 13:32:331


控球后卫(PG)(西base) 控球后卫(Point Guard)是球场上拿球机会最多的人。他要把球从后场安全地带到前场,再把球传给其他队友,这才有让其他人得分的机会。 Point guard gets the biggest opportunities holding the ball. He is in charge of carrying the ball from back court to front court and pass it to the other members of the team to create a chance for score.得分后卫(SG)(西escolta) 得分后卫(Shooting Guard)以得分为主要任务。他在场上是仅次于小前锋的第二得分手,但是他不需要练就像小前锋一般的单打身手,因为他经常是由队友帮他找出空档后投篮的。不过也就因为如此,他的外线准头与稳定性要非常好。Shooting guard"s main job is to score. The one next to the top scorer(small forward), but he does not need to be as skilled as a small forward because most of his scoring chance comes from the free position created by his teammates. However, it is the reason that accurate and stable outside shooting is the foundation to be a shooting guard. 小前锋(SF)(西alero) 小前锋(Small Forward)乃是球队中最重要的得分者。对小前锋最根本的要求就是要能得分,而且是较远距离的得分。 Small forward is the most important scorer in the team. The prime demand for small forward is scoring,and scoring from long distance.大前锋(PF)(西ala-pivot) 大前锋(Power Forward)在队上担任的任务几乎都是以苦工为主,要抢篮板、防守、卡位都少不了他,但是要投篮、得分,他却经常是最后一个 Power forward plays a laborious role in the team, he is the first one for rebound、defense、jockey for position but the last one for shooting and scoring. 中锋(C)(西pivot) 中锋(Center)顾名思义乃是一个球队的中心人物。他多数的时间是要待在禁区里卖劳力、卖身材的,他在攻在守,都是球队的枢纽,故名之为中锋。 Center. As the name implies, he is the center of the team. Most of the cases, he has to consume his physical strength and height in restricted area. He is the hinge of the team either in defense or offense and thus is called center.
2023-01-03 13:33:019


1. on basis of 基于2. over due逾期 3. partial shipment分装出货 4. per case每箱 5. per metric ton每米顿 6. per sample样品 7. please rush请快速 8. please extend请延期 9. please insure请确保 10. please make bid请出价 11. please rush L/C急需信用证 12. Proforma invoice形式fap 13. refer to查阅 14. RMB350 per M / T每顿人民币350 15. shipping space装船空间 16. L/C payable by sight draft根据汇票支付信用证 17. time for claim申报时间 18. trial order 检验要求19. urgently advise紧急建议 20. valid 25th有效期25号 21. will revert将回复 22. will ship将装船 23. with colour颜色 24. with a view to考虑到 25. after sight过目后
2023-01-03 13:33:321

How to convert PDF file to Word file format? Urgently~~
2023-01-03 13:33:484


纯手工:Sorry I just saw the email. As you said, the customer is in an urgent need of BRZ01. Please deliver to Shanghai by air according to the original plan. Please issue the letter of credit for the broken package later as well. Thank you for everything you have done for us.
2023-01-03 13:34:054


请参考~So many deeds cry out to be done, and always urgently; the world rolls on, time presses. Ten thousand years are too long, seize every minute
2023-01-03 13:34:193


2023-01-03 13:34:292

"Please send sample urgently and advise AWB # once sent out"是什么意思?

迫切地请送样品并且劝告AWB #一次派出
2023-01-03 13:34:373


when you"re gone 歌词 i always needed time on my own 我也需要花些时间在我自己身上 i never thought i"d need you there when i cry 我从不指望当我哭泣的时候你会在身旁 and the days feel like years when i"m alone 我一个人时常感觉度日如年 and the bed where you lie is made up on your side 你睡过的床还是保持着原样 when you walk away i count the steps that you take 我悉数着你走过的足迹 do you see how much i need you right now? 你知道现在我多想你在我身边吗 when you"re gone 当你转身离去 the pieces of my heart are missing you 连我破碎的心也在想你 when you"re gone 当你转身离去 the face i came to know is missing too 曾经熟悉的脸也消失 when you"re gone 当你转身离去 the words i need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok 我多想再听到那些曾陪我度过难关的话语 i miss you 我好想你
2023-01-03 13:34:483

英语翻译 急!! 高分求救 100分

按照我们在2006年7月10日签订的合同约定According to the July 10, 2006 signing of the contract agreement,贵公司应当在2月上旬完成设备交货。Does your company should be completed in early February delivery equipment.最终用户即将进入设备安装阶段,The end-user is about to enter the equipment installed.现在每一天都来电话催问确切的交货日期。我们面临巨大的压力。 Telephone reminders every day to the exact delivery dates. We face tremendous pressure. 如果贵公司不能够按期交货,将会导致我们面对最终用户的巨额索赔并赔偿由此给最终用户造成的停工损失。If your company can not arranging delivery We face the end-users will lead to huge compensation claims and the resulting suspension of the losses to end-users. 我们非常迫切的期望知道每一台设备的确切交货日期,我们非常迫切的期望知道贵公司不能按期交货的确切原因,我们也非常迫切的期望知道贵公司有何补救建议。 We are very aware of the expectations of every piece of equipment the exact delivery dates. We are very aware of the expectations of your company could not be delivered to the exact reasons, We are very aware of the expectations of your company urgent remedial suggestions. 这是我公司与贵公司的第一次合作,我们对于未来的合作有很多计划,但是我们非常担心这次迟交货会打乱我们的未来合作计划,我们更不希望因为这次迟交货而面临巨大的经济风险和诉讼风险。 我们非常欢迎贵公司能够安排相关负责人近期来华就具体问题展开磋商并制定相关补救方案。 This is the first time my company and your company"s cooperation, we have many plans for the future cooperation. However, we are very worried that this will disrupt our late delivery of the future cooperation plans. We do not want to face because of this late delivery of the huge economic risk and litigation risk. We welcome your company to arrange for a responsible person in China recently started discussions on specific issues related to development and remediation programs. 与贵公司签订合同的某某公司是负责为我们办理进出口事务的公司。The equipment is determined by the thermal equipment Ltd. in certain domestic sales to end-users. . 这些设备是由我们某某热工设备有限公司负责在国内销售给最终用户的。 The equipment is determined by the thermal equipment Ltd. in certain domestic sales to end-users.给你个在线翻译网:
2023-01-03 13:34:596