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我们约会吧男女匹配时的英文歌叫什歌曲 噢噢噢

2023-07-15 21:14:00
TAG: 英文

Hate To Love You - Karmin

I"m just a prisoner of Love

You got me lip locked by used gum


If I escaped too I would be lost

Just don"t bail me out babe I"ll pay cost


Aw See it ain"t that funny spent my money

Sweet as a felon

Ain"t you hunny

I can here the gripes

But I"m werin stripes

Look up at the stars

But I gotta think twice


All of the fighting


Keeps it excitin

I"m doin" time but I don"t mind

I"ll be just fine

Sometime I just hate to love you

I"m doin" time but I don"t mind

I"ll be just fine

Sometime I just hate to love you

Ohoh uh oh

Ohoh uh oh

Ohoh uh oh


I"m doin" time

It"s a real fight

But its all right

Sometime I just hate to love you

You got me up a treating me cold

I though the key out a long time ago


If you release me I wouldn"t leave


So don"t feed me poison I gotta eat



Me and my cell mate

Are planing our escape

Tell me when your ready

And we can storm the front gate

Who are the jail people

Real deep sleeper

No big deal just misdemeanor


All of the fighting


Keeps it excitin

I"m doin" time but I don"t mind

I"ll be just fine

Sometime I just hate to love you

I"m doin" time but I don"t mind

I"ll be just fine

Sometime I just hate to love you

Ohoh uh oh

Ohoh uh oh

Ohoh uh oh


I"m doin" time

It"s a real fight

But it"s all right

Sometime I just hate to love you

See I don"t need the bars to lock me in

You can let your guard down till the end

Forever doesn"t have to know for night

And that"s why

I"m doin" time but I don"t mind

I"ll be just fine

I"m doin" time but I don"t mind

I"ll be just fine

Sometime I just hate to love you

I"m doin" time but I don"t mind

I"ll be just fine

Sometime I just hate to love you

I"m doin" time but I don"t mind

I"ll be just fine

Sometime I just hate to love you

Ohoh uh oh

Ohoh uh oh

Ohoh uh oh


I"m doin" time

It"s a real fight

But its all right

Sometime I just hate to love you



2023-07-15 13:33:381


千变的刺客 美萝娜(梅罗娜)英文名:Protean Assassin Melona(角色设计:F.S.) (CV:钉宫理惠)豋场:小说独角兽之剑 武器:无(能变出所有武器)身高:不定三围:不定喜欢的东西:甲壳类兴趣:恶作剧讨厌的东西:没反应的对手 被人叫做“怪物”外号:粉红果冻性格非常孩子气,很喜欢搞些不良的恶作剧,也有毒舌属性。在执行任务的时候,并非选择最为合理有效的方法,而是优先使用一些会令对手极其震惊的手段,并以此为乐。虽然她的身体看上去湿润细嫩,但也可以瞬间变硬以此进行攻击或防守。这种时候通常还会仿照一些名匠打造的盾牌的外形,或是模拟对手的武器形状变化,复原度相当的高呢。
2023-07-15 13:33:461


2023-07-15 13:33:594

有人吃过 有一种冰棍 外面是软脆皮 是一个鱼形 里面有红豆和牛奶的 冰激凌 叫什么

2023-07-15 13:34:072


不是插画就是某游戏里的把 = =
2023-07-15 13:34:212


1、玩家可以在菜洞1层、2层的位置刷出银猫,玩家将银猫打出表情就可以进行捕捉了。 2、地宫中的银猫属于中立,玩家无法进行抓捕,不过可以使用瓶子砸,砸成敌对的之后就可以抓了,也是打出表情之后进行抓捕。 3、玩家在捕捉这个宠物的时候可以在狩猎里面先点一个叫做手下留情的技能,这个技能的作用就是让玩家在攻击敌人的时候必定会留下一点生命值,不至于让玩家在游戏中,直接把要捕捉的宠物直接打死,然后就是需要玩家不断的扔精灵球捕捉了,运气好的话一般很快就能抓到,运气不好也不会太久。 更多关于伊洛纳银猫在哪里抓,进入:查看更多内容
2023-07-15 13:34:441


2009年俄罗斯女排最新阵容: 球员号 英文名 中文译名 年龄 身高 扣球高度 拦网高度 1 Marla Borodakova 保罗达科娃 23 1.90m 3.01m 2.97m 2 Anna Makarova 马卡洛娃 25 1.94m 3.06m 3.02m 3 Marla Zhadan 扎丹 26 1.78m 2.83m 2.80m 4 Elona Murtazaeva 穆塔扎耶娃 27 1.90m 3.09m 3.04m 5   帕辛科娃   1.90m 3.13m 3.05m 6 Ksenla Naumvva 纳乌木娃 19 1.90m 3.05m 3.00m 7 Natalya Safronova 萨夫洛诺娃 25 1.90m 3.12m 3.05m 8   梅尔库诺娃   2.02m 3.17m 3.08m 9   法蒂娃     3.10m 3.03m 10 Yulla Sedova 塞多娃 24 1.92m 3.05m 3.01m 11 Ekaterina Gamova 加莫娃 29 2.02m 3.21m 3.10m 12 Marina Sheshenina 申申尼娜 24 1.81m 2.91m 2.89m 13   斯塔谢娃   1.85m 2.94m 2.90m 14 Ekaterina Kareshova 卡贝绍娃 23 1.72m 2.98m 2.90m 15 Tatlana Kosheleva 科舍列娃 20 1.91m 3.15m 3.05m 16   萨日娜   1.88m 2.97m 2.92m 17   什切尔班   1.76m 2.98m 2.94m 18 Ekaterina Starodubova 斯塔罗杜波娃 24 1.76m 3.01m 2.92m 二传:申申尼娜(队长)、扎丹、斯塔特塞娃、加莫娃(接应二传)接应:法迪娃、冈萨洛娃、加莫娃(接应二传)主攻:帕欣科娃、玛卡洛娃、法捷耶娃、萨芙洛诺娃、科舍列娃、谢尔班副攻:布洛达科娃、穆塔扎耶娃、梅尔库洛娃、莫罗兹、塞多娃自由人:卡贝绍娃、科鲁秋科娃、斯塔罗杜波娃
2023-07-15 13:34:511


球员号 英文名 中文译名 年龄 身高 扣球高度 拦网高度 1 Marla Borodakova 保罗达科娃 23 1.90m 3.01m 2.97m 2 Anna Makarova 马卡洛娃 25 1.94m 3.06m 3.02m 3 Marla Zhadan 扎丹 26 1.78m 2.83m 2.80m 4 Elona Murtazaeva 穆塔扎耶娃 27 1.90m 3.09m 3.04m 5 帕辛科娃 1.90m 3.13m 3.05m 6 Ksenla Naumvva 纳乌木娃 19 1.90m 3.05m 3.00m 7 Natalya Safronova 萨夫洛诺娃 25 1.90m 3.12m 3.05m 8 梅尔库诺娃 1.92m 3.17m 3.08m 9 法蒂娃 3.10m 3.03m 10 Yulla Sedova 塞多娃 24 1.92m 3.05m 3.01m 11 Ekaterina Gamova 加莫娃 29 2.02m 3.21m 3.10m 12 Marina Sheshenina 申申尼娜 24 1.81m 2.91m 2.89m 13 斯塔谢娃 1.85m 2.94m 2.90m 14 Ekaterina Kareshova 卡贝绍娃 23 1.72m 2.98m 2.90m 15 Tatlana Kosheleva 科舍列娃 20 1.91m 3.15m 3.05m 16 萨日娜 1.88m 2.97m 2.92m 17 什切尔班 1.76m 2.98m 2.94m 18 Ekaterina Starodubova 斯塔罗杜波娃 24 1.76m 3.01m 2.92m
2023-07-15 13:35:061


过山车大亨1 2 3玩过没?
2023-07-15 13:35:1614


2023-07-15 13:36:0214


射击:质量效应3,使命召唤8:现代战争3,战地3,幽灵行动4:未来战士,特殊行动:一线生机,暗黑2格斗:超级街头霸王4,拳皇13,街头霸王x铁拳Rpg:阿玛拉王国:惩罚,上古卷轴5,崛起2:黑暗水域体育:nba 2k12,fifa2012,实况足球2012,vr网球4赛车:尘埃:决战,钉害齿轿佼计酬袭揣陋极品飞车16,山脊赛车:无限,横冲直撞3:毁灭天地动作:真三国无双6,闪克2,丧尸围城2:绝密档案,刺客信条:启示录,黑道圣徒3策略:三国志12,文明5:众神与国王
2023-07-15 13:36:304

一只香蕉英语怎么说,a banana,象这样的水果你能写出多少越多越好?

an apple ,a pear, a peach,a watermelon, a kiwi fruit, an orange, a pineapple
2023-07-15 13:36:405


  西班牙:1 皇家马德里 (R.Madrid)  2 巴塞罗那(FCBacelona)  3 瓦伦西亚 (Valencia)  4:马德里竞技(Atletico Madrid)  5:塞维利亚(Sevilla)  6:萨拉戈萨(Zaragoza)  7:奥萨苏纳(Osasuna )  8:比利亚雷亚尔 (Villarreal)  9:赫塔菲(Getafe)  10:西班牙人(Espanyol)  11:维尔瓦(Huelva Recreativo)  12:拉科鲁尼亚 ( Deportivo La Coruna )  13:皇家贝蒂斯(Real Betis)  14:马洛卡(Mallorca)  15:桑坦德竞技(Racing Santander)  16:毕尔巴鄂(Bilbao Athletic)  17:莱万特(Levante)  18:穆尔西亚(Murcia Real)  19:阿梅利亚(Almeria)  20:瓦拉杜利德(Valladolid )  意大利:国际米兰  AC米兰  佛罗伦萨  罗马  拉齐奥  切沃  巴勒莫  利沃诺  帕尔玛  恩波利  乌迪内斯  阿斯科利  桑普多利亚  雷吉纳  锡耶纳  卡利亚里  梅西纳  尤文图斯  德国:  A  奥格斯堡足球俱乐部  红白艾伦足球俱乐部  艾尔格博格足球俱乐部  亚琛足球俱乐部  B  比勒费尔德足球俱乐部  波鸿足球俱乐部  柏林赫塔足球俱乐部  安德烈布伦瑞克  不来梅沙洲体育俱乐部  布格豪森足球俱乐部  C  科特布斯足球俱乐部  D  多特蒙德足球俱乐部  杜伊斯堡足球俱乐部  E  红白埃森足球俱乐部  F  菲尔特足球俱乐部  F 续  FSV法兰克福  弗赖堡体育俱乐部  法兰克福足球俱乐部  H  汉诺威96足球俱乐部  霍芬海姆足球俱乐部  汉堡体育俱乐部  I  印戈斯塔德04足球俱乐部  J  卡尔蔡斯耶拿足球俱乐部  K  TuS科布伦斯  凯泽斯劳滕足球俱乐部  卡尔斯鲁厄体育俱乐部  科隆足球俱乐部  L  勒沃库森足球俱乐部  莱比锡火车头足球俱乐部  M  拜仁慕尼黑足球俱乐部  门兴格拉德巴赫足球俱乐部  M 续  美因茨05足球俱乐部  1860慕尼黑  N  纽伦堡足球俱乐部  O  奥斯纳布吕克足球俱乐部  红白奥伯豪森足球俱乐部  奥芬巴赫踢球者足球俱乐部  P  佩德伯恩07足球俱乐部  R  汉莎罗斯托克足球俱乐部  S  圣保利足球俱乐部  沙尔克04足球俱乐部  斯图加特足球俱乐部  U  翁特哈兴足球俱乐部  W  沃尔夫斯堡足球俱乐部  韦恩威斯巴登足球俱乐部  荷兰:  1 PSV燕豪芬  2 阿积士  3 艾克马亚  4 川迪  5 海伦维恩  6 洛达  7 飞燕诺  8 高宁根  9 乌德勒支  10 NEC尼美根  11 比达  12 维迪斯  13 鹿特丹斯巴达  14 荷华高斯  15 威廉二世  16 SBV精英  17 RKC华域克  18 ADO海牙  当然不能忘了阿贾克斯(Ajax)足球俱乐部啦,那可是是荷兰最久负盛名的球队呢。  恩。。。差不多就这样了,你看一下吧。
2023-07-15 13:37:051


I have some pretty short skirts sweet watermelon tall empty bottle of workers busy day for a big red apple tree full of small trees of the book shelves of the new bike a lovely white
2023-07-15 13:37:134


2023-07-15 13:37:235


2023-07-15 13:37:391


Thanks for your letter.You said you liked watching soccer match.I"m happy because I like it ,too.Do you know Messi,I think you should know Landon Timothy Donovan.I shoot guns sometimes.I think it is interesting.You said you wanted to New York.I want to L.A. Although,New York is top big city in the U.S.I didn"t go to America.I hope I can go there in the future.You may not know how to pronounce my name. Actually, I"ve got an English name---Suker. There is a great football player also named Suker, I like him very much.Your sister"s name is Jackie, which reminds me of a well-known actor in China, Jackie Chan, have you got any idea about him? I like History very much, too. I want to learn Spainish when I get older, because I love FC Bracelona. And I like Justin Bieber and his songs, BABY NEVER SAY NEVER in particular. But Avril Lavigne is my favorite singer, I think she is very pretty. There is lots of food I lke, I hate seafood, though.
2023-07-15 13:37:475


2023-07-15 13:38:137


我回来了 Steins;Gate 1.6M山口胜平 镜见呕吐P 量子力学造物主的选择 单马尾立华 奏 名侦探柯南还剑湖 斑鳖 4只比较大的大提琴》冰果Variance新房昭之白井黑子4个月晨风法国84部氧气和臭氧初音未来 泽越止希望来得及 中间有机体你自己做
2023-07-15 13:38:271


大多数多毛类动物具发达的闭管式循环系统,其基本结构是由背血管(dorsal vessel)、腹血管(ventral vessel)及连接它们的环血管(ring vessel)所组成。背血管位于消化道的背面,其中血液是由后向前流、腹血管位于消化道腹面,血液由前向后流,在消化道的前端背血管与腹血管通过一个或几个环血管或血管网直接相连。腹血管在每个体节发出一对血管分支到疣足,一对分支到体壁,一对到肾,一个到肠道。相应的背血管接受在疣足及体壁经过气体交换之后的疣足血管及体壁血管的血液,也接受携带营养物质的肠血管的血液以及排出了代谢产物的肾血管的血液,并在这些血管分支的末端形成了微小的毛细血管(少数形成了血窦),因此构成了闭管式循环,其中血液的流动主要是由背血管管壁的收缩而引起的。多毛类的循环系统并不都是上述结构,而是存在着多样性。例如一些非常原始的种类,它们没有循环系统,而由体腔液进行物质的输送。沙蠋及须头虫具有部分开放循环的结构,在消化道前端、肠壁肌肉层与上皮细胞层之间,存在一大的血窦。许多穴居及管居种类具有发达的鳃,其循环系统也不十分发达。例如须头虫没有血管供应深层组织,血液系统更重要的机能似乎是把氧和营养物质传递到体腔液,而体腔液在体内担负着介质输送的主要机能,它们的鳃可以周期性地收缩,以帮助体液的流通。一些多毛类具有心脏。所谓心脏,在不同种类中并非同源结构。例如毛翼虫的心脏是背血管上呈球状膨胀,起着泵的作用,以促进血流;沙蠋形成一对与肠窦相联的侧心脏;蛰龙介的心脏位于鳃后,心脏的收缩可以防止血液的倒流。多毛类的血液中含有较少的血细胞,血细胞很小,直径一般在10—30μm,通常呈变形虫状,有核,不含呼吸色素,游离在血液中。相当多的种类其血细胞是固着在血管壁上而不能游动,例如矶沙蚕、毛翼虫、沙蠋等的血细胞。相反,多毛类的体腔液中却含有较多而发达的体腔细胞,体腔细胞在功能上起着血细胞的作用。最普遍存在的体腔细胞是变形细胞,它与血液中的变形细胞很难区分,但体积较大,约50μm左右,有核,有吞噬与防卫的功能。体腔液中除了变形细胞之外,还有另外两种细胞。一种是油细胞(eleocytes),成熟时约40μm左右,一般认为它是一种营养细胞,具贮存脂肪及营养物质的功能。多毛类的生殖细胞也在体腔内形成,当生殖细胞在体内发育时,油细胞可为之提供营养。叶须虫、沙蚕、蛰龙介、帚毛虫等都含有油细胞。另一种体腔细胞为红细胞(erythrocytes),细胞直径约20μm左右,其中含有血红蛋白(haemoglobin),它能传递氧,吻沙蚕、管沙蚕即有这种细胞。所以体腔细胞在物质的传递及输送方面起着重要的作用。多毛类中只有一些原始的种类,如叶须虫和裂虫(Syllid),它们的血液是无色的,其中含有很少的变形细胞,但一些大型种类及穴居种类血液中都含有呼吸色素(respiratorypigments),使身体表现出一定的颜色,但其呼吸色素多数是溶解在血浆中,只有极少数是在血细胞中。血液中的呼吸色素能携带和贮存大量的氧,而其他成分对氧的亲和力是很低的。呼吸色素也能维持血液的胶体渗透压力,即使在低氧压的条件下也能如此。呼吸色素是一种含有金属物质(Fe,Cu)的卟啉(porphyrin)与蛋白质的结合体。动物的血液中共有四种呼吸色素,而环节动物就有其中的三种,有的同一种动物就含有两种呼吸色素。血红蛋白是分布最广泛、也是最有效的一种呼吸色素,它存在于沙蠋、长吻沙蚕、沙蚕等多毛类中。血绿蛋白是龙介(Serpulid)、帚毛虫血液的特征,它是一种含Fe的卟啉蛋白,与血红蛋白十分相似,只是分子的侧链有所区别,它们的相似程度超过了与细胞内的血红蛋白的区别。蚯蚓血红蛋白存在于长手沙蚕(Magelona)中,它在结构上相似于血蓝蛋白。溶解于多毛类及其他环节动物血浆中的血红蛋白与血绿蛋白的分子量远远大于脊椎动物的血红蛋白。哺乳动物每一分子的血红蛋白含有4个亚铁血红素单位(heme)(带有一个铁原子的原卟啉),每个亚铁血红素单位的分子量为17000,所以哺乳动物血红蛋白分子量是68000。而蚯蚓血浆中一个血红蛋白分子含有180个亚铁血红素单位,故分子量为3,000,000。血浆中这种大分子的血红蛋白可能有利于阻止血液形成过高的胶体渗透压力,也防止血红蛋白由于排泄作用而丢失。但很特殊的是吻沙蚕,管沙蚕,小头虫等,它们的血红蛋白不在血浆中,而是存在于体腔液的红血细胞中。它的血红蛋白的分子量也很小,与脊椎动物相似。血浆中血红蛋白与体腔液红细胞中血红蛋白的区别的意义目前尚不了解,但小分子的血红蛋白存在于红细胞中有利于防止丢失。有趣的是须头虫同时含有血浆血红蛋白及体腔液血红蛋白。已经知道其体腔液中的血红蛋白在低氧压时比血浆中血红蛋白具有更大的亲和力,因此体腔液是内部深层组织的氧的输送者。总之,呼吸色素的生理机能在于输送和贮存氧。一些潮间带穴居生活种类在低潮时,血色素贮存的氧可以使之渡过缺氧时期。如果再延长缺氧时间,它们甚至可以无氧呼吸一段时间,最长可达20天之久。
2023-07-15 13:38:351


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2023-07-15 13:39:293


In the traffic court of a large mid-western city, a young lady was brought before the judge to answer a ticket given her for driving through a red light. She explained to his honor that she was a school teacher and requested an immediate disposal of her case in order that she might hasten on to her classes. A wild gleam came into the judge"s eye. "You are a school teacher, eh?" said he. "Madam, I shall realize my lifelong ambition. Sit down at that table and write "I went through a red light" five hundred times." 在中西部一个大城市的交通法庭里,一位年轻女士被带到法官面前,她由于开车闯红灯被开了罚单。女士向法官解释,她是一名学校老师,请求法官马上处理她的案子,以便可以赶回去上课。法官眼中闪过一丝狡黠,说道:“你是学校的老师,对吗?女士,我马上要实现我毕生的愿望了。在那张桌子旁坐下,写‘我开车闯了红灯"500遍。
2023-07-15 13:39:503

fm2008 小球队选择的妖人

2023-07-15 13:39:594


法国 古尔库夫 伊瓜因英格兰 唐宁西班牙 莱昂
2023-07-15 13:40:073

《家庭心理学(婚姻与家庭)》,作者:林昆辉 txt 文档谁有

2023-07-15 13:40:151


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2023-07-15 13:40:311


千变的刺客 美萝娜(梅罗娜)   英文名:Protean Assassin Melona   (角色设计:F.S.) (CV:钉宫理惠) 千变刺客 梅罗娜豋场:小说独角兽之剑   武器:无(能变出所有武器)   身高:不定   三围:不定   喜欢的东西:甲壳类   兴趣:恶作剧   讨厌的东西:没反应的对手 被人叫做“怪物”   外号:粉红果冻   沼地魔女最信任的手下之一。拥有能够在转瞬间变化外形的特殊能灵魂转移(Shape Shifter),因此擅长谍报及暗杀任务。这一次所接收的命令,恐怕是扰乱女王之刃大会。   性格非常孩子气,很喜欢搞些不良的恶作剧,也有毒舌属性。在执行任务的时候,并非选择最为合理有效的方法,而是优先使用一些会令对手极其震惊的手段,并以此为乐。   虽然她的身体看上去湿润细嫩,但也可以瞬间变硬以此进行攻击或防守。这种时候通常还会仿照一些名匠打造的盾牌的外形,或是模拟对手的武器形状变化,复原度相当的高呢。   梅罗娜是一个可怕程度远超人类常识范围的魔物。她能够将周围的小型生物吸收进自己体内从而实现无限的体力增强,最终天下无敌。   在第二部女皇之刃中,梅罗娜等3人成为了最终胜利的不可缺少的因素。梅罗娜在一开始因为任务关系独自去刺杀女王结果被女王石化无意中知道了女王的真相,成为了第一个发现女王真相的人,随后从石头中逃了出来并独自一人去净化魔物(后来得知是坠落天使)无意中也帮助了雷娜赢得了胜利,帮助净化了女王同时也展现出粉红果冻好的一面,而且从3个人最后的对话当中可以得知,梅罗娜不打算继续在沼地魔女手下了。
2023-07-15 13:40:501


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2023-07-15 13:41:371


伊洛纳次元胶囊获得途径: 1、杂货店:杂货店有几率刷出次元胶囊,但是价格很贵。 2、打工:做居民大扫除任务也有概率获得胶囊。 3、打怪:打怪也会掉落胶囊。 更多关于伊洛纳次元胶囊怎么获得,进入:查看更多内容
2023-07-15 13:41:451


2023-07-15 13:42:051


博卡青年 沙尔克04 汉诺威96 AC 山东鲁能 费内巴切 水源三星 游击队 流浪者 大学生 公园巡游者 佩鲁贾 里尔 埃因霍温 太多,没办法说,上网页上一搜全出来
2023-07-15 13:42:254


2023-07-15 13:42:344


2023-07-15 13:41:562


MH是电感单位。1毫亨(mH)=1000微亨 (μH)0.9MH=900μH麻烦请及时采纳回答,谢谢!
2023-07-15 13:41:561


2023-07-15 13:41:575


因为 sessions 之後加了 [逗号], which 作为[连接词]的功能已失去.若此句要保留 which , 便要改写:The training sessions which drivers attend offered in partnership with car suppliers environment.....
2023-07-15 13:41:581

Timbaland的《Feel It》 歌词

歌曲名:Feel It歌手:Timbaland专辑:Welcome To Our World「Feel it」作词∶TAKAKO/mike flowers作曲∶mike flowers歌∶DOUBLE夜更け雨が上がり 落ちる水滴 月が照らし流れ星窓の中そっと 近付いて见ると 黒い影が浮き上がりI see you dancing 踏み込むステッピング反り返りturn and jump"n stepI see you dancing 跳び上がるジャンピング振り返りturn and step again光まといyeah 汗がshining in the air飞び散ってダイヤのようね月明かり踊る君全てフロアに脱ぎ舍ててIf I can feel it, I know u feel itIf I can feel it, then I know u feel it云の上 歩く様に 軽やかに and I know u feel it空间彩る 初めてのミュージック the dj got me falling in love空间操る 音に合わせて その姿美しくて煌めくダイヤ 散りばめた様な 流丽に动くシルエットI see you dancing 跳び上がるジャンピング振り返りturn and step againもう止まらないyeah 汗がshining in the air飞び散ってダイヤのようね月明かり踊る君全てフロアに脱ぎ舍ててIf I can feel it, I know u feel itIf I can feel it, then I know u feel it云の上 歩く様に 軽やかに and I know u feel itWhoa, キラキラと 飞び散る汗Whoa, I don"t wanna go, I can"t help myselfyeah 汗がshining in the air飞び散ってダイヤのようね月明かり踊る君全てフロアに脱ぎ舍ててIf I can feel it, I know u feel itIf I can feel it, then I know u feel it云の上 歩く様に 軽やかに and I know u feel ityeah 汗がshining in the air飞び散ってダイヤのようね月明かり踊る君全てフロアに脱ぎ舍ててIf I can feel it, I know u feel itIf I can feel it, then I know u feel it云の上 歩く様に 軽やかに and I know u feel it収録:Let it go発売日:2009/07/22
2023-07-15 13:42:001

Never Never Land 歌词

歌曲名:Never Never Land歌手:Art Blakey&The Jazz Messengers专辑:KyotoRico Love - Never NeverlandFeels like they ripped out my heartThe day they broke us apartBut it just keep on beatin"And it"s like I"m heavily medicatedNow that we"re seperatedTell me the reasonSo each night I wish on a starBegging that all mighty lordTo come restore my breathin"Cos since you"ve been goneIt"s like I"m lifeless, can"t go on like this babyI wish I could escape to Never Never LandSome secret faraway place that would be better thanLiving without youI wish I could escape to Never Never LandSome secret place beyond the moonPrepared for me and youOff to Never Never Land ....I look at pictures of usAnd remember how it wasBut my soul keeps on bleedingAnd babe I"m still dedicatedI believe we can make itJust keep believen ohhAnd we can"t physically touchBut still I love you so muchCos your key holds my freedom ohhAnd one day I"ll be set free from these cuffsI wish I could escape to Never Never LandSome secret faraway place that would be better thanLiving without youI wish I could escape to Never Never LandSome secret place beyond the moonPrepared for me and youOff to Never Never LandOff to Never Never LandOff to Never Never LandOff to Never Never LandI know you"re reaching babyReaching for my handand even though your speechless babyi understand.. i understand..i understandI wish I could escape to Never Never LandSome secret faraway place that would be better thanLiving without youI wish I could escape to Never Never LandSome secret place beyond the moonPrepared for me and youOff to Never Never LandOff to Never Never LandOff to Never Never LandOff to Never Never LandShaGuar & Moyile
2023-07-15 13:42:031

Praise is like sunlight to the human spirit.这句话是谁说的?

Profits of PraiseIt was the end of my exhausting first day as waitress in a busy New York restaurant. My cap had gone awry, my apron was stained, my feet ached. The loaded trays I carried felt heavier and heavier. Weary and discouraged, I didn"t seem able to do anything right. As I made out a complicated check for a family with several children who had changed their ice-cream order a dozen times, I was ready to quit.Then the father smiled at me as he handed me my tip. "Well done," he said. "You"ve looked after us really well."Suddenly my tiredness vanished. I smiled back, and later, when the manager asked me how I"d liked my first day, I said, "Fine!" Those few words of praise had changed everything.Praise is like sunlight to the human spirit; we cannot flower and grow without it. And yet, while most of us are only too ready to apply to others the cold wind of criticism, we are somehow reluctant to give our fellows the warm sunshine of praise.Why - when one word can bring such pleasure? A friend of mine who travels widely always tries to learn a little of the language of any place she visits. She"s not much of a linguist, but she does know how to say one word - "beautiful" - in several languages. She can use it to a mother holding her baby, or to lonely salesman fishing out pictures of his family. The ability has earned her friends all over the world.It"s strange how chary we are about praising. Perhaps it"s because few of us know how to accept compliments gracefully. Instead, we are embarrassed and shrug off the words we are really so glad to hear. Because of this defensive reaction, direct compliments are surprisingly difficult to give. That is why some of the most valued pats on the back are those which come to us indirectly, in a letter or passed on by a friend. When one thinks of the speed with which spiteful remarks are conveyed, it seems a pity that there isn"t more effort to relay pleasing and flattering comments.It"s especially rewarding to give praise in areas in which effort generally goes unnoticed or unmentioned. An artist gets complimented for a glorious picture, a cook for a perfect meal. But do you ever tell you laundry manager how pleased you are when the shirts are done just right? Do you ever praise your paper boy for getting the paper to you on time 365 days a year?Praise is particularly appreciated by those doing routine jobs: gas-station attendants, waitresses - even housewives. Do you ever go into a house and say, "What a tidy room"? Hardly anybody does. That"s why housework is considered such a dreary grind. Comment is often made about activities which are relatively easy and satisfying, like arranging flowers; but not about jobs which are hard and dirty, like scrubbing floors. Shakespeare said, "Our praises are our wages." Since so often praise is the only wage a housewife receives, surely she of all people should get her measure.Mothers know instinctively that for children an ounce of praise is worth a pound of scolding. Still, we"re not always as perceptive as we might be about applying the rule. One day I was criticizing my children for squabbling. "Can you never play peacefully?" I shouted. Susanna looked at me quizzically. "Of course we can," she said. "But you don"t notice us when we do."Teachers agree about the value of praise. One teacher writes that instead of drowning students" compositions in critical red ink, the teacher will get far more constructive results by finding one or two things which have been done better than last time, and commenting favorably on them. "I believe that a student knows when he has handed in something above his usual standard," writes the teacher, "and that he waits hungrily for a brief comment in the margin to show him that the teacher is aware of it, too."Behavioral scientists have done countless experiments to prove that any human being tends to repeat an act which has been immediately followed by a pleasant result. In one such experiment, a number of schoolchildren were divided into three groups and given arithmetic tests daily for five days. One group was consistently praised for its previous performance; another group was criticized; the third was ignored.Not surprisingly, those who were praised improved dramatically. Those who were criticized improved also, bus not so much. And the scores of the children who were ignored hardly improved at all. Interestingly the brightest children were helped just as much by criticism as by praise, but the less able children reacted badly to criticism, needed praise the most. Yet the latter are the very youngsters who, in most schools, fail to get the pat on the back.To give praise costs the giver nothing but a moment"s thought and a moment"s effort - perhaps a quick phone call to pass on a compliment, or five minutes spent writing an appreciative letter. It is such a small investment - and yet consider the results it may produce. "I can live for two months on a good compliment," said Mark Twain.So, let"s be alert to the small excellences around us - and comment on them. We will not only bring joy into other people"s lives, but also, very often, added happiness into out own.
2023-07-15 13:42:041

Timbaland的《Love Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Love Me歌手:Timbaland专辑:Indecent ProposalArtist: Collin RayeAlbum: Direct HitsTitle: Love, MeSkip ewing, max t. barnesI read a note my grandma wrote back in nineteen twenty-three.Grandpa kept it in his coat, and he showed it once to me. he said,oy, you might not understand, but a long, long time ago,Grandma"s daddy didn"t like me none, but i loved your grandma so.<br>We had this crazy plan to meet and run away together.Get married in the first town we came to, and live forever.But nailed to the tree where we were supposed to meet, insteadOf her, i found this letter, and this is what it said:If you get there before i do, don"t give up on me.I"ll meet you when my chores are through;I don"t know how long i"ll be.But i"m not gonna let you down, darling wait and see.And between now and then, till i see you again,I"ll be loving you. love, me.I read those words just hours before my grandma passed away,In the doorway of a church where me and grandpa stopped to pray.I know i"d never seen him cry in all my fifteen years;But as he said these words to her, his eyes filled up with tears.If you get there before i do, don"t give up on me.I"ll meet you when my chores are through;I don"t know how long i"ll be.But i"m not gonna let you down, darling wait and see.And between now and then, till i see you again,I"ll be loving you. love, me.Between now and then, till i see you again,I"ll be loving you. love, me.
2023-07-15 13:41:531

Never Neverland 歌词

歌名:Never Neverland专辑:With A Twist歌手: Todd Rundgren发行时间:2008-03-25流派:流行发行公司:EMI语种: 欧美流派: 爵士地区: 欧美歌词:You know my momma said there"s only two things in life thatare constant:That"s change and changeIt feels like something"s missing but I just dont know,It"s like Im not the same man that I was, no moreand all these crazy places that I usually know,are just not as exciting as they were before.I think about u constantly, It suprises me,how I"ve changed,my friends are coming down on me,saying a playa never changes the game.Those fellas live in Never Never Landright next to peter pan cuz nobody wants to grow old,Those fellas live in Never Never Landthey"ll never understand what it"s like to be in love.Never Never Land right next to peter pan cuz nobodywants to grow old, Those fellas live in Never Never Landthey"ll never understand what its like to be in love.It feels like something"s moving inside of me,my heart is doing backflips inspite of me,and there"s no place that I would rather bethan with you and my kids, my familyI think about u constantly,u gonna be my wife eventuallyIt dont matter what my friends say to me,there"s no changing my mind, so ya"ll just pray for me.Never Never Landright next to peter pan cuz nobody wants to grow old,Those fellas live in Never Never Landthey"ll never understand what its like to be in love.Never Never Land right next to peter pan cuz nobodywants to grow old, Those fellas live in Never Never Landthey"ll never understand what its like to be in love.Hold up wait a minute, I"m a husladont be putting my woman in it,She ain"t got nothing to do with this fault,She is a deaken and she chills in the pulpit(AH UR WRONG DAWG)I don"t even need to say no more,You ain"t got the disease but u expect the cure,Down on your knees praying for that new porschewhile she"s walking out that door,(SHE"S WALKING OUT THAT DOOR)Those fellas live in Never Never Landright next to peter pan cuz nobody wants to grow old,Those fellas live in Never Never Landthey"ll never understand what it"s like to be in love.Never Never Land right next to peter pan cuz nobodywants to grow old, Those fellas live in Never Never Landthey"ll never understand what its like to be in love.And I dont care what they told you30 is not the new 20 its the same old 30dont be mad at me jay im just the messenger baby,Im just the messenger!Larry Cheng & Kevin Boul歌词大意:你知道我妈妈说的只有两样东西那是常数:这是变化和变化感觉好像有点不见了,但我只是不知道,这就像我不一样的人,我是,没有更多我通常知道的所有这些疯狂的地方,只是不像他们以前那样令人兴奋。我认为你不断,这使我感到很吃惊,我如何改变,我的朋友们都来了,说一个海滩不会改变游戏。那些家伙生活在永远地在皮特的旁边,因为没有人愿意老去,那些家伙生活在永远地他们永远不会明白什么是爱。永远不要在皮特潘旁边的土地上,因为没有人想变老,那些家伙生活在永远地他们永远不会明白什么是爱。感觉好像有东西在我的内心,我的心是做后空翻尽管我,没有地方,我宁愿比与你和我的孩子,我的家人我经常想起你,你最终会成为我的妻子我的朋友们对我说什么,没有改变我的想法,所以你只会为我祈祷。从不从不登陆在皮特的旁边,因为没有人愿意老去,那些家伙生活在永远地他们永远不会明白什么是爱。永远不要在皮特潘旁边的土地上,因为没有人想变老,那些家伙生活在永远地他们永远不会明白什么是爱。等一分钟,我是一个husla不要让我的女人在它,她和这个错误没有任何事,她是一个狄根她发冷的讲坛(啊你错了我)我甚至不需要再多说什么,你没有得到这种疾病,但你希望治愈,在你的膝盖祈祷,新的保时捷当她走出那扇门的时候,(她走出了那扇门)那些家伙生活在永远地在皮特的旁边,因为没有人愿意老去,那些家伙生活在永远地他们永远不会明白什么是爱。永远不要在皮特潘旁边的土地上,因为没有人想变老,那些家伙生活在永远地他们永远不会明白什么是爱。我不在乎他们告诉你什么30是不是新的20个相同的旧的30别生我的气,我只是信使婴儿,我只是信使!
2023-07-15 13:41:472

Timbaland的《Apologize》歌词 翻译

Apologize 对不起 I"m holding on your rope, 努力回忆着你那句话语 Got me ten feet off the ground 我的心似在空中悬起 I"m hearing what you say but I just can"t make a sound 听懂了你的言意我却只能绝望沉默 You tell me that you need me 爱我要我曾是你山盟海誓 Then you go and cut me down, but wait 伤心于你的离去我却只能空虚等待 You tell me that you"re sorry 不说你的歉意是那么苍白无力 Didn"t think I"d turn around, and say... 可你不会想到我要重新向你致意 It"s too late to apologize, it"s too late 你说的对不起已是太迟,真的太迟 I said it"s too late to apologize, it"s too late 我说过现在已是太迟,真的太迟 I"d take another chance, take a fall 我想我还会努力,宁愿再次被你伤害 Take a shot for you 也再给你一次让我接受你的机会 And I need you like a heart needs a beat 我需要你就像我的心要跳动得一次又一次 But it"s nothing new 其实这并无新意 I loved you with a fire red- 曾经对你炉火样的热情 Now it"s turning blue, and you say... 现已变得那么纯青,可你还在迟疑 "Sorry" like the angel heaven let me think was you 你天使般的道歉对我而言恰似来自天堂的妙音 But I"m afraid... 于是我想 It"s too late to apologize, it"s too late 对不起你说得太迟,真的太迟 I said it"s too late to apologize, it"s too late 我说过现在为时太迟,真的太迟 It"s too late to apologize, it"s too late 你的道歉来得太迟,真的太迟 I said it"s too late to apologize, it"s too late 我说过现在为时太迟,真的太迟 It"s too late to apologize, yeah 对不起你说得来得太迟,真的太迟 I said it"s too late to apologize, yeah- 我说过现在为时太迟,真的太迟 I"m holdin on your rope, got me ten feet off the ground... 让你每句话语留在我的记忆,让我的心向你飞驰此曲由OneRepublic乐队核心Ryan Tedder创作,后由Timbaland重新混音制作并收入他2007年发行的专辑TimbalandPresents: Shock Value中
2023-07-15 13:41:461

如何解决software protection服务无法启动

方法/步骤开始→运行→输入:services.msc 点击确定(或按回车键)打开服务。依次找到:Software Protection服务(服务名称sppsvc)→右键启动。如果启动菜单是灰色的(不可用)服务属性→启动类型→自动或者手动→应用→启动→确定。如果这个Software Protection服务(服务名称sppsvc)没有,需要从好的相同的操作系统中导入相应的注册表项目。在好的电脑中在【开始】→【运行】中输入: regedit 按回车键之后,打开注册表编辑器。依次展开:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetservicessppsvc然后,右键点击sppsvc项→导出。然后取名,保存。然后,再将其保存在u盘,再在有问题的操作系统中双击导入→是。同样,如果系统的服务里面没有SPP Notification Service服务(服务名称sppuinotify)也可以使用相同的步骤,从好的操作系统中导出注册表备份,再倒入到有问题的操作系统中即可。在注册表中的位置是:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetservicessppuinotify (右键点击sppuinotify 项→导出)然后到有问题的电脑中打开注册表→文件→导入→指向从好的操作系统注册表中备份的文件,完成导入。如果开启相应的服务出错,一般是激活Windows系统出问题了。可以尝试在注册表中删除debugger这个键值。打开注册表,依次定位到:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionImage File Execution Optionssppsvc.exe(如果没有此项,就不属于这个问题)。
2023-07-15 13:41:441


MH编码是Modified Huffman的简称,即改进的哈夫曼编码,它利用水平方向像素之间的相关性,对一条扫描线各个不同的持续长度(像素连续出现的个数)进行编码。MH编码适用于传真等黑白位图图像的压缩,也是一种TIFF格式图像的压缩选项。它结合了变长编码和哈夫曼编码,将图像按行进行游程编码。特点:MH的编码方式非常简单,图像按行以黑色和白色点的游程编成序列。游程长度小于64时,其结尾加上一个结尾码。若其长度等于或大于64时,会在结尾码前加入补充码。来定义游程的长度,这个长度是64的倍数,这个倍数为1到40的整数,故游程长度的范围就可以从64到2560.这样就可以避免对2560个可能的游程进行哈夫曼编码,而把编码长度限制在64。
2023-07-15 13:41:411

Never-Neverland 歌词

歌曲名:Never-Neverland歌手:PUR专辑:AbenteuerlandRico Love - Never NeverlandFeels like they ripped out my heartThe day they broke us apartBut it just keep on beatin"And it"s like I"m heavily medicatedNow that we"re seperatedTell me the reasonSo each night I wish on a starBegging that all mighty lordTo come restore my breathin"Cos since you"ve been goneIt"s like I"m lifeless, can"t go on like this babyI wish I could escape to Never Never LandSome secret faraway place that would be better thanLiving without youI wish I could escape to Never Never LandSome secret place beyond the moonPrepared for me and youOff to Never Never Land ....I look at pictures of usAnd remember how it wasBut my soul keeps on bleedingAnd babe I"m still dedicatedI believe we can make itJust keep believen ohhAnd we can"t physically touchBut still I love you so muchCos your key holds my freedom ohhAnd one day I"ll be set free from these cuffsI wish I could escape to Never Never LandSome secret faraway place that would be better thanLiving without youI wish I could escape to Never Never LandSome secret place beyond the moonPrepared for me and youOff to Never Never LandOff to Never Never LandOff to Never Never LandOff to Never Never LandI know you"re reaching babyReaching for my handand even though your speechless babyi understand.. i understand..i understandI wish I could escape to Never Never LandSome secret faraway place that would be better thanLiving without youI wish I could escape to Never Never LandSome secret place beyond the moonPrepared for me and youOff to Never Never LandOff to Never Never LandOff to Never Never LandOff to Never Never LandShaGuar & Moyile
2023-07-15 13:41:401

David Farrell&The Dirty Dozen Brass Band的《Voodoo》 歌词

歌曲名:Voodoo歌手:David Farrell&The Dirty Dozen Brass Band专辑:VoodooI"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ---- voodooCandles raise my desire,Why I"m so far away.No more meaning to my life,No more reason to stay.Freezing, feeling,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooHazing clouds rain on my head,Empty thoughts fill my ears.Find my shape by the moonlight,Why my thoughts aren"t so clear.Demons dreaming,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooVoodoo, voodoo, voodoo, voodoo.So far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...
2023-07-15 13:41:391