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2023-07-15 22:47:37

With the development of the science and technology, the computer has been becmoing the necessity for people in the 21st Century. Following, network is of close link with our life,bringing us incomparable convenience on our life and work. Through the network,we can search for useful datas and get to know the current events.When you play computer games after a long-time work,it can relieve your pressure and make you feel relaxed.Besides,playing online games is not all bad,for it can fulfil students" entertaining requests as well as practise their response ability. However,there still exists some disadvantages in the network.The radiation from the computer will do harm to people"s health if you keep on watching the computer for a long time.And short sight may caused by it for your eyes stay tense.At present,there are too many games on the Internet,but some of them are not of good quality even contain some unhealthy content like violence and so on.Duo to the lack of recognizing society and self-protection awareness,some students get addicted in the games and online dating. In fact,network is not that horrible,as long as we know more about it,it will become our right hand on our studies.Let"s build a clean network world together


Internet is an international computer network connecting other networks and computers from companies, universities, etc. At present, most of people can use computer for working, chatting, playing game, watching the movie and picture, and searching anything by clicking on Internet. Internet is useful assistant for leading you to another world which amazing thing. I think Internet has advantage and disadvantage.

Advantage of Internet is that you can do anything that you want on Internet when it was connected to independent world such as download data, programs, game, picture etc. But Internet has risk to receive spy ware, it attempts to disable or delete anti-spy ware tool and suppress warning massages given to users, it damages your data or system in your computer. Moreover, you have risk to find the bad persons when chat in chat room especially women. You can found the crime news on the newspapers. The news said they have many victim from chatting with unknown people by the victim were believed implicitly. In conclusion, many people still use Internet because it is useful and comfortable.


primitive technology不更新了吗

2023-07-15 17:28:254


2023-07-15 17:28:352

求 科学技术是社会发展所不可缺少的 英语作文一篇,

Knowledge is power,especially scientific and technological knowledge.Science and technology are the motive power of the social development.Without them human society could never have developed from primitive society to modern society.Therefore,to conquer and transform nature,we must master scientific knowledge.However,social knowledge is also essential.Without it we can not understand society and don't know the law of the social development.As a result we are unable to tovern society.Therefore,besides scientific knowledge we need to master social science,philosophy,politics,history,aesthetics,etc,so that we can know society from all perspectives and form a correct world outlook.To meet new challenges in he 21st century,we university students should lose no time to acquire as much knowledge as possible so that we will bee qualified successors of the socialist cause.
2023-07-15 17:28:421

live现场怎么读 live现场单词怎读

1、live现场,英 [lu026av , lau026av] 美 [lu026av , lau026av]。 2、Thats what a live show is all about。这可是现场演出的全部啊。 3、If I could just see them play live。如果我可以看现场演出的话。 4、Primitive at first, the technology rapidly improved and today humans spend far more time listening to recorded music than to live performances。这种技术一开始并不完善,但后来得以迅猛发展,现在人们听录制音乐的时间远远超出了听现场演出的时间。
2023-07-15 17:28:491


分类不如分级背单词【远不如】背文章能够分级词汇大纲有二1、PETS(1-5)大纲(1000、2000、4000、5500、7500)2、英专旧大纲基础阶段(1000、2000、3000、4000、5000、6000) 其他各类国家级大纲,基本可以不屑一顾
2023-07-15 17:29:304

云图的剧情介绍 六个故事都要介绍不要太短太简单 要全英文最好加上中文翻译!

  Cloud Atlas consists of six interrelated and interwoven stories spanning different time periods. The film is structured, according to novelist David Mitchell, "as a sort of pointillist mosaic."  云图由不同时空的六个故事组成,像大卫所说,它像一幅马赛克拼贴画。  I【South Pacific Ocean, 1849】  Adam Ewing, an American lawyer from San Francisco, has come to theChatham Islands to conclude a business arrangement with Reverend Gilles Horrox for his father-in-law, Haskell Moore. He witnesses the whipping of a Moriori slave, Autua, who later stows away on the ship. He confronts Ewing and convinces him to advocate for Autua to join the crew as a freeman. Meanwhile, Dr. Henry Goose slowly poisons Ewing, claiming it to be the cure for a parasitic worm, aiming to steal Ewing"s valuables. When Goose attempts to administer the fatal dose, Autua saves Ewing. Returning to the United States, Ewing and his wife Tilda denounce her father"s complicity in slavery and leave San Francisco to join the Abolition movement.[18][19]  【南太平洋,1849】  亚当·尤因,从旧金山来的美国律师,已经到了theChatham群岛签订业务l为他岳父Horrox 与牧师Gilles,Haskel。他目击了一个莫里奥里人鞭打奴隶,Autua,后来藏在船上了。他遇到尤因,说服他提倡Autua加入船员作为一个自由人。与此同时,亨利古斯博士慢慢给尤因下毒,声称它是治疗一种寄生虫的药物,旨在窃取尤因的贵重物品。当古斯试图给他下致命剂量,Autua救了尤因。回到美国,尤因和他的妻子蒂尔达谴责她父亲的共谋奴隶制,并离开旧金山加入废奴运动。  【Cambridge, England and Edinburgh, Scotland, 1936】  Robert Frobisher, a bisexual English musician, finds work as an amanuensis to aging composer Vyvyan Ayrs, allowing Frobisher the time and inspiration to compose his own masterpiece, "The Cloud AtlasSextet." While working for Ayrs, Frobisher begins reading the published chronicle of Adam Ewing"s journal which he has found among the many books at Ayrs"s mansion. He never finishes reading the journal and notes in a letter that "A half-finished book is, after all, a half finished love affair." When "The Cloud Atlas Sextet" is revealed to Ayrs, he wishes to take credit for Frobisher"s work, claiming it is the result of their collaboration and threatens to expose his scandalous background if he resists. Frobisher shoots and wounds Ayrs and flees to a hotel. Perhaps spurred by his inability to complete Ewing"s book, he finishes "The Cloud AtlasSextet", then commits suicide, just before his lover Rufus Sixsmith arrives.  【英国剑桥大学和爱丁堡,苏格兰,1936年】  罗伯特·弗罗比舍,一个双性恋英语音乐家,找到一份为年老的作曲家维维安·阿耶斯做抄写员的工作,给了弗罗比舍作曲的时间和灵感来创作出属于他自己的杰作,“云图六重奏“。“在为阿耶斯工作时,弗罗比舍开始阅读在阿耶斯宅邸众多书中的一本亚当u2022尤因的日记。他从未读完日记和笔记在一封信中“一本未完的书归根结底是一份未完的爱情”。“当《云图》六重奏”被完成,阿耶斯想让他保证声称它是出自他们的协作,如果他拒绝,就威胁要揭露他的丑闻的背景。弗弗洛比舍尔误伤了阿耶斯后逃遁,并在一家小旅馆中完成了《云图六重奏》的创作。在完成自己的绝世之作之后,就在他的情人鲁弗斯·斯密斯到来之前,弗洛比舍尔吞枪自尽。  【San Francisco, USA, 1973】  Journalist Luisa Rey meets an older Sixsmith, now a nuclear physicist. Sixsmith tips off Rey to a conspiracy regarding the safety of a new nuclear reactor run by Lloyd Hooks, but is assassinated by Hooks" hitman Bill Smoke before he can give her a report that proves it. Rey finds and reads Frobisher"s letters to Sixsmith, resulting in her tracking down a vinyl recording of Frobisher"s "The Cloud Atlas Sextet." Isaac Sachs, another scientist at the power plant, passes her a copy of Sixsmith"s report. However, Smoke kills Sachs by blowing up the plane in which he is flying, and later also runs Rey"s car off a bridge, but she is able to escape. With help from the plant"s head of security, Joe Napier, who knew her father, she evades another attempt against her life which results in Smoke"s death and exposes the plot to use a nuclear accident for the benefit of oil companies.  【旧金山,美国,1973年】  路易莎u2027雷是一个采访一个新核电站的记者。她在核电站公司的电梯中邂逅老年的物理学家斯克斯史密斯。斯克斯史密斯看到路易莎有一个和弗洛比舍尔写类似的胎记,想把关于核电站安全隐患内幕的资料给她,但在家中被杀手杀死。路易莎虽然没有拿到资料,但拿到了当年弗洛比舍尔写给斯克斯史密斯的信件,并找到了《云图六重奏》唱片。之后路易莎再次采访核电站老板,并遇到了核电站公司的另外一个工程师伊萨克u2027萨赫斯。萨赫斯对路易莎一见钟情,但在给路易莎核能发电内幕的相关资料之后也被谋杀于飞机的意外爆炸。路易莎也被杀手追杀,但在其父亲的战友帮助下死里逃生。杀手因为出言侮辱一个墨西哥裔妇女并杀死了她的狗,而被该女子杀死。在最后路易莎从斯克斯史密斯的侄女手中拿到资料,揭露真相。  【United Kingdom, 2012】  65-year-old publisher Timothy Cavendish reaps a windfall when Dermot Hoggins, the chav author of Knuckle Sandwich, publicly murders a critic who gave the novel a harsh review. When Hoggins"s brothers threaten Cavendish"s life to get his share of the profits, Cavendish asks for help from his wealthy brother Denholme. Avenging an old affair with his wife, Denholme tricks Timothy into hiding in a nursing home, where he is held against his will and abused by the head nurse, Noakes. While there, Cavendish reads a manuscript of a novel based on Luisa Rey"s story. Plotting with three other residents, Cavendish escapes and goes on to write a screenplay of his story.  【英国,2012】  蒂姆斯u2027卡文迪许是一个65岁的出版商。他读到了一个关于路易莎u2027雷揭露关于核电站阴谋的悬疑小说。他旗下的一个黑帮作家在一次聚会上将一个苛刻的书评人从屋顶扔了下去,由此被关到监狱。此事导致该作家的书畅销,蒂姆斯大发横财。之后黑帮作家的爪牙向蒂姆斯勒索,蒂姆斯向其兄长借钱,不料却被其兄长骗到一家像监狱一样的养老院无法脱身。养老院的护士诺亚克丝等人对入住老人严密监视,但蒂姆斯最终和几个志同道合的老人逃出养老院,并把自己的经历写成剧本。  【Neo Seoul, (Korea), 2144】  Sonmi~451 is a genetically-engineered fabricant, a human clone and slave worker living a compliant life of servitude as a server at a futuristic fast food restaurant. She recounts her memories before an interviewer, anarchivist whose purpose is to document her thoughts and story for the future. Sonmi begins by recounting a day in the life of a fabricant like herself. She tells how she was exposed to ideas of rebellion and liberation (based on Cavendish"s adventures), and how she was rescued from captivity by Commander Hae-Joo Chang, a member of a rebel movement known as "Union". He smuggles her to a residence in Neo Seoul where he exposes Sonmi to the larger world, including the writings of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and a film version of Timothy Cavendish"s "ghastly ordeal". They are found and Sonmi is captured. Hae-Joo rescues her, introduces her to the leader of the rebel movement, then shows her that fabricants are not freed at the end of their contract as she believed, but are killed and "recycled" into food for other clones. She decides that the system of society based on slavery and exploitation is intolerable, and makes a public broadcast of her story and manifesto. Hae-Joo is killed in a firefight and Sonmi is captured again. After telling her story to the archivist, she is executed.  【韩国新首尔,22世纪】  在公司化的集权统治下,星美451是一个人工克隆的“人造人”,被像奴隶一样驱使在快餐馆工作。她们戴着项圈,随时可以被监控者用遥控器处死。她的同伴幼娜939偷到了一个小视频播放器,二人在晚上溜到储藏室,一起看由演员扮演的蒂姆斯u2027卡文迪许经历的电影,并记住了其中演员所说的台词“我决不会向暴力犯罪屈服”。之后幼娜939因为反抗顾客的凌辱而在试图逃脱餐馆时被处决。星美451被地下抵抗组织的张海柱多次营救,并和张海柱互生情愫。抵抗组织医生奥维德帮星美451去掉了项圈。星美451得知自己的同类会在失去工作能力之后被杀死,制造成给人造人的食物,因此决心和抵抗组织合作,发表宣言鼓励反抗。张海柱和其他抵抗组织成员在一次战斗中阵亡,星美451也被俘。星美451在向档案人员讲出她的故事后被处决。  【The Big Island, 2321】  (This section is dated "106 winters after The Fall" in the end credits and book cited as 2321.) Zachry lives in a primitive society called "The Valley" after most of humanity has died during "The Fall," a largely-unexplained apocalyptic event. The Valley tribesmen speak a degenerated form of English, and worship a goddess called Sonmi (Sonmi~451), their sacred text taken from the broadcast of her manifesto. Zachry is plagued by hallucinations of a demonic figure called "Old Georgie" who manipulates him into giving in to his fears. One day, Zachry, Adam (Zachry"s brother-in-law) and Zachry"s nephew are attacked by the cannibalistic Kona tribe. He runs into hiding and watches as his companions are murdered. His village is visited by Meronym, a member of the "Prescients", an advanced society still using the last remnants of technology. Her mission is to find a remote communication station called Mauna Sol and send a message to Earth"s colonies. Catkin, Zachry"s niece, falls sick, and in exchange for saving her Zachry agrees to guide Meronym into the mountains to find the Atlas. At the station, Meronym reveals that Sonmi was not a deity as the Valley tribe believes, but a normal human who died long ago. After returning, Zachry finds his tribe dead, slaughtered by the Kona. He kills the Kona chief, rescues Catkin, and Meronym saves them both from an assault by Kona tribesmen. Zachry and Catkin join Meronym and the Prescients as their ship leaves Big Island.  Prologue / Epilogue  A seventh time period, several decades after the events on Big Island, is featured in the film"s prologue and epilogue: Zachry is revealed to have been telling these stories to his grandchildren on a beach in the outskirts of a city on the colony of Earth on another planet. The epilogue also confirming that Meronym, who is also present at the site and now, apparently, his wife, succeeded in sending the message to the colonies and was rescued along with him.  【遥远的未来,夏威夷岛上】  人类经历浩劫之后只有少数存活,掌握高科技的更是极少数。扎克里是这个岛上的一个土著,和他妹妹露丝等人过着原始的生活。在目睹妹夫和侄儿被食人族杀害时,扎克里受到“老佐治”魅影──族人对恶魔的想像──的蛊惑,向自己的恐惧屈服,没有出手相救,从此被“老佐治”缠身。一天,一个掌握高科技的先见族人梅洛尼姆来到岛上,她需要一个向导登上山顶,寻找名叫云图的天文台。在她救助了扎克里的外甥女之后,扎克里同意带她上山。途中扎克里多次受到“老佐治”的困扰,威胁他不要帮助梅洛尼姆,不然会招到“老佐治”报复。在山顶的一个废弃的天文台里,梅洛尼姆告诉扎克里他们部落崇拜的女神星美其实是个人,并给他看当年星美451所发表的鼓励大家起来反抗的视频录像。梅洛尼姆在天文台向已经殖民其他星球的人类发出了信息。扎克里回到村里,发现村子已经被食人族部落洗劫,露丝等人均被杀死,只有扎克里的外甥女幸存。出于愤恨,扎克里刺杀了食人族的首领。在和食人族的搏斗中梅洛尼姆伸出援手,营救扎克里。扎克里也摆脱了“老佐治”的困扰。后来他们一同离开地球在外星幸福地生活。  请采纳,非常详尽,祝好!  【来自英语牛人团】
2023-07-15 17:30:111


1、摄影语言自成体系,更为重要的是,它是一种观察和伦理学。 Photography language has its own system. More importantly, it is an observation and ethics. 2、一个人永远走不出童年的影响。我的摄影之路,最初是在寻觅儿时记忆里的环境和人。 One can never get out of the influence of childhood. My way of photography was originally to find the environment and people in my childhood memory. 3、我真的需要阳光,新鲜的空气和青菜,有营养的食谱,我真的需要摄影,油画。这一切能治愈我的伤痛。 I really need sunshine, fresh air and vegetables, nutritious recipes, I really need photography, oil painting. All this will heal my pain. 4、我们一起看电影,一起旅行,哪怕不会摄影,也坚持用相机替代自己的眼睛给你留下最美好的回忆。 We watch movies together, travel together, even if we can"t photograph, but also insist on replacing your eyes with cameras to leave you the best memories. 5、与其拍摄一个东西,不如拍摄一个意念,与其拍摄一个意念,不如拍摄一个梦幻。 It"s better to shoot an idea than to shoot an object. It"s better to shoot a dream than to shoot an idea. 6、年轻要任性,外出要尽兴,热恋也像驱车过境。好好观光,亲手摄影,抱抱陌生的背影。 Young people should be self-willed, go out to enjoy themselves, love is like driving across the border. Good sightseeing, hand photography, holding strange background. 7、摄影是一种走入时间的动作,从中撕扯出一些什么,然后以另外一种持久的形式定格。 Photography is an action of walking into time, tearing something out of it, and then fixing it in another lasting form. 8、我觉得摄影重要的是表达了善与爱的情怀,珍惜并抓住自己爱意闪耀的时刻。 I think photography is important to express the feelings of kindness and love, cherish and seize the moment when their love shines. 9、生命本身不是现实。我们是那些把生命注入石头和鹅卵石的人。 Life itself is not reality. We are those who inject life into stones and pebbles. 10、演摄影师时我的摄影包东西很少,工作人员不太敢把东西放里面,怕我摔了。 When acting as a photographer, I had very few photographic bags, and the staff were afraid to put them in, for fear that I might fall. 11、摄影是学习如何观察事物的一种方式,它是强烈的个人视觉感受。 Photography is a way to learn how to observe things. It is a strong personal visual experience. 12、人生的遭遇,大半是片段的欢乐换来终身的不安;摄影,却是片刻的不欢带来终身的快乐。 The experience of life is mostly the joy of fragments in exchange for life-long uneasiness; photography, however, is a moment of unhappiness brings life-long happiness. 13、摄影是我们时代的驱邪术。原始社会有它的面具,小资社会有它的镜子,而我们有我们的图片。 Photography is the exorci *** of our time. The primitive society has its mask, the petty bourgeoisie society has its mirror, and we have our pictures. 14、摄影成功的要诀就如同钥匙开锁的道理一样,如果你不能准确对号,那么一定无法打开成功之门。 The key to success in photography is the same as the key to unlock. If you can"t accurately match the number, then you can"t open the door to success. 15、当你开始学会把说话变成一种推销图片的资本时,你一定能发现其实成功并不像人们所想的那样艰难。 When you begin to learn how to turn speech into a capital to sell pictures, you will surely find that success is not as difficult as people think. 16、上帝也一定是个摄影爱好者,他在创世的第一天就说:要有光。 God must also be a photographer. On the first day of his creation, he said, "Let there be light." 17、喜欢摄影时的置身世外,喜欢旅行的放空自己,喜欢沉迷小说的没有自我,说到底,我只是讨厌被束缚的自己。 I like to be out of the world when I am photographing, to be free from traveling, to be addicted to fiction without self. In the final *** ysis, I just hate being bound by myself. 18、一个摄影师的改变,源自于自我的一种积极进取,而不是等待别人帮到你。 A photographer"s change es from a positive self-motivation rather than waiting for others to help you. 19、我喜欢摄影,所有美好的事物都会被定格在相片里。从不改变,也不被遗忘,永远保留着最初的样子。 I like photography. Everything beautiful will be fixed in the picture. Never change, never fet, always retain the original appearance. 20、摄影中,看似无关痛痒的元素,也可作为形式感的补充,让画面添加一份形式感。 In photography, seemingly unimportant elements can also be used as a plement to the sense of form, allowing the picture to add a sense of form. 21、我喜欢摄影,是因为我发现我需要表达。但需要表达的却是来自于和你的爱情。那些相片诉说着你我的爱情。 I like photography because I find I need to express myself. But what needs to be expressed is love with you. Those pictures tell of your love and mine. 22、摄影师总不知道自己也是风景,心理医生总不知道自已也是疯子。 Photographers don"t know that they are scenery, and psychologists don"t know that they are mad. 23、曾经我想当个流浪的吟游诗人,刚刚我想当个流浪的摄影者。 Once I wanted to be a wandering bard. Just now I wanted to be a wandering photographer. 24、拿着照相机走遍中国每一所城市里的每一处角落的摄影人。 Photographers with cameras traveled around every corner of every city in China. 25、摄影是一种生于火、浮于光的技术与艺术;而将影像化为语词,就等于在寻找希望。 Photography is a kind of technology and art which is born in fire and floats in light, and turning images into words is tantamount to looking for hope. 26、一台相机不在于它的价格是否高昂,而我们只看架着相机的摄影师是否会对焦。 A camera doesn"t depend on whether it"s expensive or not. We just look at whether the photographer with the camera will focus. 27、摄影是一个工具,用来处理大家都知道但视而不见的事物。我的照片是要表现你看不见的事物。 Photography is a tool for dealing with things we all know but don"t see. My picture is to show what you can"t see. 28、我喜欢摄影,我活着就是要拍照。在摄影事业上我永远不想退休。 I like photography. I live to take pictures. I never want to retire in photography. 29、摄影机拍下的往往都是华丽的外表,人的肉眼看到的却是生活的本质。 Cameras often take pictures of geous appearance, but the naked eye sees the essence of life. 30、风景摄影是一种跋涉、一种追逐、一种人类独有的迁徙到美的视野的冲动。 Landscape photography is a trek, a pursuit, a unique human impulse to migrate to the vision of beauty. 31、摄影把绘画从忠实表现的苦差中解放出来,使绘画可以追求最高的目标:抽象。 Photography liberates painting from the suffering of faithful expression, so that painting can pursue the highest goal: abstraction. 32、一个好摄影,既是导演的眼睛,帮他发现美好事物,也是导演的翅膀,助他抵达自己的梦想。 A good photography is not only the director"s eyes, to help him find good things, but also the director"s wings, to help him reach his dream. 33、西方的纪念馆如今几乎清一色都是视觉的。摄影对我们回忆事件的哪些方面具有不可抑制的决定性力量。 Western memorials are now almost entirely visual. Photography is an irrepressible determinant of what aspects of events we recall. 34、时间的摄影机,扑捉了荒芜,留下了心情的绚烂,少了羞涩,忘了做作,自然和纯真,在合影。 The camera of time catches the barrenness, leaving behind the brilliant mood, less shy, fot to act, nature and innocence, in a group photo. 35、我不再奢求能拥有你,我只想陪伴你,就像旁观者,就像歌颂者,就像摄影师。就好像我们还在一起。 I don"t want to have you anymore. I just want to be with you, like an onlooker, like a singer, like a photographer. It"s like we"re still together. 36、有些事情并不是你看到的那样,就像摄影师的专业不一定是摄影,也可能是汽车服务。 Some things aren"t what you see, just as a photographer"s profession may not necessarily be photography, but also car service. 37、摄影本来就没有不可打破的法则,你觉得自己应该怎么拍,那就怎么拍。 There are no rules that can not be broken in photography. If you think you should take pictures, you should take pictures. 38、最失落的两个职业是牙医和摄影师:牙医想当医生,摄影师想成为画家。 The o most lost professions are dentist and photographer: dentist wants to be a doctor and photographer wants to be a painter. 39、不断反思图片的不足,是让自己获得更好的习惯。但有些人总怕这一点,所以最终成为劣等摄影师。 Constantly reflecting on the shortings of pictures is to let oneself get better habits. But some people are always afraid of this, so they eventually bee inferior photographers. 40、我觉得摄影应该像写作一样,是对一瞬间所见所感的记录,是对一个人成长的记录,永远不要追求被大多数人认可。 I think photography should be like writing, a record of what one sees and feels in a moment, a record of one"s growth, and never seek to be recognized by most people.
2023-07-15 17:30:261


Unit 1Ex.5 1. obligation 2. applauded 3. fulfilled 4. mirror 5. flexibility6. devalue 7. striving 8. entailed 9. supposedly 10. ConsequentlyEx.8 Translate the following sentences into English.1. With his promotion, he has taken on greater responsibilities.2. He felt he did not have to make such a commitment to John any more.3. Mary likes to go shopping in her spare time, as opposed to Lucy, who prefers to stay at home reading.4. At best he"s ambitious, at worst a power-seeker without conscience or qualifications.5. We have striven to the full to convince him, but we have made no headway.Unit 2Ex5. 1.awaited, 2.have overtaken, 3.pose, 4.cues, 5.has undermined, 6.soptted, 7.judged, 8.distracted, 9.offend, 10.maskEx8. 1. He is no more fit to be a headmaster than any schoolboy would be.2. As for her father, she is not sure whether he will accept her and her baby.3. Staying up late will undermine one"s health while going to bed early and getting up early will benefit it.4. The ambassador personally conveyed the president"s message to the premier. 5. The girl decided to open up and tell the police what she had seen.Unit 5Ex5. 1. morality 2. quest 3. downright 4. advocated 5. contemporaries6. deceiving 7.exclusive 8. obstructing 9. captured 10. conscienceEx8. 1. The airplane they boarded soared out of sight right after it took off.2. At the meeting, the two sides had a hot debate. The reformers put forward many reforming measures, but the conservatives were in opposition to the proposed changes.3. In the long run, we should learn more about science and technology. Besides our major subjects, knowledge of computers, English and driving is necessary for our work.4. She does gymnastic exercises four times a week in the quest to achieve the perfect body.5. Every morning in the park, some old people are doing physical exercises there, chatting with each other at the same time.Unit 6Ex5. 1. achievement 2. self-esteem 3. primitive 4. aroused 5. identified6. confrontation 7. conflict 8. soaring 9. abandoned 10. professionalEx8. 1. She portrayed her childhood as a time of wonder and discovery.2. Experiments showed that nonsmokers committed fewer errors than smokers.3. Football fans are often highly regarded not for their own achievement, but through their connection to a team that wins.4. Despite the actors" wonderful acting, the three-hour movie could not hold our attention.5. Professor Wang is the only doctor I can rely on to save my son.
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2023-07-15 17:30:457


An new corrections to the non - classical words in dunhuang ms 敦煌俗 别字 新考上 Hong kong interschool engpsh arena 全港中小学中英文 别字 擂台校际赛 Chinese engpsh proof - reading petition 全港中英文 别字 擂台赛 Don " t flatter yourself , dorian 别字 以为风流,多利安。 Hong kong engpsh arena , 2005 全港中英文 别字 擂台比赛 Let icerat tell you , jiang xi university of science and technology is located in ganzhou 公益广告:作为21世纪优秀大学生,请谨慎对待每个你发表的帖子,选择合适的标题,不要有错 别字 与不文明用语 This is not bad for a class with multiple primitive and object reference fields . but for better insight , i must pare the result with other approaches below 对于拥有多个基本型 别字 段和对象引用字段的类别而言,这不算坏。然而为了更好的考究问题,我须将此结果与下面其它方案进行比较才对。
2023-07-15 17:31:081

incubator的《untitled》 歌词

歌曲名:untitled歌手:incubator专辑:mcgillroy the house fly(Song Has No Name)Look around in our little paradiseTaste the innocent fruitI"ll bomb your brain awayThere"s power of technologyWhich"ll guard your human wayGod is dead - Jesus crucifiedAnd the pope will burnOn his gallow tonightI can"t believe this shocking truthCan"t look around - Can"t open eyesSo taste just the freedom ofAn forbidden youthEveryday I walked through the streetsBones instead of treesBlood instead of waterA land which keeps on smilingIn the end of the bookNobody wants to speak your dirtyLanguageNobody wants to hear your sadisticMessageQuestions build up - Never answeredMore than just your god can seeSo let"s creep in the graves of ourBrothers and sistersTo forget an evil culture4 "Raped By A Stranger"Confusion seems to be your wayMy murdering is inconsequentialClose your lovely, lying eyesStay brideI"ll guard your last mealBefore your executionYour treacherousDissatisfied faceWill rot by hunger for lustLet"s stop talking all aboutThat shitLet"s fuck show me yourGenitalsThe hunger for perversionStrikes backI"ll break your personalityYou lie in a sheet of organicJuicesThe plague of myself buriedAmong your bonesI"ve got a present for youIt"s an overcrowded boxWith corpses of the new-bornIncubator5 "Chaos Ego"Hunger, thirst, pain myVeinsThe horizon keeps onBurningThe wind blows strongMelodies fall into dustA fog of sadness checkledTo my lonely skinAll illusions standing stillRaped chaos calls forManipulated stressIs this my judgement orMy rebirth in heavensWomb...These time has been lostAll green has just beenKilledMy flesh for all mistrustBlood on the groundI start to understandThese deal has been madeThese voice promisedUnknownTears change into timeMy brain keeps in turning, ISink to the groundThe cries of the unbornSold, lost, and found...Nails in my eyes for a lifeWithout paincontrolled emotions fromMc GillroyAre burning insane...6 "Identit"t"Mindmelting sorrow - The eyes of the blind - See youEverytime and everywhere you stay - A part ofDestructed illusions - Praying for your destinyYour primitive tongue is torn in half - Wintergarden,Summerdreams a cry without a sound - The murderOf fatality tries to rip his life away - CorruptionAnd brutality for preachers without identity!!!Trees lie in darkness - The truth sleeps in dust - TheBlind just can see - Greets to the master who"sControlling me - Nails in y eyes for a lifeWithout pain - Pain controlled emotions from McGillroy are burning insane -7 "Stories Enter Controlled Dept."You are alone...You"ve stolen the pastenseOut of my lifeMy aim is to conquer yourFilthy braincellsShow me - Your raw andViolent realityShow you - A part of myLet"s drink the wine and eatThe cakesThe thorns of forbiddenFlowers are the nailsFor your place on myCross...The principle of the elephantsHas been fadedOut of your eyesHang the murder - RewardThe thiefIdolise the pleasureBehavioural disturbanceI"m the guider of yourIllusionsThe extension of your fearIs inaudibleHear the tone of my voiceIt means hate to youBelieve in your godlessInnardsOut of the cunt - Into the life8 "The Braineliminator"(Instrumetal)9 "Games Of A Moonmurder"Good morning MrsSunshineHave you heard theLatest newsThe moon yourEternal husbandDied between yourLies - And my dirtyTruthLast night I"veBeen outsideWaiting for hisLight...The stars told meThe storyHe has beenSacrificedThe lord ofRottennessLay down his mysticCardsNow the smell ofFearHangs deep in theTreesAnd fields areDeserts of tearsDarkness andDeath stands nearBy my side - Couldn"tExistWithout his holyLight
2023-07-15 17:31:411


The more you laugh innocent and I will love you more love rave
2023-07-15 17:29:414


无线Mesh网络(无线网状网络)也称为“多跳(multi-hop)”网络,它是一种与传统无线网络完全不同的新型无线网络技术。无线mesh网络,由mesh routers(路由器)和mesh clients(客户端)组成,其中mesh routers构成骨干网络,并和有线的internet网线连接,负责为mesh clients提供多跳的无线internet连接。而在无线Mesh网络中,任何无线设备节点都可以同时作为AP和路由器,网络中的每个节点都可以发送和接收信号,每个节点都可以与一个或者多个对等节点进行直接通信。mesh优势:安装Mesh节点非常简单,将设备从包装盒里取出来,接上电源就行了。由于极大地简化了安装,用户可以很容易增加新的节点来扩大无线网络的覆盖范围和网络容量。在无线Mesh网络中,不是每个Mesh节点都需要有线电缆连接,这是它与有线AP最大的不同。Mesh的设计目标就是将有线设备和有线AP的数量降至最低,因此大大降低了总拥有成本和安装时间,仅这一点带来的成本节省就是非常可观的。无线Mesh网络的配置和其他网管功能与传统的WLAN相同,用户使用WLAN的经验可以很容易应用到Mesh网络上。以上内容参考:百度百科-无线mesh网络
2023-07-15 17:29:441


  我们都知道,大学里面有很多门专业,学生可以根据自己的兴趣爱好来选择自己喜欢的专业。那么你知道大学专业的英文怎么翻译吗?下面是我为你整理的,希望大家喜欢!   1.undergraduate major   2.major   undergraduate major造句   1.. The department currently possesses one undergraduate major of physical education and several high - level sports teams.   教学部现拥有一个体育教育本科专业和多支高水平运动队.   2. She was named the outstanding undergraduate history major at the University of Oklahoma.   她被评选为俄克拉何马大学历史专业的优等生。   3. If you are *** art, ambitious and hard working you should major in science as an undergraduate.   如果你很聪明 、 有野心,并且也很刻苦努力的话,你的确应该在读本科的时候选择科学.   4. As an undergraduate, I had a double major of Chinese and Mass munication.   本人在读大学本科时, 曾主修中文和大众传播学.   5. If are *** art, ambitious and hard working you should major in science as an undergraduate.   如果你聪明, 志向远大并且努力工作,那么你可以在大学期间把科学作为你的专业.   6. Undergraduate degree above, major in electrical parameter and structure of transformer or automation.   本科以上学历, 机电一体化,机械设计与自动化专业.   7. Undergraduate above with more than 3 years experience, or master in relative major.   本科以上学历,3年以上工作经验工程师或相关专业硕士学历.   major常见用法   adj.主要的; 重要的; 大调的; 主修的课程   n.主修科目; 大调; 陆军少校; 成年的   vi.<美>主修,专攻; [美国英语][教育学]主修in; 专攻;   用作形容词   The city holds the major portion of the population in the country.   那个城市聚集了全国大部分人口。   Popular education is one of our major objectives.   民众教育是我们的主要目标之一。   This quartet represents a major new trend in modern music.   这首四重奏的曲子反映了现代音乐中一种主要的新趋向。   We have encountered major problems.   我们已遇到重大的问题。   The safe disposal of nuclear waste is a major problem.   安全处置核废料是个大问题。   用作名词   Majors should take more responsibilities and be more intelligent in handling personal relations.   成年人要承担更多的责任,在处理人际关系中也要变得更急灵活。   He is a history major.   他是主修历史的学生。   Captain is an inferior rank to major.   上尉是低于少校的一个官阶   An oil-producing country is considered as one of the majors.   产油国被认为是世界上的重要国家之一。   用作动词   She majored in maths and physics at university.   她在大学期间主修数学和物理
2023-07-15 17:29:451


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一位母亲想使她儿子的琴艺得到提高,就带他去听著名钢琴家帕德鲁斯基的音乐会。在落座后,这位母亲发现观众席里坐着她的一位朋友,就站起来穿过过道去和朋友聊天。 小男孩趁她母亲不在身边的机会,抑制不住好奇心在音乐大厅里转了起来。渐渐地,他推开一扇挂着“闲人勿进”牌子的门,走了进去。当大厅的灯光慢慢暗下来,音乐会就要开始的时候,男孩的母亲回到座位上发现她找不到自己的儿子了。 突然,舞台的幕布渐渐的拉开,聚光灯全部聚焦在舞台上那台令人瞩目的斯坦威钢琴上。这时,这位母亲惊恐的发现她的小儿子正坐在钢琴前,弹着那首幼稚的儿歌“一闪一闪亮晶晶,满天都是小星星。” 此时,那位伟大的钢琴大师走上舞台,快速来到男孩身边,轻声对男孩说:“不要停,继续弹下去。” 帕德鲁斯基弯下腰,伸出左手,为他伴奏低音部分。一会儿,又伸出右手绕到男孩的另一侧,又添加了一串连贯的伴奏。于是,这位年迈的大师和年幼的新手把这危险的境地变成一段美好而令人难忘的经验。听众都被深深的吸引住了。 我们靠自己的努力得来的一切也许并不引人注意。我们拼尽全力,却弹不出最和谐的音符。但是,大师用他的双手使我们生命的作品变得更加生动完美。下次,当你准备要完成一项伟大的作品时,仔细聆听,你会听到大师轻轻在你耳边说:“不要停,继续弹下去。”
2023-07-15 17:29:514


2023-07-15 17:29:521

这3个英语yawn ;undergraduate; teenager ;怎么读的?

2023-07-15 17:29:532


2023-07-15 17:29:589

academic level 是graduate 还是undergraduate

academic level是指学术水平的意思。 graduate指获得学位(尤指学士),undergraduate指大学本科生,所以是指graduate。一般学术评价是以公开发表和出版的学术研究作品为对象。
2023-07-15 17:29:591


2023-07-15 17:30:011


中国四大银行,是指由国家(财政部、中央汇金公司)直接管控的四个大型国有银行, 具体包括:中国工商银行、中国农业银行、中国银行、中国建设银行(工,农,中,建),亦称中央四大行,其代表着中国最雄厚的金融资本力量。监管部门:中国银行保险监督管理委员会,管控部门:财政部、中央汇金公司。拓展资料:国有四大行经历了从建国之初,各自分工的专业银行阶段,到新世纪,各自基本成为综合性大型上市银行,并都跻身世界500强企业的发展战略。如今的四大行业务范围也都不再单一,共同朝着综合性、国际化、现代化大型商业银行的目标前进。中国工商银行(INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA,简称ICBC ,工行)成立于1984年1月1日,总行位于北京复兴门内大街55号,是中央管理的大型国有银行。 拥有中国最大的客户群,是中国最大的商业银行之一,也是世界五百强企业之一。中国农业银行(AGRICULTURAL BANK OF CHINA,简称ABC,农行)最初成立于1951年, 总行位于北京建国门内大街69号,是中央管理的大型国有银行。总行设在北京,是中国金融体系的重要组成部分,也是世界五百强企业之一,在“全球银行1000强”中排名前7位,穆迪信用评级为A1。2010年7月15日和16日,农行A股、H股分别在上海证券交易所和香港联交所成功挂牌上市,总市值位列全球上市银行第五位。2015年入围由中国品牌价值研究院主办的中国品牌500强第23位。中国银行(BANK OF CHINA,简称BOC,中行)于1912年2月5日,经孙中山先生批准,正式成立。总行位于北京复兴门内大街1号,是中央管理的大型国有银行。中国银行是香港、澳门地区的发钞行,业务范围涵盖商业银行、投资银行、保险和航空租赁,旗下有中银国际、中银投资、中银基金、中银保险、中银香港等控股金融机构,在全球范围内为个人和公司客户提供金融服务。中国建设银行(China Construction Bank,简称CCB,建行)成立于1954年10月1日。总行位于北京金融大街25号,是中央管理的大型国有银行 。主要经营领域包括公司银行业务、个人银行业务和资金业务,中国内地设有分支机构14,121 家(2012年),在香港,台湾,墨尔本等地设有分行,拥有建信基金、建信租赁、建信信托、建信人寿、中德住房储蓄银行、建行亚洲、建行伦敦、建行俄罗斯、建行迪拜、建银国际等多家子公司,为客户提供全面的金融服务。中国建设银行拥有广泛的客户基础,与多个大型企业集团及中国经济战略性行业的主导企业保持银行业务联系,营销网络覆盖全国的主要地区,于2013年6月末,市值为1,767 亿美元,居全球上市银行第五位。请点击输入图片描述(最多18字)
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  想知道真可爱的英文怎么说吗?下面一起来看一下吧。   真可爱   真可爱的英文释义:   网 络So Cute;LOVELY;Gwiyeowo;how lovely   真可爱的英文例句:   你可真可爱呀.   You"re kind of cute.   你今晚看起来真可爱。   Don"t you look lovely this evening.   真可爱你笑什么?   That"s cute.what are you laughing at? 真可爱的英文怎么说   她真可爱死了tom你拿到签名了吗?   She"s so cute.did you get the autograph, tom?   噢,天啊!那真可爱!   Oh my god, that is so cute!   1. "How adorable!" she trills. “ 真 可爱 !”她尖声说。   2. The calves were really adorable. 小牛犊 真 可爱 .   3. It"s a love, isn"t it? 真 可爱 啊, 是不是?   4. The little girl is adorable. 那小女孩 真 可爱 .   5. What? That kid is the manger"s son? How cute! 什么? 那是经理的儿子? 真 可爱 !   6. This bird is really lovely. I"ve never seen a finer one. 这只鸟 真 可爱 , 我从未见过这样好看的鸟.   7. Reggie: What a beautiful aquarium you"ve got there! Such attractive fish! 雷济: 你的鱼缸多麽漂亮! 那些鱼 真 可爱 !   8. Oh, it"s lovely, I guess I will get it for her. 哦, 真 可爱 , 我想我就买这个给她好了.   9. Your doggy sees quite lovely, doesn"t he? 你的狗刚出生的宝宝看上去 真 可爱 !   10. S . Your grand nephew is charming. 您的侄孙 真 可爱 .   11. This hairy caterpillar toy is very lovely. 这个毛毛虫的绒线玩具 真 可爱 .   12. Sample Script: What a cute dog. 样本: 这条狗 真 可爱 .   13. Oh , isn"t she a duck of a girl? 这女孩 真 可爱 !   14. This faux fur handbag is so cute! 这人造皮毛的包包 真 可爱 !   15. She is so cute. How old is she? 她 真 可爱 . 多大了?   16. She is teenny - weeny . She is so cute. 她很娇小, 真 可爱 .   17. Fairy godmother: You look so lovely, my dear. 仙女教母: 你看上去 真 可爱 , 亲爱的.   18. She is charming when she acts innocently. 她娇痴的样子 真 可爱 !   19. What lovely earrings you have! 你的耳环 真 可爱 !   20. She is really cute. 她 真 可爱 !
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预制菜是针对家宴大菜制菜程序繁杂特点,运用现代标准化流水作业,对菜品原料进行前期准备工作,简化制作步骤,经过卫生、科学包装,再通过加热或蒸炒等方式,就能直接食用的便捷菜品。“预制菜”是一种针对宴席菜 酒饭店特色菜在制菜过程中繁杂等特点;食品企业星级大厨通过食品工业手法对各类菜品原料进行专业分析,针对食材的不同特点运用不同的制作方法有针对性的研发,用现代标准化通过中央厨房集中生产科学包装;采用急速冷冻技术(零下18度)保存,以及时保障菜品的新鲜度和原味;预制菜省去了食材采购的烦恼 简化了制作步骤,经过卫生、科学包装,再通过加热或蒸炒等烹饪方式,就能直接作为餐桌上的便捷特色菜品。产生原因:预制菜的出现,是餐饮和食品边界越来越模糊的标志。这个名词第一次被社会广泛知晓,正是本次疫情中餐饮业为了自救,既然不允许堂食,便开始兜售消费者可以带回家享用的预制菜。在2020年2月18日,喊着现金流告急的西贝获批了国内首张食品生产许可证电子证书,对外零售半成品菜。2月21日,北京市监局出台相关指导意见,允许线上和线下销售加工制作的半成品菜。预制菜直接面向消费者虽然是一项前途无限的广阔业务,但是这是建立在在餐饮零售化趋势充分发展的前提下
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mesh的人称和时态变化如下: 第三人称单数:meshes; 现在分词:meshing; 过去式:meshed; 过去分词:meshed。 扩展资料   例句:   The ground-floor windows are obscured by wire mesh.   一楼的窗户装有防盗网。   The net of Heaven has large meshes, but it lets nothing through.   天网恢恢,疏而不漏。   The gears are in mesh.   齿轮相互啮合。
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2023-07-15 17:30:231

最重要的小事 英文翻译

I went through the turbulent days Chase the dream too much wanton death through Tried to pretend Through half the city would like to see you like The most important thing at this moment Is the smallest of things belong to you Noisy noisy chaos of the world"s trouble München is true even You smiled innocently stumbled Buy a glass of fruit juice Even if the powerless rush Lived life Every second day should be every year Wholeheartedly to protect you The smallest things I even heroic past life Conquer chaos rolling People for me to write poetry The well-being is at this time Quietly help you put the Haluokaidi bags The most important thing at this moment Are you the smallest thing Noisy noisy chaos of the world"s trouble München is true even You smiled innocently stumbled Buy a glass of fruit juice Even if the powerless rush Lived life Also mid-day every minute Wholeheartedly to protect you The smallest things You smile like a child Each simple things become eternal story Noisy noisy chaos of the world"s trouble München is true even You smiled innocently stumbled Buy a glass of fruit juice Even if the powerless rush Lived life Also mid-day every minute Wholeheartedly to protect you The smallest things The most important thing oh ~ ~
2023-07-15 17:30:264

eagle是什么牌子?如题 谢谢了

American Eagle ae 美国鹰 包 American Eagle小档案 ◆ AE美国鹰 (American Eagle) 品牌故事: 国家:美国 创建年代:1977年 产品类别:牛仔系列、户外休闲服、T恤、配饰、鞋靴、泳装系列等 创始人:Abraham Bloemaert AE美国鹰 (American Eagle) 是美国街头至IN的一个品牌,源于1977年,标志是一只翱翔的鹰,象征坚毅、不屈、拼搏、向上,张扬而不失个性。 AE美国鹰 (American Eagle) 创始人 Abraham Bloemaert 为美籍意大利人,幼年成长于美国西部的他,因为家庭因素,举家迁往意大利,从此开始了他的事业。 AE美国鹰 (American Eagle) 美式休闲风格领导品牌,将美式学院传统精神结合最新流行时尚,以合理的价格提供消费者高质感商品服务,深受北美年轻人喜爱,商品包括牛仔系列、户外休闲服、T恤、配饰、鞋靴、泳装系列等。在全美50州有783家、加拿大有71家连锁店。 AE美国鹰 (American Eagle) 受到了许多明星的追捧。在美国肥皂剧六人行 (Friends) 中演员着装很多都是AE,王力宏MV《一首简单的歌》中穿的是AE,孙燕姿在《年轻无极限》统一冰红茶的广告里同样也选择了AE。 ◆亲,采纳吧~
2023-07-15 17:30:272

undergraduate minor是什么意思

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Degree:Undergraduate (Student)
2023-07-15 17:29:304


Mesh 网络就是使用「拥有 Mesh 功能」的路由器组成一个网状网络。Mesh网络是近年比较火的一种无线局域网类型,也就是网状结构网络,也称为“多跳(multi-hop)”网络。在Mesh网络中,所有的节点都互相连接,每个节点拥有多条连接通道,所有的节点之间形成一个整体的网络。简单点说,无线Mesh网络比传统网络要更加稳定,信号不容易受阻,大房子多户型多点覆盖范围很少会出现死角的情况。WiFi 无缝自动切换(Mesh 最基础的功能)这是Mesh分布式路由很重要的一个功能。我们买路由器的时候,都会看到产品在表达:无论你走到哪里,网络都会自动切换到信号最好上Mesh节点。普通的路由器切换网络时,都会有一个时间,原来WiFi信号不断减弱,减弱到一定程度,手机开始自动连接到另一个WiFi上。简单说下过程:Mesh 节点会感知到手机与自己距离的远近、信号强弱等,当远到一定程度,或者信号弱到一定程度,Mesh节点会通知离手机最近的那个节点。此时远的 Mesh 会主动断开与手机的连接,新的Mesh节点会接入。这就是Mesh的无缝切换。
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2023-07-15 17:29:266

bachelor和undergraduate有什么区别么? 学士学位和本科的区别是?

学士学位就是已经毕业了拿到学位了. undergraduate就是在读大学生.
2023-07-15 17:29:191


Mesh组网即”无线网格网络”,是“多跳(multi-hop)”网络,是由ad hoc网络发展而来,是解决“最后一公里”问题的关键技术之一。在向下一代网络演进的过程中,无线是一个不可缺的技术。无线mesh可以与其它网络协同通信,是一个动态的可以不断扩展的网络架构,任意的两个设备均可以保持无线互联。无线 Mesh 网络凭借多跳互连和网状拓扑特性,已经演变为适用于宽带家庭网络、社区网络、企业网络和城域网络等多种无线接入网络的有效解决方案。无线 Mesh路由器以多跳互连的方式形成自组织网络,为 WMN 组网提供了更高的可靠性、更广的服务覆盖范围和更低的前期投入成本。由转发无线Mesh网络的很多技术特点和优势来自于其Mesh网状连接和寻路,而路由转发的设计则直接决定Mesh网络对其网状连接的利用效率,影响网络的性能。在设计无线Mesh网络路由协议时要注意,首先,不能仅根据“最小跳数”来进行路由选择,而要综合考虑多种性能度量指标,综合评估后进行路由选择;其次,要提供网络容错性和健壮性支持,能够在无线链路失效时,迅速选择替代链路避免业务提供中断;第三,要能够利用流量工程技术,在多条路径间进行负载均衡,尽量最大限度利用系统资源;第四,要求能同时支持MP和Mesh STA。常用的无线Mesh路由协议可参照Ad Hoc网络的路由协议,几种典型的路由协议包括:动态源路由协议(DSR)、目的序列距离矢量路由协议(DSDV)、临时按序路由算法(TORA)和Ad Hoc按需距离矢量路由协议(AODV)等。DSR是最常见的一种对等的基于拓扑的反应式自组织路由协议,它的特点是采用积极的缓存策略以及从源路由中提取拓扑信息,通过比对,实现路由创建。
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路由器mesh的意思是无线网格网络,是“多跳(multi-hop)”网络,是由ad hoc网络发展而来,是解决“最后一公里”问题的关键技术之一。在向下一代网络演进的过程中,无线是一个不可缺的技术。说起Mesh这个单词,英文含义非常简单,就是网、网格、网状物。从它的基本定义来讲,网状网络的拓扑结构是:网络中所有的节点都互相连接,并且每一个节点至少连接其他两个节点,所有的节点之间形成一个整体的网络。简介支持Mesh功能的路由器,组网后,会生成一种网状网络,不同接入点可以以星状、树状、串联和总线方式,混合组网。在这个网络中,SSID统一,无线设备还可以自由寻找信号最好的节点去连接传输数据,用户手持设备在不同节点间,穿梭时无线网络是无缝切换的,实现较好的漫游效果,漫游过程中,数据丢包,延时,抖动越低,网络质量越好。
2023-07-15 17:29:031

GPGService.exe 是什么程序,不让它执行可以吗 太占CPU

因为你的屏幕具体情况不清楚,我分类回答一下吧:1、如果是你的屏幕亮度不行 这个很简单,寄到专业维修点换一下灯管就行,一定要在无尘工作室换,价钱就是灯管钱加手工费,应该在100左右吧。2、如果是你的屏幕损坏 这个只能买新屏幕了,可以选择两类屏幕: 1)继续买同型号屏幕,全新的不太好找,价格估计得400元以上。 2)买AFFS屏幕,具体功能你可以百度上收,就是视角很广那种,价钱好像也不贵,600~900元不等,51nb论坛上有几个商家专门卖AFFS屏幕,评价还不错,你可以搜索一下。
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2023-07-15 17:28:576


mesh并不是路由器的技术,蓝牙、zigbee等无线技术都有mesh。mesh只是一种技术规范,没有统一的标准。所有不同厂家的mesh是不通用的。Mesh网络,即”无线网格网络”,它是“多跳(multi-hop)”网络,由adhoc网络发展而来,是解决“最后一公里”问题的关键技术之一。在向下一代网络演进的过程中,无线是一个不可缺的技术。无线mesh可以与其它网络协同通信。是一个动态的可以不断扩展的网络架构,任意的两个设备均可以保持无线互联。具有动态自组织、自配置、自维护等突出特点。无线 Mesh 网络凭借多跳互连和网状拓扑特性,已经演变为适用于宽带家庭网络、社区网络、企业网络和城域网络等多种无线接入网络的有效解决方案。无线 Mesh路由器以多跳互连的方式形成自组织网络,为 WMN 组网提供了更高的可靠性、更广的服务覆盖范围和更低的前期投入成本。WMN 继承了无线自组织网络的大部分特性,但仍存在一些差异。
2023-07-15 17:28:501


2023-07-15 17:28:482


大学生 [dà xué shēng]基本翻译undergraduateacademicianuniversity man网络释义大学生:student|undergraduate|undergraduate n.punx228 2014-08-30college student
2023-07-15 17:28:443


we feel tired because we are lost in our life. 有时候,我们觉得累,是因为在人生的道路上,忘记了去哪。 The road to life is long, and decadence will make you lose everything. 人生的路很长,颓废会让你失去所有。 Whether something is possible depends on your determination. 事情有没有可能,就看你决心够不够。 No matter how many mistakes you make or how slowly you progress, you are already ahead of those who never tried. 无论你犯了多少错,或者进步得有多慢,你都走在了那些不曾尝试的人的前面。 Image a new story for your life and start living it. 为你的生命想一个全新剧本,并去倾情出演吧! Looked up to see their own that a piece of the sky, show happiness to other people. 抬头看清属于自己的那一片天空,炫耀别人没有的快乐。 You know why it"s hard to be happy? It"s because we refuse to let go of the things that make us sad. 你知道为什么快乐很难吗?是因为我们拒绝放开那些让我们难过的事。 Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you. 把你的脸迎向阳光,你就不会看到阴影。 Life is like live TV show. There is no rehearsal. 人生没有彩排,只有现场直播。 There are no perfect relationships. It"s how you accept the imperfections that makes it perfect. 没有完美的情感,重要的是你如何接受不完美而让它完美。
2023-07-15 17:28:431