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2023-07-16 01:14:07
TAG: 英语

The part of the environmental movement that draws my firm"s attention is the design of cities" buildings and products. When we designed America"s first so-called “green” office building in New York two decades __1ago以前__, we felt very alone. But today, thousands of people come to green building conferences, and the __2ideas想法__ that buildings can be good for people and the environment will be increasingly influential in years to __3come即将到来__.

Back in 1984 we discovered that most manufactured products for decoration weren"t designed for __4indoor室内__ use. The “energy-efficient” sealed commercial buildings constructed after the 1970s energy crisis __5揭露了__ indoor air quality problems caused by materials such as paint, wall covering and carpet. So far 20 years, we"ve been focusing on these materials __6next仅次于__ to the molecules, looking for ways to make them __7safe安全__ for people and the planet.

Home builders can now use materials-such as paints that release significantly __8reduced减少的__ amounts of organic compounds-that don"t __9destroy损害__ the quality of the air, water, or soil. Ultimately, __10however但是__, our basic design strategy is focused not simply on being “less bad” but on creating __11more更加多__ healthful materials that can be either safely returned to the soil __12_or或是_ reused by industry again and again. As a matter of __13fact事实上__, the world"s largest carpet manufacturer has already __14created发明了__ a carpet that is fully and safely recyclable (可循环用的).

Look at it this way: No one __15__ out to create a building that destroys the planet. But our current industrial systems are __16now现在__ causing these conditions, whether we like it or not. So __in terms就。。。而言__ of simply trying to reduce the damage, we are __18taking采用__ a positive approach. We"re giving people high-quality, healthful products and an opportunity to make choices that have a __19good良好的__ effect on the world. It"s not just the building industry, either. __20More and more越来越多的__ cities are taking these environmentally positive approaches to design, planning and building. Portland, Seattle and Boston have said they want to be green cities. Chicago wants to be the greenest city in the world.



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meetups 和 conferences的区别

meetups 和 conferences的区别meetups 词义:聚会conferences 词义:n. 会议( conference的名词复数 ); 讨论; (正式) 讨论会; [工会、工党用语] (每年的) 大会;
2023-07-15 20:35:551

conventions and conferences 有什么不同

conventions大会,规模大conferences小会议 ,公司会议
2023-07-15 20:36:032

单词拼写:The besuty of the West Lake at_ millions of tourists every year.

2023-07-15 20:36:113


  在本期的naturereviewsmolecularcellbiology中,有一篇出自gregorya.petsko手笔的短文,介绍的是如何组织/参加学术会议。想必这是每一个渴望获得学术上认可、成功的学者都想了解的话题,文中重点分析了以下几个问题:1、大小会议的区别;2、国际国内会议的区别;3、长短会议的取舍;4、专业或是综合性会议;5、是否需要展示海报;6、多而短的演讲或少而长的演讲;至于里面的具体内容这里就不详细介绍了,希望有兴趣的读者可以详细阅读英文原文(thehighsandlowsofscientificconferences.XXmarchvolume231-234),相信您可以从中受到启发。   针对会议举办者:1、任何会议最重要的部分是演讲者、参与者的互动,而成功的会议必然是那些能促进这种互动的会议;2、绝大多数会议的理想长度是少于3天,对于一些大型的会议,可以达到4天,但不需要再长了;3、不管听众的专业背景有多少深厚,都没必要请太多领域专家来作演讲。思路清晰对于演讲者来说是最重要的品质。会议举办者需要针对这些特点去选择合适的演讲者。4、演讲者和听众的多种族背景、和谐的性别比例将有助于会议的成功举办;5、在专业的会议中插入一些少量的其他内容的演讲,会使会议更加成功;6、整个世界分成早晨的人和夜晚的人。如果会议只是针对一种类型的人,很可能会犯错;7、一场没有休息时间的会议不仅让人疲惫,而且还无效率;8、安排了相互矛盾的演讲会惹恼听众和演说者。这点需要特别注意,对不同领域的学者来说这点也适用。9、没有比让听众看不清画面、听不清演说更快让演说失败的了(如果您是观众,建议您问一些问题,让您的声音被其他人听见;如果您是演说者,尽量重复问题,以便让观众听清问题,即便是再好的音响效果也需要这么做);10、会议的环境影响着会议的质量,食物也一样。环境的作用常被低估。   针对会议参与者的建议:1、在发展中国家不要喝水;在发达国家不要喝啤酒;2、不要吝啬反馈意见,因为会议的组织者期待您的反馈。也不要忘记一些积极的反馈:这是组织者们应得的荣誉;3、不要躲避,即使您是一个害羞的人,兴许您可以从会议的参与中获得终身的朋友;4、不要缠住海报展示者。如果您正在展示一个海报,也不要让个别观众占据您的所有时间;5、如果您仅仅参加一些您研究领域内的会议,您将不会成长。尝试一些其他领域的会议吧!6、您是您所摄取的总合(鉴于这点你可能不要再摄取垃圾食物或是低质量会议了);7、不要低估了一个好的睡眠的重要性;8、人生太短暂了,所以不要总是参与离家很近的会议;9、人生太短暂了,所以不要花一个星期的时间参加一个会议;10、享受快乐。记住,科学比工作更让人懂得如何生活。
2023-07-15 20:36:291


1.国际学术会议 世界范围各学科的学术会议信息预报。可按多项条件检索。2.Calender of Upcoming Technical Conferences提供世界范围内的专业技术会议报道情况。一般报道6年的会议安排。检索时可按时间顺序,也可按会议名称、主题、主办单位、国家等进行检索。3.Meeting/Conference Announcement Lists 按学科分类报道将要召开的会议信息。4.Ei Village Upcoming Conference 包含丰富而详尽的学术会议信息,按学科分类,并提供相关的超级链接。5.Internet Conference Calendar  该站点包含国际上最新的学术会议、研讨会、讲座、培训等信息,并可按照主题词、地点、时间等字段进行检索。6.TechCalendar包含高科技领域的国际会议信息,可以按照主题词检索,或按照地点和时间浏览。7.Calendar of Upcoming Events列出了世界上计算机行业中将要召开的会议消息。
2023-07-15 20:36:391


confabbr.conference 会议; confer (Latin=compare) (拉丁语)(conf是conference/confer--“会议”的缩略形式)
2023-07-15 20:36:484


Small deliberated
2023-07-15 20:37:043


你好很高兴回答你的问题法语是国际会议上被使用的主要语言之一 外语翻译French is one of the major languages used in international conferences.望采纳谢谢
2023-07-15 20:37:141


thematic conferences
2023-07-15 20:37:232

组织文化艺术交流活动 英语怎么说

2023-07-15 20:38:284


您好 ,九品论文很高兴为您解答,希望能帮助到您。九品论文专注论文帮发帮写望采纳期刊检索类型:JA;会议检索类型:CA一般情况下会议含金量低,比较水,当然看什么会议了,用最牛的会议去跟最水的期刊比,当然会议含金量高。但是大部分情况下会议含金量是比较低的。比如很多单位和学校不承认CA
2023-07-15 20:38:395


"xxx has been successfully held 4 times by now"xxx换成活动名称即可
2023-07-15 20:39:285

用英文翻译句子: 随着社会的不断进步,妇女在社会中起着总要的作用

1.With the society continuous developing , women play an important role in the society!2.There are a few women who are permitted to attend the international conferences dominated by men.
2023-07-15 20:39:444


2023-07-15 20:39:542


中国学术会议在线http://另外,和计算机网络直接相关的国际学术会议有:2007年计算机科学相关国际学术会议分类:默认栏目计算机科学与技术会议名称 会议时间 会议地点 网址*第二届可升级信息系统国际会议 2007-2-6 江苏省*2007中国计算机网络安全应急响应年会 2007-4-5 江苏省*全国首届数字(虚拟)科技馆技术及应用学术研讨会 2007-5-1 浙江省*第四届计算模型、理论和应用年会 2007-5-22 上海市*第二届中国分类技术及应用学术会议 2007-5-27 河南省*电子学习与数字娱乐国际会议 2007-6-11 香港特区*第31届国际计算机软件应用大会 2007-7-24 北京市*第四届图像图形国际会议 2007-8-22 四川省*全国电子政务技术及应用学术研讨会(EGTA2007) 2007-9-14 北京市*2007年生物计算:理论与应用国际会议 2007-9-14 河南省*2007年生命系统建模与仿真国际学术会议 2007-9-14 上海市*2007全国开放式分布与并行计算学术年会 2007-10-12 广西区*第十届 CAD/Graphics 国际会议 2007-10-15 北京市*智能信息管理系统和技术国际学术会议 2007-10-20 山东省*第24届全国数据库学术会议(NDBC2007) 2007-10-19 海南省*第三届和谐人机环境联合学术会议 2007-10-19 山东省*第七届高级并行处理技术国际会议 2007-11-22 广东省
2023-07-15 20:40:021


问题一:研究生怎样参加学术会议 向自己的导师询问是否可以参加,当然前提是导师可能要参加。 或者向导师表达自己的参加意愿,希望导师进行推荐。 或者楼主说的不是字面意义的参与会议旁听而是参与会议进程中,进行发言什么的,但是这个还是需要导师给机会。 所以,总结一下,就是,主动问导师或者老师们。 问题二:本科生如何参加学术会议? 得有项目做。和自己专业内比较厉害的老师取得联系,看有没有项目让你参加 表现好的话会给老师留下印象,老师就会带你参加学术会议了 不过一般的参加打酱油为主…… 如果你能有比较好的paper那就另当别论了 paper一般口头报告的比较NB,不能oral 至少也可以是poster,就是咱们经常说的展板 这样的话自己的简历就能比较丰富 问题三:怎么搜索一个人参加了什么学术会议 先简单写几句重视此次会议的,然后归入正题,说推荐某人参加会议,其后介绍该人在学术上的一些修为,主要与此次会议有关的。 问题四:参加学术会议的“参加”用英语怎么说 参加” attend participate 参加学术会议 attend/participate the academic conference 问题五:如何组织学术会议 想必这是每一个渴望获得学术上认可、成功的学者都想了解的话题,文中重点分析了以下几个问题: 1、大小会议的区别; 2、国际国内会议的区别; 3、长短会议的取舍; 4、专业或是综合性会议; 5、是否需要展示海报; 6、多而短的演讲或少而长的演讲;至于里面的具体内容这里就不详细介绍了,希望有兴趣的读者可以详细阅读英文原文(The highs and lows of scientific conferences. 2006 March Volume 231-234),相信您可以从中受到启发。这里摘译两段作者对会议举办者和参与者分别提出的十点建议:针对会议举办者: 1、任何会议最重要的部分是演讲者、参与者的互动,而成功的会议必然是那些能促进这种互动的会议; 2、绝大多数会议的理想长度是少于3天,对于一些大型的会议,可以达到4天,但不需要再长了; 3、不管听众的专业背景有多少深厚,都没必要请太多领域专家来作演讲。思路清晰对于演讲者来说是最重要的品质。会议举办者需要针对这些特点去选择合适的演讲者。 4、演讲者和听众的多种族背景、和谐的性别比例将有助于会议的成功举办; 5、在专业的会议中插入一些少量的其他内容的演讲,会使会议更加成功; 6、整个世界分成早晨的人和夜晚的人。如果会议只是针对一种类型的人,很可能会犯错; 7、一场没有休息时间的会议不仅让人疲惫,而且还无效率; 8、安排了相互矛盾的演讲会惹恼听众和演说者。这点需要特别注意,对不同领域的学者来说这点也适用。 9、没有比让听众看不清画面、听不清演说更快让演说失败的了(如果您是观众,建议您问一些问题,让您的声音被其他人听见;如果您是演说者,尽量重复问题,以便让观众听清问题,即便是再好的音响效果也需要这么做); 10、会议的环境影响着会议的质量,食物也一样。环境的作用常被低估。 针对会议参与者的建议: 1、在发展中国家不要喝水;在发达国家不要喝啤酒; 2、不要吝啬反馈意见,因为会议的组织者期待您的反馈。也不要忘记一些积极的反馈:这是组织者们应得的荣誉; 3、不要躲避,即使您是一个害羞的人,兴许您可以从会议的参与中获得终身的朋友; 4、不要缠住海报展示者。如果您正在展示一个海报,也不要让个别观众占据您的所有时间; 5、如果您仅仅参加一些您研究领域内的会议,您将不会成长。尝试一些其他领域的会议吧! 6、您是您所摄取的总合(鉴于这点你可能不要再摄取垃圾食物或是低质量会议了); 7、不要低估了一个好的睡眠的重要性; 8、人生太短暂了,所以不要总是参与离家很近的会议; 9、人生太短暂了,所以不要花一个星期的时间参加一个会议; 10、享受快乐。记住,科学比工作更让人懂得如何生活。 问题六:如何申请参加国际学术会议 只是参观的话,交钱注册就好啦,然后申请签证。 问题七:如何在网上获取国际、国内的学术会议消息 登入:中国学术会议在线,网址为: 或在科学网会议,网址为: meeting.sciencenet/ 或在学术期刊的公告信息栏里,有时会有会议的公告。 问题八:如何发放学术会议邀请函 (一)会议邀请函的含义 会议邀请函是专门用于邀请特定单位或人士参加会议,具有礼仪和告知双重作用的会议文书。 邀请函用于会议活动时,与会议通知的不同之处在于:邀请函主要用于横向性的会议活动,发送对象是不受本机关职权所制约的单位和个人,也不属于本组织的成员,一般不具有法定的与会权利或义务,是否参加会议由对象自行决定。举行学术研讨会、咨询论证会、技术鉴定会、贸易洽谈会、产品发布会产等,以发邀请函为宜。而会议通知则用于具有纵向关系(即主办方与参会者存在隶属关系或工作上的管理关系)性质的会议,或者与会者本身具有参会的法定权利和义务的会议,如人民代表大会、董事会议等。对于这些会议的对象来说,参加会议是一种责任,因此只能发会议通知,不能用邀请函。学术性团体举行年会或专题研讨会时,要区别成员与非成员。对于团体成员应当发会议通知,而邀请非团体成员参加则应当用邀请函。 (二)会议邀请函的基本内容 会议邀请函的基本内容与会议通知一致,包括会议的背景、目的和名称;主办单位和组织机构;会议内容和形式;参加对象;会议的时间和地点、联络方式以及其他需要说明的事项。 (三)会议邀请函的结构与写法 1.标题。由会议名称和“邀请函(书)”组成,一般可不写主办机关名称和“关于举办”的字样,如:《亚太城市信息化高级论坛邀请函》。“邀请函”三字是完整的文种名称,与公文中的“函”是两种不同的文种,因此不宜拆开写成“关于邀请出席××会议的函” 2.称呼。邀请函的发送对象有三类情况: (1)发送到单位的邀请函,应当写单位名称。由于邀请函是一种礼仪性文书,称呼中要用单称的写法,不宜用泛称(统称),以示礼貌和尊重。 (2)邀请函直接发给个人的,应当写个人姓名,前冠“尊敬的”敬语词,后缀“先生”、“女士”、“同志”等。 (3)网上或报刊上公开发布的邀请函,由于对象不确定,可省略称呼,或以“敬启者”统称。 3.正文。正文应逐项载明具体内容。开头部分写明举办会议的背景和目的,用“特邀请您出席(列席)”照应称呼,再用过渡句转入下文;主体部分可采用序号加小标题的形式写明具体事项;最后写明联系联络信息和联络方式。结尾处也可写“此致”,再换行顶格写“敬礼”,亦可省略。 4.落款。因邀请函的标题一般不标注主办单位名称,因此落款处应当署主办单位名称并盖章。 5.成文时间。写明具体的年、月、日。 问题九:参加学术会议的理由有哪些 根据爱理科研会务(Elirc)的办会经验,分享一些感受: 1 搞清楚会议日程,一般国际学术会议的内容比较丰富,哪些报告是必须听的,要有取舍。 2 如果有晚宴之类的,要尽量参加,多结识本领域的学术大牛、新贵。 3 会后如果有时间,尽量去附近景点儿转转,生活不仅有学术嘛! 当然,选取适合自己的会议也是必须的。 希望我的回答能帮助到您! 问题十:如何尽快找到近期要召开的学术会议 1.国际学术会议 世界范围各学科的学术会议信息预报。可按多项条件检索。 2.Calender of Uping Technical Conferences提供世界范围内的专业技术会议报道情况。一般报道6年的会议安排。检索时可按时间顺序,也可按会议名称、主题、主办单位、国家等进行检索。 3.Meeting/Conference Announcement Lists 按学科分类报道将要召开的会议信息。 4.Ei Village Uping Conference 包含丰富而详尽的学术会议信息,按学科分类,并提供相关的超级链接。 5.Internet Conference Calendar  该站点包含国际上最新的学术会议、研讨会、讲座、培训等信息,并可按照主题词、地点、时间等字段进行检索。 6.TechCalendar包含高科技领域的国际会议信息,可以按照主题词检索,或按照地点和时间浏览。 7.Calendar of Uping Events列出了世界上计算机行业中将要召开的会议消息。
2023-07-15 20:40:231


线上会议英文是online meetings。关于线上会议的双语例句1、But this time the company plans to bring them together virtually via online meetings.但这一次,事实上,公司计划通过在线会议的手段将他们聚在一起。2、 has partnered with Fuze meeting to add real-time online meetings and screen sharing.net已经与Fuze Meeting达成合作关系,为其网站添加实时在线会议和屏幕分享功能。3、What? Online meetings are notavailable? Do not be afraid to send you a god assists, registration can get the webinar video.什么?在线会议无法参加?不怕,送你一记神助攻,进行注册即可获取网络研讨会视频资料。4、From online meetings and instant messaging to unified communications Lotus Sametime can bring an organization closer and offer more interactivity.从在线会议和即时消息到统一通信,Lotus Sametime可以使一个组织联系更紧密并实现更多交互。5、Miko go -This free desktop sharing software can be used for online meetings, web conferences 、presentations 、remote support and other collaborative efforts.Miko go这款免费的桌面共享软件可以用来进行在线会议、网络会议、简报、远程以及其他协作方式。6、From their smartphones or on the in desktop computers the physicists can protect their research papers with Creative Commons licenses join interactive online meetings in real.物理学家通过智能手机或桌面计算机使用Creative Commons许可证保护他们的研究论文,并加入实时交互式在线会议。7、You can hold monthly online meetings or do so completely virtually.你们还可以每月举行一次聚会或网络聚会。8、Sponsor: Hold your meetings online for just $49 a month Try GoToMeeting free.赞助商:每月只要49美元网上开会,试试免费去开会吧。
2023-07-15 20:40:321


2023-07-15 20:41:013


学术会议预告查询网站 国内网站 1.中国学术会议网 2.ourGlocal 最好的是把DEADLINE的时间列了出来,这样更有参考价值 3.科学报道沙龙 4.华中科技大学upcomingconference 5.中国学术会议在线 6.中科院主页上也有 国外网站 1.IEEEConference 2.CalendarofUpcomingEvents 列出了世界上计算机行业中将要召开的会议消息。 3.EiVillageUpcomingConference 包括丰富而详尽的学术会议信息。 4.TechExpo 提供世界范围内的专业技术会议报道情况。一般报道6年的会议安排。检索时可按时间顺序,也可按会 议名称、主题、主办单位、国家等进行检索。 CalenderofUpcomingTechnicalConferences events/ 将要召开的高科技领域国际会议,可以对主题词、地点、会议名称、主办者等会议信息进行检索。 5.AtlasConferences 世界范围各学科的学术会议信息预报。可按多项条件检索,如可按主题、召开日期、国家查找世界范 围即将召开的国际学术会议信息。 世界范围各学科的学术会议信息预报。可按多项条件检索。 7.Academicconferencesworldwide-ConferenceAlerts 8.Meeting/ConferenceAnnouncementLists 按学科分类报道将要召开的会议信息。 9.美国航空航天学会AIAA(AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics)会议预报 10.AmericanNuclearSociety-meetings 11.ScienceCareers-Meetings&Events求采纳
2023-07-15 20:41:101


各种学术会议和论坛,包括人工智慧 (ICTAI)、 机器学习和应用程式 (ICMLA),InternationalConference 工具国际会议程式委员会成员等。 ·ACMTransactions、 IEEE 交易和 Journals· 的审阅者审阅者 forvarious 工业,包括 WWW、 检索、 ACM KDD,资料,IEEE 通信,ACM MOBICOM 等的学术会议。奖项---> 翻译成中文·最佳论文奖,IEEE 2005· 生物资讯学、 电脑视觉方法研讨会ACM 旅行奖、 研究与开发的 InformationRetrieval (检索),2003· ACM 国际会议ACM 旅行奖、 嵌入式网路感测器系统 (ACMSENSYS),2003· ACM 国际会议电脑科学研究生奖优、 通讯及资讯
2023-07-15 20:41:172


2023-07-15 20:41:284


以下是容易中的国际会议:1. 国际和机器学习会议(ICML)2. 国际协会会议(AA)3. 自然处理和计算机学会议(ACL)4. 语音和信号处理会议(ICASSP)5. 图像和视觉计算会议(CVPR)6. 机器学习国际会议(ICML)7. 模式识别和计算机视觉国际会议(ICPR)8. 机器学习和数据挖掘国际会议(KDD)9. 国际会议(IJC)10. 机器学习国际会议(NIPS)
2023-07-15 20:42:081

BEC口语:what is important when arranging a conference?不要翻译~

从 location(hotel),hotel facilities,number of delegates三方面回答 It is the concern of every top organisation in this tough marketing competition,to make sales by attracting customers towards their products.It is the responsibility of the marketing departments to study the target market of a company thoroughly,and the tendency of the product. Persuading the clients to trust you the most in the market,is the main mission of all companies,so that they gain profits.Advertising completes half of the job in this aspect.The goal of the marketing team is fulfilled when you see the customers inclined towards your products/services. Conferences are one way of informing the customers,shareholders,fellow investors about company related information.Since the customer is the most important asset of a company,any conference that is arranged should be well organised.Among all aspects,the setting location of the conference is of utmost importance. The conference venue should be selected based on its location,services and reputation.It is important that it should be organised in a well-known and centralised location.Many multi star hotels have conference halls of different seating capacities,and convenient parking options.All metropolitan cities have reputed business centres with well-built conference halls. The conference hall that you choose should be well equipped with good acoustic,and multi media systems,with alternate power supply.The ambience and the interior of the conference venue should be good.Your clients should feel comfortable in the environment.Well ventilated,and air conditioned conference venues shall add to the comfort and ease of your client.They would really enjoy the business event. Undoubtedly,the conference should be decorated as per the purpose of the event.There can be many reasons for arranging a conference,such as a new product launch,an update in an existing product,or just a yearly gathering with colleagues.If customers do not understand the rationale of the event,they can get quite bored.The event should depict the purpose of the gathering,so people are not confused. Handy information related to the meeting like the names of the speakers,the various issues that would be discussed in the meeting etc.should be provided in brochures/leaflets.This will make your clients feel special,which is the main purpose behind organising conferences.Samples of products can also be distributed in the venue during the course of the meeting to ensure that all clients get the maximum information about your services/business. If you arrange a conference,never forget to offer people good refreshments in between,to show them courtesy.It should be organised properly,and should not necessarily be expensive.During the conference,you can inform people about the status of the company,however,if it is not good news then let it be.If the performance of the company is not healthy,then the customers do not really have to be informed about it,since it might lead in losing them.
2023-07-15 20:42:291


2023-07-15 20:43:264

civil and commercial contact是什么意思

2023-07-15 20:43:442

国务院下属29个部 英文

都不告知有哪29个部门 晕~~~
2023-07-15 20:43:545

matec web of conferences是ei期刊,ja吗

matec web of conferences是ei会议CP
2023-07-15 20:44:121


2023-07-15 20:44:312

急需!!一篇英语 短文(内容如下)

The Internet is a giant network of computers located all over the world that communicate with each other. The Internet is an international collection of computer networks` that all understand a standard system of addresses and commands, connected together through backbone systems. It was started in 1969, when the U.S. Department of Defence established a nationwide network to connect a handful of universities and contractors. The original idea was to increase computing capacity that could be shared by users in many locations and to find out what it would take for computer networks to survive a nuclear war or other disaster by providing multiple path between users. People on the ARPNET (as this nationwide network was originally called) quickly discovered that they could exchange messages and conduct electronic "conferences" with distant colleagues for purposes that had nothing to do with the military industrial complex. If somebody else had something interesting stored on their computer, it was a simple matter to obtain a copy (assuming the owner did not protect it). Over the years, additional networks joined which added access to more and more computers. The first international connections, to Norway and England, were added in 1973. Today thousands of networks and millions of computers are connected to the Internet. It is growing so quickly that nobody can say exactly how many users "On the Net". The Internet is the largest repository of information which can provide very very large network resources. The network resources can be divided into network facilities resources and network information resources. The network facilities resources provide us the ability of remote computation and communication. The network information resources provides us all kinds of information services, such as science, education, business, history, law, art, and entertainment, etc. The goal of your use of the Internet is exchanging messages or obtaining information. What you need to know is that you can exchange message with other computers on the Internet and use your computer as a remote terminal on distant computers. But the internal details of the link are less important, as long as it works. If you connect computers together on a network, each computer must have a unique address, which could be either a word or a number. For example, the address of Sam"s computer could be Sam, or a number. The Internet is a huge interconnected system, but it uses just a handful of method to move data around. Until the recent explosion of public interest in the Internet, the vast majority of the computers on the Net use the Unix operating system. As a result, the standard Unix commands for certain Internet services have entered the online community"s languages as both nouns and verbs to describe the services themselves. Some of the services that the Internet can provide are: Mail, Remote use of another computer (Telnet), File Transfer (FTP), News, and Live conversation. The most commonly used network service is electronic mail (E-mail), or simply as mail. Mail permits network users to send textual messages to each other. Computers and networks handle delivering the mail, so that communicating mail users do not have to handle details of delivery, and do not have to be present at the same time or place. The simplest way to access a file on another host is to copy it across the network to your local host. FTP can do this. Presently, a user with an account on any Internet machine can establish a live connection to any other machine on the Net from the terminal in his own office or laboratory. It is only necessary to use the Unix command that sets up a remote terminal connection (Telnet), followed by the address of the distant machine. Before you can use the Internet, you must choose a way to move data between the Internet and your PC. This link may be a high-speed data communication circuit, a local area network (LAN), a telephone live or a radio channel. Most likely, you will use a Modem attached to your telephone line to talk to the Internet. Naturally, the quality of your Internet connection and service, like many other things in life, is dictated by the amount of money that you are willing to spend. Although all these services can well satisfy the needs of the users for information exchange, a definite requirement is needed for the users. Not only should the users know where the resources locates, but also he should know some operating commands concerned to ease the searching burden of the users, recently some convenient searching tools appears, such as Gopher, WWW and Netscape. World wide web (www) is a networked hypertext protocol and user interface. It provides access to multiple services and documents like Gopher does but is more ambitious in its method. A jump to other Internet service can be triggered by a mouse click on a "hotlinked" word, image, or icon on the Web page. As more and more systems join the Internet, and as more and more forms of information can be converted to digital form, the amount of stuff available to Internet users continues to grow. At some points very soon after the nationwide (and later worldwide) Internet started to grow, people began to treat the Net as a community, with its own tradition and customs. For example, somebody would ask a question in a conference, and a complete stranger would send back an answer: after the same question were repeated several time by people who hadn"t seen the original answers, somebody else gathered list of "frequently asked questions" and placed it where newcomers could find it. So we can say that the Internet is your PC"s window to the rest of the world. 中文翻译: Internet是由位于世界各地相互通信的计算机连接而成的巨大的计算机网络。 Internet是计算机网络的国际性的集合,这些网络都符合具有地址和命令的标准体系,并经骨干网连在一起。Internet始建于1969年,当时美国国防部为连接少数几所大学和协议企业而建立了一个全国性网络。最初的想法是要增加计算机能力并可由许多地点的用户共享,并且通过提供用户间多条路径来找到哪一种计算机网络能够在核战或其他灾难中幸存。ARPNET(这种全国网络最初的名称)上的用户很快就发现他们可以与远距离的同事交换消息,并且进行某种目的的电子“会议”,而这些目的与军事工业企业没有任何关系。如果另外一些人在其计算机中存有有趣的东西,得到其拷贝是很容易的事(假定拥有者没有进行保护)。 几年间,新的网络接入使越来越多的计算机加入进来。在1973年进行了第一次与挪威和英国的国际连接。今天,有成千上万的计算机网络和数百万台计算机与Internet相连。Internet发展如此之快以至于没有人能准确地说出网上有多少用户。 Internet是最大的信息宝库,它可以提供非常巨大的网络资源。这种网络资源可分为网络设备资源和网络信息资源。网络设备资源使我们能够进行远程计算和通信。网络信息资源向我们提供各种各样的信息服务,如科学、教育、商务、历史、法律、艺术和娱乐等等。 使用Internet的目的是交换消息或获得信息。你只须知道你可以与Internet上的其他计算机交换消息并将你的计算机用作远端计算机的远程终端,而链路的内部细节并不太重要,只要网络能工作就行。若将多台计算机连接到网络上,每台计算机须有惟一的地址,地址可以是一个字或一个数字。例如Sam的计算机地址可以是Sam或一个数字。 虽然Internet是一个巨大的互联系统,但它仅使用一点简单办法就将数据传来传去。近来公众对Internet产生了极大的兴趣,在这之前,绝大多数网上计算机都使用Unix操作系统。结果,用于某些Internet业务的标准Unix命令已经进入联机团体语言当作名词和动词来描述业务本身。Internet可以提供的一些服务为:电子邮件、远程使用其他计算机、文件传送、电子新闻和实况对话。 最常使用的网络服务是电子邮件,或简称邮件。电子邮件允许网络用户彼此传送文本消息。邮件的传递由计算机和网络处理,邮件用户不必关心传递的细节,也不必同时在场。 从其他主机中获得文件的最简单的方式是通过网络将其拷贝到你的计算机上。文件传送(FTP)可完成这项工作。 目前,用户在Internet建立账户后,就可从其办公室和实验室的终端上与网上其他计算机建立实时连接。只需使用Unix命令Telnet来建立远程终端连接,命令后跟上远端计算机的地址即可。 在使用Internet之前,必须使用一种方法在你的PC机和Internet之间传送数据。这种连接的链路可以是高速数据通信电路、局域网(LAN)、电话线路或无线信道。最有可能的是,你使用Modem连到电话线上与Internet对话。当然,像生活中许多其他的事物一样,与Internet连接和服务的质量是由你所花钱的数量决定的。 虽然所有这些服务可以很好地满足用户对信息交换的需要,但用户仍旧还需要具有一些特定的先决条件。用户不仅要知道信息资源所处的位置,而且要知道一些有关的操作命令。为了减轻用户寻找信息的负担,近来出现了一些方便的搜索工具,如Gopher,WWW和Netscape。 全球网(WWW)是一种网络的超文本协议和用户界面。像Gopher一样,它提供多种服务和文件接入方法,但其方法更加有前途。向Internet其他服务的跳转可在“网”页上由鼠标器点击“热链接”的字、图像或按钮来启动。 随着越来越多的系统加入Internet,同时随着越来越多的信息可以转变成数字形式,Internet用户所能得到的东西也在继续增加。随着国家(后来是国际)Internet的发展,很快在某些方面人们开始将互联网看作是一个社区,有自己的传统和习惯。例如某些人会在会议上提出一个问题,一个完全陌生的人会传送一个答案;由于一些人没有看到最初的答案而多次重复这一问题,这时另外一些人会搜集一系列“经常提到的问题”并将其放置在新来者能找到的地方。 所以我们可以说,Internet是你的PC机通向世界其他地方的窗口。
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Welcome Ci The enthusiasm welcomes you to stay a XX hotel. Please allow my representative all together employee to you to can contribute efforts to you to feel keenly honor with the gratitude of earnestness. Lately after model-XX hotel in Chinese park hotel passes by to again and with meticulous care repair, the vogue gathereding traditional culture, west of China designs principle, and modern science technique...etc. comprehensive chemical element, create an all new Chinese recreation, amusement, Yan guest, committee affairs, tour, holiday of extremely good place. The hotel always constructs area more than 5000 square meters, owning the luxurious suite, home building and standard guest room is more than 60s, 24 hourses, the hot water, number television, free breadth takes, luxurious the equipment computer integral whole machine, safe, small bar ……the dining own a luxurious compartment 18 and cover the dinner hall of 180 square meters, can accept 300 people at the same time meal. The hotel establishes 2 multi-function board rooms, can accept 200 people to carry on each kind of academic report, meeting and business activity. "Guest highest, service first" is our service aims, the hotel will with all sincerity provide perfect service for you with service of the top-grade equipments, all new environment, sweet. Sincerely pay respects idea!
2023-07-15 20:44:472


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Article 1For the purpose of this Convention wetlands are areas of marsh, fen, peatland or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceed six metres.For the purpose of this Convention waterfowl are birds ecologically dependent on wetlands.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 2Each Contracting Party shall designate suitable wetlands within its territory for inclusion in a List of Wetlands of International Importance, hereinafter referred to as "the List" which is maintained by the bureau established under Article 8. The boundaries of each wetland shall be precisely described and also delimited on a map and they may incorporate riparian and coastal zones adjacent to the wetlands, and islands or bodies of marine water deeper than six metres at low tide lying within the wetlands, especially where these have importance as waterfowl habitat.Wetlands should be selected for the List on account of their international significance in terms of ecology, botany, zoology, limnology or hydrology. In the first instance wetlands of international importance to waterfowl at any season should be included.The inclusion of a wetland in the List does not prejudice the exclusive sovereign rights of the Contracting Party in whose territory the wetland is situated.Each Contracting Party shall designate at least one wetland to be included in the List when signing this Convention or when depositing its instrument of ratification or accession, as provided in Article 9.Any Contracting Party shall have the right to add to the List further wetlands situated within its territory, to extend the boundaries of those wetlands already included by it in the List, or, because of its urgent national interests, to delete or restrict the boundaries of wetlands already included by it in the List and shall, at the earliest possible time, inform the organization or government responsible for the continuing bureau duties specified in Article 8 of any such changes.Each Contracting Party shall consider its international responsibilities for the conservation, management and wise use of migratory stocks of waterfowl, both when designating entries for the List and when exercising its right to change entries in the List relating to wetlands within its territory.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 3The Contracting Parties shall formulate and implement their planning so as to promote the conservation of the wetlands included in the List, and as far as possible the wise use of wetlands in their territory.Each Contracting Party shall arrange to be informed at the earliest possible time if the ecological character of any wetland in its territory and included in the List has changed, is changing or is likely to change as the result of technological developments, pollution or other human interference. Information on such changes shall be passed without delay to the organization or government responsible for the continuing bureau duties specified in Article 8.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 4Each Contracting Party shall promote the conservation of wetlands and waterfowl by establishing nature reserves on wetlands, whether they are included in the List or not, and provide adequately for their wardening.Where a Contracting Party in its urgent national interest, deletes or restricts the boundaries of a wetland included in the List, it should as far as possible compensate for any loss of wetland resources, and in particular it should create additional nature reserves for waterfowl and for the protection, either in the same area or elsewhere, of an adequate portion of the original habitat.The Contracting Parties shall encourage research and the exchange of data and publications regarding wetlands and their flora and fauna.The Contracting Parties shall endeavour through management to increase waterfowl populations on appropriate wetlands.The Contracting Parties shall promote the training of personnel competent in the fields of wetland research, management and wardening.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 5The Contracting Parties shall consult with each other about implementing obligations arising from the Convention especially in the case of a wetland extending over the territories of more than one Contracting Party or where a water system is shared by Contracting Parties. They shall at the same time endeavour to coordinate and support present and future policies and regulations concerning the conservation of wetlands and their flora and fauna.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 6There shall be established a Conference of the Contracting Parties to review and promote the implementation of this Convention. The Bureau referred to in Article 8, paragraph 1, shall convene ordinary meetings of the Conference of the Contracting Parties at intervals of not more than three years, unless the Conference decides otherwise, and extraordinary meetings at the written requests of at least one third of the Contracting Parties. Each ordinary meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties shall determine the time and venue of the next ordinary meeting.The Conference of the Contracting Parties shall be competent:to discuss the implementation of this Convention;to discuss additions to and changes in the List;to consider information regarding changes in the ecological character of wetlands included in the List provided in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 3;to make general or specific recommendations to the Contracting Parties regarding the conservation, management and wise use of wetlands and their flora and fauna;to request relevant international bodies to prepare reports and statistics on matters which are essentially international in character affecting wetlands;to adopt other recommendations, or resolutions, to promote the functioning of this Convention.The Contracting Parties shall ensure that those responsible at all levels for wetlands management shall be informed of, and take into consideration, recommendations of such Conferences concerning the conservation, management and wise use of wetlands and their flora and fauna.The Conference of the Contracting Parties shall adopt rules of procedure for each of its meetings.The Conference of the Contracting Parties shall establish and keep under review the financial regulations of this Convention. At each of its ordinary meetings, it shall adopt the budget for the next financial period by a two-third majority of Contracting Parties present and voting.Each Contracting Party shall contribute to the budget according to a scale of contributions adopted by unanimity of the Contracting Parties present and voting at a meeting of the ordinary Conference of the Contracting Parties.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 7The representatives of the Contracting Parties at such Conferences should include persons who are experts on wetlands or waterfowl by reason of knowledge and experience gained in scientific, administrative or other appropriate capacities.Each of the Contracting Parties represented at a Conference shall have one vote, recommendations, resolutions and decisions being adopted by a simple majority of the Contracting Parties present and voting, unless otherwise provided for in this Convention.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 8The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources shall perform the continuing bureau duties under this Convention until such time as another organization or government is appointed by a majority of two-thirds of all Contracting Parties.The continuing bureau duties shall be, inter alia:to assist in the convening and organizing of Conferences specified in Article 6;to maintain the List of Wetlands of International Importance and to be informed by the Contracting Parties of any additions, extensions, deletions or restrictions concerning wetlands included in the List provided in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 2;to be informed by the Contracting Parties of any changes in the ecological character of wetlands included in the List provided in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 3;to forward notification of any alterations to the List, or changes in character of wetlands included therein, to all Contracting Parties and to arrange for these matters to be discussed at the next Conference;to make known to the Contracting Party concerned, the recommendations of the Conferences in respect of such alterations to the List or of changes in the character of wetlands included therein.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 9This Convention shall remain open for signature indefinitely.Any member of the United Nations or of one of the Specialized Agencies or of the International Atomic Energy Agency or Party to the Statute of the International Court of Justice may become a Party to this Convention by:signature without reservation as to ratification;signature subject to ratification followed by ratification;accession.Ratification or accession shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument of ratification or accession with the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (hereinafter referred to as "the Depositary").--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 10This Convention shall enter into force four months after seven States have become Parties to this Convention in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 9.Thereafter this Convention shall enter into force for each Contracting Party four months after the day of its signature without reservation as to ratification, or its deposit of an instrument of ratification or accession.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 10 bisThis Convention may be amended at a meeting of the Contracting Parties convened for that purpose in accordance with this article.Proposals for amendment may be made by any Contracting Party.The text of any proposed amendment and the reasons for it shall be communicated to the organization or government performing the continuing bureau duties under the Convention (hereinafter referred to as "the Bureau") and shall promptly be communicated by the Bureau to all Contracting Parties. Any comments on the text by the Contracting Parties shall be communicated to the Bureau within three months of the date on which the amendments were communicated to the Contracting Parties by the Bureau. The Bureau shall, immediately after the last day for submission of comments, communicate to the Contracting Parties all comments submitted by that day.A meeting of Contracting Parties to consider an amendment communicated in accordance with paragraph 3 shall be convened by the Bureau upon the written request of one third of the Contracting Parties. The Bureau shall consult the Parties concerning the time and venue of the meeting.Amendments shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the Contracting Parties present and voting.An amendment adopted shall enter into force for the Contracting Parties which have accepted it on the first day of the fourth month following the date on which two thirds of the Contracting Parties have deposited an instrument of acceptance with the Depositary. For each Contracting Party which deposits an instrument of acceptance after the date on which two thirds of the Contracting Parties have deposited an instrument of acceptance, the amendment shall enter into force on the first day of the fourth month following the date of the deposit of its instrument of acceptance.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 11This Convention shall continue in force for an indefinite period.Any Contracting Party may denounce this Convention after a period of five years from the date on which it entered into force for that party by giving written notice thereof to the Depositary. Denunciation shall take effect four months after the day on which notice thereof is received by the Depositary.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Article 121. The Depositary shall inform all States that have signed and acceded to this Convention as soon as possible of:a.signatures to the Convention;b.deposits of instruments of ratification of this Convention;c.deposits of instruments of accession to this Convention;d.the date of entry into force of this Convention;e.notifications of denunciation of this Convention.2. When this Convention has entered into force, the Depositary shall have it registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter.
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The Fisher ManThere was a group called "The Fisherman‘s Fellowship". They were surrounded by streams and lakes full of hungry fish. They met regularly to discuss the call to fish, and the thrill of catching fish. They got excited about fishing!!Someone suggested that they needed a philosophy of fishing, so they carefully defined and redefined fishing, and the purpose of fishing. They developed fishing strategies and tactics. Then they realized that they had been going at it backwards. They had approached fishing from the point of view of the fisherman, and not from the point of view of the fish. How do fish view the world? How does the fisherman appear to the fish? What do fish eat, and when? These are all good things to know. So they began research studies, and attended conferences on fishing. Some traveled to far away places to study different kinds of fish, with different habits. Some got PhD‘s in fishology. But no one had yet gone fishing.So a committee was formed to send out fishermen. As prospective fishing places outnumbered fishermen, the committee needed to determine priorities.A priority list of fishing places was posted on bulletin boards in all of the fellowship halls. But still, no one was fishing. A survey was launched, to find out why… Most did not answer the survey, but from those that did, it was discovered that some felt called to study fish, a few to furnish fishing equipment, and several to go around encouraging the fisherman.What with meetings, conferences, and seminars, they just simply didn‘t have time to fish.Now, Jake was a newcomer to the Fisherman‘s Fellowship. After one stirring meeting of the Fellowship, Jake went fishing. He tried a few things, got the hang of it, and caught a choice fish. At the next meeting, he told his story, and he was honored for his catch, and then scheduled to speak at all the Fellowship chapters and tell how he did it. Now, because of all the speaking invitations and his election to the board of directors of the Fisherman‘s Fellowship, Jake no longer has time to go fishing.But soon he began to feel restless and empty. He longed to feel the tug on the line once again. So he cut the speaking, he resigned from the board, and he said to a friend, "Let‘s go fishing." They did, just the two of them, and they caught fish.The members of the Fisherman‘s Fellowship were many, the fish were plentiful, but the fishers were few. A million dollar lesson 千金一课A cab driver taught me a million dollar lesson in customer satisfaction and expectation. Motivational speakers charge thousands of dollars to impart this kind of training to corporate executives and staff. It cost me a $12 taxi ride.I had flown into Dallas for the sole purpose of calling on a client. Time was of the essence and my plan included a quick turnaround trip from and back to the airport. A spotless cab pulled up. The driver rushed to open the passenger door for me and made sure I was comfortably seated before he closed the door. As he got in the driver"s seat, he mentioned that the neatly folded Wall Street Journal next to me was for my use. He then showed me several tapes and asked me what type of music I would enjoy. Well! I looked around for a "Candid Camera!" Wouldn"t you? I could not believe the service I was receiving! I took the opportunity to say, "Obviously you take great pride in your work. You must have a story to tell.""You bet," he replied, "I used to be in Corporate America. But I got tired of thinking my best would never be good enough. I decided to find my niche in life where I could feel proud of being the best I could be. I knew I would never be a rocket scientist, but I love driving cars, being of service and feeling like I have done a full day"s work and done it well. I evaluate my personal assets and… wham! I became a cab driver. One thing I know for sure, to be good in my business I could simply just meet the expectations of my passengers. But, to be great in my business, I have to exceed the customer"s expectations! I like both the sound and the return of being "great" better than just getting by on "average"".Did I tip him big time? You bet! Corporate America"s loss is the travelling folk"s friend
2023-07-15 20:45:471


During his evolution journey from Neanderthals to Homo erectus and then to Homo sapiens, man has come long way. Because of his continuous quest for more and more amenities and facilities, the nineties have seen a major turn around with the invention of computers. 10 years ago, the term internet was practically anonymous to most of the people. And today internet has become the most ever powerful tool for man throughout the world. The internet is a collection of various services and resources. Although, many people still think e-mail and World Wide Web as the principle constituents of internet, there is lot more in store than e-mail, chat rooms, celebrity web sites and search engines. It also became the best business tool of modern scenario. Today internet has brought a globe in a single room. Right from news across the corner of the world, wealth of knowledge to shopping, purchasing the tickets of your favorite movie-everything is at your finger tips. Internet has great potential and lot to offer… however, like every single innovation in science and technology, internet has its own advantages and disadvantages. AdvantagesCommunication: The foremost target of internet has always been the communication. And internet has excelled beyond the expectations .Still; innovations are going on to make it faster, more reliable. By the advent of computer"s Internet, our earth has reduced and has attained the form of a global village.Now we can communicate in a fraction of second with a person who is sitting in the other part of the world. Today for better communication, we can avail the facilities of e-mail; we can chat for hours with our loved ones. There are plenty messenger services in offering. With help of such services, it has become very easy to establish a kind of global friendship where you can share your thoughts, can explore other cultures of different ethnicity.InformationInformation is probably the biggest advantage internet is offering. The Internet is a virtual treasure trove of information. Any kind of information on any topic under the sun is available on the Internet. The search engines like Google, yahoo is at your service on the Internet. You can almost find any type of data on almost any kind of subject that you are looking for. There is a huge amount of information available on the internet for just about every subject known to man, ranging from government law and services, trade fairs and conferences, market information, new ideas and technical support, the list is end less.Students and children are among the top users who surf the Internet for research. Today, it is almost required that students should use the Internet for research for the purpose of gathering resources. Teachers have started giving assignments that require research on the Internet. Almost every coming day, researches on medical issues become much easier to locate. Numerous web sites available on the net are offering loads of information for people to research diseases and talk to doctors online at sites such as, America"s Doctor. During 1998 over 20 million people reported going online to retrieve health information.EntertainmentEntertainment is another popular raison d"être why many people prefer to surf the Internet. In fact, media of internet has become quite successful in trapping multifaceted entertainment factor. Downloading games, visiting chat rooms or just surfing the Web are some of the uses people have discovered. There are numerous games that may be downloaded from the Internet for free. The industry of online gaming has tasted dramatic and phenomenal attention by game lovers. Chat rooms are popular because users can meet new and interesting people. In fact, the Internet has been successfully used by people to find life long partners. When people surf the Web, there are numerous things that can be found. Music, hobbies, news and more can be found and shared on the Internet.ServicesMany services are now provided on the internet such as online banking, job seeking, purchasing tickets for your favorite movies, guidance services on array of topics engulfing the every aspect of life, and hotel reservations. Often these services are not available off-line and can cost you more.E-CommerceEcommerce is the concept used for any type of commercial maneuvering, or business deals that involves the transfer of information across the globe via Internet. It has become a phenomenon associated with any kind of shopping, almost anything. You name it and Ecommerce with its giant tentacles engulfing every single product and service will make you available at your door steps. It has got a real amazing and wide range of products from household needs, technology to entertainment.DisadvantagesTheft of Personal informationIf you use the Internet, you may be facing grave danger as your personal information such as name, address, credit card number etc. can be accessed by other culprits to make your problems worse.Spamming: Spamming refers to sending unwanted e-mails in bulk, which provide no purpose and needlessly obstruct the entire system. Such illegal activities can be very frustrating for you, and so instead of just ignoring it, you should make an effort to try and stop these activities so that using the Internet can become that much safer. Virus threatVirus is nothing but a program which disrupts the normal functioning of your computer systems. Computers attached to internet are more prone to virus attacks and they can end up into crashing your whole hard disk, causing you considerable headache.Pornography: This is perhaps the biggest threat related to your children"s healthy mental life. A very serious issue concerning the Internet. There are thousands of pornographic sites on the Internet that can be easily found and can be a detrimental factor to letting children use the Internet.Though, internet can also create havoc, destruction and its misuse can be very fatal, the advantages of it outweigh its disadvantages-------------------------------------------------------------Nowadays almost everyone in the world have had a contact with computers. A great part of them has been using international computer"s net known as Internet.I think using internet has more advantages then disadvantages. First of all, Internet provides access to a lot of information. Some of them are very useful in your job other helps in your hobby. Searching the net with Google, you can find everything you want. You can also do shopping using Internet. Of course it has no sense to buying a roll, but if you need something inaccessible, you will be able to buy it in Internet shop. You need only to select what you want, fill in some forms and click ok. In a few days you will get what you have ordered directly to your home, without going anywhere. You can pay with your credit card, pay postman when you get the package, or transfer money from your bank account. Nowadays almost every bigger bank offers transferring money with Internet. It is more faster then going to the bank and filling blankets. Transferring money in traditional way takes about a day, using Internet you can do this in few seconds even in Saturday and Sunday evenings. What"s more internet banks give you insurance against unauthorized transaction. Some people thinks that their money can by easily stolen by hackers. It isn"t true because the easiest way to steal your money from internet bank is breaking to your house and stealing you card of codes. Internet banks have very good protections witch make them practically unbreakable.Next advantage of internet is email. Internet mails get in a few seconds in their destinations. It is very important when you want to send something for example to Australia. Of course you can send not only texts. You can email whatever you want, movies, photos, songs, computer programs etc. Costs are very important advantage of emails. Sending an email is much cheaper then phoning, or sending normal letters.Beside a lot of advantages, Internet has some disadvantages too. First of disadvantages is that people who spend too much time sitting in the front of computer can easily gets ill. Radiation emitted by computer"s screen is harmful to eyes. People who spend too much time at their homes (because they needn"t go anywhere, they can do everything using Internet) are getting weaker. Sitting a for long time is also harmful to the spine. Second disadvantage is that Internet can by addictive. Some people just can"t live without it. They have no real friends and when Internet is down they are getting furious.Internet has some opponents but more and more people treats Internet like telephone, or radio. They use it for fun and work, and I think at present living without internet would be quite difficult. PS. Praca zostau0142a sprawdzona wiu0119c powinno byu0107 ok.-------------------------------
2023-07-15 20:45:551


icws会议主题The IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS) has been a prime international forum for both researchers and industry practitioners to exchange the latest fundamental advances in the state of the art and practice of Web-based services, identify emerging research topics, and define the future of Web-based services. All topics regarding Web-based services lifecycle study and management align with the theme of ICWS. In 2014, we will celebrate our 21st version of gathering, to strive to advance the largest international professional forum on Web-based services.The IEEE 2014 World Congress on Services (SERVICES 2014) is the biggest international forum that explores the science and technology of Services Computing, which was formally promoted by IEEE Computer Society since 2003. Under the umbrella of SERVICES 2014, ICWS 2014 will co-locate with the following service-oriented sister conferences: the 7th IEEE 2014 International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2014), the 11th IEEE 2014 International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2014), the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services (MS 2014), and the 3rd International Congress on Big Data (BigData 2014). The five co-located theme topic conferences will all center around "services," while each focusing on exploring different themes (web-based services, cloud-based services, services innovation lifecycle, mobile services, and Big Data-based services).From technology foundation perspective, Services Computing has become the default discipline in the modern services industry. As a major implementation technology for modernizing services industry, Web services are Internet-based programmable application components published using standard interface description languages and universally available via uniform communication protocols. In its 21 version, the program of ICWS 2014 will continue to feature research papers with a wide range of topics, focusing on various aspects of web-based services. Some of the topics include Web services specifications and enhancements, Web services discovery and integration, Web services QoS (e.g., security, performance, reliability, fault tolerance, etc.), Web services standards and formalizations, Web services modeling, Web services engineering, Web services testing, Web services-based applications and solutions, Web services realizations, semantics in Web services, Web services supporting Cloud Computing, Web services lifecycle management, and all aspects of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) infrastructure and middleware. Extended versions of selected research track papers will be invited for potential publication in the IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC), International Journal of Web Services Research (JWSR), and International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management (IJBPIM). Both TSC and JWSR are indexed by SCI and EI [Link]. According to Thomson Scientific, JWSR is listed in the 2008 Journal Citation Report with an Impact Factor of 1.200. The journal ranks #47 of 99 in the Computer Science, Information Systems and ranks #37 of 86 in Computer Science, Software Engineering. ICWS Proceedings are EI indexed.
2023-07-15 20:46:041

求阅读理解标准答案,有悬赏跪求跪求... The number of speakers of English in Shakerspear’s time...

Uh... B or D...?
2023-07-15 20:46:144

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2023-07-15 20:46:211


2023-07-15 20:43:372


雪佛兰 塔赫
2023-07-15 20:43:422

Into the Black 歌词

歌曲名:Into the Black歌手:The Chromatics专辑:Kill for LoveIts the M.I.B.s, oh, here come the M.I.B.sHere come the Men in BlackHere come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you rememberNanana...The good guys dress in black remember thatJust in case we ever face to face and make contactThe title held by me...M.I.B.Means what you think you saw, you did not seeSo dont blinkThink what was there but nows goneBlack suit with the black Ray Bans onWalk in shadow move in silenceGuard against extra-terrestrial violenceBut though we aint on no government listWe straight dont existNo names and no figerprintsSaw something strangeWatch your backCause you never quite know where the M.I.B.s is atUh and...Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)The galaxy defenders (uh uh, uh uh)Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you remember (uh uh, uh uh)Now from the deepest of the darkest of nightOn the horizon, bright light in the site tightCameras zoom, only your pen been doomBut then like BOOM black suits fill the room upWith the quickness talk with the witnessesHypnotize, neuralizeVivid memories turn to fantasiesAint no M.I.B.sCan I pleaseDo what we say thats the way we kick itYa know what I meanI say my noisy cricket get wicket on yaWere your first, last and only line of defenceAgainst the worst scum of the universeSo dont fear us, jeer usIf you ever get near us, dont jeer usWere the fearlessM.I.B.s freezin the ball of flatWhats that stand for?Men In Black.The Men in BlackThe Men in BlackLet me see ya just bounce it with meJust bounce with meJust bounce it with me cmonLet me see ya just slide with meJust slide with meJust slide with me cmonLet me see ya take a walk with meJust walk with meTake a walk with me cmonAnd make your neck workNow freezeHere come the Men in Black (Men in Black)The galaxy defenders (right on, right on)Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you rememberA-ight check itLet me tell you this in closinI know we might seem imposinBut trust me if we ever show in your sessionBelieve me its for your own protectionCuz we see things that you need not seeAnd we be places that you need not beSo go with your lifeForget that Roswell crapShow love to the black suitCuz thats the men inThats the men in...Here come the Men in Black (here we come)The galaxy defenders (galaxy defenders)Here come the Men in Black (oh here they come)They wont let you remember (wont let you remember)The galaxy defenders (uh uh, uh uh)Here come the Men in Black
2023-07-15 20:43:431

谁知道二战德国党卫军大将泽普 迪特里希的经历

2023-07-15 20:43:493


2023-07-15 20:43:492


雪弗兰Tahoe与suburban不一样雪弗兰SUV家族共有五款车型,从上到下依次为TRACKER(2.0 L4) BLAZER(4.3 V6) TRAILBLAZER(4.2 L6) TAHOE(4.8 V8) SUBURBAN(5.3 V8)  每款车型的消费市场与自身设计都大不同,由最小的TRACKER到总统卫队用的巨无霸SUBURBAN,发动机由2.0直列四缸一直到5.3V8,我们现在用的BLAZER排行老四,车型紧凑,前扭力杆后钢板弹簧悬挂设计配和4.3V6低转大扭力发动机是典型的侧重越野能力设计.同时BLAZER的底盘也是最高的.1[4h3g  昨天试驾的TRAILBLAZER排行老三,体型自然要大一圈.发动机用的是4.2的直列六缸,可不要小瞧它,马力没用涡轮增压也达到了265匹!比4.3高出了75匹.扭矩也与4.3相同,但这两个峰值数据都要在6000转左右才能达到,典型的高转数轿车型设计,而4.3只需要2700转就能达到最大扭力,对越野帮助极大!uO
2023-07-15 20:43:501

The Girl In Black 歌词

歌曲名:The Girl In Black歌手:Black Light Burns专辑:The Moment You Realize You"re Going To FallIts the M.I.B.s, oh, here come the M.I.B.sHere come the Men in BlackHere come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you rememberNanana...The good guys dress in black remember thatJust in case we ever face to face and make contactThe title held by me...M.I.B.Means what you think you saw, you did not seeSo dont blinkThink what was there but nows goneBlack suit with the black Ray Bans onWalk in shadow move in silenceGuard against extra-terrestrial violenceBut though we aint on no government listWe straight dont existNo names and no figerprintsSaw something strangeWatch your backCause you never quite know where the M.I.B.s is atUh and...Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)The galaxy defenders (uh uh, uh uh)Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you remember (uh uh, uh uh)Now from the deepest of the darkest of nightOn the horizon, bright light in the site tightCameras zoom, only your pen been doomBut then like BOOM black suits fill the room upWith the quickness talk with the witnessesHypnotize, neuralizeVivid memories turn to fantasiesAint no M.I.B.sCan I pleaseDo what we say thats the way we kick itYa know what I meanI say my noisy cricket get wicket on yaWere your first, last and only line of defenceAgainst the worst scum of the universeSo dont fear us, jeer usIf you ever get near us, dont jeer usWere the fearlessM.I.B.s freezin the ball of flatWhats that stand for?Men In Black.The Men in BlackThe Men in BlackLet me see ya just bounce it with meJust bounce with meJust bounce it with me cmonLet me see ya just slide with meJust slide with meJust slide with me cmonLet me see ya take a walk with meJust walk with meTake a walk with me cmonAnd make your neck workNow freezeHere come the Men in Black (Men in Black)The galaxy defenders (right on, right on)Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you rememberA-ight check itLet me tell you this in closinI know we might seem imposinBut trust me if we ever show in your sessionBelieve me its for your own protectionCuz we see things that you need not seeAnd we be places that you need not beSo go with your lifeForget that Roswell crapShow love to the black suitCuz thats the men inThats the men in...Here come the Men in Black (here we come)The galaxy defenders (galaxy defenders)Here come the Men in Black (oh here they come)They wont let you remember (wont let you remember)The galaxy defenders (uh uh, uh uh)Here come the Men in Black
2023-07-15 20:43:361


《神奇宝贝图鉴》mega进化精灵有:水精灵、雷精灵、火精灵、太阳精灵、月精灵、叶精灵、冰精灵、菊石兽、 多刺菊石兽等等。能够mega超进化的精灵有:万圣节特别版火焰鸡、闪光耿鬼、闪光暴鲤龙、梦妖、班吉拉、洛奇亚、闪光洛奇亚、凤王、赫拉克罗斯、巨钳螳螂。当这些精灵满足Mega进化条件后,就可以直接进化成强大的Mega精灵了。Mega进化后的精灵,战斗力和数值得到显著的提升。扩展资料《神奇宝贝图鉴》中超级进化的化石精灵:《神奇宝贝图鉴》中目前为止唯一有Mega进化的化石宝可梦是化石翼龙,当然,也是唯一一只没有进化也没有退化的化石宝可梦。化石翼龙的分类非常简单明了,直接说是化石宝可梦,属性是岩石跟飞行,化石翼龙的身体是灰色的,翅膀上有部分是紫色的。原形与白垩纪的翼龙很像,它的爪子有四个;它是唯一能通过等级提升学会铁头的非钢属性宝可梦,也是唯一能进行超级进化的化石宝可梦,在第一世代,尼比博物馆的化石翼龙姿势是以蓝版为范本设计的。在第三世代,尼比博物馆的化石翼龙姿势是以红宝石蓝宝石版为范本设计的。
2023-07-15 20:43:351


一级上将约瑟夫·迪特里希迪特里希是德国武装党卫队最重要的将领之一,而且因与希特勒有特殊的关系,在纳粹运动早期就是希特勒的私人保镖。迪特里希本名约瑟夫·迪特里希,大多数军史爱好者更熟悉他的绰号泽普·迪特里希(Sepp Dietrich)。1892年5月2日,迪特里希生于德国南部士瓦本的一个小村。士瓦本是南德意志的一个小邦,但当时已经是巴伐利亚王国的省份。德国20多年前刚刚由普鲁士统一,当时的德国人还是个新生概念,德国人内部的地域观念很重,大致分南部的巴伐利亚人,西部的莱茵兰人,中东部的普鲁士人3大块。迪特里希家境贫寒,只上过8年学,后离家外出游历,到达北意大利,曾在一家旅馆作过几年杂役,然后一边打工一边流浪经过奥地利和瑞士,在1911年19岁时回到家乡,在一家面包房做工。1914年一战爆发,迪特里希应征入伍,在巴伐利亚王太子指挥的德国第6集团军里当一名炮手,曾两次负伤,并得过二级铁十字勋章。一战是以堑壕机枪为主的静态战争,交战双方都为怎么突破堑壕防御体系而绞尽脑汁。后来英国人发明了新式武器坦克,而德国则侧重依靠组合传统的兵种,编组精锐的突击队Sturmtrup以求得突破。一个典型的突击队营编有步兵、战斗工兵、伴随步兵炮、堑壕迫击炮等等。当时每个西线的德国集团军都至少编有一个营的突击队。迪特里希就是在战争后期加入突击队担任炮手,在战争的最后阶段又加入德军中很少的坦克兵,成为一名坦克炮手。这段经历足以让他自豪不已——德国在一战中坦克部队规模非常小,后来二战中德国的著名坦克将领,又有几人在一战中就在一线坦克部队服役,就连德国闪电战的鼻祖古德里安,一战时也仅是通讯军官而已。德国战败以后,迪特里希复员回家,当了一名警察。与纳粹党后来的宣传相反,迪特里希其实并没有在希特勒身边参加1923年的慕尼黑啤酒馆政变,因为直到1927到1928年间,迪特里希才加入纳粹党和党卫队。从他的党徽号是89015号,党卫队编号1177号也可以看出来,迪特里希不能算第一批的纳粹党员或党卫队成员。但是迪特里希一加入纳粹党,就被希特勒所倚重,担任了希特勒的司机兼私人保镖。其中的原因很多,迪特里希本人贫寒的出身,直率而不失幽默的性格,以及一战中的经历,都决定了他对纳粹党的意识形态有一种朴素的认同,而且迪特里希没受过多少教育,智力也不出众,希特勒反而对其更容易信任。1933年纳粹党上台以后,作为帝国总理府官方警卫队的那部分党卫队扩充了规模,编成阿道夫·希特勒警卫旗队,以迪特里希为首。这支警卫旗队挑选标准十分严格:所有士兵必须身高180公分以上,后来标准又提高到184公分,必须对元首绝对忠诚,士兵必须证明家庭上溯到1800年没有非雅利安血统,军官必须证明 到1750年。1934年,党卫队里的武装部队继续扩充,编成4个旗队,称为希特勒警卫旗队,德意志,日尔曼和元首。但因为兵源有限,元首旗队稍后才成立。这4个旗队统称为SS-VT,VT是 德文 verfugungstruppe,大概可以译为特别行动部队,SS-VT就是武装党卫队的前身,后来才正式改称武装党卫队 Waffen-SS. 这一 时期,SS-VT的组织编制和训练都急剧向正规军靠拢,一批国防军军官加入武装党卫队 ,带来了武装党卫队所缺乏的军事经验。值得一提的是,迪特里希本人头脑简单,并不是个政治动物,再加上他一战老兵的经历,他更愿意把武装党卫队更多的看作是国防军的一员,而不是普通党卫队的一员。因此他与希姆莱的关系一度紧张,但由于希特勒的信任,希姆莱不得不对其有所容让。武装党卫队的旗队相当于团。德国并吞奥地利的进军过程中,迪特里希的阿道夫·希特勒警卫旗队直属于古德里安的16装甲军。1939年二战爆发,在波兰战役中,德军分博克的北方集团军群(下辖库希勒第3集团军和克鲁格第4集团军),伦斯德的南方集团军群(下辖莱歇瑙第10集团军,布拉斯科维茨第8集团军,李斯特第14集团军)夹击波兰。迪特里希的警卫旗队团一开始隶属于第8集团军的第13军,军长魏克斯后来 也晋升为德军元帅,后来又转隶给南方集团军群的机械化主力第10集团军。在波兰战役中武装党卫队暴露出了作战经验不足,训练不足,指挥参谋业务人员缺乏的弱点。警卫旗队尽管装备精良,士气高昂,但开战之后却一再地落后于上级指定的时间表,甚至有短时间被波兰军队包围,而不得不靠国防军部队接应出来的窘境。幸运的是,迪特里希虽然没有指挥一个团必须的参谋工作经验,但他有一个从国防军转过来的优秀参谋长比特里希。比特里希后来在二战后期接替豪泽尔当武装党卫队第2装甲军军长,在应对英军蒙哥马利的市场-花园作战中表现出色。在波兰战役中,警卫旗队犯下了虐待俘虏和残杀平民的暴行,这将是大战中武装党卫队一系列暴行中的第一次。不过公允一点讲,武装党卫队所犯下的暴行虽然远多于国防军,但跟普通党卫队中的特别行动队(负责消灭占领区犹太人)和骷髅部队(管理集中营)那种有组织有目的的屠杀比起来,远不可同日而语。德军一向以军纪严明而著称,波兰战役以后,对武装党卫队战争暴行的内部调查已经展开,担任占领军总司令的第8集团军司令布拉斯科维茨下令逮捕迪特里希,交付军事法庭审判。但在希特勒的干预下,此事最后不了了之。布拉斯科维茨因为此事得罪了希特勒,从此失宠。看一下德军元帅名录就会发现,波兰战役的所有集团军群和集团军司令,都是后来1940年晋升的首批元帅,只有布拉斯科维茨除外。而且布拉斯科维茨后来再也没有晋升为元帅的机会,他后来在西线指挥G集团军群,和盟军作战。1940年的法国战役中,迪特里希的警卫旗队团编在博克的B集团军群,先征服荷兰 ,然后从北部进攻法军主力。在法国战役中,警卫旗队的表现出色,开始显露出后来成为德军王牌部队的苗头,但也并非完美。进攻荷兰首都鹿特丹时警卫旗队犯过一次严重错误。当时德军向鹿特丹守军下达最后通牒,荷兰军队同意投降,但由于通讯联络中断,已经来不及通知德国空军,因此鹿特丹仍被轰炸。此后德军空降特种部队创建者、空降兵将军施图登特进城与荷兰军队安排投降事宜,却被冲进城来的武装党卫队警卫旗队误开枪打成重伤!施图登特后来官至上将,在西线指挥伞兵集团军,并曾短时间担任G集团军群司令。虽然几乎杀死德国最优秀的将军之一,但法国战役中迪特里希和他的警卫旗队的总体表现优异,尤其当迪特里希在敦克尔克接到希特勒暂停前进的命令以后,竟然可以自作主张主动继续进攻,连军长古德里安也吃惊不小(当时AB两集团军群会合,警卫旗队暂时转隶A集团军群的古德里安19装甲军指挥)。直到战后,迪特里希和古德里安的私人关系都很好,尤其是战后古德里安当了新西德国防军的主要战略理论家,对受审的迪特里希有所帮助。法国战局结束后,武装党卫队大规模扩充,原先的德意志、元首、日尔曼3个旗队合编成第一个武装党卫队师--武装党卫队第2帝国师,豪泽尔担任师长。另外和武装党卫队平行的另一个党卫队独立单位,管理集中营的骷髅部队,也抽调人员组成一个师加入武装党卫队,为武装党卫队第3骷髅师,师长是西奥多艾克。骷髅师因为从师长到士兵原先都没有作战经验,在战斗中的表现比警卫旗队和帝国师都差,要到1942年底才算成熟。另外德国国内的警察也由党卫队控制,从警察中抽调人员编组了武装党卫队第4警察师。注意,武装党卫队第1师的番号空缺,这当然是留给警卫旗队的。但当时警卫旗队只是由团扩编成一个机械化旅,旅长仍是迪特里希。1941年,德军发动东线战事前,先进攻巴尔干半岛,迪特里希指挥警卫旗队旅在李斯特元帅12集团军编成内闪击南斯拉夫和希腊。这一战标志着警卫旗队真正成熟,成为德军的精锐王牌。尤其是警卫旗队作为德军的装甲矛头,大胆穿越地形极为复杂的希腊中部品都斯山脉,突破易守难攻的各个隘口,猛穿猛插,一举切断了希腊西部在阿尔巴尼亚边境与意大利军对峙的希腊军主力,和希腊东部威尔逊指挥的英国远征军之间的联系。希腊军队主力被合围,迪特里希代表德国接受希腊军司令官曹拉克格洛将军的投降。然后直取温泉关,迫使英国远征军从海上撤离希腊。此后,警卫旗队升编为武装党卫队第1阿道夫·希特勒警卫旗队装甲步兵师,简称LAH师——Liebstandarte Adolf Hitler.1941年6月苏德战争爆发,LAH师在伦斯德元帅的南方集团军群克莱斯特第1装甲集群编成内,又一次充当先锋角色,并参加了乌曼合围战。但随后迪特里希却没有机会参加东线最大规模的基辅合围战,而是隶属舒贝特的11集团军向东越过基辅,进攻罗斯托夫。这时候的LAH师已经是德军著名的精锐王牌,不过注意,这时候LAH师还不是装甲师,而是装甲步兵师。1941年7月,迪特里希获颁骑士级铁十字勋章 ,成为德军第40名获此勋章的军官。半年后由于罗斯托夫的胜利,迪特里希在骑士十字勋章上添上了橡树叶,是德军的第41人。在度过了俄国严酷的冬天以后,武装党卫队第1LAH师,第2帝国师,第3骷髅师撤出战场,运往法国,1942年7月,合编为第一个武装党卫队装甲军,由于是唯一的党卫装甲军,没有数字番号,军长是豪泽尔。同时,LAH师由装甲步兵师改编为装甲掷弹兵师。(附言,LAH师最终于1944年3月改编为装甲师,但那时迪特里希已经不担任师长了)党卫装甲军回到东线战场时,已经是斯大林格勒战役以后,曼施泰因元帅奇迹般地避免了德军南翼的总崩溃,正在慢慢地向后撤退,引诱苏军拉长战线。党卫装甲军因为是新锐力量,以主力身份参加了哈尔科夫反击战,重新占领哈尔科夫。在这里,迪特里希的LAH师又制造了一场屠杀苏军野战医院伤员的暴行。因为哈尔科夫战役的胜利,迪特里希于1943年2月在骑士十字勋章上又获得了双剑,是德军第26名获此荣官。1943年苏德战场的重头戏是库尔斯克战役,LAH师是其中的主角,参加了二战中最大规模的坦克战——普罗夫霍夫卡战斗。但迪特里希本人却没有参与其间。因为希特勒决定要编组第2个党卫装甲军,由迪特里希任军长,番号是第1党卫装甲军,而豪泽尔指挥的装甲军则被赋予第2党卫装甲军的番号。所以迪特里希返回法国,任务有两个,一是由LAH师抽调干部,组建新的武装党卫队第12希特勒青年团师, 二是组建他的军部。从苏德战争爆发,一直到战争结束,迪特里希的参谋长一直是克莱默,此人1941年以前一直是国防军的参谋部军官,拥有丰富的司令部工作经验,正好可以补迪特里希军事专业知识缺乏的弱点。1943年7月,迪特里希的党卫第1装甲军正式在柏林成立。当时意大利投降,希特勒命令南线总司令凯塞林元帅在前线和盟军作战,让隆美尔的B集团军群司令部坐镇北意大利,弹压后方局势,迪特里希的军司令部也被派去隶属于隆美尔。但迪特里希只是坐镇德意边境阿尔卑斯山的勃伦纳山口,手下也没有可用的兵力, 是个光杆司令。(LAH师这时已经从俄国调到意大利,但不归迪特里希指挥,而归豪泽尔的第2党卫装甲军)。意大利局势平静以后,隆美尔和迪特里希都去了法国,准备反击预料中的盟军登陆作战。迪特里希的第1党卫装甲军隶属西线装甲集群,下辖武装党卫队第12希特勒青年团师,第17伯利钦根师,和陆军第2装甲师。迪特里希对隆美尔的关系也值得一提。迪特里希这几年远离希特勒,亲身经历盟军压倒性的兵力、火力和空中优势,所以完全同情隆美尔、伦斯德和其它陆军将领同盟军媾和的想法。隆美尔有没有参加反希特勒的密谋集团,史学界尚无定论,隆美尔被希特勒逼死的,他的参谋长斯派达尔是密谋集团成员,战后坚持隆美尔是反希特勒的,这种说法最初被几乎所有史学家采纳,但戴维·欧文在他的隆美尔传记中却提出了质疑。但隆美尔主张与西方媾和是确定无疑的。而有证据显示迪特里希也持相同看法。在诺曼底,迪特里希和隆美尔相互配合,着实让盟军吃了不少苦头,但迪特里希战后对审问他的美军谈起隆美尔时,说隆美尔是个报纸上的英雄,他根本不懂得坦克战,因为他没有在东线打过仗!他会做的,就是从坦克炮塔探出上半身,挥舞手中的元帅权仗,高喊我是非洲之王!。这评价显然有失公允,反映出德军经历东线战斗的指挥官对没参加过东线作战的同事的轻视心理。1944年诺曼底登陆战,迪特里希的军下辖武装党卫队希特勒青年团师,国防军装甲教练师(师长是前非洲装甲军参谋长拜尔莱因),国防军21装甲师。后来LAH师也调归他指挥。当时德军装甲部队的主力全部集中在北方英军的地段 ,包括迪特里希的第1,豪泽尔的第2(有SS第9霍亨施陶芬师,SS第10弗隆德斯堡师)两个党卫装甲军,和陆军第47装甲军。当防守诺曼底地区的陆军第7集团军司令多尔曼因心脏病突发死亡时,豪泽尔升任集团军司令,由迪特里希的前参谋长比特里希继任第2党卫装甲军军长。德军的损失虽然惨重,但依靠着娴熟的战斗技巧和诺曼底地区灌木围田的有利地形,还是长时间地阻挡了英军蒙哥马利的所有突破企图。LAH师的魏特曼曾经创造过一辆坦克击溃英军一个坦克营的战例,而这个英军坦克营还是属于在北非号称沙漠之鼠的精锐第7装甲师的部队。迪特里希因为成功的防御战而获得骑士十字勋章上的钻石饰,成为第26名获得德军最高军功奖赏带橡树叶、双剑、钻石的骑士级铁十字勋章的军官(并且是武装党卫队两位获此殊荣的人之一)。获得这一奖赏的二战德国军官共有27人,其中元帅有隆美尔,凯塞林,莫德尔和舍尔纳,上将有迪特里希,曼陀菲尔,胡贝,巴尔克,绍肯,毛斯。其实在此之上,还有带金橡树叶、双剑、钻石的骑士级铁十字勋章,不过一共只颁赠了一枚,颁给空军的俯冲轰炸机飞行员鲁德尔上校。他在二战中共击毁五百多辆苏军坦克和自行火炮,几乎相当于一个苏军近卫坦克集团军的实力。在这期间,7月20日谋杀希特勒未遂事件对迪特里希影响不大,迪特里希的司令部里有一条直通希特勒大本营的联络热线,第一时间就获悉希特勒还活着。但是随后美军在南方眼镜蛇行动获得突破,却彻底改变了西线的态势,美军新投入巴顿的第3集团军,从阿弗朗什向德军防线纵深突进,德军南方的薄弱兵力再也无法维持一条像样的防线。在这一片混乱中,迪特里希于8月代理指挥整个德军第5装甲集团军(原西线装甲集群),在法莱兹试图拖住加拿大军的合围攻势,结果法莱兹比南面的阿尔让唐多守了5天,让大批陷入法莱兹-阿尔让唐口袋的德军钻了出来。之后,迪特里希又临时代理负伤的豪泽尔,指挥第7集团军,8月31日终于把第7集团军交代给埃贝尔巴赫将军,但埃贝尔巴赫第2天就不幸被英军俘虏,迪特里希又不得不回来代理,直到9月份把第7集团军交给陆军的曼陀菲尔将军。当西线的混乱局势于9月份告一段落,迪特里希被希特勒召回,组建另一个武装党卫队装甲集团军,番号是SS第6装甲集团军。在这期间,迪特里希利用他跟希特勒的特殊关系,试图为他的私人朋友,因为参加谋杀希特勒集团而被捕的,隆美尔的前参谋长斯派达尔中将说情。尽管没有成功,但斯派达尔在盖世太保狱中的待遇改善了不少。战后已经称为西德军队要员的斯派达尔也投桃报李,替迪特里希申请假释出过力。武装党卫队第6装甲集团军组建的主要目的是为了预定担任阿登攻势的主力。为此,集团军下属第1党卫装甲军,军长普里斯Priess,编有SS第1警卫旗队LAH师,师长蒙克Mohnke,第12希特勒青年团师,师长克莱默Kraemer。第2党卫装甲军,军长是比特里希,下属SS第2帝国师,师长拉麦丁Lammerding,第9霍亨施陶芬师,师长施塔德勒Stadler,和国防军装甲教练师,师长拜尔莱因。另外还临时借调来了陆军第15集团军的67步兵军。除了正规部队以外,还配备有斯科尔兹内的武装党卫队特种部队和海德上校的陆军空降兵。迪特里希和他的党卫装甲集团军在阿登战役中的表现相当糟糕,这部分是因为阿登的地形,整个装甲集团军只有5条进军道路,很快就被堵塞,空投到敌后的海德上校的伞兵旅无论如何等不来预定的主力接应,被迫投降。整个集团军只有LAH师的派佩尔团级战斗队有过突破性的进展,这还是因为派佩尔在进攻中缴获了一个美军补给站的燃料才得以继续前进的。但派佩尔的部队和LAH师,党卫第1装甲军军部,迪特里希的集团军司令部的联络却无法沟通,进展情况根本不为上级所知,所以集团军根本没有发展这个突破口。阿登战役的明星由预定的党卫装甲集团军,变成了曼陀菲尔的陆军第5装甲集团军。尽管有这样那样的客观条件,但迪特里希及其集团军司令部对战役细节的组织安排能力应该批评,像进军路线,通讯联络,燃料配给这些困难,事先都应有所考虑。当海德上校战前因为担心联络不畅,而向迪特里希建议将信鸽作备用联络手段时,迪特里希居然斥责道你以为我是谁?开动物园的吗?。迪特里希战后曾抱怨说天气也是一个困难,其实他应该感谢糟糕的 天气帮助德军避免了盟军在战役头几天的空中轰炸才对。派佩尔特遣队因为孤军突进过远,不得不撤回来,但此前制造了一起屠杀美军战俘的事件。迪特里希,派佩尔等人将在战后因为此事而受判。阿登战役失败之后,党卫第6装甲集团军被运到匈牙利,隶属沃勒尔的南方集团军群,在巴拉顿湖附近发动对苏军乌克兰第3方面军的反攻,为此,吉勒Gille的武装党卫队第4装甲军也归迪特里希指挥,包括武装党卫队第3骷髅师和第5维京师。但是迪特里希的反攻和苏军向布达佩斯的总攻迎面相撞,在优势苏军的进攻下不得不撤退。为此希特勒大发雷霆,下令取消武装党卫队警卫旗队师,帝国师,骷髅师,霍亨施陶芬师的臂章。这对在前线苦战的迪特里希不啻是一个沉重的打击,当迪特里希获悉这一消息时,整整精神恍惚了一天,嘴里自言自语着在所有这一切之后,这就是感谢。他当即下令禁止传达取消臂章的命令,但此事还是通过其它渠道传下去了。传说迪特里希把全部勋章都摘下来退回给希特勒。但迪特里希没有退回勋章。他的佩橡树叶、双剑、钻石的骑士十字章至今还保存在他的长子家里。匈牙利反攻失败以后,迪特里希的党卫装甲集团军且战且退进入奥地利,在那里向背后的西线美军投降。迪特里希本人向美国第7集团军第36步兵师投降,随即被拘禁。因为阿登战役中党卫军屠杀美军战俘事件,迪特里希和下属的军,师,团指挥官都受到审判,结果迪特里希被判处终生监禁,派普尔被判处死刑(但没有执行),参谋长克莱默判了10年,军长普里斯判了20年。这些人都被关在Landsberg城堡服刑,这个城堡监狱就是1923-1924年间希特勒因为啤酒馆政变失败而被监禁9个月,在狱中写我的奋斗一书的同一所监狱。德军战犯都没有服满刑期,陆续假释出狱。迪特里希和派普尔两人是这个监狱的最后两名战犯,于1955年被假释。但1958年,迪特里希又面临西德政府的审判,这次是因为在1934年希特勒清洗罗姆的纳粹冲锋队的 长刀之夜当中所扮演的角色。这次迪特里希被判刑18个月,但因为健康问题,只坐了半年牢就出来了。1966年迪特里希在家中死于心脏病。因为西德政府的纵容,他的隆重的葬礼上聚集了大批前党卫军成员,造成很恶劣的社会影响。
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原神绯樱绣球是神里绫人和神里绫华的突破材料,绯樱绣球如何快速收集?下面给大家分享一个原神2.6神里绫人神里绫华突破材料绯樱绣球收集攻略一、神里绫人的突破材料及需求量一览【神里绫人】及【神里绫华】突破材料是绯樱绣球,如果有计划要练的小伙伴 可以先收集起来,拉到90级 要的绯樱绣球总数要 168个,绯樱绣球的刷新时间为48小时突破材料为:【刀镡】、【排异之露】-稻妻珊瑚宫的【无相之水】天赋材料:【风雅】、【刀镡】、【凶将之手眼】-稻妻城【周本:雷电将军】【风雅】:周二、周五、周日 可刷,在稻妻城左侧 【副本:董色之庭】二、绯樱绣球路线图路线1:鸣神大社:14个路线2:鸣神大社外:14个3.鸣神大社右山顶上:5个4.鸣神大社树底 洞口:1个5.稻妻城:10个6.荒海:12个7.镇守之森:11个8.鸣神大社树底下:7个9.远:1个三、刀镡路线攻略注:有几处位置是要到达点位或者 在点位的周围才会出现,应该是六角星标记的位置,看图的时候留意一下下(特别说明:有可能一些点也是要激活的,点时候可能忘记了,六角星也可能会点错,一切以游戏内出现的情况为准,路线图仅作为路线推荐参考)路线一:八酝岛路线二:踏鞴砂路线三:九条阵屋路线四:鸣神岛路线五:离岛路线六:刃连岛
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