barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-16 01:37:10
TAG: 英文

星期一:Monday 读作:māng dèi

星期二:Tuesday 读作:tiǖ sī dèi

星期三:Wednesday 读作:wēn sī dèi

星期四:Thursday 读作:sē sī dèi

星期五:Friday 读作:fū ruāi dèi

星期六:Saturday 读作:sā tē dèi

星期日:Sunday 读作:sāng dèi


仅供参 满意请采纳 谢谢













2023-07-15 21:15:204


2023-07-15 21:15:504


星期二的单词是Tuesday,读法是:英[u02c8tjuu02d0zdeu026a; u02c8tjuu02d0zdi],美[u02c8tuzdu026a;-de]。短语Super Tuesday超级星期二 ; 超等礼拜二 ; 州同时举行初选的一天;every Tuesday每周二 ; 星期二 ; 再每周二;monday tuesday写日记 ; 写日志 ; 星期一;last Tuesday上周二 ; 上个星期二;fat tuesday肥美星期二 ; 油腻星期二 ; 肥胖星期二 ; 胖星期二。双语例句1、Try tofix themeetingforTuesday.设法把会议安排在星期二。2、The meetinghas beenarrangedforTuesdayevening.这次会议已安排在星期二晚上举行。3、Theyhave beenrackedwithgriefsinceshediedlastTuesday.从她上星期二去世后,他们一直沉浸在悲痛中。4、The newgovernor"sassumptionof officewill take placenextTuesday.新州长将于下星期二到任就职。5、What doyoudoonTuesday?你们星期二干什么?
2023-07-15 21:17:141


Tuesday:1、意思:n. 星期二2、发音:英 ["tjuu02d0zdeu026a]     美 ["tuu02d0zdeu026a]   3、用法:Tuesday的意思是“星期二”,在美式英语中指一周的第二天,在英式英语中,指一周的第三天。Tuesday来源于Day of Mars(火星日),可缩写成Tues.。Tuesday前一般不用冠词,有时可加定冠词the来表示“所谈到的那一周的星期二”。
2023-07-15 21:17:581


Tuesday英[u02c8tju:zdi] 美[u02c8tuzdi, -u02ccde, u02c8tjuz-]
2023-07-15 21:19:102


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2023-07-15 21:20:163


2023-07-15 21:21:361


2023-07-15 21:21:5312


Monday, Thursday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
2023-07-15 21:22:181


英[u02c8tju:zdeu026a] 美[u02c8tu:zdeu026a]
2023-07-15 21:22:495


Monday [ ?m?nde?] 星期一 Tuesday [ ?tju:zde?]星期二 Wednesday [?wenzde?]星期三 Thursday [ ?θ?:zde? ]星期四 Friday [ ?fra?de? ]星期五 Saturday [?s?t?de?] 星期六 Sunday [ ?s?nde?]星期天
2023-07-15 21:23:302


2023-07-15 21:24:533

tuesday怎么读 英语tuesday怎么读

1、Tuesday英[u02c8tjuu02d0zdeu026a]美[u02c8tuu02d0zdeu026a],n.星期二。 2、[例句]Your suit will be ready for collection on Tuesday.你的西服可在星期二领取。
2023-07-15 21:25:401


问题一:星期二英语怎么念!语音回答 tuesday 问题二:星期二英语怎么读【语音,急啊】 星期一:Monday 读作:māng dèi 星期二:Tuesday 读作:tiǖ sī dèi 星期三:Wednesday 读作:wēn sī dèi 星期四:Thursday 读作:sē sī dèi 星期五:Friday 读作:fū ruāi dèi 星期六:Saturday 读作:sā tē dèi 星期日:Sunday 读作:sāng dèi (用汉语拼音读) 希望帮到你,望采纳,谢谢,加油! 问题三:今天是星期二用英语怎么说 Today is Tuesday. It"s Tuesday today. 问题四:星期二英文怎么读 你好。星期二是Tuesday,首字母必须得大写。希望能为你解答。 问题五:你们星期二有什么课用英语怎么说 What lessons do you have on Tuesday?
2023-07-15 21:26:301


xingqi onexingqi twoxingqi threexingqi fourxingqi fivexingqi sixxingqi sevenxingqi sun
2023-07-15 21:26:584


2023-07-15 21:27:292


2023-07-15 21:27:471


星期二英语单词是Tuesday。音标:英 ["tjuu02d0zdeu026a; -du026a]美 [u02c8tuzdu026a;-de];翻译:星期二;every Tuesday 每周二 ; 星期二 ; 再每周。短语Super Tuesday超级星期二 ; 超等礼拜二 ; 州同时举行初选的一天every Tuesday每周二 ; 星期二 ; 再每周二monday tuesday写日记 ; 写日志 ; 星期一last Tuesday上周二 ; 上个星期二fat tuesday肥美星期二 ; 油腻星期二 ; 肥胖星期二 ; 胖星期二例句1、Try tofix themeetingforTuesday.设法把会议安排在星期二。2、The meetinghas beenarrangedforTuesdayevening.这次会议已安排在星期二晚上举行。3、Theyhave beenrackedwithgriefsinceshediedlastTuesday.从她上星期二去世后,他们一直沉浸在悲痛中。4、The newgovernor"sassumptionof officewill take placenextTuesday.新州长将于下星期二到任就职。5、What doyoudoonTuesday?你们星期二干什么?
2023-07-15 21:28:031


2023-07-15 21:28:202


星期天 Sunday (san dei 老外把周日看作一周的第一天)星期一 Monday (man dei)星期二 Tuesday (tiu zi dei)星期三 Wednesday (wan zi dei)星期四 Thursday (se zi dei)星期五 Friday(fu rai dei)星期六 Saturday (sai te dei)^_^ 不打音标了,网页上打了也乱码,用汉语拼音拼,都用一声读
2023-07-15 21:28:561


亡bedbug DVD gnash
2023-07-15 21:29:057


星期五[x和n ɡ q和w ǔ]周五;Fri。委员会的调查结果将于周五公布。委员会的调查结果将于星期五公布。牛津高级英汉词典注射毒品我们为星期五的旅行多付了50英镑。我们因星期五旅行被多收了50英镑。牛津高级英汉词典3我们最早要到下周五才能完成。我们最早也不能在下周五之前完成。牛津高级英汉词典4一周的票?对不起,没有了。周五的票?抱歉,我们没有剩下的了。牛津高级英汉词典5该队正在为周五的大赛进行训练。该队正在为周五的大赛进行练习。牛津高级英汉词典一站式出国留学攻略
2023-07-15 21:29:401


星期一:Monday(Mon.)星期二:Tuesday(Tues.)星期三:Wednesday(Wed.)星期四:Thursday(Thur./Thurs.)星期五:Friday(Fri.)星期六:Saturday(Sat.)星期日:Sunday(Sun.)扩展资料:古巴比伦人创立的星期制,首先传到古希腊、古罗马等地。古罗马人用他们自己信仰的神的名字来命名1周7天:Sun"s-day(太阳神日),Moon"s-day(月亮神日),Mars"s-day(火星神日),Mercury"s-day(水星神日),Jupiter"s-day(木星神日),Venus"-day(金星神日),Saturn"s-day(土星神日)。这7个名称传到英国后,盎格鲁-撒克逊人又用他们自己的信仰的神的名字改造了其中4个名称,以Tuesday 、Wednesday、Thursday、Friday 分别取代Mars"s-day 、Mercury"s-day 、Jupiter"s-day 、Venus"-day。 Tuesday来源于Tiu,是盎格鲁-撒克逊人的战神;Wednesday来源于Woden,是最高的神,也称主神;Thursday来源于Thor,是雷神;Friday来源于Frigg,是爱情女神。这样就形成了今天英语中的1周7天的名称。
2023-07-15 21:30:041


2023-07-15 21:30:361


Sunday英 [u02c8su028cndeu026a] 美 [u02c8su028cndeu026a]
2023-07-15 21:31:152


2023-07-15 21:31:432


2023-07-15 21:32:112


2023-07-15 21:33:381


2023-07-15 21:33:531


谐音读法Week 星期 威客Monday 周一 忙deiTuesday 周二 Q思deiWednesday 周三 万死deiThursday 周四 瑟思deiFriday 周五 夫ruai deiSaturday 周六 赛特deiSunday 周日 桑dei星期前面用on 例如;on sunday 在周日求采纳
2023-07-15 21:34:192


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2023-07-15 21:35:238


2023-07-15 21:35:564


tuesday的意思是:星期二。读音:英[u02c8tjuu02d0zdeu026a;u02c8tjuu02d0zdi],美['tju028azdei]。释义:n.星期二。例句:The party originally scheduled for Tuesday evening has been put off until early next month.原定于星期二晚上举行的聚会延期到下月初。复数:Tuesdays。短语:this Tuesday本星期二。Tuesday evening星期二晚上。Tuesday week下(或下)周的星期二。on Tuesday在星期二。Tuesday的用法Tuesday来源于Day of Mars(火星日),可缩写成Tues。Tuesday前一般不用冠词,有时可加定冠词the来表示“所谈到的那一周的星期二”。表示“某个星期二”时,Tuesday可加不定冠词a。表示“在星期二”时,一般用介词on,但如果有this,that,last,before,every等词修饰时,不能再用介词on。
2023-07-15 21:36:241


2023-07-15 21:36:503


Monday Tuesday
2023-07-15 21:37:091


2023-07-15 21:37:252


星期一:Monday 读作:māng dèi星期二:Tuesday 读作:tiǖ sī dèi星期三:Wednesday 读作:wēn sī dèi星期四:Thursday 读作:sē sī dèi星期五:Friday 读作:fū ruāi dèi星期六:Saturday 读作:sā tē dèi星期日:Sunday 读作:sāng dèi
2023-07-15 21:37:391


2023-07-15 21:37:471


2023-07-15 21:38:262


2023-07-15 21:38:2714

unexpected error是什么意思

unexpected error意外错误双语例句1Communicator could not complete your request because the profile manager encountered an unexpected error.通信器无法完成您的请求,因为简要表管理器遇到了一个意外的错误。
2023-07-15 21:38:271


2023-07-15 21:38:288

艾薇儿complicated的歌词 谢谢了!

最佳答案Uh huh, life"s like this 嗯,哈,生活就是这样 Uh huh, uh huh, that"s the way it is 嗯,哈,嗯,哈,那是它的本来面目 "Cause life"s like this 因为生活就是这样 Uh huh, uh huh that"s the way it is 嗯,哈,嗯,哈,那是它的本来面目 Chill out whatcha yelling for? 将你呼喊的声音冷静下来 Lay back it"s all been done before 放松自己让往事成为过去 And if you could only let it be 如果你能顺其自然 You will see 你会发觉 I like you the way you are 我喜欢原来的你 When we"re driving in you car 当我们驱车飞驰 And you"re talking to me one on one but you"ve become 你我倾心交谈时,你却变成了 Somebody else round everyone else 人们眼中的另类角色 You"re watching your back like you can"t relax 你心绪紧张,无法从容自如 You"re trying to be cool you look like a fool to me 你试着扮酷,但在我看来那很愚蠢 Tell me 告诉我 Why you have to go and make things so complicated? 为什么要把事情搞得这么错综复杂? I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 你装作与我形同路人的做法使我灰心沮丧 Life"s like this you 生活就是这样 And you fall and you crawl and you break 你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤 And you take what you get and you turn it into honestly 你承爱了一切并想以此表明你的真诚 And promise me I"m never gonna find you fake it 并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心 No no no 不不不 You come over unannounced 你悄然而至 Dressed up like you"re something else 穿得煞有介事 Where you are and where it"s at you see 尽管你感觉良好,然而事与愿违 You"re making me, laugh out when you strike your pose 当你摆开姿态时,你惹得我大笑 Take off all your preppy clothes 脱下你的校服 You know you"re not fooling anyone 你明白你并不是想戏弄别人 When you"ve become 当你成为 Somebody else round everyone else 人们眼中的另类角色 Watching your back, like you can"t relax 你心绪紧张,无法从容自如 Trying to be cool you look like a fool to me 你试着扮酷,但在我看来那很愚蠢 Tell me 告诉我 Why you have to go and make things so complicated? 为什么要把事情搞得这么错综复杂? I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 你装作与我形同路人的做法使我灰心沮丧 Life"s like this you 生活就是这样 And you fall and you crawl and you break 你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤 And you take what you get and you turn it into honestly 你承爱了一切并想以此表明你的真诚 And promise me I"m never gonna find you fake it 并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心 No no no 不不不 Chill out whatcha yelling for? 将你呼喊的声音冷静下来 Lay back, it"s all been done before 放松自己让往事成为过去 And if you could only let it be 如果你能顺其自然 You would see 你会发觉 Somebody else round everyone else 人们眼中的另类角色 You"re watching your back, like you can"t relax 你心绪紧张,无法从容自如 You"re trying to be cool, you look like a fool to me 你试着扮酷,但在我看来那很愚蠢 Tell me 告诉我 Why you have to go and make things so complicated? 为什么要把事情搞得这么错综复杂? I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 你装作与我形同路人的做法使我灰心沮丧 Life"s like this you 生活就是这样 And you fall and you crawl and you break 你跌倒下去你匍匐不前你身心俱伤 And you take what you get and you turn it into honestly 你承爱了一切并想以此表明你的真诚 And promise me I"m never gonna find you fake it 并且许诺说我绝不会发现你伪善的心 No no no 不不不 GirlFriendAvril Lavigne-GirlfriendHey Hey You You I don"t like your girlfriend No way No way I think you need a new one Hey Hey You You I could be your girlfriend Hey Hey You You I know that you like me No way No way No, it"s not a secret Hey Hey You You I want to be your girlfriend You"re so fine I want you mine You"re so delicious I think about you all the timeYou"re so addictive Don"t you know What I can do To make you feel alright Don"t pretend I think you know I"m damn precious And hell yeah I"m the mother fucking princess I can tell you like me too And you know I"m right She"s like so whatever You can do so much better I think we should get together nowAnd that"s what everyone"s talking about Hey Hey You You I don"t like your girlfriend No way No way I think you need a new one Hey Hey You You I could be your girlfriend Hey Hey You You I know that you like me No way No way No, it"s not a secret Hey Hey You You I want to be your girlfriend I can see the way I see the way You look at me And even when you look away I know you think of me I know you talk about me all the timeagain and again So come over here and tell me what I wanna hear Better, yet, make your girlfriend disappear I don"t wanna hear you say her name ever again Because...She"s like so whatever You can do so much better I think we should get together now And that"s what everyone"s talking about Hey Hey You You I don"t like your girlfriend No way No way I think you need a new one Hey Hey You You I could be your girlfriend Hey Hey You You I know that you like me No way No way No, it"s not a secret Hey Hey You You I want to be your girlfriend In a second you"ll be wrapped around my finger "Cause I can, "cause I can do it better There"s no other, so when"s it gonna sink in She"s so stupid, what the hell were you thinking? In a second you"ll be wrapped around my finger "Cause I can, "cause I can do it better There"s no other, so when"s it gonna sink in She"s so stupid, what the hell were you thinking? Hey Hey You You I don"t like your girlfriend No way No way I think you need a new one Hey Hey You You I could be your girlfriend (No Way) Hey Hey You You I know that you like me No way No way No, it"s not a secret Hey Hey You You I want to be your girlfriend (No Way) Hey Hey You You I don"t like your girlfriend ( No Way!) No way No way I think you need a new one (Hey!) Hey Hey You You I could be your girlfriend (No Way!) Hey Hey You You I know that you like me (Now Way!) No way No way No, it"s not a secret (Hey!) Hey Hey You You I want to be your girlfriend (No Way!) Hey Hey!
2023-07-15 21:38:304


2023-07-15 21:38:225

complicated 艾薇儿 这首歌的歌词?

Album: Have A Nice Day Take a look around This is what I see Is there anybody else That feels like me, yeah You sweat, you sweat You bleed, you bleed What you get ain"t what you see Up is down and black is white to me I"m.plicated I get frustrated Right or wrong Love or hate it I"m.plicated You can"t sedate it I heard that song But I won"t play it It"s alright It"s OK You wouldn"t want me any other way Momma, keep on praying Cause I ain"t changin" I"m.plicated, yeah I"m.plicated, yeah I"m smart enough to know What I don"t know I"m fool enough to stay When I should go You work, you work You cry, you cry You watch your whole life pass you by Sometimes you"ve got to close your eyes to see I"m.plicated I get frustrated Right or wrong Love or hate it I"m.plicated You can"t sedate it I heard that song But I won"t play it It"s alright It"s OK You wouldn"t want me any other way Momma, keep on praying Cause I ain"t changin" I"m.plicated, yeah I"m.plicated, yeah Is there anybody out there? Just like everybody out there Just one somebody out there Just like me I"m.plicated I get frustrated Right or wrong Love or hate it I"m.plicated You can"t sedate it I heard that song But I won"t play it Is there anybody out there? Just like everybody out there Just one somebody out there Just like me Is there anybody out there? Just like everybody out there Just one somebody out there Just like me I"m.plicated
2023-07-15 21:38:204


美国梦之五队梦五队:主教练乔治·卡尔(George Karl)球员名单:埃尔顿·布兰德(Elton Brand),来自芝加哥公牛(Chicago Bulls) 尼克·科利森(Nick Collison),来自堪萨斯大学(University of Kansas) 安东尼奥·戴维斯(Antonio Davis),来自多伦多猛龙(Toronto Raptors) 拜伦·戴维斯(Baron Davis),来自夏洛特黄蜂(Charlotte Hornets) 迈克尔·芬利(Michael Finley),来自达拉斯小牛(Dallas Mavericks) 莱夫·拉弗伦茨(Raef LaFrentz),来自达拉斯小牛(Dallas Mavericks) 肖恩·马里昂(Shawn Marion),来自菲尼克斯太阳(Phoenix Suns) 安德烈·米勒(Andre Miller),来自克利夫兰骑士(Cleveland Cavaliers) 雷吉·米勒(Reggie Miller),来自印第安纳步行者(Indiana Pacers) 杰梅恩·奥尼尔(Jermaine O"Neal),来自印第安纳步行者(Indiana Pacers) 保罗·皮尔斯(Paul Pierce),来自波士顿凯尔特人(Boston Celtics) 本·华莱士(Ben Wallace),来自底特律活塞(Detroit Pistons) 杰伊·威廉姆斯(Jay Williams),来自芝加哥公牛(Chicago Bulls)
2023-07-15 21:38:182


  to的用法在英语学习中是比较重要的一个知识点,也是广大学生比较容易混淆的知识点之一。 t接下来我在这里给大家带来to用法,我们一起来看看吧!   to用法   在英语中to的用法是比较重要的,一般来说 to 有两种基本用法:   1.做介词,表示“到,向,往”,如go to,fly to,后面跟名词作定语,构成介宾结构。   2.动词不定式的标志,很常见的,如:want to do,be happy to do。   注意有一些看似不定式但实为介词的结构,如 look forward to,pay attention to ,他们后面跟动词的ing 形式作宾语,千万不能跟原形。   其他的如to +do 作定语等等基本都是以上两种用法的延伸。   而to的用法重点主要是作介词,下面讲解to作为介词的用法,大约有20多种   一:表示相对,针对   be strange (common, new, familiar, peculiar, distinct, sensitive,immune, vulnerable, indispensable) to   Air is indispensable to life.   Aircrafts are vulnerable to interference caused by radiation.   This injection will make you immune to infection.   二:表示对比,比较   1:以-ior结尾的形容词,后接介词to表示比较,如:superior ,inferior,prior,senior,junior   The quarrel happened prior to my arrival.   2: 一些本身就含有比较或比拟意思的形容词,如equal,similar,equivalent,analogous   A is similar to B in many ways.   3:表示一些先后顺序的形容词,如:second,subsequent,next,preliminary,preparatory   Subsequent to the war,they returned to their hometown.   4: to也偶尔出现在个别动词之后,与动词形成固定词组,表示比较,如:prefer to,compare to,incontrast to   compare to sth.表示比喻或比拟,而compare with sth.表示比较,如:   World is usually compared to a stage   Compared with his past,he has changed a lot.   Prefer的正确句型是:prefer A to B或prefer doing A to doing B,但当prefer后接动词不定式时,表示比较的介   词to就要改成rather than ,如:   The undaunted soldier preferred death to surrender.   Many people prefer spending money to earning money.   They prefer to pursue careers rather than remain home as house wives.   5: to与及个别的名词构成比较之意,如:alternative   Going to an under water concert is a great alternative to going to dinner.   三: 表示修饰关系   1: 表示回复,反应意思的词,如:answer to question,   solution to problem,response to inquiry,reaction to proposal,reply to letter   2: 表示建筑构件的词汇,如: entry,entrance,approach,access,passage,exit,vent,path   the approach to a bridge引桥   the approach to science   Half of the population was estimated to have no access to the health service.   The access to education 接受教育的机会   The access to medical care 享受公费医疗的权利   3: 表示人物职位和官衔的词,如:assistant to manager, ambassador to Spain, successor to tradition,heir to   throne,deputy to the National Peopleu2019s Congress   advisor to the Prime Minister   4: 表示权利和许可的词汇,如:right,admission   The employee finally got the admission to the boardroom.   Everyone has an equal right to u2026u2026..   5: 表示栅栏或障碍的词汇,如:bars to development,the barrier to progress   6: 表示与书籍,文本相关的词,如:introduction to passage.   7: 表示恭喜或是祝贺,如:   The director proposed a toast to the health of the guests.   Let"s drink to Dicku2019s success in business   8: 另外还有一些名词符合这种用法,有的具有两者息息相关,缺一不可的含义.如:key todoor,invitation to   party,   guide to action,limitation to life,accessory to school   四: to还具有依据,伴随,和着节奏的含义,   如:sing to piano, chance to the tune, stamp to the rhythm of the song, add salt to taste   (一):表示相关联,相连接,如:be related to,be relative to,in relation to,be relevant to,link to   Investigate all the facts related to the problem.   People often linked walth to happiness.   (二):表示反对和赞同。   1:to引导的表示反对,抗拒,对抗意义的词组。Be opposed to,be oppsist to,be contrary to,beadverse to,be   resistant to,be contradictory to,object to,oppose to,deny tp,be aline to   These buildings are resistant to earthquake.   They are to tally opposed to any changes being made in the plans.   2: to引导的表示同意,赞同意义的词组:consent to,subseribe to,   The employer consented to give him a salary raise.   表示调整,使符合,使适应的含义,如:adapt to,commodate to, adjust to,conform to,habituateto,fit to,suit   to,correspond to,cater to   She tried to habituate herself to the style of plain living.   Your action should conform to the interests of the people.   They offered various foods to cater to the need of customers.   His words doesnu2019t fit to his actions.   Suit your writing style to the masses.   3: 表示投降,屈服,服从的含义,如:be subject to,be subordinate to,submit to,subject to,surrenderto,give in   to,confess to,admit to.   The minority is subordinate to the majority少数服从多数   Countries nearby oceans are always subject to earthquake.   He confessed to having robbed the woman of her wallet.   Weu2019re not the kind of people to yield to any military threat.   五: 表示趋势或倾向,   如:tend to,be prone to,be inclined to,be apt to,be liable to   Heu2019s liable to seasickness.   You are liable to come to wrong conclusion.   六: 表示对事情的坚持与执着,   如:sick to,hold o,adhere to,cling to   He still holds on to his original views.   七: 表示约束,局限,   如:limit to,confine to,resrict to   Heu2019s confined to the house by illness.   He confined his remarks to scientific mangement.   八: 表示一种习惯或是一种适应性,   如:get (be) to,used to,be accustomed to   Finally,the students got used to my teaching method.   九: 表示起因和原由,   如wing to,due to,thanks to,attribute to,come down to   The flight was cancelled due to the thick fog.   The famous artist attributed his success to his wife.   十: 表示目的或结果,   如:aim to,lead to,give rise to   I aim to be an excellent college teacher.   His conceit lead to his failure.   These bad condition has given rise to a lot of crises   十一: 表示命运,注定,   如:be doomed to,be destined to,   All military adventures by the two super powers are doomed to fail.   十二: 表示数量上的积累或增加,   如:in addition to,add to,amount to   In addition to relief supplies,he also presented with some money.   The annual output of steel amounts to 1200 tons.   十三: 表示全身心投入的含义,   如:be addicted to,contribute to,devote to,commit to   He is determined to devote all his life to his.   十四: 表示展望或是回顾,   如:look forward to反date back to   The church dates back to the 13th century.   十五: 表示方位概念.   如:close to,next to   I donu2019t like wool next to my skin.   十六: 表示依靠或借助,   如:resort to,turn to,appeal to,   He usually appeals to arms to settle the territory dispute.   十七: 表示有关注,关于: as to,with regard to   十八: 表示关注或重视,如:pay attention to,attach to,   We should attach primary importance to job training.   十九: 表示依据或是根据,如:according to,in proportion to   According to todayu2019s newspaper,the match will be postponed.   The lending countries subscribe towards capital stock in proportion to heir economic importance.   二十: 表示应该或必须含义的句式, 如:   Itu2019s time to get up.   We are supposed to get here at seven.   Itu2019s up to this country to ban nuclear weapons.   to相关解释   prep. 到; 向,朝着; 关于; 属于;   adv. 朝一个方向的; 到某种状态; 关闭;   to例句   1 Two friends and I drove to Florida during college spring break   我和两个朋友在大学春假期间开车去了佛罗里达。   2 We went to a party at the leisure centre   我们去休闲中心参加一个聚会。   3 There was a piece of cloth tied to the dog"s collar   狗项圈上系着一条布。   4 Hemingway"s studio is to the right   海明威的工作室在右面。   5 He picked up the knife and gave it to me   他捡起刀子递给我。
2023-07-15 21:38:181