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2023-07-16 11:16:49
TAG: bo borrow row orr ro ow




borrow的用法3:borrow不用于borrow sb sth结构,被借对象一般用from或of引出,后者更正式; 与on连用时,表示“以…抵押来借款”。



用作动词 (v.)

borrow from〔of〕 (v.+prep.)

从…借入; 借用 get (sth) from (sb) for a certain time, intending to give it back; take and use (sth) as one"s own

borrow from〔of〕 sb

borrow sth from〔of〕 sb

用于 be ~ed 结构




lend 指将自己的东西借出给别人,也可用于借喻意义。


borrow 指从某人或某处借来某物,也可用作比喻。

loan 指通过正式的手续,借数目较大的贷款。在美国也可指借出东西。



borrow 英 ["bu0252ru0259u028a] 美 ["bɑro] vi. 借;借用;从其他语言中引入vt. 借;借用n. (Borrow)人名;(英)博罗
2023-07-16 06:55:032


  borrow既能做名词也能做动词,那么你知道borrow做名词和动词分别都是什么意思吗?下面我为大家带来borrow的英语意思解释和英语例句,供你参考!   borrow作名词的意思:   借,借用;担保物,抵押   borrow作动词的意思:   借入;借钱,借用;[数]由上位借;抄袭   borrow的英语音标:   英 [u02c8bu0252ru0259u028a] 美 [u02c8bɑu02d0rou028a]   borrow的时态:   现在分词: borrowing   过去式: borrowed   过去分词: borrowed   borrow的英语例句:   1. Most people here cannot borrow from banks because they lack collateral.   由于拿不出东西作为抵押,这里大部分人无法从银行贷款。   2. Investors can borrow an amount equal to the property"s purchase price.   投资者可以获得与房产购买价格相等的借款额。   3. "Why don"t you borrow your sister"s car?" said Cassandra stiffly.   “你为什么不借用你姐姐的车呢?”卡桑德拉生硬地说道。   4. Can I borrow a pen please? .   我可以借支笔吗?   5. He wouldn"t let me borrow his clothes.   他不愿我借他的衣服。   6. Can I borrow your umbrella?   借你的伞用一下行吗?   7. Of course he would be ashamed to borrow often.   当然,常常向人借钱他自己也会惭愧的.   8. Is it okay with you if I borrow this book?   我借这本书你不在意吧?   9. You can borrow my exam notes, such as they are.   你可以借我的考试笔记去看, 虽然它们做得不是很好.   10. The axe go to the wood where it borrow its helve.   斧头伐木不畏缩,尽管斧柄木头做.   11. We can not borrow money during the present credIt"squeeze.   在银根紧的时候,我们借不出钱来.   12. She permitted me to borrow the book.   她允许我借那本书.   13. Can I borrow a pencil? — Yes, help yourself.   我能借用一支铅笔 吗 ?——可以, 自己拿吧.   14. She used to borrow money from her friends.   她常向她的朋友们借钱.   15. Can I borrow two books at a time?
2023-07-16 06:55:231

borrow是什么意思 详解borrow的含义和用法?

borrow是一个英语单词,它的意思是“借入、借用”。在日常生活中,我们常常需要借用别人的物品或者借钱,这时候就可以使用borrow这个词语。4. borrow + time:表示延迟某个时间,例如:Can I borrow some time to finish this project?(我能借用点时间来完成这个项目吗?)1. borrow + something:表示借用某物,例如:Can I borrow your pen?(我能借用你的笔吗?)总之,borrow是一个常用的英语单词,用法简单,但是需要注意的是,使用时需要根据情境选择合适的搭配。2. borrow + money:表示借钱,例如:I need to borrow some money from the bank.(我需要向银行借些钱。)
2023-07-16 06:55:361


重读闭音节,且末尾只有1个辅音字母,双写辅音字母+ing什么叫闭音节?单个元音字母后面有辅字组(r w y 除外)且以辅字组结尾的重读音节。例如:bag egg fish not cup英语重读闭音节就是所谓的元音字母不是发它本身的字母音,重读闭音节就是指在一个音节中,以辅音因素结尾的而且是重读音节的音节比如apple 划音节就因该是ap/ple 前面那个ap 是一个音节以辅音因素p结尾就是闭音节。重读闭音节三要素:1. 必须是重读音节;2. 最后只有一个辅音字母;3.元音字母发短元音重读闭音节就要双写.重读闭音节即两个辅音中间夹一个元音.如:sit---sitting
2023-07-16 06:55:561


一、从基本词义上看两者都可表示“借”,但是 borrow 指“借入”,而 lend 则指“借出”,两者其实是一对反义词,而不是同义词。如:Can I borrow your bike? 我可以借用你的自行车吗?He lent his dictionary to me. 他把字典借给我。He was often sent out to borrow. 他常常被派出去借钱。Some people neither borrows nor lends. 有的人既不借也不贷。二、从句型搭配上看1.要表示“向某人借某物”,英语用borrow sth from sb,其中用介词from。如:Don"t borrow money from her. 不要向她借钱。Sam borrowed a car from his friend. 萨姆向他的朋友借来了一辆车。2. 要表示“把某物借给某人”,英语用lend sth to sb,其中用介词to。如:He lent his pen to me. 他把他的钢笔借给了我。He told me not to lend it to her. 他叫我别把它借给她。三、从是否接双宾语来看lend 可接双宾语(即可用于 lend sb sth),但 borrow 则不能接双宾语(即不能用于 borrow sb sth)。如:Could you lend me some money? 你能否借给我一点钱?He offered to lend me some books. 他主动提出借给我几本书。扩展资料几乎所有的日耳曼语源字汇(包括一切基本字汇,如代词、连词等)都相对来说更短、更非正式。法语或拉丁语源的字汇通常代表更加优雅或更能显示专业造诣,显得比较有知识。但是,过多运用古拉丁语源字汇,则会被认为矫饰或刻意卖弄,而过多使用日耳曼语源的词汇又会给人粗俗、无文化、地位低下的印象。乔治·奥威尔的文章《政治与英语》对此作了透彻的描写。
2023-07-16 06:56:041


如果事实是A把东西借给了B那么就是 A lend sth to B或者 B borrow sth from Alend 是借出去borrow 是借进来
2023-07-16 06:56:194


borrow 英[u02c8bu0252ru0259u028a] 美[u02c8bɑ:rou028a] vt. 借入; 借钱,借用; [数] 由上位借; 抄袭; n. 借,借用; 担保物,抵押; [英史] 什一税; [例句]Can I borrow a pen please?我可以借支笔吗?[其他] 第三人称单数:borrows 现在分词:borrowing 过去式:borrowed过去分词:borrowed
2023-07-16 06:57:041

borrow怎么读 borrow如何读

1、borrow英[u02c8bu0252ru0259u028a]美[u02c8bu0254u02d0rou028a]。 2、v.借; 借用; 借入(款项); (向…)借贷; 引用,借用(思想、言语等); 3、n.借; 担保物; 什一税; 博罗; 4、[例句]Well have to borrow the money we need.我们需要的这笔钱只好去借了。 5、[其他]第三人称单数:borrows 现在分词:borrowing 过去式:borrowed 过去分词:borrowed。
2023-07-16 06:57:111


borrow vt.借借用; 借入采取,取土,取料,挖出[开采]料(演算减法时)从某数借(一位)剽窃; 模仿; 盗用从一种语言引进到另一种语言自另一组音栓引入管风琴音管borrow money from [of] sb.向某人借钱borrow a word from Ru...
2023-07-16 06:57:221


borrow可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。 borrow不用于borrow sb sth结构,被借对象一般用from或of引出,后者更正式; 与on连用时,表示“以…抵押来借款”。 扩展资料   borrow的基本意思是“借”,指向某人或从某处借走某物(借用不能带走的东西一般用use)。引申可表示“将别人的东西当作自己的来使用,抄袭某事物”“某语言借用另一种语言的词语”。   borrow是非延续性动词,表示“借”这一行为时不能与表示一段时间的.状语连用,但在表示借来以后使用的时间时却可以和表示一段时间的状语连用。
2023-07-16 06:57:451


  borrow有借;借鉴;抄袭等意思,那么你知道borrow的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习borrow的用法和 短语 例句吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    borrow的用法   borrow的用法1:borrow的基本意思是“借”,指向某人或从某处借走某物(借用不能带走的东西一般用use)。引申可表示“将别人的东西当作自己的来使用,抄袭某事物”“某语言借用另一种语言的词语”。   borrow的用法2:borrow可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。   borrow的用法3:borrow不用于borrow sb sth结构,被借对象一般用from或of引出,后者更正式; 与on连用时,表示“以u2026抵押来借款”。   borrow的用法4:borrow是非延续性动词,表示“借”这一行为时不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,但在表示借来以后使用的时间时却可以和表示一段时间的状语连用。    borrow的常用短语   用作动词 (v.)   borrow from〔of〕 (v.+prep.)   从u2026借入; 借用 get (sth) from (sb) for a certain time, intending to give it back; take and use (sth) as one"s own   borrow from〔of〕 sb   borrow sth from〔of〕 sb   用于 be ~ed 结构   borrow相关词汇辨析   lend,borrow,loan   这些动词均含“借”之意。   lend 指将自己的东西借出给别人,也可用于借喻意义。   borrow 指从某人或某处借来某物,也可用作比喻。   loan 指通过正式的手续,借数目较大的贷款。在美国也可指借出东西。   borrow的用法例句   1. Most people here cannot borrow from banks because they lack collateral.   由于拿不出东西作为抵押,这里大部分人无法从银行贷款。   2. Investors can borrow an amount equal to the property"s purchase price.   投资者可以获得与房产购买价格相等的借款额。   3. "Why don"t you borrow your sister"s car?" said Cassandra stiffly.   “你为什么不借用你姐姐的车呢?”卡桑德拉生硬地说道。   4. Can I borrow a pen please? .   我可以借支笔吗?   5. He wouldn"t let me borrow his clothes.   他不愿我借他的衣服。   6. Can I borrow your umbrella?   借你的伞用一下行吗?   7. Of course he would be ashamed to borrow often.   当然,常常向人借钱他自己也会惭愧的.   8. Is it okay with you if I borrow this book?   我借这本书你不在意吧?   9. You can borrow my exam notes, such as they are.   你可以借我的考试笔记去看, 虽然它们做得不是很好.   10. The axe go to the wood where it borrow its helve.   斧头伐木不畏缩,尽管斧柄木头做.   11. We can not borrow money during the present credIt"squeeze.   在银根紧的时候,我们借不出钱来.   12. She permitted me to borrow the book.   她允许我借那本书.   13. Can I borrow a pencil? — Yes, help yourself.   我能借用一支铅笔吗 ?——可以, 自己拿吧.   14. She used to borrow money from her friends.   她常向她的朋友们借钱.   15. Can I borrow two books at a time?   我可以一次借两本书吗 ? 猜你喜欢: 1. help的同义词 2. answer的反义词 3. happy的同义词 4. nice的同义词 5. borrow的反义词 6. even的短语
2023-07-16 06:59:171


2023-07-16 06:59:251


borrow和lend的区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同borrowv. 借;借鉴;抄袭。lendv. 借给;贷款;借(出)。二、用法不同borrowborrow的基本意思是“借”,指向某人或从某处借走某物(借用不能带走的东西一般用use)。引申可表示“将别人的东西当作自己的来使用,抄袭某事物”“某语言借用另一种语言的词语”。borrow可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。He uses his house as security to borrow the money.他用房子作借钱的抵押。lendlend的基本意思是“借出”,引申也可表示“提供”“帮助”“增添”等。可用作及物动词或不及物动词,用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。lend后可接反身代词,再接介词to,反身代词指人时,表示“欣然同意做某事或参与、合谋做某事”;反身代词指物时,表示“适合某种用途、活动等”。Would you please lend me your pencil?请把铅笔借给我用用好吗?三、侧重点不同borrowborrow是“借进”,表示“向某人借”,跟from〔of〕连用。含“借”之意,borrow指从某人或某处借来某物,也可用作比喻。lendlend是“借出”,表示“借给某人”,跟to连用。含“借”之意,lend指将自己的东西借出给别人,也可用于借喻意义。
2023-07-16 06:59:501


1、borrow和lend的区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。 2、含义不同。borrow。v. 借;借鉴;抄袭。lend。v. 借给;贷款;借(出)。 3、用法不同:borrow的基本意思是“借”,指向某人或从某处借走某物(借用不能带走的东西一般用use)。引申可表示“将别人的东西当作自己的来使用,抄袭某事物”“某语言借用另一种语言的词语”。borrow可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。 4、lend的基本意思是“借出”,引申也可表示“提供”“帮助”“增添”等。可用作及物动词或不及物动词,用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。lend后可接反身代词,再接介词to,反身代词指人时,表示“欣然同意做某事或参与、合谋做某事”;反身代词指物时,表示“适合某种用途、活动等”。 5、侧重点不同。borrow是“借进”,表示“向某人借”,跟from〔of〕连用。含“借”之意,borrow指从某人或某处借来某物,也可用作比喻。lend是“借出”,表示“借给某人”,跟to连用。含“借”之意,lend指将自己的东西借出给别人,也可用于借喻意义。
2023-07-16 07:00:361


borrow的音标:/bɑu02d0ru0259u028a/。borrow是一个动词,意为“借,借用”,常用于借入钱、物品或思想等方面。1、borrow something from someone:从某人那里借某物。2、borrow something from somewhere:从某个地方借某物。3、borrow something:借某物。4、borrow from someone:向某人借东西或钱。5、borrow on (something):用某物作担保借钱。6、borrow time:暂时寻求解决方案。7、borrow trouble:自找麻烦,无端担忧。8、borrow a line / borrow a joke:借鉴他人的话或笑话。borrow的例句1、I need to borrow your car to go to the supermarket.(我需要借你的车去超市。)2、Can I borrow some sugar from you?(我能向你借一点糖吗?)3、I borrowed this book from the library.(我从图书馆借了这本书。)4、She is always borrowing money from her friends.(她总是向朋友借钱。)5、He was able to borrow on his house to start his own business.(他能够用自己的房子作担保借钱来开办自己的企业。)6、We are just borrowing time until we can find a better solution.(我们只是寻求暂时解决方案,直到找到更好的解决方案。)
2023-07-16 07:01:271

2023-07-16 06:58:315


2023-07-16 06:58:373


2023-07-16 06:58:411

underlying disease是什么意思

underlying disease[英][u02ccu028cndu0259u02c8laiiu014b diu02c8zi:z][美][u02c8u028cndu025au02cclau026au026au014b du026au02c8ziz][医]隐晦的疾病; 例句:1.He or she does not have to go through treatment for an underlying disease. 他/她不需要对这一潜在的疾病进行任何治疗。2.It is unlikely that all these athletes have a monogenetic underlying disease,nor that performance enhancing drugs are the sole explanation of thesechanges. 并不是所有运动员都有潜在性单基因疾病,性能增强的药物也并非是这些变化的唯一解释。
2023-07-16 06:58:421


2023-07-16 06:58:493

underlying trend是什么意思

是 潜在趋势 的意思
2023-07-16 06:58:503


  你知道不好吃的英文怎么说吗?下面一起来看看吧。   不好吃的英文释义:   taste yucky   doesn"t taste good   taste bad   不好吃的英文例句:   难道这个 蛋糕 不好吃吗?   A: Isnu2019t this cake good?   怎么了。不好吃吗?   A: What"s the matter? It doesn"t taste good?   现在呢,希望还是有的,虽然饭堂不好吃,你还可以和朋友一起出去下馆子呀。   Now, now hope is not lost. You and your friends still have the option of going outto eat at restaurants.   记住,大多数的美式鸡肉都不好吃。   Remember, too, that most American chicken is resolutely tasteless.   一个甜汉堡就是我们的极限了,并不是因为它这三块东西不好吃,相反,豆腐加印度豆豉实际上令人意想不到地就上瘾了。   One Sugar Burger"s our limit, but not because the three-bite treat isn"t tasty.   在“不好吃”与“饿死”之间,我会选择u2026   In Toronto, nothing is good for eat.   A但那没有排队的肯定不好吃是把? 不好吃的英文单词   Amanda: But there"s no line there. It must not be very good, right?   只听见“呸、呸、呸”的声音,小猴子苦着脸说:“说什么西瓜好吃,一点都不好吃。”   The " pah , pah " sound was heard. And little monkey said unhappily:"Thewatermelon is not delicious at all as it is said.   采访中,一位工友说,拿煮饭为例,他们也知道板房用电危险,但在食堂吃既贵又不好吃,一家人还是更愿意在家里煮。   Interview, one worker said, get cooking, for example, they know that board roompower risk, but not in the cafeteria to eat not only your taste, a person or prefer tocook at home.   如今我猜想是那女孩缠着她爸给她买豆腐花,后来却又嫌不好吃不吃了。她的爸爸于是非常生气。   I guess now the girl pestered her father to buy the tofu pudding for her and thenwas off her feed. And her father so got very angry.   蔬菜尝起来不好吃。它们被煮的时间不长。   The vegetables didn"t taste very good. They had been cooked for too long.   饭菜不好吃,可姬特姑妈还往里加调味料。   B. The food tasted bad, however Aunt Kit fixed it.   你知道吗?这些打包就不好吃了。   Lily: No. You know what? This isn"t gonna travel well.   我们经常出去吃饭,因为学校的饭菜太不好吃。   We often go out for a dinner, because the food of the school is too bad.   有些水果的外面部分不好吃。   The outsides parts of some fruit are not good to eat.   有些植物好吃,而 其它 一些则不好吃。   Certain plants are good to eat but others are not. weijiahedeboke   我是说,你想,你们听说过俄国食品好吃还是不好吃?   I mean, in your imagination, have you guys heard that Russian food is good or what?   烤土司的机器把土司烤得很焦脆,一点都不好吃,有点品味的人都这么觉得,为什么人们还在用?   Why do toasters always have a setting that burns the toast to a horrible crisp, which no decent human being would eat?   许多大虎蛾类使用鼓膜制造特定声音,以警告蝙蝠他们是不好吃的那类蛾。   Many species of tiger moth use the tymbals to make specific sounds that warn thebat of their bad taste.   先生,您的蛋挞做好了,建议您尽快吃,因为时间一长凉了就不好吃了。   Mr. B, your egg tarts are ready! Please eat it while it"s hot! It doesn"t taste as nice when it"s cold.   看看这个,当你抱怨食物不好吃,还有每天浪费你的食物的时候,请好好想。   Think and look at this u2026when you complain about your food and the.   “爸爸,苍蝇好吃吗?哈利问。”当然不好吃,“父亲说,你怎么想问起这个?”   "Daddy, do flies taste? Harry asked. " Of course it"s bad, "my father said, how doyou want to ask that?"   瑞航上的东西不太好吃,尽管如此,这却是在万米高空上唯一能做的事情。   Food on airplane of swiss not so good, Afterall, This is only thing i can do abovethe air.   珍妮用了某种特殊酱料调味,但是她的意大利面还是不太好吃。   Jenny used some special sauce to add flavor. But her pasta still didn"t taste very good.   我们放假四天,所以与几个同事去了一家韩国店吃午饭,我觉得不太好吃。   We have four days off this week. So I went to a Korean restaurant with three co-workers. I didn"t like the food very much but had fun with friends.   这东西不怎么好吃,但至少很便宜。   The food wasn"t good, but at least it was cheap.   下次当你咬苹果的时候,别忘了苹果不只是好吃而已,还能让你长保健康。   The next time you bite into an apple, remember apples are more than justmouthwatering . They also keep you healthy.   包装盒上说烤焙与薄饼面料混合,但没有添加一些主要调料,薄饼是不好吃的。   The package says baking and pancake mix, but the pancakes were not tastywithout some major tweaking to the recipe.   包装盒上说烤焙与薄饼面料混合,但没有添加一些主要调料,薄饼是不好吃的。   The package says baking and pancake mix, but the pancakes were not tastywithout some major tweaking to the recipe.
2023-07-16 06:58:501

one more chance什么意思

2023-07-16 06:58:514

万妮达的dirty mind原唱是谁

艺人: Vinida万妮达 语种: 国语 唱片公司: 独立发行 发行时间: 2016年02月29日 专辑类别: EP、单曲 专辑风格: 南方说唱 Southern Hip Hop, 流行说唱 Pop Rap, 当代节奏布鲁斯 Contemporary R&B
2023-07-16 06:58:511


震惊:肉食背后的25个真相如果本文中的前24条还不足以震动你的思维,或者你看过之后无动于衷,那么,请你按照第25条去做。  1.倘若人们能改吃素食,美国所使用的石油数量,将会降低60%。而这些石油都是原本被用来诸如:动物饲料的生产和运输、动物的饲养屠宰、肉类的储藏运输零售、人畜共患疾病的医院救助和相关医药的研发生产运输等等。数百亿生命惨遭屠戮  2.每年有十八亿饲养的哺乳动物,死于人类的口腹之欲下,连带包括二百二十五亿的鸟、鸡和其它家禽,以及数千万亿条的鱼。单单在美国,每周就有一亿两千万只农场动物,被残酷杀死来作为人类的食物。  3.制造一磅的肉得消耗掉十六磅的玉米、小麦或其它谷类。我们应该知道,每一个吃素的人都在帮助储存自然资源,并且为地球的未来贡献一份心力。吃素的人解放了那些被用来饲养可怜动物的土地。--查理.莎特博士,麻州心理学家。  4.想象一间有四十五至五十人在里面的房间,这些人的面前摆着空碗,只要你吃一顿牛排的费用,就可以在每个人的空碗里装满煮熟的米饭。  5.在你居住、工作、吃饭以及与朋友和亲戚们享受人生的这个星球上,每二秒钟就有一个可怜的孩子因饥饿而死。你知道这件事吗?现在你知道了,该怎么做呢?6.美国政-府每年花在补贴牛肉和小牛肉上的经费为一百亿美元;用来生产饲养家畜用的美国农地,占了全部农地的64%;用来生产水果和蔬菜的美国农地,占了2%;生产一磅肉,需要2500加仑的水;生产一磅小麦,只需要25加仑的水。  7.虽然目前美国人的牛肉食用量比一九七0年时降低了13%,但牛肉依然是全美的主要肉品,平均每人每年大约要消耗六十四磅(约三十公斤)的牛肉。以美国二亿五千万人口计算,每年全美平均要消耗一百六十亿磅的牛肉,等于屠宰至少一千六百万头牛,甚至超过澳洲一千五百万的总人口数。  8.让动物活着,然后不停的施打镇定剂、荷尔蒙、抗生素,以及二千七百种其它的药物,好让他们长得又肥又壮。这整个过程甚至在他们出生以前就已经开始,一直延续到死亡以后。虽然你在吃肉的时候,这些药物仍会出现食物中,但是法律并没有要求将那些药物列在肉品的包装上。--盖瑞与史蒂芬.怒尔《你体内的毒药》  9.一只被捕获的“食用动物”的一生,就是由不自然的人工繁殖、恶意的人为迫害与注射荷尔蒙刺激,以及为了增肥的目标而摄取异常的饮食所构成;最后,它们在极度痛苦之中,走向自己最终的死亡。  10.若每天进食牛肉、猪肉和羊肉的人,他们罹患结肠癌的机会比在一个月内不曾吃肉的人高出三倍。  11.每天食用四十七公克的大豆蛋白质,可在一个月内平均降低9.3%的胆固醇浓度,而对那些每十分之一公升血液中含有超过三百毫克胆固醇的高胆固醇患者,其浓度最高可以下降20%。结肠癌手术  12.在美国,牛肉业造成的死亡人数比本世纪战争、自然疾病和车祸造成的死亡人数全部加起来的数目还多。  13.我们都知道农药和杀虫剂具有很强的毒性且不易分解。生物学家调查发现,越是居于食物链上层,这些药剂的残留量浓度越高,而且高得惊人。试想,一头牛从小到大要吃多少饲料,饲料里的药剂都留在它的身上(还有许多的荷尔蒙、抗生素),这种肉你敢大口咬下去吗?  14.地下水已经被硝酸盐污染得很严重,这是饲养经济动物的排泄物和化学肥料所造成的,在地下水中的硝酸盐会引起癌症和红血球过多的病,而且对儿童很不好。在矿泉水中也发现硝酸盐,表示硝酸盐已深入到很深的地层,而我们现在所饮用的矿泉水则是工业制造出来的可是来源依然是地下水。  15.美国患有血癌(潜伏期长,而且有传染性)的牛和鸡愈来愈多,而它们的下一代得血癌死亡的也愈来愈多。  16.澳洲新南威尔斯教育局保健委员会发现:肉食、加工食品及甜点会使儿童愚笨、肥胖、情绪不稳定、精神异常和充满暴力,因此,严令禁止在校园内贩卖这些点心和食物。  17.德国的MaxPlanCk学术中心营养生理部自一九六七年以来得到肯定的结论:植物性蛋白质一致比动物性蛋白质品质好。至于食肉所得的快感,事实上是肝在紧急状况下,设法排出过剩的蛋白质所产生的错觉;另一个因素是肉含有新陈代谢的毒素Xantin,其性质非常接近咖啡和烟内所含的生物碱(具刺激性)。  18.鲜少运动、食用大量牛排的富商巨贾,罹患肾结石的比率最高,而且男子患肾结石的比率比女子高二至四倍。--寇欧博士,芝加哥大学医学教授  19.产肉最多的国家之中,尤以纽西兰人的癌症与心脏病等病症的死亡率居全球之冠;因为纽西兰盛产肥羊,羊肉太便宜了。  20.日本人爱吃生鱼片、活虾与烤肉,因此,心脏病与胃肠癌的比率也成为亚洲之冠。  21.根据联合国资料,中国大陆的心脏病与癌症患病率不断急剧上升,在海产品丰富的地区,患喉癌者多;而有较多肉吃的地区,患肠癌者多,因为他们舍不得抛弃用猪油、鸭油、鸡油,这些动物油在高温煎炸后,会产生致癌物质,引起肠癌。联想到肯德鸡、麦当劳等高温煎炸的食品,你该怎么做呢?  22.二只麋鹿要吃二百四十六公斤的植物后才能增重二十七公斤,而狼在吃了二十七公斤的麋鹿后,却只能增加零点五公斤。  23.使人长胖二点五公斤,素食者只要用掉三十二公斤的植物即可,而肉食者却要吃掉一百三十五公斤的肉和一千七百三十六公斤的植物。所以如果一个肉食者变成一位素食者,他所节省下来的食物就可以让数十人从饥饿的困境中解脱出来。 24.科学调查,肉类中的各种病毒、尸毒等毒素,比蔬菜、水果、青草中所含的微量农药残留高出一百一十三倍。2003年全球爆发非典病毒,我们尤其应当记忆犹新,因为正是人类乱吃野生动物招致的灾难,但是肉食不止,流行性恶性传染病的威胁就会有随时爆发的可能。  25.如果你主张自己的身体原本就是为了肉食而设计的,那么你就亲自去扑杀你想吃的动物,并用你尖利的爪牙(如果你有的话)去撕碎它们并连血带毛的吞下去,如果你做不到,那么请你面对镜子举起双手自问:难道我们是这世间最残暴的动物?
2023-07-16 06:58:551


2023-07-16 06:58:573


Suzhou is a city with a rich history and culture, and it has a long tradition of delicious and unique cuisine. Suzhou"s cuisine is known for its light, sweet, and crispy flavor.One of the most famous Suzhou snacks is Yangchun Noodles, a traditional noodle dish made with high-quality wheat flour, fresh eggs, and served in a light broth with tender meat slices. It is a comforting and delicious dish that is loved by locals and visitors alike.Another popular snack is the Yangzhou Fried Rice, also known as Yangchun Fried Rice. This flavorful dish is made with premium rice, mixed with ingredients like lean meat, shrimp, green onions, and eggs, and then seasoned with sesame oil and soy sauce to produce a mouthwatering taste.Suzhou is also known for its vegetarian dishes, which are made using locally sourced ingredients. Some of the most popular examples include Crab Huang Tofu, made with crab roe and tofu, and Benbang Shredded Pork, which is made using meat, sea cucumber, bamboo shoots, vermicelli, and fresh mushrooms.Overall, Suzhou"s culinary culture is a fusion of traditional and innovative flavors, making it a popular food destination for both locals and visitors. If you ever visit Suzhou, don"t forget to try out these tasty and unique snacks.
2023-07-16 06:58:582


over 前缀单词 overstudy overwork overact overdose overproduction overcrowded overlap override overwhelm overbridge overlook overcome overturn overthrow overhaul 等等under 前缀单词underground underwrit underline undersea undermine underling underwear underestimate underplae undersize 等等 
2023-07-16 06:58:593


《One More Chance (让爱重生)》  This Time, Gonna do my best to make it right,   这一次,我将尽全力保证不再犯错    Can"t go on without you by my side.   我的生命里,不可以没有你在身边   (Hold On)   (等等我)   Shelter, come and rescue me out of this storm,   你是我在风暴中的避风港   And, out of this cold I need someone,   且在冰雨之中,我需要你   (Oh Why, Oh Why, Why, Why)   (为什么,为什么……)   If you see her?   若你遇见她   Tell her this from me,   告诉她我的心声   All I need is   我所期望的是   One More Chance at Love 让爱重生   One More Chance at Love 请让爱重生   (One More)One More Chance INLove   One More   (See) Chance at Love(Say, One More)   One More Chance at Love   One More Chance at Love   (One More)One More Chance at Love(Alright)   One More Chance at Love   Searching,for that one,   一生都在追寻   who is going to make me whole   一份令我生命圆满的真爱   Help me make these mysteries unfold.   帮助我解开这些迷团   (Hold On)   (等等我)   Lightning, about to strike in rain only on me...   闪电,将在风雨里把我击中   Hurt so bad, sometimes it"s hard to breathe.   心痛得,连呼吸都困难   (Oh Why, Oh Why, Why, Why)   (为什么,为什么……)   If you see her?   若你遇见她   Tell her this from me,   告诉她我的心声   All I need is   我所期望的是   One More Chance at Love 让爱重生   One More Chance at Love 请让爱重生   (One More)   One More Chance at Love让爱重生   One More Chance at Love请让爱重生   (One More Chance for love 让爱重生 One More Chance IN Love让爱重生   One More Chance at Love请让爱重生   (One More)   One More Chance at Love让爱重生   One More Chance at Love , 请让爱重生   I would walk around this world to find her,   我愿寻她到天涯海角   And, I don"t care what it takes,no (Why)   并且,我不在乎任何变迁,是的   I"d sail the seven seas,   我将为她航五湖四海   And, If you happen to see her,   只为再临芳泽   See,Tell her this from me,   明白吗?请转达我的心声   One More Chance at Love   我想让爱重生   (Yeah Yeah)   One More Chance at Love   请让爱重生
2023-07-16 06:59:002


喝芦荟汁  每天喝约56克的未经加工处理的芦荟汁,对烧心有缓解的作用。  喝小苏打水  把1汤匙的小苏打融入半杯温水中后喝下,非常有效。  喝苹果醋  每天喝1~2茶匙苹果醋,最好添加在蜂蜜水、茶水里一起喝下。  吃个苹果  当你觉得吃下的食物可能会引起烧心时,赶紧吃一个苹果,有预防作用。  喝点酸奶  益生菌有助于人体对维生素的吸收,让肠胃保持最佳的工作状态。
2023-07-16 06:59:035


2023-07-16 06:59:061

求金维他广告曲one more chance的歌词

One More ChanceFerras演唱歌曲本词条是多义词,共7个义项展开《One More Chance(中文名我们支持你的爱)》是一首广告歌曲,由Ferras Alquasi演唱,Ferras作词。中文名《我们支持你的爱》外文名One More Chance演唱者Ferras Alquasi作词Ferras歌词Always knew I have one it takes 我知道我曾经拥有All I ever had once I had 如果我曾经拥有的能够重来Ever knew I paid that what can Fade 我曾经付出的可能会褪色I wanna be back there again 我希望再回到那里Life goes on 生命在继续The journey is on 旅途在继续When you save my life forever 当你永远地拯救了我的生活You give me one more chance 你再多给我次机会I won"t let it down this time 这次我不会再错过Cause you believe in me 因为你在期待我Now when the curtain falls 当帷幕落下I turn to you and smile because you我转向你微笑着Gave me one more chance 因为 你又给了我一次机会Oh yeah…Ever know the moment turn time 过去的时光倒转Mirror is in the dail and shine 镜子里折射出光芒Everything of friend picks to flow 朋友们的一切都流逝We should wish you get them all我们希望你能抓住The show goes on 表演还在继续You have to be strong 你要坚强When you save my life forever 当你永远地拯救了我的生活You give me one more chance 你再多给我次机会I won"t let it down this time 这次我不会再错过Cause you awaiting me 因为你在期待我Now when the curtain falls 当帷幕落下I turn to you and smile because you我转向你微笑着Gave me one more chance 因为 你又给了我一次机会And to I have none 我一无所有And the day when you fall 当你失败时Was a moment I need it I"m afraid 此刻我想我需要它I need it I"m afraid 我想我需要它You give me one more chance 你再多给我次机会I won"t let it down this time 这次我不会再错过Cause u awaiting (Only to) me 因为你在期待我Now when the curtain falls 当帷幕落下I turn to you and smile because you 我转向你微笑着Give me one more chance 因为你又给了我一次机会You give me one more one more chance to living 给我再多一次生的机会You give me one more one more chance to read now 给我最多一次阅读的机会You give me one more one more one more one more chance to live now 给我再多一次机会You give me gave me gave me 请在给我多一次机会One more oh yeah…
2023-07-16 06:59:131


2023-07-16 06:59:131

one more chance什么意思

2023-07-16 06:58:305


法国航空航天博物馆Musée de l"Air et de l"Espace,位于法国巴黎布尔歇机场附近,从位于巴黎9区的老佛爷百货过去没有直达的公共交通。你可以在在老佛爷出口处的地铁站Chaussée d"Antin (La Fayette)搭乘地铁7号线,方向La Courneuve(全名La Courneuve-8-Mai-1945),乘到终点站,然后出站转乘公共汽车152,就可以到博物馆了。或者还是从老佛爷出口处的地铁站Chaussée d"Antin (La Fayette)搭乘地铁7号线,方向La Courneuve(全名La Courneuve-8-Mai-1945),坐4站到巴黎东站Gare de l"Est下,然后转乘公共汽车350,也可以直接到博物馆。两趟公共汽车都有航空航天博物馆Musée de l"Air et de l"Espace这一站。
2023-07-16 06:58:291


2023-07-16 06:58:271


2023-07-16 06:58:242

为什么英国的王室总是XX一世 XX五世 称呼国王

2023-07-16 06:58:224


Here"s an example of an English essay about Beijing street food:Beijing Street Food: A Culinary DelightBeijing, the capital city of China, is not only known for its rich history and cultural landmarks but also for its vibrant street food scene. The city offers a plethora of mouthwatering snacks and delicacies that are deeply rooted in the local culinary tradition. In this essay, we will explore some popular Beijing street food and why it has become an essential part of the city"s food culture.One of the most iconic street foods in Beijing is "jianbing," a savory Chinese crepe. Made from a thin batter of wheat and mung bean flour, jianbing is cooked on a hot griddle and topped with various fillings such as crispy fried dough sticks, eggs, scallions, and a flavorful sauce. It"s a perfect combination of textures and flavors that leaves locals and visitors craving for more.Another must-try street food in Beijing is "roujiamo," often referred to as Chinese hamburger. This delicious snack consists of a fluffy bun filled with tender and well-seasoned braised pork. The meat is slow-cooked for hours until it becomes succulent and flavorful, creating a perfect harmony with the slightly crispy bun. It"s a handheld delight that satisfies both meat lovers and carb enthusiasts.For those seeking a spicy kick, "ma la tang" is a popular choice. It"s a type of hot pot in which diners select a variety of fresh ingredients, such as thinly sliced meat, vegetables, and tofu, and have them cooked in a spicy and numbing Sichuan-style broth. The combination of bold flavors and the sensation of the numbing spice makes ma la tang a favorite among locals, especially during cold winter months.Lastly, one cannot talk about Beijing street food without mentioning "yangrouchuan," or lamb skewers. These skewered chunks of tender lamb are seasoned with cumin, chili powder, and other spices, then grilled to perfection. The aroma of the grilled meat and the explosion of flavors with each bite make yangrouchuan a beloved street food option, particularly for meat aficionados.In conclusion, Beijing"s street food scene is a culinary adventure that offers a diverse range of flavors and textures. Whether you"re strolling through bustling markets or exploring narrow alleyways, you"ll find an array of delectable treats that reflect the city"s food culture. From jianbing to roujiamo, ma la tang to yangrouchuan, each bite tells a story of tradition, innovation, and the passion of Beijing"s street food vendors. So, next time you visit Beijing, don"t forget to indulge in these delightful street snacks and experience the true taste of the city.Note: This is just an example essay, and you can modify it or add more details based on your knowledge and personal experiences with Beijing street food.
2023-07-16 06:58:221


Once there lived a kind and lovely girl. After her father"s death, her stepmother became cruel to her.Her two step-sisters teased her, asking her to do all the housework.从前有一位可爱善良的姑娘,她父亲很早就去世了。她的继母经常虐待她,继母带来的两个孩子也经常欺负她,她们把灰姑娘当女拥一样使唤。stepmother: Do the laundry and get on with your duties. Clean the floors right away. And what"s more,bring me my breakfast. 把这些衣服拿到洗衣房做你的事情。把地板赶快给我擦干净。另外,把我的早饭带来。 stepsister1: Cinderella! Get me my sweater, I feel a little cold.灰姑娘,把我的衣服拿来,我感到有点冷。 stepsister2: Hurry up! Prepare the carriage for me, hand me my gloves. I"m to be late for my date. You"re so, you"re always so sluggish.快点!把马车给我准备好,递我手套。我约会要晚了,你总是那么慢慢腾腾的。Cruel as her stepmother was to her, Cinderella still lived an optimistic life. She had a lot of animal friends.虽然继母这样对她,可灰姑娘还是乐观地活着,另外她还有许多小动物做她的朋友。One day, the king held a party for the prince to choose the girl he loved. Every maid in the town was invited to the party.一天,国王要让王子自己选择心爱的人,为王子举办了一个宫廷舞会,邀请城里所有的姑娘参加。The stepmother took her two daughters to the party, leaving Cinderella at home, because she was jealous of Cinderella"s beauty.可继母嫉妒灰姑娘的美貌,让灰姑娘在家干活,独自带着女儿去了。Cinderella was broken-hearted. At that time, her fairy godmother appeared.灰姑娘非常地伤心,这时,教母出现了。Cinderella: There"s nothing left to believe in. Nothing!没有什么我相信的事情,什么也没有!Godmother: Nothing, my dear? Oh, now you don"t really mean that.亲爱的,什么也没有吗?但现在你的意思并不是这样。Cinderella: Oh, but I do.噢,但我确实是这样想的。Godmother: Nonsense, child! If you"d lost all your faith, I couldn"t be here. And here I am!Oh, come now, Dry those tears! 胡说,孩子。如果你失去了你的信仰,我就不会在这里了。但现在我在这,噢,过来,擦干眼泪。Cinderella: Why then, you must be...为什么你一定在。。。Godmother: Your fairy godmother? Of course. Now let"s see, magic words.Bibbidi-boddidi-boo. Put them together and what have you got.你传说中的教母?当然,现在让我看看。。。现在,这些魔力的话,Bibbidi-boddidi-boo。 把它们放在一起,看你得到了什么。Cinderella: Oh, it"s beautiful! It"s like a dream, a wonderful dream come true.噢,它太美丽了!象一个梦,一个美好的梦想变成了现实。Godmother: Yes, my child, but like all dreams, well, I"m afraid this can"t last forever. You"ll have only till night and...是的,我的孩子,象所有的梦一样。恐怕它不能永远延续下去。你仅仅能在午夜和。。。拥有它。Cinderella: Midnight?Oh, thank you.午夜?噢,谢谢你。Godmother: Oh, just a minute. Remember, on the stroke of twelve, the spell will be broken and everything will be as it was before.噢,等一会儿。记住,当时钟敲响到12点的时候,钟将会打破,一切事情又恢复了从前。Cinderella: Oh, I understand,"s more than I ever hoped for.哦,我懂了。但它比我期望的要多地多。Godmother: Bless you, my child. Enjoy yourself.祝福你,我的孩子,玩得开心。At the party, Cinderella danced with the prince all the time.Time passed quickly. All of a sudden, Cinderella caught sight of the clock on the wall. Oh, it is almost twelve o"clock-five to twelve!舞会上,灰姑娘成了王子唯一选中的舞伴,灰姑娘与王子高兴地跳舞,旁人都很羡慕地看着他们,议论他们。时间在美妙的歌舞中过去,墙上的大钟突然映入灰姑娘的眼里,差5分钟12点。Cinderella: Oh, my goodness!噢,天啊!Prince: What"s the matter?什么事?Cinderella: It"s midnight. It"s almost midnight.午夜了,快到午夜了。Prince: Yes, so it is.But why?是的,但又怎样呢?Cinderella: Goodbye.再见。Prince: No, no,wait, you can"t go now.不,等等,你现在不能走。Cinderella: Oh, I must, please, I must.噢,我必须走。Prince: But why?但为什么呢?Cinderella: goodbye.再见。Prince: No, wait, come back. Please come back! I don"t even know your name. How will I find you? Wait, please wait! Wait!不,等等,回来,请回来!我连你的名字都不知道呢。我怎么能找到你呢?等等,等等,等等!Cinderella: Goodbye.再见。The next day, every maid in the town was ordered to try the glass shoe.Whoever the shoes fitted well would be the bride of the princel.No one could put on the shoe, nor could the two step-sisters. When the officials were going to leave, Cinderella appeared and asked to have a try.第二天,国王命令城中每一位女孩必须史穿玻璃鞋,穿上鞋子最合适的姑娘将成为王子的新娘。但城中没有一个女孩能穿着合适。最后来到灰姑娘的家中,继母的女儿们当然也不能穿上那双玻璃鞋,正当国王的大臣要离开时,灰姑娘出现在楼梯上,她要求试一试鞋。Cinderella: Please wait! May I try it on?请等等!我可以试一下吗?Stepmother: Oh, pay no attention to her.噢,别理她。stepsister1: It"s only Cinderella!她仅仅是灰姑娘!stepsister2:Impossible.不可能。stepsister1: She"s out of her mind.她疯了。stepmother: Yes, yes. Just an imaginative child.是的,是的,只是一个爱想象的孩子。Duke:Of course, you can have a try, my fair lady.当然你可以试试,我的女士。Duke: Oh, no!No!This is terrible. The king! What shall I do?噢,不!不!这很糟糕。国王!我该做什么呢?Cinderella: But perhaps this would help...但这或许有点帮助。。。。Duke: No, no. Nothing can help now, nothing.不,不。现在什么都帮不了。Cinderella: You see, I have the other slipper.你看,我有另一只拖鞋。Cinderella and the prince held a grand wedding and they led a happy life from then on.王子和灰姑娘举行了盛大的婚礼,幸福地生活。<<灰姑娘>>剧本英文版:第一场:旁白:Long, long ago, there was a cute girl, her name is Alice, her mother was dead, her father loved her very much.Father: Dear daughter! These presents are for you! Do you like them?Alice: Yeah, thank you, Dad. Father: My lovely daughter, I hope you are happy forever! 旁白:But one day, her father married a new wife. Look, her step mother and her new sisters are coming.Stepmother: Helen, Jenny, look, how beautiful the house is! mso-charHelen: Yes, and so many fruits. Apples,bananas, mangoes and lychee. Wow, I like them.(吃水果)Jerry: Mum, look, so many beautiful clothes. I like this dress. (往身上穿)Alice: Oh, no, that"s my dress. It"s a new dress my father bought for me. Jerry: Who are you? Mum, who is she?Stepmother: She is your little sister. But it doesn"t matter. Look! Alice, go, clean the room and then cook for us.Alice: Why? I"m not your servant.Stepmother: Yeah. But from now on you are our servant.Alice and Jerry: Mum, I like her dress.(拽衣服)Jenny:I like her necklace.(抢项链戴在脖子上)旁白:After that, Alice had been their servant. She worked and worked from morning to night. She had no room to live, she had no good food to eat and good clothes to wear. She was more and more dirty, so people called her Cinderella.第二场:Stepmother: Who is it?Soldier: It"s me. I"m the soldier of the palace.(打开门)Good morning, madam, this is for you and your daughters. mso-charStepmother: What is it?(打开信看)(欢呼)Helen, Jerry, good news! There will be a big dancing party in the palace. The prince will select a queen among the young girls. mso-charTwo daughters: Hooray! I"ll be the queen! mso-charStepmother: Come on, daughters. You must put on your most beautiful dress and make up! mso-charAlice: Mum, I want to go ,too. mso-charThree: You? Look at yourself, so dirty and so ugly. mso-charStepmother: Daughters, are you ready? Let"s go. mso-charAlice: Oh, my friends. I really want to go. What shall I do? mso-charCat, Peagion, Dog: Don"t be so sad, Alice. At least, we are with you. mso-charFairy: Poor girl, let me help you. mso-charAnimals: Wow, how beautiful! mso-charCat: You"re the most beautiful girl I"ve seen. mso-charDog: Yes! You will be the most beautiful girl in the party! mso-charPeagion: Yes! And the prince will love you at once! mso-charFairy: Alice, go to the party and dance. But remember you 150%; TEXT-INDENT: 48pt; mso-char-indent-count: 4.0; mso-char-indent-size: 12.0pt">must come back before 12 o"clock. Or you will 150%; TEXT-INDENT: 48pt; mso-char-indent-count: 4.0; mso-char-indent-size: 12.0pt">change back.Alice: Thank you , Fairy.(跑)Fairy: (喊)Be careful! Don"t forget the time! Alice: I won"t forget.第三场mso-charMinister1: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the prince dancing ball. This night, our prince will select the most beautiful and kindest girl to be his queen .Now, young girls, come to the front,please!Minister2:How are they?Which one do you like?Prince: No, I don"t like anyone.(Alice come in)Ministers: Wow, how beautiful!(She"s like a fairy. She"s like a Angel. She"s so lovely. She"s like a princess. How pretty the girl is!)Prince: Pretty princess, may I dance with you?Alice: I"d like to.(music and dance)(one person pick up a clock)Alice: Oh, it"s time to go back. I must go now.Prince: Wait, princess, wait!Alice(跑,掉一只鞋)Prince: (拿起鞋)Pretty princess!Why are you leaving? I must find you!Soldiers!Soldiers: Yes!Prince: Take the shoe to every house. You must find the girl for me.Soldiers: Yes, your highnesss!第四场:(士兵敲门)Stepmother: What"s the matter, soldiers?Soldier1: Are there any young girls in your family, madam?Soldier2: The pretty princess lost her shoe in the palace.Soldier3: The prince wants to find her and marry her.Helen: Let me try.The shoe is mine.Soldier1: No,it"s not yours. It"s too small for you.Jenny: It"s mine. Let me try it.Soldier2: No, it"s not yours, it"s too small for you.Stepmother: Hi, come on, maybe it"s mine. Let me try it. mso-charSoldier3:Oh, my god, it couldn"t be yours. Do you have another daughter?Alice: Hello, gentlemen, may I try it?Stepmother :You? Go away!Helen: Look at yourself!Jenny: So dirty and so ugly!mso-charHead Soldier: No, ladies, let her try! Come, little girl, try it on,please!mso-charAlice: Thank you! (试鞋)mso-charSoldiers: Wonderful! It"s yours! It fits for you very well!mso-charSoldier1:(Call prince)5535240mso-charPrince: Hello, this is prince speaking!mso-charSoldier1: Good news, your highnesss! We have found the beautiful girl.mso-charPrince: Really? That"s wonderfull! I"ll come at once.mso-charFairy: My child, happy time is coming. Let me help you the 1last time.(变美丽)mso-charPrince: Oh, my deariest princess, I love you, go with me and be my queen, OK?mso-charAlice: OK!mso-charStepmother and sisters: How did it happen?(昏倒)mso-char旁白:The story finished. Alice found her happiness. Alice and the prince lived happily ever after! And that brings us to the end of the play.(善有善报,恶有恶报,善良的人终会有好报,灰姑娘最终找到了自己的幸福,与王子幸福地生活在一起!
2023-07-16 06:58:221

underlying profit什么意思

2023-07-16 06:58:215


2023-07-16 06:58:201


mat是3ds max 的材质文件。 2、可以用matlab加载的, 用load命令,具体为load+文件名.mat
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2023-07-16 06:58:142


销售预测计算方法  Moving Annual Trend,月滚动年销售趋势   计算方法为计算时间之前一整年的数据,好处在于不会出现象每个月可能出现的大起大落。
2023-07-16 06:58:092


1. Eggs  鸡蛋  Eggs hold a special symbolic significance in many cultures, and China is no exception. The Chinese believe eggs symbolize fertility. After a baby is born, parents may hold a "red egg and ginger party," where they pass out hard boiled eggs to announce the birth. (In some regions of China the number of eggs presented depends on the sex of the child: an even number for a girl, and an odd number if a boy has been born).  鸡蛋在很多文化中都有着特殊的象征意义,在中国也不例外。中国人相信鸡蛋象征着繁衍。婴儿出生后,父母可以组织一个“红鸡蛋和生姜宴”,传递煮好的鸡蛋以宣布新生儿的出生。(在中国有些地区,拿出的鸡蛋个数代表着孩子的性别:偶数代表女孩,奇数代表男孩。)  2. Noodles  面条  Noodles are a symbol of longevity in Chinese culture. They are as much a part of a Chinese birthday celebration as a birthday cake with lit candles is in many countries. Since noodles do symbolize long life, it is considered very unlucky to cut up a strand.  面条在中华文化中是长寿的象征。在中式的生日庆祝中,面条的角色不亚于很多国家点着蜡烛的生日蛋糕。鉴于面条象征长寿,切断面条被看作是非常不吉利的做法。  3. Fish  鱼  Although westerners sometimes balk at the sight of a entire fish lying on a plate, in China a fish served whole is a symbol of prosperity. In fact, at a banquet it is customary to serve the whole fish last, pointed toward the guest of honor. Fish also has symbolic significance because the Chinese word for fish, , sounds like the word for riches or abundance, and it is believed that eating fish will help your wishes come true in the year to come.  尽管西方人看到一整条鱼躺在盘子里有时会犹豫不前,然而在中国,端上的整条鱼是富饶的象征。事实上,宴会的习俗是最后端上整鱼,鱼头对着贵宾。鱼的象征意义也来自于中文中鱼的发音,和表示富有和充裕的“余”同音,而且人们相信吃鱼会让他们在来年心想事成。  4. Duck  鸭  If you are ever invited to a Chinese wedding banquet, don"t be surprised to spot a mouthwatering platter of Peking duck on the banquet table. Ducks represent fidelity in Chinese culture. Also, red dishes are featured at weddings as red is the color of happiness. (You"ll find them served at New Year"s banquets for the same reason.)  如果你被邀请参加中式婚宴,看到宴桌上让人垂涎三尺的北京烤鸭不要大惊小怪噢。鸭子在中华文化中象征忠诚。而且,红色菜肴是婚礼的特色,因为红色是象征幸福的颜色。(同样的原因,你会发现它们也出现在新年宴席上。)  5. Chicken  鸡  In Chinese culture, chicken forms part of the symbolism of the dragon and phoenix. At a Chinese wedding, chicken"s feet (sometimes referred to as phoenix feet) are often served with dragon foods such as lobster. Chicken is also popular at Chinese New Year, symbolizing a good marriage and the coming together of families (serving the bird whole emphasizes family unity).  在中华文化中,鸡是组成龙和凤凰的一部分。在中式婚礼上,鸡爪(有时被称为凤爪)通常和与龙有关的食物(比如龙虾)一起被奉上 。鸡也是中国新年庆祝的一部分,象征婚姻美满和家庭团聚(整鸡更强调家庭团圆)。  6. Seeds (lotus seeds, watermelon seeds, etc)  种子(莲子,西瓜籽等)  Visit an Asian bakery during the Chinese New Year, and you"re likely to find a wide assortment of snacks with different types of seeds in them. The seed-filled treats represent bearing many children in Chinese culture.  在中国春节期间去糕点房看看,你很可能就看到种类繁多的中国小吃,由不同种类的种子制成。包着种子的小吃在中国文化中象征多子。  7. Fruit - Tangerines, Oranges and Pomerania  水果——桔子,橙子和柚子  Tangerines and oranges are passed out freely during Chinese New Year as the words for tangerine and orange sound like luck and wealth, respectively. As for Pomerania, this large ancestor of the grapefruit signifies abundance, as the Chinese word for Pomerania sounds like the word for "to have."  中国春节时候人们会赠送桔子和橙子,因为这两种水果的说法分别象征着吉祥和财富。 大个头柚子是葡萄柚的原种,象征着丰富,因为其中文发音和“有”接近。  8. Cake  糕点  And what about the sweet, steamed cakes that are so popular during the Chinese New Year season? Cakes such as Sticky Rice Cake have symbolic significance on many levels. Their sweetness symbolizes a rich, sweet life, while the layers symbolize rising abundance for the coming year. Finally, the round shape signifies family reunion.  中国春节期间广受欢迎的蒸糕又象征什么呢?像糯米糕之类的糕点在很多方面都有着象征意义。糕点本身的甜味象征着富足甜美的生活,而多层的糕点结构又象征着来年更上一层楼的富有。还有,圆圆的外形代表着家庭团聚。  9. Don"t Forget the Vegetables!  还有蔬菜噢  Chinese garlic chives symbolize eternity, while cone-shaped winter bamboo shoots are a symbol of wealth.  在中国,韭菜象征着永恒,锥形的冬笋象征财富。  Do not disregard the dish—it is more than just, simply food combination. Bear in mind the culture elements—appreciate the blessing within.  不要认为菜肴只是简单的食物搭配而忽视它。牢记美食中蕴含的文化元素,感受食物被赋予的美好祝福吧。
2023-07-16 06:58:061


2023-07-16 06:58:066


贵妃醉酒 、大桥日记 、路过 、我的
2023-07-16 06:58:031