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2023-07-16 12:23:55

The stage is more beholding to love, than the life of man. For as to the stage, love is ever matter of comedies, and now and then of tragedies; but in life it doth much mischief; sometimes like a siren, sometimes like a fury. 舞台上的爱情生活比生活中的爱情要美好得多。因为在舞台上,爱情只是喜剧和悲剧的素材,而在人生中,爱情却常常招来不幸。它有时象那位诱惑人的魔女(1),有时又象那位复仇的女神(2)。 You may observe, that amongst all the great and worthy persons (whereof the memory remaineth, either ancient or recent) there is not one, that hath been transported to the mad degree of love: which shows that great spirits, and great business, do keep out this weak passion. You must except, nevertheless, Marcus Antonius, the half partner of the empire of Rome, and Appius Claudius, the decemvir and lawgiver; whereof the former was indeed a voluptuous man, and inordinate; but the latter was an austere and wise man: and therefore it seems (though rarely) that love can find entrance, not only into an open heart, but also into a heart well fortified, if watch be not well kept. 你可以看到,一切真正伟大的人物(无论是古人、今人,只要是其英名永铭于人类记忆中的),没有一个是因爱情而发狂的人。因为伟大的事业只有罗马的安东尼和克劳底亚是例外(3)。前者本性就好色荒淫,然而后者却是严肃多谋的人。这说明爱情不仅会占领开旷坦阔的胸怀,有时也能闯入壁垒森严的心灵----假如手御不严的话。 It is a poor saying of Epicurus, Satis magnum alter alteri theatrum sumus; as if man, made for the contemplation of heaven, and all noble objects, should do nothing but kneel before a little idol, and make himself a subject, though not of the mouth (as beasts are), yet of the eye; which was given him for higher purposes. 埃辟克拉斯(4)曾说过一句笨话:“人生不过是一座大戏台。”似乎本应努力追求高尚事业的人类,却只应象玩偶般地逢场作戏。虽然爱情的奴隶并不同于那班只顾吃喝的禽兽,但毕竟也只是眼目色相的奴隶,而上帝赐人以眼睛本来是有更高尚的用途的。 It is a strange thing, to note the excess of this passion, and how it braves the nature, and value of things, by this; that the speaking in a perpetual hyperbole, is comely in nothing but in love. Neither is it merely in the phrase; for whereas it hath been well said, that the arch-flatterer, with whom all the petty flatterers have intelligence, is a man"s self; ; certainly the lover is more. For there was never proud man thought so absurdly well of himself, as the lover doth of the person loved; and therefore it was well said, That it is impossible to love, and to be wise. Neither doth this weakness appear to others only, and not to the party loved; but to the loved most of all, except the love be reciproque. For it is a true rule, that love is ever rewarded, either with the reciproque, or with an inward and secret contempt. 过度的爱情追求,必然会降低人本身的价值。例如,只有在爱情中,才总是需要那种浮夸陷媚的词令。而在其他场合,同样的词令只能招人耻笑。古人有一句名言: “最大的奉承,人总是留给自己的。”----只有对情人的奉承要算例外。因为甚至最骄傲的人,也甘愿在情人面前自轻自贱。所以古人说得好:“就是神在爱情中也难保持聪明。”情人的这种弱点不仅在外人眼中是明显的,就是在被追求者的眼中也会很明显----除非她(他)也在追求他(她)。所以,爱情的代价就是如此,不能得到回爱,就会得到一种深藏于心的轻蔑,这是一条永真的定律。 By how much the more, men ought to beware of this passion, which loseth not only other things, but itself! As for the other losses, the poet"s relation doth well figure them: that he that preferred Helena, quitted the gifts of Juno and Pallas. For whosoever esteemeth too much of amorous affection, quitteth both riches and wisdom. 由此可见,人们应当十分警惕这种感情。因为它不但会使人丧失其他,而且可以使人丧失自己本身。甚至其他方面的损失,古诗人早告诉我们,那追求海伦的人,是放弃了财富和智慧的(5)。 This passion hath his floods, in very times of weakness; which are great prosperity, and great adversity; though this latter hath been less observed: both which times kindle love, and make it more fervent, and therefore show it to be the child of folly. They do best, who if they cannot but admit love, yet make it keep quarters; and sever it wholly from their serious affairs, and actions, of life; for if it check once with business, it troubleth men"s fortunes, and maketh men, that they can no ways be true to their own ends. 由此可见,人们应当十分警惕这种感情。因为它不但会使人丧失其他,而且可以使人丧失自己本身。甚至其他方面的损失,古诗人早告诉我们,那追求海伦的人,是放弃了财富和智慧的(5)。 I know not how, but martial men are given to love: I think, it is but as they are given to wine; for perils commonly ask to be paid in pleasures. 我不懂是什么缘故,使许多军人更容易堕入情网,也许这正象他们嗜爱饮酒一样,是因为危险的生活更需要欢乐的补偿。 There is in man"s nature, a secre t inclination and motion, towards love of others, which if it be not spent upon some one or a few, doth naturally spread itself towards many, and maketh men become humane and charitable; as it is seen sometime in friars. 人心中可能普遍具有一种博爱倾向,若不集中于某个专一的对象身上,就必然施之于更广泛的大众,使他成为仁善的人,象有的僧侣那样。



Martial law enabled the army to assume the functions of arbitrator in the controversy but no effort at conciliation was made. As soon as they appeared in Macondo the soldiers put aside their rifles and cut and loaded the bananas and started the trains running. The workers who had been content to wait until then went into the woods with no other weapons but their working machetes and they began to sabotage the sabotage. They burned plantations and missaries tore up tracks to impede the passage of the trains that began to open their path with machine-gun fire and they cut telegraph and telephone wires. The irrigation ditches were stained with blood. Mr. Brown who was alive in the electrified chicken coop was taken out of Macondo with his family and those of his fellow countrymen and brought to a safe place under the protection of the army. The situation was threatening to lead to a bloody and unequal civil war when the authorities called upon the workers to gather in Macondo. The summons announced that the civil and military leader of the province would arrive on the following Friday ready to intercede in the conflict. Jos?Arcadio Segundo was in the crowd that had gathered at the station on Friday since early in the morning. He had taken part in a meeting of union leaders and had been missioned along with Colonel Gavilán to mingle in the crowd and orient it according to how things went. He did not feel well and a salty paste was beginning to collect on his palate when he noticed that the army had set up machine-gun emplacements around the *** all square and that the wired city of the banana pany was protected by artillery pieces. Around elve o"clock waiting for a train that was not arriving more than three thousand people workers women and children had spilled out of the open space in front of the station and were pressing into the neighboring streets which the army had closed off with rows of machine guns. At that time it all seemed more like a jubilant fair than a waiting crowd. They had brought over the fritter and drink stands from the Street of the Turks and the people were in good spirits as they borethe tedium of waiting and the scorching sun. A short time before three o"clock the rumor spread that the official train would not arrive until the following day. The crowd let out a sigh of disappointment. An army lieutenant then climbed up onto the roof of the station where there were four machine-gun emplacements aiming at the crowd and called for silence. Next to Jos?Arcadio Segundo there was a barefooted woman very fat with o children beeen the ages of four and seven. She was carrying the *** aller one and she asked Jos?Arcadio Segundo without knowing him if he would lift up the other one so that he could hear better. Jos?Arcadio Segundo put the child on his shoulders. Many years later that child would still tell to the di *** elief of all that he had seen the lieutenant reading Decree No. 4 of the civil and military leader of the province through an old phonograph horn. It had been signed by General Carlos Cortes Vargas and his secretary Major Enrique García Isaza and in three articles of eightywords he declared the strikers to be a “bunch of hoodlums?and he authorized the army to shoot to kill. After the decree was read in the midst of a deafening hoot of protest a captain took the place of the lieutenant on the roof of the station and with the horn he signaled that he wanted to speak. The crowd was quiet again. “Ladies and gentlemen ?the captain said in a low voice that was slow and a little tired. “you have five minutes to withdraw.? The redoubled hooting and shouting drowned out the bugle call that announced the start of the count. No one moved. Five minutes have passed ?the captain said in the same tone. “One more minute and we"ll open fire.? Jos?Arcadio Segundo sweating ice lowered the child and gave him to the woman. “Those bastards might just shoot ?she murmured. Jos?Arcadio Segundo did not have time to speak because at that instant he recognized the hoarse voice of Colonel Gavilán echoing the words of the woman with a shout. Intoxicated by the tension by the miraculous depth of the silence and furthermore convinced that nothing could move that crowd held tight in a fascination with death Jos?Arcadio Segundo raised himself up over the heads in front of him and for the first time in his life he raised his voice. “You bastards!?he shouted. “Take the extra minute and stick it up your ass!? After his shout something happened that did not bring on fright but a kind of hallucination. The captain gave the order to fire and fourteen machine guns answered at once. But it all seemed like a farce. It was as if the machine guns had been loaded with caps because their panting rattle could be heard and their incandescent spitting could be seen but not the slightest reaction was perceived not a cry not even a sigh among the pact crowd that seemed petrified by an instantaneous invulnerability. Suddenly on one side-of the station a cry of death tore open the enchantment: “Aaaagh Mother.?A sei *** ic voice a volcanic breath. the roar of a catacly *** broke out in the center of the crowd with a great potential of expansion. Jos?Arcadio Segundo barely had time to pick up the child while the mother with the other one was swallowed up by the crowd that swirled about in panic. Many years later that child would still tell in spite of people thinking that he was a crazy old man how Jos?Arcadio Segundo had lifted him over his head and hauled him almost in the air as if floating on the terror of the crowd toward a nearby street. The child"s privileged position allowed him to see at that moment that the wild mass was starting to get to the corner and the row of machine guns opened fire. Several voices shouted at the same time: “Get down! Get down!?
2023-07-16 09:32:031

洪金宝 的“过江龙 martial law ”下载地址,怎么到处都没有下载啊 ?迅雷也没有?

2023-07-16 09:32:103


中文:欲望的规律-胡蓓蔚单身日记-marko思念母亲-阿穆隆 查娜注意身体-燕妮 有一种爱叫做不放弃-何龙雨收拾收拾去世-陈旭你还是走了-顾熊一个人走一个人游-曹宇 一天又一天 - 文明真英文:their law -prodigy the law -leonard cohwhite law -laibach martial law-reed lou speed law -mos def 日文:宇宙エンジニア---いとうかなこit"s too late--中岛美嘉 ultimate-uverworld 前兆-元ちとせ wonderful danger -爱内里菜 love is the law-toyah breaking the law -judas priest against the law-wilco law of nature -juliana hat
2023-07-16 09:32:193

帮我翻译一下GRE 高手 HELP~~

Topic: Regarding the political leader, conceals the information to the masses not should (not to have authority) is also wise. 1) the political leader does not have the authority to conceal the information to the populace. Mr. Eg Chinese revolution pioneer Sun Yat-Sen once had said that “politics is masses" matter, the political leader is the masses elects produces, their authority is the general populace entrusts with.”Therefore in the usual situation, the government does not have the authority to conceal the information to the masses. 2) the government conceals the information to the populace is also wise, because of 1, only then maintains the information the exchange can make the correct macro-scientific policy-making. Eg US"s Prof Holland Sabine pointed out in "Political Theory History": “the political theory is the humanity to understand all sorts of attempts which consciously and the solution collective life"s difficult problem does, this process needs the faction (the masses) and the leader maintains the close relation, guarantees the information the communication and the difficult problem solution.” 2, only then maintains the information the exchange can have people"s support. can be prompt, the leader who carries on the information communication from the masses easy to gain populace"s understanding and the support frequently. On the contrary, conceals easily to the populace to cause does not trust, then loses the prestige. Eg in February, 1981, Spain had the coup d"etat, some servicemen surrounded the parliament building, detained all cabinet member, the entire city martial law, the nation was in a confusion, this was King Carlos promptly through the televised address, notified the information to the whole nation, the stable will of the people, obtained the populace to support, then the police have carried on the counter-encirclement to the coup d"etat member, soon the coup d"etat miscarried, king the prestige increased, the demcratic forces obtained strengthen. 3) indeed, in certain special emergency cases, when such concealment is for the populace benefit consideration is necessary. protects the populace safety, for instance the country military secret, divulging can create insecurely, the recrimination motion, avoids the populace encountering the retaliation .
2023-07-16 09:32:272


2023-07-16 09:32:363


2023-07-16 09:32:585

李小龙传 (Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story)电影英语观后感大概500字

= =
2023-07-16 09:33:154


emergency的读音是:英[i"m??d??nsi]。emergency的读音是:英[i"m??d??nsi]。emergency的词语用法是n.(名词)emergency在表示具体的“紧急事件”时,是可数名词,泛指“紧急状况”“紧急关头”时,是不可数名词。引申可指“政治危机”。emergency的意思是n.突发事件;紧急状态;adj.应急的;紧急的;备用的。一、详尽释义点此查看emergency的详细内容n.(名词)紧急情况突发事件非常时刻危急关头急诊应急不测事件紧急状态adj.(形容词)应急的,紧急的,备用的二、英英释义Noun:a sudden unforeseen crisis (usually involving danger) that requires immediate action;"he never knew what to do in an emergency"a state in which martial law applies;"the governor declared a state of emergency"a brake operated by hand; usually operates by mechanical linkage三、网络解释1. 急诊:你也可以看急诊(emergency)呀. 信不信N年后中国的医疗也会学着这样做. 原来中国不可以自己选医生的, 现在不是学西方, 变得可以了吗? 一步步来吧! 我不觉得西方的办事效率低于中国, 尤其是政府单位.2.emergency:emerg; 紧急;急诊3.emergency:emer; 紧急情况四、例句She has the ability to keep calm in an emergency.她有处变不惊的本事。We took the emergency in our stride.我们泰然地处理了紧急情况。Ring the bell in an emergency.情况紧急时请按铃。The rioting grew worse and the government declared a state of emergency.骚乱恶化,政府只得宣布进入紧急状态。He has made every arrangement to meet any emergency.他已作好了应急的一切准备。With these incidents, Tang Ying consulted experts from various vocations for measures in emergency.通过这些案例,唐颖向各行各业的专家请教了很多自我防范和应急的方法。There are four emergency exits in the department store.这家百货公司有四个紧急出口。五、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~arise an emergency发生紧急情况create〔declare〕 an emergency引起〔宣布〕紧急状态face〔handle〕 an emergency应付〔处理〕一次突然事件proclaim emergency宣布紧急状况形容词+~extraordinary emergency非常紧急的时候grave〔serious〕 emergency严重的非常事件national emergency全国紧急状态pressing emergency刻不容缓的紧急关头~+名词emergency act紧急法令emergency airport应急机场emergency call紧急召集,紧急呼叫emergency measures紧急措施emergency meeting紧急会议emergency room急诊室emergency treatment急诊介词+~at an emergency在紧急时刻during an emergency在紧急状态期间in an emergency在紧急事变时,遇紧急情况时a state of emergency紧急状态六、情景对话In the hospital emergency ward-(在医院急诊室)A:How"s it feel?感觉怎么样?B:About the same.和刚才差不多。A:Someone will be out to take a look any minute now.很快就有人给你看的。B:Should we be here, Alice? I don"t think it"s that serious.艾丽斯,我们要来这儿吗? 我看没那么严重。emergency的解释A:Of course! It"s the sort of thing a hospitalemergency ward is for.当然得来这儿啦! 医院的急诊室就是干这个的。C:Will he have to wait much longer?要等很长时间吗?A:I hope not. It isn"t that busy.希望不会。这儿不是那么忙。报警emergencyA:Emergency Assistance, may I help you?紧急事故救援中心,有什么需要帮助的吗?B:I"ve just been robbed. What should I do?我刚刚被抢劫了,现在不知道该怎么办?A:Are you injured, sir?先生,您受伤了吗?emergencyB:No, no, I"m just a little upset.没有,没有受伤,只是情绪有点不稳。emergencyA:Please remain calm, sir. Just give me your name and your location.请保持镇静,先生。告诉我你的名字和所在地点。B:My name is Liu Wei. I am beside Beijing Hotel on Changan Street.我叫刘伟,在长安街北京饭店旁边。A:Please stay where you are, we"ll have a patrol car there in two minutes.请您呆在原地,两分钟之内我们派巡逻车过来。B:OK,thanks a lot.好的,谢谢。七、词语用法n.(名词)emergency在表示具体的“紧急事件”时,是可数名词,泛指“紧急状况”“紧急关头”时,是不可数名词。引申可指“政治危机”。emergency的相关近义词crisis、urgencyemergency的相关临近词emergent、emergence、emergency SC、emergency set、emergency car、emergency use、emergency rod、emergency fan、emergency key、emergency man、Emergency Law、emergency bus点此查看更多关于emergency的详细信息
2023-07-16 09:33:351


2023-07-16 09:33:421


文峰(Byron Mann),香港影视演员。他的演艺生涯始于Universal Pictures的电影《街头霸王》(Streetfighter);除后在更多的动作电影及电影剧中演出,包括《泪眼煞星》(Crying Freeman)、《变种元素》(Invincible)、《野兽之腹》(Belly Of The Beast)等,以出演动作片而成名。之后在曾成功转型演出剧情片,与李察基尔 (Richard Gere) 合演《红角落》(Red Corner),之后更与周润发及麦克华堡 (Mark Wahlberg) 演出《再战边缘》(The Corruptor),也演出《双狙人3 》(Sniper 3) ,最近的电影作品则是2011年的《铁拳无敌》(The Man With The Iron Mists) ,与罗素高尔(Russell Crowe)、刘玉玲 (Lucy Liu)、吴彦祖、刘家辉、陈观泰等共同合作演出。  文峰同时也活跃于电视剧的演出,曾与谢茜嘉艾芭 (Jessica Alba) 在电视剧《末路黑天使》(Dark Angel) 中合作,其他作品包括与曾志伟合演的《龙在他乡》(Dragon Boys);洪金宝主演的《过江龙》(Martial Law)以及《超人前传》(Smallville)等。
2023-07-16 09:33:501

◆※ 高分收集--经典且富有哲理句子 ※◆

2023-07-16 09:34:0015


Jackie Chan is an international superstar. His movies are full of action. They"re also very funny. They"re never boring.In the action scenes, people throw strange things like tables and chairs. Jackie does all those scenes himself. It can be a little dangerous. In fact, Jackie sometimes gets hurt.Jackie makes movies in Asia andAmerica. He often stars with other famous actors. They enjoy working with him. Jackie Chan"s movies are really fun.
2023-07-16 09:34:493


常见不规则名词复数形式表 单数 音标 复数 音标 释义 备注 Chinese [05t06ai"ni09z] Chinese [05t06ai"ni09z] n.[c]中国人;[u]汉语 这些名词的单数和复数完 Japanese [05d0103p05"ni09z] Japanese [05d0103p05"ni09z] n.[c]日本人;[u]日语 全相同,在实际学习应用 deer [di05] deer [di05] n.[c]鹿 中要特别留意,加以区 fish [fi06] fish [fi06] n.[c]鱼,鱼类;[u]鱼肉 分,弄清楚在该处是单数 means [mi09nz] means [mi09nz] n.[pl.]金钱,财富 还是复数 sheep [06i09p] sheep [06i09p] n.[c]绵羊 child [t06aild] children ["t06ildr05n] n.[c]儿童,小孩 foot [fut] feet [fi09t] n.[c]脚足; 英尺 这些单词的复数形式 tooth [tuθ] teeth [ti09θ] n.[c]牙齿,齿 是将名词原形中的字母 goose [gu09s] geese [gi09s] n.[c]鹅,母鹅 “oo”改为字母“ee”而来 ox [00ks] oxen ["00ks05n] n.[c]牛,(去势的)公牛 man [m03n] men [men] n.[c]人,男人;[u]人类 这些单词的单数、复数 chairman ["t06e05m03n] chairmen ["t06e05m05n] n.[c]主席,(会议)主席 的变化主要是man的变 Frenchman ["frent06m03n] Frenchmen ["frent06m05n] n.[c]法国人 化,将名词man中的字 gentleman ["d01entlm03n ]gentlemen ["d01entlm05n] n.[c]有教养的人;先生 母“a”改为字母“e”而 policeman [p05"li09sm03n] policemen [p05"li09sm05n] n.[c]警察,男警察 来 woman ["wum05n] women ["wimin] n.[c]妇女,女性,女人 mouse [maus] mice [mais] n.[c]鼠,鼠标,胆小的人 calf [kɑ09f] calves [kɑ09vz] n.[c]小牛,犊子,小鲸 这些单词的复数形式都 half [hɑ09f] halves [hɑ09vz] n.[c]半,一半 是将名词原形中的字母 leaf [li09f] leaves [li09vz] n.[c]叶,叶子,金属片 “f”或“fe”改为“v”再 loaf [l05uf] loaves [l05uvz] n.[c]大面包,(面包的条、只) 加“es”而来 knife [naif] knives [naivz] n.[c]小刀 life [laif] lives [laivz] n.[c]生命,终身,寿命 self [self] selves [selvz] n.[c]本身,自己 sheaf [06i09f] sheaves [06i09vz] n.[c]捆,束,扎 shelf [06elf] sheves [06elvz] n.[c]架子 thief [θi09f] thives [θi09vz] n.[c]贼 wife [waif] wives [waivz] n.[c]妻子 wolf [wulf] woves [wulvz] n.[c]狼 passer-by [05pɑ09s05"bai] passers-by [05pɑ09s05z"bai] n.[c]过路人 penny ["peni] pence [pens] pennies ["penis] n.[c]便士 名词的复数形式 1. 通常在单数名词后加s,例如:dog,dogs(狗);day,days(天,白天);house,houses(房屋); 2. 以字母o或s、sh、ch、x结尾的名词,在其后加es,例如:tomato,tomatoes(西红柿);kiss,kisses(吻);brush,brushes(刷子);watch,watches(手表);box,boxes(箱子,盒子);但是,o结尾的外来词或缩写词的复数形式,只加s,例如:piano,pianos(钢琴);dynamo,dynamos(发电机);photo,photos(照片);kimono,kimonos(和服);biro,biros(可以吸墨水的圆珠笔); 3. 以辅音y结尾的名词,在构成复数时,将y改为i再加es,例如:baby,babies(婴孩);lady,ladies(女士);country,countries(国家);fly,flies(苍蝇);但是,以y结尾但y前为元音的名词,在构成复数时,直接加s,例如:donkey,donkeys(驴子);boy,boys(男孩);day,days(天); 4. 有12个名词以f或fe结尾,在构成复数时,改f或fe为v再加es,它们是:wife(妻子);life(生命);knife(小刀);wolf(狼);self(自身);calf(小牛);shelf(架子);leaf(叶);loaf(面包的条、只);thief(贼);sheaf(捆);half(半);而名词scarf(围巾);wharf(码头);hoof(蹄)的复数形式,可加s或改 f为v再加es;其他的以f或fe结尾的名词,在构成复数形式时直接加s; 5. 有些名词用变化元音的方法来构成复数形式,例如:man,men(男人);woman,women(女人);foot ,feet(脚,英尺);mouse,mice(老鼠);louse,lice(虱子);goose,geese(鹅);tooth,teeth(牙齿);ox,oxen(牛);child,children(孩子); 6. 以ics结尾的词,例如:mathematics(数学);physics(物理学);politics(政治学)等,它们具有复数形式,因此谓语通常用复数动词,但如果是说明它们是某类学科,则认为是单数,谓语动词可用单数形式; 7. 复合词的复数形式:一般情况下,将最后一个词变成复数即可,例如:armchair,armchairs(扶手椅子);bookcase,bookcases(书橱,书箱);但是,当man和woman前置时,两部分都要变成复数形式,例如: men students(男学生);women students(女学生);与介词或副词构成的合成名词构成复数时,只需要把第一个词变为复数:sister-in-law,sisters-in-law(嫂、弟媳);looker-on,lookers-on(旁观者);另外,如果合成名词以形容词结尾,通常是把第一个词变成复数:court martial,courts martial(军事法庭),有时也可是 court martials。
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常见不规则名词复数形式表 单数 音标 复数 音标 释义 备注 Chinese [05t06ai"ni09z] Chinese [05t06ai"ni09z] n.[c]中国人;[u]汉语 这些名词的单数和复数完 Japanese [05d0103p05"ni09z] Japanese [05d0103p05"ni09z] n.[c]日本人;[u]日语 全相同,在实际学习应用 deer [di05] deer [di05] n.[c]鹿 中要特别留意,加以区 fish [fi06] fish [fi06] n.[c]鱼,鱼类;[u]鱼肉 分,弄清楚在该处是单数 means [mi09nz] means [mi09nz] n.[pl.]金钱,财富 还是复数 sheep [06i09p] sheep [06i09p] n.[c]绵羊 child [t06aild] children ["t06ildr05n] n.[c]儿童,小孩 foot [fut] feet [fi09t] n.[c]脚足; 英尺 这些单词的复数形式 tooth [tuθ] teeth [ti09θ] n.[c]牙齿,齿 是将名词原形中的字母 goose [gu09s] geese [gi09s] n.[c]鹅,母鹅 “oo”改为字母“ee”而来 ox [00ks] oxen ["00ks05n] n.[c]牛,(去势的)公牛 man [m03n] men [men] n.[c]人,男人;[u]人类 这些单词的单数、复数 chairman ["t06e05m03n] chairmen ["t06e05m05n] n.[c]主席,(会议)主席 的变化主要是man的变 Frenchman ["frent06m03n] Frenchmen ["frent06m05n] n.[c]法国人 化,将名词man中的字 gentleman ["d01entlm03n ]gentlemen ["d01entlm05n] n.[c]有教养的人;先生 母“a”改为字母“e”而 policeman [p05"li09sm03n] policemen [p05"li09sm05n] n.[c]警察,男警察 来 woman ["wum05n] women ["wimin] n.[c]妇女,女性,女人 mouse [maus] mice [mais] n.[c]鼠,鼠标,胆小的人 calf [kɑ09f] calves [kɑ09vz] n.[c]小牛,犊子,小鲸 这些单词的复数形式都 half [hɑ09f] halves [hɑ09vz] n.[c]半,一半 是将名词原形中的字母 leaf [li09f] leaves [li09vz] n.[c]叶,叶子,金属片 “f”或“fe”改为“v”再 loaf [l05uf] loaves [l05uvz] n.[c]大面包,(面包的条、只) 加“es”而来 knife [naif] knives [naivz] n.[c]小刀 life [laif] lives [laivz] n.[c]生命,终身,寿命 self [self] selves [selvz] n.[c]本身,自己 sheaf [06i09f] sheaves [06i09vz] n.[c]捆,束,扎 shelf [06elf] sheves [06elvz] n.[c]架子 thief [θi09f] thives [θi09vz] n.[c]贼 wife [waif] wives [waivz] n.[c]妻子 wolf [wulf] woves [wulvz] n.[c]狼 passer-by [05pɑ09s05"bai] passers-by [05pɑ09s05z"bai] n.[c]过路人 penny ["peni] pence [pens] pennies ["penis] n.[c]便士 名词的复数形式 1. 通常在单数名词后加s,例如:dog,dogs(狗);day,days(天,白天);house,houses(房屋); 2. 以字母o或s、sh、ch、x结尾的名词,在其后加es,例如:tomato,tomatoes(西红柿);kiss,kisses(吻);brush,brushes(刷子);watch,watches(手表);box,boxes(箱子,盒子);但是,o结尾的外来词或缩写词的复数形式,只加s,例如:piano,pianos(钢琴);dynamo,dynamos(发电机);photo,photos(照片);kimono,kimonos(和服);biro,biros(可以吸墨水的圆珠笔); 3. 以辅音y结尾的名词,在构成复数时,将y改为i再加es,例如:baby,babies(婴孩);lady,ladies(女士);country,countries(国家);fly,flies(苍蝇);但是,以y结尾但y前为元音的名词,在构成复数时,直接加s,例如:donkey,donkeys(驴子);boy,boys(男孩);day,days(天); 4. 有12个名词以f或fe结尾,在构成复数时,改f或fe为v再加es,它们是:wife(妻子);life(生命);knife(小刀);wolf(狼);self(自身);calf(小牛);shelf(架子);leaf(叶);loaf(面包的条、只);thief(贼);sheaf(捆);half(半);而名词scarf(围巾);wharf(码头);hoof(蹄)的复数形式,可加s或改 f为v再加es;其他的以f或fe结尾的名词,在构成复数形式时直接加s; 5. 有些名词用变化元音的方法来构成复数形式,例如:man,men(男人);woman,women(女人);foot ,feet(脚,英尺);mouse,mice(老鼠);louse,lice(虱子);goose,geese(鹅);tooth,teeth(牙齿);ox,oxen(牛);child,children(孩子); 6. 以ics结尾的词,例如:mathematics(数学);physics(物理学);politics(政治学)等,它们具有复数形式,因此谓语通常用复数动词,但如果是说明它们是某类学科,则认为是单数,谓语动词可用单数形式; 7. 复合词的复数形式:一般情况下,将最后一个词变成复数即可,例如:armchair,armchairs(扶手椅子);bookcase,bookcases(书橱,书箱);但是,当man和woman前置时,两部分都要变成复数形式,例如: men students(男学生);women students(女学生);与介词或副词构成的合成名词构成复数时,只需要把第一个词变为复数:sister-in-law,sisters-in-law(嫂、弟媳);looker-on,lookers-on(旁观者);另外,如果合成名词以形容词结尾,通常是把第一个词变成复数:court martial,courts martial(军事法庭),有时也可是 court martials。
2023-07-16 09:35:301


2023-07-16 09:36:021

胡凯莉 Kelly Hu都主演过哪些电影,注意是主演。

2023-07-16 09:36:311

是announce law还是declare law

是declare law 例如:宣布戒严 declare martial law; proclaim martial law; 宣布某人有罪 declare sb. guilty; Beyond the Jordan, in the land of Moab, began Moses to declare this law, saying, . Douay-Rheims ... 摩 西 在 约 但 河 东 的 摩 押 地 讲 律 法 说 :. 申 命 记 1:5 ...
2023-07-16 09:36:381


Administrative law Admiralty law / Maritime law Alcohol law Alternative dispute resolution Animal law Antitrust law Aviation law Business law Business organizations Civil Law Competition law Computer law Constitutional law Construction law Contract law Copyright law Corporations law Criminal law Cryptography law Cyber law Drug control law Elder law Employment law Entertainment law Environmental law Evidence Family law Firearm law Food law Gaming law Health law Immigration law Intellectual property law International Law Internet law Juvenile law Labour law/Labor law Martial law Military law Nationality law Obscenity law Parliamentary law Patent law Privacy law Procedural law Property law Public health law Real Estate law Social Security disability law Space law Statutory law Tax law Trademark law Water law
2023-07-16 09:36:482


史蒂文·西格尔参演电影暴力执法------------(2013)真正的正义:死亡天使------------(2013)最高纪录------------(2012)跨界侦查/Street.Wars ----------(2011年)穿越死亡线/真实正义Deadly Crossing/True Justice----------(2010年)弯刀Machate----------(2010年)生在地狱/天罡星下凡Born to Raise Hell--------(2010年)警官/执法官Lawman--------(2010年)危险人物A dangerous man--------(2009年)保镖the Keeper--------(2009年)被迫杀人年)Guitar Man ------- (2008年)洋葱电影The onion movie------(2008年)Prince of Pistols ------- (2008年)杀戮时刻Kill Switch------- (2008年)重振威严Pistol Whipped------- (2008年)Sasha - Die Show ------- (2007年)A Tribute to Les Paul ------- (2007年)Once Upon a Time in the Hood ------- (2007年)The Untitled Onion Movie -------(2007年)都市正义Urban Justice------- (2007年)怒火飞行Flight of Fury ------- (2007年)司法雇佣兵/正义佣兵 Mercenary for Justice ------- (2006年)史蒂文·西格尔电影海报 (21张)特攻无间Attack Force ------- (2006年)Making "Mercenary for Justice" ------- (2006年)Shadow Man ------- (2006年)在劫难逃Today You Die ------- (2005年)"Biography" Steven Seagal ------- (2005年)深海潜龙Submerged ------- (2005年)黑暗坠落Black Dawn ------- (2005年)烈日血战Into the Sun ------- (2005年)Out of Reach ------- (2004年)克莱蒙泰Clementine ------- (2004年)Words of My Perfect Teacher ------- (2003年)狙击速递The Foreigner ------- (2003年)潜龙轰天3之野兽之腹Belly of the Beast ------- (2003年)破茧杀机Out for a Kill ------- (2003年)Who Is Alan Smithee? ------- (2002年)"E! True Hollywood Story" Steven Seagal ------- (2002年)功夫片岁月The Art of Action: Martial Arts in Motion Picture ------- (2002年)不死潜龙Half Past Dead ------- (2002年)绝命出路Exit Wounds ------- (2001年)即时引爆Ticker ------- (2001年)The Path Beyond Thought ------- (2001年)美国影史百部佳片 AFI"s 100 Years,100 Thrills: America"s Most Heart-Pounding Movies ------- (2001年)The Unbeatable Bruce Lee ------- (2001年)2000年MTV电影颁奖典礼 2000 MTV Movie Awards ------- (2000年)Get Bruce ------- (1999年)VH1/Vogue Fashion Awards ------- (1999年)火线战将The Patriot ------- (1998年)Femmes Fatales: Sharon Stone ------- (1998年)我的巨人My Giant ------- (1998年)枪口朝下Fire Down Below ------- (1997年)飞虎狂龙The Glimmer Man ------- (1996年)最高危机Executive Decision ------- (1996年)潜龙轰天2:暴走潜龙Under Siege 2: Dark Territory ------- (1995年)第67届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 67th Annual Academy Awards ------- (1995年)非常地带/极地雄风On Deadly Ground ------- (1994年)The Celebrity Guide to Entertaining ------- (1993年)Universal Cops ------- (1992年)潜龙轰天Under Siege ------- (1992年)为了正义Out for Justice ------- (1991)Celebrity Guide to Wine ------- (1990年)死亡标记Marked for Death ------- (1990年)七年风暴Hard to Kill ------- (1990年)法律之上Above the Law ------- (1988年)洋葱电影 The Onion Movie -------(2008年)
2023-07-16 09:36:571


屈原故里 秭归Zigui is great our country the Period of Warring States poet Qu Yuan"s hometown, is also one of Chu culture headstream. It is encircled by city wall around the sleeping cattle mountain foot being located in the Yangtse River north bank, is similar to a oblique bottle gourd , has deep classical allusion architectural style. Therefore having "the bottle gourd city" that fits. Being accomplished because stone builds pack equally because of the city wall , call "the stone city ". The Han Dynasty begins setting up a county , Zeng sets up time the Tang Dynasty to return to a prefecture, Republic switches over to return to the prefecture county in the first year of an era , for 3 years Republic switches over to be Zi Gui County , always continues to use so far. The Zigui famous place for scenery or historical relics is connected with Qu Yuan much, Zigui county town Dongmen outside, stand tall and upright one lofty memorial archway, submit a written statement to four characters "of Qu Yuan home village " , be Guo Mo Ruo personal letter. The side still has two pieces of a stele , carves "the Dr. Chu Qu Yuan home village " and "the clear Chinese king lady-in-waiting home village " respectively. There is one sandy beach in Zigui and the incense between the streamlet , legend is Qu Yuan remains bury a place , the queen bename as "the Qu Yuan small bay in a river ". There are Qu Yuan ancestral temple on small bay in a river. Location repairs secondary Tang since Song, as a result of moving several time , the day afer tomorrow the water-control project builds , water level rises because of Ge Zhou dam, in building this ancestral temple in 1976. Be located in Zigui east of the city to the level ground now. Change "the memorial hall called Qu Yuan". Three Gorges Project building , Qu Yuan ancestral temple build with moving once again. Lining , places of historic interest about Qu Yuan and legend are very many in Le Ping City, if the incense burner level ground, shows up well, read a book hole , maize three mounds wait. Once, the ancients gathered for "eight scenery " and united with scenery name one poem: Come "conquering a dragon lying on the roar of a tiger sky, bulging platform of bulging countryside rock company arena. Show up the cold traitor of well destroys a gallbladder , read a book the hole goes beyond Lisao just now. The Qiusheng maize closes sentiment, Lian dripping a pearl swinging grain waiting for. Lock water returns to a dragon contain the pond side , three close eight scenery beating Penglai. ". Home of Zigui have a long history is more age-old comparing with others orange, image and character having set up to tangerine had done deep depicting in the Qu Yuan name sheet "tangerine ode " in him. Today, Zigui already becomes one of our country seven big oranges turn out basis. Late autumn season, meet the eye on every side being orange forest, the green branch greenery hides a haw, if poem if painting. In Qu Yuan, the home village still has one unusual matter deserving to be mentioned. Here farm cattle does not penetrate a rope , can submit oneself to someone"s command but. Tradition has it that Qu Yuan all goes home , arrives home quickly from Chu the rope choosing letters has cut off an attendant when entrance, one experienced peasant has untied down the cattle nose rope to him at once , here cattle has used the cattle nose rope herefrom, right away no longer. Qu Yuan is born within Le Ping City with beautiful hills and waters. Qu Yuan is one to have the statesman foresight and sagacity , is important the first poets on Chinese history of literature , is "first-class gifted scholar " inside the Three Gorges. He is concerned about one"s country and one"s people , the at last jumps into a Miluo River , dies for self"s motherland with the body. Qu Yuan stays ", nine brilliant poem such as chapters " ", nine songs " , sound birthplaces are famous all over China and foreign countries at all time. [County reason]: The legend Zi Gui County name comes owing to Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan has elder sister , Qu Yuan front to be sent into exile , she drives back the comfortable younger brother once specially , whose feeling it"s scenery, is deeply moving. Descendants is to express a respect to this virtuous elder sister , switch over "to return to the county name for the elder sister", the queen develops into "Zigui" now. [Relevance content]: Zigui bird is cuckoo bird. What spirit melts , lunar calendar May every year being handed down for Qu Yuan younger sister injustice aunt, "my elder brother returns to this chirm You! My elder brother is answered You "! To warn of people prepares a glutinous rice dumpling , repairs a dragon boat , prepare to welcome Lunar calendar May 5th Dragon Boat Festival joyous festival , offers sacrifices to Qu Yuan. Primitive the Dragon Boat Festival form is to celebrate a bumper harvest , that the queen jumps into this river day because of Qu Yuan just is the Dragon Boat Festival, therefore this festival significance yields to mourning for to Qu Yuan right away gradually , also calls "a poet festival ". The Dragon Boat Festival every year , Zigui people compete in a dragon boat as early as Qu Yuan on the small bay in a river. Once, this comforts faithful effective Qu Yuan ancient times custom handing down from generation to generation and postpones so far every day. The Han nationality , Mi surname is Mrs. injustice , tie , character plain in the Qu Yuan (front in the front for 340 years- for 278 years),Chinese Warring States last phase Chu Dan Yang City (now Hubei Zigui, new archaeological finding possibility reality is the dragon sun , now Hunan Han Shou county , pours 1) people, son of Chu martial art king Xiong Tong does the flaw descendant injustice. One of the greatest poet of Chinese. Qu Yuan early years accepts Chuhuai king trust , assumes a post of the left disciple, often discuss national affairs with to thinking of a king, working out participating in law. Host foreign affairs at the same time. Advocate Chu and uniting along the country , common counter-balance Qin Guo . Under Qu Yuan effort, Chu national power strengthens to some extent. But add that others calumny and edge out since oneself character is upright, Qu Yuan is kept at a distance gradually by Chuhuai king. But for 305 years, Qu Yuan opposes the Chuhuai king and Qin Guo concludes alliance of yellow thorn in the front, Chu is still the bosom who has thrown into Qin completely. Feasible Qu Yuan is expelled from Ying Chu state capital also by Chuhuai king all, wander about destitute to the Chinese north. Qu Yuan is feeling the creation at heart, gloomy , starting literature during that period when Qu Yuan is expelled from Ying Chu state capital exiling,is permeated with in work to Chu groundless field Chu being sentimentally attached to and fervency being that the people serves the country worthily. Whose work characters is gorgeous , imagination is peculiar , allegory is novel , connotation is deep, one of the origin becoming Chinese literature. For 278 years, Qin Guo high-ranking officer in the army Bai Qi has wielded a soldier going down south , has broken through Ying Chu state capital in the front all, Qu Yuan thinks of large stone jumping into a Miluo River but dies under despaired and lamenting and resenting. Legend local common people casts a glutinous rice dumpling on feeding with fish preventing Qu Yuan remains from being eaten by fish on this account, form one kind of ceremony gradually afterwards. Lunar calendar every year is that the Dragon Boat Festival , people eat a glutinous rice dumpling on the Fifth in May hereafter , marks a dragon boat to commemorate this great patriotic poet. 1953 is 2230th anniversary of the death of Qu Yuan, world four digit culture that World Peace Council commemorates by the fact that resolution ascertains Qu Yuan for that very year one of celebrity. Pour 1: The research results that in relation to "Qu Yuan hometown Han Shou county that the Han Shou County Qu Yuan institute submits says " has carried out an appraisal on Hunan lately , the dark blue harbor ancient county introducing the queen , arriving at Han Shou County in reading what be reported material and object unearthed carefully has carried out on-the-spot inspection , verifying that large amount of Qu Yuan historical remains and object unearthed describes as well as work is related to Qu Yuan, has made person have to feel Qu Yuan hometown being in the cards very much in Han Shou county , minimum "Qu Yuan hometown one may be called the new having basis in Han Shou county " has said.
2023-07-16 09:37:061


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2023-07-16 09:34:411


COUNTIF:1、 音标:[kaunt][if]2、释义:Countif函数是MicrosoftExcel中对指定区域中符合指定条件的单元格计数的一个函数,在WPS,Excel2003和Excel2007等版本中均可使用。3、该函数的语法规则如下:1)countif(range,criteria);2)参数:range要计算其中非空单元格数目的区域;3)参数:criteria以数字、表达式或文本形式定义的条件。运用举例:1、返回包含值12的单元格数量=COUNTIF(DATA,12)2、返回包含负值的单元格数量=COUNTIF(DATA,"<0")3、返回不等于0的单元格数量=COUNTIF(DATA,"<>0")4、返回大于5的单元格数量=COUNTIF(DATA,">5")5、返回等于单元格A1中内容的单元格数量=COUNTIF(DATA,A1)6、返回大于单元格A1中内容的单元格数量=COUNTIF(DATA,">""&A1)7、返回包含文本内容的单元格数量=COUNTIF(DATA,""*"")8、返回包含三个字符内容的单元格数量=COUNTIF(DATA,""???"")9、返回包含单词"GOOD"(不分大小写)内容的单元格数量=COUNTIF(DATA,""GOOD"")10、返回在文本中任何位置包含单词"GOOD"字符内容的单元格数量=COUNTIF(DATA,"*GOOD*")11(1)、返回包含以单词"AB"(不分大小写)开头内容的单元格数量=COUNTIF(DATA,"AB*")11(2)、返回包含以单词"AB"(不分大小写)结尾内容的单元格数量=COUNTIF(DATA,"*AB")12、返回包含当前日期的单元格数量=COUNTIF(DATA,TODAY())13、返回大于平均值的单元格数量=COUNTIF(DATA,">"&AVERAGE(DATA))14、返回平均值上面超过三个标准误差的值的单元格数量=COUNTIF(DATA,">"&AVERAGE(DATA)+STDEV(DATA)*3)15、返回包含值为3或-3的单元格数量=COUNTIF(DATA,3)+COUNIF(DATA,-3)16、返回包含值;逻辑值为TRUE的单元格数量=COUNTIF(DATA,TRUE)17、统计区域中不为空的单元格个数(数值、文本、空格都算)--(上述第3条:文本也算不等于0,空格不算)=Countif(DATA,"<>")18、只统计文本单元格数量,不统计数值和空格--(上述第7条统计含空格)=COUNTIF(DATA,"><")
2023-07-16 09:34:425

如何在单系统win7下使用magic trackpad

想要在win7下用MT的FY们,不妨试试下面的步骤:1、到苹果官网下载bootcamp3.1或bootcamp3.2(下载地址:、下载7-zip(.msi文件即可)(下载地址:,双击它安装7-zip软件。3、鼠标右键单击步骤1中下载的文件”bootcamp3.2“,选择菜单项”7-zip“->”extract to ‘bootcamp3.2.exe"“4、在解压后的文件夹”bootcamp3.2“中,找到文件”BootCampUpdate32.msp“,鼠标右键单击之,选择菜单项“”7-zip“->”extract to ‘"BootCampUpdate32.msp“5、在文件夹”BootCampUpdate32"中查找文件“Binary.AppleWirelessTrackpad_Bin” ,并为查找出来的文件添加后缀”.exe",运行其中一个文件,安装MT的驱动可以参考这里的链接 :
2023-07-16 09:34:461

vegetable 是可数还是不可数

这个是集合名词 表示一个集合 就像people 一样
2023-07-16 09:34:4710


2023-07-16 09:34:476


2023-07-16 09:34:495

I went swimming again for some _______ exercise A.most B.little C.great D.more 求讲解

2023-07-16 09:34:511


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2023-07-16 09:35:122

英文what did i do和what have i done有什么区别吗?

What did I do?是一般过去时表示在过去某一具体时间发生的事情。强调的是过去。What have I done?是现在完成时。强调的是过去发生的动作对现在的影响。
2023-07-16 09:35:133


有些句子可借鉴:Sydney is the most populous city in Australia and the state capital of New South Wales. Sydney is located on Australia"s south-east coast of the Tasman Sea. Inhabitants of Sydney are called Sydneysiders, comprising a cosmopolitan and international population of people from numerous places around the world.The site of the first British colony in Australia, Sydney was established in 1788 at Sydney Cove by Arthur Phillip, commodore of the First Fleet as a penal colony. The city is built on hills surrounding Port Jackson which is commonly known as Sydney Harbour, where the iconic Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge feature prominently. The hinterland of the metropolitan area is surrounded by national parks, and the coastal regions feature many bays, rivers, inlets and beaches including the famous Bondi Beach. Within the city are many notable parks, including Hyde Park and the Royal Botanic Gardens.In 2010, Sydney was ranked 7th in Asia and 28th globally for economic innovation in the Innovation Cities Top 100 Index by innovation agency 2thinknow. Sydney also ranks among the top 10 most liveable cities in the world according to Mercer Human Resource Consulting and The Economist.Sydney has a reputation as an international centre for commerce, arts, fashion, culture, entertainment, music, education and tourism. Sydney has hosted major international sporting events, including the 1938 British Empire Games, the 2000 Summer Olympics, and the final match of the 2003 Rugby World Cup. The main airport serving Sydney is Sydney (Kingsford Smith) Airport.
2023-07-16 09:34:391


2023-07-16 09:34:385

艾薇儿的一首歌,歌词有you are so great to me

2023-07-16 09:34:385


They put a new product on the market. 他们向市场推出一种新产品. There"s no market for these goods. 这些货物没有销路.
2023-07-16 09:34:351


2023-07-16 09:34:341

trackpad和macbook pro自带的触摸板有什么区别?

2023-07-16 09:34:332

修昔底德陷阱是什么意思 修昔底德陷阱介绍

1、修昔底德陷阱拼音为xiū xī dǐ dé xiàn jǐng。指一个新崛起的大国必然要挑战现存大国,而现存大国也必然会回应这种威胁,这样战争变得不可避免。此说法源自古希腊著名历史学家修昔底德,他认为,当一个崛起的大国与既有的统治霸主竞争时,双方面临的危险多数以战争告终。 2、修昔底德(希腊文:Θουκυδ?δη,英文:Thucydides,公元前460年或455年—公元前400年或395年),古希腊历史学家,是在高度成熟了的希腊文化的熏陶下成长起来的。
2023-07-16 09:34:321


2023-07-16 09:34:292


vegetable既是可数名词,也是不可数名词。当vegetable用来表示蔬菜的种类时,vegetable是可数名词,其复数形式是vegetables;当vegetable用来表示蔬菜这一整体概念时,其是不可数名词。词汇搭配grow vegetables 种蔬菜 live on vegetables 吃素market vegetables 把蔬菜运往市场 preserve vegetables 储藏蔬菜dealer in vegetables 蔬菜商 soup vegetables 汤菜当vegetable是名词时,其含义为“蔬菜;植物人;生活单调乏味的人“。当vegetable表示不同种类的蔬菜时,其为可数名词,其复数形式为vegetables。当vegetable表示蔬菜这一整体概念时,其为不可数名词。例句:Growing your own vegetables sounds like a lot of sweat.自己种菜吃,这恐怕很累吧。Since losing my job I"ve been a vegetable.失业以来我感到百无聊赖。Severe brain damage turned him into a vegetable.严重的脑损伤使他变成了植物人。vegetable通常是指蔬菜这一整体概念,而green通常是指绿色蔬菜。例子:In that part of the world you can feed cattle on almost any green vegetable or fruit.在那个地方,几乎任何绿色蔬菜或水果都可以给牛吃。
2023-07-16 09:34:291

如何设置 Apple Wireless Mouse 鼠标或 Magic Trackpad 触控板

检查软件更新首先请使用软件更新来检查您的电脑可能需要的任何新软件。完成这些更新后,从 Apple (uf8ff) 菜单中选取关于本机来查看电脑安装的 Mac OS X 版本。如果您拥有此设备 和此操作系统版本 请安装此更新。 Apple Magic Trackpad 触控板 Mac OS X v10.6.4 更新到 Mac OS X 10.6.5 或更高版本 Apple Magic Mouse 鼠标 Mac OS X v10.5.8 适用于 Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard 的 Wireless Mouse 鼠标软件更新 1.0 Apple Magic Mouse 鼠标 Mac OS X v10.6.1 适用于 Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard 的 Wireless Mouse 鼠标软件更新 1.0 Wireless Mighty Mouse 鼠标和 Apple Wireless Mouse 鼠标(第 1 代) Mac OS X v10.2.6 或更早版本 随附于鼠标的 Apple Wireless Keyboard 键盘和 Apple Wireless Mouse 鼠标软件 检查 Bluetooth请确保 Bluetooth 已打开并且您的设备可被发现。从 Apple (uf8ff) 菜单中选取系统偏好设置,然后从显示菜单中选取Bluetooth。如果没有在显示菜单中看到 Bluetooth,则您的电脑没有内建 Bluetooth 模块。在设置时使用有线 USB 键盘与鼠标在设置过程中,使用 USB 鼠标可加速 Apple Wireless Mouse 鼠标或 Magic Trackpad 触控板的设置。在完成 Apple Wireless Mouse 鼠标的设置之前,请保持 USB 鼠标与电脑的连接。设置完成后,即可断开 USB 鼠标的连接。请按照以下设置步骤执行操作以确保 Apple Wireless Mouse 鼠标或 Magic Trackpad 触控板“可被发现”,并将其与 Mac 进行配对。设置 Magic Trackpad 触控板通过从 Apple (uf8ff) 菜单中选取系统偏好设置,然后从显示菜单中选取触控板来打开触控板偏好设置。点按位于触控板偏好设置面板右下角的“设置 Bluetooth 触控板”。通过按开/关按钮直到指示灯亮起来启用 Magic Trackpad 触控板。指示灯持续亮起 2 到 3 秒钟,这表示电池状况良好。然后,指示灯将闪烁以表示触控板处于发现 模式注:如果您启用触控板时触控板上的指示灯未亮起或闪烁,请确保电池。五到十秒钟后,Magic Trackpad 触控板的名称应显示在“搜索”偏好设置中。点按“继续”。设置助理将尝试与触控板进行配对。电脑和触控板成功配对后,触控板偏好设置面板将扩展,在左下角显示所有可配置选项和电池电量。此时您应该能够使用 Apple Magic Trackpad 触控板了。 设置 Apple Wireless Mouse 鼠标通过从 Apple (uf8ff) 菜单中选取系统偏好设置,然后从显示菜单中选取鼠标来打开鼠标系统偏好设置。点按鼠标偏好设置面板右下角的“设置 Bluetooth 鼠标”。将鼠标电源开关推到开的位置以启用鼠标。电源开关上方的指示灯将持续亮起 5 秒钟,这表示电池正常。然后,指示灯会开始闪烁,这表示鼠标处于发现模式。注:启用鼠标后,如果鼠标底部的指示灯未亮起或闪烁,请确保电池已正确充电并安装。 上图 3:将 Magic Mouse 鼠标电源开关向上滑以将其启用。注:Mighty Mouse 鼠标和 Apple Wireless Mouse 鼠标的电源开关位于鼠标底部的中央。五到十秒钟后,鼠标名称应显示在“搜索”偏好设置中。点按“继续”。设置助理将尝试与鼠标进行配对。电脑与鼠标成功配对后,鼠标系统偏好设置将展开,在左下角显示所有可配置选项和电池电量。此时您应该能够使用 Apple Wireless Mouse 鼠标了。如果您没有 USB 设备,Mac OS X 可能会在没有 USB 设备的情况下与无线设备进行配对。
2023-07-16 09:34:251

To our great j_____,our class won thefootball match again.

2023-07-16 09:34:198


问题一:漫漫长夜user文件夹里找不到LocalLow/Hinterland/The Long Dark存档位置 我的版本是贴吧v.301单版本,硬盘非安装版。系统是win7系统。 存档没在LocalLow 文件夹下 ,而是在 C:UsersAdministratorAppData Local HinterlandTheLongDark 文件夹下 注意是Local文件夹,不是LocalLow下, - -||| 我也不知道是什么情况! AppData文件夹是隐藏的,需要设置显示隐藏文件夹。 希望能帮到大家。 嗦一下:那个User就是用户的意思,有时候没有User文件夹,有个 用户 文件夹,那个就是User文件夹 AdminStrator 是我自己的用户名, 问题二:快玩游戏盒漫漫长夜存档怎么用,下载后不会用啊。 100分 存档位置: user/系统用户名/LocalLow/Hinterland/The Long Dark 问题三:漫漫长夜下载新版本后久版本的存档会自动到新版本中吗? steam购买的游戏都是最新版本 steam会自动进行游戏更新 并且提供steam云储存游戏存档(部分游戏不支持)即使在另外一台电脑玩游戏 只要登录steam账号会自动从云端下载存档 继续之前的游戏 问题四:漫漫长夜可不可以开多个存档? 恩,其实不可以。估计再过几个版本就行了呗。。 问题五:漫漫长夜(the long dark)的存档位置在那 user/系统用户名/LocalLow/Hinterland/The Long Dark 望采纳 问题六:漫漫长夜升不了火了,火柴用完了,刚玩的存档,急 安装后,文件夹中有个unwise。exe这个文件就是卸载慢慢长夜的文件 问题七:漫漫长夜背包文件夹在哪 存档位置: user/系统用户名/LocalLow/Hinterland/The Long Dark/save001/global 注意是加密过的,不要想改它,更不要删掉,否则后果自负 问题八:[漫漫长夜]安全箱怎么开! 开保险箱要有耐性,先向右转慢一点,当密码正确时会有“的”的一声,右边的第一个锁会打开,在向右转锁会跳,就得重新转(把刚才的密码记住)第二个锁向左转,第3个锁向右转,当右边的三个锁都打开时,保险箱就开了。保险箱里经常有弹药和军粮,祝搜刮好运! 问题九:漫漫长夜 v393存档修改器v2.6怎么用 你试试调到按键设置呢里再按f8
2023-07-16 09:34:181

苹果macbook pro触摸板(trackpad)和鼠标冲突,失灵

2023-07-16 09:34:181


2023-07-16 09:34:154