barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-16 12:35:44
TAG: 英语
1.ask(tell,order) sb. (not) to do sth. 请求(要求;命令)某人(不)做某事
2.see(hear,find) sb. do 看见(听见,发现)某人经常做或做过某事
doing 正在做某事 some doing 做做某事
4.go doing 去做某事
5.had better (not) do 最好(不)做某事
6.finish(enjoy; give up) doing 做完(喜欢,.放弃)某事
Would you mind doing...? 你介意做某事吗?
7.Thank you for doing 感谢你做某事 [介词后用动名词]
What(How) about doing...? 你认为做某事怎么样? busy( with)doing 忙于做某事
9.keep sb. doing 使某人一直做某事
keep(get,make) sth. 形容词(作宾补) 使某物怎么样
10.decide(refuse) to do 决定(拒绝)做某事
11.Why not do...? 为什么不做某事
12.make(let) sb. (not) do 使(让)某人(不)做某事
make sth. to do 制作某物为了干什么
13.can (not) do (不)能做某事 [情态动词后用动词原形]
14.stop to do 停下来去做某事
doing 停止做某事
15.go on working 继续做工作
go on with one"s work
work on
keep (on) working
don"t stop working
continue working
go on to work(原先不在工作)
16. be made to do 被迫做某事 [被动语态后用"to do"]
be made by sb. 被某人制造
be made in some place 在某地制造
be made of sth. 用什么质料制造
be made from sth. 用什么原料制造
be made up of sth. and sth. 由什么组成 (enjoy,be keen on) doing 喜欢做某事
would like to do 想要做某事
want to do; would be interested to do
18.It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多少时间 late for(come late to) ......迟到 interested in 对(开始)......感兴趣 pleased with 对......感到满意 full of 充满......
be filled with 装满......
23.operate on 对......动手术
24.get(be) ready for 为......作准备
get sth. ready 把......准备好 sb. around 带领某人参观......
show sth. to sb. 把......给某人看 friendly to 对......友好
It"s very friendly of you! (你)真好啊! thankful to sb. 对......感激
28.have gone (been) to 去了(去过)......
have been in 一直在......
29.thousands of 成千个......
two thousand 两千个......
30.both...and... 既......又......;两者都
neither...nor... 既不......也不......;两者都不
either...or... 既......又......;或者......或者......
not only...but also... 不但......而且...... good at 擅长于......
do well in ......学得好 good for; be helpful to 对......有益
be bad for; be harmful to 对......有害
33.think about(over) 考虑(仔细考虑)
think of 想念;想到 out the problem 算出习题
answer the question 回答问题 with( / ,the) 玩东西(打球,奏乐器)
36.borrow ...from 从某人那里借进......
lend 把......借出去给某人
keep ... 借......(一段时间)
37.(not) as(so) (不)象......一样 这样......以致于......
39.for (单词); so that (从句) 为了
so as to ... (不定式)
in order to ... (不定式) night; in the day(time) 在夜里(白天)
on the night of 在(某天)夜里
41.some medicine for 治......的药
42.There"s something wrong with ......有毛病
43.What"s wrong with you? 你怎么啦?
What"s the matter with you?
44.speak English(say it in English) 说英语(用英语说它)
45.take a message for 为......带口信给
leave a message for 给......留口信
give a message to 给......口信
46.What"s the weather like...? ......天气怎么样?
How is the weather ...? front of 在......前面 ♀
in the front of 在......前部 ♀
48.have a good time 玩得高兴,过得愉快
have a great(lovely) day
enjoy oneself
enjoy one"s time
enjoy every minute of it
49.agree with sb. on sth. 同意某人关于......
agree to sth. 同意什么
50.all (different) kinds of 各种 soon as possible 尽快地
as soon as sb. can home; in 在家
at Tom"s; in Tom"s home 在汤姆家 the moment (now) 此刻(现在)
at the moment (at that time) 那时刻(当时)
54. be able to; manage to 能(办到某事)
be able to; can 会(做某事) covered with 被......覆盖 famous for 以......出名 proud of 为......自豪 the way 顺便说
in this way 用这种方法
on one"s way (to) 在......路上
get in the way 挡道,妨碍
59.used to do 过去常做
be used to doing 习惯于
be used to do 被用来为了
60.from time to time; sometimes 不时地; 有时候
once for a while; now and then 断断续续; 时而,
61.make friends with 与......交朋友
62.praise sb. for sth. 为某事表扬某人
63.didn"t do; wasn"t able to do 没做; 没能(办到)
failed to do
64.We are going to have a match... [两个"进行"]
There is going to be a match...
65.He died two years ago. [两个"死"]
He has been dead for two years.
66.He bought a bike a month ago. [两个"买"]
He has had this bike for a month.
67.He came to Shanghai last year. [两个"来"]
He has been in Shanghai since last year.
68.He left Shanghai last week. [两个"离开"]
He has been away from Shanghai since last week.
69.He borrowed this book three days ago. [两个"借"]
He has kept this book for three days.
70.Where did you go...? [ 两个"什么地方"]
What place did you visit...?
71.How long did you stay...? [两个"多少时间"]
How much time did you spend...?
72.of one"s own [两个"属于自己"]
belong to sb.(宾格) hour and a half [两个"一个半小时"]
one and a half hours
74.replace; take the place of (动词) [几个"代替"]
instead of; in place of (介词词组)
instead (副词)
75.take a bus (动词词组) [两个"乘车"]
by bus; in a bus (介词词组)
76.the Games were held ... [两个"举行"]
the Games took place ...
77.This happened ... [两个"发生"]
This took place ...
78.have to ... [两个"必须"]
79.don"t have to do [四个"不必"]
don"t need to do
needn"t do
don"t need any help it out (副词词组) [两个 it 的位子]
go over it (介词词组)
81.look after ...well [两个"很好地照顾"]
take good care of
82.protect sb. from [两个"保护......免受"]
keep sb. off
83.Please...,will you? Let us...,will you? Let"s...,shall we? [几句特殊的反意疑问句]
I don"t think it is ..., is it? We had to ..., didn"t we?
I"m ..., aren"t I? We"d better..., hadn"t we?
84.Will you take me to the zoo, Mum? 带去 [三个"带"]
Would you please bring me some water? 带来
He used to carry a bag in his hand. 带着 sb. with sth. [三个"帮助"]
help sb. do
help sb. to do sth.
86.Wait(Just) a moment. [几个电话用语"等一下"]
Wait(just) a minute.
Hold on; Hold the line.
87.hurry off [几个"匆忙离开"]
leave quickly
go away in a hurry(hurriedly)
88.take part in(join in; go in for) 参加(活动) [几个"参加"]
join 加入(组织)
attend 出席(会议,球赛,夜校,演讲)
enter for (报名)参加
take 进行(考测)
89.He is a doctor, too(as well). (肯定) [几个"也"]
He is also a doctor. (肯定)
He is not a doctor, either. (否定)
So is(has; does) he. (肯定)
Neither(Nor) is(has; does) he. (否定)
90.Not yet. 还没有。 [几个"not"]
not...any more(any longer) 再也不...... all 根本不......
not...but 不是......而是
not...until 直到......才
91.again; once more 再次 [几种 "再"]
again and again 再三
over and over
92.spend ... (in) doing [几个"花费"]
on [跟名词]
pay (the money) for sth.
sth. cost sb. ...
it takes sb. some time to do sth.
93.Shall I...? No, you needn"t. 你不必要...... [几对情态动词问答]
Would you like me to do...? No, you needn"t. 你不必要......
Must I...? No, you needn"t. 你不必要......
I"m afraid you must. 恐怕你有必要......
May I...? No, you mustn"t(can"t). 你不应该(你不能)......
No, you may not. 你不可以......
I"m sorry you can"t. 很遗憾你不能......
I"m afraid you can"t. 恐怕你不能......
94. many much [几个"许多"]
(可数) lots of(a lot of) (不可数)
quite a few huge amounts of
a large number of a great deal of
95.He must have had supper. 必定;肯定 [表示猜测]
Probably he"s had supper.
He may be at home. 可能
He"s possibly at home.
Perhaps(Maybe) he"s in.
He can"t be in the room. 不可能
He"s impossibly in the room.
96.He has lived here since 1988. [点用"since";段用"for"]
He has lived here for seven years.
97.He will be back after ten o"clock. [点用"after";段用"in"]
He will be back in ten hours.
98.He has waited for you since I came here. ["现完";"一过"]
("since"译为"既然"时,例外。如:Since all of us are present, let"s begin our meeting.)
He has gone to the park. [过去的动作,没有信号,用现在完成时]
99.He will come if it doesn"t rain tomorrow. [主"将";从"现"]
Please teach me English after he leaves. ["命令";从"现"]
You can go as soon as the class is over. ["情态";从"现"]
Water is turned into ice when it is made cold enough. ["一现";从"现"]
100. He is in charge of the restaurant. [几个"负责"]
His job is to be in charge of the restaurant.
The restaurant is in the charge of him.
He is responsible for the restaurant.
He has the duty of the restaurant.
He takes charge of the restaurant.

如:March 28th, 2009 / March 28, 2009

英式:28 March, 2009
美式:March 28,2009



1. call at (a place) 访问某地

2. call back 回电话

3. a call for help 呼救声

4. Make a call to sb. 打电话

5. call for 请求,为……喊出,(接)找某人

6. call on (upon) 号召,拜访

7. call out 召集,大声叫

8. call up 召唤,召集,回忆起


1. carry on 继续,经营,开展

2. carry out 进行,开展,执行(计划,命令)


1. come across(偶然)遇见

2. come true 变为现实,实现

3. come along 来吧

4. come about 产生,发生

5. come back 回来,折回

6. come down 下来

7. come in 进来

8. come on 快来(表示劝说、机动、不耐烦等)

9. come out 出现

10. come to 来到

11. come up走过来


1. cut away 切掉,剪掉

2. cut down 砍倒,缩减

3. cut off 切断

4. cut up 切碎


1. get along with 进展,过日子,与……相处

2. get away 逃走

3. get back 取回,回来

4. get into 进入,陷入

5. get off 从……下来,下车

6. get on (well) with 与……相处融洽

7. get over 克服,从……恢复过来

8. get to know 认识

9. get to 到达

10. get together 相聚

11. get up 起床

12. (get) close to 接近

13. get through 通过,接通(电话)

14. get married 结婚

15. get rid of 处理,去掉


1. go by (时间)过去,经过(地点)

2. go down 下去,(船)下沉

3. go fishing/shopping/skating/swimming 去钓鱼/买东西/溜冰/游泳

4. go home 回家

5. go on 继续

6. go out (灯、火)熄灭

7. go out for a walk 出去散步

8. go over 检查,复习

9. go to bed 上床,去睡觉

10. go away 走开,离开

11. go up 上涨,上升

12. go through 浏览,翻阅

13. go against 反对,不利于

14. go bad (食物)变坏


1. give a concert 举行音乐会

2. give a talk 演讲,做报告

3. give away 赠,送

4. give in 让步,投向

5. give off 发出(蒸汽、光)

6. give out 耗尽,筋疲力尽

7. give sb. some advice 给某人一些忠告

8. give up 放弃

9. give…a message 捎口信给……

10. give…a call (ring) 给……打一个电话

11. give medical care to 对……进行治疗

12. give birth to 生,产生

13. give out 散发


1. had better/best (not) do 最好(不)做某事

2. have to 不得不

3. Have sth. done 请(让)做某事

4. have a good trip 旅行愉快

5. have a look at 看一看

6. have a talk with 与……谈话

7. have a seat 坐下

8. have a text 参加测试

9. have a word with 和……说句话

10. have…on 有事,有约会

11. have a gift for 对……有天赋

12. have an effect on 对……产生影响

13. have something to do with… 与……有关系


1. catch hold of 抓住

2. get hold of 握,抓住

3. hold…back 阻止

4. hold one"s head high 昂首,趾高气昂

5. hold up 举起

6. take hold of 握,抓住

7. hold one"s breath 屏住呼吸,不出声

8. hold a meeting 举行会议

9. hold out 伸出


1. keep a record 作记录

2. keep (hold) back 阻止

3. Keep on (doing sth.) 继续(反复)做某事

4. keep…out of… 使……不进入

5. keep up 坚持,不使(斗志)低落,保持,维持,继续

6. keep up with 跟上

7. keep in touch with 与……联系

8. keep fit 保持健康


1. have a look = take a look 看

2. look down upon 看不起,轻视

3. look back upon 回顾

4. look into 调查

5. look after 照顾

6. look around = look about 环顾四周

7. look at 看

8. look for 寻找

9. look forward to 盼望

10. look on 旁观,看待

11. look out 当心,小心,朝外看

12. look through 通过……看,浏览,检查,复习

13. look up 向上看,在(词典中)查询


1. make a promise 答应,允诺

2. make sense 很有意义,讲得通

3. make a decision 做出决定

4. make a plan for 为……做计划

5. make fun of 取笑某人

6. make sure of 确信,确定

7. make clothes 缝衣服

8. make money 赚钱

9. make a noise 吵闹

10. make a face 做鬼脸

11. make trouble 惹麻烦

12. Make friends with sb. 与某人做朋友

13. make progress 取得进步

14. make a mistake 犯错误

15. make up one"s mind 拿定主意

16. make a speech 发表演讲

17. make a note 记录

18. make a reply 答复

19. make a discovery 发现

20. make a start 动身

21. make an apology 道歉

22. be made in 由(某产地)制造

23. be made (up) of 由……组成(构成)

24. make up 和解,化妆,编造,调配,弥补

25. make a good effort 做出很大努力

26. make ends meet 量入为出,使收支相抵


1. put away 放好,收起来

2. put down 放下,扑灭,平息

3. put into 添加,投资,输入,使进入

4. put off 延期

5. put on 穿(衣),戴(帽等)

6. put on performances 演出

7. put on weight 发胖,增加体重

8. put out 扑灭,熄灭

9. put one"s heart into 全神贯注于……之中

10. put up 挂起,张贴,举起,抬起,建造


1. take a look (at) 看一下

2. take a taxi 乘出租汽车

3. take part in 参加,参与

4. take an action 采取行动

5. take away 拿走

6. take back 带回,收回

7. take down 拿下

8. take off 脱下,起飞

9. take on 呈现

10. take…out 把……拿出来

11. take possession of 占有,拥有

12. take place 发生

13. take up (the struggle) 从事(斗争)

14. take sides (in) 站在……一边

15. take an interest in 对……感兴趣

16. take…by surprise 使……吃惊

17. take charge 掌管,负责

18. take in one"s arm (拥)抱

19. take pride in 以……自豪

20. take one"s seat就座


1. turn into (turn…into) 把……变成……

2. turn off 关上(灯,收音机,煤气,自来水等)

3. turn to 转到,翻到

4. turn against 背叛

5. turn away 把……打发走

6. turn on 开,旋开(电灯、无线电等)

7. turn up 向上翻,扭亮(灯火等)

8. turn down 关小,调低



退场的解释[walk-off;be fouled out] 退出演出、比赛等的场地 退场抗议 详细解释 离开演出、比赛等场所。 闻一多 《诗与神话·说舞》 :“最后舞师两臂高举,一阵震耳的掌声,舞人们退场了。” 巴金 《春》 二六:“银行家在台上 苦恼 地踱了几步便不得不退场了。”如:发奖以后, 运动 员整队退场。 词语分解 退的解释 退 ì 向后移动,与“进” 相对 :退步。退路。退却。退让。倒退。 离开,辞去:退席。退伍。退职。退休。引退。 送还,不接受,撤销:退还。 脱落:退色。退毛。减退。 和柔的样子:退然。 迟缓,畏缩:“求也 场的解释 场 (场) á 平坦 的 空地 ,多指农家翻晒粮食及脱粒的地方:场院。 量词,指一事起迄的 经过 :下了一场雨。 集,市集:赶场。 场 (场) ǎ 处所, 许多 人 聚集 或活动的地方:场子。场地。场所。
2023-07-16 09:53:381

英语walk off和pass off区别是什么?

walk和pass除去意思上的不同,walk是走这个行为,强调过程,而pass更多的是表述一个状态,表示走过了,通过了,淘汰了。walk off 表示的是走开这个动作和过程pass off 表示一件事进行到最后了,消失了,这个状态。
2023-07-16 09:53:451

Walk it off.翻译成汉语为什么意思

2023-07-16 09:54:064


高中英语Everyday EnglishB1M1How are you doing?=How are you? 你好吗?Oh really?So have I. 噢真的吗?我也是。Is that right? 那是真的吗?M2Have you got that? 你明白了吗?Take a look. 看一看。Kids. 孩子们。That"s settled. 就这么定了。A couple of thing=several 几个 It"s up to you. 这取决于你。M3Tell me...... 告诉我……Oh,I see. 噢,我懂了。Goodness! 天呐!Oh yes! 嗯是的!Not at all! 一点也不!Absolutely! 绝对的!Definitely! 肯定的!M4Am I right in thinking (that)...?=Is it true that...? ……是对的吗?A great many things=a lot of things 很多东西To do well.=to be successful 做得好。As a result=because of this 结果,因此Congratulations! 祝贺!It"s fascinating.=It"s very interesting. 这是迷人的。We make it (1,400).=We think the answer is (1,400). 我们认为答案是(1,400)。M5Where do we go from here?=What shall we do next? 我们下一步干什么?Keep the noise down.=Talk quietly. 说话小点声。You"ve got it.=You"ve understood. 你理解了。Go ahead!继续;开始;进行;始,前进;领先;可以 It"s your turn.=You"re next. 轮到你了。M6Good morning,sir/madam. 早上好,先生/女士。How can I help you? 有什么需要帮忙的吗?What can I do for you? 我能为您做点什么?What kind of (mobile phone) would you like /are you looking for? 您想要哪种(手机)?I think /In my opinion /If you want my personal opinion... 依我看……But I should tell you... 但是我应该告诉您……How would you like to pay? 您怎样支付?Would you like a bag?/Would you like me to wrap it up? 您需要打包吗?If you need any help,don"t hesitate to call us. 如果您需要帮助,请给我们打电话。Thank you very much./Thank you for shopping here. 非常感谢。/谢谢惠顾。See you again soon,I hope./Come back soon. 欢迎再来。B2M1Terrific!=Wonderful! 太棒了!To be off work.= Not to go to work. 不去上班了。Oh dear.=That"s bad news. 那真是太糟了。That couldn"t be better.=Well done. 太棒了。I have a sweet tooth.=I like sweet things. 我喜欢吃甜的东西。I"m crazy about football.=I love football. 我为足球而疯狂。M2Absolutely. 绝对的!I totally agree with you. 我非常同意你。I couldn"t agree more. 我非常同意你。I agree with you. 我同意你。That"s right. 那是对的。That"s a good point. 那很好。I don"t agree with you. 我不同意你。I"m not sure I agree with that. 我不是很同意。I"m not sure about that. 我不是很同意。You can"t be serious. 你不是认真的吧。I completely disagree. 我非常不同意。M3I like listening to music on CDs/the radio/MTV/MP3. 我喜欢在CD/收音机/MTV/MP3上听歌。I"ve got a CD Discman/Walkman/an MP3.我得到了一个CD播放机/随身听/MP3。I can"t afford to buy a Discman. 我买不起一个播放机。I download music from the Internet. 我从网上下歌。M4You"ve got it.=You"re correct. 你是正确的。Don"t change a thing.=Don"t change anything. 什么也不要改变。I"m not half as good as you.=You are much better than me. 你比我强多了。What do you make of (it)?=What"s you opinion of it? 你怎么认为?There"s (an exhibition) on.=There"s an exhibition happening at the moment. 现在有一个展览。Thanks for the compliment.=Thanks for saying something nice about me. 谢谢你的赞扬。M5Believe in 相信Come on! 得了吧!I can"t believe you said that! 我实在无法相信你说的那个。I don"t believe a word of it! 我一个字也不信!It"s a crazy idea! 那真是个疯狂的主意!You must be joking! 你一定是在开玩笑!It simply isn"t possible! 这简直不可能!You can"t be serious! 你一定不是认真的!M6A short space of time 一小会Absolutely 绝对的!Good for you! 真有你的!The box 电视The thing is…… 事实是……What"s on = go on 继续;正在演什么B3M1Whereabouts is that? 那在哪?M2How do you find it? 你的观点是什么?It"s totally fascinating. 那非常好。As you see 按你的观点I didn"t get that. 我没听清你说了什么。(Let"s) find some of the action. 让我们做一些有趣的事情吧。M3Luckily 幸运的Unfortunately 不幸的Thankfully 感激的Hopefully 有希望的Sadly 伤心的Fortunately 幸运的M4In a nutshell. 简而言之It"s scary. 那太吓人了。I"ll do my best. 我将尽我所能。From what I understand. 就我的理解。You"re absolutely right. 你绝对对了。 M5If so 如果这样They say(that) 据说For the first time ever 历史上第一次Tell the time 报时To give an example 举个例子说M6Good=excellent(优秀的)Nice=wonderful(美好的)Hot=boiling(炎热的)Big=enormous(巨大的)Cold=freezing(寒冷的)Surprised=astonished(吃惊的)Pleased=delighted(满意的)Silly=ridiculous(荒唐的)Interesting=fascinating(有趣的)Tired=exhausted(疲惫的)B4M1get rid of 去除Free of charge 免费For a start 首先Run out of 用光On the way out 即将过时 M2Be worth doing 值得No way 没门A drive B mad A使B发疯Keep cool! 保持冷静!M3A ask B a favour A请B帮个忙How are you doing? 你好吗?on earth 究竟Have a great time! 玩的开心!M4have a breakthrough 有一个突破nick name 外号pass 过Well done! 祝贺M5That sounded fine to me. 我觉得听起来还不错。Oh well…… 没关系。ripped off 敲诈be around 存在get a kick out of 从……中得到乐趣M6something is back in the news 再次成为新闻throw light on 帮助看清楚sb come straight to the point 开门见山;谈正题almost overnight 突然之间die out 群族灭亡go for 支持That"s quite something 不同寻常B5M1How are you getting on? 近来如何?I didn"t get what people were saying. 我不理解他们说的。Get used to doing习惯So far 到目前为止That"s a good point. 你说的很好。Make a fuss of 溺爱Cute 可爱的A couple of 两个Pick up 捡起;开车接;偶然学会;短语动词接收到(信号或声音);发现;恢复Worn of 消失M2Nightmare 噩梦Manage to do 设法做成某事Take-home salary 净收入Roughly 大体的Have a day off 有一天假。M3Feel in the mood for something 有做某事的心情Hang on a minute 等一会Get a move on 赶快Grab a bite to eat 狼吞虎咽M4Give up 放弃Go wild 痴迷More or less 或多或少High spot 高潮Funnily enough 说来也巧In your blood 天生的Wash down 喝下Walk off 走路消食M5What the Olympic Games are all about 奥林匹克运动会的真谛Up to you 由你决定Not the point 不是重点So what? 那又如何?M6Keep an eye on 照看A terrible din 喧闹Go for someone 攻击It"s a pity 真遗憾B6M1Wonderful,aren"t they? 它们很好,不是吗?Been here before? 你曾经去过那吗?M2Go on 继续Give me a moment 给我点时间See what I mean? 懂我的意思吗?Fortunately 幸运的It"s your turn 轮到你了I"m stuck. 我被困住了。Look at the time. 快到点了。M3Two of a kind 非常相似Get together 整理Get on well 交往的好It"s my guess. 这是我期望的。Click(with somebody) 相处的融洽M4Favourite of all time 永远的最爱Missing the point 错过了重点can"t stand 不能忍受Oh come on! 快别鼓了!A jazz classic 爵士经典Really ancient 很古老的M5On the contrary 相反的That"s it. 那是对的。Incredible! 难以置信!To continue 继续Obviously 明显地In other words 换句话说Nonsense! 胡扯!M6Wonder about something 想知道If I remember rightly 如果我清楚地记得We weren"t supposed to do that. 我们不支持那个观点。We appreciated the opportunity to talk. 我们很感谢这个说话的机会。B7M1Look forward to 期待Hot 热门的Show a lot of character 展示了许多优秀品质Fast and furious 快而猛烈M2Let"s get going. 开始做某事。It"s up to you. 那取决于你。The usual stuff 寻常的事情Really get something 确实有两把刷子In the end 在最后(we"re)through 我们通过了I"m with you on that. 我在那一点上同意你。M3Throw her arms round him. 伸手拥抱他。Thank goodness. 谢天谢地。What"s going on? 发生什么了?Break (my) heart 让我心碎了Do(him) good 对他好Rascal 无赖M4Turn down (声音)调低一点It isn"t my cup of tea. 那不是我的菜。Play music as loudly as you do these days 像你这些天演奏得那么大声Inside listening to music 沉浸在音乐之中It"s her turn to call me. 轮到她打电话给我了。M5I guess 我猜Tasty 美味的Be green with envy 妒火中烧Apparently 显然地How come 怎么会呢Gorgeous 美妙的What do you reckon? 你觉得怎么样?M6Not to worry. 不必担心。As long as 只要No matter what happens 不管发生了什么A day to remember 难忘的一天No one knows for certain. 谁也不知道确切的情况。We"d better get back into the bus now. 我们最好现在回到车上。B8M1All sorts of people=Many different people 各种各样的人 Be very fond of 非常喜欢Keep their spirits up 振作精神It runs in the family 代代相传M2A mother to be 即将成为孕妇的人A fair bit 大量的Complete rubbish 完全是垃圾Thinking hard 认真考虑She has the whole world on her shoulders. 负担很重M3As a rule 作为规则Goes without saying 不用说(理所当然)Make a beeline (for) 径直地,直接地On close terms with 与……关系密切On the dot 准时The done thing 合乎礼仪的Do not help yourself. 别自己拿。M4Mate 同志I"ve got no idea.=I can"t explain. 我没有主意。Get held up.=There was an accident. 困住It doesn"t matter.=Something is OK. 没关系。A straight answer.=Clear and easy to understand. 直接的答案M5At the end of the day=when you consider everything 考虑到一切How about you?=What do you think? 你觉得怎么样?Take short cuts=a quick way of getting somewhere 抄近路Food for thought=something to think about 值得考虑的事M6By heart 背过Be hopeless at 不擅长Fire away. 开始吧Off the top of my head 不假思索的On second thoughts 三思
2023-07-16 09:54:281


walk of fame就是指“名人堂”或“名人步道”,也称为hall of fame(名人纪念馆),就是用来纪念某一方面杰出名人之处
2023-07-16 09:54:361

有一首轻快的女生唱的英文歌 副歌部分是summer ah~~~summer ah~~~

是taru——summer day吗
2023-07-16 09:54:534


Summer Vibe (Album Version) - Walk Off The EarthEh-oh, eh-oh, eh-oh bop bop away-oSummer vibe, summer vibeI"m looking for a summer vibeGot me turning on the radioI gotta kick these bluesWorking all dayTrying to make payWishing these clouds awayI want to feel the sunshineHit the sandTake a walk in the wavesWith nothing else to doBut sipping on sudsWorking on a buzzKeeping my drink in the shadeTaking my timeWith you by my sideA Cadillac rideJammin" with the boysBonfire at nightSummer vibeLooking for a summer vibeI paid my duesGot nothing to proveLaying on the dockJust talking to youSummer vibeLooking for a summer vibeI"m Jonesing for a good timeHitting beaches all down the coastI"ll find a place to postGonna somehowFind a luauDance this old night awayI"m drinking something blue from a coconutMusic all up in the placeUnder the moonlightTaking my timeWith you by my sideA Cadillac rideJammin" with the boysBonfire at nightSummer vibeLooking for a summer vibeI paid my duesGot nothing to proveLaying on the dockJust talking to youSummer vibeLooking for a summer vibeAnd the sun goes downBut it"ll rise again tomorrowEh-oh, eh-oh, eh-oh bop bop away-oWith you by my sideA Cadillac rideJammin" with the boysBonfire at nightSummer vibeLooking for a summer vibeI paid my duesGot nothing to proveLaying on the dockJust talking to youSummer vibeLooking for a summer vibeEh-oh, eh-oh, eh-oh bop bop away-oSummer vibe, summer vibeEh-oh, eh-oh, eh-oh bop bop away-oSummer vibeLooking for a summer vibe
2023-07-16 09:55:001


2023-07-16 09:55:354


2023-07-16 09:55:432

Confidence man为什么是骗子的意思,有何来源吗

靠取得受害者的信任而骗人网上说是1849年一个叫威廉姆,汤姆逊的人,靠跟不认识的谈话,最后取得信任而骗人手表.后来被抓受审HistoryThe first known usage of the term "confidence man" in English was in1849; it was used by American press during the United States trial of William Thompson.Thompson chatted with strangers until he asked if they had theconfidence to lend him their watches, whereupon he would walk off withthe watch; he was captured when a victim recognized him on the street.[1]
2023-07-16 09:55:522


2023-07-16 09:56:052


2023-07-16 09:56:327


美味风云 岁月风云 嫁入豪门【近期她就忙着在拍这部】
2023-07-16 09:56:488


假设想把mp_restartgame 1-1绑定在一个键位上bind "/" "mp_restartgame 1-1"
2023-07-16 09:57:041


Wherever you go Whatever you do
2023-07-16 09:57:134


  汉语解释:走,zǒu,从夭从止。会意。金文字形象摆动两臂跑步的人形,下部象人脚。合起来表示人在跑。本义:跑。那么,你知道走的英文单词是什么吗?   走[zǒu]   走的英文单词释义:   <动>walk ; go ; run ; move ; pad   网 络walk;go;away;walked   走的英文单词例句:   我刚走出饭店就遇见了我的朋友。   Hardly had I gone out of the hotel when I met my friend.   你尽管走好了。   You may just as well go.   他在火车站的月台上走来走去。   He was walking up and down the station platform.   由车站走到这里只有十分钟的路程。 走的英文单词是什么   It is no more than ten minutes" walk from the station.   我遇到他时,他正往镇上走去。   He was walking towards town when I met him.   这老人没有手杖就走不了路。   The old man could not walk without a stick.   他正沿海边走去。   He is walking down the seaside.   我累得再也走不动了。   I was too tired to walk any further.   就这样走啊走啊!走着走着,他觉得肩上的十字架还是很沉,很重!   But it is still too heavy after a long tedious way.   他们往前走了走,最后走到一个村落跟前。   They walked on and on until they came to a village.   1. I was on my own and these fellows came along towards me. 我正一个人走着,一些家伙朝我走过来。   2. Water in the engine compartment is sucked away by a hose. 发动机舱里的水由一条软管抽走。   3. It got to the point where he had to leave. 到了他不得不走的地步。   4. She went for a brisk walk to work off her frustration. 她快步走了一会儿,以排解心中的沮丧。   5. McKay walked slowly toward this screen, feeling a growing tenseness. 麦凯缓缓地朝这个屏幕走来,每走一步心情都更加紧张。   6. She walked forward and embraced him and stroked his tousled white hair. 她走上前拥抱他并轻抚他凌乱的白发。   7. He tramped hurriedly round the lake towards the garden. 他匆匆地迈着沉重的步伐绕过湖边向花园走去。   8. Mark was out of earshot, walking ahead of them. 马克走在前面,听不见他们的声音。   9. Grace tapped on the bedroom door and went in. 格雷丝轻轻敲了敲卧室的门,走了进去。   10. The Marshal stepped over the vacuum-cleaner and stumped out of the room. 元帅迈过真空吸尘器,脚步沉重地走出了房间。   11. In prison they"d taken away his watch and everything he possessed. 在监狱,他们把他的手表和其他一切东西都搜走了。   12. Remove the meat with a fork and divide it among four plates. 用餐叉把肉叉走,分到4个盘里。   13. Our cars get blocked in and we can"t leave for ages. 我们的车被堵在里面,要等很久才能走。   14. Chantal was lucky to be able to salvage her career. 尚塔尔能保住她的事业算是走了运。   15. I do hope you"ll forgive me but I"ve got to leave. 我真的非常抱歉,我得走了。   16. At their approach the little boy scurried away and hid. 他们走近时,小男孩急忙跑开藏了起来。   17. Many farmers will then chase you off their land quite aggressively. 许多农民然后就会凶巴巴地把你从他们的土地上撵走。   18. He stepped out of the shower and began towelling himself down. 他走出淋浴间,开始用毛巾把身子擦干。   19. The road divides; you should take the right fork. 路在这里分了岔;你应该走右边一条。   20. She walked off the plane in a miniskirt and tight top. 她身穿迷你裙和紧身上衣走下了飞机。
2023-07-16 09:57:411


2023-07-16 09:59:191

turn your head and walk off是什么意思?

2023-07-16 09:59:262


2023-07-16 09:59:352


2023-07-16 09:59:522

为什么 confidence man 是骗子的意思?

2023-07-16 10:00:166

up off 等等这种词的短语,越多越好,make up, take up, xxx up, take off,xxx off

2023-07-16 10:00:301


walk同义词:stride, stroll, strut, pace。 walk 最常用词,中性词,指除跑、跳之外所有移步的动作。 stride 着重步子大而且节奏有力,流露出匆忙、烦恼、得意等情绪。 stroll 多指走走停停,步子缓慢,悠闲自得,漫无目的。 扩展资料   strut 指大摇大摆地走,含过分自信或自高自大意味。   pace 指踱步,走步。   walk的例句:   1. Do not wait for good things to happen to you. You need to walk towards happiness.   不要等待好事降临,你要向幸福进发。   2. She went for a brisk walk to work off her frustration.   她快步走了一会儿,以排解心中的沮丧。   3. A stiff knee following surgery forced her to walk with a limp.   手术后她的膝盖活动不便,走路时被迫跛行。   4. "Can you walk all right?" the nurse asked him.   “你走路有困难吗?”护士问他。   5. She noticed her own proud walk had become a shuffle.   她意识到自己趾高气扬的"步伐已变成了拖着脚走路了。   6. The boys were as good as gold on our walk.   我们散步的时候,这帮小男孩表现得很乖。   7. They threatened to walk out if the party did not change direction.   他们威胁说,如果该党不改变方针,他们就将集体退席。   8. Footballers in whopping great studded boots walk over the pitch.   脚蹬帅气钉靴的足球运动员走进了球场。   9. He closed his door and started the quarter-mile walk down the hill.   他关上门,踏上了1/4英里长的下山路.   10. There is nothing like a long walk to arouse the appetite.   没有什么比走很长的路更能激起食欲的了。
2023-07-16 10:00:591


  The main street of the morning mist drifting,  The beautiful girl walk side.  The fresh air and glittering and translucent dewdrop  Like cherry cherry shining eyes  The early morning sunlight still wink-wink,  Like the veil by young girl of face.  Color of the bus for a walk off,  Happy baby, laughter and ying ying.  Jumping play make make,  Because is young.  Some are pure some naive,  In fact is not important.  About love about the future  Feel very wonderful,  Happy baby, please come here,  Answer is good or not.  Oh come oh, oh, oh, oh come oh  Oh yi ah yi ah oh.  Bright eyes bright smile,  The taste of candy.  Oh come oh, oh, oh, oh come oh  Oh yi ah yi ah oh.,  Let me glad let me to sorrow  Not the taste of ripe tomatoes.  If you want to go to,  The fantasy world.  Little trouble all forget,  Happy like heaven  If you want to share with  The dreams for the future.  Oh happy baby, hope boy  Came to your side.  The main street of the morning mist drifting,  The beautiful girl walk side.  The fresh air and glittering and translucent dewdrop,  Like cherry cherry shining eyes.  The early morning sunlight still wink-wink,  Like the veil by young girl of face..  Color of the bus for a walk off,  Happy baby, laughter and ying ying.  Jumping play make make,  Because is young.  Some are pure some naive,  In fact is not important.  About love about the future  Feel very wonderful,  Happy baby, please come here,  Answer is good.  Oh come oh, oh, oh, oh come oh, oh, oh,  Oh yi ah yi ah oh.,  Innocent eyes give a,,  Of the bitterness of the coffee.  Oh come oh, oh, oh, oh come oh, oh, oh,  Oh yi ah yi ah oh  Let me glad let me to sorrow.  The taste of love.  If you want to go to,  The fantasy world.  Little trouble all forget,  Happy like heaven  If you are willing to share together,  The dreams for the future.  Oh happy baby, hope boy,  Came to my side.  赞一个呗!
2023-07-16 10:01:121

walk across 是短语吗

2023-07-16 10:01:181


2023-07-16 10:01:273

Walk Away 歌词请求帮忙把英文用中文翻出来,是翻译英语的发音!不是英文翻译!谢谢

2023-07-16 10:01:487

put on/ put over/ put off有什么区别?

"Put on", "put over" 和 "put off" 都是英语中常用的动词短语,但它们的意思和用法略有不同。Put on"Put on" 的意思是“穿上(衣服)”,也可以指涂抹化妆品或者戴上眼镜等。例如:She put on her coat and went outside.(她穿上外套出门了。)He put on some aftershave before going to the party.(他去参加派对前涂了些须后水。)Put over"Put over" 的意思是“传达、表达(信息、观点等)”,也可以指成功地说服某人接受某种观点或做某件事情。例如:The speaker was able to put his ideas over very effectively.(演讲者能够非常有效地传达他的想法。)I tried to put over the importance of this project to my boss, but he didn"t seem interested.(我试图向老板表达这个项目的重要性,但他似乎不太感兴趣。)Put off"Put off" 的意思是“推迟、延期(会议、约会等)”,也可以指使人感到厌烦或不愉快。例如:The meeting has been put off until next week.(会议已经推迟到下周了。)The bad weather put us off going for a walk.(恶劣的天气让我们不想去散步了。)需要注意的是,这三个动词短语的意思和用法都比较常见,但在具体语境中可能会有一些细微的差别。因此,在使用时需要根据具体情况来选择正确的动词短语。
2023-07-16 10:02:041

fall down和fall off的区别

2023-07-16 10:02:188


to和for的用法:一般情况下,to后面常接对象;for后面表示原因与目的为多。表示对某人有直接影响比如,食物对某人好或者不好就用to;for表示从意义、价值等间接角度来说,例如对某人而言是重要的,就用for。to和for的区别:1、搭配使用不同(1)for往往与be bound,be booked,be destined,depart,embark,head,leave,make,set,set off,set out,start,steer等动词连用。(2)to往往与come,drive,fly,get,go,lead,march,move,return,ride,travel,walk等动词连用。2、具体意思不同(1)for往往含有“向前方的目标运动”的意思。如:They sailed for Guangzhou。他们开船驶向广州。(2)而to则含有“向最终目标运动”的意思。如:They sailed to Guangzhou。他们开船驶至广州。3、用法不同(1)to sb表示对某人有直接影响比如,食物对某人好或者不好就用to。(2)for表示从意义、价值等间接角度来说,例如对某人而言是重要的,就用for。4、读音不同(1)to的英式读法是[t];美式读法是[t]。(2)for的英式读法是[f(r)];美式读法是[fr]。5、后接词的属性不同:for后加动名词,人称加宾格。to与动词连用,构成不定式。词性不同:for只能是介词。to可以用作连接词,介词等词性。
2023-07-16 10:03:011

fall down和fall off的区别

fall down,fall off和fall over都表示“摔倒、跌倒”的意思,但它们各自的含义不同。 fall over强调的是“向前摔倒、跌倒”。 She fell over and broke her leg. 她跌倒并把腿摔断了。 There is too much snow on the ground. If you ride much too fast,you will fall over. 地上的雪太多,如果你骑得太快的话,你会摔跤的。 fall down强调的是“滑倒、倒下”,后接宾语时应加上介词from。 The boy hit the tree to hard that he fell down. 男孩重重地撞在树上,结果自己倒下了。 If people run across the road,they may fall down. 如果人们跑过马路的话,他们可能会摔倒。 fall off强调的是“跌落、从……掉下来”,后直接接宾语。 The girl is falling off the bike. (= The girl is falling down from the bike.) 女孩正从自行车上摔下来。 They spread a big net in case Tom should fall off the tree and get hurt. 他们张开一张大网以防汤姆从树上掉下来受伤。 自我测试 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 请将下列句子译成英语。 1. 那书从桌上掉落在地板上。 2. 他掉进水里了。 3. 这个篮子里装满了鸡蛋,不要把它打翻了。 4. 小孩儿学步时常会跌跤。 答 案: 1. The book fell down from the table to the floor. (The book fell off the table to the floor.) 2. He fell over into the water. 3. This basket is full of eggs. Don"t let it fall down. 4. Babies often fall down when they are learning to walk.
2023-07-16 10:03:332

Walking Disaster (Sum41 ) 歌词的翻译

我未到家有一阵子I上午肯定一切是相同的Mom和爸爸两个在否认 承担过失责任的An独生子Sorry,妈妈,而是我不想念您Father您需要的没有名字I上午没有志向的一个孩子 为世界没回家的WouldNever知道什么我成为了 说并且做的The国王所有The被忘记的儿子在失败埋没的This城市的 沿这些没有名字街道的I步行Wave再见对家As我跌倒…At我开始的空端To烧伤无罪桥梁 保证的SatisfactionA枕头重量浩劫Our拥有无处一定的使命 地下InhibitionsA浅坟墓我Have由我自己开掘了所有And我现在去那么长时间I不可能记住谁是错误的 是长的去的All无罪I对怀疑世界的承诺忠诚 Where我属于A走的灾害 所有坏蛋的The儿子You遗憾您做了我It太晚以至于不能救我(您遗憾您做了我It太晚以至于不能救我)就我的可以知道It是在我的头的声音[在http://www.metrolyrics.com的走的灾害抒情诗]Am我谈话与我自己?because我不知道什么I说(和她说) 就的我跌倒了的地方Maybe我是更加境况较好的死者Am我在结尾的无处Is这,象它得到一样?And我现在去那么长时间I不可能记住谁是错误的 是长的去的All无罪I对怀疑世界的承诺忠诚 Where我属于A走的灾害 所有坏蛋的The儿子You遗憾您做了我It太晚以至于不能救我(救我,救我,救我,…)(“太晚”) [x2]To救我,救我,救我,救我And我现在去那么长时间I不可能记住谁是错误的 是长的去的All无罪I对怀疑世界的承诺忠诚 Where我属于A走的灾害 所有坏蛋的The儿子You遗憾您做了我It太晚以至于不能救我I有一段时间将到家You不必须说词I不可能等待看您微笑 不是Would错过它世界的I有一段时间将到家You不必须说词I不可能等待看您微笑 不是Would错过它世界的I haven"t been home for a whileI"m sure everything"s the sameMom and Dad both in denialAn only child to take the blameSorry, Mom, but I don"t miss youFather"s no name you deserveI"m just a kid with no ambitionsWouldn"t come home for the worldNever know what I"ve becomeThe king of all that"s said and doneThe forgotten sonThis city"s buried in defeatI walk along these no-name streetsWave goodbye to homeAs I fall...At the dead-end I beginTo burn a bridge of innocenceSatisfaction guaranteedA pillow-weight catastropheOur own mission nowhere boundInhibitions undergroundA shallow grave IHave dug all by myselfAnd now I"ve been gone for so longI can"t remember who was wrongAll innocence is long goneI pledge allegiance to a world of disbeliefWhere I belongA walking disasterThe son of all bastardsYou regret you made meIt"s too late to save me(You regret you made meIt"s too late to save me)As far as I can tellIt"s just voices in my head[Walking Disaster lyrics on]Am I talking to myself?"Cause I don"t know what I just said(And she said)As far as where I fellMaybe I"m better off deadAm I at the end of nowhereIs this as good as it gets?And now I"ve been gone for so longI can"t remember who was wrongAll innocence is long goneI pledge allegiance to a world of disbeliefWhere I belongA walking disasterThe son of all bastardsYou regret you made meIt"s too late to save me(To save me, to save me, to save me, ...)("It"s too late") [x2]To save me, to save me, to save me, to save meAnd now I"ve been gone for so longI can"t remember who was wrongAll innocence is long goneI pledge allegiance to a world of disbeliefWhere I belongA walking disasterThe son of all bastardsYou regret you made meIt"s too late to save meI will be home in a whileYou don"t have to say a wordI can"t wait to see you smileWouldn"t miss it for the worldI will be home in a whileYou don"t have to say a wordI can"t wait to see you smileWouldn"t miss it for the world
2023-07-16 10:03:401


泰勒斯威夫特-霍元甲 歌词由Kevin Boul @ LK公司歌词组国家分队 有比赛的方式 在街上时,看起来它只是下雨 有辉光了路面 走我的车 而且你知道我要问你有跳舞的权利 中间的停车场 是啊 我们道路上 我想知道如果你知道 我设法使很难不被套牢现在 但你只要冷静 运行你的手,通过你的头发 不在一味金"我要你 我不知道如何获得比这更好的 你我的手,拖我头先 霍元甲 我不知道为什么在你我同舞 在风暴中我最好的衣服 霍元甲 所以婴儿驱动缓慢 "直到我们耗尽道在此一马城 我想留在这个权乘客座位 你把你的眼睛我 在现在这个时刻捕捉每一个记忆 我不知道如何获得比这更好的 你我的手,拖我头先 霍元甲 我不知道为什么,但我想与你跳舞 在风暴中我最好的衣服 霍元甲 那么你站在那里与我在门口 我的手抖动 我不是这种方式,但通常 你拉我,我更勇敢一点 这是第一次亲吻,这是真的 这是无所畏惧的。 原因我不知道如何获得比这更好的 你我的手,拖我头先 霍元甲 我不知道为什么,但我想与你跳舞 在风暴中我最好的衣服 霍元甲 原因我不知道如何获得比这更好的 你我的手,拖我头先 霍元甲 我不知道为什么,但我想与你跳舞 在风暴中我最好的衣服 霍元甲 法改会由白斑歌词组
2023-07-16 10:03:502


take a walk
2023-07-16 10:04:062

walk in off the street什么意思

2023-07-16 10:04:353

even if you get killed,just walk it off.什么意思

2023-07-16 10:04:552

even if you get killed,just walk it off到底怎么翻译

even if you get killed,just walk it off即使你快死了,也必须咬紧牙关撑下去。
2023-07-16 10:05:022

even u get killed just walk it off什么意思

even u get killed, just walk it off即使你被杀了,只是走开了
2023-07-16 10:05:091

evenif you get killed,just walk it off!"翻译出来什么意思

2023-07-16 10:05:173


2023-07-16 10:02:557

initially 和 originally

initially 表最初时的状态,情况, 常与数字或顺序有关;originally 表最初时, 强调的是起源, 原本的事实或情况是怎么样.
2023-07-16 10:03:022


去新浪财经找个公司的年报 里面有个栏目就是杜邦财务的分析方法结构图都画在那里了
2023-07-16 10:03:035


2023-07-16 10:03:053


2023-07-16 10:03:091


外交主动行动过去几年目睹了多边谈判的虚拟爆炸旨在解决新的全球环境问题。这些措施包括1985年维也纳公约关于保护臭氧层,1987年物质的蒙特利尔议定书对消耗臭氧层,1989年巴塞尔公约危险废物越境转移控制废物,在全球环境基金1991年成立,1992年联合国会议关于环境与发展,以及它的分支,议程21和可持续发展委员会,1992年联合国框架气候变化框架公约,生物多样性公约1992年;1993年召开的联合国跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类股票,在1994年召开的联合国小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展发展中国家; 1994年联合国防治荒漠化的公约;的1994年国际人口与发展,1997年京都气候变化协议,以及众多政府间谈判,工作作为可持续森林管理,土地等科目组水资源,经济手段和生物技术。这些都不是一次性事件,而是在大多数情况下,他们已经推出的报告和国家政策和科学审查进程证据。体制框架,由常设秘书处和专家的支持团体都建立了继续谈判的支持评价和完善国家承诺在不断变化的知识和轻条件。两者合计,这都可以作为一个仍在发展的系统来看待对国际环境治理。环境外交的真正开始的年龄在1992年联合国会议环境与发展会议(环发)在里约热内卢。也称为“地球峰会”,环发会议的国家元首有史以来最大的一次聚会举起这一时间:近180个国家参加,在负责人的,国家一级118。此外,还有联合国和其他政府间几十组织,加上数百名观察员代表数千名民间组织和媒体来源,从世界的每一个角落。矛盾的是,在里约环境部长自己失去了对自己的域名控制权。即使环境捕获全球头条新闻在一段长时间内首次题材本身变得太重要了留下来让“环保。”40章的“21世纪议程”谈判在两年的准备年里约会议所,近每个人的经验范围。外交部越来越多地接管了的问题,而其他地方的政府特别是金融,经济,科学,能源,农业和发展合作部,赶紧来支持自身素质的环境主题。
2023-07-16 10:03:091

Back To The Primitive 歌词

2023-07-16 10:02:521


遏止危险废料越境转移的《巴塞尔公约》 《巴塞尔公约》的正式名称为《控制危险废料越境转移及其处置巴塞尔公约》 (Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movementsof Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal) ,1989年3月22日在联合国环境规划署于瑞士巴塞尔召开的世界环境保护会议上通过,1992年5月正式生效。已有近百个国家签署了这项公约,中国于1990年3月22日在该公约上签字。 《巴塞尔公约》旨在遏止越境转移危险废料,特别是向发展中国家出口和转移危险废料。公约要求各国把危险废料数量减到最低限度,用最有利于环境保护的方式尽可能就地储存和处理。公约明确规定:如出于环保考虑确有必要越境转移废料,出口危险废料的国家必须事先向进口国和有关国家通报废料的数量及性质;越境转移危险废料时,出口国必须持有进口国政府的书面批准书。公约还呼吁发达国家与发展中国家通过技术转让、交流情报和培训技术人员等多种途径在处理危险废料领域中加强国际合作。2003年11月12日,一艘拖船将前美国海军报废油轮“卡卢萨哈奇”号牵入英格兰东北部哈特尔普尔港。“卡卢萨哈奇”号是美国海军二战时使用过的油轮,已报废,被环保人士称为“鬼船”。根据一项总金额为1670万美元的合同,英国埃布尔公司计划拆解被称为“幽灵舰队”的13艘美国海军报废油轮。“卡卢萨哈奇”号是其中抵达英国的第一艘。近百名英国环保人士手举标语,在港口抗议英公司对该船进行拆解。 新华社/法新1995年9月22日,100多个国家的代表在日内瓦通过了《巴塞尔公约》的修正案。修正案禁止发达国家以最终处置为目的向发展中国家出口危险废料,并规定发达国家在1997年年底以前停止向发展中国家出口用于回收利用的危险废料。危险废料指国际上普遍认为具有爆炸性、易燃性、腐蚀性、化学反应性、急性毒性、慢性毒性、生态毒性和传染性等特性中一种或几种特性的生产性垃圾和生活性垃圾,前者包括废料、废渣、废水和废气等,后者包括废食、废纸、废瓶罐、废塑料和废旧日用品等,这些垃圾给环境和人类健康带来危害。据国际环境保护组织的估计,目前,全世界每年产生的垃圾约有100多亿吨,其中三分之二以上产生于工业发达国家,这些废料只有极少一部分目前能回收利用。美国是世界上产出垃圾最多的国家,一年产出生活垃圾2亿多吨,工业垃圾22亿多吨,年人均产出约800公斤垃圾。20世纪80年代以来,工业发达国家制定了越来越严格的保护本国环境的法律,各国处理危险废料的代价也越来越高,因此,一些西方发达国家政府对危险废料处理实行损人利己的政策,纵容、默许和支持它们的企业将危险废料转移到其它国家。美国是世界上最大的危险废料输出国,每年要向境外倾倒200多万吨危险废料。发展中国家受经济条件和技术水平等限制,是危险废料越境活动的最大受害者。广大发展中国家强烈谴责发达国家以邻为壑、转嫁污染的恶劣行径,包括我国在内的100多个发展中国家都明令禁止进口危险废料。1991年,非洲统一组织环境部长会议作出决定,禁止非洲各国进口危险废料,并决定堵截经过非洲转运的任何危险废料。
2023-07-16 10:02:482


长岛冰茶的基酒比较多 你要买个遍了。白兰地相对较贵 。
2023-07-16 10:02:452


环境保护相关英语词汇[1]21世纪议程 Agenda 21 (the international plan of action adopted by governments in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro Brazil(巴西里约), - provides the global consensus on the road map towards sustainable development)世界环境日 World Environment Day (June 5th each year)世界环境日主题 World Environment Day Themes环境千年-行动起来吧!(2000) The Environment Millennium - Time to Act!拯救地球就是拯救未来!(1999) Our Earth - Our Future - Just Save It!为了地球上的生命-拯救我们的海洋!(1998)For Life on Earth - Save Our Seas!为了地球上的生命(1997) For Life on Earth我们的地球、居住地、家园(1996) Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home国际生物多样性日 International Biodiversity Day (29 December)世界水日 World Water Day (22 March)世界气象日 World Meteorological Day(23 March)世界海洋日 World Oceans Day (8 June )联合国环境与发展大会(环发大会) United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED)环发大会首脑会议 Summit Session of UNCED联合国环境规划署 United Nations Environment Programs (UNEP)2000年全球环境展望报告 GEO-2000; Global Environmental Outlook 2000入选“全球500佳奖” be elected to the rank of Global 500 Roll of Honor 联合国人类居住中心 UN Center for Human Settlements (UNCHS)改善人类居住环境最佳范例奖 Best Practices in Human Settlements Improvement人与生物圈方案 Man and Biosphere (MAB) Programme (UNESCO)中国21世纪议程 China"s Agenda 21中国生物多样性保护行动计划 China Biological Diversity Protection Action Plan中国跨世纪绿色工程规划 China Trans-Century Green Project Plan国家环境保护总局 State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA)中国环保基本方针 China"s guiding principles for environmental protection坚持环境保护基本国策 adhere to the basic state policy of environmental protection推行可持续发展战略 pursue the strategy of sustainable development贯彻经济建设、城乡建设、环境建设同步规划、同步实施、同步发展(三同步)的方针 carry out a strategy of synchronized planning, implementation and development in terms of economic and urban and rural development and environmental protection (the “three synchronizes” principle)促进经济体制和经济增长方式的转变 promote fundamental shifts in the economic system and mode of economic growth实现经济效益、社会效益和环境效益的统一 bring about harmony of economic returns and contribution to society and environmental protection中国环保基本政策 the basic policies of China"s environmental protection预防为主、防治结合的政策 policy of prevention in the first place and integrating prevention with control污染者负担的政策 “the-polluters-pay” policy强化环境管理的政策 policy of tightening up environmental management一控双达标政策 policy of “One Order, Two Goals”: “一控”:12种工业污染物的排放量控制在国家规定的排放总量 The total discharge of 12 industrial pollutants in China by the end of 2000 shall not exceed the total amount mandated by the central government.; “双达标”: 1. 到2000年底,全国所有的工业污染源要达到国家或地方规定的污染物排放标准 The discharge of industrial pollutants should meet both national and local standards by the end of 2000. 2. 到2000年底,47个重点城市的空气和地面水达到国家规定的环境质量标准 2. Air and surface water quality in all urban districts in 47 major cities should meet related national standards by the end of 2000.对新项目实行环境影响评估 conduct environmental impact assessments (EIA) on start-up projects提高全民环保意识 raise environmental awareness amongst the general public查处违反环保法规案件 investigate and punish acts of violating laws and regulations on environmental protection环保执法检查 environmental protection law enforcement inspection限期治理 undertake treatment within a prescribed limit of time中国已加入的国际公约 international conventions into which China has accessed 控制危险废物越境转移及其处置的巴塞尔公约 Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer生物多样性公约 Convention on Biological Diversity防治荒漠化国际公约 Convention to Combat Desertification
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杜邦分析法的三个指标是净资产收益率、总资产周转率、权益乘数。拓展资料:杜邦分析法(英文名:DuPont Analysis)是利用几种主要的财务比率之间的关系来综合地分析企业的财务状况。具体来说,它是一种用来评价公司赢利能力和股东权益回报水平,从财务角度评价企业绩效的一种经典方法。其基本思想是将企业净资产收益率逐级分解为多项财务比率乘积,这样有助于深入分析比较企业经营业绩。由于这种分析方法最早由美国 杜邦公司使用,故名杜邦分析法。基本特点杜邦模型最显著的特点是将若干个用以评价企业经营效率和财务状况的比率按其内在联系有机地结合起来,形成一个完整的指标体系,并最终通过权益收益率来综合反映。主要应用采用这一方法,可使财务比率分析的层次更清晰、条理更突出,为报表分析者全面仔细地了解企业的经营和盈利状况提供方便。杜邦分析法有助于企业管理层更加清晰地看到权益基本收益率的决定因素,以及销售净利润与总资产周转率、债务比率之间的相互关联关系,给管理层提供了一张明晰的考察公司资产管理效率和是否最大化股东投资回报的路线图。基本思路杜邦分析法的的基本思路1、权益净利率,也称权益报酬率,是一个综合性最强的财务分析指标,是杜邦分析系统的核心。2、资产净利率是影响权益净利率的最重要的指标,具有很强的综合性,而资产净利率又取决于销售净利率和总资产周转率的高低。总资产周转率是反映总资产的周转速度。对资产周转率的分析,需要对影响资产周转的各因素进行分析,以判明影响公司资产周转的主要问题在哪里。销售净利率反映销售收入的收益水平。扩大销售收入,降低成本费用是提高企业销售利润率的根本途径,而扩大销售,同时也是提高资产周转率的必要条件和途径。3、权益乘数表示企业的负债程度,反映了公司利用财务杠杆进行经营活动的程度。资产负债率高,权益乘数就大,这说明公司负债程度高,公司会有较多的杠杆利益,但风险也高;反之,资产负债率低,权益乘数就小,这说明公司负债程度低,公司会有较少的杠杆利益,但相应所承担的风险也低。
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