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MYM 全写是meet your makers 是什么意思

2023-07-16 18:53:29



Meet Your Makers(mYm)是一支国际职业电子竞技队伍的名字

翻译成 遇见你的制造者




DOTA战队“MYM”怎么读?“Meet Your Makers”是什么意思?

2023-07-16 14:49:492

Meet Your Makers是什么意思??

If someone has gone to meet their Maker, they have died.就是挂掉的意思,死了,嗝屁了。
2023-07-16 14:49:561


就像你说的,使某些单词的简写,具体什么意思,那谁知道。meet neo you makers 遇到 neo 你 制作者。。。。 根本连不成句子,网上这种胡起名字得太多了,谁知道他怎么想的我又不知道英语俚语什么意思,也不关心站队,不知道很正常啊。至于什么意思都说了起个名字能有什么意思,它是缩写你哪里猜得到。
2023-07-16 14:50:073


2002年1月,MYM注册成为一家专业游戏公司,在发展上迈出了重要的一步。11月,MYM决定开创一个“彩虹六号-盾牌行动”游戏的分队,其中大多数管理层都是来自以前彩虹六号玩家,一周以后,他们已经拥有彩虹六号战队的完整名单。 2003年2月,彩虹六号分队已经扩展为欧洲组和德国组,包含了当时欧洲一些最优秀的玩家。3月,他们又建立了“命运战士”和“雷神之锤3”的分队,一些优秀的命运战士和雷神之锤的玩家加入了MYM战队。5月,彩虹六号法国分队成立,6月,“虚幻竞技场”原SC战队加入成为MYM的“虚幻竞技场2003”分队,但令人遗憾的是,由于“雷神之锤”、“虚幻竞技场”、“命运战士2003”的过时和爱好者减少,MYM在10月取消这三个游戏的分队。同月,Esports I/S公司决定把马克彼得的唯一理事的格局扩展成为多理事的格局,他们举行了理事会并选举了亨利克·凯普勒·安德森等四名理事为Esports I/S和Meet Your Makers战队的合法拥有者。之后,原丹麦最优秀的“战地”游戏战队GN,全部转入MYM作为“战地”分队。11月,MYM以6名队员建立了“光晕”游戏的分队。 2004年3月,MYM以几名丹麦选手建立了“虚幻竞技场2004”分队,作为去年关闭的“虚幻竞技场2003”的替代。之后,他们又成立了许多主流竞技游戏的分队。6月,Esports I/S公司5名理事之中的3名由于自身的学业和生活的原因而辞职。8月,MYM取消了7个游戏的分队,它们分别是“光晕”、“战地1942”、“彩虹六号-盾牌行动”、“使命召唤”、“孤岛惊魂”、“反恐精英.sca”和“Fifa2004”,把精力主要集中在了“魔兽争霸3”和“反恐精英”上。12月,Esports I/S公司吸收了马库斯·阿米为新的理事,承担了MYM很多繁重的工作。 2005年5月,MYM为加强与北欧的交流,协同森海塞尔一起建立了丹麦FIFA分队。 2006年2月,MYM与世界上最著名的魔兽争霸3选手,韩国的Spirit_Moon签约,宣布了他们在魔兽争霸3的统治地位。4月,MYM和森海塞尔着眼远期考虑决定取消FIFA分队。之后Esports I/S和MYM被职业投资者收购,新的东家带来了充足的资金、健全的网络和先进的管理经验,目的是使MYM能成为引领世界潮流的电子竞技战队。8月,MYM收购了知名的游戏门户网站,从而融合了它的5万多名用户到MYM社区,此外前ESNation的CEO被MYM雇佣为所有MYM网站的内容经理。9月,MYM决定放弃瑞典CS分队而接管更强大的挪威分队,11月,MYM与挪威著名的选手element签约,并将他列入了他们CS战队的名册。 2008年1月,著名魔兽选手Grubby加入MYM,使得战队实力大增。
2023-07-16 14:50:522


2023-07-16 14:51:022


魔兽争霸韩国4大鬼王BET.Sweet·姓名:田正曦·英文名:Chun Jung-Hee ·生日:1985年11月14日·城市:韩国 Seoul·身高:183cm 体重:70kg·血型:B 星座:天蝎·喜欢的花:玫瑰 ·喜欢的季节:冬季 经典战术 UD三连杀 卓越战绩 ·2004年WEG Team League冠军·2005年WEG第三赛季冠军·2006年暴雪精英邀请赛冠军 MYM]Lucifer·姓名:JaeWook Noh ( 鲁宰旭 )·生日:1986/08/19·ID:MYM]Lucifer·城市:韩国 汉城 ·爱好:韩国剑艺·所属战队:MYM(Meet Your Makers)·座右铭:不轻言放弃,尽全力坚持到最后,我永远是最强的 经典战术 卓越战绩 ·2005 CKCG 韩国区 冠军·2006 ESWC 总决赛 冠军·2006 PPStream 中韩对抗赛 冠军 wNv.Fov·姓名:ChoDaeHee 赵大熙·生日:1985/10/01·身高:183cm 体重:74kg·住址:韩国汉城(现在的首尔)·ID:wNv.Fov·座右铭:不能给别人带来麻烦,要吃得好、活的好·人生格言: do my best卓越战绩 ·2004 ESWC 世界总冠军·2005 WCG 韩国区冠军·2005 CIG 魔头邀请赛冠军 ·2006 MIL 联赛冠军 Gostop·姓名:金东猛·生日:1984/10/15·身高 180cm ·体重 70kg·住址:韩国·ID:NiP-Gostop ·曾用id:R.E.M,1.17Undead,St_GoStop,RayCharles ·曾参与战队: MYM,Mouz,One,WCB,ST经典战术 解析蜘蛛流 卓越战绩 来自 :中国人皇:WE.IGE.Sky 名字:李晓峰 中国的人族皇帝Sky,相信大家都不会陌生, 战绩:2005年ESWC中国赛区总决赛冠军 2005年ACON5中国赛区总决赛冠军 2005年WCG中国区总决赛季军 2005年ESWC法国世界总决赛殿军 2005年ACON5中国世界总决赛冠军 2005年WCG新加坡世界总决赛冠军 2006年WEG世界大师邀请赛季军 2006年ESWC法国世界总决赛季军 2006年WCG中国区总决赛冠军 2006年CEG广州站亚军 2006年中国第一届PGL魔兽天王职业联赛冠军 2006年联想IEST2006中国赛区冠军 2006年IEF2006 国际数字娱乐嘉年华世界大赛冠军 2006年WCG意大利世界总决赛冠军 2006年联想IEST世界大赛中国区亚军 中国鬼王,他的名字叫:曾卓。   姓名: 曾卓   籍贯: 重庆渝中   生日:1988年的6月15日   身高:170   体重:100KG   从事职业:电子竞技   竞技项目: 魔兽争霸   ID:WE.pepsi.TeD   种族:UD   效力站队: 暂时未知(已于2010年6月30日离开了WE战队)   曾效力战队:Span、Xp、9s、Holy、Dhc、World Elite(WE)   鼠标:razer蓝色粒子   键盘:紫光键盘   耳机:Razer Piranha   鼠标垫:Manits control(操控王)   内存:Kingston HyperX DDR2   博客:中文名:曼努埃尔·申克赫伊岑外文名:Manuel Schenkhuizen别名:兽王,兽族皇帝国籍:荷兰出生地:新维根(Nieuwegein出生日期:1986年 5月11日运动项目:魔兽所属运动队:EG(EG电竞俱乐部)专业特点:orc (兽族),APM:250左右曾效力战队:欧洲4K战队、瑞典MYM战队星座:金牛座女友:PPG姓名:张宰怙(Jang Jae-Ho,韩国人在特别正式的场合都用中文(繁体字),身份证上面除了韩文名字还有名字发音所对应的汉字,Moon的名字用中文写出来就是张宰怙,很多人叫他张载豪,其实是根据他名字音译过来的,现在大家都叫顺嘴了,而且这个名字的确显得比较霸气)   绰号:月神 月魔 第五种族    生日:1986年12月14日   现在效力的战队:wemadefox战队   身高:179cm   体重:55kg   血型:O型   家庭其他成员:奶奶、爸爸、妈妈、自己   学校:仁川电子工业高等学校   所在城市:韩国仁川   从事职业:电子竞技   效力战队:韩国的星际战队We Made Fox   竞技项目: 魔兽争霸 Warcraft III   擅长种族:NE(暗夜精灵)   APM:260左右   曾用ID:Spirit_Moon;   Moon[ONE];   Last_Day;   Moon[Fairs];   Mylady;   IMNIJ;
2023-07-16 14:51:461


2023-07-16 14:51:531


欧洲顶级战队名单(16支): fnatic dsn, cArn, f0rest, GeT_RiGhT, threat SK Gaming allen, RobbaN, walle, face, Gux H2k Gaming BARBARR, pronax, Xizt, pop, moddii Meet Your Makers pita, Delpan, zet, FYRR73, kHRYSTAL mTw zonic, ave, Sunde, trace, minet Ravens BERRY, Snappi, zE, Friis, nexiz mousesports Kapio, Tixo, gob b, cyx, roman Team Alternate mooN, approx, Roman R., b4d, seraph WeMade FOX Solo, bail, termi, glow, peri Frag eXecutors TaZ, Loord, Neo, kuben, pasha Evil Geniuses n0thing, fRoD, Storm, lurppis, goodfornothing coL dboorN, hero, thoMz, evolution, Xp3 Na"Vi starix, Esenin, Zeus, Edward, markeloff PinG lmbt, strike, xaoc, ANGE1, craft1k UNiTED Hooch, ROMJkE, AdreN, ed1k, B1ad3 forZe Dosia, Dober, OverDrive, Fox, HEL1 像北美 巴西那些都不行在欧洲这些老牌劲旅面前就是靶子 目前为止国内最牛的 浙江TyLoo: alex, tb, GoodRifle, xf & kArl
2023-07-16 14:52:041


只因为他成名的ID,是spirit_moon spirit有神的意思
2023-07-16 14:52:126


韩国当年的四大鬼王:Lucifer、Sweet、Gostop、FoV简介:MYM|Lucifer:我的偶像,出道非常之早,在混乱之治时代就已经很有名气了,冰封王座的时局比较稳定的时候由于有madfrog的光芒,使得lucifer的天鬼技术被掩盖了不少,但是到了近年来,Lucifer的天地鬼战术,尤其是对天鬼的操作仍然是世界顶尖水平。Lucifer最为难能可贵的是他对各种战术、各种族对手的战绩都比较不错,实力比较均衡。但是由于现在1.21版本不死族实在是很弱势,所以我们只好对传说中的1.22拭目以待,来迎接鬼王的回归。bet.Sweet:绰号忧郁鬼王,得名来自他在比赛经常流露出的一种饱含怨念的眼神。Sweet也是成名非常早的,原来曾经是精灵族选手,以永不放弃的精神闻名于世,当年(什么时间什么比赛我都忘了)与Moon的一场大战至今仍然是稳入十大经典战役的排行榜。现在Sweet的状态并不像当年那么好了,但是也经常会带给我们惊喜。相比来说,Sweet在对战兽族的时候更有优势一些,主要就是他的蜘蛛用得很好,再配合冰甲蜘蛛这种独到的战术,曾经在一次比赛中(又忘了,大概是07年底的时候)连克世界几大兽族顶尖高手,包括Grubby、xiaOt、Lyn等Gostop:现在他是什么战队好像知道的人不多了,因为曾经的蜘蛛王现在慢慢淡出了人们的视线。对于中国玩家来说,Gostop给我们留下最深印象的一次就是2006年WCG,在和Sky的对抗中,由于不满Sky的技术性犯规,对Sky出言不逊(F***……)。抛开这些不提,其实我本人对他的了解并不是很多……bet.FoV:狗王这个名字最好的说明了他的特长。FoV将小狗围杀变成了一种艺术,有兴趣的可以去网上找一下经典围杀的视频,里面有很大一部分都是属于他的。如果说不死族取了不知多少性命,那么在这里面定然有死于FoV群狗包围之下的怨魂……FoV的特长是对暗夜精灵,Moon在2005、06年的WCG都没能冲出韩国,一方面确实是因为韩国高手如云,另一方面就是因为他每次都能碰到FoV……不过还是那句话,现在的1.21就是亡灵的哀叹……以上是最早的韩国四大鬼王,近年来又升起一颗明珠,那就是MYM的队长Susiria,不过由于笔者学识有限,没法像以上那几位那样说出点什么东西来,楼主只好自己去找找了。不过可以知道的是,Susi在不死内战的实力是很强的BET.Sweet·姓名:田正曦·英文名:Chun Jung-Hee ·生日:1985年11月14日·城市:韩国 Seoul·身高:183cm 体重:70kg·血型:B 星座:天蝎·喜欢的花:玫瑰 ·喜欢的季节:冬季 经典战术 UD三连杀 卓越战绩 ·2004年WEG Team League冠军·2005年WEG第三赛季冠军·2006年暴雪精英邀请赛冠军 MYM]Lucifer·姓名:JaeWook Noh ( 鲁宰旭 )·生日:1986/08/19·ID:MYM]Lucifer·城市:韩国 汉城 ·爱好:韩国剑艺·所属战队:MYM(Meet Your Makers)·座右铭:不轻言放弃,尽全力坚持到最后,我永远是最强的 经典战术 卓越战绩 ·2005 CKCG 韩国区 冠军·2006 ESWC 总决赛 冠军·2006 PPStream 中韩对抗赛 冠军 wNv.Fov·姓名:ChoDaeHee 赵大熙·生日:1985/10/01·身高:183cm 体重:74kg·住址:韩国汉城(现在的首尔)·ID:wNv.Fov·座右铭:不能给别人带来麻烦,要吃得好、活的好·人生格言: do my best卓越战绩 ·2004 ESWC 世界总冠军·2005 WCG 韩国区冠军·2005 CIG 魔头邀请赛冠军 ·2006 MIL 联赛冠军 Gostop·姓名:金东猛·生日:1984/10/15·身高 180cm ·体重 70kg·住址:韩国·ID:NiP-Gostop ·曾用id:R.E.M,1.17Undead,St_GoStop,RayCharles ·曾参与战队: MYM,Mouz,One,WCB,ST经典战术 解析蜘蛛流 卓越战绩
2023-07-16 14:52:381


世界比较权威的排名就是G7联盟和ZoneRank联合公布的排名了。这个最新的排名就是今年11月14日公布的了,刚公布十几天,世界前十是下面十支队伍:1. fnatic 535.422. mTw 510.003. SK 478.864. MYM 401.295. Mousesports 391.616. MiBR 292.897. eStro 227.818. GamePlay 179.589. emuLate 92.6310.aTTaX 77.67中国的wNv现在要进世界前20都比较困难,因为许多大赛都由于各种原因弃权了,所以根本就没有增加多少积分
2023-07-16 14:52:471


Dog Park
2023-07-16 14:52:567


Remarks by the President and the Vice PresidentTo the national governors associationState Dining RoomTHE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Everybody, please have a seat.First of all, thanks for not breaking anything last night. (Laughter.) Thank you also for waiting until I had left before you started the Congo line. I don"t know whether Rendell was responsible for that -- (laughter) -- but I hear it was quite a spectacle. Michelle and I just had a wonderful time last night and I hope all of you enjoyed it. It was a great kick-off of what we hope will be an atmosphere here in the White House that is welcoming and that reminds everybody that this is the people"s house. We are just temporary occupants. This is a place that belongs to the American people and we want to make sure that everybody understands it"s open.Almost three months ago, we came together in Philadelphia to listen to one another, to share ideas, and to try to push some of our ideology rigidity aside to formulate a recovery plan that would bring some relief to your states and to the American people.And I want to thank so many of you who were active throughout this process to get the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act done. I don"t want to single out too many folks, but Governor Rendell, Governor Douglas, worked tirelessly. We had people like Governor Patrick and Governor Schweitzer, Schwarzenegger, Crist, who were out there consistently promoting the plan. And as a consequence we got this passed through Congress in record time.Because of what we did together, this plan will save or create at least 3.5 million jobs in every state across the country. It will keep your police officers on the beat, your firefighters on the job, your teachers in the classroom. It will provide expanded unemployment insurance and protect health care for your residents who have been laid off. And beginning April 1st, it will put more money back into the pockets of 95 percent of your working families.So this plan will ensure that you don"t need to make cuts to essential services that Americans rely on now more than ever. And to show you we"re serious about putting this recovery plan into action swiftly, I"m announcing today that this Wednesday, our administration will begin distributing more than $15 billion in federal assistance under the Recovery Act to help you cover the costs of your Medicaid programs -- I know something that is going to be of great relief to many of you.That means that by the time most of you get home; money will be waiting to help 20 million vulnerable Americans in your states keep their health care coverage. (Applause.) Children with asthma will be able to breathe easier, seniors won"t need to fear losing their doctors, and pregnant women with limited means won"t have to worry about the health of their babies. So let me be clear, though: This is not a blank check. I know you"ve heard this repeatedly over the last few days, but I want to reiterate it: These funds are intended to go directly towards helping struggling Americans keep their health coverage, we want to make sure that"s what"s happening and we"re going to work with you closely to make sure that this money is spent the way it"s supposed to.We will get the rest of this plan moving to put Americans to work doing the work America needs done, making an immediate impact while laying the foundation for our lasting growth and prosperity.These are the steps we"re taking to help you turn this crisis into opportunity and pave the way for future prosperity. But I know that many of you, rather than wait for Washington, have already made your states. You are innovators and much of the work that you"ve done has already made a lasting impact and change in people"s lives. Instead of debating the existence of climate change, governors like the seven of you of you working together in the western climate initiative, and the 10 of you who are working together on the regional greenhouse gas initiative are leading the way in environmental and energy policy. Instead of waiting around for the jobs of the future, governors like Governor Gregoire and Governor Granholm have sparked the creation of cutting-edge companies and tens of thousands of new green jobs. And instead of passing the buck on accountability and efficiency, governors like Martin O"Malley and Governor Kaine, have revolutionized performance management systems, showing the American people precisely how their governments are working for them.The point that I made yesterday, or last night, is something that I want to reiterate, though. You shouldn"t be succeeding despite Washington; you should be succeeding with a hand from Washington, and that"s what we intend to give you in this administration. In return, we"ll expect a lot from you as the hard work of making the recovery plan"s promise a reality begins.And that"s why I"m announcing today that I"m asking my Vice President, Joe Biden, to oversee our administration"s implementation efforts. Beginning this week, Joe will meet regularly with key members of my Cabinet to make sure our efforts are not just swift, but also efficient and effective. Joe is also going to work closely with you, our nation"s governors, as well as our mayors and everyone else involved in this effort, to keep things on track. And the fact that I"m asking my Vice President to personally lead this effort shows how important it is for our country and our future to get this right, and I thank him for his willingness to take on this critical task. (Applause.)In the coming weeks, we"re also going to appoint some of the nation"s best managers and public officials to work with the Vice President on this effort. And I"m pleased to make the first of those announcements today with the appointment of Earl Devaney as the chair of the Recovery Act Transparency and Accountability Board. Where did Earl go? There he is. Stand up, Earl, so everybody can see you. (Applause.)For nearly a decade as Inspector General at the Interior Department, Earl has doggedly pursued waste, fraud and mismanagement. He has the reputation of being one of the best IGs that we have in this town. And Joe and I can"t think of a more tenacious and efficient guardian of the hard-earned tax dollars the American people have entrusted us to wisely invest. I pointed out just when I saw him -- he looks like an inspector there -- (laughter) -- he"s tough, you know, he barely cracks a smile. Earl is here with us today. I thank him for his willingness to take on this difficult new assignment.And I expect each of you to approach implementation of this recovery plan with the same seriousness of purpose and the same sense of accountability -- because the American people are watching. They need this plan to work. And they expect to see their money spent in its intended purpose.And that"s why we"ve created -- a web site so that every American can go online to see how their money is spent, and hold their federal, state, and local officials to the high standards that they expect. And I want to applaud Governors Kaine, Patrick, and Strickland for already having created their own recovery implementation web sites to allow for the monitoring and accountability at the local level. I encourage every one of you to follow suit.Let me be clear: We cannot tolerate business as usual -- not in Washington, but also not in our state capitals. With Mr. Devaney"s leadership, we will use the new tools that the recovery act gives us to watch the taxpayers" money with more rigor and transparency than ever.If a federal agency proposes a project that will waste that money, I will put a stop to it. But I want everybody here to be on notice that if a state government does the same, then I will call them out on it, and use the full power of my office and our administration to stop it.We are addressing the greatest economic crisis we have seen in decades by investing unprecedented amounts of the American people"s hard-earned money. And with that comes an unprecedented obligation to do so wisely, free from politics and personal agendas. And on this I will not compromise or tolerate shortcuts. The American people are looking to us for leadership, and it falls on us now to reward their faith and build a better future for our country. And I have every confidence that we can all do this.Let me make one last point and then I"m going to bring Joe up. There has been some healthy debate over the last few weeks, last few days, about this stimulus package, even among the governors. And I think that"s a healthy debate. And that keeps me on my toes. It keeps our administration on our toes. But I just want us to not lose perspective of the fact that most of the things that have been the topic of argument over the last several days amount to a fraction of the overall stimulus package. This sometimes gets lost in the cable chatter.For example, I think there are some very legitimate concerns on the part of some about the sustainability of expanding unemployment insurance. What hasn"t been noted is, is that that is $7 billion of a $787 billion program. And it"s not even the majority of the expansion of unemployment insurance. So it is possible for those who are concerned about sustaining a change that increases eligibility for part-time workers to still see the benefit of $30 billion-plus that is going even if you don"t make the change.So the reason I make that point is, I just want to make sure that we"re having an honest debate and presenting to the American people a fulsome accounting of what is going on in this program. You know, when I hear people say, well, there"s a lot of waste in this program -- well, from my perspective at least, keeping teachers in the classroom is not wasteful. From my perspective, tax cuts to 95 percent of working families is not wasteful. From my perspective, providing all of you additional resources to rebuild roads and bridges and levees and dams that will enhance the quality of life of your state but also make it more economically competitive, that"s not wasteful.And so if we agree on 90 percent of the stuff, and we"re spending all our time on television arguing about 1, 2, 3 percent of the spending in this thing and somehow it"s being characterized in broad brush as wasteful spending, that starts sounding more like politics -- and that"s what right now we don"t have time to do.So I will always be open to honest disagreements, and I think there are some legitimate concerns that can be raised on a whole host of these issues. And you"re responsible at the state level, and if the federal government gives you something now, and then two years later it"s gone, and people are looking to you and starting to blame you, I don"t want to put you in that position. And so you need to think about how this money is going to be spent wisely.What I don"t want us to do, though, is to just get caught up in the same old stuff that inhibits us from acting effectively and in concert. There"s going to be ample time for campaigns down the road. Right now we"ve got to make sure that we"re standing up for the American people and putting them back to work. All right. (Applause.)Joe.THE VICE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Mr. President. Thanks for this assignment. I look forward to working with all of you. Earl Devaney is probably the best-known Inspector General we have in the whole operation. And I think you"ll find him very helpful. And the Cabinet is ready to go to work. We"re ready to work with all of you. And so, I have a simple message: Let"s get to work, let"s make this work. (Applause.)END 这是他24号的发言,至于是不是国会首次就不知道了。可可听力网里面的。
2023-07-16 14:53:134

泰坦尼克号 英文评价

2023-07-16 14:53:232


MYM直接按英文顺序读:Meet Your Makers。Meet Your Makers的真正意思是“见鬼去吧”,因此这个战队也被外界戏称为小恶魔。MYM很早之前就注册成为一家专业的游戏公司。MYM现在已经发展为一支世界闻名的专业电子竞技俱乐部,拥有世界各地的的顶级竞技选手。
2023-07-16 14:53:372


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2023-07-16 14:50:461


boll [bu0259ul]n.【植物学】(亚麻、棉花等的)圆荚,铃,蒴;(尤指)棉蒴,棉桃,棉铃球状突出物,隆起物,鼓起物博耳(苏格兰、英格兰的容量单位)vi.【植物学】结荚,结铃,结蒴鼓起,凸起;膨胀;肿胀Players like Fabian Boll who have a job on the side and an education are a very rare exception these days.像法比安·波尔这样的有工作同时还有学历的运动员已经非常罕见。article.yeeyan.orgThe country has pretty much defeated the boll weevil, and the Department of Agriculture individually tests every bale on obscure measures such as the tensile strength of the fibres.棉铃象虫在美国难以为害,农业部会拿纤维的抗拉强度等玄深标准逐个检测每个棉包。BOLLBoll,波尔,德国著名兵乓球运动员,以优雅的球风赢得观众的喜爱与好评,于2002年世界杯首次夺得世界冠军,2003年1月登上男子乒乓球选手世界排名第一宝座,被认为是瓦尔德内尔的接班人。
2023-07-16 14:50:471

英文合同中常见“without limitations”是什么意思

without limitations没有限制
2023-07-16 14:50:522


2023-07-16 14:50:521

single dog,single dog,single all the day.see av,什么意思

Singledog,single dog,single all the day.SeeAV,play airplane,they are fucking all the day.Hey!singledog,single dog,why not be a gay?Nomore wait,no more afraid,let"s make him be a gay.Whyare you so alone?on this peaceful day.Everyonefour one night(419),you can only hit the plane.It"ssnowing outside,but no one gives you a hug.Let"sraise our torches raise our gas let"s fire all the couples.FFF!FFF!FFallthe way!Burnhotels,burn all the beds,who told you to kiss before us?FFF!FFF!FFallthe way!Firein the hole,fire in asshole kill all the loves in the world!Don"tthink too much,wake up in this dream.You"restill a single dog,no on beside you!Theymake love once again,you cry and eat paomian(泡面)撸啊撸了一遍遍,人生真是寂寞如雪.Singledog,single dog,single all the day.SeeAV,play airplane,they are fucking all the day.Hey!singledog,single dog,why not be a gay?Nomore wait,no more afraid,let"s make him be a gay.Don"tthink too much,wake up in this dream.You"restill a single dog,no ou beside you!Theymake love once again,you cry and eat paomian(泡面)撸啊撸了一遍遍,人生真是寂寞如雪Singledog,single dog,single all the day.SeeAV,play airplane,they are fucking all the day.Hey!singledog,single dog,why not be a gay?Nomore wait,no more afraid,let"s make him be a gay.纯手打,望采纳。
2023-07-16 14:50:532

左卡尼汀口服液对弱精有用吗 效果怎样

2023-07-16 14:50:541


C语言的vsnprintf和snprintf区别为:输出不同、函数声明不同、内存溢出不同。一、输出不同1、vsnprintf:vsnprintf将可变个参数按照format格式化输出成字符串。2、snprintf:snprintf将可变参数格式化输出到一个字符数组。二、函数声明不同1、vsnprintf:vsnprintf的函数声明为int snprintf(char* dest_str,size_t size,const char* format)。2、snprintf:snprintf的函数声明为int _vsnprintf(char* str, size_t size, const char* format, va_list ap)。三、内存溢出不同1、vsnprintf:vsnprintf加了size的限制,防止了内存溢出。2、snprintf:snprintf会出现内存溢出情况。
2023-07-16 14:50:561

statute of limitations是什么意思

诉讼时效;限定法律行动有效时限的法 令
2023-07-16 14:50:592

求single dog完整版歌词,要铃儿响叮当版本的

single boy, single boy, single all the way,having party together, and turning into gay. HEY!
2023-07-16 14:51:022


左卡尼汀(左旋肉毒碱)是食物的组成成份,广泛存在于自然界中,山羊肉中含量最高,约为2.1g/kg,而植物性食物中含量极少甚至没有,被认为是类维生素的营养素。人体本身也能合成左旋肉毒碱,成人体内约有20克左旋肉毒碱,主要分布于心肌、骨骼肌中。药理毒理左卡尼汀是哺乳动物能量代谢中必需的体内天然物质,其主要功能是促进脂类代谢。它既能将长链脂肪酸带进线粒体基质,并促进其氧化分解,为细胞提供能量,又能将线粒体内产生的短链脂酰基输出。 本品的补充可缓解其因体内缺乏引起的脂肪代谢紊乱、骨骼肌和心肌等组织的功能障碍。药代动力学一次口服0.5g,健康受试者血浆最大浓度为48.5μmol/L。单一口服或静脉给予左卡尼汀0.5~2g,对健康受试者,其生物半衰期大约为2~15小时。左卡尼汀不与血浆蛋白结合。 左卡尼汀的排泄途径取决于给药的途径,静脉注射12小时内从尿中回收大约70%,24小时内大约80%。口服给药,尿中回收10%。适应症用于防治左卡尼汀缺乏。如慢性肾衰病人因血液透析所致的左卡尼汀缺乏。用法和用量口服,用餐时服用。成人每日1g,分2~3次服用;儿童起始剂量每公斤体重50mg,根据需要和耐受性缓慢加大剂量,通常剂量为每公斤体重50~100mg(最大剂量一天不超过3g)。不良反应偶有口干、胃肠道轻度不适,停药后可自行消失。 【禁忌】对本品过敏者禁用。注意事项用胰岛素或口服降糖药物治疗的糖尿病患者,由于改善葡萄糖的利用,在服用本品时,可能引起低血糖现象,因此,这些患者在接受治疗中血糖应当保持在经常控制的数值以内。 本品含有少量乙醇,对乙醇过敏的病人慎用。 【孕妇及哺乳期妇女用药】虽动物实验不能证明左卡尼汀的生殖毒性,但在孕妇尚未进行合适和对照的研究,动物实验结果与人可能有一定差异,除非临床必须使用时孕妇才使用本药。目前不清楚该药是否通过乳汁排泄,因为许多药都可以通过乳汁排泄,因此哺乳期是否可用此药或停用须权衡对母亲的利弊。 【儿童用药】 见用法用量【老年患者用药】 在老人未进行年龄与左卡尼汀作用相互关系的合适的研究,但预计不存在限制本药在老人使用的特殊问题。【药物相互作用】 根据临床潜在的意义,接受丙戊酸的患者需增加左卡尼汀的用量。【药物过量】 还没有过量左卡尼汀引起毒性的报道。口服左卡尼汀可以很容易通过血透清除,口服左卡尼汀在老鼠的LD50是19.2g/kg,静脉是5.4g/kg。大剂量左卡尼汀可引起腹泻。
2023-07-16 14:51:021

Jerk limitation是什么意思

  Jerk limitation的中文翻译  Jerk limitation  混蛋的局限性  --  limitation英 [u02cclu026amu026au02c8teu026au0283n] 美 [u02cclu026amu026au02c8teu0283u0259n]  n.限制; 局限; 极限; 起限制作用的规则(或事实、条件);  [网络]时效; 缺陷; 界限;  [例句]All the talk had been about the limitation of nuclear weapons.  谈话都是围绕着限制核武器进行的。  [其他]复数:limitations 形近词: digitation visitation levitation
2023-07-16 14:51:061


2023-07-16 14:51:103

左卡尼汀口服液对弱精有用吗 效果怎样

2023-07-16 14:51:113


2023-07-16 14:51:131


lim·it [límmit]noun (plural lim·its) 1. farthest point, degree, or amount: the farthest point, degree, amount, or boundary, especially one that cannot or should not be passed or exceededThe car was tested to its limits on the test track.2. maximum or minimum amount allowed: the maximum or minimum amount, or the largest or lowest quantity, that is available or allowedan upper age limit of 12 years3. boundary of area: the boundary or edge of an area, or something that marks a boundary or edge (often used in the plural) the city limits4. restriction: a feature or circumstance that restricts what can be donea time limit5. gambling maximum money allowed in betting: the maximum amount of money that can be staked at any one time in various games of chance 6. mathematics maximum of mathematical function: a numerical value approached by a mathematical function as the independent variable of the function approaches infinity or a specific value 7. mathematics value specifying integral"s range: one of the two given values specifying the range over which a definite integral is evaluated transitive verb (past and past participle lim·it·ed, present participle lim·i·ting, 3rd person present singular lim·its) 1. restrict something: to restrict something or somebody in number or quantity, or restrict something to a particular grouphad to limit the number of guests because of space problems2. be boundary to area: to be or act as a boundary to an area [14th century. < Latin limit- "boundary"]lim·it·a·ble, adjectivebe the limit to be so bad as to be almost beyond what somebody is able or prepared to toleratelim·i·tar·y [límmi tèrree]adjective (archaic) 1. restricted: on which limits are imposed 2. restrictive: imposing limits lim·i·ta·tion [lìmmi táysh"n](plural lim·i·ta·tions) noun 1. restriction: an imposed restriction that cannot be exceeded or sidesteppedlimitations on the height of vehicles2. restricting flaw: a disadvantage or weakness in somebody or something (often used in the plural) One of the limitations of the program is the amount of memory it requires.3. setting of limit: the act of limiting somethingdamage limitation4. law maximum delay allowed: a particular period of time within which a legal action must start 5. law legal restriction: a legal restriction on the powers that somebody has lim·it·ed [límmitu0259d]adjective 1. with limit imposed: on which some form of limit or restriction is imposedWe have limited space available.2. lacking full scope: existing at or below the full degree or extent, usually far belowlimited powers3. of relatively little talent: with talents or skills that fall short of what is expected or required 4. politics lacking full authority: lacking a full range of powers, especially because of constitutional or legal limitations 5. commerce with restricted stockholder liability: describes a British-registered business enterprise whose stockholders" liability for any debts or losses is restricted -lim·i·ted·ly, adverb-lim·i·ted·ness, noun
2023-07-16 14:51:141


1.[Medicine] a miscarriage; an abortion2.[Medicine] to abort; to have (or get) an abortion; to have a miscarriage3.(of plans, etc.) to abort; to miscarry; to fail; to fall through
2023-07-16 14:51:192


2023-07-16 14:51:211


be restricted by....e limited by...
2023-07-16 14:50:421


2.big改为high吧4.不要prise of好象是的,我们老师讲过这一题,不知道要不要加东东其他的吗不是很明白希望我能帮到你你是几年纪的呀?
2023-07-16 14:50:413


2023-07-16 14:50:401


左卡尼汀是哺乳动物能量代谢中必需的体内天然物质,其主要功能是促进脂类代谢。它既能将长链脂肪酸带进线粒体基质,并促进其氧化分解,为细胞提供能量,又能将线粒体内产生的短链脂酰基输出。 本品的补充可缓解其因体内缺乏引起的脂肪代谢紊乱、骨骼肌和心肌等组织的功能障碍。一次口服0.5g,健康受试者血浆最大浓度为48.5μmol/L。单一口服或静脉给予左卡尼汀0.5~2g,对健康受试者,其生物半衰期大约为2~15小时。左卡尼汀不与血浆蛋白结合。扩展资料人体有几个组织是最需要左卡尼汀的。第一个是心脏,心脏跳动需要能量,这也是为什么左卡尼汀缺乏的病人容易出现猝死或者运动员容易发生猝死的原因。第二个是骨骼肌,运动员需要补充左卡尼汀帮助排出乳酸,提高肌肉的能量;第三个是大脑,遗传代谢病的孩子会出现学习困难,自闭症、智力或运动障碍患者也存在一定程度左卡尼汀缺乏。参考资料来源:百度百科-左卡尼汀人民网-左卡尼汀与你我息息相关
2023-07-16 14:50:381

澳洲留学 悉尼当地有哪些比较好的小学

  一直以来,澳大利亚都以优越的教育制度、优美的生活环境、良好的福利待遇等优势吸引着移民朋友。随着这几年澳洲留学热潮的高涨,人们除了对各国移民政策关注之外,也更多的会对自己向往的国度深入的了解,比如:当地的生活节奏、教育制度、国民生活的幸福感 u2026u2026等多方面,都是移民者考虑和评估的指标之一。为了让大家可以从细节方面更深入的熟悉和融入澳洲的生活,我为大家搜集了悉尼当地比较好的一些小学名称,希望可以提供给正准备过去和正生活在当地的友人们一些实用的信息。   NSW有公立小学1700所,其中悉尼有43所小学设有OC班。   传统的公立小学前10名(1992年首批有OC班的11所小学)   ★ Artarmon PS   ★ Summer Hill PS   ★ Woollahra PS   ★ Hurstville PS   ★ Neutrai Bay PS   以上5所小学每年招收2个OC班   ★ Beecroft PS   ★ Chatswood PS   ★ Eastwood PS   ★ Sutherland PS   ★ Waitara PS   ★ Caringbah North PS   南区的小学衰落了。Sutherland PS, Caringbah PS虽然是最早的11所有OC的小学,但退步很大,还不如北区一般没有OC的学校.   后起之秀 TOP 10   ★ St Ives North PS   ★ Lindfield East PS   ★ Murray Farm PS   ★ Epping West PS   ★ Carlingford West PS   ★ Matthew Pearce PS   ★ Pymble PS   ★ Hornsby North PS   ★ John Purchase PS   ★ Epping Heights PS   St Ives区在2011年 ABS的25项指标中,名列悉尼最佳住宅区第1名;   St Ives North, Sydney Grammar St Ives 2所小学非常不错;   Lindfield-Roseville 名列悉尼最佳住宅区第5名;   Lindfield East小学排名第2,多年来一直是当地居民的热门,生源,教学质量稳定;   West pennant hills 名列悉尼最佳住宅区第2名,其所在的Murray Farm小学排名第3;   Waroongha-Waitara名列悉尼最佳住宅区第3名;West Pymble名列悉尼最佳住宅区第4名。   其它比较好的小学有:   ★ Hunters Hills PS   ★ Balmain PS   ★ North Rocks PS   ★ Beaumont Rd PS   ★ Lindfield PS   ★ Gordon West PS   ★ West Pymble PS   ★ Wahroonga PS   ★ Ryde PS   ★ Earlwood PS   ★ Ermington PS   ★ Dural PS   ★ Cherrybrook PS   ★ West Ryde PS   ★ Denistone East PS   ★ Epping PS   ★ Epping North PS   ★ Lane Cove PS   ★ Roseville PS   ★ Mosman PS   ★ Killara PS   ★ Northbridge PS   ★ Cammeray PS   ★ Kent Road PS   ★ St Ives PS   ★ Burwood PS   ★ Westmead PS   ★ Calton PS   ★ Randwick PS
2023-07-16 14:50:331


这个要根据句意啦。不过Have的话,还是用on比较好。比如说 某方面学习能力有限 “Have a limitation on the study of XX” 不过话说回来,学习能力有限为什么要用名词呢,用limited study ability 或 (who)"s study ability is limited岂非好多了。
2023-07-16 14:50:332


布林线指标,即BOLL指标,其英文全称是“Bollinger Bands”,布林线(BOLL)由约翰·布林先生创造,其利用统计原理,求出股价的标准差及其信赖区间,从而确定股价的波动范围及未来走势,利用波带显示股价的安全高低价位,因而也被称为布林带。其上下限范围不固定,随股价的滚动而变化。【拓展资料】布林线指标很简单,就是三条线。但是简简单单的三条线却能清晰地表现当前市场的状态,是上涨还是下跌,是即将进入震荡还是行情即将来临,都能给我们一个直观的感受。在具体到每一笔操作上,也有优势,什么时候该把单子拿住,什么时候该止损出场,什么时候该加仓都能够比较明确地表示出来。不过布林线易学难精,有点像太极拳。开口代表着行情快速展开,尽管投资者都厌恶震荡行情,喜好趋势行情,但是行情往往来的很突兀,待发现确认后再进场,由于止损过大不符合盈亏比,难以决定是否追多或追空。不过在明白了布林线开口原理后,只需设在中轨略下方即可,因为一旦金价回抽时突破中轨,即可确认这波大开是假的,越早出场越好。当布林线指标进入收口阶段后,之前的行情走势暂时告一段落,行情将进入反转阶段或暂时回调,如果拥有复合仓位,建议平掉一半仓位。如若后市再度突破中轨,平仓全部仓位为佳。布林线进入收口阶段后,行情一般会陷入震荡整理,行情波动不大,以短线区间操作为主,止损设置在可见的最高最低点上下方即可。收口阶段是高抛低吸区间操作的良机。收口后,中轨若能成为有效的支撑阻力,就会出现三轨同向状态。三轨同向是市场行情极为强劲而且稳定的表现,也是最为考验投资者耐心的时候。这种情形也就是酒田战法中的掠如火,牢牢抱住盈利的头寸,中轨成为很好的加仓点,也成为盈利提止损的参考点,直到跌破布林线中轨为止。当市场陷入震荡整理后,尤其是窄幅震荡整理,布林线就走平。走平是布林线最为好看但是最难把握的行情,因为面临着布林线随时开口的风险。按照酒田战法的战术指导还是以不动如山,观望为好。不过若是此情形发生早盘,可以进行一些刮头皮的操作,止损设置的就比较宽松。正规的操作还是应该耐心的等着布林线的开口方向。
2023-07-16 14:50:292


C语言的vsnprintf和snprintf区别为:输出不同、函数声明不同、内存溢出不同。一、输出不同1、vsnprintf:vsnprintf将可变个参数按照format格式化输出成字符串。2、snprintf:snprintf将可变参数格式化输出到一个字符数组。二、函数声明不同1、vsnprintf:vsnprintf的函数声明为int snprintf(char* dest_str,size_t size,const char* format)。2、snprintf:snprintf的函数声明为int _vsnprintf(char* str, size_t size, const char* format, va_list ap)。三、内存溢出不同1、vsnprintf:vsnprintf加了size的限制,防止了内存溢出。2、snprintf:snprintf会出现内存溢出情况。
2023-07-16 14:50:281


NSW有公立小学1700所,其中悉尼有43所小学设有OC班。 传统的公立小学前10名(1992年首批有OC班的11所小学) ★ Artarmon PS ★ Summer Hill PS ★ Woollahra PS ★ Hurstville PS ★ Neutrai Bay PS 以上5所小学每年招收2个OC班 ★ Beecroft PS ★ Chatswood PS ★ Eastwood PS ★ Sutherland PS ★ Waitara PS ★ Caringbah North PS 南区的小学衰落了。Sutherland PS, Caringbah PS虽然是最早的11所有OC的小学,但退步很大,还不如北区一般没有OC的学校. 后起之秀 TOP 10 ★ St Ives North PS ★ Lindfield East PS ★ Murray Farm PS ★ Epping West PS ★ Carlingford West PS ★ Matthew Pearce PS ★ Pymble PS ★ Hornsby North PS ★ John Purchase PS ★ Epping Heights PS St Ives区在2011年 ABS的25项指标中,名列悉尼最佳住宅区第1名; St Ives North, Sydney Grammar St Ives 2所小学非常不错; Lindfield-Roseville 名列悉尼最佳住宅区第5名; Lindfield East小学排名第2,多年来一直是当地居民的热门,生源,教学质量稳定; West pennant hills 名列悉尼最佳住宅区第2名,其所在的Murray Farm小学排名第3; Waroongha-Waitara名列悉尼最佳住宅区第3名;West Pymble名列悉尼最佳住宅区第4名。 其它比较好的小学有: ★ Hunters Hills PS ★ Balmain PS ★ North Rocks PS ★ Beaumont Rd PS ★ Lindfield PS ★ Gordon West PS ★ West Pymble PS ★ Wahroonga PS ★ Ryde PS ★ Earlwood PS ★ Ermington PS ★ Dural PS ★ Cherrybrook PS ★ West Ryde PS ★ Denistone East PS ★ Epping PS ★ Epping North PS ★ Lane Cove PS ★ Roseville PS ★ Mosman PS ★ Killara PS ★ Northbridge PS ★ Cammeray PS ★ Kent Road PS ★ St Ives PS ★ Burwood PS ★ Westmead PS ★ Calton PS ★ Randwick PS 原文来源:http://www.LiuXue86.Com/a/2292797.html
2023-07-16 14:50:261


“5.1”来历(100字) 我在“5.1”怎样作(50字)我想说什么(50字)“5.1”什么节 家人我想对你们说qq:1098168172
2023-07-16 14:50:173

make用法 make用法有哪些

1、make的基本意思是“做,制造”,即“使甲物变为乙物”“使某物变为某种状态”。 2、make用作不及物动词时,意思是“开始,试图”“行进,趋向”“被做成,被制成”“增长起来”。主动形式常含有被动意义。 3、make用作及物动词时,意思是“制作,做成”“产生,引起”“成为,构成”“获得,赢得,赚得”“走(到),以(某种速度)行进,赶上”“吃”“说明,讲述”。可接名词、代词作宾语。 4、make还可接由名词、形容词、动词不定式、过去分词或介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语。
2023-07-16 14:50:092

A young man from a village called Nawalapitiya married a young woman from Maiyuwa, a small vill...

小题1:C小题2:A小题3:B小题4:B小题5:D 试题分析:这篇短文中的大象因为想念女主人,就自己跑去女主人家,最后让这对夫妇重归于好。小题1:根据Three months later, having quarreled with her husband, the woman went back to her parents" home.描述,可知选C。小题2:联系下文It went to the woman"s home. 描述,可知此处指的是它从这个家庭消失了,故选A,逃跑。小题3:根据第二段Soon the elephant refused to eat and work. It appeared to be ill and heartbroken. 描述,推理可知这头像是想念这个女主人,故选B。小题4:根据最后一段On seeing her, the elephant waved its trunk and touched her with it. 描述,可知选B。小题5:这篇短文主要讲述了一头通人性的大象让一对吵架的夫妇重归于好的故事,故选D。点评:本文浅显易懂,层次分明,学生很容易把握文章中心内容。答题中注意带着问题阅读短文,一般就能顺利找出答题依据。对于不能直接找到根据的问题注意联系上下文,根据短文中心总结出正确答案。
2023-07-16 14:50:081

Single dog

2023-07-16 14:50:073


《在果园的下午》在果园的下午,我遇上我的爱;她走过合欢树下,甜蜜漫过了我心坎。《格兰切斯特的老神舍》(Old Vicarage,Grantchester)中的最后两句也使得茶园里的午茶活动百世流芳: Stands the church clock at ten to three(教堂时钟已过午) And is there honey still for tea ? (尚有佳蜜伴茶馨?)只找到这些``见谅
2023-07-16 14:50:012


2023-07-16 14:50:016

耐克足球鞋 传奇7 vg和vl什么区别?

耐克足球鞋 传奇7 vg和vl什么区别。这个问题我也想知道,在线等!
2023-07-16 14:50:012


局限的英文有很多,如:localization、limitation、define等等相关例句1.他没把自己局限于这一门语言。He did not confine himself to the one language.2.此项工作不会局限于格拉斯哥地区。The work will not be confined to the Glasgow area.3.这种技术实用,但也有局限性。This technique is useful but it has its limitations.4.暴力犯罪并不局限于大城市。Violent crime is not limited to big cities.5.教授历史不应该局限于讲年代和人物。The teaching of history should not be limited to dates and figures.6.他现在四肢瘫痪,被局限在一个轮椅中。He is now quadriplegic and confined to a wheelchair.7.要求分裂西伯利亚的人如今只局限于一小撮极端分子。Demands for a separate Siberia are confined for now to the lunatic fringe.8.我意识到如何有可能克服自身的局限,取得自认为力不能及的成就。I realized how possible it was to overcome your limitations, to achieve well beyond what you believe yourself capable of.相关词汇局限性Limitation;local;narrow;limitation单局限时淘汰赛Sky Shoot Out局限性肌张力障碍focal dystonia局限性水肿Localized edema局限性招标limited tendering局限应力confining stress局限性投标restricted tender局限性硬皮病localized scleroderma;limited scleroderma;circumscribed scleroderma;morphoea localized
2023-07-16 14:50:001