barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-16 19:28:59

6). Having decided that life was worth nothing if she did not seize happiness when it was within her grasp, she filled a hip flash with peach brandy, left her husband and child, and took the 1:25 train to Columbia, Missouri.

7). Smitty is such a good player that usually I can"t beat him, unless he is very drunk, so I often go and ask him to play after the bars close.

8). Here is why my life is such slavery: I have to get up at 6:30 and punch in at 7:30 in the morning and after I puch out at 4:30 in the afternoon, I have to pick up kids, fix dinner, wash dishes, and at last fall asleep in front of the TV set.

9). A rich, handsome and well-educated while unscrupulous, cruel and narrow-minded man who had never know frustration, that was what she saw in him.

10). The reason why this best-seller is full of romantic nonsense is that all the characters are stereotypes, some of which are idealistic, such as the Young man, the Disillusioned Older Man, the Scheming Siren, and the neglected Wife.




2023-07-16 16:13:343


my ideal
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2023-07-16 16:14:201


翻译成韩语还是英语 uc774uc0c1uc8fcuc758uc640 uc720ubb3cub860韩语Idealism and materialism英语
2023-07-16 16:14:342


2023-07-16 16:14:423


Positive, upward
2023-07-16 16:14:492


unrealistic , idealistic , fanciful , impractical这几个都是
2023-07-16 16:14:572


2023-07-16 16:15:351


Judy HoppsJudy Hopps is a thoughtful, idealistic, and true bule bunny .She believes that in Zootopia, anyone can be anything and her big dream is to become a ZPD officer.朱迪 霍普斯朱迪 霍普斯是一只心思缜密、具有理想主义色彩、忠诚坚定的兔子。她认为动物城的动物无所不能,而她最大的理想则是在动物城警察局当一名警官。
2023-07-16 16:15:501

No Doubt的《Happy Now》 歌词

歌曲名:Happy Now歌手:No Doubt专辑:Tragic KingdomYou had the bestBut you gave her up"Cause dependency might interupptIdealistic will so hard to pleasePut your indecisive mind at easeYou broke the setNow there"s only singlesThere"s no looking backThis time I mean itAre you happy now?How is it now?Are you happy now?Are you happy?The uncertainty you had of meBrought clouded shady companyThe tenderness habitualA seldom-fading ritualYou killed the pairNow only one is breathingThere"s no looking backThis time I mean itNo more leaning on your shoulderI won"t be there, no more botherIf you feel you just might want meThat"s too bad, I"m not that easyThe contemplator all those yearsNow you must adhereTo your new career of liberationYou"ve been cast all by yourselfYou"re free at lastYou broke the setNow there"s only singlesThere"s no looking backThis time I mean itYou"re by yourselfAll by yourselfYou have no one elseYou"re by yourself
2023-07-16 16:16:111


  主题,指文艺作品中或者活动所表现的中心思想,泛指主要内容。语出老舍《四世同堂》五一:“每个演员都极卖力气的表演,而忘了整部戏剧的主题与效果。”那么你知道主题用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。   主题的英语说法1:   theme   主题的英语说法2:   subject   主题的英语说法3:   motif   主题的相关 短语 :   主题句 topic sentence ; theme lines ; Top sentence ; Thesis statement   主题馆 Theme Pavilion ; the theme pavilions ; Thematic Pavilion ; Theme Paudio-videoIlion   主题医院 Theme Hospital ; Theme Hospiting ; Theme Hospitwis ; the hospital   主题页 Topic pages ; Title page ; Portals   主题词 descriptor ; subject terms ; ei main heading ; Subject headings   主题目录 subject catalogue ; subject directory ; Thematic Catalog ; subject category   主题演讲 Keynote Speech ; KeyNote ; Keynote Address ; Theme Presentations   主题活动 Theme Activities ; Theme activity ; Activities ; Thematic Approach   主题的英语例句:   1. She embroidered on this theme for about ten minutes.   她围绕这个主题添枝加叶地说了大约10分钟。   2. The drama takes an idealistic, even a naive view of the subject.   这部戏在对待这一主题上有些理想化,甚至是天真。   3. Recent events have made his central theme even more apposite.   新近发生的事情使得他的中心主题显得更加有的放矢。   4. One of his main themes is the dissimilarity between parents and children.   他的主题之一就是父母和孩子的不同之处。   5. The themes get tangled in Mr. Mahfouz"s epic storytelling.   马赫福兹先生讲述的 故事 过于宏大,主题有些混乱了。   6. Today he was able to focus his message exclusively on the economy.   今天他得以将主题全部集中在经济方面。   7. Recent advertising campaigns from the industry have hammered at these themes.   该行业最近的 广告 宣传活动一直在反复强调这些主题。   8. The Observer found the play "a feeble rehash of familiar Miller themes"   《观察家报》认为这部剧“是大家熟悉的米勒式主题的拙劣翻版”。   9. Following a day of medical research, the conference focused on educational practices.   在就医学研究专题讨论一天后,会议接下来的主题集中在教学实践上。   10. Other subjects covered included nerves and how to overcome them.   所涉及的其他主题包括焦虑及如何克服。   11. But he then went on to refer very directly to the argument.   不过接下来他就直切主题提到了那场争论。   12. The text is approachable, coping well with quite complicated subjects.   这篇课文把相当复杂的主题讲述得深入浅出、通俗易懂。   13. This is a subject for serious, well-informed discussion, not tabloid headlines.   这个主题不同于通俗小报的标题,适合进行严肃而深入的讨论。   14. Their epic fight is the subject of a new film.   他们史诗般的战斗是一部新电影的主题。   15. This painting points to another recurring theme in Munch"s work.   这幅画体现了蒙克作品中另一个常见的主题。
2023-07-16 16:16:321


1.描写人物的形容词(英语单词) 您好!adventurous 有冒险精神的,大胆的 arrogant 傲慢的,自大的 aggressive 有进取心的,攻击性的 unconventional 不合传统的 radical 激进的 rebellious 叛逆的 rough 粗暴的 dogmatic 武断的 slowcoach 慢性子 laid-back 松弛的,懒散的 excitability、quick temper 急性子 placid 平和的 calm冷静的 phlegmatic 冷淡的,冷静的 unmunicative, taciturn 沉默寡言的 reserved 冷淡的,缄默的 passionate,enthusiastic 热情的 creative,inventive 富有创造性(力)的 insightful 富有洞察力的 studious 好学的,勤奋的 industrious 勤奋的 generous 慷慨的,liberal 慷慨的,不拘泥的,宽大的 tolerant 宽容的,容忍的 nice, kind, pleasant 友善的 honest/sincere 诚挚的 religious 虔诚的 melancholy,pensive 忧郁的 finicky 过份讲究的,小题大作的,挑剔的 critical 挑剔的 petty 小气的,琐碎的 nitpicking、fussy 挑剔的,吹毛求疵的 repulsive ,disgusting 令人讨厌的 pampered,spoilt 被惯坏的 decent 得体的,有分寸的 moody 喜怒无常的 emotional 情绪化的 ill-tempered 坏脾气的 friendly 友善的 unfriendly 不友善的 innocent 幼稚的,不懂事的 childish 孩子气的,幼稚的 puerile 天真的,孩子气的 childlike天真烂漫的 sensitive敏感的,易受伤害的 shallow 浅薄的 careless 粗心的 reckless 卤莽的 romantic 浪漫的 inconsiderate 不考虑他人的 considerate考虑周到的,体谅的 old-fashioned 守旧的 humorous 幽默的 resourceful 足智多谋的 confident/self-confident 自信的 imaginative 富想像力的 responsible 负责的 courageous 勇敢的 independent 独立的 demanding 要求多的 individualistic 个人主义的 selfless 无私的 sensible 明理的,明智的 serious 严肃的 eccentric 古怪的 efficient 效率高的,有能力的 energetic 精力旺盛的 likeable 可爱的 loyal 忠诚的 tenacious 固执的 strong-willed,stubborn 顽固的 firm 坚定的 methodical 有条不紊的 flexible 灵活的 modest 谦虚的 thoughtful 考虑周到的 motivated 积极的 fiving,tolerant 宽容的 frank 坦诚的 open-minded 思想开明的 trusorthy 值得信赖的 gentle 温文尔雅的 precise 精确的 good-natured 脾气好的,温厚的 prudent 谨慎的 purposeful 果断的 manful 刚毅的,勇敢的 versatile 多才多艺的 optimistic 乐观的 pessimistic悲观的 idealistic 理想主义的 quiet 安静的 visionary 幻想家、空想家 honest 诚实的 quick-witted 急智的 wise 明智的,聪明的 *** art/intelligent/clever 聪明的 tricky 狡猾的 hopeful 信心十足的 realistic 现实主义的 practical 现实的 witty 富于机智的,诙谐的 humble谦逊的 bashful,shy 害羞的 superstitious迷信的 outgoing 爱好交际的 sociable 好交际的 easy-going 随和的。 2.常见形容人的英语形容词 optimistic 乐观 independent 独立的 out-going 外向的 active 活泼的 able 有才干的,能干的; adaptable 适应性强的 active 主动的,活跃的; aggressive 有进取心的 ambitious 有雄心壮志的; amiable 和蔼可亲的 amicable 友好的; *** ytical 善于分析的 apprehensive 有理解力的; aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的 audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的; capable 有能力的,有才能的 careful 办理仔细的; candid 正直的 petent 能胜任的; constructive 建设性的 cooperative 有合作精神的; creative 富创造力的 generous 宽宏大量的 genteel 有教养的; gentle 有礼貌的 humorous 有幽默; impartial 公正的 independent 有主见的; industrious 勤奋的 ingenious 有独创性的; 3.给我一些形容人的品质的英语单词 industrious勤奋的 enterprising有事业心有进取心的 lazy懒惰的 brave勇敢的 kind-hearted心地善良的 narrow-minded心胸狭窄的 broad-minded心胸宽广的 stingy吝啬的 humorous幽默的 ambitious有抱负的 considerate体贴的 generous慷慨的 rude粗鲁的 responsible有责任心的 independent独立的 short-sighted目光短浅的 double-faced两面派的 contemptible卑鄙的 hot-tempered脾气坏的 intelligent聪明的 timid怯懦的 stubborn倔强的 self-conscious害羞的 confident自信的 arrogant自大的 jealous妒忌的 cunning狡猾的 mischievous调皮的 conceited自以为是的 greedy贪婪的 cautious谨慎的 persistent坚持不懈的 4.描写人物的英语单词 描写外貌的有beautiful(漂亮的) handsome(帅气的)cool ugly(丑陋的)short 矮tall 高 overweight 胖plump 丰满thin 瘦skinny太瘦了slim 苗条medium height 不胖不瘦 tubby 矮胖muscular 强壮elegantly 优雅good-looking 长的好看plain 长的一般 *** artly dressed 穿着得体well dressed 穿的漂亮 neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁scrufily dressed 衣着不整洁 描写性格的有 lazy 懒的punctual 守时的kind 善良的efficient 办事高效率的strict 严厉的 generous 慷慨的,大方的patient 有耐心的fetful 健忘的reliable 可靠的 boring 无聊的open-minded 思想开放的traditional 思想保守的,传统的 5.英语描述人的形容词 able 有才干的,能干的active 主动的,活跃的adaptable 适应性强的adroit 灵巧的,机敏的aggressive 有进取心的alert 机灵的ambitious 有雄心壮志的amiable 和蔼可亲的amicable 友好的 *** ytical 善于分析的apprehensive 有理解力的aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的capable 有能力的,有才能的careful 办事仔细的candid 正直的charitable 宽厚的petent 能胜任的confident 有信心的conscientious 认真的,自觉的considerate 体贴的constructive 建设性的contemplative 好沉思的cooperative 有合作精神的creative 富创造力的dashing 有一股子冲劲的,有拼搏精神的dedicated 有奉献精神的devoted 有献身精神的dependable 可靠的diplomatic 老练的,有策略的disciplined 守纪律的discreet (在行动,说话等方面)谨慎的dutiful 尽职的dynamic 精悍的 earnest 认真的well-educated 受过良好教育的efficient 有效率的energetic 精力充沛的enthusiastic 充满热情的expressive 善于表达faithful 守信的,忠诚的forceful (性格)坚强的frank 直率的,真诚的friendly 友好的frugal 俭朴的generous 宽宏大量的genteel 有教养的gentle 有礼貌的hard-working 勤劳的hearty 精神饱满的honest 诚实的hospitable 殷勤的humble 恭顺的humorous 幽默的impartial 公正的independent 有主见的industrious 勤奋的ingenious 有独创性的initiative 首创精神have an inquiring mind 爱动脑筋intellective 有智力的intelligent 理解力强的inventive 有发明才能的,有创造力的just 正直的kind-hearted 好心的knowledgeable 有见识的learned 精通某门学问的liberal 心胸宽大的logical 条理分明的loyal 忠心耿耿的 methodical 有方法的modest 谦虚的motivated 目的明确的objective 客观的open-minded 虚心的orderly 守纪律的original 有独创性的painstaking 辛勤的,苦干的,刻苦的practical 实际的precise 一丝不苟的persevering 不屈不挠的punctual 严守时刻的purposeful 意志坚强的qualified 合格的rational 有理性的realistic 实事求是的reasonable 讲道理的reliable 可信赖的responsible 负责的self-conscious 自觉的selfless 无私的sensible 明白事理的sincere 真诚的 *** art 精明的spirited 生气勃勃的sporting 光明正大的steady 塌实的straightforward 老实的strict 严格的systematic 有系统的strong-willed 意志坚强的sweet-tempered 性情温和的temperate 稳健的tireless 孜孜不倦的。 6.描写人物外貌的英语单词 外貌: short 矮 tall 高 overweight 胖 plump 丰满 thin 瘦 skinny太瘦了 slim 苗条 medium height 不胖不瘦 tubby 矮胖 muscular 强壮 elegantly 优雅 good-looking 长的好看 plain 长的一般 *** artly dressed 穿着得体 well dressed 穿的漂亮 neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁 scrufily dressed 衣着不整洁 外貌:身材体形:overweight 超重 thin,slim 瘦 fat,stout 肥胖的 slender 苗条的 发型:dark hair blonde 金发 cury,wavy hair 卷发 pony tail 马尾 脸部:freckle 雀斑 dimple 酒窝 oval face 鸭蛋脸 bald 秃顶的 bobbed短卷发的 Big-featured 五官较大的 Double-chinned 双下巴的 High-cheekboned 颧骨很高 Slender 苗条的 Sharp-featured 五官分明的 Well-featured 五官端正的 Pimpled 有粉刺的 Rosy/ruddy红润的 Freckled 有雀斑的 Wrinkled 起皱纹的 Double-faced 两面派的 Well-Shaped 好看的 Wrinkled/Furrowe有皱纹的 Bony 瘦骨嶙峋的 女性外表:blond 金发碧眼的 glamorous 性感有魅力的 slender 苗条的 well-shaped body 体形丰满的 plump 丰满肥胖的 elegant and poised 雍容华贵的 graceful 优美的 thin hair头发稀疏的 trendy时髦的 tanned 皮肤黝黑的 阳光肌肤的 natural-looking 长相一般的 pale 面色苍白的 dimple 有酒窝的 petite 瘦小的 wavy hair 卷毛的 oval face 鹅蛋脸型的 up-turn nose 朝天鼻的 男性外表:bald 秃顶的 disheveled hair 头发凌乱的 bright eye 眼神明亮的 broad face 宽脸的 clean-shaven face 面庞清爽干净的 bony 瘦骨嶙峋的 muscular肌肉健美的 robust 强壮的 chubby 肥壮敦实的 manly 男人味的 gentlemanly 有绅士风度的 7.表示人的英语单词 able 有才干的,能干的 active 主动的,活跃的 adaptable 适应性强的 adroit 灵巧的,机敏的 aggressive 有进取心的 alert 机灵的 ambitious 有雄心壮志的 amiable 和蔼可亲的 amicable 友好的 *** ytical 善于分析的 apprehensive 有理解力的 argumentative 好争辩的 aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的 attractive 有魅力的 audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的 bad-tempered 脾气暴燥的 bigmouth 多嘴多舌的 bland 冷漠的 bossy 专横跋扈的 brave 勇敢的 brilliant 有才气的 capable 有能力的,有才能的 careful 办事仔细的 caring 有同情心的 candid 正直的 clever 机灵的,聪明的 charitable 宽厚的 cheerful 开朗的 childish 幼稚的 ical 滑稽的 petent 能胜任的 conceited 自以为是的 confident 有信心的 conscientious 认真的,自觉的 considerate 体贴的 constructive 建设性的 contemplative 好沉思的 cooperative 有合作精神的 courageous 勇敢的,有胆量的 creative 富创造力的 cultured 有教养的 dashing 有一股子冲劲的,有拼搏精神的 dedicated 有奉献精神的 demanding 苛刻的 determined 坚决的 devoted 有献身精神的 dependable 可靠的 diplomatic 老练的,有策略的 depressing 沉闷的 disciplined 守纪律的 discreet (在行动,说话等方面)谨慎的 dishonest 不诚实的 disanized 无组织的 dutiful 尽职的 dynamic 精悍的 earnest 认真的 easy-going 随和的 efficient 有效率的 energetic 精力充沛的 enthusiastic 充满热情的 expressive 善于表达 faithful 守信的,忠诚的 forceful (性格)坚强的 fetful 健忘的 frank 直率的,真诚的 friendly 友好的 frugal 俭朴的 funny 有趣的,古怪的 generous 宽宏大量的 genteel 有教养的 gentle 有礼貌的 greedy贪婪的 gullible 容易受骗上当的 happy 开心的 hard-working 勤劳的 have an inquiring mind 爱动脑筋的 hearty 精神饱满的 helpful 助人的,有益的 helpless 无助的,没用的 honest 诚实的 hospitable 殷勤的 humble 恭顺的 humorous 幽默的 impartial 公正的 inconsiderate 不顾及别人的,轻率的 independent 有主见的 industrious 勤奋的 ingenious 有独创性的 initiative 首创精神 intellective 有智力的 intelligent 理解力强的 inventive 有发明才能的,有创造力的 just 正直的 kind 仁慈的,和蔼的 kind-hearted 好心的 knowledgeable 有见识的 lazy 懒惰的,懒散的 learned 精通某门学问的 liberal 心胸宽大的 logical 条理分明的 loyal 忠心耿耿的 mean 吝啬的 methodical 有方法的 modest 谦虚的 moody 情绪化的 motivated 目的明确的 narrow-minded 心胸狭窄的 nasty 下流的,令人厌恶的 nice 和蔼的,挑剔的,正派的 noisy 聒噪的 obedient 听话孝顺的 objective 客观的 open-minded 虚心的 optimistic 乐观的 orderly 守纪律的 original 有独创性的 outgoing 外向友好的 painstaking 辛勤的,苦干的,刻苦的 passionate 充满热情的 persevering 不屈不挠的 pessimistic 悲观的 polite 有礼貌的 popular 受欢迎的 practical 实际的 precise 一丝不苟的 punctual 严守时刻的 purposeful 意志坚强的 pushy 有进取心的 qualified 合格的 rational 有理性的 realistic 实事求是的 reasonable 讲道理的 reliable 可信赖的 responsible 负责的 romantic 浪漫的,空想的 self-conscious 自觉的 selfish 自私的 selfless 无私的 sensible 明白事理的 sensitive 敏感的 sincere 真诚的 skeptical 多疑的 *** art 精明的 sociable 好交际的 spirited 生气勃勃的 sporting 光明正大的 steady 塌实的 straightforward 老实的 strict 严格的 stubborn 顽固的固执的 supportive 助人的 systematic 有系统的 strong-willed 意志坚强的 sympathetic确有同情心的 sweet-tempered 性情温和的 talented 有才能的 temperate 稳健的 thoughtful 体贴人的 timid 但小的,羞怯的 tireless 孜孜不倦的 tolerant 容忍的 trustful 容易相信人的 trusorthy 值得信任的 understanding 理解人的 ungrateful 不领情的 unselfish 无私的 upright 正直的able 有才干的,能干的; adaptable 适应性强的 active 主动的,活跃的; aggressive 有进取心的 ambitious 有雄心壮志的; amiable 和蔼可亲的 amicable 友好的; *** ytical 善于分析的 apprehensive 有理解力的。 8.形容人的词语 英语 形容人的词语当然是形容词: 1. tall 高的 2. short 矮的 3. beautiful 美丽的 4. *** art 聪明的 5. optimistic 开朗的 6. thin 瘦的 7. fat 胖的 8. outstanding 外向的 9. kind-hearted 善良的 10. hardworking 用功的 等等,一类的形容词,可以形容外貌,也可以形容品质。 望采纳,祝你生活愉快。 9.描述人外貌的英语单词 描写人物身材的 big , *** all , tall , short , thin , slim , fat , strong , overweight , slight , well-built , of medium height , average height , below average etc . 描写人物外貌的 beautiful , handsome , lovely , pretty , good-looking , charming , sweet , funny , ugly , peculiar , rough , ill-looking .
2023-07-16 16:16:421


1) pragmatism 经世致用 1. Exploring the Pragmatism of Ningbo Merchant Faction——Represented with Zongxi Huang; “宁波商帮”经世致用思想探源——以黄宗羲为中心 2. The article tries to talk about the Pragmatism thinking from four aspects. 清嘉道年间,西北边疆史地研究之风兴起,史地学者主张关注现实,积极倡导经世致用,将学术研究与社会需要紧密结合起来,形成了一个引人注目的学术派别。 3. They combined the academic discussion with pragmatism and straight criticized the feudal despotic system and the idealistic Confucianism. 清初社会的激烈动荡,导致思想文化领域出现了显著变化,以顾炎武、黄宗羲、王夫之、朱之瑜、傅山、李颙、颜元等人为代表的一代杰出思想家,清醒地认识到专制主义统治所造成的社会危机,以及封建理学对于思想界的扼杀,他们将学术探讨与经世致用结合起来,把批判的锋芒直指封建专制制度和唯心主义理学。 2) Statecraft Ideology 经世致用 1. The Study of Zeng Guo-fan s Statecraft Ideology; 曾国藩经世致用思想研究 3) Practical Knowledge of Managing State Affairs 经世致用 1. Beneficial Effects on "Practical Knowledge of Managing State Affairs" for Chinese School PE in Modern Times; “经世致用”思想对我国近代学校体育的有益影响 4) Putting What is Learned into Practice 经世致用 1. Educational Significance of "Putting What is Learned into Practice" of Wei Yuan; 论魏源“经世致用”思想的教育学意义 2. On the Educators Theories of Putting What is Learned into Practice during Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty; 明清启蒙思想家经世致用教育思想研究 5) thought of applying theory to reality 经世致用 1. Thought of Applying Theory to Reality and the Start of Chinese Modernization; 经世致用与中国近代化的起步 6) concept of practical knowledge of managing state affairs 经世致用观 1. Li Erqu s concept of practical knowledge of managing state affairs holds that what one has learned should be put into practice personally,which is of great advantage to the idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming dynasties. 李二曲的经世致用观坚持学贵有用,躬身实践,对于宋明理学所形成的空疏的学风起到纠偏作用,他用四书的原典精神,以明体适用为其经世致用观的哲学根基,提出了理学和经济的关系之论,并以亲身讲学作为经世致用的实践形式,在中国儒学史上提出了独特的经世致用观。
2023-07-16 16:17:021


Nick Wilde,啮齿动物,年龄32岁,戴着一副眼镜,是一个非常聪明、狡猾、机智的角色。他是一个闪电般快的骗子和诈骗专家,总是能够逃脱法律的制裁。他是一个很酷的侦探,是动物城市中最出色的骗子和诈骗专家之一。他是一个非常有经验的角色,能够通过细节和计划来解决问题,并且总是能够找到最好的解决方案。他是一个非常有趣和机智的角色,在动物城市中非常受欢迎。
2023-07-16 16:17:102

宇宙存在的意义 要一个英文版本的 急

2023-07-16 16:17:182


星座都有特定的性格特征:天蝎座Scorpioambitious 野心大focused 专注的aggressive 强势domineering 控制欲强disciplined 纪律性强vindictive 报复心强forceful 有说服力powerful 强大射手座Sagittariusoptimistic 乐观adventurous 有冒险精神independent 独立large-hearted 仁慈philosophical 哲思unpredictable 让人琢磨不透straightforward 直率careless 粗心摩羯座Capricorninsightful 富有洞察力patient 有耐心pragmatic 务实perfectionist 完美主义者pessimist 悲观主义者practical 注重实际prudent 考虑周到miserly 贪财吝啬水瓶座Aquariusindividualistic 个人主义inventive 有创造才能sarcastic 尖刻stubborn 固执humanitarian 充满人道主义的inventive 创意十足intractable 难相处aloof 高冷双鱼座Piscescompassionate 有同情心adaptable 适应力强devoted 深情、忠诚的indecisive 优柔寡断malleable 易受人影响imaginative 想象力丰富的sensitive 敏感的intuitive 直觉力强的白羊座Ariesgo-getting 有抱负enthusiastic 积极热情competitive 争强好胜impulsive 冲动任性assertive 过分自信的vigorous 充满活力的adventurous 爱冒险的enterprising 有进取心的金牛座Tauruspersistent 坚持不懈的placid 温和的jealous 嫉妒心强possessive 占有欲强的resentful 爱生气inflexible 固执self-indulgent 任性greedy 贪婪双子座Geminicurious 充满好奇心communicative 善于沟通eloquent 口才好inconsistent 反复无常tense 易紧张的cunning 狡猾的inquisitive 爱打听impetuous 冲动的巨蟹座Canceradaptable 适应力强mutable 易变的shrewd 精明cautious 谨慎sympathetic 有同情心over emotional 感情用事touchy 敏感的thoughtful 体贴狮子座Leoearnest 真挚self-confident 自信modest 谦虚的generous 慷慨broad-minded 心胸宽广pompous 浮夸passionate 有激情的magnetic 有吸引力处女座Virgospeedy 敏捷的indecisive 优柔寡断aspiring 有志气的humorous 幽默overcritical 苛刻observant 观察力强intellectual 有才智precise 精确天秤座Librasecretive 神秘感weak-willed 意志力薄弱idealistic 理想主义versatile 多才多艺dauntless 无所畏惧的hospitable 殷情好客vain 虚荣diplomatic 有外交手段与老外侃星座1. What"s your sign?你是什么星座的?2. I don"t think astrology is blind faith. It holds water in many instances.我认为占星术不是迷信,它很多时候还是站得住脚的。3. I"m not superstitious. The horoscope sometimes turns out to be accurate.不是我迷信,星座运势有时还是很准的。4. He"s a typical Taurus.他是个典型的金牛座。5. A Scorpio girl and a Pisces guy have the potential to become good friends.天蝎座的女孩与双鱼座的男孩很有可能成为好朋友。6. A Sagittarius person is stereotyped as energetic, adventurous, and with a good sense of humor.射手座给人的一般印象是活力四射,爱冒险而又不失幽默感。7.As a person born under the sign of Cancer, I am home-loving and wish for a peaceful family life.我是巨蟹座的,天生恋家,希望稳稳当当过日子。8. It"s too narrow-minded to judge people by using astrology. It"s all stereotypes.用星座理论来判断人未免也太绝对化、片面化了吧。9. Pisces is a Water element. It is extremely receptive, compassionate, and other-directed.双鱼座是水相星座。双鱼非常善于接纳、富有同情心、但缺乏自主性。10. The fire element of Aries brings assertive "I" energy.火相星座的特质使白羊座具有非常自信的自我力量。11. The Air element of Gemini brings communication, intellect and speed.风向星座的特质让双子座具有沟通能力、智慧和速度。12. Leo is Fire to the core! Fire brings a desire to create, innovate, and lead.狮子座是彻底的火相星座。火引发了创造、革新和领导的欲望。13. Ruled by shape-shifting Mercury, Virgo works hard to stability.在千变万化的水星的控制下,处女座需要努力才能获得稳定。14. Libra represents the Air element. It is a sign that is more extroverted and active.天秤座是风相星座。其特性比较外向和主动。15. Capricorn is the leader of the Earth signs. It is one of the hardest-working signs of the Zodiac.魔羯座是土相星座的领头人,是黄道12宫里最努力工作的星座。16. Aquarius has astonishing intellectual and communication skill.水瓶座具有令人吃惊的智慧和沟通能力。
2023-07-16 16:17:391


美国超验主义的介绍 美国超验主义也叫“新英格兰超验主义”或者说“美国文艺复兴”是美国的一种文学和哲学运动。与拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生和玛格丽特·富勒有关,它宣称存在一种理想的精神实体,超越于经验和科学之处,通过直觉得以把握。领导人是美国思想家、诗人拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生。 超验主义的代表人物 美国超验主义也叫“新英格兰超验主义”或者说“美国文艺复兴”是美国的一种文学和哲学运动。与拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生和玛格丽特·富勒有关,它宣称存在一种理想的精神实体,超越于经验和科学之处,通过直觉得以把握。领导人是美国思想家、诗人拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生。 美国超验主义(American Transcendentali *** )是美国的一个重要思潮,它兴起于十九世纪三十年代的新英格兰地区,波及其他地方,成为美国思想史上一次重要的思想解放运动。它是与拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生以及梭罗相关的一种文学和哲学运动,宣称存在一种理想的精神实体,超越于经验和科学之外,通过直觉得以把握。超验主义是美国文学的第三个阶段,是真正影响美国的文学风格的开始。一般认为,爱默生是超验主义的倡导者,他的散文,特别是他的演讲,令人感到亲切,声音奇异,带有强烈的个人感 *** 彩;他的散文在端庄凝重的说教之中每每流溢出特有的富有魅力的睿智、幽默感和文学、哲思的深度来。他的言词文本雄辩有力而辉煌,语调变幻莫测,显示出他的深奥的文学技巧来。1831年,爱默生辞去波士顿第二教堂的圣职到欧洲去旅游。其间,他会见了不少当时的文学名人,诸如英国诗人、散文家瓦特·兰德(Walter Savage Landor),诗人柯勒律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge),华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)和苏格兰散文家、历史学家卡莱尔(Thomas Carlyle)。特别是他在苏格兰乡间会见了卡莱尔之后,开始了两位文学家的终生友情和通信。 1837年,当爱默生作《美国学者》演讲时,另一名超验主义的集大成者亨利·戴维·梭罗(Henry David Thoreau)刚从哈佛大学毕业。对于很多人而言,梭罗是一本教科书,通过他,人们可以用自然界发生的事实来理解世界,于是世界便成了一个供人阅读、品味、咀嚼的整体。他希冀过简单的生活。梭罗说过:“我之所以走进林间并不是想生活得便宜些或者更昂贵些,而是想以最少的麻烦做些个人想做的事。”因此,他的文字细腻而自然,充满了一个敏感的作家和一个深思熟虑的哲人对大自然的至诚的感受和感动。比起爱默生的演说和写作,梭罗更多地是实践和行动,在他的性格中,那种崇尚生命和自然、崇尚自由和独立的精神,和那种曾经在美国的开发,尤其是西部的开发中表现出来的勇敢、豪迈、粗犷、野性的拓荒者精神存在某种内在的联系。从历史资料来看,人们无法了解梭罗是否亲自聆听爱默生的演讲,但梭罗一生实践了爱默生在《美国学者》中的召唤:更多地关注美国本土,追求美国本土的独创性。作为一场融欧洲与美国思想潮流于一体的思想运动,它催生了一系列经典之作:如《自然》、《美国学者》,等等十九世纪的美国被一些历史学家认为是独特的美国文化诞生和成长的时期,是继政治独立之后美国精神、文化从欧洲大陆的母体断乳而真正独立的时期。正是在这样的特殊时代,以爱默森和梭罗等为代表的“超验主义”思潮“破空出世”,成为美国人的精神独立宣言。 什么是超验主义 美国超验主义也叫“新英格兰超验主义”或者说“美国文艺复兴”是美国的一种文学和哲学运动。与拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生和玛格丽特·富勒有关,它宣称存在一种理想的精神实体,超越于经验和科学之处,通过直觉得以把握。领导人是美国思想家、诗人拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生。 美国超验主义(American Transcendentali *** )是美国的一个重要思潮,它兴起于十九世纪三十年代的新英格兰地区,但波及其他地方,成为美国思想史上一次重要的思想解放运动。它是与拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生以及梭罗相关的一种文学和哲学运动,宣称存在一种理想的精神实体,超越于经验和科学之处,通过直觉得以把握。 一般认为,爱默生是超验主义的倡导者,他的散文,特别是他的演讲,令人感到亲切,富有一种奇异的带有强烈个人色彩的声音;他的散文在端庄凝重的说教之中每每流溢出特有的富有魅力的睿智、幽默感和文学、哲思的深度来。他的言词文本雄辩有力而辉煌,语调变幻莫测,显示出他的深奥的文学技巧来。 1831年,爱默生辞去波士顿第二教堂的圣职到欧洲去旅游。其间,他会见了不少当时的文学名人,诸如英国诗人、散文家瓦特·兰德(Walter Savage Landor),诗人柯勒律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge),华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)和苏格兰散文家、历史学家卡莱尔(Thomas Carlyle)。特别是他在苏格兰乡间会见了卡莱尔之后,开始了两位文学家的终生友情和通信。 1837年,当爱默生作《美国学者》演讲时,另一名超验主义的集大成者梭罗刚从哈佛大学毕业。对于很多人而言,梭罗是一本教科书,通过他,人们可以用自然界发生的事实来理解世界,于是世界便成了一个供人阅读、品味、咀嚼的整体。他希冀过简单的生活。 梭罗说过:“我之所以走进林间并不是想生活得便宜些或者更昂贵些,而是想以最少的麻烦做些个人想做的事。”因此,他的文字细腻而自然,充满了一个敏感的作家和一个深思熟虑的哲人对大自然的至诚的感受和感动。 比起爱默生的演说和写作,梭罗更多地是实践和行动,在他的性格中,那种崇尚生命和自然、崇尚自由和独立的精神,和那种曾经在美国的开发,尤其是西部的开发中表现出来的勇敢、豪迈、粗犷、野性的拓荒者精神存在某种内在的联系。 从现在的历史资料来看,人们无法了解梭罗是否亲自聆听爱默生的演讲,但梭罗一生实践了爱默生在《美国学者》中的召唤:更多地关注美国本土,追求美国本土的独创性。 作为一场融欧洲与美国思想潮流于一体的思想运动,它催生了美国散文一系列经典之作:《自然》(Nature,1836)、《美国学者》(TheAmericanScholar,1837)、《知识的自然历史》(NaturalHistoryofIntellect,1893)、《瓦尔登湖》(Waldon,orLifeintheWoods,1854 梭罗著),等等。 十九世纪的美国被一些历史学家认为是独特的美国文化诞生和成长的时期,是继政治独立之后美国精神、文化从欧洲大陆的母体断乳而真正独立的时期。正是在这样的特殊时代,以爱默森和梭罗等为代表的“超验主义”思潮“破空出世”,成为美国人的精神独立宣言。 超验主义追求人的自由的精神成为美国文化中一个重要遗产。这种思潮发源于单一神教,同时又接受了浪漫主义的影响,强调人与上帝间的直接交流和人性中的神性,其结果是解放了人性,提高了人的地位,使人的自由成为可能。超验主义具有强烈的批判精神,其社会目标是建立一个道德完满、真正......>> 美国超验主义的英文资料 1.Brief introduction American Transcendentali *** or“New England Transcendentali *** ” or “American Renaissance” (1836---1855) was the first American intellectual movement, which exerted a tremendous impact on the consciousness of American people. As Lawrence Buell states, “To proclaim transcendentali *** "s impact, however, is easier than to define it, for the movement was loosely organized and its boundaries were indistinct”.New England Transcendentali *** was, in essence, romantic ideali *** on Puritan soil. It was a system of thought that originated from three sources. First William Ellery Channing (1780---1842) was an American Unitarian clergyman. His Unitariani *** represented a thoughtful revolt against orthodox Puritani *** . Unitariani *** believed God as one being, rejecting the doctrine of trinity, stressing the tolerance of difference in religious opinion, and giving each congregation the free control of its own affairs and its independent authority. It laid the foundation for the central doctrines of transcendentali *** . Secondly, the idealistic philosophy from France and Germany exerted enormous impact on American intellectuals. Thirdly, oriental mystici *** as revealed in Hindu and Chinese classics reached America in English translations. As a result, New England Transcendentali *** blended native American tradition with foreign influences.Dissatisfied with the materialistic-oriented society and eager to save the soul with a doctrine of the mind, some American intellectuals were so ath......>>美国文学中的浪漫主义和超验主义一样么 不同 代表人物、风格、时期等等完全不同。 当时的英国,并没有浪漫主义这个词,其代表人物多被认为是另类,各有特点。 美国超验主义的美国文化诞生和成长时期 十九世纪的美国被一些历史学家认为是独特的美国文化诞生和成长的时期,是继政治独立之后美国精神、文化从欧洲大陆的母体断乳而真正独立的时期。正是在这样的特殊时代,以爱默森和梭罗等为代表的“超验主义”思潮“破空出世”,成为美国人的精神独立宣言。超验主义追求人的自由的精神成为美国文化中一个重要遗产。这种思潮发源于单一神教,同时又接受了浪漫主义的影响,强调人与上帝间的直接交流和人性中的神性,其结果是解放了人性,提高了人的地位,使人的自由成为可能。超验主义具有强烈的批判精神,其社会目标是建立一个道德完满、真正民主自由的社会,尽管带有乌托邦的理想色彩。超验主义的核心观点是主张人能超越感觉和理性而直接认识真理,认为人类世界的一切都是宇宙的一个缩影——“世界将其自身缩小成为一滴露水”(爱默生语)。它强调万物本质上的统一,万物皆受“超灵”制约,而人类灵魂与“超灵”一致。这种对人之神圣的肯定使超验主义者蔑视外部的权威与传统,依赖自己的直接经验。 美国超验主义的倡导者爱默生 一般认为,爱默生是超验主义的倡导者,他的散文,特别是他的演讲,令人感到亲切,声音奇异,带有强烈的个人感 *** 彩;他的散文在端庄凝重的说教之中每每流溢出特有的富有魅力的睿智、幽默感和文学、哲思的深度来。他的言词文本雄辩有力而辉煌,语调变幻莫测,显示出他的深奥的文学技巧来。 超验主义与先验主义的区别 超验主义是一场思想解放运动,先表现为宗教,哲学思想中的改革,后扩展到文学创作领域。以爱默生为首的超验主义者为了据弃加尔文教派“以神为中心”的思想,吸取康德先验论和欧洲浪漫派理论家的思想材料,提出人凭直觉认识真理,因而在一定范围内人就是上帝。这一派思想的出发点是人文主义,即强调入的价值,反对权威,祟尚直觉,主张个性解放,打破神学和外国教条的束缚,对美国作家产生不小的影响。到了50年代,随着工业化引起的种种社会问题的出现,作家们敏锐地感受到民主制的弊病。梭罗侧重超验主义中人的“自助”精神,主张回返自然,保持纯真的人性,因此与资产阶级社会秩序发生冲突。在霍桑与梅尔维尔身上,这种矛盾以抽象、神秘的形式表现出来。霍桑深受加尔文教派的影响,又想有所摆脱,于是转向对人类状况与命运的探索,如《红字》(1850)。梅尔维尔同霍桑一样,把他所感觉到的社会矛盾归结为抽象的“恶”,而“恶”的强大与不可理解使《白鲸》(1851)等作品蒙上神秘、悲观的气氛。 美国超验主义也叫“新英格兰超验主义”或者说“美国文艺复兴”是美国的一种文学和哲学运动。与拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生和玛格丽特·富勒有关,它宣称存在一种理想的精神实体,超越于经验和科学之处,通过直觉得以把握。领导人是美国思想家、诗人拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生。 美国超验主义(American Transcendentali *** )是美国的一个重要思潮,它兴起于十九世纪三十年代的新英格兰地区,但波及其他地方,成为美国思想史上一次重要的思想解放运动。它是与拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生以及梭罗相关的一种文学和哲学运动,宣称存在一种理想的精神实体,超越于经验和科学之处,通过直觉得以把握。 先验论 唯心主义认识论的一种表现形式。同唯物主义反映论根本对立。认为人的知识是先于感觉经验、先于社会实践的东西,是先天就有的。亦称先验主义、唯心主义先验论。古希腊哲学家柏拉图主张,在现实世界之外,有一个超越经验、超越时空、永恒存在的理念世界;人们的经验是无法认识理念世界的;人们关于理念世界的知识是先天地存在于人的心灵之中的,通过后天的学习,可以把它们回忆起来。德国古典哲学家康德认为,赋予知 识以普遍性必然性的范畴形式,是主体先天具有的,是先于经验而存在的。先验论割断人们的认识(指理性认识)同感觉经验与社会实践的联系,必然否认认识同客观世界的反映与被反映的联系,从而把认识变成与生俱来的、主观自生的。先验论是天才论和英雄史观的理论基础。 请问美国文学史上的超验主义和他们的清教传统有何渊源? 超验主义是反对清教主义的,清教主义是要求人人都要信奉上帝的,规范了人的行为等等,不过也对美国当时有了很积极的推动作用。而超验主义强调的是人的感觉,而不是靠理性的思维去认知世界。 超验主义与先验主义的区别 超验主义:主张人能超越感觉和理性而直接认识真理,强调直觉的重要性。 先验主义:在实践之前,通过演绎论证,认知真理。 后验主义:在实践之后,由结果出发,总结出真理。 好比,画一幅画,超验主义是在没画之前,你就认为这幅画将会是最美的;先验主义是在画之前,就构思好并认为这幅画会是最美的;后验主义是在画好之后,通过比较其他画,得到这幅画是最好的。
2023-07-16 16:17:461


2023-07-16 16:17:567


dream is ideal, it can"t be considered as dream if it make you live better
2023-07-16 16:18:154

求istics结尾的单词和意思 例如:statistics,统计学. 越多越好,

characteristics a.特有的,典型的 n.特性,特征 logistics n.后勤学,后勤 artistic a.艺术(家)的,美术(家)的;精美的 linguistics n.语言学 realistic a.现实的;实际可行的;现实主义的 Infragistics 三方组件 altruistic a.利他主义的,无私的 autistic adj.自闭的 ballistic adj.弹道的,(突然地)激动、沮丧或者生气的 belletristicadj.文学研究的,纯文学的 chauvinisticadj.沙文主义的,盲目爱国的 dualisticadj.二元的,二元论的 euphemisticadj.委婉的,婉言的 fatalisticadj.宿命论的 hedonistica.享乐的 holisticadj.整体的,全盘的 individualistic adj.个人主义的 idealisticadj.理想主义的,空想的 jingoistic adj.强硬外交政策的,侵略分子的 legalisticadj.尊重法律的,条文主义的 materialisticadj.唯物论的,贪图享乐的,唯物主义的 militaristic adj.军国主义的,军官主义的 narcissistic adj.自我陶醉的,孤芳自赏的
2023-07-16 16:18:341

形容人转数唔够快/ 唔识变通 的英文点讲??

1. 形容人转数唔够快/ 唔识变通 的英文点讲?? 2. 仲有those 同 that 有咩分别? those (plural) that (singular) 3. 泳裤的英文系乜野? - men"s switsuit 4. 形容人面皮厚的英文系咩? - shameless 5. 唔大方 (吝啬的/小气的) 的英文系咩? - ungenerous/ stingy/ cheap (吝啬的) narrow-minded (小气的) 6. 有上进心的英文系咩? -Ambitious/has a strong determination to succeed 7. 有理想的英文系咩? -Idealistic 8. 富幻想力的英文系咩? - Imaginative 9. 为人设想的英文系咩? - Considerate altruistic (利他主义的) 2007-11-19 01:42:51 补充: 1. 形容人转数唔够快/ 唔识变通 的英文点讲?? unresponsive (反应迟钝的) 2007-11-19 01:43:38 补充: Spelling error sorry-- 3. 泳裤的英文系乜野? - men"s swimsuit 2007-11-19 06:19:42 补充: To: thomastsui59Idealistic = 有理想请你弄清楚才话我的翻译错﹐你自己的翻译也串错字 i.e. amitious -- ambitious 参考: I live and study in the US 有理想: 有目标 有抱负 (ambitious) 理想主义: 处事没预计有可能出现的障碍 (idealistic) to 龟博士: 查字典得出的答案有问题 原因大多是使用者的误用 不了解中西文化差异而盲目引典 Actually do you just live and study in a CHINA TOWN in US? It doesn"t seem that you know much about the culture of the States. 1. 形容人转数唔够快/ 唔识变通 的英文点讲?? Dumb idiot oaf pigheaded stupid unapt....... 2. 仲有those 同 that 有咩分别? those (plural) that (singular) 3. 泳裤的英文系乜野? - swimming trunks bathing trunks 4. 形容人面皮厚的英文系咩? - shameless wretched brazen 5. 唔大方 (吝啬的/小气的) 的英文系咩? - tightfisted ungenerous stingy cheap 6. 有上进心的英文系咩? - ambitious 7. 有理想的英文系咩? -Idealistic unrealistic 8. 富幻想力的英文系咩? - Imaginative creative ingenious 9. 为人设想的英文系咩? - Considerate altruistic benevolent 1. slow 2. those if the plural of that 3. swimpants 4. thick-skinned 5. cheap/stingy 6. motivated 7. ambitious 8. creative/imaginative 9. considerate/thoughtful/understanding/put oneself into another"s shoes 2007-11-19 04:12:52 补充: sorry typo2. those is the plural of that 参考: moi
2023-07-16 16:18:401


adventurous 有冒险精神的,大胆的 arrogant 傲慢的,自大的 aggressive 有进取心的,攻击性的 unconventional 不合传统的 radical 激进的 rebellious 叛逆的 rough 粗暴的 dogmatic 武断的 slowcoach 慢性子 laid-back 松弛的,懒散的 excitability、quick temper 急性子 placid 平和的 calm冷静的 phlegmatic 冷淡的,冷静的 uncommunicative, taciturn 沉默寡言的 reserved 冷淡的,缄默的 passionate,enthusiastic 热情的 creative,inventive 富有创造性(力)的 insightful 富有洞察力的 studious 好学的,勤奋的 industrious 勤奋的 generous 慷慨的, liberal 慷慨的,不拘泥的,宽大的 tolerant 宽容的,容忍的 nice, kind, pleasant 友善的 honest/sincere 诚挚的 religious 虔诚的 melancholy,pensive 忧郁的 finicky 过份讲究的,小题大作的,挑剔的 critical 挑剔的 petty 小气的,琐碎的 nitpicking、 fussy 挑剔的,吹毛求疵的 repulsive ,disgusting 令人讨厌的 pampered,spoilt 被惯坏的 decent 得体的,有分寸的 moody 喜怒无常的 emotional 情绪化的 ill-tempered 坏脾气的 friendly 友善的 unfriendly 不友善的 innocent 幼稚的,不懂事的 childish 孩子气的,幼稚的 puerile 天真的,孩子气的 childlike天真烂漫的 sensitive敏感的,易受伤害的 shallow 浅薄的 careless 粗心的 reckless 卤莽的 romantic 浪漫的 inconsiderate 不考虑他人的 considerate考虑周到的,体谅的 old-fashioned 守旧的 humorous 幽默的 resourceful 足智多谋的 confident/self-confident 自信的 imaginative 富想像力的 responsible 负责的 courageous 勇敢的 independent 独立的 demanding 要求多的 individualistic 个人主义的 selfless 无私的 sensible 明理的,明智的 serious 严肃的 eccentric 古怪的 efficient 效率高的,有能力的 energetic 精力旺盛的 likeable 可爱的 loyal 忠诚的 tenacious 固执的 strong-willed,stubborn 顽固的 firm 坚定的 methodical 有条不紊的 flexible 灵活的 modest 谦虚的 thoughtful 考虑周到的 motivated 积极的 forgiving,tolerant 宽容的 frank 坦诚的 open-minded 思想开明的 trustworthy 值得信赖的 gentle 温文尔雅的 precise 精确的 good-natured 脾气好的,温厚的 prudent 谨慎的 purposeful 果断的 manful 刚毅的,勇敢的 versatile 多才多艺的 optimistic 乐观的 pessimistic悲观的 idealistic 理想主义的 quiet 安静的 visionary 幻想家、空想家 honest 诚实的 quick-witted 急智的 wise 明智的,聪明的 smart/intelligent/clever 聪明的 tricky 狡猾的 hopeful 信心十足的 realistic 现实主义的 practical 现实的 witty 富于机智的,诙谐的 humble谦逊的 bashful,shy 害羞的 superstitious迷信的 outgoing 爱好交际的 sociable 好交际的 easy-going 随和的
2023-07-16 16:18:491


问题opinion / attitude / think of / feel about / implie / 答案 消极/积极/中立
2023-07-16 16:18:592


adventurous 有冒险精神的,大胆的arrogant 傲慢的,自大的aggressive 有进取心的,攻击性的unconventional 不合传统的radical 激进的rebellious 叛逆的rough 粗暴的dogmatic 武断的slowcoach 慢性子laid-back 松弛的,懒散的excitability、quick temper 急性子placid 平和的calm冷静的phlegmatic 冷淡的,冷静的uncommunicative, taciturn 沉默寡言的reserved 冷淡的,缄默的passionate,enthusiastic 热情的creative,inventive 富有创造性(力)的insightful 富有洞察力的studious 好学的,勤奋的industrious 勤奋的generous 慷慨的,liberal 慷慨的,不拘泥的,宽大的tolerant 宽容的,容忍的nice, kind, pleasant 友善的honest/sincere 诚挚的religious 虔诚的melancholy,pensive 忧郁的finicky 过份讲究的,小题大作的,挑剔的critical 挑剔的petty 小气的,琐碎的nitpicking、 fussy 挑剔的,吹毛求疵的repulsive ,disgusting 令人讨厌的pampered,spoilt 被惯坏的decent 得体的,有分寸的moody 喜怒无常的emotional 情绪化的ill-tempered 坏脾气的friendly 友善的unfriendly 不友善的innocent 幼稚的,不懂事的childish 孩子气的,幼稚的puerile 天真的,孩子气的childlike天真烂漫的sensitive敏感的,易受伤害的shallow 浅薄的careless 粗心的reckless 卤莽的romantic 浪漫的inconsiderate 不考虑他人的considerate考虑周到的,体谅的old-fashioned 守旧的humorous 幽默的 resourceful 足智多谋的confident/self-confident 自信的imaginative 富想像力的responsible 负责的courageous 勇敢的independent 独立的demanding 要求多的individualistic 个人主义的selfless 无私的sensible 明理的,明智的serious 严肃的eccentric 古怪的efficient 效率高的,有能力的 energetic 精力旺盛的 likeable 可爱的loyal 忠诚的 tenacious 固执的strong-willed,stubborn 顽固的firm 坚定的 methodical 有条不紊的flexible 灵活的 modest 谦虚的 thoughtful 考虑周到的motivated 积极的forgiving,tolerant 宽容的frank 坦诚的open-minded 思想开明的trustworthy 值得信赖的gentle 温文尔雅的precise 精确的good-natured 脾气好的,温厚的 prudent 谨慎的purposeful 果断的manful 刚毅的,勇敢的 versatile 多才多艺的optimistic 乐观的pessimistic悲观的idealistic 理想主义的quiet 安静的visionary 幻想家、空想家honest 诚实的 quick-witted 急智的wise 明智的,聪明的smart/intelligent/clever 聪明的tricky 狡猾的hopeful 信心十足的realistic 现实主义的practical 现实的witty 富于机智的,诙谐的humble谦逊的bashful,shy 害羞的 superstitious迷信的outgoing 爱好交际的sociable 好交际的 easy-going 随和的
2023-07-16 16:19:091


少女心的英文单词:a young girls heart。 young adj. 年轻的;初期的;没有经验的 n. 年轻人;(动物的)崽,仔 heart n. 心脏;感情;勇气;心形;要点 vt. 鼓励;铭记 vi. 结心 扩展资料   例句:   He"s a brilliant young scientist.   他是一个才华横溢的`青年科学家。   She"s still young and idealistic.   她还年轻并且耽于空想。   She is an articulate young woman.   她是个善表达的年轻女子。   Her heart is beating normally.   她心跳正常。   Fear clutched at her heart.   她突然感到一阵恐惧袭上心头。   Heart disease runs in the family.   这家人都有心脏病。
2023-07-16 16:19:291


Green on behalf of dreams and hopes. It is different with United Kingdom"s green on behalf of "moderate climate,no snow". In the United States,green also represents "hope",This is related to their recovery season - the color of the spring. The color of green represents hope and the U.S.dollar but also because it is related to the color. "Green back" has become synonymous with the bills. Novels are most impressed people with the three mentioned in the "green light",This is the main character of Gatsby to shape the characters played a very important role. For the first time,Nick go home at night and saw Gatsby in the moonlight watching Daisy terminal that lights up green,because the green light at Daisy"s pier,so Gatsby in particular have so fascinated. Although Gatsby from poor,However, he has been able to dream of a society among the upper class, with the beloved Daisy together forever. When Daisy was married to a rich man named Tom, Gatsby firmly believe that one day he can rise in the world,and Daisy can trust him and just like in the past. So he worked hard to earn money, even to the accumulation of wealth through fair means or foul in order to be only a dream come true. At this point the green light is the embodiment of beauty and wealth, the dreams and hopes in his mind, also his aim of struggle. The second time,Daisy invited to visit at Gatsby"s mansion,Gatsby told her: "If there is no fog at sea, we can see the other side of the strait of your house,at the end of pier have a green light, The lights do not go out through all night." At this time Gatsby is wealthy, but also have a lot of beautiful women around.But referred to the green light he seems to want to say it was a power and hope struggle for me. At the present time hope has become reality,the green light is also lost its aura and the charm of the kind of fascinating, and change back to green light. The third time,at the end of the novel,after Gatsby"s death,Nick think of Gatsby and the green light. The green light was originally gave Gatsby hope,it was the green light in his eyes,since he did not understand the cruelty of the society and more and more distant from him. Only in the dark, the green light will be even more bright and attractive,however,Gatsby only to saw the embodiment of wealth and the green light of Daisys" incarnation,and completely ignored the environment for the survival of himself and the green light,and the ruthless of darkness. Because of his innocent and his idealistic let his dreams to ballyhack in the end. 我把每句分开写,方便你的对照.
2023-07-16 16:19:451

我的生活很有趣(my life is fun) 80词的英语作文 急求啊!考试用 谢谢了 重赏

2023-07-16 16:20:203


2023-07-16 16:20:312


二、 四六级英语写作类型1. 体裁:说明文,议论文最近几年的四六级作文的体裁以说明文和议论文为主。   说明文如:How to Succeed in a Job Interview (2000,12,四级), How I Finance My College Education(2000,1 四级), Practice Makes Perfect, Haste Makes Waste(97,1 六级)   议论文如:Don"t Hesitate to Say “NO”(99,1 四级和六级), Can Money Buy Happiness(95,1 四级), Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?(2000,6 四级) Reading Selectively or Extensively? (99,6六级),Do “Lucky Numbers” Really Bring Good Luck? (98,6 四级和六级)   2.段落类型:比较/对比,列举,程序等说明和议论文章所采用的文章扩展模式一般以比较/对照,举例、列举、因果、程序等者居多。如:Don"t Hesitate to Say “NO”, Reading Selectively or Extensively等很多四六级写作中都涉及到两种观点的对比,整体的段落类型为对照型。   Practice Makes Perfect, Harmfulness of Fake Commodities等可采用因果行的段落结构模式,也可以采用举例说明的结构模式。Advantages of a Job Interview则应采用列举的段落扩展模式。   3. 出题方式:提纲式写作,中文提纲,一般为三句或两句;如:99年1月分考题Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: Don"t Hesitate to Say “NO”。 You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below. 1. 别人请求帮助时,在什么情况下我们会说“不”。   2. 为什么有些人在该说“不”的时候不说“不”。   3. 该说“不”时不说“不”的坏处。   再如:98年一月分考题Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: Harmfulness of Fake Commodities. You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below. 1. 目前社会上有不少假冒伪劣商品(fake commodities)。为什么会有这种现象?   2. 举例说明假冒伪劣商品对消费者个人、社会等的危害。   三、 四六级英语写作模式文章由段落组成,四六级写作的布局要求成三段式的写作模式,这就体现了由段落到篇章的结构模式。首先,我们来看一下英语段落的写作要求。   1. 段落英语中的段落由三部分组成,即主题句、支撑细节和结论句。篇章中的段落可以没有结论句,但是一般应该有主题句。写作中要求   1)开门见山提出主题如下面一篇写作:题目:“Good Health”提纲:(1) Importance of good health(2) Ways to keep good health(3) My own practices写作中可以将文章分成三段,但注意每段主题要明确,并且于第一句中提出:Good health is very important to everyone. With it, we can study hard; we can serve the country; we can do everything as we like. Without good health, everybody knows, we will fail to do things; we can"t work efficiently; we may stay in hospital we"ll become a burden of our family, etc. In my opinion, there are two ways to keep fit. First, we must eat a balanced diet. This is to say, we must eat not only eggs, fish, and meat, but also some vegetables and fruit everyday. Besides eating, drinking clean water is also important. Never get addicted to drinking the so-called “soft drinks”。 Second, exercising is a vital part of our daily life. We can do some running in the morning and play football in the afternoon.   As a university student, I pay much attention to my physical exercises. I do some swimming in summer and some skating in winter. I often play badminton and tennis. I"m also careful with my diet. In a way, keeping healthy is not very hard if you just take it seriously.   2) 段落扩展模式要适当英语文章的段落结构模式主要有:(1)比较和对照There are many differences between middle school and the college. First, in middle school, we have to listen to what the teacher says in class, to understand the content of the text. But in college, we must study by ourselves before class. If not, we couldn"t follow the teacher. Second, there are lots of rules in middle school. For example, we should wear the uniform, the girls must have their hair cut short, and we are not allowed to make boy- or girlfriends. However, in college, we have more freedom. We can wear the clothes we like. And the girls could have long beautiful hair. We are also free to make boy or girlfriends. The third, in the middle school, we must study first. That means we could do nothing but study. In contrast, we have to do everything by ourselves in college. That means we must plan our time carefully. There are also other differences between our school life and our college life. We have to learn to adapt ourselves to college life.?   再如:题目:“Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports”提纲:a. 体育运动的好处b. 体育运动可能带来的副作用c. 我参加体育活动的体会   Sports do us good in many respects (TS)。 It goes without saying that taking exercises can build up our physical strength. In collective sports like basketball, volleyball, or football, we will learn the importance of cooperation. While taking part in sports game, we will try our best to win and arouse ourselves the competitive spirit. Sports can also help us relax after a period of exhausting work. However, as the saying goes, “there are two sides to everything”, and sports is without exception. We may hurt other players or ourselves if we are not careful enough when participating in sports activities. What"s more, excessive or severe training can do harm to our health.   My participation in sports tells me that sports can make us healthy both physically and psychologically. It is also a good way for people to know each other and can promote friendship between people. So long as we are carefully enough, sports can do us nothing but good.就比较对照而言,段落格式可采用逐点比较(point-by-point method)的方式,也可采用块状比较(block method)的方式。   逐点比较的格式是A 1 —— B1;A2 —— B2 ;A3 —— B3块状比较的格式是:A 1,2,3 —— B1,2, 3上面第一例所采用的是逐点比较的结构模式,而 第二例采用的却是块状比较的方式。   ⑵ 列举As far as political views are concerned, people fall into three categories. First are the conservative people. Conservatives are opposed to sudden or great changes. Second are the liberal people. These people are in favor of progress and reform. But their opinions often seem to idealistic. The third type is the moderate people. The moderates keep everything within reasonable litmus. They are more practical in this hard world. In my opinion, most people seem to belong to this group.再如:题目:Advantages of a Job Interview (95.6)提纲:1. 现在找工作一般都要面试,通过面试,面试者和应试者可以相互了解情况。   2. 面试者可以想应试者介绍情况,如工作性质、条件、待遇等。   3. 应试者也机会给对方留下一个好的印象,如可以表现出自信心,可以介绍教育北京、工作能力等。   Nowadays, when a person is hunting for a job, there will always be a job interview and I think the job interview has a lot of advantage. The interviewer and the interviewee can know about each other from it. First, the interviewer can tell something about the job to the interviewee such as the salary, the working conditions and something else that is relevant to the job. Then the interviewee can decide whether the job is really suitable for him. Second, I think the job interview is a good chance for the interviewee to show both his ability and confidence. Then the interviewer can figure out whether he is the right person for the job.   In a word, I think the interview will do good to both the interviewer and the interviewee. By an interview the interviewer can find a suitable person if both of them make the best of the job interview.   ⑶ 因果There are three reasons why some students cannot finish their college studies. Some students fail in college because their academic background is weak. For example, one student might not have had an adequate mathematics course in high school, so he fails his university math class. Another student may not attend classes regularly; as a result, he may not be able to pass the tests in class since he does not know the answers. Next, because of financial problems, other students may fail university classes. For example, students who have to take jobs don"t have as much time to study; consequently, they may fail their classes. Others may give up their college study because they cannot stand the strain of working and studying at the same time. Finally, there are students who fail because their energies are not directed toward their classes. Some of these students are not interested in college, so they spend their days doing other things. Some other students, though enjoying college life, are distracted by other activities parties, movies, sports, etc. So they do not study enough, therefore, they fail. Because of all these problems, numerous students fail in college every year.   因果型段落只是将叙述重点集中在原因或结构之上,文章所采用的扩展模式还是列举,列举原因或结构。但在介绍原因时,可以使用举例的方式。   (4)举例举例的最明显标志是for example/for instance的使用。就整篇文章而言,可以不是举例型文章,但其中的某一段落可以采用举例的结构模式。如:题目:Harmfulness of Fake Commodities (98.1)提纲:1. 目前社会上有不少假冒伪劣商品,为什么会有这种现象?   2.举例说明假冒伪劣商品对消费者个人、社会等的危害。   Nowadays in the society, there are enormous fake commodities. When you go to the supermarket, you may buy some fake food commodities. When you go the parmacist"s, you may buy some fake medicine. The deep root of this phenomenon lies in some one"s greed for money. In order to get a large amount of money in a short time, they try every means to produce fake commodities, without any regard for other people"s benefit and health. Fake commodities can do great harm to both consumers and society. For example, when a person bought fake medicine, it was useless in curing his disease and really a waster of money. Sometimes fake medicine can even cause death. Fake commodities are usually sold at a low price. It causes unfair competition in the market economy and puts the whole society in disorder.   由于四六级写作一般都是说明和议论文,很少有时间型段落布局和空间型结构布局。这里也就不赘述。   2. 篇章1) 篇章的组成Introduction —— Body —— Conclusion如: The World is Getting Smaller and Smaller提纲:1. 现代化的交通工具越来越发达2. 人与人之间的交往越来越频繁3. 结论   More and more often we hear people say, “The world is getting smaller and smaller!” (首段提出主题)   The first reason for that is we are now having more and more advanced transportation. From bicycles to private cars, from steam locomotives to electric locomotives, from airplanes to rocket planes, the highly developed transportation has greatly shortened the distance which seemed too far to cover. Another reason is that in this modern society we need to contact frequently with each other. Every day we must deal with a lot of people known or unknown to us to have our work done, and the rapid development of traffic transportation makes our frequent contact possible. (中间论证主题)   So we can reach the conclusion that the world will get smaller and smaller with the development of our society.(结论重述主题)   由于四六级作为对布局的要求是三段式,同学们在写作中就应该注意这种三段式结构,于第一段中引出话题,从而提出主题,中间用一段到两段的篇幅采用举例、列举或比较的方式论证或说明自己的观点,于结论处或重述主题、或归难总结照应首段,或提出问题的解决方式等。
2023-07-16 16:20:371

求助 英语句子语法分析 谢谢

极力推荐 承澍 的回答
2023-07-16 16:20:484


十二星座英语名称(Zodiac) 白羊座3.21-4.19 ----Aries 金牛座4.20-5.20----- Taurus 双子座5.21-6.21----- Gemini 巨蟹座6.22-7.22 ----Cancer 狮子座7.23-8.22---- Leo 处女座8.23-9.22 ----Virgo 天秤座9.23-10.23 -----Libra 天蝎座10.24-11.21 ----Scorpio 人马座11.22-12.20---- Sagittarius 山羊座12.21-1.20----- Capricorn 水瓶座1.21-2.19----- Aquarius 双鱼座 2.20-3.20 ------Pisces
2023-07-16 16:20:561

译 | 他的一生,改变了世界(三)

文 ||** 贝小鱼 ** 史蒂夫·乔布斯05年在斯坦福大学的演讲 前两天给大家分享了: 译 | 他的一生,改变了世界(一) , 和 译 | 他的一生,改变了世界(二) , 想必大家对乔布斯的第一、二个故事有了比较清晰的了解,我们接着看第三个故事。 Source language:When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: “If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you"ll most certainly be right.” It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” And whenever the answer has been “No” for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something. 翻译 :我十七岁的时候,读到过这么一句话:“如若每天皆末日,终将觉得无错时!”这句话对我而言,印象非常深刻。因此,那时起,我便每天对着镜子对自己说:“如果今天就是生命中的最后一天的话,你会不会完成你今天的任务?”当你连续几次都回答“不是”的时候,那么就需要做出改变。 Source language:Remembering that I"ll be dead soon is the most important tool I"ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything – all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure – these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. 翻译 :“记住你即将死去!”是我见到的最为重要的箴言!它使我认识到了生命的重要,因为,几乎包括荣耀、骄傲、难堪、对失败的恐惧的所有事情,都会在死亡面前消失。我能看到的,是留下生命中真正重要的东西。有时,你会思考,将会失去些东西,但当想到“你将逝去”的时候,便是最好的规避这些想法的最好方法。你已经赤身裸体,没有理由不去跟着感觉走。 Source language:About a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I had a scan at 7:30 in the morning, and it clearly showed a tumor on my pancreas. I didn"t even know what a pancreas was. The doctors told me this was almost certainly a type of cancer that is incurable, and that I should expect to live no longer than three to six months. My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order, which is doctor"s code for prepare to die. It means to try to tell your kids everything you thought you"d have the next 10 years to tell them in just a few months. It means to make sure everything is buttoned up so that it will be as easy as possible for your family. It means to say your goodbyes. 翻译 :约一年前,我被诊断出患了癌症,早上七点半的时候,我做了一个检查,得知我的了胰腺癌。当时,并不知道什么是胰腺,我被医生告知,那可能是无法治疗的一种癌症,今生在这个世界上仅剩下六个月的存活时间。医生让我回家,整理一下,面对医生准备好的死亡程序。也就是说,我需要用最短的时间,将未来十余年的话,告诉孩子。做完所有的事情,尽可能让家人轻松地生活,我要和他们说“再见”了。 Source language:I lived with that diagnosis all day. Later that evening I had a biopsy, where they stuck an endoscope down my throat, through my stomach and into my intestines, put a needle into my pancreas and got a few cells from the tumor. I was sedated, but my wife, who was there, told me that when they viewed the cells under a microscope the doctors started crying because it turned out to be a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that is curable with surgery. I had the surgery and I"m fine now. 翻译 :整天与那些诊断书在一起。后来一天早上,我做了一个活切检查,医生将将一个内窥镜插入喉咙并进入胃部,之后是肠子,用针在胰腺上取了几个细胞,我因为被注射了镇静剂,所以并不慌张。但,后来妻子告诉我,医生用显微镜检查这些细胞的时候,她便开始尖叫,这些细胞便是用以治疗胰腺癌的细胞,我做了手术,现在已经痊愈了。 Source language:This was the closest I"ve been to facing death, and I hope its the closest I get for a few more decades. Having lived through it, I can now say this to you with a bit more certainty than when death was a useful but purely intellectual concept: 翻译 :那是我最接近死亡的时刻,我也希望,那是以后的几十年最接近的一次,我从死亡的边缘活了过来,我可以非常肯定的对大家说: Source language:No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don"t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life"s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true. 翻译 :没人愿意死,即便去天国,也不愿意去哪里消亡。但是,这是无可避免的共通点。无人可以幸免,也是如此。死亡—生命中的最好发明,除旧出新。现在大家都是新的,但从现在开始,我们便会逐渐被清除,很抱歉,这具有戏剧性,但是,事实如此。 Source language:Your time is limited, so don"t waste it living someone else"s life. Don"t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people"s thinking. Don"t let the noise of other"s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. 翻译 :大家的时间有限,所以不必要浪费在重复的生活上。不要被教条所束缚,也就意味着,你和别人的思考结果一起存活。不要被他人嘈杂的观点掩盖你内心深处的声音,最为重要的是,你要有勇气去聆听你的直觉和内心的指示---某种程度上你知道你会成为什么模样,因此,任何事,都不重要。 Source language:When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the bibles of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 1960"s, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors, and polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along: it was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great notions. 翻译 :在我年轻的时候,看过一本杂志叫:《全地球目录》---我们那一代人的圣经之一。该书的作者—思迪沃特-布兰德,就住在附近,如诗歌一般将这本书带给这个世界。六十年代后期的时候,个人电脑出现前,这本书,全部是用打字机、剪刀、偏光镜做的,有点像软包的Google,在谷歌出现的三十五年前,是理想的,但不乏灵巧的工具和伟大的想法。 Source language:Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the words: “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.” It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you. 翻译 :思迪沃特-布兰德和他的合伙人出版了几期《全地球目录》,当它完成了自己的使命时,七十年代中期做了最后一期,封底是清晨乡村公路的图片(假设你有冒险精神,不妨寻找一下这条路),照片的下面有一段停刊的告别语: “求知若饥,虚心如虞!” 我曾想,自己也可以这样,现在,大家即将毕业,我也希望大家能这样。 Thank you all very much. 感谢大家! 以上。 英语学习是一个需要长时间坚持的过程,或关注 贝小鱼首页 或看 英语学习内容 。
2023-07-16 16:21:031


以下文章供你参考。Will Newspaper Disappear One Day in the Future?(1)With the development of computer technology, our life is changing rapidly. The most important thing that may happen is that the newspaper will disappear, some argue.As a new and more powerful media, the Internet shows its great power. It can spread the information more quickly and more easily. It makes the world a small one. By which you can know what is happening in the other part of the world, you can get to know the event happen some minutes ago. You can nearly get everything you need, the events about politics, sports and entertainment and business. Whatever you want you can get it.Really the Internet changes the media in our daily life also.Although the Internet shows great power, will the newspaper disappear? We should think over this thing. In my opinion, the newspaper won"t and shouldn"t disappear.Firstly, the newspaper has a history of 400 years, and it successfully survived in the competition with video and TV, and it may also survive in the battle with Internet.Secondly, when reading the newspaper, we have the absolute initiative. We can decide when and where to read and we can place us in any posture we like. Besides the technology of Internet is not so good that it still cannot satisfy everyone.Another reason is that the habits of us people are not easyly changed. We prefer the way and the feelings we read newspaper.Also the newspaper seems to be much more precise. The editor will check the information carefully to make sure it"s true. But in the Internet anyone can put out some news that we can hardly know what is right and what is wrong, making it impossible for us to tell what is the truth.Another reason is that the computer cannot be widely spread; there are still many people who cannot afford the computer. And the newspaper seems to be much more economic.The most important reason is that we can think while reading a newspaper. Many newspapers will publish many passages that are idealistic, and by reading these papers we can think over about many things, about life, society, nature and so on.I think that the newspaper will surly survive in the 21st century and it will also make some great changes to survive. Just wait and what will happen!(2) This is an old but also new topic. With the appearance and development of Internet, some media professor had predicted that newspaper would have disappeared one day from our life one or two years ago. To some extent, I agree with them. But when I express such an idea in my own blog, some friends questioned me on this.In fact, different people have different ideas on such a topic. Among some professors and researchers, the cruel situation for newspaper is they play a less and less important role in the young people"s life compared with the e-media. From the early morning to the late night, young people are searching or reading the first-hand information they need from internet, not from the newspaper and other printed media. As we all know, our society belongs to the young. If they pay little attention to the newspaper, the status of it will fall sooner or later. And the second, more and more newspaper agency began to run in the debt. They can"t draw enough money for their development such as advertisement fees. If newspaper lost the ability of earning money, how can they survive from the cruel market competition? Meanwhile, more and more kinds of media appear which will share the same market and audience of the newspaper. For example, mobile phone is regarded as the fifth media now because they really do some jobs of media such as communication and exchange ideas and thoughts. If the technology develops faster and faster, maybe in the near future we can read mobile phone newspaper on the way to work or anytime convenient for us. Finally, newspaper develops at a lower speed compared with its rivals. We can not deny that newspaper has made some progress during these years, but their progress was not enough for attracting more readers and so their market share decreased.But at the same time, some experts also disagree with such reasons. In their opinion, newspaper is a mature kind of media which was successfully existed several hundred years. Radio, TV can"t change its role in the society, and of course, Internet can"t, either. Second, only few people can use high-tech in their daily lives, so it is impossible to affect the whole situation. In some backward countries, computer and internet are not as popular as in advanced countries. What"s more, the number of those people is much more than the people who can use Internet everyday. At last, some people who are access to Internet have developed a good habit of reading printed newspaper. In UK, USA, Japan and other developed countries, reading morning newspaper is an essential part of life for many families even if they can find such news online. Also in China, some elitists seldom watch TV, but they prefer reading newspaper as their information channel. For those persons, can you imagine what their life will be without newspaper?All in all, it is an indefinite topic for us and it will last for a long period. The only thing I am sure that newspaper will still stay with me during my life even though I get most information from Internet. Talking about or predicting its future? I can"t, maybe only the Gold knows!
2023-07-16 16:21:271


Will Newspaper Disappear One Day in the Future?(1)With the development of computer technology, our life is changing rapidly. The most important thing that may happen is that the newspaper will disappear, some argue.As a new and more powerful media, the Internet shows its great power. It can spread the information more quickly and more easily. It makes the world a small one. By which you can know what is happening in the other part of the world, you can get to know the event happen some minutes ago. You can nearly get everything you need, the events about politics, sports and entertainment and business. Whatever you want you can get it.Really the Internet changes the media in our daily life also.Although the Internet shows great power, will the newspaper disappear? We should think over this thing. In my opinion, the newspaper won"t and shouldn"t disappear.Firstly, the newspaper has a history of 400 years, and it successfully survived in the competition with video and TV, and it may also survive in the battle with Internet.Secondly, when reading the newspaper, we have the absolute initiative. We can decide when and where to read and we can place us in any posture we like. Besides the technology of Internet is not so good that it still cannot satisfy everyone.Another reason is that the habits of us people are not easyly changed. We prefer the way and the feelings we read newspaper.Also the newspaper seems to be much more precise. The editor will check the information carefully to make sure it"s true. But in the Internet anyone can put out some news that we can hardly know what is right and what is wrong, making it impossible for us to tell what is the truth.Another reason is that the computer cannot be widely spread; there are still many people who cannot afford the computer. And the newspaper seems to be much more economic.The most important reason is that we can think while reading a newspaper. Many newspapers will publish many passages that are idealistic, and by reading these papers we can think over about many things, about life, society, nature and so on.I think that the newspaper will surly survive in the 21st century and it will also make some great changes to survive. Just wait and what will happen!(2)This is an old but also new topic. With the appearance and development of Internet, some media professor had predicted that newspaper would have disappeared one day from our life one or two years ago. To some extent, I agree with them. But when I express such an idea in my own blog, some friends questioned me on this.In fact, different people have different ideas on such a topic. Among some professors and researchers, the cruel situation for newspaper is they play a less and less important role in the young people"s life compared with the e-media. From the early morning to the late night, young people are searching or reading the first-hand information they need from internet, not from the newspaper and other printed media. As we all know, our society belongs to the young. If they pay little attention to the newspaper, the status of it will fall sooner or later. And the second, more and more newspaper agency began to run in the debt. They can"t draw enough money for their development such as advertisement fees. If newspaper lost the ability of earning money, how can they survive from the cruel market competition? Meanwhile, more and more kinds of media appear which will share the same market and audience of the newspaper. For example, mobile phone is regarded as the fifth media now because they really do some jobs of media such as communication and exchange ideas and thoughts. If the technology develops faster and faster, maybe in the near future we can read mobile phone newspaper on the way to work or anytime convenient for us. Finally, newspaper develops at a lower speed compared with its rivals. We can not deny that newspaper has made some progress during these years, but their progress was not enough for attracting more readers and so their market share decreased.But at the same time, some experts also disagree with such reasons. In their opinion, newspaper is a mature kind of media which was successfully existed several hundred years. Radio, TV can"t change its role in the society, and of course, Internet can"t, either. Second, only few people can use high-tech in their daily lives, so it is impossible to affect the whole situation. In some backward countries, computer and internet are not as popular as in advanced countries. What"s more, the number of those people is much more than the people who can use Internet everyday. At last, some people who are access to Internet have developed a good habit of reading printed newspaper. In UK, USA, Japan and other developed countries, reading morning newspaper is an essential part of life for many families even if they can find such news online. Also in China, some elitists seldom watch TV, but they prefer reading newspaper as their information channel. For those persons, can you imagine what their life will be without newspaper?All in all, it is an indefinite topic for us and it will last for a long period. The only thing I am sure that newspaper will still stay with me during my life even though I get most information from Internet. Talking about or predicting its future? I can"t, maybe only the Gold knows!
2023-07-16 16:21:361


英译汉原文: When I was young there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog which was one of the bibles of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 1960′s before personal puters and desktop publishing so it was all made with typewriters scissors and Polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form 35 years before Google came along: it was idealistic and overflowing with neat tools and great notions. Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog and then when it had run its course they put out a final issue. It was the mid-1970s and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the words: “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.” It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now as you graduate to begin anew I wish that for you. 英译汉参考译文: 我年轻的时候,有本非常好的杂志《全球目录》,这是我们那代人的“圣经”之一。杂志的创办人是斯图尔特·布兰德,创办地是在离这里不远的门罗公园,他赋予了这本杂志诗一样的美感。六十年代后期,个人电脑和桌面排版尚未出现,所以这本杂志完全利用打字机、剪刀、偏光镜来完成,有点像平装本的谷歌,却出现在谷歌问世三十五年前。这本杂志充满了理想色彩,充满了整齐利落的工具、不同寻常的见解。 斯图尔特和他的团队出版了几期《全球目录》,在它完成使命后,他们出版了最后一期杂志。那是在七十年代中期,那时我和你们的年龄相仿。杂志最后一期的封底上是张清晨的乡村公路的照片,那样的路,如果你有些冒险精神,可能会一路搭车走过。照片下面有两句话:“求知若饥,虚怀若愚”,这是他们停刊的告别语,“求知若饥,虚怀若愚”,我总是以此鼓励自己。现在,当你们即将毕业踏上新的旅程,我给予你们同样的期望。
2023-07-16 16:21:431


confucian 儒家,孔家confucianism 儒家学说,孔家学说
2023-07-16 16:22:053


介绍一篇卡通故事 英语作文 Bambi(一只小鹿的名字斑比) Bambi.Acknowledged by generations of moviegoers as one of the greatest Disney animated Classics ever proced.This extraordinary movie miracle is most fondly remembered as Walt Disney"s favorite picture.The simple, heararming story of the newborn"prince of the forest."reflects the universal joy in us all as we discover the wonders of life and the bauty of nature.Each new revelation, along with Bambi"s budding friendship with bashful Flower and fun-loving Thumper, elevate this beloved Classic to the status of Timeless Masterpiece. Bambi爱好者认为是最感有的迪斯尼动画经典的时期之一.它充分表露了真,善,美.“森林王子”普遍反映了我们大家的乐趣,同样我们发现生命的奇迹和大自然的美丽。 每一个新的故事,随着小鹿斑比与花朵,与爱搞笑桑普,萌芽友谊和爱心的经典的人间仙境。 和朋友的故事英语作文 lingling i *** ybestfiend.sheisagirla and sheisinmyclass--class1,grade8.sheisverytall,becausesheoftenpiay basketball with me.she veryfriendly,sometime,ifshemeet *** ,shewillsaid,"hello,mynameislingling,andnicetomeetyou,howareyou?"sosheisverywell,thisi *** yfriend--lingling,doyoulike? 我能想到的自还有一些,可是你没有说出字数和你学英语的水平,所以我只写了这些,不知道语法有没有错误,希望能帮到你。 用英语作文 描述一个神话故事 There was a man named Kuafu who was so confident that he believed that he was able to chase the sun. But a problem raising unexpectedly while he was still running after the sun, he felt badly thirsty. As a consequence, he dried the Huanghe River and the Weihe River to ease the pain from severe thirsty. However, even those o great rivers were not enough to serve his urgent purpose. So our big hero decided to get to a great lake in the North, totally believing in his strong frame. Yet, unfortunately, he failed in the end, dying of the lethal thirsty, heroic and idealistic as well. 关于如何用英语讲中国故事的英语作文 Magic Shot Outside the Military Camp Yuan Shu sent 100 thousand troops, led by General Ji Ling, to attack Liu Bei. For fear of Lü Bu in Xuzhou who might lend Liu a hand, Yuan wrote Lü a letter, together with many food supplies as gifts, asking him not to help Liu. Liu, on the other hand, wrote lüa letter asking for assistance. “If I remain an onlooker with folded arms,”thought Lü, “I will be in danger after Yuan defeats Liu. But if I help Liu, Yuan will be be resentful to me.” So Lü invited both Liu Bei and Ji Ling to a bqnqet. Lü sat beeen Liu and Ji at the banquet. After a few rounds of toasts Lü began, “Please grant me a favor by stopping the fight.” When Ji Ling refused, Lu shouted for his long lance to be brought over. Both Liu and Ji got a fright. “I"ll stand my lance 150steps away outside the gate. If my arrow hits its edge you o will stop your fight. And if I miss the target you have your own way.” Ji secretly hoped that he would miss the target, while Liu crossed his fingers wished Lu succees. Lü and wine brought up to him. After each one had a cup Lu arched his bow, aimed and shot with a big shout. The arrow flew like lightening toward the target, and hit right on the edge of the lance. A big applause rose from everybody around. Lu dropped his bow and laughed, saying, “You see, even the heavens wish that you stop fighting.” With his excellent archery, Lü averted a fight beeen the o sides. 写一篇介绍寓言故事的英语作文 亡羊补牢 There was once a farmer, raised a few sheep, grazing day, evening rush into a surrounded by firewood and wood piles and other objects within the fold. 一天早晨,这个牧民去放羊,发现羊少了一只。原来羊圈破了个窟窿,夜间有狼从窟窿里钻了进来,把一只羊叼走了。 One morning, the sheep herders to, found a sheep less. Original pen broke a hole, the night the wolf came in from the holes drilled, a sheep Diao away. 邻居劝告他说:“赶快把羊圈修一修,堵上那个窟窿吧。” Neighbor advised him: "hurry the sheepfold, plug the hole." 他说:“羊已经丢了,还去修羊圈干什么呢?”没有接受邻居的好心劝告。 He said: "the sheep have been lost, but also to repair pen do?" Do not accept a neighbor"s well intentioned advice. 第二天早上,他去放羊,发现又少了一只羊。原来狼又从窟窿里钻进羊圈,又叼走了一只羊。 The very next day morning, he went to the sheep, found it less of a sheep. Originally wolf again from the hole in the pen, and carried off a sheep. 这位牧民很后悔没有认直接受邻居的劝告,去及时采取补救措施。于是,他赶紧堵上那个窟窿,又从整体进行加固,把羊圈修得牢牢实实的。 The herd *** en are regret not recognized directly by the neighbour"s advice, to take timely remedial measures. So, he quickly plug that hole, and from the overall reinforcement, the sheepfold so real. 从此,这个牧民的羊就再也没有被野狼叼走过了。 Since then, the herd *** en of the sheep will never be wolf 叼 walking through. 牧民的故事告诉我们:犯了错误,遭到挫折,这是常见的现象。只要能认真吸取教训,及时采取补救措施,就可以避免继续犯错误,遭受更大的损失。 The story tells us: make a mistake, suffered a setback, it is a mon phenomenon. As long as you can draw lessons, to take timely remedial measures, can avoid to continue to make mistakes, suffer greater losses “我最喜欢的童话故事”英语作文 since i was a little baby, my parents read simple stories for me. they bought me many cartoon books with stories. they were my bedtime stories. among all the interesting stories, i like fairy tales most, because they are often beautiful love stories beeen prince and princes or cinderella. they are so moved and full of love. besides, in fairy tales, no matter how much 旦户测鞠爻角诧携版超毛权they suffer, they will always live a happy life in the end. the happy endings bring hope and satisfaction to people, making us hopeful to our own lives. 用英语介绍广州美食的故事 Guangzhou snacks can be divided into seven major categories: class oil (fried foods), there is deep-fried dough sticks, salty pancake, *** iling mouth, such as jujube; porridge category, there is艇仔粥, "Cham Kee Ng" and porridge, porridge, such as ginkgo瑶柱; noodle category, has won ton noodles ( "Europe into mind" as the representative),沙河粉(which can be made炒粉or汤粉), Pig rice rolls, Guilin rice noodle, Seto powder; pastry category, there is carrot cake, Horseshoe cake, cake, etc. Lunjiao; dessert category, a variety of sand red beans, green bean, wheat and rice porridge, eight-treasure porridge, sesame paste, almond paste,汤丸and so on, especially双皮奶milk and ginger paste into the most well-known; tzu category, there is sweet rice mplings and mpling o salty; miscellaneous food categories, including fried river snail, pig TANG, bone soup, hot and sour vegetables and so on. 艇仔粥 Old western suburbs of Guangzhou, lychee trees planted on both sides of the river, called litchi Bay, one of the ancient YangCheng Eight "Liwan night to sing" is referring to here. Every summer evening, there is no lack of literati and all visitors to this play beeen the shuttle boat Youhe. There is one of *** all specialized supply "艇仔粥." If another boat on the shore or visitors need to have porridge bowl of boat owner on a bowl of congee delivery to put the past to sell, very popular. Graally, even the *** all land-based sale of such food also called Liwan艇仔粥of the congee. 艇仔粥fresh ingredients for河虾or fish, and later also an increase of jellyfish, fried peanut kernels,凉皮, green onion, ginger and so on, to eat immediately before the roll煮粥system, fragrant- *** elling, steaming hot, very鲜甜. Whether in the streets, restaurants, or such as the White Swan Hotel, as the five-star restaurants, can enjoy this unique Guangzhou congee. Fried river snail 用英语介绍孙悟空大闹天宫的故事60词以内 1、英文 In his travels to the west, Monkey King went to the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea to rob the Golden hoop stick and to the prefecture to sell the books of life and death. Dragon King and Yan Jun went to heaven to plain. The Jade Emperor called Sun Wukong into heaven and gave him Prama Wen. Wukong suspected of being a *** all official and returned to Huaguo Mountain, claiming to be "the Great Sage of Qitian". The Jade Emperor sent Tianbing Tianjun to capture Sun Wukong. Without success, Sun Wukong was allowed to manage Pantao Garden. Sun Wukong stole peaches, destroyed the Queen Mother"s peach feast, and stole the golden Dan of Lao Shang Lao Jun and fled from the Heavenly Palace. The Jade Emperor then sent King Li Tianwang to lead the Tianbing to capture him; the Guanyin Bodhisattva remended Erlang Zhenjun to assist him in the battle; the Emperor Tai Shang sent hidden weapons to help him, and finally Wukong was captured. Wukong was chopped by knives and axes, lightning and fire, and even put Dan stove for forty-nine days. He was still doing nothing, and he was still fighting in the Temple of Heaven. The Jade Emperor ordered Buddha Tathagata to press Monkey King under the Wuxing Mountains. 2、中文 西游记中,孙悟空去东海龙宫抢了金箍棒,又去地府强销生死簿。龙王、阎君去天庭告状,玉帝把孙悟空召入天庭,授他作弼马温。悟空嫌官小,打回花果山,自称“齐天大圣”。 玉帝派天兵天将捉拿孙悟空,没有成功,便让孙悟空管理蟠桃园。孙悟空偷吃蟠桃,毁了王母的蟠桃宴,又偷吃了太上老君的金丹后逃离天宫。 玉帝再派李天王率天兵捉拿;观音菩萨举荐二郎真君助战;太上老君在旁使暗器帮助,最后悟空被擒。 悟空被刀砍斧剁、火烧雷击,甚至置丹炉锻炼四十九日,依然无事,还在天宫大打出手。玉帝降旨请来如来佛祖,才把孙悟空压在五行山下。 (8)故事的介绍的英语作文扩展阅读: “大闹天宫”出自元末明初吴承恩《西游记》第4-7回: 第四回:官封弼马温心何足 名注齐天意未宁 第五回:乱蟠桃大圣偷丹 反天宫诸神捉怪; 第六回 观音赴会问原因 小圣施威降大圣; 第七回:八卦炉中逃大圣五行山下定心猿。 主要人物孙悟空由开天辟地以来的仙石孕育而生,因带领群猴进入水帘洞而成为众猴之王,尊为 “美猴王”。 后经千山万水拜须菩提祖师为师学艺,得名孙悟空,学会地煞数七十二变、筋斗云、长生不老等高超的法术。 神通初成的孙悟空先大闹龙宫取得如意金箍棒,又大闹地府勾去生死簿,后被天界招安,封为弼马温。得知职位低卑后生气返回花果山,并战胜托塔天王和三太子的讨伐,迫使玉皇大帝封其为齐天大圣,并在天庭建齐天大圣府,奉旨管理蟠桃园。 因醉酒搅乱王母的蟠桃盛会,偷吃太上老君的金丹,炼成了金刚不坏之躯,阴差阳错间在太上老君的炼丹炉中炼就火眼金睛。 之后大闹天宫,十万天兵天将、四大天王、二十八星宿对其围剿亦不能将其打败,后来在与如来的打赌斗法中失利,被压在如来舍去一手化作的五行山(唐时更名两界山)下五百余年悔过自新。 五百年后,孙悟空被唐僧所救,拜唐僧为师,踏上西天取经之路。收服猪八戒,沙僧做为师弟,而后收服白龙马(西海龙王三太子,因打翻玉帝御赐的琉璃盏,被贬蛇盘山)。 一路上历经九九八十一难,两番被唐僧误会而被赶走,不过最后仍然重回唐僧身边,最终大功告成,封为斗战圣佛。各版本《大闹天宫》,孙悟空成了戏剧中不可缺少的一个角色,也是现在时代儿童们的最爱。 描述一个你喜爱的故事(英语作文)50字 牛郎织女 the cowherd and the weaving maid lovers separated by the milky way -- hu *** and and wife living apart 天上有一颗牛郎星,一颗织女星,关于这两颗星星,还有一段美丽动人的传说呢.织女是天帝的孙女,每天在天上织造云锦.牛郎是一个牧牛的少年,很早就没有了父母,哥哥嫂嫂对他很不好,分家以后,只给了他一头老牛. The cowherd star in the sky, a star Vega, about the o bright stars, there is still a beautiful and moving legends. The weaver girl is the granddaughter of the emperor of heaven, a day in heaven weaving brocade. Cowboy is a cow boy, very early without their parents, brother and sister-in-law to he is not good, home, gave him a cow. 牛郎和老牛相依为命,日子过得很清苦.有一天,老牛忽然用人的声音对他说起话来.老牛告诉他,明天天上的织女和众姐妹要到山后的湖里洗澡.如果牛郎拿走织女那件粉红色的衣服,织女就会成为他的妻子. The Cowherd and the cow is bound by a mon destiny, life was very impoverished. One day, the cow suddenly with the voice of the people he spoke. The cow told him, tomorrow Vega in the sky and all the sisters to hill lake, and bathe in the lake. If the cowherd took weaver that pink dress, Vega will bee his wife. 牛郎按照老牛的话去做,果然见到了织女.他们结婚以后,牛郎耕田,织女织布,日子越过越幸福.不久,他们又生了一儿一女,夫妻俩可高兴了. According to the cow cowboy to do, indeed as expected to see Weaver. After they married, cowboy farming, Weaver weaving, day crossed happy. Soon, they gave birth to a son and a daughter. The couple can be happy. 可是,牛郎和织女的事到底被王母娘娘知道了.她气得火冒三丈,亲自带天神到牛郎家把织女抓走带上天. But the cowboy and the weaver girl in the end is the queen know. She fly into a rage, himself took the gods to the Cowherd and the weaver bugged with God. 孩子们哭着要找妈妈.老牛又一次对牛郎说了话:“牛郎啊,我快要死了,你把我的皮披在身上,就可以上天去追织女了.”老牛说完就死了. The children crying for her mother. Cow once again to the cowherd said: "cowboy, I was going to die, you take my skin draped over the body to heaven to chase a weaver." the cow said and he died the. 牛郎披上牛皮,把孩子放在两个筐里挑在肩上,果然飞到了天上.牛郎像风一样在群星中穿行,眼看就要追上织女了.忽然空中伸下一只大手,狠心的王母娘娘用玉簪向身后一划,划出了一条大河,挡住了牛郎的追路,牛郎怎么也飞不过去了.这条河就是天河,也叫银河. Cowboy put on the leather, the children put in o baskets to pick on the shoulder, indeed as expected to fly to the sky. The Cowherd and the wind as the stars through, seeing would catch up with a weaver. Suddenly the air reached a big, cruel queen Hosta to after death stroke, draw the river, blocking the cowherd chase Road, cowherd did not fly past. The river is the Milky way. Also called galactic. 牛郎望着滔滔的河水,发誓无论如何也要见到妻子.王母娘娘没有办法,只得允许他们每年在农历七月初七的晚上见上一面.每到这一天,喜鹊们就会飞到天河上,为牛郎织女搭起一座鹊桥,让他们在桥上相会.据说,这一天晚上夜深人静的时候,如果你坐在葡萄架下,还能听到他们小声说话的声音呢. Cowboy looked at the surging river, vowed to do whatever they could to see his wife. The queen is no way, had to allow each year on the evening of the seventh day of the seventh lunar month see side. Every day, magpies will fly to the Milky way, the Cowherd and the girl weaver erected a bridge, let them meet on the bridge. Is said to this day the dead of night time, if you sit in the grape vine can still hear the voice they talked in a low voice.
2023-07-16 16:22:311


The text is about the mixed marriage between Gail and Mark, especially the objections Gailu2019s parents made to their wedding plans. To be concrete, Gail and Mark decided to marry after living together for two years. However, they met with some resistance from Gailu2019s parents. Gailu2019s mother asked Gail to be sure Mark was the right life-long partner. And Gailu2019s father quoted statistics to show the difficulties a mixed couple might be faced with in America and persuaded Gail to change her mind.
2023-07-16 16:22:392


  下面是我整理的英语 说明文 范文 ,以供大家学习参考。   说明文是以说明为主要表达方式用来说明事物,阐明事理的一种文体。它通过揭示概念来说明事物的特征、本质及其规律性,给人准确的科学知识或正确思想。一般可分为实体事物说明和抽象事物说明两大类,词典、教材、论文、实验 报告 、产品 说明书 、 广告 、解说词及科学小品等都属于说明文。   按写作 方法 ,英语说明文主要分为下面六种类型:   1.定义法   下定义就是给说明对象一个明确概念。这是科学而严密的说明方法。它既能揭示事物的本质特征,勾勒其大概,描绘其轮廓,同时也能确定事物的范围和界限。下定义是多方面的,可以给人、事物、思想等下定义。例如:   An ideal teacher must have the following characteristics. He should know his subject, but he can make mistakes if he is willing to learn. His personality is as important as his scholarship. An ideal teacher must be enthusiastic. He should be a bit of an actor and he shouldn"t be afraid to show his feelings and express his likes and dislikes. An ideal teacher is one who grows, learns, and improves himself along with his students.   本段的展开是通过对"一个模范教师"下定义的方法,关键词"ideal teacher"在文中多次重复,能加深读者的印象。   2.例证法   这是用具体例子来说明人或事物的特征、本质及其规律的方法,所用例子必须有代表性、典型性,能体现人或事物的本质特征。这是用特殊来说明一般的方法。通常在主题句后,用 For example 或 For instance 等 短语 引导出具体的例子。例如:   Our life today depends very much on energy. For example, machines have made our life easier than it used to be. The machines use energy, and energy is needed for heating, lighting, communications, carrying goods-everything. Factories use a great deal of energy to make the things that we use and buy and sell.   这段主要是讲能源问题。第一句为主题句,概括地说出"我们目前的生活很大程度上依赖能源"。接着用举例的方法从三方面说明能源的作用。   3.分类法   分类法是对同属不同类或同类而不同种的人或事物,根据不同性质进行分门别类地说明的方法。分类是人类认识客观世界的重要手段之一。分类必须遵守分类规则,使分类对象具有统一属性,依据同一分类标准,并使分类的子项相互排斥,不互相包蕴。例如:   As far as political views are concerned, people fall into three categories. First are the conservative people. Conservatives are opposed to sudden or great changes. Second are the liberal people. These people are in favor of progress and reform. But their opinions often seem too idealistic. Third are the moderate people. The moderates keep everything within reasonable limits. They are more practical in this hard world. In my opinion, most people seem to belong to this group.   本段把人按政治观点分为三类:保守派(conservative people)、自由派(liberal people)和温和派(moderate people),并对他们各自的特征进行了简要的分析。   4.因果关系法   事物变化的原因和结果是紧密相关的。如果某个现象的存在必然引起另一个现象的发生,那么,这两个现象之间就具有因果关系。因果关系包括"由果推因"(由结果去推测原因)和"由因推果"(由原因去推测结果)两种情况。因果关系符合人们的日常思维逻辑,因而在写作中得到广泛应用,常用 because, as, since, so, now that, if...then, the reason is that...等表示因果关系。例如:   Of the four seasons, I like spring best. I prefer spring because it is a season of much joy and gaiety. New life bursts out everywhere. Plants wear a green coagain and colorful flowers blossom in gardens and mountains. The old come outdoors for fresh air and the young plan for outdoor activities. Life becomes so energetic and happy.   第一句为本段主题句,末句是 总结 句。在主题句后, 作者用了四个 句子 阐述自己喜欢春天的理由。
2023-07-16 16:22:491

孙中山主要事迹 英语

孙中山:Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925), Chinese revolutionary leader, revered as the father of republican China. Sun was born in Xiangshan, in Guangdong. In 1879 he joined his brother in Honolulu. He returned to China in 1883 and later moved to Hong Kong.Sun began his revolutionary career in 1894, concluding that the Manchu dynasty must be overthrown. He returned to Hawaii and formed the first of a series of organizations dedicated to strengthening his movement. After China"s defeat in the Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895), Sun returned to Hong Kong, where he plotted for an uprising in Guangzhou. That failing, he began to stimulate revolutionary zeal among overseas Chinese. For the next 16 years he traveled, studying Western political and economic thought.Persevering, Sun"s forces succeeded in overthrowing the Manchu government in 1911. At the beginning of the following year Sun was elected provisional president of the new Republic of China. Soon afterward he stepped aside in favor of Yüan Shih-k"ai, a powerful warlord. When Yüan revealed his own dynastic ambition, however, Sun brought him down (1916).In the meantime, Sun had transformed his movement into a political party, the Kuomintang (KMT), and in 1917 he established a regime in Guangzhou. From 1923 until his death, Sun was recognized as the chief executive of the KMT government, his authority virtually confined to Guangzhou. During the last years of his life he made unsuccessful efforts to reunify China, later accomplished by his successor, Chiang Kai-shek.Selfless and idealistic, Sun Yat-sen designed a program for China based essentially on his understanding of Western ideas. Still, he was a fervent Chinese nationalist. Sun Yat-sen received broad support during his lifetime and won great admiration after his death.Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925), Chinese revolutionary leader, revered as the father of republican China. Sun was born in Xiangshan, in Guangdong. In 1879 he joined his brother in Honolulu. He returned to China in 1883 and later moved to Hong Kong.Sun began his revolutionary career in 1894, concluding that the Manchu dynasty must be overthrown. He returned to Hawaii and formed the first of a series of organizations dedicated to strengthening his movement. After China"s defeat in the Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895), Sun returned to Hong Kong, where he plotted for an uprising in Guangzhou. That failing, he began to stimulate revolutionary zeal among overseas Chinese. For the next 16 years he traveled, studying Western political and economic thought.Persevering, Sun"s forces succeeded in overthrowing the Manchu government in 1911. At the beginning of the following year Sun was elected provisional president of the new Republic of China. Soon afterward he stepped aside in favor of Yüan Shih-k"ai, a powerful warlord. When Yüan revealed his own dynastic ambition, however, Sun brought him down (1916).In the meantime, Sun had transformed his movement into a political party, the Kuomintang (KMT), and in 1917 he established a regime in Guangzhou. From 1923 until his death, Sun was recognized as the chief executive of the KMT government, his authority virtually confined to Guangzhou. During the last years of his life he made unsuccessful efforts to reunify China, later accomplished by his successor, Chiang Kai-shek.Selfless and idealistic, Sun Yat-sen designed a program for China based essentially on his understanding of Western ideas. Still, he was a fervent Chinese nationalist. Sun Yat-sen received broad support during his lifetime and won great admiration after his death. Encarta
2023-07-16 16:23:072


“十年树木,百年树人”,教育从来都是一个十分有意义的话题。让我们看看,世界经济最发达的美国,高等教育是如何开展的。   Higher Education in America   There is evidence that even incomplete university study gives a person better career prospects than none at all. So, it is accepted that the benefits of a university career are useful.   All this effort in America"s higher education is very expensive. Some of the costs come from fees and benefactions, particularly towards research, but most have to be paid from public funds. Parents favor big expenditures on higher education; a wider public opinion favors them for idealistic and cultural reasons, and because of the supposed value of education as an investment by society.   The first universities were developed by private charitable organizations. The private universities are still very important, and most of the best-known institutions, like Harvard, Yale and Princeton, are private.   Most of the principal state universities have between 10, 000 and 30, 000 students, and some have increased rapidly in the past few years. Private universities and colleges are generally smaller, and although they are more numerous than public institutions they have a smaller total number of students than those in public institutions. The private colleges vary very much in standards and reputation, from the world-famous and select to the cranky and the obscure①. The best known of all is Harvard.   There are also many junior colleges to which students may be admitted at the end of their high school career, providing only the first two years of university work.   For the most part Americans think that there"s some advantage in attending one of the better-known private institutions, in spite of the higher cost, rather than a state university. However, testate universities are becoming increasingly important, and some of them, particularly in the Midwest have a reputation practically equal to that of the private ones. Almost every state by now has several university institutions directly under the authority of the state government.   [308 words]   行文点评   文章开篇就指出接受教育总是颇有好处的,为后文作了一个很好的铺垫。紧接着第二段就讲到美国社会各界在教育上花费巨大,引出了文章的话题——美国的教育。第三,四,五段就具体的阐述了美国的教育体系是由私立学校,州立大学和大专学校构成的。最后一段讲述了州立大学的发展前景。   好文妙译   美国的高等教育   有迹象表明,一个人大学肄业也比从未上过大学有更好的就业前景。因此,人们相信,接受大学教育总是颇有益处的。   美国在高等教育上的投入是十分巨大的。某些费用,尤其是科研费用,来自学费和捐款,但是多数费用还得由公共基金支付。家长乐意将大笔经费投入高等教育;基于理想上和文化上的缘由,加上教育具有一种被认定为社会投资的价值,社会舆论也比以前更加普遍地支持在高等教育上花费巨资。   美国最早的大学是由私立慈善机构兴办发展的。现在私立大学仍然十分重要,且多数最的高等院校,如哈佛大学、耶鲁大学和普林斯顿大学,都是私立大学。   美国大多数主要的州立大学在校学生人数在1万至3万名之间,其中有些大学近年来学生人数激增。私立高等院校一般规模较小,尽管其数量超过公立院校,其学生总人数却比公立院校的要少。私立院校的水平与名望彼此相差甚远,从举世闻名、出类拔萃到动荡不定或默默无闻的都有。所有大学中,哈佛大学最负盛名。   美国还有许多只开设大学头两年课程的大专学校,高中生毕业后就可上此类学校。   尽管私立院校费用较高,大多数美国人认为,就读于名气大一些的私立院校有某种优越性,故不愿上州立大学。然而,州立大学日趋重要,其中部分院校,尤其是中西部地区的州立大学,现在已与私立大学齐名。如今,几乎各州都有几所隶属于州政府直接管辖的高等院校。   词汇斟酌   ue0bebenefaction n.恩惠, 善行, 施予   ue0beexpenditure  n.经费,费用,支出额   ue0becharitable organizations 慈善机构   ue0becranky a.任性的, 暴躁的   ue0beobscure a.不的,不重要的   ue0beprominent a.突出的,杰出的   佳句临摹   ①【注释】vary from sth to sth 改变,变动,变化   【临摹】Her mood varied from optimism to extreme depression.她的情绪由乐观变为极度消极。   思如泉涌   The great difficulty in education is to get experience out of ideas. 教育之艰苦在于从意念中获得经验。   The one real object of education is to have a man in the condition of continually asking questions. 教育惟一的真正目的,就是让一个人进入这种状态:不断提出问题。
2023-07-16 16:23:231


2023-07-16 16:16:531

花非花,雾非雾。 活了20年,懂事大概10多年了吧,在这个社会也算是目睹了10多年的社会变迁。当然,接下来我文字下要说的可能与我的年龄有所不符合,于我这个年龄来说我的经历还不算多,遇到的社会黑暗还不算黑的,不管怎样这都是现在我自己要写的故事,也算是一种把我自己的感受用文字表达出来的方式吧! 最近在随机播放中无意中听到一首歌叫做《丑八怪》,相信大家都早已听过了,并且听起来还非常好听。是的,我已经单曲循环了好几遍,从歌的旋律和伴奏和音来说都非常的动人感人,不过它里面的歌词才是打动我的地方,并不是说我自己是丑八怪听了这首歌之后有了身同感受而发出的感概,也不是说我被歌曲里的丑八怪无力无奈地倾述而感动、同情,我只是听了这首歌有了我本善良,奈何造物弄人的感受,紧接着就有了写这篇文章的灵感。故,活着不需要想太多,那真的很累。 如果世界漆黑,其实我很美 世界从不缺少美,只是缺少发现美的眼睛,相信很多人都有着这样相同的想法,而恰恰很多人也抱着这样的信仰天真的以为自己真的是内在美,哔哩吧啦的在哭诉世人总是在意华丽的表面。我擦,别人长得好看点你就说别人整的,别人化个妆你就骂别人婊子,别人参加比赛得个奖你就说有内幕,别人放个屁你都要凑过去嗅一嗅的人,你说你自己内在美也就你自己是这样想的。一个内在美的你表现出来的是积极的,行为也是受人喜爱的,也能在舞台享受聚光灯的待遇,把自己内在美转化为外在美,至少故事君是这样想的。只不过你心中住着一个魔鬼。 只要你足够虚伪就不怕魔鬼 我本善良,奈何造物弄人。我不是写我,我是写人,对,就是这个扭曲的人性。你说你生不逢时早已竞争不过大佬们,你说你没抓住机会失去了很多,你说你自己也行就是找不到机会表现......我说:你很虚伪,别人是做了见不得人的事然后虚伪,而你就是那种为了掩饰自己的无能而虚伪,真的,虚伪无罪,只是内心的魔鬼见多了就不怪了。 好,讲了一堆肺话,都是些肺腑之言。其实下面的名画才是我要分享给大家的啊,故意沉重一下大家的心情。哈哈,爽,我就是这么贱。 之前故事君我是很反感这类画的,很多时候都觉得是乱画一通,确实艺术家的心情太难抓摸,你永远也不要去猜测艺术家的的想象力。今晚进入沉思模式之后感觉瞬间涉世太深,静静欣赏才发现真的存在艺术,值得分享出来。 注:本作品存在扭曲、恐吓、暴力因素, 心态意志力不好的小学生自己把握好力度 ,不建议玩下看 Francis Bacon扭曲的背后是人类的孤独感。Bacon世界最伟大的画家之一,他创作的《弗洛伊德肖像画习作》三联画在拍马会上拍出1.2亿美元天价,成为当时全球最贵艺术品。在50年代Bacon的作品充满实验性,它通过自己的方式表现了现实生活中人们不愿意表现出来的痛苦与孤独。 突然想起我身边似乎也存在这种壁画 但我就是不会欣赏 对的,我内心住着魔鬼 放纵我心里的魔鬼 化成灰谁认得谁管他配不配
2023-07-16 16:16:541

初二英语完形填空.词:with quick two where stay he realize pay museum w?

Once a foreigner traveling in Fance came to Paris for a few days.On the first day of his ( stay ) in the French capital he sent a telegram to his wife ( with ) the name and address of the hotel (where ) he was staying .Then he decided to go out and see sights in the capital .He took a long walk along the streets of the city ,visiting a few ( museums ) and by the end of the day he felt tired. He wanted to return to the hotel to take a rest there ,but suddenly he ( realized ) he remembered neither the name nor the address of the hotel .He felt quite ( worried )and slowly walked along the street ,not knowing what to do .Suddenly he found ( himself )in front of a post office .He ( quickly ) ran in and said in an excited voice ."Give me a telegram form ." A minute later he handed in the telegram and ( paid ) the man. His wife was greatly surprised when two hours later she received a ( second ) telegram from her hu *** and ,"Send me my address at once .",9,初二英语完形填空. 词:with quick two where stay he realize pay museum worry 文章:Once a foreigner traveling in Fance came to Paris for a few days.On the first day of his ( ) in the French capital he sent a telegram to his wife ( ) the name and address of the hotel ( ) he was staying .Then he decided to go out and see sights in the capital .He took a long walk along the streets of the city ,visiting a few ( ) and by the end of the day he felt tired. He wanted to return to the hotel to take a rest there ,but suddenly he ( ) he remembered neither the name nor the address of the hotel .He felt ( )quite ( )and slowly walked along the street ,not knowing what to do .Suddenly he found ( )in front of a post office .He ( ) ran in and said in an excited voice ."Give me a telegram form ." A minute later he handed in the telegram and ( ) the man. His wife was greatly surprised when two hours later she received a ( ) telegram from her hu *** and ,"Send me my address at once ."
2023-07-16 16:16:551


garden这个英语名词属于可数名词,garden的复数形式是gardens。 扩展资料   garden是什么意思   garden这个英语单词一般被用作名词,表示花园,菜园的意思,garden除此之外还有动词含义,当被用作及物动词时意思是栽培花木,当被用作不及物动词时意思是从事园艺,在园中种植。   garden的复数形式   garden这个英语名词属于可数名词,garden的复数形式是gardens。   garden的.同根名词   garden的同根名词是在garden的基础上进行词缀添加,garden的同根名词有:   gardener 园丁,花匠,园艺家   gardening 园艺,园林工人的工作   garden单词用法   garden这个单词被用作动词时具有多种时态变化,garden的过去式是gardened,过去分词形式是gardened,现在分词形式是gardening,第三人称单数为gardens。
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1、苏州五星级酒店有哪些?2、苏州的四五星级酒店各有哪些3、求苏州五星酒店排名,哪些比较值得入住?4、苏州五星级酒店有哪些5、苏州有多少家五星级酒店列举6、苏州市区都有哪些星级酒店?苏州五星级酒店有哪些?苏州五星酒店有香格里拉大酒店、金鸡湖大酒店、凯宾斯基大酒店。1、香格里拉大酒店香格里拉大酒店是苏州新区的首家国际豪华酒店,另外园区香格里拉大酒店也于2019年6月1日投入运营,苏州又多了一家值得打卡的顶级酒店。2、金鸡湖大酒店金鸡湖大酒店南临独墅湖,西傍国际标准建设总面积达1.25平方公里的27洞高尔夫球场,整个酒店像在一个森大林里,享受的也是国宾馆级的贴心服务。3、凯宾斯基大酒店凯宾斯基酒店来自德国,有着110多年的历史,是欧洲最古老的豪华酒店管理品牌之一,酒店临湖,自然有着得天独厚的资源优势,作为国际五星酒店,亲子设施、服务上口碑很好。苏州的四五星级酒店各有哪些苏州金鸡湖凯宾斯基大酒店(五星苏州雅都大酒店(五星苏州南林饭店(五星苏州吴宫喜来登酒店(五星苏州维景国际大酒店(五星苏州亚致酒店(HotelOne苏州姑苏锦江大酒店(五星苏州尼盛万丽酒店(四星苏州玄妙索菲特大酒店(四星苏州中茵皇冠假日酒店(原新苏国际大酒店苏州和乔丽晶公寓酒店(四星苏州香格里拉大酒店(五星苏州金鸡湖大酒店(五星苏州宝岛花园酒店(五星苏州苏苑饭店(五星苏州御庭精品酒店(李公堤店(四星苏州中新豪生全套房酒店(五星苏州三德大酒店(五星苏州阳澄湖澜廷度假酒店(原苏州阳澄湖置地度假酒店苏州太湖高尔夫酒店(四星苏州九华春申湖大酒店(五星苏州东山宾馆(五星求苏州五星酒店排名,哪些比较值得入住?苏州五星酒店排名:1、苏州吴宫泛太平洋酒店2、苏州洲际酒店3、苏州托尼洛·兰博基尼书苑酒店,4、苏州凯悦酒店,5、苏州W酒店6、苏州万豪酒店7、苏州中茵皇冠假日酒店8、苏州东太湖大酒店9、苏州王府金科大酒店10、苏州南园宾馆。11、苏州独墅湖世尊酒店12、苏州金鸡湖凯宾斯基大酒店13、苏州福朋喜来登酒店14、苏州世豪国际大酒店(原世豪全套间酒店 15、苏州环秀晓筑养生度假村 16、苏州苏州湾艾美酒店 17、苏州希尔顿酒店18、苏州太湖高尔夫酒店19、苏州维景国际大酒店20、苏州金鸡湖大酒店等。比较值得去的:1、苏州凯悦酒店:客房简约时尚,宽敞明亮。客房设施先进齐备。体贴入微的服务团队力求在每个细节上做到尽善尽美,面面俱到。苏州凯悦酒店的美食体验在其五家餐厅和酒廊中展现得淋漓尽致2、苏州托尼洛·兰博基尼书苑酒店:坐落在风光旖旎的金鸡湖畔——星港街,近地铁1号线东方之门站,距苏州中心仅约480米,距诚品书店约5分钟车程,出行便利。这是一家古典诗意与现代时尚兼备的高端私人精品酒店,怀着对酒店品牌尊贵血统与对苏州千年深厚文化底蕴的高度崇敬,捷克设计师JanBenda以高贵、低调、私密、奢华为基调打造了这家酒店。结合苏式园林的古典隽秀与现代建筑的简约奢华,庭院中假山池沼、亭台轩榭皆布局考究。绿树成荫,鸟语花香,令人仿佛置身于世外桃源。3、苏州金鸡湖大酒店:位于苏州东隅,毗邻按国际比赛标准建设的27洞高尔夫球场,三面临水,四面环景,由酒店前往苏州各大商业景点,娱乐场所都极其便捷。苏州金鸡湖大酒店别墅与商务楼都有其独特的装饰风格,可以满足不同客人的需求。房间内配置了42寸液晶电视、宽带上网、符合人体工学理念的办公区域,干湿分离的卫浴空间。置身于森林花园中,您可以随时随地享受新鲜空气和花香鸟语。苏州五星级酒店有哪些1、苏州市中茵皇冠假日酒店2、苏州吴宫喜来登大酒店3、苏州同里湖大饭店4、苏州新城花园酒店5、苏州香格里拉大酒店6、苏州工业园区金鸡湖大酒店7、苏州雅都大酒店8、苏州怡景太湖高尔夫酒店9、苏州金鸡湖凯宾斯基大酒店10、苏州宝岛花园酒店11、苏州阳澄湖澜廷度假酒店这些都是真正在国家旅游局官网上能查询到的苏州五星级酒店。很多酒店都说按照五星级的标准建造的,这种说辞一般都是还没有真正被评为五星酒店,只是内部设施是五星酒店标准。苏州有多少家五星级酒店列举苏州五星级酒店不计其数,比较出名的有:1、阳澄湖费尔蒙酒店费尔蒙酒店及度假村进驻中国,在江南水乡落户的首家商务与度假相结合的国际五星级酒店,为宾客创造了一个湖光山色中的顶级体验地,成为昆山这座日新月异的现代化新城的璀璨地标。阳澄湖费尔蒙酒店就坐落在清新秀丽的阳澄湖生态公园内,依偎于风光旖旎的阳澄湖畔。该酒店由昆山城市建设投资发展有限公司投资建立,占地43,000平方米,拥有优越和便捷的地理位置:距离昆山市中心、苏州园区25分钟,上海虹桥机场60分钟,上海浦东国际机场100分钟。2、吴江海悦花园大酒店苏州吴江海悦花园酒店是商务度假酒店,占地面积共达90亩、楼高22层。其宏伟、简洁、大方的建筑物外型和内饰设计出自于台湾和美国著名设计师团队,拥有543间风格不一的高级豪华客房。并设有中、西、日、法式铁板烧等餐厅,多间具备先进高科技功能的宴会会议厅,可容纳千人以上的大型宴会厅,全套豪华的康乐设施,演艺吧,桑拿按摩,沐足,健身房,恒温游泳池,及49间多国风情的KTV包厢。3、苏州万豪酒店苏州万豪酒店是一个五星级酒店,坐落于市区与高新技术开发区交界处,紧邻苏州市政府及行政服务中心,优越的地理位置亦便捷来往众多高速公路。苏州万豪酒店是集酒店、国际甲级办公楼、顶级酒店式公寓于一体的沿海国际中心。现代化的楼体造型与苏州古城风貌交相辉映,已成为市区的地标性建筑之一。4、苏州太湖高尔夫酒店苏州太湖高尔夫酒店,坐落于太湖国家旅游度假区内,与太湖高尔夫球场连成一带,以西山林野为卧榻,尽收太湖四季风情入怀。临近沪宁、苏嘉杭高速,距苏州绕城高速太湖西山出口仅5分钟车程,15分钟即可直达苏州新区2007年开业。2007年装修。5、苏州金鸡湖凯宾斯基大酒店 苏州金鸡湖凯宾斯基大酒店位于苏州工业园区国宾路1号,毗邻金鸡湖高尔夫球场和金鸡湖大酒店。酒店交通便捷,距离苏州市区,金鸡湖及大型购物中心等地区车程约为15—20分钟;60分钟即可轻松抵达上海的虹桥机场及无锡的硕放机场,90分钟可抵达上海浦东国际机场。苏州金鸡湖凯宾斯基大酒店拥有458间豪华客房和套房,房间宽敞优雅,窗外景色绚丽;拥有苏州最大的宴会厅,可承办同时容纳1200人的大型宴会或1600人的鸡尾酒会及8间高品位装修的多功能厅。以上内容参考:百度百科——阳澄湖费尔蒙酒店百度百科——吴江海悦花园大酒店百度百科——苏州万豪酒店百度百科——苏州太湖高尔夫酒店百度百科——苏州金鸡湖凯宾斯基大酒店苏州市区都有哪些星级酒店?五星x0dx0a名称:亚致酒店x0dx0a地址:江苏省苏州市高新区长江路379号(乐园南广场x0dx0a电话:0512-68781111x0dx0a名称:金鸡湖大酒店x0dx0a电话:86-512-62889505x0dx0a名称:中茵皇冠假日酒店x0dx0a地址:星港街168号x0dx0a电话:86581010/86582157/86582257x0dx0a名称:吴宫喜来登大酒店x0dx0a地址:新市路259号x0dx0a电话:65103388x0dx0ax0dx0a四星x0dx0a名称:新城花园酒店x0dx0a地址:狮山桥西堍x0dx0a电话:68250228x0dx0a名称:国美宾馆x0dx0a名称:会展酒店x0dx0a名称:凯悦酒店x0dx0a名称:古尚锦茶坊x0dx0a联系方式不详。。。x0dx0a名称:尼盛万丽酒店x0dx0a地址:苏州工业园区苏华路229号x0dx0a邮编:215021x0dx0a电话:67626600x0dx0a名称:东山宾馆x0dx0a地址:东山x0dx0a电话:0512-6628188866282888x0dx0a名称:豪仕登大酒店x0dx0a地址:东吴北路41号x0dx0a电话:65656666x0dx0a名称:苏州山水度假村x0dx0a地址:东山镇西泾山x0dx0a电话:0512-66399888x0dx0a名称:状元楼宾馆x0dx0a地址:太湖大桥2号桥x0dx0a电话:66272888x0dx0a名称:金澄锦江国际酒店x0dx0a地址:相城区太平镇x0dx0a电话:总机:0512-65431888x0dx0a名称:雅都大酒店x0dx0a地址:三香路156号x0dx0a电话:68291888x0dx0a名称:凯莱大酒店x0dx0a地址:干将东路535号x0dx0a电话:65218855x0dx0a名称:苏州雅戈尔富宫大酒店x0dx0a地址:观前街宫巷63号x0dx0a电话:0512-65159998x0dx0a名称:苏州竹辉饭店x0dx0a地址:竹辉路168号x0dx0a电话:65205601x0dx0a名称:苏州饭店x0dx0a地址:十全街115号x0dx0a电话:65204646x0dx0a名称:苏州会议中心大酒店x0dx0a地址:道前街100号x0dx0a电话:65226691x0dx0a名称:胥城大厦x0dx0a地址:三香路333号x0dx0a电话:68286688x0dx0a名称:丽都大酒店x0dx0a地址:干将路168号x0dx0a电话:65119358x0dx0a名称:苏州人家大酒店x0dx0a地址:临顿路落瓜桥下塘66号x0dx0a电话:67778888x0dx0a三星的就不列了数量太多了
2023-07-16 16:16:481

 Francis Bacon, one of the most important philosophers(哲人) of England, was born in London and e

小题1:B小题2:A小题3:C 5. 小题1:本题为推断题。根据第一段第一句可知,培根是在剑桥大学接受的教育,可知他受过良好的教育。本题也可用排除法选出正确答案,由短文的“one of the most important philosophers”可把A排除;由“he went to France to work for the English ambassador”可把C排除;由“Two years later, he went back to England to study law”可知,培根17岁就回到了英国学习法律,因此D是错误的。正确答案为B。6. 小题2:本题为词义猜测题。词义猜测题应根据其上下文的意思来猜测生词或词组的意思。本题可由该词组所在句的上句“Later, by doing experiments, the scientist could see that any one cause would always have the same result.”得出答案。7. 小题3:本题为判断题。本文最后一句告诉我们归纳推理(inductive reasoning)的方法在培根时代并没有广泛运用,由此判断出C项是错误的
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