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2023-07-16 20:51:35








汉语翻译;n.意大利人,意大利语。a.意大利的,意大利语的。英语解释:名词italian:a native or inhabitant of Italythe Romance language spoken in Italy形容词italian:of or pertaining to or characteristic of Italy or its people or culture or language例句:I need to practise my Italian before my business trip.我出差以前需要练习一下意大利语。I take it for granted that he is a native Italian because he speaks Italian so well.他意大利语说得好极了,所以我就理所当然地把他当成了土生土长的意大利人。The Roman languages such as French,Italian,are all derived from Latin.拉丁语系,例如法语,意大利语,都起源于拉丁语。Our agent in Rome deals with all our Italian business.我们在罗马的代理人负责我们在意大利的所有业务。Rome is an Italian city.罗马是意大利城市。
2023-07-16 19:25:101


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2023-07-16 19:27:082

Italian book前面用什么冠词

可以用an和the。冠词包括定冠词不定冠词,定冠词the,用以特指某(些)人或某(些)事物,比如,the Italian girl in blue is my best friend。不定冠词a/an,a用于辅音发音开头的单词前,an用在元音发音开头的单词前,Italian发音__t_li_n,故前面加an。根据你需要表达的语境来加定冠词或者不定冠词。
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2023-07-16 19:28:474


italian的意思如下:Italian,英文单词,形容词、名词,作形容词时意为“意大利的;意大利语的;意大利文化的”,作名词时意为“意大利人;意大利语”。双语例句:We have Italian and French。我们有意大利和法国的。I want to be French or Italian in my next life。我想成为法语或意大利语在我的下一个生活。How could they be Italian? They said they were from the planet Venus。 I heard them。 They saidso。他们怎么会是意大利人呢?他们说他们是从金星来的。我听见的。他们是这么说的。短语搭配:Italian Peninsula意大利半岛 ; 亚平宁半岛 ; 大利半岛 ; 义大利半岛。Italian opera意大利歌剧。Italian food意大利菜 ; 意大利美食 ; 意大利食物。Italian Brandy意大利白兰地。Swiss Italian意大利语区。
2023-07-16 19:29:571


意大利人的英语单词:Italian; 短语: Italian Lira 意大利里拉 ; The Italian Job 偷天换日 ; Italian Greyhound 意大利灵缇犬 ; Italian Peninsula 意大利半岛 扩展资料   印度人的皮肤比美国人或意大利人的皮肤衰老得慢得多。   Indian skins age far more slowly than American or Italian ones.   她的意大利语说得和意大利人一样。   She speaks Italian like a native.   我是意大利人。   I"m from Italy.   她是意大利人。   She"s from Italy.   意大利人总是在用餐结束时来份冰激凌。   The Italian way is to round off a meal with an ice-cream
2023-07-16 19:31:011


italian是不可数名词。 Italian: n.意大利人;意大利语; adj.意大利的;意大利人的;意大利语的;意大利文化的; 复数: Italians 扩展资料   There"s a talk on Italian art ─ are you interested?   有个关于意大利艺术的讲座——你想去听吗?   Do you like Italian food?   你喜欢意大利食物吗?   Personally speaking, I"ve always preferred Italian food.   就我个人来讲,我总是偏爱意大利菜。   Speaking Italian should work in his favour.   会说意大利语应对他有好处。
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2023-07-16 19:31:141


italy的形容词形式是Italian.Italian:n.意大利人:意大利语。adj意大利的:意大利语的;意大利人的;意大利文化的。复数:Italians扩展资料For this job you will need a good knowledge of both Italian and Spanish.担任这项工作需要精通意大利语和西班牙语。There"s a talk on Italian art-are you interested?有个关于意大利艺术的讲座一一你想去听吗?Do you like Italian food?你喜欢意大利食物吗?Personally speaking,I"ve always preferred Italian food.就我个人来讲,我总是偏爱意大利菜。Speaking Italian should work in his favour.会说意大利语应对他有好处。ITALY的意思是:意大利(欧洲)。例句:In Italy the average life of a government is eleven months。意思是:意大利每届政府的平均寿命是十一个月。Their move from Italy to the US has not been a success. 意思是:他们从意大利迁到美国并不成功。
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  意大利,全称意大利共和国,是一个欧洲国家,主要由南欧的亚平宁半岛及两个位于地中海中的岛屿西西里岛与萨丁岛所组成。意大利是欧洲民族及 文化 的摇篮,曾孕育出罗马文化及伊特拉斯坎文明,而意大利的首都罗马,几个世纪以来都是西方世界的政治中心,也曾经是罗马帝国的首都。十三世纪末的意大利更是成为欧洲文艺复兴发源地。那么你知道意大利用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    意大利的英语说法:   Italy    意大利的相关 短语 :   意大利式 Italian ; Italy style ; italian style   意大利文 Italian ;   意大利南部 Southern Italy   意大利王国 Kingdom of Italy   意大利半岛 Italian Peninsula   意大利海军 Italian Navy   意大利战争 Italian Wars   意大利国旗 Flag of Italy   意大利菜 Italian cuisine    意大利的英语例句:   1. I drain the pasta, then I share it out between two plates.   我将意大利面滤干,然后平分到两个盘子里。   2. They ate in an Italian restaurant in Forth Street.   他们在第四大街的一家意大利餐馆吃了饭。   3. The annual slaughter of wildlife in Italy is horrific.   在意大利,每年大量捕杀野生动物的现象令人震惊。   4. He began to feed in the spaghetti, carefully separating the strands.   他开始放入意大利面,小心翼翼地将面一缕缕分开。   5. The Italian economic miracle has always been a mystery.   意大利的经济奇迹一直是个谜。   6. The refugees were put in camps in Italy before being resettled.   这些难民在重新定居之前被安置在意大利的难民营中。   7. Robinson was sent to Italy to cover the 1990 World Cup.   鲁宾逊被派到意大利报道1990年的世界杯比赛。   8. Since she knows little Italian, she keeps to herself.   因为不怎么懂意大利语,她很少和人交往。   9. We spent the whole summer in Italy that year.   那年我们整个夏天都呆在意大利.   10. Italy"s industrial districts are concentrated in its north-central and north-eastern regions.   意大利的工业区集中在该国中北部和东北部地区。   11. Anne wouldn"t mind going to Italy or France to live.   安妮很愿意去意大利或法国定居。   12. He has coached and played in Italy during the Australian off-season.   他趁澳大利亚的休赛期在意大利执教并参加比赛。   13. Her story is sharply evocative of Italian provincial life.   她的 故事 让人清晰地回忆起意大利的乡村生活。   14. In 1882 Germany, Austria, and Italy formed the Triple Alliance.   1882年,德国、奥地利和意大利组成了三国同盟。   15. From 1879 to 1888 he wandered about Germany, Switzerland, and Italy.   从1879到1888年,他游历于德国、瑞士和意大利等地。
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2023-07-16 19:33:592

she is italian这里italian是形容词还是名词?

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2023-07-16 19:35:321

意大利的英文怎么拼写 是ITALIY还是ITALY

Italy是意大利,国家名. Italian是形容词,“意大利的”.
2023-07-16 19:35:391


1、uno的读音:[u:no],谐音:wu no。 2、该词在西班牙语和意大利语是“一”的意思,西班牙语和意大利语中的“U”一律读“wu”的音。也用在单数名词前作冠词。 3、意大利语(意大利文:Italiano;英文:Italian)属于印欧语系罗曼语族,是意大利、瑞士、梵蒂冈和圣马力诺的官方语言之一,广义的意大利语包括了托斯卡纳语、伦巴第语、萨丁尼亚语、那不勒斯语、西西里语、威尼斯语等语言;而狭义的意大利语,是指以托斯卡纳语为准的标准意大利语。
2023-07-16 19:36:061


问题一:意大利人用英语怎么说 Italian~~~ 问题二:意大利语 ,意大利人用英语分别怎么说 楼楼您好~ 意大利语:Italian 意大利人:Italians 问题三:意大利人的英文怎么说 意大利人 italians更多释义>> [网络短语] 意大利人 Italian;ginny;dago 意大利人. Italiener m -s 意大利人波罗斯 Ignatio Porris 问题四:意大利用英文怎么说?怎么读? italy 问题五:意大利人的英文怎么说? Italian 问题六:乐透投注站真的有赚钱吗? 通过学习苏联的改革与解体.谈谈对改革的认识 问题七:意大利人是说英语还是意大利语 意大利语。虽然意大利越来越没什么存在感,但是意大利人民还是很自信的把自己当罗马人的继承者的,虽然意大利语也不是拉丁语,但总比英语更接近点儿。
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2023-07-16 19:36:355

Scotland Germany Italian 哪个不同?

选第一个 因为第一个是足球队
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2023-07-16 19:37:163

ltalian前面是a 还是an

an ltalian
2023-07-16 19:37:321


exam 考试
2023-07-16 19:34:245

急需英文演讲稿,主题为what is TRUE love

1.What is love? when I think about this word, my mind conjures up images of all kinds of beautiful things that I have always associated with this word. Flowers, chocolates, candle light dinners, hearts, soft toys, clothes and perfumes; these are the words that have become synonymous with love…but, what about true love, the feelings and emotions associated with this word? I remember growing up with stars in my eyes and love songs ringing through my ears. Slowly my dreams grew bigger and I started waiting for my Prince Charming to come along and take me with him to a beautiful land where we would be surrounded by servants, good clothes, flowers and jewelry. One day I realized the truth about love...that true love was much more than material comforts and gains. True love is Sharing It is important to open ones heart and share – pain, joy, success and failure, it really does not matter, as long as the heart is clear. Love is being honest and knowing that the other person feels the same way too. True love is Talking Yes, love is talking. It is about speaking, telling and sharing. After some time people restrict their conversations to discussing bills, children and pets. This is a sure indicator of things going down hill. Bring the spark back by starting a conversation. True love is Spending Time Together A few minutes spent together everyday keeps the boredom away. I just made this up right now, but it is because I feel there is nothing like time invested in a relationship…believe me, it pays! True love is Faithfulness To love means to be true, to love unconditionally means to give with all your heart to one, and only one. Love is when you realize that he/she is the best thing that has happened to you and you want to cherish that person and the moments spent with him/her till death do you part. True love is Looking Together in the Same Direction This may sound clichéd, but it is true…true love is having the same goals and taking steps in that direction to make them come true. 2.What Is True Love?Dating back to ancient days, human beings are seeking true love and everyone has tried to give a definition of true love, but none can convey its implication point for point. So, most of us still have no idea of it, lingering between true love and illusive love, which leads to a series of problems such as suicide and the crime rate going up. Due to these strange social phenomena, I want to say something about true love.Love is two persons" problem, not one. You must bear this precondition in mind at any time. True love is giving, not taking. True love is not conditional on anything, it is just giving. If someone loves you, he will take your feelings into consideration first, you are number 1 in his mind and he will do well to you every time he takes an action. But you must know, it doesn"t mean indulgence. Perhaps sometimes he will offend you, but if he is really for your good, that"s true love. Anyone who loves you never wants you to get any hurt.True love needs forgive. If one really wants to love, one must learn how to forgive. Love needs loyalty; it should be two sincere hearts" encounter. There is no deceiving in true love. If deceiving emerges, the love goes to its end.True love needs responsibility. Responsibility is not just a simple promise. Anyone who can make this is not an easy one. So don"t let rhetoric words blind your eyes, but it doesn"t mean that you shouldn"t believe in him. Trust is extremely important in true love, if there is no trust; there is no love, let alone true love.Besides, there is no betrayal in true love dictionary. If betrayal happens, it just means that your love is not true. The flowers of true love can never fade. So if you fall out of love with someone, don"t feel frustrated, even punish yourself, which is the most stupid thing in the world. Treat yourself well at anytime for love is just a small part of your life.
2023-07-16 19:34:272


七律·红船精神 百事应怜天下先,党恩万颂忆红船。初心已立凌云志,使命常书报国篇。直卷旌旗驱绝顶,轻摇画舫拯深渊。千辛历尽开新路,无我犹将百姓牵。
2023-07-16 19:34:281


拉kei 没有对应的汉子
2023-07-16 19:34:315

红船精神的内涵 红船精神的内涵是什么

1、一条小船,诞生一个大党,“红船精神”同井冈山精神、长征精神、延安精神、西柏坡精神等一起,伴随中国革命的光辉历程,共同构成党在前进道路上战胜各种困难和风险、不断夺取新胜利的强大精神力量和宝贵精神财富,蕴含着极其丰富和博大精深的内涵。 2、革命和建设没有现成路可走,没有现成模式可循,正如邓同志所说:革命和建设都要走自己的路。开辟新路就需要有“敢为人先”的气魄和胆识,需要有勇往直前、百折不挠的勇气和毅力。在中国人探求救国救民的道路上,无数仁人志士前仆后继,但不管是农民阶级也好,资产阶级也好,都不能领导民主革命取得胜利。先进的中国人逐渐觉悟到必须另外探索救国救民的新道路。十月革命一声炮响,给中国送来了马克思主义,使中国产生了民族解放的新希望。中国的先进分子接受了马克思主义,并逐步与中国工人运动相结合,中国党应运而生了。以此为起点,开辟了一条前所未有的革命道路,最终取得了新民主主义革命的伟大胜利。 3、理想信念是思想和行动的“总开关”、“总闸门”,是一个人的精神支柱,也是一个政党、一个民族的精神支柱。最可怕的敌人,就是没有坚定的信念。坚定的理想、执着的信念是早期共产主义先进分子战胜一切困难的力量源泉。在共产主义的传播过程中,反动势力视之为洪水猛兽。在党的第一次代表大会召开过程中,又遭到敌人暗探的袭扰。但先进的中国人坚持理想信念,顺利完成了党的创建任务。之后,党在长期艰苦卓绝的奋斗中,历经曲折而不畏艰险,屡受考验而不变初衷,靠着坚定的理想信念和百折不挠的革命精神,由小到大,由弱变强。 4、为了完成“民族独立和人民解放”,“国家繁荣富强和人民共同富裕”这两大历史任务,中国党从诞生那天起,就没有自己的私利,而是以全心全意为人民谋福利为根本宗旨。经过28年的浴血奋斗,建立了新中国,人民过上了当家作主的日子。在社会主义革命和建设、改革开放的进程中,党人始终牢记“权为民所用、情为民所系、利为民所谋”,以实现好、维护好、发展好人民的根本利益为己任,始终保持同人民群众的血肉联系,因此中国党也成为在全国掌握政权并长期执政的执政党,带领全国人民走上了全面建设小康社会的伟大征途中。
2023-07-16 19:34:351


Beauty and the Beast(美女与野兽)BELLE: There goes the baker with his tray like alwaysThe same old bread and rolls to sellEvery morning just the sameSince the morning that we cameTo this poor provincial town...BAKER: Good morning, Belle!(BELLE jumps over to the bakery)BELLE: Morning monsieur!BAKER: Where are you off to?BELLE: The bookshop! I just finished the most wonderful story, about a beanstalk and an ogre and...BAKER: (Ignoring her) That"s nice...Marie, the baguettes! Hurry up!!TOWNSFOLK: Look there she goes, that girl is strange no questionDazed and distracted, can"t you tell?WOMAN 1: Never part of any crowdBARBER: Cause her head"s up on some cloudTOWNSFOLK: No denying she"s a funny girl, that Belle!(BELLE jumps on the back of a wagon and rides through town)DRIVER: Bonjour!WOMAN 2: Good day!DRIVER: How is your family?WOMAN 3: Bonjour!MERCHANT: Good day!WOMAN 3: How is your wife?WOMAN 4: I need six eggs!MAN 1: That"s too expensive!BELLE: There must be more than this provincial life!(BELLE enters the bookshop)BOOKSELLER: Ah, Belle!BELLE: Good morning. I"ve come to return the book I borrowed.BOOKSELLER: (Putting the book back on the shelf) Finished already?BELLE: Oh, I couldn"t put it down! Have you got anything new?BOOKSELLER: (laughing) Not since yesterday.BELLE: (on ladder of bookshelf) That"s all right. I"ll borrow... this one.BOOKSELLER: That one? But you"ve read it twice!BELLE: Well it"s my favorite! (BELLE swings off side of ladder, rolling down it"s track) Far off places, daring swordfights, magic spells, a prince in disguise!BOOKSELLER: (handing her the book) Well, if you like it all that much, it"s yours!BELLE: But sir!BOOKSELLER: I insist!BELLE: Well thank you. Thank you very much! (leaves bookshop)MEN: (looking in window, then turning to watch her)Look there she goesThat girl is so peculiar!I wonder if she"s feeling well!WOMEN: With a dreamy far-off look!MEN: And her nose stuck in a book!ALL What a puzzle to the rest of us is Belle!(BELLE sits on the edge of a fountain, singing to the sheep and the washing woman in the background, who leaves)BELLE: Oh! Isn"t this amazing!It"s my favorite part because, you"ll see!Here"s where she meets Prince CharmingBut she won"t discover that it"s him "til chapter three!WOMAN 5: Now it"s no wonder that her name means "beauty"Her looks have got no parallel!MERCHANT: But behind that fair facadeI"m afraid she"s rather oddVery different from the rest of us... ALL: She"s nothing like the rest of usYes different from the rest of us is Belle(GEESE flying overhead, one is shot and plummets to the ground. LEFOU runs over, holds out the bag, and misses catching the prize. He returns to GASTON)LEFOU: Wow! You didn"t miss a shot, Gaston! You"re the greatest hunter in the whole world!GASTON: I know!LEFOU: Huh. No beast alive stands a chance against you...and no girl for that matter!GASTON: It"s true, Lefou, and I"ve got my sights set on that one! (pointing to BELLE)LEFOU: The inventor"s daughter?GASTON: She"s the one! The lucky girl I"m going to marry.LEFOU: But she"s--GASTON: The most beautiful girl in town.LEFOU: I know--GASTON: And that makes her the best. And don"t I deserve the best?LEFOU: Well of course, I mean you do, but I mean...GASTON: Right from the moment when I met her, saw her I said she"s gorgeous and I fell Here in town there"s only she (BELLE walks by and away) Who is beautiful as me,So I"m making plans to woo and marry BelleBIMBETTES: Look there he goes, isn"t he dreamyMonsieur Gaston, oh he"s so cuteBe still my heart, I"m hardly breathingHe"s such a tall, dark, strong and handsome brute(BELLE walks easily through the crowd of people in the town, GASTON struggles to catch up to her)MAN 1: Bonjour!GASTON: Pardon!MAN 2: Good day!MAN 3: Mais oui!WOMAN 1: You call this bacon?WOMAN 2: What lovely grapes!MAN 4: Some cheese!WOMAN 3: Ten yards!MAN 4: One poundGASTON: "xcuse me!MAN 4: I"ll get the knife!GASTON: Please let me through!WOMAN 4: This bread!MAN 5: Those fish!WOMAN 4: It"s stale!MAN 5: They smell!MAN 6: Madame"s mistaken!BELLE: There must be more than this provincial life!GASTON: Just watch I"m going to make Belle my wife! (TOWNSFOLK gather around GASTON, and eventually surround him)ALL: Look there she goes a girl who"s strange but specialA most peculiar mademoiselleIt"s a pity and a sinShe doesn"t quite fit in!GROUP 1: But she really is a funny girlGROUP 2: A beauty but a funny girlALL: She really is a funny girl! That Belle!GASTON: Hello, Belle.BELLE: Bonjour Gaston. (GASTON grabs the book from BELLE) Gaston,may I have my book, please?GASTON: How can you read this? There"s no pictures!BELLE: Well, some people use their imaginations.GASTON: Belle, it"s about time you got your head out of those books(tossing book into the mud) and paid attention to more important me! The whole town"s talking about it. (The BIMBETTES, who are looking on, sigh. BELLE has picked up the book and is cleaning off the mud) It"s not right for a woman to read--soon she starts getting ideas... and thinking.BELLE: Gaston, you are positively primeval.GASTON: (Putting his hand around her shoulders) Why thank you,Belle. Hey, whaddya say you and me take a walk over to the tavern and have a look at my hunting trophies.BELLE: Maybe some other time.BIMBETTE 1: What"s wrong with her?BIMBETTE 2: She"s crazy!BIMBETTE 3: He"s gorgeous!BELLE: Please, Gaston. I can"t. I have to get home and help myfather.LEFOU: Ha ha ha, that crazy old loon, he need all the help he can get!(GASTON and LEFOU laugh heartily)BELLE: Don"t you talk about my father that way!GASTON: Yeah, don"t talk about her father that way! (He conks LEFOU on the head.)BELLE: My father"s not crazy! He"s a genius! (Explosion in background.GASTON and LEFOU continue laughing. BELLE rushes home anddescends into the basement.)
2023-07-16 19:34:371

spandex 是什么意思?

2023-07-16 19:34:396

java jsp页面怎么写java类?怎么调用java代码?

导入java<%@page import="java.util.List"%>写java代码<% java代码%>
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写作思路:先点明自己认为的真爱是什么,再论述自己的理由,同时注意语法。范文:Shakespear once said love is a kind of sweet pain and sincere love is a bumpy road.莎士比亚曾说:爱情是一种甜蜜的痛苦,真诚的爱情的道路很坎坷。I think that expained what true love is.我想这解释了什么是真爱。Fairy tales often ends with the ending of living happily ever after which are full of pink bubbles.童话故事往往以结束的幸福美满地生活在充满粉红色的泡沫。Most people,especially girls,desire for a true love with their Prince Charming.So do I.大多数人,尤其是女孩,渴望真爱的白马王子。我也一样。But,why do still many people break up in the end?但是,为什么还很多人最后分手吗?I think what they look for is perfect love rather than true love.我认为他们所寻找的是完美的爱情,而不是真爱。Because true love is rare indeed.因为真爱是罕见的。professor in Harvard said that perfect love will require that we continually have the subtlety of the very wise,the flexibility of the child,the sensitivity of the artist,the understanding of the philosopher,the acceptance of the saint,the tolerance of the scholar and the fortitude of the certain and so on and so forth.哈佛教授说,完美的爱情需要我们不断地有敏锐的智慧,孩子的灵活性,艺术家的敏感性,哲学家的理解,宽容的接受圣人,学者和一定的毅力等。
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2023-07-16 19:34:131


spandex是氨纶纤维面料成分的缩写。弹性纤维具有高断裂伸长(400%以上) 、低模量和高弹性回复率 的合成纤维。多嵌段聚氨酯纤维的中国商品名称。氨纶具有高延伸性(500%~700%)、低弹性模量(200%伸长,0.04~0.12克/旦)和高弹性回复率( 200%伸长 ,95%~99%)。除强度较大外,其他物理机械性能与天然乳胶丝十分相似。它比乳胶丝更耐化学降解,具有中等的热稳定性 ,软化温度约在200℃以上 。用于合成纤维和天然纤维的大多数染料和整理剂,也适用于氨纶的染色和整理。氨纶耐汗、耐海水并耐各种干洗剂和大多数防晒油。长期暴露在日光下或在氯漂白剂中也会退色,但退色程度随氨纶的类型而不同,差异很大。氨纶纤维具有高弹力的原因:氨纶纤维所以具有如此高的弹力是因为它的高分子链是由低熔点、无定型的"软"链段为母体和嵌在其中的高熔点、结晶的"硬"链段所组成。柔性链段分子链间以一定的交联形成一定的网状结构,由于分子链间相互作用力小,可以自由伸缩,造成大的伸长性能。刚性链段分子链结合力比较大,分子链不会无限制地伸长,造成高的回弹性。
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幸 运
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求That’s More Like It Selena Gomez 中英文歌词

All 4 One - I Can Love You Like That《I Can Love You Like That》Sung By "All 4 One"自己翻译的,参考一下吧:They read you cinderella他们叫你灰姑娘You hoped it would come true你希望一切会成真That one day your prince charming would come rescue you有天你的白马王子来拯救你You like romantic movies你喜欢浪漫影片And you never will forget the way you felt when romeo kissed juliet你不会忘记当罗密欧亲吻茱利叶时心中的异样And all this time that you"ve been waiting你一直等待着You don"t have to wait no more现在无需再等I can love like that我会那样爱你I would make you my world让你成为我的世界Move heaven and earth if you were my girl如果你成为我的女孩,我会给你世间一切I would give you my heart给你我的心(心只为你)Be all that you need给你需要的一切Show you your everything thats precious to me告诉你你对我如此珍贵If you give me a chance如果你给我机会I can love you like that X 3我会那样爱你(重复3次演唱)I"d never make a promise i don"t intend to keep我决不会违背誓言So when I say forever, forever"s what I mean如果我说永远,就是永远I aint no casanova but I swear this much is true我不是大众情人,我发誓一切所言都是真心I"ll be holding nothin back when it comes to you我要一切成真You dream of love thats everylasting你梦想的永爱Well baby open up your eyes噢,宝贝睁开眼I can love like that我会那样爱你I would make you my world让你成为我的世界Move heaven and earth if you were my girl如果你成为我的女孩,我会给你世间一切I would give you my heart给你我的心(心只为你)Be all that you need给你需要的一切Show you your everything thats precious to me告诉你你对我如此珍贵If you give me a chance如果你给我机会I can love you like that X 3我会那样爱你(重复3次演唱)If you want tenderness, I got tenderness我会因你而温柔And see through to the heart of you搜寻你的心If you want a man who will understand你要找个心有灵犀的人You don"t have to look very far不用再远寻I can love you girl我会爱你,女孩I can I can love you我会,我会爱你I can love like that我会那样爱你I would make you my world让你成为我的世界Move heaven and earth if you were my girl如果你成为我的女孩,我会给你世间一切I would give you my heart给你我的心(心只为你)Be all that you need给你需要的一切Show you your everything thats precious to me告诉你你对我如此珍贵If you give me a chance如果你给我机会I can love you like that 我会那样爱你Oh yes I can love you哦,是的,我会爱你Make you my world, always kiss and hug you让你成为我的世界,亲吻你拥抱你Move heaven and earth给你世间一切I can love you like that我会那样爱你
2023-07-16 19:33:501


ucky[英]["lu028cku026a] [美][u02c8lu028cki] 生词本简明释义adj.运气好的,侥幸的;兆头好的,吉祥的;〈俚〉难得;很恰当的比较级:luckier最高级:luckiest以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.ADJ-GRADED幸运的;走运的You say that someone is lucky when they have something that is very desirable or when they are in a very desirable situation. I am luckier than most. I have a job... 我比大部分人幸运。我有份工作。I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the Earth...我认为自己是地球上最幸运的人。He is incredibly lucky to be alive...他能活下来真是命大。
2023-07-16 19:33:492