barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-16 23:34:59

Balloon,英语单词,名词,意为“(美、印、泰)巴隆(人名)”" 气球"。



balloon loop环形回车道

Balloon maturity期末放气式偿还 ; 到期大额偿还 ; 气球型期限 ; 期末放气式归还

balloon paper气球用纸 ; 球用纸

balloon loan漂浮式贷款 ; 气球贷款 ; 气球贷 ;百龙信贷

captive balloon[气象]系留气球

meteorological balloon气象用气球 ;[气象]气象探测气球 ; 气象控测气球

barrage balloon[航]阻塞气球 ; 防空拦阻气球 ; 详细翻译

Balloon Ride气球观光 ; 气球漫游 ; 气球旅行 ;热气球旅游场

balloon occlusion气囊扩张术;腹主动脉; 气囊阻塞 ; 球囊封堵[1]



气球用英语怎么读 用语言来说

去怎么照着读 还是翻译不出来
2023-07-16 22:10:584


在英语中,"balloon"的读音为/bəˈluːn/。知识标题1:音标解析与发音规则音标解析:/bəˈluːn/中的音标符号可分解为:/b/是发音为半浊音的/b/音,/ə/是发音为中央中元音的/ə/音,/ˈluːn/表示将重音放在/l/音上,/uː/是发音为长音的/uː/音,最后/n/是发音为鼻音的/n/音。发音规则:在英语中,每个字母或字母组合有着特定的发音规则,达到正确发音的关键是理解这些规则,并学会正确运用。知识标题2:单词拆解与发音练习单词拆解:将"balloon"拆解为两个音节,即"ba"和"loon"。"ba"发音为/bə/,"loon"发音为/ˈluːn/,然后将两个音节连起来读就是/bəˈluːn/。发音练习:为了熟悉和掌握"BALLOON"的发音,可以进行反复的发音练习,可以借助在线发音工具或跟随英语教材中的录音进行模仿。知识标题3:发音标准与口语变体发音标准:英语的发音存在多个口音和变体,发音标准一般参考英国英语(Received Pronunciation,RP)和美国英语(General American,GA)。"balloon"的发音在这两种标准下都是/bəˈluːn/。口语变体:尽管英语有标准的发音,但在不同地区和不同语境中,口语发音会存在一定的变化和口音区别。例如,美国英语中的一些地区可能会将最后的/n/音省略,发音更接近/bəˈluː/.自然流利的发音:为了更自然地发音,除了掌握标准的发音形式外,还需要注重语音连读、重音和节奏等方面的训练,以提高口语表达的流利度和自然度。知识标题4:学习资源与语音指导学习资源:学习单词的正确发音可以借助各种学习资源,如在线发音词典、英语学习网站、语音教材和口语练习应用程序等。语音指导:如果对发音有较高的要求,可以考虑寻找语音指导,可以通过线上或线下的语言学习机构或个人教师进行学习,以获得更系统和专业的发音训练。总结:英语中"balloon"的正确发音是/bəˈluːn/。为了正确发音,可以理解音标解析和发音规则,拆解单词并进行发音练习。发音标准参考英国英语和美国英语,在口语中存在一定的变体。通过合适的学习资源和语音指导,可以更好地学习和掌握单词的发音
2023-07-16 22:11:341


Balloon的正确发音是/bəˈluːn/,其中第一个音节是弱读音,读音重点在第二个音节上,发音时口型要稍微突出“oo”这个音。1.Balloon的基本信息Balloon是由拉丁语bolla演变而来的英文单词,意思是“气球”。它由两个音节组成,其中第一个音节读音较轻微,第二个音节则应重读,并将发音重心放在“oo”音上。2.Balloon的国际音标Balloon的国际音标为/bəˈluːn/,其中第一个音节是中央元音/schwa/,第二个音节为长元音/u:/,同时要注意发音时嘴唇要呈圆形。3.Balloon的音节、音调和重读Balloon共有两个音节,即ba和lloon。在这两个音节中,第一个音节ba是弱读音,口气轻松自然,但是第二个音节lloon要重读,并将发音重心放在“oo”音上。此外,Balloon的音调属于上升型音调。4.中文发音误区中国学生学习英语时,常犯的一个错误是将Balloon中的第一个音节ba当作轻重平均的音节,与la、da等发音一样重读。这是由于中文语言习惯不同所致。正确的发音应该是将第一个音节ba作为轻微的音节,着重发出第二个音节上oo的音。5.Balloon的用法及相关词汇Balloon可作动词或名词使用,是常见的空气充气玩具,也是庆祝活动和节日必备的道具之一。与Balloon相关的词汇还包括:Air pump:充气泵;Balloon twisting:气球造型Ballooning:热气球运动;Balloonist:热气球飞行员;Water balloon:水球(即充满水的气球)。6.Balloon在文化和艺术中的应用除了作为一种常见的儿童玩具外,Balloon在文化和艺术领域也有广泛的应用。例如,气球在嘉年华、游园会、音乐会等场合中常被用来装饰和营造氛围。此外,在儿童节目和街头艺人的表演中,Ballon也经常被用来制作各种奇特的动物造型和花式玩具。在摄影、插画和平面设计中,Balloon也被用作创意设计的元素之一,为作品增添视觉冲击力。
2023-07-16 22:12:101


balloon 英 [bə"luːn] 美 [bə"lun] n. 气球
2023-07-16 22:12:452


2023-07-16 22:13:012


[bu0259"luu02d0n] 波录恩 第一时间为你解答, 敬请采纳,如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck!
2023-07-16 22:13:291


balloon 英[bu0259u02c8lu:n] 美[bu0259u02c8lun] n. 气球; 热气球; [建] 球饰;
2023-07-16 22:13:361


balloon [bu0259"lu:n]读作:笨露恩n.气球adj.像气球般鼓起的vt.使像气球般鼓起;使激增vi.激增;膨胀如气球blue [blu:] 读作 不露adj.蓝色的;忧郁的,沮丧的;下流的n.蓝色vi.变蓝vt.使成蓝色怎么会一样呢
2023-07-16 22:13:441


2023-07-16 22:13:546


气球qì qiúballoon; airballoon:彩色气球 coloured balloon测风气球 pilot balloon定高气球 constant-level balloon氦是一种用于气球的气体。 Helium is a gas used in balloons.在树上on the tree树上剩下几只苹果。A few apples remain on the trees.鸟儿栖在树上。Birds roost in (on) the trees.他倚在那棵树上。He leaned against the tree.
2023-07-16 22:14:102


ballon 英[bɑ:"lu0252] 美[bɑ:"lu0252] n. 轻快优雅;气圈
2023-07-16 22:14:491


气球用英语怎么读 用语言来说 balloon[英][bu0259u02c8lu:n][美][bu0259u02c8lun] n.气球; 热气球; [建]球饰; 中文谐音: 博额路应 气球怎么说气球用英语怎么说 balloon 气球; air balloon (空)气球;airballoon (空)气球;ballute 气球气球的英文怎么读 气球 balloon 气球 balloon 气球 balloon 气球的英文怎么读 气球 [qì qiú] [词典] balloon; airballoon; air balloon; ballute; [电影] The Balloonatic; [例句]氦是一种用于气球的气体。 Helium is a gas used in balloons. 气球用英文怎么说? balloon 英 [bu0259"luu02d0n] 美 [bu0259"lun] n. 气球 adj. 像气球般鼓起的 vt. 使像气球般鼓起;使激增 vi. 激增;膨胀如气球 n. (Balloon)人名;(法)巴隆 [网络短语] BALLOON 气球,气球,玩具气球 Barrage balloon 防空气球,阻塞气球,拦阻气球 balloon loop 环形回车道,环形回车道 气球的英文读音 用中文读音大概就是:不论
2023-07-16 22:16:511


2023-07-16 22:17:221

balloon怎么读 balloon怎么造句

1、balloon,英[bu0259u02c8luu02d0n]、美[bu0259u02c8luu02d0n]。 n.气球; 热气球; v.(突然)膨胀,涨大; 乘热气球飞行; 2、[例句]We watched the balloon riding high above the fields.我们看着气球高高地飘浮在田野上空。 3、[其他]第三人称单数:balloons;复数:balloons;现在分词:ballooning;过去式:ballooned;过去分词:ballooned。
2023-07-16 22:17:291


问题一:气球用英语怎么读 用语言来说 balloon[英][b??lu:n][美][b??lun] n.气球; 热气球; [建]球饰; 中文谐音: 博额路应 问题二:气球怎么说气球用英语怎么说 balloon 气球; air balloon (空)气球;airballoon (空)气球;ballute 气球 问题三:气球用英文怎么说 balloon 问题四:汽球的英语怎么读 balloon 核心词汇 英 [b?"lu?n]   美 [b?"lu?n] n.气球;球状物 问题五:气球用英语怎么说 balloon 问题六:气球的英文读音 用中文读音大概就是:不论 问题七:气球的英文怎么读 气球 [qì qiú] [词典] balloon; airballoon; air balloon; ballute; [电影] The Balloonatic; [例句]氦是一种用于气球的气体。 Helium is a gas used in balloons.
2023-07-16 22:17:471

气球的英文怎么读 气球的英文是什么

1、气球英语是:balloon,读音:英 [bu0259luu02d0n],美 [bu0259luu02d0n]。 2、n. 气球;球状物 3、vt. 使膨胀 4、vi. 乘气球飞行;激增;如气球般膨胀 5、adj. 气球状的 6、balloon的意思是“气球”,可指玩具气球或装饰性气球,还可指实用的热气球。
2023-07-16 22:17:541


问题一:气球怎么说气球用英语怎么说 balloon 气球; air balloon (空)气球;airballoon (空)气球;ballute 气球 问题二:气球用英文怎么说 balloon 问题三:请问气球的英语怎么写? balloon 问题四:气球用英语怎么读 用语言来说 balloon[英][b??lu:n][美][b??lun] n.气球; 热气球; [建]球饰; 中文谐音: 博额路应 问题五:我喜欢气球用英语怎么说? I like balloons 问题六:气球,英文怎么写? balloon vi. 激增;膨胀如储球 n. 气球 vt. 使像气球般鼓起;使激增 adj. 像气球般鼓起的 问题七:气球的英文是什么? balloon 气球的单词. 问题八:请教“气球”用英语怎么说,还有“气球”的拼音,例句 气球 [拼音] [qì qiú] [词典] balloon; airballoon; air balloon; ballute; [电影] The Balloonatic; [例句]氦是一种用于气球的气体。 Helium is a gas used in balloons.
2023-07-16 22:19:241

hot air balloon怎么读

热气球: balloon balloon 3.montgolfier 4.balloon 吊篮悬挂在热气球上,通常为敞口的吊篮 A usually open gondola suspended from a hot-air balloon.
2023-07-16 22:19:441


2023-07-16 22:19:511


确切的说 英式发音不同balloon 中 的 oo 是 [ u:] 长音look 中的 oo 是 [ u ] 短音美式发音相同,都是 [ u ] 短音》》》》》良师益友伴你行 团队为你解答《《《《《 欢迎追问 O(∩_∩)O
2023-07-16 22:19:582


whatcolouristhisballon应该读what colour is this balloon?
2023-07-16 22:20:051

ball00ns怎么读。 有读音吗?

这个单词是:balloons读音音标:英[bəˈlu:nz] 美[bəˈlunz]词义:n. 热气球; 气球( balloon的名词复数 );
2023-07-16 22:20:281


b 发音一样
2023-07-16 22:20:376


down [daʊn]balloon [bəˈluːn]所以发音不一样
2023-07-16 22:20:513


。。。LUTS的DELF身就算是2手的也要2000,素头一般在500左右 还有LUTS家没有出过粉肌 只有普肌和白肌(白肌已停产)素体1000以内 素头200以内的就是盗版接孩子千万要小心 花了钱结果接到盗版的孩子就糟糕了 还是去知名代购那购买比较好给你推荐几个BJD韩代:狐狸亲(旺旺号:棘风狐狸)山贼亲(旺旺号:eva_illidan)
2023-07-16 22:16:322


2023-07-16 22:16:351


2023-07-16 22:16:381


As a blind man and his guide dog were crossing the street one day, a truck lost control and ran into the man. He was crushed and died on the spot. His faithful dog, who always went everywhere with him, died, too. The man and his dog arrived together at the gates of heaven. An angel met them there and with difficulty said, “I"m sorry to have to tell you, but our quota is almost filled in heaven right now. One of the two of you must go to hell.” The man replied, “My dog couldn"t possibly understand the difference between heaven and hell. Will it be all right if I decide which of us will go to heaven?” The angel frowned, as he didn"t like that idea at all. Then he said, “I"m sorry, sir, but the spirits of all living things are equal. A match must be used to decide the matter. The man was disappointed, but said, “I don"t understand. What is a match?” “It is quite simple”, the angel said, “It"s a race. You will both run from the gate here to the front door of heaven. The first one there will be able to enter. Don"t worry about being able to run. You may have already noticed that you are no longer blind. Your blindness was removed when you died. If you have been pure and kindhearted, your speed will be faster than you ever imagined.” The man thought about it and finally agreed to participate. When they were ready, the angel gave a signal that started the race. As she thought that both of them would rush to enter heaven, she was surprised when the man slowly started to walk. The dog didn"t run either; he followed at the man"s side as he had always done. The angel wondered why they were doing that. She understood that the dog had been trained to guide and protect the man so his conduct wasn"t unusual. It was just possible, she thought, that the man had a ready-made plan in mind. Perhaps it was his plan that when they got to heaven"s door, he suddenly tell the dog “Stay!” The dog would then sit, and the man would easily be the first one in. She looked with sad eyes on the dog who had been devoted to the blind man for so long, and it grieved her so much that he would be taken advantage of that she said aloud to him, “You have devoted your life to taking care of your friend, but he"s not blind anymore. He doesn"t need you to guide him. Run quickly to heaven!” It seemed that neither the blind man or the dog heard this outcry for they continued to stroll toward heaven. As the angel had expected, just as the two of them were several steps from heaven, the man ordered the dog to sit, and it obeyed. The angel looked at him with scorn. The man turned his head toward the angel and laughingly said, “I want to send my dog to heaven, but I"m having difficulty getting him to go there. It seems that he doesn"t want to go to heaven; he only wants to be with me. So I need a solution to the problem. Please help me.” The angel was taken aback. The man"s attachment to the dog was very strong, and as he looked at it lovingly, he said, “I"ve wanted it to take just a few more steps so that it can be in heaven, but it has accompanied me so many years that it wants to continue. I can now use my eyes for the first time in many years. I can see him walking by my wide now. If possible, I"d like to watch him walking there forever, but if only one of us should enter, it should be him.” He asked the dog once more to go ahead, and when the dog started to enter the door to heaven, the man started falling like a feather downward into hell. The dog saw what was happening and immediately rushed to chase after the man. The regretful angel tried to prevent what was happening by spreading her wings and swooping after the dog, but the dog was a pure and kind spirit so its speed was faster than the angel"s. The guide dog was once again with the man. It wanted to guard its owner forever, even if it was in hell. The angel, standing again by the gates of heaven, mused about what had happened. “I was wrong at the beginning”, she said, “The two spirits combined to form one body, and it couldn"t be separated.”
2023-07-16 22:16:381


2023-07-16 22:16:392

cross-sectional profile是什么意思

cross-sectional profile 英  x09  美  x09  横断面图 cross-sectional profile的用法和样例: 例句 Application Investigation on Drill Cross Section Profile of Solid Carbide 整体硬质合金麻花钻横向截形应用研究 Keywords solid carbide;twist drill;drill cross section profile (DCSP); 整体硬质合金;麻花钻;横向截形;
2023-07-16 22:16:411


lowersv.把…放低;使…降下;减少;缩小;降低v.变昏暗;变恶劣;变阴沉lower的第三人称单数lower频次1ADJ-COMPAR (成对物中)下方的,下面的You can use lower to refer to the bottom one of a pair of things.She bit her lower lip.她咬了咬下唇。2ADJ-COMPAR 底端的;底部的You can use lower to refer to the bottom part of something.Use a small cushion to help give support to the lower back.用一个小靠垫帮助支撑腰部。3ADJ-COMPAR 较低级的;低等的You can use lower to refer to people or things that are less important than similar people or things.Already the awards are causing resentment in the lower ranks of council officers...奖项已使政务委员会的低层官员们愤愤不平。
2023-07-16 22:16:421


2023-07-16 22:16:441

韩国娃娃dod和日本娃娃sd luts还有bgd都是哪国的?

额。。bgd是什么。。bjd吧,,bjd是球体关节人形,那些都是一些品牌,sd是日本v社的。dod,luts是韩国的。建议亲去bjd吧洗白,哈,洗完就明白了。。不要急,一定要慢慢来。。 还有,亲为什么一个问题问那么多遍。。。
2023-07-16 22:16:471

cross-section of stock returns是什么意思

2023-07-16 22:16:481


悬梁刺股简写典故:汉朝时儒学大师孙敬小时候读书十分刻苦,经常读到深夜,怕自己睡着就把头发用绳子系在屋梁上。战国时纵横家苏秦到秦国游说失败,为博取功名就发愤读书,每天读书到深夜,每当要打瞌睡时,他就用铁锥子刺一下大腿来提神。扩展资料悬梁刺股用法:联合式;作定语;形容刻苦学习。近义:映雪读书、凿壁偷光反义:无心向学示例:清·李渔《比目鱼·赠行》:“我悬梁刺股年复年,把铜雀磨穿。”悬梁其解为:用绳索等吊具绑其头部(头发),使其固定在一个空间位置(悬空),不会因困倦自由活动,其中“梁” 指房梁,“股”在古代为大腿的意思,故为“股”。
2023-07-16 22:16:521


2023-07-16 22:16:531

luts 13s普肌 和V普还是V白近?

2023-07-16 22:16:541


以下是 阀门行业中公认的一些知名品牌,它们被广泛认可并享有很高的声誉。虽然排名可能因时间和市场情况而有所变化,但以下品牌通常被认为是阀门行业的顶级品牌之一:水系统阀门和工业阀门以下比较有影响力的一线品牌可以作为参考,但是仅供参考:苏州纽威阀门、上海冠龙阀门、上海奇众阀门、三花、超达、神通、苏阀、南方、江一、尧字。以上厂家只是预估和参考的作用,具体情况可能会因为市场行情的变化、竞争格局大小、产品质量稳定等一系列因素的变化而有所不同或者随时浮动的情况发生。阀门作为工业生产和民用设施中不可或缺的关键装置,其品牌的质量和声誉直接影响着使用者的满意度和信任度。这些品牌在阀门行业中以其创新技术、高品质产品和可靠性而著名。值得注意的是,市场和行业发展变化快速,不同的排名可能会因时间和地区而有所不同。对于最新的排名信息,建议参考行业报告、专业机构或市场调研数据,以获取更详细和准确的信息。
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transverse slice
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butterfly 英[u02c8bu028ctu0259flau026a] 美[u02c8bu028ctu0259rflau026a] n. 蝴蝶; 蝶泳; 轻浮的人; 游手好闲的人; v. 切开摊平;
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n+ving作定语 英语

(1)The animals are the living things.(living作thing的定语。) (2)There are fish living in the world.(living作fish的定语。) 在第二句中,living in the world是定语从句。 (3)He is an outing boy.(outgoing是boy的定语。)
2023-07-16 22:16:152


横向分析法(Cross-Section Analysis),也称横断面分析、截面分析 横向分析法是对同一时期数据资料进行横剖研究,探讨社会经济现象和自然状况在特定时期相关程度、 关系与变化的方法.其特点是在横向联系基础上,撇开各种事物,现象和过程的具体特征,以抽象方式探讨对象目标变化的趋势与规律.它借助各种 系统 、 运筹、 博弈 、 决策 和数学手段,研究目标对象的横向关系和经济社会效果.随着现代知识领域的发展,它渐渐同散见于各学科中的新理论,新知识综合形成新的分析媒体,从而出现了理论控制方法、 稳定机制方法和随机过程方法等.
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2023-07-16 22:16:102

either driecttion是什么意思

  either direction  任一方向;  [例句]This Butterfly Valve is bi-directional and may be installed in either direction.  本蝶阀为双向蝶阀,可以安装在任一个方向上
2023-07-16 22:16:101