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2023-07-16 23:56:50





















































He Is We的《Love Life》中文 歌词

歌曲名:Love Life歌手:He Is We专辑:My ForeverHe Is We - Love LifeLalalalalalala love LifeWhat"s that?Lalalalalalala love LifeWhat"s that?Hush now.Quiet down.Can you hear my heart racing?Falling to my knees cause I"ve been a chasing a lie. (a lie)Love lifeI don"t know what I was thinking, dipped my toes in, now I"m sinkingI guess it hurts a bit but I"m over it now.Heartaches and mistakes,How many hits can a good girl take.I"m tired of hurting, slowly learningI rate you"re too late.Look at the mess that you"ve createdFirst date to slight hateLove lifeWhat"s that?Lalalalalalalalala love lifeWhat"s that?Lalalalalalalalala love lifeWhat"s that?I tried, yes I tried.But it takes two to make itI"m obsessed and you can"t fake itDeniedDeep insideI wanna break your heart tooLead you on and up to drop you.I guess it hurts a bit but I"m over it now.Heartaches and mistakesHow many hits can a good girl take.I"m tired of hurting, slowly learningI rate you"re too late,Look at the mess that you"ve createdFirst date to slight hateLove lifeWhat"s that?Lalalalalalalalala Love LifeWhat"s that?Lalalalalalalalala Love LifeWhat"s that?Grey clouds above meLike when you said you love meWinds blowing me awayBut part of me will always stayEyes closed, arms wideEmbrace the storm that I feel insideNo more crying, no more cryingI don"t mind a chop or twoBut god I love that sound, soundThunder of my inner chaos slowly calmingDown, downI look up in the skyNo longer seeing youLook up in the skySee the sun coming throughLalalalalalalalala Love LifeWhat"s that?Lalalalalalalalala Love LifeHeartaches and mistakesHow many hits can a good girl take.I"m tired of hurting, slowly learningI rate, you"re too late,Look at the mess that you"ve createdFirst date you slide hateLove lifeWhat"s that?Lalalalalalalalala Love Life (What"s that?)Lalalalalalalalala Love Life (What"s that?)2010年做的最后一首歌~祝所有人在兔年里都love life,happy everyday~
2023-07-16 22:58:511


热爱生活的英文句子   人们所努力追求的庸俗的目标——财产、虚荣、奢侈的生活——我总觉得都是可鄙的。下面是我为大家精心推荐的相关句子,希望大家会喜欢!   1、热爱生活的人,生活也爱他。   Love life, life also loved him.   2、有理想的人,生活总是火热的。   People with ideals, life is always hot.   3、爱生而败仁者,其下愚之得欤?   Love born noble, losing its viewpoint to wipe?   4、如果要挖井,就要挖到水出为止。   If you want to dig Wells, we should dig into the water out.   5、寿命的缩短与思想的虚耗成正比。   Shortening is proportional to the ideological view of life.   6、愉快的生活是由愉快的思想造成的。   Happy life is caused by a pleasant thoughts.   7、为理想的实现而生活,则生趣盎然。   For the realization of the ideal life, the joy of life is abundant.   8、无目标而生活,犹如没有罗盘而行。   To living without an aim is like without a compass.   9、遵照道德准则生活就是幸福的生活。   Comply with the code of ethics life is happiness of life.   10、生活最大的危险就是一个空虚的心灵。   The greatest danger in life is an empty heart.   11、人生就像奕棋,一步失误,全盘皆输。   Life is like a game, one wrong, everything to lose.   12、生活,这是一切书籍中第一本重要的书。   Life, this is the first book, which is important in all books.   13、生命在前进的同时,它就是在走向死亡。   Life in advance at the same time, it is in dying.   14、生活最沉重的负担不是工作,而是无聊。   Life the most heavy burden is not working, but boring.   15、失败也是我需要的,它和成功一样有价值。   Also I need to failure, it is as valuable and successful.   16、本来,生命只有一次,对于谁都是宝贵的。   Originally, life only have once, for who is precious.   17、人生不售来回票,一旦动身,绝不能复返。   Life is not return ticket, once started, can never return.   18、懂得生命真谛的人,可以使短促的生命延长。   A man who knows life true meaning, can make the short life extension.   19、幸福存在于生活之中,而生活存在于劳动之中。   Happiness exists in life, but life exists in labor.   20、已经失去的不妨让它失去,至少不再耽于等待。   Have lost let it lose, at least no longer indulge in waiting.   21、今天所做之事勿候明天,自己所做之事勿候他人。   Matter of the today do not wait tomorrow, don"t wait others what he had done.   22、拥有梦想只是一种智力,实现梦想才是一种能力。   Dream is a kind of intelligence, realize the dream is a kind of ability.   23、生活的本意是爱,谁不会爱,谁就不能理解生活。   The meaning of life is love, who wouldn"t love, who can"t understand life.   24、幸福的生活是一种由爱鼓舞,由知识指导的生活。   Happy life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.   25、生命不可能有两次,但许多人连一次也不善于度过。   Life can"t have two times, but many people not even a good at spend.   26、人生有两出悲剧:一是万念俱灰,另一是踌躇满志。   There are two tragedy in life: one is desperation, the other is hopeful.   27、人生的价值在于创造,没有创造的生活,只能叫活着。   The value of life lies in creating, not create life, can only be called alive.   28、生命的价值不在于时间的长短,而在于你如何利用它。   The value of life lies not in the length of time, but in how you use it.   29、俭朴的生活,不但可使精神愉快,而且可以培养革命品质。   A simple life, not only can make the spirits, and can cultivate revolutionary quality.   30、一个人应当好好地安排生活,要使每一刻的时光都有意义。   Arranged one should have a good life, to make each moment of time is meaningful.   31、对生活抱持全面性的好奇,仍是伟大创意人员成功的秘诀。   Curious about life of comprehensiveness, the secret of success is still a great creative people.   32、使一个人的有限的生命,更加有效,也即等于延长了人的生命。   Make a person"s limited life, more effective, which is equal to extend the lives of people.   33、世界上只有一种英雄主义,那就是了解生命而且热爱生命的人。   There is only one heroism in the world, that is to understand life and love life.   34、我总觉得,生命本身应该有一种意义,我们绝不是白白来一场的。   I always think, life itself should have a sense, we are by no means nothing to a.   35、世上最重要的事,不在于我们在何处,而在于我们朝着什么方向走。   The most important thing in the world, is not where we are, but what we moving in the direction.   36、把每一个黎明看作是生命的开始,把每一个黄昏看作你生命的小结。   Put every dawn as the beginning of life, see every evening as the summary of your life.   37、生命的意义在于付出,在于给予,而不是在于接受,也不是在于争取。   Is the meaning of life is to give, give, is not accepted, also is not fighting for.   38、成功需要成本,时间也是一种成本,对时间的珍惜就是对成本的节约。   Success need to cost, time is also a kind of cost, to cherish time is to cost savings.   39、如同磁铁吸引四周的铁粉,热情也能吸引周围的人,改变周围的情况。   Around like a magnet attracts iron powder, also can attract the people around you, change the situation around.   40、生命如流水,只有在他的急流与奔向前去的时候,才美丽,才有意义。   Life such as water, only in his jet and rushed forward, just beautiful, to be meaningful.   41、一个好好过生活的人,他的时间应该分做三部分:劳动享乐休息或消遣。   Had a good life, his time should do three parts: labor enjoyment to rest or recreation.   42、生命是愉快的,恐怖的,美好的",可怕的,甘甜的,苦涩的而那便是一切。   Life is pleasant, terror, beautiful, horrible, sweet, bitter and that is all.   43、生活的美好就在于它的丰富多彩,要使生活变得有趣,就要不断地充实它。   The goodness of life is its rich and colorful, to make life interesting, to enrich it continuously.   44、不要从特殊的行动中去估量一个人的美德,而应从日常的生活行为中去观察。   Don"t from special action to measure a man"s virtue, and should begin from the daily life behavior to observe.   45、没有人生活在过去,也没有人生活在未来,现在是生命确实占有的唯一形态。   No one living in the past, and no one lives in the future, it is the only form of life indeed occupies.   46、只有对人类的强烈的爱,才能激化出一种必要力量来探求和领会生活的意义。   Only intensify strong love for mankind, a necessary force to explore and understand the meaning of life.   47、生活就是这样,我们也必须对待生活,要勇敢、无畏、含着笑容地不管一切如何。   Such is life, we must treat life, be brave, fearless, and with a big smile no matter what happens.   48、人们所努力追求的庸俗的目标——财产、虚荣、奢侈的生活——我总觉得都是可鄙的。   People are striving for the vulgar goal - property, vanity and luxury - I always feel is contemptible.   49、每个人都是为了某种事业诞生的。每个在地上行走的人,都有他在生活中应尽的职责。   Everyone is born for a cause. Every walk on the ground, he in life to do duty.   50、只有两种生活方式:腐烂或燃烧。胆怯而贪的人选择前者,勇敢而胸怀博大的人选择后者。   There are only two lifestyle: decay or burning. Timid and greedy people choose the former, brave and the mind of people choose the latter. ;
2023-07-16 22:59:121


有的,看我简介 进去之后你自己去拿哦
2023-07-16 22:59:2810

有没有周杰伦love life完整版的MP3下载地址?

精心收集 周杰伦 全部歌曲 无损音质 MP3+FLAC格式专辑,需要的朋友们可以点击链接下载。希望我的回答对你有帮助!2000年,还没有多少人知道周杰伦是谁,那时是HOT、布兰妮、后街BOY的天下,就算是关注娱乐新闻的追星族或许也只是从蔡10的绯闻男友名单中见过这个名字。不知道为什么,我开始关注起这个陌生又害羞的男人!2001年,在电台里第一次听到“印第安纳的老斑鸠”,觉得曲风很怪异,也很新鲜,之后又陆陆续续的听了完美主义、星晴,觉得别有味道。一次逛音像店,看到了卡带,就毫不犹豫地买了,一直反复地听。说实话,到现在我还是最喜欢这张最纯正的JAY式复兴风格的专辑,虽然之后也出了很多好歌,但最初的味道还是最好,就好比很多东西,第一口最美妙。
2023-07-16 22:59:552

love you,love me,love life是什么意思

希 望 大 家 都 来 :爱 你 ,爱 我 ,爱 生 活 !
2023-07-16 23:00:144


2023-07-16 23:00:235

love life love me是浪子意思

2023-07-16 23:00:372


  爱情是两个人之间相爱的感情、情谊,是世间上最难摸索的情感之一。那么你知道爱情用英文怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来爱情的英文说法,供大家学习。  爱情的英文说法:   love   英 [lu028cv] 美 [lu028cv]   爱情相关英文表达:   fervent love   热烈的爱情   sweet affection   甜蜜的爱情   spurious affection   伪装的爱情   an undying affection   永恒的爱情   爱情的英文说法例句:   1. Their songs are filled with tales of love gone sour.   他们的歌里充斥着变了味的 爱情 故事 。   2. This boxed collection captures 64 of the greatest modern love songs.   这套盒装专辑收录了64首最好听的当代爱情歌曲。   3. His love life was complicated, and involved intense relationships.   他的爱情生活很复杂,几段感情都是轰轰烈烈。   4. Love was a word he"d erased from his vocabulary since Susan"s going.   自从苏珊离开后,他再也不提“爱情”这个词了。   5. Her search for love has often caused her excruciating misery and loneliness.   她对爱情的寻觅常常给她带来极大的痛苦和孤独感。   6. The poem, which appeared in 1890, is an exaltation of married love.   写于1890年的这首诗是对婚姻爱情的高度颂扬。   7. Stephen and I are going to jazz up the love songs.   斯蒂芬和我打算给那些爱情歌曲注入流行元素。   8. The ersatz spontaneity of "Sunday Love" sounds especially hollow.   对《星期天的爱情》这首歌的即兴模仿听起来尤其空洞。   9. Like "Gone With The Wind" it"s an unashamed epic romance.   和《飘》一样,它也是一个无所顾忌的史诗般的爱情故事.   10. There can be a magic about love that defies all explanation.   爱情的魔力也许根本无法解释。   11. Fame can be a shortcut to love and money.   有了名气就容易收获爱情和金钱。   12. She loves soppy love stories, old films, that sort of thing.   她喜欢伤感的爱情故事、老电影以及诸如此类的东西。   13. She is in a loveless relationship.   她身陷一段没有爱情的关系中。   14. I sing about love most of the time.   我大多唱爱情歌曲。   15. A wedding is a joyful celebration of love.   婚礼就是快乐的爱情庆典。
2023-07-16 23:00:501


1、爱生活本身甚于爱它的意义。 Love life itself than its meaning. 2、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。 Don"t deviant, amateur life is meaningful. 3、大多数人的生活在幻想世界中。 The lives of most people in the world of fantasy. 4、两个人在一起,才能抵抗生活。 Two people together, can the life. 5、时间顺流而下,生活逆水行舟。 Time down the river, the life stream. 6、人必须生活着,爱才有所附丽。 People must live, love to the attachment. 7、人找到生活的意义才是幸福的。 Find the meaning of life is happiness. 8、生活就是在黑暗中的长期拼搏。 Life is in the long-term struggle in the dark. 9、心灵反映生活,面貌反映心灵。 Mind reflect, life reflect the soul. 10、奋斗就是生活,人生惟有前进。 Struggle is life, life only forward. 11、生活的美化者,社会的巩固者。 The consolidation of the beautifier of life, the society. 12、婚姻,是某种一般的生活方式。 Marriage is a way of life in general. 13、有理想的人,生活总是火热的。 People with ideals, life is always hot. 14、记者的生活是铁脚马眼神仙肚。 The reporter"s life is a horse iron feet eye fairy belly. 15、没有理智决不会有理性的生活。 There is no reason not a rational life. 16、主宰生活的是财富而不是智慧。 Master life is wealth rather than wisdom. 17、应该相信,自己是生活的强者。 Should believe that he is the strong of life. 18、讲述生活则声音没有不和谐的。 About life, no jarring. 19、生活是不公平的,要去适应它。 Life is not fair, get used to it. 20、谁也不会象老人那样热爱生活。 Nobody will like the old man, love life. 21、未经思索的生活是不值得过的。 Life is not worth living without thinking. 22、生活是一个走向厌倦的漫长过程。 Life is a process to the tired of long. 23、生活就像一个光秃秃的母猪架子。 Life is like a barren sow shelves. 24、理论是灰色的,而生活之树常青。 Theory is gray, and the tree of life evergreen. 25、适用于一切的生活处方并不存在。 Prescription applies to all of life does not exist. 26、生活就是行动,而行动就是斗争。 Life is action, and action is struggle. 27、生活的主要悲剧,就是停止斗争。 The tragedy of life, is to stop the struggle. 28、琐碎的生活,也是爱情的一部分。 The trivial life, is a part of love. 29、人要独立生活,学习有用的技艺。 People to independent living, learning useful skills. 30、人不能孤独地生活,他需要社会。 Man can not live alone, he needs to society. 31、没有虚荣的生活几乎是不存在的。 Life without vanity is almost nonexistent. 32、应该笑着面对生活,不管一切如何。 Should face life with a smile, no matter what happens. 33、生活的理想,就是为了理想的生活。 The ideal of life is for ideal life. 34、一个人的理想越崇高,生活越纯洁。 A person"s ideal more noble, the pure life. 35、愿每次回忆,对生活都不感到负疚。 Wish every time memories, don"t feel guilty for life. 36、为理想的实现而生活,则生趣盎然。 For the realization of the ideal life, the joy of life is abundant. 37、所以选择用颠沛流离的生活来遗忘。 So we chose to forget with life drift from place to place. 38、愉快的生活是由愉快的思想造成的。 Happy life is caused by a pleasant thoughts. 39、但愿每次回忆,对生活都不感到负疚。 I wish every time memories, don"t feel guilty for life. 40、心灵纯洁的人,生活充满甜蜜和喜悦。 Pure of heart, life is full of sweet and joy. 41、人的生活应介于理想和普通美德之间。 Person"s life should be between ideal and ordinary virtues. 42、没有健康,便没有生活上真正的快乐。 Without health, life is no real happiness. 43、生活的智慧大概就在于遇事问个为什么。 The wisdom of life is that it probably ask a why. 44、人活着总是有趣的,即便是烦恼也是有趣的。 People alive is always interesting, even troubles is also interesting. 45、吃饭是为了生活,但生活并不仅仅为了吃饭。 Eat to live, but life is not just to eat. 46、生活中没有可怕的东西,只有应去了解的东西。 Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. 47、总有一个人,一直住在心底,却告别在生活里。 There is always a person, has lived in the bottom of my heart, but farewell in life. 48、我所理解的生活,就是和我喜欢的一切在一起。 Is the life I understand, and I like everything together. 49、生活是欺骗不了的,一个人要生活得光明磊落。 Life is a cheat, a man is to live aboveboard. 50、一切利已的生活,都是非理性的、动物的生活。 Everything has life, is irrational, and animal life. 51、为了生活中努力发挥自己的作用,热爱人生吧。 In order to efforts to play their part in life, love life. 52、应该让别人的生活因为有了你的生存而更加美好。 Should let someone else"s life is more beautiful because of your survival. 53、生活就像骑自行车,要想保持平衡就要不断运动。 Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep balance will be constant motion. 54、没有一个清洁的环境,再优裕的生活条件也无意义。 Don"t have a clean environment and comfortable living conditions and meaningless. 55、生活只有在平淡无味的人看来才是空虚而平淡无味的。 Life only in bland is empty and bland. 56、你必须只有内心丰富,才能摆脱这些生活表面的相似。 You must only heart is rich, to get rid of these similar on the surface of the life. 57、一个人知道自己为什么而活,就可以忍受任何一种生活。 A person know why I live, can tolerate any kind of life. 58、只要你有一件合理的事去做,你的生活就会显得特别美好。 As long as you have a reasonable thing to do, your life will seem especially good. 59、俭仆的生活,不但可以使精神愉快,而且可以培养**品质。 Waste of life, not only can make cheerful, and can cultivate revolutionary quality. 60、一个人必须学习与自己不同类型的人相处,不然生活何其孤苦。 A man must learn to get along with different types of people, otherwise how desolate life. 61、生活真象这杯浓酒,不经三番五次的提炼呵,就不会这样可口! Life like this cup of liquor, without repeatedly refining oh, would not be so delicious! 62、在生活里,我们命中碰到的一切美好的东西,都是以秒计算的。 In life, all good things, we"re met in seconds. 63、世上只有一种英雄主义,就是在认清生活真相之后依然热爱生活。 There is only one kind of heroism, is in love with life after identify the truth of life. 64、生活是好的,峰回路转,柳暗花明,前面总会有另一番不同的风光。 Life is good, to master, frame, front there is always a different scenery. 65、从远处看,人生的不想还很有诗意呢,一个人最怕庸庸碌碌的生活。 From a distance, life don"t want to also have a lot of poetry, a person is the most afraid of, unexamined life. 66、我们都很仔细的定义过所谓幸福的生活,不过我们都没有认真的活。 We are all very carefully the definition of the so-called happiness of life, but we are not serious. 67、这个世界上肯定有另一个我,做着我不敢做的事,过着我想过的生活。 The world must have another me, do I dare not do, live a life I thought. 68、回忆是一种很奇妙的东西,它生活在过去,存在于现在,却能影响未来。 Memory is a wonderful thing, and life in the past, now, but it can affect the future. 69、一切都明明白白,但我们仍匆匆错过,因为你相信命运,因为我怀疑生活。 Everything is clearly, but we are still in a hurry to miss, because you believe in fate, because I suspect that life. 70、我不知道该怎么和生活中无法失去的人说再见,所以我没有说再见就离开了。 I cannot lose their life and don"t know how to say goodbye, so I didn"t say goodbye and left. 71、我从没被谁知道,所以也没被谁忘记。在别人的回忆中生活,并不是我的目的。 I was never who know, so also is not who forget. In other people"s memories in the life, is not my purpose.
2023-07-16 23:00:591


上面是英文下面是翻译:Along the long river of eternal life, human dip in this water, feel the flow of life. Time Passes Quickly, not yesterday, not life, survival instincts awaken our love life, cherish life. Bell time of the pulse beat, beat, strong when weak.   However, people are strange contradictions go against animals spread of scores dendrite branch disputes, plex , as well as part forever, clear one moon, and always haunt us, so we have to survive together. Keep the proliferation of human, but also the seeds of hatred breeding, mercilessly kill each other, killing countless people vulnerable. There accident, which threatens the life of walking, Qu"s suicide, the "soul e back," the beauty myth plastered Pathos.   We lost time through the screen, quietly standing, what you want to face, only death, such as the cold gray of the rock close to us. The first example, the sun is still singing at high altitudes; bow, the moon has fallen in the water. Short-term way station, for the life that we can do?   Diverse world, we in the time-line, such as giant spider silk geo-feeding, walking, or thinking. Cross-flow of material temptation eyes flashing, people were taken to the soul, lose sight of their fragile lives. Jump in the ocean of material desires. But when the waves knocked over the life of ships, then in addition to an empty body, what then do their own? West, a philosopher, said: "People can do what he has done, but he can not want to." Extravagant floating uncertain For the extravagance on the Valley, how can we jump and fragile life can not **** The injury, however, can "do what we have done", which is sufficient to make our life beautiful and touching.   We pull in the large fibers, Chlamys Mu wind rain, riding a boat to leave traces of life on the banks of the time, so to better understand how alive and happy. We can in the spirit of fine homes poetry, snow in the life of the Western Pure branded.   Love life, *** ile, open the windows every day to meet a new sun, ray of light wind, the out across the sky. Into the sunshine, let the pure spring of life to show the natural, pristine soil.   Passion for life, such as the shells of the people in the weak value of the short lifetime, in the waves, fine sand with shell Zhuo life. Colorful colorful pattern is eternal does not obliterate the ring. When the tide away, death came, but the shell of life in the time of the beach will bee a beautiful fossil immortal.   Passion for life, the hearty laugh and laugh when the tears when you cry, a cry that a happy *** ile; fell back on its feet, the whole point of packing to travel.   Love life, cherish life, we are alive, very happy.   生命的长河亘古绵延,人类浸在这水中,感觉着生命的流动。逝者如斯,昨日不再,生命不再,求生的本能唤醒我们热爱生命,珍惜生活。时光的钟声敲打着脉搏,跳动,时弱时强。   然而,人是矛盾怪戾的动物,枝枝蔓蔓的恩怨纠纷,错综复杂的人情世故,还有生离死别,阴晴圆缺,始终困扰着我们,使我们艰于生存。人类不息的繁衍,也滋生着仇视的种子,无情地自相残杀,屠戮无数脆弱的生灵。还有意外的飞来横祸,威胁着人生的步履,屈子们的自戕,把“魂兮归来”的美丽神话涂满了浓黑的悲怆。   我们穿过迷惘的时间之翳,静静地站立,想要面对什么,却只有死亡,如冷灰色的岩壁在向我们逼近。举首时,太阳还在高空歌唱;低头时,月亮已在水中陨落。短暂的驿途,我们能为生命做些什么呢?   世事纷纭,我们在时光的巨网上如蜘蛛缘丝觅食、行走,或者思考。横流的物欲闪动着诱惑的眼睛,有人被摄去灵魂,忽视了自己脆弱的生命。纵身于物欲的汪洋。可是,当海浪打翻生命之船,那时除了一具空洞的躯体,还有什么再属于自己呢?西方一位哲人说:“人能做他所做的,但不能要他所要的。”浮靡的奢欲飘忽于空谷之上,我们怎能纵身崖下,脆弱的生命经不起****的损伤,然而,可以“做我们所做的”,这就足以使我们的生命美丽感人。   我们在大河上拉纤,栉风沐雨,逆水行舟,把生命的痕迹留在时光之畔,于是就懂得该怎样更好地活着和快乐。我们可以在精神的家园洒满精致的诗歌,在生命的雪地烙上清纯的印迹。   热爱生命,每天微笑着打开窗户,迎接一轮崭新的太阳,一缕清爽的风,一声划破长空的鸽哨。走进阳光里,让生命展现山泉的纯真自然,泥土的质朴无华。   热爱生命,如贝壳中柔弱的生灵珍惜着短促的一生,在海浪中,用沙砾精琢生命之壳。五彩斑斓的花纹是永恒不泯的年轮。当海潮远去,死神降临,可是生命之壳还会在时光的海滩,成为美丽不朽的化石。   热爱生命,该笑时爽朗地笑,该哭时尽情地哭,哭个明白,笑个痛快;跌倒了再站起来,整点行装继续赶路。   热爱生命,珍惜生活,我们活着,就很幸福。
2023-07-16 23:02:141

作文love sports,love life

I love sports very much. This is because playing sports can not only pass time, it is also a good way of exercising. Playing sports can make me feel relaxed, and I can also play sports when I don"t feel well. It makes me feel much better, so I enjoy sports very much.
2023-07-16 23:02:371

I Love Life 歌词

歌曲名:I Love Life歌手:Melissa Lefton专辑:The Princess Diaries (Original Soundtrack)I LOVE LIFEMELISSA LEFTON电影《THE PRINCESS DIARIES 》an ordinary girlshe didn"t read all that muchshe decorates her lawn with wild pink flamingoesshe got a fannypacka neon jogging suitand after work you"d see her walk her brown dog bingono further aspirationssome say that she"s complacentno she don"t want the modernand she saysi love life, life loves meeverything in the world makes me happyi love life, life loves melet"s take another trip to disneylanddisneylanda little overweightshe"s a beauticianher husband makes a living changing old transmissionsthey"ve got a couple of kidsnamed jim and jennythey love iceberg lettuce and ragu on their spaghettino further aspirationssome say that she"s complacentno she don"t want the modernand she saysi love life, life loves meeverything in the world makes me happyi love life, life loves melet"s take another trip to disneylanddisneylandwhat shall we have on our chicken dinner tonightlets go to orlando where the sun shines brightjim one a prize in the video arcadenow they make a sugar free coolaid.what shall we have on our chicken dinner tonighti love life, life loves meeverything in the world makes me happyi love life, life loves melet"s take another trip to disneylandi love life, life loves meeverything in the world makes me happyi love life, life loves meeverything in the world makes me happy
2023-07-16 23:02:441

love you as you life love life as loveyou

Love you as your(my) life,love life as love you.绝对有个单词错了
2023-07-16 23:03:121

请问谁有土屋安娜JUDGE这首歌的歌词、 我很喜欢的但找不到歌词,有谁知道给我说一下麻烦了、谢谢

JUDGE作词∶ANNA作曲∶Gerrard/Diamond俺样气取りで 意气がり锻えられたその macho bodyでも心は女々しい my boy ha,ha,ha!力づくだけでyou control me女だからと 马鹿 扱い?世の中 そんな 甘くない膝まづき、泣き崩れ、助けてと、叫んでも、偿い、すら出来ない、loser!judge this world judge this lovejudge your boy judge your friendsその目で 见きわめてよlove is a bomb love is gamblelove is mine love me tender谁もが 爱されたい
2023-07-16 23:03:352

英文歌,歌词大概有i dont wanna kissing you goodbye

Malik Smith - Don"t Be Afraid Of LoveShe was new, someone trueThought itd last foreverI was fooled, caught in youdDidnt see it comingHeld my breathe, till the endDont know how I made itKissed with thorns, loved with scornDont know why I waitedNever did I dream I would find myself in this placePicking pieces of my heart upThe voice inside is telling meDont be afraid of love...Even thought she hurt my prideGotta find the strength inside, that tells meDont be afraid of loveMy heart is something newAnd its all because of youSay it, dont be afraid of loveLove love, love love, loveDont be afraid of loveLove love, love love, loveDont be afraid of loveHere you are like a starShining oh so brightlyFilled my life up with lightTook me out of the shadowsAnd though my eyes can finally seeWhos really there for me?And baby, all I can see is youEach day that passes by,Theres more joy to my lifeThe past is fallin behind meNever did I dream I would find myself in this placePicking pieces of my heart upThe voice inside is telling me.Dont be afraid of love...Even thought she hurt my prideGotta find the strength inside, that tells meDont be afraid of loveMy heart is something newAnd its all because of youSay it, dont be afraid of loveLove love, love love, loveDont be afraid of loveLove love, love love, loveDont be afraid of loveLife can take you through changesIf you dont have the courage to standAnd even thought she mislead meI still found a friendSomeone who truly loves meSomeone who truly caresAnd now I can move on, now I can live...Even thought she hurt my prideGotta find the strength inside, that tells meDont be afraid of loveMy heart is something newAnd its all because of youSay it, dont be afraid of loveLove love, love love, loveDont be afraid of loveLove love, love love, loveDont be afraid of love
2023-07-16 23:03:431


好好学习 自己写.....!!!!!!
2023-07-16 23:03:535


2023-07-16 23:04:091


2023-07-16 23:04:161


2023-07-16 23:04:341

lovemylife 翻译中文

你好!love my life爱我的生活
2023-07-16 23:04:532

歌曲开头唱到life is love life is love

Safeway - I"m In Love is love (x8) Feelin" and I"m feelin" But you don"t want my love I"m in, I"m in love But you don"t want my love No more tears in my fantasies Tonight my hours will be only prayers I will try, try to realize Another day with you, another day I"m in love and I"m feelin" strong Tonight I"m right t"have you by my side I"m in love But you don"t want my love Life is love (x8)
2023-07-16 23:05:011

love you like life娜是什么意思

2023-07-16 23:05:391


2023-07-16 23:05:492

php md5加密多个变量

2023-07-16 23:05:581

这个logo 是什么品牌?一个了L又一点,不是love life ,我见过件这个衣服是类似polo 的风格,孟汉娜里lili

2023-07-16 23:06:091


2023-07-16 23:06:182

求一篇love in my life 的英语作文60词左右

2023-07-16 23:06:281

1.我们从未见过 可当我第一眼看到你的时候 却觉得已经等了好久好久 I have never seen you before, But when my eyes first touch your soul I feel that I have been waiting for a long long time.2 心头像是有个温热的泉眼 对你的想念一动 它就跟着翻涌 My heart is nothing but a warm spring Every time I miss u Heart beats like water surge with no ends...3 听到他们都说你不好看 我就放心了 Heard them say that you don"t look that good, I am really relieved.4 你说不喜欢我的时候 我绝望得 像是被判了死刑When you say you don"t like me I am so desperate Like being sentenced to death5 我死皮赖脸地追你 只是因为,我对谁都不放心 想亲自照顾你 I am seeking after u shamelessly, Just because I don"t really trust any one, Just wanna take care of you personally.6 我不是个乐观的人 每每想到几十年后会死掉 就悲伤不已 可一想到你会和我一起变老 就得到了莫大的安慰上帝到底是公平的 他教我去死 也教会了我爱你 I am not an optimistic guys, Every time thinking of my death after a few decades. Deep grief and sorrow engulfs my soul, But think of you going to grow old with me. Great comfort suddenly warms meGod is fair He taught me to die Also taught me how to love you .
2023-07-16 23:06:361


这首歌叫loveofmylife  Queen我的至爱  loveofmylife  you"vehurtme  你伤害了我  you"vebrokenmyheart  你让我心碎  andnowyouleaveme  因为你离开了我  loveofmylifecan"tyousee  我的至爱你难道不明白  bringitbackbringitback  回来吧回来吧  don"ttakeitawayfromme  别离我而去Freddie和mary  becauseyoudon"tknow  因为你不知道  whatitmeanstome  你对我的爱有多重要!  loveofmylifedon"tleaveme  我的至爱不要离开我  you"vetakenmylove  你带走了我的爱  younowdesertme  却将我遗弃  loveofmylifecan"tyousee  我的至爱难道你不明白  bringitbackbringitback  回来吧回来吧  don"ttakeitawayfromme  别舍我而去  becauseyoudon"tknow  因为你不知道  whatitmeanstome  你对我的爱有多重要!  youwillremember  你会记起  whenthisisblownover  当一切过后  andeverything"sallbytheway  所有的往事都将随风而逝  whenigrowolder  当我变得年老  iwillbethereatyoursidetoremindyou  我还会陪在你身边让你知道  howistillloveyou  我依然爱着你  istillloveyou  我仍那么的爱你...  backhurryback  回来吧快点回来吧  pleasebringitbackhometome  请带着你的爱,快回到我身边吧  becauseyoudon"tknow  因为你不知道  whatitmeanstome  你对我的爱有多重要!  loveofmylife  我的至爱  loveofmylife  我的至爱
2023-07-16 23:07:131


2023-07-16 23:07:2315

love of life 是什么意思

2023-07-16 23:07:494

求课文love of life的翻译,文章如下,请靠手帮忙,考试急用,跪谢!

2023-07-16 23:07:581


love myl ife中文意思是:爱我的生活望采纳~谢谢!
2023-07-16 23:08:072

I LOVE MY life是什么意思

2023-07-16 23:08:141


2023-07-16 23:04:441


这样的帖子回复量太少了。其实你说的比较模糊,但有梁也不是问题,可以用吊顶的方法来淡化梁的高度,比如做个造型,把梁突出,下面装灯也很有特色,如果梁不再理想的位置,可以考虑做几个假梁辅助,形成一个整体造型,还可以中间加其他新颖材料做个特色主题出来更有感觉。 到丹阳翼网网站查看回答详情>>
2023-07-16 23:04:456


2023-07-16 23:04:462

One Sweet Day 歌词

歌曲名:One Sweet Day歌手:Lukie D & Nena Soul专辑:Total Togetherness Vol. 5知行英语Listen and Share知行音乐厅MariahBoyz II MenOne Sweet DaySorry I never told you,All I wanted to say.And now it"s too late to hold you,Coz you"ve flown away, so far away....Never had I imagined,Living without your smile,Feelin", and knowin" you hear me.It keeps me alive, alive...And I know you"re shining downon me from heaven,Like so many friendswe"ve lost along the way.And I know eventually we"ll be together(together) one sweet day....I"ll wait patiently to see you in heaven.Darlin" I never showed you (no no no),Assummed you"d always be there.(And I) I take your prayers for granted.But I always cared (I always cared).And I missed the love we shared.And I know you"re shining down on mefrom heaven,Like so many friendswe"ve lost along the way.And I know eventually we"ll be together(together) one sweet day....I"ll wait patiently to see you in heaven.Although the sun would never shine.I"ll always wish for a brighter day.Yeah Yeah, and Lordwhen I lay me down to sleep.You will always listen as I pray...(repeat...)歌词大意Sorry I never told you,All I wanted to say.And now it"s too late to hold you,Coz you"ve flown away, so far away....Never had I imagined,Living without your smileNever had I imagined living without your smile.neverI had never imaginedNever had I imaginedseldom, little, hardly, not onlyNever have I seen such a performance.Seldom have I felt so great as today.ImagineI can"t imagine marrying him.Feelin", and knowin" you hear me.It keeps me alive, alive...And I know you"re shining downon me from heaven,Like so many friendswe"ve lost along the way.And I know eventually we"ll be together(together) one sweet day....eventuallyHe will eventually be back.eventually we"ll be togetherone sweet day.I"ll wait patiently to see you in heaven.Darlin" I never showed you (no no no),Assummed you"d always be there.(And I) I take your prayers for granted.GrantI grant the novelty of your planTheir government granted them permissionto leave the country.take something for grantedHe always takes other people"s helpfor granted.Don"t take it for grantedbefore you do anything.But I always cared (I always cared).And I missed the love we shared.Although the sun would never shine.I"ll always wish for a brighter day.Yeah Yeah, and Lordwhen I lay me down to sleep.You will always listen as I pray...谢谢收听知行提示
2023-07-16 23:04:471


2023-07-16 23:04:482


2023-07-16 23:04:481

抖音拿拿拿拿是什么歌歌词介绍 抖音拿拿拿拿是什么英文歌

【导读】:喜欢刷抖音的朋友都能发现最近一首歌词为拿拿拿拿的英文歌出现的频率很高,那么这首歌的歌名是什么?下面为大家带来歌词介绍。 抖音拿拿拿拿是什么歌歌词介绍 据悉,这首歌的歌名叫做《She told me》,歌曲由英国天团级乐队Blue演唱。 歌词介绍 She Told Me (她告诉过我) - Blue There was a girl I knew she was more the beautiful She had a mind of her own - 5 foot 8 or more She was a real wild child and nothing could hold her back She was my sister"s best friend so now you know where its at She"s always been around me and her were always down Right in front of me how could I be too blind to see She was always hangin" out me and her we talked about Everything I never knew She told me If you like my style:e on If you need a ride:e on Compatible Starsign:e on That"s what she told me If you like my style:e on If you need a ride:e on Compatible Starsign:e on She told me She told me she told me It was one of those times way back in the day She was at my door with a *** ile across her face I said "My sister ain"t home she"s gone out for a while" She said "That"s cool with me that"s the reason I came by" oh yeah She"s always been around me and her were always down Right in front of me how could I be too blind to see She was always hangin" out me and her we talked about Everything I never knew she told me yeah "If you like my style e on If you need a ride e on Compatible star sign e on" That"s what she told me "If you like my style e on If you need a ride e on Compatible star sign e on" She told me She told me she told me Yeah yeah yeah Sing na na na na na Na na na na na Sing na na na na na Na na na na na Oh na na na na na Na na na na na Sing it with me na na na na na Na na na na na "If you like my style e on If you need a ride e on Compatible star sign e on" That"s what she told me "If you like my style e on If you need a ride e on Compatible star sign e on" She told me "If you like my style e on If you need a ride e on Compatible star sign e on" That"s what she told me "If you like my style e on If you need a ride e on Compatible star sign e on" She told me "If you like my style e on If you need a ride e on Compatible star sign e on" That"s what she told me "If you like my style e on If you need a ride e on Compatible star sign e on" She told me 抖音抖音拿拿拿拿是什么英文歌 歌名:《She Told Me》 这首歌由著名乐队Blue演唱。 She Told Me是英国天团级乐队Blue于2003年09月发行专辑One Love中的一首歌,有节奏的She Told Me让人对Blue的超实力歌艺耳目一新。很多网友可能对这个乐队并不是很了解,下面就和我一起来了解一下! 中文名:蓝色 代表作:《All Rise》《One Love》《Guilty》 职业:组合、男孩团体 简介:2001年,一首饶富R&B曲风的All Rise终于让美国人明白,大洋彼岸的英国有一个Blue(“蓝色男孩”)组合,他们地道的美式黑人旋律、多切分音的强劲节奏、以及音乐中时尚流行元素(rap、hip-hop、funk)的融入,完全可以让世界感受美式黑人流行乐。发迹于英国伦敦的BLUE由Duncan James、Antony Costa、Lee Ryan和Simon Webbe 4人所组成,2001年5月,Blue以一支饶富都会节奏感的All Rise,以平地一声雷之姿抢滩2001年初英国金榜Top 4,并高居点播榜Top10五周。接下来的Too Close及If You e Back二首单曲成绩更是惊人,不但均拿下排行冠军,在销量上也都有超过20万张的斩获。 随着一首首成功的佳绩,专辑All Rise也随着一波波越涨越高的气势,倒吃甘蔗般的在英国卖出了超过150万的销量,并在发行23周之后登上排行冠军的宝座。这张由天王制作人Stargate与摩城传奇Jimmy Ruffin之子Ray Ruffin携手打造、在英国及挪威两地完成的首辑中,展现了Blue超龄的声音演出,从让人狂放摇摆的All Rise、Fly By、This Temptation,到舒缓轻柔的Long Time、Best In Me,每首歌都让人对于Blue的超实力歌艺耳目一新。05年由于成员单飞宣布解散,09年强势复出,并且于13年初发行了新专《Roulette》。
2023-07-16 23:04:541


老大你搞错了吧!HBL(house bill of lading)不是拼箱的缩写,而是货代提单的意思,拼箱是LCL,整箱是FCL,所以HWAB(HOUSE WAYBILL)也是货代空运单或称分单!!!
2023-07-16 23:04:551


[lu0252u014b] [lu0252u014b][u0259"ɡu0259u028a]
2023-07-16 23:04:412


爱乐团也有这么一首 我个人还挺喜欢的
2023-07-16 23:04:403


2023-07-16 23:04:391

有哪些和 YOU ARE NOT ALONE 风格一样的英文歌?

Angela Ammons: [always getting over you]Blue: [best in me]Britney Spears: [autumn goodbye], [girl in the mirror][walk on by], [when I found you]Britt Nicole: [say it]Brooke Fraser: [faithful]Carpenters: [(they long to be) close to you]Carrie Underwood: [jesus,take the wheel]Cascada: [truly,madly,deeply]Corinne Bailey Rae: [put your records on]Craig David: [unbelievable], [you don"t miss your water], [rise and fall], [kinda girl for me]Daniel Powter: [bad day], [love you lately]Daughtry: [home]Dixie Chicks: [not ready to make nice]Eminem: [lose yourself], [rock bottom]Evanescence: [taking over me], [bring me to life]Fefe Dobson: [everything]Fergie: [big girls don"t cry], [fergalicious]Fort Minor: [believe me]Gareth Gates: [anyone of us]Hanson: [I will come to you]Hilary Duff: [the getaway], [so yesterday], [last christmas], [someones watching over me]Hoobastank: [the reason]Jamelia: [superstar]James Blunt: [you"re beautiful]Jason Mraz: [geek in the pink]Jesse Mccartney: [take your sweet time], [why is love so hard to find], [just so you know], [invincible]Jet: [look what you"ve done]Jewel: [fragile heart], [deep water], [down so long]JoJo: [exceptional], [leave(get out)], [never say goodbye]Jordan Pruitt: [outside looking in], [when I pretend]Katharine Mcphee: [over it]Kelly Clarkson: [because of you]KT Tunstall: [other side of the world]Lene Marlin: [It"s true], [sitting down here]Lillix: [It"s about time], [promises]Lindsay Lohan: [something I never had]Linkin Park: [in the end]Lionel Richie: [I call it love]Mandy Moore: [walk me home]Maria Arredondo: [burning], [that day]Mariah Carey: [hero]Marie Picasso: [this moment], [out of my hands]Marion Raven: [end of me]Micheal Jackson: [you are not alone]Mutya Buena: [real girl]Natasha Bedingfield: [unwritten]Ne-Yo: [so sick], [because of you]Nick Lachey: [what"s left of me], [where you are(&Jessica Simpson)]Pink: [who knew], [I"m not dead]Rascal Flatts: [my wish]RBD: [tu amor]Rob Thomas: [ever the same]Ronan Keating: [all over again]Sarah Connor: [just one last dance]Savage Garden: [truly madly deeply], [I know I love you], [living the dream]Shakira: [underneath your clothes]Shayne Ward: [that"s my goal]Sheryl Crow: [good is good], [always on your side]Spice Girls: [goodbye], [too much], [viva forever]Sweetbox: [after the lights], [life is cool], [crown of thorns], [every step]T.A.T.U: [all about us], [gomenasai]Tata Young: [I think of you]Taylor Swift: [the outside]All-American Rejects: [stab my back], [straightjacket feeling]The Pussycat Dolls: [stickwitu]The Veronicas: [when it all falls apart]The Rasmus: [in the shadows], [guilty]Venke Knutson: [scared], [panic], [in2u]Vitamin C:[graduation(friends forever)]Westlife: [if your heart"s not in it], [bop bop baby]High School Musical: [you are the music in me], [gotta go my own way], [everyday], [start of someting new], [when there was me and you],[breaking free]以上是我多年听英文歌所总结出来的所有精华,有主流和非主流的,绝对好听,希望楼主喜欢!!! …………本人原创回答,发现抄袭一律投诉…………
2023-07-16 23:04:381

long long ago是什么意思

long long ago很久很久以前
2023-07-16 23:04:342


  导语:均衡器是一种可以分别调节各种频率成分电信号放大量的电子设备,通过对各种不同频率的电信号的调节来补偿扬声器和声场的缺陷,补偿和修饰各种声源及其它特殊作用,一般调音台上的均衡器仅能对高频、中频、低频三段频率电信号分别进行调节。   车载音响中均衡器有什么作用   均衡器是一种可以分别调节各种频率成分电信号放大量的电子设备,通过对各种不同频率的电信号的调节来补偿扬声器和声场的缺陷,补偿和修饰各种声源及其它特殊作用,一般调音台上的均衡器仅能对高频、中频、低频三段频率电信号分别进行调节。均衡器分为三类:图示均衡器,参量均衡器和房间均衡器。   1、音响系统中使用图示均衡器的目的   已经具有了主机-功放-扬声器这些基本的音响系统,要想使这个系统的音质提高和调节的更加细致,使音乐播放的更加完整,就要在音响系统加入均衡器.   音响系统中使用图示均衡器(Graphic Equalizer)可以对声频中的某些频段进行提升或衰减处理,它的原意是为了修正车内空间声学特性和音箱幅频特性的缺陷,或者对声音进行润色加工,可以对车中声场定位及前后左右做出调整,以适应个人的爱好和增强现场感。频率均衡(Frequency-response equalization,也称均衡Equalization或校正均衡Corrective equalization)电路,它是在音响系统中,为了得到平坦的总频率响应,对某些信号进行校正或调整传输频率特性的一种网络电路,它能以对各种频率采取区别对待的方法,从而得到平坦的总频率响应。如健伍DPX-8020MD内部自身带有11段图示均衡器电路,就是典型的`例子,还有主机内部放大等电路中,也都有不同的频率均衡电路。   2、音响系统中要不要用均衡器图示均衡器   曾风行一时,成为音响组合的必备部件,但前些年却消声匿迹,几乎无人问津。原因是多方面的,首先大部分商品图示均衡器的品质欠佳,对重放声会产生可辨的额外失真和噪声,降低了整体音质。其次如果使用不当,常使重放声的平衡受到破坏,造成重放声低频过度而浑浊,中频欠缺而晦暗,高频过量而刺耳。这些对于追求HiFi音质的爱好者来说,都是不能容忍的,现在随着音响的普及,知识的提高,对音质有了很好的鉴别能力,图示均衡器也就逐步被汽车音响爱好者应用于Hi-Fi舞台。由于图示均衡器在外表上给出漂亮的感觉,是年轻人喜欢追求的目标,讲究屏幕漂亮的多数选择带有图示均衡器的主机。现在2DIN的主机一般都带有图示均衡器。但是,对于Hi-Fi的爱好者建议不使用这种主机,因为这种主机在内部对音源做了修饰,所以,不太追求音质的听者,作为一般欣赏是可以的。   3、如何用均衡器进行音响效果补偿   近些年许多品牌汽车音响主机如:SONY、 KENWOOD、 VDOdayton,为了取得听感的舒适,设置了一些能产生特殊效果的频率补偿处理EQ,预设了多种调谐模式,营造适宜于播放不同乐曲的音响效果,提供完美的音效环境,及时是非专业人士也不会使声场调乱,只要按预设好的按键就可以达到预设效果.如ROCK(摇滚乐)、VOCAL(声乐)、CLUB(俱乐部)、 NEW AGE(前卫)、POP(流行乐)、JAZZ(爵士乐)、CLASSIC(古典乐)等。对声源进行频率补偿的原则是不能影响其旋律演奏的响度,即使音量很大时,也不能使人感到不舒服。根据个人喜好来组合最完美的生效环境。   4、频率补偿不当会造成什么后果   在频率响应的某一频段出现峰谷时,特别在3~5kHz和200~300Hz,将引起音质的明显变化。在频率响应曲线低频段和中低频段出现峰值时,会使音色混浊,甚至出现特定频率的“嗡”声,中高频段出现峰时将有“金属声”,峰值出现在高频段时将有“咝”声。  低频段对声音强度影响极大,过度使声音变得混浊不清,严重时出现“嗡”声。200~500Hz中低频段决定声音力度,过多声音变得模糊,清晰度下降,下跌使声音缺乏力度而显单薄,音色硬而窄。1~3kHz中高频段对明亮度、清晰度和临场感有重要作用,此频段过多会使声音变硬,超过+5~10dB会出现金属声,下跌会使音色失去明亮感,严重下跌使声音发闷不清晰。5kHz以上频段是声音特色的反映,如高频6~7kHz调节过度声音变得尖锐刺耳,语言中齿音严重,下跌使音色明显变暗。  均衡器可对频率响应进行补偿,使某段频率加重或减弱,但若使用不当,会造成音质变坏,如  混浊--500Hz以下频率提升过度;  闷、不亮--2000Hz以上频率衰减过多,或2000Hz以下频率提升过多;  毛刺--5000Hz以上频率提升过度;  单薄--500Hz以下频率衰减过多;  缺乏临场感--1000~4000Hz频段衰减过多;  干、硬--1000~3500Hz频段提升过度。   5、频率均衡器种类   按性能分为: 模拟式数字式 按使用方法分为:外接均衡器如1、健伍KGC-9044,1DIN 尺寸11波段图示均衡器带3色频谱分析器。2、健伍KGC-6024A 9波段图示/2波段参数均衡器。3、KICKER KQ5 5波段均衡器,4、KICKER KQ30 30波段均衡器,这种均衡器一般多用于比赛。主机自带均衡器如1、健伍DPX-6020 数字信号处理器附图示均衡器及频谱分析器,11种预置声场控制(SFC),数字分频及数字时间调整。2、索尼MDX-M690 七种内置均衡器,声频谱分析显示。功放自带均衡器如SONY XM-405EQX功率放大器自身带有五段图示均衡器。使用均衡器是要有一定过程,在使用过程中摸索经验,相信使用之后你就会离不开它了,它会给你带来全新的感觉。
2023-07-16 23:04:331


1.用曲柄钩穿过头再从腹部穿上来,把钩尖埋于雷蛙中。  2.抛饵要打在标点前方。  3.手法:抽、抽、停,也可混合左右抽。  4.雷蛙攻击率不高时抽得重些停顿时间长些。
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2023-07-16 23:04:283