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2023-07-17 07:28:54
TAG: 运动

问题一:运动时适合听什么歌曲 各位推荐下 美国科学家研究证实,运动的时候播放音乐不仅可以令健身变得有趣,而且可以提高运动效率。




1、Vertigo,U2《How To Di *** antle An Atomic Bomb》



4、Flutter,Bonobo《The L Word Enhanced Soundtrack》

5、Kiss The World,Catlow《The L Word Season 3 Soundtrack CD1》

6、Natural"s Not in It,Gang of Four《Entertainment! [EMI UK Expanded]》

7、Suddenly I See,KT Tunstall《Eye To The Telescope》

8、Faint ,Linkin Park《Meteora Rock》

10、Transformation,Pam Grier + Nona Hendryx + Betty《The L Word Season 3 Soundtrack CD1》

11、Boys Wanna Be Her,Peaches《The.L.Word.Season4.Soundtrack》

12、Money,Pink Floyd《100 Greatest Rock Guitar Solos》

13、Rock DJ,Robbin

14、e On Over,Christina Aguilera


16、Ciega, Sordomuda,Shakira

17、Made Jamie,Scott《Step Up》

科学家推荐 跑步运动音乐:《明朗先生》(Mr.Brightside)、《再见,不联络》(SinceYou"veBeenGone)、《快乐的一天》(LovelyDay)、《蚂蚁在行军》(AntsMarching)。 哑铃运动音乐:《冲击理论》(Col-lisionCourse)、《愿望》(De-sire)、《讨厌说我那样告诉过你》(HatetoSayIToldYouSo)。


问题二:有节奏感的适合运动时听的歌曲谁知道?? face down - 岚

with a spirit -- 009 Sound System

Born To Be Wasted - 009 Sound System

Ravenous - X Ray Dog

Road To You - Ryan Farish

Full Sail - Ryan Farish

Joy - Ryan Farish

Round the World - Ryan Farish

Jump - Madonna

问题三:推荐一下一些比较适合运动时听的音乐。 如果是运动音乐的话,我个人及建议你听听美国的黑人音乐,比较劲爆,容易让你更快的融入运动中比如你玩篮球,我可以推荐一些NBA的音乐给你Messiah dead celebrity statusonely鹤啼 vitas星星 vita *** aby one more timeShut up it"s not good-byeit"s okWhy i like youEin kleines liedla la loveDon"t push me即使知道要见面I O UI need girl还有一些我觉得比较好听的;01 Autobots

02 Decepticons

03 All Spark

04 Deciphering the Signal

05 Frenzy

06 Optimus

07 Bumblebee

08 Soccent Attack

09 Sam at the Lake

10 Skorpinok

11 Cybertron

12 Arrival to Earth

13 Whitwicky

14 Downtown Battle

15 Sector

16 Bumblebee Captured

17 You"re a Soldier Now

18 Sam on the Roof

19 Optimus vs. Megatron

20 No Sacrifice, No Victory

21 New divide

22 Skorpinok都在这呢!还要什么就q聊吧...

问题四:运动时听音乐,用什么装备 sony NWZ-W系列 MP3与耳机一体式

问题五:请推荐几首适合跑步时听的音乐 【八大适合跑步时听的歌曲】1、《我可以爱你吗》朴信阳听这首歌跑步的结果是,你可能会越来越放慢脚步,直到停住。所以如果你实在跑不动的时候可以听,为自己偷懒找个借口。2、《滑板少年》 艾薇儿从音乐一开始就进入她的节奏,副歌中也是艾薇儿式的简单流畅。旋律简单、轻快,并且容易上口―― *** 的单纯的奔跑,并非难事。3、《it"s my life》Bon JoviCS背景乐的经典之选。跑步要听的话,一定记得注意安全,避免太过激动导致跌倒!4、《Walk away》Kelly Clarkson“Not another question。Should you stay or should you go?……”既有无助的祈求,又有坚强站起来的决心。跑累了么?坚持!5、《奔》 孙燕姿6、《等待》 陈绮贞当副歌开始,“我不要咖啡,我不要烟……”伴着电吉他做出来的声效,我不要等待,快点跑起来吧!7、《SHALL WE TALK》 陈奕迅这首歌的节奏可算慢拍“121”,正好从有氧环节进入运动节奏。如果是在黄昏的跑步机,节奏与气氛不谋而合,可称完美。8、《where is the love》黑眼豆豆全新的节奏变装佳作,配合你的步伐天衣无缝。PS:如能记下整首歌词意味着跑的同时,您的口语也取得了突飞猛进的阶段性胜利。

问题六:在运动的时候适合听什么歌曲? 摇滚的,五月天的不错 先说女生唱的动感较强的。弹跳,跳绳时候都可以听的~ 蔡依林《说爱你》蔡依林《睁一只眼闭一只眼》Jolin的好多歌都很动感,大家任意选~董燕妮《龙族》这首上过单曲榜哦~金莎《大小姐》金莎《停电》金莎就是减肥成功很好的一个例子!!!大家可以效仿!梁静茹《小手拉大手》梁静茹《love is everything》静茹多都是伤心情歌...这两首还蛮快乐~孙燕姿《绿光》当初那个红阿....张韶涵《静不下来》那就动起来!!!! 1、Vertigo,U2《How To Di *** antle An Atomic Bomb》



4、Flutter,Bonobo《The L Word Enhanced Soundtrack》

5、Kiss The World,Catlow《The L Word Season 3 Soundtrack CD1》

6、Natural"s Not in It,Gang of Four《Entertainment! [EMI UK Expanded]》

7、Suddenly I See,KT Tunstall《Eye To The Telescope》

8、Faint ,Linkin P订rk《Meteora Rock》

10、Transformation,Pam Grier + Nona Hendryx + Betty《The L Word Season 3 Soundtrack CD1》

11、Boys Wanna Be Her,Peaches《The.L.Word.Season4.Soundtrack》

12、Money,Pink Floyd《100 Greatest Rock Guitar Solos》

13、Rock DJ,Robbin

14、e On Over,Christina Aguilera


16、Ciega, Sordomuda,Shakira

17、Made Jamie,Scott《Step Up》















问题七:什么歌适合运动的时候听 科学家推荐 跑步运动音乐:《明朗先生》(Mr.Brightside)、《再见,不联络》(SinceYou"veBeenGone)、《快乐的一天》(LovelyDay)、《蚂蚁在行军》(AntsMarching)。 哑铃运动音乐:《冲击理论》(Col-lisionCourse)、《愿望》(De-sire)、《讨厌说我那样告诉过你》(HatetoSayIToldYouSo)。 网友推荐 《寂静山林》、《仙境》、《YEAH》、《walkinthesun》 名人推荐 瞿颖:《Iwillalwaysloveyou》WhitneyHuston;《Hero》MariaCarrie 杜威:《我是一只鱼》、《伤心太平洋》任贤齐 运动冠军的POWERSONG: 阿姆斯特朗(7届环法自行车赛冠军):由chlilipeppers主唱的“Danicalifornia”。 达文波特(3届法网大满贯得主):《Ma鄄chinehead》主唱是Bush,“有一次,这首歌令我收到超速罚单,可想而知它的力量吧。” Tips: 如果你不是在跑步机或者安静的小区里跑步,也不是在固定的运动场长跑,就像阿甘那样选择在在道路上长跑,不要听音乐。因为这牵涉到安全问题。 另外,如果你的体力不是很强,在长跑时需要调匀呼吸,突破临界点,这个时候更要集中注意力,最好不要有音乐来干扰。

问题八:适合跑步运动时候听的音乐 些是适合晨练和跑步的音乐,节奏感特好.


2 pac-Life Goes On

50 cent - disco inferno (dirty)

50 Cent - In Da Clu

50 cent-magic stick

Beyonce -Crazy In Love

B2K - Uh Huh

Beyonce -Crazy In Love

Black Eyed Peas - Let"s Get It Started

Black.Eyed.Peas.-Where Is The Love

Blue - Fly By

Blue-all rise

Bule-One love

Chingy-Right Thurr

Ciara - goodies - 02 - one, two step feat. missy


Coolio-I Like Girls

Dj kool-let me clear my throat

问题九:最适合运动时听的音乐 有氧运动是比较合适的主要是轻音乐,我就经常带着mp3跑步。比如瑜珈,健美操都合适。



不合适听摇滚 dj 重金属音乐,这累音乐能把人听累而且容易使人烦躁心情不好。


推荐一些给你 希望你喜欢。


水印 water mark





the mass




Lube Davai Za! 俄语歌

天使消逝的地方 俄语歌

幻想 vitas 俄语

前缘再续 法语

问题十:跑步健身时听哪些音乐合适 非常赞的跑步音乐 俗话说的好“每逢佳节胖3斤”一点都没错,这事就充分的体现在了可可我身上,7天哪都没去,硬在老家宅了7天。难得在家呆这么久,然后我亲爱的母上大人就把我当猪喂了。好啦,回来后,我深知减肥这事的重要性,所以下定决心每天晨跑了。看别人跑步的时候都带着耳机,所以得先给自己准备几首跑步音乐,装备要妥妥的。


《There Goes Our Love Again》

一大早听这个有点辽阔的音乐,也是很能清醒人的,跑步的时候也是很 *** 的。

《Everybody"s On The Run》


《Chasing Cars》




O.S.T是Original Soundtrack的简称,是指借由电影而发行的音乐唱片,也就是我们所说的电影原声带。 其实,Soundtrack最早指的是电影放映时的音乐轨,电影中出现的对白,音效与音乐都是各自录制在不同音轨上的,播映时再同步混音,而Soundtrack便是当中的音乐轨部分。1947年米高梅公司发行了第一张Original Soundtrack——《Till The Clouds Roll By》(一部描写音乐家Jerome.Kern的传纪式音乐电影),自此开创了电影原声带发行的新市场。 O.S.T通常分为两大类,一类是以歌曲为主的歌曲原声带(Song-Oriented Soundtrack Album),另一类是以配乐(Score)为主的配乐原声带(Original Dramatic Scores On Record)。 歌曲原声带是O.S.T市场的主力。毕竟一首朗朗上口的歌比一大篇管弦配乐更容易被大众所接受。但通常一部电影中真正为电影而创作的原著歌曲并不多,更到不了可以发行一张O.S.T的程度。所以,这类原声带的品质则良莠不齐了。专辑中除了会收录此部电影的原声歌曲外,还常常会出于商业利益收录电影中从未出现过的作品。这里需要特别提到的是,电影原声歌曲并不一定都是原著音乐哦!很多影片也会选用切合故事主题与剧情发展的既存歌曲来做配乐的。 相形之下,配乐原声带因其音乐资源相对丰富,在品质方面似乎做的更专业一些。最早,电影配乐(Score)并没有受到多大的重视。但随着音乐发展,如今这些电影的附属品已成为可以被独立表演,独立欣赏,独立分析,具有完整音乐价值的作品。连带的电影配乐原声带也日益受到大众的欢迎。配乐原声带有很多不同的来源,一种是来自电影原音轨的Soundtrack,没有经过任何编辑、修改,完全将电影中听到的音乐原音重现。但这样的原声带并不多。因为电影中的配乐原音有时可能会很零碎或不具完整性,所以单独作为专辑听起来未必好。通常商业版的电影原声带在发行时,会将原始的Soundtrack重新编排组合,删去一些不具欣赏价值的枝节,使得音乐在欣赏时感觉更为流畅、独立、完整。 当然,对O.S.T所做的这种分类并不是绝对的。很多原声带中既有歌曲又有原著配乐、音效、对白等等,甚至还包括没有在电影中出现的音乐片段。总之,O.S.T可以泛指为任何因电影而发行的音乐唱片。而它的发行,也已经从最初的音轨纪录,发展为更多元化的内容,演变成一种将电影中的音乐独立化的、独特的音乐产品。
2023-07-17 00:47:571


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2023-07-17 00:48:293

original motion picture soundtrack和original motion picture score的区别

2023-07-17 00:48:545


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major_a 同学已把我逼得无路可走了!正确!!!!!!
2023-07-17 00:49:472


OST (Original Sound Track)
2023-07-17 00:49:563


dontstarvesoundtrack是单机版本。原版Don"t Starve,简称DS,目前只更新到了22版。原版DLC已经推出:Reign of Giants(巨兽统治),简称ROG。已经推出:Shipwrecked(海难),简称SW。已经推出:Soundtrack(原声音乐),就是一个原声音乐包。已经推出:Hamlet,推出时间为2018年第一/第二季度。联机Don"t Starve Togather,简称DST。
2023-07-17 00:50:031

original soundtrack什么意思

2023-07-17 00:50:113


2023-07-17 00:50:171

steam上的独立dlc soundtrack购买了之后有什么用

2023-07-17 00:50:252

steam上的独立dlc soundtrack购买了之后有什么用

2023-07-17 00:50:311

Official Soundtrack是什么东西=.=

Official Soundtrack DLC主要包含高质量游戏原声、四个面具、四种材质及四种花纹(材质和花纹可用于DIY面具)。具体内容如下:1、原声音频文件入手该DLC后在payday2根目录内会出现soundtrack的文件夹,里面有如下的曲目:1. MayhemDressed in a Suit 03:08 2. MasterPlan 03:30 3. TimeWindow 02:38 4. BlackYellow Moebius 03:40 5. TheMark 06:54 6. FullForce Forward 04:10 7. TickTock 02:50 8. FuseBox 03:28 9.Razormind 04:35 10.Calling all Units 02:42 11.Where*s the Van?! 02:46 12. HardTime 04:10 13. CleanGetaway 03:18 14.Mayhem Dressed in a Suit (remix) 02:36 15. Let*sGo Shopping! 03:01 16. Armedto the Teeth 05:59 17.Sirens in the Distance 04:06 18.Wanted Dead or Alive 03:39 19. DeathWish 03:10 20.Shadows and Trickery 04:43 21. AndNow We Wait 04:17 22. Odeto Greed 03:122、入手该DLC后游戏内解锁以下内容:①四个面具:②四种材质:③四种花纹:
2023-07-17 00:50:381

游戏“soundtrack bundle”和原版有什么区别?

2023-07-17 00:50:562

使用soundtrack 怎么把文件保存为MP3格式

2023-07-17 00:51:121

悲惨世界里有一首listen 歌手是soundtrack 歌词中文翻译是什么???有谁能告诉我

据我所知悲惨世界里并没有叫listen的歌,是不是do you hear the people sing?或是说您看错了。。。是<追梦女郎>(dream girls)里的listen?Soundtrack是声轨的意思= =,每次只要是找不到歌手就会写上Soundtrack,很多电影原声都被写上了soundtrack。如果是dream grirls里的listen的话,歌手是Beyonce,您好好听听开头的歌词是不是Listen to the song here in my heartA melody i start but can"t complete如果是的话告诉我一声儿我好给您翻译
2023-07-17 00:51:181


2023-07-17 00:51:262


网页游戏生死狙击的主题曲是《Shooter (生死狙击Soundtrack)》
2023-07-17 00:51:391


美国电影 怦然心动 片头曲是 Pretty Little Eyes Curtis Lee。意思:隔壁传来的波尔卡舞曲调。歌手:curtis lee所属专辑: 《Flipped (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)》Flipped (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)歌手: Soundtrack发行时间:2010-08-03 《怦然心动》是由罗伯·莱纳执导,玛德琳·卡罗尔、卡兰·麦克奥利菲主演影片。该片根据文德琳·范·德拉安南的同名原著小说改编,描述了青春期中男孩女孩之间的有趣战争。2010年8月6日在美国上映。Pretty Little Eyes
2023-07-17 00:51:471


2023-07-17 00:51:531


是这个吗? Welcome to Jurassic Park
2023-07-17 00:52:024


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2023-07-17 00:52:381


5.50-gen-d3(包括打了普米4补丁)以下的系统需要用到nploader插件(目前最高版本为0.9)。把文件nploader.prx放到psp根目录中的seplugins文件夹里;2.在seplugins文件夹中的game.txt添加一行 ms0:/seplugins/nploader.prx 13.关机重启psp(或开机按住R键启动进入Recovery Menu里的Plugins项中确认,nploader.prx[game]项为Enabled)
2023-07-17 00:52:451


《时光倒流70年》主题曲《Somewhere in time》五月天 拥抱 盛夏光年电影主题曲Accidentally Kelly Street(蓝色大门片尾曲) Blue Gate Crossing(蓝色大门 Soundtrack)小步舞曲 Blue Gate Crossing(蓝色大门 Soundtrack)蓝色意识 (序曲) Blue Gate Crossing(蓝色大门 Soundtrack)爱的鼓励 (1976) Blue Gate Crossing(蓝色大门 Soundtrack)自以为的洒脱 Blue Gate Crossing(蓝色大门 Soundtrack)蓝色意识 (尾曲) Blue Gate Crossing(蓝色大门 Soundtrack)敏感 (整理) Blue Gate Crossing(蓝色大门 Soundtrack)光禹打开蓝色大门 Blue Gate Crossing(蓝色大门 Soundtrack)什么意思 Blue Gate Crossing(蓝色大门 Soundtrack)敏感 (代价) Blue Gate Crossing(蓝色大门 Soundtrack)鼓动之歌II Blue Gate Crossing(蓝色大门 Soundtrack)
2023-07-17 00:52:521

official soundtrack是什么意思

Maverick Records(华纳唱片)
2023-07-17 00:52:592

undertale soundtrack有没有必要

sound and fury 喧嚣吵嚷 喧哗和骚动 无声的呐喊;喧嚣与愤怒例句筛选1.Rows are not the end of the world; after the sound and fury, they can bringconcessions, not isolation.争吵并不是世界末日;在大吵大闹之后,它们会带来让步,而非孤立。 is tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.它是一个愚人所讲的故事,充满了喧哗和骚动,却找不到一点意义。
2023-07-17 00:53:072


Enya (born May 17, 1961), birth name Eithne Ní Bhraonáin (sometimes presented in the media as the Anglicized Enya Brennan), is Ireland"s best-selling solo musician. As a musical group, Enya is really three people: Enya herself, who composes and performs the music; Nicky Ryan, who produces the albums; and Roma Ryan, who writes the lyrics in various languages. Enya is a phonetic approximation of how Eithne is pronounced in her native Irish. Enya is one of the biggest selling female artists in history, and was the world"s biggest selling female artist of 2001 and 2002.
2023-07-17 00:53:151

Soundtrack的《Darling》 歌词

歌曲名:Darling歌手:Soundtrack专辑:Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox StoryBaby, can I talk to youI know somethings wrongThings just aint the sameBut deep down insideI know you still careSo tell me what to doTo get things back againThe way they used to beIf your words have meaningIf you really care about meTell me why cant I find love in your heartIf you are my loverOr come as a friend to meTell me why would you turn away from my loveSo darlin tell me what to doto make things rightDarlin tell me what to doto make things rightDarlin tell me what to doto make things right(Tell me what to do to make things right)If your words have reasonsThen they would turn away from meTrying hard to hide all truth that you might sayIf you listen to me girlIf you know how Im feeling insideThen maybe,you wouldnt shut meout of your life, babyAll Im asking for is a chanceTo let me love youGirl you know,with me is where you should beAnd if I change that we should findThat it can be for you and IThen girl Ive triedIve tried, oh babyGive anything for your love to beHow can I make you mineGirl you should know how I feel by nowThere are so many ways to loveSo just open your heartAnd Ill find a wayCant you seeAll Im asking for is a chanceTo let me love you(Cant you see)Girl you know,This is where you should be, ooh,And if I change that we should findThat it can be for you and IThen girl Ive tried
2023-07-17 00:53:451


Official Soundtrack DLC主要包含高质量游戏原声、四个面具、四种材质及四种花纹(材质和花纹可用于DIY面具)。具体内容如下:1、原声音频文件入手该DLC后在payday2根目录内会出现soundtrack的文件夹,里面有如下的曲目:MayhemDressed in a Suit 03:08 2. MasterPlan 03:30 3. TimeWindow 02:38 4. BlackYellow Moebius 03:40 5. TheMark 06:54 6. FullForce Forward 04:10 7. TickTock 02:50 8. FuseBox 03:28 9.Razormind 04:35 10.Calling all Units 02:42 11.Where*s the Van?! 02:46 12. HardTime 04:10 13. CleanGetaway 03:18 14.Mayhem Dressed in a Suit (remix) 02:36 15. Let*sGo Shopping! 03:01 16. Armedto the Teeth 05:59 17.Sirens in the Distance 04:06 18.Wanted Dead or Alive 03:39 19. DeathWish 03:10 20.Shadows and Trickery 04:43 21. AndNow We Wait 04:17 22. Odeto Greed 03:122、入手该DLC后游戏内解锁以下内容:①四个面具:②四种材质:③四种花纹:
2023-07-17 00:54:001

泰拉瑞亚offical soundtrack是什么

第一个dlc: 《Terraria: Official Soundtrack》是本体游戏的原声。第二个dlc: 《Terraria: Otherworld Official Soundtrack》是来世游戏的配乐。反正都是游戏音乐包。
2023-07-17 00:54:081

游戏soundtrack bundle和原版有什么区别

2023-07-17 00:54:152


Jennifer"s Body [Soundtrack] 原声大碟1. Kiss With A Fist (Soundtrack Version)-Florence + The Machine2. New Perspective (Soundtrack Version)-Panic! at The Disco3. Teenagers (Soundtrack Version)-Hayley Williams4. New In Town (Soundtrack Version)-Little Boots5. Finishing School (Soundtrack Version)-Dashboard Confessional6. Through The Trees (Soundtrack Version)-Low Shoulder7. Time (Soundtrack Version)-Cute Is What We Aim For8. I Can See Clearly Now (Soundtrack Version)-Screeching Weasel9. Chew Me Up and Spit Me Out (Soundtrack Version)-Cobra Starship10. Toxic Valentine (Soundtrack Version)-All Time Low11. I"m Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You (Soundtrack Version)-Black Kids12. Death (Soundtrack Version)-White Lies13. Celestial Crown (Soundtrack Version)-The Sword14. Little Lover"s So Polite (Soundtrack Version)-Silversun Pickups15. Ready For The Floor (Soundtrack Version)-Lissy Trullie
2023-07-17 00:54:291


Original Sound Track=原声碟还有楼上不只有韩剧有OST
2023-07-17 00:54:4011


2023-07-17 00:55:041

original soundtrack edition什么意思

original soundtrack edition原声版双语例句1Meteor garden tv original soundtrack collector s edition流星花园电视原声碟特典珍藏版2Seven swords original movie soundtrack limited edition七剑电影原声大碟首批限量版
2023-07-17 00:55:221

Soundtrack To Your Life 歌词

歌曲名:Soundtrack To Your Life歌手:Ashley Parker Angel专辑:Soundtrack To Your LifeIf you can hear meAnd know that im right hereI heard your heartbeatIt took away the fearCuz my life is slidingI tried to ride the waveIt came down crashing, it"s time to start againBackwards to go forwardLeft at every cornerBeen there and back againAnd when the music endsYour life is a flashbackA question, a photographA statement, a story, a struggleA chance to laughCuz if you don"t laugh you cryA last crescendo when you dieSo hit the rewind and listenIt"s the playbackThe soundtrack to your lifeFirst step, your last breathEverythings been plannedThere"s questions, and answersYou"ll never understandI hold on, but let goI give you room to breathRemember, the best thingsWill never mind to changeStarting at the endingIt won"t break, while your bendingBeen there, and back againAnd when the music endsYour life is a flashbackA question, a photographA statement, a story, a struggleA chance to laughCuz if you don"t laugh you cryA last crescendo when you dieSo hit the rewind and listenIt"s the playbackThe soundtrack to your lifeThe soundtrack to your lifeAnd it can fly like a burdenIt may be different than yours but, you got the sameBeat a broken back for moreI"ve thrown my self right in and,whats the point if you don"t live inIf you can hear meAnd know that im right hereI heard your heartbeatIt took away the fearYour life is a flashbackA question, a photographA statement, a story, a struggleA chance to laughCuz if you don"t laugh you cryA last crescendo when you dieSo hit the rewind and listenIt"s the playbackThe soundtrack to your life
2023-07-17 00:55:371


KiD CuDi - Soundtrack 2 My LifeMaximal r&b - The Freshest & Hottest R&B/ Hip-Hop Music!I got 99 problems and they all bitchesI wish I was Jigga Man, carefree livingBut Im not Sean or Martin LouieIm a Cleveland nigga rollin with them Brooklyn boysYou know how hard it be when you start livin largeI control my own life, Charles was never in chargeNo sitcom could teach Scott about the dramaOr even explain the troubles that haunted my momOn Christmas time, my mom Christmas grindGot me most of what I wanted, howd you do it mom, huh?She copped the toys I would play with in my room by myself,Why he by himself?He got two older brothers, one hood, one goodAn independent older sister got me fly when she couldBut they all didnt see, the little bit of sadness in me, ScottyIve got some issues that nobody can seeAnd all of these emotions are pouring out of meI bring them to the light for youIts only rightThis is the soundtrack to my life, the soundtrack to my lifeIm super paranoid, like a 6th senseSince my father died, I aint been writing sinceAnd I tried to piece the puzzle of the universeWith an eighth of shrooms just so I could see the universeI tried to think about myself as a sacrificeJust to show the kids they aint the only ones who up at nightThe moon will illuminate my room and soon Im consumed by my doomOnce upon a time nobody gave a fuckIts all said and done and my cocks been suckedSo now Im in the cut, alcohol in the wombMy hearts an open sore that I hope heals soonI live in a cocoon opposite of CancunWhere it is never sunny, the dark side of the moonSo its more than life, I try to shed some light on a manNot many people of this planet understandIve got some issues that nobody can seeAnd all of these emotions are pouring out of meI bring them to the light for youIts only rightThis is the soundtrack to my life, the soundtrack to my lifeIts close to go and trying some cokeAnd a happy ending is slitting my throatIgnorance the coke manIgnorance is blissIgnorance is love, and I need that shitIf I never did shows, then Id probably be a mythIf I cared about the blogs, then I"d probably be a jackassDont give a shit what people talkin bout famHaters shake my hand but I keep the sanitizer on deckHope I really get to see 30Wanna settle down, stop being so flirtyMost of the clean faces be the most dirtyI just need a thoroughbred, cook when Im hungryAss all chunky, brain is insanityOnly things that calm me down, pussy and some Cali treeAnd I get both, never truly satisfiedI am happy, thats just the saddest lieIve got some issues that nobody can seeAnd all of these emotions are pouring out of meI bring them to the light for youIts only right This is the soundtrack to my life, the soundtrack to my life
2023-07-17 00:55:431


歌词翻译如下:I wanna feel your touch我想要去感受你的触摸It"s burning me like an ember我就像余烬在暗火焚烧Pretending is not enough表面平静,却无法遮掩心中炙烫I wanna feel lost together我想和你一起燃烧成灰烬,飘舞So I"m giving in所以我心屈服So I"m giving in所以我心屈服To the trouble I"m in陷入苦思冥想So I"m giving in所以我心屈服To the trouble I"m in陷入甜蜜烦恼To the trouble I"m in陷入甜蜜苦恼You are you are你是你是my favourite medicine我的灵丹解药You are you are你是你是you"re where the lights began你就是那灯火阑珊处You are you are你是你是just one last time again你就是我的苦思冥想You are you are你是你是you are the trouble I"m in你是我的甜蜜烦恼You are the trouble I"m in你是我的甜蜜苦恼You are the trouble I"m in你是我的甜蜜苦恼You are you are你是你是my favourite medicine我的灵丹解药You are you are你是你是you"re where the lights began你就是那灯火阑珊处You are you are你是你是just one last time again你就是我的苦思冥想You are you are你是你是You are the trouble I"m in你是我的甜蜜烦恼You are the trouble I"m in你是我的甜蜜苦恼扩展资料:《Trouble I"m In》是美国电影《你眼中的世界》里的一首插曲,由男歌手Twinbed演唱。该歌曲收录于专辑《In Your Eyes (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)》中。专辑名称:In Your Eyes (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)专辑歌手:Various Artists发行时间:2014-06-10发行公司:Lakeshore Records
2023-07-17 00:55:501

找这张专辑~Himalaya soundtrack(bruno coulais的)中文名称:喜马拉雅英文名称:Himalaya资源类型:APE发行时间:1999年专辑歌手:Bruno Coulais地区:法国语言:其他《喜马拉雅》是一部由法国导演Eric Valli所执导的影片,描述在尼泊尔西北方一个名为Dolpo的偏僻村落的故事,除了真实呈现当地人生活方式及传统风俗外,也再一次拍摄到这个西方人士眼中充满宗教神秘色彩的世外桃源。为了更确切地表现部落的精神意涵,在这张原声带中作者特别安排了许多启发冥想的音乐片断,藉由独特的歌声、弦乐或是敲击乐音的交错重迭,罗织出异域边境寂寥的风情。在这个有世界屋脊之称的喜马拉雅山脉中带给世人的除了来自宗教上的丰富资源,同时也蕴含了无数天地宇宙间的神奇奥妙,无论是从电影或是从音乐的媒介,我们都一窥其中的堂奥.本张原声带的作曲是法国新锐音乐家Bruno Coulais,它所创作的“天·地·人”三部曲包括:讲述鸟儿飞行梦想的纪录片《迁徙的鸟 (Le Peuple Migrateur, Travelling Birds)》、展现虫子们幸福生活的电影《微观世界 (MICROCOSMOS)》,以及赞美人类与自然血脉相连的故事片《喜马拉雅 (HIMALAYA)》。这是我非常喜欢的一张电影原声,极具西藏风情与藏传佛教音乐元素的曲目,加上发烧的录音效果,会瞬时间将你带入另一个空间,体验西藏的神秘。专辑曲目:Himalaya 1.The Death of Lhakpa 2.Norbu 3.The Salt 4.Tinle and The Child 5.The Crossing 6.The Night 7.The Council 8.The Walk 9.The Songs 10.Norbu and Karma 11.Karma 12.The Lake 13.Norbu 14.The Ceremony 15.Karma"s Anger 16.The Exhaustion 17.Pema"s Tears 18.The Caravan 19.The Tracks 20.Tinle"s Death 21.Opera
2023-07-17 00:56:051

Human: Fall Flat Game and Soundtrack Bundle什么意思?

2023-07-17 00:56:131

Fiddler On The Roof - Soundtrack的《To Life》 歌词

歌曲名:To Life歌手:Fiddler On The Roof - Soundtrack专辑:Fiddler On The Rooftoo late for the other sidecaught in a change25 to lifetoo late for the other sidecaught in a change25 to lifeEminem - 25 To LifeRecovery(2010)无敌大田@百度韦德吧i dont think she understands the sacrifices that i mademaybe if this bitch had acted right i wouldve stayedbut ive already wasted over half of my life i wouldve laiddown and died for you i no longer cry for youno more pain bitch youtook me for granted took my heart and ran it straight into the planetinto the dirt i can no longer stand itnow my respect i demand itimma take control of this relationshipcommand it, and imma be the boss of you now goddamnitand what i mean is that i will no longer let you control meso you better hear me out this much you owe mei gave up my life for you, totally devoted to you while ive stayedlook at how i dress fucking baggy sweats, go to work a messalways in a rush to get back to you i aint heard you yetnot even once say you apreciate me i deserve respective done my best to give you nothing less than perfectnessand i know that if ill no longer have nothing leftbut you keep treating me like a staircase its time to fucking stepand i wont be coming back so dont hold your fucking breathyou know what youve done no need to go in depthi told you, youd be sorry if i fucking leftid laugh while you wepthows it feel now, yeah, funny aint it, you neglected medid me a favor all my spirit free youve saidbut a special place for you in my heart i have keptits unfortunate but its,too late for the other sidecaught in a change25 to lifetoo late for the other sidecaught in a change25 to lifei feel like when i bend over backwards for you all you do is laughcause that aint good enough you expect me to fold myself in halftil i snapdont think im loyalall i do is rapi can not moonlight on the sidei have no life outside of thatdont i give you enough of my timeyou dont think so do youjealous when i spend time with the girlswhy im married to you still man i dont knowbut tonight im serving you with papersim divoricing yougo marry someone else and make em famousand take away there freedom like you did to metreat em like you dont need them and they aint worthy of youfeed em the same shit you made me eatim moving on forget you oh,now im special, ha i felt special when i was with youall i ever felt was thishelplessnessimprisoned by a selfish bitchchew me up and spit me outi fell for this so many timesits ridiculusand still i stick with thisim sick of this but my sickness aint addictionyour a addictnessevil as they come ?? as they make emmy friends keep asking why i cant just walk awayim addictedto the pain, the stress, the dramaim dramaist so i guess imma messcursed and blessedbut this time immaaint changing my mindim climbing out this ??you screaming as i walk out that ill be missedbut when you spoke to people who meant the most to youyou left me off your listfuck you hip-hopim leaving you, my life sentence is served bitchand its just无敌大田@百度韦德吧
2023-07-17 00:56:441

求 你是我的命运 所有的歌曲,插曲,主题曲等,谢谢

2023-07-17 00:56:512

电影《末代皇帝》中所有音乐 01 Main Title Theme (The Last Emperor) 末代皇帝 Last Emperor(末代皇帝Soundtrack) 02 First Coronation 末代皇帝 Last Emperor(末代皇帝Soundtrack) 03 Where Is Armo? 末代皇帝 Last Emperor(末代皇帝Soundtrack) 04 Open The Door 末代皇帝 Last Emperor(末代皇帝Soundtrack) 05 The Last Emperor (Theme Variation 1) 末代皇帝 Last Emperor(末代皇帝Soundtrack) 06 Rain (I Want A Divorce) 末代皇帝 Last Emperor(末代皇帝Soundtrack) 07 Lunch_苏聪 末代皇帝 Last Emperor(末代皇帝Soundtrack) 08 The Last Emperoror (Theme) 末代皇帝 Last Emperor(末代皇帝Soundtrack) 09 The Last Emperor (Theme Variation II) 末代皇帝 Last Emperor(末代皇帝Soundtrack) 10 The Emperor"s Waltz_维也纳管弦乐团 末代皇帝 Last Emperor(末代皇帝Soundtrack) 11 Picking Up Brides 末代皇帝 Last Emperor(末代皇帝Soundtrack) 12 The Baby (Was Born Dead) 末代皇帝 Last Emperor(末代皇帝Soundtrack) 13 The Red Guard Dance_The Girls Red Guard Dancers 末代皇帝 Last Emperor(末代皇帝Soundtrack) 14 Picking A Bride 末代皇帝 Last Emperor(末代皇帝Soundtrack) 15 Wind, Rain And Water 末代皇帝 Last Emperor(末代皇帝Soundtrack) 16 Red Guard_The Red Guard Accordion Band 末代皇帝 Last Emperor(末代皇帝Soundtrack) 17 Paper Emperor 末代皇帝 Last Emperor(末代皇帝Soundtrack) 18 Bed 末代皇帝 Last Emperor(末代皇帝Soundtrack)
2023-07-17 00:57:101


2023-07-17 00:57:171

soundtrack bundle 什么意思

soundtrack bundle原声束soundtrack bundle原声束
2023-07-17 00:57:312