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2023-07-17 08:37:52
One day, a teacher took his pupils to a chicken farm to pay a visit. When they came near the incubator, chick just got out of its egg shell.
"It"s wonderful to see a little thing come out from the egg shell, isn"t it?" the teacher said.
"Yes, sir." said one of the boys, " but it would be more wonderful if we knew how a chick gets in to its eggs hell before hand."

Good and evil 善与恶
Weak forces of good and evil was expelled to the sky. Asked Zeus is good at, how can we return to earth to. Zeus told him that we should not and go, one by one of the world to visit it. Evil and people very close, so one after another to find them. Good because down from the sky, on the very slow to very slow.



A man was going to the house of some rich person. As he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road. He said, "I do not want to eat those apples; for the rich man will give me much food; he will give me very nice food to eat." Then he took the apples and threw them away into the dust. He went on and came to a river. The river had become very big; so he could not go over it. He waited for some time; then he said, "I cannot go to the rich man"s house today, for I cannot get over the river." He began to go home. He had eaten no food that day. He began to want food. He came to the apples, and he was glad to take them out of the dust and eat them. Do not throw good things away; you may be glad to have them at some other time.
【译文】 一个人正朝着一个富人的房子走去,当他沿着路走时,在路的一边他发现一箱好贫�饮,他说:“我不计划吃那些贫�饮,因为富人会给我更多的食物,他会给我特别好吃的东西。”接着他拿起贫�饮,一把扔到土里去。 他继续走,来到河边,河涨水了,因此,他到不了河对岸,他等了一会儿,接着他说:“今天我去不了富人家了,因为我不能度过河。” 他开始回家,那天他没有吃东西。他就开始去找吃的,他找到贫�饮,特别开心地把它们从尘土中翻出来吃了。 不要把好东西扔掉,换个时候你会觉得它们大有效果处。

Fox and cock One morning a fox sees a cock.He think,"This is my breakfast."" He comes up to the cock and says,"I know you can sing very well.Can you sing for me?""The cock is glad.He closes his eyes and begins to sing.The fox sees that and caches him in his mouth and carries him away. The people in the field see the fox.They cry,"Look,look!The fox is carrying the cock away.""The cock says to the fox,"Mr.Fox,do you understand?The people say you are carrying their cock away.Tell them it is yours.Not theirs."" The fox opens his mouth ang says,"The cock is mine,not yours.""Just then the cock runs away from the fox and flies into the tree.
狐狸和公鸡 一天早上,一只狐狸看到了一侄�耀鸡。他想:这是我的早餐。 他朝公鸡走来,对他说:“我知道,你能唱得很好听,你能唱给我听么?”公鸡特别开心。他闭上眼睛开始唱歌。狐狸看到这些抓住它放到自己的嘴里走了。 在田地里的人们看到了狐狸。大喊大叫:“看,看!狐狸抓住公鸡逃走了。”公鸡对狐狸说:“狐狸先生,你能理解么?人们认为你叼走了公鸡。告诉他们这是你的,不是他们的。” 狐狸张开她的嘴说:“公鸡是我的,不是你们的。”就在那时,。公鸡跑到了树底下。

The Old Cat An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it. Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, "Do not hit your old servant. I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young."
【译文】 老猫 一位老妇有只猫,这只猫特别老,它跑不快了,也咬不了东西,因为它年纪太大了。一天,老猫发现一只老鼠,它跳过去抓这只老鼠,然而,它咬不住这只老鼠。因此,老鼠从它的嘴边溜掉了,因为老猫咬不了它。 于是,老妇特别生气,因为老猫没有把老鼠咬死。她开始打这只猫,猫说:“不要打你的老仆人,我已经为你服务了特别多年,还而且愿意为你效劳,但是,我实在太老了,对年纪大的不要这么无情,要记住老年人在年青时所做过的有益的事情。”

The City Mouse and the Country Mouse Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the country; the other mouse lived in the city. After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said, "Do come and see me at my house in the country." So the City mouse went. The City mouse said, "This food is not good, and your house is not good. Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should come and live in the city. You would live in a nice house made of stone. You would have nice food to eat. You must come and see me at my house in the city." The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse. It was a very good house. Nice food was set ready for them to eat. But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise. The City mouse cried, " Run! Run! The cat is coming!" They ran away quickly and hid. After some time they came out. When they came out, the Country mouse said, "I do not like living in the city. I like living in my hole in the field. For it is nicer to be poor and happy, than to be rich and afraid."
【译文】 城里老鼠和乡下老鼠 从前,有两只老鼠,它们是好好友。一只老鼠居住在乡村,另一只住在城里。特别多年以后,乡下老鼠碰到城里老鼠,它说:“你一定要来我乡下的家瞧瞧。”于是,城里老鼠就去了。乡下老鼠领着它到了一块田地上它自己的家里。它把全部最精美食物都找出来给城里老鼠。城里老鼠说:“这东西不好吃,你的家也不好,你为啥住在田野的地洞里呢?你应该搬到城里去住,你能住上用石头造的漂亮房子,而且会吃上美味佳肴,你应该到我城里的家瞧瞧。” 乡下老鼠就到城里老鼠的家去。房子十分漂亮,好吃的东西也为他们摆好了。可是正当他们要开始吃的时候,听见特别大的一阵响声,城里的老鼠叫喊起来:“快跑!快跑!猫来了!”他们飞快地跑开躲藏起来。 过了一会儿,他们出来了。当他们出来时,乡下老鼠说:“我不喜欢住在城里,我喜欢住在田野我的洞里。因为这样虽然贫穷但是快乐自在,比起虽然富有却要过着提心吊胆的生活来说,要好些。”

Isn"t it funny how two people will often think of the same thing at the same time, and neither one know that the other is thinking of it? That is just what happened the day that Buster Bear first thought of going berrying. While he was walking around in the Green Forest, talking to himself about how hungry he was for some berries and how sure he was that there must be some up in the Old Pasture, some one else was thinking about berries and about the Old Pasture too.

"Will you make me a berry pie if I will get the berries to-morrow?" asked Farmer Brown"s boy of his mother.

Of course Mrs. Brown promised that she would, and so that night Farmer Brown"s boy went to bed very early that he might get up early in the morning, and all night long he dreamed of berries and berry pies. He was awake even before jolly, round, red Mr. Sun thought it was time to get up, and he was all ready to start for the Old Pasture when the first Jolly Little Sunbeams came dancing across the Green Meadows. He carried a big tin pail, and in the bottom of it, wrapped up in a piece of paper, was a lunch, for he meant to stay until he filled that pail, if it took all day.

【译文】这不是很可笑的两个人往往会认为同样的事情在同一时间,任何一方都知道,另一个是它的思想呢?这是刚刚发生的事情的一天,熊先巴斯特去berrying思 想。当他走在绿森林,自言自语他是如何渴望一些浆果和如何确定他是必须有一些在旧牧场,另外一个人在想浆果和对太旧帕斯彻。


"Weddings are all about two individuals reunited as one. All over the world, there are different ceremonies and customs surrounding the way people are wed depending on their culture.
Red as a dominant color in the clothing of the bride and the entourage and in the decors are seen in Asian weddings especially Chinese and Indian weddings. Color red is associated with good fortune according to Indian and Chinese customs. Though many people today would find the Chinese wearing white during weddings, it was not always like this in the past. White was once viewed as a bad color in historical sense because this color was always seen in funerals and in mourning.


A long term relationship is always going to have its moments of light and shade, good and bad. That is human nature, for better or for worse - heck it is even included in the marriage vows. If you find that your relationship is limping along a little bit, then there are many things that you can do to give it a boost. Here are 3 ways to restore a relationship and get it back on track.

【译文】一个长期的关系总是有光影,好和坏的时刻。这是人类的天性是好还是坏 - 哎呀,甚至是在婚姻内的誓言。如果您发现你们的关系却举步维艰沿一点点,然后有很多东西,你可以给它做一个推动。这里有三种方法恢复关系,并回正轨。

There are so many things that you can try to improve your relationship and you should not stop at 3, in fact don"t stop - keep working on improving your relationship for evermore. How long it will take to improve your relationship depends on the damage that has been done and how long it has been neglected, but you can make a lot of progress very quickly.

【译文】有这么多东西,你可以尝试改善你们的关系,你不应该停留在三,其实并没有停止 - 不断改善关系,你的工作,直到永远。多长时间将采取改善关系取决于你已经做了多长时间被忽视的损害,但你可以做一个很大的进步非常快。

1.Good and evil 善与恶

Weak forces of good and evil was expelled to the sky. Asked Zeus is good at, how can we return to earth to. Zeus told him that we should not and go, one by one of the world to visit it. Evil and people very close, so one after another to find them. Good because down from the sky, on the very slow to very slow.

2.What are you busy with yourself, Mother?” the girl of less than six years old asked her mother curiously.

“Making dinner for the neighbor"s aunt.”


“Because the other day the aunt lost her dear daughter and is so sad now. We must take good care of her these d“Why need our care?"

“Because from then on the aunt cannot do what they liked to along with her daughter. She is very pitiful. In her distress, making dinners and doing chores are also becoming so difficult. My dear, can you help Mother hit an idea to help the aunt in other ways?”

At her mother"s proposal, the girl thought for a long while. All of a sudden, she went to the neighbor and knocked at the door.

The neighbor with a look haggardness and tiredness opened the door.

“What can I do for you?” asked the neighbor.

“I heard my mother say you"re very distressed for losing your daughter…” The girl timidly handed the band-aid tightly held in her hand to the neighbor.

The neighbor suddenly choked with sobs, her tears gushing from her eyes. She hugged the girl and said, “Thank you. This band-aid will cure my wound.”














Weather Predict A film was on location deep in the. One day an old Indian went up to the director and, "Tomorrow rain." The next day it rained. A later, the Indian went up to the director and said, "Tomorrow." The next day there was a hailstorm. "This Indian is incredible," said the director. He told his secretary to hire the Indian to predict the weather. However, after several successful predictions, the old Indian didn"t show up for two weeks. Finally the director sent for him. "I have to shoot a big scene tomorrow," said the director, "and I"m depending on you. What will the weather be like?" The 天 Indian shrugged his shoulders. "Don"t know," he said. "Radio is broken."

气预报 一个电影摄制 crew 在 desert 深处工作.一天,一个印度老人到导演跟 前告诉导演 said "明天下雨."第二天果然下雨了. 一 week 后,印度人又来告诉 导演说,"明天有 storm."果然,第二天下了雹暴. "印度人真神,"导演说.他告诉秘 书雇佣该印度人来预报天气. 几次预报都很 successful.然后,接下来的两周, 印度人不见了. 最后,导演派人去把他叫来了."我明天必须拍一个很大的场景," 导演说,"这得靠你了.明天天气如何啊?" 印度人耸了 shoulders."我不知道,"印 度人说,"收音机坏了."


One morning a fox saw a cock.He thought,"This is my breakfast."" He came up to the cock and said,"I know you can sing very well.Can you sing for me?""The cock was glad.He closes his eyes and began to sing.The fox saw that and caught him in his mouth and carried him away. The people in the field saw the fox.They cried,"Look,look!The fox is carrying the cock away."" The cock said to the fox,"Mr Fox,do you understand?The people say you are carrying their cock away.Tell them it is yours.Not theirs."" The fox opened his mouth and said,"The cock is mine,not yours.""Just then the cock ran away from the fox and fled into the tree.

一天早上,一只狐狸看到了一只公鸡。他想:这是我的早餐。 他朝公鸡走来,对他说:“我知道,你能唱得非常好听,你能唱 给我听么?”公鸡很高兴。他闭上眼睛开始唱歌。狐狸看到这些 抓住它放到自己的嘴里走了。 在田地里的人们看到了狐狸。 大喊大叫:“看,看!狐狸抓住公鸡逃走了。”公鸡对狐狸说:“狐 狸先生,你能理解么?人们认为你叼走了公鸡。告诉他们这是你 的,不是他们的。” 狐狸张开她的嘴说:“公鸡是我的,不 是你们的。”就在那时,公鸡逃离了狐狸的嘴巴,跑到了树底下。


Jonesie The Great Lion Hunter A small village was troubled by a man-eating lion. So its leaders sent a message to the great hunter, Jonesie, to come and kill the beast. For several nights the hunter lay in wait for the lion, but it never appeared. Finally, he told the village chief to kill a cow and give him its hide. Draping the skin over his shoulders, he went to the pasture to wait for the lion. In the middle of the night, the villagers woke to the sound of blood-curdling shrieks coming from the pasture. As they carefully approached, they saw the hunter on the ground, groaning in pain. There was no sign of the lion. "What happened, Jonesie? Where is the lion?" asked the chief. "Forget the damn lion!" he howled. "Which one of you idiots let the bull loose?"

伟大的猎手 Jonesie 有个小村庄正为 一只吃人的狮子而烦恼。 于是, 村长派人去请伟大的猎手 Jonesie 来杀死这只野兽。 猎手躺着等了几个晚上,但狮子一直没 有出现。最后,他要求村长杀只羊然后把头皮给他。把羊皮披在 身上后,猎人到草原上去等狮子。 半夜,村民被从草原传 来的声嘶力竭的尖叫声惊醒。他们小心地靠近后,看到猎手正躺 在草地上痛苦地呻吟。 没有狮子出没的蛛丝马迹。 怎么了?狮子在哪?”村长问。 “哪个傻瓜把公牛放出来了?” “Jonesie, “哪有狮子!”猎人怒吼道。


The Young Thief and His Mother Long ago, there were a mother and a son living in a house. She worked hard everyday, but they were always poor.

One day, her son stole his friend"s bag. "Mom, what do you think of this bag?" His mother praised her son rather than scolding him. "It looks great!" The next time, he stole an overcoat.

She praised him again when he stole it. A few years later, he grew up to be a young man. He stole jewelry and brought them to his mother. "How beautiful!" This time, she did not scold her son again. Then, because he was elated by his mother, he started to steal more expensive things.

One day, the police caught him. Before putting him in jail, he begged the police to meet his mother. They took him to his mother. As soon as he saw his mother, he bit her earlobe. "Ouch! What"s the matter with you?" She finally scolded him. Her son answered. "If you had given me a scolding like that when I stole the first bag, I could not have become a thief." She collapsed as she looked at her son heading to prison. "If I only could turn back time, I would scold him severely." She regretted that she always praised him, whatever he did.

小偷和他的年轻妈妈 很久以前,有一个母亲和儿子住在一所房子。她每天都努力 工作,但他们始终贫困。

有一天,她的儿子偷了他朋友的袋子。 “妈,你怎么看这个 包的?”他的母亲受表扬而不是骂他, 她的儿子。“这看起来很棒!” 下一次,他偷了一件大衣。他儿子偷这个的时候,她又表扬 了他。 几年后,他成长为一名年轻男子。他偷了珠宝,交给他 母亲。 “真漂亮!”这一次,她并没有骂她的儿子。 然后,因为他认为他的母亲高兴,他开始偷更昂贵的东西。

有一天,警察抓到他。他将在监狱前,他恳求警察,见一下他的 母亲。他们把他带到他母亲面前。 当他看到他的母亲,他咬了她耳垂。 “哎哟!怎么回事呀?” 她终于骂他。她的儿子回答说。 “如果你在我偷第一个包的时候 这样责骂我的话,我就不会成为一个小偷了。” 当她看到她的儿子走进监狱的时候,她内心崩溃了。 “如果真 的可以时光倒流,我会严厉责骂他。”她感到遗憾的是她总是称 赞他,无论他做了什么。


The Old Cat

An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it.

Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, "Do not hit your old servant. I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young."





One summer afternoon, the cat was taking a nap as the tiger sitting nearby. Looking at the cat, the tiger suddenly thought, why should he keep befriending with such a small animal since he had already learnt all the skills from the cat? The evil tiger decided to kill the sleeping cat as a before dinner snack. The tiger stood up and approached the cat viciously. Just as this moment, the cat woke up. Opening up her eyes, the smart cat immediately realized what the tiger was trying to do and swiftly jumped onto a nearby tall tree and climbed to the top branch.




One day,a little monkey is playing by the well.


He looks in the well and shouts :


“Oh!My god!The moon has fallen into the well!”


An older monkeys runs over, takes a look,and says,


“Oh, no!The moon is really in the water!”


Then an old monkey comes over.


He is very surprised, too and yells (yell:[jel] 喊叫):


“The moon is in the well.”


A group of monkeys run over to the well .


They look at the moon in the well and shout:


“The moon did fall into the well!Come on!Let"get it out!”


Then,the oldest monkey hangs on the tree up side down ,with his feet on the branch .


And he pulls the next monkey"s feet with his hands.


All the other monkeys follow his suit,


And they join each other one by one down to the moon in the well.


Just before they reach the moon,the oldest monkey raises his head and happens to see the moon in the sky,


He yells excitedly “Don"t be so foolish!The moon is still in the sky!”



Midway Tactics

Three competing store owners rented adjoining shops in a mall. Observers waited for mayhem to ensue.

The retailer on the right put up huge signs saying, "Gigantic Sale!" and "Super Bargains!"

The store on the left raised bigger signs proclaiming, "Prices Slashed!" and "Fantastic Discounts!"

The owner in the middle then prepared a large sign that simply stated, "ENTRANCE".









human nature 是什么意思???

2023-07-17 03:37:504

英语human nature怎么翻译?

2023-07-17 03:37:585

humanity 是指人性吗,那么和human nature 有什么区别

humanity1. (总称)人, 人类 【近义词】: world , human race , humankind , human beings , humans , mankind , man 2. 人道, 仁慈 3. 人性【近义词】 manhood 4. 人文学科human nature指人性 例 a great observer of human nature 做人性来说没有太大区别
2023-07-17 03:38:151

human nature什么意思

2023-07-17 03:38:333


2023-07-17 03:40:135

关于澳洲乐队human nature

中文叫:自然主义!我超级爱的组合,和声超级棒。可惜我只有第二张专辑。他们的第一张专辑叫: <<Telling Everybody>>第二张叫:《Counting Down》第三张才叫:《Human Nature》第四张叫:<<Walk the Tightrope>>现在好像很难找地方下第一第二张的歌了,毕竟他们在国内并不如N"SYNC,BSB有名。 如果不是COCO翻唱了他们的MO MO AI NI,知道他们的人会更少吧。现在Walk the Tightrope倒是有挺多地方能找到的。我有他们的第二张专辑<<counting down plus bonus tracks>>。下面是他们所有专辑的介绍:《Telling Everybody》1 Telling Everybody 2 Got It Goin" On 3 Whisper Your Name 4 Wishes 5 Something in the Way 6 Party (Feels So Fine) 7 Don"t Say Goodbye 8 Can I Do You 9 Sleepin" Alone 10 September Girl 11 Love Unconditional 12 People Get Ready 《Counting Down》-Year 19991 Last to Know 2 Cruel [Album Version] 3 Mary"s Garden 4 Counting Down 5 Don"t Cry [US Radio Remix] 6 Depend on Me 7 Be There with You 8 Bring Her Back 9 Send It in a Letter 10 7 Lonely Days 11 Now That I Found You 12 Temperature Rising 13 Every Time You Cry 《Human Nature》-Year 20011 He Don"t Love You 2 Don"t Come Back 3 When We Were Young 4 It"s Gonna Be a Long Night5 House of Cards 6 Everytime 7 Whisper Your Name (The Only One)8 If I Only Had a Heart9 Trash Tierney, Tierney 3:41 10 Baby Come Back to Me 11 Angel of Your Heart12 Love Is a Fire 《Walk the Tightrope》Year 20041 Walk the Tightrope 2 To Be with You 3 She"s Back (Again) 4 When You Say You Love Me 5 Haunted 6 Deja Vu 7 She 8 Woke Up in Love (Interlude) 9 Meant to Be 10 Life Just Gets Better 11 Raining in California 12 Love Is Blind 13 Guilty (One in a Million) 你可以去www.allmusic.com上试听第三第四张专辑。如果需要第二张专辑我可以发给你
2023-07-17 03:40:281

________ is human nature that many people don’t value the things they possess until they have lost

is so 才 that如: he is so busy that he forgot the timesuch is human nature that many people don"t value the things they possess until they have lost人的本性就是这样,直到失去了才懂得珍惜
2023-07-17 03:40:484

Human Nature的《Cruel》 歌词

歌曲名:Cruel歌手:Human Nature专辑:Here And Now - The Best Of Human NatureCruelYou can say love"s foreverAnd find it never staysIn you I"ve recoveredThe one thing that must remainI"m tired of a world undoneI"ve figured out you"re my setting sunIt"s cruelThe way I"m needing youI guess I"ll play the foolIt"s my heart, not my mind and it"s taking overCruelSuddenly it"s trueNo longer can I chooseIt"s in you I"m defined and there is no otherOh it"s CruelOh it"s CruelI can hold back emotionsGet lost in a mazeBut this urgency tells meI just can"t refrainDreams have come and passed me byBut now it"s time to redefineIt"s cruelThe way I"m needing youI guess I"ll play the foolIt"s my heart, not my mind and it"s taking overCruelSuddenly it"s trueNo longer can I chooseIt"s in you I"m defined and there is no otherI"ve seen it come and go so many timesBut this is critical - the truth I can"t hideAnd I don"t know whyIt"s cruelThe way I"m needing youI guess I"ll play the foolIt"s my heart, not my mind and it"s taking overCruelSuddenly it"s trueNo longer can I chooseIt"s in you I"m defined and there is no other
2023-07-17 03:40:551


let it be
2023-07-17 03:41:057

such is a human nature

不倒装句子是 human is such nature that...译为这就是人们的天性...倒装的是human,属于全部倒装.
2023-07-17 03:42:071

( )is human nature that people do not cherish the things they have until they lose it.

It is ... that 是个强调句 固定用法“...”部分就是要强调的内容可以译为:直到失去才去珍惜本来所拥有的东西这是人的天性。
2023-07-17 03:42:276


Human Nature - Don"t Say Goodbyehuman nature——不要说再见How can I go on我怎么才能继续When I know I gave it all?当我知道我已经付出了所有Have I given too much?我真的付出了太多么?Something inside your heart is pushing me aside那些隐于我心的东西正把我推向另一边And it seems so un-you baby它真不像你,宝贝But it"s so hard on me What is it I"m seeing in your eyes?但是那对我来说,是多么艰难的事情啊,而那是什么,你的眼睛里?The story that I"m reading says goodbye而我也要向那些我正在经历的事情说再见了Tell me baby where did we go wrong?告诉我,我们到底哪里出了问题How did we lose a love so strong?为什么我们会如此沉重的失去爱What can I say to make things right?我该怎么说才能让事情变好Baby hold on, don"t leave tonight宝贝,别动,今晚留下来吧There"s no reason why this part of us should die我们的爱不应该就这样死了Don"t say goodbye不应该就这样说再见了Searching for answers寻找答案But they"re all so hard to find但是很难寻找"Cause I"m still loving you, baby因为我还爱着你,宝贝Oh, are youi still loving me?噢,你是否也还爱着我呢Baby, don"t you turnand close the door宝贝,你为什么不转身关上门呢Is it you don"t love me anymore你是不是不再爱我了Tell me baby where did we go wrong?告诉我,宝贝,我们到底哪里出了问题How did we lose a love so strong?为什么会如此沉重的失去爱What can I say to make things right?我该怎么说才能让事情变好Baby hold on, don"t leave tonight宝贝,别动,今晚不要离开There"s no reason why this part of us should die我们的爱不应该就这样死了Don"t say goodbye不应该就这样说再见了Don"t leave me now不要离开我All alone不要让我独自一人Don"t break me down不要让我失望,难过"Cause I"m not that strong因为我还不够坚强I need your love to carry on我需要你的爱去支持我Tell me baby where did we go wrong?告诉我,宝贝,我们到底哪里出了问题How did we lose a love so strong?为什么我们会如此沉重的失去爱What can I say to make things right?我要怎么说才能挽回Baby hold on, don"t leave tonight宝贝,别动,今晚不要离开There"s no reason why this part of us should die我们的爱不应该就这样死了Don"t say goodbye我们不应该就这样说再见了——end——
2023-07-17 03:42:421

Such is human nature 中的such 是什么词性

这是个倒装句。正确顺序是。Human nature is such. 人性如此。
2023-07-17 03:42:503


Billie Jean JAMHeal The WoridEarth Song
2023-07-17 03:42:585


For the essence of the problem of human nature, there are a variety of arguments since ancient times, such as: On the Original Goodness of Human Nature. On the evil nature. Mixture of good and evil and so on, relatively speaking, I am more recognized that good and evil are mixed. I believe that human nature has two sides, and that is good and evil side to side (can also be said that side of human nature and the animal side), but everyone has a two-faced.In real life, a good man in front of others popping up of people, in fact, he (she) is not necessarily a complete sense of well-doer; Similarly, to the wicked people popping up, he (she) is not necessarily a The entire sense of the wicked. Became a good man good man, because the good of their own side to defeat and suppress the evil side, is in contrast with the wicked.However, no matter when, no matter what kind of a person, in his (her) in the life course, as long as they emit the fragrance of humanity, the world will become more beautiful, more lovely!Well, friends, in this with you to choose which side of human nature does!温瑞安novel "The True Story of heroes" in the Wudang Master Zhen Mei Court in Manhattan has made in the thesis: The reason why Shaolin Tianzheng cheated because he is a true gentleman, his sincerity in the day, but I am different I just sincere people, the older style of chivalry upright, not be beaten and not fight back, so good to me, I am better than him, who told me traitor, I am more evil than he.Similarly, the starting point to look at what you do not say that I am able to maintain a consistent style can be simple human nature, that is too hypocritical!I am not a saint, so I try to be worthy of its own, does not infringe on other people. . .对于人性的本质问题,自古以来就有多种论调,如:性善论。性恶论。善恶混杂论等等,相对而言,我比较认同善恶混杂说。我认为,人性具有两面性,那就是善的一面和恶的一面(也可以说是人性的一面和兽性的一面),而且,每个人都具有着两面。 现实生活中,在别人面前以善人的姿态出现的人,其实他(她)不一定是一位完全意义上的善人;同样,以恶人的姿态出现的人,他(她)也不一定是一位完全意义上的恶人。善人之所以成为善人,是因为这种人本身的善的一面战胜并压制了恶的一面,恶人则与之相反。 然而,无论是什么时候,无论是怎样的一个人,在他(她)的生命历程中,只要他们散发出人性的芬芳,这个世界将会变的更美丽,更可爱! 那么,朋友,在此生你愿意选择人性的哪一面呢!温瑞安的小说《大侠正传》中武当掌门曾在振眉阁中对正邪有一番论断:少林天正之所以被骗是因为他是一个真正的君子,他诚于天,但我不同,我只诚于人,前辈风范,正派侠义,并不是让人挨打而不还手,所以人对我好,我比他更好,人对我奸,我比他更奸。 同样,做什么事要看出发点,不是说我能保持一贯的作风就可以单纯人性,那样太虚伪! 我不是圣人,所以我尽量对得起自己,不侵犯别人。。。 看看是否对你有帮助
2023-07-17 03:43:191

Human nature being what it is,...这个用正常语序怎么说?

这个就是正常的语序 。。。
2023-07-17 03:43:272

Such is human nature,that a great many people are often willing to .... ,

2023-07-17 03:43:495

人性的扭曲 英语怎么说

The distortion of human nature
2023-07-17 03:44:517


2023-07-17 03:45:106

Human Nature 歌词

歌曲名:Human Nature 人之天性伟大的艺术家&慈善家 Michael Jackson 迈克·杰克逊◣魏徵编辑校正◢向伟大的M.J.致以崇高的敬意和永远的怀念!!!Looking Out Across The Night Time 向夜色中望去The City Winks A Sleepless Eye 城市眨着它不眠之眼Hear Her Voice Shake My Window 听她的声音轻摇我的窗棂Sweet Seducing Sighs 那是甜蜜诱人的叹息Get Me Out Into The Night-Time 让我到夜色中去Four Walls Won"t Hold Me Tonight 今晚的四壁关不住我If This Town Is Just An Apple 倘若这个小镇就是一只苹果Then Let Me Take A Bite 那就让我来尝上一尝If They Say –Why, Why? 如果人们问为什么,为什么?Tell "em That Is Human Nature Why, Why?告诉他们这就是人之天性 为什么,为什么?Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向If They Say –Why, Why? 如果人们问为什么,为什么?Tell "em That Is Human Nature Why, Why?告诉他们这就是人之天性 为什么,为什么?Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向Reaching Out To Touch A Stranger 伸出手去给陌生人一个问候Electric Eyes Are Ev"rywhere 到处都是放电的眼神See That Girl She Knows I"m Watching 看那女孩,她知道我在看她She Likes The Way I Stare 她一定喜欢我注视的目光If They Say –Why, Why? 如果人们问为什么,为什么?Tell "em That Is Human Nature Why, Why?告诉他们这就是人之天性 为什么,为什么?Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向If They Say –Why, Why? 如果人们问为什么,为什么?Tell "em That Is Human Nature Why, Why?告诉他们这就是人之天性 为什么,为什么?Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向I like lovin" this way我喜欢这种生活I like lovin" this way我喜欢这种的爱法Looking out Across the morning 向晨曦望去Where the city"s heart begins to beat 城市又苏醒了活力Reaching out I touch her shoulder 探出手去触摸到她的肩膀I"m dreaming of the street我在梦街上徜徉If They Say –Why, Why? 如果人们问为什么,为什么?Tell "em That Is Human Nature Why, Why?告诉他们这就是人之天性 为什么,为什么?Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向......谨以此歌词献给钟爱M.J.的歌迷们
2023-07-17 03:45:551

Human Nature (Original;Michael Jackson) 歌词

歌曲名:Human Nature 人之天性伟大的艺术家&慈善家 Michael Jackson 迈克·杰克逊◣魏徵编辑校正◢向伟大的M.J.致以崇高的敬意和永远的怀念!!!Looking Out Across The Night Time 向夜色中望去The City Winks A Sleepless Eye 城市眨着它不眠之眼Hear Her Voice Shake My Window 听她的声音轻摇我的窗棂Sweet Seducing Sighs 那是甜蜜诱人的叹息Get Me Out Into The Night-Time 让我到夜色中去Four Walls Won"t Hold Me Tonight 今晚的四壁关不住我If This Town Is Just An Apple 倘若这个小镇就是一只苹果Then Let Me Take A Bite 那就让我来尝上一尝If They Say –Why, Why? 如果人们问为什么,为什么?Tell "em That Is Human Nature Why, Why?告诉他们这就是人之天性 为什么,为什么?Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向If They Say –Why, Why? 如果人们问为什么,为什么?Tell "em That Is Human Nature Why, Why?告诉他们这就是人之天性 为什么,为什么?Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向Reaching Out To Touch A Stranger 伸出手去给陌生人一个问候Electric Eyes Are Ev"rywhere 到处都是放电的眼神See That Girl She Knows I"m Watching 看那女孩,她知道我在看她She Likes The Way I Stare 她一定喜欢我注视的目光If They Say –Why, Why? 如果人们问为什么,为什么?Tell "em That Is Human Nature Why, Why?告诉他们这就是人之天性 为什么,为什么?Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向If They Say –Why, Why? 如果人们问为什么,为什么?Tell "em That Is Human Nature Why, Why?告诉他们这就是人之天性 为什么,为什么?Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向I like lovin" this way我喜欢这种生活I like lovin" this way我喜欢这种的爱法Looking out Across the morning 向晨曦望去Where the city"s heart begins to beat 城市又苏醒了活力Reaching out I touch her shoulder 探出手去触摸到她的肩膀I"m dreaming of the street我在梦街上徜徉If They Say –Why, Why? 如果人们问为什么,为什么?Tell "em That Is Human Nature Why, Why?告诉他们这就是人之天性 为什么,为什么?Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向......谨以此歌词献给钟爱M.J.的歌迷们
2023-07-17 03:46:021

Human Nature的歌词

Human Nature 人之天性[1st Verse]Looking Out 向夜色中Across The Night Time 望去The City Winks A Sleepless Eye 城市眨着它不眠之眼Hear Her Voice 听她的声音Shake My Window 轻摇我的窗棂Sweet Seducing Sighs 那是甜蜜诱人的叹息[2nd Verse]Get Me Out 让我到Into The Night-Time 夜色中去Four Walls Won"t Hold Me Tonight 今晚的四壁关不住我If This Town 倘若这个小镇Is Just An Apple 就是一只苹果Then Let Me Take A Bite 那就让我来尝上一尝[Chorus]If They Say – 如果人们问—Why,Why,为什么?为什么?Tell "Em That Is Human Nature 告诉他们这就是人之天性Why,Why,为什么,为什么?Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向If They Say – 如果人们问—Why,Why,为什么?为什么?Tell "Em That Is Human Nature 告诉他们这就是人之天性Why,Why,为什么,为什么Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向[3rd Verse]Reaching Out 伸出手去To Touch A Stranger 给陌生人一个问候Electric Eyes Are Ev"rywhere 到处都是放电的眼神See That Girl 看那女孩She Knows I"m Watching 她知道我在看她She Likes The Way I Stare 她一定喜欢我注视的目光[Chorus]If They Say – 如果人们问—Why,Why,为什么?为什么?Tell "Em That Is Human Nature 告诉他们这就是人之天性Why,Why,为什么,为什么?Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向I Like Livin" This Way 我喜欢这种生活I Like Lovin" This Way 我喜欢这种爱的方式[4th Verse]Looking Out 向晨曦Across The Morning 望去The City"s Heart Begins To Beat 城市又苏醒了活力Reaching Out 探出手去I Touch Her Shoulder 触摸到她的肩膀I"m Dreaming Of The Street 我在梦街上徜徉[Chorus]If They Say – 如果人们问—Why,Why,为什么?为什么?Tell "Em That Is Human Nature 告诉他们这就是人之天性Why,Why,为什么,为什么?Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向If They Say – 果人们问—Why,Why,为什么?为什么?Tell "Em That Is Human Nature 告诉他们这就是人之天性Why,Why,为什么,为什么Does He Do Me That Way ;是它在为我指引方向I Like Livin" This Way 我喜欢这种生活I Like Lovin" This Way 我喜欢这种爱的方式
2023-07-17 03:46:081

Human Nature中文歌词

Human Nature 人之天性   [1st Verse]   Looking Out 向夜色中   Across The Night Time 望去   The City Winks A Sleepless Eye 城市眨着它不眠之眼   Hear Her Voice 听她的声音   Shake My Window 轻摇我的窗棂   Sweet Seducing Sighs 那是甜蜜诱人的叹息 《THRILLER〉专辑的HUMAN NATURE  [2nd Verse]   Get Me Out 让我到   Into The Night-Time 夜色中去   Four Walls Won"t Hold Me Tonight 今晚的四壁关不住我   If This Town 倘若这个小镇   Is Just An Apple 就是一只苹果   Then Let Me Take A Bite 那就让我来尝上一尝   [Chorus]   If They Say – 如果人们问   —Why, Why, 为什么?为什么?   Tell "Em That Is Human Nature 告诉他们这就是人之天性   Why, Why, 为什么,为什么?   Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向   If They Say – 如果人们问—   Why, Why, 为什么?为什么?   Tell "Em That Is Human Nature 告诉他们这就是人之天性   Why, Why, 为什么,为什么   Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向   [3rd Verse]   Reaching Out 伸出手去   To Touch A Stranger 给陌生人一个问候   Electric Eyes Are Ev"rywhere 到处都是放电的眼神   See That Girl 看那女孩   She Knows I"m Watching 她知道我在看她   She Likes The Way I Stare 她一定喜欢我注视的目光   [Chorus]   If They Say – 如果人们问   —Why, Why, 为什么?为什么?   Tell "Em That Is Human Nature 告诉他们这就是人之天性   Why, Why, 为什么,为什么?   Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向   I Like Livin" This Way 我喜欢这种生活   I Like Lovin" This Way 我喜欢这种爱的方式   [4th Verse]   Looking Out 向晨曦   Across The Morning 望去   The City"s Heart Begins To Beat 城市又苏醒了活力   Reaching Out 探出手去   I Touch Her Shoulder 触摸到她的肩膀   I"m Dreaming Of The Street 我在梦街上徜徉   [Chorus]   If They Say – 如果人们问   —Why, Why, 为什么?为什么?   Tell "Em That Is Human Nature 告诉他们这就是人之天性   Why, Why, 为什么,为什么?   Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向   If They Say – 果人们问   —Why, Why, 为什么?为什么?   Tell "Em That Is Human Nature 告诉他们这就是人之天性   Why, Why, 为什么,为什么   Does He Do Me That Way ;是它在为我指引方向   I Like Livin" This Way 我喜欢这种生活   I Like Lovin" This Way 我喜欢这种爱的方式
2023-07-17 03:46:241

Human Nature (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Human Nature (Live)歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:Bad 25Human NatureMichael JacksonLooking outAcross the nighttimeThe city winks a sleepless eyeHear her voiceShake my windowSweet seducing sighsGet me outInto the nighttimeFour walls wont hold me tonightIf this townIs just an appleThen let me take a biteIf they say --Why, why, tell em that its human natureWhy, why, does he do me that wayIf they say --Why, why, tell em that its human natureWhy, why does he do me that wayReaching outTo touch a strangerElectric eyes are evrywhereSee that girlShe knows Im watchingShe likes the way I stareIf they say --Why, why, tell em that its human natureWhy, why, does he do me that wayIf they say --Why, why, tell em that its human natureWhy, why does he do me that wayI like lovin this wayI like lovin this wayLooking outAcross the morningWhere the citys heart begins to beatReaching outI touch her shoulderIm dreaming of the streetIf they say --Why, why, tell em that its human natureWhy, why, does he do me that wayIf they say --Why, why, tell em that its human natureWhy, why does he do me that way
2023-07-17 03:46:311

跪求迈克尔杰克逊的human Nature 的中英文歌词

2023-07-17 03:46:383

human nature being what it is.为什么用being而不用is?

题主问的应该是2013年英一 Text 2 的第5段吧?Human nature being what it is, most people stick with default settings.我请教了一下我的朋友,我觉得她的解释很有道理。如果只取前半句作为一个独立的句子,那么其完整的形式就是“human nature is what it is.”但实际上它只是一个分句,修饰后面的句子,所以要用现在时形式,也就是把 is 换成 being。
2023-07-17 03:46:462

human nature 麦当娜 歌词翻译

Human Nature (Spoken:) Express yourself, don"t repress yourself (repeat 4 times) Chorus: And I"m not sorry [I"m not sorry] It"s human nature [it"s human nature] And I"m not sorry [I"m not sorry] I"m not your bitch don"t hang your shit on me [it"s human nature] You wouldn"t let me say the words I longed to say You didn"t want to see life through my eyes [Express yourself, don"t repress yourself] You tried to shove me back inside your narrow room And silence me with bitterness and lies [Express yourself, don"t repress yourself] Did I say something wrong? Oops, I didn"t know I couldn"t talk about sex [I musta been crazy] Did I stay too long? Oops, I didn"t know I couldn"t speak my mind [What was I thinking] (chorus) You punished me for telling you my fantasies I"m breakin" all the rules I didn"t make [Express yourself, don"t repress yourself] You took my words and made a trap for silly fools You held me down and tried to make me break [Express yourself, don"t repress yourself] Bridge: Did I say something true? Oops, I didn"t know I couldn"t talk about sex [I musta been crazy] Did I have a point of view? Oops, I didn"t know I couldn"t talk about you [What was I thinking] (chorus) Express yourself, don"t repress yourself (repeat twice) Express yourself, don"t repress yourself (repeat twice) (bridge) (chorus) (chorus, with the following spoken substitutions) [I"m not apologizing] [Would it sound better if I were a man?] [You"re the one with the problem] [Why don"t you just deal with it] (chorus, with the following spoken substitutions) [Would you like me better if I was?] [We all feel the same way] [I have no regrets] [Just look in the mirror] (chorus, with the following spoken substitutions) [I don"t have to justify anything] [I"m just like you] [Why should I be?] [Deal with it]
2023-07-17 03:46:541

Such is human nature 中的such 是什么词性?

Such is human nature 中的such 是代词 作表语 该句是倒装句 再如such are the results .结果就是如此 再问: Such is human nature,that a great many people are often willing to .... , 那么这是什么从句 老师说这是同位语从句。他说这不是主语从句 再答: 从句必须依附于主句 没有主句 哪来的从句 这是一个简单句 再问: 就是说后面的从句是什么从句? 再答: 对不起 没看到 Such is human nature,that a great many people are often willing to .......... 你的老师 说的对 that引导的是同位语从句 ,解释说明nature
2023-07-17 03:47:121

human nature在初中英语教材哪课里出现

2023-07-17 03:47:181

humanity 是指人性吗,那么和human nature 有什么区别

2023-07-17 03:47:261

on human nature作文

  Speaking of nature, I believe we would think that human nature is greedy, evil, good. But you think is wrong, in fact you on this species is still not completely understood, want to know? Come with me.  People is one of the most advanced creatures, not only the bad side, also has a good side. You don"t think so. Maybe, but that"s how it is! Can one best, one can also be guilty of the loss of human nature. In fact, all of these have to see how the heart, your heart would like to, then what you will move.能解决吗?
2023-07-17 03:47:351

on human nature中文是什么意思

on human nature_百度翻译on human nature 网络 人性论; [例句]He insightfully examines the technological effects of modern warfare, particularly the introduction of the tank and aerial bombing on human nature.
2023-07-17 03:47:442

Human nature being what it is,这个用正常语序怎么说

what human being nature it is ?
2023-07-17 03:47:522

Such is human nature是什么意思

Such is human nature人之常情,这就是人们的本性
2023-07-17 03:48:001

《The Futureof Human Nature》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Future of Human Nature》(Habermas, Jurgen)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:4zum书名:The Future of Human Nature作者:Habermas, Jurgen译者:Wiliam Rehg出版社:Polity出版年份:2003页数:127内容简介:Recent developments in biotechnology and genetic research are raising complex ethical questions concerning the legitimate scope and limits of genetic intervention. As we begin to contemplate the possibility of intervening in the human genome to prevent diseases, we cannot help but feel that the human species might soon be able to take its biological evolution in its own hands. "Playing God" is the metaphor commonly used for this self-transformation of the species, which, it seems, might soon be within our grasp.
2023-07-17 03:48:071


2023-07-17 03:48:331

to states of mind, feelings, traits of character, human nature, and so on做什么状语?谢谢!!

2023-07-17 03:48:402

100求英语作文。what’s your attitude towards the human nature?100字到200字之间

The two scientists stood shoulder to shoulder with President Bill Clinton in the East Room of the White House, the same room where the American explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark unfurled their map of the Northwest Territories for Thomas Jefferson. Like Lewis and Clark 200 years before them, the scientists were explorers of a newly discovered landscape and they, too, had just completed their own draft map of an unknown world. Francis Collins and Craig Venter had been, in fact, rivals in the race to decode the human genome, but they had been cajoled into making a very public "truce" in a joint transatlantic press conference with Tony Blair in Downing Street. Venter, the leader of the privately run project, and Collins, the government scientist, stood together to explain that humanity was now able to read, for the first time, the genetic map describing the detailed coordinates of our DNA code.
2023-07-17 03:48:501

急求英语作文《我对人性的看法》,what is your attitude towards the human nature ?

The two scientists stood shoulder to shoulder with President Bill Clinton in the East Room of the White House, the same room where the American explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark unfurled their map of the Northwest Territories for Thomas Jefferson. Like Lewis and Clark 200 years before them, the scientists were explorers of a newly discovered landscape and they, too, had just completed their own draft map of an unknown world. Francis Collins and Craig Venter had been, in fact, rivals in the race to decode the human genome, but they had been cajoled into making a very public "truce" in a joint transatlantic press conference with Tony Blair in Downing Street. Venter, the leader of the privately run project, and Collins, the government scientist, stood together to explain that humanity was now able to read, for the first time, the genetic map describing the detailed coordinates of our DNA code.
2023-07-17 03:49:001


《The Future of Human Nature》(Habermas, Jurgen)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: rwcm书名:The Future of Human Nature作者:Habermas, Jurgen译者:Wiliam Rehg出版社:Polity出版年份:2003页数:127内容简介:Recent developments in biotechnology and genetic research are raising complex ethical questions concerning the legitimate scope and limits of genetic intervention. As we begin to contemplate the possibility of intervening in the human genome to prevent diseases, we cannot help but feel that the human species might soon be able to take its biological evolution in its own hands. "Playing God" is the metaphor commonly used for this self-transformation of the species, which, it seems, might soon be within our grasp.In this important new book, Jurgen Habermas - the most influential philosopher and social thinker in Germany today - takes up the question of genetic engineering and its ethical implications and subjects it to careful philosophical scrutiny. His analysis is guided by the view that genetic manipulation is bound up with the identity and self-understanding of the species. We cannot rule out the possibility that knowledge of one"s own hereditary factors may prove to be restrictive for the choice of an individual"s way of life and may undermine the symmetrical relations between free and equal human beings.In the concluding chapter - which was delivered as a lecture on receiving the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade for 2001 - Habermas broadens the discussion to examine the tension between science and religion in the modern world, a tension which exploded, with such tragic violence, on September 11th.
2023-07-17 03:49:071


《The Laws of Human Nature》(Robert Greene)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:9lgc书名:The Laws of Human Nature作者:Robert Greene豆瓣评分:8.9出版社:Viking出版年份:2018-10-23页数:624内容简介:From the #1 New York Times-bestselling author of The 48 Laws of Power comes the definitive new book on decoding the behavior of the people around youRobert Greene is a master guide for millions of readers, distilling ancient wisdom and philosophy into essential texts for seekers of power, understanding and mastery. Now he turns to the most important subject of all - understanding people"s drives and motivations, even when they are unconscious of them themselves.We are social animals. Our very lives depend on our relationships with people. Knowing why people do what they do is the most important tool we can possess, without which our other talents can only take us so far. Drawing from the ideas and examples of Pericles, Queen Elizabeth I, Martin Luther King Jr, and many others, Greene teaches us how to detach ourselves from our own emotions and master self-control, how to develop the empathy that leads to insight, how to look behind people"s masks, and how to resist conformity to develop your singular sense of purpose. Whether at work, in relationships, or in shaping the world around you, The Laws of Human Nature offers brilliant tactics for success, self-improvement, and self-defense.作者简介:Robert Greene is the author of the New York Times bestsellers The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, The 33 Strategies of War, and The 50th Law. His highly anticipated fifth book, Mastery, examines the lives of great historical figures such as Charles Darwin, Mozart, Paul Graham and Henry Ford and distills the traits and universal ingredients that made them masters. In addition to having a strong following within the business world and a deep following in Washington, DC, Greene"s books are hailed by everyone from war historians to the biggest musicians in the industry (including Jay-Z and 50 Cent).Greene attended U.C. Berkeley and the University of Wisconsin at Madison, where he received a degree in classical studies. He currently lives in Los Angeles.
2023-07-17 03:49:201

what is the meaning of "indicative of a basic change in human nature"?

2023-07-17 03:49:412


狗很通人性The dog is human nature
2023-07-17 03:50:012

莎士比亚人文主义思想 英文

In Shakespeare"s early lyric poetry and comedy, ancient Greek style of erotic impulse and individual freedom, the Christian-style moderation patience and mercy love, harmony, the Christian culture in the deletion of extreme asceticism component of post-show lively and natural bright. Early historical drama in the reality of certain human rationality and the desire of people on their own strength and value of the same time, look up to God"s grace, the style kind generous natures of Jesus gives the imperial world. One depicts the tragedy of the medium-term "evil desire trampling generosity" of reality, other hand, he generosity, kindness, love of right and wrong as a mirror shine,Morally castigate evil. Late opera legend is in the kindness, generosity, moderation, love and so Christ-like performance in a broad and deep in the ideals of humanity and hope. Shakespeare"s writing focused on the performance of the secular and religious people were the traditional integration of this tradition, the works of Humanism in China than in the past scholars understand more plentiful. Shakespeare"s creation to the medieval era of the "old man" and the early Renaissance "new" blend. Shakespeare lived in the feudal system began to collapse, the emerging bourgeoisie of the big turning point started to rise. Medieval theology was represented by religious obscurantism thinking of a declining bourgeois individualism-centered world view to increasingly accepted by the people of humanism in the social and cultural trends in the dominant start. Shakespeare"s plays based on his bold criticism of the cruel feudal darkness and imprisonment of human nature, a strong reflection of the emerging bourgeoisie want to build new social relations and ethics requirements for humanism in the UK and Europe Communication played a significant role in promoting.Many of Shakespeare"s plays are lost, only 37 survived, the researchers according to his creative thinking and artistic development is divided into three periods.Humanism (Could it be the doctrine) is the core idea of the Renaissance. Humanism affirm the high status of all people-oriented ideas in order to represent the Church of Rome against the divine right of absolute rule. For the Church believes that life is suffering and evil of heresy, humanism against the asceticism and the next thought, surely this life, ode to love and personal liberation; against obscurantism and mysticism, humanism to promote rational, that man is a rational animal, thus the right to pursue knowledge, to explore the unknown, understanding and study of natural science; against feudal oppression and feudal hierarchy, humanist advocate kindness, love,Pure friendship and praise of noble character, to promote equality and spirit of adventure. In short, humanism reflected the new spirit of the times, it reflects the vigorous, vibrant and optimistic spirit, also showed great creativity.Capitalist mode of production is the emergence of the earliest countries, Italy, same time, it is also the birthplace of humanist literature. As the unique condition, the Italian was first started the trend. The European Renaissance is the first in the 14 century, the rise of Italy, became the center of this movement. In the literature of this period are the poet Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio; France, Rabelais and Cervantes in Spain, while Britain comes as the hero of our book - the king of Shakespeare"s drama.Renaissance art and literature of the Renaissance are complementary, inevitably and ultimately, the Renaissance Art. Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael deserved as a master of this era. In addition, all countries in the architecture, sculpture and so on also have a major breakthrough.Philosophy and science in the era of great change in this world not to be left, Martin Luther and Calvin"s Reformation, Erasmus and Machiavelli"s philosophy is not only a product of this era is a product of human history. The Copernicus, Bruno, Tycho, Kepler, and Galileo, the emergence of these great scientists gave us a new understanding of people enjoying literature and thinking leap and sublimation of the same time, felt Earth is not our only, the sun is not our slaves, how this is a great time ah!In short, the Renaissance proclaimed the end of the Middle Ages and the birth of modern society.
2023-07-17 03:50:091


2023-07-17 03:51:085


."Does Death knell Call for Who" is Hemingway spreads one of broadest novels, relied on its deep humanitarianism strength to move a generation of generation of person. In book American youth Robert · Jordan volunteers to participate in Spanish Government troop, does demolition after the enemy.In order to coordinate to counter-attack, he follows orders with the place guerrilla force relation, completes explodes the bridge duty.In flutters about in the flames of war, he with has been spoiled by the enemy girl Maria falls deeply in love, takes advantage of this has levelled the Maria mind wound.In three days, Robert has been through repeatedly love and the responsibility conflict and lives with the test which dies, the human nature sublimates unceasingly.Is exploding the bridge to retreat on the way, he gave the fresh hope others, own is exploded actually by the shell broke the thigh, alone left behind the blockade enemy, finally has sacrificed the young life for the Spanish people.This book has moved generation of generation of person three days time by its deep humanitarianism strength, the author is must write Robert in to live with dies, between love and the responsibility makes a choice, alternation love is because must highlight Robert “the shed empirical ego, takes greatly me” deep humanitarianism spirit.
2023-07-17 03:51:253


2023-07-17 03:51:333


人本来就是很自私的直接翻译: Being selfish is the way human beings should be. 当然,以用 men, people 替换 human beings意思翻译: Being selfish is the inherent human nature 自私是人的本性像其他答案的 be born to be selfish 也行。 人生来就是自私的。
2023-07-17 03:51:591


human [hu·man || "hjuu02d0mu0259n]adj. 人类的, 有同情心的, 人性的
2023-07-17 03:52:082

on human nature and politics 的详解

2023-07-17 03:52:283