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2023-07-17 09:30:08
TAG: 动画


1.《狮子王》(The Lion King):这部动画电影讲述了辛巴的故事,他必须在责任和自由之间做出选择,并最终成为一只成熟的狮子。

3.《美女与野兽》(Beauty and the Beast):这部动画电影讲述了贝儿的故事,她必须在野兽的恐怖和爱情之间做出选择。

4.《超人特工队》(The Incredibles):这部动画电影讲述了一家超级英雄的故事,他们必须在个人隐私和拯救世界之间做出选择。

5.《玩具总动员》(Toy Story):这部动画电影讲述了玩具们的故事,他们必须在忠诚和自我牺牲之间做出选择。












像是猫的报恩 千与千寻 幽灵公主 风之谷都很不错

我都看过 很经典 发人深省





超人总动员的英文:The Incredibles动画片 The Incredibles 的中文译名incredibles是什么意思:adj. 难以置信的;惊人的This is an incredible contraption.这是一个难以置信的装置。 She"s incredibly incisive, incredibly intelligent.她机敏过人,才智超群。Untrue or incredible story;falsehood不真实的或不可信的事;谎言 I find these chairs incredibly uncomfortable.我觉得这些椅子非常不舒服。Her incredible story staggers the imagination.她讲的那个令人难以相信的故事使人感到不可思议。
2023-07-17 05:44:281


2023-07-17 05:44:433


   篇一:超人总动员观后感   早在影片还没公映前,就听我一个在美国的朋友强烈推荐,说此片怎么怎么好看(美国上映日期是2004年11月5日),还叫我“必须”去看。说得就好像命令似的。可想而之,这片对她来说有多棒!可PIXAR(皮克斯)公司从未让我们失望过啊,难道《INCREDIBLES》有更加新颖的独到之处?!   DISNEY和PIXAR的商标登场,背景音乐带有浓厚的间谍片的味道。我们的两大主人公,INCREDIBLE先生和他妻子ELASTGIRL的话筒前的接受采访及演说拉开了序幕。这时,开头的气氛一转,镜头从劫匪在驱车逃逸,手持机枪扫射尾追的警车,再转到正要去教堂结婚典礼的INCREDIBLE先生,似乎已经给观众带来了新鲜感。当INCREDIBLE先生接到报警求救信号,最酷的一幕开始了。镜头再次从驾座的装备再切换到INCREDIBLE先生穿上皮衣整装待发,无一不透露出异样的色彩。而在我脑海里不由浮现出的竟然是——007。突然来了个恶搞的小鬼,自称是INCREDIBLE的超级粉丝NO.1,居然名叫Incredi-Boy,还硬要毛遂自荐要当INCREDIBLE的PARTNER,哈哈,太搞笑了。第三次切换镜头:INCREDIBLE先生正想抓最后一个漏网之鱼之时,我们的ELASTGIRL MM终于登场了,“抢了INCREDIBLE”的功。呵呵,音乐这时立刻又带有浪漫色彩。在男女主人公的深情一吻下,看得我如痴如醉!在要解决那个法国佬的过程中,INCREDI-BOY又来添乱,这给以后的大转换埋下了伏笔。有情人终成眷属!INCREDIBLE先生和ELASTGIRL MM喜结良缘。打算婚后退出江湖。以后的情节大家都知道了,我也就不多罗嗦了。   对于《The Incredibles》,PIXAR真的带给我们巨大的变化和惊喜。整个故事情节完全是架构在现代社会的大背景下,并附以科幻色彩。这是PIXAR动画史上的新创举,也给整个3D技术,乃至整个动画电影市场写下了崭新的篇章。以前动画史上一些传统,还有很多建立在神话、寓意等多数都是面向青少年和儿童,可《The Incredibles》这种以真人为主角的概念,成为了吸引成人的法宝。PIXAR真是用心良苦!同样是英雄主义的片子,《INCREDIBLES》更加深入到了男女主人公的生活中,又带给观众平易近人的感觉。但是,喜剧和无厘头似的搞笑,同样也层出不穷:INCREDIBLE先生中年危机;工作岗位的压力重重;女儿Violet看上了学校的小帅哥;儿子Dash常被“请”到校长室,等等。不过,我个人觉得特别搞笑的两个场景是:那个骑单车,嚼口香糖小朋友(特别是第二次,INCREDIBLE说“What are you waiting for?”,小朋友答道:“I don"t know. Something amazing, I guess”)的三次出现是最好笑的。另外一个场景是由Samuel L. Jackson配音的那个Frozone问老婆要武装外套。除此之外,影片结尾典型的好莱坞式“开放式”结局也是导演给我们的一个“噱头”。   总之,《The Incredibles超人特攻队》浓郁的亲和度,加上亲情、爱情、喜剧、冒险……等元素,再配上绝妙的背景音乐,来烘托主题。就像电影片名的英文解释,真叫人“不可思议”啊!!!强烈推荐给大家!    篇二:《超人总动员》观后感   星期五上午,学校组织去看电影《超人总动员》。   《超人总动员》中的超人先生鲍勃尽管在影片开始的时候,有着一系列的超 凡行为,但是,一旦他卷人人类的家庭生活,同样必须放弃超人英雄的辉煌与随 心所欲。   也许我们不得不相信,英雄好做,凡人难当。特别是具有超人本领的人,回归 到平凡的生活中来,更是对自己的折磨。   从某种意义上讲,这个时代也是一个不需要英雄、唾弃英雄的时代。超人鲍 勃归于平凡,更多的原因来自于这个社会。这是一个愿意享受超人成果的社会, 同样也是一个不能原谅超人过失的时代。超人剥夺了人类出头露脸的机会,注定 要被赶出人类的生活空间。于是,超人因为自己的拯危救难中必然产生的副作用 而被踢出社会,归隐民间。这时候,他所要克服的就是自己的超能力,但这种克制 是一种何等的痛苦:在保险公司必须忍受刻薄、自私的上司的呵斥,在家中必须 时刻教育自己的孩子在学校里不得显山露水。幸好,失去的一切,有人类的情感 来填充弥补。人类对感情的自信与向往,足以渲染出尘世所有的美丽。   在《超人总动员》中,超人夫妻间的伉俪情深、父母对孩子的护犊之情、孩子 对父母的关切之爱,构成了影片感人的主题基调。影片中的感情与亲情是生活化 的。在影片提供的每一个细节中,我们都可以感受到作为一个家庭整体的一致对 外的团结力量:当弹性女超人听说丈夫被困孤岛,便毫不犹豫,驾机前往营救;而 超人儿女,也当仁不让,自告奋勇地加人到救援行列。当一个家庭为了一个共同 的目的相聚的时候,那种巨大的力量是消蚀一切的。我觉得:这种人伦之情,“读你千篇也不倦”    篇三:《超人总动员》观后感   今天爸爸妈妈带我看了比我年纪还大的一部电影〈超人总动员〉,组织这次活动的人真是有才呀,两个半小时的"电影,删节了一个小时,这可是只有导演才能干的活呀。   看了电影之后,我想起了去年夏天,和这次差不多,也是幼儿园发票,在会展中心看什么非洲小动物那次,真是一次愉快的出行,在那里我看到了半米多长烂掉上唇和尾巴的鳄鱼,已经开始腐烂流水的大乌龟尸体,一笼子在运输中瘟死的鸟,和猫咪,狗,蜘蛛,蛐蛐的标本。伴着尸体的腐臭味,我和爸妈迅速的结束了那次参观。我觉得这比上宠物市场有意思多了,市场虽然品种比这里多但都是活的,死的可不多见。   如果说上次是伴着腐烂的臭味结束的,那这次就是伴着妈妈的牢骚结束的,妈妈说大风大雨的天气不好,说电影院满地都是垃圾只知道接客不知道打扫空气不好,说电影删节过多,说赚这种黑心钱太龌龊,说不知道有关部门和各个学校幼儿园收了他们多少好处,让他们这样胡闹。说教育机构这样商业化活动越少越好。说以后不能全都相信来自孩子方面的信息。。。。后来我听的睡着了!   妈妈还说,我的观后感一定不会得奖,因为根本就不会评,那些人拿完钱就走了。我不知道拿钱走人是什么。但是知道我不能得奖之后,我很难过,妈妈安慰我说,如果我以后不再参加这种恶心的活动,他会奖励我好玩具和带我出去玩,我的心情又好了。   看完这场电影我得到了妈妈奖励的玩具。代价就是永远不再参加这种活动,其实也没什么,看比我还老一岁的电影一点技术含量都没有,下次至少要用比烂嘴巴鳄鱼和死鸟死乌龟更有创意的东西忽悠钱。   再及,我问妈妈,为什么这样活动都只搞一天,妈妈说,第二天就会有人来查这种不法组织者,所以趁举报电话没生效的时候,拿钱赶紧跑。这种活动大多都是这样,走江湖的骗子就是他们的真实姓名。   又及,妈妈说这次活动我们全家还是有收获的,防忽悠的技能值增加了好多。    篇四:假如我是超人——看《超人总动员》观后感   迪斯尼和皮克斯动画工厂,继以《海底总动员》创下电影史上最卖座动画片纪录后,又更上一层楼,挑战以真人为主角的超高动画技术,在2004年11月推出了一部全新三维超级电脑动画巨片——《超人总动员》,并获得今年第77届奥斯卡最佳动画奖。   《超人总动员》这部电影的主角是一个天赋异秉的超人家庭,超人家庭里有5位成员:爸爸叫巴鲍伯,他力大无穷,称为“超能先生”;妈妈叫巴荷莉,她的四肢可以无限伸展,身体可以随意变形,称为“弹力女超人”;女儿叫巴小倩,她能制造防护罩,还能隐身,称为“金钟罩”;儿子叫巴小飞,称为“飞毛脚”,小宝宝叫巴小杰,他是家里尚在吃奶的孩子,小宝宝被坏人劫持时,会变成个小动物。   “超能先生”曾经是这个世界上最伟大的超人特工,和超人太太联手惩强扶弱,匡扶正义,以巨大的威力名震江湖。15年过去了,现在“超能先生”是一名保险公司理赔员,每天朝九晚五闲得无聊,超人们隐姓埋名,过着普通人的生活。尽管有时他们的超能力会让人吓一跳,比如丈夫一   使劲,车门就会坏掉,儿子跑得比飞机还快,女儿会隐身,妈妈则能长能短,像没有骨头一样。但大多数时候,他们很小心,不会给别人发现和凡人不同。可是,在超人先生的内心里,是多么渴望重温以前那种出生入死的超人生活。   他们不知道的是,老对头“超劲”先生在暗中活动,把许多和超能先生这样的超人消灭了,此人的野心是征服世界。一天,超能先生偶然得知敌人将要毁灭人类的计划,他认为自己重出江湖的时候到了-------在妻子“弹力女超人”、女儿“金钟罩”、儿子“飞毛脚”、小儿子、好朋友“酷冰侠”的帮助下,超能先生终于战胜了大反派“超劲”先生。   看了《超人总动员》,我脑子里出现一种想法,如果我是超人该多好呀!如果我是超人,我一定要像“超能先生”那样有强大的力量,要像“弹力女超人”那样可以把身体随意变形,要像“金钟罩”那样能隐身和制造防护罩,要像“飞毛脚”那样能跑得比飞机还快,要像“酷冰侠”那样能在瞬间将水凝固成冰--------如果我是超人,我一定要帮助那些需要帮助的人。比如:一条街道塞车,我可以把一辆辆汽车抬到另一条街道上,这样,就不会塞车了;一些矿工困在山洞内,洞口被石头堵住了,矿工们出不来,我可以把堵在洞口的石头搬走,矿工们就能出来了;因为010号流行性感冒把整个城市的市民都传染了,城市里一团糟!我可以把身变小,进入人们的体内,杀死细菌。    篇五:《超人总动员》观后感   今天,妈妈给我买了一牌碟子,名叫《超人总动员》   《超人总动员》讲的是两个超能力的人为了保护人类和坏蛋战斗,这两个超人分别是超能先生、弹力女超人。超能先生为了保护地球,和坏蛋展开了激烈的战争,但有几次干的好,人们让它消失在地球上。弹力女超人一般在夜里出来抓坏人,默默的出现,又默默的消失,超能先生和弹力女超人结婚后15年后又有了一个儿子小七,一个女儿小步,还有一个婴儿。她们一家人和坏蛋一起战斗,最后还是受到人们的爱戴。   我看了这部电影以后,我想我要学习超人爸爸的永不言败的勇敢精神,学习超人妈妈的善良和助人为乐,学习小七的有礼貌,学习小步的专心致志。我在看这部电影的时候,好像超人一家把我自己带到电影里和他们一起战斗,一起游戏,一起······如果我有一支神笔,我要画出超人一家,让同学们都来分享超然一家的快乐,学习超人一家的精神。
2023-07-17 05:44:501


ing. Then he would lean over and give me a big kiss on t
2023-07-17 05:44:583


Level 5
2023-07-17 05:45:346


2023-07-17 05:45:492


Pixar出品的动画片总是立意新颖,惹人喜爱,像是《超人总动员》(THE INCREDIBLES)就是一部超级好看的影片。本片最特别的立意在于教导孩子们:平凡人也能做大事,同理,超人也有自己逃不过的烦恼。人们脑海中超人的形象总是无所不能、所向披靡,可是事实上,超人的生活也是烦恼重重。人过中年的超人要面对老板的训斥,要承担一家五口的生活,平时想要帮助人们,却受到重重阻碍,即使到了世界需要自己来拯救的时候,他也有着无穷的烦恼——日渐发福的超人已然穿不进曾经的超人衣服啦!不过,凡是总有办法。在家人的协助下,正义终于战胜了邪恶,更让人感动的,爱赋予超人孩子们无穷的超能力,而正是由爱而生的超能力最终保护了超人一家人。这世界我们不能做的事情有很多,但是只要还有爱,就有希望,生活就会有奇迹。 Pixar animation is produced in THE novel idea, loving, like THE INCREDIBLES (THE INCREDIBLES) is a super good film. This is the most special purposive teaching children: ordinary people can do big, empathy, superman has his escape. People in the mind of the image is omnipotent, superman, but in fact, the invincible superman"s life is annoyance. The middle-aged man had to face the boss scolded superman, want to assume a life of five, usually want to help people, but by many obstacles, and even in the world needs to save time, he also have endless troubles - became obese superman is not wear clothes once superman!However, there always. In the family, justice, and finally overcome evil more touching, love superman children limitless power, and of love is the ability to protect the superman. Eventually family, This world we can do many things, but as long as there is love, there is life there is hope, will be a miracle.
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2023-07-17 05:46:314

《The Incredibles》的英文简介

父亲--超能先生 巴鲍伯 Mr.Incredibles 母亲—弹力女超人 巴荷莉 Elastigirl “金钟罩” – 巴小倩 Violet Parr “水上飞”、“飞毛腿”—巴小飞 Dash Parr 巴小杰 Jack Parr
2023-07-17 05:47:112

The Incredibles 歌词

歌曲名:The Incredibles歌手:Lunatica专辑:New ShoresEditor:MelodySeekerOnce upon a time there was a planet so tiny and blueIt was perfect place to beBut one life form on it wanted moreBut they don"t see that it"s half past twelveTo run a blind eye is the easier wayAs lone as they feel safe in their bedsThere"s no need to wake up from their dreamBut the truth no longer hidesThey must see what they"ll leave behindWake up. mankind, your time is running outGive your children the chance to makes things rightNow the planet is striking backAnd, of course, the lamenting is bigGlobal warming, pollution as wellIs no enough to make them understandThat now is the time to changeTheir behavior and world"s fateWake up. mankind, your time is running outGive your children the chance to makes things rightWake up. mankind, your time is running outGive your children the chance to makes things rightWake up. mankind, your time is running outGive your children the chance to makes things right
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2023-07-17 05:48:141


玩具总动员(Toy Story)虫虫危机/虫虫特工队(A Bug"s Life)怪物公司(Monsters, Inc.) 海底总动员(Finding Nemo)超人总动员(The Incredibles)赛车总动员(Cars),这几部不错,推建
2023-07-17 05:48:223


"Supers"—humans gifted with superpowers—help fight crime and are idolized by the public. On his way to marry Helen (also known as Elastigirl), Bob Parr, better known as Mr. Incredible, saves a suicidal man, and inadvertently causes a monorail to be damaged when saving his intrusive biggest fan, Buddy Pine, from being defeated by criminal Bomb Voyage. After marrying Helen, countless lawsuits filed against Mr. Incredible and the other Supers for collateral damage and civil unrest from their good deeds results in the creation of a relocation program, forcing the Supers to fit in among the civilians without using their superpowers.Fifteen years later, Bob and Helen have three children – Violet, Dash, and Jack-Jack. Longing for the glory days while stuck in a white-collar job, Bob and his old friend Lucius Best, formerly Frozone, perform vigilante work. One day, Bob loses his temper when his supervisor refuses to let him stop a robbery, causing him to lose his job. Returning home, Bob finds a message from a woman named Mirage, who convinces him to become Mr. Incredible again, and a mission to destroy a malfunctioning robot called the Omnidroid. Arriving on Nomanisan Island, Bob is able to trick the robot to rip out its own power source, and he is rewarded big.After returning from Nomanisan, Bob forms a better relationship with his family and undergoes rigorous training. Discovering a tear in his suit, Bob visits superhero costume designer Edna Mode who decides to make him and his whole family suits. Leaving for Nomanisan once again, Bob discovers that Mirage is working for Buddy, now an amoral super villain called Syndrome. He intends on using the ultimate Omnidroid as a puppet to become a hero himself, and then sell his inventions to the public so everyone will become "super", a term which no one will be. Bob sneaks into Syndrome"s base, finding a big-screen computer where he uses the password "Kronos" left by a dead Super - Gazerbeam. He discovers Syndrome murdered countless retired superheroes with previous Omnidroid prototypes. Meanwhile, Helen visits Edna, finds out what Bob has been dealing with, and activates a homing beacon to find him, inadvertently causing Bob to be captured.Helen borrows a jet to head for the island, but finds Violet and Dash have stowed away wearing their own costumes, leaving Jack-Jack in the care of a teenage babysitter. Syndrome picks up Helen"s radio transmissions then destroys the jet, but Helen along with the children survive then make it to the island, though Bob thinks that they are dead. Helen ventures off to the base to find Bob, discovering Syndrome"s intentions to launch the Omnidroid to Municiberg in a rocket. Later, Mirage, annoyed with Syndrome"s selfishness, releases Bob and informs him that his family is alive. Before Helen appears and races off with Bob to find the children when they are spotted by security. Dash and Violet use their powers to escape their captors and are joined by their parents, only to be captured by Syndrome, who then heads off to initiate his plan.The Parrs escape with Violet"s help and through some quick-thinking, use a security van and a rocket booster to pursue Syndrome. In Municiberg, the Omnidroid grows intelligent enough to destroy the remote that allows Syndrome to control it, knocking him unconscious and rampaging through the city. The Parrs and Lucius team up to fight the robot, until Bob uses Syndrome"s remote control and one of the Omnidroid"s detached pincers to make it tear its power source out, destroying it. Returning home, the Parrs find Syndrome has Jack-Jack and intends on raising him as his own sidekick to seek revenge on the family, only for Jack-Jack"s own superpowers to materialize. Helen rescues Jack-Jack, and Bob kills Syndrome by throwing his car at his jet, causing Syndrome"s cape to get caught in the turbines, and pulling him in.Three months later, the Parrs have readjusted to normal life, but the city is attacked by a villain called the Underminer. The family dons their superhero outfits, preparing to face the new threat.“超能先生”(Mr. Incredibles)跟“弹力女超人”(Elastigirl)恋爱结婚后,被之前获超能先生拯救的市民控告,指超能先生侵犯他自杀的权利及令他身体受到伤害,其后有越来越多的市民控告所有的超人,政府为平息事件,要求所有超人退休且隐藏超能力,过著平常人的生活。育有三个子女-小倩(Violet)、小飞(Dash)和小杰(Jack-Jack),他们也都遗传了不同的超能力。生活平凡的超能先生,退休多年却面临着“中年危机”,一心只想着能继续行侠仗义,并和好朋友“酷冰侠”(Frozone)偷偷去救人。直到被卷进大坏蛋超劲先生(Syndrome)策划的阴谋中,超能先生再度面临考验。在拯救世界的同时,拥有不同超能力的超人家庭要如何团结抗敌,并解决各自的烦恼。
2023-07-17 05:48:421


皮克斯动画有长篇也有短篇 其中短片有: 序号 中文名 英文名 上映日期 备注* 1 《安德列与威利的冒险》 The Adventures of André & Wally B. 1984年 与皮克斯有关* 2 《顽皮跳跳灯》 Luxo Jr. 1986年 ----- 3 《独轮车的梦想》 Red"s Dream 1987年 ----- 4 《锡铁小兵》 Tin Toy 1988年 ----- 5 《小雪人大行动》 Knick Knack 1989年 在长片前放映 6 《棋逢敌手》 Geri"s Game 1997年 在长片前放映 7 《鸟 鸟 鸟》 For the Birds 2000年 在长片前放映 8 《大眼仔的新车》 Mike"s New Car 2002年 基于动画长片 9 《跳跳羊》 Boundin" 2003年 在长片前放映 10 《探索珊瑚礁》 Exploring the Reef 2003年 基于动画长片 11 《小杰克的攻击》 Jack-Jack Attack 2005年 基于动画长片 12 《超能先生和朋友们》 Mr. Incredible and Pals 2005年 基于动画长片 13 《光杆乐队》 One-Man Band 2005年 在长片前放映 14 《拖线与鬼火》 Mater and the Ghostlight 2006年 基于动画长片 15 《绑架课》 Lifted 2006年 在长片前放映 16 《你的老鼠朋友》 Your Friend the Rat 2007年 基于动画长片 17 《魔术师与兔子》 Presto 2008年 在长片前放映 18 《电焊工波力》 BURN·E 2008年 基于动画长片 19 《暴力云与送子鹳》 Partly Cloudy 2009年 在长片前放映 20 《道格的特别任务》 Dug"s Special Mission 2009年 基于动画长片 21 《乔治和AJ》 Gee & A.J. 2009年 基于动画长片 22 《昼与夜》 Day and Night 2010年 在长片前放映 23 《夏威夷假期》 Hawaiian Vacation 2011年 在长片前放映* 24 《飞天板牙》 Air Mater 2011年 基于动画长片 25 《小人物》 Small Fry 2011年 在长片前放映* 26 《月亮》 La Luna 2011年 在长片前放映 *1、除“基于动画长片”的短片和《夏威夷假期》外,其他短片均为原创。   *2、《安德列与威利的冒险》是皮克斯主创人员在卢卡斯影业时与那里的工作人员共同创的。 *3、《超能先生和朋友们》与《乔治和AJ》为纯2D动画。   *4、《夏威夷假期》和《小人物》属于《玩具总动员》系列短片 (Toy Story Toons)。    *5、除上面列出的短片外,皮克斯还制作了《汽车总动员:拖线狂想曲》系列短片(包含9部短片)。 其中长篇有: 已上映 1、【玩具总动员】(Toy Story),1995年11月22日上映,IMDb评分:8.2,豆瓣评分:7.9   预算金额:$30,000,000   美国首映:$29,140,617   美国票房:$191,796,233 海外票房:$170,162,503 全球票房:$361,958,736 2、【虫虫危机】(A Bug"s Life),1998年11月27日上映,IMDb评分:7.3,豆瓣评分:7.6   预算金额:$45,000,000 美国首映:$33,258,052 美国票房:$162,798,565 海外票房:$200,600,000 全球票房:$363,398,565 3、【玩具总动员2】(Toy Story 2),1999年11月24日上映,IMDb评分:8.0,豆瓣评分:7.7   预算金额:$90,000,000 美国首映:$57,388,839 美国票房:$245,852,179 海外票房:$239,876,603 全球票房:$485,728,782 4、【怪物公司】(Monsters, Inc.),2001年11月2日上映,IMDb评分:8.0,豆瓣评分:8.4   预算金额:$115,000,000 美国首映:$62,577,067 美国票房:$255,873,250 海外票房:$273,100,000 全球票房:$528,973,250 5、【海底总动员】(Finding Nemo),2003年5月30日上映,IMDb评分:8.2,豆瓣评分:8.0   预算金额:$94,000,000 美国首映:$70,251,710 美国票房:$339,714,978 海外票房:$528,179,000   全球票房:$867,893,978 6、【超人总动员】(The Incredibles),2004年11月5日上映,IMDb评分:8.1,豆瓣评分:7.8   预算金额:$92,000,000   美国首映:$70,467,623   美国票房:$261,441,092   海外票房:$370,001,000   全球票房:$631,442,092   7、【汽车总动员】(Cars),2006年6月9日上映,IMDb评分:7.4,豆瓣评分:7.5   预算金额:$120,000,000   美国首映:$60,119,509   美国票房:$244,082,982   海外票房:$217,900,167 全球票房:$461,983,149   8、【美食总动员】(Ratatouille),2007年6月29日上映,IMDb评分:8.1,豆瓣评分:8.0   预算金额:$150,000,000   美国首映:$47,027,395   美国票房:$206,445,654   海外票房:$417,277,164   全球票房:$623,722,818   9、【机器人总动员】(WALL·E),2008年6月27日上映,IMDb评分:8.5,豆瓣评分:9.2   预算金额:$180,000,000   美国首映:$63,087,526   美国票房:$223,808,164   海外票房:$308,700,000   全球票房:$532,508,164   10、【飞屋环游记】(Up),2009年5月29日上映,IMDb评分:8.3,豆瓣评分:8.8    预算金额:$175,000,000 美国首映:$68,108,790   美国票房:$293,004,164    海外票房:$438,338,270   全球票房:$731,342,434   11、【玩具总动员3】(Toy Story 3),2010年6月18日上映,IMDb评分:8.6,豆瓣评分:8.9   预算金额:$200,000,000   美国首映:$110,307,189   美国票房:$415,004,880   海外票房:$648,167,031   全球票房:$1,063,171,911   12、【汽车总动员2】(Cars 2),2011年6月24日上映,IMDb评分:6.5,豆瓣评分:7.7   预算金额:$200,000,000   美国首映:$66,135,507   美国票房:$189,449,208   海外票房:$358,000,000   全球票房:$547,449,208(截止2011.9.8) 未上映 13、 【勇敢】(Brave)(原名《熊与弓》),2012年6月22日上映(暂定)。 14、【怪物公司2】(Monsters University),2013年6月21日上映(暂定)。 15、 [关于恐龙的电影] (The Untitled Movie About Dinosaurs),2013年11月27日上映(暂定)。 16、 [关于意识的影片] (The Untitled Movie That Takes You Inside the Mind),2014年5月30日上映(暂定)。 以下为皮克斯参与制作的真人电影:   17、【火星上的约翰·卡特】(John Carter),2012年3月9日上映(暂定)。 18、【1906】(1906),2012年12月14日上映(暂定)。
2023-07-17 05:48:491


·Save The Day·On November 5th Expect The Incredible·Twice the hero he used to be·Super cool·No gut, no glory·Sock"er Mom
2023-07-17 05:48:571


1995 玩具总动员1998 虫虫危机1999 玩具总动员22001 怪兽电力公司2003 海底总动员2004 超人总动员2006 赛车总动员2007 料理鼠王(美食总动员)2008 机器人总动员(瓦力)2009 飞屋环游记2010 玩具总动员32011 赛车总动员22012 勇敢传说2013 怪兽大学2015 头脑特工队2015 恐龙当家2016 海底总动员2:多莉去哪儿2017 赛车总动员32017 寻梦环游记2018 超人总动员22019 玩具总动员4未来计划2020 1/2的魔法2020 灵魂2021 怪兽上班(网剧)2022 可能是飞屋环游记2和一部新的动画电影2023 新的动画电影如果楼主加入皮克斯后的计划:2024 奴隶时代2024 赛车总动员42025 虫虫危机22026 书本总动员2027 玩具总动员52028 火箭着陆2029 富士山下的樱花树2030 赛车总动员52031 超人总动员32032 残骸2033 料理鼠王22033 活电脑2034 玩具总动员62035 书本总动员22036 爆炸试验2037 火箭着陆22038 复原高手2038 笔先生2039 机器人总动员22039 蝾螈(胎死腹中过)2040 细菌大冒险
2023-07-17 05:49:0611


暴力云与送子鹤BoundinFor the birdsGeris.GameJack-Jack.AttackKnick.KnackLiftedLuxo.JrMater.And.The.GhostlightMikes.New.CarOne.Man.BandReds.DreamThe.Adventures.Of.Andre.And.Wally.BTin.Toy
2023-07-17 05:49:353


The Incredibles
2023-07-17 05:49:432


由金牌编剧兼导演布拉德·伯德创作的《超人总动员2》将于2018年6月15日在北美上映。据透露。《超人总动员2》将侧重讲述超能先生的太太弹力女超人的冒险故事,此时超能先生只能窝在家里照顾小儿子—Jack Jack。《超人总动员》虽然依旧是美国电影里典型的超级英雄拯救人类的题材,但不论是制作水准还是编剧内容都是相当高水准。这部让大家苦等15年之久的《超人总动员2》又会有哪些看点值得期待呢?下面就让我们一起来看看吧!超人宝宝有看点续集将紧接着上一部的故事展开,超能力宝宝在本片中展示自己的独特能力。此前的先导预告中,已经曝光了宝宝引发雷电的超能力,镭射眼、自身喷火等能力也有呈现,不知道在正片中还会解锁什么新技能。让人遗忘的酷冰侠酷冰侠在前作中戏份并不多,他作为超人的好友,在最终大战关头起到了神辅助的作用,或许这个角色在续集中将会有更多登场机会。弹力女超人成主角妈妈“弹力女超人”(Elastigirl)将是续集的核心,这部续集故事将主要以她为主角展开。不过具体情节并未透露。但在这部续集里你还会看到20多位全新的超级英雄角色,这也是非常值得期待的。总结:虽然我们还要等到6月份,但是这部让大家苦等15年之久的《超人总动员2》不会让我们失望的,可谓有生之年最期待的电影之一了。
2023-07-17 05:50:023


Disney的超人总动员1.父亲--超能先生 巴鲍伯 Mr.Incredibles鲍伯曾经是这个世界上最伟大的超人特工,一提起他的大号“超能先生”,当年简直无人不晓。告别了惩恶扬善的生活15年后,中年鲍伯和家人已经拥有了平民身份,搬到郊区过起了平淡的普通生活。现在,鲍伯是一名保险公司理赔员,每天朝九晚五闲极无聊,优裕的生活更使他大腹便便。鲍伯多么渴望重温以前那种出生入死的超人生活啊。这一天,鲍伯偶然接到一个秘密任务,他认为自己重出江湖的时候到了,他的超人才能终于又派上了用场,可是昔日的英雄已经变成了“狗熊”:头发秃了,肚子大了,裤子紧了,皮带怎么也扣不上了……在影片中,“超能先生”的超能力最突出表现在力大无穷, 且不说他能轻而易举双手托起汽车,他连锻炼臂力都用的是两节火车!2.母亲—弹力女超人 巴荷莉 Elastigirl片中的弹力女超人可谓是人们心目中最理想女性的梦幻化身:她能文能武,能里能外。作为全职主妇,弹力女超人可谓是贤淑良惠,从管教老大老二的言行到喂小儿子吃饭,她完全卸下超人的角色,变身成为最尽责的母亲。更难能可贵的是弹力女超人在兼顾自己幸福美满的家庭的同时还要承担拯救世界的责任。在影片中, 弹力女超人的超能力表现在拥有弹性极佳的身体,四肢可以无限伸展, 简直媲美“橡皮人”, 她那无所不能的身体给观众带来许多惊喜, 让人不得不佩服皮克斯的想像力。3. “金钟罩” – 巴小倩 Violet Parr巴小倩是超能先生和太太的大女儿,刚上中学,正值情窦初开的年龄,暗恋着英俊男生。 在全家齐上阵拯救世界的过程中, 巴小倩也在走向成熟,起到了一个老大在家中所应起的作用。巴小倩的超能力是能够制造力场,能刀枪不入,颇像中国武侠小说中的“金钟罩,铁布衫”的决门功夫。4. “水上飞”、“飞毛腿”—巴小飞 Dash Parr巴小飞是超能先生和太太的二儿子, 是个机灵、调皮的孩子。 他拥有超能力就像外号一样, 跑起来快得像一阵风,甚至能在水上健步如飞, 在片中最精彩的段落之一就是反派的喽罗们驾着飞船追赶巴小飞的那场戏,堪称经典。5. 巴小杰 Jack Parr小杰是超能先生刚出生不久的小儿子, 大家开始都以为他没有超能力, 但其实呢? 影片最后给了我们一个非常有趣和惊喜的答案。
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1995年 玩具总动员(Toy Story)三项奥斯卡提名。1998年 虫虫危机(A Bug"s Life)奥斯卡最佳音乐和喜剧剧本提名1999年 玩具总动员2(Toy Story 2)2000年 获得奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲提名2001年 怪兽电力公司(Monsters, Inc.)2002年 获奥斯卡最佳歌曲奖、最佳 动画长片提名、最佳音乐剪辑提名和最佳配乐提名。2003年 海底总动员(Finding Nemo)2004年 横扫安妮奖;奥斯卡最佳动画长片奖、最佳原创剧本提名、最佳配乐提名和最佳声音剪辑提名2004年 超人总动员(The Incredibles)2005年 获得奥斯卡最佳动画长片奖和最佳声音剪辑奖最佳男配角奖 (Performance by an actor in a supporting role):菲利普·西摩·霍夫曼 “疑云” 米拉麦克斯 Philip Seymour Hoffman in “Doubt” (Miramax)最佳女主角奖 (Performance by an actress in a leading role):梅丽尔·斯特里普 “疑云” 米拉麦克斯 Meryl Streep in “Doubt” (Miramax最佳女配角奖 (Performance by an actress in a supporting role):艾米·亚当斯 “疑云” 米拉麦克斯 Amy Adams in “Doubt” (Miramax)维奥拉·戴维斯 “疑云” 米拉麦克斯 Viola Davis in “Doubt” (Miramax)最佳动画长片奖 (Best animated feature film of the year):“闪电狗” 华特·迪士尼公司 “Bolt (Walt Disney)“机器人瓦利” 华特·迪士尼公司 “Wall·E (Walt Diseny)最佳原创影配乐奖 (Achievement in music written for motion pictures (Original score):“机器人瓦利” 华特·迪士尼公司 “Wall·E (Walt Diseny)最佳电影原创歌曲奖 (Achievement in music written for motion pictures (Original song):“回到地球” “机器人瓦利” 华特·迪士尼公司 “Down to Earth” from “WALL-E” (Walt Disney)最佳动画短片奖 (Best animated short film):“普雷斯托” 皮克斯动画工作室 华特·迪士尼公司 “Presto” Pixar Animation Studios (Walt Disney)最佳音效剪辑奖 (Achievement in sound editing):“机器人瓦利” 华特·迪士尼公司 “WALL-E” (Walt Disney)最佳音效奖 (Achievement in sound mixing):“机器人瓦利” 华特·迪士尼公司 “WALL-E” (Walt Disney)最佳改编剧本奖 (Adapted screenplay):“疑云” 米拉麦克斯 “Doubt” (Miramax)最佳原创剧本奖: (Original screenplay):If I didn"t have you 74届:《怪物公司》You"ll be in my heart 72届:《泰山》Colors of the wind 68届:《风中奇缘》Can you feel the love tonight 67届:《狮子王》A whole new world 65届:《阿拉丁》Beauty and the beast64届:《美女与野兽》Under the sea 62届:《小美人鱼》Chim chim Cheree 37届:《欢乐满人间》Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah 20届:《南方之歌》When you wish upon a star 13届:《木偶奇遇记》Over the rainbow 12届:《绿野仙踪》以上是奥斯卡最佳歌曲有点乱.......
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2023-07-17 05:53:373


Bob Paar used to be one of the world"s greatest superheroes (known to all as “Mr. Incredible”), saving lives and fighting evil on a daily basis. But now, fifteen years later, Bob and his wife (a famous former superhero in her own right) have adopted civilian identities and retreated to the suburbs to live normal lives with their three kids. Now he"s a clock-punching insurance claims adjuster fighting boredom and a bulging waistline. Itching to get back into action, Bob gets his chance when a mysterious communication summons him to a remote island for a top-secret assignment.参考资料:
2023-07-17 05:53:571

急求,看【超人总动员】读后感{英文} 急急急!

2023-07-17 05:54:042


AI绘画关键词皮克斯篇Pixar Animation Studios —— 皮克斯动画工作室Computer Animation —— 计算机动画Storytelling —— 叙事Animated Films —— 动画电影Toy Story —— 玩具总动员Finding Nemo —— 海底总动员The Incredibles —— 超人特工队Ratatouille —— 美食总动员WALL-E —— 瓦力Up —— 飞屋环游记Inside Out —— 头脑特工队Coco —— 寻梦环游记Brave —— 勇敢传说Monsters, Inc. —— 怪兽电力公司Cars —— 赛车总动员A Bug"s Life —— 反斗蜗牛Animation Technology —— 动画技术Character Development —— 角色塑造Visual Effects —— 视觉效果Heartwarming Stories —— 暖心的故事Emotional Depth —— 情感深度Creative Story Concepts —— 创意故事概念Memorable Characters —— 令人难忘的角色Innovative Animation Techniques —— 创新的动画技术Collaboration —— 合作Award-winning Films —— 屡获奖的电影Family Entertainment —— 家庭娱乐Imaginative Worlds —— 富有想象力的世界Comedy and Humor —— 喜剧和幽默Beloved Animation Franchises —— 受人喜爱的动画系列Inspiring Messages —— 鼓舞人心的信息Technical Prowess —— 技术实力Original Soundtracks —— 原创配乐Attention to Detail —— 注重细节Diverse Representation —— 多元化的代表性Unforgettable Moments —— 难忘的瞬间Cultural Exploration —— 文化探索Emotional Resonance —— 情感共鸣Creative Art Direction —— 创意艺术指导Positive Themes —— 积极的主题Technical Innovation —— 技术创新Heartfelt Performances —— 真挚的表演Endearing Characters —— 讨人喜欢的角色Visual Storytelling —— 视觉叙事Authentic Voice Acting —— 真实的配音表演Emotional Journey —— 情感之旅Artistic Excellence —— 艺术卓越Character-driven Narratives —— 以角色为驱动的叙事Nostalgic Appeal —— 怀旧的吸引力Technological Advancements —— 技术进步Heartwarming Relationships —— 暖心的关系Dynamic Story Arcs —— 动态的故事情节Visual Storyboarding —— 视觉故事板Emotional Storytelling —— 情感叙事Creative Worldbuilding —— 创造力的世界构建Engaging Plot Twists —— 吸引人的情节转折Inspiring Creativity —— 激发创造力Character Growth and Development —— 角色的成长和发展Visually Stunning Animation —— 视觉上令人惊叹的动画Heartfelt Connection —— 真挚的情感联系
2023-07-17 05:54:121

求十个英语动画片名,要英文也要翻译 如:Kung Fu Panda《功夫熊猫》

2023-07-17 05:56:294


2023-07-17 05:56:392


  《公主与青蛙》,该片定于12月11日在美公映  影片讲述出身贫寒的“黑姑娘”蒂亚娜出于好心亲吻了青蛙王子,结果自己反而变成了青蛙,两只青蛙为了解开魔咒并肩作战,最终战胜邪恶巫师.  1937/12/21 Snow White and Seven Dwarfs (白雪公主和七个小矮人) 1  1940/02/07 Pinocchio(皮诺曹/木偶奇遇记)2  1940/11/13 Fantasia (幻想曲) 3  1941/10/23 Dumbo(小飞象)4  1942/08/13 Bambi (小鹿斑比) 5  1943/02/06 Saludos Amigos (致候吾友) 6  1945/02/03 The Three Caballeros (三骑士) 7  1946/04/20 Make Mine Music (为我谱上乐章) 8  1947/09/27 Fun and Fancy Free (米奇与魔豆) 9  1948/05/27 Melody Time (旋律时光) 10  1949/10/05 The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad  (伊老师与小蟾蜍大历险) 11  1950/02/15 Cinderella (仙履奇缘)12  1951/07/28 Alice in Wonderland (艾丽斯梦游仙境) CLASSICS-13  1953/02/05 Peter Pan (小飞侠) 14  1955/06/16 Lady and the Tramp (小姐与流氓) 15  1959/01/29 Sleeping Beauty (睡美人) 16  1961/01/25 101 Dalmatians (101忠狗) 17  1963/12/25 The Sword in the Stone (石中剑) 18  1967/10/18 The Jungle Book (森林王子) 19  1970/12/24 The Aristocats (猫儿历险记) 20  1973/11/08 Robin Hood (罗宾汉)21  1977/03/11 The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh  (小熊维尼历险记) 22  1977/06/22 The Rescuers (救难小英雄) 23  1981/07/10 The Fox and the Hound (狐狸与猎狗) 24  1985/07/24 The Black Cauldron (黑神锅传奇) 25  1986/07/02 The Great Mouse Detective (妙妙探) 26  1988/11/18 Oliver &; Company (奥丽华历险记) 27  1989/11/17 The Little Mermaid (小美人鱼) 28  1990/11/16 The Rescuers Down Under (救难小英雄澳洲历险记) 29  1991/11/22 Beauty and the Beast (美女与野兽) 30  1992/11/25 Aladdin (阿拉丁) 31  1994/06/15 The Lion King (狮子王) 32  1995/06/23 Pocahontas (风中奇缘) 33  1996/06/21 The Hunchback of Notre Dame (钟楼怪人) 34  1997/06/27 Hercules (大力士) 35  1998/06/19 Mulan (花木兰) 36  1999/06/18 Tarzan (泰山) 37  2000/01/01 Fantasia/2000 (幻想曲2000) 38  2000/12/15 The Emperor"s New Groove (变身国王) 39  2001/06/15 Atlantis: The Lost Empire (失落的帝国) 40  2002/06/21 Lilo & Stitch (星际宝贝) 41  2002/11/27 Treasure Planet (星银岛) 42  2003/11/01 Brother Bear (熊的传说) 43  2004/04/02 Home on the Range (放牛吃草) 44  1953-02/05 Peter Pan (小飞侠) 14  1955-06/16 Lady and the Tramp (小姐与流氓) 15  1959-01/29 Sleeping Beauty (睡美人) 16  1961-01/25 101 Dalmatians (101忠狗) 17  1963-12/25 The Sword in the Stone (石中剑) 18  1967-10/18 The Jungle Book (森林王子) 19  1970-12/24 The Aristocats (猫儿历险记) 20  1973-11/08 Robin Hood (罗宾汉)21  1977-03/11 The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh  (小熊维尼历险记) 22  1977-06/22 The Rescuers (救难小英雄) 23  1981-07/10 The Fox and the Hound (狐狸与猎狗) 24  1985-07/24 The Black Cauldron (黑神锅传奇) 25  1986-07/02 The Great Mouse Detective (妙妙探) 26  1988-11/18 Oliver &; Company (奥丽华历险记) 27  1989-11/17 The Little Mermaid (小美人鱼) 28  1990-11/16 The Rescuers Down Under (救难小英雄澳洲历险记) 29  1991-11/22 Beauty and the Beast (美女与野兽) 30  1992-11/25 Aladdin (阿拉丁) 31  1994-06/15 The Lion King (狮子王) 32  1995-06/23 Pocahontas (风中奇缘) 33  1996-06/21 The Hunchback of Notre Dame (钟楼怪人) 34  1997-06/27 Hercules (大力士) 35  1998-06/19 Mulan (花木兰) 36  1999-06/18 Tarzan (泰山) 37  2000-01/01 Fantasia/2000 (幻想曲2000) 38  2000-12/15 The Emperor"s New Groove (变身国王) 39  2001-06/15 Atlantis: The Lost Empire (失落的帝国) 40  2002-06/21 Lilo & Stitch (星际宝贝) 41  2002-11/27 Treasure Planet (星银岛) 42  2003-11/01 Brother Bear (熊的传说) 43  2004-04/02 Home on the Range (放牛吃草) 44  1998虫虫特工队 (A Bug"s Life)  1999 玩具总动员2 (Toy Story 2 )  2000 跳跳虎历险记(The Tigger Movie)  2001 怪兽电力公司(Monsters, Inc.)  2002 仙履奇缘2:美梦成真( Cinderella II: Dreams Come True)  2003 小猪大电影 (Piglet"s Big Movie)  2004 超人特工队 (The Incredibles)  2005四眼天鸡 (Chicken Little )  2006汽车总动员(Cars)  2007 料理鼠王(Ratatouille )  2007 仙履奇缘3:时间魔法( Cinderella III: A Twist in Time )  2008 小叮当/奇妙仙子 (Tinker.Bell)  2008机器人总动员/瓦力( The Walle)  2008 闪电狗 Bolt
2023-07-17 05:57:111


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2023-07-17 05:59:402

电影超人特工队 台词

THE INCREDIBLES 超人特攻队 无错原版英文剧本 SCENE 1__________________________________________ MR. INCREDIBLE Is this on? INTERVIEWER That"s fine. MR. INCREDIBLE I can break through walls, I just can"t... INTERVIEWER That"s fine. MR. INCREDIBLE I can"t get this on. INTERVIEWER So, Mr. you have a secret identity? MR. INCREDIBLE Every superhero has a secret identity. I don"t know a single one who doesn"t. Who wants the pressure of being super all the time? ELASTIGIRL Of course I have a secret identity. Can you see me in this at the supermarket? Come on. Who"d want to go shopping as Elastigirl, y"know what I mean? FROZONE Superladies, they"re always trying to tell you their secret identity. Think it"ll strengthen the relationship or something like that. I said, ""Girl, I don"t want to know about your mild-mannered alter ego."" or anything like that. I mean, you tell me you"re a super-mega-ultra-lightning-babe, that"s all right with me. I"m good. I"m good. MR. INCREDIBLE No matter how many times you save the world, it always manages to get back in jeopardy again. Sometimes I just want it to stay saved, you know? For a little bit. I feel like the maid. ""I just cleaned up this mess. Can we keep it clean for ten minutes?"" INTERVIEWER I could get to that point. MR. INCREDIBLE ""Please?"" INTERVIEWER Wait, no, don"t get up. We"re not finished. MR. INCREDIBLE Sometimes l think I"d just like the simple life, you know? Relax a little and raise a family. ELASTIGIRL Settle down? Are you kidding? I"m at the top of my game! I"m right up there with the big dogs! Girls, come on. Leave the saving of the world to the men? I don"t think so. I don"t think so. __________________________________________SCENE 2__________________________________________ POLICE RADIO We interrupt for an important bulletin. A deadly high-speed pursuit between police and armed gunmen is underway, traveling northbound on San Pablo Ave. BOB (MR. INCREDIBLE) Yeah, I"ve got time. OLD LADY Mr. lncredible. Um, Mr. Incredible... BOB (MR. INCREDIBLE) What is it, ma"am? OLD LADY My cat, Squeaker, won"t come down. [cat meows] BOB (MR. INCREDIBLE) Certainly, ma"am but I suggest you stand clear. There could be trouble. OLD LADY No, no. He"s quite tame. BOB (MR. INCREDIBLE) Let go now! [cat yowls] POLICE OFFICER 1 Thank you, Mr. lncredible. You"ve done it again. POLICE OFFICER 2 Yeah, you"re the best. BOB (MR. INCREDIBLE) No, I"m just here to help. POLICE RADIO Attention all units. We have a tour bus robbery... BOB (MR. INCREDIBLE) Tour bus robbery. I"ve still got time. Officers. Ma"am. Squeaker. BUDDY (INCREDIBOY) Cool! Ready for take-off! BOB (MR. INCREDIBLE) What the...? Who are you supposed to be? BUDDY (INCREDIBOY) Well, I"m lncrediBoy. BOB (MR. INCREDIBLE) What? No. You"re that kid from the fan club. [stammering] Brophy. Brody. Buddy! Buddy! BUDDY (INCREDIBOY) My name is lncrediBoy. BOB (MR. INCREDIBLE) Look, I"ve been nice, I"ve stood for photos, signed every scrap of paper you pushed at me but this is... BUDDY (INCREDIBOY) No, you don"t have to worry about training me. I know all your moves, your crime fighting style, favorite catch phrases, everything! I"m your number one fan! BUDDY (INCREDIBOY) Hey! Hey, wait! __________________________________________SCENE 3__________________________________________ BOB (MR. INCREDIBLE) You can tell a lot about a woman by the contents of her purse, but maybe that"s not what you had in mind. THIEF Hey, look-- BOB (MR. INCREDIBLE) Elastigirl. HELEN (ELASTIGIRL) Mr. lncredible. BOB (MR. INCREDIBLE) No, it"s all right. I"ve got him. HELEN (ELASTIGIRL) Sure, you"ve got him. I just took him out for you. BOB (MR. INCREDIBLE) Sure, you took him out. His attention was on me. HELEN (ELASTIGIRL) A fact I exploited to do my job. BOB (MR. INCREDIBLE) My job, you mean. HELEN (ELASTIGIRL) A simple thank you will suffice. BOB (MR. INCREDIBLE) Thanks, but I don"t need any help. HELEN (ELASTIGIRL) Whatever happened to ""ladies first""? BOB (MR. INCREDIBLE) Well, whatever happened to equal treatment? THIEF Hey, look, the lady got me first. HELEN (ELASTIGIRL) Well, we could share, you know. BOB (MR. INCREDIBLE) I work alone. HELEN (ELASTIGIRL) Well, I think you need to be more...flexible. BOB (MR. INCREDIBLE) Are you doing anything later? HELEN (ELASTIGIRL) I have a previous engagement. BOB (MR. INCREDIBLE) [whistles] BOB (MR. INCREDIBLE) Now, you just stay here. They usually pick up the garbage in an hour. LUCIUS (FROZONE) Hey, lncredible! BOB (MR. INCREDIBLE) Hey, Frozone!
2023-07-17 05:59:481


获奖情况   最佳影片奖 《百万宝贝》(Million Dollar Baby) 最佳导演奖克林特·伊斯特伍德(影片《百万宝贝》) 最佳男主角奖杰米·福克斯(影片《灵魂歌王》) 最佳女主角奖希拉里·斯旺克(影片《百万宝贝》) 最佳男配角奖摩根·弗里曼(影片《百万宝贝》) 最佳女配角奖凯特·布兰切特(影片《飞行家》) 最佳原创剧本奖《美丽心灵的永恒阳光》 最佳改编剧本奖《杯酒人生》 最佳艺术指导奖《飞行家》 最佳摄影奖《飞行家》 最佳视觉效果奖《蜘蛛侠2》 最佳剪辑奖 《飞行家》最佳原创音乐奖《寻找梦幻岛》最佳歌曲奖Al Otro Lado Del Río(影片《摩托日记》) 最佳音响奖《灵魂歌王》最佳音效奖《超人特攻队》 最佳服装设计奖《飞行家》 最佳化妆奖《雷蒙·斯尼奇的不幸历险》最佳动画片奖《超人特攻队》最佳动画短片奖 《瑞恩》最佳真人短片奖《美国异教徒》最佳纪录片奖《生于妓院》最佳纪录短片奖《伟大时代:孩子的征程》最佳外语片奖《深海长眠》(西班牙) 编辑本段提名名单   最佳影片《飞行者》(THE AVIATOR)   《杯酒人生》(SIDEWAYS)   《百万美元宝贝》(MILLION DOLLAR BABY)   《寻找梦幻岛》(FINDING NEVERLAND)   《灵魂歌王》(RAY) 最佳导演 马丁·斯科赛斯(MARTIN SCORSESE) 《飞行者》 (THE AVIATOR)   克林特·伊斯特伍德(CLINT EASTWOOD) 《百万美元宝贝》   泰勒·海克福德(TAYLOR HACKFORD) 《灵魂歌王》(RAY)   亚历山大·佩恩(ALEXANDER PAYNE) 《杯酒人生》(SIDEWAYS)   迈克·李(MIKE LEIGH) 《维拉-德雷克》《VERA DRAKE》 最佳男主角 杰米·福克斯(JAMIE FOXX)《灵魂歌王》(RAY)   莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥《飞行者》   克林特·伊斯特伍德《百万美元宝贝》   唐·钱德尔(DON CHEADLE) 《卢旺达饭店》)   约翰尼·德普(JOHNNY DEPP) 《寻找梦幻岛》最佳女主角安妮特·贝宁(ANNETTE BENING) 《成为朱丽娅》(BEING JULIA)   卡特琳娜·桑迪诺-莫雷诺(CATALINA SANDIDO MORENO) 《万福玛丽亚》   艾美达·斯丹顿(IMELDA STAUNTON)《维拉-德雷克》(VERA DRAKE)   希拉里·斯万克(HILARY SWANK) 《百万美元宝贝》   凯特·温斯莱特(KATE WINSLET) 《美丽心灵的永恒阳光》最佳男配角 摩根·弗里曼《百万美元宝贝》   克里夫·欧文(CLIVE OWEN) 《偷心》(CLOSER)   托马斯·哈登·丘奇《杯酒人生》   杰米·福克斯(JAMIE FOXX)《借刀杀人》   艾伦-艾尔达(Alan Alda)《飞行者》 (THE AVIATOR) 最佳女配角凯特-布兰切特(CATE BLANCHETT) 《飞行者》(THE AVIATOR)   劳拉-琳妮(LAURA LINNEY) 《性学教授金赛》(KINSEY)   维吉尼亚-马德森(VIRGINIA MADSEN) 《杯酒人生》(SIDEWAYS)   索菲-奥克妮多(Sophie Okonedo) 《卢旺达饭店》(HOTEL RWANDA)   娜塔莉-波特曼(NATALIE PORTMAN) 《偷心》最佳动画片 《超人总动员》(THE INCREDIBLES)   《史莱克2》(SHREK 2)   《鲨鱼故事》(SHARK TALE) 最佳外语片 《其实在天堂》AS IT IS IN HEAVEN,瑞典   《放牛班的春天》THE CHORUS,法国   《帝国的毁灭》(DOWNFALL),德国   《深海长眠》THE SEA INSIDE,西班牙   《昨日》YESTERDAY,南非 最佳化妆 《雷蒙-斯尼奇的不幸历险》   《耶稣受难记》(The Passion of The Christ)   《深海长眠》(THE SEA INSIDE) 最佳配乐 《寻找梦幻岛》(FINDING NEVERLAND)   《哈利波特3:阿兹卡班的囚徒》   《雷蒙-斯尼奇的不幸历险》   《耶稣受难记》(The Passion of The Christ)   《灵异村》(THE VILLAGE) 最佳歌曲“Accidentally In Love” -《史莱克2》SHREK 2   “Al Otro Lado Del Río” -《摩托日记》   “Believe” - 《极地特快》THE POLAR EXPRESS   “Learn To Be Lonely” 《歌剧魅影》   “Look To Your Path (Vois Sur Ton Chemin)” - 《放牛班的春天》最佳   动画短片 《祝生日》BIRTHDAY BOY   《GOPHER BROKE》   《警犬》GUARD DOG   《劳伦佐》LORENZO   《瑞恩》RYAN 最佳真人短片 《EVERYTHING IN THIS COUNTRY MUST》   《LITTLE TERRORIST》   《早上七点三十五》7:35 IN THE MORNING   《两车一夜》TWO CARS, ONE NIGHT   《WASP》 最佳   音效剪辑 超人总动员》THE INCREDIBLES   《极地特快》THE POLAR EXPRESS   《蜘蛛侠2》SPIDER-MAN 2 最佳音响效果《飞行者》(THE AVIATOR)   《超人总动员》(THE INCREDIBLES)   《极地特快》(THE POLAR EXPRESS)   《灵魂歌王》(RAY)   《蜘蛛侠2》(SPIDER-MAN 2) 最佳   视觉效果 《哈里-波特和阿兹卡班囚徒》   《我,机器人》《I, ROBOT》   《蜘蛛侠2》(SPIDER-MAN 2) 最佳改编剧本《日落之前》(BEFORE SUNSET)   《寻找梦幻岛》(FINDING NEVERLAND)   《百万美元宝贝》(MILLION DOLLAR BABY)   《摩托日记》(THE MOTORCYCLE DIARIES)   《杯酒人生》(SIDEWAYS) 最佳   原创剧本 《飞行者》(THE AVIATOR)   《纯洁心灵的永恒阳光》   《卢旺达饭店》(HOTEL RWANDA)   《超人总动员》(THE INCREDIBLES)   《维拉-德雷克》(VERA DRAKE) 最佳艺术指导 《飞行者》(THE AVIATOR)   《寻找梦幻岛》(FINDING NEVERLAND)   《雷蒙-斯尼奇的不幸历险》   《歌剧魅影》(THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA)   《漫长的婚约》(A VERY LONG ENGAGEMENT) 最佳摄影《飞行者》(THE AVIATOR)   《十面埋伏》(HOUSE OF FLYING DAGGERS)   《基督受难记》(THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST)   《漫长的婚约》 (A VERY LONG ENGAGEMENT)   《歌剧魅影》(THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA) 最佳服装设计《飞行者》(THE AVIATOR)   《寻找梦幻岛》(FINDING NEVERLAND)   《雷蒙-斯尼奇的不幸历险》   《特洛伊》(TROY) 最佳剪辑《飞行者》(THE AVIATOR)   《借刀杀人》(COLLATERAL)   《寻找梦幻岛》(FINDING NEVERLAND)   《百万美元宝贝》(MILLION DOLLAR BABY)   《灵魂歌王》(RAY) 最佳纪录片《生于妓院》BORN INTO BROTHELS   《哭泣的骆驼》THE STORY OF THE WEEPING CAMEL   《超码的我》SUPER SIZE ME   《图佩克:复生》TUPAC: RESURRECTION   《信仰的扭曲》TWIST OF FAITH 最佳纪录短片AUTISM IS A WORLD   THE CHILDREN OF LENINGRADSKY   HARDWOOD   MIGHTY TIMES: THE CHILDREN"S MARCH   SISTER ROSE"S PASSION
2023-07-17 05:59:551


AI关键词超级英雄篇Superman - 超人Spider-Man - 蜘蛛侠Batman - 蝙蝠侠Wonder Woman - 女超人Iron Man - 钢铁侠Captain America - 美国队长Thor - 雷神索尔Black Widow - 黑寡妇Hulk - 绿巨人Flash - 闪电侠Wolverine - 狼人Aquaman - 水行侠Green Lantern - 绿灯侠Black Panther - 黑豹Doctor Strange - 奇异博士Supergirl - 超级女孩Storm - 风暴女Cyclops - 眼镜蛇人Jean Grey - 凤凰女Ant-Man - 蚁人Wasp - 黄蜂女Hawkeye - 鹰眼Scarlet Witch - 猩红女巫Deadpool - 死侍Shazam - 雷神Green Arrow - 绿箭侠Batwoman - 蝙蝠女侠Hawkman - 鹰人Martian Manhunter - 火星猎人The Flash - 闪电侠Daredevil - 无敌侠Jessica Jones - 杰西卡·琼斯Luke Cage - 卢克·凯奇Iron Fist - 铁拳Punisher - 惩罚者Nightcrawler - 夜行者Ghost Rider - 幽灵骑士Black Canary - 黑金丽Green Hornet - 绿蜂侠Hellboy - 地狱男爵Blade - 刀锋战士Spawn - 重生侠Silver Surfer - 银色冲浪者Doctor Manhattan - 曼哈顿博士Captain Marvel - 漫威女超人Atom - 原子侠The Incredibles - 超人特攻队The Avengers - 复仇者联盟Guardians of the Galaxy - 银河护卫队X-Men - X战警Justice League - 正义联盟Fantastic Four - 奇异四侠Teen Titans - 青少年泰坦队The Defenders - 守护者Watchmen - 守夜人The Umbrella Academy - 伞学院The Boys - 反超人联盟The Inhumans - 无主之地The Powerpuff Girls - 女超人组合
2023-07-17 06:00:352


  英语口语怎么拿高分呢?其实最重要的是我们平时要多开口,还有把要背的要读,都要复习好哦,我今天整理了一些英语口语,今天我们就来讲经常用来表达的习惯用语,大家可以看看哦   难道我真的配不上你?   1. I"m notattracted to you. 你不吸引我。 “I"m not attracted toyou.” 这句话在电视或电影上常常听到,意思就是“你不吸引我”,也就是 I don"t like you. 这句话比较婉转的说法。 Idon"t like you. 听起来很直接、比较刺耳,如果别人跟你告白,但你对他并没有意思,你不妨客气一点地说I"m notattracted to you, but we still can be friends. (你不吸引我,但我们还是可以当朋友。)   2. Maybe I don"t deserve you. 也许我真的配不上你。Deserve (应得的) 是一个在英文中很好用的字,它用在谈恋爱方面有许多有趣的用法。“我配不上你”英文就是I don"t deserve you.如果有人失恋了,你也可以安慰他说:You deserve someone better. (你一定可以找到更好的。), 或是She doesn"t deserve you. (她根本就配不上你。) 日常的会话中也常常用到一句“Youdeserve it!”,这句话是说这是“你应得的”,就是“活该、自作自受”的意思。比如有人老爱脚踏两条船,结果到头来同时被两个女人给甩了,这种人你就可以对他说 You deserve it.   3. We don"t match each other. 我们两个不配。 和上一句的 I don"t deserve you. (我配不上你) 不同,We don"t match each other. 指的是“我们两个人不配”。Match 这个词除了当动词外也可以拿来当名词用,比如你要说“某两人很相配”,你就可以说 You are a perfect match. Match 还可以用在穿着方面,比如Your clothes don"t match. 指的就是两件衣服不配 (例如红衣服配上绿裤子之类的)。   4. He is not my type. 他不是我心目中的类型。 女孩子们聚在一起总是会对周遭的男生品头论足。“He isnot my type.” 是常用的一个句子, 意思就是“他跟我不适合啦。/ 他不是我想要的那个类型。”   精神不好怎么说   1. Are you ok Alex? You look a bit under the weather. 你还好吧,亚历克斯?你看起来不太舒服。   2. She"s just a bit run down. I think she needs totake a holiday. 她只是有点累了,我想她需要休几天假。   3. He felt off-colour but did not have any dramaticsymptoms. 他觉得不太舒服,但是又没什么明显的症状。   4. The baby is out of sorts today. Perhaps he is cutting a tooth. 那个婴儿今天不太舒服,他可能正在长牙。 5. You should sit down. You look a bit green around the gills. 你应该坐会儿,你看起来脸色很不好。   6. My boss told me to go home. He sais I looked like death warmed over. 老板叫我回家,他说我看起来像害了大病似的。   7. The long, hot summer had left me out of health, out of spirits. 漫长炎热的夏季使我身体不佳,没精打采。   9. You look a little peaked. 你看起来有点憔悴。   无所谓的几种表达   1. be ok (fine) with 对u2026u2026无碍,不要紧   Whatever you think is fine with me.   随你怎么想,我无所谓。   2. give a damn 不在乎, 不感兴趣(永远用于否定形式)   He couldn"t give a damn whether he passes the examor not.   他对考试及格与否满不在乎。   3. suit yourself 随你的便;按自己的意愿行事   You don"t want to join the club? Oh well, suit yourself.   你不愿意参加俱乐部是吗? 那好,随你的便吧。   4. it"s up to you 听你的,由你决定   So if you really want class to make a difference in your life, it"s up to you.   所以如果你真的想通过这门课改变生活,一切取决于你。   5. I don"t care 我不在乎   I don"t care what she thinks.   我不管她怎么想。   6. do whatever you want 爱咋咋地   I have no doubt about that. You can always do whatever you want.   我对此毫不怀疑,你想做的事,总是能做到。   7. as you wish/if you want 随你吧   As for your departments plan, you can change as you wish.   至于你们部门的计划,你愿意怎么改就怎么改吧。   8. whatever 管他呢   I totally have no idea how to file my tax return, whatever.
2023-07-17 05:51:211


ln是以e为底的自然对数的意思。自然对数以常数e为底数的对数,记作lnN(N>0)。一般表示方法为lnx,数学中也常见以logx表示自然对数。常数e的含义是单位时间内,持续的翻倍增长所能达到的极限值。In(x)便是loge(x),e是一个重要极限,e=(1+1/x)^x。当x→∞时取得极限,便是e 其值约为2.718281828459,是一个无限不循环小数。扩展资料:自然对数恒等式证明:a^log(a)(N)=N (a>0 ,a≠1)推导:log(a) (a^N)=N恒等式证明在a>0且a≠1,N>0时设:当log(a)(N)=t,满足(t∈R)则有a^t=N;a^(log(a)(N))=a^t=N;证明完毕参考资料来源:百度百科-自然对数
2023-07-17 05:51:232

qualification、certificate和credential的区别 exam that you have passed or a course of study that you have successfully completed(给了限定条件,如必须通过学习,考试通过后方可获得的)。certificate:n.& official document that may be used to prove that the facts it states are true(强调官方的,正式的)credential:n.&v.a document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts(未必必须通过官方的证明)
2023-07-17 05:51:241

求animenzzz的琴谱attack on titan

2023-07-17 05:51:251

Not all things can be as you wish, the only thing you can do is to try your best、、 请问这

并非所有的事情如你所愿,你唯一能做的事情是尽最大努力。all 和否定词not 连用,表示部分否定。
2023-07-17 05:51:291


昆工的专业要在云南本省就业还凑合 去到省外就不好说了 理工科学校西南地区有了川大和重大 其他省份更困难
2023-07-17 05:51:327


2023-07-17 05:51:184

求jin ji de ju ren(attack on titan)第一集全集百度云

2023-07-17 05:51:182

admire 变成admired后是动词还是ADJ?

仍然是动词,你在词典里是查不到admired这样一个单词的。He is admired.你可以翻译成他受人尊敬,或者说他是受人尊敬的。但admired在句中的词性仍然应该是动词。
2023-07-17 05:51:173

请教:在文凭上,Qualification 究竟是什么意思?

2023-07-17 05:51:172


2023-07-17 05:51:154


William Faulkner was born in 1962 in 1897, has been living in the United States, is the most important one stream-of-consciousness novelist. He won the Nobel peace prize in 1949. His literature works reflects the 1950s in southern region through industrialization development of loneliness and pain."The roses" is dedicated to Emily during this period in virtual Jefferson town for background describes a sad story. The heroine emilie is an old lady, because of the southern aristocrats of her father thought is instilled in fair maiden model lady became a disposition to close to the public, people. His father died in LiXiaoJie Amy still couldn"t for her from her father the walls in architecture. While Amy LiXiaoJie leaves fell in love with a northern workers for a variety of reasons, but not love, finally Amy lijiang his lover poisoning, and its total sleep. Although short stories but with profound meaning. Through the life of Emily can see that woman with heavy, by the spirit into the shackle chains in a completely new civilization, and the new era of civilized era with her previous outlook and values in the patriarchal system of ideological education and formation of accepting strongly conflict. While Emily in individual and society, traditional and realistic violent collisions, unable to bear, lose yourself. In the face of love and eventually reality when choosing a collision and way of extreme left a lover. Through the description of Faulkner, we can just South American plantation economy, the culture of the male-dominated society for women"s oppression and bound, and women"s not completely resistance is the main factor."To the roses" is emilie Faulkner, one of the most representative novels and short stories by this we saw the South American peculiar temperaments. It reflected the civil war ended after a period of time, most of the American people"s life, their tragic fate symbolizes the failure, and the new shadowfax in south is hope.In 1957, Faulkner at the university of Virginia with the students about the works when once said: "in writing, write a real pathetic story is not occupy. As the contradiction and conflict between people, and satan conflict.Since the market, it works by the critics. Some people from the psychology Angle analysis, from the Angle of philosophy of time. And this will be the various reasons from emilie tragedy, emilie explores the life. Peep novel charm.Social backgroundAmerican civil war in April 1861, war experiences for the past four years, and finally the north won. After the victory, black, who was in the postwar reconstruction of discrimination, Lincoln abolished slavery in the southern states only, these black although be liberated, but didn"t get the same rights and white. But when the old south of many questions are dates back to the failure. American scholar Thomas? "The English brings a defeat for the value system of self analysis and reflection to the southern period, maintain its original value and in some respects to those values that south to reshape culture. The rebellious attitude to traditional identity and characteristics of regional consciousness. This makes part of comfort, but to get southerners who chose to escape to another part of." Although the old south with failure, but the old south end of the cultural thoughts are stubborn in people"s hearts.The heroine of the old South American Emily thought and culture of the victims. Emily"s life was mostly in the old buildings and also spent the years, live isolated, lonely life, with her is a black. "She spent generation after generation, noble, halcyon, cannot escape, unapproachable, eccentricity perverse."She refused to grow, in her heart, she lived in more expectations for her father building walls of life. In her father died, sand, in order to help dolly colonel from all her emilie taxes, in order to safeguard the dignity of aristocratic family emilie pretends that he is the father of Emily had loans to government, government as a trading in this way. And from her father died deadline date until the day of death Emily. But then, the mayor and caused a second, and hope the senator through various channels to miss Emily can pay taxes, but always can Emily reply only "you find sand, colonel." dolly But the time of her mouth Doric colonel dead sand for nearly ten years, and she didn"t know anything about it, are still living in the Doric colonel days. She refused to most southerners like old growth, refused to change, clinging to a kind of thought.When the southerners believe "enjoy equal to sin" stern creed. This creed is produced in Calvin as the core, the protestant power dominates the whole southern social politics, economy, culture, it is completely controlled people"s minds.Female social statusThe bible? "the man in the genesis story" against order, because of the snakes listen eve tempted Adam ate and give fruit, by the Lord, and from the garden of Eden was regarded as the original female. The story affected to some extent of women"s status was still is self male-dominated using tame woman blindly obedient. Women will become a victim trace, women were considered man"s private property. Women are absolutely for the man, they asked the direction toward their women hope to grow, the image in the sight of the people. They think that women should is noble, lady, of course, the most important is to virtuous. Women have the function of all set the existence of man is only. Men need to you, so that you are alive. But when you are no longer useful man thinks that can sacrifice. Women don"t have any rights, life, love, family solely by men. They didn"t have the slightest freedom, they were not as a person. The patriarchal society need is a statue of ethics with them. They have serious in man, just seven feelings six desires a absolute "loyalty" -- for the male has to unconditionally. Women are placed in the bottom of society. The male-dominated advocates of their so-called "fair maiden wind", it is actually build them secretly male the ethical order. Women were suppressed, control the male-dominated in America, south of the old system of naked women, and the tragedy of life is the emilie reveals the old south social sickness and deformity, and women in long-term mental suppressed by the temperament and caused the distortion.In the eyes of Jefferson town, miss Emily has always been considered a traditional symbol of an obligation, attention, also, residents of her words and deeds are maintained high attention, it gave her life added a lot of pressure. Emily is a small monument, no one will go about miss the physical and spiritual needs of normal. She must withstand public pressure and desire instinct in hard choices. And the town people don"t want to see the nobles" fallen, they use all means that she do traditional persecuted, noble lady. Of course not blindly by Emily"s opinion, people are oppressed ever against, she will not be forever in the shadow of this life. But in that society under the background of the traditional natural know emilie interested. However, if she really care for message, so why she "held their heads high", and "as more people than have admitted that she was as the dignity of the character"s house last." She showed her own purposely. "Seeing her again, she has short hair looks like a girl, and the church in the Windows of the colour is an angel similarities - somewhat solemn" that emilie is ready to start, a new life, she tried to escape his "lady", trying to make your ordinary normal life, can imagine that she is a beautiful dreams for the future. "Somewhat solemn" also hinted that she is bound to the effort. In this old traditional ideas of southern seriously inhibited by chains, emilie will not thoroughly the resistance. She can"t break the old moral and ideological to southern southern constraints, women so she can kill her loved by the people and keep the body and spend the rest of the way to get her own body position. The Puritan thought women and noble thought completely killed her love and family life should be normal, also destroyed her life remaining some hope. Not everyone is Emily is that she had also perverse mind quirks, exquisite, romantic girl. Her love for him when unloading vision, and formulate the silver n in everything engraved on the H? B (abbreviation of Hollywood"s name). This also explains emilie once a loving life of woman. But the old south of social deprived of the right to do ordinary woman. Because of her lack of social groups, too exacting, this just makes emilie completely cut off and social contact, completely closed in his own dark space, finally becomes inaccessible, perverse eccentricities.As XiaoMingHan said: "the morality of tragedy is old. Emily." (annotated)PatriarchyHuman civilization after the industrialization, women"s life and entered the patriarchal socialist skillfulness of endless night. Women as a byproduct of the man, into servitude of nature, women are treated as a complete and to men as the core of social power and oppression. They couldn"t find foothold in society, they find themselves for the efforts ended in tragedy. In different extent fell victim to the male-dominated.But the male-dominated patriarchal socialism is the core. Theoretically this concept from sociology, it means a kind of social structure, the father"s family all the parents can dominate. In narrow sense, is the father of patriarchy householder"s surname and family relationships are confirmed by his father, a social organization, Broadly speaking, the thesis mainly refers to the father in a right position.In the old society patriarchal ideology, the south is the male-dominated significant but unshakable tradition. Because of slavery prevalent in family, southern plantations centered plantation for became the main form of the economy. In this kind of economy, the family of the society is the center, as householder"s father enjoys the absolute authority in the family is the undisputed master. In addition, the conservative to Calvin socialist culture as the core of Christ is from a religious Angle to maintain the father as parents rule, requirement of women and children like obedience that obedience. In the history of patriarchal, women always subordinate status.Emily"s father is the old south of patriarchal representative, is a tyrant is the embodiment of parents. He not only controlled emilie thought before, even after death behavior is affecting the life and his emilie, outlook on life and values is one of the reasons character amelie distortion. When young, in Emily her father in order to maintain the nobles of nobility, he teaches emilie become a lady, away all his think don"t deserve emilie suitors, but even own normal emilie love without power, thereby to autism and distorted. Emily"s life by strong influence of patriarchy, death is not a day until all belong to own life, she couldn"t control my destiny, but in the tradition and social life for her like a shadow of general exist.
2023-07-17 05:51:121