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pour le monde歌词中文意思

2023-07-17 10:39:32

he imagines the world

as the angel ascending

like the ghost of a man

who is tied up to the chair

and he tries to believe

that his life has a meaning

with his hand on his heart

pour le monde

paspour le guerre

and i wake up blind

like my dreams were to bright

and i lost my reguard

for the good things that i had

and the radio was sad

when you listen for good

in a hope that comes to nothing

coz the liars moved in

and they believe their own dark medicine

they act so nonchalant

but he is not a dog

perform for you in the stadium

for the world not for the war

and he wont hesitate

though it might lead to heartache

in the nightclub indigo

for the world not for the war

pour le monde

pas pour la guerre

when you listen for good

in a hope that comes to nothing

coz the liars have moved in

and they brew their own dark medicine

believing its good

behind their jaded eyes a dilemma

hes the best that you ever had

hes so low youll never know end


as the angel ascending


like the ghost of a man


who is tied up to the chair


and he tries to believe


that his life has a meaning


with his hand on his heart


pour le monde


paspour le guerre


and i wake up blind


like my dreams were to bright


and i lost my reguard


for the good things that i had


and the radio was sad


when you listen for good


in a hope that comes to nothing


coz the liars moved in


and they believe their own dark medicine


they act so nonchalant


but he is not a dog


perform for you in the stadium


for the world not for the war


and he wont hesitate


though it might lead to heartache


in the nightclub indigo


for the world not for the war


pour le monde


pas pour la guerre


when you listen for good


in a hope that comes to nothing


coz the liars have moved in


and they brew their own dark medicine


believing its good


behind their jaded eyes a dilemma


hes the best that you ever had


hes so low youll never know end



Sad Angel 这首钢琴曲所表达的寓意是什么?

Sad Angel这首钢琴曲所表达的寓意是每个人都是生活中的乐者,都在演绎着自己的故事,同时,人们隔着玻璃,欣赏着属于他人的故事,羡慕着他人的幸福,却往往忽略了自己的幸福。Sad Angel由俄罗斯著名作曲家、钢琴家伊戈尔·克鲁多伊在1982年创作,音乐动人心弦,近乎完美的是MV的刻画:一个略带沧桑和落寞的汉子,在一个寻常的午后将自己屏蔽在一家同样寻常的咖啡厅内,窗外是一幕幕寻常而又异乎寻常的人生戏剧。扩展资料Sad Angel作品鉴赏:Sad Angel的作者以旁人的角度看生活这场剧,看到形形色色的人过着不同的生活,当人们静下心来注意身边的风景时,也会用不一样的方式表达同样的心情。悲伤来临的时候,人们的内心都住着天使,用最干净的眸子看世界,看待命运。生活仍在继续,人们就应该抱着积极的心态去面对生活。
2023-07-17 08:36:351

sad angel需要歌词有知道告诉我

An angel天使 I wish I had your pair of wings我希望拥有你的一双翅膀 Had them last night in my dreams昨夜在梦中实现 I was chasing butterflies我追逐着蝴蝶 Till the sunrise broke my eyes直到黎明的光芒照亮我的眼睛 Tonight the sky has glued my eyes今晚的天空吸引了我的双眼 Cause what they see"s an angel hive因为它们看到了一片天使的领域 I"ve got to touch that magic star我触摸到了那颗神奇的星 And greet the angels in their hive(我飞到那片)天使的领域里向她们问候 Sometimes I wish I were an angel有时我希望我是个天使 Sometimes I wish I were you有时我希望自己就是你Sometimes I wish I were an angel有时我希望我是个天使 Sometimes I wish I were you一个像你一样的天使 And all the sweet honey from above所有上天赐予的甜蜜 Pour it all over me sweet love倾注给我最美妙的爱 And while you"re flying around my head当你在我的脑海中萦绕 Your honey kisses keep me fed你甜蜜的吻让我感到满足 I wish I had your pair of wings我希望拥有你的一双翅膀 Just like last night in my dreams就像昨夜梦中一样 I was lost in paradise我迷失在天堂 Wish I"d never opened my eyes希望再也不要醒来 Sometimes I wish I were an angel有时我希望我是天使 Sometimes I wish I were you有时我希望自己就是你 Sometimes I Wish I were an angel有时我希望自己是个天使 Sometimes I wish I were you一个像你一样的天使 But there"s danger in the air但是天空中又隐藏着危险 Tryin" so hard to be unfair它正竭力变得不公正 Danger"s in the air那天空中的危险啊 Tryin" so hard to give us a scare正试图带给我们惊恐 But were not afraid但我们却决不胆怯 Sometimes I wish I were an angel有时我希望我是天使 Sometimes I wish I were you有时我希望自己就是你 Sometimes I wish I were an angel有时我希望我是个天使 Sometimes I wish I were you像你一样的天使 Wish I were you就像你那样 Oh I wish I were you像你一样的天使
2023-07-17 08:36:491

与回忆的挣扎:天使心 《sad Angel》歌词

2023-07-17 08:36:562

一首钢琴曲 一直噔噔噔,噔噔噔,噔噔噔 蹬蹬蹬蹬的

2023-07-17 08:37:0415

求类似sad angel这样的纯音乐 有点悲伤旋律又很好

推荐《the breaking of the fellowship》,出自电影《指环王1护戒使者》,舒缓的音乐像是在喃喃细语,也和电影剧情很相称《Okuribito -Memory》,出自电影《入殓师》,久石让的音乐总是给人一种强烈的感染力《freedom theme》和《For The Love Of A Princess》,出自电影《勇敢的心》,詹姆斯霍纳的经典作品,苏格兰的风笛作为伴奏在伤感中加入了史诗感《the Ludlows》,出自于电影《燃情岁月》,同样是出自于詹姆斯霍纳之手,优美而感伤的音乐,这段音乐也经常出现在央视的节目中《rose》,出自电影《泰坦尼克号》的配乐,舒缓柔情也有点激昂《honor》,出自美剧《血战太平洋》的主题曲,舒缓而深沉《503》,出自电影《天使与魔鬼》的配乐,感伤又深沉,有极强的感染力纯手打,望采纳
2023-07-17 08:37:291

我想找一首纯音乐,有点淡淡忧伤 类似于英雄的黎明 好像是钢琴弹奏的

2023-07-17 08:37:376

和Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence前部分很相似

说一千遍我爱你 伊能静 开始的是 古筝演奏
2023-07-17 08:37:523

朋友 能穿个sad angel的mp3链接吗,我当QQ空间背景音乐 QQ270580048 谢谢

哈哈 我前几天在网上找不到这个曲子的链接 就自己做了一个 也是做空间背景音乐的 第三首就是 QQ395545302 要的话 在我空间留个言
2023-07-17 08:38:051

有一首纯音乐 整首歌只有女声"啦啦啦" ,不是那首

2023-07-17 08:38:146


要用真情演奏出韵律 不要特别强 有很多高音的部分要清脆 而且上行的时候要渐渐用力但不要特别用力! 高潮漫漫推上去的 手腕不要紧 !
2023-07-17 08:38:402


点上方绿标即可收听今天的节目女孩就读于这所大学的中文系,父亲是知名企业家,母亲是大学教授,家境很好。女孩相貌出众气质非凡,学习成绩很好也颇具文采,几乎每月都会在校报里发表文章。女孩平日里性格温婉平易近人,正因为这种种的优秀她被同学们评选为系花。读大学的两年时间里她收到了数不清的情书短信,甚至有时候在校园里随便走走就会遇到当面告白者,每一次女孩都是微笑着说一声对不起。同学们猜测女孩可能是家教严格不允许大学谈恋爱,其实大家有所不知的是女孩在读大学之前,就有一个公主与王子的校园爱情美梦。自信自己是公主,未来的另一半也必须是天之骄子,只是这众多的追求者都不是女孩心中的王子。时光在静静的流逝,转眼间,圣诞节来临了,女孩参加了学校文艺晚会的诗歌朗诵比赛,舞台中央一袭白裙的她宛如一朵静待开放的莲花,卓然而立,清新脱俗。被阵阵掌声包围的女孩心跳怦然,不是因为比赛的紧张而是她看到了他,那个曾在学校举办的法律系与外交系的辩论赛中轻松夺魁的男孩。男孩是学生会主席也是法律系公认的有名才子,大二上学期的时候就在外面成立了自己的工作室,据说父母还都是市政府的高级官员,再加上男孩英俊潇洒的外表谈吐不凡的气质,因此本系甚至外系的倾心表白者众多,其中不乏佳人才女但男孩都一一委婉拒绝。同寝室友曾调侃恐怕天上仙女都入不了他的法眼。男孩对此一笑而过,不作评论。其实男孩并不是拒绝恋爱,只是他极端自信自己是最好的那么也要有一个他认为是足够好的人来与他相配。在这次的文艺晚会上被邀请来做裁判的男孩也被女孩的出色而打动,他第一次有了心动的感觉,好像有一种声音在告诉他这就是自己想要的,这个女孩就是可以配得上自己的最好的。男孩与女孩在一起了,是女孩主动追求的男孩。“才子佳人,郎才女貌,天作之合……同学朋友的称赞祝贺之词不绝于耳,女孩感觉很幸福因为终于找到了自己的王子,男孩也感觉可以遇到这样才貌双全的女孩是自己人生最大的幸运,双方父母对两人的恋情都给予了深深的祝福,乐见其成。两个月后,女孩与男孩毫无预兆的分手了,周围没有人知道原因。女孩在自己的日记中写道:“公主与王子都有自己的骄傲,被众星捧月般长大的他们都想成为爱情里的强者,不会谦让不会宽容,他们或许彼此相爱却也无法避免彼此相伤,公主的王子梦破灭了。”五年后的大学同学聚会上,女孩姗姗来迟,靓丽依然,微笑而亲切的与在座的每一个人打招呼,包括曾经的男孩与他身边安安静静坐着的丝毫不惹人注意的女孩,然后女孩与大家介绍了身后那位抱着一个看上去两三岁粉嫩可爱女娃娃的相貌平凡普通的男人,眉眼间难掩幸福甜蜜。席间曾经感情很好的室友按捺不住好奇心轻声询问:“你与大才子离奇分手,怎么倒甘心嫁给这样一个普通的人?”女孩看着不远处与女儿玩得欢乐的丈夫,轻轻地说了一句:“爱情里不需要最好”。作者:燕飘然主播:陈伊森,江南FM签约主播,每晚21:30点,治愈每一个孤单的灵魂,让我我们整个世界听见你的声音,等待着你的倾诉,等待着你述说你的故事,你永远不会是一个人,你和我之间仅仅隔着一个江南FM。背景音乐:伊戈尔.克鲁托伊- Sad Angel、Yeomi -uadf8ub300uc640ub458uc774uc11c(inst.)- instrumental进入粉丝群:添加为好友或者长按识别下方二维码,备注【进粉丝群】,同主播,粉丝一起聊天,一起分享喜怒哀乐,还能获得我们回馈给粉丝的礼品哦!主播,小编,粉丝都在等你快来撩我猜你还想听江南FM︱我想和你一起老江南FM︱我终究是失去了你江南FM︱成长,从我们变得不想爱开始江南FM︱既然等不来,那又何必再等江南FM︱念念不忘,必有回响江南FM︱只是身边少了你江南FM︱就到这里吧,我们结束了江南FM︱别让后悔教你学会珍惜江南FM︱多少人,以朋友的名义爱着对方江南FM︱愿你遇到这样一个人江南FM︱我与许愿树有个约定江南FM︱从前不回头,往后不将就江南FM︱谢谢你赠我一场空欢喜江南FM︱我以为你终有一天你会懂得珍惜江南FM︱谁是你可以随时说话的人江南FM︱你有没有原谅过曾经出轨的人晚安,亲爱的你
2023-07-17 08:38:484


2023-07-17 08:40:385

很抱歉 用英语怎么说?

2023-07-17 08:40:577


Angel Judas Prist 超经典angel put sad wings around me nowprotect me from this world of sinso that we can rise again...别的暂时想不起来了哈……不好意思 这首歌很难找 建议去一些摇滚网站搜一搜~这个Angel Put sad wings around me now Protect me from this world of sin So that we can rise again Oh angel We can find our way somehow Escaping from the world we#re in To a place where we began And I know we#ll find A better place and piece of mind Just tell me that it#s all you want For you and me Angel won#t you set me free Angel Remember how we chased the sun Then reaching for the stars at night As our lives had just begun When I close my eyes I hear your velvet wings and cry I#m waiting here with open arms Oh can#t you see Angel shine your light on me Angel we#ll meet once more I#ll pray When all my sins are washed away Hold me inside your wings and stay Angel take me far away Put your sad wings around me now Angel take me far away Put sad wings around me now So that we can rise again Put sad wings around me now Angel take me far away Put sad wings around me now So that we can rise again
2023-07-17 08:41:141


是不是披头士乐队成员保罗·麦卡特尼创作的、于1968年发行的《Hey Jude》Hey Jude, don"t make it bad 嘿朱迪!别沮丧  Take a sad song and make it better 找一首哀伤的歌把它唱得更快乐  Remember, to let her into your heart 记得将它唱入你的心田  Then you can start to make it better 世界就能开始好转  Hey Jude, don"t be afraid 嘿朱迪!别害怕  You were made to go out and get her 你天生就要勇于克服恐惧  The minute You let her under your skin 当你将它身埋于心底那一刻  Then you begin to make it better 世界就开始好转  And anytime you feel the pain 当你感受痛苦的滋味  Hey Jude, refrain 嘿朱迪!要忍耐  Don"t carry the world upon your shoulder 别把世界的重担都往肩上扛  For well you know that it"s a fool 你知道那些愚蠢的人  Who plays it cool 总是装做不在乎  By making his world a little colder 把自己的世界弄得很冷酷  Hey Jude, don"t let me down 嘿朱迪!别让我失望  You have found her now go and get her 既然找到真爱就要勇敢追求  Remember (Hey Jude) to let her into your heart 记住(嘿朱迪!)要将她揽入你的心房  Then you can start to make it better 那样世界就能开始好转  So let it out and let it in 所以啊,让你的爱自由来去  Hey Jude, begin 嘿朱迪!开始啊  You"re waiting for someone to perform with 你期待有个人与你同台表演  Don"t you know that it"s just you 你不知道那个人就是你自己吗  Hey Jude, you"ll do 嘿朱迪!你会办到  The movement you need is on your shoulder 下一步该怎麼做就全看你自己  Hey Jude don"t make it bad 嘿朱迪!别丧气  Take a sad song and make it better 找一首哀伤的歌把它唱得更快乐  Remember to let her under your skin 记得将它深藏于心  Then you"ll begin 世界就能  To make it better 开始好转  Better better better better  Na na na, na na na na, na na na, hey Jude
2023-07-17 08:41:221


1. 高分悬赏 英:Parents are the god give each child"s angel. Usually in a child"s need help, we will open their wings to protect children of the invisible. 日:あなたの両亲は、神がそれぞれに子供の天使だ。一般的には子供が最も助けなければならないとき、初めて彼らが见えない翼ひろげて子どもを守るためだ。 韩:ubd80ubaa8ub2d8 uc740 uc2e0uc758 uc120ubb3c uc544uc774 ub9c8ub2e4 uc758 ucc9c uc0acuac00 ub41c uac83 uc774ub2e4.uc560uc6a9 ub418 ub294 uc544uc774 uac00 uac00uc7a5 uc5b4 ub824 uc6b4 uc774uc6c3 uc744 ub54c ubc8cub9acub2e4 uadf8ub4e4 uc740 uc2a4 ud154 uc2a4 uc758 ub0a0uac1c ub97c ubcf4ud638 ud574 uc900 uc544uc774 ub97c ub0b3 uc558 ub2e4. 法: Les parents à dieu pour chaque enfant. Les enfants qui en ont le plus besoin, et pourra ouvrir leurs ailes déguisée pour protéger les enfants. 希望楼主采纳 2. 谁知到关于天使的英语短句、谚语 Fallen angel, tell me why Fallen angel, tell me why? 堕落的天使,告诉我为什么? Would you"ve been a little angel or an angel of sin? 你愿做个小可爱,还是,赎罪的天使 Kind of inner struggle, as if an angel and the devil"s tangle. 内心的纠结,仿佛是天使与魔鬼的纠结 3. 每个孩子都是天使的好词好句快 其实每个小孩都是一个天使,只是断了翅膀掉下来/其实每一个妈妈的心肝宝贝都是天使的化身,只是来感受下妈妈给的幸福…… ——写在前言 其实每个小孩都是一个天使,他们天真可爱,就像小精灵似的。哈哈,比如我的小侄女,胡馨月。她有点胖墩墩的,非常可爱,特别笑起来的时候,特别是歪着小脑袋笑对着陌生人的时候。 其实每个小孩都是一个天使,他们的皮肤非常的细嫩柔滑,就像牛奶似的。嘻嘻,比如我的小侄女,小月月。她皮肤白白的,如天使的羽翼一样纯洁干净,外公外婆亲人亲戚都很喜欢抱着她,又不爱哭,谁抱谁都喜欢! 其实每个小孩都是一个天使,他们就像绽放在春天里的童话。呵呵,比如我的小侄女,月月。可爱精致的她如童话里一位浪漫童稚的小公主,还有她纯洁可爱的欢笑,还有这照片像极了一个帅气的小男生。 其实每个小孩都是一个天使,他们有着天籁般的单纯天真。嘿嘿,比如我的小侄女,馨月。她的眼睛如天使眼神般的透明干净,还有她酣睡的时候,轻微香甜的呼吸。 其实每个小孩都是一个天使,他们就是阳光快乐的化身…… 祝天下所有小孩都健康成长,快快乐乐! 4. 每个孩子都是天使的好词好句 周四的晚上,邻居家的小姑娘到我家里来问我几个关于圆的数学题。问完之后就和苗苗一起在书房里写作业,我与邻居一起坐在客厅里闲聊。两个小姑娘同级不同校,从小一起长大,用时髦的说法就是‘闺蜜"。她们边写作业边叽叽喳喳地小声说话,我提醒了几次,可是声音还是时断时续。我瞅了瞅表,快九点了,心里有点着急:看来今天的单簧管不用练了。 等小姑娘写完作业走的时候,已经九点拐弯了。我问苗苗作业都写完了没有?苗苗说,已经写完了,然后就开始洗澡准备上床睡觉。我知道俩个人边写边聊,肯定会出错误的,就拿出数学作业来检查一下。这一检查可好,我的火腾的上来了:错了两个不应该错的数学题。 我这边正火着,那边听到苗苗在厕所里,边洗澡边听音乐,边跟着音乐哼歌,真是好悠闲是啊,这不是瞎耽误功夫吗?我的火再也压不住了,一下子冲到厕所里对着苗苗喊道:“你还在这挺悠闲的,你知不知道数学错了一大堆?赶紧出来改错去。” 那天晚上,正好赶上厕所里的灯坏了,苗苗开着厕所外走廊的灯洗澡。走廊的灯光映到厕所里,只照亮了门口的一大片面积,其他的地方虽没被灯光照到,但因为门口的亮光也不是很暗。苗苗站在厕所里的黑影里,看着我气冲冲的样子,站在淋浴下边,忘了手上的动作,只是呆呆地看着我,一下子愣住了。 我凭着一股火冲到厕所边吼了苗苗,吼完后一下子看到苗苗躲在黑影里的小小的身子,瘦瘦弱弱,被我一这么一吼,停下了手里的动作,怯怯地看着我,好象连背都弯了下来。我的脑海里一下子想起了,以前在网上看到的一篇掀起热潮的《白色的风信子》里的那个懂事的,想要分担妈妈负担的,被同学、老师甚至妈妈误解为白痴的小姑娘,那个晚开的白色风信子。 我的眼泪差一点冲出眼眶,我静下心来对苗苗说道:“赶紧把衣服穿上,去把错题改了,马上上床睡觉,明天还要早起上学呢。”苗苗看我的脸色缓和了下来,关掉沐浴,披上浴巾,跑过来抱着我说:“妈妈,你没生气吧?我的动作已经很快了。我知道今天笑宇来和我一起写作业,我的速度有些慢,可是我已经加快了动作补救,虽然我边洗澡边听歌,可是我的手也没闲着,一点也没有耽误时间。” 晚上躺到床上,苗苗对我说:“妈妈,我每天这么忙忙碌碌的,学完这个学那个,学完学校里的还要学课外班的,有时候我感觉活着真没有意思,一点乐趣也没有,特别是遇到我不高兴的时候,比方说上次我不想学毛笔字,你非让我学,我真想去跳楼。”我大吃了一惊,没想到这么小的孩子,内心会有这样消极的想法。苗苗接着对我说:“可是我再想想,也没有什么解决不了的问题,我去上课了,也没有我想象中的那么难。我自己也知道我现在吃苦,都是为了今后能有好的发展。小时候吃苦不要紧,长大了吃苦那才真是苦。所以,我对我自己说:我要死的重于泰山,不能轻于鸿毛。我一定会努力的,坚持下去。妈妈,等我长大了,我一定挣很多很多的钱,让你和爸爸过上好日子。” 苗苗睡着了,小脸上满是安祥。望着苗苗熟睡的小脸,回想着苗苗的话,我的心里感慨万千。孩子慢慢长大了,不再是小的时候,家长说什么,小孩子就相信什么。他们有了自己的想法,有了自己的喜怒哀乐。家长为孩子做了很多很多事情,总是认为是为了孩子们好,可却没有切身从孩子的角度考虑过问题。如果不是苗苗今天这一番话,我真以为苗苗应该是快乐、幸福的生活,不会有这样消极的想法。我们做家长要多看看孩子们的长处,多让孩子们做主,哪怕明知道孩子们这样做会摔跟头,也要让他们去实验一番。就如孩子小时候学走路一样,明知道孩子学走路的时候孩子们都会摔个两三下,还是依然放手,还是依然让孩子摔几个跟头,跌几个屁墩。 脑海中又浮现起那篇文章,我相信苗苗就是那棵白色的风信子,虽然开花比别的颜色的风信子开得要慢,可是我相信苗苗都会拼尽全力为我开一朵最美的花。我坚信等到那白色风信子花开之后,一定是最好看的。我相信每个孩子都是天使,无论风雪再大,受伤再深,他们都会努力地展开弱小的翅膀,努力地向前飞翔。 每个孩子都是天使,让我们每个做父母的,好好爱自己的天使吧! 5. 孩子的守护天使 英语散文:孩子的守护天使 薛松 Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born. So one day he asked God,"They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?" God replied,"Among the many angels, I chose one for you. She will be waiting for you and will take care of you." But the child wasn"t sure he really wanted to go."But tell me, here in Heaven, I don"t do anything else but sing and smile, that"s enough for me to be happy." "Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you every day. And you will feel your angel"s love and be happy." "And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me,"the child continued,"if I don"t know the language that men talk?" God patted him on the head and said,"Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak." "And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?" But God had an answer for that question too."Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray." "I"ve heard that on earth there are bad men, who will protect me?" "Your angel will defend you even if it means risking her life!" "But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore,"the child continued warily. God smiled on the young one."Your angel will always talk to you about me and will teach you the way for you to come back to me, even though I will always be next to you." At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from earth could already be heard. The child knew he had to start on his journey very soon. He asked God one more question, softly,"Oh God, if I am about to leave now, please tell me my angel"s name." God touched the child on the shoulder and answered,"Your angel"s name is not hard to remember. You will simply call her Mommy." 上帝的完美安排:孩子的守护天使 从前,有个孩子马上就要诞生了。 因此有一天他问上帝:“听说明天你就送我去人间了,但是,我这么弱小和无助,我在那儿怎么生活呢?” 上帝答道:“在众多的天使中,我特别为你挑了一位。她会守候你、无微不至地照顾你。” 小孩还是拿不准自己是否真的想去。“但是在天堂,我除了唱唱笑笑外,什么也不做。 这就足以让我感到幸福了。” “你的天使每天会为你唱歌,为你微笑。 你会感受她的爱,并且因此而幸福。” “如果我不懂人类的语言,他们对我说话时,我怎么听得懂呢?”孩子继续问道。 上帝轻轻地拍了一下孩子的脑袋说:“你的天使会对你说最最美丽、最最动听的话语,而这些都是你从未听过的。她会不厌其烦地教你说话。” “如果我想与你说话怎么办?” 上帝胸有成竹地回答:“你的天使会将你的双手合拢,教你如何祈祷。” “听说尘世有很多坏蛋,谁来保护我呢?” “即使冒着生命危险,你的天使也会保护你的。” “但是见不到你,我会难过的。”小孩小心翼翼说道。 听到这儿,上帝对着小孩笑了。“尽管我会一直陪伴你左右,你的天使仍会提起我,教你重返天堂之路。” 此时,天堂一片宁静,凡间的声音已可听到,小孩明白自己得赶紧上路了。 他又轻声问了最后一个问题,“哦,上帝,假如我现在就出发,请你告诉我,我的天使叫什么名字。” 上帝把手放在小孩的肩上,答道:“你的天使的名字很容易记住, 你就叫她——妈妈。”。
2023-07-17 08:41:401


【美国恐怖故事4第2集插曲在线试听 】    美国恐怖故事第4季第2集双头姐妹表演的歌曲:    Criminal歌词:    演唱: Fiona Apple   I"ve been a bad bad girl   I"ve been careless with a delicate man   And it"s a sad sad world   When a girl will break a boy   Just because she can   Don"t you tell me to deny it   I"ve done wrong and I want to   Suffer for my sins   I"ve come to you "cause I need   Guidance to be true   And I just don"t know where I can begin   What I need is a good defense   "Cause I"m feelin" like a criminal   And I need to be redeemed   To the one I"ve sinned against   Because he"s all I ever knew of love   Heaven help me for the way I am   Save me from these evil deeds   Before I get them done   I know tomorrow brings the consequence   At hand   But I keep livin" this day like   The next will never come   Oh help me but don"t tell me   To deny it   I"ve got to cleanse myself   Of all these lies till I"m good   Enough for him   I"ve got a lot to lose and I"m bettin" high   So I"m beggin" you before it ends   Just tell me where to begin   What I need is a good defense   "Cause I"m feelin" like a criminal   And I need to be redeemed   To the one I"ve sinned against   Because he"s all I ever knew of love   Let me know the way   Before there"s hell to pay   Give me room to lay the law and let me go   I"ve got to make a play   To make my lover stay   So what would an angel say   The devil wants to know   What I need is a good defense   "Cause I"m feelin" like a criminal   And I need to be redeemed   To the one I"ve sinned against   Because he"s all I ever knew of love   What I need is a good defense   "Cause I"m feelin" like a criminal   And I need to be redeemed   To the one I"ve sinned against   Because he"s all I ever knew of love   美国恐怖故事第4季第2集中双头姐妹第一次上台表演的这首歌曲《criminal》虽然很不符合姐姐的性格,但是她还是决定演唱这首动感十足的歌曲,也许和妹妹内心潜伏的对于爱情的渴望有关吧!畸形秀里的这些畸形人难免心里会有一些异常之处。如果你喜欢双头姐妹演唱的这首歌曲,请持续关注365语录台词网站哦!
2023-07-17 08:41:571


网易云音乐:搜索---优衣库 UNIQLO STORE MUSIC进入电台:优衣库 UNIQLO STORE MUSIC歌单中的#33 fighter,就是你要找的歌。安卓手机可以通过-文件管理-找到下载好的.PM3文件,IOS的不懂歌词:I got this boy on my mind that I can"t be withoutOh, his eyes are killing meAnd he keeps talking about everything that he likesAnd I can"t stop listeningI"m thinking "bout him all the timeI"m thinking "bout him all the timeI"m thinking "bout him all the timeAll the timeAnd my hearts beating fast when he"s looking like thatOh, his smile is killin" meIt"s the way that he moves and the way that he laughsSo I can"t get enoughI"m thinking "bout him all the timeI can"t get him off my mindOh, I want him to be mineTo be mineMy heart is saying "yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah"You know I want him na na na na nowMy heart is saying "yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah"Yeah yeah yeahI told him "I can be a fighter if you wantI"ll be there to catch you if you fallI can make it brighter when it"s dark, when it"s dark"I told him "I would do it all for youAnd I know you"d do it for me tooI can be a fighter if you want, if you want"Yeah, I can be a fighterI can be a fighter if you wantI can be a fighterIf you want
2023-07-17 08:42:064

求薮宏太的Angel come to me歌词

薮宏太 - Angel Come To Me I"ve got all of my time to give If u will recipe I"ve got a lot of faith in love If u still don"t leave Don"t u know We"ve got a good life to achieve Angel come to me Heaven sent down an angel to my heart To bring a brand new start When the sky is still in gray Heaven sent down an angel to my heart I felt the bless of line since you came away Because a suddenly a person To be sitting in life Softy turning green Rain is keeping wet for birds Because I dream of you Angel come to me Ever sit down an angel To my sad and lonely heart (sky is changing to blue again Because of u) Don"t worry if someone turning it green It"s been sitting with life (ever since u came this way) Heaven sent down an angel to my heart To bring a brand new start When the sky is still in gray Heaven sent down an angel to my heart I felt the bless of line since you came away
2023-07-17 08:42:142

angel wings是什么意思

2023-07-17 08:42:224


2023-07-17 08:42:303


Angel Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born. One day the child asked God: "They tell me you are going to send me to earth tomorrow but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?" God replied: "Among the many angels, I have chosen one for you. She will be waiting for you and will take care of you." "But, " said the child: "tell me here in Heaven I don‘t anything else but sing and smile. That‘s what I need to be happy!" God said: "Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you every day. And you will feel your angel‘s love and be happy." "And," said the child: "how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me, If I don‘t know the language that men talk?" "That‘s easy", said God: "Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak." The child looked up at God saying: "And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?" God smiled at the child saying: "Your angel will Place your hands together and will teach you how to pray." The child said: "I‘ve heard on earth there are bad men. Who will Protect me?" God put his arm around the child, saying: "Your angel will defend you - even if it means risking life!" The child looked sad, saying: "But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore." God hugged the child: "Your angel will always talk to you about me and will teach you the way to come back to me, even though I will always be next to you." At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from earth could already be heard. The child, in a hurry, asked softly: "Oh God, if I am about to leave now Please tell my Angel"s name!" God replied: "Your angel‘s name is of no will simply call her MOMMY!" 有一个婴儿即将出生。 一天,这个小孩问上帝,“他们告诉我明天你将要把我送到地球,不过为什么我在那儿会那么小和无助呢?” 上帝说,“在所有的天使之中,我已经选中了一个给你。她将会等待你和照顾你。” “不过”,小孩问了,“请告诉我--在天堂我除了歌唱和微笑之外什么都不做。这些是我快乐所需要的!” 上帝说,“你的天使每天将会为你歌唱和微笑。你将会感受到你的天使的爱,你会感到快乐。” “还有”,小孩又问了,“如果我不懂他们说的语言,当人们对我说话的时候我怎样才会理解呢?” “这很简单,”上帝说,“你的天使将教会你语言中最美丽和最甜蜜的词语,带着最大的耐心和关怀,你的天使将教会你怎样说话。 小孩抬头看着上帝说,“我想和你说话的时候我该怎么做呢?” 上帝微笑着对小孩说,“你的天使会把你的双手放在一起然后教会你怎样祈祷。” 小孩说,“我听说地球上有坏人,谁将会保护我呢?” 上帝把手放在小孩身上,说,“你的天使将会保护你,甚至会冒生命的危险!” 小孩看起来有些悲伤,他说,“我将会一直感到悲伤因为我再也看不到你了。” 上帝拥抱着小孩。“你的天使以后会一直跟你说有关我的事情,还会教你回到我身边的方法,虽说我一直与你同在。” 在这一刻小孩在天堂感到了无比的安详,不过已经可以听到从地球传来的声音。。。。 小孩有点急促,温柔的问“上帝啊,如果我现在将要离开,请告诉我我的天使的名字!” 上帝回答说,你的天使的名字并不那么重要,你可以简单的叫她—— “妈妈”。 ——献给天下所有母亲 来自《世界上最美丽的英文》
2023-07-17 08:43:221

Sad Angel 这首钢琴曲所表达的寓意是什么?

2023-07-17 08:44:022

sad angel gp5谱子 求 求谱子

2023-07-17 08:45:551

sad angel 钢琴数学谱

2023-07-17 08:46:021

你有sad Angel的钢琴谱吗?可以发给我吗~~

2023-07-17 08:46:081

Sad Cafe的《Angel》 歌词

歌曲名:Angel歌手:Sad Cafe专辑:Very Best OfAkon - AngelI"m looking at an angel我在寻找一位天使And believe me when I say请相信我所说的话She got that whole place blowing她让所到之处为之动容She got that whole place glowing,glowing,glowing她让所到之处发光I"m looking at an angel我在寻找一位天使And believe me when I say请相信我所说的She got that whole place glowing她让所到之处发光And she"s high in the sky singing,singing她在高空中放声歌唱Way above the clouds in the sky singing在云层之上歌唱She got wings she got a halo她有翅膀,她有光环It seems to me so unnatural在我看来如此不自然Cos that"s one thing that I just don"t know因为有一样东西我不知道What seems to be so incredible那东西似乎是什么太不可思议了She looked at me took me by surprise yeaaahh她看着我,我感到无比的诧异As if she took me by the hand就像她拉着我的手to some foreign land把我带到了异国他乡And had me way up让我一路走来Way above the clouds in the sky singing一路在云端之上放声歌唱Singing my song yeah yeah唱出我的心声吧From dust til dawn yeah yeah一直到从尘埃散尽到光明出现I know you got a lot on your mind我知道你的心里埋藏了很多秘密But it won"t be long yeah yeah但那不会持续很久的You always get better yeah yeah你会越来越好And I may be wrong yeah yeah可能我错了吧It never across the line你超越了自己before they make it home yeah yeah在他们回去之前Singing my song yeah yeah唱出我的心声吧From dust til dawn yeah yeah一直到从尘埃散尽到光明出现I know you got a lot on your mind我知道你的心里埋藏了很多秘密But it won"t be long yeah yeah但那不会持续很久的You always get better yeah yeah你会越来越好And I may be wrong yeah yeah可能我错了吧It never across the line你超越了自己before they make it home yeah yeah在他们回去之前I"m looking at an angel我在寻找一位天使And believe me when I say请相信我所说的She got that whole place blowing她让所到之处为之动容I"m looking at an angel我在寻找一位天使And believe me when I say请相信我所说的She got that whole place glowing她让所到之处发光And she"s high in the sky singing他就在云端里,放声歌唱ohhhhhhh制作此歌词只是想让更多人了解 多谢eelipse分享
2023-07-17 08:46:151


2023-07-17 08:46:222


2023-07-17 08:46:301

Dyango的《Angel》 歌词

歌曲名:Angel歌手:Dyango专辑:Vuela ConmigoJudas Priest----AngelJudas Priest----AngelAngel,put sad wings around me nowProtect me from this world of sinSo that we can rise againOh angel - we can find our way somehowEscaping from the world we"re inTo a place where we beganAnd I know we"ll findA better place and peace of mindJust tell me that it"s all you wantfor you and meAngel won"t you set me freeAngel remember how we"d chase the sunThen reaching for the stars at nightAs our lives had just begunWhen I close my eyesI hear your velvet wings and cryI"m waiting here with open armsoh can"t you seeAngel shine your light on meOh angel will we meet once more - I"ll payWhen all my sins are washed awayHold me inside your wings and stayOh! Angel take me awayPut sad wings around me nowAngel take me far awayPut sad wings around me nowSo that we can rise againPut sad wings around me nowAngel take me far awayPut sad wings around me nowSo that we can rise again
2023-07-17 08:46:381

Judas Priest的《Angel》 歌词

歌曲名:Angel歌手:Judas Priest专辑:Original Album ClassicsJudas Priest----AngelJudas Priest----AngelAngel,put sad wings around me nowProtect me from this world of sinSo that we can rise againOh angel - we can find our way somehowEscaping from the world we"re inTo a place where we beganAnd I know we"ll findA better place and peace of mindJust tell me that it"s all you wantfor you and meAngel won"t you set me freeAngel remember how we"d chase the sunThen reaching for the stars at nightAs our lives had just begunWhen I close my eyesI hear your velvet wings and cryI"m waiting here with open armsoh can"t you seeAngel shine your light on meOh angel will we meet once more - I"ll payWhen all my sins are washed awayHold me inside your wings and stayOh! Angel take me awayPut sad wings around me nowAngel take me far awayPut sad wings around me nowSo that we can rise againPut sad wings around me nowAngel take me far awayPut sad wings around me nowSo that we can rise again
2023-07-17 08:46:571

Judas Priest的《Angel》 歌词

歌曲名:Angel歌手:Judas Priest专辑:Angel Of RetributionJudas Priest----AngelJudas Priest----AngelAngel,put sad wings around me nowProtect me from this world of sinSo that we can rise againOh angel - we can find our way somehowEscaping from the world we"re inTo a place where we beganAnd I know we"ll findA better place and peace of mindJust tell me that it"s all you wantfor you and meAngel won"t you set me freeAngel remember how we"d chase the sunThen reaching for the stars at nightAs our lives had just begunWhen I close my eyesI hear your velvet wings and cryI"m waiting here with open armsoh can"t you seeAngel shine your light on meOh angel will we meet once more - I"ll payWhen all my sins are washed awayHold me inside your wings and stayOh! Angel take me awayPut sad wings around me nowAngel take me far awayPut sad wings around me nowSo that we can rise againPut sad wings around me nowAngel take me far awayPut sad wings around me nowSo that we can rise again
2023-07-17 08:47:041

Drop Nineteens的《Angel》 歌词

歌曲名:Angel歌手:Drop Nineteens专辑:DelawareJudas Priest----AngelJudas Priest----AngelAngel,put sad wings around me nowProtect me from this world of sinSo that we can rise againOh angel - we can find our way somehowEscaping from the world we"re inTo a place where we beganAnd I know we"ll findA better place and peace of mindJust tell me that it"s all you wantfor you and meAngel won"t you set me freeAngel remember how we"d chase the sunThen reaching for the stars at nightAs our lives had just begunWhen I close my eyesI hear your velvet wings and cryI"m waiting here with open armsoh can"t you seeAngel shine your light on meOh angel will we meet once more - I"ll payWhen all my sins are washed awayHold me inside your wings and stayOh! Angel take me awayPut sad wings around me nowAngel take me far awayPut sad wings around me nowSo that we can rise againPut sad wings around me nowAngel take me far awayPut sad wings around me nowSo that we can rise again
2023-07-17 08:47:111


Artist:Judas PriestSong: AngelAlbmun:Angel Of RetributionLyrics:By Rob HalfordAngel,Put sad wings around me nowProtect me from this world of sinSo that we can rise againOh angel,We can find our way somehowEscaping from the world we"re in To a place where we beganAnd I know we"ll findA better place and piece of mindJust tell me that it"s all you wantFor you and meAngel won"t you set me freeAngel,Remember how we chased the sunThen reaching for the stars at nightAs our lives had just begunWhen I close my eyesI hear your velvet wings and cryI"m waiting here with open armsOh can"t you seeAngel shine your light on meAngel we"ll meet once more I"ll prayWhen all my sins are washed awayHold me inside your wings and stayAngel take me far awayPut your sad wings around me nowAngel take me far awayPut sad wings around me nowSo that we can rise againPut sad wings around me nowAngel take me far awayPut sad wings around me nowSo that we can rise again
2023-07-17 08:47:181


2023-07-17 08:47:253

broken angel 歌词 注意:是boyce avenue唱的...

broken angel 歌手:hanson 专辑:underneath 61 搜索"broken angel"LRC歌词61 搜索"broken angel"mp3 [ti:broken angel]hanson - broken angelso small and yet still so proudat night he follows dreamsand looks into the cloudsa high-flyer is what i want to beseems they won"t let mesays i"m too smalli don"t feel small at allbreak my dreamsthat"s what they"ll dowell i"m gonna run awayand learn to fly like youi"m gonna go so highand i"ll swoop so lowthey can"t bring me downi"m gonna be so proud!little angelyou"ve got to learn to flyget up and earn your wings tonightlittle angeljust look in my eyesget up and earn your wings tonightpush and shovethen climb aboveand send a shattered dreamto the top of the worldwhen you look aroundwhat do you see?these are all high-fliersnone of these high-fliers look like mewhat is that supposed to mean?what am i supposed to be?i pulled my way up through this cloudto find your body crushed on the groundit"s so obviouswhy couldn"t you see?that you can"t go high-flyingwithout a pair of high-flying wingslittle ones brokenlying on the groundtrying to get upget his last breath outwings are strewn everywherethere"s blood on the groundeven angels dietheir life just fadesit"s so sadbut he"d be so proudbroken angelyou"ve got to learn to flyget up and earn your wings tonightbroken angeljust look in my eyesget up and earn your wings tonightget up and earn your wingsearn your wings tonight
2023-07-17 08:47:331

The New World Orchestra With Merv Young的《Angels》 歌词

歌曲名:Angels歌手:The New World Orchestra With Merv Young专辑:Pure Acoustic ChilloutJudas Priest----AngelJudas Priest----AngelAngel,put sad wings around me nowProtect me from this world of sinSo that we can rise againOh angel - we can find our way somehowEscaping from the world we"re inTo a place where we beganAnd I know we"ll findA better place and peace of mindJust tell me that it"s all you wantfor you and meAngel won"t you set me freeAngel remember how we"d chase the sunThen reaching for the stars at nightAs our lives had just begunWhen I close my eyesI hear your velvet wings and cryI"m waiting here with open armsoh can"t you seeAngel shine your light on meOh angel will we meet once more - I"ll payWhen all my sins are washed awayHold me inside your wings and stayOh! Angel take me awayPut sad wings around me nowAngel take me far awayPut sad wings around me nowSo that we can rise againPut sad wings around me nowAngel take me far awayPut sad wings around me nowSo that we can rise again
2023-07-17 08:47:401

谁有judas priest的angel的歌词的中文版

judas priest的《angel》Angel Put sad wings around me now Protect me from this world of sin So that we can rise again Oh angelWe can find our way somehow Escaping from the world we#re in To a place where we began And I know we#ll find A better place and piece of mind Just tell me that it#s all you want For you and me Angel won#t you set me free Angel Remember how we chased the sun Then reaching for the stars at night As our lives had just begun When I close my eyes I hear your velvet wings and cry I#m waiting here with open arms Oh can#t you see Angel shine your light on me Angel we#ll meet once more I#ll pray When all my sins are washed away Hold me inside your wings and stay Angel take me far away Put your sad wings around me now Angel take me far away Put sad wings around me now So that we can rise again Put sad wings around me now Angel take me far away Put sad wings around me now So that we can rise again天使现在在我周围放了忧愁的翅膀保护我免於罪的这个世界以便 我们再一次能升哦天使我们能不知何故找我们的方法从世界来的我们关于在到我们开始的一个地方而且我认识我们# ll 找思想的比较好的地方和块仅仅告诉我它全部你需要因为你和我天使嬴得你释放我天使记得我们如何追捕了太阳然后在晚上为星到达如我们的生命仅仅已经开始当我关我的眼睛时候我听到你的天鹅绒翅膀而且哭我在这里用开着的双臂等候哦能你看见在我之上的天使光泽你的灯天使我们会再一次我祈祷当我所有的罪被冲走的时候在你的翅膀和停留之内捉住我天使在远处带我现在在我周围放了你的忧愁翅膀天使在远处带我现在在我周围放了忧愁的翅膀以便 我们再一次能升现在在我周围放了忧愁的翅膀天使在远处带我现在在我周围放了忧愁的翅膀以便 我们再一次能升
2023-07-17 08:47:581

翻译Judas Priest的 angel

犹大牧师----天使 犹大牧师----天使 天使,把悲伤现在我周围的翅膀 保护我从这个世界的罪恶 以使我们能够再次上升 噢天使-我们能够找到某种方式 逃离的世界,我们是在 的地方,我们开始 而我知道我们会发现 一个更好的地方和安心 只是告诉我,这一切您想要 为你和我 天使不会你让我自由 天使还记得我们想要追逐太阳 然后达到的星级在夜间 正如我们的生活才刚刚开始 当我闭上眼睛 我听到你的天鹅绒翅膀,哭 我在这里等着张开双臂 噢你不能见 天使服务您就我 噢天使将举行一次会议,我们的产品-我会付 当我所有的罪孽都冲走 保持我在您的翅膀,住宿 噢!天使带我离开 把悲伤现在我周围的翅膀 天使带我远 把悲伤现在我周围的翅膀 以使我们能够再次上升 把悲伤现在我周围的翅膀 天使带我远 把悲伤现在我周围的翅膀 以使我们能够再次上升我建议用
2023-07-17 08:48:051

求伊朗巨星ARASH最新大热之作Broken Angel 高清MV 谢谢~!~

  Boyce Avenue - Broken Angel  You showed him all the best of you  你向他展示了你所有的好  But I"m afraid your best  但是我害怕你是最好的  Wasn"t good enough  不够好  And know he never wanted you  要知道他从不需要你  At least not the way  至少不是那种方式  You wanted yourself to be loved  你想要被爱  And you feel like you were a mistake  你感觉自己就像是一个错误  He"s not worth all those tears that won"t go away  他不值得你为他流这么多眼泪  I wish you could see that  我希望你看到  Still you try to impress him  你仍然尽力去给他留下印象  But he never will listen  但他从不听  Oh broken angel  啊 受伤的天使  Were you sad when he crushed all your dreams  当他粉碎你的梦想时你很悲伤  Oh broken angel  啊 受伤的天使  Inside you"re dying "cause you can"t believe  你的内心已死因为你不能相信  And now you"ve grown up  现在你长大了  With this notion that you were to blame  你要怪责这个观念  And you seem so strong sometimes  你似乎有时候很强悍  But I know that you still feel the same As that little girl who shined like an angel  但我知道你的感觉和那个如阳光般天使的小女孩是一样的  Even after his lazy heart put you through hell  即使在他那懒惰的心把你推入地狱之后  I wish you could see that  我希望你看到  Still you try to impress him  你仍然尽力去给他留下印象  But he never will listen、  但他从不听  Oh broken angel  啊受伤的天使  Were you sad when he crushed all your dreams?  当他粉碎你的梦想时你很悲伤  Oh broken angel  啊受伤的天使  Inside you"re dying "cause you can"t believe  你的内心已死因为你不能相信  He would leave you alone  他会留下你一个人的  And leave you so cold  冷冷地离开你  When you were his daughter  当你是他的女儿时  But the blood in your veins  但是血液就在静脉里  As you carry his name  因为你携带他的名字  Turns thinner than water  比起水,那变得越来越稀薄  You"re just a broken angel  你只是一个受伤的天使  And I promise that it"s not your fault  我承诺那不是你的错  It was never your fault  从来都不是你的错  And I promise that it"s not your fault  我保证这不是你的错  It was never your fault...  永远都不会是你的错  Oh broken angel  哦破碎的天使  Were you sad when he crushed all your dreams?  当他粉碎你的梦想时你很悲伤  Oh broken angel  啊 受伤的天使  Inside you"re dying "cause you can"t believe  你的内心已死因为你不能相信  He would leave you alone  他会留下你一个人的  And leave you so cold  冷冷地离开你  When you were his daughter  当你是他的女儿时  But the blood in your veins  但是血液就在静脉里  As you carry his name  因为你携带他的名字  Turns thinner than water  比起水,那变得越来越稀薄  You"re just a broken angel  你只是一个受伤的天使
2023-07-17 08:48:421

Nobody Wants a Loser 歌词

歌曲名:Nobody Wants a Loser歌手:Albert King专辑:Truckload of Lovin" [Rhino]i pretended i"m glad you went awaythese four walls closin" more every dayand i"m dying insideand nobody knows it but melike a clown i put on a showthe pain is real even if nobody knowsand i"m crying insideand nobody knows it but mewhy didn"t i saythe things i needed to sayhow could i let my angel get awaynow my world is just a tumblin" downi can say it so clearlybut you"re nowhere aroundthe nights are lonely the days are so sadand i just keep thinkin" aboutthe love that we hadand i"m missin" youand nobody knows it but mei carry a smile when i"m broken in twoand i"m nobody without someone like youi"m tremblin" inside and nobody knows it but mei lie awake it"s a quarter past threei"m screamin" at night as if i thoughtyou"d hear meyeah my heart is callin" youand nobody knows it but mehow blue can i getyou could ask my heartbut like a jigsaw puzzle it"s been torn all aparta million words couldn"t say just how i feela million years from now you knowi"ll be lovin" you stillthe nights are lonely the days are so sadand i just keep thinkin" aboutthe love that we hadand i"m missin" youand nobody knows it but metomorrow mornin" i"m hitting the dusty roadgonna find you wherever ever you might goi"m gonna unload my heart and hope you come back to mesaid when the nights are lonelythe nights are lonely the days are so sadand i just keep thinkin" aboutthe love that we hadand i"m missin" youand nobody knows it but methe nights are lonely the days are so sadand i just keep thinkin" aboutthe love that we hadand i"m missin" youand nobody knows it but methe nights are lonely the days are so sadand i just keep thinkin" aboutthe love that we hadand i"m missin" you
2023-07-17 08:49:071


2023-07-17 08:45:381


近来,苹果和三星的“监听门”事件愈演愈烈……如果是手机运营商监控,可能老百姓都理解,因为最主要的是能准确的即时的指出手机用户那里不对,也是对手机客户的负责及人身财产的负责,应该支持。但是要是被那些钓鱼网站或不怀好意的人监控去了,那么监控性质就不一样了,那些不怀好意的人最后将受到法律的制裁。但是我们老百姓比较担忧的是手机上用的银行账号密码以及个人信息,这类信息被心术不正的人卖给犯罪份子,或被犯罪分子类型的黑客监控手机窃取去了,或犯罪分子监控了你的个人信息后对你实施敲诈勒索,这几年有些犯罪分子精准的诈骗可能就是因为通过监控个人手机掌握了这类信息。黑客的黑科技比比皆是,普通民众根本无从防范,而 一些黑客的有些黑科技可能被犯罪分子买了去,可能就会实施对一些老百姓手机监控银行卡账号支付宝账号或密码以及个人信息等实施窃取或敲诈勒索。所以被犯罪分子使用黑客的一些黑科技监控上了手机,可能对老百姓来说是比较恐怖的一件事情。另外一个方面,假如如果国家采取监控的话,估计应该是出于防控外敌间谍类的监控,这是必须也是必要的,这就象民居全无设防,贼偷便无所忌惮。 这些对于我们善良的普通老百姓不必介意,因为我们小老百姓没有被监控的价值。但是要注意的是别被社会上的犯罪分子黑客监控了你的手机,就可能会被窃取了密码以及你个人的信息,然后对你实施敲诈犯罪。所以日常要养成经常用杀毒软件对手机进行杀毒处理。最后我们应该感激生活在祖国怀抱中,这些年经济高速的发展,军力高速提升,惠民政策一个接一个,老虎一个个被法办,日本等国的间谍被抓获,一件件,一桩桩,这也说明了祖国的国力的综合实力之所在。可能有些局部方面还略显不足,但都是需要时间来慢慢完善和实现的更加欣欣向荣,相信祖国一定能繁荣昌盛富强立于世界之巅。所以我辈百姓要爱自己祖国,遵纪守法。踏踏实实做个爱祖国孝养父母的善良善心之人。 善心善行。据说,不要太在意自己手机是否被监听,因为如果是国家,那你没办法,只要不犯事就不会有事。如果真的很想知道自己手机是否被监听,可以试试下面几种方法:1、手机的话在你发送信息或通话之后,查看自己号码的通讯记录(通讯清单),看有没有产生其他可疑的通讯记录。一般窃取信息的人是通过短信窃取私人信息的。2、一般监控手机都需要安装一个监控软件,而这样的软件都是隐匿运行的,很难检测到,如果你怀疑自己的手机被监控了,你可以备份手机上的必要软件和数据,然后恢复手机至出厂设置,这样一些未知的或有潜在威胁的软件就会被处理掉。3、手机偶尔会卡顿,按键反应会比较慢。如果手机被植入晶片,"窃听者"在监听时,你拿起手机的同时,不管是玩GAME还是拨电话,按下的第一个按键,会有延迟1~2秒的现象。如果是植入软体,则不会有这个情形。最后说一点,安卓手机的系统安全性是很低的,但你可以通过安装安全卫士来防止病毒,如果平常不 root手机不装其他奇怪的软件一般不会被别人监控;苹果则是在越狱后,安装插件的时候存在这种被监控的风险。关于手机被窃听一事近期在网上引发强烈讨论那么到底是经过怎样的技术对我们的手机进行了窃听呢?1.挂线监听:此方法任何反监听技术皆无法察觉,属于国家级的监听技术,适用于任何监听方式(座机电话监听、手机监听),你是商业间谍吗?不是的话,此种监听手法不会用在你身上。2.数位GSM手机拦截器:此款监听设备多属商业间谍等专业蒐证监听人员所使用。应用范围涵盖广泛,包括:特定号码锁定监听、拦截通话、简讯,音频锁定 (换号码也没用因为说话音频被锁住),特定区域扫瞄通话内容...等多种监听功能,任何反监听技术皆无法察觉。3.间谍卫星监听:特定国家军事级监听方式,功能强大,多用于国家安全系统,任何反监听装备皆无法察觉。4.监听手机:目前一般民众可取得的监听工具,有植入晶片与植入软体二种方式,植入软体有别于以往的晶片监听技术,在手机中不会留下任何资料、安装快 速、功能强大,监听时不响铃、不震动,目前的反监听设备皆无法有效察觉。如何判别你的手机被监听了?如果您被以上的第1.2.3.种手法给窃听了,基本上是无法察觉的(国家要窃听你,你能怎麽办.= =),但有一种治标的方法,就是换手机吧!如果你与特定人士的通话不想被窃听,双方二人同时拥有一只保密手机,用此保密手机谈话便不会被窃听了,但必需双 方都要有同样的加解密手机才行,看似麻烦,但确是手机防窃听最最有效的方法。上面的第4种方法是一般市面上约90%惯用的手机监听戏法,但是在监听前,需要些准备工作,这些准备工作会倒致"窃听者"现出原型,也就是小小破绽,但需要从日常生活上的小地方注意喔!以下几点如果都符合的话..抱歉..您被窃听了..如果只符合几项也需要小心注意喔.1.你的手机不是自已买的?是礼物?还是有消失一阵子.. 手机监听需要拿"被监听人"的手机来"安装",安装需要时间的,植入晶片需要时间约一天,植入软体需要时间约3~10分钟,所以你的手机如果曾经消失过半小时以上,就算符合这个条件了。2.手机偶尔会透逗..偶尔按按键反应会比较慢.. 如果手机被植入晶片,"窃听者"在监听的同时,你拿起手机的同时,不管是玩GAME还是拨电话,按下的第一个按键,会有延迟1~2秒的现象。如果是植入软体,则不会有这个情形..3.查看电话簿 看看有没有不认识的人出现在你的电话簿里面,如果有的话,那支电话就可能是"窃听者",这支是回拨用的电话号码,也就是"窃听者"用这支手机拨号来窃听,虽然无法知道对方是谁,但把他给删掉就好了^^。4.每个月的简讯费用暴涨手机窃听有一种功能,您的手机在你不知情的情况下会"主动"发简讯给"窃听者",而且手机里不会留有任何简讯发过的记录,只能从每个月帐单来查了,如果 你的帐单不是自己缴的,那代缴的人就更加可疑了...你发给"窃听者"的简讯内容就是:来电去电(谁拨电话给你,你拨电话给谁)简讯、其它人传给你的简 讯,你收到后也会自动传一封给"窃听者"、你寄出去的简讯,你寄出时也会自动传一封给"窃听者"。不过此功能可开可关,如果有打开的话,简讯费暴涨是一定 的。5.SIM卡有开通三方通话功能 要监听通话内容,不外乎就是你在讲电话的同时,又有另外一个人打电话进来,通常这样会变会电话插拨或者是电话占线;但是如果你的手机有开通三方通话功 能,"窃听者"一拨进去就可以直接听通话内容,而你还浑然不知。最好是打电话给你的手机业者查询一下看有没有被"某人"开通了三方通话功能,如果此功能被 关闭,虽然无法得知"窃听者"是谁,但至少通话内容不会再被窃听了。解决方法1.找出"窃听者":至电信局,调出通联记录,找出明明就没有通话,却有通话记录的可疑日期与时间。2.换手机:直接换一款加密手机就可以根治了,如果不换手机只换SIM卡,是行不通的喔!一样会被窃听~3.关机:手机不用的时候把手机关机,最好是把手机电池也给取下来,为了防止前面所述的三种方法,让你的"手机窃听器"停止供电,相对也就不能窃听喽!4.通过专业的反窃听设备进行检测:通过无线频率侦测方式扫描手机监听软件 打开开关. ;.将灵敏度调到最低即最 "-" 一边。 .按MODE键把模式调到无线电侦测,中间指示灯 亮起 .将探测器放在手机旁边,如果有手机监听软件被激活工作时,探测器的指示灯 会闪亮起报警,并发出来 ”滴滴…….” 的干扰声音,让对方监听不 到这边的真实声音 .注意:正常打电话也会发射信号导致探测器报警,这是正常现象,只有在您自己没有打电话,发短信这一类行为,如果探测器经常报警,就表示您的手机已经被 安装了间谍监听软件,应及时换手机或者将手机送到专业检测机构检测。通过无线频率侦测方式扫描手机监听软件打开开关. 2.将灵敏度调到最低即最 "-" 一边。 .按MODE键把模式调到无线电侦测,中间指示灯 亮起 .将探测器放在手机旁边,如果有手机监听软件被激活工作时,探测器的指示灯 会闪亮起报警,并发出来 ”滴滴…….” 的干扰声音,让对方监听 不到这边的真实声音 .注意:正常打电话也会发射信号导致探测器报警,这是正常现象,只有在您自己没有打电话,发短信这一类行为,如果探测器经常报警,就表示您的手机已经被 安装了间谍监听软件,应及时换手机或者将手机送到专业检测机构检测。三种情况。一是自己犯事了,被国家机构监听。二是自己损害了某些人的利益,被非法机构或个人监控。三是自己什么都没干,好端端的就被盯了。第一种情况你没办法解决。因为是你的问题。而而后两种情况就应该警惕了。我们先来看一看如何窃听。其实目前仍无法由外观或内部判断手机是否被植入窃听木马,但是如果手机关机后仍能拨通且屏幕没反应,就是被植入了木马。由于执行通话窃听须SIM卡有启动三方通话功能,如果怀疑手机被窃听,可以查看自己的手机记录,比对是否有三方通话纪录,并可由短信的发送者查出犯罪者。由于警方目前查出被窃听的手机都是使用S60的作业系统,手机厂商建议使用S60的消费者,不要轻易启动蓝牙装置,如果启动,则将「我的名称」隐藏,而且不要接收来路不明的简讯,以防恶意人士传送窃听程式;但如果特定人利用短信方式植入窃听木马,较难防范。那么,对于手机被窃听,我们应该如何预防呢?一、关机手机不用的时候把手机关机,最好是把手机电池也给取下来,为了防止前面所述的三种方法,让你的"手机窃听器"停止供电,相对也就不能窃听喽!这是最有效直接的一种方法二、换新手机直接换一款加密手机就可以根治这种情况了,但是如果不换手机只换SIM卡,是行不通的!治标不治本,还是一样会被窃听三、寻求专业机构帮助1,找出"窃听者":至电信局,调出通联记录,找出明明就没有通话,却有通话记录的可疑日期与时间2,通过专业的反窃听设备进行检测:通过无线频率侦测方式扫描手机监听软件。最后总结一下,手机被控一定是有原因的,而且目前来讲比较常用有二种方法,一种是在手机内种植病毒,另一种就是后台了,种植病毒日前只能用在安卓,萍果是种不到的,用这种方法往往是你最亲密的人,知道你手机密码,最少要有5分钟安装时间,要发现这种除了专业软件,你注意下耗电量即可感觉到,另一种后台的,我就不多说了大家都懂的,要发现这种,我的经验是你在接电话时特别是接通这一瞬间多注意手机杂音,如果经常挟着象收音机一样的滋兹声音,而以前手机从未有过,那恭喜你中奖了。而移动监控的话实际就是用伪机站接通你手机与移动运营商的机站!
2023-07-17 08:45:391

请帮我解释一下link by,link with,link to 的区别.

link没有link by 和link to的说法只有be linked by或者link .. to的用法be linked by用在被动语态里,link ... to就像help sb. to do sth一样link做动词用时,有这样的模式:Link A with B/ Link A and B (together); link sth (up)解释为:将人或物件连接或联系起来例如:The crowd linked arms to form a barrier.(群众臂挽着臂组成人墙)Television stations around the world are linked by satellite.(全世界的电视台通过卫星联系一起)The newspapers have linked his name with hers.(报纸报道把他和她的名字联系在一起<暗指他们有染>)a new road to link (up) the two motorways(连接两条高速公路的新路)另外link还有短语动词用法:link up (with sb/sth)连接,结合例句:The two spacecraft will link up (with each other) in orbit.(两艘宇宙飞船将于轨道上互相连接)
2023-07-17 08:45:391


只要符合条件就可以直接入驻。入驻政府采购平台的条件有三个:第一:企业必须满足注册资金100万以上。 第二:必须有三个人的社保缴费只要符合条件就可以直接入驻。入驻政府采购平台的条件有三个:第一:企业必须满足注册资金100万以上。 第二:必须有三个人的社保缴费只要符合条件就可以直接入驻。入驻政府采购平台的条件有三个:第一:企业必须满足注册资金100万以上。 第二:必须有三个人的社保缴费只要符合条件就可以直接入驻。入驻政府采购平台的条件有三个:第一:企业必须满足注册资金100万以上。 第二:必须有三个人的社保缴费
2023-07-17 08:45:412

a choice that seems sustainable(可持续的)turns out on closer examination to be problematic亲帮翻下

通过进一步观察发现,一个似乎是可持续的选择到头来变得那么麻烦。结构:turn out to be。表示意外的结果。on closer examination 是可以调整到句首的。that seems sustainable 是定于从句,主句为:a choice turns out to be problematic。
2023-07-17 08:45:421


2023-07-17 08:45:322

java里,LinkedHashSet 有什么优缺点

讲下LinkedHashSet,他的优点是按照插入顺序排列,速度略慢详细描述:LinkedHashMap和LinkedHashSet是JDK 1.4中引入的两个新的集合类。虽然已经过去5年了,但我敢打赌并不是很多人都用过(因为我就没有用过)。但这两个类在某些情况下还是非常有用的,过去没有用,现在没有用,都没有关系。但还是应该对这两个Collection框架的新成员有所了解,因为也许以后你会到,或者其实你现在就应该要用到。LinkedHashMap/LinkedHashSet 顾名思义,就是在Hash的实现上添加了Linked的支持。对于HashMap/HashSet的每个节点上通过一个链表串联起来,这样就可以保证确定的顺序。对于希望有常量复杂度的高效存取性能要求,同时有要求排序的情况下,现在可以直接使用LinkedHashMap/Set了。对于LinkedHashMap还有一点特别注意,LinkedHashMap支持两种排序:插入顺序、访问顺序。前者是指按照插入时的顺序排序,后者是指按照最旧使用到最近使用的顺序。即如果在一个LinkedHashMap中有5个节点,现在的顺序是e1, e2, e3, e4, e5. 如果是使用顺序的话,现在访问了一次e2, 那么e2节点将移至链表的尾部。现在顺序变为:e1, e3, e4, e5, e2. 这会造成严重的性能问题吗?答案当然是否定的。因为在这儿的链表操作是常量级的。这也是LinkedHashMap/Set在这儿比TreeMap/Set性能更高的原因。同样,LinkedHashMap/Set也不是thread-safe的。如果在多线程下访问,是需要进行外部同步,或者使用Collections.synchronizedMap()的方法包装成一个thread-safe的Map/Set。特别需要注意的是,在使用“访问顺序”时,读取节点操作也是“结构变化”的操作。因为,这会改变元素遍历的顺序。所以,在使用LinkedHashMap的iterator()方法,遍历元素时,如果其它线程有读取操作,也要进行同步。否则,也会抛出同其它fail-fast一样的由于删除或增加操作而引起的CurrentModificationException的例外。LinkedHashMap,HashMap等
2023-07-17 08:45:311


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2023-07-17 08:45:294