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2023-07-17 21:22:25

  Ethics are both the rules and standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession.

  As rules, ethics are usual, customary and universal courses of action or behavior in business courses, so they not only accord with normal, common, or ordinary practice or procedure, but also are based on custom or tradition though sometimes not written laws or contracts. For this reason, they must be observed by every practitioner of mercantile pursuits.

  On the other hand, ethics are acknowledged requirement, which are used to measure business morality that is the quality of being in accord with the standards of right or good conduct.

  Business ethics means that one should be loyal to others, should be truthful and fair in dealing with others, and should be of refusal to engage in fraud, deceit or dissembling.

  All the above leads up to the reason that it is necessary to include business ethics in business courses.



of course .it is necessary.let me tell you what:

Ethics is not the study of what is legal or socially accepted or tolerated; it is the study of what is right and wrong -- in the sense of trying to discover reasonable general principles that will help us decide what we ought to do and what we ought not to do in all cases. If one truly wants to do what is right, it is always important, and usually necessary,It is difficult to do well without some training in the most reasonable ideas that have been developed and discussed by many of the greatest minds over the centuries.

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!

Nowadays, China"s welfare system is improving better and better. But we could still see some prombles of the welfare system.Today, although some local cooperative medical or pension insurance has been a pilot, but accounted for the majority of farmers in China"s population is still basically in the country"s welfare security system.That some staff positions through their own facilities to defraud state employee benefits, while others have leadership presence knows that appear often to open one eye and close the way. And now economic development is more developed, but the state of the welfare payments or those difficult to reach the hands of the poor.

2.I think that an effective welfare system should be fair ,complete and can brings kindness to the people who really need it. Because of the development of society and all kinds of unfair things in the society, there is a wide gap between the rich and the poor, and mang people live in a great trouble. so an effective welfare system is important.

3.of course .it is necessary.let me tell you what:

Ethics is not the study of what is legal or socially accepted or tolerated; it is the study of what is right and wrong -- in the sense of trying to discover reasonable general principles that will help us decide what we ought to do and what we ought not to do in all cases. If one truly wants to do what is right, it is always important, and usually necessary,It is difficult to do well without some training in the most reasonable ideas that have been developed and discussed by many of the greatest minds over the centuries.



名词 1.福利2.生活福利3.禔
2023-07-17 14:25:253


welfare英 [u02c8welfeu0259(r)] 美 [u02c8welfer] n.福利;幸福;繁荣;安宁 双语例句 I do not think he is considering Emma"s welfare 我认为他没有考虑到埃玛的幸福。
2023-07-17 14:25:351


welfare 英[u02c8welfeu0259(r)] 美[u02c8welfer] n. (个体或群体的) 幸福,安全与健康; (政府给予的) 福利; [例句]I do not think he is considering Emma"s welfare我认为他没有考虑到埃玛的幸福。
2023-07-17 14:25:411


welfare 英 ["welfeu0259] 美 ["wu025bl"fu025br] n.福利;福利事业;幸福 [例句] Canada has a welfare state. 加拿大拥有一套福利体系。
2023-07-17 14:25:512


名词, 幸福, 繁荣 They are concerned about my welfare.他们关心我的健康。2.福利 Patrick works for social welfare.帕特里克为社会福利工作。The company"s welfare officer deals with employee"s personal problems.公司负责福利的工作人员处理雇员的个人问题。3.〈美〉政府的福利(制度) Most of the families in this neighbourhood are on welfare.这一带的大多数家庭都接受政府的福利救济。
2023-07-17 14:26:451


2023-07-17 14:27:101


翻译如下welfare一般不可以直接翻译为福利院。welfare的意思是福利;幸福;繁荣;安宁福利院:welfare house、Welfare Centre都可以
2023-07-17 14:27:171


2023-07-17 14:27:252

请问welfare 和 well-being 有什么区别

welfare指的是社会福利,例如social welfarewell-being指的是个人的幸福、健康等
2023-07-17 14:27:331


福利(corporate welfare)是员工薪酬的一个重要组成部分。近年来,越来越多的企业为员工提供良好的福利待遇,以便吸引、激励和留住优秀的员工。与之相应的,员工的福利满意度(welfare satisfaction)也会直接影响员工的工作态度以及企业经营管理的效益。在英美企业工作,员工一般都有足够的意识去努力争取自己应有的福利待遇。
2023-07-17 14:27:421


平安喜乐Peace joy平安喜乐Peace joy
2023-07-17 14:27:491

福利年假 英语怎么说给你个链接,有好多种leave呢
2023-07-17 14:28:227


2023-07-17 14:28:393


wake 激发 want 希望、愿望 welcome 欢迎 wage 工资 warm 温暖的 weal 福利 wealth 财富 welfare 幸福 well 健康的 wherewithal 必要的资力钱财 wholesome 有好处的
2023-07-17 14:28:482


2023-07-17 14:29:454

benefit packages和 welfare 有什么区别

benefit packages 福利体系,或者是几项福利的集合welfare福利,福利事业如果说区别的话,那么意义上前者包含后者
2023-07-17 14:30:012


2023-07-17 14:30:091


福利的英语: welfare ; well-being ; weal ; boon。1、welfare :Chapter 3 analyses the economic effect and welfare effect ofseigniorage。第三章分析了铸币税的经济效应和福利效应。2、benefit :This transfer of risk is not a zero sum game, but can significantly enhance benefits.这种风险转移不是有些人认为的零和博弈,而是能明显增进福利的。3、child welfare;儿童福利。work for the well-being of the people;为人民谋福利。menace public welfare;危及公共福利。benefit the social welfare有益于社会福利。4、福利奥散 foliosan;福利标准 benefits scales;福利补贴 welfare allowances;福利费 welfare expense。5、这题目关系到我们的福利。The subject touches our welfare。6、他总是把个人抱负置于公众福利之后。He always postpones his private ambitions to the public welfare.。7、Their talkran upon the problems of social welfare and social security system.。
2023-07-17 14:30:171


2023-07-17 14:30:251

[A] profit[B] benefit[C] success[D] welfare

【答案】:A33.A profit益处,收益;benefit益处,好处;success成功;welfare福利。 make a profit表示获利,为固定搭配。四个选项只有profit可与 make搭配。benefit表示获利时,用其固定搭配benefit from/by, success可用于固定搭配make a success of sth,表示“获取成功,取得成就”,welfare常用于welfare services表示“福利事业”。本句话意思为“这两个国家都希望能够从中获利。”故选A。
2023-07-17 14:30:321


问题一:公益的英文怎么说?详见下哈! 1) monweal 2搐 public benefit 3) public interest 以上这些都可以作为“公益”使用,只不过看你如何用。 希望可以满足你的要求! 问题二:做公益 或者是做慈善 用英文怎么说 Do public welfare 做公益 Do charity 做慈善 问题三:「公益活动」一词在英文中最准确的翻译是什么? volunteer activity,个人认为是在语境上最相近的说法; 而"公益"一词,public welfare是指"公众利益",和中文语境中我们常讲的"公益"其实是有差别的,相较之下,反而是"charity"与"公益"实际指代之事更为接近。 ps:我们讲的"公益旅游",外文文献中对应一词基本是volunteer touri *** 或voluntouri *** 。 问题四:公益组织 英语 公益组织用英语怎么说 公益组织 英语词典给出的用法是: monweal organizations 例句: Public hospitals are social welfare and monweal organizations which are established by the government. They take on the function of basic medical and public health service. 公立医院是 *** 举办的具有一定福利性质的社会公益组织,承担着基本医疗和公共卫生服务职能。 问题五:爱心公益活动用英语怎么说啊?急求!! public welfare activity 采纳哦 问题六:公益活动用英语怎么说英语 最合适的翻译是 socially useful act憨vity 楼上二位翻译,是中国式英语 monwealth: [ "k?m?nwelθ ] 是 n. 共和国,联邦 的意思, 一般也不代表“公益” 问题七:公益性项目的英文怎么说 翻译结果 公益性项目的英文怎么说 Public welfare project of how to say it in English 问题八:公益慈善 英文翻译 Charity公益慈善 问题九:公益活动用英语怎么说 Public benefit activities 词典释义 socially useful activity 问题十:公益的英文怎么说?详见下哈! 1) monweal 2搐 public benefit 3) public interest 以上这些都可以作为“公益”使用,只不过看你如何用。 希望可以满足你的要求!
2023-07-17 14:30:391

welfare state是什么意思

福利国家welfare state[英][u02c8welfu025bu0259 steit][美][u02c8wu025blu02ccfu025br stet]n.福利国家;
2023-07-17 14:31:422

farewell 告别 welfare 福利 中英文意思 就是对不上号

2023-07-17 14:31:501

福利 的 英文

福利 = social welfare 待遇 (from yahoo! dictionary)treatmentremuneration or pay including fringe benefits And if talking about job and salary it should be "expected salary" by Jeffrey cytc-jeffrey.blogspot/ 机会: opportunity 待遇: remuneration or pay LeungC 答得很详细. 我想问 福利 的 英文系乜?? 系咪有个系 "o" 字头架...... 我想你是不是要这个字......occupation......(职业) 福利 的 英文系乜?? 系咪有个系 "o" 字头架?? = welfare or social welfare 是社会福利 咁待遇 英文= pay =salary 是月薪 =wages 是日薪 =hourly pay 是时薪 1. 如果「福利」是指涉及社会大众的福祉,则用 welfare e.g. social welfare (社会福利) 2. 如果「福利」是指员工福利,则用 benefits e.g. fringe benefits (附带的福利) 3. 如果「待遇」是指薪金,则用 salary (薪金 - 常用于固定工作的情况) 或 wage (工资 - 常用于时薪、日薪等情况)
2023-07-17 14:31:571


儿童福利院:Child welfare home[网络] Children Welfare Office; Children Welfare; welfare center for children;[例句]北京市儿童福利院于1992年3月23日至4月27日发生一起以8月龄以下婴儿为主的麻疹爆发流行。N outbreak of measles broke out and pre-vailed in the Beijing Children Welfare House from March 23rd to April 27th.
2023-07-17 14:32:041


Publicly service activity
2023-07-17 14:32:313

公益 用英语怎么翻译?

public welfare
2023-07-17 14:32:475

社会福利好 英文翻译

Good social welfare
2023-07-17 14:33:052


问题一:福利英文怎么说 welfare 英 [?welfe?(r)] 美 [?welfer] n. 福利;幸福;繁荣;安宁 双语例句 I do not think he is considering Emma"s welfare 我认为他没有考虑到埃玛的幸福。 问题二:员工福利的英文怎么说 员工福利 Employee welfare 员工福利 Employee welfare 问题三:“公司福利”用英语怎么说 公司福利” pany benefits 注: benefits .n. 益处; 津贴费; 利益( benefit的名词复数 ); (给职工的) 奖金; 救济金; [例句]What are some of the practical benefits likely to be of this line of research?. 问题四:福利很好英文怎么说 福利很好 Good benefits 问题五:游戏中的福利一词用英文怎么翻译合适 bonus,可以表示奖金、红利,游戏中常见(bonus time:福利进行时) 问题六:社会福利用英文怎么说 social welfare保证对 问题七:年薪包括福利吗用英语怎么说 年薪包括福利吗 英文:Does annual salary include benefits? 问题八:社会福利好 英文翻译 a good social welfare system The US has a a good social welfare system. The US is a country with a good social welfare system. 好的社会福利制度/体系,就是我们中文说的社会福利好。 希望满意。
2023-07-17 14:33:431


welfaren.幸福, 福利, 康乐福利事业, (事业的)繁荣, 兴隆public welfare funds公共福利基金welfare centre福利中心[设施、机构]welfare fund福利基金
2023-07-17 14:33:504


welfare n. 福利;幸福;福利事业;是不可数名词。 例句: The state is still the main provider of welfare. 政府仍然是福利的主要提供者。 I do not think he is considering Emmas welfare. 我认为他没有考虑到艾玛的幸福。 扩展资料   The children"s welfare must be seen as paramount.   孩子们的福利必须被视为是最为重要的"。   Welfare reform is a top priority for the government.   福利改革是政府的当务之急。   The court assumed responsibility for the girl"s welfare.   法庭承担了保障这个女孩福利的责任。   There were calls for major changes to the welfare system.   有人要求对福利制度进行重大改革。   The welfare system is grossly inequitable and inefficient.   福利制度非常不公平,效率也极低。
2023-07-17 14:33:571


法国人曾这么描述“福利彩票”:政府发行彩票是向公众推销机会和希望,公众认购彩票则是微笑纳税。据悉,去年中国福利彩票共销售约495亿多元人民币,筹集福彩公益金170多亿元。其中,公益金除部分上缴国家财政外,全部用于社会福利事业。 请看《中国日报》相关报道:the sale of china welfare lottery, the only national lottery approved by the chinese government, hit a record high of 49.5 billion yuan (6.2 billion u.s. dollars) in 2006, up 20 percent from the previous year half of the money has been turned over to the coffer of the central government. the remaining funds were used for social welfare purposes. 由报道可知,“福利彩票”可用“welfare lottery”来表达,其主要用于国家的“charitable causes”(慈善事业)。 “welfare”侧重指“(社会的)福祉、(家庭的)安康”,表示“福利”时,尤指“政府的援助”,如:welfare services(福利机构);welfare benefits(福利救济金)。 此外,报道中的“coffer”指的是“国库”,而我们常说的“中头彩”可用“hit the jackpot”来表达。
2023-07-17 14:34:241


2023-07-17 14:34:323


w开头的寓意好的英文:warm、wealth、welfare、wise、wonder。一、warm1、含义:adj. 温暖的;暖和的;热情的。v. 变暖;使暖和。n. 温暖的空气。2、用法:warm的基本意思是“暖和的,温暖的”,指不太高的温度,有“不寒冷”之义; 表示感情时指“热情的,热心的”,有安慰鼓励之义。表示感受时则指“令人愉快的,亲切的”。It"s a nice and warm today.今天的天气晴朗而且温暖。二、wealth1、含义:n. 【U】财富;财产;丰富;大量。2、用法:wealth的基本意思是“财产,财富”,指某人拥有的所有财产,可以是物质的,也可以是精神的。wealth还可指“大量,众多,丰富”。wealth作“大量,众多,丰富”解时,一般用单数形式,常用于a wealth of短语中,既可用来指“数”,也可用来指“量”。He"s always flaunting his wealth.他总是摆阔。三、welfare1、含义:n. 福利;福利事业;幸福。2、用法:直接源自古英语的wel faran,意为处境,做得好。My principal concern is my family"s welfare.我至为关心的是我一家的幸福。四、wise1、含义:adj. 聪明的;有智慧的;明智的;有见识的。2、用法:wise的基本意思是“聪明的,有才智的,明智的”,可指某人的头脑灵活或做某事的正确性,意味着具有广博知识和丰富的经验。引申可指“了解内情的,恰当的”。To a wise person, time is like a diamond.时间对一个有智慧的人而言,就如钻石般珍贵。五、wonder1、含义:n. 惊奇;惊愕;奇迹;奇观。v. 惊奇;想知道;怀疑。adj. 奇妙的;非凡的。2、用法:wonder的基本意思是“对…感到疑惑”,常指自然界或艺术上的宏伟或新颖、奇特的事物使人惊讶、困惑。wonder也常常表示“想知道”“问自己”,指考虑某事,并且努力猜想,以求对其多了解一些。当wonder与whether〔if〕连用时,表示“思考某事,并设法判断该事是否属实”,也可表示一种委婉的请求或邀请。They were filled with wonder at the new waterfall.他们对新瀑布感到非常惊奇。
2023-07-17 14:34:401


福利的英语: welfare ; well-being ; weal ; boon。1、welfare :Chapter 3 analyses the economic effect and welfare effect ofseigniorage。第三章分析了铸币税的经济效应和福利效应。2、benefit :This transfer of risk is not a zero sum game, but can significantly enhance benefits.这种风险转移不是有些人认为的零和博弈,而是能明显增进福利的。3、child welfare;儿童福利。work for the well-being of the people;为人民谋福利。menace public welfare;危及公共福利。benefit the social welfare有益于社会福利。4、福利奥散 foliosan;福利标准 benefits scales;福利补贴 welfare allowances;福利费 welfare expense。5、这题目关系到我们的福利。The subject touches our welfare。6、他总是把个人抱负置于公众福利之后。He always postpones his private ambitions to the public welfare.。7、Their talkran upon the problems of social welfare and social security system.。
2023-07-17 14:35:071


welfare housecharity house社会福利院.. social welfare home
2023-07-17 14:35:173


w开头的寓意好的英文:warm、wealth、welfare、wise、wonder。一、warm1、含义:adj. 温暖的;暖和的;热情的。v. 变暖;使暖和。n. 温暖的空气。2、用法:warm的基本意思是“暖和的,温暖的”,指不太高的温度,有“不寒冷”之义; 表示感情时指“热情的,热心的”,有安慰鼓励之义。表示感受时则指“令人愉快的,亲切的”。It"s a nice and warm today.今天的天气晴朗而且温暖。二、wealth1、含义:n. 【U】财富;财产;丰富;大量。2、用法:wealth的基本意思是“财产,财富”,指某人拥有的所有财产,可以是物质的,也可以是精神的。wealth还可指“大量,众多,丰富”。wealth作“大量,众多,丰富”解时,一般用单数形式,常用于a wealth of短语中,既可用来指“数”,也可用来指“量”。He"s always flaunting his wealth.他总是摆阔。三、welfare1、含义:n. 福利;福利事业;幸福。2、用法:直接源自古英语的wel faran,意为处境,做得好。My principal concern is my family"s welfare.我至为关心的是我一家的幸福。四、wise1、含义:adj. 聪明的;有智慧的;明智的;有见识的。2、用法:wise的基本意思是“聪明的,有才智的,明智的”,可指某人的头脑灵活或做某事的正确性,意味着具有广博知识和丰富的经验。引申可指“了解内情的,恰当的”。To a wise person, time is like a diamond.时间对一个有智慧的人而言,就如钻石般珍贵。五、wonder1、含义:n. 惊奇;惊愕;奇迹;奇观。v. 惊奇;想知道;怀疑。adj. 奇妙的;非凡的。2、用法:wonder的基本意思是“对…感到疑惑”,常指自然界或艺术上的宏伟或新颖、奇特的事物使人惊讶、困惑。wonder也常常表示“想知道”“问自己”,指考虑某事,并且努力猜想,以求对其多了解一些。当wonder与whether〔if〕连用时,表示“思考某事,并设法判断该事是否属实”,也可表示一种委婉的请求或邀请。They were filled with wonder at the new waterfall.他们对新瀑布感到非常惊奇。
2023-07-17 14:35:241


w开头的寓意好的英文:warm、wealth、welfare、wise、wonder。一、warm1、含义:adj. 温暖的;暖和的;热情的。v. 变暖;使暖和。n. 温暖的空气。2、用法:warm的基本意思是“暖和的,温暖的”,指不太高的温度,有“不寒冷”之义; 表示感情时指“热情的,热心的”,有安慰鼓励之义。表示感受时则指“令人愉快的,亲切的”。It"s a nice and warm today.今天的天气晴朗而且温暖。二、wealth1、含义:n. 【U】财富;财产;丰富;大量。2、用法:wealth的基本意思是“财产,财富”,指某人拥有的所有财产,可以是物质的,也可以是精神的。wealth还可指“大量,众多,丰富”。wealth作“大量,众多,丰富”解时,一般用单数形式,常用于a wealth of短语中,既可用来指“数”,也可用来指“量”。He"s always flaunting his wealth.他总是摆阔。三、welfare1、含义:n. 福利;福利事业;幸福。2、用法:直接源自古英语的wel faran,意为处境,做得好。My principal concern is my family"s welfare.我至为关心的是我一家的幸福。四、wise1、含义:adj. 聪明的;有智慧的;明智的;有见识的。2、用法:wise的基本意思是“聪明的,有才智的,明智的”,可指某人的头脑灵活或做某事的正确性,意味着具有广博知识和丰富的经验。引申可指“了解内情的,恰当的”。To a wise person, time is like a diamond.时间对一个有智慧的人而言,就如钻石般珍贵。五、wonder1、含义:n. 惊奇;惊愕;奇迹;奇观。v. 惊奇;想知道;怀疑。adj. 奇妙的;非凡的。2、用法:wonder的基本意思是“对…感到疑惑”,常指自然界或艺术上的宏伟或新颖、奇特的事物使人惊讶、困惑。wonder也常常表示“想知道”“问自己”,指考虑某事,并且努力猜想,以求对其多了解一些。当wonder与whether〔if〕连用时,表示“思考某事,并设法判断该事是否属实”,也可表示一种委婉的请求或邀请。They were filled with wonder at the new waterfall.他们对新瀑布感到非常惊奇。
2023-07-17 14:35:421


I would like to be a teacher after graduated, because it is not only stable but also a honorable work.If I were a teacher, I will be able to enjoy more free time during the vocation, compared with other jobs.To the diffusion of knowledge through books and lectures is what I am fascinated to do in the future. “Have good students all over the world”, as the return of your hardworking, it will make you to enjoy the greatest sense of achievement.Furthermore, decent welfare, the role and position I am going to take under such fast going rhythm of life, and related reasons make me to think, to be a teach will be the idea job in the future.I will keep pursuing this dream and make it to be true with my efforts.
2023-07-17 14:36:013

英语作文 a effective welfare

Because of the development of society and all kinds of unfair things in the society, there is a wide gap between the rich and the poor, and mang people live in a great trouble. so an effective welfare system is important. But what should an effective welfare system be like? I think that an effective welfare system should be fair ,complete and can brings kindness to the people who really need it. In this society,mang people who are unfortunate are can"t live without other"s help, especily the help from government. So the government should establish some reasonable policies that can make sure the people who need help really get the kindness and have a happiniess life. Besides,some special equipment which can bring some convenient to them should installs in the public area. The last but not least, the government should make sure those caseworkers are honest and rich of sympathy,so those policies can work effective.
2023-07-17 14:36:101


Micro public
2023-07-17 14:36:183


问题一:公益的英文怎么说?详见下哈! 1) monweal 2搐 public benefit 3) public interest 以上这些都可以作为“公益”使用,只不过看你如何用。 希望可以满足你的要求! 问题二:「公益活动」一词在英文中最准确的翻译是什么? volunteer activity,个人认为是在语境上最相近的说法; 而"公益"一词,public welfare是指"公众利益",和中文语境中我们常讲的"公益"其实是有差别的,相较之下,反而是"charity"与"公益"实际指代之事更为接近。 ps:我们讲的"公益旅游",外文文献中对应一词基本是volunteer touri *** 或voluntouri *** 。 问题三:公益活动用英语怎么说英语 最合适的翻译是 socially useful act憨vity 楼上二位翻译,是中国式英语 monwealth: [ "k?m?nwelθ ] 是 n. 共和国,联邦 的意思, 一般也不代表“公益” 问题四:爱心公益活动用英语怎么说啊?急求!! public welfare activity 采纳哦 问题五:做公益 或者是做慈善 用英文怎么说 Do public welfare 做公益 Do charity 做慈善 问题六:公益组织 英语 公益组织用英语怎么说 公益组织 英语词典给出的用法是: monweal organizations 例句: Public hospitals are social welfare and monweal organizations which are established by the government. They take on the function of basic medical and public health service. 公立医院是 *** 举办的具有一定福利性质的社会公益组织,承担着基本医疗和公共卫生服务职能。 问题七:公益性项目的英文怎么说 翻译结果 公益性项目的英文怎么说 Public welfare project of how to say it in English 问题八:公益活动用英语怎么说 Public benefit activities 词典释义 socially useful activity 问题九:公益 用英语怎么翻译? public welfare公益 socially useful activity 公益活动 A monwealth mercial 公益广告 问题十:公益的英文怎么说?详见下哈! 1) monweal 2搐 public benefit 3) public interest 以上这些都可以作为“公益”使用,只不过看你如何用。 希望可以满足你的要求!
2023-07-17 14:36:241


w开头的寓意好的英文:warm、wealth、welfare、wise、wonder。一、warm1、含义:adj. 温暖的;暖和的;热情的。v. 变暖;使暖和。n. 温暖的空气。2、用法:warm的基本意思是“暖和的,温暖的”,指不太高的温度,有“不寒冷”之义; 表示感情时指“热情的,热心的”,有安慰鼓励之义。表示感受时则指“令人愉快的,亲切的”。It"s a nice and warm today.今天的天气晴朗而且温暖。二、wealth1、含义:n. 【U】财富;财产;丰富;大量。2、用法:wealth的基本意思是“财产,财富”,指某人拥有的所有财产,可以是物质的,也可以是精神的。wealth还可指“大量,众多,丰富”。wealth作“大量,众多,丰富”解时,一般用单数形式,常用于a wealth of短语中,既可用来指“数”,也可用来指“量”。He"s always flaunting his wealth.他总是摆阔。三、welfare1、含义:n. 福利;福利事业;幸福。2、用法:直接源自古英语的wel faran,意为处境,做得好。My principal concern is my family"s welfare.我至为关心的是我一家的幸福。四、wise1、含义:adj. 聪明的;有智慧的;明智的;有见识的。2、用法:wise的基本意思是“聪明的,有才智的,明智的”,可指某人的头脑灵活或做某事的正确性,意味着具有广博知识和丰富的经验。引申可指“了解内情的,恰当的”。To a wise person, time is like a diamond.时间对一个有智慧的人而言,就如钻石般珍贵。五、wonder1、含义:n. 惊奇;惊愕;奇迹;奇观。v. 惊奇;想知道;怀疑。adj. 奇妙的;非凡的。2、用法:wonder的基本意思是“对…感到疑惑”,常指自然界或艺术上的宏伟或新颖、奇特的事物使人惊讶、困惑。wonder也常常表示“想知道”“问自己”,指考虑某事,并且努力猜想,以求对其多了解一些。当wonder与whether〔if〕连用时,表示“思考某事,并设法判断该事是否属实”,也可表示一种委婉的请求或邀请。They were filled with wonder at the new waterfall.他们对新瀑布感到非常惊奇。
2023-07-17 14:37:041

welfare lottery是什么意思啊??

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  welfare lottery,您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:福利彩票。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!
2023-07-17 14:37:211


2023-07-17 14:37:292


People"s livelihood
2023-07-17 14:37:394


2023-07-17 14:37:484

ministry of health and welfare是什么意思

2023-07-17 14:38:133


w开头的寓意好的英文:warm、wealth、welfare、wise、wonder。一、warm1、含义:adj. 温暖的;暖和的;热情的。v. 变暖;使暖和。n. 温暖的空气。2、用法:warm的基本意思是“暖和的,温暖的”,指不太高的温度,有“不寒冷”之义; 表示感情时指“热情的,热心的”,有安慰鼓励之义。表示感受时则指“令人愉快的,亲切的”。It"s a nice and warm today.今天的天气晴朗而且温暖。二、wealth1、含义:n. 【U】财富;财产;丰富;大量。2、用法:wealth的基本意思是“财产,财富”,指某人拥有的所有财产,可以是物质的,也可以是精神的。wealth还可指“大量,众多,丰富”。wealth作“大量,众多,丰富”解时,一般用单数形式,常用于a wealth of短语中,既可用来指“数”,也可用来指“量”。He"s always flaunting his wealth.他总是摆阔。三、welfare1、含义:n. 福利;福利事业;幸福。2、用法:直接源自古英语的wel faran,意为处境,做得好。My principal concern is my family"s welfare.我至为关心的是我一家的幸福。四、wise1、含义:adj. 聪明的;有智慧的;明智的;有见识的。2、用法:wise的基本意思是“聪明的,有才智的,明智的”,可指某人的头脑灵活或做某事的正确性,意味着具有广博知识和丰富的经验。引申可指“了解内情的,恰当的”。To a wise person, time is like a diamond.时间对一个有智慧的人而言,就如钻石般珍贵。五、wonder1、含义:n. 惊奇;惊愕;奇迹;奇观。v. 惊奇;想知道;怀疑。adj. 奇妙的;非凡的。2、用法:wonder的基本意思是“对…感到疑惑”,常指自然界或艺术上的宏伟或新颖、奇特的事物使人惊讶、困惑。wonder也常常表示“想知道”“问自己”,指考虑某事,并且努力猜想,以求对其多了解一些。当wonder与whether〔if〕连用时,表示“思考某事,并设法判断该事是否属实”,也可表示一种委婉的请求或邀请。They were filled with wonder at the new waterfall.他们对新瀑布感到非常惊奇。
2023-07-17 14:38:201


2023-07-17 14:38:371