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2023-07-17 21:42:56

My parents have diffrent father is a teacher,he teaches English in middle school.He is a very popular teacher.students all love him.My mather is a nurse .she works in people hospital.

she helps many people every day,so she is very busy.she works very hard.she doesn`t think her job is very boring.she love it very much.these are my parents job.



2023-07-17 15:25:404


问题一:乔布斯的英文怎么写? Jobs 中文名: 史蒂夫u30fb乔布处 外文名: Steve Jobs (Steven Paul Jobs) 问题二:苹果创始人乔布斯 英文怎么说 The founder of the Apple---Jobs 有不会的可以再问我 问题三:苹果的创始人是乔布斯英语怎么说 The founder of Apple is Jobs. 问题四:乔布斯曾经说过这样一句话,用英语怎么说 5分 Steve Jobs used to say that..... 问题五:英语翻译:史蒂夫 乔布斯作为 苹果之父 而闻名世界
2023-07-17 15:25:551

Steven Jobs was born in 1955. He was an American businessman and inventor. He was the co-founde...

小题1:D小题2:D小题3:A小题4:C小题5:C 试题分析:本文是人物传记,讲述伟大的发明家乔布斯,他的聪明才智改变人们的生活。小题1:D 细节推断题。本文是篇人物介绍,乔布斯的简历,苹果创始人,故这篇文章来自报纸,故选D项。小题2:D 细节理解题。根据最后一段提到Steve"s brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives.乔布斯的聪明才智是没有穷尽的,丰富和提高了我们的生活,故他充分利用自己的时间,所以选D项。小题3:A 细节理解题。根据最后一段提到On October 5, 2011, Steve died of cancer.2011年十一月5日死于癌症,故选 A项。小题4:C 细节理解题。根据文中提到他的去世让我们损失一位梦想家,根据文中提到Steve"s brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives.可知他是一位梦想家,故选C项。小题5:C 主旨大意。根据第一段提到Steven Jobs was born in 1955. He was an American businessman and inventor.乔布斯是美国商人也是发明家,故选C项。
2023-07-17 15:26:021

Who was Steven Jobs?

Summary Steven Jobs was the chief executive officer and co-founder of Apple Company, CEO of Pixar and the founder of NeXT. Steve was the one who knew the world was going to change and the one who made it happen. He was born in San Francisco to parents who had to put him up for adoption at birth; he was raised in the San Francisco during the 1960s. Jobs then attended Reed College in 1972 before dropping out.Jobs and Wozniak co-founded Apple in 1976 to sell Wozniak"s Apple I personal computer. The visionaries gained fame and wealth a year later for the Apple II,one of the first highly successful mass-produced personal computers. This led to development of the unsuccessful Apple Lisa in 1983, followed by the breakthrough Macintosh in 1984. In addition to being the first mass-produced computer with a GUI, the Macintosh introduced the sudden rise of the desktop publishing industry in 1985 with the addition of the Apple LaserWriter, the first laser printer to feature vector graphics. Following a long power struggle, Jobs was forced out of Apple in 1985. After leaving Apple, Jobs started up NeXT,a computer platform development company that specialized in state-of-the-art computers for higher-education and business markets. Years later, his new company, Pixar, produced the first fully computer-animated film, Toy Story—an event made possible thanks to Disney and Jobs" personal financial support. In 1997, Apple merged with NeXT. Within a few months of the merger, Jobs became CEO of his former company; he revived Apple at the verge of bankruptcy. Beginning in 1997 with the "Think different" advertising campaign, Jobs worked closely with designer Jonathan Ive to develop a line of products that would have larger cultural ramifications: the iMac, iTunes and iTunes Store, Apple Store, iPod, iPhone, App Store, and the iPad. In 2001, the original Mac OS was replaced with a completely new Mac OS X, giving the OS a modern Unix-based foundation for the first time. Jobs was diagnosed with cancer in 2003 and died on October 5, 2011, of respiratory arrest related to the tumor. Vocabulary handpick RDF (reality distortion field) Thoughts 乔布斯是个一个非常复杂又非常简单的人物。他自幼被领养,虽然和养父母过着愉快的生活,但内心却总有一道过不去的坎,导致他egotism严重。一方面,他惹得同事不快,另一方面,又以其独特的个人魅力吸粉无数。他大学时期由于学费问题“主动”退学,但就算睡地铺捡可乐罐换钱饱腹也从未停止学业。虽然在生活中有诸多怪癖(比如有段时间只吃水果不洗澡),但他有决定做一件事就一定做到底的意志力。开发二代苹果也好,倾家荡产投资皮克斯也罢,只要他认定这件事会成功,就排除万难,不谈放弃。自古英雄出少年,却只有不寻借口、坚持不懈的终身学习者才能成大事。向这个改变历史的创业者学习:Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.
2023-07-17 15:26:091

英语翻译:史蒂夫 乔布斯作为 苹果之父 而闻名世界

Steve jobs as the father of apple The world famous
2023-07-17 15:26:183

apple 历史

苹果电脑历史机型一览年8月11日,苹果创始人Steve Wozniak出生 1955年2月24日,苹果创始人Steven Jobs诞生 1976年,Wozinak和 Jobs创办苹果公司。 1977年6月5日,苹果推出划时代的Apple II电脑 1981年7月12日,苹果宣布新一代电脑Macintosh将于1982发布,并公布定价和性能 1983年1月19日,苹果公司发布乔布斯领导研制的新一代电脑Lisa 1983年4月9日,苹果公司聘用百事可乐总裁John Sculley担任CEO 1984年1月4日,苹果公司赢得Macintosh和操作系统的复制侵权案件 1984年1月24日,苹果公司革命性产品Macintosh开始销售 1984年2月16日,苹果发布可以直接输入计算机的数字相机 1984年3月1日,Commodore公司宣布将生产IBM PC兼容机,当时IBM和苹果各得28%和25%的市场份 额 1984年4月24日,苹果公司推出Apple Iic可便携电脑 1985年2月6日,苹果共同创始人Steve Wozniak宣布离开公司 1985年2月19日,苹果创始人Steve Jobs和Steve Wozniak荣获全美技术奖章 1985年5月31日,苹果创始人乔布斯被迫下岗,离开公司 1985年6月3日,苹果公司宣布乔布斯不再负责Macintosh 电脑的生产与销售 1985年9月18日,创始人乔布斯宣布辞职,离开苹果 1985年11月22日,微软和苹果签署协议,同意微软拷贝苹果的界面 1986年9月15日,苹果推出新版个人电脑IIGS,瞄准学校和家庭 1987年8月11日,苹果主席Sculley在MacWorld上推出第一个广泛使用的超文本软件HyperCard 1988年1月10日,苹果公司新创建的软件公司Claris 发布第一批软件产品 1988年3月1日, 苹果公司推出第一个用于Apple II和Macintosh的CD-ROM驱动器 1988年3月17日,苹果公司起诉微软的Windows 2.0剽窃Macintosh的用户界面 1988年5月7日,苹果公司大受欢迎的iMac发布 1989年8月30日,苹果和Gannett联合推出面向大学报纸编辑的电子新闻服务 1990年7月11日,软件天才Bill Atkinson宣布离开苹果 1990年10月15日,苹果翻新大多数Mac产品线,代之以低成本的新产品 1991年4月12日,IBM和苹果召开秘密会议,商讨推出PowerPC,对抗Wintel 1991年5月13日,苹果推出Mac系统软件System 7.0 1991年7月3日,IBM和苹果宣布结盟,共同开发应用于RISC芯片的操作系统 1991年8月21日,过去一直坚持不使用其他公司软件的苹果第一次宣布使用Adobe的字体控制软件 1991年10月2日,IBM和苹果宣布建立合资公司,开发和销售PowerMac 1991年10月11日,苹果电脑公司与披头士乐队的苹果公司就标识诉讼一事达成和解 1992年1月10日,苹果公司宣布进军消费电子市场 1992年3月27日,苹果和夏普(Sharp)宣布共同开发手持电脑 1992年5月29日,苹果公司展出Newton的概念模型 1992年8月7日,苹果控告微软和惠普侵犯界面知识产权遭遇重大打击 1992年9月3日,包装得如同圣诞礼物一样,第一颗PowerPC芯片到达苹果 1993年1月11日,苹果公司掌上电脑Newton推出 1993年3月9日,WordStar推出Macintosh字处理软件,瞄准苹果市场 1993年3月26日,苹果公司宣布将Newton技术许可给5家公司 1993年6月2日,苹果起诉微软侵犯知识产权的案件被法官驳回 1993年6月17日,由于恶劣的财务状况,苹果紧急召开董事会,采取挽救措施 1993年6月18日,苹果总裁Sculley被迫辞职,但依旧保留董事长一职 1993年8月2日,苹果发布Newton掌上电脑,后来备受诟病 1994年1月5日,苹果宣布推出专有的在线系统服务e-World 1994年2月9日,苹果宣布Macintosh Quadra电脑大降价 1994年3月1日,苹果发布与DOS兼容的Quadra 610软件,可以与Windows操作系统切换 1994年3月4日,为了挽回面子,消解广泛的批评,苹果推出新版Newton产品 1994年3月14日,苹果公司新产品PowerMac推出 1994年3月21日,IBM和苹果合资的软件公司Taligent发布可在多平台运行的新操作系统 1994年5月25日,Compaq超过IBM和苹果,成为全球PC之王 1994年6月8日,苹果发布多媒体演示软件QuickTime VR 1994年10月26日,苹果发布电脑、电视和CD机三合一的新产品TV-PC-CD 1994年12月6日,苹果控告竞争对手Canyon侵犯QuickTime的知识产权 1995年2月15日,苹果终于同意兼容机的生产许可 1995年5月23日,苹果和AT&T签订协议联合开发视频电话 1995年6月6日,IBM、苹果和惠普合资的软件公司Taligent发布首款 1996年1月23日,华尔街日报宣称Sun将可能购并苹果公司 1996年2月1日,苹果宣布国家半导体前CEO Gilbert Amelio担任公司新CEO 1996年3月3日,苹果宣布将关闭苦苦挣扎的在线服务eWorld 1996年3月31日,苹果在线服务eWorld关闭 1996年12月21日,斯蒂芬?乔布斯回归苹果公司 1997年1月7日,新一代苹果操作系统Rhapsody发布 1997年4月22日,IBM、Compaq和苹果等计算机公司就显示器尺寸误导消费者的案件达成解决方案 1997年7月9日,苹果公司CEO Amelio被驱逐 1997年7月22日,苹果推出Mac OS 8,这是该操作系统1991推出以来最大的升级 1997年9月2日,苹果宣布中止兼容机生产许可,因为乔布斯认为许可损害了公司利益 1998年1月15日,经过连续2的亏损,苹果第一次宣布赢利 1998年2月27日,苹果宣布停止Newton操作系统的开发 1998年3月2日,苹果发布令整个产业震惊的消息,苹果将停止生产耗资5亿美元开发的Newton 1998年4月16日,苹果宣布赢利状况超过市场预期 1998年8月7日,微软宣布向在困境中挣扎的苹果投资1.5亿美元 1998年8月15日,苹果发布新颖别致的新产品iMac
2023-07-17 15:26:511


以下是 考 网整理的《2015年6月六级作文:好奇心的重要性》,希望大家喜欢! 首段:   这个话题与我们大家所熟知的苹果公司前任已故总裁Steven Jobs 的名言“Stay hungry; stay foolish”不谋而合,因此开篇可以从爱因斯坦和乔布斯的名言引入,呼应题目要求,点出文章主旨——好奇心及其重要。   主体段落:   主体段落具体论述好奇心重要性。首先要想成功,需要有好奇心。另外,好奇心可以让人有前进的动力。这里尤其注意不能只说理,必须举例说明。因为,题目指令中明确规定要通过例子来说明。我们就可以以福布斯为例,说明正是因为福布斯时刻保持好奇心才能不断创新,从而苹果公司生产了一款又一款令人追捧的数码产品,取得了成功。也可以举科学家的例子来说明。   结尾段路:   总结前文论述内容,重述主题,前后照应。   依据以上写作思路,文都教育英语老师提供参考范文如下:  参考范文:   The above saying from Einstein vividly echoes a piece of quotation: stay hungry; stay foolish, which is put forward by Steven Jobs, the late CEO of Apple Inc. Undoubtedly, both of the two great men attach importance to curiosity. To some extent, we may safely maintain that without curiosity, without success.   In the first place, curiosity is the premise of innovation, which can be seen as the key to success. Besides Einstein, a case in point is Steven Jobs, who always keeps curious, devoted to innovation. So, there is no exaggeration to say that the success of Apple Inc doesn"t suppress us at all. In the second place, the quality of being curious provides us with the drive to go forward. To put it another way, where there is curiosity, there is advancement. For example, if a scientist desires to make progress in his research community, he must hold a curious heart; otherwise, his research will eventually go into a corner.   In conclusion, it is not too much to say that curiosity plays an indispensable role both in personal and corporate success. So, it is wise for us to bear in mind great men"s sayings concerning curiosity and practice them as much as possible.
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2023-07-17 15:27:493


It"s show Time暗示发布主角是电视流媒体服务,iPad mini 5、AirPods 2、AirPower和全新的新闻服务也可能在发布会上亮相。
2023-07-17 15:27:584


2023-07-17 15:28:554


有关英文求职信范文集合8篇   时间过得飞快,又到了寻求新的工作机会的时候,是时候静下心来写一封求职信了哦。一定要好好重视求职信喔!下面是我帮大家整理的英文求职信8篇,欢迎大家分享。 英文求职信 篇1 尊敬的领导:   您好!感谢您在百忙之中审阅我的自荐书,这对一个即将迈出校门的学子而言,将是一份莫大的鼓励。相信您在给予我一个机会的同时,您也多一份选择!即将走向社会的我怀着一颗热忱的心,诚挚地向您推荐自己!我叫***,是陕西XXXX旅游管理20xx届毕业生的一名专科生,我怀着一颗赤诚的心和对事业的执著追求,真诚地向您推荐自己。   在校期间,我认真学习,勤奋刻苦,努力做好本职工作,在实践中积累了大量的工作经验,使自己具有良好的身体素质和心理素质。几年来我努力学习专业知识,从各门课程的"基础知识出发,努力掌握其基本技能技巧,深钻细研,寻求其内在规律,并取得了良好的成绩, 在大学里,丰富多彩的社会生活和井然有序而又紧张的学习气氛,使我得到多方面不同程度的锻炼和考验;正直和努力是我做人的原则;沉着和冷静是我遇事的态度;爱好广泛使我非常充实;众多的朋友使我倍感富有!我很强的事业心和责任感使我能够面对任何困难和挑战。   这样一个竞争激烈的社会里,不仅要掌握好专业知识,更加做到与社会与时代接轨。因此,学习之余,我注重知识与能力的平衡发展。   刚踏出校门的我谈不上十分的成熟和足够的经验,但我有过人的胆识和自信心,正所谓:“是龙,就应该去大海搏击,是鹰,就应该去长空翱翔。”面临人生的重大抉择之际,我希望能加盟于归单位,展示自己的才能,实现个人的理想与价值。这就是我的大学生自荐书范文。   简单的几面纸,只是我的“包装”和“广告”,自身的“质量”和“能力”有待于您通过使用来证明。   此致 敬礼 英文求职信 篇2   Dear Sir,   In reference to your advertisement in the JobsPower。com for a playground director, I believe that I have the qualifications to fit your position。   I hold a degree in Physical Education from the University of South Dakota。 Along with my physical education courses,I also selected many courses in psychology and child management。 During the summers, I worked as a volunteer playground director in several suburban areas surrounding the university。In the summer of 1983, I was an assistant in charge of organized sports for younger boys in Walton, south Dakota。 The year after that,I was placed in charge of a large summer program for under privileged children in the large city of Millon, South Dakota。 My supervisor during this time was William Johnson。 He has consented to act as a reference for me。   My additional experience includes working as a City Park Recreation Director in Rockford, South Dakota for the years of 1985 to the present time。 In this position I am responsible for the programs in all the city park, including all organized recreation and night-time sports。   If you feel that I am suited for the job that you have in mind, please inform me of the time convenient for an interview。 I hope to hear from you in the near future。   Sincerely yours 英文求职信 篇3   Dear Mr Ho   Application for the position of Quality Control Manager   My substantial experience in quality control makes me feel confident to succeed in the captioned position as advertised in today"s   I have spent fifteen years with a manufacturer as a Quality Control Specialist, from which I have gained solid, hands-on experience in environmental analysis. In this position, I have had the opportunity to function in all areas of quality control. My in-depth knowledge in this area includes all the inspection systems, procedures, and equipment necessary to maintain product standards within critical tolerance. In addition to my work experience, I hold a Bachelor of Science degree of XYZ University.   Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any additional information. I would be happy to discuss this matter with you in a personal interview. Look forward to hearing from you.   Yours sincerely    Steven Cheung 英文求职信 篇4   一、标题 标题是自荐信的标志和称谓,要求醒目、简洁、庄雅。要用较大字体在用纸上方标注自荐信三个字,显得大方、美观。   二、称呼 这是对主送单位或收件人的呼语。如用人单位明确,可直接写上单位名称,前?尊敬的加以修饰,后以领导职务或统称领导落笔,如单位不明确,则用统称尊敬的贵单位(公司或学校)领导领起,最好不要直接冠以最高领导职务,这样容易引起第一读者的反感,反而难达目的。   三、正文 正文是自荐信的核心,开语应表示向对方的问候致意。主体部分一般包括简介、自荐目的、条件展示、愿望决心和结语五项内容。注意的几点为:   1、一些跨国公司或港澳台公司,通常会要求应聘者递交英文求职信和个人简历。不过,即使没有明确规定为了引起对方的注意和重视,最好用英文(或其它外文)信件提出对某些职位的申请,往往会比单纯写中文求职信效果更好。所有的英文求职信都应用电脑打印。   2、求职信的第一句话应该开门见山,让对方尽快知道它的内容。   3、段落要短,句子不宜很长,长的段落更易令人生厌。   4、段落可以加小标题,或是编上序号,使求职信条理分明,层次清晰。   5、求职信的用词语气应不卑不亢,不能过分客气,也要力求避免无意中伤害他人的尊严。   6、尽量避免用专业术语或俚语、谚语或典故、地方方言,否则在信息传递上可能会出现周折,甚至引起误会。   7、求职信不应有错别字,不要使用涂改液或橡皮擦,纸张不要沾上污迹,以示对人的尊重。   8、最后别忘记签上你的名字。英文信件中本人的亲笔签名,应在打印机打印的姓名拼音的上面。 英文求职信 篇5    问:不知道查阅简历对象的性别和职位,能用DEAR HR一笔带过吗?   答:如果对收信人的性别、姓名、职务或其他资料掌握不多的话,用一句“Dearsir or madam”最合适。    问:称呼女性,Miss/Mrs./Ms.用哪个比较好?   答:近年来,越来越多的人喜欢用“Ms.”来笼统地称呼女性,这样可以避免判断不清对方婚否等敏感话题所带来的尴尬,是一种大趋势。   问:用头衔称呼收信人,在头衔后是加上姓和名,还是只加姓氏?   答:用学位、头衔等常用词后缀收信人的姓。例如:Dr.(Doctor,博士)Zhang,Prof.(Professor,教授)Zhou,Pres.(President,经理、会长、校长)Liu,等等。 英文求职信 篇6 Dear xxxx:   Hello!   I am writing this letter to your company to recruit candidates of the # # # intern posts, I am pleased to know you in the recruitment site of recruitment advertisements, and have been expecting to have the opportunity to join your company.   I am a **** undergraduate university students, professional is the automation, in the school system during the I accept the expertise of the training, such as the principle of automatic control, computer control theory, power drag, power electronics technology, College English courses. Of single-chip microcomputer control system, PLC control systems, embedded computer systems, field bus technology, control technology have been understanding and awareness of, and access to the laboratory during in-school, college teachers involved in a number of experimental projects, hands-on experience capacity strong. Familiar with c / c + + / visual basic / assembly language of MCS 51/avr are more familiar with (with the teachers to do the project two main single-chip system). The design, testing both the closed-loop control system awareness and understanding.   I have a good standard of English in school during the smooth passage of the University of cet4 and cet6, obtain the certificate, have good command of English oral expression and writing ability to describe. University Vice-year college during the long term, with better organization and coordination, self-confidence to deal with a variety of emerging difficulties and challenges.   I very much hope that your company can join and play to my potential. Enclosed herewith is my curriculum vitae. If the opportunity to interview with you, I would be very grateful.   Add: Which well-wishers to help the translation into English, not the kind of translation translator, also most grateful! 英文求职信 篇7   The distinguished leadership of the company:   Hello! I hope to become your company"s Shenzhen branch project management engineer, can be competent application development engineer job, I am confident that meet your requirements.   I am the Zhongshan University Department of computer science computer software professional XX session of the graduates. Facing career, your company is based on the computer based business, actively develop the vertical website group and broadband network services, its strategic plan, clear the good momentum of development deeply attracted me, I hope the company can give me a show of passion and wisdom of the stage.   Project management is my specialty. And many students completed the course project cooperation experience, has been responsible for the project planning, decided to use the prototype or other model development, assign each task should be completed and the task completion time, the completion of the quality monitoring module and so on. Especially during the internship period, with asp+sql Server7.0 as the platform, I successfully completed the management and development of the electronic commerce system project, comprehensive project requirements not only can make a preliminary understanding of the network database, but also get more perceptual knowledge of the use of software engineering in the development, not only in theory how to improve the level of project planning, how to control the project progress and quality, how to coordinate the management ability of the planning team. Currently, I am MCSE for work, further improve yourself.   I have a strong English professional reading ability, so that they can directly get the latest technical information, keep up with the pace of development of the times. I also actively participate in various activities and social practice, such as participating in the school community organization and planning, organization to participate in class activities, in the network company engaged in part-time job and so on, to open up their horizons and accumulated valuable experience, especially the cooperation and colleagues make their own benefit.   In the graduation, I sincerely hope for your company to provide jobs, become the first-class enterprise information contribute to Lenovo, Lenovo and grow together! I am full of enthusiasm, looking forward to a talent work environment.   With the letter with my resume. If the opportunity to interview with you, I appreciate it.   Finally, I wish the cause of your company on the upgrade!   This Salute! 英文求职信 篇8   Purchasing Assistant   Unilever Co.,Ltd   3650 Dongchuan Rd(s), Shanghai   Dear Sir/Madam,   I saw advertisement of purchasing assistant from Shanghai Daily. I"m quite interested and would like to apply for the post.   I will graduate from --- in march this year as a postgraduate, majoring in polymer materials. I"m very understand the properties of polymer materials. I have passed Level-3 Computer Test and CET-6. Therefore, I am proficient in office software and English. In addition, as a worker in the Students" Union, I have an open personality and I am good at getting along with people around me. The more important thing is that I have got the abilities of communication and coordination. What"s most, I have been worked as an intern in your company and have a certain understanding to your company. So I"m confident that I have fully prepared for this job.   I would appreciate your time in reading my information and if there is any additional information you require, please let me know. I would be grateful if you give me a reply.   Yours sincerely, ;
2023-07-17 15:29:131

Is there any teacher in the room 哪里错了?

改错句如下Is there an teacher in the room ?What are their jobs?Are there any books on the desk?There isnt any tea in the cup .Whose is this car? It is sophiesLook at the Stevens.顺便问一下过去完成时是什么?如果补充As soon as(I finished breakfast ),I went to school.如果这回答对你有帮助,请点击”选为满意答案”采纳。
2023-07-17 15:29:382


Steven Paul (born in 1955) is an American businessman and inventor.He is the co-founder and chief executive officer(CEO) of Apple Inc.Jobs also once served as chief executive of Pixar Animation Studios;he became a member of the board (董事会) of The Walt DisneyCompany in 2006, He loaned money for movie Toy Story in the 1995.In the late 1970s , Jobs, with Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak,Mike Markkula, and others, designed , developed , and marketedone of the first successful lnes of personal computers, theApple II series. In the early 1980s, Jobs was one of the firstto see the potential.After losing a power struggle with the board in 1984, Jobsresigned from Apple and founded NeXT, a company for thehigher education and business markets. In 1996, Jobs back tothe company he co-founded.In 1986, he remained CEO and majority shareholder at 50.1%until 2006. Finally, Jobs became Disney"s largest shareholder at 7%.
2023-07-17 15:29:461


2023-07-17 15:29:561

盈峰进销存inFlow Inventory更新后导致老激活方法失效,诚邀您参与讨论!qq群:128290301

2023-07-17 15:30:033


Jobs Steve Jobs(史蒂夫乔布斯)
2023-07-17 15:30:146

Steven jobs: follow you heat! Our time is limited! just do it!翻译成中文是什么意思?

史蒂夫·乔布斯:“相信直觉,追随你的心! 你的时间有限,去做就好了!”
2023-07-17 15:30:483


Steven Paul Jobs was born on 24 February 1955 in San Francisco, California, to students Abdulfattah Jandali and Joanne Schieble who were unmarried at the time and gave him up for adoption. He was taken in by a working class couple, Paul and Clara Jobs, and grew up with them in Mountain View, California.He attended Homestead High School in Cupertino California and went to Reed College in Portland Oregon in 1972 but dropped out after only one semester, staying on to "drop in" on courses that interested him.He took a job with video game manufacturer Atari to raise enough money for a trip to India and returned from there a Buddhist.Back in Cupertino he returned to Atari where his old friend Steve Wozniak was still working. Wozniak was building his own computer and in 1976 Jobs pre-sold 50 of the as-yet unmade computers to a local store and managed to buy the components on credit solely on the strength of the order, enabling them to build the Apple I without any funding at all.The Apple II followed in 1977 and the company Apple Computer was formed shortly afterwards. The Apple II was credited with starting the personal computer boom, its popularity prompting IBM to hurriedly develop their own PC. By the time production of the Apple II ended in 1993 it had sold over 6 million units.Inspired by a trip to Xerox"s Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), engineers from Apple began working on a commercial application for the graphical interface ideas they had seen there. The resulting machine, Lisa, was expensive and never achieved any level of commercial success, but in 1984 another Apple computer, using the same WIMP (Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointer) interface concept, was launched. An advert during the 1984 Super Bowl, directed by Ridley Scott introduced the Macintosh computer to the world (in fact, the advert had been shown on a local TV channel in Idaho on 31 December 1983 and in movie theaters during January 1984 before its famous "premiere" on 22 January during the Super Bowl).In 1985 Jobs was fired from Apple and immediately founded another computer company, NeXT. Its machines were not a commercial success but some of the technology was later used by Apple when Jobs eventually returned there.In the meantime, in 1986, Jobs bought The Computer Graphics Group from Lucasfilm. The group was responsible for making high-end computer graphics hardware but under its new name, Pixar, it began to produce innovative computer animations. Their first title under the Pixar name, Luxo Jr. (1986) won critical and popular acclaim and in 1991 Pixar signed an agreement with Disney, with whom it already had a relationship, to produce a series of feature films, beginning with Toy Story (1995).In 1996 Apple bought NeXT and Jobs returned to Apple, becoming its CEO. With the help of British-born industrial designer Jonathan Ive, Jobs brought his own aesthetic philosophy back to the ailing company and began to turn its fortunes around with the release of the iMac in 1998. The company"s MP3 player, the iPod, followed in 2001, with the iPhone launching in 2007 and the iPad in 2010. The company"s software music player, iTunes, evolved into an online music (and eventually also movie and software application) store, helping to popularize the idea of "legally" downloading entertainment content.In 2003, Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and underwent surgery in 2004. Despite the success of this operation he became increasingly ill and received a liver transplant in 2009. He returned to work after a six month break but eventually resigned his position in August 2011 after another period of medical leave which began in January 2011. He died on 5 October 2011.
2023-07-17 15:30:581

A Great CreatorSteven Jobs, the designer of Apple Computer, was not clever when he was in schoo...

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:B小题4:C小题5:D 试题分析:这篇短文主要描述了苹果电脑公司创始人乔布斯的成功历史,他小时候不是个好学生,常和同学其冲突。毕业后只为一家公司工作了几个月,后来和朋友在自家车库里面研究出了苹果电脑。小题1:细节理解题。根据第一段At that time, he was not a good student and he always made troubles with his schoolmates.描述,可知选C。小题2:词义猜测题。联系本段前文描述,可知此处指的是,他辍学了。故选B,放弃了学业。小题3:细节理解题。根据He chose the name “Apple” just because it could help him to remember a happy summer he once spent an apple tree garden.描述,可知他选择苹果做这种新式电脑的名称是因为几年他在苹果园度过的美好时光。故选B。小题4:细节理解题。根据His Apple Computer was so successful that Steven Jobs soon became famous all over the world .描述,可知乔布斯以他设计的苹果电脑闻名世界,选B。小题5:主旨大意题。根据短文描述,可知乔布斯是一个喜欢尝试新事物,并把新思想付诸实现的人。故选D。
2023-07-17 15:31:071

Steve jobs was a great person.改为感叹句

What a great person was Steve Jobs
2023-07-17 15:31:223


2023-07-17 15:31:452

苹果公司的创始人到底是谁?? 是Steven Wozniak

2023-07-17 15:31:521

帮我用英语回答这两个关于乔布斯的问题,谢啦。1.what makes Jobs a good bu

这里面找Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs (February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011) was an American businessman, designer and inventor. He is best known as the co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Apple Inc. Through Apple, he was widely recognized as a charismatic pioneer of the personal computer revolution and for his influential career in the computer and consumer electronics fields, As Apple floundered, Jobs took control of the company and was named "interim CEO" in 1997, or as he jokingly referred to it, "iCEO". Under his leadership, Apple was saved from near bankruptcy, and became profitable by 1998. Over the next decade, Jobs oversaw the development of the iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone, and iPad and on the services side, the company"s Apple Retail Stores, iTunes Store and the App Store. The success of these products and services, providing several years of stable financial returns, propelled Apple to become the world"s most valuable publicly traded company in 2011. The reinvigoration of the company is regarded by some commentators as one of the greatest business turnaround stories.
2023-07-17 15:32:242


Steve Jobs (Steven Paul Jobs)
2023-07-17 15:32:353


2023-07-17 15:32:021


河南机电职业学院的成绩查询时间一般在考试结束后的2-3周内,具体时间可能会根据学院的规定和考试的时间而有所不同。可以通过学院官方网站或者教务管理系统进行成绩查询,或者向学院教务处或者相关管理部门咨询具体的成绩查询时间和方式。如果您有其他相关问题需要咨询,也可以向学院的教务处或者招生办公室进行了解。河南机电职业学院的分数线因专业和招生计划而异,以下是2021年部分专业的录取分数线供参考:1、机械电子工程技术专业:文科 280 分,理科 260 分;2、机械制造与自动化专业:文科 280 分,理科 260 分;3、电气自动化技术专业:文科 270 分,理科 250 分;4、物流管理专业:文科 260 分,理科 240 分;5、计算机应用技术专业:文科 260 分,理科 240 分。综上所述,以上分数线仅供参考,具体的录取分数线可能会因各种因素而有所调整。如果您需要了解更准确的分数线信息,建议您及时关注学院官方网站或者咨询当地招生办公室。【法律依据】:《普通高等学校招生违规行为处理暂行办法》第二条本办法所称普通高等学校(以下简称高校)招生,是指高校通过国家教育考试或者国家认可的入学方式选拔录取本科、专科学生的活动。高校、高级中等学校(含中等职业学校,以下简称高中)、招生考试机构、主管教育行政部门及其招生工作人员、考生等,在高校招生工作过程中,违反国家有关教育法律法规和国家高等教育招生管理规定的行为认定及处理,适用本办法。
2023-07-17 15:32:041


首先,希腊神话里太阳神有三位最早的是十二提坦神(Titans)之一的许配利翁(Hyperion),他是乌拉诺斯与该亚之子,司长光明与日光之力是原始太阳球体的化身第二位赫利俄斯(Helius)是真正的驾着太阳车的太阳神他是许配利翁(Hyperion)与提亚(Thea)之子,月女神塞勒涅(Selene)与曙光女神厄俄斯(Eos)之兄。他是太阳的化身和议人化,赫利俄斯的形象为高大魁伟、英俊无须的美男子,身披紫袍、头戴光芒万丈的金冠。他每天驾驶着四匹火马拉的太阳车划过天空,给世界带来光明。他情人众多,子女也众多,它的情人之一的克吕提厄(Clytie)变成了向日葵,他还有个著名的儿子法厄同(Phaethon)因强驾太阳车而死。但是在以后的神话中有些诗人把他与阿波罗混同,因此好多他的事都变成阿波罗了。 第三位阿波罗(Apollo)他是光明之神。阿波罗是天神宙斯与第六位妻子暗夜女神勒托所生之子。当初,勒托怀孕后天后赫拉,怒火冲天,她残酷地迫害勒托。可怜的勒托只好东躲西藏,到处流浪。后来勒托终于在爱琴海上找到了一个藏身的小岛——德罗斯岛(Adelos)。这是一个浮岛,常在大海上漂浮。勒托在这里,首先产下狩猎及接生女神阿尔忒弥斯(Artemis),后又在阿尔忒弥斯的协助下生下光明之神阿波罗(Apollo)。阿波罗全名为福玻斯?阿波罗(Phoebus Apollo),福玻斯意为“光明、明亮”。阿波罗视为司掌文艺之神、人类的保护神、光明神、预言之神、雄辩之神、迁徙和航海者的保护神、医神以及消灾弥难之神。出生于阿斯特利亚的一座浮岛提洛岛之上。也被奉为太阳神。你说的是哪一个?还是都要?
2023-07-17 15:32:061

英语问题:less than 和lesser than哪个正确?

less than
2023-07-17 15:32:074


beautiful girl
2023-07-17 15:32:0814


2023-07-17 15:32:115

less than 和fewer than区别用法

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一、前处理 前处理包括单元定义、材料定义和建模,单元定义是需要注意单元属性,此次定义一三号二维耦合单元,具有温度和位移自由度。 材料属性包括结构参数和热参数,具体包含弹性模量,泊松比,屈服强度,塑性属性,材料密度,热膨胀系数,热传导系数,比热容。焊接时温度较高,定义材料通常需要定义多个温度下的值。例如定义各材料在各温度点下的屈服应力和屈服后的弹性模量: tb,bkin,一,5 tbtemp,二0,一 tbdata,一,一二00e陆,0.一9三e一一 tbtemp,500,二 tbdata,一, 9三三e陆,0.一50e一一 tbtemp,一000,三 tbdata,一, 四三5e陆,0.0漆0e一一 tbtemp,一500,四 tbdata,一, 漆0e陆,0.0一0e一一 tbtemp,二000,5 tbdata,一, 漆e陆,0.00一e一一 建立的二维模型,中间三角区域为焊接区域。 二、单元排序 焊接区域的单元排序是一个必要的过程,只有将单元按照坐标顺序排列好,激活才好控制。 由于焊接时单元是从底部一层一层铺,因此需要将三角区域的单元按照Y坐标排序。单元的坐标是其形心处的坐标,如果一层的单元Y坐标一致,则将这一层再按照X坐标排序。 排序用ANSYS的APDL实现,通过Do循环一遍一遍的遍历单元。 在进行这个过程之前,需要先选出焊接区域的所有单元,之后: *get,nse,elem,,count !焊接区域单元数目nse *dim,ne,,nse !定义数组,存储单元编号 *dim,nex,,nse !定义数组,存储坐标x *dim,ney,,nse !定义数组,存储坐标y *dim,neorder,,nse !定义数组,存储按照坐标排序的单元标号 mine=0 !************************************************************** *do,i一,一,nse esel,u,elem,,mine !提出排序了的单元 *get,nse一,elem,,count !得到剩下的单元数目nse一 ii=0 *do,i,一,emax *if,esel(i),eq,一,then !表示单元是否被选中 ii=ii+一 ne(ii)=i *endif *enddo !此段循环用于得到剩下的单元的编号 *do,i,一,nse一 *get,ney(i),elem,ne(i),cent,y *get,nex(i),elem,ne(i),cent,x *enddo !此段循环得到剩下单元的坐标 miny=一e二0 minx=一e二0 !定义辅助常数,用于比较 *do,i,一,nse一 *if,ney(i),lt,miny,then miny=ney(i) minx=nex(i) mine=ne(i) *else *if,ney(i),eq,miny,then *if,nex(i),lt,minx,then miny=ney(i) minx=nex(i) mine=ne(i) *endif *endif *endif *enddo !此段循环用于将剩下的单元经过坐标比较,找到Y最小(X最小的单元编号) neorder(i一)=mine !得到这个编号的单元并存储 *enddo 注意循环的时候会有警告,这个没有关系,因为第一步剔除单元操作时实际并没有剔除成功,因为第一步循环时mine=0。 四 加载求解 温度载荷,结构约束,无需多说。 焊接一个单元的时间假设为5s,起始时间为0,通过得到的单元数可以知道整个历程的时间。 求解之前先将所有焊接区域的单元杀死,通过循环遍历实现,命令是ekill,每次杀死一个单元: *do,i,一,nse ekill,neorder(i) esel,s,live eplot *enddo 求解过程的APDL为: *do,i,一,nse ealive,neorder(i) esel,s,live eplot esel,all !******下面的求解用于建立温度的初始条件****** t=t+dt一 time,t nsubst,一 *do,j,一,四 d,nelem(neorder(i),j),temp,max_tem *enddo solve !****下面的求解用于保证初始的升温速度为零**** t=t+dt一 time,t solve !*********下面的步骤用于求解温度分布********** *do,j,一,四 ddele,nelem(neorder(i),j),temp *enddo t=t+dt-二*dt一 time,t nsubst,nsub一 solve *enddo t=t+50000 求解完之后,继续求解冷却过程,冷却过程只需给一个时间就行。 5 计算结果 最后的应力分布如图陆,因为在左端施加位移约束,最后由于焊接变形,右边发生翘曲
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阿波罗是古希腊神话中的光明与预言之神。阿波罗(希腊语:Απu03ccλλων、英语:Apollo),是古希腊神话中的光明、预言、音乐和医药之神,消灾解难之神。同时也是人类文明、迁徙和航海者的保护神。亦是宙斯和勒托之子,阿尔忒弥斯的孪生弟弟。阿波罗又被称作福玻斯·阿波罗(Φοu03afβοu03c2 Απu03ccλλων),而福玻斯是“光明”或“光辉灿烂”的意思。阿波罗是所有男神之中相貌最英俊的一个,他快乐、聪明、拥有着阳光般的气质,是许多艺术家在诗画中赞颂的对象。在神谱里面,太阳神指的是赫利俄斯。他是光神海波里斯的儿子。阿波罗是艺术之神,并非太阳神。阿波罗人物来源一般认为关于阿波罗的神话来源于小亚细亚,因特洛伊战争时他站在特洛伊一边,那里有许多他的神庙。也有人认为它来源于希腊北方,许佩耳波里的人民自称是阿波罗的后裔。与阿波罗有关的神话很多,主要有:他斩杀巨蟒皮同,在得尔斐他战胜皮同的地方修建神庙;参加奥林匹斯山众神与巨灵的战斗;在特洛伊战争中,他起初发神谕帮助希腊。他还和波塞冬被罚给特洛伊修建牢不可破的城墙等等;之后他还和雅典娜、赫耳墨斯一起帮助他的兄弟狄俄尼索斯。
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中国十大影视巨星是那几位啊!如像 周润发 成龙 葛优 姜文 知道很多就是不知道怎么排行求个排行榜↓

NO;1 姓名;李小龙 出生日期;1940年11月27日 死于1973年7月20日 个人评价;李小龙的一生是短暂的,但他的光芒依然存在,他如同一颗耀眼的彗星划过国际影坛的上空,目前依然有很多人崇拜他(星星) 所以我认为他是NO;1 代表作: 《精武门》(1972年)《猛龙过江》(1972年) 《龙争虎斗》(1973年) NO;2 姓名;周星驰 出生日期;1962年6月22日 英文名:Stephen Chow 个人评价;他是一个神话...他开创了香港影坛的先河...他的无厘头是个奇迹 如果让我说让我做个选择,我觉得他比金凯瑞更合适更贴近喜剧之王.... 而他的目标正是奥斯卡正是好莱乌,相信他一定会在好莱乌的天空流下他的印记 代表作:《审死官》《大话西游之大圣娶亲》《功夫》等等.... NO;3 姓名;成龙 出生日期;1954年4月7日 英文姓名:Jackie Chan 个人评价;他开创了中国影坛既李小龙后又一个奇迹,他是唯一一位亚洲演员在好莱乌流下印记的人,他是我们中国人的骄傲,他...就是成龙,不可否认成龙有今天的成就是他在功夫上拼来的,但有人说他不应该排在第3,有人说他只会点功夫算不上演技....但是我想问是每一个人都会功夫吗?是每一个人都能像他那样不怕死为中国影坛拼搏吗...你有没有数过大哥身上到底有多少伤痕? 请不要在说些什么,他是我们中国电影的骄傲,一棵永远不灭的星 代表作:《警察故事》系列 《红番区》 《我是谁》《尖峰时刻》《神话》 NO;4 姓名;周润发 出生日期;1955年5月18日 英文名;暂没找到 个人评价;他的气质是我最崇拜的,他有这一般人没有的魅力,他的角色深深的刻在他的影迷心里,小马哥,高进......一个又一个角色被他演活了,赌神是被他演的那么无法形容....他的演技不得不称赞,但发哥却在好莱乌混的不如意....我想说发哥回来吧,中国影坛需要你......... 代表作:《英雄本色》 《赌神》 《监狱风云》 《卧虎藏龙》 NO;5 姓名;李连杰 出生日期;1963年4月26日 英 文 名:Jet Li 个人评价;李连杰生与北京,他曾连续5届获得全能武术冠军,这个记录至今无人打破....可以说李连杰是幸运的一九八二年张鑫炎所执导的《少林寺》,相中十七岁的李连杰,让他一炮而红,奠定其日后成为功夫巨星的里程碑。 李连杰气质.演技.稳重.刚毅.自信,以及更为内敛、更为深沉。作为国际影星成为中国武术和精神的象征 代表作:《少林寺》《黄飞鸿》系列 《龙之吻》 《致命武器》《英雄》 NO;6 姓名;张曼玉 出生日期;1964年9月20日 英文名:Maggie Cheung 个人评价;张曼玉出到不久就得到了大哥的栽培,在几部警察故事里她都是女主角,但是很多人把她名为花瓶,讽刺她的演技...万万没有让人想到的是就这个花瓶在1992年凭借电影《阮玲玉》一片精彩的演技,几乎完美的表演克造了实实在在的阮玲玉,凭借此片她获得了多项大奖,其中包括柏林影展最佳女主角银熊奖,从此在没有人说她是花瓶,讽刺她没有演技...... 代表作;《警察故事》《新龙门客栈》《阮玲玉》《花样年花》《英雄》 NO;7 姓名;巩利 出生日期;1965年12月31日 英文名;尚未知 个人评价;有这出色的演技,非凡的气质,她曾扮演过多种类型的角色,多数是以农村妇人形象...而就是这个农村妇人的角色使她名声海外,成功走向了国际市场,1992年张艺谋执导的《秋菊打官司》,片中演员赋予角色的生活实感深深打动了观众,秋菊不仅使巩俐荣膺“金鸡”、“百花”双料影后,而且在第49届威尼斯国际电影节上获得最佳女演员奖,这是大陆女演员首次荣获国际大奖。 代表作;《红高粱》《秋菊打官司》《摇啊摇,摇到外婆桥》《霸王别姬》 NO;8 姓名;张国荣 出生日期;1956年9月12日 英文:Leslie Cheung 个人评价;他静静的走了,回忆起英雄本色里的阿杰,在想起倩女幽魂里的宁采臣,还有很多很多....问一句又有谁不想起他,哥哥.... 论演技他毫不逊色周润发,论歌声他和校长叱咤香港歌坛...他就这样走了,他曾获得多项荣誉其中包括第10届香港电影金像奖最佳男主角 代表作;《英雄本色》《阿飞正传》《东邪西毒》《霸王别姬》等等 NO;9 姓名;刘德华 出生日期;1961年9月27日 英文名:Andy Lau 个人评价;他曾叱咤香港歌坛影坛20年,他层获得过无数的荣誉,并在2000年又跻身世界十大杰出青年,在当今的歌坛里他还在保持着每张唱片突破100W,在当今这个盗版猖獗的社会里,还有几个歌手能保持如此的号召立,况且说他已经45了....他是真正的天王...一个不老的传说...一个层没走过下坡路的天王 他为香港乃至亚洲影坛做出了巨大的贡献.... 代表作;《暗战》《天下无贼》《无间道》《旺角卡门》《瘦身男女》等等 NO;10 姓名;梁朝伟 出生日期;1962年6月27日 英文名;Leung, CW Tony 个人评价;他的演技没有挑剔,他被选入十大巨星也毫不过分,至少我是这么觉得,他曾经获得过2届香港金像奖最佳男主角,并在2000年登上了国际影帝那就是第53届戛纳电影节,这对一名演员来说是莫大的荣耀,他的表演出神入化他层扮演过多种不同类型的角色,警察,卧底,黑帮大哥,江湖侠客等等,而他在生活方面更是个好男人,他与刘的爱情已经长跑10年了,希望他早日结婚...希望他事业更上一曾楼,多拍些好片子,为中国影坛做出应有的贡献..... 代表作;《重庆森林》《东京攻略》《无间道》《花样年华》《春光乍泄》等等
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哪位亲能把辉星的with me 翻译成罗马音发给我,谢谢了拜托了各位 谢谢

With Me yo uh huh! This song is dedicated to all the broken heart.. ni sonjishana boneunge nan joh-eunde ni mogsolileul deudneungeosdo joh-eunde wae neon naema-eum-eun mudjido anhgo na nimamdaelo tteonalaneunji nal miwohaedo salanghal su issneunde nan neoman bomyeon haengboghalsu issneunde geuleonnaemamkkaji apeulaneungeonji wae gagisilh-eun nal tteomineunji salang-ilkkeolago midgoiss-eo (midgoiss-eo) nimam-i aningeol algo iss-eo (aningeol) deomanh-i salanghal salam chaj-agalanmal apeun nimamdo da alsu iss-eo (alsu-iss-eo) deo himdeul-eodo cham-eulsudo issneunde nal salanghaneun nima-eum boyeojumyeon ajig neoleul wihae haedugo sip-eun ildeul-i neomu manh-i issneunde salang-ilkkeolago midgoiss-eo nimam-i aningeol (mam-i aningeol) algo iss-eo (nan-algo issneunde) deomanh-i salanghal salam chaj-agalanmal apeun nimamdo da alsu iss-eo (alsu-iss-eo) rap) jigeum eojjihal suga eobsneun neoui apeum-eun ne gyeot-eul jikyeojulan haneul-ui tteus geuge nae mid-eum nae gaseum sog gip-eun gos saegyeojin neoui ileum neol gakkaiseo jikyeobol su issdaneun ge ojig gippeum na eobs-ineun haludo sal su eobsdaneun geol al-eo ije tteonalan mal geuleon mal haji mal-a cuz you"re the one for me and i"m the one for you ne ma-eum i sesang geu nuguboda nan jal al-a salang-ilagoman kkog mid-eojwo(kkog mid-eojwo) neoleul gadwoduneun naema-eumdo neoman-eul salanghal jasin ajigkkaji na neoui salangmankeum nam-assdago salang-ilkkeolago midgoiss-eo nimam-i aningeol algo iss-eo deomanh-i salanghal salam chaj-agalanmal(neol apeuge mandeulji anh-a) apeun nimamdo da (yo listen) alsu iss-eo(here with me)
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羽绒服上的指甲油去除方法:可以用洗甲水,用布蘸洗甲水反复擦几下即可,但是用量不宜过多,以免损坏衣服。另外,酒精、松香水或汽油也可以洗掉,并且不容易褪色。可以用肥皂水洗,如果还未洗净,白色的衣服可以先买84消毒水倒入水中少许进行清洗,彩色衣服可以买彩票水倒在水中反复搓洗即可。若以上方法还未去除污渍,可以将衣物送去干洗店,给专业人员处理。指甲油发展历史1900年维多利亚晚期的时髦女人,会用染色膏和清漆调出柔和的指甲颜色。1920年受到汽车喷漆的启发,Michelle Menard发明了现代意义上第一瓶指甲油。几十年的发展中,因为考虑到指甲油中有害成分的影响,指甲油更新了无数次配方。1980年Tinkerbell公司发明了第一款bo-po(涂上去,撕下来)指甲油,并成为了那个时代女孩们最渴望拥有的彩妆产品。撕拉式指甲油还有,但这种产品最成功的无疑是Minx品牌,色彩图案多到让你眼花缭乱。In the Mood指甲油,会根据你的体温和周围环境而改变颜色,一经推出在市场上热卖,不得不说它把指甲油的特殊效果带到了新的高度。
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太阳神,宙斯和勒托之子,月神和狩猎女神阿尔忒弥斯的兄长,又名赫利俄斯。全名为福玻斯·阿波罗(Phoebus Apollo)。 在人们心目中,太阳神是一个精力充沛,血气方刚的年轻人。他容貌英俊,散发着芳香.略微飘起的长发垂在肩上。脸呈瓜子形,前额宽阔,显得精明.坚定.安详.端庄和自豪。头上通常戴着用月桂树.爱神木.橄榄树或睡莲的枝叶编织的冠冕。这位光明之神有时穿着奢华,昂首蓝天,在他挂在胸前的齐特拉琴的伴奏下放声歌唱。阿波罗的标志是竖琴.弓.箭.箭袋和三脚架.人们通常用天鹅.鹰.狼.牝鹿和知了作为献给他的祭品。一般认为关于阿波罗的神话来源于小亚细亚,因特洛伊战争时他站在特洛伊一边,那里有许多他的神庙。也有人认为它来源于希腊北方,许佩耳波里的人民自称是阿波罗的后裔。主掌光明,医药,文学,诗歌,音乐等,并代表主神喧诏神旨。每天架天马拉乘的的黄金车巡游天上一周。 希腊神话记载,雷托被天后赫拉驱赶得四处流浪。最终是海神波塞冬怜悯她并从海中捞起提落岛让她居住。在岛上,她生了孪生儿子阿波罗和阿尔特弥斯。阿波罗是太阳神。清晨他身着紫色袍,坐在那明亮的东方宫殿,准备开始每日穿越天空的旅行。白天,他驾着用金子和象牙制成的战车,给广阔无垠的大地带来光明、生命和仁爱。黄昏时分,他在遥远的西海结束了旅行,然后就乘上金船返回东方的家中。阿波罗是音乐神和诗神。他可唤起人们倾注于圣歌中的各种情感。在奥林波斯山上,他手拿金质里拉,用悦耳的音调指挥缪斯的合唱。当他帮助波塞冬建造特洛伊城墙时,里拉奏出的音乐如此动听,以致石头有节奏地、自动地各就其位。有一次他接受凡人音乐家马斯亚斯的挑战参加一次竞赛。战胜对方后,他将对手剥皮致死以惩罚他的狂妄自大。在另外一次音乐比赛中,因输给了潘神,他就将裁判迈尔斯国王的耳朵变成了驴耳朵。阿波罗的儿子俄耳甫斯继承了父亲这方面的才能。他的竖琴使人与动物皆受感动。阿波罗象征着青春和男子汉的美。金色的头发、庄重的举止、容光焕发的神态,这些足以使他受到世人的青睐。一位名叫克里提的美丽少女迷恋于他的英俊潇洒,跪在地上,从黎明到黄昏,双手伸向太阳神。她凝视着那辆金质马车在蔚蓝的天空驰骋。虽然她的爱并未得到回报,但她对阿波罗的痴情却从未改变。目睹这悲哀的场面,众神深受感动,将她变成了一株向日葵。与阿波罗有关的神话很多,主要有:他斩杀恶龙皮同,在得尔斐他战胜皮同的地方修建神庙;参加奥林波斯山众神与巨灵的战斗;在特洛伊战争中,他的祭司受希腊人侮辱,他施瘟疫,使希腊人遭受侵袭;赫尔墨斯发明七弦琴送给阿波罗,使他成为音乐之神;特洛伊公主卡珊德拉与他相爱被赋予预言天才,而公主事后食言,阿波罗又使其预言失灵;神女达佛涅为摆脱他的追求,变作月桂树,被称为阿波罗圣树;他还和波塞冬合力帮助特洛伊,建起牢不可破的城墙等等。通常阿波罗作为太阳神为人们接受,称福波斯(光亮之意),他一方面保护农业,另一方面他的阳光被视作金箭,具有战神作用。常见的阿波罗形象多是长发无须的青年,随身带有竖琴、弓、神盾等
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美丽女孩的英语是:beautiful girl. 例句: Sophie is a beautiful girl. 苏菲是一个美丽的女孩。 The beautiful girl is waving to you. 那个漂亮女孩正在向你打招呼。 扩展资料   Daisy is a beautiful girl!   戴西很漂亮。   What a beautiful girl!   小姑娘长得真美呀!   A beautiful girl has often an unfortunate life.   红颜多薄命。   He was infatuated with the beautiful girl.; he was struck by the girl"s beauty.   他为那姑娘的美貌所倾倒。
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