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2023-07-18 02:47:50
TAG: 英文

lego house ed sheeran

I"m gonna pick up the pieces


and build a lego house


when things go wrong we can knock it down


My three words have two meanings


there"s one thing on my mind


It"s all for you


And it"s dark in a cold December


but I"ve got ya to keep me warm


and if you"re broke I"ll mend ya


and keep you sheltered from the storm that"s


raging on now


I"m out of touch I"m out of love


I"ll pick you up when you"re getting down


and of all these things I"ve done I think I love


you better now


I"m out of sight I"m out of mind


I"ll do it all for you in time


And of all these things I"ve done I think I love


you better now


I"m gonna paint you by numbers


and colour you in


if things go right we can frame it


and put you on a wall


And it"s so hard to say it but I"ve been here




and I"ll surrender up my heart


and swap it for yours


I"m out of touch I"m out of love


I"ll pick you up when you"re getting down


and of all these things I"ve done I think I love


you better now


I"m out of sight I"m out of mind


I"ll do it all for you in time


And of all these things I"ve done I think I love


you better now


Don"t hold me down


I think my braces are breaking and it"s more than

我想,支柱崩塌之痛 大概是我

I can take


And it"s dark in a cold December


but I"ve got ya to keep me warm


and if you"re broke I"ll mend ya


and keep you sheltered from the storm that"s


raging on now


I"m out of touch I"m out of love


I"ll pick you up when you"re getting down


and of all these things I"ve done I think I love


you better now


I"m out of sight I"m out of mind


I"ll do it all for you in time


And of all these things I"ve done I think I love


you better now


I"m out of touch I"m out of love


I"ll pick you up when you"re getting down


and of all these things I"ve done I think I love


you better now



lego house体验中心在哪里?lego乐高体验中心地址

lego house体验中心是lego专门为lego迷带来的一栋全是巨型lego积木搭建的房子,非常壮观,lego迷一直要去看看。下面我给大家讲讲lego house体验中心在哪里?lego乐高体验中心地址在哪里? lego体验中心地址 这间lego house体验中心建在丹麦小镇比隆,也就是乐高总部的所在地,有机会去旅游的朋友千万别错过。 LEGO 积木这么多年在电玩革命的无数次冲击下都屹立不倒,确实令人感叹这简直就是丹麦人为世界带来的最伟大发明。而全球无数 LEGO 粉丝翘首以盼历时两年多,由丹麦著名建筑设计事务所 BIG 为乐高设计的 LEGO House 体验中心即将在9月28日正式开门迎客。整座建筑由 21 个白色的方块状单元堆叠而成,像是用巨型的 LEGO 积木搭建一般;位于最顶端的那个长方体模块,还被特意设计成了 2×4 规格乐高积木的模样——很少有人知道,这是乐高最经典的颗粒形状。LEGO House 项目的总经理 Jesper Vilstrup 表示,这个体验中心展现的是乐高精神的本质,将成为无数乐高粉丝和他们的家人、朋友去体验或重新体验乐高可玩性的地方,而在他们玩耍的过程中,创造力也会被激发出来。lego品牌介绍 乐高公司创办于丹麦,至今已有85年的发展历史,追本溯源,还得从它的金字招牌LEGO说起。商标“LEGO”的使用是从1932年开始,其语来自丹麦语“LEg GOdt”,意为“play well”(玩得快乐),并且该名字首先迅速成为乐高公司在Billund地区玩具工厂生产的优质玩具的代名词。多年来,“LEGO”图标也变化了多种形式,最新的图标是1998年制作,它是在1973年的版本基础上稍作调整而成,使之更便于在媒体上传播和识别。第一个生产地在丹麦的一所红房子中,那里就是乐高开始的地方。近日,乐高乐高官方推出的一座大型主题空间,坐落在乐高的总部所在地丹麦比隆(Billund),占地 12000 平米,离公司总部也不远,LEGO Experience Center 将于今年正式开放,目前计划中的具体时间是在九月份。lego好玩吗 乐高Lego Jing City 七夕的礼物,还有几天我就要重返学校,开始MBA之旅,所以这几天就挑了个女儿最喜欢的,也是她缠了我好几个礼拜的大工程,迪士尼城堡。准备在七夕送给她。为了把它融入到Jing City,我给城堡设计了一座带有火车隧道的山。城堡建在山顶上。现在你看到的只是个山体的框架,我还在构思山体的外部设计。因为是自己设计,所以还要去买材料,预计2周才能完工。 非常减压的一个方式,边听交响乐边玩lego,不是资深lego迷,也不是喜欢所有系列,从宠物店开始爱上街景系列的,觉得拼起来很有意思,而且也可以摆在家里布置家居,当然不是这样放在茶几积灰啦。会放进展示柜,每一个大概1200上下,之前的天价绝版应该不会去追,因为买了一套之前的剧院,觉得内饰很一般没有新款精致,不过强迫症严重且有钱任性的可以买来拼成全套。我真是太会选礼物了,一眼就看中的乐高迪士尼城堡。偷偷在英国官网预订,到货的时候老公果然超级开心,超级大个的大箱子。当然啦,他喜欢欣赏更喜欢动手拼装,花了三四个晚上,下班回来就拼,总算是生日这天拼好,太惊艳了!满足了我浓浓的少女心,也是儿子作为一个小宝宝的口味。这个礼物,满足了三个人的喜好,赞赞赞!好好珍藏起来,以后也是家里的一员咯。 最爱玩乐高,去上海迪士尼的时候在迪士尼小镇的乐高店里一眼看到迪士尼大城堡就走不动路了。抱回家后断断续续花了四五天拼完(因为不舍得一口气拼完呀)超级可爱的大城堡,和迪士尼最常出镜的那个城堡长得一样,每个小角落都藏着迪士尼人物和公主们的小故事。青蛙王子、小仙女、美女与野兽……把城堡翻到反面就可以看到公主们住的房间了。
2023-07-17 20:04:121

Lego House (Acoustic) 歌词

歌曲名:Lego House (Acoustic)歌手:Ed Sheeran专辑:Now That"s What I Call ChillLego HouseEd SheeranI"m gonna pick up the pieces,and build a lego housewhen things go wrong we can knock it downMy three words have two meanings,there"s one thing on my mindIt"s all for youHmm.....And it"s dark in a cold Decemberbut I"ve got ya to keep me warmand if you"re broke I"ll mend yaand keep you sheltered from the storm that"s raging onI"m out of touch, I"m out of loveI"ll pick you up when you"re getting downand of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m out of sight, I"m out of mindI"ll do it all for you in timeAnd of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m gonna paint you by numbersand colour you inif things go right we can frame itand put you on a wallAnd it"s so hard to say it but I"ve been here beforenow I"ll surrender up my heartand swap it for yoursI"m out of touch, I"m out of loveI"ll pick you up when you"re getting downand of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m out of sight, I"m out of mindI"ll do it all for you in timeAnd of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowDon"t hold me downI think my braces are breakingand it"s more than I can takeAnd if it"s dark in a cold DecemberI"ve got ya to keep me warmand if you"re broke I"ll mend yaand keep you sheltered from the storm that"s raging onI"m out of touch, I"m out of loveI"ll pick you up when you"re getting downand of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m out of sight, I"m out of mindI"ll do it all for you in timeAnd of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m out of touch, I"m out of loveI"ll pick you up when you"re getting downand of all these things I"ve doneI will love you better now
2023-07-17 20:04:202

lego house是什么意思?

2023-07-17 20:04:296

lego house音乐歌词

你说的是EP决赛么?黄韵玲《心动》 莎莎(悲惨世界选段)《云中的城堡》
2023-07-17 20:04:4414

Ed Sheeran的《Lego House》 歌词

歌曲名:Lego House歌手:Ed Sheeran专辑:+Lego HouseEd SheeranI"m gonna pick up the piecesand build a lego housewhen things go wrong we can knock it downMy three words have two meaningsthere"s one thing on my mindIt"s all for youHmmAnd it"s dark in a cold Decemberbut I"ve got ya to keep me warmand if you"re broke I"ll mend yaand keep you sheltered from the storm that"s raging onI"m out of touch I"m out of loveI"ll pick you up when you"re getting downand of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m out of sight I"m out of mindI"ll do it all for you in timeAnd of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m gonna paint you by numbersand colour you inif things go right we can frame itand put you on a wallAnd it"s so hard to say it but I"ve been here beforenow I"ll surrender up my heartand swap it for yoursI"m out of touch I"m out of loveI"ll pick you up when you"re getting downand of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m out of sight I"m out of mindI"ll do it all for you in timeAnd of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowDon"t hold me downI think my braces are breakingand it"s more than I can takeAnd if it"s dark in a cold DecemberI"ve got ya to keep me warmand if you"re broke I"ll mend yaand keep you sheltered from the storm that"s raging onI"m out of touch I"m out of loveI"ll pick you up when you"re getting downand of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m out of sight I"m out of mindI"ll do it all for you in timeAnd of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m out of touch I"m out of loveI"ll pick you up when you"re getting downand of all these things I"ve doneI will love you better now
2023-07-17 20:05:071

Lego House (Subscape Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Lego House (Subscape Remix)歌手:Ed Sheeran专辑:Lego HouseLego HouseEd SheeranI"m gonna pick up the pieces,and build a lego housewhen things go wrong we can knock it downMy three words have two meanings,there"s one thing on my mindIt"s all for youHmm.....And it"s dark in a cold Decemberbut I"ve got ya to keep me warmand if you"re broke I"ll mend yaand keep you sheltered from the storm that"s raging onI"m out of touch, I"m out of loveI"ll pick you up when you"re getting downand of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m out of sight, I"m out of mindI"ll do it all for you in timeAnd of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m gonna paint you by numbersand colour you inif things go right we can frame itand put you on a wallAnd it"s so hard to say it but I"ve been here beforenow I"ll surrender up my heartand swap it for yoursI"m out of touch, I"m out of loveI"ll pick you up when you"re getting downand of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m out of sight, I"m out of mindI"ll do it all for you in timeAnd of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowDon"t hold me downI think my braces are breakingand it"s more than I can takeAnd if it"s dark in a cold DecemberI"ve got ya to keep me warmand if you"re broke I"ll mend yaand keep you sheltered from the storm that"s raging onI"m out of touch, I"m out of loveI"ll pick you up when you"re getting downand of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m out of sight, I"m out of mindI"ll do it all for you in timeAnd of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m out of touch, I"m out of loveI"ll pick you up when you"re getting downand of all these things I"ve doneI will love you better now
2023-07-17 20:05:141

lego house 讲的什么

歌词中英对照翻译 I"m gonna pick up the pieces, 我会拾起零散片段 And build a lego house 搭成一座积木房屋 When things go wrong we can knock it down 若是出了差错,我们还能推倒重来 My three words have two meanings 那三个字,绝不仅仅是轻巧的戏言 There"s one thing on my mind 在我心中挥之不去的只有一事,并且愈加清晰 It"s all for you 满满的,都是你 And it"s dark in a cold December, 阴冷的十二月,黑暗孤独 But I"ve got ya to keep me warm 但我可以拥紧你的温度 And if you"re broke I"ll mend ya 若是你失落心碎,我也可以让你复原 And keep you sheltered from the storm that"s raging on now 在暴风雨呼啸之时,给你一个避雨的港湾 I"m out of touch, I"m out of love 我不再有你的消息,我也不再能感受到爱 I"ll pick you up when you"re getting down 但我会在你失落时默默安慰支持 And of all these things I"ve done I think I love you better now 这样想我所做的一切,我想,此刻我对你的爱更加深刻 I"m out of sight, I"m out of mind 你的视野中再无我的存在,我略略黯然 I"ll do it all for you in time 但我会恰时为你划出一片天空 And of all these things I"ve done I think I love you better now 这样想我所做的一切,我想,此刻我对你的爱更加深刻 I"m gonna paint you by numbers 我会以韵律描绘你 And colour you in 为你渲染上绚烂的色彩 if things go right we can frame it, 若是完成,我们可以将它装裱 And put you on a wall 随後我便可以将你挂在我的墙壁上 And it"s so hard to say it but I"ve been here before 有些难以启齿,但我已经在这裏等待了很久 And I"ll surrender up my heart 我会交出我的心 And swap it for yours 在它原本的位置,填满你的一切 I"m out of touch, I"m out of love 我不再有你的消息,我也不再能感受到爱 I"ll pick you up when you"re getting down 但我会在你失落时默默安慰支持 And of all these things I"ve done I think I love you better now 这样想我所做的一切,我想,此刻我对你的爱更加深刻 I"m out of sight, I"m out of mind 你的视野中再无我的存在,我略略黯然 I"ll do it all for you in time 但我会恰时为你划出一片天空 And of all these things I"ve done I think I love you better now 这样想我所做的一切,我想,此刻我对你的爱更加深刻 Don"t hold me down 请不要让我再次失落 I think my braces are breaking 我想,支柱崩塌之痛 And it"s more than I can take 大概是我所不能承受的 And it"s dark in a cold December, 阴冷的十二月,黑暗孤独 But I"ve got ya to keep me warm 但我可以拥紧你的温度 And if you"re broke I"ll mend ya 若是你失落心碎,我也可以让你复原 And keep you sheltered from the storm that"s raging on now 在暴风雨呼啸之时,给你一个避雨的港湾 I"m out of touch, I"m out of love 我不再有你的消息,我也不再能感受到爱 I"ll pick you up when you"re getting down 但我会在你失落时默默安慰支持 And of all these things I"ve done I think I love you better now 这样想我所做的一切,我想,此刻我对你的爱更加深刻 I"m out of sight, I"m out of mind 你的视野中再无我的存在,我略略黯然 I"ll do it all for you in time 但我会恰时为你划出一片天空 And of all these things I"ve done I think I love you better now 这样想我所做的一切,我想,此刻我对你的爱更加深刻 I"m out of touch, I"m out of love 我不再有你的消息,我也不再能感受到爱 I"ll pick you up when you"re getting down 但我会在你失落时默默安慰支持 And of all these things I"ve done I will love you better now 这样想我所做的一切,我还会爱你更多
2023-07-17 20:05:221

Lego House (Acoustic) 歌词

歌曲名:Lego House (Acoustic)歌手:Ed Sheeran专辑:Lego HouseLego HouseEd SheeranI"m gonna pick up the pieces,and build a lego housewhen things go wrong we can knock it downMy three words have two meanings,there"s one thing on my mindIt"s all for youHmm.....And it"s dark in a cold Decemberbut I"ve got ya to keep me warmand if you"re broke I"ll mend yaand keep you sheltered from the storm that"s raging onI"m out of touch, I"m out of loveI"ll pick you up when you"re getting downand of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m out of sight, I"m out of mindI"ll do it all for you in timeAnd of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m gonna paint you by numbersand colour you inif things go right we can frame itand put you on a wallAnd it"s so hard to say it but I"ve been here beforenow I"ll surrender up my heartand swap it for yoursI"m out of touch, I"m out of loveI"ll pick you up when you"re getting downand of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m out of sight, I"m out of mindI"ll do it all for you in timeAnd of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowDon"t hold me downI think my braces are breakingand it"s more than I can takeAnd if it"s dark in a cold DecemberI"ve got ya to keep me warmand if you"re broke I"ll mend yaand keep you sheltered from the storm that"s raging onI"m out of touch, I"m out of loveI"ll pick you up when you"re getting downand of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m out of sight, I"m out of mindI"ll do it all for you in timeAnd of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m out of touch, I"m out of loveI"ll pick you up when you"re getting downand of all these things I"ve doneI will love you better now
2023-07-17 20:05:291

lego house 吉他谱ed sheeran.

Ed Sheeran - Lego HouseCapo on 4thIntro: G, D, Em, DG D EmI"m gonna pick up the pieces, D Gand build a lego house D Em Dwhen things go wrong we can knock it downG D EmMy three words have two meanings, D Gthere"s one thing on my mind D Em DIt"s all for youG D Em DAnd it"s dark in a cold December, but I"ve got ya to keep me warm G D Emand if you"re broke I"ll mend ya and keep you sheltered from the storm Dthat"s raging onG D EmI"m out of touch, I"m out of love G/B DI"ll pick you up when you"re getting down G/B C D Gand of all these things I"ve done I think I love you better nowG D EmI"m out of sight, I"m out of mind G/B DI"ll do it all for you in time G/B C D GAnd of all these things I"ve done I think I love you better nowIntroI"m gonna paint you by numbersand colour you inif things go right we can frame it, and put you on a wallAnd it"s so hard to say it but I"ve been here beforeand I"ll surrender up my heartand swap it for yoursI"m out of touch, I"m out of loveI"ll pick you up when you"re getting downand of all these things I"ve done I think I love you better nowI"m out of sight, I"m out of mindI"ll do it all for you in timeAnd of all these things I"ve done I think I love you better nowEm D CDon"t hold me down D C DI think my braces are breaking and it"s more than I can takeAnd if it"s dark in a cold December, I"ve got ya to keep me warmand if you"re broke I"ll mend ya and keep you sheltered from the storm that"s raging onI"m out of touch, I"m out of loveI"ll pick you up when you"re getting downand of all these things I"ve done I think I love you better nowI"m out of sight, I"m out of mindI"ll do it all for you in timeAnd of all these things I"ve done I think I love you better nowHope this was useful.Enjoy :)
2023-07-17 20:05:361

Lego House-Ed Sheeran mv什么意思 要表达什么?

罗恩饰演Ed Sheeran 的一个变态歌迷
2023-07-17 20:05:433

lego tree house moc哪里可以买

2023-07-17 20:06:021


The Ludlows(燃情岁月插曲)
2023-07-17 20:06:092

求高手Ed sherren lego house的吉他谱!!!!!

2023-07-17 20:06:231

想要Ed Sheeran的the A team 和Lego house的吉他谱,邮箱是谢谢啦

The A team house这是你需要的吗?很抱歉 ,我也不太懂
2023-07-17 20:06:301


2023-07-17 20:06:391


【 #英语资源# 导语】一年一度的春节马上就要来到了,大家都忙着贴春联,每家都是喜气洋洋的气氛。 为大家准备了《兔年春节英语作文》,供大家参考阅读。 1.兔年春节英语作文 篇一   During the Spring Festival, every household is decorated with lanterns and decorations. This year"s Spring Festival is particularly interesting, and I still remember it today.   On this day, every family will stick Spring Festival couplets, eat New Year"s Eve dinner, set off firecrackers and fireworks, but the most exciting thing is to set off firecrackers.   After dinner, I heard the first sound of firecrackers, and quickly took my cousin"s hand to the window. When I saw a colorful flower blooming in the air, a few seconds later, it fell like a shooting star. After waiting for a long time, my cousin and I couldn"t wait any longer. I pulled my father and mother to the square. There was already a lot of traffic on the square. I pulled my cousin to squeeze in. I found a place, picked up the firecrackers prepared by my father, and lit the fuse with a lighter in our hands. We ran quickly. Just heard the "bang", a colorful flower appeared in the air, and there was a small flame below, It is really like a small leaf. It looks like a Pugong in the distance! My cousin said to me that she also wanted to let it go. I said, "Well, try it. She touched the fuse with a lighter and ran away. We all laughed because it was not lit at all. I took her hand and lit the fuse together. She saw the fuse ignited. In a blink of an eye, she ran out of sight. I heard a" whoosh "sound, and firecrackers flew up like rockets, It burst into a colorful chrysanthemum in an instant, and I could smell a smell of gunpowder. How wonderful it would be to celebrate the Spring Festival every day!   I like Spring Festival! 2.兔年春节英语作文 篇二   Spring Festival is a traditional festival of our Chinese nation. How lively the Spring Festival is! New Year"s Eve can be described as "busy" in one word. On New Year"s Eve, every household is cleaning. Grandfather, grandmother, father and mother are busy sweeping the floor and cleaning the glass. They will clean the house in a short time and take on a new look.   After cleaning the house. Mother cooked the New Year"s Eve dinner. Grandma was making dumplings. When Grandma was making dumplings, I found a big secret. Grandma put some coins in the dumplings. I don"t know why. I asked my grandmother: Why are some coins wrapped in dumplings? Grandma said that whoever eats this dumpling will be blessed in the coming year. I looked at the dumplings and thought: I must eat you tonight. The most important thing on New Year"s Eve is to stick Spring Festival couplets. Grandpa sticks big ones and I stick small ones. I saw grandpa put the blessing upside down and said, "Grandpa, you put the blessing upside down.". Grandpa said, "Isn"t it the blessing?". I don"t understand.   New Year"s Eve is the best time. It"s really fun for everyone to get together, drink good wine, eat good food and watch TV. When I ate dumplings, I ate coins. Grandma said I was lucky.   On New Year"s Day, we got up before dawn. We put on our clothes and went to pay New Year"s greetings.   In the new year, I wish people: Wahaha every day, Gao Lego every year, the mood is like Sprite, and life is like peach. I wish myself good luck and virtue. 3.兔年春节英语作文 篇三   The pace of the Spring Festival is gradually approaching, and the new year must be lively and full, so the purchase of New Year"s goods has become an important part of my family"s New Year. My father and mother drove their cars all day to buy this and that in the street, and also sent someone to buy it. My mother sent someone to buy my salty pig leg from Anji. It was really well-intentioned.   On New Year"s Eve, I went to the vegetable market with my mother. Crowds of people carrying large bags and small bags, the market is full of goods, of course, is also a sea of people, and some places are crowded. We bought a big rooster. It was magnificent and powerful, but it was about to become a food and drink. We visited most of the vegetable markets and bought a variety of colorful vegetables: pig large intestine is called "often smooth", fish ball, meat ball is called "round and round", bean sprouts are called "wishful", peanut sprouts are called "evergreen", dried bamboo shoots are called "festival" and so on. It was nearly noon. When we went to the street, we turned around and saw people struggling to carry the things we just bought. In supermarkets, clothing stores, and health care cabinets, our faces were filled with joy. My mother bought a fireworks as big as a bucket, and I jumped up happily, waiting for a happy New Year fireworks. In order to make the family have a festive atmosphere, we bought a lot of glittering "Fu" characters, some big and small, and pasted them on the door and the small door with a high mood.   It"s more than 2 o"clock in the afternoon. We rush home with the New Year"s goods, and we are also busy to deal with the New Year"s goods, which should be killed and frozen. In this way, we worked until the evening, and finally got all the New Year goods ready. 4.兔年春节英语作文 篇四   With the sound of firecrackers, the Spring Festival, the biggest festival in China, has arrived. On the New Year"s Eve, every household pasted couplets, ate dumplings and welcomed the god of wealth. Everyone was happy.   On the first day of the first lunar month, it was very busy outside. There were many people setting off firecrackers. The firecrackers drew a beautiful arc in the air, and then "flashed". But pay attention to safety when setting off firecrackers! When the firecrackers are set off and there is no sound for a long time, don"t go to see them to avoid being injured.   On the second day of the first month, every family begins to visit friends and relatives! My father and mother took me to grandma"s house. Grandma"s home is in the countryside, and now it becomes more lively. There are red lanterns in the courtyard, bright couplets on the door, festive characters, and the sound of firecrackers. Life in the countryside is getting better and better. Grandma"s dinner is very rich, including chicken, duck and fish. After eating, I watched the cartoon "xx" at Grandma"s home, and we were very happy. It"s time to go to bed before you know it. What a happy day!   I sincerely hope that the people of the whole country will have a happy new year and good luck! 5.兔年春节英语作文 篇五   Hope! Hope! Seeing the Spring Festival approaching, I couldn"t help laughing at the thought. Before the Spring Festival, everyone is happy and energetic. There is an endless stream of people shopping. Some are buying New Year pictures, some are buying firecrackers, and some are playing mahjong. Anyway, there are all kinds of people in the street. It"s really dazzling.   Before the Spring Festival, every household is setting off firecrackers, fireworks, cleaning the house clean, and posting the bought New Year pictures in every corner. If you paste the New Year pictures, your home will look more beautiful and brighter. People also bought vegetables and prepared them all. We can have a good meal just after the Spring Festival. We also wear beautiful clothes. Bright clothes went on the street, and met good friends.   When the Spring Festival comes, children get up early to pay New Year"s greetings to their grandparents and earn New Year"s money. I earned three hundred in all. I"m very happy.   At noon, we had a good meal. It was the best meal I had in a year.
2023-07-17 20:06:551


  大概表示对时间、数量的不很精确的估计。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    大概英语说法1:   Probably    大概英语说法2:   general   大概英语说法3:   roughly   大概的英语例句:   这大概正是我要做的。   Maybe that"s what I"ll do.   我通常大概7点起床。   I used to get up at about seven.   嗯,你大概是对的。   Well, you"re probably right.   叫我说,他大概三十岁左右。   I"d say he is about thirty.   那时我大概就有空了。   I"ll be probably free then.   他大概和我同岁。   He was roughly the same age as myself.   预测只是大概的趋势。   These forecasts are only general trends.   这仅仅是个大概数字。   This is just an approximate figure.   大概是指拍卖会里的闲置物品。   Holding public auctions on donated guild items.   它们大概是最好的青玉吧。   They may be the best green jade.   大概会有五百个人出席婚宴。   About five hundred people will be present at the wedding reception.   您应该对如何处理站点的设计形成一个大概的观点。   You should form a very general opinion here of what should be done on the design of the site.   你现在大概知道我对蜜蜂确实略知一二,这主要是因为我那不太爱赶潮流的父亲在几年前开始养蜜蜂&远在许多纽约人决定养蜂之前。   As you can probably tell by now, I know a thing or two about bees, mostly because my father, who is generally not on the leading edge of trends, began keeping bees several years ago& well-before many New Yorkers decided that keeping bees was a thing they should do.   不过,我这种优柔寡断的性格总的来说不会在工作或大的生活选择上折磨我我大概只考虑了一秒钟就决定买下我们的房子。   My indecision doesn"t generally plague me at work or with large life choices. I decided in about a second to buy our house.   该公司表示,《大英百科全书》大概有50万付费使用者,而有1亿多使用者则是通过图书馆和学校访问《大英百科全书》。   The pany says about half a million individuals pay for access, while more than 100 million get access through libraries and schools.   的确,大概一年前,Twitter公司推出Promoted Tweets由广告主撰写并付费释出的Tweet时,仅有6家公司买账;而现在则达到600家之多。   Indeed, when twitter rolled out promoted tweets tweets written by and paid for by advertisers roughly a year ago, there were only six marketers; now there are 600.   即使只有一小段程式码,产生百分之十的错误也是很严重的,一个相对小的应用软体的2万行程式码将会大概产生200个严重的程式码错误。   Even if only a *** all fraction, say10 percent, of these errors are serious, then a relatively *** all application of20 thousand lines of code will have roughly200 serious coding errors.   乐高儿童社群负责人马克u2022福德基尔表示,这个网站每个月有10,000到12,000名活跃会员,其中有大概1%符合“超级粉丝”的定义。   Of the site "s 10,000-12,000 active monthly members, roughly 1% of them fall under this “ Superfan ” definition, says Mark Fothergill, head of LEGO" s childrens "munity.
2023-07-17 20:07:141

The House Of Love的《Ray》 歌词

歌曲名:Ray歌手:The House Of Love专辑:The Fontana Yearsすべての意味があなたになるように歌にしようこの感触も このコードも この甘味も 色も 匂いも五感ではあなたのすべては理解できない 表わせない仆のありったけで そう ありったけで都合のいいように受け取る时々あなたは冷たく そんな时决まって世界はキレイで仆ばっかりがその优しさを饮みほしてしまったような过去を引きずる仆は未来しか见ないあなたを卑怯な手で锁に繋いではあなたの自由を夺ってるかな?「Ray」作词∶lego big morl作曲∶lego big morl歌∶柴咲コウ弱い仆はあなたのいない世界を生きる自信はないの だからせめて先に死なせて强いあなたは言うでしょう「そんな事言うんじゃないの」つまり あなたは仆の生きる光【 おわり 】
2023-07-17 20:07:201

lego house 的歌词

Lego House - The CollectiveI"m gonna pick up the piecesand build a lego housewhen things go wrong we can knock it downMy three words have two meaningsthere"s one thing on my mindIt"s all for youAnd it"s dark in a cold December but I"ve got ya to keep me warmand if you"re broke I"ll mend ya and keep you sheltered from the storm that"s raging onI"m out of touch I"m out of loveI"ll pick you up when you"re getting downand of all these things I"ve done I think I love you better nowI"m out of sight I"m out of mindI"ll do it all for you in timeAnd of all these things I"ve done I think I love you better nowI"m gonna paint you by numbersand colour you inif things go right we can frame it and put you on a wallAnd it"s so hard to say it but I"ve been here beforeand I"ll surrender up my heartand swap it for yoursI"m out of touch I"m out of loveI"ll pick you up when you"re getting downand of all these things I"ve done I think I love you better nowI"m out of sight I"m out of mindI"ll do it all for you in timeAnd of all these things I"ve done I think I love you better nowDon"t hold me downI think my braces are breaking and it"s more than I can takeAnd if it"s dark in a cold December I"ve got ya to keep me warmand if you"re broke I"ll mend ya and keep you sheltered from the storm that"s raging onI"m out of touch I"m out of loveI"ll pick you up when you"re getting downand of all these things I"ve done I think I love you better nowI"m out of sight I"m out of mindI"ll do it all for you in timeAnd of all these things I"ve done I think I love you better now-
2023-07-17 20:07:292

Lego House (The Prototypes Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Lego House (The Prototypes Remix)歌手:Ed Sheeran专辑:Lego HouseLego HouseEd SheeranI"m gonna pick up the pieces,and build a lego housewhen things go wrong we can knock it downMy three words have two meanings,there"s one thing on my mindIt"s all for youHmm.....And it"s dark in a cold Decemberbut I"ve got ya to keep me warmand if you"re broke I"ll mend yaand keep you sheltered from the storm that"s raging onI"m out of touch, I"m out of loveI"ll pick you up when you"re getting downand of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m out of sight, I"m out of mindI"ll do it all for you in timeAnd of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m gonna paint you by numbersand colour you inif things go right we can frame itand put you on a wallAnd it"s so hard to say it but I"ve been here beforenow I"ll surrender up my heartand swap it for yoursI"m out of touch, I"m out of loveI"ll pick you up when you"re getting downand of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m out of sight, I"m out of mindI"ll do it all for you in timeAnd of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowDon"t hold me downI think my braces are breakingand it"s more than I can takeAnd if it"s dark in a cold DecemberI"ve got ya to keep me warmand if you"re broke I"ll mend yaand keep you sheltered from the storm that"s raging onI"m out of touch, I"m out of loveI"ll pick you up when you"re getting downand of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m out of sight, I"m out of mindI"ll do it all for you in timeAnd of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m out of touch, I"m out of loveI"ll pick you up when you"re getting downand of all these things I"ve doneI will love you better now
2023-07-17 20:07:391

Lego House (Acoustic) 歌词

歌曲名:Lego House (Acoustic)歌手:Ed Sheeran专辑:Now That"s What I Call ChillLego HouseEd SheeranI"m gonna pick up the pieces,and build a lego housewhen things go wrong we can knock it downMy three words have two meanings,there"s one thing on my mindIt"s all for youHmm.....And it"s dark in a cold Decemberbut I"ve got ya to keep me warmand if you"re broke I"ll mend yaand keep you sheltered from the storm that"s raging onI"m out of touch, I"m out of loveI"ll pick you up when you"re getting downand of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m out of sight, I"m out of mindI"ll do it all for you in timeAnd of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m gonna paint you by numbersand colour you inif things go right we can frame itand put you on a wallAnd it"s so hard to say it but I"ve been here beforenow I"ll surrender up my heartand swap it for yoursI"m out of touch, I"m out of loveI"ll pick you up when you"re getting downand of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m out of sight, I"m out of mindI"ll do it all for you in timeAnd of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowDon"t hold me downI think my braces are breakingand it"s more than I can takeAnd if it"s dark in a cold DecemberI"ve got ya to keep me warmand if you"re broke I"ll mend yaand keep you sheltered from the storm that"s raging onI"m out of touch, I"m out of loveI"ll pick you up when you"re getting downand of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m out of sight, I"m out of mindI"ll do it all for you in timeAnd of all these things I"ve doneI think I love you better nowI"m out of touch, I"m out of loveI"ll pick you up when you"re getting downand of all these things I"ve doneI will love you better now
2023-07-17 20:07:511

求高手帮忙制作Ed sherren lego house的吉他谱!!!!!

= =。音乐没天分
2023-07-17 20:08:093


在国内上大学的时候,有一堂发展经济学的课程提到发展中国家与发达国家对生育行为的比较分析:生育在发展中国家多倾向于投资行为;而在发达国家普遍被视为消费行为。这一有趣理论好像在耳边猛敲一个大铜锣,至今耳鼓依然嗡嗡作响。祖父祖母辈的人们很认真地抱怨自己的女儿:“嫁出去的女儿泼出去的水,养了女儿都给别人养了。”那么养了儿子该是给自己养的了吧,自古以来母以子贵嘛。可是还有的抱怨:“唉,一把屎一把尿的好容易拉扯大了成人了,娶了媳妇忘了娘!”到了我们的父辈,重男轻女的观念减轻,大人虽然也在重复同样的说辞说给我们听,可小孩子也能感觉到他们语气中玩笑揶揄的味道,所以并没有为自己是男是女感到愧疚过。而代沟依然存在。有时候大人们轻视我们小孩子的苦恼,所以有心事宁愿跟朋友倾诉也不愿意告诉父母;有时大人们不在乎我们的喜好,喜欢留长发不是什么罪过吧,却硬要我们剪短,说是太在乎外表要影响学习。有时大人们有他们的道德准则,未成年(初中)暗恋同班小男生,秘密日记被发现,结果招致连日审问说教,结果是下一本秘密日记上了两把锁。这下轮到大人们伤心了:“生养你一场,反倒被你当贼防。我们苦口婆心都是为你好啊! 你有了孩子就知道什么滋味了。不养儿不知父母恩哪 !”现在虽然还未为人母,却也是为人妻,自食其力的成人了。回想起来,成长真是不容易啊。尤其是,最迷惘,最需要被人理解的时候得不到理解的时候真的很痛苦。"我要是有了孩子……一定不能让他觉得不被人理解。"可是呢,现在的孩子有时真让人摸不着头脑。我们小时候做的游戏都是跟朋友做直接的交流:捉迷藏,丢石子,打沙包,跳皮筋,跳大绳,踢足球,打篮球……现在的孩子玩起来都不吭一声:几个小小的黑脑袋攒在一起一人捧一个Gameboy或者是PS Portable,几个小时就看到他们的指头在拼命的敲那几个按钮,谁都不看谁一眼;我们当年一头长发,一袭白裳就是窈窕淑女,君子好逑;现在的孩子们在耳朵上打3个眼还不够,还要在肚脐上打眼,在鼻子上打眼,在舌头上打眼;我们情窦初开的时候跟上唇有绒毛的小男生眉目传情,课堂上一张传过来的小纸条上写两句意思含糊的情话就让女孩子们脸红到脖子根,当即被老师看穿;现在情窦初开的孩子们谈的是如何堕胎,争议的是parenthood by choice。现在当父母的真是如何是好? 我还没怀孕呢就开始犯愁了。恋爱三年,结婚三年,我跟老公还一直没有准备要孩子。虽然我喜欢孩子喜欢得要发疯,可还真没有自信去创造另外一个人的生命,对另外一个人的命运负起如此重大的责任。老公正好乐得便利:他虽然是个超过6英尺人高马大的大男人,却极惧怕小孩哭跟小孩尖叫。坐咖啡店旁边有小孩哭,马上提议我们改to-go吧,拿上纸杯咖啡跟我双双离席。逛商场听到小孩跟母亲生气尖叫,立即手捂耳朵落荒而逃;有时旁边一桌坐一对年轻夫妇还有一个乖乖婴儿,瞪一对溜溜乌黑大眼好奇的打量金发碧眼的老公,老公用眼角瞅瞅,紧张的问我他不会被吓哭吧。我有时轻描淡写在老公面前逗趣,我们不如要个孩子吧。老公马上浑身肌肉紧张:“Kids are scary...they cry too much. Too many things to worry about kids. "What if they get sick? What if they die?”我呢,就乖乖闭上嘴巴。这些问题我回答不上来。可能老公跟我一样,心理上还没准备好吧。一天老公回家若有所思,他刚参加完一个熟人太太的葬礼。朋友来自瑞士,在某投资银行做事,派到东京管理分行直到退休。他太太是日本人,两人一生努力工作赚钱,膝下无子。他们在东京最贵的地段拥有一处豪宅,俯瞰全国有名的芝公园,退休后开始漫游世界各地。一天两人漫步巴黎,坐在街边长椅晒太阳。太太说她的背有点痛,于是两人去医院做健康检查,结果诊断太太为晚期胰腺癌。葬礼结束后,大家去朋友家里哀悼抚慰,朋友家里挂满跟太太的照片。她年轻时候,结婚时候,两人在各地旅游时候……天生丽质衣着华丽,朋友指着她伸展双臂站在艾斐尔铁塔前露齿而笑的一张照片说,这张照片摄于去医院诊察的前两个星期。又指着下一张照片说,这张摄于半年之后。太太当时在接受化疗,瘦得皮包骨头,戴着一顶很时髦的帽子遮住脱发的头部,在病床上还在很努力的微笑,很努力的让自己美丽起来。那是太太最后一张照片。老公明显受到极大冲击,说道,男人应该先死的,女人可以顶住失去丈夫的痛苦,可男人撑不住失去老婆的痛苦。那个瑞士朋友已经快60岁,他在东京住了半辈子,可能唯一的朋友就是他太太了。太太不在了,试想他每天打开家门面对一屋子的寂静。如果他们有孩子的话就不同了……我听得极度专注,注视着老公的眼睛。他叹一口气,说,你一直都想要个孩子吧。我说,是。老公屈服了,好,我们应该要个孩子。我点头,我们应该要孩子。我们需要孩子。老公说,你可不许赶在我前头死,我受不了。我说,我可做不了命运的主,不过我们的孩子会替我们接着活下去,还要生他们的孩子。老公说,万一我们搞砸了怎么办? 孩子伤了病了,孩子进监狱怎么办?我说,我们的孩子么,成了什么我们都爱他。老公说,好吧。那一晚,我跟老公依偎着坐在沙发上,盯着电视机。可我们知道谁也没在看。我忆起三年前我们在教堂举行的小小婚礼,在我们宣誓之前,神甫先讲解了婚姻的意义。婚姻是一个男人和一个女人相守一生的契约。无论未来要遇到什么苦痛,我们都要互相信任,互相爱怜,互相支持,直到死亡将我们分离。我和老公,签了这一纸契约,选择了对方。而孩子和父母是没有选择对方的余地的,孩子和父母之间也没有任何契约。然而那一晚,可能是我们跟未萌芽的孩子的第一次交流,默默地签了我们为人父母的契约。我不知道为人母是什么滋味,可是隐隐预知整个人生的意义都会改变。与其说是父母生孩子,不如说是孩子给了我跟老公一个新的人生吧。
2023-07-17 20:08:011


第一,CSV文件用excel打开是乱码  从网页导出的CSV文件, 用Excel打开,中文会是乱码。 CSV文件乱码问题主要是文件编码引起的。因此要解决Excel打开乱码的问题,可以从改文件开始:  首先,用记事本打开CSV文件,可能看到很长的一条数据记录。  然后,直接把刚才打开的文件另存为txt文件,如果是UTF-8的文件,你应该可以看到保存成的编辑格式。  最后,用Excel直接打开这个另存的文件。应该能看到正确的汉字。第二,excel文件损坏出现乱码  有时打开一个以前编辑好的Excel工作簿,却出现乱码,无法继续进行编辑打印。这种情况的原因应该是该文件已经被损坏了,可以尝试使用下面的方法之一来修复Excel乱码。1.将Excel乱码文件另存为SYLK格式  如果Excel乱码文件能打开,将Excel乱码文件转换为SYLK格式可以筛选出文档的损坏部分,然后再保存数据。2.Excel乱码文件转换为较早的版本  若因启动故障而没有保存Excel乱码文件,则最后保存的版本可能不会被损坏。关闭打开的工作簿,当系统询问是否保存更改时,单击“否”。在“文件”菜单中,单击“打开”命令,双击该工作簿文件。3.打开Excel乱码文件并修复工作簿  如果Excel乱码文件根本不能够使用常规方法打开,可以尝试Excel 2003中的“打开并修复”功能,该功能可以检查并修复Excel乱码文件中的错误。  单击 “文件”——“打开”。通过“查找范围”框,定位并打开包含受损文档的文件夹,选择要恢复的文件。单击“打开”按钮旁边的箭头,然后单击“打开并修复”即可。  excel乱码问题也不是一篇能写尽的,因为出现的原因实在太多样。如果上面的方法依然无效,可以借助第三方软件来尝试解决excel乱码。     Office Excel Viewer是微软官方出品的一款excel乱码清除修复工具,下载安装完毕,用Office Excel Viewer打开有乱码的excel文档,然后复制单元格,并将它们粘贴到Excel的一个新工作簿中。  出现Excel乱码问题也不是100%能解决,只能尽量的尝试,将数据丢失率降为最小。
2023-07-17 20:08:051


歌曲: Pstereo演唱: Emilie Nicolas[MV] Emilie Nicolas - Pstereo
2023-07-17 20:08:082


夏季到了,无锡阳山的水蜜桃陆续的开始上市,水密桃是无锡阳山的特产,香气浓郁,汁多味甜,入口即化,已经有七十多年的栽培历史了,具体的水蜜桃上市时间详见正文。 无锡阳山水蜜桃上市时间:6月中下旬-8月上旬早熟水蜜桃品种有:(1)早红露(又名青山早花露),5月底6月初成熟。(2)晖雨露(81-8-83),6月上旬成熟。(3)雨花露,6月16日前后成熟。(4)银花露(俗称朝阳),6月底成熟。(5)京红(又名北京1号),6月下旬成熟。(6)日川,6下旬成熟。中熟水蜜桃品种有: (1)白凤,7月上、中旬成熟。(2)新白凤(阳山98-1),7月上、中旬成熟。(3)点花白凤(阳山84-2),7月中下旬成熟。(4)朝晖,7月中旬成熟。(5)湖景蜜露(又名中湖景),7月中下旬成熟。(6)阳山蜜露(又名大湖景、阳山2号桃),7月下旬至8月上旬成熟。晚熟水蜜桃品种有:(1)阳山86-1(俗称阳山大红花),7月下旬成熟。(2)阳山86-2(俗称晚湖景),8月5日开始成熟。(3)阳山84-3(俗称晚白花),8月18日开始成熟。阳山水蜜桃真假辨别方法 1、认包装认准包装上繁体“_山?”字样(阳山政府注册商标,仅供阳山本地水蜜桃使用,一定要一模一样才是真的哦)阳山本地种植户,经政府审核批准后,可以被授权使用此商标。如果购买到的水蜜桃包装盒上没有“_山?”字样,就不是阳山本地的水蜜桃。2、看外形正宗阳山水蜜桃形态丰满、圆润,桃顶上都是平的或凹的。正宗阳山水蜜桃区别与其他水蜜桃的一个重要特点就是它的果顶不是那种尖尖的形状,而是是平的,或是有些凹进去的。3、看颜色正宗阳山水蜜桃白里透红,成熟后色泽多为乳黄色、乳白色,由于栽培习惯的不同,正宗的阳山水蜜桃色泽多为乳黄色、乳白色,白里透红,一般不会全红。4、看硬度正宗阳山水蜜桃在成熟后口感软糯、触手柔软,按揉汁水横溢,入口甜香。在自然气候和火山地质等条件下,正宗的阳山水蜜桃属于软桃,肉质细密,柔软易溶。需要强调的是,随着天气更加炎热起来,阳山中晚桃口感会硬一些,因此想要体验可以吸的水蜜桃只有现在!5、掂重量正宗的阳山水蜜桃经过标准化的种植流程,大桃的重量一般在6-7两左右,中桃的重量一般在5-6两左右,小桃的重量一般在4-5两左右。由于农户的种植技术高低不同,因此每家产出的水蜜桃规格都有偏差。
2023-07-17 20:08:081

residential unit是什么意思

2023-07-17 20:08:116


正巧,我现在所在的公司也在做电子商务,在淘宝上有一家店,有啊上也刚开了一家,于是我花了一些时间研究搬家助理和淘宝助理,由于不懂软件编程的知识,只好从软件执行的逻辑和导出的csv数据文件上入手,发现还是有办法解决这个问题。 在早先淘宝助理3.x版的时候,导出的数据文件直接上传即可,但是由于淘宝进行了一次较大的更新,所以淘宝助理也跟着更新了,于是导出的csv文件中的数据发生了变化,经过与早前淘宝助理3.x版导出的csv列表比较研究发现,只有“宝贝图片”这一列数据出现了不匹配的问题,以下第五到九步是解决办法。 解决思路:淘宝助理3.x版时代导出的csv文件中“宝贝图片”这一列的数据是显示的商品图片的路径,原来图片存放在淘宝助理程序所在目录中。淘宝助理4.x版导出的csv文件“宝贝图片”这一列是空的,且商品图片和导出的csv文件放在同一目录下,这样淘宝助理4.x版导出的csv文件无法通过搬家助理上传到有啊的服务器,软件提示为无法找到商品图片文件。后来,发现在列表的最后面多出来一个叫新图片的列,中间数据正好与图片文件名极为相似,这样经过尝试,将淘宝助理4.x版导出的csv文件中的“宝贝图片”列中填入商品图片路径然后导入该列表是成功的。(如果修改原理弄明白了,请看090228更新的利用相对路径法则做出的新的更为简单快速的解决方法,替换第五到第九步。在文章末,蓝字部分。) 必要条件:[软件]淘宝助理4.0beta1、有啊搬家助理1, 2, 0, 1、批量更名快车2005;[技能]excel2003使用技巧. 操作流程: 声明,因以下操作带来的任何后果及损失由执行者自行承担,作者免责。 第一步,从淘宝下载商品数据。 打开淘宝助理输入你店铺的帐号、密码后登入。第一次使用请将应用程序更新至最新(“工具——升级助理”,当前版本4.0beta1)。然后,按图示点击“下载宝贝”,在弹出框中设置下载属性,如果你想下载你店里所有的宝贝,就将“选择宝贝的时间范围”设置成开店到至今这段时间,“宝贝标题关键字”空缺,否则可按如图示例填写。所有填写项确认以后点击“下载”,这个时侯状态栏会显示当前的下载信息,如图。 第二步,查询下载商品的数据。 点击“查询宝贝”,在弹出窗中填写“宝贝标题关键字”即可,有时会查询不到,这时在“附加条件”前打钩,再查询。如图。 第三步,分类存档商品资料。 因为之前版本的淘宝助理在编辑商品的时候存在一些问题,所以基本忽略了“上传宝贝”的功能,只是将其用作数据导出的工具,所以随意使用了已有分组进行管理需要导出的商品数据。如图所示,右键点击分组的名字,选“添加分组”即可。然后,将刚才查询到的商品复制到你自建的分组里面。这里要注意的一点是,一个小分组中不要放入大量的商品,否则之后做成的导出列表文件很大,有啊搬家工具读取的时间会很长,如果其中有一条数据出错,整张表就传不了,所以建议将小分组中的商品控制在200个以内。 第四步,导出商品数据。 点击做好的分组,然后全选右侧商品,右键单击商品列表,选择菜单中的“导出到csv文件”即可。 第五步,修改商品图片文件名。 这里需要借助一款批量重命名软件来帮你完成这项工作,推荐“批量更名快车2005”,这款软件很好下载。打开“批量更名快车2005”在左边的资源管理器里选刚才存放csv导出列表的文件夹,然后再选中里面的“images”文件夹。全选右侧窗口中的文件,将所有后缀名为tbi的文件修改成jpg。操作方法如下,软件下面有一个“把含有……替换为……”的窗口,按图示方法填写,左边填“.tbi”,右边填“.jpg”,后面的“替换所有子串”也勾上,然后再点软件上面的“应用更名”。这样整个更名工作完成。 第六步,修改淘宝助理导出的csv列表——复制图片存放的目录 打开淘宝助理导出的csv列表,在表末复制一条导出商品图片的目录(示例:“E:宝贝13-淘宝导出数据92images”,再次提示“images”文件夹在导出的csv商品列表文件的同一目录下,复制目录路径前请先在路径后面加上“”),鼠标移至在该单元格的右下角,鼠标变成黑十字后左键单击不放向下拖动复制,商品数据有几条就复制几行。然后松开鼠标,再点击复制好的这列右下角的方块,选“复制单元格”,这样可以避免以数字命名文件夹的朋友出现错误,比如,你可以看到图中我名字为“02”的文件夹复制到最后一条的时候变成了“17”。(修改csv文件需要一些excel操作知识,这里讲得很详细,好让对excel使用不太熟练的朋友也能完成这些工作,同时也可以尽量减少修改过程中出现的错误,我刚开尝试的时候失败N次,有啊搬家工具提示的都是无法找到商品图片文件,就是因为图片路径或文件名在修改中出现错误。) 第七步,修改淘宝助理导出的csv列表——利用文本组合方法合成商品图片路径 选中刚才复制图片文件目录列的左边一格,输入“=”,然后鼠标点选同一行的图片文件目录,再输入“&”,再选择“新图片”列下的字段,回车。“=A02&AJ2”的意思为这个单元格里面的内容显示为“A02”内的文本内容并上“AJ2”内的文本内容,即“E:宝贝13-淘宝导出数据92images”&“9491742eb43b3665eecfe28862233b3a:0:0:;”=“E:宝贝13-淘宝导出数据92images9491742eb43b3665eecfe28862233b3a:0:0:;” 之后用第六步的方法将这一单元格复制成整列。这一步操作的目的是将图片文件的目录和文件名组合在一起,变成合法的文件路径。 第八步,修改淘宝助理导出的csv列表——将合成的图片文件路径复制到“宝贝图片”列下 将合成的图片文件路径复制到“宝贝图片”列下(从第二行开始),行列一定要对齐,复制好以后点该列下面的小方块,复制方式选“只有值”,这样才能正真把完整的图片文件路径复制过来。 第九步,修改淘宝助理导出的csv列表——替换图片文件路径中的后缀名 框选宝贝图片这一列中需要替换的单元格,按组合键CTRL+H,弹出“查找和替换”窗口,“查找内容”输入“:0:0:;”,“替换为”输入“.jpg”,然后点“全部替换”。结果为将“E:宝贝13-淘宝导出数据92images9491742eb43b3665eecfe28862233b3a:0:0:;”变化成“E:宝贝13-淘宝导出数据92images9491742eb43b3665eecfe28862233b3a.jpg”最后保存关闭该csv文件,保存过程中出现的不兼容提示选“是”即可。 第十步,导入修改好的商品数据列表 打开有啊搬家工具,选择修改好的商品数据列表csv文件,点击“开始”,之后输入有啊店的帐号和密码即可开始上传。 上图是上传完成的界面,会出现统计本次上传的结果的表单,查看历史信息在上面的下拉框中选择即可。 之后过若干个小时(如果上午传下午一般都能出现在有啊的仓库中),进入有啊后台再对商品进行分类(上传成功后,部分商品的商品类目会丢失,这是因为有啊和淘宝的商品类目划分有所不同,然后店内类目属性是全无的)和上架工作整个搬家工作就完成了。 (090222)在这里补充一个常见问题: 当你准确无误的按照上面的方法完成操作时,有啊搬家工具还是跳出“某某商品等共N个商品找不到图片”的提示,这个时侯请检查这个N是否等于你所有商品数,如果不是,请重新下载这些提示的商品数据,因为,它们的图片可能由于网络原因并未下载到你的本机上。 检查某件商品的图片是否下载成功,只用在淘宝助理里点到这条商品数据。然后看它的主图是不是空的就可以了。当你确认所有商品图片都下载ok时,请记得修改新下载的图片文件名。总之,出现问题多尝试几次就能发现问题所在,这是一件很考验耐心的工作哦。 另外,在这里提一件本来不想提的事情。淘宝助理导出的商品图片的后缀名为.tbi,其实这个后缀名只是杜撰出来的而已,tbi=tao bao images,它可以是任何字段,呵呵。之所以在这我要将他修改为原来的.jpg,是因为好让你直接查看这些图片,方便你管理它们(你是否还记得我提到过“依赖于搬家助理频繁更新的用户”呢,呵呵)。如果你嫌麻烦,就不用修改文件的后缀名,直接在csv文件里面将“:0:0:;”替换成“.tbi”即可。喜欢动脑经琢磨的同学应该早就发现了哦。 (090224)常见问题补充二: 先看图 淘宝新改版的商品后台编辑系统允许用户上传多张商品图片,如果你给你的商品传了大于一张的图片,那么你导出的列表就会出现我图中的状况,一个新图片列下的某单元格会出现多组图片数据。这个时候务必删除多余的数据。例如:将“6e5e17520158dca8ad88218b520bb26d:0:0:;4ababc8502ac17c44ad16c78704f7fc1:0:1:;”,删减成“6e5e17520158dca8ad88218b520bb26d:0:0:;”再执行第七步之后的操作。 (090228)捷径:利用相对路径法则省去路径组合步骤 经过测试,有啊搬家工具在识别图片路径的时候可以识别与csv文件同目录下的图片文件。也就是说,如果你把你导出的csv文件放在商品图片文件夹(images文件夹)里面的话,你只用将“新图片”列下的数据,复制到“宝贝图片”列下(不要修改第一行里面的任何数据,从第二行开始),然后将“:0:0:;”替换为“.tbi”之后即可上传。 解释:“E:宝贝13-淘宝导出数据92images9491742eb43b3665eecfe28862233b3a.tbi”这条路径叫做文件“9491742eb43b3665eecfe28862233b3a.tbi”的绝对路径,而文件“9491742eb43b3665eecfe28862233b3a.tbi”相对于同个目录下的其他文件,它的路径就是“9491742eb43b3665eecfe28862233b3a.tbi”,这个就是相对路径。 原来的第五到第九步,可用以下操作替换。 一,将导出的csv文件放在同目录的images文件夹里面。 二,打开刚才移动的csv文件,找到“新图片”这一列,复制该列下除第一行的所有数据,粘贴到“宝贝图片”列下,同样,不要动第一行的数据。如图。 三,粘贴完成后直接按快捷键CTRL+H执行替换操作,将“:0:0:;”替换为“.tbi”。只替换“宝贝图片”这列。 完成后保存退出,不兼容提示选“是”,然后就可以上传了。 补充说明:请不要再csv表中直接删除商品数据,比如说你觉得某张表里面的商品太多了,你想用剪切粘贴的方法做成2张表,这样似乎是行不通的,可能是由于在删减的过程中使整张表的数据结构遭到了破坏,导致有啊搬家工具在上传的时候提示“文件转换失败,数据格式有问题。”(这个仅仅是猜测,请专家们帮忙分析下,呵呵。)所以,请在商品导出之前做好分类工作,控制表中的商品数量。 (090304)原文中的图片连接不稳定,现已将图全部传到了空间相册,替换掉了原图
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1、准备一个倒扣的玻璃杯,扯下一张卫生纸,把卫生纸放在杯子上面,用水浸湿,放入另外一个玻璃杯,杯底相对,旋转几下,然后拿起上面的玻璃杯,你会发现下面的玻璃杯被吸附起来了!这是为什么呢! 因为浸湿的纸巾,填充了空隙,空气无法进入,杯子受到周围气压的作用会吸附在一起!2、准备三个啤酒瓶,把瓶中依次加满水,在最后一个瓶子中加入吸管弯曲后用橡皮筋固定,按照顺序依次倒水,第一个水流很慢,整整用了13秒才倒完瓶中的水,第二个在倒水之前旋转几下瓶子,速度明显提升了很多,用时6秒!第三个是加入吸管的的瓶子,仅仅用了3秒钟瓶中的水就流完了 ,这是为什么呢?加入吸管后,瓶内进入空气,大气压强的作用使得水流变得很快!3、在一个红酒杯边缘处,放上两个用牙签撑着的叉子,点燃牙签叉子不会掉落,这是什么原因?因为物体重心在支撑点正下方时可以保持稳定平衡,牙签燃烧后只产生了微小的变化,所以依然保持稳定!4、在气球中加满水,然后在气球周围粘上胶带,用刀子扎破中间部位,气球并不会爆炸,而是喷射而出!这是为什么呢?因为用胶带粘上后起到了“加固”作用,所以不会撕裂而是漏气!
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life section
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2023-07-17 20:08:361

residential quarter是什么意思

2023-07-17 20:08:374

什么是 csv 文档?其特点是什么?

CSV其实就是COMMA SEPARATED VALUE的缩写,出现在档案总管中的档案类型是「逗号分格」,依计算机原来的设定,如果直接点选该档案,计算机将以EXCEL的模式开启该档案。但建议您千万不要这么做,因为CSV档如果以EXCEL开启,由于计算机档案数据转换的原因,会将其CRC之数值改做科学记号方式储存,而造成档案中的 CRC值发生错误。这也是笔者初出茅庐时所得到的惨痛经验,但如果想一窥CSV档的真实面貌,笔者建议您使用WORDPAD或是记事本(NOTE)来开启,再则先另存新档后用EXCEL开启,也是方法之一。开启后的CSV档包含了四或五个字段(部分),由左至右分别记载着:文件名称(XXXX.JPG)、档案大小(以BYTE为单位)、CRC32值(八个英文字母或数字组成)、档案路径(档案储存的子目录名称)和档案内容描述(一般来说都是明星的英文姓名甚或是专辑名称,也可能空白)。而其中第四栏「档案路径」因为每个人储存整理图档的方式不同,所以本栏通常不存在,而一般有含有「档案路径」这栏的CSV档,又称为ECSV档案
2023-07-17 20:08:391


  阳山水蜜桃属于江苏省无锡市。   阳山水蜜桃:   阳山水蜜桃已有近七十年的栽培历史,产于中国著名桃乡江苏无锡市阳山镇。   特点:   水蜜桃果形大、色泽美、皮韧易剥、香气浓郁、汁多味甜、入口即化,有“水做的骨肉”美誉。   特性:   阳山水蜜桃早桃品种5月底开始上市,7月15日前后,甜度最高的湖景桃也将大量上市。   2013年1月5日,“阳山”商标获得国家工商总局公布的新认定中国驰名商标名单。   2014年5月22日,阳山水蜜桃获农业部农产品地理标志。
2023-07-17 20:08:001

"你是我的SUPER BOY" 是哪首歌的歌词?

王蓉-要抱抱don"t stop 继续跳魅力不够旁边靠带上黑眼罩压力统统消失掉看到你出现感觉全身在过电你也看着我好像注定我是你的hello baby 要抱抱鼓起勇气要抱抱多么甜蜜要抱抱啊啊啊我只要你来抱抱继续努力要抱抱如此美丽要抱抱啊啊啊done! done! done!请你给我一分钟你会成为我的super boydone! done! done!不要关掉麦克风我会让你知道我最美done! done! done!只要给我一分钟从此你是我的super boydone! done! done!你会为我感动为我发疯嘿耶耶耶我们脸对脸也许可以再近点现在把我拥抱才是最佳表现奇妙的音乐口红绝对要鲜艳微妙的变化此刻我是你的一切hello baby 要抱抱鼓起勇气要抱抱多么甜蜜要抱抱啊啊啊我只要你来抱抱继续努力要抱抱如此美丽要抱抱啊啊啊done! done! done!请你给我一分钟你会成为我的super boydone! done! done!不要关掉麦克风我会让你知道我最美done! done! done!只要给我一分钟从此你是我的super boydone! done! done!你会为我感动为我发疯嘿耶耶耶yes yes yes yes ......done! done! done!只要给我一分钟从此你是我的super boydone! done! done!你会为我发疯我会让你知道我最美done! done! done!请你给我一分钟你会成为我的super boydone! done! done!不要关掉麦克风我会让你知道我最美done! done! done!只要给我一分钟从此你是我的super boydone! done! done!你会为我感动为我发疯嘿耶耶耶
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阳山水蜜桃产于中国著名桃乡江苏无锡市阳山镇,地处江南水乡,南临美丽的太湖,北靠京杭大运河,历史悠久,人文荟萃,经济发达,环境优美,水陆交通便捷,旅游资源丰富。 全镇总面积9.6平方千米,下辖4个行政村,人口近万人。 境内景色秀丽,有狮子山、长腰山、大阳山、小阳山4座山丘,因周朝封姬安阳侯于此而统称安阳山。 这拔地而起的小丘,犹如镶嵌在水网湖域的绿色明珠,水山相映,风光旖旎。 安阳山为华东地区唯一的火岩层山,产生于白垩纪时期。 大阳山山峰突兀,断岩峭壁,曾被明太祖赞为"八面威风"。 山间有朝阳洞、清水洞、文笔峰等一批洞天福地。 山顶有古代火山喷发口。 尤以公元1246年东渡扶桑创建日本建长寺的一代宗师大觉禅师之碑而闻名于海内外宗教界。 修复的朝阳寺,愈加异彩夺目,光照千秋。 小阳山底矮小巧,窈窕俊秀;狮子山林茂花繁,妩媚动人;长腰山形如卧牛。 阳春三月,6000亩桃花漫山遍野,竞相怒放,争奇斗艳,绚丽多姿,把古老的阳山点缀成一个真正的"桃花源"。 五月下旬,早桃上市,直到9月中下旬收市。 桃熟时节,硕果累累,乍点红唇,色丽香溢,人称"江南一绝"。 因得天独厚的自然气候和火山地质条件,使阳山水蜜桃较其它水蜜桃果形大、色泽美,香气浓郁、汁多味甜。 而此著名于世!
2023-07-17 20:07:531

residential student 是什么意思???

2023-07-17 20:07:514

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真皮corium 皮革leather
2023-07-17 20:07:513

Hello!Mr.Super Boy是谁唱的?歌词?

我最闪亮 LCR歌词 [ti:我最闪亮] [ar:2007快乐男生13强] [al:单曲] [by:卡卡西三代] [00:01.62]我最闪亮 [00:05.53]作词:郭敬明 作曲:吴梦奇 [00:08.48]2007快乐男生全国13强 [00:12.00]俞灏明 [00:16.54]姚政 [00:20.54]吉杰 [00:24.61]张远 [00:28.64]陈楚生 [00:32.38]张杰 [00:36.51]王铮亮 [00:40.31]魏晨 [00:44.23]苏醒 [00:48.57]陆虎 [00:52.51]郭彪 [00:56.58]王栎鑫 [01:00.39]阿穆隆 [01:02.12] [01:03.77]卡卡西三代 制作 [01:06.23] [01:09.05]俞灏明:灯光和花火一起闪亮 [01:13.03]也亮不过我的梦想 [01:17.03]魏晨:我旅途的开场 [01:19.51]我沿路的徽章 [01:22.22]风沙搁浅的希望 [01:25.58]郭彪:时光让脸庞渐渐发光 [01:29.00]风雪把悲伤轻轻吹亮 [01:33.00]阿穆隆:被淋湿的翅膀 [01:35.42]才拥有穿越过 [01:37.55]那暴风雨的力量 [01:41.56]陈楚生:曾经的我想唱就唱 我最闪亮 [01:45.47]王铮亮:这一年夏天有最感动的阳光 [01:50.42]姚政 吉杰 张远:你给我梦想 [01:52.54]我勇敢往前闯 [01:54.94]风吹雨打 拍拍肩膀 [01:57.62]陆虎 王栎鑫:现在的我想唱就唱 我最闪亮 [02:01.42]这一年夏天有最温暖的目光 [02:06.40]苏醒 张杰:记忆的远方 [02:08.35]我披戴的荣光 [02:10.58]照进天窗 擦亮梦想 [02:15.63]十三强:我最闪亮 [02:19.60] [02:21.98]我最闪亮 - 2007快乐男生全国13强 [02:25.17] [02:27.39]卡卡西三代 制作 [02:30.76] [02:33.07]陆虎:灯光和花火一起闪亮 [02:36.93]也亮不过我的梦想 [02:40.92]姚政:我旅途的开场 [02:43.41]我沿路的徽章 [02:46.17]风沙搁浅的希望 [02:49.41]张远:时光让脸庞渐渐发光 [02:52.88]风雪把悲伤轻轻吹亮 [02:56.93]苏醒:被淋湿的翅膀 [02:59.45]才拥有穿越过 [03:01.43]那暴风雨的力量 [03:05.47]张杰:曾经的我想唱就唱 我最闪亮 [03:09.41]王栎鑫:这一年夏天有最感动的阳光 [03:14.45]俞灏明 阿穆隆:你给我梦想 我勇敢往前闯 [03:18.62]风吹雨打 拍拍肩膀 [03:21.60]陈楚生 郭彪:现在的我想唱就唱 我最闪亮 [03:25.37]这一年夏天有最温暖的目光 [03:30.42]王铮亮 魏晨:记忆的远方 [03:32.40]我披戴的荣光 [03:34.57]照进天窗 擦亮梦想 [03:39.79]十三强:我最闪亮 [03:44.84] [03:48.78] [03:51.52]我最闪亮 [03:54.95]作词:郭敬明 作曲:吴梦奇 [03:57.49]2007快乐男生全国13强 [04:01.16] [04:04.01]卡卡西三代 制作 [04:07.68] [04:13.60] [04:17.39]吉杰:曾经的我想唱就唱 我最闪亮 [04:21.42]这一年夏天有最感动的阳光 [04:26.41]十三强:你给我梦想 [04:28.43]我勇敢往前闯 [04:30.61]风吹雨打 拍拍肩膀 [04:33.36]现在的我想唱就唱 我最闪亮 [04:37.40]这一年夏天有最温暖的目光 [04:42.32]记忆的远方 [04:44.38]我披戴的荣光 [04:46.65]照进天窗 擦亮梦想 [04:51.64]我最闪亮 [04:55.79] [04:57.86]我最闪亮 - 2007快乐男生全国13强《Hello!Mr.Super Boy》 Superboy 我期待,梦想奔跑不倒带 Superboy 我崇拜,只为那一句天籁 Superboy我的爱,想唱就要唱出来 Woo.....大声唱出来 节拍 再也停不下来, 来来 耳朵醒来 唉唉 为什么我看起来,没有道理会这么的帅 甩甩 烦恼不准进来 来来 唱歌不怕重来 Byebye 胆小的 你就别来 没有人能把我打败. Superboys say: Hi, 看看什么是天王Style Superboy 我期待,梦想奔跑不倒带 Superboy 我崇拜,只为那一句天籁 Superboy我的爱,想唱就要唱出来 Woo......大声唱出来 Hello!We"re Superboys! 想唱就大声地唱出来,大声唱出来
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2023-07-17 20:07:437

歌词是 没有人可以把我打败 是什么歌

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水的压力 思考:你们知道水压的大小是由什么决定吗? 材料:1个装牛奶的矩形竖直纸盒、1卷胶带、1个钉子、水若干、平盘 操作: 1. 放好牛奶盒,用钉子在任意一个侧面戳三个孔。三个孔的位置分别是底部、居中和上部。 2. 用胶带把三个孔封住。 3. 将纸盒中加满水。 4. 将平盘放在有孔的侧面的下方,将胶布撕开。观察三个孔的喷水有什么不同。 讲解: 1. 实验发现,从底部流出的水喷射得最远,其次是中部的水,喷得最近的是从顶部喷出的水。 2. 水的压力由深度决定,水越深,压力就越大;水越潜,压力就越小。 创造: 如果你会游泳,你可以在水中感受水的压力。使头位于水深不同的位置,你会感受到耳朵受到的压力是不同的。 帕斯卡桶裂 思考:塑料瓶侧壁划上几条刀痕后再装满水,水为什么水不会从刀痕处流出来? 材料:塑料瓶一个、刀子一把、橡皮筋一根、漏斗一个、吸管、橡皮泥 操作: 1、拿一塑料瓶,在其侧壁用刀子平行于侧壁划几条刀痕(要将侧壁划透),再用橡皮筋将这个塑料瓶在刀痕处拦腰箍紧.在塑料瓶盖上穿入一段吸管,用橡皮泥密封. 2、取一漏斗与吸管相接 3、手持漏斗与瓶口相对齐,然后往漏斗内注水,使塑料瓶和漏斗装满水为止,此时塑料瓶的刀痕处不出水.将漏斗举高,就可见刀痕处有水流出来. 讲解:一个容器里的液体,对容器底部(或侧壁)产生的压力,可以远大于液体自身的重量 注意:使用刀子危险请家长帮助 笔帽潜水员 思考:潜水艇为什么能潜入水下,又能回到水面呢?我们来做一个“潜水员”的玩具吧! 材料:塑料笔帽1个、橡皮泥1块、水1杯、矿泉水瓶1个 操作: 1 将橡皮泥粘到笔帽底部。(笔帽一定不要有洞) 2 在水瓶中完全灌满水,把笔帽放进瓶子,拧紧瓶盖。 3 用力挤压瓶子,观察笔帽沉下瓶底。 4 松开手,笔帽又回到瓶子顶部。 讲解: 1 笔帽里的空气使它漂浮。 2 水压进笔帽,笔帽很重并下沉。 3 水流出笔帽,笔帽变轻并上升。 创造:你能制作一个不同的潜水玩具吗? 冲不走的乒乓球 思考:为什么水不能把乒乓球冲走? 材料:乒乓球一个、脸盆一个 操作: 1、拿一个大洗脸盆,放在自来水龙头底下,打开水龙头,先放进半盆水 2、然后取一个乒乓球放在水流落点处,只见乒乓球被牢牢“禁闭”在水流里,好像被吸住了,无论你把水开得多大,都不会把它“赶出来”。 讲解:贴近乒乓球的水流速度大,压强小;外层的水流速小,压强大,而且四周的压力基本相等,所以它只能在水里不断翻滚,却永远无法逃脱,除非关闭水龙头。 创造:将乒乓球换成其它材料制成的球,会有什么现象出现 水中悬蛋 思考:想一想能用什么办法使鸡蛋在水中不漂起又不沉下,而是悬浮在水中? 材料:玻璃杯两个、水、食盐、蓝墨水、筷子、鸡蛋 操作: 1. 在玻璃杯里放三分之一的水、加上食盐,直至不能溶化为止。 2. 再用一只杯子盛满清水,滴入一两滴蓝墨水,把水染蓝。 3. 取一根筷子,沿着筷子,小心地把杯中的蓝色水慢慢倒入玻璃杯中。 4. 玻璃杯里下部为无色的浓盐水,上部是蓝色的淡水。 5. 动作轻而慢地把一只鸡蛋放入水里,它沉入蓝水,却浮在无色的盐水上,悬停在两层水的分界处。 讲解: 生鸡蛋的相对密度(比重)比水大,所以会下沉。盐水的相对密度比鸡蛋大,鸡蛋就会上升。 创造: 你能换其它溶液来做这个实验吗?
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