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feel like引导什么从句

2023-07-18 03:24:41
TAG: feel fee el ike like

feel like 后面接的是宾语从句,feel like的意思是感觉就像。


I feel like a girl of 18.








  1、引导词为that ;


  3、主句为现在时 从句为任意时态。



感觉好像:feel like 对……友好be firendly with 因某事而感谢某人thanks sb for doing sth 与某人相处得好get on with sb
2023-07-17 21:38:001

feel like doing和feel like to do有什么区别?

feel like doing,想要做某事feel like to do的说法是错的下面是feel like其他用法一、feel like+名词,意为“觉得好像……”。 It feels like rain soon.好像马上就要下雨了。 二、feel like+物质名词,意为“摸上去像是……”。 1. I"m holding something that feels like a potato. 我拿的东西摸上去像个土豆。2. This kind of brick feels like wood. 这种砖摸起来像木头。 三、feel like+名词/代词,意为“觉得想做……”。 I feel like a rest after the long journey. 长途旅行后我想休息一下。四、feel like+doing,意为“想做……”。 1. I don"t feel like walking very much today. 我今天不太想散步。 2. She really feels like having a talk with him about his study at school. 她的确想和他谈一下他在学校的学习情况。 3. I don"t feel like eating anything now. 我现在什么都不想吃。 4. Sometimes when I look into the sky, I feel like making a trip somewhere. 当我看天空时,我很想到某个地方旅行。 五、feel like+反身代词,意为“感到舒适;感觉身体好”,like可省略。 1. I"m not feeling myself today. 我今天感觉不舒服。 2. He felt(like)himself after doing exercise. 锻炼之后他感觉很舒服。 六、feel like+从句,意为“觉得好像是……”。 He feels like that he has never been to such a place. 他感觉好像从未到过这样一个地方。
2023-07-17 21:38:405

How do you feel like 什么意思

2023-07-17 21:39:072

feel like的全部含义及用法

feel like 意思感觉像....i feel like i am going to die: 我感觉我像快要死了感觉怎么样what do you feel like? 你感觉怎么样?想做某事...i feel like reading a book 我想看书呵呵, 这些是我目前能想到的~ 觉得好的话给点分吧~~
2023-07-17 21:39:272

feel like 和 be like 的区别和用法.

be like 问性格 look like 问外貌 作介词用时 prep.(表示方式)如同, 像; ; 类似She is dressed in white like a nurse.(上面,你可能会说,就只有一个like,但是,在she后是有个be的,这时因为前方有了be,就不可能再出现多一个be,所以在like前才没有be)**正常的一句子是subject + verb + object {<------不可能 出现2个be )而like 来说,作连接词 用conj.1.像…一样;如同2.好像;仿佛;似乎be like 范围更大一些,有时候既问性格也问外貌 What"s your sister like?你姐姐怎么样?/你姐姐是怎样一个人?** (这里是有is 在what之后的)(不是like喔)She is kind.她很善良。 She is a beautiful kind girl with long hair and two big eyes.她是一个长发大眼漂亮又善良的女孩。 (问了性格和外表)What does your sister look like?你姐姐长什么样子? She is tall.She has long black hair.She is very beautiful.她个子很高。她有一头黑黑的长发。她很漂亮。 (只问了外表)She looks like her mother.她看起来象她的妈妈。(外貌) She is like her mother.她象她的妈妈。(性格) 在做句型转换的时候 What do/does somebody look like?的同义句可以做成What be somebody like? ----------------------------------------------总的来说,like 只有作动词喜欢,作连接词而另一方面,加上be在前,就会有 相似的意思(性格上){而,这还有一个常混乱了同学的词——look like 有 相似的意思(但是在外表上)
2023-07-17 21:39:351

feel like 后面可以接什么?怎么用?

feel like doing=want to do feel like 下面是我网上找的关于feel like的用法. 一、feel like+名词,意为“觉得好像……”. It feels like rain soon.好像马上就要下雨了. 二、feel like+物质名词,意为“摸上去像是……”. 1.I"m holding something that feels like a potato.我拿的东西摸上去像个土豆. 2.This kind of brick feels like wood.这种砖摸起来像木头. 三、feel like+名词/代词,意为“觉得想做……”. I feel like a rest after the long journey.长途旅行后我想休息一下. 四、feel like+doing,意为“想做……”. 1.I don"t feel like walking very much today.我今天不太想散步. 2.She really feels like having a talk with him about his study at school.她的确想和他谈一下他在学校的学习情况. 3.I don"t feel like eating anything now.我现在什么都不想吃. 4.Sometimes when I look into the sky,I feel like making a trip somewhere.当我看天空时,我很想到某个地方旅行. 五、feel like+反身代词,意为“感到舒适;感觉身体好”,like可省略. 1.I"m not feeling myself today.我今天感觉不舒服. 2.He felt(like)himself after doing exercise.锻炼之后他感觉很舒服. 六、feel like+从句,意为“觉得好像是……”. He feels like that he has never been to such a place.他感觉好像从未到过这样一个地方.
2023-07-17 21:39:431

feel like 是什么意思,还有哪些词和它相近?

2023-07-17 21:40:059

feel like后面加什么的???

动词的ing 形式
2023-07-17 21:40:245

feel like 后面可以接什么?怎么用?

feel like doing=want to do feel like 下面是我网上找的关于feel like的用法. 一、feel like+名词,意为“觉得好像……”。 It feels like rain soon.好像马上就要下雨了。 二、feel like+物质名词,意为“摸上去像是……”。 1. I"m holding something that feels like a potato. 我拿的东西摸上去像个土豆。 2. This kind of brick feels like wood. 这种砖摸起来像木头。 三、feel like+名词/代词,意为“觉得想做……”。 I feel like a rest after the long journey. 长途旅行后我想休息一下。 四、feel like+doing,意为“想做……”。 1. I don"t feel like walking very much today. 我今天不太想散步。 2. She really feels like having a talk with him about his study at school. 她的确想和他谈一下他在学校的学习情况。 3. I don"t feel like eating anything now. 我现在什么都不想吃。 4. Sometimes when I look into the sky, I feel like making a trip somewhere. 当我看天空时,我很想到某个地方旅行。 五、feel like+反身代词,意为“感到舒适;感觉身体好”,like可省略。 1. I"m not feeling myself today. 我今天感觉不舒服。 2. He felt(like)himself after doing exercise. 锻炼之后他感觉很舒服。 六、feel like+从句,意为“觉得好像是……”。 He feels like that he has never been to such a place. 他感觉好像从未到过这样一个地方。
2023-07-17 21:40:561

feel like (同义词组)的用法

喜爱做 feel like doing sth 同义:like,enjoy,be interested in 等等
2023-07-17 21:41:051

feel like 在一起起用的时候,它们是什么关系?

2023-07-17 21:41:122

feel like中like为什么是介词

2023-07-17 21:41:202

feel like后能接动词原形吗?

feel后跟形容词构成系表结构不接动词原形,动名词形式你的采纳 我的动力希望我能继续帮助你
2023-07-17 21:41:272

would like 和feel like区别

2023-07-17 21:41:484

“ feel like”在这儿是什么意思?

二 . “ feel like ”意为“感到想要”。具体用法如下:  1. 后面接名词、代词或动词- ing 形式,表示“想要”某物或“想要做”某事。例如:  I feel like a drink. (我想要点饮料。)  I don"t feel like eating. ( JB III, L87 )  (我不想吃东西。)  2. “ feel like ”还有“感到像……,摸起来像……”的意思。例如:  They made me feel like one of the family. (他们使我感到我像是这个家庭中的一个成员。)  This feels like silk. (这东西摸上去像是丝绸。)  3. “ It feels like …”句式可用来表示天气、时间等,意为“好像要……,似乎是……”。例如:  It feels like rain. (天好像要下雨。)  It feels like tea time. (好像到用茶的时候了。)  It feels like spring. (似乎是春天了。)
2023-07-17 21:42:071

我想喝一杯。翻译成英文用fell like

你好!我想喝一杯I want to have a drink .
2023-07-17 21:42:453

feel like doing和feel like to do有什么区别啊?

feel like doing和feel like to do的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1.feel like doing:想要做某事;觉得想做;想干某事2.feel like to do:想做的事二、用法不同1.feel like doing:基本意思是“想”“要”,指人希望、愿意或决心做某事或获得某物,是日常用语,强调主观愿望。引申可表示“缺少”“缺乏”“不够”“差”“没有”“应该”等。2.feel like to do:表示“请求,命令,建议”等,主要用于美式英语中。作“需要”解时,可接被动形式的动词不定式或主动形式的动名词。用于过去完成时,表示“未达到本来的愿望”。三、侧重点不同1.feel like doing:侧重于表示现在进行时。2.feel like to do:侧重于表示一般现在时。
2023-07-17 21:42:541

是feel like sleeping 还是feel like sleepy

feel like sleeping ==would like to do 想做某事
2023-07-17 21:43:104

feel like 是什么意思 有感觉的意象吗

2023-07-17 21:44:034

feel like 怎么造句.要两个简单一点的

I feel like having a cup of tea .我想喝杯茶。
2023-07-17 21:44:132

feel like后加什么从句

feel like后面加doing,feel like doing=want to do,意为“想做……”。 feel like+反身代词,意为“感到舒适;感觉身体好”,like可省略。 扩展资料   feel like的用法:   1.表示“摸起来像……”   It feels like silk.这东西摸起来像丝绸.   2.表示“感觉像(是)……”   My legs feel like cotton wool.我感觉两条腿像棉花一样.   3.表示“有……的感觉”   I"m surprised that he feels like that.我奇怪他会有这种感觉.   4.表示“给人的感觉(像)是……”   It"s been a year since her daughter died,but to her,it still feels like yesterday.她丈夫已过世一年了,但在她看来,这还仿佛像是在昨天.   5.表示“想吃或喝……”   Do you feel like a drink?你想喝点什么吗?   6.表示“想做……”   I don"t feel like cooking.Let"s eat out.我不想做饭,我们出去吃吧.
2023-07-17 21:44:201

feel like可以和什么词搭配呢?

feel like搭配如下:一、feel like+名词,意为“觉得好像……”。二、feel like+物质名词,意为“摸上去像是……”。三、feel like+名词/代词,意为“觉得想做……”。四、feel like+doing,意为“想做……”。五、feel like+反身代词,意为“感到舒适;感觉身体好”,like可省略。六、feel like+从句,意为“觉得好像是……”。feel like的用法1、表示“摸起来像……”。It feels like silk.这东西摸起来像丝绸。2、表示“感觉像(是)……”。My legs feel like cotton wool.我感觉两条腿像棉花一样。3、表示“有……的感觉”。I"m surprised that he feels like that.我奇怪他会有这种感觉。
2023-07-17 21:44:301


2023-07-17 21:44:451

feel like + 从句 举例

Products that are poorly designed, or not designed at all, often look and feel like they are cobbled together from disparate pieces haphazardly knit together. 设计不佳,甚至没有经过设计的产品看起来像是不同零件偶然拼合在一起. 一、feel like+名词,意为“觉得好像……”. It feels like rain soon.好像马上就要下雨了. 二、feel like+物质名词,意为“摸上去像是……”. 1. I"m holding something that feels like a potato. 我拿的东西摸上去像个土豆. 2. This kind of brick feels like wood. 这种砖摸起来像木头. 三、feel like+名词/代词,意为“觉得想做……”. I feel like a rest after the long journey. 长途旅行后我想休息一下. 四、feel like+doing,意为“想做……”. 1. I don"t feel like walking very much today. 我今天不太想散步. 2. She really feels like having a talk with him about his study at school. 她的确想和他谈一下他在学校的学习情况. 3. I don"t feel like eating anything now. 我现在什么都不想吃. 4. Sometimes when I look into the sky, I feel like making a trip somewhere. 当我看天空时,我很想到某个地方旅行. 五、feel like+反身代词,意为“感到舒适;感觉身体好”,like可省略. 1. I"m not feeling myself today. 我今天感觉不舒服. 2. He felt(like)himself after doing exercise. 锻炼之后他感觉很舒服. 六、feel like+从句,意为“觉得好像是……”. He feels like that he has never been to such a place. 他感觉好像从未到过这样一个地方.
2023-07-17 21:44:541

“feel like”后面加什么合适?

一、feel like+名词,意为“觉得好像……”。 It feels like rain soon.好像马上就要下雨了。 二、feel like+物质名词,意为“摸上去像是……”。 1. I"m holding something that feels like a potato. 我拿的东西摸上去像个土豆。 2. This kind of brick feels like wood. 这种砖摸起来像木头。 三、feel like+名词/代词,意为“觉得想做……”。 I feel like a rest after the long journey. 长途旅行后我想休息一下。 四、feel like+doing,意为“想做……”。 1. I don"t feel like walking very much today. 我今天不太想散步。 2. She really feels like having a talk with him about his study at school. 她的确想和他谈一下他在学校的学习情况。 3. I don"t feel like eating anything now. 我现在什么都不想吃。 4. Sometimes when I look into the sky, I feel like making a trip somewhere. 当我看天空时,我很想到某个地方旅行。 五、feel like+反身代词,意为“感到舒适;感觉身体好”,like可省略。 1. I"m not feeling myself today. 我今天感觉不舒服。 2. He felt(like)himself after doing exercise. 锻炼之后他感觉很舒服。 六、feel like+从句,意为“觉得好像是……”。 He feels like that he has never been to such a place. 他感觉好像从未到过这样一个地方。
2023-07-17 21:45:031

feel like后面加什么时态

feel like后面加doing,进行时态的动词的一种分词形式。 feel: v.感觉;觉得;体会到;(通过触觉)注意到;感觉到(抽象事物); n.触觉;手感;触摸;摸;(场所、情况等给人的)印象;气氛; 第三人称单数: feels现在分词: feeling过去式: felt过去分词: felt 扩展资料   I feel like staying in tonight.   今晚我想待在家里。   Do you feel like you could do with a change?   你想不想改变一下?   Could we take a walk? I feel like a little exercise.   我们去散散步好吗?我想活动一下。   I didn"t feel like sitting up all night.   我不想熬通宵。   Sometimes I feel like I"m living with a stranger.   有时我觉得自己和一个陌生人生活在一起。
2023-07-17 21:45:101

feel like中like为什么是介词

feel like doing sth.
2023-07-17 21:45:353

feel like后面加todo还是doing。

feel like doing=want to do没有feel like to do这种用法feel like下面是我网上找的关于feel like的用法.一、feel like+名词,意为“觉得好像……”。 It feels like rain soon.好像马上就要下雨了。 二、feel like+物质名词,意为“摸上去像是……”。 1. I"m holding something that feels like a potato. 我拿的东西摸上去像个土豆。2. This kind of brick feels like wood. 这种砖摸起来像木头。 三、feel like+名词/代词,意为“觉得想做……”。 I feel like a rest after the long journey. 长途旅行后我想休息一下。四、feel like+doing,意为“想做……”。 1. I don"t feel like walking very much today. 我今天不太想散步。 2. She really feels like having a talk with him about his study at school. 她的确想和他谈一下他在学校的学习情况。 3. I don"t feel like eating anything now. 我现在什么都不想吃。 4. Sometimes when I look into the sky, I feel like making a trip somewhere. 当我看天空时,我很想到某个地方旅行。 五、feel like+反身代词,意为“感到舒适;感觉身体好”,like可省略。 1. I"m not feeling myself today. 我今天感觉不舒服。 2. He felt(like)himself after doing exercise. 锻炼之后他感觉很舒服。 六、feel like+从句,意为“觉得好像是……”。 He feels like that he has never been to such a place. 他感觉好像从未到过这样一个地方。是否可以解决您的问题?
2023-07-17 21:45:421

feel like后加什么词

feel like doing sth. 表示某人喜欢或想做某事。 例句: Do you feel like eating out tonight? 你今晚想下馆子吗? Sometimes I feel like Im losing my mind. 有时我觉得自己好像要失去理智了。 扩展资料   They feel like grapes.   它们摸起来像葡萄。   It might be, I suppose, but it doesn"t feel like it.   我想可能是吧,但感觉不太像。   This animal makes people feel like they"re on a vacation.   这种动物会让人们感到自己像在度假。   I feel like a rabbit, hopping from project to project all day.   我觉得自己好像一只兔子,整天在不同的计划之间跳来跳去。
2023-07-17 21:45:491


2023-07-17 21:46:001

请问这个feel like到底该怎么翻译呢?

2023-07-17 21:46:083

feel like中like是什么词?

2023-07-17 21:46:221

feel like doing和feel like to do有什么区别

没有feel like to do
2023-07-17 21:46:376

关于英语手抄报的内容 英语手抄报的内容

  做英语手抄报可以提高学生对学习英语的兴趣,同时还能锻炼学生的动手能力。我分享英语手抄报的内容,希望可以帮助大家!   英语手抄报的图片欣赏   英语手抄报图片1   英语手抄报图片2   英语手抄报图片3   英语手抄报图片4   英语手抄报图片5   英语手抄报的资料:英语谚语   1) The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up.水能载舟,亦能覆舟。   2) Observation is the best teacher.观察是最好的老师。   3) Offense is the best defense.进攻是最好的防御。   4) Old friends and old wines are best.陈酒味醇,老友情深。   5) Old sin makes new shame.一失足成千古恨。   6) Once a man and twice a child.一次老,两次小。   7) Once a thief, always a thief.偷盗一次,做贼一世。   8) Once bitten, twice shy.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。   9) One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.一个和尚挑水喝,两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水喝。   10) Wet behind the ears.乳臭未干。   英语手抄报的内容:英语故事   The Zhao State was taking up arms against the Yan State, and Su Dai (a military strategist during the Warring States period, and little brother to Su Qin of the School of Diplomacy) traveled to speak with King HuiWen of Zhao on behalf of the Yan State, and he told the following fable:   “When I was coming here I passed over some gentle water, and by chance I happened to see a clam sunning itself. A sandpiper seized the opportunity to peck at the clamu2019s meat, but the clam slammed the two wings of its hard shell shut on the sandpiperu2019s beak. The sandpiper said, u2018Today it wonu2019t rain, tomorrow it wonu2019t rain, and there will be one dead clam!u2019 The clam gave as good as he got, saying: u2018I wonu2019t come out today, I wonu2019t come out tomorrow (so your beak wonu2019t be free), and there will be one dead sandpiper!u2019 Neither party was willing to give up, and at this time, a fisherman scooped them both up and carried them off. If Yan and Zhao oppose each other, weu2019ll both fight ourselves weary. Iu2019m afraid the strong Qin State is playing the role of the fisherman, so I hope that your majesty will carefully deliberate on this matter.”   赵国将要讨伐燕国,苏代(战国时策士,纵横家苏秦的弟弟)替燕国游说赵惠文王,讲了如下的寓言故事:   “我来的时候经过易水,恰好看到蚌出来晒太阳。鹬趁机啄蚌的肉,蚌把两扇介壳一闭就夹住了鹬的喙。鹬说:u2018今天不下雨,明天不下雨,就有死蚌。u2019蚌也针锋相对地说: u2018今天不出,明天不出(夹住不放),就有死鹬。u2019两者谁也不肯罢休,这时过来一个渔父把两者一起拎走了。”燕赵相对抗,都搞得很疲劳,我恐怕强大的秦国正在扮演渔父的角色,所以希望大王深思熟虑。   惠文王赞同苏代的意见,停止对燕国用兵。 推荐其他主题的手抄报资料和图片作为参考: 1.精美的英语手抄报图片大全 2.有趣的英语手抄报文字 3.最简单的英语手抄报图片大全 4.生活中的英语手抄报图片大全 5.英语手抄报图片
2023-07-17 21:38:241


2023-07-17 21:38:251

Inline Inspection在外贸验货中是什么意思

Inline check就是在产品生产中去检查产品的颜色,数量,进度,组装情况,质量问题,能够早期发现问题,避免后续货做完了需要返工的成本,这个只是质量检验的一个环节。总体来讲,质量控制需要下面环节:来料检验首件检验生产早期检验生产中期检验Pre-Shipment Inspection出货前检验通常的外国客户会选择最后一个也就是出货前检验,对产品的数量,尺寸重量,做工缺陷,专业测试,包装及包装方式,箱唛条码标贴等的综合性评估和检查。
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2023-07-17 21:38:261

怎么去除脸上的"bian ping you"?

2023-07-17 21:38:295


learn的用法主要如下:一:learn+介词,如learn from(向·····学习)、learn about(了解,学习)、learn of(听说,获悉)、learn by oneself(自学)等.二:learn+名词,如learn english,learn a lesson.三:learn to do sth. 学着去做某事(在心里打算好了准备去学,还没有去)强调具体某次的动作.learn doing sth. 学习做某事(已经在学习了,现在进行时 ) 强调抽象的动作.
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2023-07-17 21:38:341


在 Excel 中有很多重要的数据前期需要加上密码保护,但到后期却已经不再重要需要取消加密保护,下面是我带来的关于excel 2007取消加密保护的教程的内容,欢迎阅读! excel 2007取消加密保护的教程 1、打开 Excel表格 中的Excel选项,选择自定义,得到如下画面: excel2007撤销保护密码的 方法 图1 2、然后在左边侧框栏中选择“查看宏” 之后双击或者选择添加按钮,则可以看到右边栏中有了查看宏按钮,之后点击右下角的确定。 3、大家可以在下面这个窗口处看到箭头所指的按钮: 点击按钮,之后弹出窗口: excel2007撤销保护密码的方法图2 excel2007撤销保护密码的方法图3 4、在宏名处填写一个名字(可随意),然后点击创建,弹出以下窗口: excel2007撤销保护密码的方法图4 5、将窗口内的内容全选后删除,然后将下面分割线以内的内容开始复制粘贴在上面的窗口内: 从横线下开始复制 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Option?Explicit Public?Sub?AllInternalPasswords() "?Breaks?worksheet?and?workbook?structure?passwords.?Bob?McCormick "?probably?originator?of?base?code?algorithm?modified?for?coverage "?of?workbook?structure?/?windows?passwords?and?for?multiple?passwords " "?Norman?Harker?and?JE?McGimpsey?27-Dec-2002?(Version?1.1) "?Modified?2003-Apr-04?by?JEM:?All?msgs?to?constants,?and "?eliminate?one?Exit?Sub?(Version?1.1.1) "?Reveals?hashed?passwords?NOT?original?passwords Const?DBLSPACE?As?String?=?vbNewLine?&?vbNewLine Const?AUTHORS?As?String?=?DBLSPACE?&?vbNewLine?&?_ "Adapted?from?Bob?McCormick?base?code?by"?&?_ "Norman?Harker?and?JE?McGimpsey" Const?HEADER?As?String?=?"AllInternalPasswords?User?Message" Const?VERSION?As?String?=?DBLSPACE?&?"Version?1.1.1?2003-Apr-04" Const?REPBACK?As?String?=?DBLSPACE?&?"Please?report?failure?"?&?_ "to?the?microsoft.public.excel.programming?newsgroup." Const?ALLCLEAR?As?String?=?DBLSPACE?&?"The?workbook?should?"?&?_ "now?be?free?of?all?password?protection,?so?make?sure?you:"?&?_ DBLSPACE?&?"SAVE?IT?NOW!"?&?DBLSPACE?&?"and?also"?&?_ DBLSPACE?&?"BACKUP!,?BACKUP!!,?BACKUP!!!"?&?_ DBLSPACE?&?"Also,?remember?that?the?password?was?"?&?_ "put?there?for?a?reason.?Don"t?stuff?up?crucial?formulas?"?&?_ "or?data."?&?DBLSPACE?&?"Access?and?use?of?some?data?"?&?_ "may?be?an?offense.?If?in?doubt,?don"t." Const?MSGNOPWORDS1?As?String?=?"There?were?no?passwords?on?"?&?_ "sheets,?or?workbook?structure?or?windows."?&?AUTHORS?&?VERSION Const?MSGNOPWORDS2?As?String?=?"There?was?no?protection?to?"?&?_ "workbook?structure?or?windows."?&?DBLSPACE?&?_ "Proceeding?to?unprotect?sheets."?&?AUTHORS?&?VERSION Const?MSGTAKETIME?As?String?=?"After?pressing?OK?button?this?"?&?_ "will?take?some?time."?&?DBLSPACE?&?"Amount?of?time?"?&?_ "depends?on?how?many?different?passwords,?the?"?&?_ "passwords,?and?your?computer"s?specification."?&?DBLSPACE?&?_ "Just?be?patient!?Make?me?a?coffee!"?&?AUTHORS?&?VERSION Const?MSGPWORDFOUND1?As?String?=?"You?had?a?Worksheet?"?&?_ "Structure?or?Windows?Password?set."?&?DBLSPACE?&?_ "The?password?found?was:?"?&?DBLSPACE?&?"$$"?&?DBLSPACE?&?_ "Note?it?down?for?potential?future?use?in?other?workbooks?by?"?&?_ "the?same?person?who?set?this?password."?&?DBLSPACE?&?_ "Now?to?check?and?clear?other?passwords."?&?AUTHORS?&?VERSION Const?MSGPWORDFOUND2?As?String?=?"You?had?a?Worksheet?"?&?_ "password?set."?&?DBLSPACE?&?"The?password?found?was:?"?&?_ DBLSPACE?&?"$$"?&?DBLSPACE?&?"Note?it?down?for?potential?"?&?_ "future?use?in?other?workbooks?by?same?person?who?"?&?_ "set?this?password."?&?DBLSPACE?&?"Now?to?check?and?clear?"?&?_ "other?passwords."?&?AUTHORS?&?VERSION Const?MSGONLYONE?As?String?=?"Only?structure?/?windows?"?&?_ "protected?with?the?password?that?was?just?found."?&?_ ALLCLEAR?&?AUTHORS?&?VERSION?&?REPBACK Dim?w1?As?Worksheet,?w2?As?Worksheet Dim?i?As?Integer,?j?As?Integer,?k?As?Integer,?l?As?Integer Dim?m?As?Integer,?n?As?Integer,?i1?As?Integer,?i2?As?Integer Dim?i3?As?Integer,?i4?As?Integer,?i5?As?Integer,?i6?As?Integer Dim?PWord1?As?String Dim?ShTag?As?Boolean,?WinTag?As?Boolean Application.ScreenUpdating?=?False With?ActiveWorkbook WinTag?=?.ProtectStructure?Or?.ProtectWindows End?With ShTag?=?False For?Each?w1?In?Worksheets ShTag?=?ShTag?Or?w1.ProtectContents Next?w1 If?Not?ShTag?And?Not?WinTag?Then MsgBox?MSGNOPWORDS1,?vbInformation,?HEADER Exit?Sub End?If MsgBox?MSGTAKETIME,?vbInformation,?HEADER If?Not?WinTag?Then MsgBox?MSGNOPWORDS2,?vbInformation,?HEADER Else On?Error?Resume?Next Do?"dummy?do?loop For?i?=?65?To?66:?For?j?=?65?To?66:?For?k?=?65?To?66 For?l?=?65?To?66:?For?m?=?65?To?66:?For?i1?=?65?To?66 For?i2?=?65?To?66:?For?i3?=?65?To?66:?For?i4?=?65?To?66 For?i5?=?65?To?66:?For?i6?=?65?To?66:?For?n?=?32?To?126 With?ActiveWorkbook .Unprotect?Chr(i)?&?Chr(j)?&?Chr(k)?&?_ Chr(l)?&?Chr(m)?&?Chr(i1)?&?Chr(i2)?&?_ Chr(i3)?&?Chr(i4)?&?Chr(i5)?&?Chr(i6)?&?Chr(n) If?.ProtectStructure?=?False?And?_ .ProtectWindows?=?False?Then PWord1?=?Chr(i)?&?Chr(j)?&?Chr(k)?&?Chr(l)?&?_ Chr(m)?&?Chr(i1)?&?Chr(i2)?&?Chr(i3)?&?_ Chr(i4)?&?Chr(i5)?&?Chr(i6)?&?Chr(n) MsgBox?Application.Substitute(MSGPWORDFOUND1,?_ "$$",?PWord1),?vbInformation,?HEADER Exit?Do?"Bypass?all?for...nexts End?If End?With Next:?Next:?Next:?Next:?Next:?Next Next:?Next:?Next:?Next:?Next:?Next Loop?Until?True On?Error?GoTo?0 End?If If?WinTag?And?Not?ShTag?Then MsgBox?MSGONLYONE,?vbInformation,?HEADER Exit?Sub End?If On?Error?Resume?Next For?Each?w1?In?Worksheets "Attempt?clearance?with?PWord1 w1.Unprotect?PWord1 Next?w1 On?Error?GoTo?0 ShTag?=?False For?Each?w1?In?Worksheets "Checks?for?all?clear?ShTag?triggered?to?1?if?not. ShTag?=?ShTag?Or?w1.ProtectContents Next?w1 If?ShTag?Then For?Each?w1?In?Worksheets With?w1 If?.ProtectContents?Then On?Error?Resume?Next Do?"Dummy?do?loop For?i?=?65?To?66:?For?j?=?65?To?66:?For?k?=?65?To?66 For?l?=?65?To?66:?For?m?=?65?To?66:?For?i1?=?65?To?66 For?i2?=?65?To?66:?For?i3?=?65?To?66:?For?i4?=?65?To?66 For?i5?=?65?To?66:?For?i6?=?65?To?66:?For?n?=?32?To?126 .Unprotect?Chr(i)?&?Chr(j)?&?Chr(k)?&?_ Chr(l)?&?Chr(m)?&?Chr(i1)?&?Chr(i2)?&?Chr(i3)?&?_ Chr(i4)?&?Chr(i5)?&?Chr(i6)?&?Chr(n) If?Not?.ProtectContents?Then PWord1?=?Chr(i)?&?Chr(j)?&?Chr(k)?&?Chr(l)?&?_ Chr(m)?&?Chr(i1)?&?Chr(i2)?&?Chr(i3)?&?_ Chr(i4)?&?Chr(i5)?&?Chr(i6)?&?Chr(n) MsgBox?Application.Substitute(MSGPWORDFOUND2,?_ "$$",?PWord1),?vbInformation,?HEADER "leverage?finding?Pword?by?trying?on?other?sheets For?Each?w2?In?Worksheets w2.Unprotect?PWord1 Next?w2 Exit?Do?"Bypass?all?for...nexts End?If Next:?Next:?Next:?Next:?Next:?Next Next:?Next:?Next:?Next:?Next:?Next Loop?Until?True On?Error?GoTo?0 End?If End?With Next?w1 End?If MsgBox?ALLCLEAR?&?AUTHORS?&?VERSION?&?REPBACK,?vbInformation,?HEADER End?Sub ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 复制到横线以上 得到情况如下图表示 excel2007撤销保护密码的方法图5 6、关闭编辑窗口; 7、依次点击菜单栏上的工具---宏-----宏,选AllInternalPasswords,运行,确定两次; 等一会,就会出现以下对话框:这就是Excel密码对应的原始密码(此密码和原先设置的密码都能打开此文档。如果是别人的文档,你又想恢复密码设置,就可以用此密码进行保护,他就能用他设置的密码打开,你可以试试,很有趣的。字母一定要大写): 再点击确定。Excel的原始密码就被清除了!! excel2007撤销保护密码的方法图6 8、最后记得关闭EXCEL文档时要保存,否则下回打开,文档仍旧处于只读状态而无法修改。 excel2007取消加密保护的教程相关 文章 : ★ excel2007取消加密保护的教程 ★ excel07取消加密的教程 ★ excel2007撤销保护密码的方法步骤 ★ 怎么取消excel2007密码保护 ★ excel表格取消加密的教程 ★ excel2007撤销保护的教程 ★ excel2007取消密码保护教程 ★ Excel中2007版本进行撤销工作表保护密码的操作方法 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
2023-07-17 21:38:341

check , inspection 区别

虽然都叫检查,如果是用在电脑方面:CHECK 有对比原来模式的意思,以原来默认的模式为标准,来进行对比式的检查,和原来模式对不上号的地方即视为错误,不管原来的模式是否也正确.
2023-07-17 21:38:341


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2023-07-17 21:38:191

learn about和learn的区别是什么?

一、指代不同1、learn:表示“学会;学习;得知”2、learn about:表示“了解,知道”二、用法不同1、learn:用作及物动词时,接名词、动名词、(带疑问词的)动词不定式、或由that或疑问词引导的从句作宾语。It"s more useful to learn modern languages, such as English and German, than Latin.学习英语和德语等现代语言比学习拉丁语更为有用。2、learn about:可接双宾语,偶尔还可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。I read Lives of the Poets and learned about the lives of many English poets.我读了《诗人传》, 从中了解了许多英国诗人的生活。三、侧重点不同1、learn:侧重表示学习的成果。2、learn about:侧重强调的是一个由“不知道”到“知道”的过程。
2023-07-17 21:38:181

test, inspect和check的区别

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2023-07-17 21:38:111


Sun City,严格来说不是一个城市,是美国亚利桑那州的一个退休养老社区,居民人数约3.7万人。
2023-07-17 21:38:111


nibuxianghuohuajiubiehuohua,maiguancaizhuzhuyebucuo .
2023-07-17 21:38:103