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尚恩·沃德 的资料?

2023-07-18 05:20:20

  肖恩·沃德(Shayne Ward)歌手信息[1]   英文全名:Shayne Thomas Ward   


  昵称:Wardy   中文名:肖恩·沃德   生日:1984年10月15日(天秤座)   身高:173cm   居住地:Clayton,Manchester,UK   中学:St Peter"s RC High School   最喜欢的科目:Performing Arts   家庭:母亲:Philomena;兄弟姐妹:Mark,Martin,Michael,Lisa,twin Emma,Leona   以前的职业:Working in New Look,selling shoes,Arndale Centre,Manchester   最喜爱的艺人:Justin Timberlake   2005年《X-Factor》面试编号: 9046编辑本段歌手简介

  来自曼彻斯特的“英国超男”Shayne Ward。[1]   肖恩·沃德的迅速窜红要归功于英国ITV电视台的一挡热播的娱乐节目《The X Factor》,这是一档歌唱比赛真人秀,2004年推出第一届,斯蒂夫获得冠军而一炮走红,紧接着推出的个人专辑也大受欢迎。


  今年(2005年),经过一轮轮的淘汰厮杀,来自英国曼彻斯特的肖恩·沃德与41岁的工人安迪·亚伯拉罕进入到最后的对决,两人分别演唱了为本届《The X Factor》节目量身定做的最新单曲That"s My Goal,最终,21岁的Shayne Ward夺冠,并获得了一份100万英镑的唱片合约。决赛当天观众的投票数量达到1080万,ITV电视台趁热打铁,第一时间推出了Shayne的新单曲CD“That"s my goal”,仅仅上架4天就登上了单曲冠军宝座,销量达到了74万多张。   面对这些“突如其来”的成就,21岁的Shayne说:“我到现在还是不敢相信——我完全不能相信这些都是真的。我当初参加比赛的确是希望能够获胜,但是我绝对没有想过我真的能够获胜!”   


  这一切都开始于第二届《The X Factor》的海选。在7万5000名报名者中,来自Clayton.Manchester一家服装店的销售员Shayne Ward走进面试大厅,也从此开始了他人生不一样的旅程。   “我当时是多么的希望能够获胜,为了我的妈妈。她把我们7个孩子抚养到大,非常的不容易,我希望我能够成功,给她带来喜悦,也能减轻她肩上的压力。当然,也不完全是经济上的考虑,毕竟我是非常非常喜爱唱歌的,我愿意去做这件事情。金钱与名望并不是我最渴望的,我爱我的妈妈,我也爱唱歌。”   此外,到目前为止,一夜成名、年轻的Shayne已经结识了不少新的朋友,比如英国“全民偶像”Robbie Williams。   “不久前我参加了Top of The Pops音乐节目,当时有人在现场告诉我说,Robbie想见见我,我以为我听错了。后来,Robbie亲自走过来向我做自我介绍,太不可思议了。他告诉我他是《The X Factor》的忠实观众,比赛时他也有为我投票!另外,对于将来,他还给了我很多中肯的意见,告诉我一定要好好把握机会、享受生活的每一分钟,并且尽自己最大的努力为自己的理想加油。他当时的表情语气非常诚恳,我十分感谢他。”编辑本段音乐作品

  专辑 显示方式:专辑列表 | 专辑详情 专辑名称 发行时间 语言 试听专辑 详情

  Obsession 2010-11-15


  唱片公司:Sony BMG

  专辑简介:还记得英国X Factor比赛冠军、唱着〈That"s My Goal〉、〈No Promises〉和〈Breathless〉那位深情款款的全民情人Shayne Ward 吗? 曾经两度来台让歌迷深深着迷的Shayne Ward终于在暌违三年之后,在2010年11月推出全新个人第三张大碟《Obsession》,带来更都会性感的全新风格,势必再造佳绩!首支单曲〈Gotta Be Somebody〉是翻唱摇滚团体五分钱乐团〈Nickelback〉的经典名曲,Shayne Ward重新以自己的风格诠释赋予歌曲全新生命。不管是深情的Shayne,还是成熟型男的Shayne,这位有着优秀嗓音的冠军歌手的音乐版图正在持续进化,现在请准备好接收来自Shayne Ward的爱情迷惑!专辑曲目(10) 01. Gotta Be Somebody

  02. Obsession

  03. Must Be a Reason Why... (feat. J. Pearl)

  04. Close to Close

  05. Waiting In the Wings

  06. Foolish

  07. Someone Like You

  08. Human

  09. Crash

  10. Nobody Knows

  Breathless 2007-11-26 英语




  专辑简介:作为英国最火爆的歌唱选秀节目“X-Factor”2005年度总冠军,Shayne Ward正在用自己的实力向世界证明,自己并非徒有外表,空有虚名而已.除了帅气的外表,Shayne拥有坚实的现场功力,近期为新专辑预热的几个现场,就不难看到他那极稳定的现场和令人叹为观止的超高假音. 流畅而惬意的旋律,迷人的靓嗓,足以让一众少女倾倒的魅力,如果你只是想放松下心情,享受下听觉的按摩,或者暂时想脱离那些艰涩而沉重的音乐,那这张绝对会是不错的选择专辑曲目(13) 01. No U Hang Up

  02. Breathless

  03. If That"s OK With You

  04. Damaged

  05. Some Tears Never Dry

  06. Until You

  07. Stand By Your Side

  08. Melt The Snow

  09. Tangled Up

  10. Just Be Good To Me

  11. U Got Me So

  12. You Make Me Wish

  13. Tell Him

  Shayne Ward 首张冠军专辑 2006-07-14



  专辑简介:西城男孩、美声男伶制作群精心打造12首登上梦想殿堂单曲,初登场专辑发行首周空降英国金榜冠军! 收录创下英国史上首周最畅销/销售最快4周冠军曲"That"s My Goal",及金氏世界纪录英国史上付费下载销售纪录!第二催泪情歌"No Promises"空降英国金榜亚军! “The X Factor”评审Simon Cowell赛门考尔(美声男伶经纪人):“Shayne Ward不是今天表现最好的,而是本季最好的!” “The X Factor”评审Louis Walsh路易斯华许(西城男孩经纪人):“Shayne Ward绝对会赢得比赛,因为他值得!” 2005年英国的全新男声夏恩华德(Shayne Ward),与7万5000名怀抱着歌唱梦想的参赛者竞争,赢得了英国ITV1电视台歌唱选秀节目“The X Factor”赛季的总冠军。专辑曲目(13) 01. Thats My Goal

  02. No Promises

  03. Stand by Me

  04. All My Life

  05. Youre Not Alone

  06. I Cry

  07. What About Me

  08. Back at One

  09. Somone to Love

  10. Something Worth Living for

  11. A Better Man

  12. Next to Me

  13. Over the Rainbow(Live)


  【1】   单曲CD:   1.《That"s My Goal》   2.《No Promises》   3.《Stand By Me》

  歌 手:Shayne Ward   语 言:英语   区 域:英国005年12月落下帷幕的英国ITV电视台歌唱比赛真人秀《The X Factor》冠军Shayne Ward在接受采访时说道。但事实是,因为有了《The X Factor》,Shayne的圣诞新年没有在打工卖衣服,而是在“卖”他的个人单曲CD——《That"s My Goal》,而且是“大卖特卖”中。 相关背景:   “如果不是《The X Factor》,我想我会在服装店卖衣服打工度过我的圣诞新年。”2   根据英国TOP 40单曲音乐榜显示,在《The X Factor》总决赛结束当天推出的Shayne个人单曲CD早已名列榜首,更为吃惊的是,其销售量比榜上其他39名总销售量之和还要


  高。而且值得一提的是,据统计,Shayne的单曲网上下载量也已经创造了新的吉尼斯纪录,并且数字还在不断增长当中。   【2】   个人专辑:1.《Shayne Ward》   发行时间:2006年04月17日   歌 手:Shayne Ward   语 言:英语

  个人图册(20张)  区 域:英国   专辑曲目:1. That"s My Goal   2. No Promises   3. Stand By Me   4. All My Life   5. You"re Not Alone   6. I Cry   7. What About Me   8. Back At One   9. Someone To Love   10. Something Worth Living For   11. Better Man   12. Next To Me   13. Over The Rainbow   随着第二主打单曲No Promises的推出,他的首张个人同名专辑《Shayne Ward》也终于上市。几首颇具亚洲风味的歌曲,让这张专辑同样在亚洲取得了骄人的成绩。   这张专辑可听性非常强,可以说都值得一听,当然最值得推荐的还是主打,也是让他走上冠军宝座的《That"s My Goal》。   个人专辑:2.《Breathless》


  发行时间:2007年11月20日   歌 手:Shayne Ward   语 言:英语   区 域:英国   专辑曲目:1. No U Hang Up   2. Breathless   3. If That"s OK with You   4. Damaged   5. Stand by Your Side   6. Until You   7. Some Tears Never Dry   8. Melt the Snow   9. Tangled Up

  照片(20张)  10. Just Be Good to Me   11. U Got Me So   12. You Make Me Wish   13. Tell Him   2005年度总冠军之后,Shayne开始在英国和爱尔兰走红。他正在用自己的实力向世界证明,自己并非徒有其表。除了帅气的外表,Shayne还拥有非凡的实力,他那极稳定的现场和令人叹为观止的高假音让你听过难忘。   《Breathless》是一张属於Shayne个人的专辑,英式R&B曲风,充满感染力。由著名音乐人Maratone(Britney,Westlife,Celine Dion)和Ryan Tedder(J-Lo,Natasha Bedingfield,Leona Lewis)联手打造。   流畅而惬意的旋律,迷人且动情的靓嗓,足以让一众少女倾倒的魅力,如果你只是想放松下心情,享受下听觉的按摩,或者暂时想脱离那些艰涩而沉重的音乐,那这张《Breathless》绝对会是不错的选择。?    个人专辑:3.《 Obsession 》   发行时间:2010年11月15日   歌 手:Shayne Ward   语 言:英语   区 域:英国   专辑曲目:01 Gotta Be Somebody   02 Obsession   


  03 Must Be a Reason Why...(feat. j. pearl.)   04 Close to Close   05 Waiting In the Wings   06 Foolish   07 Someone Like You   08 Human   09 Crash   10 Nobody Knows    英国偶像冠军Shayne Ward第三张个人专辑。先行单曲<Gotta Be Somebody>翻唱自加拿大著名另类摇滚乐队Nickelback 2009年专辑<Dark Horse>中的首波主打单曲。 ?   新专共收录10首单曲,无Bonus。制作人包括美国著名Remix大师RedOne以及英国著名创作人兼歌手Taio Cruz。准确地说这张大碟筹备了两年半时间,直到10年9月才完成了新专辑的制作。编辑本段人物专访

  英国超人气选秀节目“X-Factor”2005年度总冠军、二度来到中国的肖恩·沃德,在上海宣传第二张专辑《Breathless/无法呼吸》之后,近日来京继续自己的中国新专辑宣传之旅。昨日(16日)下午,肖恩·沃德(Shayne Ward)也独家接受了腾讯娱乐的专访。[2]   谈音乐——“现在都是R&B风格,我只是想把流行音乐感觉带回来”   有人说初听Shayne Ward的声音,略有Take that组合的影子,似乎Take that的时代又回来了。对此,Shayne Ward很是惊讶,表示从未听人这样讲过。“Take that是90年代的组合,是说我和那个时代的声线比较像么,不过还没有人说过有相象的地方,我回去也再听听看是不是真正有相象的地方”,Shayne Ward说,“现在新流行音乐走到R&B的风格上去了,我只是想把比较流行音乐的感觉带回来,所以可能觉得像(Take that)吧。”   


  Shayne Ward表示:比较喜欢90年代早期的流行音乐,最近常听的也是那个年代的音乐。自从“X-Factor”选秀获冠军以来,Shayne Ward在全世界都聚集了不少歌迷。谈及各地的歌迷,Shayne Ward则表示感谢他们一直以来的支持,特别是亚洲歌迷。“我能感觉到亚洲有更大的歌迷群,英国本土的歌迷大多都很有礼貌,看到你就是‘SAY HI"之类的。”   谈选秀——“专业人士看不起选秀歌手,这是错误的想法”   国内近年来,选秀泛滥。就算是热门选秀的人气选手,在竞争一些专业音乐奖项之时,也显得力不从心。对此,Shayne Ward表示这种状态在英国也很严重。“专业人士看不起选秀歌手,我觉得这是错误的想法,选秀的歌手需要更多倍的努力,才能得到这个成绩。别人判断我们的应该是:是不是唱的好,是不是好音乐?应该以这样的一个标准而衡量,而不是看你是不是参加过选秀比赛。”   对于同样因选秀而闻名的保罗·帕特斯(Paul Potts),Shayne Ward坦言他是一个有才华的人。而同样谈及刚刚上海出席某活动遇到的超女周笔畅,Shayne Ward说:“我参加那个活动时,被告知周笔畅是中国选秀——超级女声的获胜者,我希望她能有好的发展,如果有可能,也想和她一起合作。”   谈销售——“在英国也有非法下载,没有什么特别的办法”   去年电台司令乐队(Radiohead)新专集采用了网络销售并由歌迷定价的方式,有音乐人说这是一次唱片业的革命。对此,Shayne Ward则抱以怀疑的态度。“我觉得这是一个非常勇敢的举动,但以这样方式真正能赚钱吗,能赚多少钱呢?对于我来说,不确定会不会这样做。”   谈到网络销售,不得不涉及网络非法下载及版权的问题。对于非法下载,Shayne Ward则表示:“在英国也有非法下载,没有什么特别的办法”。   谈未来——“未来更多是怎么证明自己,而不是顾虑新人换旧人”   选秀年年有,当然获胜者的人气也随之时间流逝而无情的遭人淡忘。谈及这方面的状况,Shayne Ward很务实。“其实对我来说,这些都不是该担心的。我获奖两年后,现在还有受欢迎的专辑和歌迷,其实最重要的是(歌手)有自己的风格,保留自己的优点。每年必然都会有优胜者,更多是怎么证明自己,而不是顾虑每年的新人换旧人。”   第二次来到北京的Shayne Ward因工作,两次都有没有时间逛一逛,很是可惜。“希望下次来的时候有时间来这边转一转”,Shayne Ward说。


有一首歌,歌词是“Nobody wants to be last ”求解

这些歌词来自:NICKELBACK - GOTTA BE SOMEBODY歌曲名:Gotta Be Somebody歌手:Nickelback专辑:Dark Horse -Roadrunner RecordsNickelback---Gotta be somebodyThis time, I wonder what it feels likeTo find the one in this life, the one we all dream ofBut dreams just aren"t enoughSo I"ll be waiting for the real thing,I"ll know it by the feelingThe moment when we"re meeting,will play out like a sceneStraight off the silver screenSo I"ll be holding my own breath, right up "til the endUntil that moment when,I find the one that I"ll spend forever withCause nobody wants to be the last one thereCause everyone wants to feel like someone caresSomeone to love with my life in their handsThere"s gotta be somebody for me like thatCause nobody wants to do it all on their ownAnd everyone wants to know they"re not aloneThere"s somebody else that feels the same somewhereThere"s gotta be somebody for me out thereTonight, out on the street, out in the moonlightAnd dammit this means too right,it"s just like deja vuMe standing here with youSo I"ll be holding my own breath,could this be the endIs it that moment when,I find the one that I"ll spend forever withCause nobody wants to be the last one thereCause everyone wants to feel like someone caresSomeone to love with my life in their handsThere"s gotta be somebody for me like thatCause nobody wants to do it all on their ownAnd everyone wants to know they"re not aloneThere"s somebody else that feels the same somewhereThere"s gotta be somebody for me out thereYou can"t give up, looking for a diamond in the roughThe wind shows up, (make sure you"re holding on)Cause it could be the one, the one you"re waiting onCause nobody wants to be the last one thereAnd everyone wants to feel like someone caresSomeone to love with my life in their handsThere"s gotta be somebody for me, ohNobody wants to do it all on their ownAnd everyone wants to know they"re not aloneThere"s somebody else that feels the same somewhereTher
2023-07-18 02:09:261

《gotta be somebody》什么意思?这个题目!

2023-07-18 02:09:333

Gotta Be Somebody的中文含义是什么?

是加拿大乐队nickelback的一首歌,中文名字叫 还有别人为我天下足球的片尾曲也可以理解为“有那样一个人/想要成为某人” Gotta Be Somebody-nickelback This time, I wonder what it feels like To find the one in this life, the one we all dream of But dreams just aren"t enough So I"ll be waiting for the real thing, I"ll know it by the feeling The moment when we"re meeting, will play out like a scene Straight off the silver screen So I"ll be holding my own breath, right up "til the end Until that moment when, I find the one that I"ll spend forever with 这一次,我想知道是什么感觉 为了找到这一生,我们所拥有的梦想 但现在仅仅只是个梦想 所以要等候它实现的时候, 我就知道它的感觉 我们像一个玩的筋疲力尽的小鹿 我们需要喘息 所以我要带着我的呼吸,直到结束 直到那一刻, 我找到这种感觉了,直到永远 Cause nobody wants to be the last one there Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares Someone to love with my life in their hands There"s gotta be somebody for me like that Cause nobody wants to do it all on their own And everyone wants to know they"re not alone There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere There"s gotta be somebody for me out there 没有人想成为最后一个 因为每个人都关心他的人 每个人的命运在自己手里 还有别人为我 没人愿意做事业都靠自己 每个人都要知道,他们就不会感到孤独 有其他人认为相同的地方 那一定是不属于这个地方 Tonight, out on the street, out in the moonlight And dammit this means too right, it"s just like deja vu Me standing here with you So I"ll be holding my own breath, could this be the end Is it that moment when, I find the one that I"ll spend forever with 今晚,露宿街头,在月光下 这句话太棒了 它就像似曾相识 我只喜欢与你在一起时的感觉 所以我要留住这种感觉, 这可能是结局 直到那一刻, 我找到这种感觉了,直到永远 Cause nobody wants to be the last one there Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares Someone to love with my life in their hands There"s gotta be somebody for me like that Cause nobody wants to do it all on their own And everyone wants to know they"re not alone There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere There"s gotta be somebody for me out there 没有人想成为最后一个 因为每个人都关心他 每个人的命运在自己手里 还有别人为我 没人愿意做事都靠自己 每个人都要知道,他们就不会感到孤独 有人不这样认为的话 那一定是不属于这个地方 You can"t give up, looking for a diamond in the rough The wind shows up, (make sure you"re holding on) Cause it could be the one, the one you"re waiting on Cause nobody wants to be the last one there And everyone wants to feel like someone cares Someone to love with my life in their hands There"s gotta be somebody for me, oh 你不能放弃,寻找一颗未经雕琢的钻石 风的出现,确保你的坚持 原因可能是其中之一,你还在等待 没有人想成为最后一个 因为每个人都关心他 每个人的命运在自己手里 这可以使我出人头地 Nobody wants to do it all on their own And everyone wants to know they"re not alone There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere There"s gotta be somebody for me out there Nobody wants to be the last one there Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere There"s gotta be somebody for me out there 没人愿意做所有的事情 每个人都想要知道,他们不会孤独 有其他人认为相同的地方 那一定是不属于这个地方 没有人想过去的人站在那里 因为每个人都让他感到有人关心他 有其他人认为相同的地方 那一定是不属于这个地方
2023-07-18 02:09:411

Gotta Be Somebody这首歌的中文歌词.

Gotta Be Somebody-nickelback This time, I wonder what it feels like To find the one in this life, the one we all dream of But dreams just aren"t enough So I"ll be waiting for the real thing, I"ll know it by the feeling The moment when we"re meeting, will play out like a scene Straight off the silver screen So I"ll be holding my own breath, right up "til the end Until that moment when, I find the one that I"ll spend forever with 这一次,我想知道是什么感觉 为了找到这一生,我们所拥有的梦想 但现在仅仅只是个梦想 所以要等候它实现的时候, 我就知道它的感觉 我们像一个玩的筋疲力尽的小鹿 我们需要喘息 所以我要带着我的呼吸,直到结束 直到那一刻, 我找到这种感觉了,直到永远 Cause nobody wants to be the last one there Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares Someone to love with my life in their hands There"s gotta be somebody for me like that Cause nobody wants to do it all on their own And everyone wants to know they"re not alone There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere There"s gotta be somebody for me out there 没有人想成为最后一个 因为每个人都关心他的人 每个人的命运在自己手里 还有别人为我 没人愿意做事业都靠自己 每个人都要知道,他们就不会感到孤独 有其他人认为相同的地方 那一定是不属于这个地方 Tonight, out on the street, out in the moonlight And dammit this means too right, it"s just like deja vu Me standing here with you So I"ll be holding my own breath, could this be the end Is it that moment when, I find the one that I"ll spend forever with 今晚,露宿街头,在月光下 这句话太棒了 它就像似曾相识 我只喜欢与你在一起时的感觉 所以我要留住这种感觉, 这可能是结局 直到那一刻, 我找到这种感觉了,直到永远 Cause nobody wants to be the last one there Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares Someone to love with my life in their hands There"s gotta be somebody for me like that Cause nobody wants to do it all on their own And everyone wants to know they"re not alone There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere There"s gotta be somebody for me out there 没有人想成为最后一个 因为每个人都关心他 每个人的命运在自己手里 还有别人为我 没人愿意做事都靠自己 每个人都要知道,他们就不会感到孤独 有人不这样认为的话 那一定是不属于这个地方 You can"t give up, looking for a diamond in the rough The wind shows up, (make sure you"re holding on) Cause it could be the one, the one you"re waiting on Cause nobody wants to be the last one there And everyone wants to feel like someone cares Someone to love with my life in their hands There"s gotta be somebody for me, oh 你不能放弃,寻找一颗未经雕琢的钻石 风的出现,确保你的坚持 原因可能是其中之一,你还在等待 没有人想成为最后一个 因为每个人都关心他 每个人的命运在自己手里 这可以使我出人头地 Nobody wants to do it all on their own And everyone wants to know they"re not alone There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere There"s gotta be somebody for me out there Nobody wants to be the last one there Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere There"s gotta be somebody for me out there 没人愿意做所有的事情 每个人都想要知道,他们不会孤独 有其他人认为相同的地方 那一定是不属于这个地方 没有人想过去的人站在那里 因为每个人都让他感到有人关心他 有其他人认为相同的地方 那一定是不属于这个地方希望采纳
2023-07-18 02:09:491

Gotta Be Somebody 歌词

歌曲名:Gotta Be Somebody歌手:Nickelback专辑:Dark Horse -Roadrunner RecordsNickelback---Gotta be somebodyThis time, I wonder what it feels likeTo find the one in this life, the one we all dream ofBut dreams just aren"t enoughSo I"ll be waiting for the real thing, I"ll know it by the feelingThe moment when we"re meeting,will play out like a sceneStraight off the silver screenSo I"ll be holding my own breath, right up "til the endUntil that moment when, I find the one that I"ll spend forever withCause nobody wants to be the last one thereCause everyone wants to feel like someone caresSomeone to love with my life in their handsThere"s gotta be somebody for me like thatCause nobody wants to do it all on their ownAnd everyone wants to know they"re not aloneThere"s somebody else that feels the same somewhereThere"s gotta be somebody for me out thereTonight, out on the street, out in the moonlightAnd dammit this means too right, it"s just like deja vuMe standing here with youSo I"ll be holding my own breath, could this be the endIs it that moment when, I find the one that I"ll spend forever withCause nobody wants to be the last one thereCause everyone wants to feel like someone caresSomeone to love with my life in their handsThere"s gotta be somebody for me like thatCause nobody wants to do it all on their ownAnd everyone wants to know they"re not aloneThere"s somebody else that feels the same somewhereThere"s gotta be somebody for me out thereYou can"t give up, looking for a diamond in the roughThe wind shows up, (make sure you"re holding on)Cause it could be the one, the one you"re waiting onCause nobody wants to be the last one thereAnd everyone wants to feel like someone caresSomeone to love with my life in their handsThere"s gotta be somebody for me, ohNobody wants to do it all on their ownAnd everyone wants to know they"re not aloneThere"s somebody else that feels the same somewhereThere"s gotta be somebody for me out thereNobody wants to be the last one thereCause everyone wants to feel like someone caresThere"s somebody else that feels the same somewhereThere"s gotta be somebody for me out there感谢 H E A T O N 推荐 期待新专辑
2023-07-18 02:09:561

gotta be somebody 的歌词加中文翻译。。

Gotta Be Somebody This time, I wonder what it feels like这一次我想知道是何种感受To find the one in this life找到一生所爱the one we all dream of一位梦寐以求的爱人But dreams just aren"t enough但只有梦想是远远不够的So I"ll be waiting for the real thing所以我会一直等待,直到真爱降临I"ll know it by the feeling直觉告诉我The moment when we"re meeting你我萍水相逢之时will play out like a scene宛若上演的一出戏Straight off the silver screen跃然于银幕之上So I"ll be holding my own breath于是我屏住呼吸right up "til the end直到结束Until that moment when I find the one that I"ll spend forever with直到那一刻,我找到伴我终生的爱侣"Cause nobody wants to be the last one there因为没有人原因甘居人后"Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares因为人人都希望别人在乎自己Someone to love with my life in their hands芸芸众生之中,找到自己人生中的挚爱There"s gotta be somebody for me like that一定会有一位红颜知己,为我守侯"Cause nobody wants to do it all on their own因为没有人愿意独自去面对And everyone wants to know they"re not alone而且人人都想知道他们并非形单影孤There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere天地之间,一定会有人与我感同身受There"s gotta be somebody for me out there心中的她,正在那里为我守侯Tonight, out on the street, out in the moonlight今夜的户外,在大街上,在月光中And dammit this means too right一切都那么美轮美奂it"s just like deja vu好象似曾相识Me standing here with you我与你站在一起So I"ll be holding my own breath所以我屏住呼吸could this be the end这会结束吗?Is it that moment when I find the one that I"ll spend forever with找到伴我终生的爱侣的时刻到了吗?"Cause nobody wants to be the last one there因为没有人愿意甘居人后"Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares因为人人都希望别人在乎自己Someone to love with my life in their hands芸芸众生之中,找到自己人生中的挚爱There"s gotta be somebody for me like that一定会有一位红颜知己,为我守侯"Cause nobody wants to do it all on their own因为没有人愿意独自去面对And everyone wants to know they"re not alone而且人人都想知道他们并非形单影孤There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere天地之间,一定会有人与我感同身受There"s gotta be somebody for me out there心中的她,正在那里为我守侯Ooh,You can"t give up(when you"re looking for)你不要放弃(当你正在寻觅)A diamond in the rough (because you never know)一颗未经雕琢的钻石(因为你永远不会明白)When it shows up (make sure you"re holding on)当它出现之时(确保你能够依然坚持)‘Cause it could be the one, the one you"re waiting on因为或许她就是你一生守侯的爱人‘Cause nobody wants to be the last one there因为没有人愿意甘居人后And everyone wants to feel like someone cares因为人人都希望别人在乎自己Someone to love with my life in their hands芸芸众生之中,找到自己人生中的挚爱There"s gotta be somebody for me, oh……一定会有一位红颜知己,为我守侯Nobody wants to do it all on their own因为没有人愿意独自去面对And everyone wants to know they"re not alone而且人人都想知道他们并非形单影孤There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere天地之间,一定会有人与我感同身受There"s gotta be somebody for me out there心中的她,正在那里为我守侯Nobody wants to be the last one there (when you"re looking for)因为没有人愿意甘居人后(当你正在寻觅)‘Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares (because you never know)因为人人都希望别人在乎自己(因为你永远不会明白)There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere (meke sure you"re holding on)天地之间,一定会有人与我感同身受(你能够依然坚持)There"s gotta be somebody for me out there心中的她,正在那里为我守侯
2023-07-18 02:10:041

gotta be somebody歌词。谢谢

Gotta Be Somebody——Nickelback   This time, I wonder what it feels like 这一次 我想知道那是什麼感觉 ?   To find the one in this life, the one we all dream of 为了找到这一生 我们追求的那一个人   But dreams just aren"t enough 但只是幻想是不够的   So I"ll be waiting for the real thing, 所以我会耐心等待 等待它成真   I"ll know it by the feeling 让我能够认出那个人   The moment when we"re meeting, 当我们相遇时   will play out like a scene 会像电影情节一般结束   Straight off the silver screen 从萤幕上退去   So I"ll be holding my own breath, right up "til the end 我会摒住呼吸 直到结束   Until that moment when, 直到那一刻   I find the one that I"ll spend forever with 我终於找到那追求已久的人   Cause nobody wants to be the last one there 人们都渴望不被遗忘   Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares 人们都希望能被珍惜   Someone to love with my life in their hands 一定有个人重视我跟我们的爱情   There"s gotta be somebody for me like that 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在   Cause nobody wants to do it all on their own 人们都渴望有有个人可以分担生活   And everyone wants to know they"re not alone 人们都希望不再寂寞   There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere 一定有个人跟我一样感同身受   There"s gotta be somebody for me out there 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在   Tonight, out on the street, out in the moonlight 今晚 就在月光照耀的街道上   And dammit this feels too right, 承认这感觉很美好吧   it"s just like deja vu 这场景仿佛似曾相识   Me standing here with you 在你身边的我   So I"ll be holding my own breath, 我屏息以待   could this be the end 能让世界在这美好的一刻结束吗 ?   Is it that moment when, 这就是那一刻吗 ?   I find the one that I"ll spend forever with 我终於找到那追求已久的人   Cause nobody wants to be the last one there 人们都渴望不被遗忘   Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares 人们都希望被珍   Someone to love with my life in their hands 一定有那个人重视我跟我们的爱情   There"s gotta be somebody for me like that 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在   Cause nobody wants to do it all on their own 人们都渴望有有个人可以分担生活   And everyone wants to know they"re not alone 人们都希望不再寂寞   There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere 一定有个人跟我一样感同身受   There"s gotta be somebody for me out there 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在   You can"t give up, whem you looking for a diamond in the rough 就像琢磨钻石 漫长艰辛 你不能放弃   (Becuz You never know) The wind shows up,   (make sure you"re holding on) 因为你从不知道 它将何时出现 把握那时刻吧   Cause it could be the one, the one you"re waiting on 它将是你所期待的   Cause nobody wants to be the last one there 人们都渴望不被遗忘   And everyone wants to feel like someone cares 人们都希望被珍惜   Someone to love with my life in their hands 一定有那个人重视我跟我们的爱情   There"s gotta be somebody for me, oh 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在   Nobody wants to do it all on their own 人们都渴望有有个人可以分担生活   And everyone wants to know they"re not alone 人们都希望不再寂寞   There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere 一定有个人跟我一样感同身受   There"s gotta be somebody for me out there 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在   Nobody wants to be the last one there 人们都渴望不被遗忘   Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares 人们都希望被珍惜   There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere 一定有个人跟我一样感同身受   There"s gotta be somebody for me out there 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在
2023-07-18 02:10:111

Gotta Be Somebody中文歌名

2023-07-18 02:10:182

Gotta Be Somebody这首歌用中文翻译过来是什么意思?

this time, i wonder what it feels like 这一次,又会是怎样的一种感觉?to find the one in this life, the one we all dream of 或许眼前的她正是那个让我梦寐以求的人...but dreams just aren"t enough 但若仅仅是梦想,却又远远不够.so i"ll be waiting for the real thing, 所以我一直在守候那一缕真实的感觉的出现,i"ll know it by the feeling 我相信我不会错过.the moment when we"re meeting,当我们相遇时,will play out like a scene straight off the silver screen 就像是电影里排演过一千零一次的情景.so i"ll be holding my own breath, 所以我才会屏住呼吸,静静的等待,right up "til the end until that moment when, 等待那一刻降临,i find the one that i"ll spend forever with 等待那个愿与我共度一生的人的出现.cause nobody wants to be the last one there 因为没有人想孤单一人,cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares 每个人都想被人关心,someone to love with my life in their hands 我只想找到一个我爱的人,执子之手.there"s gotta be somebody for me like that 茫茫人海中,一定会有这样一个"她".cause nobody wants to do it all on their own 因为没有人想孤独一生,and everyone wants to know they"re not alone 每个人都希望自己并不独行.there"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere 此时此刻,会有一个人与我感同身受,there"s gotta be somebody for me out there 茫茫人海中,一定会有这样一个"她".tonight, out on the street, out in the moonlight 也许就在今晚,铺满月光的街道上,and dammit this means too right, it"s just like deja vu 那似曾相识的场景,让我不敢相信,me standing here with you 而她就在我的身边.so i"ll be holding my own breath, 我不敢呼吸,could this be the end 祈祷寂寞的守候到此就会结束,is it that moment when, 幸福的闪电终于出现,i find the one that i"ll spend forever with 因为她就在我的身边.cause nobody wants to be the last one there 因为没有人想孤单一人,cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares 每个人都想被人关心,someone to love with my life in their hands 我只想找到一个我爱的人,执子之手.there"s gotta be somebody for me like that 茫茫人海中,一定会有这样一个"她".cause nobody wants to do it all on their own 因为没有人想孤独一生,and everyone wants to know they"re not alone 每个人都希望自己并不独行.there"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere 此时此刻,会有一个人与我感同身受,there"s gotta be somebody for me out there 茫茫人海中,一定会有这样一个"她". you can"t give up, 我不会放弃,looking for a diamond in the rough我知道她终会出现;the wind shows up,(make sure you"re holding on) 即便是狂风暴雨,我依然只会静静守候.cause it could be the one, the one you"re waiting on 因为若是为她,一切都值得.cause nobody wants to be the last one there 因为没有人想孤单一人,cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares 每个人都想被人关心,someone to love with my life in their hands 我只想找到一个我爱的人,执子之手.there"s gotta be somebody for me like that 茫茫人海中,一定会有这样一个"她".cause nobody wants to do it all on their own 因为没有人想孤独一生,and everyone wants to know they"re not alone 每个人都希望自己并不独行.there"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere 此时此刻,会有一个人与我感同身受,there"s gotta be somebody for me out there 茫茫人海中,一定会有这样一个"她".cause nobody wants to be the last one there 因为没有人想孤单一人,cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares 每个人都想被人关心, there"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere 此时此刻,会有一个人与我感同身受,there"s gotta be somebody for me out there 茫茫人海中,我会有这样一个"她"!
2023-07-18 02:10:261


Nickelback-Gotta be somebody 地址 歌词 nickelback - gotta be somebody lrc by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiang this time i wonder what it feels like to find the one in this life the one we all dream of but dreams just aren"t enough so i′ll be waiting for the real thing. i"ll know it by the feeling. the moment when we′re meeting will play out like a scene straight off the silver screen so i"ll be holdin" my breath right up to the end until that moment when i find the one that i"ll spend forever with "cause nobody wants to be the last one there. "cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares. someone to love with my life in their hands. there"s gotta be somebody for me like that. "cause nobody wants to go it on their own and everyone wants to know they′re not alone. somebody else that feels the same somewhere. there"s gotta be somebody for me out there. tonight out on the street out in the moonlight and damn it this feels too right it′s just like déjà vu me standin" here with you so i′ll be holdin"my breath could this be the end? is it that moment when i find the one that i spend forever with? "cause nobody wants to be the last one there "cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares. someone to love with my life in their hands. there′s gotta be somebody for me like that. "cause nobody wants to go it on their own and everyone wants to know they′re not alone. is there somebody else that feels the same somewhere? there"s gotta be somebody for me out there. you can′t give up! when you"re lookin′ for a diamond in the rough because you never know when it shows up make sure you′re holdin" on "cause it could be the one, the one you′re waiting on "cause nobody wants to be the last one there. and everyone wants to feel like someone cares. someone to love with my life in their hands. there has gotta be somebody for me nobody wants to go it on their own and everyone wants to know they′re not alone. is there somebody else that feels the same somewhere? there "s gotta be somebody for me out there. nobody wants to be the last one there and everyone wants to feel like someone cares. is there somebody else that feels the same somewhere? there has gotta be somebody for me out there
2023-07-18 02:10:332

Gotta Be Somebody

2023-07-18 02:10:536

求高手 Nickelback-Gotta be somebody歌词翻译

Gotta Be Somebody-nickelback This time, I wonder what it feels like To find the one in this life, the one we all dream of But dreams just aren"t enough So I"ll be waiting for the real thing, I"ll know it by the feeling The moment when we"re meeting, will play out like a scene Straight off the silver screen So I"ll be holding my own breath, right up "til the end Until that moment when, I find the one that I"ll spend forever with 这一次,我想知道是什么感觉 为了找到这一生,我们所拥有的梦想 但现在仅仅只是个梦想 所以要等候它实现的时候, 我就知道它的感觉 我们像一个玩的筋疲力尽的小鹿 我们需要喘息 所以我要带着我的呼吸,直到结束 直到那一刻, 我找到这种感觉了,直到永远 Cause nobody wants to be the last one there Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares Someone to love with my life in their hands There"s gotta be somebody for me like that Cause nobody wants to do it all on their own And everyone wants to know they"re not alone There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere There"s gotta be somebody for me out there 没有人想成为最后一个 因为每个人都关心他的人 每个人的命运在自己手里 还有别人为我 没人愿意做事业都靠自己 每个人都要知道,他们就不会感到孤独 有其他人认为相同的地方 那一定是不属于这个地方 Tonight, out on the street, out in the moonlight And dammit this means too right, it"s just like deja vu Me standing here with you So I"ll be holding my own breath, could this be the end Is it that moment when, I find the one that I"ll spend forever with 今晚,露宿街头,在月光下 这句话太棒了 它就像似曾相识 我只喜欢与你在一起时的感觉 所以我要留住这种感觉, 这可能是结局 直到那一刻, 我找到这种感觉了,直到永远 Cause nobody wants to be the last one there Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares Someone to love with my life in their hands There"s gotta be somebody for me like that Cause nobody wants to do it all on their own And everyone wants to know they"re not alone There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere There"s gotta be somebody for me out there 没有人想成为最后一个 因为每个人都关心他 每个人的命运在自己手里 还有别人为我 没人愿意做事都靠自己 每个人都要知道,他们就不会感到孤独 有人不这样认为的话 那一定是不属于这个地方 You can"t give up, looking for a diamond in the rough The wind shows up, (make sure you"re holding on) Cause it could be the one, the one you"re waiting on Cause nobody wants to be the last one there And everyone wants to feel like someone cares Someone to love with my life in their hands There"s gotta be somebody for me, oh 你不能放弃,寻找一颗未经雕琢的钻石 风的出现,确保你的坚持 原因可能是其中之一,你还在等待 没有人想成为最后一个 因为每个人都关心他 每个人的命运在自己手里 这可以使我出人头地 Nobody wants to do it all on their own And everyone wants to know they"re not alone There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere There"s gotta be somebody for me out there Nobody wants to be the last one there Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere There"s gotta be somebody for me out there 没人愿意做所有的事情 每个人都想要知道,他们不会孤独 有其他人认为相同的地方 那一定是不属于这个地方 没有人想过去的人站在那里 因为每个人都让他感到有人关心他 有其他人认为相同的地方 那一定是不属于这个地方这个事翻译得最棒的了
2023-07-18 02:11:081


●—★【近期最佳推荐歌曲TOP.6 】★—● ●.NO.1【 Gotta Be Somebody-Nickelback 】 ★星评:〖★★★★☆〗-4星. ∮评价:美国Billboard榜单上最新串上去的歌曲。`很有实力啊。歌曲本身节奏有劲!感觉非常的强!相信黑色。相信你的耳朵!这就是欧美。这就是流行! ¢感觉:越听越好听的一首歌!太棒!! ●.NO.2【 The pussycat dolls-when i grow up 】 ★星评:〖★★★★☆〗-4星. ∮评价:节奏超棒的一首歌曲。哈哈。没有别人。正是小野猫。她们这次整张专辑都有一种“强”的感觉。已强节奏为主!非常的动感!希望喜欢“强”的朋友会喜欢! ¢感觉:酷得不能再酷了。做手机铃声很棒。我试过了。哈哈~ ●.NO.3【 Mario-How do i breathe 】[此歌由网友 (64 .愚昧" 提供] ★星评:〖★★★★☆〗-4星. ∮评价:你们其实不只是听众。你们可以自己做主!这首歌曲是又热心的友友推荐的。他很努力!找了很多好听的歌曲!我选了一首最最经典的!在此再次感谢所有支持黑色的朋友!谢谢你们! ¢感觉:非常棒的一首R&B歌曲!绝对的好听!强烈推荐! ●.NO.4【 Aerosmith-I don"t want to miss a thing 】 ★星评:〖★★★★☆〗-4星. ∮评价:我发现其实很多欧美大片中的歌曲都非常的好听。这首歌曲就是在欧美科幻电影〈世界末日〉中找到的!不好听我把命给你!什么都不说了。听了你就会明白我为什么会把它弄上TOP! ¢感觉:我就喜欢这样中间节奏听了都会让人全身发毛的歌曲!经典~~ ●.NO.5【 Don"t Know Why - Norah Jones 】 ★星评:〖★★★★☆〗-4星. ∮评价:其实说真的。我一直非常喜欢听这样类型的歌曲!我也希望大家经常来我这里听歌能够提升一下自己的欣赏水平!多听听这样的歌。百益而无一害!真的! ¢感觉:一杯红酒加上灰暗的灯光。听着此歌。就算是一个人。也觉得世界完美了~ ●.NO.6【 Gwen stefani - the sweet escape 】 ★星评:〖★★★★☆〗-4星. ∮评价:哈哈。不错的一首歌。非常喜欢她唱得很快的那一段。你听了就会知道`。而且高潮部分的节奏有点像“雨中漫步”的感觉。呵呵`难道又是恋爱的感觉?不好说~~~ ¢感觉:节奏超棒~~旋律很吸引人~~值得搜藏噢~~~ ●. ◆◇◆◇◆◆◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇最新更新【2008年10月1日】★⌒◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇ ●.【 We Belong Together-Mariah Carey 】 评价:非常清缓舒柔的一首R&B歌曲~节奏很经典`。闭上眼睛静静的欣赏。非常的有感觉! 感觉:感觉很好~恋爱的感觉~ ●.【 Amarantine-Enya 】 评价:超好听的一首天籁~~其实我听过很多天籁`。但觉得有些天籁吧节奏有点太过于清。就变得单调了。这首ENYA的Amarantine清得恰到好处!节奏非常的棒!很好听的一首慢歌! 感觉:实属经典的慢歌! ●.【 Christina Aguilera-Keeps Getting" Better 】 评价:美国Billboard音乐单曲榜的榜上歌曲。`最新的噢。`节奏很棒``总感觉很熟悉~但又说不出哪儿听过。别误会~真的是最最新的欧美歌曲~呵呵。 感觉:超经典的强节奏歌曲~`好听好听`。呵呵 ●.【 Kevin Rudolf / Lil Wayne-Let It Rock 】 评价:依然是一首强节奏的歌曲`。只不过在强节奏中有一种空灵的感觉`。高潮旋律很经典!值得听听! 感觉:依然是美国Billboard音乐单曲榜的榜上歌曲。最新的欧美劲歌。强烈建议听听!~我们得更着潮流走嘛`! ●.【 chris daughtry-what about now 】 评价:听前奏就知道是首很好听的歌曲吧。哈哈`其实我早就在听了。只是忘了分享给大家。好好好打我打我~~别忘了听噢。! 感觉:又是一首经典的英文歌。大家还喜欢吧? ●.【 paper cut-vanessa hudgens 】 评价:我很喜欢这首歌前面的那种敲打声。。。仿佛每一下都可以敲进你的心灵。。勾起你最难忘的往事!听起这首歌。你想起了谁`? 感觉:让人回忆的一首歌。 ●.【 On the Line-Jonas Brothers 】 评价:很经典的欧美最新爱情对唱歌曲。`具体是谁我就不说啦`。节约时间`。很好听哟。上了Billboard音乐榜噢。绝对不忽悠~~~ 感觉:很好听的欧美最新情歌对唱~ [由于太新了。难找。所以给个试听下载地址] 试听下载 ●.【 Check Yes Juliet-We The Kings 】 评价:这首歌是在AT40上找到的。节奏很振奋人心的一首歌。我一直都喜欢此类的歌曲!又被我找到了一首。哈哈。。。 感觉:打起勇气面对生活!加油! ●.【 Bottle Pop-Pussycat Dolls 】 评价:小野猫最新的歌曲。我发现她们的歌是越来越酷了。。。哈哈。新专辑好像整张都是此类的歌曲。一个字:酷! 感觉:超有感觉的强节奏RAP。节奏太酷了! [由于太新了。难找。所以给个试听下载地址] 试听下载 ●.【 Better In Time-Leona Lewis 】 评价:不错的一首慢节奏歌曲。旋律很经典。所以被我搜出来了。呵呵`听听就知道喜欢不喜欢啦。 感觉:好听得就剩两个字了。。。好听! ●.【 Regina Spektor-The Call 】 评价:这首歌是我在看《纳尼亚传奇Ⅱ》的时候听到的片尾曲!片中4个小主人公再次回到了传奇的世界。纳尼亚。而最后分离的时候放出了这首歌。很感动~~真的~~ 感觉:或许要等大家看过电影才能体会到那种感觉~~~ ●.【 katy perry-fingerprints 】 评价:大家看到了`.写日志这么久以来这首歌是第一个五星.足可说明这首歌的经典!可能你听到前面部分会以为我是不是吃错药了`.别以为这首歌不怎么样!曾经在USA.Billboard榜的一位音乐人评价这首歌它:“会让你坠落的心再次飞起来!”超强推荐! 感觉:超振奋人心的一首歌`.随着歌曲的高潮部分内心都会澎湃啊! ●.【 Ne-Yo-Closer 】 评价:很有节奏感的一首歌曲~这个Ne-Yo是现在欧美乐坛上的红人哟`.非常杰出的黑人歌手!这首Closer非常的有感觉!旋律很耐听!我听了N遍依然觉得很好听!哈哈! 感觉:非常的有节奏感!旋律不是一般的经典!超棒! ●.【 Katy Perry-Hot N Cold 】 评价:听前奏你肯定以为这是首老歌。错错错!这可是最近才出的新歌.只不过前奏的风格有些“复古”哈哈.非常好听的一首歌!听了绝对不后悔!Katy Perry又一首经典歌曲! 感觉:强烈的节奏感仿佛带动着你的心! ●.【 Colby O"Donis Ft. Akon-What You Got (Main) 】 评价:非常好听的英文歌~节奏我很喜欢!说实在的。我感觉很特别~`听男歌手的声音有点像“蛋糕RAP”欧美新出的词语.形容声音很甜很腻的人唱歌或者唱RAP~~感觉很棒!推荐! 感觉:节奏经典`。旋律好听!特别是有阿肯在~哈哈 ●.【 Jordin Sparks-One Step At A Time 】 评价:最近好像搜的歌节奏都比较强烈`。但也不能怪我吖.没办法`.最近欧美就流行这些~所以我们就随着潮流走吧`。同样是一首节奏经典`.很又感觉的一首歌曲!很好听的噢~~ 感觉:我很喜欢它的节奏~还有那个高跟鞋的声音`。哈哈! ●.【 David Archuleta-Crush 】 评价:慢节奏的一首歌~动静结合嘛`呵呵`。上面的歌大多都是快节奏`。接下来是几首慢节奏的歌曲了`。这首Crush是08下半年最新的歌曲`。非常好听 。不信`。听听看吧`。呵呵! 感觉:很好听~很好听的好听!推荐! ●.【 Angel-sarah 】 评价:慢歌```很慢很慢的歌!或许听到这首歌的时候你的内心会很平静。会想念。会回忆。或许你心中的Angel一直都在你身边!看看你的生活。看看你的身边。去珍惜吧! 感觉:会唱到你的内心深处。触动了某些东西。再一回神。已泪流满面... ... ●.【 You Raise Me Up-Westlife 】 评价:西城经典中找出的更经典!超级好听的一首慢歌`。很感动。不知道是什么?相爱的人。也许相隔天涯。但你们的心在一起!上帝会祝福你们的爱永恒! 感觉:无比的感动中!非常经典!!!! ●.【 Colbie Caillat-Realize 】 评价:每次听到这首歌就会莫名的想到王力宏的大城小爱`.不知道为什么。呵呵`。可能两歌的感觉有些像吧`。我觉得这首英文歌有一些中国的东西在里面 。却说不上是什么`。也许就是感觉吧! 感觉:很好听的一首清淡歌曲`。调节心情很棒! ●.【 Delta Goodrem-Lost Without You 】 评价:很经典的一首歌。我搜歌的时候无意中听到的`。非常的好听!前面已经更新出来了`。后来才发现真的很好听。所以登上了`TOP.10!支持支持噢~!~ 感觉:声音很舒服~.高潮也很经典! ●.【 Too much-spice girls 】 评价:辣妹又一首好听的歌~~其实对她们的歌还喜欢啦。只是最近好像没有怎么关注她们!这首TOO MUCH可是上过美国公告牌音乐榜TOP.10噢。以前看到过.只是最近把这首歌给忘了~呵呵!非常舒缓的一首歌曲!值得一听! 感觉:似乎大概好像有种幸福的感觉噢~~呵呵 ●.【 Lene Marlin-Sitting Down Here 】 评价:很容易就会喜欢上的一首歌曲`。因为节奏很棒。旋律很吸引人!~有种浪漫爱情就在眼前的感觉~刚从TOP.3光荣下岗`。没听过的朋友赶快噢。` 感觉:轻快.阳光.有活力~ ●.【 Forever-Claude Kelly 】 评价:感觉超棒我一首R&B`.唱功很了得的一位歌手`。这首Forever节奏舒缓.有一种闭上眼睛就会无意间回到过去的感觉.感觉奇妙`。值得一听! 感觉:点点的悲伤.点点的欣慰.感觉很棒! ●.【 nobody s fool-艾薇儿 】 评价:小艾很好听的一首歌。大家知道小艾摇滚比较KO。她的歌好像都是很HI的噢。前面的RAP很酷噢。呵呵`。副歌部分节奏也很经典噢。很好听的旋律`。给人感觉很舒服! 感觉:啦啦啦~啦啦啦~别以为我发情了.汗.只是想跟着小艾的节奏哼哼呢. ●.【 A new day has come-celine dion 】 评价:魔兽世界的主题曲。很有感觉的一首歌曲!女歌手的声音很舒服!是不是觉得女声很熟悉?哈哈。猜对啦。她就是鼎鼎大名的席琳·狄翁!别跟我说你不知道她(除非你承认你是从太阳上来的!)经典的歌曲!不听绝对后悔! 感觉:十分非常以及特别的带劲! ●.【 Over You-Chris Daughtry 】 评价:Chris Daughtry还唱过《越狱》的主题曲《Is"not over》噢.这首歌也是同一张专集的歌!很好听~~不听的话你真的是损失了!绝对经典! 感觉:听这首歌的时候真想去狂跑一下! ●.【 Miley cyrus-7 things 】 评价:曾经上过美国告示牌音乐榜的TOP10哟...好不好听不用我说咯吧.很有节奏的摇滚歌曲!爽到你吐血~ 感觉:强烈的节奏感! ●.【 Breakout-miley cyrus 】 评价:哈哈.上面那首好听吧?别急...再给你介绍一首!同样是miley cyrus的.她的唱功不错哟.对咯.告诉你一个秘密!她今年还不满16岁!哈哈.不相信?自己去查查吧!美国最红的最年轻的歌手miley cyrus! 感觉:好听好听~再来十首还是好听! ●.【 Miley cyrus-full circle 】 评价:哇...连着三首同样是一个人的歌...这样的情况在以前还没出现过噢。这次是特例!刚听了她上美国公告牌杂志音乐榜最佳专辑.所以去选出了3首好听的!呵呵~~赶快听吧! 感觉:这首歌感觉也很不错~~总是那么有节奏! ●.【 Ne yo、closer-main 】 评价:非常有节奏的一首歌~~我发现我搜的歌都是比较有节奏的噢~属于一听就爱的那种~呵呵 因为我本人也没什么耐心听过几千几万遍后才听出好听。。。这首非常不错的歌曲介绍给大家! 感觉:经典的节奏!经典的嗓音! ●.【 Black Eyed Peas-Where is the love 】 评价:喂~~千万不要被前奏古怪的RAP吓到了...这首歌不只是一首简单的说唱歌曲噢~~很好听的!我什么时候给大家介绍过不好听的歌曲吖?相信我...听下去!你会有发现的! 感觉:经典的说唱歌曲! ●.【 Jo De La Rosa-Letting Go 】 评价:非常好听+经典的抒情歌曲!女生100个中估计有101个都喜欢!何况我这个男生了.绝对不忽悠!抓紧时间听吧~~最好再下载下来~天天听~夜夜听~听死为止! 感觉:太棒太棒~~不知道怎么形容了! 地址:这首歌百度找不到.所以给一个IE下载地址 ●.【 Breathless-shayne ward 】 评价:声音非常干净好听~这首歌是他的成名曲!绝对性的好听!我黑色不会给大家介绍不好听的歌。相信我! 感觉:终于听到了男声版的天籁之音! 地址:有几个版本的.怕大家听错给个地址 ●. 【 Avril Lavigne-Nobody s Home 】 评价:小艾啊小艾~~~为什么你的歌这么有魅力呢?又好听~人漂亮。声音又有特色~~我怀疑你不是地球人吧? 感觉:非常好听的一首歌! ●. 【 Bring me to life-evanescence 】 评价:我发觉EVANESCENCE的歌总是那么的酷!我非常喜欢她的摇滚!是喜欢爆了的喜欢! 感觉:感觉非常棒!超好听! ●. 【 Nelly&kelly rowland-Dilemma 】 评价:说唱和R&B完美的结合!虽然这样的唱法现在很流行!我们可以听到很多这样的唱法~但是要节奏经典却不是一件易事!这首就是经典中的一首! 感觉:爽~节奏很棒! 地址:百度不好找。给个地址下下 ●. 【 Rihanna-Take A Bow 】 评价:我相信这首歌很多朋友都听过吧?因为很好听。在内地好像很红似的。在很多网站看到过。不知道有没有没听过的朋友!没听过的话赶快噢。! 感觉:非常棒的R&B节奏! ●.【 Jonas Brothers-When You Look Me In The Eyes 】 评价:这首歌虽然算不上新歌.但真的真的好听.听着这首歌就好像刚刚看过了一部完美的爱情电影.结局是那么的完美.男主角和女主角最终走到了一起.想想你的爱情结局也会是这样吗?答案.就在这首歌的感觉里! 感觉:很经典的.感觉很好的.期待中的爱.什么时候才会完美! ●. 【 Bullet for my valentine-Hand of blood 】 评价:是我迄今为止在这个世界上听到的最好听的咆哮摇滚.虽然可能有些朋友因为中西方文化差异而接受不了这样的“疯狂”.但犹如我上面所讲的.欣赏和不欣赏.关键在你自己!呵呵~ 感觉:听过百万遍后依然疯狂的感觉~ ●. 【 Pink-So What 】 评价:美国Billboard单曲榜排行第三的一首歌曲.说真的第一和第二我都觉得不怎么样.可能是个人喜好的关系吧.我觉得这首不错.所有介绍给大家了.呵呵.节奏感很强.超喜欢~相信你们也是~~赶快吧.好好听噢~ 感觉:火热的激情.从她的声音中散发.其实她有点调皮`哈哈 ●. 【 Timbaland-Apologize 】 评价:刚从TOP3下来的经典歌曲.估计有的朋友听过了.非常经典的慢歌.还算新吧.值得收藏! 感觉:悲中带喜.喜中带悲.似喜非喜.似悲非悲.这首歌有一种魔力仿佛牵动着你的心! ●. 【 Gwen stefani-The sweet escape Feat Akon 】 评价:我自己都发现最近好像找得歌都比较阳光.呵呵.可能是最近中秋节心情愉快吧.呵呵.不过一首快节奏英文歌.值得一听! 感觉:好听好听.让我联想到雨中漫步的情景.恋爱中的朋友千万别错过咯! ●. 【 The pussycat dolls-buttons 】 评价:超具个性的一首歌.有点希腊的乐风在里面噢。因为我突然想起了木乃伊.说多也顶不上三个字:很好听! 感觉:酷叻.比较有个性~~ ●. 【 Leona lewis-Bleeding love 】 评价:一首很经典的R&B歌曲.刚从我的TOP3下来.确实是一首很好听的歌.百听不厌烦! 感觉:能感觉到爱情的滋味在蔓延~ ●. 【 Bon Jovi-it s my life 】 评价:喜欢CS的朋友肯定听过这首歌吧.很经典的一首摇滚歌曲.充满激情活力!也是才从TOP3下来.呵呵本人很喜欢.不知道个位喜欢不了。 感觉:感觉很棒.世界好像都美好了~~ ●. 【 Mariah carey-bye bye 】 评价:节奏、声音.都让我一直想听下去!我相信大家可能很多都听过这首歌.太好听了.没听过的话赶紧! 感觉:轻快.浪漫.棒! ●. 【 Chris brown-Forever 】【推荐】 评价:美国Billboard音乐榜单歌曲.听时会有非常棒的感觉.很好听! 感觉:希望就在眼前~生活是美好的~~ ●. 【 Donna lewis-I could be the one 】 评价:很适合做手机铃声.超具节奏感.让你血液都都动起来~~且节奏很好听! 感觉:舞动.有节奏.好听! ●. 【 Katy perry-I kissed a girl 】 评价:美国Billboard音乐榜单曲排行第一的歌曲.很耐听.很有节奏! 感觉:跟着节奏点头~ ●. 【 Linkin Park-In the end 】 评价:这首说唱歌曲在我手机里呆了很久了。被一一筛选都舍不得删掉~~太好听了! 感觉:欧美.酷酷的。特别是边听边在街上走~ ●. 【 Jesse mccartney Leavin" 】【推荐】 评价:节奏很有趣.简单但非常的好听~轻快的`.让人听起来很舒服~ 感觉:爱情~生活~都很美好~呵呵! ●. 【 Linkin park-Numb 】 评价:林肯的歌很多都很好听.再介绍一首~~呵呵.好不好听我不多说`听了就知道! 感觉:疯狂.好听.酷酷的 ●. 【 Simple plan-No Love 】【推荐】【精华】 评价:很好听`超好听!非常好听!.希望~信心~勇气~全在这首歌里!跌倒了.再重新站起来! 感觉:听了混身有劲~~~加油! ●. 【 Linkin park - a place for my head 】【推荐】 评价:让我把手机摔了也舍不得删的歌~唱得太酷了。前面的RAP就很酷了~别急.听到1分50秒的时候 才是最酷的.爆发了.就想憋在你心里的怒~!!太爽了! 感觉:疯狂.超经典.爆发~~ ●. 【 Leona Lewis-Yesterday 】【推荐】 评价:爆好听.好听爆了的抒情R&B歌曲.不听你简直白活了。。 感觉:无与伦比的好听!!!!!!! ●. 【 Patrick Nuo-Five Days 】【推荐】 评价:节奏轻快.让人激动~~有劲!且旋律很好听~~听了绝对不后悔! 感觉:听着脑袋就不听话的点起来了。。 ●.【 Akon-Don"t Matter 】 评价:很调皮的一首歌.Akon相信大家都比较熟悉了.以前一直听他的说唱.那天第一次听到他的慢歌.原来也这么赞.呵呵特此推荐给大家!个人觉得这首歌放在空间里非常的有感觉.呵呵! 感觉:感觉回到了小时候一样喔.呵呵~不知道...你还记得你青涩的初恋吗? ●. 【 Paper Cut-Vanessa Hudgens 】 评价:节奏舒缓的一首歌曲.女歌手的声线很独特.歌曲中那一下下的敲打真的给人一种很复杂的感受!呵呵`。大家去听一下吧! 感觉:好听的R&B~! ●. 【 Linkin Park-Breaking the habit 】 评价:正如我所说的.我爱LINKIN PARK 哈哈。所以再给上一首!不用担心!好听的歌是不会听腻的!这首绝对经典! 感觉:飙车听这首歌曲肯定很爽! ●. 【 Linkin park -faint 】 评价:接下来是林肯的.林肯现在可是红得发紫了~没办法。谁让他们那么酷呢~~~他们的歌是我听过的摇滚中最有感觉的! 感觉:这首Faint介绍给你!不错的摇滚! ●. 【 Jay sean-stolen 】 评价:超有感觉的一首歌~~~男歌手的声音很性感~哈哈。`妹妹们是不是想听下下.整首歌曲都很耐听! 感觉:酷酷的经典!棒! ●.【 Kelly Clarkson-Because of You 】 评价:哈哈~这首歌以前在小刀(就是一把小刀)的手机上听到过~觉得还不错.今天无意在公告牌上看到了.所以自然得介绍给大家咯~呵呵!很经典哦! 感觉:好听好听~~高潮很经典! ●.【 To be with you-westlife 】 评价:抱歉抱歉~~我记性不太好~我记得我上上上个月就想把这首歌放进来~~结果一忘再忘再再忘.实在对不起广大听众啊.现在还不算晚~西城不错的一首歌! 感觉:节奏很经典噢~~To be with you~~~~~ ●. 【 Def Leppard-Long Long Way To Go 】【推荐】 感觉:经典的慢歌.悲悲的.却是很不屑的感觉中带点无奈.让人想起童年往事... ...你的小时候?也那么倔强吗? 评价:个性.经典的节奏.不容错过! ●. 【 Westlife-Soledad 】 评价:听前奏就知道很经典很经典了。确实很好听`。西城经典中的一首`。很好听! 感觉:很舒缓浪漫的节奏`让人感觉很好~ ●. 【 Sum41-the hell song 】 评价:Sum41的歌很多都好听.我随便介绍一首.这首ROCK节奏很棒.很好听.推荐给大家!喜欢摇滚的别错过! 感觉:超快感.有精神! 资料出自百度
2023-07-18 02:11:161


2023-07-18 02:11:263

Be somebody 英文歌的中英对照的歌词,会采纳

Gotta Be Somebody This time, I wonder what it feels like这一次我想知道是何种感受To find the one in this life找到一生所爱the one we all dream of一位梦寐以求的爱人But dreams just aren"t enough但只有梦想是远远不够的So I"ll be waiting for the real thing所以我会一直等待,直到真爱降临I"ll know it by the feeling直觉告诉我The moment when we"re meeting你我萍水相逢之时will play out like a scene宛若上演的一出戏Straight off the silver screen跃然于银幕之上So I"ll be holding my own breath于是我屏住呼吸right up "til the end直到结束Until that moment when I find the one that I"ll spend forever with直到那一刻,我找到伴我终生的爱侣"Cause nobody wants to be the last one there因为没有人原因甘居人后"Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares因为人人都希望别人在乎自己Someone to love with my life in their hands芸芸众生之中,找到自己人生中的挚爱There"s gotta be somebody for me like that一定会有一位红颜知己,为我守侯"Cause nobody wants to do it all on their own因为没有人愿意独自去面对And everyone wants to know they"re not alone而且人人都想知道他们并非形单影孤There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere天地之间,一定会有人与我感同身受There"s gotta be somebody for me out there心中的她,正在那里为我守侯Tonight, out on the street, out in the moonlight今夜的户外,在大街上,在月光中And dammit this means too right一切都那么美轮美奂it"s just like deja vu好象似曾相识Me standing here with you我与你站在一起So I"ll be holding my own breath所以我屏住呼吸could this be the end这会结束吗?Is it that moment when I find the one that I"ll spend forever with找到伴我终生的爱侣的时刻到了吗?"Cause nobody wants to be the last one there因为没有人愿意甘居人后"Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares因为人人都希望别人在乎自己
2023-07-18 02:11:341


Don"t cry for me Argentina.
2023-07-18 02:11:444


2023-07-18 02:11:523


2023-07-18 02:11:592


Ring ding dong 听听。
2023-07-18 02:12:084


<<Free Loop>>Daniel Powter<<You Never Know (Extended Mix)>>Solid Base <<Gotta be somebody>>Nickelbac
2023-07-18 02:12:273

求新浪足球背景音乐?? 越多越好 ,

2023-07-18 02:12:443

问一些摇滚乐队的 鼓声比较重的 音乐 。

鼓重???重金属吗?飙车健身时,还是比较适合听重金属的,你试试都是很劲爆的:1.罗柏僵尸——Superbeast ——Dead Girl Superstar ——Dragula Rob Zombie基本上是工业金属,然后掺合一些其他的元素,另外他的音乐,掺有恐怖电影的一些元素,风格很嚣张。很过瘾。推荐第一首。放着这首歌玩魔兽超刺激。 2.rammstein(德国 战车)——Ich Will ——Sehnsucht ——Asche Zu Asche ——Du Hast ——Engel 我最喜欢的乐队就是战车啦,记得是我听过的第一支金属乐就是这个乐队,Sehnsucht和Engel个人很喜欢。同样为工业金属。 3.Pain——Zombie Slam —— Shut Your Mouth ——Not Afraid To Die 关于这个乐队,知道的很少,但他的歌真的不错,第一首力推,有着极强的压迫感,金属味道很浓重。 4.Linkin Park(林肯公园)——Numb ——What I"ve Done(变形金刚主题曲哦) 林肯公园勿需我介绍了,应该相当熟悉吧。时下很多肥猪瘤们的偶像。 5.korn ——Word up! 他的歌我就觉得这一首好听- -...很嬉皮的感觉,还有有时间看看这首歌的视频,哈哈,很搞笑哦。 6.Megadeth ——Hangar 18 节奏赞! 7.Metallica ——The Day That Never Comes ——Enter Sandman ——Death Magnetic喜欢金属的朋友们应该都无人不晓的乐队,个人比较喜欢第一首。这两首相比本人更喜欢第三首-3-第三首新歌,不错哦。8.绿日 乐队(Green Day) ——Holiday ——Boulevard of Broken Dreams ——Basket Case ——Wake Me Up When September Ends 他的歌大多很励志也是我最喜欢的乐队之一,第一首超赞,我超稀饭,第二首也不错,第三首第四首看个人喜好吧。 9.Lordi——Hard Rock Hallelujah 前奏不错 10.Sum 41 ——In too deep 听听看是不是和绿日的风格有点像呢?我很喜欢这种风格。 11.Dragonforce——Through the Fire and Flames ——The World Will Be Better ——Emerald Sword 这个乐队我不得不说——速度金属,顶第一首,听前奏...是不是很速度啊?哈哈,第三首好像是俄罗斯海军之歌,他们的风格就是大气,速度。速度狂人必备。PS:主唱的嗓音太尖,受不了... 12.Fireflight ——Unbreakable 难得的女声金属哦,KEY很高,一般人唱不下来...但这首歌无敌啊,好听呀。 我推荐的歌最好到“搜狗音乐”去找,百度太少了,有些找不到,那里的歌较全。 恩......好了,就这样,另外德国战车是德语不是英语。有问题给我发消息。
2023-07-18 02:12:541

CCTV5背景插曲 有多少写多少

The Souls Of Distortion是吉他大师Joe Satriani的,这首曲子收录在《2004 - Is There Love In Space》这张专辑★天下足球开篇曲★ 1 Don"t turn off the light--Enrique Iglesias ★天下足球片尾曲★ 2 Amorphis - Day Of Your Beliefs 3 Yellow--Coldplay 4 When you say nothing at all--Ronan Keating 5 You wanted more--A-ha 6 Do I have to cry for you--Nick Carter 7 Sixpack Full Of Happiness--Fury in the Slaughterhouse ★五佳、十大系列★ 8 Right here right now--Fatboy slim——五佳进球背景配乐 9 Unbreakable--Westlife——天下足球Top10结束歌曲 10 10大进球背景音乐 (特别推荐) 11 10大扑救背景音乐 ★绝对巨星★ 12 Better man--Robbie Williams——忧郁王子:罗伯特·巴乔 13 I will always return--Bryan Adams——深蓝王子:马尔蒂尼 14 Angel--Sarah Mclachlan——战神:巴蒂斯图塔 15 Stand by me--Oasis——风之子:卡尼吉亚 16 Long long way to go--Def Leppard——范·巴斯腾 17 You took my heart away--Michael Learns to Rock——皮耶罗 ★看球听歌★ 18 Heal the world--Michael Jackson——我们热爱足球,我们关心天下 19 Never grow old--The Cranberries——献给浪漫不羁,充满质感,不屈,无所不能的罗伯特·巴乔 20 美丽心情--本多RURU——八月份一期纪念巴乔的专题 21 别走--许美静——巴乔告别MTV里的音乐 22 Don"t go away--Oasis——勇退的球星 23 Quand je pence a tol--Annie Pratt——当我想起你时 24 A number on my back--John Williamson——我背后的号码 25 When you believe--Mariah Carey与Whitney Houston的合唱——献给中国女足姑娘们的歌 26 现在到永远--高旗——现在到永远 27 Forca--Nelly Furtado——2004欧锦赛主会歌 28 Here I am--Bryan Adams——韩日世界杯后那个赛季的五大联赛开篇曲 29 Everything I do,I do it for you--Bryan Adams——欧洲五大联赛开篇曲 30 You"ll Be In My Heart--Phil Collins——送给偏好13号的AC米兰和意大利国家队中后卫内斯塔 31 阳光总在风雨后--许美静——劳尔专题 32 Live For Love United--来自45位超级球星的共同演绎 33 Pazza Inter——国米新队歌 34 All for love--Bryan Adams——12/20/04天下足球的插曲 35 豪门盛宴--高旗——欧洲杯专题节目“豪门盛宴”主题歌 36 Short Trip Home--马友友——天下足球世界杯专题之“橙色记忆-荷兰”背景音乐 ★其他★ 37 Hero--Enrique Iglesias——韩日世界杯期间在央视的专题节目中多次出现的背景音乐 38 Dying in the sun--The Cranberries——韩日世界杯上送走法国、葡萄牙、阿根廷、意大利时令人心碎的歌 39 I will always return--Bryan Adams——为降级的西汉姆联(绝对巨星深蓝王子:马尔蒂尼里也放过这首歌) 40 World of our own--Westlife——爱尔兰国家队在结束他们的世界杯之旅回国后受到热烈欢迎。 在欢迎他们回国的演出活动上,来自爱尔兰的西城男孩为他们的球队演唱了“world of our own” 41 Moment of glory--Scorpions——2002世界杯期间,在英格兰和阿根廷比赛过后还有巴西夺冠后播过一首很好听的歌曲 42 Kowloon,Hong Kong--潘迪华——12/06/04天下足球“花絮”里面用的背景歌曲 43 罗纳尔迪尼奥精彩集锦的背景音乐——天下足球之罗纳尔迪尼奥精彩集锦的背景音乐 44 爱的代价--李宗盛(原词曲作者演唱版)——12/13/04天下足球特别专题“别了丰田杯”的背景歌曲 曲目: 1. Don"t turn off the light Enrique Ig 2. Amorphis Day Of Your Beliefs 3. Yellow Coldplay 4. When you say nothing at all Ronan 5. You wanted more A ha 6. Do I have to cry for you Nick Cart 7. Happiness Sixpack Full Of Fury in 8. Right here right now Fatboy sli 9. Unbreakable Westlife 10. 10大进球背景音乐 11. 10大扑救背景音乐 12. Better man Robbie Williams 13. I will always return Bryan Adams 14. Angel Sarah Mclachlan 15. Stand by me Oasis 16. Long long way to go Def Leppard 17. You took my heart away Michael Lea 18. Heal the world Michael Jackson 19. Never grow old The Cranberries 20. 美丽心情 本多RURU 21. 别走 许美静 22. Don"t go away Oasis 23. Annie Quand je pence a tol Pratt 24. A number on my back John Willia 25. When you believe Mariah Carey Whit 26. 现在到永远 高旗 27. Forca Nelly Furtado 28. I Here am Bryan Adams 29. Everything I do,I do it for you Br 30. Be You"ll In My Heart Phil Collins 31. 阳光总在风雨后 许美静 32. Love Live For United 33. Pazza Inter——国米新队歌 34. All for love Bryan Adams 35. 36. Home Short Trip 马友友 37. Hero Enrique Iglesias 38. Dying in the sun The Cranberries 39. World of our own Westlife 40. Moment of glory Scorpions 41. Kong Kowloon Hong ★天下足球开篇曲★ 1 Don"t turn off the light--Enrique Iglesias ★天下足球片尾曲★ 2 Amorphis - Day Of Your Beliefs 3 Yellow--Coldplay 4 When you say nothing at all--Ronan Keating 5 You wanted more--A-ha 6 Do I have to cry for you--Nick Carter 7 Sixpack Full Of Happiness--Fury in the Slaughterhouse ★五佳、十大系列★ 8 Right here right now--Fatboy slim——五佳进球背景配乐 9 Unbreakable--Westlife——天下足球Top10结束歌曲 10 10大进球背景音乐 (特别推荐) 11 10大扑救背景音乐 ★绝对巨星★ 12 Better man--Robbie Williams——忧郁王子:罗伯特·巴乔 13 I will always return--Bryan Adams——深蓝王子:马尔蒂尼 14 Angel--Sarah Mclachlan——战神:巴蒂斯图塔 15 Stand by me--Oasis——风之子:卡尼吉亚 16 Long long way to go--Def Leppard——范·巴斯腾 17 You took my heart away--Michael Learns to Rock——皮耶罗 ★看球听歌★ 18 Heal the world--Michael Jackson——我们热爱足球,我们关心天下 19 Never grow old--The Cranberries——献给浪漫不羁,充满质感,不屈,无所不能的罗伯特·巴乔 20 美丽心情--本多RURU——八月份一期纪念巴乔的专题 21 别走--许美静——巴乔告别MTV里的音乐 22 Don"t go away--Oasis——勇退的球星 23 Quand je pence a tol--Annie Pratt——当我想起你时 24 A number on my back--John Williamson——我背后的号码 25 When you believe--Mariah Carey与Whitney Houston的合唱——献给中国女足姑娘们的歌 26 现在到永远--高旗——现在到永远 27 Forca--Nelly Furtado——2004欧锦赛主会歌 28 Here I am--Bryan Adams——韩日世界杯后那个赛季的五大联赛开篇曲 29 Everything I do,I do it for you--Bryan Adams——欧洲五大联赛开篇曲 30 You"ll Be In My Heart--Phil Collins——送给偏好13号的AC米兰和意大利国家队中后卫内斯塔 31 阳光总在风雨后--许美静——劳尔专题 32 Live For Love United--来自45位超级球星的共同演绎 33 Pazza Inter——国米新队歌 34 All for love--Bryan Adams——12/20/04天下足球的插曲 35 豪门盛宴--高旗——欧洲杯专题节目“豪门盛宴”主题歌 36 Short Trip Home--马友友——天下足球世界杯专题之“橙色记忆-荷兰”背景音乐 ★其他★ 37 Hero--Enrique Iglesias——韩日世界杯期间在央视的专题节目中多次出现的背景音乐 38 Dying in the sun--The Cranberries——韩日世界杯上送走法国、葡萄牙、阿根廷、意大利时令人心碎的歌 39 I will always return--Bryan Adams——为降级的西汉姆联(绝对巨星深蓝王子:马尔蒂尼里也放过这首歌) 40 World of our own--Westlife——爱尔兰国家队在结束他们的世界杯之旅回国后受到热烈欢迎。 在欢迎他们回国的演出活动上,来自爱尔兰的西城男孩为他们的球队演唱了“world of our own” 41 Moment of glory--Scorpions——2002世界杯期间,在英格兰和阿根廷比赛过后还有巴西夺冠后播过一首很好听的歌曲 42 Kowloon,Hong Kong--潘迪华——12/06/04天下足球“花絮”里面用的背景歌曲 43 罗纳尔迪尼奥精彩集锦的背景音乐——天下足球之罗纳尔迪尼奥精彩集锦的背景音乐 44 爱的代价--李宗盛(原词曲作者演唱版)——12/13/04天下足球特别专题“别了丰田杯”的背景歌曲 曲目: 1. Don"t turn off the light Enrique Ig 2. Amorphis Day Of Your Beliefs 3. Yellow Coldplay 4. When you say nothing at all Ronan 5. You wanted more A ha 6. Do I have to cry for you Nick Cart 7. Happiness Sixpack Full Of Fury in 8. Right here right now Fatboy sli 9. Unbreakable Westlife 10. 10大进球背景音乐 11. 10大扑救背景音乐 12. Better man Robbie Williams 13. I will always return Bryan Adams 14. Angel Sarah Mclachlan 15. Stand by me Oasis 16. Long long way to go Def Leppard 17. You took my heart away Michael Lea 18. Heal the world Michael Jackson 19. Never grow old The Cranberries 20. 美丽心情 本多RURU 21. 别走 许美静 22. Don"t go away Oasis 23. Annie Quand je pence a tol Pratt 24. A number on my back John Willia 25. When you believe Mariah Carey Whit 26. 现在到永远 高旗 27. Forca Nelly Furtado 28. I Here am Bryan Adams 29. Everything I do,I do it for you Br 30. Be You"ll In My Heart Phil Collins 31. 阳光总在风雨后 许美静 32. Love Live For United 33. Pazza Inter——国米新队歌 34. All for love Bryan Adams 35. 豪门盛宴 高旗 36. Home Short Trip 马友友 37. Hero Enrique Iglesias 38. Dying in the sun The Cranberries 39. World of our own Westlife 40. Moment of glory Scorpions 41. Kong Kowloon Hong 以下是绝对巨星里的yellowwith you all the timethe best of me I willHave I told you latelyBetter manI will always returnLong long way to goYou took my heart awayStand by meAngel以下是片尾曲Gotta be somebodyDay of you beliefsDo i have to cry for youWhen you believeHere i amleave out all the rest 林肯公园唱的
2023-07-18 02:13:021


Gotta Be Somebody 找了半天的说。。。膜拜吧。。
2023-07-18 02:13:103


Es rappelt im Karton网易云音乐:
2023-07-18 02:13:205


好听的足球歌曲:1.kelly clarkson的Because of you,这是天下足球送给小贝的音乐,当时播放完后这首歌才开始走红中国。 2.nick carter的Do I have to cry for you,天下足球片尾曲,深情男声,沙哑的唱腔很赞。 3.bryan adams的Here I am,天下足球新赛季展望插曲,这首歌也成了足球歌曲的经典,你可以看到天下足球网的视频下载开篇一定是这首歌。 4.Linkin Park的Leave out all the rest,欧美大红大紫的暮光之城的片尾曲,也是很多实况系列的插曲。 5.The Cranberries的Dying in the sun,送给失败者的音乐,很有感觉的一首歌。 6.Westlife的You raise me up ,黄金十年名人堂纪念逝去的足坛巨星的音乐。 7.Westlife的The Rose,这首歌是悼念德国门将恩克的音乐,另外还有一个女声版,演唱者是手嶌葵 。 8.Nickelback的If everyone cared,天下足球片尾曲,一首反战歌曲,很不错的摇滚。 9.Nickelback的Gotta be somebody,最近一段时间常用的片尾曲,同样是沙哑的摇滚。 10.Green Day的Boulevard of broken dreams,同样是片尾曲,这是绿日的代表作。
2023-07-18 02:13:393


天下足球开篇结尾背景音乐目录: 1.All for love-Bryan Adams-(“献给04年3位世界足球先生候选人”的片尾MV背景音乐).mp3 2.Boulevard of Broken Dreams-Green Day-(片尾曲).mp3 3.Days of your belelif-Amorphis-(04年下半年片尾曲).mp3 4.Do I Have to Cry for You-Nick carter-(片尾曲).mp3 5.Don"t Turn Off The Lights-Enrique Iglesias-(开篇曲).mp3 6.Friends-Joe satriani-(电吉他开篇曲).mp3 7.Holiday-GreenDay-(“12月22日足球之夜”片尾小罗MV背景音乐).mp3 →楼主推荐 8.Let Me Be the One-Def Leppard-(“献给10位世界足球先生”的片尾MV背景音乐).mp3 9.New Generation-Scorpions-(天下足球现在的片尾曲).mp3 10.Papa Loves Mambo-Perry como-(“04岁末嘉年华”片尾花絮背景音乐).mp3 11.Round-Up(万宝路)-Bruce Broughton:Themes From Silverado-(足球之夜片头曲).mp3 12.Sixpack Full Of Happiness-Fury in the Slaughterhouse-(片尾曲).mp3 13.This Train don"t stop there any more-Elton john-(“03年终特辑”献给众星的片尾MV背景音乐&MV版).wmv 14.This Train don"t stop there any more-Elton john-(“03年终特辑”献给众星的片尾MV背景音乐).wma 15.Too bad-Michael Jackson-(“1月9日天下足球巴西足球魂”片尾曲).mp3 16.Unnamed-(“天下足球-下载2005”片头片尾曲).mp3 17.Unnamed-(天下足球片头曲).mp3 18.When_you_say_nothing_at_all-Ronan keating-(“献给受伤的克雷斯波”的片尾MV背景音乐).mp3 19.Yellow-Coldplay-(片尾曲&郑军流星英文版).mp3 20.You wanted more-A ha-(“杀手的天空”片尾曲).mp3 21.attraction 十佳进球背景音乐 22.十佳扑救背景音乐(视频提取版) 23.Unbreakable Westlife—天下足球Top10结束歌曲 24.Right here right now--Fatboy slim—五佳进球背景配乐(选自04年葡萄牙欧洲足锦赛官方唱片) 25.Joe Satriani Friends1天下足球开篇曲的电吉他原曲 天下足球天下足球看球听歌及其他背景音乐内容目录: 01.天下足球-看球听歌-A number on my back-John Williamson-(我背后的号码).mp3 02.天下足球-看球听歌-Beautiful day-U2-(选自2004欧洲杯官方音乐大碟).mp3 03.天下足球-看球听歌-Don"t Cry For Me Argentina-Madonna-(阿根廷别为我哭泣).mp3 04.天下足球-看球听歌-Everything I do,I do it for you-Bryan Adams-(欧洲五大联赛开篇曲).mp3 05.天下足球-看球听歌-Heal the world-Michael jackson-(世界上最好听的公益歌曲).mp3 06.天下足球-看球听歌-Here i am-bryan adams-(02-03赛季欧洲五大联赛开篇曲).mp3 07.天下足球-看球听歌-My Love-West life-(献给球星和他们妻子的歌曲).mp3 08.天下足球-看球听歌-Nothing_To Lose-Micheal Learns To Rock.mp3 09.天下足球-看球听歌-Quand je pence a tol-Annie Pratt-(当我想起你时).mp3 10.天下足球-看球听歌-Short trip home-Joshua Bell & Edgar Meyer-(橙色记忆-荷兰.小提琴曲).mp3 11.天下足球-看球听歌-Sixpack Full Of Happiness.mp3 12.天下足球-看球听歌-Something About The Way You Look Tonight-Elton john.MP3 13.天下足球-看球听歌-That place in your heart-Ronan Hardiman.mp3 14.天下足球-看球听歌-Walk on-Deep purple.mp3 15.天下足球-看球听歌-We are the world-(天下一家/多位歌星共同演绎).MP3 16.天下足球-看球听歌-When You Believe-Mariah Carey&Whitney Houston-(献给中国女足的歌).mp3 17.天下足球-看球听歌-World of our own-Westlife-(献给02世界杯后的爱尔兰队).mp3 18.天下足球-看球听歌-Zombie-The Cranberries-(小红莓合唱团的一首反战歌曲).mp3 19.天下足球-看球听歌-爱的代价-李宗盛-(“别了,丰田杯”).mp3 20.足球之夜-背景音乐-海阔天空-信乐团-(“回顾国足”MV背景音乐).mp3 21.足球之夜-背景音乐-视线-陈吉浙-(“足球之夜七周年”献礼歌曲).mp3 22.天下足球-背景音乐-Attraction-Masazumi Ozawa-(每周10佳进球背景音乐).mp3 23.天下足球-背景音乐-Kowloon Hong Kong-潘迪华-(花絮背景音乐).mp3 24.天下足球-背景音乐-Right_Here_Right_Now-Fatboy slim-(每周5佳进球背景音乐).mp3 25.天下足球-背景音乐-Titans-Vangelis-(“皇马4:2巴萨”MV背景音乐/选自《亚历山大大帝》).wma 26.天下足球-背景音乐-Tubthumping-Chumbawamba-(花絮背景音乐).mp3 27.天下足球-背景音乐-Unbreakable-Westlife-(top10结束歌曲).mp3 28.天下足球-背景音乐-Unnamed-(10佳扑救背景音乐&视频提取版).mp3 29.天下足球-背景音乐-Unnamed-(“小罗视频特辑”背景音乐).mp3 天下足球献给球星的歌内容目录(出自《天下足球-看球听歌》和《天下足球-绝对巨星》): 1.Angel-Sarah Mclachlan-(巴蒂).mp3 2.Another Day-Dream Theater-(维埃里).mp3 3.Better Man-Robbie Williams-(巴乔).mp3 4.Don"t Go Away-Oasis-(巴拉科夫、舒梅切尔、萨莫拉诺等退役球星&MV版).wmv 5.Don"t Go Away-Oasis-(巴拉科夫、舒梅切尔、萨莫拉诺等退役球星).mp3 6.Have I Told You Lately-Rod stewart-(因扎吉).mp3 7.How_do_ya_feel_tonight-Bryan adams-(皮耶罗).mp3 8.I will always return-Bryan adams-(马尔蒂尼&降级的西汉姆联).mp3 9.I Will-Alison Krauss-(劳尔).mp3 10.Je M"App elle-Helene rolles-(豪门周阿森纳专场送给亨利).mp3 11.Long_long_way_to_go-Def Leppard-(巴斯滕).mp3 12.Never Grow Old—The Cranberries-(巴乔).mp3 13.Reasons to leave-Kate Purcell-(巴蒂).wma 14.Running on faith-Eric Clapton-(巴蒂).mp3 15.Stand by me-Oasis-(卡尼吉亚).mp3 16.Thank you-Dido-(鲁伊科斯塔).mp3 17.Thinking about you-Radiohead-(托蒂).mp3 18.You Took My Heart Away-Michael learns to rock-(皮埃罗).mp3 19.You"ll Be In My Heart--Phil Collins-(内斯塔).mp3 20.别走-许美静-(巴乔&MV版).rmvb 21.别走-许美静-(巴乔).mp3 22.美丽心情-本多RURU-(巴乔).mp3 23.明知道-许美静-(莫伦特斯).mp3 24.特别的想念-赵传-(罗纳而多).mp3 25.阳光总在风雨后-许美静-(劳尔&MV版).wmv 26.阳光总在风雨后-许美静-(劳尔).mp3
2023-07-18 02:14:141


全部下载。。。。 大概到了Silver Side Up 他们才正式成名吧
2023-07-18 02:14:222


应该说是激昂吧1. The Warrior Song(绝对滴。。。)2. Crank it up3. Nickelback的Gotta be somebody(很喜欢这这个乐队的歌曲,MV极其震撼)4. Era的The Mass(绝对经典,不过比较熟了)5. Vangelis 的conquest of paradise(纯音乐)6. The rock
2023-07-18 02:14:311

2023-07-18 02:14:404

Gotta Be Somebody 歌词

歌曲名:Gotta Be Somebody歌手:Shayne Ward专辑:ObsessionShayne Ward - Gotta Be SomebodyThis time I wonder what it feels likeTo find the one in this lifeThe one we all dream ofBut dreams just aren"t enoughSo I"ll be waiting for the real thing.I"ll know it by the feeling.The moment when we"re meetingWill play out like a scene straight off the silver screenSo I"ll be holdin" my own breathRight up to the endUntil that moment whenI find the one that I"ll spend forever with"Cause nobody wants to be the last one there."Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares.Someone to love with my life in their hands.There"s gotta be somebody for me like that."Cause nobody wants to do it on their ownAnd everyone wants to know they"re not alone.There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere.There"s gotta be somebody for me out there.Tonight, out on the street out in the moonlightAnd dammit this feels too rightIt"s just like Déj? VuMe standin" here with youSo I"ll be holdin`my own breathCould this be the end?Is it that moment whenI find the one that I"ll spend forever with?"Cause nobody wants to be the last one there"Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares.Someone to love with my life in their hands.There"s gotta be somebody for me like that."Cause nobody wants to do it on their ownAnd everyone wants to know they"re not alone.There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhereThere"s gotta be somebody for me out there."Cause nobody wants to be the last one there.And everyone wants to feel like someone cares.Someone to love with my life in their hands.There has gotta be somebody for meOhhhhhh."Cause nobody wants to be the last one there"Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares.Someone to love with my life in their hands.There"s gotta be somebody for me like that.Nobody wants to do it on their ownAnd everyone wants to know they"re not alone.Is there somebody else that feels the same somewhere?There"s gotta be somebody for me out there.
2023-07-18 02:15:131

Gotta Be Somebody 歌词

歌曲名:Gotta Be Somebody歌手:Nickelback专辑:Dark Horse -Roadrunner RecordsNickelback---Gotta be somebodyThis time, I wonder what it feels likeTo find the one in this life, the one we all dream ofBut dreams just aren"t enoughSo I"ll be waiting for the real thing, I"ll know it by the feelingThe moment when we"re meeting,will play out like a sceneStraight off the silver screenSo I"ll be holding my own breath, right up "til the endUntil that moment when, I find the one that I"ll spend forever withCause nobody wants to be the last one thereCause everyone wants to feel like someone caresSomeone to love with my life in their handsThere"s gotta be somebody for me like thatCause nobody wants to do it all on their ownAnd everyone wants to know they"re not aloneThere"s somebody else that feels the same somewhereThere"s gotta be somebody for me out thereTonight, out on the street, out in the moonlightAnd dammit this means too right, it"s just like deja vuMe standing here with youSo I"ll be holding my own breath, could this be the endIs it that moment when, I find the one that I"ll spend forever withCause nobody wants to be the last one thereCause everyone wants to feel like someone caresSomeone to love with my life in their handsThere"s gotta be somebody for me like thatCause nobody wants to do it all on their ownAnd everyone wants to know they"re not aloneThere"s somebody else that feels the same somewhereThere"s gotta be somebody for me out thereYou can"t give up, looking for a diamond in the roughThe wind shows up, (make sure you"re holding on)Cause it could be the one, the one you"re waiting onCause nobody wants to be the last one thereAnd everyone wants to feel like someone caresSomeone to love with my life in their handsThere"s gotta be somebody for me, ohNobody wants to do it all on their ownAnd everyone wants to know they"re not aloneThere"s somebody else that feels the same somewhereThere"s gotta be somebody for me out thereNobody wants to be the last one thereCause everyone wants to feel like someone caresThere"s somebody else that feels the same somewhereThere"s gotta be somebody for me out there感谢 H E A T O N 推荐 期待新专辑
2023-07-18 02:15:201

Gotta Be Somebody中文歌名

2023-07-18 02:15:261

Nickelback的gotta be somebody的歌词的中文意思!

2023-07-18 02:15:354

谁帮我翻译一下天下足球片尾曲gotta be somebody的歌词?

This time, I wonder what it feels like 这一次 我想知道那是什麼感觉 ?[00:24.11]To find the one in this life, the one we all dream of 为了找到这一生 我们追求的那一个人[00:30.67]But dreams just aren"t enough 但只是幻想是不够的[00:32.29]So I"ll be waiting for the real thing, 所以我会耐心等待 等待它成真 [00:36.90] I"ll know it by the feeling 让我能够认出那个人 [00:41.12]The moment when we"re meeting, 当我们相遇时 [00:45.37]will play out like a scene 会像电影情节一般结束 [00:47.35]Straight off the silver screen 从萤幕上退去[00:48.97]So I"ll be holding my own breath, right up "til the end 我会柄持我的呼吸 直到结束[00:53.45]Until that moment when, 直到那一刻 [00:55.33] I find the one that I"ll spend forever with 我终於找到那追求已久的人 [00:59.97][01:00.67]Cause nobody wants to be the last one there 人们都渴望不被遗忘[01:04.76]Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares 人们都希望能被珍惜[01:08.83]Someone to love with my life in their hands 一定有个人重视我跟我们的爱情[01:12.96]There"s gotta be somebody for me like that 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在[01:17.15]Cause nobody wants to do it all on their own 人们都渴望有有个人可以分担生活[01:21.24]And everyone wants to know they"re not alone 人们都希望不再寂寞 [01:25.41]There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere 一定有个人跟我一样感同身受[01:29.49]There"s gotta be somebody for me out there 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在[01:33.80][01:33.82]Tonight, out on the street, out in the moonlight 今晚 就在月光照耀的街道上 [01:40.83]And dammit this feels too right, 承认这感觉很美好吧[01:45.11] it"s just like deja vu 这场景仿佛似曾相识[01:47.01]Me standing here with you 在你身边的我 [01:48.87]So I"ll be holding my own breath, 我屏息以待[01:51.40] could this be the end 能让世界在这美好的一刻结束吗 ? [01:53.10]Is it that moment when, 这就是那一刻吗 ?[01:55.07] I find the one that I"ll spend forever with 我终於找到那追求已久的人[01:59.05][02:00.71]Cause nobody wants to be the last one there 人们都渴望不被遗忘[02:04.70]Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares 人们都希望被珍惜[02:08.99]Someone to love with my life in their hands 一定有那个人重视我跟我们的爱情[02:12.95]There"s gotta be somebody for me like that 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在[02:17.24]Cause nobody wants to do it all on their own 人们都渴望有有个人可以分担生活[02:21.30]And everyone wants to know they"re not alone 人们都希望不再寂寞 [02:25.46]There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere 一定有个人跟我一样感同身受[02:29.58]There"s gotta be somebody for me out there 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在 [02:33.82][02:50.18]You can"t give up, whem you looking for a diamond in the rough 就像琢磨钻石 漫长艰辛 你不能放弃[02:58.80](Becuz You never know) The wind shows up, (make sure you"re holding on) 因为你从不知道 它将何时出现 把握那时刻吧 [03:03.11]Cause it could be the one, the one you"re waiting on 它将是你所期待的 [03:06.88]Cause nobody wants to be the last one there 人们都渴望不被遗忘[03:10.87]And everyone wants to feel like someone cares 人们都希望被珍惜[03:15.31]Someone to love with my life in their hands 一定有那个人重视我跟我们的爱情[03:19.19]There"s gotta be somebody for me, oh 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在[03:23.66][03:23.72]Nobody wants to do it all on their own 人们都渴望有有个人可以分担生活[03:27.48]And everyone wants to know they"re not alone 人们都希望不再寂寞[03:31.68]There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere 一定有个人跟我一样感同身受[03:35.81]There"s gotta be somebody for me out there 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在 [03:40.13]Nobody wants to be the last one there 人们都渴望不被遗忘 [03:44.19]Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares 人们都希望被珍惜[03:48.20]There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere 一定有个人跟我一样感同身受[03:52.22]There"s gotta be somebody for me out there 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在
2023-07-18 02:15:421

Gotta Be Somebody的歌词与翻译?

This time, I wonder what it feels like 这一次 我想知道那是什麼感觉 ?[00:24.11]To find the one in this life, the one we all dream of 为了找到这一生 我们追求的那一个人[00:30.67]But dreams just aren"t enough 但只是幻想是不够的[00:32.29]So I"ll be waiting for the real thing, 所以我会耐心等待 等待它成真[00:36.90] I"ll know it by the feeling 让我能够认出那个人[00:41.12]The moment when we"re meeting, 当我们相遇时[00:45.37]will play out like a scene 会像电影情节一般结束[00:47.35]Straight off the silver screen 从萤幕上退去[00:48.97]So I"ll be holding my own breath, right up "til the end 我会柄持我的呼吸 直到结束[00:53.45]Until that moment when, 直到那一刻[00:55.33] I find the one that I"ll spend forever with 我终於找到那追求已久的人 [00:59.97][01:00.67]Cause nobody wants to be the last one there 人们都渴望不被遗忘[01:04.76]Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares 人们都希望能被珍惜[01:08.83]Someone to love with my life in their hands 一定有个人重视我跟我们的爱情[01:12.96]There"s gotta be somebody for me like that 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在[01:17.15]Cause nobody wants to do it all on their own 人们都渴望有有个人可以分担生活[01:21.24]And everyone wants to know they"re not alone 人们都希望不再寂寞[01:25.41]There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere 一定有个人跟我一样感同身受[01:29.49]There"s gotta be somebody for me out there 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在[01:33.80][01:33.82]Tonight, out on the street, out in the moonlight 今晚 就在月光照耀的街道上[01:40.83]And dammit this feels too right, 承认这感觉很美好吧[01:45.11] it"s just like deja vu 这场景仿佛似曾相识[01:47.01]Me standing here with you 在你身边的我[01:48.87]So I"ll be holding my own breath, 我屏息以待[01:51.40] could this be the end 能让世界在这美好的一刻结束吗 ?[01:53.10]Is it that moment when, 这就是那一刻吗 ?[01:55.07] I find the one that I"ll spend forever with 我终於找到那追求已久的人[01:59.05][02:00.71]Cause nobody wants to be the last one there 人们都渴望不被遗忘[02:04.70]Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares 人们都希望被珍惜[02:08.99]Someone to love with my life in their hands 一定有那个人重视我跟我们的爱情[02:12.95]There"s gotta be somebody for me like that 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在[02:17.24]Cause nobody wants to do it all on their own 人们都渴望有有个人可以分担生活[02:21.30]And everyone wants to know they"re not alone 人们都希望不再寂寞[02:25.46]There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere 一定有个人跟我一样感同身受[02:29.58]There"s gotta be somebody for me out there 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在[02:33.82][02:50.18]You can"t give up, whem you looking for a diamond in the rough 就像琢磨钻石 漫长艰辛 你不能放弃[02:58.80](Becuz You never know) The wind shows up, (make sure you"re holding on) 因为你从不知道 它将何时出现 把握那时刻吧[03:03.11]Cause it could be the one, the one you"re waiting on 它将是你所期待的 [03:06.88]Cause nobody wants to be the last one there 人们都渴望不被遗忘[03:10.87]And everyone wants to feel like someone cares 人们都希望被珍惜[03:15.31]Someone to love with my life in their hands 一定有那个人重视我跟我们的爱情[03:19.19]There"s gotta be somebody for me, oh 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在[03:23.66][03:23.72]Nobody wants to do it all on their own 人们都渴望有有个人可以分担生活[03:27.48]And everyone wants to know they"re not alone 人们都希望不再寂寞[03:31.68]There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere 一定有个人跟我一样感同身受[03:35.81]There"s gotta be somebody for me out there 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在[03:40.13]Nobody wants to be the last one there 人们都渴望不被遗忘[03:44.19]Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares 人们都希望被珍惜[03:48.20]There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere 一定有个人跟我一样感同身受[03:52.22]There"s gotta be somebody for me out there 一定有那样一个人 为了我而存在
2023-07-18 02:15:491


Nickelback---Gotta Be Somebody
2023-07-18 02:15:562

《gotta be somebody》中文谐音歌词!跪求啊~

  第一句是歌词,第二句汉语意思,第三句谐音  This time, I wonder what it feels like  这一次,我想知道是什么感觉  贼死太木,爱玩的wao特伊特非欧子莱克  To find the one in this life, the one we all dream of  为了找到这一生,我们所拥有的梦想  吐蕃的则玩淫贼死来福,则玩为傲追慕额驸  But dreams just aren"t enough  但现在仅仅只是个梦想  巴特追母子扎斯特昂特因那副  So I"ll be waiting for the real thing,  所以我会等待真实的事情  搜爱偶币唯亭fao则瑞呕sei英  I"ll know it by the feeling  我就知道它的感觉  爱偶nou伊特拜则非零  The moment when we"re meeting,  在我们相遇的那一刻  则某门特文卫阿米婷  will play out like a scene  我们像一个玩的筋疲力尽的小鹿  围殴普雷奥特莱克饿sei恩  Straight off the silver screen  我们需要喘息  丝锥特奥夫则sei呕wer死克瑞恩  So I"ll be holding my own breath, right up "til the end  所以我要带着我的呼吸,直到结束  搜爱偶币后定买欧恩不rai死,rai特阿婆提偶贼案的  Until that moment when,  直到那一刻  安替呕在特某门特问  I find the one that I"ll spend forever with  我找到这种感觉了,直到永远  哎烦的则玩在特爱偶四班的fao爱我,  Cause nobody wants to be the last one there  没有人想成为最后一个  铐子nou保底网次秃笔泽拉斯特玩贼而  Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares  因为每个人都关心他的人  铐子爱吴瑞玩忘词土匪偶莱克萨姆玩开儿子  Someone to love with my life in their hands  每个人的命运在自己手里  萨姆玩图辣舞位子买来福因贼而汉子  There"s gotta be somebody for me like that  还有别人为我  贼而告他币萨姆保底fao米莱克在特  Cause nobody wants to do it all on their own  没人愿意做事业都靠自己  铐子nou保底王此图独一特奥昂贼而欧恩  And everyone wants to know they"re not alone  每个人都要知道,他们就不会感到孤独  案的爱吴瑞玩忘词图nou贼啊闹特饿楼恩  There"s somebody else that feels the same somewhere  有其他人认为相同的地方  贼而字萨姆保底艾欧斯在特非欧子则sei木萨姆外耳  There"s gotta be somebody for me out there  那一定是不属于这个地方  贼而告他币萨姆保底fao米奥特贼而
2023-07-18 02:16:041


Nickelback------Gotta be somebody
2023-07-18 02:16:113

天下足球曾拨过一期为足球而歌的节目 求所有歌曲的下载

是所有俱乐部的歌曲么?到footballdown.com下载吧 都是视频
2023-07-18 02:16:314

Be Somebody

My head feels tangled up 思绪像是口袋里的耳机线般 Like the headphones in my pocket 胡乱纠缠一起 Two words and you got me 你的只言片语 Two nights and you told me that 整整两夜 你对我叮咛 Once the time is counting down 一旦时光所剩无几 It"s impossible to stop it 绝不可能让时光暂停流逝 Three words that we need to save 三个字 我们需要铭记 Three weeks till you move away 还有三周你将离去 So go go oh oh oh oh oh 就勇敢迈步吧 Your heart has to be followed 必须追随你的真心啊 Woah oh oh oh oh oh oh "Cause we oh oh oh got a dream oh oh oh 因为我们心中有梦 Gotta be somebody be someone 做向往的那个自己 "Cause we oh oh oh got a dream oh oh oh 因为我们心中有梦 Gotta be somebody be someone 做向往的那个自己 So please be somebody with me 请做我身旁陪伴的那个 Piles of magazines left from two months ago 成堆的杂志 两个月前你已离去 I"m clinging to old news 我仍守着过时报道 Memories I"m scared to loose 回忆 我不愿放手 Now I find reminders down the sofa and under the bed 此刻却在沙发和床下寻回记忆 Three words could"ve made you stay 三个字 便会让你留在我身边 Three words that I left to late 我爱你 开口已太迟 So go go oh oh oh oh oh 就勇敢迈步吧 Your heart has to be followed 必须追随你的真心啊 Woah oh oh oh oh oh "Cause we oh oh oh got a dream oh oh oh 因为我们心中有梦 Gotta be somebody be someone 做向往的那个自己
2023-07-18 02:16:391


2023-07-18 02:16:489

天下足球 的结尾曲, 最好付歌词

2023-07-18 02:17:101

中文歌词gotta serve somebody

You may be an ambassador to England or France,管你你是英格兰还是法兰西的使节You may like to gamble, you might like to dance,管你你是喜欢冒险 还是喜欢跳舞You may be the heavyweight champion of the world,管你你是世界重量级拳击冠军You may be a socialite with a long string of pearls管你你是拥有珍珠项链的社会名流But you"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed但你必须为某人服务 是的 当然You"re gonna have to serve somebody,你必须为某人服务Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord好吧 这或许会像魔鬼的差事 但也可能像个绅士But you"re gonna have to serve somebody.但你必须为某人服务You might be a rock "n" roll addict prancing on the stage,管你你是舞台上投入的 神气的 摇滚明星You might have drugs at your command, women in a cage,管你你是否持有毒品 或者笼住了女人You may be a business man or some high degree thief,管你你是银行家 还是经验丰富的小偷They may call you Doctor or they may call you Chief人们会称你为博士 或者称为长官But you"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed但你必须为某人服务 是的 当然You"re gonna have to serve somebody,你必须为某人服务Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord好吧 这或许会像魔鬼的差事 但也可能像个绅士But you"re gonna have to serve somebody.但你必须为某人服务You may be a state trooper, you might be a young Turk,管你是官方的警官 还是年轻的土耳其人You may be the head of some big TV network,管你是大型电视网络公司的头目You may be rich or poor, you may be blind or lame,管你是富贵还是落魄 管你是瞎子还是跛子You may be living in another country under another name管你是不是在别的国家用假名过日子But you"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed但你必须为某人服务 是的 当然You"re gonna have to serve somebody,你必须为某人服务Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord好吧 这或许会像魔鬼的差事 但也可能像个绅士But you"re gonna have to serve somebody.但你必须为某人服务You may be a construction worker working on a home,管你是在家工作的工程师You may be living in a mansion or you might live in a dome,管你住在公寓里 还是住在大厦里You might own guns and you might even own tanks,管你赢得过枪炮 还是赢得过坦克You might be somebody"s landlord, you might even own banks管你是谁的房东 还是赢得过银行But you"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed但你必须为某人服务 是的 当然You"re gonna have to serve somebody,你必须为某人服务Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord好吧 这或许会像魔鬼的差事 但也可能像个绅士But you"re gonna have to serve somebody.但你必须为某人服务You may be a preacher with your spiritual pride,管你是个虔诚且自豪的传教士You may be a city councilman taking bribes on the side,管你是个在背地里行贿的市政议员You may be workin" in a barbershop, you may know how to cut hair,管你是在理发店里工作 且懂得如何理发You may be somebody"s mistress, may be somebody"s heir管你是谁的情妇 或者是谁的继承人But you"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed但你必须为某人服务 是的 当然You"re gonna have to serve somebody,你必须为某人服务Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord好吧 这或许会像魔鬼的差事 但也可能像个绅士But you"re gonna have to serve somebody.但你必须为某人服务Might like to wear cotton, might like to wear silk,管你喜欢穿纯绵的衣服 还是喜欢穿蚕丝的Might like to drink whiskey, might like to drink milk,管你喜欢喝威士忌 还是喜欢喝牛奶You might like to eat caviar, you might like to eat bread,管你喜欢吃鱼子酱 还是喜欢吃面包You may be sleeping on the floor, sleeping in a king-sized bed管你喜欢睡在地板上 还是睡在特大号的床上But you"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed但你必须为某人服务 是的 当然You"re gonna have to serve somebody,你必须为某人服务Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord好吧 这或许会像魔鬼的差事 但也可能像个绅士But you"re gonna have to serve somebody.但你必须为某人服务You may call me Terry, you may call me Timmy,管你你叫我Terry 还是TimmyYou may call me Bobby, you may call me Zimmy,管你你叫我Bobby 还是ZimmyYou may call me R.J., you may call me Ray,管你你叫我R.J. 还是RayYou may call me anything but no matter what you say管你叫我任何东西 反正我不在乎你怎么说But you"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed但你必须为某人服务 是的 当然You"re gonna have to serve somebody,你必须为某人服务Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord好吧 这或许会像魔鬼的差事 但也可能像个绅士But you"re gonna have to serve somebody.但你必须为某人服务自己译的暄霁 敬上
2023-07-18 02:17:171

Gotta Serve Somebody 歌词

歌曲名:Gotta Serve Somebody歌手:Bob Dylan专辑:Dylan09 : Gotta Serve Somebody(Bob Dylan)For Richard and the time you made us wear hair nets.You might be an ambassador to England or FranceYou might like to gamble, you might like to danceYou may be the heavyweight champion of the worldYou might be a socialite with a long string of pearlsYou might be a rock-and-roll addict prancing on the stageYou might have drugs at your command, women in a cageYou might be a business man or some high degree thiefThey may call you doctor, they may call you chiefBut you"re gonna have to serve somebodyServe somebodyYou might be a state trooper, you might be a young TurkYou might be the head of some big TV networkYou may be rich or poor, you may be blind or lameYou may be living in another country underneath another nameBut you"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes, indeedServe somebodyIt might be the devil or it might be the LordBut you"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou may be a preacher with your spiritual prideYou may be a city councilman taking bribes on the sideYou may be working in a barbershop, knowing how to cut hairYou may be somebody"s mistress, may be somebody"s heirYou"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes, you areIt might be the devil or it might be the LordYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou might like to wear cotton, you might like to wear silkYou might like to drink whiskey, you might like to drink milkYou might like to eat caviar, you might like to eat breadYou may like to be sleeping on the floor, sleeping in a king-sized bedYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyIt might be the devil or it might be the LordIt might be the devil or it might be the LordYou"re gonna have to serve somebody
2023-07-18 02:17:241

Gotta Serve Somebody 歌词

歌曲名:Gotta Serve Somebody歌手:Aaron Neville专辑:Believe09 : Gotta Serve Somebody(Bob Dylan)For Richard and the time you made us wear hair nets.You might be an ambassador to England or FranceYou might like to gamble, you might like to danceYou may be the heavyweight champion of the worldYou might be a socialite with a long string of pearlsYou might be a rock-and-roll addict prancing on the stageYou might have drugs at your command, women in a cageYou might be a business man or some high degree thiefThey may call you doctor, they may call you chiefBut you"re gonna have to serve somebodyServe somebodyYou might be a state trooper, you might be a young TurkYou might be the head of some big TV networkYou may be rich or poor, you may be blind or lameYou may be living in another country underneath another nameBut you"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes, indeedServe somebodyIt might be the devil or it might be the LordBut you"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou may be a preacher with your spiritual prideYou may be a city councilman taking bribes on the sideYou may be working in a barbershop, knowing how to cut hairYou may be somebody"s mistress, may be somebody"s heirYou"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes, you areIt might be the devil or it might be the LordYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou might like to wear cotton, you might like to wear silkYou might like to drink whiskey, you might like to drink milkYou might like to eat caviar, you might like to eat breadYou may like to be sleeping on the floor, sleeping in a king-sized bedYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyIt might be the devil or it might be the LordIt might be the devil or it might be the LordYou"re gonna have to serve somebody
2023-07-18 02:17:311

Gotta Serve Somebody 歌词

歌曲名:Gotta Serve Somebody歌手:Bob Dylan专辑:Blues09 : Gotta Serve Somebody(Bob Dylan)For Richard and the time you made us wear hair nets.You might be an ambassador to England or FranceYou might like to gamble, you might like to danceYou may be the heavyweight champion of the worldYou might be a socialite with a long string of pearlsYou might be a rock-and-roll addict prancing on the stageYou might have drugs at your command, women in a cageYou might be a business man or some high degree thiefThey may call you doctor, they may call you chiefBut you"re gonna have to serve somebodyServe somebodyYou might be a state trooper, you might be a young TurkYou might be the head of some big TV networkYou may be rich or poor, you may be blind or lameYou may be living in another country underneath another nameBut you"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes, indeedServe somebodyIt might be the devil or it might be the LordBut you"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou may be a preacher with your spiritual prideYou may be a city councilman taking bribes on the sideYou may be working in a barbershop, knowing how to cut hairYou may be somebody"s mistress, may be somebody"s heirYou"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes, you areIt might be the devil or it might be the LordYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou might like to wear cotton, you might like to wear silkYou might like to drink whiskey, you might like to drink milkYou might like to eat caviar, you might like to eat breadYou may like to be sleeping on the floor, sleeping in a king-sized bedYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyIt might be the devil or it might be the LordIt might be the devil or it might be the LordYou"re gonna have to serve somebody
2023-07-18 02:17:381

Gotta Serve Somebody 歌词

歌曲名:Gotta Serve Somebody歌手:Etta James专辑:Original Album Classics09 : Gotta Serve Somebody(Bob Dylan)For Richard and the time you made us wear hair nets.You might be an ambassador to England or FranceYou might like to gamble, you might like to danceYou may be the heavyweight champion of the worldYou might be a socialite with a long string of pearlsYou might be a rock-and-roll addict prancing on the stageYou might have drugs at your command, women in a cageYou might be a business man or some high degree thiefThey may call you doctor, they may call you chiefBut you"re gonna have to serve somebodyServe somebodyYou might be a state trooper, you might be a young TurkYou might be the head of some big TV networkYou may be rich or poor, you may be blind or lameYou may be living in another country underneath another nameBut you"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes, indeedServe somebodyIt might be the devil or it might be the LordBut you"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou may be a preacher with your spiritual prideYou may be a city councilman taking bribes on the sideYou may be working in a barbershop, knowing how to cut hairYou may be somebody"s mistress, may be somebody"s heirYou"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes, you areIt might be the devil or it might be the LordYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou might like to wear cotton, you might like to wear silkYou might like to drink whiskey, you might like to drink milkYou might like to eat caviar, you might like to eat breadYou may like to be sleeping on the floor, sleeping in a king-sized bedYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyIt might be the devil or it might be the LordIt might be the devil or it might be the LordYou"re gonna have to serve somebody
2023-07-18 02:17:451

Gotta Serve Somebody 歌词

歌曲名:Gotta Serve Somebody歌手:Shirley Caesar专辑:Masked And Anonymous Music From The Motion Picture09 : Gotta Serve Somebody(Bob Dylan)For Richard and the time you made us wear hair nets.You might be an ambassador to England or FranceYou might like to gamble, you might like to danceYou may be the heavyweight champion of the worldYou might be a socialite with a long string of pearlsYou might be a rock-and-roll addict prancing on the stageYou might have drugs at your command, women in a cageYou might be a business man or some high degree thiefThey may call you doctor, they may call you chiefBut you"re gonna have to serve somebodyServe somebodyYou might be a state trooper, you might be a young TurkYou might be the head of some big TV networkYou may be rich or poor, you may be blind or lameYou may be living in another country underneath another nameBut you"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes, indeedServe somebodyIt might be the devil or it might be the LordBut you"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou may be a preacher with your spiritual prideYou may be a city councilman taking bribes on the sideYou may be working in a barbershop, knowing how to cut hairYou may be somebody"s mistress, may be somebody"s heirYou"re gonna have to serve somebody, yes, you areIt might be the devil or it might be the LordYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou might like to wear cotton, you might like to wear silkYou might like to drink whiskey, you might like to drink milkYou might like to eat caviar, you might like to eat breadYou may like to be sleeping on the floor, sleeping in a king-sized bedYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyYou"re gonna have to serve somebodyIt might be the devil or it might be the LordIt might be the devil or it might be the LordYou"re gonna have to serve somebody
2023-07-18 02:18:031

Somebody Gotta Be On Top 歌词

歌曲名:Somebody Gotta Be On Top歌手:Joe专辑:My Name Is JoeHello, welcome to the showSomebody"s gotta be on topAnd that"s the way it goesOh yeah, lights off time toSet this party off baby pullDown the shades they"re gonnaBe like down for days clothesOff for a private dance tonightI wanna take you down hornyStreet tonightBaby let"s keep it private causeWere getting ready to ride itEcsatcy on the balcony going downFor more on the kitchen floorSlipping and sliding I want youTo ride it on my knees I"ll haveYou scream quick, quick, quick,Don"t let it goDon"t you wanna come along for theRide of your life (somebody) somebody"sGotta be on top coco butter skin I can"tWait till I get in your body somebody"sGotta be on topRight now I think I I"m gonna shut thisParty down. there"s a sequel to the showCome on I gotta let you know admissionCan"t be paid at the door stroke, stroke,Poke, joke gonna blow it out sugar ain"t noDoubt I"ll be stroking that"s what I"d be talkingBaby let"s keep it private causeWere getting ready to ride itEcsatcy on the balcony going downFor more on the kitchen floorSlipping and sliding I want youTo ride it on my knees I"ll haveYou scream quick, quick, quick,Don"t let it goDon"t you wanna come along for theRide of your life (somebody) somebody"sGotta be on top coco butter skin I can"tWait till I get in your body somebody"sGotta be on topBridgeLooking for the softest place on earthSomeone to break me off lets stick itTo the bed get it nice and wet neverDo it from the side just kiss the chestLooking for the softest place on earthSomeone to break me off I"ll kiss you onYour neck than down your back doing itAll night long like I saw the x lookinFor the softest place on earth someoneTo break me off take the pillows off theCouch put them on the floor give it to youNice and strong make you scream for moreLookin for the softest place on earthSomeone to break me off if your feeling meLike I"m feeling you get on top of meDon"t you wanna come along for theRide of your life (somebody) somebody"sGotta be on top coco butter skin I can"tWait till I get in your body somebody"sGotta be on top
2023-07-18 02:18:091