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2023-07-18 05:53:32










以上内容来自 百度百科-主要负责人



principal读音:英["pru026ansu0259p(u0259)l] 美[u02c8pru026ansu0259pu0259l]词条标签:CET4 CET6 考研 IELTS GRE柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 现代英汉综合大词典 英汉双向大词典。1.ADJ 形容词首要的;最主要的;最重要的 Principal means first in order of importance. 【搭配模式】:ADJ nThe principal reason for my change of mind is this.这是我改变主意的最主要原因。2.the country"s principal source of foreign exchange earnings...这个国家最主要的外汇收入来源Their principal concern is bound to be that of winning the next general election.他们最关心的问题肯定是赢得下一次大选。3.N-COUNT 可数名词(中小学)校长;(英国)大学校长,学院院长 The principal of a school, or in Britain the principal of a college, is the person in charge of the school or college.Donald King is the principal of Dartmouth High School.唐纳德·金是达特茅斯中学的校长。
2023-07-18 03:47:001


principal 英["pru026ansu0259p(u0259)l] 美[u02c8pru026ansu0259pu0259l] adj. 最重要的;主要的;资本的;本金的 n. 首长,负责人;主要演员,主角;[法]委托人,当事人;本金 名词复数:principals [例句]His principal management tool is a detailed , weekly profit report on every operation.他的主要管理工具是每一项业务详细的周利润报告。
2023-07-18 03:47:261


2023-07-18 03:47:441


stand for “main” .
2023-07-18 03:47:523


headmaster 英国中小学校长|校长|小学校长 这个词是英式英语principal 负责人, 首长, 校长(中学) 它是美式英语怎么用,要看你在环境,如果你在与美国人打交道就用后者,否则就用前者。
2023-07-18 03:48:132


2023-07-18 03:48:484


principal 英[ˈprɪnsəpl] 美[ˈprɪnsəpəl] adj. 主要的; 本金的; 最重要的; 资本的; n. 本金; 首长,负责人; 主要演员,主角; [法] 委托人,当事人; 全部释义>>[例句]This is my principal lesson from davos.这就是我从达沃斯汲取到的最主要教训。很高兴为您解答望采纳 谢谢
2023-07-18 03:49:031


principal adj. 主要的 n. 负责人,校长,资本 1. Our principal problem is lack of time. 我们的主要问题就是缺少时间。 2. My wages are the principal source of my income. 薪金是我收入的主要来源。 3. I will have to consult my principals before I can give you an answer on that. 我必须同我的委托人磋商后才能就这个问题给你答复。 4. I must consult my prinicipals before agreeing to your proposal. 我得同委托人商量后才能接受你的建议. 5. Keys are available on application to the principal. 向校长申请就可得到钥匙. 6. How much interest will there be on a principal of $5000? 5000美元本金的利息是多少? 7. The agent spoke on behalf of his principal. 代理人代表他的委托人说话。 8. My principal concern is my family"s welfare. 我至为关心的是我一家的幸福. principle n. 原则,原理,主义,信念 1. We adhere to the principle that everyone should be treated fairly. 我们必须坚持人人都应该被平等对待这一原则。 2. The system works on the principle that heat rises. 该项装置是按照热力上升的原理运转的。 3. They have agreed to the proposal in principle but we still have to negotiate the terms. 他们基本上同意了那项提议, 但我们仍须商定条件. 4. These machines both work on the same principle. 这两台机器的工作原理是相同的. 5. Many people are opposed to the sale of arms on principle. 许多人根据自己的是非观反对出售武器. 6. She leads her life according to Christian principles. 她以基督教教义作为生活的准则. 7. The principal and the vice-principal of the college both attended the meeting. 学院的正副院长均出席了会议. 8. My principal concern is my family"s welfare. 我至为关心的是我一家的幸福.
2023-07-18 03:49:281


Principal有两个意思,一个是作为形容词,另一个是作为名词。这两个单词尽管词性不同,却有相同含义,皆为某事或某人是主导,第一个或最重要的。Principle除变形外只为名词。作为某事基础的真理或想法依据,如信仰、行为或道德准则,公认的行为准则。 principal例句 1、Further information is available on application to the principal. 申请书请交校长,届时将提供详情。 2、New roads will link the principal cities of the area. 新建道路将连通这个地区的主要城市。 3、The principal reason for this omission is lack of time. 跳过它的主要原因是时间不足。 4、We looked around the school and talked with the principal. 我们参观了那所学校,并跟校长进行了交谈。 5、The principal knows all the students by name. 校长能叫出所有学生的姓名。 Principle例句 1、She refused to back down on a point of principle. 她在一个原则问题上拒绝让步。 2、Their foreign policy is based on the principle that "might is right". 他们的外交政策遵循“强权即公理”的原则。 3、Respect for life is a cardinal principle of English law. 尊重生命是英国法律最重要的原则。 4、He doesn"t invest in the arms industry on principle. 他根据自己的信条,不投资军火工业。 5、The principle behind it is very simple. 其中的原理十分简单。
2023-07-18 03:49:471

请教Principal Investigator和Program Director的区别

  先看一下,两者的英文界定:  Principal Investigator  A principal investigator (PI) is the lead researcher for a particular well-defined project, usually in the sciences, such as a laboratory study or a clinical trial.  大意:  一位“principal investigator(PI)”是某个特定的明确定义项目的首席研究员,通常是指科学领域的,如实验室研究或临床试验等。  Program Director  In service industries, such as education, a program manager or program director researches, plans, develops and implements one or more of the firm"s professional services.  大意:  一名项目经理或项目主管(“Program Director”)通常要研究、计划、制订和执行一个或多个公司的专业服务。通常是指处于服务性行业的,例如教育。  由上述解释得出,二者最本质区别在于工作领域。  Principal Investigator 通常是指科学领域的;Program Director 通常是指处于服务性行业的;前者常被译为:首席研究员,后者常被译为:计划负责人或项目总监等。
2023-07-18 03:49:551


2023-07-18 03:50:042


委托人(client/principal/bailor) 委托人是指委托他人为自己办理事务的人。在 证券经纪业务 中, 委托人是指依国家法律、法规的规定,可以进行证券买卖的自然人或 法人。为区别于 委托代理关系 中的委托人, 有些国家的信托法将委托人称为 信托人 钟瑞栋,陈向聪著.信托法[ M].ISBN:7-5615-2153-7/D922. 282.4.厦门大学出版社,2004。采纳哦
2023-07-18 03:50:201


primary首要的,主要的:在阶层,质量或重要性上处于首要的或最高的;主要的;首先的:在名单,系列或排序上处在首位的最早的:在时间和次序上首次出现的;最早的principal主要的, 首要的, 重要的没有首先、首要的意思你可以理解为primary的重要性>principal
2023-07-18 03:50:291


校长英语:1、(中小学) headmaster; schoolmaster; principal;2、(大专院校) president; chancellor
2023-07-18 03:50:5110


2023-07-18 03:51:171

primarily 和principal的用法区别?

primarily是副词adv,副词是形容动词的,principal是形容词adj 形容词形容名词,
2023-07-18 03:51:262


2023-07-18 03:51:341

essential chief primary principal的区别

chief: 拽人时,表同类中职位最高,权力最大;指物时,表同类中最重要,价值最高。principal: 用于人时,指地位优于其他人;用于物时,指该物在大小、重要性等方面优于他物。primary: 通常不用于人。用于物时,指在重要性方面占第一位。essential:指对事物本身性质具有决定性的重要性,暗含不可缺少,否则便无法存在.
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2023-07-18 03:51:533


读 “铺润洗破”principal[英]["pru026ansu0259p(u0259)l][美][u02c8pru026ansu0259pu0259l]adj.最重要的; 主要的; 资本的; 本金的; n.首长,负责人; 主要演员,主角; [法]委托人,当事人; 本金; 复数:principals
2023-07-18 03:52:122


principal ["prinsu0259pu0259l] n. 校
2023-07-18 03:53:082


2023-07-18 03:53:528

principal怎么读 快来看看

1、美[?pr?ns?pl]、英[?pr?ns?pl]。 2、翻译:adj.最重要的;主要的。n.大学校长;学院院长;本金;资本;主要演员;主角。 3、例句:The principal reason for this omission is lack of time.跳过它的主要原因是时间不足。New roads will link the principal cities of the area.新建道路将连通这个地区的主要城市。
2023-07-18 03:54:331


Principal Investigator 项目负责人,项目主持人
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2023-07-18 03:55:471


2023-07-18 03:56:011

capital, cost,和 principal的区别

capital:资本,资金;财富,财产;解释:主要指用来投资或建立企业等所需要的大笔资金;或者是个人或企业所拥有的财富;principal:本金;解释:在投资上,指没有利息等其他损益的原始资金。cost n. 价钱,代价; 花费,费用; 牺牲; [用复数][法律] 诉讼费; vi. 价钱为,花费; 估计成本; vt. 付出代价; 估价; 使丧失; 使付出努力; [例句]Three is the cost of raw materials.第三个是原材料成本。
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2023-07-18 03:56:341


问题一:校长用英文怎么说 1 schoolmaster; 可以泛指校长,也可以特指男校长 (女性为: schoolmistress) 2 headmaster; 英国中小学校长 和schoolmaster很相近(女性为headmistress) 3 School Headmaster 这是另外一种说法 就是比较具体的了 ~ 4 president; (美国大学)校长; (英国大学)院长 除了上面两个还有很多意思 总统;总裁;长官, 大臣;(议院的)议长;(律)院长;庭长;会长 社长;(会议)主席;(银行等)行长; 董事长;总经理 (史)州长; (殖民地)总督 5 principal 校长 除了校长还有很多别的意思,负责人, 首长, 主犯, 本金 问题二:校长 英文怎么说 校长 1.president 2.rector 3.principal 4.headmaster 问题三:“校长”一词用英语怎么翻译 校长 principal (中学的校长) president(大学校长) headmaster [美国英语](私立中小学的)校长,男校长 schoolmaster [主英国英语](中小学的)校长 chancellor 校长(美国某些大学的) 问题四:校长用英语怎么说 headmaster 问题五:校长用英文怎么说? headmaster
2023-07-18 03:56:411


principal investigator.
2023-07-18 03:56:503


2023-07-18 03:57:214


principal: [ "prinsu0259p(u0259)l ] principle: [ "prinsu0259pl ] 前者是个滑音,由u0259音滑到l音上,也可以不读^_^;后者直接不读,而读l音,发pl音。一般在日常中是按前后语意分辨,一般不从读音分辨^_^祝 愉快 !~
2023-07-18 03:57:301


2023-07-18 03:57:501


2023-07-18 03:57:584

in principal是什么意思?

2023-07-18 03:58:145


2023-07-18 03:58:421

同样是“our school was sited by...”,后面为“by river”的语法成分和“by principal”有什么区别?

对by river是做地点状语,by在此处是:在…旁边的意思。by principal是做方式状语,by在此处是:凭借…,通过…的。这两种用法中的by,都是介词。
2023-07-18 03:58:502


principal[英][u02c8pru026ansu0259pl][美][u02c8pru026ansu0259pu0259l]adj.最重要的; 主要的; 资本的; 本金的; n.首长,负责人; 主要演员,主角; [法]委托人,当事人; 本金; 复数:principals易混淆单词:Principal例句:1.This is my principal lesson from davos. 这就是我从达沃斯汲取到的最主要教训。
2023-07-18 03:58:592

R语言用principal和princomp怎么实现 主成分分析和因子分析

princomp(x, cor = FALSE, scores = TRUE, covmat = NULL, subset = rep_len(TRUE, nrow(as.matrix(x))), )当cor = TRUE是使用相关系数矩阵计算 当cor = FALSE是使用协方差矩阵计算 用相关系数矩阵计算就相当于先标准化,在进行主成分分析 用。
2023-07-18 03:59:091


2023-07-18 03:59:171

princess principal什么意思

princess principal公主准则princess英-[pru026an"ses]美-[pru026anu02ccsu025bs]释义n. 公主;王妃;女巨头n. (Princess)人名;(英)普琳西丝;principal英-["pru026ansu0259p(u0259)l]美-["pru026ansu0259pl]释义adj. 主要的;资本的n. 首长;校长;资本;当事人
2023-07-18 03:59:251


principal 的翻译形容词:主要main, major, primary, principal, chief首要的chief, first, of first importance, paramount, principal名词:校长principal, president, chancellor, rector, schoolmaster本金principal, capital首长principal, leading cadre, senior official, headman老本capital, principal血本original capital, principalprinciple 的翻译名词:原理principle, theory, philosophy, elements, principium, tenet原则principle, principium, ABC道理reason, sense, principle, justification, argument, basis信念belief, faith, conviction, principle, persuasion, religion学说theory, doctrine, philosophy, concept, principle, dogma道road, path, way, Taoism, doctrine, principle意向intention, intent, purpose, disposition, aim, principle机宜guideline, principium, principle
2023-07-18 03:59:341

跪求 恋爱的我是女主角 百度云免费在线观看资源

《恋爱的我是女主角》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码:hmvz作品相关简介:《principal~恋爱的我是女主角吗?》是篠原哲雄执导,黑岛结菜和小泷望主演的电影。于2018年3月3日在日本公映。影片改编自知名漫画家育江绫于2010年至2013年在Cookie(集英社月刊少女漫画杂志)上连载的漫画作品,讲述高中生系真因双亲离婚搬家到北海道札幌生活,转校到新高中,认识了馆林弦和樱井和央两位美男,恋爱故事从此开始。
2023-07-18 03:59:421

《火炬木小组中》Jack Harkness到底是什么人

2023-07-18 03:49:113


Everybody Knows I Love You歌手:lovebugs歌词:Tell me, baby 告诉我宝贝When we first got together 我们第一次在一起的时候When you first came around 第一次你在身边的时候I don"t remember 我都记不起了We"ve been so long together 我们在一起这么久了So long the talk of the town 我们在小镇里快乐的交谈Everybody knows I love you, baby 每个人都知道我爱你,宝贝儿Everybody knows I really do 每个人都知道我真的是这样做的Everybody knows you"re still my lady 每个人都知道你是我的女人Everybody knows, god, it"s true 每个人都知道。上帝呀··这些都是真的Come on baby 来吧,宝贝Before the love starts fading 在爱终结之前Before the love is all gone 在爱情结束之前Move on closer 我们靠近点吧We got to make it happen 我们让爱擦出火花We got to get it on 我们就一直这样下去Everybody knows I love you, baby 每个人都知道我爱你,宝贝儿Everybody knows it"s all I do 每个人都知道,我就是这样做的Everybody knows I don"t mean maybe 每个人都知道。我不想说是也许Everybody knows, except you 每个人都知道,除了你以外You don"t even know I still care about you 你不知道我现在还是多么在乎你You don"t even know about a thing I feel 你不知道我对这些事情的感受You don"t even know when I dream about you 你不知道我在梦里见到你You"re almost here for real 你就像真的在我面前一样(Everybody knows) when I call your name 《每个人都知道>当我呼唤你的名字的时候(Everybody knows) no, it ain"t no game 《每个人都知道》这个不是游戏(Everybody knows) when I see your face 《每个人都知道》当我凝视着你的脸庞(Everybody knows) oh, it"s you I can"t replace 《每个人都知道》哦,就是你·我不能拒绝Everybody knows I love you, baby 每个人都知道我爱你,宝贝儿Everybody knows I really do 每个人都知道我真的是这样做的Everybody knows you"re still my lady 每个人都知道你是我的女人Everybody knows, except you 每个人都知道,除了你以外You don"t even know I still care about you 你不知道我现在还是多么在乎你You don"t even know about a thing I feel 你不知道我对这些事情的感受You don"t even know when I dream about you 你不知道我在梦里见到你You"re almost here for real 你就像真的在我面前一样You"re almost here for real 你就像真的在我面前一样Everybody knows 每个人都知道的
2023-07-18 03:49:151


remittance slip:汇款通知单,相当于银行给收款人的到款通知,好让收款人入账。BANK RECIEPT(应该是 receipt):银行收据,相当于你去银行存钱,银行给你个底单作为收据凭证。transfer script:转账草稿,相当于你去银行给其他人汇款(转账),银行办完转账手续后,给你的凭证,证明他给你转账了。按字面意思就能区分啦!
2023-07-18 03:49:151


更新1: 将以上既中文翻译成英文,thz;;;;;;; 拜托不要再用自动网译浪费时间了. 升中学 = rise to school? try my best Hi everybody. Today I wish to share with you about a book I read that is called "Beating the Bullies". When we started our school life as a secondary student we might have felt nervous but excited wandering what was lying before us. The characters in this story share our feeling. In the story a girl named Suzie feels being left alone by her peers except her best friend Benny. There is a girl called Judy who often picks on Suzie. She feels better only after Benny takes her to see a counsellor. It is found that Judy goes to see the counseller as well because she has her own problems. She plains about being bullied by boys who snatch her food and tear off her homework. The counsellor tells Judy about the plaints of Suzie to make her understand that she has herself has made others suffer as well. Learning the lesson Judy tries to make friend friend with Suzie. They togather spend a fruitful year as Form One students. The lesson I found from the story is that we should treasure our friendship with our friends. You may wish to get a copy from a public library to read for yourself. That"s all for my introduction. Thank you. Hello today I must introduce already the book calls beating the buillies everybody is rises the middle school is not. Is thinks anxiously? Decides is good is happy greets to begin school Japan? A book rises about susie. The middle school starts on the friend to abandon eliminates the left only already friend benny the person with plays Zhong all day long. the judy shrimp susie is good is unhappy benny sees in once goes to the left social worker with susie the social worker helps. lies flat the left mood how long does judy go to the left social worker original all day long male young shrimp for example snatches. the d wild food tears to pieces the d schoolwork and so on the social worker and speaks susie with left judy both the question judy understands susie. Originally good is all unhappy the result latter on judy initiative susie plays Zhong good happy is excessively leftist one. A year Finally also is not happy? This book teaches to be left I to have to treasure at present the person treasures the friend. Friend if you want to look this book may ask I borrow or go to the public library to borrow I today introduce finish many thanks ~ 参考: me Hello today I must introduce already the book calls beating the buillies everybody is rises the middle school is not Is thinks anxiously? Decides is good is happy greets to begin school Japan? A book rises about susie The middle school starts on the friend to abandon eliminates the left only already friend benny the person with plays Zhong all day long the judy shrimp susie is good is unhappy benny sees in once goes to the left social worker with susie the social worker helps lies flat the left mood how long does judy go to the left social worker original all day long male young shrimp for example snatches the d wild food tears to pieces the d schoolwork and so on the social worker and speaks susie with left judy both the question judy understands susie Originally good is all unhappy the result latter on judy initiative susie plays Zhong good happy is excessively leftist one A year Finally also is not happy? This book teaches to be left I to have to treasure at present the person treasures the friend Friend if you want to look this book may ask I borrow or go to the public library to borrow I today introduce finish many thanks ~ [希望帮到你] 哗....好唔得lor everybody is good都够胆post出黎 如果你用佢e段翻译1定俾人笑到面黄.... Everybody is good today I must introduce that already the book calls beating the buillies the big pedigree rises the department not Is thinks anxiously? Decides is good happy 咁 greets the beginning school date? A book rises about susie The middle school starts the enabling friend to abandon eliminates the left only already friend benny 冇 the human with 佢 plays zhong all day long Enables the judy shrimp susie well is unhappy benny sees 咁 in once goes to the left 揾 social worker with susie the social worker gang 佢 lies flat the left mood 冇 how long does judy go to the left 揾 social worker originally 佢 enables all day long the male young shrimp for example snatches 佢 the d wild game tears to pieces 佢 the d schoolwork and so on the social worker and speaks susie with left judy both the question judy understands susie Originally good is unhappy the result latter on judy initiative 揾 susie plays zhong good happy 咁 excessively leftist one One year. Finally is also is 咁 happy? This book teaches to be left I to treasure at present the human treasures the friend Friend if you want to look at this book may ask that I taking advantage or go to the Public library to borrow I introduce today finished many thanks ~ 参考: dictionary.reference/trlate/index
2023-07-18 03:49:181


Uncle Tom"s CabinHarriet Beecher Stowe←Context→Table of ContentsPlot OverviewUpon meeting Harriet Beecher Stowe for the first time, Abraham Lincoln reportedly said, “So this is the little lady who made this big war.” Stowe was little—under five feet tall—but what she lacked in height, she made up for in influence and success. Uncle Tom"s Cabin became one of the most widely read and deeply penetrating books of its time. It sold hundreds of thousands of copies and was translated into numerous languages. Many historians have credited the novel with contributing to the outbreak of the Civil War.The daughter of an eminent New England preacher, Stowe was born into a family of eccentric, intelligent people. As a child, she learned Latin and wrote a children"s geography book, both before she was ten years old. Throughout her life, she remained deeply involved in religious movements, feminist causes, and the most divisive political and moral issue of her time: the abolition of slavery.Stowe grew up in the Northeast but lived for a time in Cincinnati, which enabled her to see both sides of the slavery debate without losing her abolitionist"s perspective. Cincinnati was evenly split for and against abolition, and Stowe wrote satirical pieces on the subject for several local papers there. She often wrote pieces under pseudonyms and with contrasting styles, and one can see a similar attention to voice in Uncle Tom"s Cabin, in which dialects and patterns of speech contrast among characters. Though Stowe absorbed a great deal of information about slavery during her Cincinnati years, she nonetheless conducted extensive research before writing Uncle Tom"s Cabin. She wrote to Frederick Douglass and others for help in creating a realistic picture of slavery in the Deep South. Her black cook and household servants also helped by telling her stories of their slave days.Stowe"s main goal with Uncle Tom"s Cabin was to convince her large Northern readership of the necessity of ending slavery. Most immediately, the novel served as a response to the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, which made it illegal to give aid or assistance to a runaway slave. Under this legislation, Southern slaves who escaped to the North had to flee to Canada in order to find real freedom. With her book, Stowe created a sort of exposé that revealed the horrors of Southern slavery to people in the North. Her radical position on race relations, though, was informed by a deep religiosity. Stowe continually emphasizes the importance of Christian love in eradicating oppression. She also works in her feminist beliefs, showing women as equals to men in intelligence, bravery, and spiritual strength. Indeed, women dominate the book"s moral code, proving vital advisors to their husbands, who often need help in seeing through convention and popular opinion.Uncle Tom"s Cabin was published in episodes in the National Era in 1851 and 1852, then published in its entirety on March 20, 1852. It sold 10,000 copies in its first week and 300,000 by the end of the year, astronomical numbers for the mid-nineteenth century. Today, analysis of both the book"s conception and reception proves helpful in our understanding of the Civil War era. Within the text itself, the reader finds insights into the mind of a Christian, feminist abolitionist. For example, in the arguments Stowe uses, the reader receives a glimpse into the details of the slavery debate. Looking beyond the text to its impact on its society, the reader gains an understanding of the historical forces contributing to the outbreak of war.
2023-07-18 03:49:081


2023-07-18 03:49:083

在合同中timely receipt什么意思

timely receipt及时收到双语对照例句:1.Manage the timely receipt, materials movement and shipment of raw materials andfinished goods. Cooperate with production department and purchasing dept. for theproduction plan and purchasing plan. 管理收据、物料转移,以及成品和原材料的发送,配合采购与生产制定相关计划。
2023-07-18 03:49:061