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求“英美政治体制比较” 英文文章一篇!!机器翻译勿扰!

2023-07-18 06:08:48



[Content summary ]: The first set of western capitalist political systems created byBritish are praised as the source and model of the western political system. On the basis of absorbing, drawn lessons from Britain ,U.S.A. has formed the most perfect political system in the contemporary capitalist countries. If we want to absorb and draw lessons from the outstanding factors inboth of the country"s political systems, we need to make an accurate, clear comparison and assurance to the systems of the two countries above all . This article is drafted from the key part of the political system --Constitution, political party, elect three respects to compare and expect offer political institutional reform and improvements in our country with good references.

[The keyword ]: Great Britain and AmericanPolitical System Compare

政治制度(Political Regime)属于上层建筑范畴,一般是指与本国的社会性质相适应的国家权利机构和基本制度。“政治制度与人类社会的各种制度一样,是历史发展的产物,带有时间与空间的烙印。”1 300多年前,英国资产阶级革命后,资本主义国家逐步建立和实践了民主政治,颁布了宪法并逐步实行宪政,使资本主义在各个领域都得到了长足的发展。





英国宪法是长期政治历史发展的产物,它没有统一、完整的书面形式,而是由成文的法律和不成文的习惯、惯例构成。主要包括:第一、历史上带有规约性质的宪法文件。如1215年的《自由大宪章》(the Great Chastes),1628年的《权利请愿书》(the Retition of Rights),和1689年的《权利法案》(the Biu of Rights) 等。第二、由议会制定的具有宪法性质的法律。如1679年的《人身保护法》(the Habeas Corpus Act),1701年的《王位继承法》(the Act ofSettlement)等。第三、宪法性的法院判例。如1678年确立法官特权的贺威尔案(Howll"sCose)。第四、普通法中的某些原则和规定,如关于国王特权的制度。第五、宪法惯例。惯例虽然不能为法院适用,但在英国政治生活中发挥着重要作用,如议会每年至少举行一次,王权由大臣实际行使等。






美国宪法还规定了三权之间的制衡。⑴从立法与行政的关系看:国会拥有相当权力,总统对于官员的任命,须经过国会参议院同意才能生效;总统与外国缔结的条约,只有当参议院2/3票数通过才能生效; 国会甚至拥有复选总统、弹劫总统等等权力。同时,总统拥有更大的权力,总统有权介入立法领域,可以向国会提出咨文,成文国会立法的依据;可以向国会提出法案,可以在特别情况下以行政特权为理由建议两院召开立法会议;可以通过本党议员和本党议会党团的领袖来影响某一法案的命运等等。国会虽然能够制定法律,以法律形式对于总统进行约束,但国会的法律只有总统签署后才能生效;总统虽然能够否决国会所制定法律,但当国会两院都以2/3票数重新通过该法律,则可推翻总统否决的权力。 ⑵从总统与联邦法院的关系看,总统可以任命法官,有权赦免一切罪犯,控制着警察,监狱等机构,有行政裁判权。同时,法官一经任命可以终身任职,可以作出对总统不利的裁定;法院掌握司法审查权,可以宣布总统的行政立法违宪等等。此外,国会同法院的关系也是相互制衡的。




项目 英国(责任内阁制) 美国(三权分立)

选出 首相由下院多数党领袖担任,对国会负责 总统由选民间接投票选出

与国会之关系 有权解散国会,国会亦可罢免内阁,相互牵制 既无权解散国会,国会亦无权罢免总统,关系平行

行政权 行政权操纵在首相手中,国王并不负实际行政责任 行政权操纵在总统手上,是握有行政权的国家元首

首长的任命 由首相自兼,各部大臣由首相在同党议员中选任 为国务卿,兼外交部长,与其他各部首长同为总统所选任

任期 无特别限制,首相出任与否,全看能否取得下院多数议席而定 任期为四年,再当选得连任一次,任满则解职(亦有例外,如罗斯福)

继任 只设首相一人,遇首相出缺,则下院多数党再举领袖继任 设总统,副总统各一人,遇总统出缺,由副总统继任



英国是现代政党政治的发源地,是实行两党制的典型国家。主宰英国政坛100多年以本上是两个重要政党,先是托利党和辉格党,继而是保守党和自由党,后来为保守党和工党。英国政党制度具有以下特点: ⑴同议会内阁制相结合,执政党和反对党在形式上界限分明。英国实行的是议会内阁制,有上下两议院。上议院议员不由选举产生,而是由贵族世袭或国王任命,与政党无关。下议院由选举产生。两大政党靠竞选争夺下议院议席,有获得多数席位的政党组阁,该党的领袖担任内阁首相,掌握政府权力。组阁的政党便是执政党。执政党既掌握内阁的实权,又掌握下议院的实权。选举中未获得多数的政党便是在野党或反对党。反对党负有监督政府的责任,可以组成有各部大臣的“影子内阁”。执政党和反对党在形式上界限分明。英国法律规定,下议院每5年改选一次,但实际上改选是不定期的,因为议会有权自行决定延长任期,同时首相也可以随时呈请英王解散议会,提前大选。 ⑵两大政党均采取集中制。主要表现在:无论中央或地方,每个政党都有健全的组织;有严格的组织纪律;特别是党内对议会投票有严格的规定。在议会的重要投票中,各政党都要求其党员作为一个集团,按照领导人的意图投票。否则,会受到严厉处罚。

美国也是实行两党制的典型国家,美国政党制度具有以下特点:⑴同民主共和体相联系,党的主要活动是进行总统竞选。美国是总统制国家。美国政党的主要活动是进行总统竞选。竞选获胜的政党为执政党,失败者为反对党。美国国会议员虽然也是有选举产生,但两大政党在议会中席位的多少与执政地位无关。在美国,一个政党只要在总统竞选中获胜,即使它在国会选举中失败,也不会影响它的执政地位。 ⑵政党组织松散,没有严密的组织和纪律。。 ⑶两党制比较稳定。美国的两党制萌芽于联邦党和反联邦党的对立,后来形成了共和党与民主党的竞争。在美国历史上,也常常出现第三党运动,但从未获得成功。两大政党轮流执政的格局一直比较稳定。

英美政党制度比较。两国尽管都实行两党制,但有很大不同,主要表现在: ⑴从属的政体不同。 英国实行的是君主立宪制,英国国王是世袭的国家元首。从宪法规定上看,英王独揽大权。实际上是英王的一切活动要服从与内阁的安排。获得多数席位的政党上台组阁并掌握政府权力,执政党领袖担任内阁首相,从而使政党与内阁紧密交织在一起。美国是民主共和制国家,实行的是总统制。总统是国家元首,掌握国家大权。两大政党的活动主要表现在总统选举上。获胜的执政党在国会选举中失利并不影响其执政党的地位。 ⑵组织结构和活动方式不同。英国两大政党采取集中制,党有比较统一的政治主张、组织机构和社会基础。党对议会投票有严格的纪律。美国两大政党组织松散,没有严密的组织系统,没有严格的纪律,甚至没有固定的基层党员。两大政党没有明确的政治纲领,只有竞选纲领。党的主要活动主要是搞竞选,人们形象地称美国的政党是“选举组织”,美国的竞选是“象驴之战”。5两国的政党制度相比之下,最突出的是,美国不存在执政党与在野党问题,议会中多数党与少数党的权力差别不大;且执政党力量远远大于反对党,反对党不易向执政党挑战;同时政党组织松散,议会中党员的凝聚力更弱。







总之,通过以上分析,可以看出: 英美两国的政治制度可说是同中有异,异中有同。既包含着现代西方政治制度的基本特征和当今时代特征所产生的共同性,也具有因各国的现实国情(主要是政体和社会经济基础)不同和民族特点、历史传统不同而形成的差异性。英美两国的政治制度都是西方资产阶级革命的产物,同封建主义政治制度相比具有历史进步性。不但为人类政治文明的发展提供了新鲜的血液,而且为社会生产的发展开辟了广阔的前景。

参考书目: ①王惠岩主编:《比较政治制度》,吉林:吉林大学出版社1998年版。 ②吴大英主编:《西方国家政治制度剖析》,北京:经济管理出版社1996年版。 ③宋玉波:《比较政治制度》,北京:法律出版社,2001年版。 ④高金海等:《当代西方政治制度》,北京:中共中央党校出版社1999年版。 ⑤胡康大:《英国的政治制度》,北京:社会科学文献出版社1993年版。



political politics politician本身就是名词。
2023-07-18 04:10:404


「政治、政治人物、政治的」英文 怎么说? 每到总统大选,无论是台湾的,还是美国总统大选,都会让人热血沸腾。不过这些政治相关的相关英文单字你都知道了吗?下面来教教这三个英文单字:「政治、政客、政治的」英文应该怎么说。 下面说明三个政治相关英文单字。 1.politics 政治 政治的英文叫做politics,词性为名词。 下面列出politics相关英文例句。 例: He is planning to retire from politics next year. 他打算明年退出政坛。 例: I don"t like to get involved in office politics. 我不想卷入办公室政治。 2.politician 政客、政治家、政治人物 另外,电视新闻上常见的政客、政治家、政治人物的英文则叫做politician,词性同样是名词。 下面列出politician相关英文例句。 例: He is a fake politician. 他是个虚假政客。 例: Jenny is a politician. 珍妮是个政治人物。 3.political 政治的 至于「政治的」英文则叫做political,词性为形容词。 下面列出political相关英文例句。 例: There are o major political parties in the US – the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. 美国有两个主要政党——民主党和共和党。 政客 英文, 政治 英文, 政治人物 英文, 政治家 英文, 政治的 英文
2023-07-18 04:11:121


a-,它来自希腊语,与这个前缀搭配组成的词语有:atheistic 无神论的、apolitical 无关心政治的。类似的还有:1、in-如incorrect(错误的)、inefficient(低效的)、informal(非正式的)、invisible(不可见的)。注意:infamous(臭名昭著的)并不是famous(著名的)的反义词,且两个词中的a发音不同,infamous为["u026anfu0259mu0259s],而famous为["feu026amu0259s] 。2、im-如impossible(不可能的)、immature(不成熟的)、impolite(不礼貌的)、impatient(没耐心的)。3、il-如illegal(非法的)、illegible(无法辨认的)、illiterate(不识字的)、illogical(不合逻辑的)。4、ir-如irregular(不规则的)、irresistible(无法抵制的)、irresponsible(不负责任的)、irrelevant(不相关的)。5、ig-这个前缀比较少见,如ignoble(平民的;卑贱的)。
2023-07-18 04:11:211

fascist 和 political 英语用谐音怎么读?

2023-07-18 04:11:281


Circular Dichroism;用于推断非对称分子的构型和构象的一种旋光光谱。
2023-07-18 04:11:382


the political department.
2023-07-18 04:11:544


political claims 政治主张political stance 政治立场.
2023-07-18 04:12:055

政治正确(political right)是什么意思

political right不是政治正确的意思,而是政治权力的意思。这里的right是权力,不能当正确理解。例如人权,就是humanbeing right. 或是human right参看下文:thanks for your reply. i know it. but i do knowfreedom,humanbeing right,peace,equal,democracy must ... Please put your energy to fight for your own privilege--- freedom,humanbeing right,peace,equal,democracy etcfull rights as a human being, and we supersede the rights of the mother, or the rights of society, to the rights of any human person (unborn baby);of Human Rights and Dignity of the. Human Being with regard to the. Application of Biology and Medicine:. Convention on Human Rights
2023-07-18 04:12:341

political efficacy是什么意思

您好 政治功效意识(political efficacy)望采纳,谢谢
2023-07-18 04:12:423


Representatives of the political class
2023-07-18 04:12:505

political sympathies是什么意思

political sympathies政治主张双语对照例句:1.So talking like a druze, even if it"s clear you aren"t one, could make peoplejump to conclusions about your political sympathies. 所以,尽管大家都知道你不是德鲁士人,如果你像一位德鲁士人那样说话,也会让众人妄猜你的政治立场。 2.His father was a conservative parish minister with extreme-right politicalsympathies and a strict family father. Ingmar was locked up in dark closetsfor infractions such as wetting the bed. 他的父亲是相当保守的教区牧师,也是个严父:英玛曾因为像尿湿床这样的过错而被锁在黑暗的衣橱中。
2023-07-18 04:13:281


政体的英文是polity、regime、government。参考例句:The government,office,or term of a protector.摄政政体摄政王的政府、职务或任期。Relating to or formed by a treaty or compact between constituent political units.与政体各组成部分之间的协定或合约有关的或由其组成的。It had long been realized that the only secure basis for oligarchy is collectivism他们早已认识到,寡头政体的唯一可靠基础是集体主义。Nobody would approve your ideal plans for reforming the system of government.没有人会赞成你的关于改革政体的不切实际的计划。The earliest civilized governments were thus priestly governments因此最早的文明的政体是僧侣政体。There have been a succession of governments in Italy.意大利有一连串的政体。The two systems of government are polar opposites.这两种政体截然相反。
2023-07-18 04:13:351

political speech特点

基本特点是具有思想性、政策性和策略性。政治演讲较之其它演讲更带有宣传的成分。它以鲜明而坚定的立场,充实而雄辩的说理来征服听众,促使听众接受自己所宣传的观点和主张,并付诸行动。政治演讲包括竞选演讲、政治报告和述职演讲。资料来源于无忧考网。(Political Speech)政治演说是公众演说的一种重要形式。它是针对国家的内政事务和外交关系表明立场、阐明观点、宣传主张的一种演说,在其政治生活中扮演着极为重要的角色。资料来源于百度百科。
2023-07-18 04:14:111


political turmoil, political fight, political struggle, political dispute
2023-07-18 04:14:201

political discussion是什么意思

2023-07-18 04:14:287

political correctness;缩写:pc)

政治正确(英语:political correctness;缩写:PC)。是指态度公正,避免使用一些冒犯及歧视社会上的弱势群体的用词,或施行歧视弱势群体的政治措施。如不能冒犯不同种族、性别、性取向、身心障碍、宗教和不能打压因政治观点的不同而产生歧视或不满。常见的争议点包含女性、不同性取向、宗教信仰、持不同政见者、少数族群(包括以国籍、民族、宗教、肤色划分的族群,与本国主体民族相比)。“政治正确”不限于“用词正确”,也包括观点、立场、政策和行为的“正确性”,不能违背被认定为“正确”的立场。“政治正确”也被应用于非针对特定人群的范畴,例如气候变化、动物权益等牵涉。扩展资料:政治正确的用语强调必须尊重某些少数群体,为了避免真实存在的或对他们造成不公正的歧视,而采用的变换另一种称呼的行为。政治正确的一个目的是用相对最“中立”的字眼及用语,防止及避免歧视或侵害任何人。支持者认为,政治正确的用语有助于唤醒公众的无意识的偏见,使得他们可以有一个更加正式的、无偏见的语言可以称谓与大众不同的人群,而避免“伤害”他们。反对者认为,政治正确只是在逃避问题,不能真正、有效地解决问题,且规范化使用某些用语反而会打压言论自由。
2023-07-18 04:14:531

political football 什么意思

2023-07-18 04:15:162


问题一:思想政治教育工作用英语怎么说 Ideological and Political Education 问题二:思想政治教育专业用英文怎么说。 思想政治教育专业=Ideological and Political Education 在思想政治教育改革的进程中,客观地了解、学习和借鉴其他国家学校思想政治教育实践模式是十分必要的,这不仅可以使我们在进行思想政治教育的横向比较中清楚地看到我国的德育模式在世界范围中的坐标点,有助于改进和完善我国现存的思想政治教育体系,创建具有中国特色的思想政治教育模式。早在90年代初,就有学者对美国、英国、日本等国的思想政治教育实践模式作了概要的比较。有学者认为,各国基于不同的道德教育理论建立了适合本国需要、独具特色的道德教育模式,美国的道德教育模式一面向生活,学会生存;英国的德育模式――联系实际,体谅他人;日本的德育模式――丰富多彩,培养素质。国外德育发展的进程中所出现的主要趋势概括起来有:综合化倾向、适应性倾向、可操作性倾向、素质教育倾向、改革与发展倾向,这些方面很值得我们借鉴。有学者对中国传统思想道德教育模式和西方国家思想道德教育模式进行了梳理,认为,教育模式是随思想道德的内容和时代发展变化而发展变化的,我国传统思想政治教育所建构的群众性自教与权威教育相结合的模式,面临新的形势需要改革;在现代社会条件下,我国思想道德教育必须改变传统教育模式,发展新的教育模式;现代思想道德教育模式是一个思想道德教育与工作学习相结合的模式,是一个民主法制模式,是一个群众参与模式。有学者认为,中外高校学生思想政治教育模式在指导思想、工作机构、工作内容、工作方式、工作队伍、工作法制化倾向、各自利弊诸方面存在系列差异,进行系统比较,对我国高校构建“适应性”学生思想政治教育模式具有重要意义。有学者从当代中西情感性德育模式的宏观和微观两个层面进行了比较分析,认为,当代中西情感性德育模式的同质性是由复杂的时代文化因素决定的,而中西传统文化的差异又决定二者各具特色。 关于思想政治教育机制建设的比较研究,有学者对国外思想政治教育机制建设进行了梳理,认为,思想政治教育机制建设的关键在于参与主体的责任是否落实到位,只有建立在相互负责的基础上的思想政治教育,其作用才能发挥到极致;国外思想政治教育的实践表明,思想政治教育的有效运行必然强调 *** 的责任,包括家庭、学校、社区的责任,企业的责任,大众媒体的责任,中介组织的责任,其他主体责任乃至受教育者个人的义务。有学者认为,国外大学生思想政治教育社会机制建设,在社会教育机制建设上注重寓德于教,在社会激励评价机制建设上较有实践成效,在社会传播机制建设上注重熏陶和渗透教育,在社会咨询辅导机制建设上突出德育的主体性,在社会实践机制建设上重视道德实践在学生思想品德形成中的作用,在社会制约机制建设中,则体现了各自国家的价值观和道德包容度,国外在大学生思想政治教育社会机制建设中的实践具有深厚的理论基础、较强的可操作性,注重双向互动,具有层次性,对于我国加强大学生思想政治教育机制建设具有深刻的实践启示。 = In the ideological and political education in the process of objective understanding, and learn from other countries, the ideological and political education in schools, the practice mode is essential, not only allows us to conduct the ideological and political education in the horizo......>> 问题三:思想品德用英语怎么说 Moral Education 问题四:“思想品德”用英语怎么说 ideology and morality 这是思想和品德 问题五:急求!!!"思想政治教育专业"用英语怎么翻译啊?? Thoughts and Politics Eduction Department Majored in Thoughts and Politics Education 问题六:"思想政治教育“一词用英语怎么说 The term ideological and political education 问题七:老师很急啊.思想政治老师用英语怎么说 思想政治老师 Ideological and political teacher
2023-07-18 04:15:231

The current political _____ of our country is favorable for foreign investments.

2023-07-18 04:15:313

英语 political vaccum 政治真空是什么意思?解释通俗易懂点

是政治空白 好像有不懂政治或者没有什么政治的意思吧
2023-07-18 04:15:402


Political Duel
2023-07-18 04:15:503


politics 政治;政治学
2023-07-18 04:16:073


2023-07-18 04:16:153


political的读法是:[pu0259u02c8lu026atu026akl]。一、释义政治的;政府的;政权的;政党的;党派的;关心政治的;政治上活跃的;争权夺利的;二、短语搭配1.political commentary 政治评论2.political stability 政治稳定3.political strategists 政治战略家;纵横家 and political 社会和政治;社会政治;社会及政治5.political correctness 政治上正确三、例句1.The political organization he worked for was licking its wounds after electoral defeat.他所在的政治组织在竞选失利后正在休养生息,以图恢复元气。2.The study shows how television and, by extension, the media, alter political relationships.研究表明电视,乃至整个媒体是如何改变政治关系的。
2023-07-18 04:16:391

政治用英语怎么说 就是,政治这门学科

Political政治1.politics2.government3.politics - n. the activities of government and of those who are in public office4.Political Science政治的1.political2.political a政治迫害1.political prosecution; w...
2023-07-18 04:17:031


1. 词义不同。“politic” 考虑周到的、“political” “政治的”、“politics” “政治”。2. 词性不同。politic,形容词、political,形容词、politics,名词。注:词性和词义的不同使得各自具体用法也有所区别。
2023-07-18 04:17:131


政 权的英文是regime、political power例句:1. 他们无法保证政 权的顺利交接。They could not ensure a smooth transfer of political power.2. 英国已拒绝承认这个新的政 权。The UK has refused to recognize the new regime.3. 教会日益和反对政 权的势力走到一起。The Church became increasingly identified with opposition to the regime.4. 军事政 权尚未放松对权力的控制。The military regime has not loosened its hold on power.5. 很少有人敢宣称他们反对这个政 权。Few people dared to declare their opposition to the regime.6. 这个政 权的左翼反对派多数已被除掉。Most of the regime"s left-wing opponents were eliminated.7. 政 府正在粉饰该政 权的行为。The administration is whitewashing the regime"s actions.8. 人们指控这个政 权 压 迫少数宗教信徒。The regime is accused of oppressing religious minorities.
2023-07-18 04:17:201


political rights参政权;政治权利例句:They deprived the criminal of political rights for all his life. They have dispossessed him of his political rights.
2023-07-18 04:18:331


politics的形容词形式:politic adj.谨慎的;得当的;明智的; v.(贬)从事政治活动; political adj.政治的;政府的;政权的;政党的;党派的;关心政治的;政治上活跃的 扩展资料   I deemed it politic to leave al that point.   我认为在那时离开是明智的`。   Social and political problems led to the outbreak of war.   社会和政治问题导致了战争的爆发。   There are people of different political colours on the committee.   委员会由来自不同政党的成员组成。
2023-07-18 04:18:401


“政治制度”:Political System“经济体制”:Economic Frame
2023-07-18 04:18:484


politic: 政治,名词。political:政治的,形容词politician:政治家,名词。
2023-07-18 04:18:561

Political Engagement 是什么意思?

政治参与 对政治参与 政治介入
2023-07-18 04:19:043


political correctnessn.政治正确性; 例句:1.Festivity doesn"t mix with professionalism and political correctness. 庆祝节日与专业精神和政治正确不能搅在一起。2.Politicians should prize value for money above political correctness or rhetorical flourish. 政治家上述物有所值的政治上的正确性或积极性给予表扬。
2023-07-18 04:19:391


The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy:Queen Elizabeth II is head of state of the UK as well as of fifteen other Commonwealth countries,putting the UK in a personal union with those other states.The Crown has sovereignty over the Crown Dependencies of the Isle of Man and the Bailiwicks of Jersey and Guernsey,which are not part of the United Kingdom though the UK government manages their foreign affairs and defence and the UK Parliament has the authority to legislate on their behalf. The United Kingdom has an uncodified constitution,[37] as do only two other countries in the world.The Constitution of the United Kingdom thus consists mostly of a collection of disparate written sources,including statutes,judge-made case law,and international treaties.As there is no technical difference between ordinary statutes and "constitutional law," the UK Parliament can perform "constitutional reform" simply by passing Acts of Parliament and thus has the power to change or abolish almost any written or unwritten element of the constitution.However,no Parliament can pass laws that future Parliaments cannot change.[38] The UK has a parliamentary government based on the Westminster system that has been emulated around the world—a legacy of the British Empire.The Parliament of the United Kingdom that meets in the Palace of Westminster has two houses:an elected House of Commons and an appointed House of Lords,and any Bill passed requires Royal Assent to become law.It is the ultimate legislative authority in the United Kingdom since the devolved parliament in Scotland and devolved assemblies in Northern Ireland,and Wales are not sovereign bodies and could be abolished by the UK parliament despite being established following public approval as expressed in referenda. The Houses of ParliamentThe position of Prime Minister,the UK"s head of government,belongs to the Member of Parliament who can obtain the confidence of a majority in the House of Commons,usually the current leader of the largest political party in that chamber.The Prime Minister and Cabinet are formally appointed by the Monarch to form Her Majesty"s Government,though the Prime Minister chooses the Cabinet,and by convention HM The Queen respects the Prime Minister"s choices.[39] The Cabinet is traditionally drawn from members of the Prime Minister"s party in both legislative houses,and mostly from the House of Commons,to which they are responsible.Executive power is exercised by the Prime Minister and Cabinet,all of whom are sworn into Her Majesty"s Most Honourable Privy Council,and become Ministers of the Crown.The Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP,leader of the Labour Party,has been Prime Minister,First Lord of the Treasury and Minister for the Civil Service since 27 June 2007.[39] For elections to the House of Commons,the UK is currently divided into 646 constituencies,with 529 in England,18 in Northern Ireland,59 in Scotland and 40 in Wales,[40] though this number will rise to 650 at the next General Election.Each constituency elects one Member of Parliament by simple plurality.General Elections are called by the Monarch when the Prime Minister so advises.Though there is no minimum term for a Parliament,the Parliament Act (1911) requires that a new election must be called within five years of the previous general election. The UK"s three major political parties are the Labour Party,the Conservative Party,and the Liberal Democrats,who won between them 616 out of the 646 seats available in the House of Commons at the 2005 general election.Most of the remaining seats were won by parties that only contest elections in one part of the UK such as the Scottish National Party (Scotland only),Plaid Cymru (Wales only),and the Democratic Unionist Party,Social Democratic and Labour Party,Ulster Unionist Party,and Sinn Féin (Northern Ireland only,though Sinn Féin also contests elections in Ireland).In accordance with party policy,no elected Sinn Féin Member of Parliament has ever attended the House of Commons to speak in the House on behalf of their constituents as Members of Parliament are required to take an oath of allegiance to the Monarch.[41] For elections to the European Parliament,the UK currently has 72 MEPs,elected in 12 multi-member constituencies.[42] Questions over sovereignty have been brought forward because of the UK"s membership of the European Union.[43]
2023-07-18 04:19:461

政治立场 英文翻译?

应该是political stand吧你的翻译出来好像是政治地位之类的
2023-07-18 04:20:001

英语高手请进 急!!

2023-07-18 04:20:201

political theater是什么意思?

Political theater is drama or performing art which emphasizes a political issue or issues in its theme or plot. 摘自国外网站:中文意思:政治剧
2023-07-18 04:20:282


共和党(Republic Party)民主党(Democratic Party)
2023-07-18 04:20:362


ruling party
2023-07-18 04:20:444

political spins什么意思

political spins政治杜撰spins[英][spu026anz][美][spu026anz]n.尖硬纤维; 使…旋转( spin的名词复数 ); 纺(线); 杜撰; (使)急转身; v.使…旋转( spin的第三人称单数 ); 纺(线); 杜撰; (使)急转身; .很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!
2023-07-18 04:21:031

Political landscape是什么意思

Political landscape是网络的意思
2023-07-18 04:21:134

英语学习资料:政治体制改革 political structure reform

On political structure reform -- We must continue to make both active and prudent efforts to carry out the reform of the political structure, and make people"s democracy more extensive, fuller in scope and sounder in practice. -- We should place high importance on systemic building, give full play to the strength of the socialist political system and draw on the political achievements of other societies. However, we will never copy a Western political system. 胡 *** 同志在十八大报告中讲到政治体制改革时指出 --必须继续积极稳妥推进政治体制改革,发展更加广泛、更加充分、更加健全的人民民主。 --要把制度建设摆在突出位置,充分发挥我国社会主义政治制度优越性,积极借鉴人类政治文明有益成果,绝不照搬西方政治制度模式。
2023-07-18 04:21:201


遇到这样的句子,首先不要害怕。其次,把句子的主谓宾找出来。再找定状补。然后一个部分一个部分的分析。These questions 主语are political, be 动词+表语。后面是整个句子的状语in the sense 状语。下面是定语从句,修饰 sensethat the debate over them 定从的主语will inevitably be 定从的be 动词less than an academic power struggle 定从的表语。下面又是定语从句,修饰strugglein which the careers and professional for tunes of many women scholars,定从的主语- only now entering the academic profession in substantial numbers - 现在分词结构,附加的成分,修饰woman。划掉之后,句子仍然完整will be at stake, 定从的表语and with them the chances for a distinctive contribution to humanistic understanding, 介词结构,同样修饰womana contribution 同位语,修饰humanistic understandingthat might be an important influence against sexism in our society. 第三个定语从句,修饰contribution
2023-07-18 04:21:301

political Efforts Important to Reform 这句话对么?

不是正确的句子。语法上正确的应该是:Political efforts are important to reform。但如果是标题,比如新闻标题,就是可以接受的。看你题目里单词首字母大写了,估计是个标题吧。这是我的想法,希望采纳,谢谢!
2023-07-18 04:21:371


2023-07-18 04:21:502

The political pendulum has swung in favour of the liberals. 政治的钟摆已经摆向了自由派?

2023-07-18 04:22:223

Political landscape是什么意思

political landscape 政治景观,政治形势1.So far, the trade relationship with China has been a minor issue on the political landscape, largely because U.S. unemployment is very low. 到目前为止,对华贸易关系一直是政治画面上的次要问题,这很大部分是由于美国的失业率非常低。2.The U.S. should continue to press for an expanded alliance structure with Seoul but temper this effort with a realization of the volatility of the domestic political landscape. 美国应该继续宣传其与首尔扩大的同盟架构但是也应该认识到国内政治格局的不稳定性,因而对这种宣传加以调整。
2023-07-18 04:22:291

Political Risk是政治风险的意思吗?

是的Political Risk:政治风险
2023-07-18 04:22:381

political status是什么意思

政治地位双语对照词典结果:political status[英][pu0259u02c8litiku0259l u02c8steitu0259s][美][pu0259u02c8lu026atu026aku0259l u02c8stetu0259s][法] 政治地位; 很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~
2023-07-18 04:22:471

美国的政治体制 英文版

The United States is a federal constitutional republic, in which the President of the United States (the head of state and head of government), Congress, and judiciary share powers reserved to the national government, and the federal government shares sovereignty with the state governments. Federal and state elections generally take place within a two-party system, although this is not enshrined in law.The executive branch is headed by President and is independent of the legislature. Legislative power is vested in the two chambers of Congress, the Senate and the House of Representatives. The judicial branch (or judiciary), composed of the Supreme Court and lower federal courts, exercises judicial power (or judiciary). The judiciary"s function is to interpret the United States Constitution and federal laws and regulations. This includes resolving disputes between the executive and legislative branches. The federal government of the United States was established by the Constitution. Two parties, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, have dominated American politics since the American Civil War, although other parties have also existed.There are major differences between the political system of the United States and that of most other developed democracies. These include increased power of the upper house of the legislature, a wider scope of power held by the Supreme Court, the separation of powers between the legislature and the executive, and the dominance of only two main parties. The United States is one of the world"s developed democracies where third parties have the least political influence.The federal entity created by the Constitution is the dominant feature of the American governmental system. However, some people are also subject to a state government, and all are subject to various units of local government. The latter include counties, municipalities, and special districts.This multiplicity of jurisdictions reflects the country"s history. The federal government was created by the states, which as colonies were established separately and governed themselves independently of the others. Units of local government were created by the colonies to efficiently carry out various state functions. As the country expanded, it admitted new states modeled on the existing ones.
2023-07-18 04:22:551