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2023-07-19 08:09:24


正确写法为w-inds. 全部是小写英文字母,于w与i中间有横杠 "-",s后加上一点 "." 。


RYOHEI, KEITA, RYUICHI <=> w-inds. <=> RKR <=> K & Double R <=> 凉庆龙




千叶凉平(ちば りょうへいChiba Ryohei)[队长]



队内职务: Chorus&Rap


出身地: 北海道 札幌

血型 :B型



体重 47公斤

视力 0.5和0.3

戒指的SIZE :食指和中指是15号、无名指是13号



专长: 跳舞

优点: 开朗

兴趣: 跳舞、看漫画、足球




目标: 成为被人尊敬的人







喜欢的音乐类型:house Techno 抒情


最喜欢的动物:犬〔养了一只叫「ran ran」的雌性小柴犬及一只叫大吉的雄性柴犬)




座右铭:梦、希望、爱 那就是人生
















第一张买的CD:Puffy的「amiyumi」、GLAY的「Best Album」


橘 庆太(たちばな けいたTachibana Keita) Keita







视力:左:1.2 右:1.2



兴趣:唱歌及跳舞 vocal & dance












兄弟:两妹一哥。 哥:橘勇太。妹:橘美绪、橘舞衣


















早晨起床第一件事:洗澡 每个星期会做的事:每两天去超市买水











今后的理想:做个好歌手,在东京大剧场举行dome tour










绪方龙一(おがた りゅういちRyuichi Ogata) Ryuichi


队内职务: Chorus&Rap

星座: 射手座








喜欢的音乐类型:Hip hop、soul、house


喜欢的动物:狗 和小型的动物




座右铭:信用 努力是一个人的血液




喜欢的歌手:Eric Clapton


最害怕的东西:蟑螂 蛇







②由街头表演作为起点的三人,因此出道纪念活动也选在东京涩谷的109百货前面举行,于2001年3月14日白色情人节当天出道,推出第一张单曲Forever Memories,共约有8000名歌迷热情参予,几乎令涩谷陷入瘫痪。2001年平安夜也于代代木室外与一万名歌迷,共同举办圣诞节特别活动,该年12月31日陆续获得日本唱片大奖年度最优秀新人奖等不同典礼的新人赏。


④w-inds.演出的特征之一,是以主唱庆太的高亢嗓音,搭配上凉平、龙一两人的合声与RAP,进行着激烈的歌舞表演。对于主唱庆太的嗓音,有着“音域跨越五个八度”的说法,虽然是男孩子,却有着不逊色给女性的清澈明亮音色。当初参加选秀会时,亦以男性主唱声音同样有着高亢特征“色情涂鸦”乐团的“ アポロ(Apollo)”一曲参选。由于这点似乎成为了w-inds.招牌特色之一,在变声期时,本人与歌迷皆遭逢了一时期的转型压力。







⑩为日本艺人,但于日本之外的台湾、中国、香港、韩国等其他东亚地区各国却拥有高人气。至2006年为止,在台湾、香港和大陆总共累积创下120万张的销售量(其中台湾销售量约80万张),19张单曲是金唱片、6张专辑则破白金,于2006年9月受邀至台湾参加“MTV封神榜万人演唱会”时,同时受颁丰华唱片公司的“中港台三地总销量破120万”奖。2006年11月时受邀为韩国“Mnet KM Music Video Festival”的唯一日本出席,受到歌迷疯狂欢迎,于韩国首尔奥林匹克体育竞技场演出,同时受颁“ASIA BEST POP ARTIST赏”奖项。2007年3月前往中国北京参予“中日SUPER LIVE”活动时也展现了超人气。同年5月,“香港特别行政区成立十周年纪念庆典统筹办公室”邀请w-inds.作为唯一日本艺人单位代表,在7月初到香港参演于7月2日(香港主权移交十周年的翌日)举行的香港主权移交十周年纪念音乐会,吸引了上千名歌迷前往接机,发动了四十多名保安人员以维持秩序。

⑾同属VISION FACTORY事务所旗下师兄弟关系的男子团体有FLAME与Lead,三团被昵称为“风火导”。其他同事务所较著名的有DA PUMP、安室奈美惠与SPEED等。

⑿继之前首位海外艺人连续4张专辑销售冠军之佳绩后,由五大唱片公告的2007年度畅销榜中,包含橘庆太个人作品“FRIEND”外,尚有“Journey”、“LOVE IS THE GREATEST THING ”、“饯别”、“Beautiful Life”等共计五张作品同时挺进排行榜,堪称史上唯一、创下台湾东洋史音乐记录之艺人。



2023-07-18 08:17:591


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2023-07-18 08:18:221


アキ-春风原曲:东方文花帖/风の循环~WindTour银(ぎん)の森(もり)の季节(きせつ)が过(す)ぎ光(ひかり)がさす草原(そうげん)に真新(まあたら)しい息吹(いぶ)き芽生(めば)え景色(けしき)変(か)えてゆくah春(はる)は桜(さくら)で色(いろ)づいて 暖(あたた)かい空(そら)の模様(もよう)も和(なご)んだある日(ひ)ah风(かぜ)がやさしく頬(ほほ)をなで终(お)わらない梦(ゆめ)の続(つづ)きをつむぎ始(はじ)めるやわらかい日差(ひざ)しが全(すべ)てを包(つつ)み込(こ)んでる银(ぎん)の森(もり)の季节(きせつ)が过(す)ぎ光(ひかり)がさす草原(そうげん)に真新(まあたら)しい息吹(いぶ)き芽生(めば)え景色(けしき)変(か)えてゆくah春(はる)は桜(さくら)で色(いろ)づいて 暖(あたた)かい空(そら)の模様(もよう)も和(なご)んだある日(ひ)ah风(かぜ)がやさしく頬(ほほ)をなで终(お)わらない梦(ゆめ)の続(つづ)きをつむぎ始(はじ)めるやわらかい日差(ひざ)しが全(すべ)てを包(つつ)み込(こ)んでる幻(まぼろし)の大树(さくら)も花(はな)びら开(ひら)きはじめた中文翻译(此乃无责任自翻,非完全直译~~,仅供参考!):银色森林的季节已过草原上洒满阳光崭新的气息萌生四周的景色渐变啊…春天尽染温暖的樱色花儿纷纷繁繁飞舞在空中啊…春风温柔地吹拂面庞未完之梦如纺轮般开始延续柔和的阳光将这一切包围银色森林的季节已过草原上洒满阳光崭新的气息萌生四周的景色渐变啊…春天尽染温暖的樱色花儿纷纷繁繁飞舞在空中啊…春风温柔地吹拂面庞未完之梦如纺轮般开始延续柔和的阳光将这一切包围美如幻的樱花也绽开了它的笑颜
2023-07-18 08:18:291

Wind tour产品的质量怎么样

2023-07-18 08:18:372


2023-07-18 08:18:465

介绍旅游景点英语作文大学 介绍旅游景点英语作文高中

写一篇介绍景点的英语作文,80个单词就可以了介绍景点的英语作文开头可以介绍该景点的历史故事,中段部分重点介绍该景点可游玩的部分,最后一段对整个景点总结即可。介绍景点的英语作文双语范文如下:Gulangyu is a small island of Xiamen. It"s like a garden on the water. Cars and buses are not allowed to drive there,which makes the island so quiet that music played on the piano and violin can be heard.鼓浪屿是厦门的一个小岛。就像水上花园。汽车和公共汽车是不允许开到那里的,这使得岛上非常安静,可以听到钢琴和小提琴演奏的音乐。Here the sky and the sea clearly meet on the horizon. When standing at the top of the Sunshine Rock,you can see much of the landscape of Xiamen,and when standing at its foot,you can gaze at the beautiful garden that surrounds it.在这里,天空和大海在地平线上清晰地汇合。当你站在日光岩的顶端,你可以看到厦门的很多风景,当你站在它的脚下,你可以凝视美丽的花园围绕它。Gulangyu produces bananas,coconuts,sugar cane and so on. The people here,warm,simple and hardworking,are making every effort to make the island more beautiful and they hope to welcome more visitors in the future.鼓浪屿生产香蕉、椰子、甘蔗等。这里的人们热情、淳朴、勤劳,正在努力让这个岛屿变得更美丽,他们希望未来有更多的游客。Such is Gulangyu,a beautiful and inviting island,where a warm welcome awaits这就是鼓浪屿,一个美丽而诱人的岛屿,在这里,你会受到热烈的欢迎。重点词汇解释:1、scenicadj. 风景优美的;舞台的;戏剧的n. 风景胜地;风景照片双语例句:This is an extremely scenic part of America.这是美国风景极其优美的一个地区。2、touristn. 旅行者,观光客adj. 旅游的vt. 在旅行参观vi. 旅游;观光adv. 坐旅游车厢;坐经济舱双语例句:A_assing_ourist_napped_he_ncident.一个过路的游客把这件事拍了下来。一篇关于介绍旅游地点的英语作文以下是一篇关于介绍深圳旅游景点的英语作文,可以介绍欢乐谷 锦绣中华,民俗文化村,世界之窗啊等等: Shenzhen is one of China"s top tourist destinations, attracting millions of visitors each year. Its pleasant seashore and well-preserved forests have made ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shenzhen is one of China"s top tourist destinations, attracting millions of visitors each year. Its pleasant seashore and well-preserved forests have made up for its lack of stately mountains and rivers, and earned it the title of "International Garden City." Another magnet comes from its theme parks, with a great variety of features ranging from folk culture to a retired aircraft carrier. Distinctive sceneries, fabulous shows and stunning experiences: the parks" charms never seem to fade. And don"t forget this is a modern metropolitan, where high-rise buildings and green space intermingle perfectly. It is a financial center, a transportation hub, and home to many first-rate hotels and restaurants. Here you will never fail to find a cuisine that arouses your appetite and curiosity, For tourists, this is a city of convenience, leisure and endless fun. Theme Parks in the Overseas Chinese Town A magnet for tour groups, the Overseas Chinese Town (Hua Qiao Cheng) in Nanshan District features four distinctive theme parks sitting side by side. A monorail commutes around the parks in the area Chinese Folk Culture Villages Right next to Splendid China, the folk culture park dazzles with the histories and mysteries of the country"s ethnic groups. Scattering around the 180,000-sqm park are 24 villages built in 1:1 ratio, inhabited by real ethnic people who present their traditional arts, customs, languages and cuisines. Traditional culture performances are held there every day. Like Splendid China, the park is also heavily forested. Happy Valley This is a place for kids and families. Usually packed on weekends by families, the fun park offers more than 100 attractions ranging from the thrilling Space Shot to the lovely cartoon-themed events. It also holds daily performances of various themes. Window of the World Like Splendid China, this 480,000-sqm park features more than 130 miniature replicas of scenic and cultural wonders. The difference is that these are landmarks from all over the world. Here you can find the Golden Gate Bridge and the Niagara Waterfall of the United States, the Kremlin of Russia, Italy"s Pisa Tower, Egyptian pyramids, the Taj Mahal of India and an Eiffel Tower built in 1:3 ratio. Although these replicas would probably not attract Western visitors much, the park"s daily dance performance and regular carnival-like events are of great fun. Beautifully illuminated at night, it is also an impressive city scene.求80字英语作文. 内容:寒假即将来临,介绍一个旅游景点,越简单越好.以下是本人按要求写的英语作文,附带翻译供您参考, Leshan Giant Buddha Hello everyone,it is going to be the winter vacation.I would like to give you an introduction to one place of interest,the Leshan Giant Buddha. The Leshan Giant Buddha is the largest Buddha in China,towering to 71m,with his 14.7m head,and 24m shoulders.The Buddha"s ears are 6.72m long,insteps 8.5m broad,and a picnic could be conducted on the nail of his big toe,which is 1.5m long. This carving project was begun in 713 and led by a Buddhist monk called Haitong,who hoped that the Buddha"s presence would subdue the swift currents and protect the boatmen. I hope you can enjoy the place. 乐山大佛 大家好,寒假即将到来,我给大家简要介绍一个景点——乐山大佛. 乐山大佛是中国最大的佛像,高71米,其中头高14.7米,肩宽24米.佛像的耳朵有6.72米长,脚背宽8.5米.其脚指甲有1.5米长,在上面野餐都绰绰有余. 大佛的雕塑工程开始于713年,由海通和尚负责组织,他希望大佛的出现能减缓汹涌的水流以保护船民. 我喜欢大家会喜欢这个地方.介绍旅游景点英语作文 关于介绍旅游景点英语作文1、作文:It was sunny and warm today. I got up early. After breakfast I went to ..Mountain with my friend Li Lei. It took us about an hour to get there by bus. There were thousands of people. We joined them to climb the mountain as soon as we got there. We felt tired but we kept climbing. It took us about an hour to get to the top of the mountain. The wind was so cool and the scenry was very beautiful. We had a picnic and then we walked down from the mountain. We were very happy that day. In the evening, I surfed the internet and then read an interesting book. I really had a meaningful and happy day. 2、翻译:今天天气晴朗温暖。我起得早,吃过早饭后我和朋友“李雷”去登某某山。乘公共花月一个小时才到那。那里有成千上万的人。我们一到那就加入到爬山的队伍。我们感到很累但仍然继续攀登。一个小时登上了山顶。风很凉爽,景色很美。我们吃完野餐就下山了。那天我们很快乐。晚上我上网,然后看了一本非常有趣的书。我几天过得很有意思很高兴。
2023-07-18 08:19:011


名侦探柯南《Time After Time》名侦探柯南《Secret Of My Heart》海贼王《dear friends》
2023-07-18 08:19:5615


  每个寒假都是快乐无比的,而这个寒假尤其让我难忘,你知道怎么写一篇寒假旅行计划的英语作文吗?下面是我给大家整理的旅行计划英语作文6年级,供你参考!   旅行计划英语作文6年级篇1   Last summer, Mom and Dad took me to Dongshan and Xiamen to play, so I spent an unforgettable summer vacation, written in 450 words.   We first ride to the Dongshan, we see the vast boundless sea and beautiful seaside scenery. The most interesting is the famous scenic spots of Dongshan. Legend has a wind blowing, the top of the stone in another stone will shake, but usually several people can not push it. My father and mother also curious to try to push a bit, really motionless, really amazing!   Afternoon, my father and mother came to the beach. We are on the beach to fight the fortress, playing the water at the beach, watching the blue sea and the vast sky, I can not help but think of a poet wrote by the ancient poet: "the sea of the moon, the horizon at this time."   Tour finished Zhangzhou Dongshan, the next day we transfer to Xiamen. A tall, high-rise building is surprisingly clean and spacious. Afternoon, Mom and Dad took me to the fun of the playground - water park. There are a variety of fun to stimulate the entertainment, such as carousel, UFO, Ferris wheel, pirate ship and so on. We played for a long time, until the fun and go.   Finally, I reluctantly left Xiamen, the end of the happy trip to Dongshan Xiamen. This summer is really memorable!   旅行计划英语作文6年级篇2   In this winter vacation our class every student is happy because, do not have to do homework every day, because the work is a little less, but the poor people, but not bad times because they want to write a lot of words, More than twenty thousand words, I have a lot, there are seven thousand words, but the winter vacation is happy, so I now pay close attention to doing homework, seeking a few days of rest time and play time so I met, but I may now have a good A few days to play time, because my homework only three different, fast enough! (Our work is nine) the remaining three is also very simple to see three books. Writing and 3 essays are now the last one, and this winter father and mother said no back home to intend to go back to New Year"s Day Guanyin Bodhisattva, a prayer Guanyin Bodhisattva will come back, it seems lucky money is not taken because back home only a few hours ah! Can you get it? It is impossible to friends, thanks to Goddess of Mercy Buddha to go, how can the time to New Year"s money ah! Although there is no lucky money but still happy, because the lucky money is not important to be happy to have a happy year.   I am very happy in the winter vacation because the job to do fast, play time is also more time to rest so many people will be happy even if the job as long as the intention to do it, it will soon, no you can go Play and rest, this is a happy winter vacation, winter vacation is our favorite, because it allows us to rest and have plenty of time to play.   旅行计划英语作文6年级篇3   New Year"s Day morning, we all woke up, only I still sleep, dream of snow.   Suddenly heard his father said loudly: "Rainbow, woke up, snow." I heard the hearts of a little do not believe, but I still got up the bed, put on new clothes, down the floor. A look, wow! I saw a white blurred piece. All the things like wearing a white dress. The sky is still floating like goose snowflakes. I was so excited! I suddenly wanted to run snow in the snow, the mother pulled me. "Now do not work, so the snow stopped the energy to play, or the clothes will be wet." I think also for the first wash finished, and then eat breakfast, and other snow stopped, I waited for a morning, the snow did not stop The The time has come for lunch, and after I have eaten, the snow has finally stopped. I and my mother all the way to the snowman, the mother rolled a snowball as a snowman"s body, I rolled a small snowball when the snowman"s head, made with black beans snowman"s eyes, with black pen and eyebrows and mouth, with carrot Make a nose and make a hand with a branch. So that a lively and delightful snowman is ready. We and the snowman all the way to take pictures. According to the number of how many, according to the finished phase we have to fight snow ... ... this day is the happiest day of my holiday.
2023-07-18 08:20:181


w-inds.是日本男子团体,以歌唱与舞蹈著称。本团体的成员为:CHIBA RYOHEI=千叶凉平,1984年11月18日出生于日本北海道札幌市白石区,在团中主要定位为合音、舞蹈、RAP,也是本团体的队长。TACHIBANA KEITA=橘庆太,1985年12月16日出生于日本福冈县福冈市,在团中主要定位为主唱。OGATA RYUICHI=绪方龙一,1985年12月17日出生于日本北海道札幌市丰平区,在团中主要定位为合音、舞蹈、RAP。属于日本VISION FACTORY事务所旗下成员之一,2000年于该事务所主办的九州、冲绳新人选拔会中,出身于日本福冈的庆太,因为充满透明感及具有压倒性存在感的声音而受到所有评审一致的好评和支持,在1万多名的参加者中脱颖而出。以及同是在日本札幌的舞蹈学校学习舞蹈的竞争对手、也因为各自都拥有非凡的才能和天份而受到注意的出身于北海道的千叶凉平和绪方龙一,组成了"w-inds."。团名趣闻:"w-inds."为英文"风"的意思,亦音同于英文“Win”胜利之意,喻义为当来自日本北方(北海道札幌)与南方(福冈)的风合而为一时,从日本为起点,让世界注意他们的存在为目标的组合,在此诞生。正确写法为w-inds. 全部是小写英文字母,于w与i中间有横杠 "-",s后加上一点 "." 。演唱会周边商品上由团员发想的“风胜达”LOGO,意义为用中文字来表现w-inds.,即“wind(风)”、“win(胜)”、“"."(达)【强调w-inds.后有一点,真的并非众数之意】”。RYOHEI, KEITA, RYUICHI <=> w-inds. <=> RKR <=> K & Double R <=> 凉庆龙w-inds.在出道之前,在涩谷的代代木公园以及其周遭街道附近,每个星期日进行街头表演,以累积人气及经验。代代木公园原本就是街头演出者聚集表演的地区之一,刚开始观赏他们表演的,只有寥寥几人,但在迄而不舍的持续表演一段日子后,由冷清的景象开始急速增加大量的观赏者。由街头表演作为起点的三人,因此出道纪念活动也选在东京涩谷的109百货前面举行,于2001年3月14日白色情人节当天出道,推出第一张单曲Forever Memories,共约有8000名歌迷热情参予,几乎令涩谷陷入瘫痪。2001年平安夜也于代代木室外与一万名歌迷,共同举办圣诞节特别活动,该年12月31日陆续获得日本唱片大奖年度最优秀新人奖等不同典礼的新人赏。在出道五周年的2006年3月14日当天,亦是专辑“THANKS”发行前日,也突发出现在出道的原点~涩谷街头,并进入街旁的唱片行与服饰店等打招呼,带来骚动与惊喜。w-inds.演出的特征之一,是以主唱庆太的高亢嗓音,搭配上凉平、龙一两人的合声与RAP,进行着激烈的歌舞表演。对于主唱庆太的嗓音,有着“音域跨越五个八度”的说法,虽然是男孩子,却有着不逊色给女性的清澈明亮音色。当初参加选秀会时,亦以男性主唱声音同样有着高亢特征“色情涂鸦”乐团的“ アポロ(Apollo)”一曲参选。由于这点似乎成为了w-inds.招牌特色之一,在变声期时,本人与歌迷皆遭逢了一时期的转型压力。庆太与龙一同样是射手座,生日只差一天,于是有时共同举办生日庆祝会,再顺便庆祝圣诞节。虽然年月份不同,但三人的生日恰好是16日、17日与18日。凉平与龙一同样出生在北海道札幌市,在来到东京、加入w-inds.之前,两人就已经在北海道的舞蹈演艺学校相识,也参加了发表会演出。因同样是北海道出身,两人被歌迷昵称为“道产子”(日文原意为:出生或出产于北海道的人事物)。让许多人印象深刻的,是出道至今主唱庆太的身高有着巨大的改变,由原本三人身高相仿到目前的“一支独秀”2004年于台湾台北举行首次海外演唱会,不仅一个多月前歌迷就在演唱会场外排队,且开放售票后五分钟内演唱会A区价值新台币两千三百元的门票全数卖完,而二十三分钟一万张的两场门票即告售罄,创下台湾门票销售最快的纪录,原定两场的演唱会,也因此临时发布加演一场。由于风格路线与杰尼斯事务所旗下主打特色之男性歌唱舞蹈偶像团体,有较高同质性形成竞争关系,引起演艺业界内与歌迷间后续各式影响。为日本艺人,但于日本之外的台湾、中国、香港、韩国等其他东亚地区各国却拥有高人气。至2006年为止,在台湾、香港和大陆总共累积创下120万张的销售量(其中台湾销售量约80万张),19张单曲是金唱片、6张专辑则破白金,于2006年9月受邀至台湾参加“MTV封神榜万人演唱会”时,同时受颁丰华唱片公司的“中港台三地总销量破120万”奖。2006年11月时受邀为韩国“Mnet KM Music Video Festival”的唯一日本出席,受到歌迷疯狂欢迎,于韩国首尔奥林匹克体育竞技场演出,同时受颁“ASIA BEST POP ARTIST赏”奖项。2007年3月前往中国北京参予“中日SUPER LIVE”活动时也展现了超人气。同年5月,“香港特别行政区成立十周年纪念庆典统筹办公室”邀请w-inds.作为唯一日本艺人单位代表,在7月初到香港参演于7月2日(香港主权移交十周年的翌日)举行的香港主权移交十周年纪念音乐会,吸引了上千名歌迷前往接机,发动了四十多名保安人员以维持秩序。同属VISION FACTORY事务所旗下师兄弟关系的男子团体有FLAME与Lead,三团被昵称为“风火导”。其他同事务所较著名的有DA PUMP、安室奈美惠与SPEED等。继之前首位海外艺人连续4张专辑销售冠军之佳绩后,由五大唱片公告的2007年度畅销榜中,包含橘庆太个人作品“FRIEND”外,尚有“Journey”、“LOVE IS THE GREATEST THING ”、“饯别”、“Beautiful Life”等共计五张作品同时挺进排行榜,堪称史上唯一、创下台湾东洋史音乐记录之艺人
2023-07-18 08:20:274

青州旅游景点英文介绍词 青州旅游景点英文介绍词

英语作文介绍旅游景点的初二水平50词左右第一篇 Once three years ago, I went to Qingdao, three years later when I again set foot on this piece of land of Qingdao, I was deeply attracted by her beauty, such as the one after an absence of long-lover ... ...青岛三面环水,一面环山,独特的地理环境,造就了她得天独厚的风景人文景观。 Qingdao is surrounded by water, one side by mountains, the unique geographical environment created a unique landscape of her cultural landscape. 这次去青岛正好遇上下大雾,远处的楼群在雾中若隐若现。 Trip to Qingdao, right there under the fog, the distance-rise buildings looming in the fog. 据导游说,青岛的楼房建筑风格有26国风格之多,我没有细数,也分辨不出来。 According to tour guide said the architectural style of buildings in Qingdao, there are 26 countries many styles, I did not breakdown, but also to distinguish not come out. 青岛的城市是建在小山坡上的,车开在狭小而干净的山间街道上,一会上升,一会下沉,一会是九十度的转弯。 Qingdao city is built on the hills, he drove in a small mountain and clean streets, one will rise for a sink, one will be turning ninety degrees. 人们都好奇的等待,希望下一次的转弯出现的是另一番美景,而青岛每次都没有令游人失望。 People are curious to wait, hoping the next turn there was another round of beauty, but each time it failed, Qingdao, will give visitors a disappointment. 跟随着导游的解说,我们一路左顾右盼,郁郁葱葱的青岛植物园、偌大的汇宾广场、旧时的德国监狱还有很多我记不清的美丽景点,不断的从我们眼前闪过,然后慢慢向后边退去。 Followed guide, explanations, and we were glance right and left, Qingdao lush botanical gardens, the huge Department of bin square, the old German prison, I can not remember ... ... There are many beautiful spots, constantly flashed before our eyes from, and then slowly retreated behind. 车窗外,一个红发、碧眼、高鼻梁的外国男士正在街边的人行道上小跑,他穿着运动的球衣球裤,显然是在锻炼,我不由自主的看了看表,才发现这是在午后! Outside the car, a red hair, blue eyes, high nose of foreign men are street sidewalk trot, He was wearing sports pants jersey ball is clearly in the exercise, I could not help of looked at my watch, it was found that this is a Afternoon! 青岛潮湿的空气、蒙蒙的薄雾和并不热烈的阳光会让你忘记了时间听说青岛很多沿海的别墅楼群都被外国人买了去,作为他们休闲度假的场所。 Qingdao, moist air, misty haze, and do not let you forget the warm sun of time ... ... heard a lot of the coast of Qingdao, villa-rise buildings have been bought to foreigners, as their venue for leisure. 精明的外国人在周游了世界之后,最后的落脚点选择了青岛,足以说明青岛的魅力与吸引力! Shrewd foreigners traveling the world after, the final choice of Qingdao, Qingdao, illustrates the charm and appeal! 当你在青岛旅游观光的时候,也许在不远处的别墅里,正有一个金发、碧眼的美丽女郎,正在阳台上品着咖啡,朝着你深情的微笑正所谓你在桥上看风景,楼上看风景的人在看你。 When you travel and tourism in Qingdao, when, perhaps not far from the villa, is a blond, blue-eyed beautiful girl, is the balcony top grade of coffee, affectionate towards you smile ... ... the saying goes, you look at the bridge scenery, the people upstairs to see scenery see you. 我总觉得生活在青岛的人们是幸福的,整个青岛就像一个大大的花园,是风格各异、参差不齐的楼群点缀了这个“花园”,而不是这些花园、植物园点缀了这座城市! I always felt that people living in Qingdao, is happy, the whole Qingdao, like a big garden styles, uneven-rise buildings interspersed with the "garden" rather than the gardens, botanical gardens dotted the city ! 青岛不但是个旅游的天堂,也是个消遣、饮食、购物的天堂。 Qingdao is not only a tourist"s paradise, is also entertainment, dining, shopping paradise. 日本的足疗、韩国的料理、法国的家乐福等许多久负盛名的厂商和知名品牌纷纷在青岛安家落户。 Japan"s Foot, South Korea"s food, the French Carrefour and many other prestigious companies and brands have settled in Qingdao. 如果你是个美食家、购物狂或者是个追求完美主义的人,那么青岛你一定不可不去。 If you are a gourmet, shopping, mad, or is a perfectionist doctrine, then you must not do not Qingdao. 因为在青岛,你不用出国就可以享受不同国家和地区的异域风情,满足你对不同国家和地区、美食和购物、物质和品位等种种不同种类、不同层次的追求。 Because in Qingdao, you do not have to go abroad can enjoy the different countries and regions of exotic locations, to meet your different countries and regions, food and shopping, material, and taste all kinds of different types, different levels of pursuit.俗话说靠山吃山,靠水吃水。 As the saying goes reflects environment Everyday, relying on water draft. 黄海长长的海岸线不仅为青岛提供了充足的水气、湿度和日常休闲的好去处,也是人们财富的源泉。 Long coastline of the Yellow Sea, Qingdao has not only provided sufficient moisture, humidity and daily a good place for leisure, but also people"s source of wealth. 青岛沿海岸边停靠着的大大小小、满目苍痍的渔船仿佛向你诉说着大海汹涌与强大,以及他的富有与神奇。 Qingdao, the coastal shore dock with the big and small, everywhere Cang bruise fishing if you tell the sea to the turbulent and powerful, and his rich and wonderful. 你可以想象这小小一叶片舟与大海搏斗时的惊心动魄,也可以想象它鱼儿满仓凯旋归来时的喜悦之情。 You can imagine, this little one struggle with the sea when the boat leaves the soul-stirring, it is also conceivable that the fish warehouse full of triumphant joy when they return. 站在青岛的栈桥上,吹着徐徐的海风,你可以嗅到海里鱼虾的味道,它们深深钻入你的鼻孔,然后侵入你的心脾。 Standing on the pier in Qingdao, sea breeze blowing Xuxu De, you can smell the flavor of sea fish, they are deeply penetrating your nostril, and then break into your Heart and. 幻想华灯初上的时候,美丽的大海上将会是怎样的一种奇景? Across from the time when fantasy, the beautiful sea will be what kind of a spectacle? 我没有见过,不过现有的景象已经让我深深沉醉。 I have not seen, but the current scene has given me deeply immersed. 我醉了,醉在青岛迷人的景色里 I am drunk, drunk in Qingdao, where the charming scenery ... ...第二篇 Good morning, everyone! Nice to meet you ! I"m your tour guide today, Welcome to my hometown ---Huanggang.Huanggang lies in the middle of Hubei Province, It has a veyt long history and many beautiful views.For example, Chibi Park and E"huang Bridge are the most beautiful and relaxing among them. And the air is very clean and fresh. Hong"an is very historical and educational. Huangmei is famous for the Huangmei Opera -----one of the greatest local operas in China.Huanggang is also a good place for shopping and having delicious food . So far, a lot of new shopping malls and plazas have been built. You can buy what you like there ,If you want to try traditional Huanggang fodd,you can go to Night Snack Street, The food there is both dilicious and cheap.There are still many other interesting and exciting things waiting for you to enjoy yourselves! Let"s go for them!第三篇There are many ways of traveling such as by plane, by train, by ship, by bus.And people can choose any of ways of traveling if they like.To me, the best way of traveling on a summer vacation is to go on foot. My preference depends on the purpose of the travel. On a summer vacation I travel to refresh myself and to see the countryside. When I use my feet and walk on a grass covered path along a river or among the hills I feel detached from the noise of the city and closer to the nature. And when I travel on foot I get more freedom. I can plan my own schedule. I can choose my own route. I can stop where I like. And I can see things and people that I might miss if I travel on a train or on a bus. When faster and more convenient ways for travel are becoming available, I still favor using my own feet. I get much pleasure from it. People travel by plane, by train, by ship, by bus. To me, the best way of traveling on a summer vacation is to go on foot.希望有帮助青州云门山英文导游词Cloud gate mountain Cloud gate mountain the cloud gate fairyland, always quite Buddha, the road two teach to favor the Sui and Tang dynasties time, here achieving Buddhahood disciple"s paradise. The cloud gate mountain"s sunny slope, in a big way has, the small five rock caves, carved stone statuary 272, mainly for Western three sages elephant, also has the person of great strength, Shakya to be valuable two Buddha view elephant, the overwhelming majority attaches accurately opens cutting the age, only in the first hole"s small niche, has “opens the emperor nine years”, “to open the emperor ten years”, “to open the emperor 18 years”, “the Jenshou two years” and so on prefatory remarks more than ten. Although after more than 1000 year vicissitudes change, the wind and rain flattens, these statuaries still maintained basic complete, was we studies the Buddhism history and the ancient times plastic arts precious material. The cloud gate mountain, as a result of natural situation"s wonderfully beautiful, the careful management which as well as all previous dynasties Buddha two teach, a lot of year some writer literati, the Buddhism believers and the highly placed people competes to arrive at court. Their interest to, either bestows on the word to write poetry, either wields a brush the calligraphy and painting, thus keeps on the mountain some inscription carved on a cliff face topic of all forms to engrave, is it may be said that dazzling, too beautiful to behold. On the north slope cliff seal cutting within the four seas rare hugeness “long-lived” the character, the structure is being rigorous, solemn natural, is the famous expert writing skill worthily. Looking from the inscription, was the Ming Dynasty Jiajing 39 years (in 1560) in September ninth day date weighs in the government office palm Si Jiyang to write completely. This “long-lived” character height 7.5 meters, width 3.7 meters, only the lower part “the inch” the character on the height 2.22 meters, is the big head"s man, therefore the locality has “the human does not have inch high” the play language. This everywhere rare carved stone are big “long-lived” the character, is honored as “China”, is the Chinese calligraphy carved stone art treasure. Many Chinese and foreign tourists arrive at the cloud gate mountain to pay respect in a big way “long-lived”, prays hopes “the happy birthday”. The entire Tang poem carries throws the Jinlong link wall poem also to leave in here, is glorious age of Tang poetry time North Sea grand minister superintendent Zhao Ju loyal does. In addition, Song Dynasty celebrity Ouyang Xiu, rich Bi, Fan Chun the kernel, Zeng Bu and so on have also left behind the original handwriting in here. The precious topic engraves in here discusses the author status nearly very common, has the lower level petty official civilian, hopeful heavy current dynasty"s famous government official, famous far and wide literary giant, also has appears and disappears the city dust leisurely gentleman; By the calligraphy style, the seal, the Magistrate, the line, the gr
2023-07-18 08:20:461

Nichkhun Wind

  泰国名字:u0e19u0e34u0e0au0e04u0e38u0e13 u0e2bu0e23u0e40u0e27u0e0au0e01u0e38u0e25(Nichkhun Horvejkul  韩国名字:ub2c9ucfe4  练习生时期  中国名字:没有(暂译为“尼琨”或“尼坤”)  名字:NichKhun Buck Horvejkul  别名:Khun、Khunnie、Khunnie Boy、Khunnie Boo、Nichy、  Nickakoong(爸爸喜欢叫的)  暱称:wink自动贩售机(早起参加综艺节目因为电眼迷人mc姜虎东给起的爱称)、泰国王子(在泰国出入都享有王子般的待遇,当然Khun本人的气质也是绝对的王子范儿)、甜心、总攻大人(在团体里主“攻”少“受”)、劳模花美男(因为为人善良又长了一副画报般的脸庞和身材)  生日:1988年6月24日  出生地:加利福尼亚州,Rancho Cucamonga   星座:巨蟹座  血型:O型  身高:180CM(JYPE官网给出的最新身高资料为180CM,没有确实请勿随意修改)  体重 :64kg  宗教信仰:佛教  混血:中泰混血(妈妈是台湾屏东人,爸爸是中泰混血,奶奶是中国海南人,爷爷是泰国人,所以他有4分之3的中国血统。但不会中文,现在在学习中文。)  语言:中文 英语 韩语 泰语  家庭成员:爸爸、妈妈、哥哥(Nichan)和两个妹妹(Yanin and Sherleen)  性格:通常很害羞和安静,但是当认识後就很健谈  所属组合:2pm(队长朴宰范(已退出)、金峻秀、玉泽演、张佑荣、李俊昊、黄灿成)   所属公司:JYPE(原本签订:10年合同,重新签订:8年合同,但不包括练习生时期)  参演节目:2006年SBS Superstar Survival 泰国“Coca-cala CM”、2009年 Mnet《M!Countdown》  MC、2010 MBC《我们结婚了》(与f(x)宋茜成为假想夫妇)  中国Fans名:Queenie   中国後援站:ForKhun | Nichkhun-中国後援会(ForKhun增设香港後援会子站)  穿衣风格:i like to wear something that looks polite but not nerdy... if you know what i mean  特别喜欢穿红色衣服  学历:毕业於 Los Osos高中。现在在韩国学习韩语,也许会在韩国读大学  《Don"t Stop Can"t Stop》新造型  特长:钢琴,逛Siam(泰国的购物中心,在泰国时经常去)  爱好;弹钢琴,高尔夫球,上网,和朋友聊天,写日志,听音乐等等  亲近的艺人:2PM、2AM、孙佳仁(Brown Eyed Girls)、  Wonder Girls.、宋茜(f(x))  理想的女孩:我喜欢有礼貌有修养的类型、也喜欢运动、搞笑、开朗的~ 我不喜欢自负的和party女生.喜欢年上女(偶像军团里说到的)  口头禅:马甲哟(韩语“没错”的意思)苦多哟(韩语“就是”的意思)  尊敬的人;爸爸  网络工具:推特 名为“Khunnie0624”  喜欢的饰品:设计简单的戒指,手镯,项鍊等  喜欢的食物:泰国菜、五花肉(韩国烤肉)   不喜欢的食物:没有,食物不都是美味的吗?  喜欢的颜色:红色(在推特照片里一身红T拿著红模手机让fans猜他最喜欢什麼颜色)  喜欢的水果:所有的水果  不喜欢的水果:avocado (鳄梨)  喜欢的体育项目:羽毛球、高尔夫球、Snowboarding, 网球等等  喜欢的电视节目:不看电视节目,喜欢用电视看电影  喜欢的电影:The Gladiator,Men On Fire,Troy, Mr and Mrs Smith,Romeo & Juliet (Latest one)  喜欢的音乐:Prepix, Rhythm Land  喜欢的歌曲:喜欢Bakery公司的love is。在能唱歌的地方就喜欢听慢歌(Bakery是一个泰国的唱片公司)  喜欢的书籍:不会认真地读书  经常去的地方;Starbucks,床  想去的地方:Starbucks,泰国,美国,任何感觉像家的地方  特别爱好:钢琴,但现在把精力大都放在跳舞和唱歌上面  喜欢的演员:Brad Pitt,Jennifer Aniston,John Travolta, Bruce Willis.  喜欢的歌手:Palmy,Nop Ponchamni, Boyd Kosiyapong, Ben Chalatit等等,听很多的泰国歌  曲,特别是bakery的歌曲  幸运数字(0-9):8  喜欢的字母:K  喜欢的动物;猫  Family Photo  不喜欢的动物:不喜欢一天到晚不停叫的狗,还有它们的气味  害怕的东西:怕软体动物(章鱼等) 害怕甲壳类昆虫(金龟子、蜈蚣等)  想要的东西;一个愉快的家庭  难忘的事:惊奇的事  後悔的事情:when i get back stapped by the closest people.(被最亲近的人背后捅一刀 )  座右铭:种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆  工作:第一次是做“SuperStar Survival”的主持人,  未来计划:一个好儿子,一个好丈夫和一个好爸爸。  我想人生中最重要的事情是家庭,我的成功不是有多富有或者是多  有名,而是拥有一个和睦的家庭.  关於朋友:朋友能帮助你解决问题,愿意做任何使你愉快的事。对朋友来说,除非我们用完了钱,否  则金钱不是最重要的。  关於爱:我把爱人当作是最亲密的朋友。  能和你谈论任何事情,所有的感觉或者情感;能整天照顾你  在互相的人生里面,都是最重要的人;愿意为你改变;我想爱是个愉快的事情  日本超人气偶像团体w-inds  W-inds档案  w-inds.是由主唱橘庆太和负责合声&舞蹈的千叶凉平、  绪方龙一,三个平均只有19岁的少年所组成的HIPHOP  舞蹈歌唱团体。在事务所举办的九州、冲绳新人选拔赛中,  因为那充满透明感及具有压倒性存在感的声音而受到所有  评价一致好评和支持,在一万多名的参加者中  脱颖而出的就是出生於日本福冈的庆太。  同是在日本札幌舞蹈学校学习舞蹈的竞争对手,  也因各自都拥有非凡的才能和天份而受到注意的凉平龙一。  北方和南方的风合而为一,从日本为起点要让世界注意  他们的存在为目标的w-inds.就此诞生。  W-inds个人档案  橘 庆太(TACHIBANA KEITA たちばな けいた)  生日:1985.12.16  星座:射手座  出生地:福冈  身高:183cm  体重:52kg  视力:左:1.2 右:1.2  队内职务:主音  座右铭:Ganbaru!(加油,努力!)  兴趣:唱歌及跳舞 vocal & dance  觉得自豪的事:能唱5个  高度的音节,钢琴  每天一定会做的事:弹琴  口头禅:好累哦  喜欢女孩子的类型:平易近人,讨人喜爱的!有漂亮的眼睛,用崇拜的眼光看自己  学校:立志舍高校  值得尊重的:努力上进的人  喜欢的音乐类型:Soul  喜欢的科目:体育  喜欢的食物:韩国泡菜  喜欢的季节:春天  初恋:小学六年级  兄弟:两妹一哥。 哥:橘勇太。妹:橘美绪、橘舞衣  将来的目标:世界第一  常去的地方:原宿、涉谷  鞋码:27.5cm  身体特征:右眼旁有颗痣.背上有个疤(小时被粥烫的)  爱好:唱歌,做曲,足球,电玩,睡觉  喜欢的卡通:浪客剑心  喜欢的动物:狗  喜欢的颜色:黑色,白色  喜欢的数字:7  喜欢的东西:音响合成器,plasma大电视  喜欢的饮料:因为嗓子的问题只喝水,早晨会喝热可可  喜欢的水果:*莓  喜欢的食物:肉,尤其是烤肉.名古屋的鸡翅和牛舌.  平时的食物:泡菜盖浇饭,还有味曾汤  早晨的食物:面包或昨晚买下的便当(若保质期是9点,到了8:30他都不想吃)  回家做的第一件事:拿掉首饰,换衣服  每天晚上会做的事:上网,拉筋(一般一个小时,很累的话半个小时)  早晨起床第一件事:洗澡  每个星期会做的事:每两天去超市买水  失落时会做的动作:深吸一大口气  习惯的小动作:摸耳环,唱歌的时候左手打拍  习惯的手式:左手拿筷子,右手拿麦克风  感情现状:有喜欢的女生,但未告白(why?)  喜欢的女孩:讲话漂亮,坦诚,温柔体贴,可爱的小女人  关于初吻:希望是在黑的什么也看不到的电影院里  关于初夜:希望是在自己的家里(不是爸爸***家哦)  关于婚姻:23-26时回家乡福冈结婚  关于家庭:孩子只想要一个(小时候被打的记忆很痛苦吧)  幼年的理想:做警察  今后的理想:做个好歌手,在东京大剧场举行dome tour  尊敬的人:舞蹈教师  重要的人:家人,龙一,凉平,这点永远也不会变  目前房间的颜色:橙色(不愧是橘系的)  房间装饰:门口自动感应灯,高科技垃圾箱(手伸过去能自己打开),浴室有干衣机  害怕的事情:孤独  讨厌的事情:睡觉被吵醒,被女生围住,别人不守信用,味道浓郁的香水,穿着开放的女生  讨厌的赞美:美少年  讨厌自己的地方:感情外露,容易流泪  对中国的了解:想要去北京看长城和皇宫,知道周杰伦很红  喜欢的中国菜:炒虾仁  千叶凉平 rap&dance  中文名:千叶凉平 英文名:ryohei日文名:千叶凉平(ちば りょうへい)  小名:オトンが凉平、オカンが凉  生日:1984年11月18日  血型:天蝎座札幌  出身地: 北海道  血型 :B型  鞋号:25㎝  身高:168cm  体重 47公斤  视力 0.5和0.3  戒指的SIZE “食指和中指是15号、无名指是13号”  喜欢的漫画:恋爱カタログ、ピーチガール(有的版本是Ryohei喜欢BLACKCAT)  喜欢的动物:柴狗  专长 跳舞  优点 开朗  兴趣 跳舞、看漫画、足球  习惯 跳舞时,张开口  喜欢的颜色:红色。  愿望:当歌星 考上大学  目标 成为被人尊敬的人  喜欢的科目:社会  第一次见到女生第一眼看的地方 眼睛,和别人说话的时后,会一直看著对方的眼睛  喜欢的女生类型 温柔的人、努力的人。善解人意,体贴、关怀别人、关心他的女生  不喜欢的类型 冷酷的人  最喜欢的颜色 青、白、黑、蓝  最喜欢的数字 9  喜欢的音乐类型:house Techno 抒情  喜欢的食物:蛋包饭  最喜欢的动物 犬〔养了一只叫「ran ran」的雌性小柴犬及一只叫大吉的雄性柴犬)  最喜欢的运动 足球、保龄球、棒球〔是YAKURTO的FAN,最喜欢的捕手是吉田先生)  最喜欢的季节 春天  最喜欢的地方 家  座右铭:梦、希望、爱。/那就是人生。  初恋:小学一年级/小学五年级时和大一年的学姐  初吻对象 绪方 龙一  常去的地方 原宿、涉谷  最喜欢的东西 护腕、头巾  最讨厌的食物 纳豆以外的豆,特别是青豆、茄子、南瓜  最喜欢的时间:晚上,因为身体一直在动所以容易跳舞。  出生之后第一次说的话 “「庆太…龙一、w-inds….」(笑)”  现在最爱的东西 唱歌和跳舞和w-inds.。  曾学过的技能 学过足球、滑雪和去补息班  小时后崇拜的人 蒙面超人  想成为的历史人物 伊藤博文〔因为是日本第一个总理大臣)  外出的时候一定会带的东西 皮夹、手机。  害怕的东西: 除了蚂蚁、蜻蜓以外的虫  每天一定会做的事情:“听音乐、跳舞。本来还打算要写日记的,结果没有一天有写的…。”  口头禅 「讨厌x3」  第一张买的CD Puffy的「amiyumi」、GLAY的「Best Album」  讲出可以代表自己的3句话 “怕寂寞、喜欢集中精神、喜欢练习。”  绪方龙一 rap&dance  中文名:绪方龙一  日文名:绪方龙一(おがた りゅういち)  英文名:Ryuichi  生日:1985年12月17日  星座: 射手座  身高:163cm  体重: 54公斤  出身地 :北海道  血型 :O型  鞋号:25.5㎝  戒指的SIZE: “食指是17号、中指是19号、无名指是15号、小指是9号。”  视力 :1.5以上  喜欢的音乐类型:Hip hop、soul、house  喜欢的漫画人物:ジャンプとモンスターっていうマンガ  喜欢的动物:狗 和小型的动物  喜欢的女孩类型:举止可爱的人,能了解自己性格的人  喜欢的季节:春天  小时的梦想:有名的音楽作词作曲家  座右铭:信用 努力是一个人的血液`  初恋:小学三年级  喜欢的科目:理科  值得尊重得人:努力的人~  喜欢的歌手:Eric Clapton  最想念的人:家族的人。  最害怕的东西:蟑螂 蛇  外出的时候一定会带的东西: 皮夹、手机、iPod、包包。  每天一定会做的事情:听音乐、弹吉他。  口头禅: 「你啊~」  讲出可以代表自己的3句话: “怕麻烦、容易附和别人、完美主义者。”  下面是w-inds.的资料  w-inds.(ウィンズ),由主唱庆太,与和声伴舞的凉平和龙一组成,为J-POP hip-hop舞蹈团体。  主音庆太,从九州冲绳的视听会那超过8000人的征募中脱颖而出,作为决赛时登场唯一的男选手,因著他洋溢著透明感和压倒性存在感的歌声,而在会场上大获支援。另外,北海道札幌跳舞学校的同期生,凉平和龙一,在舞蹈课程的投入中也逐步成长,以非凡的才能受到关注。  当北方(北海道)和南方(九州)的风一同汇聚在东京,以率真清爽的印象挑战偶像市场,w-inds.便在日本诞生了。  出道之前,自2000年11月,三人在公司的安排下,每周日在代代木公园、涉谷等地进行街头表演。最初只有三位关众,但是随著每周追随的人群不断扩张,到了出道前2001年3月11日,在涉谷的表演已经动员了整整8000人。  2001年3月14日终於以累积的人气,w-inds.正式出道!出道后举行从札幌到福冈的全国纵向巡回演出,在各地掀起了强势的旋风。随后在2001年12月发行的1st专辑「w-inds.~1st message~」 获得ORICON第一名,2001年度末更赢得了各大新人奖。  这一强劲并未中止。2002年发行的PV集、5th单曲「Another Days」、6th单曲「Because of you」全部在初登场就获得ORICON第1名。正在这时,新的旋风又再度刮起,2002年1st巡回演唱会在12个城市公演28场,动员了总计12万人的大规模演唱会声势浩大。接著,众人期待的2nd专辑「w-inds.~THE SYSTEM OF ALIVE~」于2002年12月发行,为纪念发行而举行的「期间限定w-inds. cafe」和12/24举办的「X"mas event」,成为反映如今w-inds.声势的大盛况。  随后2003年,间隔半年发行的8th单曲「SUPER LOVER~I need you tonight~」为w-inds.确定了崭新的方向,在ORICON同样获得第1名。同年暑假亦登台日本艺人的演唱圣地「东京武道馆」举行演唱会,年末发行的10th单曲「Long Road」更被喻为「w-inds.代表作」而大受好评。一年一回的3rd专辑「w-inds.~PRIME OF LIFE~」以多元化的曲风引人耳目一新,展现了w-inds.三年来的成长。  2004年初的w-inds.依旧努力以赴,迈向成军4年的他们,由Retro-G-style提供的「Pieces」反朴归真,回归中慢版的舒情曲调,由スキマスイッチ提供的「キレイだ」更是更加扩大了w-inds.作为歌手的幅度,并在夏季发行了出道三年的首张精选集,10月发行的「四季」更请回了最初打造w-inds.的叶山拓亮先生量身订做。而夏天第3回的Live tour声势浩大,并且秋天首次在台湾举行的海外公演也大为成功。  2005年,元旦推出的新曲「梦の场所へ」做为第83回的日本高校足球赛指定曲,w-inds.的神风神话依旧持续。  旋风吹遍了日、韩、台、港、澳与内地的男孩团体,即是w-inds.!  +Records+  2001年 第43回日本Record大赏获得优秀新人奖  2002年 第39回Golden Arrow赏获得音乐新人赏  2002年 第16回日本Gold Disk大赏New artist OBUZA year  2002年 第44回日本Record大赏获得金奖  2003年 第45回日本Record对象获得金奖
2023-07-18 08:20:551


2023-07-18 08:21:054

英语作文beijing two-day tour

u3000As the captain of China,Beijing has been the most popular city of china.So more and more people want to visit Beijing.I think the best time to visit Beijing is spring ,for the weather of that time is very fine ,neither too hot nor too cold .The warm wind will make you fell happy.Many people visit Beijing for it"s beautiful sence and cultural inheritance .If you want to have a enjoyable journey ,I suggest you to pay a visit to the Great Wall,the Summer Palace ,the Olympic Park and many other place
2023-07-18 08:21:122

请英语高手翻译一篇文章 高分

这个是《小王子》,我有英文版的"It"s like flowers, like if you love with a growth in a star on the flowers, then at night, you see the sky was on the sweet pleasure, all the stars seem to have driven to spend on." The first reading of "The Little Prince", was in high school when all of a sudden it was his clean and simple Wen-Bi attracted by the world. After six years now, read "The Little Prince", and could not help but shed tears again, for the Little Prince that Sheren heart palpitations and soul of sadness, for his perseverance and purity touched by the love, but also for ourselves that gradually destroy the Childlike Innocence And condolences. As the author of St. - Artsen Xu Perry said in the preamble to the inside, this fairy tale he "dedicated to the雷昂维尔特, when he was a small boy when" This is an adult fairy tale, there was Childlike Innocence is a fairy tale for adults, children are unable to appreciate the little prince Chegu sadness and love of heavy. They should not be too early to appreciate them, they should be in the sunny world of enjoying a happy time. This is not so much a fairy tale than is a tragedy. Fairy tale, the hero always like Snow White or Cinderella, happy happy life. The sadness of the little prince is in the see the true meaning of love after the death in the desert. Fiction plot is very simple, mainly from "I" point of view about the Little Prince travels process. As a beautiful and Jiaoqi Rose, Prince has left the quiet life of a B-612 on the Tour star, he travels six planet, in these planets, he encountered some feel he can not be justified over the Adults, the arrogant king, Caimixinqiao businessmen, Yufu the people to light lamps…… So he continued with emotion, "the adult world really strange." Here the author of The Little Prince children"s perspective, the perspective of these people The emptiness, blind and Yu Wang, also raises the lonely lonely adults, it is undeniable fitness from the situation. Finally, he came to the Earth. Here he encountered a fox, fox give him this resolved Naduojiaoqi small roses to him the love of the doubts that he understand that love means that responsibility means that compassion, with love (Generalized love ) All have life meaning. Fox told him: "You make it Xunshun things, you will always have responsibility. You have to responsible for your roses." "If you Xunshun me, my life will be full of sunshine, jubilant up. I will listen to To a distinct footsteps.……. You have a blond, therefore, if you made me Xunshun, which will become Miaobukeyan! Golden wheat will allow me to recall you. So I Will love the穿行Mailang the wind…… "love people to understand the grief and pain, lonely people out of the lonely, life is full of fun and have become meaningless. As the Little Prince "I" said: "It"s like flowers, like if you love with a growth in a star on the flowers, then at night, you see the sky was on the sweet pleasure, all the stars on the Seem to have open flowers. "Thus the author understand that this world, a small sheep eat a flower, is no big deal, but the Little Prince," would like all the stars are out enveloping his . " Finally, the little prince left his the first anniversary of the planet, let the snakes killed him, so he can "out of body weight," he returned to the B-612 on the Tour star, returned to his pride and fragile Rose side. Prince gone, as the girl flying to buy matches and she did not with the cold world without hunger, he towards his eternal love. It left the world"s only golden wheat fields and a garden of roses does not matter. We are in vain to cry. And we were just as eager to Xunshun fox, miss the small wheat field in front of the Prince blond hair. Because the little prince, I believe that the desert is well hidden, because the little prince he heard Lulu"s voice in the wind and drink that has become the desert beautiful Oasis.
2023-07-18 08:21:203


mum mum mum ...... mum- -
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2023-07-18 08:21:581

如何写游记 英文

一般是过去式语态,尽量少长句,多短句.用一些表示时间的短语,还有一些连接词等.多读一些游记类的英文著作Generally speaking, it is the past tense voice, with as few long sentences as possible and short sentences as much as possible. use some phrases to express time, and some connectives, etc. read more English works of travel notes.Mei mountain travel 嵋山游记Very early heard people say the beautiful and mount emei mountains, last summer, we came to a known as "the first one show" the laudatory name of mount emei play. The next day we set off early. Because we are going to see jinding Buddha light. Tour guide said Buddha"s light not everyone can see. If who be lucky to see it, this life will bring good luck. Early in the morning light did people on, everything around him still subduction in the darkness. The ups and downs of lianshan is like a big beast back, appear more mysterious. After a few hours of hard to climb, and revealed the east the sky was a fish-belly grey. I return to mou background, see the cloud and mist curl up. "Coming!" Listen to a yell, for we have to I Mei jinding. Standing on the top look, a round red leaping from clouds, white clouds fog around the ShanJian, everything is hazy, true have "doesn"t know I Mei real features, only the good luck body is in the mountain in" taste. A gentle wind, I have a feeling of has. Looking at the charming landscape, I as if place oneself among in wonderland. The sun rising slowly, the distance and continuous of castle peak, outline clear, in the morning light is even more imposing, draw the outline of nature wonderful curve. Although we did not see Buddha"s light, but the sight of this poem general picture scroll, have already that I enjoy them, those who stay up to regret next time when I Mei make up for it.
2023-07-18 08:22:051


Unit 1 1.问题;事情matter 2.怎么了?出什么事了?What"s the matter? 3.疼痛的;酸痛的sore 4.感冒have a cold 5.胃痛;腹痛stomachache 6.胃痛have a stomachache 7.脚;足foot 8.颈;脖子neck 9.胃;腹部stomach 10.咽喉;喉咙throat 11.发烧fever 12.躺,平躺lie 13.躺下lie down 14.放松;休息rest 15.咳嗽cough 16.X射线;X光X-ray 17.牙痛toothache 18.量体温take one"s temperature 19.头痛headache 20.发烧have a fever 21.间歇;休息break 22.休息take breaks (take a break) 23.(使)疼痛;受伤hurt 24.乘客;旅客passenger 25.离开(某处);不工作;从......去掉off 26.下车get off 27.使......惊讶的;出乎......意料to one"s surprise 28.向;朝onto 29.问题;苦恼trouble 30.击;打hit 31.立即;马上right away 32.陷入;参与get into 33.(she的反身代词)她自己herself 34.绷带;用绷带包扎bandage 35.生病的;有病的sick 36.膝;膝盖knee 37.鼻出血nosebleed 38.呼吸breathe 39.晒伤的sunburned 40.(we的反身代词)我们自己ourselves 41.登山者;攀登者climber 42.习惯于......;适应于 used to 43.危险;风险;冒险 risk 44.冒险take risks 45.(交通)事故;意外遭遇accident 46.情况;状况situation 47.千克;公斤kilo 48.岩石tock 49.用尽;耗尽run out (of) 50.刀knife 51.切除cut off 52.血blood 53.意思是;打算;意欲mean 54.离开;从......出来gt out of 55.重要性;重要importance 56.决定;抉择decision 57.限制;约束;管理control 58.掌管;管理bi in control of 59.勇气;意志spirit 60.死;死亡death 61.放弃give up 62.护士nurse 63.朱迪(女名)Judy 64.南希(女名)Nancy 65.曼迪(女名)Mandy 66.阿伦u2022罗尔斯顿Aron Ralston 67.尤他州(美国)Utah Unit 2 1.打扫(或清除)干净 clean up 2.欢呼;喝彩 cheer 3.(使)变得更高兴;振奋起来 cheer up 4.分发;散发 give 5.义务做;自愿做;志愿者volunteer 6.想出;提出(主意、计划回答等)come up with 7.推迟 put off 8.标志;信号 sign 9.通知;通告;注意;注意到;意识到 otice 10.分发hand out 11.打电话给(某人);征召 call uo 12.曾经……;过去…… used to 13.孤独的;寂寞的 lonely 14.照顾,非常喜欢 care for 15.几个;数个;一些 several 16.强烈的;强壮的 strong 17.感觉;感触 feeling 18.满足;,满意 satisfaction 19.高兴;愉快 joy 20.物主;主人 owner 21.参加……选拔;试用 try out 22.(由指长途)旅行;行程 journey 23.募集;征集 raise 24.独自;单独 alone 25.修理;修补 repair 26.修理;安装 fix 27.修理;装饰 fix up 28.赠送;捐赠 give away 29.(外貌或行为)像 take after 30.破损的;残缺的 broken 31.车轮;车子 wheel 32.信;函 letter 33.女士;小姐 Miss 34.建起;设立 set up 35.丧失能力的;有残疾的 disabled 36.影响;有作用 make a difference 37.瞎的;失明的 blind 38.聋的 deaf 39.想象;设想 imagine 40.困难;难题 difficulty 41.开;打开 open 42.门 door 43.拿;提;扛 carry 44.训练;培训 train 45.激动的;兴奋的 excited 46.训练;培训 train 47.仁慈;善良 kindness 48.聪明的;聪颖的 clever 49.理解;领会 understand 50.变化;改变 change 51.兴趣;关注interest 52.先生(用于正式信函中对不知名的男性收信人的称呼时) sir 53.夫人;女士(用于正式信函中对不知名的女性收信人的称呼时) madam 54.马里奥(男名) Mario 55.吉米(男名) Jimmy Unit 3 1. 垃圾;废弃物 rubbish 2. 倒垃圾 take out the rubbish 3. 折叠;对折 fold 4. 扫;打扫 sweep 5. 地板 floor 6. 杂乱;不整洁 mess 7. 扔;掷 throw 8. 频繁;反复 all the time 9. 也不 neithe 10. 衬衫 shirt 11. 一……就……;尽快 as soon as 12. 给;递;走过;通过 pass 13. 借;借用 borrow 14. 借给;借出 lend 15. 手指 finger 16. 厌恶;讨厌 hate 17. 杂务;乏味无聊的工作 chore 18. 与…同时;当…的时候;而;然而 while 19. 点心;小吃;快餐 snack 20. 精神压力;心理负担 stress 21. 浪费;垃圾;浪费;滥用 waste 22. 目的是;为了 in order to 23. 提供;供应 provide 24. 而且;加之 anyway 25. 依靠;信赖 depend 26. 发展;壮大 develop 27. 独立 independence 28. 公正性;合理性 fairness 29. 因为;既然 since 30. 从……以后;自……以来 prep., conj .& adv. 31. 邻居 neighbor 32. 照顾;处理 take care of 33. 有病;不舒服 ill 34. 落下;掉下 drop 35. 独立的;自主的 drop 36. 合理的;公正的 fair 37. 不合理的;不公正的 unfair 38. 桑迪 Sandy Unit 4 1.允许;准许 allow 2.有毛病的;错误的 wrong 3. 哪儿不舒服 What"s wrong 4. 午夜;子夜 midnight 5. 快速查看;浏览 look through 6. 猜测;估计 guess 7. 协议;交易 deal 8. 重要的事 big deal 9. 成功的发展;解决 work out 10. 和睦相处;关系良好 get on w 11. 关系;联系;交往 relation 12. 交流;沟通 communication 13. 争吵;争论 argue 14. 云;云朵cloud 15. 年纪较长的 elder 16. 代替;反而;却 instead 17. 任何;每一 whatever 18. 焦虑的;担忧的 nervous 19. 主动提出;自愿给予 offer 20. 正确的;恰当的 proper 21. 第二;其次 secondly 22. 交流;沟通 communicate 23. 解释;说明 explain 24. 清楚易懂的;晴朗的 clear 25. 抄袭;模仿;复制;复印 copy 26. 归还;回来;返回 return 27. 再也(不);(不)再 anymore 28. 成员;分子 member 29. 压力 pressure 30. 竞争;对抗 compete 31. 意见;想法;看法 opinion 32. 技艺;技巧 skill 33. 典型的 typical 34. (美式)橄榄球;足球 football 35. 删除;删去 cut out 36. 快的;迅速的;时间短暂的 quick 37. 持续;继续存在的 continue 38. 比较 compare 39. 比较;对比 compare…with 40. 不理智的;疯狂的 crazy 41. 鞭策;督促;推动 push 42. 发展;发育;成长 development 43. 造成;引起 cause 44. 通常的;寻常的 usual 45. 依……看 in one"s opinion 46. 可能;大概;也许 perhaps 47. 凯茜(女名) Cathy 48. 泰勒(姓)Taylor Unit 5 1.暴风雨 rainstorm 2.闹钟 alarm 3. (闹钟)发出响声 go off 4. 开始 begin 5. 在很大程度上;大量的 heavily 6. 突然;忽然 suddenly 7. 接电话 pick up 8. 奇特的;奇怪的 strange 9. 暴风雨 storm 10. 风 wind 11. 光;光线;光亮 light 12. 报道;公布 report 13. 地域;地区 area 14. 木;木头 wood 15. 窗;窗户 window 16. 手电筒;火炬 flashlight 17. 火柴 match 18. 敲打;打败 beat 19. 倚;碰;撞 against 20. 睡着 asleep 21. 进入梦乡;睡着 fall asleep 22. 逐渐变弱;逐渐消失 fall asleep 23. 升起;增加;提高 rise 24. 倒下的;落下的 fallen 25. 分离;分开 apart 26. 看一看 have a look 27. 覆盖着冰的;冰冷的 icy 28. 开玩笑;欺骗 kid 29. 理解;领会;认识到 realize 30. 前往;费力的前进 make one"s way 31. 章节;段落 passage 32. 学生 pupil 33. 彻底地;完全地 completely 34. 惊愕的;受震惊的 shocked 35. 沉默;缄默;无声 silence 36. 沉默;无声 in silence 37. 不久前;最近 recently 38. 拆除;往下拽;记录 take down 39. 恐怖主义者;恐怖分子 terrorist 40. 日期;日子 date 41. 塔;塔楼 tower 42. 首先;最初 at first 43. 实情;事实 truth 44. 艾伦(姓) Allen 45. 马丁u2022路德u2022金 Martin /Luther/King 46. 阿拉巴马州(美国) Alabama 47. 动物保护热线 Animal Helpline 48. 世贸大楼(美国纽约) World Trade Unit 6 1.射击;发射 shoot 2.石头 stone 3. 虚弱的;无力的 weak 4. 神;上帝 god 5. 提醒;使想起 remind 6. 一点;小块 bit 7. 有点;稍微 a little bit 8. 愚蠢的;不明事理的 silly 9. 代替;反而 instead 10. 变成 turn…into 11. 物体;物品 object 12. 隐藏;隐蔽 hide 13. 尾巴 tail 14. 有魔力的;有神奇力量的 magic 15. 棍;条 stick 16. 使激动;使兴奋 excite 17. 西方国家的;(尤指)欧美的;西方的(w可以小写) Western 18. 从前 once upon 19. 继姐(妹) stepsister 20. 王子 prince 21. 爱上;喜欢上 fall in love 22. 适合;合身 fit 23. (尤指)夫妻;两人;两件事物 couple 24. 笑;微笑 smile 25. 结婚 mary 26. 结婚 get married 27. 金子;金币;金色的 gold 28. 国王 emperor 29. 丝绸;丝织物 silk 30. 内衣 underwear 31. 没有人;小人物 nobody 32. 愚蠢的 stupid 33. 欺骗;蒙骗;骗子 cheat 34. 继母 stepmother 35. 妻子;太太 wife 36. 丈夫 wife 37. 全部的;整体的 whole 38. (戏剧或歌剧的)场;场景 scene 39. 月光 moonlight 40. 发光;照耀 shine 41. 光亮地;明亮地;明亮的;光线充足的 bright 42. 地;地面 ground 43. 带路;领路 lead 44. 声音 voice 45. 勇敢的;无畏的 brave 46. 克劳迪娅(女名) Claudia 47. 《西游记》 Journey to the West 48. 美猴王 the Monkey King 49. 《睡美人》 Sleeping Beauty 50. 《灰姑娘》 Cinderella 51. 《小红帽》 Little Red Riding Hood 52. 《韩赛尔与格雷特》(《糖果屋》) Hansel Unit 7 1.平方;正方形 square 2.米;公尺 meter 3. 深的;纵深的 deep 4. 沙漠 desert 5. 人口;人口数量 population 6. 亚洲 Asia 7. (可以)随便(做某事) feel free 8. 旅行;旅游 tour 9. 旅行者;观光者 tourist 10. 墙 wall 11. 令人大为惊奇的;令人惊喜(或惊叹)的 amazing 12. 古代的;古老的 ancient 13. 保护;防护 protect 14. 宽的;宽阔的 wide 15. 就我所知 as far as I know 16. 成就;成绩 achievement 17. 西南的;西南方向的 southwestern 18. 厚的;浓的 thick 19. 包括;包含 include 20. 极冷的;冰冻的 freezing 21. 条件;状况 condition 22. 吸入;吞入(体内) take in 23. 实现目标;成功 succeed 24. 挑战;考验 challenge 25. 面对(问题、困难等) in the face of 26. 达到;完成;成功 achieve 27. 力;力量 force 28. 自然界;大自然 nature 29. 即使;虽然 even though 30. 大海;海洋 ocean 31. 太平洋 the Pacific 32. 厘米 cm 33. 重量是……;称……的重量 weigh 34. 出生;诞生 birth 35. 出生时 at birth 36. 到达(某数量、程度等);至多有;不多于 up to 37. 成年的;成人的;成人;成年动物 adult 38. 竹子 bamboo 39. 濒危的 endangered 40. 研究;调查(用作名词时,重音可放在第一个音节) research 41. 饲养员;保管人 keeper 42. 醒着 awake 43. 激动;兴奋 excitement 44. 走路时撞着 walk into 45. 绊倒 fall over 46. 疾病;病 illness 47. 遗留的;剩余的 remaining 48. 大约 or so 49. 图片;插图 artwork 50. 野生的 wild 51. 政府;内阁 government 52. 鲸 whale 53. 油;食用油;石油 oil 54. 保护;保卫 protection 55. 巨大的;极多的 huge 56. 丹增u2022诺尔盖 Tenzing 57. 埃德蒙u2022希拉里 Edmund 58. 田部井淳子 Junko 59. 珠穆朗玛峰 Qomolangma 60. 尼罗河 the Nile 61. 里海(世界的咸水湖)the Caspian 62. 撒哈拉沙漠 the Sahara 63. 长江 the Yangtze 64. 黄河 the Yellow 65. 明朝 the Ming Dynasty 66. 明长城 the ming great wall 67. 喜马拉雅山脉 the himalayas 68. 亚马逊河 the amazon 69. 成都研究基地 Chengdu research base Unit 8;财富 treasure 2.岛 island 3. 满是……的;(有)大量的;(有)丰富的 full of 4. 经典作品;名著 classic 5. (书刊或纸张的)页,面,张 page 6. 匆忙;赶快 hurry 7. 赶快;急忙(做某事)hurry up 8. 预期;预订 due 9. 船 ship 10. 工具 tool 11. 枪;炮 gun 12. 迹象;记号;分数;做记号;打分 mark 13. 沙滩;沙 sand 14. 食人肉者 cannibal 15. 朝;向;对着 towards 16. 陆地;大地 land 17. 小说 fiction 18. 科幻小说(或影片等) science fiction 19. 科技;工艺 technology 20. 法语 french 21. 流行音乐;流行乐曲 pop 22. 摇滚乐 rock 23. 乐队 hand 24. 乡村音乐 country music 25. 永远 forever 26. 在国外;到国外 abroad 27. 真实的;事实上 actually 28. 自从 ever since 29. 迷;狂热爱好者 fan 30. 南方的 southern 31. 现代的;当代的 modern 32. 成功 success 33. 属于;归属 belong 34. 互相 one another 35. 笑;笑声 laughter 36. 美;美丽 beauty 37. 一百万 million 38. 唱片;记录;录制;录(音)record 39. 介绍;引见 introduce 40. 行;排 line 41. 亚历克斯(男名) Alex 42. 加思u2022布鲁克斯 Garth brooks 43. 披头士乐队(英国)the beatles 44. 《金银岛》 treasure island 45. 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》 alice in wonderland 46. 《小妇人》 little 47. 《雾都孤儿》 oliver 48. 《鲁滨逊漂流记》 robinson 49. 《汤姆u2022索亚历险记》 tom sawyer 50. 《哈利u2022波特》 harry potter 51. 纳什维尔(美国田纳西州府) nashville 52. 田纳西州(美国) tennessee 53. 乡村音乐名人堂博物馆 country music hall of fame Unit 9;游戏 amusement 2.游乐场 amusement park 3. 在某处;到某处 somewhere 4. 照相机;摄影机;摄像机 camera 5. 发明;发明物 invention 6. 发明;创造 invent 7. 难以置信的;不真实的 unbelievble 8. 进步;进展 progress 9. 迅速的;快速的 rapid 10. 特别的;不寻常的 unusual 11. 座便器;厕所 toilet 12. 鼓励 encourage 13. 社会的 social 14. 和平的;安宁的 peaceful 15. 茶艺 tea art 16. 表演;演出 performance 17. 完美的;完全的 perfect 18. 茶具 tea set 19. 它自己(it的反身代词) itself 20. 收集;采集 collect 21. 两个;一对;几个 a couple of 22. 德国的;德语的;德国人的;德语;德国人 german 23. 主题 theme 24. 供乘骑的游乐设施;短途旅程 ride 25. 省份 province 26. 一千 thousand 27. 数以千计的;许许多多的 thousands of 28. 一方面……另一方面…… on the one hand … on the other hand … 29. 安全的;无危险的 safe 30. 仅仅;只;不过 simply 31. 害怕;惧怕 fear 32. 不管……(还是);或者……(或者);是否 whether 33. 印度的;印度人 indian 34. 日本的;日本人的;日语的;日本人;日语 japanese 35. 狐狸 fox 36. 全年 all year round 37. 赤道 equator 38. 在任何时候;无论何时 whenever 39. 春天 spring 40. 主要地;通常 mostly 41. 地点;位置 location 42. 国家科学博物馆 national 43. 国际厕所博物馆 international 44. 杭州国家茶博物馆 Hangzhou national tea museum 45. 唐老鸭 donald 46. 迪斯尼乐园 disneyland 47. 迪斯尼游轮 Disney cruise 48. 兵马俑 the terracotta 49. 鸟巢 the bird"s nest 50. 新加坡 singapore 51. 东南亚 southeast asia 52. 夜间动物园 night safari
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先后在自然(Nature)、分子精神病学(Molecular Psychiatry)、分子生物学与进化(Molecular Biology and Evolution)、生物精神病学(Biological Psychiatry)、生物化学杂志(Journal of Biological Chemistry)、生物信息学(Bioinformatics)、药物化学杂志(Journal of Medicine Chemistry)、PLoS ONE、生化药理学(Biochemical Pharmacology)、神经药理学(Neuropharmacology)、BMC生物信息学(BMC Bioinformatics)、分子生物学杂志(Journal of Molecular Biology)、分子进化杂志(Journal of Molecular Evolution)、蛋白质科学(Protein Science)、基因(Gene)等国际知名学术刊物上发表学术论文近百篇。她曾应邀在国际及全国性学术会议上作专题报告五十多次,发表会议论文摘要一百多篇,并取得发明专利五项。
2023-07-18 08:19:381


2023-07-18 08:19:383


2023-07-18 08:19:401


华为这种半军事化的公司,外包属于食物链底层。1.基本没有上升空间,你是砖,砖,砖。正式员工动脑,你动键盘。2.待遇和正式员工差别很大,主要是没有奖金和股票,这个才是收入的大头。我面试过多个在hw有多年工作经验的外包,也招过2个,整体感觉很不好,人基本上半残废吧。工作模型决定了底层人员基本没有学习和成长的机会,日常工作就是大量的无价值重复劳动。其实我蛮佩服华为的管理水平的,同样水平的外包人员,我们就没能力用好。当然很可能这是个案,因为我说的很多也不超过10个。目前发现的区别:工牌和华为正式员工以及华为外包均不同。是德科专门的工牌,上面有华为logo和德科公司的名称。带子是和正式员工相同的红色带子。工号规则不同。德科行政考勤系统是eOutsource,华为的好像不是这个。德科工牌没有充值功能,所以吃饭、班车得用手机二维码,华为员工直接刷工牌。但HR说这个功能只是因为暂时没打通,可能long long later之后就可以刷卡了。
2023-07-18 08:19:401


PMC是致力于引领大数据连接、传送和存储的半导体及软件解决方案提供商。 PMC于1984年成立,并于1991年成为了一家纳斯达克上市公司。 现今,PMC全球共有1500人规模, 其总部设在硅谷。PMC的产品涉及电信、存储两个领域。在电信领域,其高集成OTN处理器/成帧器等电信解决方案主要用于骨干&amp;城域网络。 同时,其无线射频收发方案,可用于目前广泛布建的4G LTE网络。在存储领域, PMC秉持长久以来在高速传输领域的技术优势,研发推出了业界最高性能和最高密度的控制器和扩展器芯片,已被多家存储系统及服务器厂商认可及使用。此外,PMC于2010年通过并购知名厂商Adaptec将业务领域扩展至芯片以外的板卡级解决方案,并将其具有优势的软件堆栈和PMC的高性能芯片结合,推出了一系列针对大型数据中心和标准服务器厂商的RAID阵列卡和HBA产品。 2013年,PMC又收购了IDT公司闪存业务部,通过并入业界首款NVMe闪存控制器, 完善了存储产品在闪存领域的战略布局。
2023-07-18 08:19:431

winrar 和 好压 哪个好

摘录自数动连线(电脑报,肯定不是枪手) 一、 为了公平起见,我们分别用好压和WinRAR的标准模式压缩50MB左右的文本文件、图片文件和多媒体文件来进行对比测试,并且都采用ZIP压缩格式。在文件的压缩率方面,好压与WinRAR不相伯仲,互有胜负。好压在压缩文本文件时小有优势,而WinRAR压缩图片和多媒体文件稍稍胜出.不过在压缩速度方面,WinRAR的表现更好。压缩50MB左右的文本、图片和多媒体文件,WinRAR都只用了3秒钟左右的时间,而好压则用了5到7秒的时间.在压缩成同样的ZIP格式时,好压并没有任何优势,WinRAR的表现则更为出色。二、 我们都知道,虽然好压可以解压缩RAR格式的文件,但由于WinRAR是收费软件,所以好压默认的压缩格式就是ZIP,而一般情况下,用户使用WinRAR压缩文件也都是选择默认压缩成RAR格式,而不会选择压缩成ZIP格式。所以我们再以好压和WinRAR的默认压缩格式进行对比,看看默认情况下会怎样。经过测试可以发现,在文件压缩率方面,二者相差不大。50MB左右的文件压缩后最大相差不过5MB。在压缩速度方面,好压的表现则全面超越了WinRAR。特别是在多媒体文件的压缩方面,压缩50MB左右的视频文件,好压只用了4秒钟左右,而WinRAR耗费的时间则是好压的6倍多,达到27秒。 从上面两次测试当中我们不难发现,WinRAR压缩为ZIP或RAR格式,压缩率变化不大,而压缩为ZIP格式时,好压与WinRAR的压缩率旗鼓相当。换言之,使用好压压缩为默认的ZIP格式同使用WinRAR压缩为默认的RAR格式压缩率差别也不大。但是从用户使用习惯角度出发,也就是都采用软件默认的压缩格式的情况下,好压的压缩速度则要明显比WinRAR快了很多。所以如果从“性价比”角度来考虑,具有更快压缩速度的好压则显得更有竞争力。
2023-07-18 08:19:491

奇兔刷机 怎么选择本地rom?

2023-07-18 08:19:503

molecular plant 影响因子

Molecular Plant是一本国际顶级学术期刊,主要关注植物分子生物学领域的研究。影响因子是衡量学术期刊影响力的重要指标之一。最常用的影响因子是由美国科学引文索引服务(Web of Science)发布的影响因子(IF)。根据Web of Science数据,Molecular Plant的影响因子在近几年一直保持在高水平,2020年的影响因子为6.722。这表明Molecular Plant是在植物分子生物学领域非常具有影响力的学术期刊。除了影响因子之外,还有其他指标来衡量学术期刊的影响力,如引用率、投稿率等。Molecular Plant在这些指标上也表现出色。总之,Molecular Plant是一本在植物分子生物学领域具有很高影响力的学术期刊。
2023-07-18 08:19:511


2023-07-18 08:19:582


2023-07-18 08:19:583


2023-07-18 08:19:581


  《功夫熊猫2》配音演员没有罗志祥,具体如下:  《功夫熊猫2》(Kung Fu Panda 2)是一部2011年美国3D动画电影,是2008年动画电影《功夫熊猫》的续集。由詹妮弗·余执导,杰克·布莱克、安吉丽娜·朱莉、成龙、塞斯·罗根、加里·奥德曼等配音。2011年5月26日于北美上映。  故事主要讲诉了阿宝成为了神龙大侠,跟随功夫大师与盖世五侠一起保护着和平谷、过着宁静的生活。然而,好景不长,邪恶反派沈王爷正打算用无人能挡的机密武器征服中国并且毁灭功夫,阿宝面临着一次新的挑战,他必须回首过去并揭开身世之谜,才能找到打败敌人的关键力量。
2023-07-18 08:20:001


库里在NBA金州勇士队的。金州勇士队(Golden State Warriors)于1946年成立并加盟BAA(1949年加盟NBA),是一支属于美国加利福尼亚州旧金山市的职业篮球队,是美国职业篮球联赛(NBA)西部联盟太平洋赛区的一部分。金州勇士队介绍勇士队主场原来在宾夕法尼亚州的费城,1962年才搬到加州;由于加州的昵称是“金州”,故取名“金州勇士”。它是最早加盟NBA的11支球队之一;在NBA历史上,曾七次夺得总冠军,NBA的第一次总冠军得主就是勇士队;威尔特·张伯伦效力勇士队期间缔造了NBA单场最高分纪录100分。在唐·尼尔森成为球队教练后,勇士队成为了一支可以为季后赛席位展开争夺的劲旅,2006-07赛季季后赛第一轮更是淘汰常规赛冠军小牛队创造NBA史上第3个“黑八奇迹”。
2023-07-18 08:20:011


2023-07-18 08:19:292

sierra leone是哪个国家

2023-07-18 08:19:271

求功夫熊猫1 2百度云链接拜托了?

2023-07-18 08:19:243


2023-07-18 08:19:222

求歌:walking my way back to you

No matter what type of ezine ads you choose, no matter how good your ezine ad is and no matter how good the product/service/program you promote is, you always have a powerful enemy: the SPAM FILTERS. If you don"t know how to avoid these filters then the email containing your ezine ad may be sent to the intended recipient"s Spam folder or even deleted at the server level. So what you promote the best product in the world, so what your ezine ad is written by the best copywriter in the worldsecondly,arizona cardinals patch jerseys, you should always store your hockey jerseys in a dry closet space,the nfl jerseys sale as well as all associated graphics, logos, trade name are the property of the nfl and are used herein display case, or picture frame. moisture will always cause problems and rodents, insects, and moths can make things even worse! If no one receives the email containing your ad, everything is in vain. Here are a few rules that will help you beat the most powerful enemy of ezine advertising. Rule # 1 - Never write the subject line of a solo ad or a full line or more using CAPITAL LETTERS It is OK to emphasize some of the words by writing them ALL CAPS, but never ever write a whole line ALL CAPS. Rule # 2 - Always check whether the links from your ad belong to a domain name that is blacklisted or not. Do NOT wrongly assume that only spammers" domain names are blacklisted. You may be surprised to find out that the domain name of your favored program is listed by such a blacklist and as a consequence ANY affiliate link - including yours - is blacklisted too. A very good tool for this checking is this one: we are specialized in nfl jerseys production, you can visit our online shops for choosing, there have lots of high quality and cheap nhl jerseys are in hot sale, if you want to choose a comfortable jersey is very important, click here nhl jerseys.lookup.uribl,nhl jerseys may be the top clothing accessory out there and a favorite among many hockey fans. they represent nhl teams" spirit and players" vigour, and these nhl players lived a simpler life and played in a simpler era as well, so it attracts many fans to collect nhl jerseys and keeping them carefully, but pristine and fresh looking is similarly no easy task, now here are some quick tips you can use to keep your hockey jersey collection looking its best appearance, whenever your nfl jerseys can not only make you look more cool but show your personality ,are in the mood for showing it off. Rule # 3 - You must not use in your ads words and expressions that are penalized by spam filters. Those words are COMMON words, so don"t think that you never use the same words a spammer would use. The spammers are real people like you and me and they talk the same language. Because of them, you will be surprised to find out that many words usually found in ezine ads are penalized. Here are 3 examples: - amazing - make money - financial freedom You seesecondly, you should always store your hockey jerseys in a dry closet space,the nfl jerseys sale as well as all associated graphics, logos, trade name are the property of the nfl and are used herein display case, or picture frame. moisture will always cause problems and rodents, insects, and moths can make things even worse! How many times didn"t you use these wordssecondly,Karl Malone jersey, you should always store your hockey jerseys in a dry closet space,the nfl jerseys sale as well as all associated graphics, logos,ccm wings youth jerseys, trade name are the property of the nfl and are used herein display case, or picture frame. moisture will always cause problems and rodents, insects, and moths can make things even worse! The more such words you use in your ads,Sheldon Souray jersey, the higher your chances to be blocked by these filters are. Before starting to write your ezine ad, you NEED to KNOW what words NOT to use in your ad. Side Note: Never ever mispell the words that are penalized. Many ezine advertisers and publishers make this mistake without knowing that the most updated spam filters penalize also this type of NOT PROFESSIONAL writing. Examples: - m0ney (zero instead of the letter o) - f.r.e.e This type of writing is called attempt to obfuscate words in spam and is penalized too. Therefore, mispelling words in spam doesn"t help you to avoid the spam filters and in addition makes your ezine (or ad) look ugly. Not so good,Boston Celtics jerseys, rightsecondly,Antonio Cromartie jersey, you should always store your hockey jerseys in a dry closet space,81 ravens boldin jerseys,the nfl jerseys sale as well as all associated graphics, logos, trade name are the property of the nfl and are used herein display case, or picture frame. moisture will always cause problems and rodents,Dallas Cowboys jerseys, insects, and moths can make things even worse! * * * Comply with the simple rules presented in this article and you will improve the deliverability of your email messages and increase your sales, leads and profits. To Your Success! Adrian Jock Adrian Jock is the author of the special report How to Avoid Spam Filters and the publisher of Ezine Advertising Info if you want to get more details to indetify the jersey you can see official to inquire.letter.related articles:Boston Celtics jerseys watch v the final battle on pacer jersey Promote Residual Affiliate Programs Sheldon Souray jersey How To Get Back At Those Who Spam You 3.1 Blue posted to encourage export diversification does not mean that the overall balance of Germ Carl Yastrzemski jersey Games Script Use Flash Ga San Francisco 49ers jerseys How to Outsource Your
2023-07-18 08:19:212

Mac os Sierra 安装win7报错。由于是转了好几手的电脑,不知道这个分区是什么情况?看不懂现在的分区。

你以前是不是在imac上单单装过Win7? 主引导记录分区是志MBR分区,新买的imac是不可能出现MBR分区,你这情况就跟黑苹果一个样了,你确定你的MAC OS是原版OS吗?只有破解过内核文件的MAC OS才可以在MBR分区上启动的(显然你的可以启动),原版的是不支持在MBR上安装和启动的,楼主你现在的情况就跟黑苹果一样了。当然你的问题是要安装Win7,不建议你用虚拟机,因为你还是要启动MAC OS然后启动虚拟机去开WIN7,非常别扭,建议彻底分开启动才像双系统(我电脑是三系统,win7、win8.1和mac os, 完全独立启动), 所以我给你一个办法:既然你的电脑已经是MBR分区了,那么你可以利用“黑苹果安装思维”去安装。我给简单介绍下办法:1.制作一个U盘启动工具,比如下载“大白菜U盘启动”,然后一键安装到你的U盘上,就制成U盘启动了。(现在的U盘启动基本差不多,但我以下的是按大白菜U盘讲的)2.在插入U盘,在iMac启动U盘,进入“Win PE"系统3.进去后你可以看到磁盘工具DiskGenius(下面简称DG,这个工具很容易使用,不懂可以问度娘);4.利用DG调整你的分区,注意,如果你要在苹果的日志式分区上分割空间,那么你一定要对那个分区先格式化的,所以你记得要备份这个分区上的数据,当如果这么凑巧你有一个盘可以直接利用,那么你只要把它格式化为NTFS格式,并且利用GD把这个盘转为主分区并且还要激活这个分区(通过点击右键目标分区你可以看到”转为主分区“和”激活这个分区“这些选项,DG真的很容易操作,不要担心)。5.做好上面4步,现在你可以安装WIN7了,准备好WIN7镜像文件(ISO或者GHO格式都可以),打开”一键安装系统“(在PE桌面可以找打),然后软件界面选择“还原系统”——“打开”镜像文件路径(指明路径后会自动识别安装文件)——选中目标安装分区——最后点确定,自动执行WIN7安装。6.安装完后,不要马上重启,点击PE桌面的引导项修复工具,点击打开选中WIN7安装分区进行修复,最后重启,你会发现直接进入了WIN7安装界面(注意啊,你一定要在安装前就下载好苹果官方提供的WIN7驱动,否则进去后你会发现很多驱动没有安装好,苹果电脑都是有官方驱动的)。7.完成安装后,你要在WIN7上安装EASYBACD和Macdriver(试用安装可以了,这个是读写苹果分区用的,但安装完苹果官网的驱动也是可以看见Mac的分区的,但只能读不能写)。8. EasyBCD添加HJMAC.iso的启动项到win7启动菜单(看图):把HJMAC.iso复制到C盘下(即你的win7系统盘),可以自建一个HJMAC文件夹,然后按下图添加一个HJMAC.iso的启动项到win7启动菜单。添加这个启动项的目的是用来安装MAC。完成之后重启系统.9. 重启后在win7启动菜单中选择HJMac,即可见到一个变色龙引导界面,在这个界面面你可以选择WIN7和MAC。不走看上去好像很多,当如果你熟悉电脑就知道,前面1到6其实就是现在比较流行U盘安装WINDOWS系统方法。剩余7到9三步是借鉴安装黑苹果的办法,去启动你的Mac OS.
2023-07-18 08:19:201


分子马达(molecular motor),是美国康奈尔大学研究人员在活细胞内的能源机制启发下,制造出的一种马达。这种微型马达以三磷酸腺苷酶为基础,依靠为细胞内化学反应提供能量的高能分子三磷酸腺苷(ATP)为能源。分子马达,又名分子发动机,是分布于细胞内部或细胞表面的一类蛋白质,它们的构象会随着与ATP和ADP的交替结合而改变,ATP水解的能量转化为机械能,引起马达形变,或者是它和与其结合的分子产生移动。就是说,分子马达本质上是一类ATP酶。例如肌肉中的肌球蛋白会拉动粗肌丝向中板移动,引起肌肉收缩。而另外两种分子马达:驱动蛋白和动力蛋白,它们能够承载着分子“货物”-------------如:质膜微粒,甚至是线粒体和溶酶体,在由微管构成的轨道上滑行,起到运输的作用。
2023-07-18 08:19:191


2023-07-18 08:19:173


Kung Fu Panda 2 is a 2011 3D American computer-animatedaction comedy/drama film, directed by Jennifer Yuh Nelson, produced by DreamWorks Animation, and distributed by Paramount Pictures. It is the sequel to the 2008 film Kung Fu Panda, in which Po and his friends battle to stop a would-be conqueror (Lord Shen) with a powerful new weapon, with the giant panda discovering a disquieting link to his past in the process. The cast of the original film reprised their voice roles while the new villain, Lord Shen, is voiced by Gary Oldman.The film was released on May 26, 2011 in Real D 3D and Digital 3D. Kung Fu Panda 2 received positive reviews, with critics praising its animation, voice acting, and character development. It was also a commercial success surpassing the original film and, like the original film, was the highest grossing animated feature film of the year. The film was nominated for the 2011 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature at the 84th Academy Awards.
2023-07-18 08:19:151

英语流利说 Level 7 Unit2 Part3 - Machine intelligence makes human morals more important (2)

Video 3 I have a friend who developed such computational systems to predict the likelihood of clinical or postpartum depression from social media data. The results are impressive. Her system can predict the likelihood of depression months before the onset of any symptoms -- months before. No symptoms, there"s prediction. She hopes it will be used for early intervention . Great! But now put this in the context of hiring. So at this human resources managers conference, I approached a high-level manager in a very large company, and I said to her, "Look, what if, unbeknownst to you, your system is weeding out people with high future likelihood of depression? They"re not depressed now, just maybe in the future, more likely. What if it"s weeding out women more likely to be pregnant in the next year or two but aren"t pregnant now? What if it"s hiring aggressive people because that"s your workplace culture ?" You can"t tell this by looking at gender breakdowns . Those may be balanced. And since this is machine learning, not traditional coding, there is no variable there labeled "higher risk of depression," "higher risk of pregnancy," "aggressive guy scale." Not only do you not know what your system is selecting on, you don"t even know where to begin to look. It"s a black box. It has predictive power, but you don"t understand it. "What safeguards ," I asked, "do you have to make sure that your black box isn"t doing something shady ?" She looked at me as if I had just stepped on 10 puppy tails. She stared at me and she said, "I don"t want to hear another word about this." And she turned around and walked away. Mind you - she wasn"t rude. It was clearly: what I don"t know isn"t my problem, go away, death stare. Look, such a system may even be less biased than human managers in some ways. And it could make monetary sense. But it could also lead to a steady but stealthy shutting out of the job market of people with higher risk of depression. Is this the kind of society we want to build, without even knowing we"ve done this, because we turned decision-making to machines we don"t totally understand? Another problem is this: these systems are often trained on data generated by our actions, human imprints . Well, they could just be reflecting our biases, and these systems could be picking up on our biases and amplifying them and showing them back to us, while we"re telling ourselves, "We"re just doing objective, neutral computation." Researchers found that on Google, women are less likely than men to be shown job ads for high-paying jobs. And searching for African-American names is more likely to bring up ads suggesting criminal history, even when there is none. Such hidden biases and black-box algorithms that researchers uncover sometimes but sometimes we don"t know, can have life-altering consequences. In Wisconsin, a defendant was sentenced to six years in prison for evading the police. You may not know this, but algorithms are increasingly used in parole and sentencing decisions. He wanted to know: How is this score calculated? It"s a commercial black box. The company refused to have its algorithm be challenged in open court. But ProPublica, an investigative nonprofit , audited that very algorithm with what public data they could find, and found that its outcomes were biased and its predictive power was dismal , barely better than chance, and it was wrongly labeling black defendants as future criminals at twice the rate of white defendants. So, consider this case: This woman was late picking up her godsister from a school in Broward County, Florida, running down the street with a friend of hers. They spotted an unlocked kid"s bike and a scooter on a porch and foolishly jumped on it. As they were speeding off , a woman came out and said, "Hey! That"s my kid"s bike!" They dropped it, they walked away, but they were arrested . She was wrong, she was foolish, but she was also just 18. She had a couple of juvenile misdemeanors . Meanwhile, that man had been arrested for shoplifting in Home Depot -- 85 dollars" worth of stuff, a similar petty crime. But he had two prior armed robbery convictions . But the algorithm scored her as high risk, and not him. Two years later, ProPublica found that she had not reoffended . It was just hard to get a job for her with her record. He, on the other hand, did reoffend and is now serving an eight-year prison term for a later crime. Clearly, we need to audit our black boxes and not have them have this kind of unchecked power. Video 4 Audits are great and important, but they don"t solve all our problems. Take Facebook"s powerful news feed algorithm - you know, the one that ranks everything and decides what to show you from all the friends and pages you follow. Should you be shown another baby picture? A sullen note from an acquaintance? An important but difficult news item? There"s no right answer. Facebook optimizes for engagement on the site: likes, shares, comments. In August of 2014, protests broke out in Ferguson, Missouri, after the killing of an African-American teenager by a white police officer, under murky circumstances. The news of the protests was all over my algorithmically unfiltered Twitter feed, but nowhere on my Facebook. Was it my Facebook friends? I disabled Facebook"s algorithm, which is hard because Facebook keeps wanting to make you come under the algorithm"s control, and saw that my friends were talking about it. It"s just that the algorithm wasn"t showing it to me. I researched this and found this was a widespread problem. The story of Ferguson wasn"t algorithm-friendly. It"s not "likable." Who"s going to click on "like?" It"s not even easy to comment on. Without likes and comments, the algorithm was likely showing it to even fewer people, so we didn"t get to see this. Instead, that week, Facebook"s algorithm highlighted this, which is the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Worthy cause; dump ice water, donate to charity, fine. But it was super algorithm-friendly. The machine made this decision for us. A very important but difficult conversation might have been smothered , had Facebook been the only channel. Now, finally, these systems can also be wrong in ways that don"t resemble human systems. Do you guys remember Watson, IBM"s machine-intelligence system that wiped the floor with human contestants on Jeopardy? It was a great player. But then, for Final Jeopardy, Watson was asked this question: "Its largest airport is named for a World War II hero, its second-largest for a World War II battle." Chicago. The two humans got it right. Watson, on the other hand, answered "Toronto" - for a US city category! The impressive system also made an error that a human would never make, a second-grader wouldn"t make. Our machine intelligence can fail in ways that don"t fit error patterns of humans, in ways we won"t expect and be prepared for. It"d be lousy not to get a job one is qualified for, but it would triple suck if it was because of stack overflow in some subroutine . In May of 2010, a flash crash on Wall Street fueled by a feedback loop in Wall Street"s "sell" algorithm wiped a trillion dollars of value in 36 minutes. I don"t even want to think what "error" means in the context of lethal autonomous weapons. So yes, humans have always made biases. Decision makers and gatekeepers, in courts, in news, in war ... they make mistakes; but that"s exactly my point. We cannot escape these difficult questions. We cannot outsource our responsibilities to machines. Artificial intelligence does not give us a "Get out of ethics free" card. Data scientist Fred Benenson calls this math-washing. We need the opposite. We need to cultivate algorithm suspicion , scrutiny and investigation. We need to make sure we have algorithmic accountability , auditing and meaningful transparency. We need to accept that bringing math and computation to messy, value-laden human affairs does not bring objectivity; rather, the complexity of human affairs invades the algorithms. Yes, we can and we should use computation to help us make better decisions. But we have to own up to our moral responsibility to judgment, and use algorithms within that framework, not as a means to abdicate and outsource our responsibilities to one another as human to human. Machine intelligence is here. That means we must hold on ever tighter to human values and human ethics.
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分子量的对数(Molecular Weight Logarithm,简称MWL)是指一个化合物在固定浓度和温度条件下,其流动性与其分子量成正比的一种指标。该指标亦被称为“轻分子指数”,可以用来衡量一种化合物在固定条件下的流动性。MWL可以用来衡量某种物质在等体积浓度和温度下的大小及流动性的强弱,是传统的分子量的改进版本。它考虑了分子量和分子的能量内容,反映出分子性质的变化,是更加客观和全面的指标。MWL可用来计算某种物质的分子量分布,以及该物质的流动性。 MWL的计算方法比传统的直接计算物质的分子量分布更加准确和可靠,能够反映出分子之间的相互作用,以及物质在温度和浓度上的变化,更能准确反映出分子量的变化趋势。MWL的应用也很广泛,在化学、物理、催化、环境科学、生物科学等领域都有着重要的实际意义。它可以帮助我们更好地理解各种有机分子的结构、性质、流动性以及它们之间的相互作用,并有助于更好地控制它们的反应过程。同时,MWL还可以帮助我们更好地控制有机分子的性质及分子间的相互作用,从而更好地控制各种有机反应的发展趋势。此外,MWL还可以帮助我们更好地评估某种物质在不同浓度和温度下的流动性,从而有助于合理地制定工艺操作技术,并有助于反应产物的结构和性质的优化和调整。
2023-07-18 08:19:101


2023-07-18 08:19:081

请问 物流论文怎么写啊 关于物流外包的

2023-07-18 08:19:073