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2023-07-19 10:43:22
TAG: 英语
Ballet, which is a one form of performance dance, was originated in the Italian Renaissance courts and it was developed in different countries. It was transformed as concert dance in France, England, and Russia, especially in France. Louis XIV commended to establish the first dancing school in Paris, in where the basic ballet poses were formed. (Julia, 2006) It has since become a highly technical form of dance and be preformed by the trained artist. Ballet can be divided into three formalized types. They are classical ballet, neoclassical ballet and contemporary ballet, the classical is the most typical one, and it based on to traditional ballet technique. It is said that classical ballet is defined by three rules : everything is turned-out ; when the feet are not on the floor, they"re pointed ; when the leg is not bent, it stretched completely.(Bland, 1976) Neoclassical ballet is similar to classic ballet but is less rigid than it. Contemporary ballet is influenced by both the classical ballet and modern dance. Nowadays ballet has been influential as a form of art and be taught in school around the world. Different countries use their own culture to understand and inform the art. The Cuban version of the ballet "Giselle" and the Chinese ballet "Red Girl" Regiment are the best cases to analyze.

There is a big distinguish between Cuba culture and Chinese culture. More over the background behind these two ballets is different which lead to the different styles of ballet. In this essay, the two art work will be compared and contrasted from a cross-culture perspective.

The development and spread of ballet in China is much later than which in Europe. First the Russian ballet has big effects on Chinese ballet. Since the first teacher training classes was founded by the expert O.A.Yealina who came from Soviet Union and the Beijing Academy of Dance was established in 1954 till many famous plays such as Swan Lake, Giselle were performed on the stage in 1958 with the help of many artists like Dai Ailian. (Zhang, 2007) Chinese ballet has gain big progresses during these four years. New generations of outstanding ballerinas have been given birth to. After 1964, Chinese artists try to add Chinese culture into ballet and create a new type of ballet. The Red Girl"s Regiment is created in 1964 and first performed by the Ballet Troupe of the Central Song and Dance Ensemble in Beijing in 1964, which is regarded as an excellent example of ballet"s "evolution". It tells a story happened in 1920s when the second revolution broke up. On the Hainan Island, Guangdong province, there is a slave girl named Wu Qionghua was always bullied by a landlord called Nan Batian. She cannot stand any more, hence she ran away from him and meet Hong Changqing by chance, who is the Party Secretary of the Red Girl"s Regiment. With his lead to the revolution, she joined the Red Girl"s Regiment and fought with Nan Batian. Finally, she wined in the struggle and replace Hong to be the secretary of the Red Girl"s Regiment after Hong died. This play use the ballet"s technology combined with Chinese dance to introduce a Chinese story. Sometimes, the ballet poses is easy to suit to portray characters and the narrative moments. There is a sense in The Red Girl"s Regiment about the slave girl running away from Nan. Dancer use the technological poses like the forty-five degree mid air pose with her two fists tightened in the air highlighted to show her hate for landlord and her desire to escape. This dance vocabulary reflects the struggle between classes and ballet techniques are used to emphasize it. Then, because of some political elements, the following art are not just art but the tool to persuade people. Two years after Red Girl"s Regiment, the Culture Revolution began in China. Mao, his extreme supporters and his wife Jiang Qing want to destroy old elements of Chinese culture and built a communist utopia. Affected by these political reasons, some performing arts like Red Girl"s Regiment were transformed into “revolutionary model plays”, which means arts should be simplified so that everybody can understand. Red Girl"s Regiments became the “model play” politicized ballet in that period of time. It served more than just its artistic purposes, helping to promote Marxist ideology and class struggle.

Giselle is one of the most excellent ballets in the world, as famous as Swan Lake. It tells a story of a peasant girl named Giselle who in order to protect her lover Wilis from a group of evil female spirits. Giselle was first presented by the Ballet du Thé?tre de l"Académie Royale de Musique in Paris on 28 June 1841. Dancer use dancing vocabulary to create a ultimate Romantic ballet, a tale of innocence, betrayal and the power of love. Cuban version of the ballet ‘Giselle" remain the romantic atmosphere but also add some other elements related to Cuban culture. Alicia Alonso is the greatest ballerina in Cuban, who is the first Cuban ballerina, became one of the most celebrated Gisells of the twentieth. She has devoted her all life into ballet career. It is her that led the Cuban ballerinas stand before people"s face and challenged the assumption that ballet belonged to Europeans. She believes that Latinos have their own specific feature. Actually, in Cuban, almost everybody likes dancing. Brilliance of movement, quickness and passion were characters represented to the world by Cuban dance like rumba and conga crazes. Ballet, slow and gentle, was contrary to the stereotype. However, Alonso shows everyone a very Latin Giselle, quick, clear, direct to her lover. She mixed the feature of Latin dance and the classic ballet. But she didn"t explain further more on its specific Latin or Curbaness.

To some extent, there are many similarities between Red Girl"s Regiment and Cuban version of Giselle; both the countries are not the original countries where the ballet develops. Innovation is the key in their ballet"s evolution, much more important than dance techniques. Their own culture have been mixed into classical ballet, but in Red Girl"s Regiment the Chinese culture takes a majority part, in Cuban version of Giselle, the distribution of Europe culture is equal to Cuban culture, because dancer are deeply desiring to achieve complete identification with European romantic and they are also influenced by their national identity at the same time. Alonso is the one who prove it. Her dance style contained the vagueness and ambiguity of Cuban elements. In contrast to the Cuban version of Giselle, Red Girl"s Regiment tells a totally new story, but the Cuban version of Giselle just uses the different tones to represent the same tale. Moreover Red Girl"s Regiment contains more political elements. It is to be used as tool in culture revolution to popularize Mao"s ideology. Cuban version of Giselle also has the political purpose, which is a chance to show the world the country Cuba. People never relate Cuba to ballet before Alonso"s effort.

Obviously, there are some similarities between the two ballets. Firstly, both Red Girl"s Regiment and the Cuban version of Giselle are affected by the traditional classical ballet. They can be regarded as the production of the cooperation between Europe dance vocabularies with domestic culture. It is argued that innovation is the key in their ballet"s evolution, much more important than dance techniques. Secondly, these two ballets have some political purpose, the former one was simplified into “model plays” and to be used to popularize Maxis ideology, the latter one can help Cuba leave a good expression on the world and promote Cuban culture. On the other hand, the distinction in both ballets still exists.

The Red Girl"s Regiment introduces a new story which is suited to Chinese environment but Cuban Giselle is just another version of Giselle. Next, Chinese culture take a big part in Red Girl"s Regiment but in Cuban version of Giselle the distribution of Cuban culture and Europe culture are equal to each other. In conclusion, in spite of the different representation, Ballet, which is a one form of performance dance, was performed in many countries and different countries use their own culture to understand and inform the art.

Tome, L. (2007). "Giselle" in a Cuban Accent. In M. Kant (Ed.), Ballet (pp. 263-271). ambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Zhang, Y. (2007). From "Swan Lake" to "Red Girl"s Regiment": Ballet Sinicisation. In M. Kant (Ed.), Ballet (pp. 256-262). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Shook, Karel (2004) Elements of Classical Ballet Technique : As Practiced in the School of the Dance Theatre of Harlem Publisher: Princeton Book Company Publishers

Wulff, Helena (1998)Ballet Across Borders : Career & Culture in the World of Dancers Publisher:

Berg Publishers Prest, Julia (2006) Theatre under Louis XIV : Cross-Casting and the Performance of Gender in Drama, Ballet, and Opera Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

芭蕾起源于十五世纪的意大利文艺复兴时期,后来发展成为法国和俄罗斯的音乐会舞蹈 。 此后广泛流传。

Ballet is a type of performance dance that originated during the Italian Renaissance in the fifteenth century and later developed into a concert dance form in France and Russia. It has since become a widespread, highly technical form of dance with its own vocabulary based on French terminology. It has been globally influential and has defined the foundational techniques used in many other dance genres and cultures.

A ballet consists of the choreography and music for a ballet production. Ballets are choreographed and performed by trained ballet dancers. Traditional classical ballets are usually performed with classical music accompaniment and use elaborate costumes and staging, whereas modern ballets, such as the neoclassical works of American choreographer George Balanchine, often are performed in simple costumes (e.g., leotards and tights) and without the use of elaborate sets or scenery.

The famous ballet works are : The Nutcracker 胡桃夹子 . Swan Lake 天鹅湖 ,

A Midsummer"s Night Dream 仲夏夜之梦,Coppélia葛蓓莉亚,

The Sleeping Beauty 睡美人, Cinderella 灰姑娘 etc


Ballet is a type of performance dance that originated during the Italian Renaissance in the fifteenth century and later developed into a concert dance form in France and Russia. It has since become a widespread, highly technical form of dance with its own vocabulary based on French terminology. It has been globally influential and has defined the foundational techniques

used in many other dance genres and cultures. Ballet has been taught in

various schools around the world, which have historically incorporated

their own cultures and as a result, the art has evolved in a number of

distinct ways. See glossary of ballet.

A ballet, a work, consists of the choreography and music for a ballet production. Ballets are choreographed and performed by trained ballet dancers. Traditional classical ballets are usually performed with classical music accompaniment and use elaborate costumes and staging, whereas modern ballets, such as the neoclassical works of American choreographer George Balanchine, often are performed in simple costumes (e.g., leotards and tights) and without the use of elaborate sets or scenery.





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毕业论文撰写与答辩是考生毕业的重要环节之一。然而,由于缺乏系统的课堂教学和培训,许多应试者往往感到独立撰写毕业论文的压力很大,而且他们心中无数,无从下笔。所以,对毕业论文写作进行指导,具有重要意义。1、毕业论文是考生的总结和独立操作。目的是总结研究专业的成果,培养综合运用所学知识解决实际问题的能力。从文体上讲,它也是对某一专业领域的科学研究和实践或理论问题探索的一个有意义的阐述。毕业论文的完成可以分为两个步骤,即选题和研究课题的选择。2、确定课题后就是研究课题,基本流程:搜集资料→研究资料→明确论点→选定材料→执笔撰写→修改定稿。①基础工作:搜集资料。学生可以在图书馆、资料室、互联网上查找资料。收集的信息越具体、越详细,最好列出要收集的文档的书目和详细计划。1.查阅资料时要掌握图书分类法,善于利用索引、书目,熟练使用其他工具书,例如文摘、年鉴、数字、表册等。2.进行现场调查,可以获得最可靠、最丰富的第一手资料。调查研究时,目的必须明确,对象明确,内容明确。调查方法有以下3种:1.普遍调查 2.重点调查 3.抽样调查。调查方式有以下3种:1.开会 2.访问 3.问卷。3.搜集科学资料数据、获得感性知识的基本途径是实验与观察,实验与观察是形成、产生、发展和检验科学理论的实践基础。这种方法在理工科、医类等专业研究中较为常用,运用本方法时要认真全面记录。②重点工作:研究资料。应试者应全面浏览所收集的材料,并对不同的材料采用不同的阅读方法,如阅读、选择性阅读和研究。③核心工作:明确论点和选定材料。在参考材料的基础上,考生根据自己的课题提出自己的观点和意见,并根据选题的选择,建立基本的论点和分论点。提出的观点需要突出创新的方面。创新是灵魂,不可人云亦云。同时,有必要防止贪婪和追求完美的倾向。如果你害怕不完整并且在很大程度上重复现有的知识,它就不会反映你自己研究的特点和成就。④关键工作:执笔撰写。在起草时要注意以下两个方面:制定大纲和基本格式。⑤保障工作:修改定稿。从这一环节可以看出,考生是否明确表达了写作意图,是否明确表达了基本论点和分论点,材料选择是否恰当、有说服力,材料选择的安排和论证是否具有逻辑效果,段落结构是否完整,连接是否自然,句子是否正确,是否符合本标准。
2023-07-18 14:20:087


2023-07-18 14:21:261


of an old 是一个整体 相当与 from that of an old. from 与of 限定的不是同一个对象。
2023-07-18 14:21:563


1. 论文的标题  毕业论文的标题是机械论文的眉目,应仔细推敲,尽可能从各个角度充分考虑,选择最合适的。原则上,题目要简单明了,能反应毕业机械论文的主要内容,使读者能一眼看出机械论文的的中心内容要讲什么,切忌笼统、空泛。语言也要补实,同时能引起读者的注意。 毕业机械论文的标题不能象小说、散文那样经过艺术加工而引起读者的好奇心。机械论文的题目要让人一看就能直接了解它的机械论文。因此,拟题要采取直接、正面的提高机械论文内容的方法,而不要采取奇特的艺术手法。标题不可过长,尽量在20个字以内。2. 目录  毕业机械论文篇幅长的要写出目录,使人一看就可以了解机械论文的大致内容。目录要标明页数,以便机械论文审查者阅读方便。3. 内容摘要  内容摘要要求把机械论文的主要观点提示出来,便于读者一看就能掌握机械论文内容的要点。目前比较通用结构式摘要,包括研究目的、方法、结果和结论。摘要应有高度的概括力,且要全面反映机械论文要点,简明、明确、畅达。4.正文  正文包括前言、材料与方法、结果、讨论。主要包括序论、本机械论文、结论三个主要部分。序论要对论题的主旨、写作的动机和理由、研究的方法以及机械论文的内容加以简要说明,通常几百字即可。本论是全篇机械论文的核心,在篇幅上占得最多,写时必须慎重对待,这一部分,作者要对所研究的问题进行分析、论证、阐明自己的观点和主张。结论,要把这部分写得简明扼要,既要考虑与序论部分相照应,还要考虑与本论部分相联系。结论应是本论部分阐述的必然结果。讨论部分可以展开写,写前人的研究情况与自己的研究结果比较,提出自己的观点和主张,提出值得进一步研究的方向和倾向性意见。5.参考文献 毕业机械论文的卷末要列出参考文献。列出参考文献的好处是:一旦发现引文有差错,便于查找;审查者从所列的参考文献中可以看出机械论文作者阅读的范围和努力的程度,便于参考。5. 参考文献格式  (1)文后参考文献不编序号,仅在文末按其重要程度或参考的先后顺序排列.   (2)文后参考文献不注页码.   (3)文后参考文献的著录项目及次序与注释基本相同   1) 著录参考文献可以反映论文作者的科学态度和论文具有真实、广泛的科学依据,也反映出该论文的起点和深度。科学技术以及科学技术研究工作都有继承性,现时的研究都是在过去研究的基础上进行的,今人的研究成果或研究工作一般都是前人研究成果或研究工作的继续和发展;因此,在论文中涉及研究的背景、理由、目的等的阐述,必然要对过去的工作进行评价,著录参考文献即能表明言之有据,并明白交待出该论文的起点和深度。这在一定程度上为论文审阅者、编者和读者评估论文的价值和水平提供了客观依据。   2) 著录参考文献能方便地把论文作者的成果与前人的成果区别开来。论文报道的研究成果虽然是论文作者自己的,但在阐述和论证过程中免不了要引用前人的成果,包括观点、方法、数据和其他资料,若对引用部分加以标注,则他人的成果将表示得十分清楚。这不仅表明了论文作者对他人劳动的尊重,而且也免除了抄袭、剽窃他人成果的嫌疑。   3) 著录参考文献能起索引作用。读者通过著录的参考文献,可方便地检索和查找有关图书资料,以对该论文中的引文有更详尽的了解。   4) 著录参考文献有利于节省论文篇幅。论文中需要表述的某些内容,凡已有文献所载者不必详述,只在相应之处注明见何文献即可。这不仅精练了语言,节省了篇幅,而且避免了一般性表述和资料堆积,使论文容易达到篇幅短、内容精的要求。   5) 著录参考文献有助于科技情报人员进行情报研究和文摘计量学研究。a.专著、论文集、学位论文、报告  [序号]主要责任者.文献题名[文献类型标识].出版地:出版者,出版年.   [1] 周振甫.周易译注[M].北京:中华书局.1985.   [2] 陈送.五四前后东西方文化问题论战文选[C].北京:中国社会科学出版社,1985.   [3] 陈桐生.中国史官文化与《史记》[D].西安:陕西师范大学文学研究所,1992年.   [4] 白永秀,刘敢,任保平.西安金融、人才、技术三大要素市场培育与发展研究[R].西安:陕西师范大学西北经济研究中心,1998.b.期刊文章  [序号]主要责任者.文献题名[J].刊名,年,卷(期).   [5] 何龄修.读顾城《南明史》[J].中国史研究,1998(3).c.论文集中的析出文献  [序号]析出文献主要责任者.析出文献题名 [A].原文献主要责任者(任选). 原文献题名[C].出版地:出版者,出版年.   [6] 瞿秋白.现代文明的问题与社会主义[A].罗荣渠.从西化到现代化[C].北京:北京大学出版社,1990.d.报纸文章  [序号]主要责任者.文献题名[N].报纸名,出版日期(版次).   [7] 谢希德.创造学习的新思路 [N].人民日报,1998-12-25(10).   e.国际、国家标准   [序号]标准编号,标准名称[S].   英文(例子):   [01] Brown, H. D. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy[M]. Prentice Hall Regents, 1994.   [02] Brown, J Set al. Situated Cognition and the Culture of Learning[J]. Educational Reasercher, 1, 1989.   [03] Chris, Dede. The Evolution of Constructivist Learning Envi-ronments: Immersion in Distributed Virtual Worlds[J]. Ed-ucational Technology, Sept-Oct, 1995.   [04] Hymes, D.On communicative competence[M]. J. B. Pride; J. Holmes (eds). Sociolinguistics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.   [05] L. E. Sarbaugh. Intercultural communication[M]. New Brunsw-ick, N.J.U.S.A: Transaction Books, 1988.   [06] Puhl, A.. Classroom A ssessment[J]. EnglishTeaching Forum, 1997.   [07] Thomas, Jenny. Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failure[J]. Applied Linguistics, 1983, (4): 91-111.   [08] William B Gudykunst. Intercultural communication theory[M]. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Pub, 1983.期刊标识符号  根据:国家新闻出版署1999-01-12印发《中国学术期刊(光盘版)检索与评价数据规范 ——CAJ-CD B/T 1-1998》   文献标识码(WM) Document code 置分类号之后。   A——理论与应用研究学术论文(包括综述报告)   B——实用性技术成果报告(科技)、理论学习与社会实践总结(社科)   C——业务指导与技术管理性文章(包括领导讲话、特约评论等)   D——一般动态性信息(通讯、报道、会议活动、专访等)   E——文件、资料(包括历史资料、统计资料、机构、人物、书刊、知识介绍等)6.机械论文的装订  机械论文的有关部分全部抄清完了,经过检查,再没有什么问题,把它装成册,再加上封面。毕业机械论文的封面要朴素大方,要写出机械论文的题目、学校、科系、指导教师姓名、作者姓名、完成年月日。机械论文的题目的作者姓名一定要写在表皮上,不要写里面的补页上。   装订的顺序:   1.封面   2.目录   3.内容提要   4.正文   5.结论   6参考文献   7.封底
2023-07-18 14:22:031

声卡ESS Technology ES1938/41/46 SOLO-1(E) AudioDrive

早期的声卡现在已经没有升级驱动的技术支持了暂时只能用XP或者是换一个声卡了这个厂商推出的最新驱动for XP如果不行那就彻底没辙了
2023-07-18 14:22:111

ESS Technology Allegro-1.COMM AudioDrive具体是什么型号哦?用什么声卡驱动?

2023-07-18 14:22:311

ESS Technology | 1908h 驱动

2023-07-18 14:22:381

英语作文cleaners wanted

Several years ago, a middle school in Shanghai announced that students would be required to pull up and remove the weeds growing on the school"s playground. The next day, what did happen was that, instead of doing the work themselves, the students stood in the shade of the buildings and the trees, watching their parents doing the work on their behalf in the midday heat. What a “spectacular” scene of doting parents and spoiled children!The idea and the practice that college students in China should hire cleaners to keep their dorms clean are just an extension of such notorious dotage and spoiling and, as such, constitute an unmistakable indication of our education being truly sick and decadent. Those who advocate and support the contention maintain that, as Chinese families get materially better-off in recent years, college students have the implicit freedom to spend their money on whatever they desire and hiring cleaners to keep their dorms clean can help students save time, which they presumably can spend on their studies. However, such a chain of reasoning is seriously flawed.Admittedly, people could spend their legitimately-earned money on whatever they like; however, they should do so only to the extent that they spend the money on those commodities and services they themselves are incapable of. For each college student sharing a dorm with 4 or 5 roommates, there are at most 3 or 5 square meters of space for him or her to tend to, including the space in the corridor. Keeping such a small space tidy and clean is a piece of cake for any college student as an adult; the labor involved in the process is minimal, so is the time required. When frugality is still a universally acknowledged virtue in the present-day world, spending money on hiring cleaners for a trivial responsibility students are wholly capable of performing themselves is simply an act of money squandering.Managing a dorm one lives in is really assuming responsibilities for one"s own actions. When the dorm gets disorderly and unclean, it is its inhabitants who should get it tidy and clean. In performing the cleaning him/herself, a college student learns to share the responsibility for managing a public space of which one is a part. The student also shows respect for the common welfare of the entire dorm. Cleaning one"s own dorm is a necessary process whereby one becomes a responsible person.What actually lies behind such a contention is a deep-entrenched contempt for manual labor and the argument that hiring cleaners could help students save time and devote to their studies is a mere pretext. Typically, college education is not dominated by heavy loads of coursework and a college student has ample time to manage his/her own affairs apart from his or her studies. Usually, those students who claim they are too busy to clean their own dorms are most often found otherwise preoccupied with playing computer games or shopping. They refuse to do manual labor because they tend to regard themselves as elites or the “chosen ones” once they succeed in entering a college. As self-styled elites, they believe they are bound for white-collar careers and thus have the privilege to stay aloof from menial work of a blue-collar worker.This naturally leads to a serious question regarding the ultimate aim of our education. No one denies the importance of learning but acquiring learning is only part of the college education. Essentially, college education is about the development of a whole person, who can apply the knowledge and the skills in diverse intellectual spheres to cope with the challenges ahead and turn one into a person instrumental to our society. Barack Obama is a living example of how a responsible person can grow into a global leader. What are most impressive about this first Afro-American president of the United States are not those impassioned speeches he has made about “Yes, Change We Can” but his readiness to serve the society through practical social work. On January 19, 2009, just one day before his inauguration, the president-elect worked as a volunteer at the Sasha Bruce Youthwork Shelter, painting the walls of the dormitories for homeless teens. This illustrates that the avoidance of physical labor is never the mark of a true elite.In the Chinese labor market, recent years have already witnessed an alarming surplus of college graduates, among whom a considerable proportion has found it hard to be employed. One of the reasons for their unemployment is their failure to acquire effective skills to solve practical problems. This constitutes a sharp contrast with the Japanese corporate culture in which newly-recruited college graduates start their professional careers not with the fundamentals of office work, but with the cleaning jobs in the company toilets. By forming their character and shaping their willpower, toilet cleaning enables Japanese college graduates to become CEOs of many influential multinational companies. This culture is echoed in South Korea where the Minister of the National Treasury worked part-time as toilet cleaner in the wake of the Asian financial crisis about a decade ago. How could we expect Chinese college students to be future leaders, on national and global scales,when they even refuse to mind their own business of cleaning their dorms?It is well articulated that “those who are ordained for a lofty mission should first be subjected to the most rigorous intellectual and physical hardships.” If learning and knowledge can “civilize one"s mind”, doing physical labor can serve to “brutalize one"s physique.” Instead of being reciprocally repulsive, those two impulses are what a college student ought to cultivate in the equal measure. Whether or not college students should hire cleaners to take care of their dorms is not a matter of money or of time, but a matter of whether we expect to develop ourselves into men of integrity, responsibility, and maturity. To the extent that Chinese college students should cultivate healthy and productive value orientations, they should take every precaution against becoming spoiled by the materialistic well-being that the country as a whole is currently experiencing. After all, there are provinces of human behavior where money cannot and should not exert its impact because such behavior is measured not in terms of money but in terms of moral values.范文2Recently there are reports in newspapers and internet that most of students of FuDan University who live in newly-built students flat or off-campus housing hire clernness from housekeeping services ,which brings about an intense debate between those students and teachers of the university and also among our society .Facing with the new inclination among our college students ,different people hold different opinions .Some students deem that hiring cleaners as a new form of efficiency which deserves nothing to be accused while some of administers believe that it is an pretense to escape from nsibility.Even someone think that the hiring of clean service is a sign indicating that students are becoming harmonious with society, and what causes those who hold the viewpoint of doing cleanness to think so is their tradditional opinion that colledge students is a separate group of society .As far as I am concerned,I think the argument is not reasonable enough . The main reason for my propensity for the opposite opinion is as follows .It is the reality that our college students have to cope with a great deal of events of our daily life besides study ,and which also occupy a part of our time andenergy to some extent .In addition,with the rapid development of our science and technology ,our society offer us more services than before .However it can not be the excuse for us to hire cleaners,and support the idea that hiring cleaners means being harmonious with society and doing cleanness means separation from society which cannot stand to reason.Of course,as students of university ,we have achived the age of adultsand shouldnot keep away from our society ,however,as everyone can see that, there are accountless approaches to get in touch with our society besides hiring cleaners.For instance,We can find some part-time jobs and participate some activity associates which can greatly contribute to our contacting with and get harmonious with our society .Maybe someone will argue that these things may account for a lot of time of them , and causethem cannot do well in their study . It is unreasonable to stand by,I think.As long as we make full use of our time and efficiently arrange our time ,we will succeedly make it. Without doubt ,numerous examples can be found in newspapers ,Tvs andinternet .With the same age as ours,the main characters of such events can deal with it ,why we cannot ?Even some students spend much of time on playing vidio games and some meaningless things rather than doing cleanness by their own and join in the activity.How can we explain this phenomenon ?Are they busy with their study ?Of course they do not .In addition ,some aspect also deserves some words here .As college students ,we certainly should do everything that we can solve and cultivate the habit of undertaking responsibility and being independent .In the event which we are discussing ,we also should make clear where the money used to hire cleaners comes from .If it is earned by ourselves ,we of course can hire such services.Can such students be called adults ? The general definition for adult is ,at least he or she should be independent .So from this angle hiring cleaners is improper for our students .In a word ,we had better do cleaning by our own rather than hiring cleaners because it only takes a little part of our time and we can easily be good at our study at the same time as long as we arrage our time efficiently and make full use of it.
2023-07-18 14:22:501


2023-07-18 14:21:401


2023-07-18 14:21:411


kill的意思如下:1、杀死,弄死;屠宰,屠杀。2、扼杀,毁掉。3、消磨(时间)。4、中和;抵消。5、否决(议案等);(断然)拒绝(申请等)。6、涂掉,删去。7、使筋疲力尽,喝光。8、使着迷,使感到有趣。9、煞住,使停住,使(机器等)停止运转;切断(电流)。10、耗尽;喝光,吃光。11、使(声音)降低。12、(羽毛球等的)杀球。kill的句子1、He is not going to make a killing that way . 他不会靠那种方法发横财。2、I was fearful of not killing him on the spot . 我恐怕不能立刻杀死他。3、He knew the blow would have killed her . 他知道这一下会要她的命的。4、The lust to kill had suddenly descended on her . 她突然起了杀生之念。5、The hunters brought their kill back to camp . 猎人把猎物带回营地。
2023-07-18 14:21:411

one、 two、 three、 four、 five、 six、 seven、 eight、 nine的发音

1 - one (wu028cn)2 - two (tuu02d0)3 - three (u03b8riu02d0)4 - four (fu0254u02d0r)5 - five (fau026av)6 - six (su026aks)7 - seven (u02c8su025bvu0259n)8 - eight (eu026at)9 - nine (nau026an)
2023-07-18 14:21:441


2023-07-18 14:21:455

wps office文字2013 打开后是稻壳儿模板,而不是是空白文档,怎样才能是一开始就是空白文档?

2023-07-18 14:21:462


基本可以断定你运行得不对,要先 latex 再 bibtex 再latex运行,才可以显示,另外参考文献内容在原文必须要引用才会显示出来。如果不想这么麻烦 就用 ocite{*} 放在参考文献导入之前。
2023-07-18 14:21:461

为什么key man就是锁匠?

it should be "key maker".
2023-07-18 14:21:484

英语翻译 Three times seven is twenty-one.

Three times seven is twenty-one. 3乘以7等于21
2023-07-18 14:21:511


问题一:请问“未完待续”用英语怎么说?谢谢! 未完待续 to be continued 详见 see details details see over 详情见背面 See under for further information详情见下文 接上文/接上页/接上段/接上……前面所提到的 above-mentioned ;foregoing paragraphs or chapters; preceding part of the text has been said above上文已提到 转至…… goto 跳转到 jump to go to row 转到行 前者 the former 后者 the latter 不见不散not leave without seeing each other OK. Let"s not leave before seeing each other(口语中) 累。。。 问题二:未完待续英文怎么写? to be continued 哥们选我的,我爱你 问题三:未完待续的英文怎么说 未完待续 [词典] to be continued; [例句]回顾了一下上月的文章,我发现我在结尾处用了“未完待续”。 Looking back at last month"s article I noticed that I ended with to be continued 问题四:未完待续 用英语怎么说? to be continued 问题五:“未完待续 ”的英语怎么说 Tobecontinued注:continued英[k?n?t?nju:d]美[ku0259n?t?njud].adj.继续的,延续的;v.持续;继续,连续(continue的过去式和过去分词);逗留;停留;[例句]FortendaysIcontinuedinthisstate..我的这种状况持续了10天。 问题六:我们的故事,未完待续.英文翻译.谢谢 我们的故事,未完待续. Our story is not is to be continued... 问题七:未完待续 英语翻译 to be continued 绝对正确! 问题八:我们的故事未完待续英语怎么说 Our story is to be continued. 错不了
2023-07-18 14:21:521


不是很清楚你的问题。bib 中的条目只有在文中引用之后,才会在参考文献列表中显示。另外,需要用 latex编译一次, bibtex 编译一次, 再用 latex编译两次才可以正确显示引用。
2023-07-18 14:21:531


2023-07-18 14:21:571


1、I have finished my homework. I shall continue to do more excercises.我已经完成了我的家庭作业。我想继续多做一些练习。2、We hope to continue to have her close support and friendship.我们希望她能继续大力支持,并能与她维持亲密友谊。3、I hope they continue to fight for equal justice after I"m gone我希望我走了以后他们能继续为司法公正而战。4、 If you continue doing this,what would be the end?你要是继续这样干下去,会有,什么结局呢?5、What will come up if you continue doing so?你要是继续这样干下去,会有什么结局呢?6、I haven"t finished my homework. I have to continue doing more excercises.我还没完成我的家庭作业。我必须继续多做一些练习continue的基本意思是“继续”,指动作或状态的继续或持续不中断。可表示一件事一直在做,中间没有停歇; 也可以表示中间有一个中断,又接着做下去。continue可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词、动名词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语,也可以接as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。continue还可引出直接引语。扩展资料:continue to do sth和continue doing sth的区别:continue doing sth 是继续做刚才没做完的那件事。continue to do sth是作完一件事继续做另一件事的意思。比较:1、After he finished reading a novel,he continued to play games with his friends.他读完小说后跟朋友们继续玩游回戏.2、After a rest,he continues his reading.稍事休息后,他继续看书..注意:continue to do sth和continue doing sth二者虽然都有继续的意思,但继续做的对象是不答同的。和stop to do sth 与stop doing sth 相似,可以一起记忆。
2023-07-18 14:22:001

bibtex 是什么格式

BibTeX 是一种格式和一个程序, 用于协调LaTeX的参考文献处理.BibTeX 使用数据库的的方式来管理参考文献. BibTeX 文件的后缀名为 .bib . 先来看一个例子@article{name1,author = {作者, 多个作者用 and 连接},title = {标题},journal = {期刊名},volume = {卷20},number = {页码},year = {年份},abstract = {摘要, 这个主要是引用的时候自己参考的, 这一行不是必须的}}@book{name2,author ="作者",year="年份2008",title="书名",publisher ="出版社名称"}说明:第一行@article 告诉 BibTeX 这是一个文章类型的参考文献. 还有其它格式, 例如 article, book, booklet, conference, inbook, incollection, inproceedings, manual, misc, mastersthesis, phdthesis, proceedings, techreport, unpublished 等等.接下来的"name1", 就是你在正文中应用这个条目的名称.其它就是参考文献里面的具体内容啦.在LaTeX中使用BibTeX为了在 LaTeX 中使用BibTeX 数据库, 你必须先做下面三件事情:1) 设置参考文献的类型 (bibliography style). 标准的为 plain:ibliographystyle{plain}将上面的命令放在 LaTeX 文档的 egin{document}后边. 其它的类型包括unsrt – 基本上跟 plain 类型一样, 除了参考文献的条目的编号是按照引用的顺序, 而不是按照作者的字母顺序.alpha – 类似于 plain 类型, 当参考文献的条目的编号基于作者名字和出版年份的顺序.abbrv – 缩写格式 .2) 标记引用 (Make citations). 当你在文档中想使用引用时, 插入 LaTeX 命令cite{引用文章名称}"引用文章名称" 就是前边定义@article后面的名称.3) 告诉 LaTeX 生成参考文献列表 . 在 LaTeX 的结束前输入ibliography{bibfile}这里bibfile 就是你的 BibTeX 数据库文件 bibfile.bib .运行 BibTeX分为下面四步用LaTeX编译你的 .tex 文件 , 这是生成一个 .aux 的文件, 这告诉 BibTeX 将使用那些应用.用BibTeX 编译 .bib 文件.再次用LaTeX 编译你的 .tex 文件, 这个时候在文档中已经包含了参考文献, 但此时引用的编号可能不正确.最后用 LaTeX 编译你的 .tex 文件, 如果一切顺利的话, 这是所有东西都已正常了.
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这是你的IE设置有问题,打开IE设置,恢复默认设置。WPS启动时要打开稻壳儿网页,由于IE的安全设置导致出现这样的提示。将启动时打开稻壳儿关闭:在稻壳儿界面 下面点设置(齿轮),选择“新建空白文档”。
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正确的代码是:@article{bccd08, author = {R. Borges and M. Carmona and B. Costa and W. S. Don}, title = {An improved weighted essentially non-oscillation scheme for hypebolic conservation laws}, journal = {J. Comput. Phys.}, volume = {227}, year = {2008}, pages = {3191--3211} }每个作者的分割 都是需要 and的, bibtex的输入语法要特别小心的。稍有差异就会报错,或者显示不对。
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fitter是钳工 pipe fitter是管工
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怎么统一 latex *.bib 文件中的文献格式

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vt:杀死…;vt:使停止[结束,失败];破坏,减弱,抵消;使痛苦,使受折磨;使笑得前仰后合,使笑死了;→eg:1.People destroy rainforests and kill wild animals.雨林被破坏,野生动物被杀。2.More than 1,000 people have been killed by the armed forces...1000多人被武装部队杀死。n:杀死;猎;被捕杀的动物;猎物;→eg:lions feeding on their kill正在吃猎物的狮子。
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Locksmith 成立于2011年12月,由设计师、触角敏锐的专业买手共同创造的独特的locksmith风格。透过穿衣,表达自己的生活态度。每一个人,都是独一无二的。我们让时装说话,带领顾客发现不一样的自己。 其实就是国内一些人开创的网络时尚品牌 .. 基本像这种店都集中在1626上...
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旧英文的“smith”是指金属工匠。 Goldsmith 是金匠,ironsmith 是铁匠,locksmith 就是做锁的工匠。
2023-07-18 14:21:071


本文转自媒体:21世纪经济报道、凤凰网 财经 、红星资本局 2021年5月20日下午,贝壳找房发布消息称,贝壳找房创始人、董事长左晖因病去世,享年50岁。 左晖生于1971年1月,陕西人。1992年毕业于北京化工学院(现北京化工大学)计算机系。2001年,左晖在北京创立链家地产,正式进入房地产经纪行业。2018年,脱胎于链家的贝壳找房成立,左晖担任董事长。2020年8月,贝壳找房在纽交所上市。 左晖是房地产经纪领域公认的领军人物,其创建的链家和贝壳,已经成为中国最大的经纪公司和最大的居住服务平台企业,坊间对于左晖也有“中介之王”的称呼。 成立多年来,链家在某种程度上推动了整个行业服务标准的提高,其对行业发展的贡献被业内广泛认可。左晖本人也因此享有盛誉。 贝壳找房成立后,一度面临同行的争议。左晖甚少正面回应这些争议,在其公开表态中,更多站在行业角度,表示出推动行业进步的愿望。左晖生前发布的最后一则朋友圈,是对贝壳三周年的感悟,其中便提到“为行业做出贡献”的初衷。 公开资料显示,左晖于1971年1月出生,本科就读于北京化工大学,而立之年创立链家,一手打造了一个房产“帝国”,在知天命之年却溘然长逝。 据媒体报道,左晖生前喜欢看足球,也喜欢踢足球,曾开玩笑说,现在自己“踢不动了”“哲学是生命在于不动”。另外左晖还喜欢打太极拳,曾表示“原来觉得这东西很不靠谱,现在发现还挺有意思的。” 凤凰网 财经 从贝壳内部人士处得知,左晖所患疾病为“肺癌,应该有几年了。” 另据财新网报道,一份早期链家路演资料显示,左晖于2013年9月诊断出肺癌,在国内手术,切掉了三分之一的肺后在做化疗和细胞疗法。 此前坊间曾有传闻称,最早在2015年,链家董事长左晖就生了重病,而且是要做手术的。之前融创投资乐视新闻发布会上,融创地产董事长孙宏斌谈到之前投资链家时的一些细节时曾透露到:“大家知道老左身体...老左在养身体,一年就吃了四次饭都是跟我吃的,喝了四次酒也都是跟我喝的。” 上周,2021年新财富500富人榜单发布,地产富豪排名大洗牌,左晖取代了此前的杨惠妍及许家印,成为新一任地产首富,身家2220亿元。 左晖由房产中介起家, 链家、贝壳、自如皆出自他手, 上一年,他的财富值仅有300多亿元,而贝壳成功IPO,带动其身家暴增。 自2001年始,左晖进入房产中介行业整整二十年。这一行业十分特殊,它既需配合国家做好实现居者有其屋的理想,又要树立口碑吸引消费者,同时还要保护从业者的尊严。这让链家很容易陷入收费困境——中介费高,消费者不愿意买单;中介费低,就难有足够的资金用来吸引优秀的经纪人,而后者直接决定了一家平台的服务质量与消费者体验。 颠覆者 成立于2001年的链家地产,并不是行业里的“安分”者。 新世纪之初的北京房地产市场,远不是如今的“存量时代”。当时新房交易占据主流,而以房改房为主的存量房交易十分低频。按照一位资深从业者的说法,“当时的经纪人,一年也就成交三四套房子。”加上房价水平低,单靠佣金的话,经纪人很难保证收入。 由于交易缺乏规范,买卖双方信息极度不对称,“吃差价”成为当时的普遍做法。“吃差价”是指中介公司低价买进房源,然后高价售出。在整个交易过程中,买卖双方甚至不会见面。当时有一个说法,“不会吃差价的业务员不是好业务员”。 2004年,链家率先提出不吃差价。此举不仅招致同行的鄙夷,链家的经纪人也大量流失。但左晖不为所动,继续招募新的经纪人,并最终渡过难关。 此后,北京房地产市场进入快速发展阶段,经纪行业的一批公司开始做大,其中就包括链家。到2010年,链家在北京的市场份额达到30%以上,随后坐稳了老大的位置。 2011年,链家提出“真房源”标准,并启动赔付机制。此举再度引起轩然大波。 当时的网络平台上充斥大量虚假房源信息,其时链家已经成立了网络平台链家在线(链家网的前身),“真房源”提出后,链家在线的流量迅速上升。而很多房屋信息服务平台因担心流量下滑,对链家实施抵制。当时亦有同行嗤之以鼻,认为作为行业的一项“潜规则”,真房源最终会沦为空想。 但随后的发展证明,作为打破信息不对称的重要因素,真房源是买卖双方的共同诉求。如今,真房源已成为行业的统一服务标准。 在此期间,链家还做了很多尝试,比如资金监管、金融服务、线上化等等。其中不少举措引领行业风气之先。 2015年,链家收购了包括上海德佑、成都伊诚、广州满堂红、深圳中联、大连好旺角在内的10多家经纪公司,迅速实现全国化布局。链家也超过中原地产,成为国内规模最大的房地产经纪公司。 到成立贝壳找房之前,链家已覆盖32个国内城市,共有员工15万名,其中一线经纪人超过13万。2016年到2018年,链家GMV连续三年突破万亿,夯实了行业老大的地位。 贝壳找房的成立,被认为是左晖将价值观推广至全行业的一种尝试。入驻贝壳找房的企业,服务标准和协作机制均比照链家地产而设定。其中,链家于2014年正式建立的经纪人合作网络(即ACN网络)成为亮点。这一网络的核心在于,把整个服务链条细化,根据经纪人在各个环节的贡献率进行分佣,从而使分佣机制趋于均等化。 这种做法颠覆了传统的经纪人分佣模式,资深经纪人的分佣比例下降,一批老经纪人萌生退意,新人则获得成长空间。 经过2016年的B轮和2017年的C轮融资后,链家地产的一级股东一度达到37个。此后,这些股东通过镜像协议转移到贝壳找房,助力贝壳上市,并一同分享资本红利。 分析人士称,这背后既包含了资本对中国存量市场的信心和贝壳商业模式的认同,又有对左晖本人的商业格局和领导力的认可。 贝壳找房上市 截至今年5月20日,贝壳的市值达到595.12亿美元,折合人民币3829.6亿元人民币。 最后一条朋友圈对生病只字未提 从该人士提供的左晖朋友圈截图可见,左晖4月23日上午10点左右发布的生前最后一条内容,系转载一篇名为《相信价值观的力量、相信相信的力量!——写在贝壳三周年》。左晖就此评论称:“价值观的梳理能帮助我们厘清利益相关方之间的关系,让我们的事业更 健康 稳定地成长。”左晖还在文中提到,每个人都有自己的梦想。希望大家问问自己:你还记得你当初许下的梦想吗?你每天在做的事是在无限接近它吗?是离你的梦想是越来越远了还是越来越近了?我们一起努力! 左晖朋友圈截图 对于左晖离世的原因,据武汉晨报报道,贝壳找房内部人士称:“肺癌,应该有段时间了。” 这位创始人离去后,贝壳找房的权力真空由谁填补?其管理模式和发展战略是否会发生变化?贝壳的行业地位是否会动摇?这些问题都有待解答。 贝壳找房的CEO是彭永东。彭曾任职于IBM战略咨询部,并为链家提供咨询服务,2010年加入链家,曾担任链家网CEO。据悉,贝壳董事长的人选将由董事会讨论决定。彭永东被认为是最接近的人选,但他的履历背景和行事风格都与左晖有所不同。 贝壳找房执行董事单一刚也被认为是可能的董事长人选,单一刚是链家的创业元老,见证了公司发展的全部阶段,在公司内部颇具威望。 “世界没有一种生意是真的蛇吞象” “消费者”是左晖当天最常提到的一个词,“用户至上”也构成了左晖的价值观。在左晖眼里,链家的发展一直是比较线性的。他不认为世界有一种生意是真的蛇吞象,或者如何能够迅速让自己变大。 在左晖眼里,链家的发展一直是比较线性的。他不认为世界有一种生意是真的蛇吞象,或者如何能够迅速让自己变大。 一个确定的事实是,房地产经纪行业失去了一位领军人物。
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这是因为在历史上最初这个行业的人留下了名声。Locksmith:锁匠。 即最初做锁匠的这个人叫Smith并留下了好的名声。中国也有这样的用法,例如:张小泉剪刀。
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