barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-19 11:33:05
TAG: 黑客

先知:i know you"re neo,be right with you.

neo:you"re the orache?

先知:bingo,not quite what you were expecting,right?almost done.smell good,don"t they?


先知:i"d ask you to sit down,but you"re notgoing to anyway.and don"t worryabout the vase.

neo:what vase?

先知:that vase

neo:i"m sorry.

先知:i said,don"t worry about it.i"ll get one of my kids to fix it.

neo:how did you know?

先知:what"s really going to bake your noodle later on is would you stillhave broken it if i hadn"t anything?you"re cuter than i thought.i can see why she likes you.


先知:not too bright, know why morpheus brought you to see,what did you think .do you think you are the one?

neo:i don"t know.

先知:you know what that means?it"s latin.means,"i know theyself." i"ll letyou in on a little secret.being the one is just like being in one can tell you you"re in just know that,through and through.balls to bones.well,i"d better have to look at your mouth.say,"ah"

neo:ah~~~(neo 真够)

先知:ok,i"msupposed to say ,"hmm,that"s interesting,but then you say.


先知:but you already know what i"m going to tell you.

neo:i"m not the one.

先知:sorry, got the gift,but it looks like you"re waiting for something.


先知:your nextlife,maybe.who knows?that"s the way these things go.


先知:what"s funny?

neo:morpheus,he almost had me convinced.

先知:i know.poor morpheus.without him,we"re lost.

neo:what do you mean,"without him"?

先知:are you sure you want to hear this?morpheus believes in you,neo.and no on ,not you,not even me can convince him otherwise.he believes it so blinaly,that he"sgoing to sacrifice his life to save yours.


先知:you"re going to have to make a the one hand,you"ll have morpheus"life.and in another hand,you"ll have your of you will going to die.which one will be up to you.i"m sorry kiddo.i really have good soul.and i hate giving good people bad worry about soon as you step outside that"ll start feeling"ll remember you don"t believe in any of this fate"re in control your own life. remember? here,take a cookie. i promise,by the time you"re done eating"ll feel right as rain.





先知;你看得懂么 拉丁文 了解自己 我跟你说个秘密 当救世主就得谈恋爱 没什么道理 你却很确定 全身上下都知道 从睾丸到骨子里都知道 我最好看看看你 开口说 “啊”


先知:现在我该说有意思 不过你要反问

neo:我要问什么 我不是救世主 很抱歉

先知:你很有潜力 不过你在等什么

neo:等什么 等转世投胎吧 谁知到 事情就是这么无奈 莫秃 我差点就相信了他

先知:我知道 可怜的莫秃 没有他我们早就输了 莫秃相信你 没有任何人劝的动它 他为了这盲目的信念 愿意牺牲自己救你 你必须做出选择 一方面是莫秃的性命 另一方是你的 你们有一个会死 你会选择哪个 很抱歉 你的心肠很好 我不想跟你说着坏消息 不过别担心 你一出去心情就会好很多 你不相信什么狗屁命运 你掌控自己的生命

累死我了 8号原创


Priestess: The Oracle will see you now.

Oracle: I know you"re Neo. Be right with you.
Neo: You"re the Oracle?
Oracle: Bingo. Not quite what you were expecting, right? Almost done. Smell good, don"t they?
Neo: Yeah.
Oracle: I"d ask you to sit down, but your not going to anyway. And don"t worry about the vase.
Neo: What vase?
Oracle: That vase.
Neo: I"m sorry.
Oracle: I said don"t worry about it. I"ll get one of my students to fix it.
Neo: How did you know?
Oracle: What"s really going to bake your noodle later on is, would you still have broken it if I hadn"t said anything. You"re cuter than I expected. No wonder she likes you.
Neo: Who?
Oracle: Not too bright, though. You know why Morpheus brought you to see me?
Neo: I think so.
Oracle: So, what do you think? You think you"re the one?
Neo: I don"t know.
Oracle: You know what that means? It"s Latin. Means `Know thyself". I"m going to let you in on a little secret. Being the one is just like being in love. No one can tell you your in love, you just know it. Through and through. Balls to bones. Well, I better have a look at you. Open your mouth, say Ahhh.
Neo: Ahhh.
Oracle: Okay. Now I"m supposed to say, `Umm, that"s interesting, but..." then you say...
Neo: But what?
Oracle: But you already know what I"m going to tell you.
Neo: I"m not the one.
Oracle: Sorry kiddo. You got the gift, but it looks like you"re waiting for something.
Neo: What?
Oracle: Your next life maybe, who knows? That"s the way these things go. What"s funny?
Neo: Morpheus. He...he almost had me convinced.
Oracle: I know. Poor Morpheus. Without him we"re lost.
Neo: What do you mean, without him?
Oracle: Are you sure you want to hear this? Morpheus believes in you, Neo. And no one, not you, not even me can convince him otherwise. He believes it so blindly that he"s going to sacrifice his life to save yours.
Neo: What?
Oracle: You"re going to have to make a choice. In the one hand you"ll have Morpheus" life and in the other hand you"ll have your own. One of you is going to die. Which one will be up to you. I"m sorry, kiddo, I really am. You have a good soul, and I hate giving good people bad news. Oh, don"t worry about it. As soon as you step outside that door, you"ll start feeling better. You"ll remember you don"t believe in any of this fate crap. You"re in control of your own life, remember? Here, take a cookie. I promise, by the time you"re done eating it, you"ll feel right as rain.
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!


Priestess: The Oracle will see you now.

Oracle: I know you"re Neo. Be right with you.

Neo: You"re the Oracle?

Oracle: Bingo. Not quite what you were expecting, right? Almost done. Smell good, don"t they?

Neo: Yeah.

Oracle: I"d ask you to sit down, but your not going to anyway. And don"t worry about the vase.

Neo: What vase?

Oracle: That vase.

Neo: I"m sorry.

Oracle: I said don"t worry about it. I"ll get one of my students to fix it.

Neo: How did you know?

Oracle: What"s really going to bake your noodle later on is, would you still have broken it if I hadn"t said anything. You"re cuter than I expected. No wonder she likes you.

Neo: Who?

Oracle: Not too bright, though. You know why Morpheus brought you to see me?

Neo: I think so.

Oracle: So, what do you think? You think you"re the one?

Neo: I don"t know.

Oracle: You know what that means? It"s Latin. Means `Know thyself". I"m going to let you in on a little secret. Being the one is just like being in love. No one can tell you your in love, you just know it. Through and through. Balls to bones. Well, I better have a look at you. Open your mouth, say Ahhh.

Neo: Ahhh.

Oracle: Okay. Now I"m supposed to say, `Umm, that"s interesting, but..." then you say...

Neo: But what?

Oracle: But you already know what I"m going to tell you.

Neo: I"m not the one.

Oracle: Sorry kiddo. You got the gift, but it looks like you"re waiting for something.

Neo: What?

Oracle: Your next life maybe, who knows? That"s the way these things go. What"s funny?

Neo: Morpheus. He...he almost had me convinced.

Oracle: I know. Poor Morpheus. Without him we"re lost.

Neo: What do you mean, without him?

Oracle: Are you sure you want to hear this? Morpheus believes in you, Neo. And no one, not you, not even me can convince him otherwise. He believes it so blindly that he"s going to sacrifice his life to save yours.

Neo: What?

Oracle: You"re going to have to make a choice. In the one hand you"ll have Morpheus" life and in the other hand you"ll have your own. One of you is going to die. Which one will be up to you. I"m sorry, kiddo, I really am. You have a good soul, and I hate giving good people bad news. Oh, don"t worry about it. As soon as you step outside that door, you"ll start feeling better. You"ll remember you don"t believe in any of this fate crap. You"re in control of your own life, remember? Here, take a cookie. I promise, by the time you"re done eating it, you"ll feel right as rain.



2023-07-18 16:15:003


priestKK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. (基督教)牧师;(天主教)神父The priest conducts the church service.牧师主持教堂的礼拜仪式。2. 神职人员;教士;僧人;祭司vt.1. 任命...为祭司;使成为神职人员(牧师,神父等)priestessKK: []DJ: []n.1. 尼姑;女祭司;女神职人员
2023-07-18 16:15:101

high priestess是什么意思

2023-07-18 16:15:193

女祭司 的英文是什么?

第二张要介绍的牌是Major Arcana(大阿卡那)中序号为Ⅱ的The High Priestess(女祭司)。(注:女祭司这张牌,也有人称之为“女教皇”,但我们认为按伟特牌来看,女祭司才是较适当的翻译。因为,“教宗”是天主教领袖的专称,而天主教的领袖教宗是宗教领袖而非宗教皇帝,天主教的朋友也大多喜欢称“教宗”而不称“教皇”。再者,教宗限定为男性,用女教皇称呼此牌不甚恰当(除非是专指中古欧洲那位女扮男装的丑闻教宗)。再以伟特牌为例,Priestess一词是祭司,而非教宗的Pope,所以拜伦主张以“女祭司”称呼伟特牌的The High Priestess。)The High Priestess(女祭司)
2023-07-18 16:15:271


2023-07-18 16:15:353


男祭师Male Shaman 女祭师Priestess男法师Male Master 女法师Female Master 我是第一个
2023-07-18 16:15:442


2023-07-18 16:15:533


楼主你可够闲的,没事琢磨这个月之女祭司------Warriors of the night, assemble!!!! 月之女祭司 – HeroMoonPriestess [*]Pissed [*]"We always land on our feet."[*]"My tiger was trained for war. He"s grrrrreat!" (Tony the Tiger)[*]"Curiosity killed my last ride." (Reference to the saying "Curiosity killed the cat")[*]"I got my tiger used from Siegfried and Roy."[*]"Crouch, tiger! I sense a hidden dragon!" (Reference to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon)[*]"When a treant falls in the forest, does it make a sound?"[*]Ready [*]"Warriors of the night, assemble!"[*]Warcry [*]"By the Godess!"[*]What [*]"We are poised to strike!"[*]"We must act!"[*]"I am vigilant!"[*]"Trust in my command."[*]Yes [*]"Leading the way!"[*]"Onward!"[*]"As I thought."[*]"The Godess agrees."[*]YesAttack [*]"Strike!"[*]"For the Godess!"[*]"Prepare to be Moonstruck
2023-07-18 16:16:022


2023-07-18 16:16:224


priest的读音是:英[pri?st]。priest的读音是:英[pri?st]。priest的例句是用作名词(n.)A priest exorcized the ghost from the house.教士将鬼从房屋中驱走。priest【近义词】cleric神职人员。一、详尽释义点此查看priest的详细内容n.(名词)祭司,祭士教士僧侣,僧人,和尚神父,牧师,神甫神职人员司铎,司祭术士大师, 宗师打鱼槌v.(动词)任命...为祭司,使成为神职人员使成为教士使做僧人二、双解释义n.(名词)[C]牧师; 祭司 a specially trained person who performs various religious duties and ceremonies for a group of worshippers三、英英释义Noun:a clergyman in Christian churches who has the authority to perform or administer various religious rites; one of the Holy Ordersa person who performs religious duties and ceremonies in a non-Christian religion四、例句A priest exorcized the ghost from the house.教士将鬼从房屋中驱走。The priest confessed the young man.神父听取那个青年的忏悔。The priest pronounced them man and wife.神父宣布他们已结为夫妇。The priest persuaded him to give up his bad habit.牧师劝他放弃坏习惯。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)He confessed his sin to the priest.他向牧师坦陈了自己的罪孽。Marriage by a priest is lawful in England without another ceremony.在英国,由牧师证婚的婚姻即使没有别的仪式也是合法的。六、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)形容词+~high priest大祭司the officiating priest司祭介词+~confess to a priest向牧师忏悔~+介词priest of art艺术大师七、词义辨析n.(名词)priest, minister, vicar这三个词都可表示“牧师”。其区别在于:基督教的牧师用minister; 而罗马天主教的牧师用priest; 英国国教的牧师用vicar。例如:The minister begged the worshippers to strive against evil.牧师要求信徒们与邪恶斗争。The priest wore a coarse woollen garment next to his skin.牧师最里面穿了一件粗糙的毛衣。Marriage by a vicar is lawful in England without another ceremony.在英国,由牧师证婚的婚姻即使没有别的仪式也是合法的。priest的相关临近词prig、pride、Priesto、Priester、priestly、Priestley、priestess、priesthood、priestling、Priestland、priestless、priestlike点此查看更多关于priest的详细信息
2023-07-18 16:16:291

剑与家园维拉好不好用 奶妈维拉技能解析

在剑与家园手游中,维拉的技能拥有恢复生命英雄和复活其他英雄的能力,所以维拉的技能加点以输出和恢复治疗技能为主,可以把维拉放置在阵容后排辅助其他英雄兵种输出。维拉是个治疗辅助型英雄,一能加血,二能制造防护罩,三能战后复活,是打消耗战的优秀英雄。因此该英雄适合配合大型生物军队,如狂战士、蝎子、巨龙等。接下来就跟我一起来看看吧! 奶妈维拉英雄 技能1:治疗(Heal) 花费:45点水 描述:治疗指定区域的友军单位,恢复60点血量。 属性加成:每点魔力值提高额外治疗量。 技能升级:提高治疗效果。 技能2:魔法屏障(Mana Barrier) 花费:55点水 描述:维拉召唤6500血量的魔法屏障,隔绝敌人远程弓箭手和远程魔法的伤害,持续10秒。 属性加成:每点魔力值提高护罩防护值。 技能升级:每级提升护罩防护值和持续时间。 技能3:起死回生(Saving Lives) 描述:每场战斗结束后,维拉可以救回3%战死的士兵,让他们回归部队。对亡灵、机械单位和攻城单位无效,此外逃跑士兵不算战死。 技能升级:每级可多救回4%的战死士兵。 技能4:大祭司(Priestess Mastery) 描述:当维拉在战场上时,所有牧师单位伤害和最大血量提升2%。 属性加成:每点领导力增加伤害和最大血量。 技能升级:每级提升伤害和最大血量。 技能5:大主教(Archbishops) 描述:人族主城11级可建造5级大教堂,且维拉可训练7级牧师。 技能升级:降低训练牧师的花费。 技能6:太阳神的祝福 花费:125点水 描述:维拉为友军召唤太阳神的祝福,持续恢复所有友军血量,持续10秒,对亡灵、机械和攻城单位无效。 属性加成:每点魔力值提高额外治疗量。 技能升级:提高技能持续时间。
2023-07-18 16:16:361

披头四的歌曲 “我是海象”( i am the walrus ) 的内容和意思?
2023-07-18 16:16:444

求DOTA中月之女祭司的那个warriors of the night,assemble的声音

屠夫的freshmeat是DOTA的声音,还有杀人的声音都是DOTA的声音,,这个地址有。 月女的声音是war3的声音,可以从war3直接提出来。方法是:打开war3游戏安装文件夹,找到魔兽地图编辑器(World Editor.exe 就是有个毛笔在羊皮纸上的那个图标),双击打开,中间有一些说明,确定之后进到魔兽编辑器的界面,在上边的编辑栏里有一个黄色的小喇叭图标(快捷键式F5),那是声音编辑器,点一下,弹出声音编辑器,war3的声音都在这,如果阁下英文好,下边的就不用我说,什么英雄的、小兵的、剧情的等等声音都可以找。月女的那个warriors of the night,的路径在 声音/内部的/Units(单位)/NightElf(精灵)/HeroMoonPriestess(月之女祭司)/HeroMoonPriestessReady1.wav。找到这个声音后,右键——输出声音,找个位置就行了,比如放在桌面,他是一个wav文件,可以直接做手机提示音。我曾经用月女这个做过短信提示音,挺爽。现在用的是屠夫的“Ah,fresh meat”。很Hight!!
2023-07-18 16:16:531

MaggieQ 是谁中文名字叫什么?

2023-07-18 16:17:225


Tiger girl
2023-07-18 16:17:394


大阿卡那牌就如同它的名字一样,是用来解释命运的大致运势。每一张牌都反映着人生的不同际遇,因此,占卜时出现的大牌都会成为分析的重点。它给我们的答案或讯息是关于手上比较大的问题或主要情况。同时,为我们提供高层次的思维教诲。这些教诲为我们揭示面对当前重要问题的答案,让我们更好地选择下一步,而并非给我们一个确切的解决方案。另外” “一牌,它在22张大阿卡纳中并没有确切的编号,有时人们把它编号为”0“,有时则不做编号。大阿卡纳的二十二张牌每张都代表某种品德或经验,我们必须结合这些品德或经验才能完全认识自身,从而完成个人内心世界的成长,这种成长的过程被称为 “愚人之旅”。【0】愚者(The Fool,0)【1】魔术师(The Magician,I)【2】女祭司(The High Priestess,II)【3】女皇(The Empress,III)【4】皇帝(The Emperor,IV)【5】教皇(The Hierophant,or the Pope,V)【6】恋人(The Lovers,VI)【7】战车(The Chariot,VII)【8】力量(Strength,VIII)【9】隐者(The Hermit,IX)【10】命运之轮(The Wheel of Fortune,X)【11】正义(Justice,XI)【12】倒吊人(The Hanged Man,XII)【13】 死神(Death,XIII)【14】节制(Temperance,XIV)【15】恶魔(The Devil ,XV)【16】塔(The Tower,XVI)【17】星星(The Star,XVII)【18】月亮(The Moon,XVIII)【19】太阳(The Sun,XIX)【20】审判(Judgement,XX)【21】世界(The World,XXI) 四种花色的含义如下:【权杖】代表元素火,象征激情、能量和创造。【星币】代表元素土,象征金钱、物质和享受。【圣杯】代表元素水,象征情感、关系、爱和灵感。【宝剑】代表元素风,象征思想、智慧、交流和冲突。小阿卡那牌是用来补足大阿卡那牌不足之处。若是我们想要更进一步知道命运的真相或是对方的事情。其中由侍从、骑士、皇后、国王组成的人物牌,也称为宫廷牌(Court cards)。
2023-07-18 16:17:562


有愚者 魔术师 女祭司 女皇 皇帝 教皇 恋人 战车
2023-07-18 16:18:135


Cure Heart(心天使u2665) 我的甜心(My Sweet Heart)从胸口的徽章释放出粉红色心形光束净化敌人。 光之美少女 心灵射击(Pretty Cure Heart Shoot)使用“爱心弓箭”(Love Heart Arrow)并将“Heart Arrow Cure Lovies”插入后使用,以弓箭射出粉红色心型光束净化来敌人。 心灵爆发(Heart Dynamite)使用水晶之镜(Magical Lovely Pad)并将“Magical Lovely Cure Lovies”插入后,在敌人周围召唤出一堆红色小型心形,然后喊出“集合”,集中在一起形成巨大的红色心形将敌人包住来牵制敌人行动。 心天使帕提农形态(Cure Heart Parthenon Mode)集合其余四位光之美少女的力量以及三神器:光之枪(Miracle Dragon Glaive)、水晶之镜(Magical Lovely Pad)d、黄金之冠(Eternal Golden Crown)的力量集结在红心天使身上所诞生的超强型态。 Cure Diamond(钻石天使u2666) 闪烁之钻(Twinkle Diamond)右手手指释放出无数浅蓝色钻石净化敌人,也可以用于困住敌人。 光之美少女 钻石洗礼(Pretty Cure Diamond Shower)使用“爱心弓箭”并将“Diamond Arrow Cure Lovies”插入后使用,以弓箭拍出浅蓝色钻石直接将敌人封印。 钻石漩涡(Diamond Swirkle)使用水晶之镜(Magical Lovely Pad)并将“Magical Lovely Cure Lovies”插入,在敌人下方召唤出一片水潭,然后单手旋转释放出巨大的水漩涡攻击敌人,或者在前方召唤出一片屏障,阻挡敌人。 钻石风暴(Diamond Blizzard)使用“爱心弓箭”形成巨大龙卷风雪将敌人吸入,,然后将自己和敌人一起封印。 Cure Rosetta(蔷薇天使u2663): 蔷薇屏障(Rosetta Wall)双手释放出浅绿色四叶草屏障阻挡并反弹敌人的攻击,以防御为主。 光之美少女 蔷薇反射(Pretty Cure Rosetta Reflection)使用“爱心弓箭”并将“Rosetta Arrow Cure Lovies”插入后使用,以弓箭投影出大型四叶草屏障抵挡攻击,也可以攻击敌人及反射敌人的攻击,还可以一分为二像扇子一样攻击敌人。 蔷薇气球(Rosetta Balloon)使用水晶之镜(Magical Lovely Pad)并将“Magical Lovely Cure Lovies”插入后,召唤出一个黄色巨大的气球,有数种攻击方式,数三声炸裂后释放出无数黄色的蝴蝶状闪光封锁敌人的行动。或者召唤出巨型气球变成巨型兰斯。 Cure Sword(剑天使u2660) 神圣之剑(Holy Sword)右手手掌释放出无数紫色光剑净化敌人。 光之美少女 闪耀之剑(Pretty Cure Sparkle Sword)使用“爱心弓箭”并将“Sword Arrow Cure Lovies”插入后使用。以弓箭射出紫色光剑攻击敌人,也可以净化敌人。 剑之飓风(Sword Hurricane)使用水晶之镜(Magical Lovely Pad)并将“Magical Lovely Cure Lovies”插入后,用双手划出无数紫色光剑如飓风般攻击敌人。 Cure Ace(王牌天使A) 王牌射击(Ace Shot)使用武器“爱吻口红”(Love Kiss Rouge)将自己的嘴唇涂抹后,飞吻出一个巨大的心形光束攻击敌人,有红、紫、黄。蓝四种颜色四种效果的攻击模式。 王牌镜闪光(Ace Mirror Flash)使用水晶之镜(Magical Lovely Pad)并将“Magical Lovely Cure Lovies”插入后,围绕敌人召唤出三面镜子,释放出强烈闪光封锁敌人的行动。 合体必杀技 光之美少女 爱心强力弓箭(Pretty Cure Lovely Force Arrow)除了Cure Ace外全体光之美少女将“Lovely Force Cure Lovies”插入“爱心弓箭”后,一起以弓箭形式集体射出一个巨大的心形光束去净化敌人。 光之美少女 双重飞踢(Pretty Cure Double Kick)Cure Heart和Cure Sword的飞踢绝招,能将怪物瞬间踢垮。 光之美少女 超级飞踢(Pretty Cure Ultra Kick)Cure Sword、Cure Ace的合体飞踢绝招,威力比双重飞踢强。 光之美少女 爱心强力反射(Pretty Cure Lovely Force Reflection)Cure Heart、Cure Diamond和Cure Sword把力量注入到Cure Rosetta的“蔷薇反射”中,放大反射攻击的绝招。 光之美少女 爱心同花顺(Pretty Cure Lovely Straight Flush)使用水晶之镜(Magical Lovely Pad),将除了Cure Heart以外的四位光之美少女的Lovely Pad中扑克牌力量发射出将力量集中到Cure Hear的Lovely Pad,然后再由Cure Hear利用Lovely Pad发射扑克牌形成的巨大心形光束来净化敌人。 光之美少女 皇家爱心同花顺(Pretty Cure Royal Lovely Straight Flush)由水晶之镜(Magical Lovely Pad)释放出的新功能,是全体光之美少女二段变身(天使装)后的新绝招,爆发力极强。由爱酱将Lovely Pad转换成竖琴型态——Magical Lovely Harp而使光之美少女全体背部长出翅膀,再由五位光之美少女背部出现的魔法阵瞬间净化敌人。 治愈爱饰(Cure Lovies)含有神奇的力量的饰品,包含用于主角们变身、召唤武器与使用必杀技,也可以变出照顾爱酱用的配件。放进妖精变成的变身手机里,手画“L- O- V- E”可以变身,放进变身手机里用手画一个心形可以释放技能。爱心手机(Lovely Commune)是光之美少女(除王牌天使外)的变身用道具,由各自的精灵伙伴变成。可以转化Cure Lovies,亦能与其他伙伴作遥距通讯。爱心弓箭(Love Heart Arrow)由爱酱给予主角们的增强武器,配合「Lovely Force Cure Lovies」或「Arrow Cure Lovies」使出必杀技。皇家水晶(Royal Crystal)是扑克牌王国的王室宝物,有粉红、蓝、黄、紫、红的颜色一共5颗水晶,不知为何流落到日本并被收入Love Eyes Palette,指引光之美少女去寻找安琪公主。是王牌天使的变身道具。爱心眼影(Love Eyes Palette)是王牌天使使用皇家水晶的力量的变身道具。爱吻口红(Love Kiss Rouge)是王牌天使的必杀技的武器。将自己的嘴唇涂抹后,亲吻出一个巨大的心形光束攻击敌人,拥有多种攻击模式。 涂抹红色口红:可以净化敌人。 涂抹紫色口红:可以封锁敌人的行动。 涂抹黄色口红:可以变出藤蔓将敌人捆住。 涂抹水蓝色口红:可以变出水泡包住敌人。 新水晶之镜(Magical Lovely Pad)形似于平板电脑,可以使出技能Lovely Straight Flush,将除了Cure Heart以外的四位光之美少女的Lovely Pad中扑克牌发射出将集中力量到心天使的Lovely Pad,然后再由心天使利用Lovely Pad发射出扑克牌形成的心形光束来净化敌人。由爱酱将Lovely Pad转换成竖琴型态“Magical Lovely Harp”后,可以使出技能皇家爱心同花顺(Royal Lovely Straight Flush)。三神器一万年前守护爱与和平的三位传说中光之美少女所拥有的三件神秘宝物,在故事结局合成帕提农形态后,从此消失不明。 光之枪(Miracle Dragon Glaive)足以贯穿万物的枪。原持有者为Cure Magician,后由扑克牌王国的公主玛莉·安琪持有。安琪流落地球后,此物下落不明,在扑克牌王国宫殿中找到,不为一般自私组织成员所触碰,同时也不为主角等人所能拔出,最后枪选择了蕾吉娜。 水晶之镜(Magical Lovely Pad)映照出一切真相的镜子。原持有者为Cure Empress,随后由其精灵伙伴美兰守护,再由美兰经过严苛的考验交给相田爱她们拥有并使用着。除了作为新武器,亦可用作探测道路及神器、成为穿越时空的魔镜 黄金之冠(Eternal Golden Crown)装满博古通今知识的皇冠。原持有者Cure Priestess,原本被用来封印威胁扑克牌王国安全的自私组织的邪恶力量,后来其封印被扑克牌王国国王擅自解除后此物曾一度下落不明,于乔·冈田经过玛莉·安琪的提醒最终于某处古代遗址中成功找到并交予相田爱她们。 扑克王国(Trump Kingdom)真琴、亚久里、乔·冈田和妖精们的出生地,平行于地球的另一个世界的王国,似乎对不存在自动机械和蛀牙,原本是有着美丽景色和很多城市及宫殿的和平王国,受自私国王带领的“自私组织”袭击而沦陷,国民成为了四处流连的自私怪,国家沦为焦土,彻底成为了“自私组织”的领地。在与自私组织的大战之后,废除国王制度,改为共和制的扑克共和国,并与地球上的国家建立外交关系。光之美少女五大誓言Cure Ace所说的成为光之美少女的五条心得,Cure Heart在之后自行补充了第六条。 其之一,身为光之美少女,要永远向前进! 其之二,爱是拿来给予的! 其之三,爱就是互相保护! 其之四,相信自己,决不后悔! 其之五,身为光之美少女,必须是一流的女性! 其之六,只要大家齐心协力,就没有不可能! 自私组织(Jikochū)光之美少女的敌对组织,企图将“自私自利”的思想和行为散布到全世界以致达到毁灭世界目的的邪恶组织,成员均为个性自我中心的人,能够利用人们的负面情绪产生自私怪。gogu2661! Jikochū保龄球馆兼酒吧,自私组织成员位于地球的据点,具体地址未知,成员没有任务的时候会在这里消磨时间,故事后期该组织成员的根据地转移到扑克王国玛莉·安琪公主的寝宫,该寝宫同时也被蕾吉娜据为己有。灵神心(Ψυχu03ae)长着天使翅膀的心形物体,据夏露露所言,是人类心灵的具现化,平时为粉红色,但如果有自私之心,即会染成黑色,被自私组织利用的话,即可变成自私怪。大贝町相田爱等人居住城镇,靠近海边。在最终决战时成为了战场,并造成了城镇的严重破坏,战斗结束后由扑克王国恢复到原来的姿态。大贝第一中学校相田爱和菱川六花所就读的初中,后剑崎真琴和蕾吉娜也转学到这里,校舍为木质结构。七桥学园四叶有栖和五星丽奈所就读的私立名门初中,学校为女校。猪尾巴亭相田爱家经营的洋食屋,六花经常也会到这里吃饭,电视台曾在这里拍摄过美食体验节目。SOLITAIRE乔·冈田所开设的古董首饰店,贩卖古董以及各种饰品,后成为相田爱等人的集会场所。四叶财阀四叶有栖家族经营大型集团企业,旗下拥有多家关联企业,故事最后,成为扑克共和国的合作伙伴。东京四叶塔全高999米的世界第一高塔,顶部为展望台,归四叶财阀所有。~SONGBIRD~剑崎真琴的出道单曲,发售一周即达到百万销量。五星财阀五星丽奈家族经营的巨大企业,是四叶财阀在商业上的对手。
2023-07-18 16:18:391


2023-07-18 16:18:522


2023-07-18 16:19:1213


(暗夜): 守望者(Warden) 月之女祭师(Priess Of the moon)恶魔猎手(Demon Hunter)丛林守护者(Keepper of the grove) (兽族): 先知(Far Seer) 暗影猎手(Shadow hunter) 牛头人酋长(Tauren Chieftain)剑圣(BladeMaster)(人类): 大法师(Arch mage) 山丘之王(Mountain King) 圣骑士(Paladin)血法师(Blood Mage) (亡灵): 地穴领主(Crypt Lord) 死亡骑士(Death Knight)巫妖(Lich)恐惧魔王(Dread Lord) (中立): 娜迦女海妖(Nage Sea Witch) 黑暗游侠(Dark Ranger) 熊猫酒仙(Pandaren Brewmaster) 驯兽师(Beastmaster) 深渊领主(Pit Lord) 地精修补匠(Goblin Tinker) 火焰领主(Fire Lord) 地精炼金术士(Goblin Alchemist)
2023-07-18 16:19:584

the high priestess是什么意思

正确答案为: high priestess 英 [hai u02c8pri:stu026as]美 [hau026a u02c8pristu026as] n.大祭司,祭司长 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,
2023-07-18 16:20:591

high priestess啥意思

2023-07-18 16:21:073


2023-07-18 16:21:153

Dani California 歌词

《Dani California》歌手:Red Hot Chili Peppers 所属专辑:《Stadium Arcadium》发行时间:2006年歌词: Gettin" born in the state of Mississippi 从密西西比州出生 Poppa was a copper and her momma was a hippie 爸爸是个飞行员,妈妈是个嘻皮 In Alabama she was swinging hammer 在亚拉巴马州她挥动着铁锤 Price you gotta pay when you break the panorama 破坏环境所得负出的代价 She never knew that there was anything more than poor 她除了贫穷外一无所知 What in the world does your company take me for? 你的陪伴带给我的什么 Black bandana, sweet Louisiana 黑头巾, 甜蜜的路易斯安那州 Robbin"a a bank in the state of Indiana 抢劫一家在印地安纳州的银行 She"s a runner, rebel and a stunner 她是一个逃犯, 叛逆和惊人 On her merry way saying baby what you gonna 在她快乐的旅程上说道: 宝贝你想怎样 Lookin" down the barrel of a hot metal 45 往着一个口径45的枪管看去 Just another way to survive 这只是另一种谋生的方式 California rest in peace 加利福尼亚安息吧 Simultaneous release 同步的释放 California show your teeth 加利福尼亚秀出你的利牙吧 She"s my priestess, I"m your priest 她是你的女祭司, 我是你的祭司 Yeah, yeah 耶~ She"s a lover, baby and a fighter 她是个爱人, 宝贝和武者 Should"ve seen her coming when it got a little brighter 当时情况好转时应该看到她过来 With a name like Dani California 有着一个叫丹尼 加利福尼亚的名字 Day was gonna come when I was gonna mourn ya 我为你悲伤的那天就快到了 A little loaded she was stealing another breath 带着一点负担,她又试着去偷取一口气 I love my baby to death 我爱我的宝贝直到死 California rest in peace 加利福尼亚安息吧 Simultaneous release 同步的释放 California show your teeth 加利福尼亚秀出你的利牙吧 She"s my priestess, I"m your priest 她是你的女祭司, 我是你的祭司 Yeah, yeah 耶~ Who knew the other side of you 谁知道你的另一面 Who knew what others died to prove 谁知道他人为了证明什么而死 Too true to say goodbye to you 与你道别太过于真实 Too true, too sad sad sad 太真实, 太悲伤 First to fader, gifted animator 一为那父亲,一个赋予生气的人 One for the now and eleven for the later 一为着现在, 十一为了未来 Never made it up to Minnesota 从来没成功的抵达明尼苏达州 North Dakota man was gunnin" for the quota 北达科塔州人为了限额开枪 Down in the Badlands 在那崎岖不毛之地 She was savin" the best for last 她为最后保留最好的 It only hurts when I laugh 只有当我笑时才会有痛楚 Gone too fast... 消失的太快 California rest in peace 加利福尼亚安息吧 Simultaneous release 同步的释放 California show your teeth 加利福尼亚秀出你的利牙吧 She"s my priestess, I"m your priest 她是你的女祭司, 我是你的祭司 Yeah, yeah 耶~ California rest in peace 加利福尼亚安息吧 Simultaneous release 同步的释放 California show your teeth 加利福尼亚秀出你的利牙吧 She"s my priestess, I"m your priest 她是你的女祭司, 我是你的祭司 Yeah, yeah
2023-07-18 16:21:572


The Red Hot Chili Peppers - Dani California(2007年格莱美奖最佳摇滚歌曲、最...
2023-07-18 16:22:163


◎主  演  DJ·考尔斯 DJ Qualls      拉塞尔·霍奇金森 Russell Hodgkinson      迈克·韦尔奇 Michael Welch      汤姆·艾弗瑞特·斯科特 Tom Everett Scott      哈罗德·佩里诺 Harold Perrineau1.◎译  名 僵尸国度 第一季/丧尸国度 ◎片  名 Z Nation Season 1 ◎年  代 2014 ◎国  家 美国 ◎类  别 剧情/动作/科幻/恐怖 ◎语  言 英语 ◎上映日期 2014-09-12(美国)
2023-07-18 16:22:242


Your Priestess has arrived!你的女祭司来了!Our presence was requested?我们被要求存在这?Mirana and Mount, attending.月女和坐骑,参加。Moon, shine on our endeavor!月亮,照耀着我们的努力!Fair warning--your death has arrived!公平的警告——你死了!Stars, rain down upon mine enemy!星星,砸向我的敌人!I could have hit Roshan with my eyes closed.我可以闭着眼睛打Roshan。
2023-07-18 16:22:331

塔罗牌22张牌和78张牌的名字都叫什么?我只要名字 谢谢了

2023-07-18 16:22:506


2023-07-18 16:23:227


晕。想玩塔罗牌的话,可以去买一副。里面一般都有详细说明。很多书店里都有卖的。有一些是经典塔罗,还有的是漫画家画的。塔罗牌分大阿尔克纳和小阿尔克纳。楼上的资料已经给得很详细了。不妨参考一下。根据占卜的事项不同,会有各种不同的算法。有些只使用大阿尔克纳,有些只使用小阿尔克纳。也有大小都使用的算法。占卜的大致过程是这样的:要求有安静的环境,能让你精神集中。首先要洗牌。 想着要询问的事项,把牌均匀混合(类似麻将洗牌的手法~)。第二步要切牌(可能有些算法不需要切牌)。 将洗好的牌整理成一叠之后横放在面前。(我们不妨把这叠称为A。) 从A顶上取一部分放在一旁称为B。 从B顶上取一部分放在一旁称为C。 按照ACB的顺序放好,成为一叠。切牌完成。第三步按照你选择的算法的图示,将牌摆好成为牌面向下的牌阵。第四步依次翻开牌阵中的牌,按照每张牌代表的含义以及正逆位,对照说明就 可以进行解释。我高二的时候买了一副塔罗。偶尔会拿出来玩一下。也许是初学者的原因,想要问询的事项很难从牌中得到明确的解释。但是我觉得通过牌面提示的一些因素,可以帮助自己对要问询的问题进行反思。其实也是很有帮助的。
2023-07-18 16:23:513


2023-07-18 16:24:034


英雄,先说HUM,大法师-AM ,山丘-MK,圣骑-PAL(Paladin),血法-BMGNE,恶魔猎手-DH,守望者-WARDEN, 守护者-KOG,女祭司-PMORC剑圣-BM(奥特曼),先知-FS,暗影猎手-小Y/SH,牛头-TCUD死骑-DK ,巫妖-Lich,地狱领主-小强,恐惧魔王-DL单位,只说常见的HUM:Footman/步兵NE:弓箭手-ACORC:兽人步兵-大GUD:食尸鬼-小狗其他的单位就没什么别称了
2023-07-18 16:24:193


2023-07-18 16:24:294


<<Third Eye Blind>>Semi-Charmed LifeI"m packed and I"m holding, I"m smiling,She"s living, she"s golden, she lives for meShe says she lives for meOvation, She"s got her own motivationShe comes round and she goes down on meAnd I make her smile like a drug for youDo ever what you want to doComing over youKeep on smiling what we go throughOne stop to the rhythm that divides youAnd I speak to you like the chorus to the verseChop another line like a coda with a curseAnd I come on like a freak show takes the stageWe give them the games we play, she saidI want something elseTo get me through this Semi-charmed kind of life Baby, BabyI want something else, I"m not listening when you sayGood-bye.Do-do-do do-do-do-doodoo-do-do-do do...The sky was gold, it was roseI was taking sips of it through it my noseAnd I wish it could get back thereSome place back thereSmiling in the pictures you would takeDoing crystal meth will lift you up until you breakIt won"t stop, I won"t come downI keep stock with a tick-tock rhythm and a bump for the dropAnd then I bumped up, I took the hit that I was givenThen I bumped again, And then I bumped again,How do I get back thereTo the place where I fell asleep inside you?How do I get myself back to the placeThe place where you saidI want something else to get me through this semi-charmed kind of lifeI want something else, I"m not listening when you say good-byeI believe in the sand beneath my toesThe beach gives a feeling an earthy feelingI believe in the faith that growsAnd the four right chords can make me cryWhen I"m with you I feel like I could dieAnd that would be all right, all rightWhen the plane came in she said she was crashingThe velvet it rips in the cityWe tripped on the urge to feel aliveBut now I"m struggling to surviveThe days you were wearing that velvet dressYou"re the priestess I must confessThose little red panties they pass the testSlide up around the belly face down on the mattressOneNow you hold meAnd we are brokenStill it"s all that I want to do(Just a little now)Feel myself with a head made of the groundI"m scared I"m not coming downAnd I won"t run for my lifeShe"s got her jaws just locked now in a smileBut nothing is all right, all rightAnd I want something else to get me through this life Baby, BabyAnd I want something else, I"m not listening when you sayGood-bye, good-bye, good-bye...Do-do-do-doodoo-do-do-do...
2023-07-18 16:24:371


2023-07-18 16:24:574


2023-07-18 16:25:083


work work be happy to
2023-07-18 16:25:302

我想问下魔兽里面的英文代号- -!像DK,大G是什么的。。。

2023-07-18 16:25:394


Human~HM~人类 英雄(原名)-英文简称-中文 Archmage-AM-大法师 MountainKing-MK-山丘之王(山丘) Paladin-Pal-圣骑士、帕拉丁 Blood Mage-BL-血之祭司(血法) 单位(原名)-英文简称-中文 Peasant-无-农民 Militia-无-民兵 Footman-FM-步兵(夫特慢~嘎嘎) Rifleman-无-火枪手(火枪) Knight-无-骑士 Priest-无-牧师 Sorceress-无-女巫 Spell Breaker-SB?-破法者 (破法) Flying Machine-无-矮人直升机 Mortar Team-无-迫击炮小队(小炮) Siege Engine-tank-蒸气坦克 (坦克) Gryphon Rider-无-狮鹫骑士(狮鹫) Dragonhawk Rider-无-龙鹰 Water Elemental-无-水元素 (WE有时会被拿来指World Edit(地图编辑器),别搞错喔!) Phoenix-无-凤凰 Orc-兽族 英雄(原名)-英文简称-中文 Blade Master-BM-剑圣 Farseer-FS-先知 Tauren Chieftain-TC-牛头人酋长(牛头) Shadow Hunter-SH-暗影猎手(小歪) 单位(原名)-英文简称-中文 Peon-无-苦工 Grunt-G-兽人步兵(大G、大兵) Troll HeadHunter -无-猎头者 Demolisher-无-投石车(车子) Raider-无-狼骑兵(狼骑) Kodo Beast-kodo-科多兽 (科多) Wind Rider-无-飞龙骑士(飞龙) Troll Batrider-无-蝙蝠骑士 Shaman-无~萨满 Witch Doctor-doctor-巫医 Spirit Walker-无-灵魂行者(白牛) Tauren-无-牛头人 Night Elf-NE~暗夜精灵 英雄(原名)-英文简称--中文 Demon Hunter-DH--恶魔猎手、恶魔猎人 Keeper of the Grove-KOG-丛林守护者 Priestess of the Moon-POM-月之女祭司(白虎) Warden-WD-守望者 单位(原名)-英文简称-中文 Wisp-无-小精灵 Archer-AC-弓箭手 Huntress-HT-女猎手 Glaive Thrower-无~弩车 Dryad-DY-树妖、小鹿 Druid of the Claw-DoC-利爪德鲁伊(熊德) Mountain Giant-无-山岭巨人 (山岭) Hippogryph-无-角鹰兽 (啄木鸟) Druid of the Talon-DoT-猛禽德鲁伊(风德) Faerie Dragon-无-精灵龙 Chimera-无-奇美拉 Hippogryph Rider-无-角鹰兽骑士 Undead-UD -不死族 英雄(原名)-英文简称-中文 Death Knight-DK-死亡骑士(死骑) Dreadlord-DL-恐惧之王 Lich-Lich-巫妖 Crypt Lord-CL-地穴领主 单位(原名)-英文简称-中文 Acolyte-无-侍僧 Ghoul-G-食尸鬼(狗) Crypt Fiend-无-地穴恶魔(蜘蛛) Gargoyle-无-石像鬼 Abomination-无-憎恶(胖子) Meat Wagon-无-绞肉车(车子) Obsidian Statue-无-黑曜石雕像(雕像、救护车) Destroyer-无-毁灭者、破坏者(毁灭) Necromancer-无-亡灵巫师 Banshee-无-女妖 Frost Wyrm-无-冰霜巨龙(冰龙) Shade-无-阴影 Infernal-无-地狱火
2023-07-18 16:25:491


剑圣:BM 先知:Seer 牛头人酋长:Tauren Chieftain 暗影猎手:Shadow Hunter 山丘之王:Mountain King 圣骑:Paladin 血法师:Blood Mage 死亡骑士:Death Knight 恐惧魔王:Dread Lord 巫妖:Lich 地穴领主:Crypt Lord 恶魔猎手:Demon Hunter 月之女祭祀:Priestess Of the Moon 丛林守护者:Keeper Of the Grove 守望者:Warden 深渊魔王:Pit Lord 娜枷女妖:Naga Sea Witch 兽王:Beast Master 熊猫:Panda Brewmaster 黑暗游侠:Dark Ranger 火焰领主:Fire Lord 大概就是这些了吧~~但是在魔兽世界当中 熊猫:Panda Brewmaster 恶魔猎手:Demon Hunter 月之女祭祀:Priestess Of the Moon 我还没有见到 过这类的BOSS部落的3主城首领剑圣:BM 先知:Seer 牛头人酋长:Tauren Chieftain 暗影猎手:Shadow Hunter
2023-07-18 16:25:563


  众所周知这个英语短语在高中英语写作中是十分常见的。下面就由我为大家带来关于众所周知的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于众所周知的相关英语短语   1. As Wren"s epitaph famously declares, the cathedral itself is his monument.   众所周知,雷恩的墓志铭中写道,大教堂本身就是他的纪念碑。   2. Toddlers are notoriously antisocial when it comes to sharing toys.   众所周知,刚学会走路的孩子不愿和别人分享玩具。   3. His first essay in running a company was a notoriously tough undertaking.   众所周知,他第一次尝试经营公司时十分艰难。   4. Diplomats can be a notoriously unreliable and misleading source of information.   外交官可能会提供一些靠不住的误导性信息,这是众所周知的。   5. She is known to have liberal views on divorce and contraception.   众所周知,她在离婚与避孕方面思想很开明。   6. Governments have been known to snoop on innocent citizens.   有些政府窥探无辜公民的生活——这一事实已经众所周知。   7. Brindley was known as a very, very fast driver.   众所周知,布林德利是个喜欢飞车的人。   8. I won"t belabour the point, for this is a familiar story.   因为这点已经是众所周知了,我就不再啰唆了。   9. Radon is known to be harmful to humans in large quantities.   众所周知,大量的氡会对人体造成伤害。   10. His mastery of the French language was proverbial.   他对法语的精通是众所周知的。   11. He was known for his unconventional behaviour.   他的特立独行是众所周知的。   12. Gainsborough is known as an unemployment blackspot.   众所周知,盖恩斯伯勒失业严重。   13. Everyone knows children are picky eaters.   众所周知,小孩子吃东西挑食。   14. Janis Joplin was known as the High Priestess of Rock.   贾尼斯u2219乔普林就是众所周知的摇滚乐大师。   15. His devotion to the cause of education is well - known.   他对教育事业的献身精神是众所周知的.   关于众所周知的相关例句   新的事实已众所周知,政府被迫承认处理间谍丑事失当。   As new facts became known, the Government was forced to climb down over its handling of the spy scandal.   众所周知,他是有罪的。   It was apparent to all that he was guilty.   这场事故众所周知。   This accident is widely known.   众所周知,他是绝对可靠的。   It is well known that he is completely on the square.   众所周知,热带地区的降雨变化多端。   Rainfall in the tropics is notoriously variable.   众所周知,金属能从矿石中提炼出来。   It is known to all that metal can be abstracted from ore.   这场事故众所周知。   This accident is widely known.   众所周知,工作场所的锰有神经毒素的效果。   The neurotoxic effects of manganese exposure in the workplace are well known.   安德烈成了众所周知的改变了地球的实体。   Andre became known as the entity that changed the planet.   演员的性情变幻无常是众所周知的。   Actors have the reputation of being highly temperamental.   关于众所周知的双语例句   我认为它们会一直生活在那里,直到众所周知的世界末日来临。   I think they will be there till the end of the world as we know it.   众所周知华侨是刻苦耐劳的。   It is generally known that the overseas Chinese are a hardworking lot.   这些岛屿一向属中国管辖,这是众所周知的。   These islands have always been under Chinese jurisdiction. This is known to all.   她的过失,到现在已是众所周知的了。   So her fault was now known to every one.   事实上,可以演绎一条众所周知的名言,想必排字工人也会同意:“他们不翻译,我们不排印”。   In fact, to paraphrase a well-known dictum, we have an agreement with typesetters: they do nottranslate, we do not do typesetting.   无论这次事件的情形如何,这项研究的细节是众所周知的。   Whatever the status of this incident the facts of the study are well-known.   众所周知,一个好的希望带给你一,两个消极的反应也是正常的。所以要准备好处理这些异议并有技巧地让她们“回心转意”,这是十分重要的。   As you know, itu2019s normal for even a good prospect to give you one or two negative responses,so itu2019s important to be ready to deal with these and “turn them around” skillfully.   众所周知,地道曾经吞噬了这些有勇无谋的探险者,却从来没有吐出来过。   It has been known for the tunnels to swallow these foolhardy explorers and never to spit them out.   想象你要建立自己的团体,那么你应该有众所周知的良好的教育背景、流通的市场和经济地位,你必须资金充裕等......   Say you want to start your own organization then you should have good educationalbackground, current market and economic status known, you must be financially sound etc...   为什么呢?因为“众所周知”,美国存在着对黑人的歧视。   Why? Because “we all know” there is prejudice against black people in America.   所有这一切表明金瑞奇先生不仅是众所周知的共和党初选选民,也是他们许多人眼里的英雄人物。   All this means Mr Gingrich is not only known to Republican primary voters, but is something of ahero to many of them.   而且众所周知,尽管有好几个国家可以生产巡航导弹,但那基本上是一个中国问题。   It was also known that while several nations can and do produce cruise missiles, this was essentially a Chinese problem.
2023-07-18 16:26:211


地穴领主(Crypt Lord)(小强)--阿鲁巴拉克--AnubArak 死亡骑士(Death Knight)--阿尔赛斯 巫妖(Lich)--克尔苏加德 恐惧魔王(Dread Lord)
2023-07-18 16:26:305


2023-07-18 16:26:4511


Delphic SibylMichelangelo"s Delphic Sibyl,Sistine ChapelMain article: Delphic SibylThe Delphic Sibyl was a legendary figure who gave prophecies in the sacred precinct of Apollo at Delphi, located on the slopes of Mount Parnassus. Pausanias claimed that the Sibyl was "born between man and goddess, daughter of sea monsters and an immortal nymph". Others said she was sister or daughter to Apollo. Still others claimed the Sibyl received her powers from Gaia originally, who passed the oracle to Themis, who passed it to Phoebe. The Delphic Sibyl has sometimes been confused with the Pythia, the priestess of Apollo who gave prophecies at the Delphic Oracle.[16] The two are not identical, and should be treated as separate figures.<Bowden, Hugh, Classical Athens and the Delphic Oracle. Divination and Democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. ISBN 0-521-53081-4. Cf. p.14. "They may learn about the mysterious Delphic Sibyl, a mythical prophetess unrelated to the traditions of the oracle itself.">Stories recounted in Ovid"s MetamorphosesAlthough she was a mortal, the Sibyl lived about a thousand years. This came about when Apollo offered to grant her a wish in exchange for her virginity; she took a handful of sand and asked to live for as many years as the grains of sand she held. Later, after she refused the god"s love, he allowed her body to wither away because she failed to ask for eternal youth. Her body grew smaller with age and eventually was kept in a jar (ampulla). Eventually only her voice was left (Metamorphoses 14; compare the myth of Tithonus).
2023-07-18 16:27:281


朋友请看:寂静岭3各难度谜题全解!!!!书店的谜题:Easy:有两本莎士比亚文集(Shakespeare Anthology)掉在地上书架上还有另外三本,把两本书重新插回去,书脊上的数字就是后门的密码。Normal:五本莎士比亚文集都掉在地上,把它们重新排列拼出书脊上密码。Hard:捡起地上的五本书,书号分别是:1. 罗密欧与朱丽叶2. 李尔王3. 麦克白4. 哈姆雷特5. 奥赛罗密码锁旁边贴着一张纸,上面写着长长的文字:开头五段话是暗指五本书的顺序:。。。一个精神失常者,一个疯狂的舞者。。。指哈姆雷特 (4)。。。玩弄死亡游戏,却真的死去。。。指罗密欧与朱丽叶(1)谎言会包含真理?带着假面具的真理是谎言?。。。指麦克白(3)。。。真理和谎言,生命和死亡,只是一个黑白变换的游戏。。。指奥赛罗(5)充满爱的沉默不比阿谀奉承更宝贵么?。。。指李尔王(2)接下来是暗示五个数字的变化:那个溅血的复仇者二倍,指哈姆雷特,得到8两个流泪的年轻人三倍,指罗密欧与朱丽叶,得到3三个女巫就此消失,指麦克白,这本书不算剩下的数字不变。所以密码是8352--------------------------------------医院二楼谜题:Easy:按,右移两格,按,上移一格,按,下移两格,按。。。只有当第一个数字是4时才能完成整个操作,所以密码是4639Normal:第一个数字比第二个大,第二个数字是第三个的两倍,第三个数字比第四个小,第四个数字是第一个的一半。四个数字都不相同,三个不在第一行,两个不在最右一排。通过计算可知,密码是8634Hard:黑板上贴着一首超恶心变态的诗:如玻璃珠般纯洁无瑕的眼睛,你总是看着我,我也总是看着你。。。我用左手抚摸着你的脸,仿佛我们要亲吻一般,突然我的拇指抠进你的眼睛。。。我咬你的舌头,嚼你的嘴唇。。。我对你的脸颊也向往已久,它引诱着我的舌头。。。我的牙齿深深陷入你细嫩的左耳里。。。把密码盘当作是正对着的脸,根据右眼,嘴,脸颊,左耳的位置,试出密码为4896。虽然脸颊的位置可能是9也可能是7,但9是正解。--------------------------------------医院M4房密码箱:Easy:闹钟指着某一个时间。同时闹钟钟面上用红色写着这个时间,这就是密码箱的密码。Normal:钟面上没有写时间,只要读出闹钟指针指着的时间就是密码。Hard:把闹钟上的时间换算成24小时制(就是小时数加上12)才是密码--------------------------------------噩梦医院B3停尸房的焚尸炉Easy:焚尸炉本来就开着。Normal:房间里十张床中有四张床上都有尸体,每个尸体都有一个号码,而这号码的顺序就写在焚尸炉的门上。Hard:十张床每张床都有一张纸写着描述某种鸟类的话。而在焚尸炉门上写着:“烧掉那个没有死的,在他上面的都会羡慕他。。。” 指杀死知更鸟的麻雀,床号是1。 “那个渴慕的追求者,地心之火让他获得的重生。。。”指唱情歌的红雀,床号是7。另外二楼男更衣室电话里也说到爱慕希瑟的Stanley Coleman就是停尸房的7号尸体。“烧掉它沉重的尸体,让它在空中飞舞。。。”指不停地吃的猫头鹰,床号是2。“它可笑的嘴唇上的血,现在把它带到地狱的门口,在那里永无止境地焚烧那没有灵魂的躯壳。”指鹪鹩,床号是9。这样四个号码应该是1729,但是第一段话里提到“其他的都在他上边”,所以密码解读应该是倒序的,密码是9271。--------------------------------------教堂最后塔罗牌谜题:Easy:床上爱丽萨的绘图本里画着五张牌的位置,照样放上去即可。Normal:绘图本里写着长长的一段话:“。。。每一排都有卡,但是最多不会超过三张。。。”“。。。倒吊的人在地上,左右没有人。。。”这句话说明“Hanged Man”塔罗牌在底下正中。而且第三排只有一张卡。其他卡都应该在第一第二排。“。。。月亮高高在天上,光芒照在小丑的头上。。。”说明“Moon”在第一排,“Fool”在它下面。“。。。你总是虔诚地祈祷,你为什么总是看着上方的夜空。。。”说明“Eye of Night”在第一排,“High Priestess”在它下面。“。。。可怕的东西。。。你转向左边就能看到”说明“Eye of Night”在最左边一列。最终得到“Eye of Night”在(1,1), “High Priestess”在(1,2),“Hanged Man”在(2,3),“Moon”在(3,1),“Fool”在(3,2)。Hard:绘图本画着九组符号,另外写着:。。。五个是真的四个是假的,真的里面也混了一些小小的谎言。。。所以要找出哪五个是真的并找出和塔罗牌的对应关系。五张牌上都有罗马数字:“High Priestess”—II“Hanged Man”-- XII“Moon”-- XVIII“Fool”-- 0“Eye of Night”-- XXII九组符号每组由六个字母组成,其中混杂了不是罗马数字的字母。把这些混杂的字母划去。把每组剩下的字母和最相似的牌号配对,即可得到答案:“High Priestess”在(1,1),“Eye of Night”在(2,1) ,“Fool”在(2,2) ,“Moon”在(3,2) ,“Hanged Man” 在(1,3)。
2023-07-18 16:27:371


恶魔猎手:DH(Demon Hunter)丛林守护者:KOG(Keeper of the Grove)月之女祭祀:POM(Priestess of the Moon)守望者:Warden (Warden) 死亡骑士:DK(Death Knight) 恐惧魔王:DL(Dark Lord) 巫妖: Lich (Lich) 地穴领主:CL (Crypt Lord) 大法师:AM (Archmage) 山丘之王:MK(Mountain King) 圣骑士:Pala(Paladin) 血法师:BMG (Blood Mage)先知:FS(Farseer) 牛头人酋长:TC (Tauren Chieftain )剑圣:BM (Blade Master)暗影猎手:SH(Shadow Hunter) 熊猫酒仙:panda(Pandaren Brew Master)深渊领主:PL (Pit Lord) 娜迦女海巫:Naga (Naga Sea Witch)炼金术士:GA (Goblin Alchemist) 火焰领主[Firelord]
2023-07-18 16:27:581


AM=大法师(人类英雄) MK=山丘之王(同上) PAL=圣骑士(同上) FS=先知(兽英雄) BM=剑圣(同上) SH=暗影猎手(同上) TC=牛头人酋长(同上) DK=死亡骑士(不死)=47 DL=恐惧魔王(同上) LK=巫妖(同上)=51 DH=恶魔猎手(暗夜英雄) WD=执法女(同上) KOG=半人马丛林守护者(同上)
2023-07-18 16:28:106

I Am The Music 歌词

歌曲名:I Am The Music歌手:Jah Wobble"S Invaders Of The Heart专辑:Take Me To GodI am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.Im crying.Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come.Corporation tee-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday.Man, you been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long.I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.I am the walrus, goo goo gjoob.Mister City Policeman sittingPretty little policemen in a row.See how they fly like Lucy in the Sky, see how they run.Im crying, Im crying.Im crying, Im crying.Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dogs eye.Crabalocker fishwife, pornographic priestess,Boy, you been a naughty girl you let your knickers down.I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.I am the walrus, goo goo gjoob.Sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun.If the sun dont come, you get a tanFrom standing in the English rain.I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.I am the walrus, goo goo gjoob ggoo goo gjoob.Expert textpert choking smokers,Dont you thing the joker laughs at you?See how they smile like pigs in a sty,See how they snied.Im crying.Semolina pilchard, climbing up the Eiffel Tower.Elementary penguin singing Hari Krishna.Man, you should have seen them kicking Edgar Alan Poe.I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.I am the walrus, goo goo gjoob ggoo goo gjoob.
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