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2023-05-19 17:19:59

完成;用完;结束 (大多做动词 也可以做名词)









finish是完成、结束的意思。具体释义如下:英 [ˈfɪnɪʃ]   美 [ˈfɪnɪʃ]  1、动词  vt.& vi.完成;结束;吃光;使筋疲力尽例句:Haven"t you finished your homework yet?难道你还没有完成家庭作业吗?2、名词 n.结束;结尾;最后阶段;抛光例句:The symphony finishes with a flourish.交响乐在响亮的乐曲声中结束。扩展资料:同义词有accomplish、close 、complete、end等1、accomplish v. 完成,实现较正式用词,尤指通过努力成功地完成某事。例:He accomplished his education in Europe.他完成了在欧洲的学业。2、close v. (使)结束尤指(使)某事物以某种方式结束。例:The party was closed with a sound of applause.聚会在掌声中结束了。3、complete v. 完成,结束尤指经历较长时间后完成或做成某事物,通常用被动语态。例:The bridge was completed in 1959.大桥于1959年竣工。4、end v. (使)结束指局势、过程、活动等自然结束或被人为终止。例:The war between these two countries ended in 1898.这两个国家之间的战争于1898年结束。参考资料来源:百度翻译-finish
2023-01-03 21:34:341


Finish 是个动词,基本意思是“结束”“完成”,用法如下:1、Finish作为及物动词,后面+名词,名词作为宾语。【例句】She hasnot finished her homework。她没有完成家庭作业。2、Finish作为及物动词,后面+动词作为宾语时,必须用动词的ing形式,不能用不定式 to do形式【例句】I finished cleaning our room last night。我昨晚完成了房间的卫生打扫。这里就不能用 I finished to clean our room last night。3、Finish用作不及物动词。【例句】My brother did not finish in time 我弟弟没能及时结束。4、be finished 的用法:意思是:垮台了 完蛋了、失败了The scandal means she is finished in entertainment circles .这丑闻意味着她在娱乐圈完蛋了。扩展资料:Finish 常用的两个短语:(1)finish up  吃光、用完、结束eg:The big fat finished up everything on the table.这个大胖子吃光了桌子上的所有东西。(2)finish with 以 ... 作为结束、与...断绝关系eg:This party finished with a 聚会在一首歌声中结束。eg:She finished with her bad boyfriend.她跟他的坏男友断绝关系了。
2023-01-03 21:34:451


2023-01-03 21:35:006


动词>finish+名,~+doing,~+(副),~+行,~ off,~ up with,~ with. 名词>a finish,be in at the ~,to the ~
2023-01-03 21:35:253


finishvt.& vi.完成; 结束; 吃光; 使筋疲力尽n.结尾; 结束; 最后阶段; 抛光
2023-01-03 21:35:386

finish doing sth和finish to do sth的区别是什么

2023-01-03 21:36:114


finish,complete作为动词在一起比较时,这两个词的一般含义是“做完”、“完成”,有时可以互换使用。然而,有时它们却有明显的词义差别。 finish表示过去某个时候着手做的事已经做完,或者表示对已经做完的事进行精密加工 As soon as he had finished, Jenny told him she wanted to go home. 他一讲完,珍妮就告诉他说她想回家。 This machine part needs surface finishing. 这个机械零件需要精密加工。 The writer has finished (or completed) the novel. 但是如果作为读者说“我已经看完这部小说了”,用英语说却只能是I have finished the novel. 不过,如果你是文学系的学生,老师布置了任务,要读完这部小说,那么又非用complete不可了。 By the end of next year, they will have finished work on the new stadium. 到明年年底,他们将建成这个新体育场。 而complete侧重表示做完或完成某工作,特别是一项任务,或者把某工作圆满结束。如果要用英语表达“这位作家已经写完那部小说了”,这两个词都可以用 The house was completed five moths ago. 这座房子是5个月前竣工的。 They had just had enough time to swim out of danger when the boat again completed a circle. 他们刚游出危险区,这时快艇又完成了一圈的运动。 注:完成一个圆周的运动,用complete是很准确的。 A few cars, however, completed the race. 有几辆车跑完了比赛的全程。参考资料:来自于以前某人的回答。我觉得还不错。
2023-01-03 21:36:377


2023-01-03 21:37:133


最终的外观the appearance of the surface of an object after it has been painted, polished etc:例如:That table has a beautiful finish.
2023-01-03 21:37:266


2023-01-03 21:37:523


2023-01-03 21:38:064

结束英文怎么写 结束英文如何写

1、用于结束的英语单词有:finish2、finish英 [f?n??]美 [f?n??]3、vt.完成;结束;吃光;使筋疲力尽。4、n. 结尾;结束;最后阶段;抛光。5、finish强调完成自己所计划要干的或所规定的事情或动作,并含有最后加以润色,使之完美的意味。6、[例句]:You will never finish that job unless you forget everything else and get down to it.听着,你要是不把别的事忘掉,而认真地去干那件事,你就永远也干不完。
2023-01-03 21:38:311


2023-01-03 21:38:457

surface finish是什么意思

surface finish 英[ˈsə:fis ˈfiniʃ] 美[ˈsɚfəs ˈfɪnɪʃ] [词典] 表面加工,表面抛光; [例句]It provides longer tool life and extremely good surface finish.它提供了工具寿命和极为良好的表面光洁度。
2023-01-03 21:39:331

endup doing sth 是啥意思

您的问题很简单.呵呵.百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题. 原句: end up doing sth 翻译:最后做某事;终止做某事;结束做某事. end up doing sth最后做某事;终止做某事;结束做某事;后面加动名词短语 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译.
2023-01-03 21:39:402


2023-01-03 21:39:533


2023-01-03 21:40:134


finish的读音为:英/ˈfɪnɪʃ/,美/ˈfɪnɪʃ/【中文意思】【例句】(1)I can easily finish it tonight. 我今晚能毫不费力地把它完成。(2)We reckon to finish by ten. 我们预计十点钟以前结束。(3)I have some paperwork to finish up. 我有些文案工作要做完。(4)She tried gamely to finish the race. 她试图顽强地去跑完比赛。短语
2023-01-03 21:40:551


finish后面加名词、代词或动名词作宾语。finish的基本意思是“结束,完成”,表明已达到所做事情的终点。引申可表示“用光,吃光”“毕业”“杀掉”等。finish可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,不能接动词不定式。finish用作不及物动词时,其主动形式往往表示被动意义,常译为“…完了,…停止,…结束”。finish有时可用作系动词,后接名词当表语,表示“结果变成…”,此时finish意同become。finish后接off表示“做完”或“杀死”; 后接up表示“吃光”或“做完”; 后接with时表示“用完…”或“断绝与…的关系”。词汇搭配:finish a bottle of wine 喝完一瓶葡萄酒finish one"s investigation 完成某人的调查研究finish one"s life in loneliness 孤独中结束一生finish one"s sandwich 吃完某人的三明治finish one"s work 完成某人的工作finish school 毕业finish the tenth grade 读完十年级finish the top of the class 在班上考第一名
2023-01-03 21:41:061


Time goes by so fast,
2023-01-03 21:41:212


1)finish后面是跟动词ing形式,即finish doing sth,表做完某事,如:he finished reading the book before super.晚饭前他把这本书看完了。2)finish后也可直接跟名词,即finish sth,表完成某事,如:when are you going to finish your work?你打算什么时候完成你的工作?类似于finish,后面也加doing的词有admit,deny,enjoy,keep,mind,miss(错过),practise,suggest等。 Finish 是个动词 ,基本意思是“结束”“完成”,用法如下: 1、Finish作为及物动词,后面+名词,名词作为宾语。 【例句】She hasnot finished her homework。她没有完成家庭作业。 2、Finish作为及物动词,后面+动词作为宾语时,必须用动词的ing形式,不能用不定式 to do形式 【例句】I finished cleaning our room last night。我昨晚完成了房间的卫生打扫。 这里就不能用 I finished to clean our room last night。 3、Finish用作不及物动词。 【例句】My brother did not finish in time 我弟弟没能及时结束。 4、be finished 的用法:意思是:垮台了 完蛋了、失败了 The scandal means she is finished in entertainment circles .这丑闻意味着她在娱乐圈完蛋了。 扩展资料: Finish 常用的两个短语: (1)finish up 吃光、用完、结束 eg:The big fat finished up everything on the table. 这个大胖子吃光了桌子上的所有东西。 (2)finish with 以 ... 作为结束、与...断绝关系 eg:This party finished with a song. eg: 聚会在一首歌声中结束。 eg:She finished with her bad boyfriend. 她跟他的坏男友断绝关系了。
2023-01-03 21:41:291


2023-01-03 21:41:343

finish doing还是todo?

finish doing和finish to do都有,但是意思不同。finish doing的意思是结束正在做的事,finish to do的意思是结束目前所做的事情,去做其他的事。I have finished doing my job. 我已经结束了我的工作。I finished my own work to help her. 我结束我自己的工作来帮助她。finish的用法1、finish可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,不能接动词不定式。2、finish用作不及物动词时,其主动形式往往表示被动意义,常译为“...…完了,…...停止,...…结束”。3、finish有时可用作系动词,后接名词当表语,表示“结果变成...…”,此时finish意同become。
2023-01-03 21:41:531


finish 有三种词性:及物动词、不及物动词和名词。一、作及物动词时后面跟doing ,即finish doing sth 。如:I have finished doing my homework.我已经完成家庭作业了。结束;完成[+v-ing]示例:When does he finish his college course?译句: 他何时大学毕业? 2. 对...最后加工,润饰[(+off)] 示例:We"ll finish our new home today and move in tomorrow. 译句:我们今天对新居作最后修饰,明天就搬进去。 3. 用完;吃完[(+off/up)] 示例:The boys finished up everything on the table. 译句:男孩子们把桌上的东西吃得精光。示例: Let"s finish off the wine. 译句:我们把酒喝完吧。 4. 【口】耗尽;毁掉;消灭;击败[(+off)] 示例:The climb nearly finished me off. 译句:这次爬山几乎送了我的命。
2023-01-03 21:42:061


finish(读音:英 [ˈfɪnɪʃ] ,美 [ˈfɪnɪʃ] ),具体释义如下:1、finish做名词时,意思是:最后部分;结尾;结局;末道漆;抛光;(漆完抛光后的)成品表面;最后精细加工。例句:The bows will give a feminine finish to the curtains.译文:窗帘最后配上蝴蝶结显出女性的柔美。2、finish做动词时,意思是:完成;做好;(使)结束;吃完,喝光,用尽(所剩之物)。例句:She finished law school last year.译文:她去年毕业于法学院。扩展资料用法扩展finish的基本意思是“结束,完成”,表明已达到所做事情的终点。引申可表示“用光,吃光”“毕业”“杀掉”等。finish可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,不能接动词不定式。finish用作不及物动词时,其主动形式往往表示被动意义,常译为“?完了,?停止,?结束”。finish有时可用作系动词,后接名词当表语,表示“结果变成?”,此时finish意同become。finish后接off表示“做完”或“杀死”; 后接up表示“吃光”或“做完”; 后接with时表示“用完?”或“断绝与?的关系”。finish的过去分词finished和现在分词finishing均可用作形容词,在句中作定语。过去分词表示完成意义,现在分词表示进行意义。finish作名词时,基本意思是“终点”,指某事物的最后的部分、结尾或最后一道工序。还可作“完成的或完美的状态”“抛光得很好的表面”解,只用单数形式,有时可加不定冠词。
2023-01-03 21:42:126


Finish 是个动词,基本意思是“结束”“完成”,用法如下: 1、Finish作为及物动词,后面+名词,名词作为宾语。 【例句】She hasnot finished her homework。她没有完成家庭作业。 扩展资料 2、Finish作为及物动词,后面+动词作为宾语时,必须用动词的`ing形式,不能用不定式 to do形式 【例句】I finished cleaning our room last night。我昨晚完成了房间的卫生打扫。 这里就不能用 I finished to clean our room last night。 3、Finish用作不及物动词。 【例句】My brother did not finish in time 我弟弟没能及时结束。 4、be finished 的用法:意思是:垮台了 完蛋了、失败了 The scandal means she is finished in entertainment circles .这丑闻意味着她在娱乐圈完蛋了。
2023-01-03 21:42:491


2023-01-03 21:42:554


finish后面跟动词ing形式或名词。1、finish后面跟动词ing形式,即finish doing sth,表做完某事。如:he finished reading the book before super. 晚饭前他把这本书看完了。2、finish后也可直接跟名词,即finish sth,表完成某事。如:when are you going to finish your work? 你打算什么时候完成你的工作?类似于finish,后面也加doing或sth的词admit 英 [əd"mɪt]    美 [əd"mɪt]    vt. 承认;允许进入;给…进入的权利;容纳vi. 承认;允许进入;允许例句:He made a terrible mistake, but he refused to admit it.翻译:他犯了一个严重的错误,可是他拒不承认。短语:admit a fault 认错
2023-01-03 21:43:091


Finish 是个动词,基本意思是“结束”“完成”,用法如下:1、Finish作为及物动词,后面+名词,名词作为宾语。【例句】She hasnot finished her homework。她没有完成家庭作业。2、Finish作为及物动词,后面+动词作为宾语时,必须用动词的ing形式,不能用不定式 to do形式【例句】I finished cleaning our room last night。我昨晚完成了房间的卫生打扫。这里就不能用 I finished to clean our room last night。3、Finish用作不及物动词。【例句】My brother did not finish in time 我弟弟没能及时结束。4、be finished 的用法:意思是:垮台了 完蛋了、失败了The scandal means she is finished in entertainment circles .这丑闻意味着她在娱乐圈完蛋了。扩展资料:Finish 常用的两个短语:(1)finish up  吃光、用完、结束eg:The big fat finished up everything on the table.这个大胖子吃光了桌子上的所有东西。(2)finish with 以 ... 作为结束、与...断绝关系eg:This party finished with a 聚会在一首歌声中结束。eg:She finished with her bad boyfriend.她跟他的坏男友断绝关系了。
2023-01-03 21:43:241


finish的过去式:finished。v. 完成,做好;(使)结束;消耗尽(所剩之物);(比赛中)获得(名次);(英式足球用语)进球;对(物件)做最后加工;杀死,歼灭;使精疲力竭;<旧>为(少女)进入上流社会做好准备;<非正式>使精疲力竭n. 结尾,结局;(赛跑、比赛的)终点;最后精细加工;饰面,饰面材料;(葡萄酒或啤酒的)余味短语Surface finish [机] 表面光洁度 ; 表面处理 ; [建] 表面修饰 ; 表面粗糙度CLEAN FINISH 还口 ; 卷边 ; 原身较结 ; 还嘴RESIN FINISH 树脂处理 ; 树脂加工 ; [纺] 树脂整理 ; 树胶措置惩罚finish off 吃完 ; 喝完 ; 结束 ; 完成TURNED FINISH 卷边 ; [机] 车削面光洁度 ; 光亮加工GARMENT FINISH 成衣后处理 ; 裁缝后措置惩罚 ; 裁缝后处理 ; 成衣后处置同根词词根: finisadj.finished 完结的,完成的;精巧的finishing 最后的;终点的n.finishing 完成,结束;最后的修整finis 终结;死v.finished 完成;结束;毁掉(finish的过去分词形式)finishing 完成(finish的ing形式)
2023-01-03 21:43:331


finish(读音:英 [ˈfɪnɪʃ] ,美 [ˈfɪnɪʃ] ),具体释义如下:1、finish做名词时,意思是:最后部分;结尾;结局;末道漆;抛光;(漆完抛光后的)成品表面;最后精细加工。例句:The bows will give a feminine finish to the curtains.译文:窗帘最后配上蝴蝶结显出女性的柔美。2、finish做动词时,意思是:完成;做好;(使)结束;吃完,喝光,用尽(所剩之物)。例句:She finished law school last year.译文:她去年毕业于法学院。扩展资料用法扩展finish的基本意思是“结束,完成”,表明已达到所做事情的终点。引申可表示“用光,吃光”“毕业”“杀掉”等。finish可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,不能接动词不定式。finish用作不及物动词时,其主动形式往往表示被动意义,常译为“?完了,?停止,?结束”。finish有时可用作系动词,后接名词当表语,表示“结果变成?”,此时finish意同become。finish后接off表示“做完”或“杀死”; 后接up表示“吃光”或“做完”; 后接with时表示“用完?”或“断绝与?的关系”。finish的过去分词finished和现在分词finishing均可用作形容词,在句中作定语。过去分词表示完成意义,现在分词表示进行意义。finish作名词时,基本意思是“终点”,指某事物的最后的部分、结尾或最后一道工序。还可作“完成的或完美的状态”“抛光得很好的表面”解,只用单数形式,有时可加不定冠词。
2023-01-03 21:43:422

finish是什么词 是什么类型的词 后面跟动词to do 还是doing

finish有三种词性:及物动词、不及物动词和名词,作动词时后面跟doing即finish doing sth如:I have finished doing my homework.我已经完成家庭作业了.vt.1.结束;完成[+v-ing]When does he finish his college course...
2023-01-03 21:43:531


finish 有三种词性:及物动词、不及物动词和名词。一、作及物动词时后面跟doing ,即finish doing sth 。如:I have finished doing my homework.我已经完成家庭作业了。结束;完成[+v-ing]示例:When does he finish his college course?译句: 他何时大学毕业? 2. 对...最后加工,润饰[(+off)] 示例:We"ll finish our new home today and move in tomorrow. 译句:我们今天对新居作最后修饰,明天就搬进去。 3. 用完;吃完[(+off/up)] 示例:The boys finished up everything on the table. 译句:男孩子们把桌上的东西吃得精光。示例: Let"s finish off the wine. 译句:我们把酒喝完吧。 4. 【口】耗尽;毁掉;消灭;击败[(+off)] 示例:The climb nearly finished me off. 译句:这次爬山几乎送了我的命。二、作不及物动词时,有如下用法:结束,终止;完成工作示例:What time does the performance finish? 译句:表演什么时候结束   2、(在竞赛中)获得名次示例:He finished third in the race. 译句:他赛跑获得第三名。三、作名词使用,有如下用法:1、结束;(比赛等的)最后阶段;终结示例:The soldiers fought to the finish. 译句:士兵们坚持战斗到底。2、 (家具等)抛光,末道漆。示例:The finish on the table was scratched by a knife. 译句:桌面上的漆被刀子划破了。3、(举止、讲话等)优雅,修养示例:His manner lacks finish. 译句:他的举止欠雅。
2023-01-03 21:43:591

Finish 有什么短语

finish doing sth
2023-01-03 21:44:046


FIN即为finale的缩写,意为完结。end英 [end]美 [ɛnd]n. <正>结果;端;终止;最后部分。vt. 结束,终止。end指“停止”“结束”某一进程,但不强调是否已经圆满完成。常用来指旅行、讲演、争论等结束或终止。[例句]:David Healey scored to end Northern Ireland"s goal famine.戴维•希利进球得分,结束了北爱尔兰队的球荒。扩展资料:用于"结束"的英语单词有:finish、 accomplish、complete、conclude、end。单词详解:1、finish英 ["fɪnɪʃ]美 ["fɪnɪʃ]vt.完成;结束,吃光,使筋疲力尽。n. 结尾,结束,最后阶段,抛光。finish强调完成自己所计划要干的或所规定的事情或动作,并含有最后加以润色,使之完美的意味。[例句]:You will never finish that job unless you forget everything else and get down to it.听着,你要是不把别的事忘掉,而认真地去干那件事,你就永远也干不完。参考资料来源:百度百科-英语
2023-01-03 21:44:261


finished。finish,英语单词,动词、名词,作动词时意为“完成;结束;用尽(所剩之物);(竞赛)获……成绩;(英式足球)进球;(非正式)使筋疲力尽。对(物件)最后加工;结束(牲畜)的肥育;(少女)进上流社会做准备”,作名词时意为“结局;抛光;最后精细加工;结束;(比赛的)终点,最后阶段;饰面;(葡萄酒的)余味”。finish的双语例句:1、How can we finish it?我们怎样才能完成它?2、I have to finish this project by next Friday。下个星期五之前我必须完成这个项目。
2023-01-03 21:44:401


2023-01-03 21:44:501


finish 有三种词性:及物动词、不及物动词和名词。一、作及物动词时后面跟doing ,即finish doing sth 。如:I have finished doing my homework.我已经完成家庭作业了。结束;完成[+v-ing]示例:When does he finish his college course?译句: 他何时大学毕业? 2. 对...最后加工,润饰[(+off)] 示例:We"ll finish our new home today and move in tomorrow. 译句:我们今天对新居作最后修饰,明天就搬进去。 3. 用完;吃完[(+off/up)] 示例:The boys finished up everything on the table. 译句:男孩子们把桌上的东西吃得精光。示例: Let"s finish off the wine. 译句:我们把酒喝完吧。 4. 【口】耗尽;毁掉;消灭;击败[(+off)] 示例:The climb nearly finished me off. 译句:这次爬山几乎送了我的命。二、作不及物动词时,有如下用法:结束,终止;完成工作示例:What time does the performance finish? 译句:表演什么时候结束   2、(在竞赛中)获得名次示例:He finished third in the race. 译句:他赛跑获得第三名。三、作名词使用,有如下用法:1、结束;(比赛等的)最后阶段;终结示例:The soldiers fought to the finish. 译句:士兵们坚持战斗到底。2、 (家具等)抛光,末道漆。示例:The finish on the table was scratched by a knife. 译句:桌面上的漆被刀子划破了。3、(举止、讲话等)优雅,修养示例:His manner lacks finish. 译句:他的举止欠雅。
2023-01-03 21:44:561


Finish 是个动词,基本意思是“结束”“完成”,用法如下:1、Finish作为及物动词,后面+名词,名词作为宾语。【例句】She hasnot finished her homework。她没有完成家庭作业。2、Finish作为及物动词,后面+动词作为宾语时,必须用动词的ing形式,不能用不定式 to do形式【例句】I finished cleaning our room last night。我昨晚完成了房间的卫生打扫。这里就不能用 I finished to clean our room last night。3、Finish用作不及物动词。【例句】My brother did not finish in time 我弟弟没能及时结束。4、be finished 的用法:意思是:垮台了 完蛋了、失败了The scandal means she is finished in entertainment circles .这丑闻意味着她在娱乐圈完蛋了。扩展资料:Finish 常用的两个短语:(1)finish up  吃光、用完、结束eg:The big fat finished up everything on the table.这个大胖子吃光了桌子上的所有东西。(2)finish with 以 ... 作为结束、与...断绝关系eg:This party finished with a 聚会在一首歌声中结束。eg:She finished with her bad boyfriend.她跟他的坏男友断绝关系了。
2023-01-03 21:45:021

finish怎么读 finish怎么读

2023-01-03 21:45:1414

我要写文章,哪个大哥知道哪里找Jewish culture的资料,要英文的

Origins of secular Jewish cultureFor at least 2,000 years, there has not been a unity of Jewish culture. Jews during this period were always geographically dispersed, so that by the 19th century the Ashkenazi Jews were mainly in Europe, especially Eastern Europe; the Sephardi Jews were largely spread among various communities in North Africa, Turkey, as well as various smaller communities in a diverse range of other locations, while Mizrahi Jews were primarily spread around the Arab world; and other populations of Jews were scattered in such places as Ethiopia the Caucasus, and India. (See Jewish ethnic divisions.) Many of these populations were cut off in some degree from the surrounding cultures by ghettoization, by the Muslim laws of dhimma, etc. By 1931, before the Holocaust, 92% of the world"s Jewish population was Ashkenazi in origin, and therefore much of what is thought of as "Jewish culture" is the Jewish culture of Central and Eastern Europe.Medieval Jewish communities in Eastern Europe developed distinct cultural traits over the centuries, but beginning with the Enlightenment (and its echo within Judaism in the Haskalah movement), many Yiddish-speaking Jews in Eastern Europe saw themselves as forming an ethnic or national group whose identity did not depend on religion. Constanin Măciucă writes of "a differentiated but not isolated Jewish spirit" permeating the culture of Yiddish-speaking Jews. This was only intensified as the rise of Romanticism increased the sense of national identity across Europe generally. Thus, for example, Bund members — that is, members of the General Jewish Labor Union in the late 19th and early 20th centuries — were generally non-religious, and one of the historical leaders of the Bund was the child of converts to Christianity, though not a practising or believing Christian himself. The Haskalah combined with the Jewish Emancipation movement under way in Central and Western Europe to create an opportunity for Jews to enter secular society. At the same time, pogroms in Eastern Europe created a migration, in large part to the United States, where 2 million Jewish immigrants arrived between 1880 and 1920. In the 1940s, The Holocaust resulted in the destruction of most of European Jewry, which, combined with the birth of Israel and the movement of Jews from Arab nations, created a further geographic shift. Defining secular culture among those who practice Judaism is difficult, because the entire culture is entwined with religious traditions. (This is particularly true of Orthodox Judaism.) Gary Tobin, head of the Institute for Jewish and Community Research, said of traditional Jewish culture:The dichotomy between religion and culture doesn"t really exist. Every religious attribute is filled with culture; every cultural act filled with religiosity. Synagogues themselves are great centers of Jewish culture. After all, what is life really about? Food, relationships, enrichment hellip; So is Jewish life. So many of our traditions inherently contain aspects of culture. Look at the Passover Seder—it"s essentially great theater. Jewish education and religiosity bereft of culture is not as interesting. [1]Yaakov Malkin, Professor of Aesthetics and Rhetoric at Tel Aviv University and the founder and academic director of Meitar College for Judaism as Culture [2] in Jerusalem, writes:Today very many secular Jews take part in Jewish cultural activities, such as celebrating Jewish holidays as historical and nature festivals, imbued with new content and form, or marking life-cycle events such as birth, bar/bat mitzvah, marriage, and mourning in a secular fashion. They come together to study topics pertaining to Jewish culture and its relation to other cultures, in havurot, cultural associations, and secular synagogues, and they participate in public and political action co-ordinated by secular Jewish movements, such as the former movement to free Soviet Jews, and movements to combat pogroms, discrimination, and religious coercion. Jewish secular humanistic education inculcates universal moral values through classic Jewish and world literature and through organizations for social change that aspire to ideals of justice and charity. [2][edit]LanguagesSee main article Jewish languages. Literary and theatrical expressions of secular Jewish culture may be in specifically Jewish languages such as Hebrew, Yiddish or Ladino, or it may be in the language of the surrounding cultures, such as English or German. Secular literature and theater in Yiddish largely began in the 19th century and was in decline by the middle of the 20th century. The revival of Hebrew beyond its use in the liturgy is largely an early 20th-century phenomenon, and is closely associated with Zionism. Generally, whether a Jewish community will speak a Jewish or non-Jewish language as its main vehicle of discourse is dependent on how isolated or assimilated that community is. For example, the Jews in the shtetls of Poland and the Lower East Side of New York (during the early 20th century) spoke Yiddish at most times, while assimilated Jews in Germany during the 19th century or the United States today would or do speak German or English in general.[edit]Politics and morals A Bundist demonstration, 1917See main article Jewish political movements. Even in religious Judaism there is much room for a range of political or moral views; this is only more so for secular Jews. However, even Jewish secular culture is often strongly influenced by moral beliefs deriving from Jewish scripture and tradition. In recent centuries, Jews in Europe and the Americas have traditionally tended towards the political left, and played key roles in the birth of the labor movement as well as socialism. While Diaspora Jews have also been represented in the conservative side of the political spectrum, even politically conservative Jews have tended to support pluralism more consistently than many other elements of the political right. Some scholars [3] attribute this to the fact that Jews are not expected to proselytize, and as a result do not expect a single world-state, which differs from the beliefs of many religions, such as the Roman Catholic and Islamic traditions; rather, since in Jewish theology the religions of most nations are respected, there was never any perceived reason to convert others. This lack of a universalizing religion is combined with the fact that most Jews live as minorities in their countries, and that no central Jewish religious authority has existed for over 2,000 years. (See also list of Jews in politics, which illustrates the diversity of Jewish political thought and of the roles Jews have played in politics.)[edit]"Jewish" professionsSome professions have traditionally been considered particularly "Jewish," partially as a result of historical circumstances. These include banking and finance, law, medicine, science, and academia. See also Court Jew.[edit]Banking and finance Albert Einstein on the cover of TIME as Person of the Century.In most of Europe up until the late 18th century, and in some places to an even later date, Jews were prohibited by Roman Catholic governments (and others) from owning land. On the other hand, the Church, because of a number of Bible verses forbidding usury, declared that charging any interest was against the divine law, and this prevented any mercantile use of capital by pious Christians. As the Canon law did not apply to Jews, they were not liable to the ecclesiastical punishments which were placed upon usurers by the popes. Christian rulers gradually saw the advantage of having a class of men like the Jews who could supply capital for their use without being liable to excommunication, and the money trade of western Europe by this means fell into the hands of the Jews. However, in almost every instance where large amounts were acquired by Jews through banking transactions the property thus acquired fell either during their life or upon their death into the hands of the king. This happened to Aaron of Lincoln in England, Ezmel de Ablitas in Navarre, Heliot de Vesoul in Provence, Benveniste de Porta in Aragon, etc. It was for this reason indeed that the kings supported the Jews, and even objected to their becoming Christians, because in that case they could not have forced from them money won by usury. Thus both in England and in France the kings demanded to be compensated for every Jew converted. The result was the stereotypical Jewish role as bankers and merchants.[edit]Medicine, science, and academiaAlso, the strong Jewish tradition of religious scholarship often left Jews well prepared for secular scholarship, although in some times and places this was countered by Jews being banned from studying at universities, or admitted only in limited numbers (see Jewish quota). In medieval and early modern times, Jews were disproportionately represented among court physicians. Even into recent times Jews were little represented in the land-holding classes, but far better represented in academia, the learned professions, finance and commerce. The strong representation of Jews in science and academia is represented in the fact that at least 167 Jews and persons of half-Jewish ancestry have been awarded the Nobel Prize, accounting for 22% of all individual recipients worldwide between 1901 and 2004. In addition, of TIME magazine"s 100 most influential people of the 20th century, fourteen persons listed are either of Jewish ancestry or have converted to Judaism.[edit]Literary and artistic cultureIn some places where there have been relatively high concentrations of Jews, distinct secular Jewish subcultures have arisen. For example, ethnic Jews formed an enormous proportion of the literary and artistic life of Vienna, Austria at the end of the 19th century, or of New York City 50 years later (and Los Angeles in the mid-late 20th century), and for the most part these were not particularly religious people. In general, however, Jewish artistic culture in various periods reflected the culture in which they lived.[edit]LiteratureSee main articles Yiddish literature, Ladino literature, Hebrew literature, Jewish American literature, English Jewish literature. Also see Jews in literature and journalism. Jewish authors have both created a unique Jewish literature and contributed to the national literatures of many of the countries in which they live. Though not strictly secular, the Yiddish works of authors like Sholom Aleichem (whose collected works amounted to 28 volumes) and Isaac Bashevis Singer (winner of the 1978 Nobel Prize), form their own canon, focusing on the Jewish experience in both Eastern Europe, and in America. In the United States, Jewish writers like Philip Roth, Saul Bellow, and many others are considered among the greatest American authors, and incorporate a distinctly secular Jewish view into many of their works. Other famous Jewish authors that made contributions to world literature include Heinrich Heine, German poet, Isaac Babel, Russian author, and Franz Kafka, of Prague.In "Modern Judaism An Oxford Guide," Yaakov Malkin, Professor of Aesthetics and Rhetoric at Tel Aviv University and the founder and academic director of Meitar College for Judaism as Culture in Jerusalem, writes:Secular Jewish culture embraces literary works that have stood the test of time as sources of aesthetic pleasure and ideas shared by Jews and non-Jews, works that live on beyond the immediate socio-cultural context within which they were created. They include the writings of such Jewish authors as Sholem Aleichem, Itzik Manger, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Philip Roth, Saul Bellow, S.Y. Agnon, Isaac Babel, Martin Buber, Isaiah Berlin, H.N. Bialik, Yehuda Amichai, Amos Oz, A.B. Yehoshua, and David Grossman. It boasts masterpieces that have had a considerable influence on all of western culture, Jewish culture included - works such as those of Heinrich Heine, Gustav Mahler, Leonard Bernstein, Marc Chagall, Jacob Epstein, Ben Shahn, Amadeo Modigliani, Franz Kafka, Max Reinhardt (Goldman), Ernst Lubitsch, and Woody Allen. [4][edit]Theatre[edit]Yiddish theatreSee main article Yiddish theatre. The Ukrainian Jew Abraham Goldfaden founded the first professional Yiddish-language theatre troupe in Iaşi, Romania in 1876. The next year, his troupe achieved enormous success in Bucharest. Within a decade, Goldfaden and others brought Yiddish theater to Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Germany, New York City, and other cities with significant Ashkenazic populations. Between 1890 and 1940, over a dozen Yiddish theatre groups existed in New York City alone, performing original plays, musicals, and Yiddish translations of theatrical works and opera. Perhaps the most famous of Yiddish-language plays is The Dybbuk (1919) by S. Ansky.Yiddish theater in New York in the early 20th Century rivalled English-language theater in quantity and often surpassed it in quality. A 1925 New York Times article remarks, "…Yiddish theater… is now a stable American institution and no longer dependent on immigration from Eastern Europe. People who can neither speak nor write Yiddish attend Yiddish stage performances and pay Broadway prices on Second Avenue." This article also mentions other aspects of a New York Jewish cultural life "in full flower" at that time, among them the fact that the extensive New York Yiddish-language press of the time included seven daily newspapers. [5]In fact, however, the next generation of American Jews spoke mainly English to the exclusion of Yiddish; they brought the artistic energy of Yiddish theater into the American theatrical mainstream, but
2023-01-03 21:39:201


中国语:亲爱的英语:Dear法语:D"aimé荷兰语:Beste希腊语:Αγαπητός德语:Lieb意大利语:Caro韩语:귀중한俄语:Дорог葡萄牙语:Caro西班牙语:Estimado西班牙语:Estimado, Querido, Estimada, Querida芬兰语:armas, arvoisa, herttainen, hyvä, kallis, kallishintainen, rakas, suloinen, kullanmuru, kulta, kalliilla hinnalla希腊语:Αγαπητέ, Αγαπητή, Αγαπητό, Αγαπητοί, Αγαπητέs, Αγαπητά匈牙利语:Kedves, Tisztelt冰岛语:yndi, gersemi, kær, dýr, kæri, elsku, háttvirti意大利语:caro, cara, fervido, fervida挪威语:kjære, allerkjæreste, dyr, dyre, kostbare菲律宾语:mahal, giliw, sinta, irog, minamahal波兰语:Drogi, Szanowny罗马尼亚语:Dragă
2023-01-03 21:39:201

a dog barks when a stranger comes near这句话什么意思?

2023-01-03 21:39:212


ONLY--- 来自欧洲时尚最前沿的设计 ONLY是欧洲著名的时装公司丹麦BESTSELLER拥有的四个著名品牌之一。 ONLY拥有许多设计师,他们遍布巴黎、米兰、伦敦和哥本哈根等主要时尚发源地,这使 ONLY 永远站在欧洲流行的最前沿。 ONLY--- 时尚大都市女性的选择 ONLY为所有生活在世界各大都市的独立、 自由、追求时尚和品质敏感的现代女性设计。 ONLY女性是20岁左右的女孩,她们乐于拥有独特的个性,ONLY为她们带来了年轻、活力,有趣的生活方式。 ONLY---与众不同的风格 ONLY的风格是与众不同的、富有激情并充满生机。当季最流行的音乐和国际潮流都是ONLY的设计灵感。这种独特的风格体现在贴身合体的造型,特别合身的裁减体现了着装人的个性,让时尚女性的风采尽现。 ONLY--- 时尚与功能性的结合 面料:ONLY的有些面料来自欧洲和日本,特别注重运用如富强纤维、氨纶等最新的高科技面料,使衣物既有天然面料的舒适性,又容易清洗,保持良好的形态。 适合约会、休闲、工作,令女性能够轻松应对多种场合。的高级面料 搭配:浏览ONLY的服装,人们总是能有惊喜的新发现:十数种颜色系列,几十种面料,上百种款式,以及恰到好处的饰物,无论怎样挑选,都能将ONLY的服装和谐配搭在一起,令时尚女孩展示自我,散发自信风采 艾格 法国ETAM艾格品牌女装以其时尚的风格,变化多样的款式,新颖别致的色彩,合理适中的 价格,热情周到的服务、高雅的品位,精致的设计备受成功职业女性青睐。 艾格周末 颜色方面WEEKEND更注重大胆的色彩搭配带来新的视觉冲击:如苔绿+橘黄,玫瑰红色,亮黄+釉兰,漂白+藏青面料方面以天然面料为主,各式各样的印花,绣花尤其是印有图腾及传统民族图案的面料备受青睐,全棉,沙卡及涂层面料继续被看好,牛仔布再次风行。款式方面嬉皮文化再次盛行,追求另类与放松,如可调节长短的脱卸式长裙、长裤;七分、五分袖的盛行。拉链,魔术贴,尼龙绳扣的画龙点睛。 名如其风,设计简单大方,新潮时尚,让您在双修的日子里,随心所欲或返朴归真或俏皮可人或清醇浪漫或热情奔放---着装艾格周末,随时体验周末好心情。FAIRWHALE SPORTS(马克.华菲SPORTS)是国际设计大师MARK CHEUNG专门为偏爱休闲、个性鲜明率真的世界都会休闲新贵们度身定制的,系列产品涉及服装、鞋、包、皮夹、手表、香水及配饰等各领域品牌系列,尤其是在休闲领域中,它是新生活观、新着装观的潮头导航者。 更具个性、桀骜、年轻、诗意、激情与智慧,一脉相承欧美式的诙谐轻松、自我与奔放,赋运动予独有的激情与浪漫。款式舒适简约,采用更绚的色彩,演绎出个性的奔放、执着、迷惑、率真的多重气质,标榜出世界新时代SOHO一族“回归自然释放自我”的心声。 FAIRWHALE SPORTS品牌延续欧美时尚风情概念,代表世界时尚和流行的国际品牌品位,同样展现高贵的时装艺术。我们所定的目标消费群是一群新新人类,他们拥有崭新的思维、个性的视角、桀骜的言行以及时尚的生活观,而心灵的寂寥使他们渴望也更接受一种真诚互动与情感沟通。 VERO MODA是BESTSE-LLER公司旗下重要的时装品牌之一。作为欧洲最大时装公司之一的BESTSELLER,拥有VERO MODA、ONLY、JACK&JONES等著名国际时装品牌。VERO MODA 作为BESTSE-LLER公司的主打品牌,在欧洲、亚洲及中东地区二十多个国家已经拥有200多家专卖店,所有商店都以统一的形象出现,并通过新 推出的服装款式向顾客传递积极、开放的生活理念,倡导时尚的生活方式。VERO MODA专为成熟 、时尚的都市女性设计。她们的着装风格典雅、性感;精于对服装款式、颜色、面料及配饰的选择;尤其钟情于可以体现女性优雅和精致的材质。VERO MODA已经成功登陆中国大陆市场。 以“与其仰望,不如穿在身上”为理念,而倍受独立、自信、成熟的都市女性所钟爱的VEROMODA,近日又以其斑斓、夺目的姿态叩响2003秋冬的大门。新一季的VEROMODA,依然以运动和休闲唱响主题。分“炫色撩人”、“纯色写意”、“都市精灵”和“田园风情”四大系列 。其中“炫色撩人”以绸缎与条纹的混合搭配为亮点,无论是外套、夹克还是T恤,都充分体现了奢华和运动的风格。“纯色写意”立足黑与白的简练单纯,时髦的剪裁,设计更富有女人味。相对,五彩斑斓的“都市精灵”则给了设计师更多的遐想,不拘一格的套衫、张扬个性的夹克,搭配深蓝、草绿、棕红等跳跃的色彩,给了穿着者无限的激情。另外,针对周末而设计 的“田园风情”主要分皮草、毛衫、绸缎三大类,其中毛衫及与之和协搭配的帽子、围巾、背包等休闲品是该系列中的一大主打。 VEROMODA是来自丹麦的成熟女装。27年来,她一直为独立、自信、成熟的国际都市女性提供个性剪裁的时尚服装。第一家VEROMODA专卖店于1978年在丹麦开设,销售设计独特的女性时装和饰品。 VEROMODA拥有众多优秀的设计师,并时刻捕捉着时尚讯息,强大而专业的设计师团队保证了该品牌紧跟世界流行时尚,即使是在远离总部的中国,VEROMODA专卖店也可以保证平均一周上两次新货。 与众多高档时装不同,VEROMODA主张“与其仰望,不如穿在身上”的理念,时尚的设计,全球供应链,使该品牌成为大都市女性的首选品牌。
2023-01-03 21:39:216

a christmas caro这篇英文练习翻译

你的单词应该少了一个字母,正确的应该是 a christmas carol中文意思是 圣诞颂歌。望采纳,谢谢。
2023-01-03 21:39:262


1.胸有成竹 → 竹报平安 → 安富尊荣 → 荣华富贵 → 贵而贱目2.目无余子 → 子虚乌有 → 有目共睹 → 睹物思人 → 人中骐骥3.骥子龙文 → 文质彬彬 → 彬彬有礼 → 礼贤下士 → 士饱马腾4.腾云驾雾 → 雾里看花 → 花言巧语 → 语重心长 → 长此以往5.往返徒劳 → 劳而无功 → 功成不居 → 居官守法 → 法外施仁6.仁浆义粟 → 粟红贯朽 → 朽木死灰 → 灰飞烟灭 → 灭绝人性7.性命交关 → 关门大吉 → 吉祥止止 → 止于至善 → 善贾而沽8.沽名钓誉 → 誉不绝口 → 口蜜腹剑 → 剑戟森森 → 森罗万象9.象箸玉杯 → 杯弓蛇影 → 影影绰绰 → 绰约多姿 → 姿意妄为10.为人作嫁 → 嫁祸于人 → 人情冷暖 → 暖衣饱食 → 食不果腹扩展资料成语接龙规则多样,大家一般熟知的是采用成语字头与字尾相连不断延伸的方法进行接龙。常用接龙法有:顺接:下一个成语的字头接上一个成语的字尾。例如:快心满意 → 意到笔随。逆接:下一个成语的字尾接上一个成语的字头。例如:典章文物 → 朝章国典。双飞:两个成语,第一个成语字头和第二个成语字尾一致,接第一个成语的第二个字例如:快口直肠;沉著痛快 → 口诛笔伐;守瓶缄口。
2023-01-03 21:39:1615


2023-01-03 21:39:112

jewish originality

The first era spanned from 1350 to 586 BCE, and encompassed the periods of the Judges, the United Monarchy, and the Divided Monarchy of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, ending with the destruction of the First Temple. The second era was the period of the Hasmonean Kingdom spanning from 140 to 37 BCE. Since the destruction of the First Temple, the diaspora has been the home of most of the world"s Jews.[4] Except in the modern State of Israel, established in 1948, Jews are a minority in every country in which they live and they have frequently experienced
2023-01-03 21:39:112


双R 发大舌,单R发小舌。 carro caro, 老人 把放头的R 发大舌,Rua, 小年轻的 学法国,所有音都小舌。 burro
2023-01-03 21:39:093


1. 带接的四字词语 接的四字词语 : 目不暇接、 应接不暇、 交头接耳、 接风洗尘、 摩肩接踵、 再接再厉、 移花接木、 接踵而至、 短兵相接、 接二连三、 传宗接代、 待人接物、 连畴接陇、 接人待物、 再接再捷、 昼日三接、 首尾相接、 接耳交头、 片接寸附、 踵迹相接、 接三连四、 接应不暇、 兵刃相接 2. 含接的四字词语 含接的四字词语 : 目不暇接、 应接不暇、 交头接耳、 接风洗尘、 摩肩接踵、 再接再厉、 移花接木、 接力赛跑、 接踵而至、 短兵相接、 接二连三、 传宗接代、 待人接物、 连畴接陇、 接人待物、 再接再捷、 链接果汁、 昼日三接、 首尾相接、 保护接地、 搀话接舌、 接耳交头、 片接寸附、 踵迹相接、 接三连四 3. 含有接的四字成语有哪些 目不暇接、 应接不暇、 接风洗尘、 交头接耳、 摩肩接踵、 再接再厉、 移花接木、 待人接物、 接踵而至、 传宗接代、 接二连三、 短兵相接、 昼日三接、 耦世接俗、 连畴接陇、 接人待物、 接绍香烟、 接耳交头、 首尾相接、 携手接武、 接三连四、 应接如响、 连甍接栋、 兵刃相接、 短兵接战、 连昬接晨、 接应不暇、 后手不接、 洗尘接风 4. 接这个字的四字成语有哪些 传宗接代 宗:宗教,家族。 代:后代。传延宗教,接续后代。 旧指生了独生子可以使家世一代一代传下去。 待人接物 物:人物,人们。 指跟别人往来接触。 短兵相接 短兵:刀剑等短兵器;接:交战。 指近距离搏斗。比喻面对面地进行激烈的斗争。 肩摩踵接 肩碰肩,脚连脚。形容人很多,很拥挤。 交头接耳 形容两个人凑近低声交谈。 接二连三 接连不断。 接风洗尘 指设宴款待远来的客人,以示慰问和欢迎。 接连不断 一个接着一个而不间断。 接三连四 接连不断。 接踵比肩 踵:脚后跟。 脚跟相接,肩膀相碰。形容人很多,相继不断。 接踵而来 指人们前脚跟着后脚,接连不断地来。形容来者很多,络绎不绝。 接踵而至 指人们前脚跟着后脚,接连不断地来。形容来者很多,络绎不绝。 摩肩接踵 肩碰着肩,脚碰着脚。形容人多拥挤。 目不暇接 指东西多,眼睛都看不过来。 青黄不接 青:田时的青苗;黄:成熟的谷物。 旧粮已经吃完,新粮尚未接上。也比喻人才或物力前后接不上。 山 *** 上,应接不暇 山 *** :在会稽城西南郊外,那里风景优美。原指一路上山明水秀,看不胜看。 后用下句比喻来往的人多,应接不。 添枝接叶 比喻接连不断地附加。 移花接木 把一种花木的枝条或嫩芽嫁接在另一种花木上。比喻暗中用手段更换人或事物来欺骗别人。 应接不暇 暇:空闲。原形容景物繁多,来不及观赏。 后多形容来人或事情太多,应付不过来。 再接再厉 接:接战;厉:磨快,引伸为奋勉,努力。 指公鸡相斗,每次交锋以前先磨一下嘴。比喻继续努力,再加一把劲。 比肩接踵 犹比肩继踵。形容人很多或接连不断。 比肩接迹 肩膀相靠,足迹相接。形容人多或接连不断。 兵连祸接 指战事、灾祸连续不断。 架肩接踵 肩挨肩,脚碰脚。 形容人拥挤。 肩摩毂接 肩相摩,毂相接。 本形容行人车辆拥挤,后亦借指人才辈出,络绎不绝。 肩摩袂接 人肩相摩,衣袖相接。 形容人多拥挤。 接袂成帷 袂:衣服袖子。 帷:帷帐,帷幕。衣袖连接起来,可以形成帷幕。 形容人口众多,城市繁华。 敬上接下 尊敬在己之上者,爱护在己之下者。 形容待人谦恭有礼。同“敬上爱下”。 连畴接陇 指田地连片。 连昏接晨 通宵达旦。 整日整夜。 连昬接晨 昬,同“昏”。 通宵达旦。整日整夜。 连甍接栋 指房屋连片。 连墙接栋 形容房屋连片。 连三接二 犹言接连不断。 连三接四 犹言接连不断。 连三接五 犹言接连不断。 连舆接席 行并车,止同席。 形容亲密友爱。 冒名接脚 假冒别人的名,接替他。 摩肩接毂 肩挨着肩,车轮挨着车轮。形容人多拥挤。 攀高接贵 指攀附结交高贵的人。 片接寸附 比喻生拼硬凑。 骈肩接迹 形容人多拥挤。同“骈肩累迹”。 巧不可接 指巧妙得别人无法赶上。 青黄未接 旧粮已经吃完,新粮尚未接上。 也比喻人才或物力前后接不上。同“青黄不接”。 推诚接物 拿出真心来对待别人。 一接如旧 犹言一见如故。 初次见面就象老朋友一样合得来。 移根接叶 喻指牵引媒介。 再接再历 用以指继续努力,坚持不懈。同“再接再砺”。 再接再砺 接:交战;砺:磨砺。原谓鸡再磨嘴,然后再相斗。 后用以指继续努力,坚持不懈。 直接了当 形容说话、做事不绕弯子,干脆爽快。 同“直截了当”。 趾踵相接 形容人数之多。 亦作“趾踵相错”。 踵迹相接 谓脚迹相连。 形容人数众多,接连不断。同“踵趾相接”。 踵接肩摩 摩肩接踵。肩挨肩,脚碰脚。 形容人多,拥挤不堪。 踵武相接 谓脚迹相连。 形容人数众多,接连不断。同“踵趾相接”。 踵趾相接 谓脚迹相连。形容人数众多,接连不断。 踵足相接 谓脚迹相连。形容人数众多,接连不断。 同“踵趾相接”。 昼日三接 一日之间三次接见。 形容深受宠爱礼遇 兵不接刃 作战时兵器没接触。指战事顺利,未经交锋或激战而取得胜利。 短兵接战 短兵:刀剑等短兵器;接:交战。指近距离搏斗。 比喻面对面地进行激烈的斗争。 风马不接 犹言风马牛不相及。 汗流接踵 汗出得多,流到脚跟。常形容极端恐惧或惭愧。 后手不接 指平时不注意留有余地,日后则接应不上,无法继续维持。亦作“后手不上”。 驾肩接迹 形容人多。同“驾肩接武”。 驾肩接武 肩挨肩,脚碰脚。形容人多。 5. 含“有”字的四字成语有哪些啊 别有心肝 指另有打算 别有心肠 别:另外。指另有打算和企图 尺有所短 比喻事物有其短处,并非在所有的情况下都是合适的 粗中有细 表面似乎粗率、随便,实际却细致、细心 大有文章 指话语、文章、或已表露的现象之中,很有令人难以捉摸的意思或别的情况 鼎鼎有名 鼎鼎:盛大的样子。非常有名 蜂虿有毒 比喻恶物虽小,但能害人 恢恢有余 恢恢:形容宽广。指宽广而有余裕 兼而有之 指同时占有或具有有关的各方面 津津有味 津:口液,唾液;津津:兴趣浓厚。形容兴味浓厚 炯炯有神 炯炯:明亮的样子。形容人的眼睛明亮有神 绝无仅有 极其少有。形容非常少有 井井有条 井井:形容整齐有条理的样子。形容条理分明,整齐不乱 井井有序 有条理,有秩序 憬然有悟 憬然:觉悟的样子。有所觉悟 咎有应得 罪过和灾祸完全应该得到责备与惩罚 亢龙有悔 指居高位而不知谦退,则盛极而衰,不免有败亡之悔 留有余地 说话办事不走极端,留有回旋和变通的余地 男女有别 指男女之间有所分别 念念有词 念念:连续不断地念叨;有词:有像歌诀一样的词语。旧指和尚念经,现指低声自语或含糊不清地说个不停 别有洞天 比喻另有一番境界。 别有肺肠 别有:另有;肺肠:指思想。比喻人动机不良,故意提出一些与众不同的的奇特的主张。 别有风趣 形容事物(多指文艺作品)具有特殊的情调或趣味。 别有风味 风味:原指美好的口味,引伸为事物的特色。另有一种美好的口味。比喻事物所另外具有的特殊色彩或趣味。 别有天地 天地:境界。比喻另有一番境界。形容风景或艺术创作的境界引人入胜。 别有用心 用心:居心,打算。心中另有算计。指言论或行动另有不可告人的企图。 彬彬有礼 彬彬:原意为文质兼备的样子,后形容文雅。形容文雅有礼貌的样子。 6. 带含的四字成语有哪些 带含字的四字成语 : 含苞欲放、 含情脉脉、 含辛茹苦、 含血喷人、 含笑九泉、 含污纳垢、 抱屈含冤、 忍泪含悲、 含笑九原、 含恨九泉、 含糊其辞、 羹藜含糗、 含明隐迹、 含哺鼓腹、 含垢包羞、 茹痛含辛、 含糊不明、 含苞吐萼、 含瑕积垢、 含含糊糊、 含沙射影、 含仁怀义、 含商咀徵、 忍辱含羞、 含笑入地、 韬曜含光、 含笑九幽、 粉面含春、 饴含抱孙、 含荼茹毒 7. 带“连”字的的四字词语有什么 【璧合珠连】①指日月如合璧,五星如连珠。 古人认为是一种显示祥瑞的天象。②比喻众美毕集,相得益彰。 【比肩连袂】肩膀相并,衣袖相连。形容连接不断。 【拔茅连茹】茅:白茅,一种多年生的草;茹:植物根部互相牵连的样子。比喻互相推荐,用一个人就连带引进许多人。 【拔毛连茹】比喻互相推荐,用一个人就连带引进许多人。【比目连枝】比目:比目鱼,传说仅一眼,须两鱼并游;连枝:连在一起的树枝。 比喻形影不离的情侣和朋友。【兵连祸接】指战事、灾祸连续不断。 【兵连祸结】兵:战争;连:接连;结:相联。战争接连不断,带来了无穷的灾祸。 【兵连祸深】兵:指战争。战争连年不断,灾祸持续相结。 【比屋连甍】屋舍紧密相连。指住户众多。 【比物连类】连:连缀。连缀相类的事物,进行对比。 【比翼连枝】比翼:鸟名。传说此鸟一目一翼,须两两齐飞。 比喻夫妇亲密不离。【稠迭连绵】稠迭:稠密而重迭。 形容山岭稠密重迭相连。【唇辅相连】犹言唇齿相依。 比喻关系密切,相互依靠。【吹角连营】角:古代军中所吹的乐器。 指整个军营响着进攻的号角。【车击舟连】车相撞,船相连。 极言车船之多。【穿宵连夜】通宵。 【兜肚连肠】兜:围绕,引申为包括;肚:指动物的胃。包括肚子连同肠子。 比喻全部东西一起处理。【等价连城】同样价值连城。 比喻同样贵重。【颠连穷困】颠连:困苦。 形容非常贫穷困苦。【颠连无告】颠连:困苦;告:告借。 生活困苦又无处借贷。【跗蕚连晖】比喻兄弟均贵显荣耀。 参见“跗萼”。【跗萼连晖】比喻兄弟均贵显荣耀。 【沸反连天】形容人声喧闹,乱成一片。同“沸反盈天”。 【烽火连年】烽火:古时边防报警的烟火。比喻战火或战争。 指战火连年不断。【废话连篇】形容文章或言谈中不必要的废话太多。 【烽火连天】形容战火遍及各地。【发喊连天】连天:与天相连。 叫喊的声音直达天上。形容喊声宏大。 【烽火相连】烽火:古代边防报警的烟火。指边防常抓不懈,比喻战火不断。 【分形连气】形容父母与子女的关系十分密切。后亦用于兄弟间。 【风雨连床】指兄弟或亲友久别后重逢,共处一室倾心交谈的欢乐之情。同“风雨对床”。 【浮湛连蹇】指宦海浮沉,遭遇坎坷。【瓜葛相连】瓜、葛:都是蔓生植物,其藤能攀附在别的物体上。 比喻辗转攀连的社会关系。也比喻两件事或两个人相互牵联的关系。 【鬼话连篇】鬼话:不真实的话。连篇:一篇接一篇。 满口说的全是蒙骗人的胡言乱语。【瓜连蔓引】比喻人事上辗转牵连。 【根连株拔】指连根拔除。【根连株逮】犹株连。 【骨肉相连】象骨头和肉一样互相连接着。比喻关系非常密切,不可分离。 【构怨连兵】构怨:结怨;连兵:交战。因结怨而发生战争。 【根株牵连】指一方有祸,另一方如同根与株一般不可避免地受到牵累。【祸结兵连】结:相联;兵:战争;连:接连。 战争接连不断,带来了无穷的灾祸。【祸绝福连】指灾祸消失,好运接连不断。 【呵欠连天】呵欠:困倦时往往情不自禁地张开大口吸气的现象。不断的打哈欠。 ①形容尚未睡醒。②比喻非常疲倦的样子。 亦作“哈气连天”。【合从连横】从:通“纵”;横:通“衡”。 泛指纵横捭阖的手段。【合从连衡】从:通“纵”;衡:通“横”。 指联合抗敌。【掎裳连袂】裙子牵住裙子,袖子连着袖子。 形容人多。【价等连城】指价值等于连成一片的许多城池。 【结党连群】结合同党,连成群体。【甲第连天】甲第:富豪显贵的宅第。 形容富豪显贵的住宅非常之多。【甲第连云】甲第:富豪显贵的宅第。 形容富豪显贵的住宅非常之多。【接二连三】一个接着一个,接连不断。 【金鼓连天】金鼓:古时作战,用金钲和战鼓指挥士兵,击鼓表示前进,鸣金表示后退;连天:响彻云霄。形容军威盛大或战斗激烈。 【叫苦连天】不住地叫苦。形容十分痛苦。 【接连不断】一个接着一个而不间断。【结驷连镳】驷:套着四匹马的车;镳: *** 。 高车骏马连接成队。形容高贵显赫。 【结驷连骑】驷:古时一乘车所套的四匹马;骑:骑马的人。随从、车马众多。 形容排场阔绰。【接三连四】接连不断。 【掎裳连襼】牵裙连袖。形容人多。 【价值连城】连城:连在一起的许多城池。形容物品十分贵重。 【价重连城】价:价格;连城:连成一片的城池。形容物品极为珍贵,价值极高。 【空话连篇】连篇:整篇。整篇都是空话,缺乏具体内容。 【跨州连郡】跨越州郡。形容涉足的路远、地方大。 同“跨州越郡”。【妙语连珠】连珠:串珠。 巧妙风趣的话一个接一个。【蔓引株连】蔓:蔓生植物的根茎。 顺着蔓寻根。比喻一网打尽。 【连鳌跨鲸】以之表示超凡成仙。【连镳并驾】比喻彼此的力量或才能不分高下。 同“连镳并轸”。【连璧贲临】贲临:光临。 旧时的客套话,指两个客人同时到来。【连镳并轸】镳: *** ;轸:车箱底部的横木,这里指车。 指并驾齐驱。【连蹦带跳】精力充沛的充满活力的样子。 【连编累牍】牍:古代写字的木片。形容篇幅过多,文辞长。 【连畴接陇】指田地连片。【连车平斗】形容冗员很多。 【连城之璧】价值连城的美玉。比喻极其贵重的东西。 【连城之价】。
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