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2023-07-19 15:38:53



continuous做表语和定语 be continious或continious+名词

continual只做定语 continual+名词


continual:反复,不停止(happen repeatedly)

eg: continual knocks on the door反复的敲门声

continous:连续性的=unbroken(lack of interruption)

eg: a continuous line一条不间断的线

continuous pain/headache持续的痛/头痛

而continuing的含义是继续,例如:continuing education持续教育/继续教育

还有continuing development (sustainable development)




1)continuous 只用来表示不停止的动作,指“一段时间内多次发生”、“时断时续”或“中断时间很短而又接连发生”。

continuous做表语和定语 be continious或continious+名词 。


There was continuous fighting on the frontier all day yesterday.


The aeroplane is capable of five days continuous flight.


2)continual 经常用来指不时重复的动作(包括使人不快的动作),常译为“不断的”、“连续的”,即认为没有止境。

continual只做定语 continual+名词 。


I can"t work with these continual interruptions.


The noise of hammering was continual.




1. 连续的,不断的

The brain needs a continuous supply of blood.


2. 【数】连续的


1. 多次重复的,频频的[B]

He still smokes despite the continual warnings of his doctor.


2. 不间断的,连续的

Continual rain ruined the crops.














continuous[英][ku0259nu02c8tu026anjuu0259s][美][ku0259nu02c8tu026anjuu0259s]adj.连续的; 延伸的; 绵; 联绵; 例句:1.Continuous manufacturing could transform the pharmaceuticals industry. 连续制作模式会改变整个制药行业的面貌。2.The settlement of all those social problems is based on continuouseconomic achievement. 解决所有这些社会问题是建筑在是连续的经济成就的基础上的
2023-07-19 01:58:003


continuous 英[ku0259nu02c8tu026anjuu0259s] 美[ku0259nu02c8tu026anjuu0259s]
2023-07-19 01:58:093


continuous[英][ku0259nu02c8tu026anjuu0259s][美][ku0259nu02c8tu026anjuu0259s]adj.连续的; 延伸的; 绵; 联绵; 例句:1.A small battery will provide several days of continuous use. 一个小型电池将提供数天时间持续使用。2.The fertility fall was continuous. 生育率还在不断降低。
2023-07-19 01:58:182


continuous rolling英 [ku0259nu02c8tinjuu0259s u02c8ru0259u028alu026au014b] 美 [ku0259nu02c8tu026anjuu0259s u02c8rou028alu026au014b] 词典连续轧制双语例句 1Simulation Research of Dynamic Characteristic of Cold Continuous Rolling Process基于冷连轧过程动态特性的仿真研究2An introduction of a son of new style slide rails design for continuous rolling mill reheating furnace. 介绍了一种用于轧钢厂连续式加热炉中的新型滑轨。
2023-07-19 01:58:293


continuous 英[ku0259nu02c8tu026anjuu0259s] 美[ku0259nu02c8tu026anjuu0259s] adj. 连续的; 延伸的; 绵; 联绵; [例句]Residents report that they heard continuous gunfire.居民们报告说他们听到了连续不断的枪声。
2023-07-19 01:58:401

「连续的、不间断的」英文是 continual 或 continuous?中文意思差异?

你知道 「连续的」英文应该是continual 还是 continuous ?这两个英文单字是易混淆字,因为意思很接近。虽然这两个英文单字都有「连续的」的意思,但是还是有细微的差别喔!如果你还不知道的话,那就赶快来看这篇文章吧! 下面说明 continual、 continuous 的中文意思差异! 1.continual 不间断的 continual 的意思是指「不间断的、不停的」,而且这种连续,可以是指断断续续的那种连续。比方说某人三天两头就会迟到,可能今天准时,下次又迟到了,这种会一直迟到,但是又断断续续的迟到,就可以用continual 这个英文单字。 另外,continual 也可以指不停间的、持续的,而非断断续续的那种连续,此时 continual = continuous 。 例: Her continual lateness caused him to lose her job. 她的重复迟到害她丢了工作。 例: I am tired of this continual rain. 我对连续不断的雨感到厌倦。 例: I hate these continual arguments. 我讨厌这些持续不断的争论。 2.continuous 连续不断的、持续的 continuous 的意思是指「连续不断的、持续的」,而且这种持续是指一直持续发生的那种持续喔。 下面列出continuous 英文例句与中文意思。 例: Excellence is a continuous process; it"s not an accident. 卓越是一个连续的过程,并非偶然。 例: continuous pain 持续的疼痛 continual, continual 中文, continual 意思, continuous, continuous 中文, continuous 意思, 连续 英文, 连续的 英文
2023-07-19 02:00:141


"Continuous"是一个英语词汇,它的意思是"连续的"、"不间断的"或"持续的"等。以下是一些常见的关于"continuous"的用法和例句:"The rain has been continuous for three days now."(雨已经连续下了三天了。)这个例子中,"continuous"被用来描述雨的连续时间,即雨已经连续下了三天。"The factory has been in continuous operation for over 50 years."(这家工厂已经连续运营了50多年。)这个例子中,"continuous"被用来描述工厂的持续运营时间,即这家工厂已经连续运营了50多年。"The music was played without any breaks, creating a continuous flow of sound."(音乐没有任何间断,创造了连续的音乐流。)这个例子中,"continuous"被用来描述音乐的连续性,即音乐没有任何间断,创造了连续的音乐流。
2023-07-19 02:00:331


continuous英 [ku0259nu02c8tu026anjuu0259s] 美 [ku0259nu02c8tu026anjuu0259s] adj.不断的;持续的;连续的;延伸的;遍布的;反复的;频繁的派生词: continuously adv.continual 英[ku0259nu02c8tu026anjuu0259l]美[ku0259nu02c8tu026anjuu0259l]adj. (令人厌烦地) 多次重复的,频繁的; 接连不断的; 连续的; 频频的;用法和搭配不同1、continuous可以做表语和定语,可做be continious或continious+名词的搭配。例句:There is a continuous stream of phone calls. 电话接连不断。2、continual只做定语,可做 continual+名词的搭配。例句:The school has been in continual use since 1883.自1883年以来,该校从未停办过。
2023-07-19 02:00:522


两个单词都有“连续的,不断的”意思!总的来说,他们之间的差异正逐渐消失,特别是continual也含有continuous相同的意义,尤指不愉快的事:Life was a continual struggle for them.生活对他们来说是不断的挣扎。continuous 连续不断的(强调一个动作没有间断过)continual 反复的,频繁的(强调一个动作在某个时期反复出现)
2023-07-19 02:01:094


continue:v.持续;继续存在;不断发生; continuous:adj.不断的;持续的;连续的 扩展资料   The effect of the continuous attacks has been to wear out his troops.   接连不断的攻击就是要拖垮他的军队。   At the horizon the land mass becomes a continuous pale neutral grey   陆地在地平线处变成了一片浅灰。   There is a continuous stream of phone calls.   电话接连不断。
2023-07-19 02:01:573


区别如下:continual: 强调重复或持续发生,但连续之间允许有间断。He still smokes despite the continual warnings of his doctor.continuous: 语意最强,强调在时间和空间上没有间断,连绵不断。The brain needs a continuous supply of blood.全部手打,请采纳,谢谢!
2023-07-19 02:02:053


"Continuous"和"lasts"都可以表示持续性的意思,但它们在使用时略有不同。"Continuous"通常表示一个动作或状态持续不断地进行,没有中断或停止的意思。例如,你可以说:"The rain has been continuous for three days."(连续三天都在下雨。)在这个例子中,“continuous”表示雨一直下着,没有停过。"Lasts"则强调一个动作或状态的持续时间,通常意味着这个状态或动作最终会停止或结束。例如,你可以说:"The rain lasted for three days."(雨持续了三天。)在这个例子中,“lasted”表示雨持续了三天然后停了。因此,“continuous”侧重于强调持续性,而“lasts”侧重于强调持续的时间和结束。
2023-07-19 02:02:251


consecutive 一个一个地,中间有间隔地序列,一天一天。。1号2号连续两天,但这里是断开的,黑夜隔开了1号和2号continuous 完全连续不断地,水流不断明白?
2023-07-19 02:02:333


两个词都是持续的的意思continuous表达的意思是静态的,更偏向于对一种不间断的状态的描述。ongoing表达的意思是对动态的描述,更加有紧迫感和时效性。 比如He needs a continuous supply of blood解释为他需要不间断的血液供给,更多的是在描述一种状态或需求,更多是强调不间断。而this is an ongoing process解释为这是一个正在进行的程序,给人一种即时发生的感觉,更多是强调还没结束,言外之意是这件事的发生是从现在持续到未知的将来。
2023-07-19 02:02:421


  1、continuous可以做表语和定语,可做becontinious或continious+名词的搭配。continual只做定语,可做continual+名词的搭配。2、含义不同:continual是反复,不停止的意思。continous连续性的、不间断的意思。  一、用法不同  1、continuous  可以做表语和定语,可做becontinious或continious+名词的搭配。  例句:Thereisacontinuousstreamofphonecalls.  电话接连不断。  2、continual  只做定语,可做continual+名词的搭配。  例句:Theschoolhasbeenincontinualusesince1883.  自1883年以来,该校从未停办过。  二、含义不同  1、continual  是反复,不停止的意思。  例句:continualknocksonthedoor  反复的敲门声  2、continous  连续性的、不间断的意思。  例句:Thereisacontinuousstreamofphonecalls.  电话接连不断。
2023-07-19 02:02:491

entries are continuous在数学中是什么意思

2023-07-19 02:03:081


用法不同continual是一种形容词,其用法就和其他常规形容词一样,只不过它是用来修饰动词的,是一种简单的语法顺序。continuous虽然也是形容词,但是它的用法却变成了修容了名词,因为它的用法常常是做表语和定语。例如:There was continuous fighting on the frontier all day yesterday。昨天边境上的战斗都没有停止过。这里fighting就是动词的名词形式,表示战斗,这种的用法更高级更复杂一点。continuous,successive,constant,persistent区别:1、continuous语意最强,强调在时间和空间上没有间断。2、successive强调事物一个接一个地发生,无间断。3、constant多指习惯性的重复和不变的持续。4、persistent普通用词,可指不懈的努力,也可指任何连续不断或重复出现的事物。
2023-07-19 02:03:171


continual 有间断的连续,如电话铃不停的响,但每响一声中间有间断EG: Continual practise is necessary to become a champion.这句是说,持续练习对成为冠军是必要的,但是持续练习不可能不吃饭不睡觉一直练下去吧,所以是有间断的连续coutinuous 无间断的连续,如河水不停地流EG: Two rivers connected to form one coutinuous waterway.
2023-07-19 02:03:413

continual和 continuous有什么区别? 举出具体的例子最好啦,谢谢

continual [ku0259n"tinjuu0259l] adj. 持续不断的;频繁的】I actually think that film is becoming a more continual grow as one of the primary form of communication It is already.其实我觉得电影已经成为,一种不间断的,最主要的交流方式,已经是这样了。continuous adj. 连续的,持续的;继续的;连绵不断的They"re trying to lay out an argument which is consistent and continuous and keep surprise to a minimum.他们试图自然地建立起一个论点,使之一致,使我们的诧异最小化。
2023-07-19 02:04:011

能个解释一下continuing, continuous, continued, continual的区别?

continuing是现在分词,表示主动的继续,continuous是持续不断的意思, continued是过去分词,表示被动的继续, continual也是持续不断的意思,但通常含有贬义。
2023-07-19 02:04:101


2023-07-19 02:04:203


continuous: [ kən"tinjuəs ] 形容词a. 连续的,继续的,连棉不断的continually: [ kən"tinjʊəli ] ad. 不断地,频繁地 副词
2023-07-19 02:05:023


以下是 continuous和continual的区别:(1)搭配区别:continuous做表语和定语becontinious或continious+名词continual只做定语continual+名词(2)词意的不同:continual:反复,不停止(happenrepeatedly)eg:continualknocksonthedoor反复的敲门声continous:连续性的=unbroken(lackofinterruption)eg:acontinuousline一条不间断的线continuouspain/headache持续的痛/头痛而continuing的含义是继续,例如:continuingeducation持续教育/继续教育还有continuingdevelopment(sustainabledevelopment)没有反复的含义
2023-07-19 02:05:421


continuous和continual的区别: (1)搭配区别: continuous做表语和定语 be continious或continious+名词 continual只做定语 continual+名词 (2)词意的不同: continual:反复,不停止(happen repeatedly) eg: continual knocks on the door反复的敲门声 continous:连续性的=unbroken(lack of interruption) eg: a continuous line一条不间断的线 continuous pain/headache持续的痛/头痛 而continuing的含义是继续,例如:continuing education持续教育/继续教育 还有continuing development (sustainable development) 没有反复的含义1 constant 表示“稳定的”、“不断的”或“不变的”、“可靠的”。例如: We"ve had constant rain for three days.雨连续下了3天。 He is constant in his determination.他的决心不变。2 continuous 只用来表示不停止的动作。例如: There was continuous fighting on the frontier all day yesterday.昨天一整天,边境上战斗没有停止。 The aeroplane is capable of five days continuous flight.这种飞机可以连续飞行5天。 3 continual 经常用来指不时重复的动作(包括使人不快的动作)。常译为“不断的”、“连续的”,即认为没有止境。例如: I can"t work with these continual interruptions.这样不断地打搅,我无法工作。 The noise of hammering was continual.锤打的噪音连续不断。
2023-07-19 02:06:381


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: continuous和continual的区别: (1)搭配区别: continuous做表语和定语 be continious或continious+名词 continual只做定语 continual+名词 (2)词意的不同: continual:反复,不停止(happen repeatedly) eg: continual knocks on the door反复的敲门声 continous:连续性的=unbroken(lack of interruption) eg: a continuous line一条不间断的线 continuous pain/headache持续的痛/头痛 而continuing的含义是继续,例如:continuing education持续教育/继续教育 还有continuing development (sustainable development) 没有反复的含义
2023-07-19 02:07:101


continuous和continual的区别: (1)搭配区别: continuous做表语和定语 be continious或continious+名词 continual只做定语 continual+名词 (2)词意的不同: continual:反复,不停止(happen repeatedly) eg:continual knocks on the door反复的敲门声 continous:连续性的=unbroken(lack of interruption) eg:a continuous line一条不间断的线 continuous pain/headache持续的痛/头痛 而continuing的含义是继续,例如:continuing education持续教育/继续教育 还有continuing development (sustainable development) 没有反复的含义
2023-07-19 02:07:161


continual /ku0259nu02c8tu026anju028au0259l/ CET4 TEM41. ADJ A continual process or situation happens or exists without stopping. 持续不断的 [ADJ n]例:The school has been in continual use since 1883.该校自1883年以来一直在不断使用中。柯林斯英汉双解大词典 continuous /ku0259nu02c8tu026anju028au0259s/ CET4 TEM41. ADJ A continuous process or event continues 【for a period of time】 without stopping. 持续的 (过程、事件)例:Residents report that they heard continuous gunfire.居民们说他们听到了持续的枪声。continuous更强调【一段时间内】的持续不断,continual是一个连续不断的【过程】
2023-07-19 02:07:262


continual 表示整个过程的持续,不排除中间有间断; 而continuous 则是毫无间断地持续。所以持续了个把月的雨应该说 a continual rain of over a month, 不能说 a continuous rain of over a month --- 一场毫无间断地下了个把的月太恐怖了,不是洪水滔天才怪。
2023-07-19 02:07:483

continuous与 continual的区别是什么

continuous和continual的区别:(1)搭配区别:continuous做表语和定语 be continious或continious+名词continual只做定语 continual+名词(2)词意的不同:continual:反复,不停止(happen repeatedly)eg: continual knocks on the door反复的敲门声continous:连续性的=unbroken(lack of interruption)eg: a continuous line一条不间断的线continuous pain/headache持续的痛/头痛而continuing的含义是继续,例如:continuing education持续教育/继续教育还有continuing development (sustainable development)没有反复的含义
2023-07-19 02:07:571

两个英文单词请教两个单词的区别consecutive continuous

consecutive:[ ku0259n"sekjutiv ] a.连续的,连贯的 词形变化: 副词:consecutively 名词:consecutiveness 例句与用法: 1.We shall have meetings on two consecutive days,Monday and Tuesday. 周一周二连续两天我们都将开会. 2.The policy of our Party is consecutive. 我党的政策始终如一. 3.In video disk,a consecutive sequence of frames. 在视频光盘上,一种连续的帧序列. 4.Any consecutive set of descriptive clauses terminated by a period,written in the identification,environment,or procedure divisions of a COBOL program. COBOL源程序中在标识部、环境部或过程部中所书写的,用句号结尾的一组连贯的描述子句. continuous:[ ku0259n"tinjuu0259s ] a.连续的,继续的,连棉不断的 词形变化: 副词:continuously 名词:continuousness 例句与用法: 1.The brain needs a continuous supply of blood. 大脑需要不断地供血. 2.Continuous asses *** ent is made of all students" work. 对全体学生的功课作出连贯性的评定. 3.We had twelve hours of sunshine yesterday,as against a forecast of continuous rain. 昨日有十二小时的晴天,预报却说仍有雨. 4.The patient is seriously ill and is being kept under continuous observation. 病人病情严重,现接受持续观察. 5.Listening to his continuous stream of empty chatter really tested my patience. 听他那没完没了的连篇空话对我的耐心真是一大考验.
2023-07-19 02:08:061


continuous 形容词,连续不断的、持续的。例如可持续发展continuous develpoment。continual 形容词,反复的,一次又一次的。例如反复的伤害continual demage.continued 是continue的过去式和过去分词。
2023-07-19 02:08:174


实线。图层是系统自动定义当前图层为0层, 线型为continuous (实线) ,颜色是绿色,线宽是0.70毫米。CAD图层相当于绘图过程中使用的重叠图纸,可以使用图层按功能在图形中组织信息以及执行线型、颜色及其他标准,控制对象的可见性,将图层的特性指定给对象以及锁定图层以防止对象被修改。
2023-07-19 02:08:361


continuous 连续进行,比如雨下个不停 It has been raining continuously. successive 是一个接一个的 Jackson was the winner for a second successive year 连续两年获胜。
2023-07-19 02:08:441

discrete和continuous 的区别,最好举个例子

前者——1.分离的,分立的;显然有别的. 2.不连续的;【数学】离散的;【哲学】抽象的 (opp.concrete). 后者——1.连续的,继续的,无间断的. 2.【植物;植物学】无节的.
2023-07-19 02:08:531


连续的:没有中断或不规则变化地延伸直线或曲线的,或与之有关的。多用于连续函数。 谢谢采纳
2023-07-19 02:09:031


consecutive有“按时间顺序,连贯的”意思,例如:3 consecutive days(连续3天),consecutive numbers(连续数)continuous是“连续的,持续不断的”意思,例如:continuous development(不断的发展)两个词在感觉上的不同就是,虽然都是指连续的意思,但是是不是真正的连续呢?consecutive是微观上的连续,就是实实在在的连着,没有断;而continuous是宏观上的连续,从大体上看是没有断的,是持续不断的,但是从细处着眼还有是有间断的,但是整体上是连贯的。不知道我的意思lz能明白吗?
2023-07-19 02:09:222

continuai / continue / continuous的区别在哪里?

for(i=0;i<10;i++){ if(i==5) continue ; //do something}跳出本次循环,进行下一次循环- -!
2023-07-19 02:09:303


"持续的"是中文中常用的一个形容词,表示某种状态或过程一直持续不变或延续下去。在英语中,"持续的"可以用多种方式来表达,下面是其中一些常见的表达方式:Continuous"Continuous"是最常见的表达"持续的"的方式,通常用于形容某种状态或过程一直持续不变或延续下去。例如:"The rain has been continuous for three days."(连续下了三天的雨。)Ongoing"Ongoing"是另一种表示"持续的"的方式,通常用于形容某种状态或过程正在进行中或还没有结束。例如:"The investigation is ongoing and we hope to have more information soon."(调查正在进行中,我们希望很快能够获得更多的信息。)Persistent"Persistent"是表示"持续的"的另一种方式,通常用于形容某种状态或过程一直存在或持续发生,尤其是不期望或不希望发生的情况。例如:"The company has been facing persistent financial difficulties for the past year."(公司过去一年一直面临着持续的财务困难。)Enduring"Enduring"表示某种状态或过程具有持久性或长期性,通常用于形容某种情况或现象已经持续了很长时间。例如:"The enduring popularity of the novel is a testament to its timeless themes."(该小说持久的受欢迎程度证明了它的永恒主题。)
2023-07-19 02:09:371


2023-07-19 02:10:425


(变量分为定性和定量两类,其中定性变量又分为分类变量和有序变量;定量变量分为离散型和连续型)continuous data(连续数据)discrete data(离散数据)【discrete data are produced when a variable can take only certain fixed values.】【continous data are produced when a variable can be take any value between two values.】【离散数据是在一个变量只能取某些固定值时产生的连续数据是在一个变量可以在两个值间取任意值时产生比如1、2、3这样的自然数就是离散数据,因为它是特定的自然数值而比如[1,2]这个区间就是连续的,因为它可以取一到二之间的任意值】--------------------------------------------------------------分类变量里分为有序和无序。ordinal data (有序变量)(等级)有序分类变量是指各类别之间有程度的差别。如优良中差;±、+、++、+++nominal data(名义变量)(也叫名义)属性之间无程度和顺序的差别,例如二项分类,性别(男、女),药物反应(阴性、阳性)等。例如多项分类,血型( O、A、B、AB),职业(工、农、商、学、兵)等。===========================统计学依据数据的计量尺度将数据划分为三类:定距型数据(Scale)、定序型数据(Ordinal)、定类型数据(Nominal)。··定距型数据(Scale)通常是指诸如身高、体重、血压等的连续型数据,也包括诸如人数、商品件数等离散型数据;··定序型数据(Ordinal)具有内在固有大小或高低顺序,但它又不同于定距型数据,一般可以数值或字符表示。如职称变量可以有低级、中级、高级三个取值,可以分别用1、2、3等表示,年龄段变量可以有老、中、青三个取值,分别用A B C表示等。这里,无论是数值型的1、2 、3 还是字符型的A B C ,都是有大小或高低顺序的,但数据之间却是不等距的。因为,低级和中级职称之间的差距与中级和高级职称之间的差距是不相等的;··定类型数据(Nominal)是指没有内在固有大小或高低顺序,一般以数值或字符表示的分类数据。如性别变量中的男、女取值,可以分别用1、 2表示,民族变量中的各个民族,可以用‘汉"‘回"‘满"等字符表示等。这里,无论是数值型的1、 2 还是字符型的‘汉"‘回"‘满",都不存在内部固有的大小或高低顺序,而只是一种名义上的指代。
2023-07-19 02:11:092


(变量分为定性和定量两类,其中定性变量又分为分类变量和有序变量;定量变量分为离散型和连续型)continuous data(连续数据)discrete data(离散数据)【discrete data are produced when a variable can take only certain fixed values.【continous data are produced when a variable can be take any value between two values.】【离散数据是在一个变量只能取某些固定值时产生的连续数据是在一个变量可以在两个值间取任意值时产生比如1、2、3这样的自然数就是离散数据,因为它是特定的自然数值而比如[1,2]这个区间就是连续的,因为它可以取一到二之间的任意值】
2023-07-19 02:11:322

present continuous什么意思

2023-07-19 02:11:415

cad中continuous 和belayer线有什么区别

continuous 是实线的意思,bylayer是随层,就是所在图层的线型设置成什么,图形的线型就是什么?
2023-07-19 02:12:021

有一首韩国歌《oh my god》-NC.A唱的,那NC.A真名叫什么?

2023-07-19 02:05:533

请介绍一下dengue fever这乐队

风格: 摇滚Rock,另类与独立摇滚Alternative & Indie Rock/Pop,电影音乐Soundtrack语种: 其它外国语言类别: 乐队/组合成员: David Ralicke, Senon Williams, Paul Smith, Zachary Holtzman, Chhom Nimol, Ethan Holtzman地区: United States(美国)
2023-07-19 02:05:562


In a World Without Oil国外网站上找的素材What would happen if all of the oil in the world would disappear all at once? What would we be forced to change about our daily habits? Throughout the last two weeks our class simulated an oil shortage that depicts that very scenario. We learned how dependent we are on oil and one of the possible outcomes of what would happen if the world really did just lose all of its oil. The world really is addicted to oil and would be crippled beyond what is imaginable if the oil would just go away. If we were to sever the need of oil, the world might not run as efficiently, but it would still be able to continue should we reduce or eradicate our need.The world would clearly be cut off at the legs if all of the oil were to become nonexistent. Not just gas would go away, but almost all of our modern conveniences would too. Some countries depend completely on exporting goods for an economy, and should the oil become used up that industry isn"t the only one to suffer. The countries that are used to the idea of having imported take it for granted. We also tried to figure out which businesses would go bankrupt or continue running. Citizen journalism and other sources of information from the general public would play a big part in keeping the rest of the communities in touch with the rest of the world. Think of what you use in your daily life that is made of or uses plastic, oil, or even some of the foods you eat that have been treated with fertilizer and imagine them no longer available.It is extremely possible to reduce or even eliminate our reliance on oil. Everyone that gets asked the question “Can we reduce our oil consumption?” replies with something like “Yes, renewable energy sources can sustain our power consumption.” but that is not the case because renewable energy sources account for less than ten percent of the USA"s total power consumption. We can develop new technologies to increase our ability to rely on renewable resources; however, if we would help eachother out a bit and realize that the planet is at stake here, we might make it through the inevitable oil depletion. Electric cars are already existing, some people have solar panels for their houses, and some schools are even using wind turbines for power. But the problem with all of these methods is that they are too expensive for the average person to afford or the location of the building is wrong for any sort of natural power source. But if we actually set aside our differences, stop trying to get an edge over everyone else, and help everyone out if we can we could very easily become a world of peace and prosperity. The third world countries would really have an advantage in getting used to no oil because most of them have yet to develop a dependency on it.Is our community prepared for an oil depletion? The real question is “Is any community prepared for even an oil crisis?” Really no community can be fully prepared for an oil depletion. The USA is one of the heaviest oil consumers in the world, there"s no way that we will be able to eliminate our oil dependency before it actually runs out. As stated before, unless we can work together we can not get through the oil depletion without losses. It is predicted that riots will take place, looting will happen soon after oil runs out, and the whole organized system of government we have will likely get thrown into a chaotic form of anarchy at the best case scenario. Foreign policies would be thrown out the window, imported goods and supplies would become a luxury if they even still exist, and everything would come from the local area. But you would really think there would be some preparation since the oil crisis of 1973 and 1979.Clearly the world would be devastated by the oil depletion. Would a world without oil survive? Probably, but would the depletion leave a mark in history. We can get through it without much damage if we do the following: actually help each other, research new alternative energies and improve existing ones, and learn to be adaptable to new problems by giving up what we know will eventually run out or improving it so it can be usable.
2023-07-19 02:05:591


2023-07-19 02:06:001


自行车平面构成分解:前轮、辐条、花鼓、前叉、前刹、钢索、刹车及变速把手、车把、竖杆、车架、前变速、车座杆、车座、后刹、货架、飞轮、反光镜 、后轮、后变速、脚撑、气门、后轮、链条、轮盘、脚踏、曲柄。自行车又称脚踏车或单车,是一种以人力踩踏脚踏板驱动的小型陆上车辆,通常是二轮的小型陆上车辆,它没有传动系统,靠两脚蹬地向前滑行,最快只能达到时速20公里。一、车架车架是自行车最重要的基础结构,也是影响骑乘感受的决定因素。选购时应注意车架大小是否符合骑乘者的身高比例,以质量轻、强度高为主要要求。常见的车架材质有:铝合金、钛合金、碳纤维、合成钢材...等。头管 Head Tube-连结上管与下管,前叉从中穿过,内藏车头碗组。上管 Top Tube-连接头管和立管的车架管。下管 Down Tube-连接头管和五通的车架管。立管 Seat Tube-立管长度会直接影响骑乘感受,应依据骑乘者的跨高,选择适合的车架尺寸。后上叉 Seat Stay-连接立管上缘到后钩爪与后轮轴。后下叉 Chain Stay-连接五通到后钩爪与后轮轴。前叉 Fork-控制前轮,有缓冲吸震的效果。座垫 Saddle-支撑骑乘者的体重。挑选时应以舒适性为主要考虑,减少压迫与摩擦。座管 Seat Post-底座垫与车架,支撑来自座垫的重量。座管束 Seat Post Clamp-扣住座管与车架,方便调整座管高度。二、转向系统自行车行进控制的枢纽。车手把 Handlebar-连接龙头,藉以转动前叉,控制行车方向。一般公路车多使用弯把,目的是为了压低上半身以减少风阻,另有平把公路车。手把带 Tape-具防滑、吸震效果,亦可防止汗水侵蚀握把。刹变把Brake / Shift Lever-公路车的刹车把与变速把多为一体成型,以纵向安装在把手上。车头碗组 Head Parts-装在头管上下两端的轴承零件,用以固定前叉转向管,使之能转向活动。上盖 Stem Cap-保护零件,用以防尘、防水的外盖。龙头 Stem-连接车手把与前叉转向管,具备承受踩踏的反向力量、操控行车方向以及保持平衡三大功能。三、刹车系统控制前后轮,使自行车减速并安全停止。刹车夹器Caliper Brake-利用活动件连结刹车块,使车轮减速或停止。公路车常用的是C型刹车夹器(简称C夹),亦有使用碟刹(Disc)。刹车块 Brake Block-箝住轮框抑制车轮转动,藉此减速或停止。刹车线 Brake Cable-连结刹车把与夹器。四、传动系统变速传动系统如同自行车的心脏,是带动自行车前进的力量。这些部件承受了踩踏力道,更因为高度较接近地面,易受到污水或泥沙侵蚀而造成磨损,因此定期保养及检查相当重要。踏板 Pedals-双脚直接施力的踩踏平面,藉此推动自行车。除了适合各类车种的踏板以外,另有搭配卡鞋的卡式踏板。曲柄 Crank-连接五通与踏板的杠杆,将踩踏力量传递至链条。大盘 Chainring / Chainwheel-连接于右曲柄的大型齿轮组。五通/中轴 Bottom Bracket(简称BB)-连结大盘、曲柄与车架的零件组合。链条 Chain-连接大盘与飞轮,将能量传递至后轮,使自行车前进。飞轮 Freewheel / Cassette-由多片齿轮组合,置于后轮棘轮座上。前变速器 Front Derailleur-控制链条在大盘齿片间转换。后变速器 Rear Derailleur-控制链条在飞轮齿片间转换。变速线 Derailleur Cable-连结变速把与变速器。五、轮组自行车依靠轮胎与地面接触摩擦而前进或停止,因此轮组的材质、设计会影响骑行的速度与稳定性。轮框 Rim-车轮的外框,轮胎固定在轮圈上。花鼓 Hub-带动轮圈转动的轴承,分卡式与锁牙式,需跟相对应的飞轮组搭配使用。辐条 Spoke-又称钢丝,连接花鼓与轮圈,主要排列方式为放射状或交叉状。铜头 Nipple-将辐条固定在轮圈上的螺帽。棘轮座 Cassette body-用来固定飞轮。里面是单向棘齿,往前踩踏板可带动后轮,往后踩则空转。快拆 Quick Release-固定轮组的零件,可藉由手柄快速开启或关闭。勾爪(前 / 后) Dropout-前叉和车架后三角末端的小沟槽,可套入轮轴,提供后变速器与车架作动的承受力。轮胎 Tire-根据需求不同,有各种规格及胎纹可供选择。轮胎越细,滚动阻力越小;轮胎越宽,吸震性越好。公路车轮胎一般分为Open胎与管胎,另有无内胎的车胎与轮组。气嘴 Valve-轮胎充气的位置,常见的有美式气嘴与法式气嘴。美式气嘴与汽、机车轮胎相同,可在一般车行及加油站充气;法式气嘴需另外使用转接头。
2023-07-19 02:05:501


好贵, 看你买哪 型号了
2023-07-19 02:05:482

ipconfig /renew失败为什么呢?

ipconfig /renew是重新获取IP地址的命令。如果不成功,你可以从2个方面进行问题排查:1、确认自己的电脑网卡是否是设置的自动获取IP.2、确认路由器上开启了DHCP服务,能够正常为客户提供IP地址的.3. 重新设置路由器,修改dhcp服务,并且把ip设置为自动获取。
2023-07-19 02:05:4713