barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-19 15:46:54
TAG: 英语


1. a big headache令人头痛的事情

2. a fraction of 一部分

3. a matter of concern 焦点

4. a series of 一系列,一连串above all 首先,尤其是

5. absent from不在,缺席

6. abundant in富于

7. account for 解释

8. accuse sb. of sth.控告

9. add to增加(add up to)

10. after all 毕竟,究竟

11. agree with同意

12. ahead of time / schedule提前

13. ahead of 在...之前(ahead of time 提前)

14. alien to与...相反

15. all at once 突然,同时

16. all but 几乎;除了...都

17. all of a sudden 突然

18. all over again 再一次,重新

19. all over 遍及

20. all right 令人满意的;可以

21. all the same 仍然,照样的

22. all the time 一直,始终

23. angry with sb. at/about sth.生气,愤怒

24. anxious about/for忧虑,担心

25. anything but 根本不

26. apart from 除...外(有/无)

27. appeal to 吸引,申诉,请求

28. applicable to适用于

29. apply to适用

30. appropriate for/to适当,合适

31. approximate to近似,接近

32. apt at聪明,善于

33. apt to易于

34. around the clock夜以继日

35. as a matter of fact 实际上

36. as a result(of) 因此,由于

37. as a rule 通常,照例

38. as far as concerned 就...而言

39. as far as 远至,到...程度

40. as follows 如下

41. as for 至于,关于

42. as good as 和...几乎一样

43. as if 好像,防腐

44. as regards 关于,至于

45. as to 至于,关于

46. as usual 像平常一样,照例

47. as well as 除...外(也),即...又

48. as well 同样,也,还

49. ashamed of羞愧,害臊

50. aside from 除...外(还有)

51. ask for the moon异想天开

52. at a loss 茫然,不知所措

53. at a time 一次,每次

54. at all costs 不惜一切代价

55. at all events 不管怎样,无论如何

56. at all times 随时,总是

57. at all 丝毫(不),一点也不

58. at any rate 无论如何,至少

59. at best 充其量,至多

60. at first sight 乍一看,初看起来

61. at first 最初,起先

62. at hand 在手边,在附近

63. at heart 内心里,本质上

64. at home 在家,在国内

65. at intervals 不时,每隔...

66. at large 大多数,未被捕获的

67. at last 终于

68. at least 至少

69. at length 最终,终于

70. at most 至多,不超过

71. at no time 从不,决不

72. at one time 曾经,一度;同时

73. at present 目前,现在

74. at someone"s disposal 任...处理

75. at the cost of 以...为代价

76. at the mercy of 任凭...摆布

77. at the moment 此刻,目前

78. at this rate 照此速度

79. at times 有时,间或

80. aware of意识到

81. back and forth 来回地,反复地

82. back of 在...后面

83. back up后备,支援

84. bare of几乎没有,缺乏

85. be able to do能够

86. be around差不多

87. be available to sb.可用,可供

88. be bound to一定

89. be capable of doing能够

90. be concerned with 关心…,涉足…

91. be dying to渴望

92. be fed up with受够了be tired of

93. be in hospital 住院

94. be in season 上市的/in peak season旺季

95. be in the mood to do sth. 想做

96. be pressed for time时间不够

97. be tied up with忙于

98. be under the weather 身体不好

99. beat around the bush 拐弯没角

100. beat the crowd 避开人群

101. before long 不久以后

102. behind schedule 误点

103. bent on sth. 下定决心做…

104. beside point 离题的,不相干的

105. beyond one"s ability超越某人的能力

106. beyond question 毫无疑问

107. book on reserve 须留的图书

108. booked up 订完了

109. bound for开往

110. break down抛锚

111. break though突破

112. break up with和某人分手be through with / be finished with

113. bring about 使…发生

114. bring someone up to date帮某人赶上help someone catch up

115. by accident 偶然

116. by air 通过航空途径

117. by all means 尽一切办法,务必

118. by and by 不久,迟早

119. by chance 偶然,碰巧

120. by far 最,...得多

121. by hand 用手,用体力

122. by itself 自动地,独自地

123. by means of 用,依靠

124. by mistake 错误地,无意地

125. by no means 决不,并没有

126. by oneself 单独地,独自地

127. by reason of 由于

128. by the way 顺便说说

129. by virtue of 借助,由于

130. by way of 经由,通过...方法

131. call off取消

132. call on号召,邀请,点某人的名,拜访

133. capable of能够

134. careful of/about/with小心,注意

135. certain of /about确信,肯定

136. chair a meeting 主持会议

137. charge sb. with sth.控告

138. clear of没有,不接触

139. clever at善于

140. close to接近,亲近

141. come in contact with 与…取得联系

142. come out of sth. alive大难不死

143. come up (with)提出,拿出

144. comparable to/with比作/比较

145. conscious of察觉到,意识到

146. consequent on随之而来

147. considerate towards体谅,体贴

148. contemporary with与...同时代

149. content with满足于

150. contrary to违反

151. cost someone an arm and a leg代价很大

152. count down倒计时

153. count one"s chickens before they are hatched过于乐观

154. count on依靠

155. count on依靠

156. count the day期待

157. count the day期待

158. counter to与...相反

159. crazy about热衷,着迷

160. critical of挑剔,批评

161. cry in one"s beer借酒消愁

162. cry on one"s shoulder依靠

163. curious about好奇,想知道

164. cut down on 减少

165. cut down削减

166. cut in插入

167. cut off切断

168. cut out切除

169. cut someone short打断

170. cut through抄近路

171. cut up切碎

172. die out 灭绝

173. distinct from种类(风格)不同

174. do the laundry洗衣服

175. doubtful of /about怀疑

176. drop by / in 顺路拜访

177. due to 由于,因为

178. each other 互相

179. easier said than done说起来容易做起来难

180. east of在...东面

181. equal to相等,胜任

182. equivalent to等于,相当于

183. essential to/for必不可少

184. even if/though 即使,虽然

185. ever so 非常,极其

186. every now and then 时而,偶尔

187. every other 每隔一个的

188. except for 除了...外

189. expert at/in/on善于

190. face to face 面对面地

191. faculty members 教职员工

192. faithful to忠实于

193. fall flat 平躺在地上

194. familiar to sb为...所熟悉

195. familiar with sth熟悉,通晓

196. far from 远非,远离

197. fatal to致命的

198. favorable to支持,赞成

199. fearful of惧怕

200. feel at home熟悉

201. feel blue心情不好

202. feel free to随便

203. figure out sth. 解决

204. fit for适于

205. flat tire轮胎没气

206. flat tire轮胎没气

207. fond of喜欢

208. for ever 永远

209. for good 永久地

210. for the better 好转

211. for the moment 暂时,目前

212. for the present 暂时,目前

213. for the sake of 为了,为了...的利益

214. for the time being 暂时,眼下

215. foreign to非...所原有

216. free of /from未受...;免费

217. free with康慨,大方

218. from time to time 有时,不时

219. full up客满

220. get a bargain 买到便宜货

221. get nowhere with 毫无进展

222. get over恢复

223. get used to习惯于

224. give off发出

225. give someone a big hand为某人鼓掌

226. give someone a hand帮忙

227. go about sth. 开始做…

228. go after追求

229. go ahead同意做某事

230. go by遵守

231. go down下降,往下传

232. go for竭尽全力做

233. go into进入,开始从事

234. go off出发

235. go out熄灭,外出

236. go over复习

237. go over复习,从头到尾检查一遍

238. go round/around足够分配

239. go sightseeing 去观光

240. go steady with和某人确定关系

241. go through从头到尾

242. go without单独

243. guilty of有...罪的

244. had better最好

245. hand in hand 手拉手 ,密切关联

246. hang up 挂断

247. have one"s hands full

248. have the final say 有决定权

249. head on 迎面地,正面的

250. heart and soul 全心全意地

251. hold out for sth. 坚持要求

252. hold up坚持

253. hold water站得住脚

254. how about ...怎么样

255. how come怎么会

256. hungry for渴望

257. ignorant of不知道

258. impatient at sth.不耐烦

259. impatient for急切,渴望

260. impatient of无法容忍

261. in (the)light of 鉴于,由于

262. in a hurry 匆忙,急于

263. in a moment 立刻,一会儿

264. in a sense 从某种意义上说

265. in a way 在某种程度上

266. in a word 简言之,总之

267. in accordance with 与...一致,按照

268. in addition to 除...之外(还)

269. in addition 另外,加之

270. in advance 预先,事先

271. in all 总共,合计

272. in any case 无论如何

273. in any event 无论如何

274. in brief 简单地说

275. in case of 假如,防备

276. in charge of 负责,总管

277. in common 共用的,共有的

278. in consequence(of) 因此;由于

279. in debt 欠债,欠情

280. in detail 详细地

281. in difficulty 处境困难

282. in effect 实际上,事实上

283. in favor of 支持,赞成

284. in front of 面对,在...前

285. in general 一般来说,大体上

286. in half 成两半

287. in hand 在进行中,待办理

288. in honor of 为庆祝,为纪念

289. in itself 本质上,就其本身而言

290. in line with 与...一致

291. in memory of 纪念

292. in no case 决不

293. in no time 立即,马上

294. in no way 决不

295. in order 按顺序,按次序

296. in other words 换句话说

297. in part 部分地

298. in particular 特别,尤其

299. in person 亲自,本人

300. in place of 代替,取代,交换

301. in place 在合适的位置

302. in practice 在实践中,实际上

303. in proportion to 与...成比例

304. in public 公开地,当众

305. in quantity 大量

306. in question 正在谈论的

307. in regard to 关于,至于

308. in relation to 关于,涉及

309. in return for 作为对...报答

310. in return 作为报答/回报/交换

311. in short 简言之,总之

312. in sight 被见到;在望

313. in spite of 尽管

314. in step with 与...一致/协调

315. in tears 流着泪,在哭着

316. in terms of

317. in the company / wake of随着

318. in the course of 在...期间/过程中

319. in the distance 在远处

320. in the end 最后,终于

321. in the event of 如果...发生,万一

322. in the face of 即使;在...面前

323. in the first place 首先

324. in the future 在未来

325. in the heat of the day 一天中最热的时候

326. in the least 丝毫,一点

327. in the long run 长期

328. in the way 挡道

329. in the world 究竟,到底

330. in time 及时

331. in touch 联系,接触

332. in turn 依次,轮流;转而

333. in vain 徒劳,白费力

334. indifferent to无兴趣,不关心

335. indignant with sb.愤慨

336. inferior to级别低于,不如

337. innocent of无...罪,无辜

338. instead of 代替,而不是

339. intent on专心于

340. invisible to不可见的

341. jealous of嫉妒

342. just now 眼下;刚才

343. keep one"s eyes on关注

344. keep on爱好,很喜欢

345. keep track of 留心

346. kind of / sort of有点somewhat

347. lay off 下岗

348. leave alone别说

349. let the cat out of the bag泄露秘密

350. liable for对...有责任

351. liable to易于

352. little by little 逐渐地

353. look for / hunt for 找工作

354. lost the point弄错

355. lots of 许多

356. loyal to忠于

357. mad about/on狂热迷恋

358. mad at/with sb.生气,愤怒



1)be back/in/out 回来/在家/外出

2)be at home/work 在家/上班

3)be good at 善于,擅长于

4)be careful of 当心,注意,仔细

5)be covered with 被……复盖

6)be ready for doing sth为……作好准备

7)be surprised (at) 对……感到惊讶

8)be interested in doing sth对……感到兴趣

I am intersted in reading books

9)be born 出生

10)be on 在进行,在上演, (灯)亮着

11)be able to do sth. 能够做……

I am able to read now。

12)be afraid of (to do sth. that…) 害怕……(不敢做……,恐怕……)

I am afraid of reading English books

13)be angry with sb. 生(某人)的气

14)be pleased (with) 对……感到高兴(满意)

15)be famous for 以……而著名

16)be strict in (with) (对工作、对人)严格要求

17)be from 来自……,什么地方人

18)be hungry/thirsty/tired 饿了/渴了/累了

19)be worried 担忧

20)be (well) worth doing (非常)值得做……

This book is worth reading。

21)be covered with 被……所覆盖……

22)be in (great) need of (很)需要

23)be in trouble 处于困境中

24)be glad to do sth. 很高兴做……

It‘s glad to see you。

25)be late for ……迟到

26)be made of (from) 由……制成

27)be satisfied with 对……感到满意

28)be free 空闲的,有空

29)be (ill) in bed 卧病在床

30)be busy doing (with) 忙于做……(忙于……)

He"s busy reading a book。


31)come back 回来

32)come down 下来

33)come in 进入,进来

34)come on 快,走吧,跟我来

35)come out出来

36)come out of 从……出来

37)come up 上来

38)come from 来自……

39)do one"s lessons/homework 做功课/回家作业

40)do more speaking/reading 多做口头练习/朗读

41)do one"s best 尽力

42)do some shopping (cooking reading, cleaning)买东西(做饭菜,读点书,大扫除)

43)do a good deed (good deeds)做一件好事(做好事)

44)do morning exercises 做早操

45)do eye exercises 做眼保健操

46)do well in 在……某方面干得好

47)get up 起床

48)get everything ready 把一切都准备好

49)get ready for (=be ready for) 为……作好准备

50)get on (well) with 与……相处(融洽)

51)get back 返回

52)get rid of 除掉,去除

53)get in 进入,收集

54)get on/off 上/下车

55)get to 到达

56)get there 到达那里

57)give sb. a call 给……打电话

58)give a talk 作报告

59)give a lecture (a piano concert)作讲座(举行钢琴音乐会)

60)give back 归还,送回

61)give……some advice on 给……一些忠告

62)give lessons to 给……上课

63)give in 屈服

64)give up 放弃

65)give sb. a chance 给……一次机会

66)give a message to…… 给……一个口信

67)go ahead 先走,向前走,去吧,干吧

68)go to the cinema 看电影

69)go go bed 睡觉(make the bed 整理床铺)

70)go to school (college) 上学(上大学)

71)go to (the) hospital 去医院看病

72)go over 过一遍,复习/ go over to 朝……走去

73)go fishing/skating/swimming/shopping 去钩鱼/滑冰/游泳/买东西

74)go home (there) 回家去(去那儿)

75)go round 顺便去,绕道走

76)go up 上去

77)go out for a walk 外出散步

78)go on (doing) 继续(做……)

79)go shopping 去购物

80)go on with one"s work 继续某人的工作

81)go upstairs/downstairs 上/下楼

82)(the lights) go out (灯)熄了

83)have a lesson (lessons)/a meeting 上课/开会

84)have a football match (basketball match) 举行一场足球(蓝球)赛

85)have dictation 听见

86)have a try 试一试

87)have a good/wonderful time 玩得很高兴

88)have a lecture (a piano concert) 听讲座(听钢琴音乐会)

89)have a report (talk) on 听一个关于……的报告

90)have a glass of water (a cup of tea) 喝一杯水,(一杯茶)

91)have breakfast/lunch/supper /dinner吃早饭/午饭/晚饭

92)have a meal (three meals) 吃一顿饭(三餐饭)

93)have bread and milk for breakfast 早饭吃面包和牛奶

94)have (have got) a headache 头痛

95)have a fever 发烧

96)have a cough (a cold) 咳嗽(感冒)

97)have a look (at) 看一看……

98)have a rest (a break) 休息一会儿(工间或课间休息)

99)have a talk 谈话

100)have a swim/walk 游泳/散步

101)have sports 进行体育锻炼

102)have a sports meet (meeting) 开运动会

103)have something done 让人(请人)做……

104)have a test/an exam 测验/考试

105)have an idea 有了个主意

106)had better do sth. (not do sth.) 最好做……(最好不要做……)

107)have a word with 与……谈几句话

108)help sb. with sth. 在……方面帮助……

109)help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助……做……

110)help oneself to some chicken/fish/meat 请随便吃点鸡/鱼/肉

111)help each other 互相帮助

112)have nothing to do 无事可做

113)keep up with 跟上……,不落后于……

114)keep silent/quiet 保持沉默/安静

115)keep sb. doing sth. 使……一直做……

116)keep one"s diary 记日记

117)make a noise (a lot of noise, much noise, noises)吵闹(十分嘈杂,响声)

118)make a living 谋生

119)make sb. do sth. 迫使某人做……

120)make faces (a face)做鬼脸

121)make friends (with)与……交朋友

122)make a mistake (mistakes)犯错误

123)make room/space for 给……腾出地方

124)make a sentence (sentences)with 用……造句

125)make a fire 生火

126)be made from/of 由……制成

127)be made in 在……地方制造

128)look out of (outside) 往外看(看外面)

129)look up a word (in the dictionary) 查字典

130)look up 往上看,仰望

131)look after 照管,照看,照顾

132)look for 寻找

133)look like 看上去像

134)look fine/well/tired/worried 看起来气色好/健康/疲劳/忧虑

135)look out 当心,小心

136)look on …as… 把……当作……看待

137)look around 朝四周看

138)look at 看着……

139)put on 穿上(衣服),戴上(帽子),上演(戏剧)

140)put up 建造,搭起,挂起,举起,张帖

141)put into 使进入,输入

142)put one"s heart into 全神贯注于

143)put…down… 把……放下

144)put…into… 把……译成

145)set up 竖起,建起

146)set off 出发,动身

147)set out 出发

148)set an example for 为……树立榜样

149)send for 派人去请(叫)

150)send out 放出,发出

151)end up 把……往上送,发射

152)take one"s advice 听从某人劝告

153)take out 拿出,取出

154)take down 拿下

155)take place 发生

156)take one"s place 坐……的座位,代替某人职务

157)take the place of 代替……

158)take a walk/rest 散步/休息

159)take it easy 别紧张

160)take sth.with sb. 随身带着

161)take sb. to a park/London for one"s holidays 带某人去公园/伦敦度假

162)take care of 关心,照顾,保管

163)take a look (a last look) at 看一看(最后看一眼)

164)take an exam 参加考试

165)take away 拿走

166)take back 收回,带回

167)take hold of 抓住……

168)take off 脱下(衣,帽,鞋等)拿掉

169)take (an active) part in (积极)参加(活动)

170)take photos 拍照

171)take some medicine 服药

172)take a bus/train, boat/ 乘公共汽车,火车/船

173)turn on 开,旋开(电灯,收音机等)

174)turn off 关上(电灯,收音机等)

175)turn in 交出,上交

176)turn…into… 变成

177)turn to 翻到,转向

178)turn down (把音量)调低

179)turn…over 把……翻过来

180)play basketball 打篮球,football 踢足球,volleyball 打排球

181)play games 做游戏

182)play the piano (the violin) 弹钢琴(拉小提琴)

183)play with snow 玩雪

184)play a joke (on) 对……开玩笑


185)think over 仔细考虑

186)arrive at/in a place 到达某处

187)eat up 吃完,吃光

188)do well in 在……干得好

189)enjoy doing sth. like doing sth. 喜欢做某事 喜欢干某事

190)find out 发现,查出(真相等)

191)finish off 吃完,喝完

192)stop doing sth. 停止做某事

193)stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事

194)hold a meting 举行会议

195)hold up 举起

196)hurry up 赶快,快点

197)enter for 报名参加

198)langht at 嘲笑

199)be used to 习惯于

200)used to 过去常常

201)wake…up 唤醒

202)work out 算出


203)ask for 向……要……,请求

204)ask for leave 请假

205)send for 派人去请(叫)

206)pay for 付……的款

207)wait for 等候

208)thank for 为……感谢

209)apologize to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人道歉

210)look for 寻找

211)leave…for 离开……去……

212)fall off 跌落

213)catch cold 着凉,伤风

214)catch up with 赶上

215)agree with sb. 赞成,同意某人的意见

216)filled……with 把……装满

217)tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事

218)talk about 谈论……

219)think about 考虑……

220)worry about 担忧……

221)look after 照料

222)run after 追赶,跟在后面跑

223)read after 跟……读

224)smile at 对……微笑

225)knock at 敲(门、窗)

226)shout at 对……大喊(嚷)

227)throw away 扔掉

228)work hard at 努力做……

229)wait in line 排队等候

230)change…into… 变成

231)hurry into… 匆忙进入

232)hurry up 快点

233)run into… 跑进

234)hear of 听说

235)hear from 收到……来信

236)think of 认为,考虑

237)catch hold of 抓住

238)instead of 代替……

239)hand in 交上来

240)stay in bed 卧病在床








1 外观:酒液清亮透明,富有光泽,无杂质、沉淀等。2理化指标:必须符合国家标准要求3卫生指标:大肠菌群≤3个/100ML,细菌总数≤50个/100ML4保质期不低于180天5口感较好,无异味6泡沫挂杯持久,保持四分钟以上。
2023-07-19 02:03:582


问题一:收银,吧台,的英文是什么? checkout counter 或者cashier desk 问题二:请到吧台点餐用英文怎么说 Please order the meal at bar counter.请到吧台点餐 问题三:吧台服务员用英文怎么翻译 吧台里面的是酒保bartender,吧台外的是服务员男的waiter 女的waitress 问题四:吧台长翻译成英语怎么说 Head of Bar Counter; bar leader 问题五:欧式吧台椅用英语怎么说 欧式吧台椅的英文翻译_百度翻译 欧式吧台椅 European bar chair 全部释义和例句试试人工翻译 chair_百度翻译 chair 英[t?e?(r)] 美[t?er] n. 椅子; 大学教授职位; 主持会议的主席(的席位或职位); 讲座; vt. 主持; 使…入座; 使就任要职; [例句]He rose from his chair and walked to the window. 他从椅子上站起来,朝窗口走去。 [其他] 第三人称单数:chairs 复数:chairs 现在分词:chairing 过去式:chaired过去分词:chaired 问题六:酒水台英文翻译 器具类bar 酒吧 counter 吧台bar chair 酒吧椅barman 酒吧男招待barmaid 酒吧女招待bartender 调酒师;酒吧男服务员bottle opener 开瓶刀corkscrew 酒钻ice shaver 削冰器ice maker 制冰机ice bucket 小冰桶ice tongs 冰勺夹ice scoop 冰勺cocktail shaker 调酒器pouring measure 量酒器juice extractor 果汁榨汁机electric blender 电动搅拌机water jug 水壶champagne bucket 香槟桶enamelled cup 搪瓷杯ceramic cup 陶瓷杯straw 吸管decanter有玻璃塞的细颈酒瓶mixing glass 调酒杯beer mug 啤酒杯champagne glass 香槟杯measuring jug 量杯wine glass 葡萄酒杯brandy glass 白兰地杯tumbler 平底无脚酒杯goblet 高脚杯tapering glass 圆锥形酒杯 饮料类mineral water 矿泉水orange juice 桔子原汁orangeade, orange squash 桔子水lemon juice 柠檬原汁lemonade 柠檬水soda water 苏打水coke, coca cola 可口可乐pepsi cola 百事可乐sprite 雪碧milk shake 奶昔milk tea 奶茶 fruit punch 果汁喷趣酒(清凉饮料) 咖啡类cappuccino 卡布其诺( 咖啡混以或加上煮过的牛奶或奶油的浓咖啡)coffee latte 拿铁咖啡black coffee 黑咖啡white coffee 牛奶咖啡coffee with cream and sugar 加奶加糖的咖啡plain coffee 纯咖啡Blue Mountain 蓝山咖啡mocha 摩卡Viennese coffee 维也纳咖啡   Irish coffee 爱尔兰咖啡decaffeinated coffee 无咖啡因的咖啡Mesdames coffee 贵夫人咖啡 espresso coffee 意大利特浓 酒类light beer 淡啤酒 draught beer 扎啤rice wine 黄酒appetizer 餐前葡萄酒Martini 马提尼酒(一种由杜松子酒或伏特加酒和苦艾酒混合而成的鸡尾酒)gin 姜酒;金酒(一种无色的烈性酒,由蒸馏的或再蒸馏的裸麦或其它粮谷加入杜松子或香料制成的,如大茴香、芷茴香子或白芷根作佐料)Gordon"s gin 哥顿金酒(英伦国饮)rum 郎姆酒Bacardi 巴卡第(一种古巴郎姆酒)vodka 伏特加Smirnoff 皇冠伏特加whisky 威士忌brandy 白兰地酒Calvados 苹果白兰地酒Bailey"s 百利甜酒Budweiser 百威啤酒Foster"s 福士啤酒Beck"s 贝克啤酒Carl *** ery 嘉士伯啤酒Guinness 健力士啤酒claret 红葡萄酒(法国波尔多地区生产的干红葡萄酒)cider 苹果酒champagne 香槟酒cocktail鸡尾酒liqueur 白酒,烧酒bloody Mary 血玛丽(一种通常用伏特加、蕃茄汁和调味料制成的鸡尾酒)Tequila Sunrise 龙舌兰日出gin tonic 金汤力(用金酒和汤力调制成的鸡尾酒)Pink Lad......>> 问题七:酒吧一些常用的英语 bar 酒吧 counter 吧台 bar chair 酒吧椅 barman 酒吧男招待 barmaid 酒吧女招待 bottle opener 开瓶刀 corkscrew 酒钻 ice shaver 削冰器 ice maker 制冰机 ice bucket 小冰桶 ice tongs 冰勺夹 ice scoop 冰勺 cocktail shaker 调酒器 pouring measure 量酒器 juice extractor 果汁榨汁机 electric blender 电动搅拌机 water jug 水壶 champagne bucket 香槟桶 enamelled cup 搪瓷杯 ceramic cup 陶瓷杯 straw 吸管 decanter 酒壶 mixing glasses 调酒杯 beer mug 啤酒杯 champagne glass 香槟杯 measuring jug 量杯 wine glass 葡萄酒杯 brandy glass 白兰地杯 tumbler 平底无脚酒杯 goblet 高脚杯 tapering glass 圆锥形酒杯 cherry 樱桃 lemon 柠檬 clove 丁香 pineapple 菠萝 onion 洋葱 strawberry 草莓 olive 橄榄 cucumber 黄瓜 mint 薄荷 grapefruit 西柚 grape 葡萄 soda water 苏打水 rice wine 黄酒 appetizer 餐前葡萄酒 Martini Rosso, Blanco, Dry 马丁尼红/干/白Gin 金酒 Gordon"s 哥顿 Rum 郎姆酒 Bacardi 百家得 Vodka 伏特加 Smirnoff 皇冠 Whisky 威士忌 Calvados 苹果酒 Glenfiddich 格兰菲迪 Bailey"s 比利酒 Budweiser 百威啤 Foster"s 福士啤 Beck"s 贝克啤 Carl *** ery 加士伯啤 Guinness 健力士啤 drink 饮料 mineral water 矿泉水 orange juice 桔子原汁 orangeade, orange squash 桔子水 lemon juice 柠檬原汁 lemonade 柠檬水 beer 啤酒 white wine 白葡萄酒 red wine 红葡萄酒 claret 波尔多红葡萄酒 cider 苹果酒 champagne 香槟酒 cocktai l鸡尾酒 liqueur 白酒,烧酒 shaohsing wine 绍兴酒 yellow wine 黄酒 Kaoliang spirits 高粱酒 Wu Chia Pee 五加皮 vodka 伏特加 whisky 威士忌 brandy 白兰地 cognac 法国白兰地 gin 琴酒 gin flzz 杜松子酒 martini 马提尼酒 coke, coca cola 可口可乐 pepsi cola 百事可乐 sprite 雪碧...>>
2023-07-19 02:04:061


大米粥 rice gruel/porridge 小米粥 millet gruel 豆浆 soybean milk 牛奶 milk 汤类 清汤 clear soup/thin soup/consomme 浓汤 pottage/thick soup 肉汤 broth 牛肉汤 beef soup 西红柿汤 tomato soup 洋白菜汤 cabbage soup 菜汤 vegetable soup 鸡汤 chicken soup 奶油鸡汤 creamed chicken soup 番茄鱼汤 fish and tomato soup 奶油火腿汤 creamed ham soup 牛肉丸子汤 beef balls soup 奶油虾汤 creamed prawn soup 牛肉蔬菜汤 beef and vegetable soup 奶油菠菜汤 creamed spinach soup 酸辣汤 hot and sour soup 鸡茸粟米汤 minced chicken and corn pottage 咖哩鸡汤 curry chicken soup 面包 bread 糖饼 sweet pancake 馅饼(肉) meat pie 猪肉馅饼 pork pie 牛肉馅饼 beef pie 蛋糕(像康师傅妙芙那样的,也就是咱吃的发面饼,不过比自己家做的油) muffin ()有奶油的那种)cake 花卷 steamed twisted roll 香肠 sausage馒头 steamed bun/steamed bread 煎饼 pancake 饺子 dumpling 馄饨 wonton/dumpling soup 面条 noodles 担担面 sichuan style noodles with peppery sauce 炒面 fried noodles 拉面 stretched noodles 汤面 noodles with soup 炸酱面 noodles with soybean paste 牛肉面 beef noodles 春卷 spring roll/egg roll 米线 rice noodles 元宵 sweet dumpling 蛋炒饭 egg fried rice 油条 deep-fried dough sticks 油饼 cruller 调味品 Condiments 食盐 salt 白糖 sugar cheese 奶酪/干酪 vinegar 醋 butter 黄油 pepper 胡椒 soy sauce 酱油 cream 奶油 curry 咖哩 mustard 芥茉 tomato sauce 蕃茄酱 honey 蜂蜜 gravy 肉汁 jam 果酱 cube sugar 方糖 ginger 姜 garlic 大蒜 shallot 大葱 mayonnaise 蛋黄酱 sweet soybean paste 甜面酱 主食 Staple food toast 烤面包/土司 rye bread 黑麦面包 bun 小圆面包 hamburger 汉堡包 bacon cheeseburger 腊肉奶酪汉堡包 sandwich 三明治 tuna sandwich 金枪鱼三明治 hotdog 热狗 biscuits/crackers/cookies 饼干 pancake 烤饼/薄饼 pizza 比萨饼 barley gruel 大麦粥 oatmeal 燕麦粥 fried eggs 煎鸡蛋 boiled eggs 煮鸡蛋 poached eggs 荷包蛋 omelet/omelette 摊鸡蛋/蛋卷 pickled cucumber 酸黄瓜 甜点 Dessert cake 蛋糕 cream cake 奶油蛋糕 ice-cream 冰淇淋 pie 馅饼 vanilla ice-cream 香草冰淇淋 shortcake 松饼 chocolate ice-cream 巧克力冰淇淋 tart 果馅 饮料drinks 软饮料非酒精饮料 soft drinks/beverages coffee black coffee 不加牛奶的咖啡/清咖啡 decaffeinated coffee 无咖啡因的咖啡 white coffee 牛奶咖啡 coffee with cream and sugar 加奶加糖的咖啡 instant coffee 速溶咖啡 plain coffee 纯咖啡 milk 牛奶 tea 茶 green tea 绿茶 black tea 红茶 jasmine tea 茉莉花茶 tea bags 袋泡茶 yogurt 酸奶 cocacola/coke/cocoa 可口可乐 7-up 七喜 Pepsi Cola 百事可乐 Diet Pepsi 无糖百事可乐 Sprite 雪碧 fruit juice 水果汁 lemonade 柠檬汁 orangeade 桔子汁 mineral water 矿泉水 soda water 汽水 fresh orange juice 鲜桔子汁 Fruit Punch 水果混合饮料 beer 啤酒 light beer 淡啤酒 draught beer 扎啤
2023-07-19 02:04:141


  在沙滩上,在沙滩上tonnys下士  吃冰淇淋,听你说教  是否,我的生存的伟大  我坐在这里,喝淡啤酒  不同的场景,现在我在雪中  落基山脉,他们是这样的打击  它的舒适,有一个壁炉  我坐在这里,喝啤酒一样  邮轮上,所有的食物都是免费的  我在游泳池里,猜猜谁是下一个吗?  这是珍妮佛,她是一个啦啦队长  我坐在这里喝淡啤酒  我不能相信我在这里  我不相信我喝淡啤酒  为什么我在我的手里握着这杯饮料吗?  我不能相信我在这里  我不相信我喝淡啤酒  我的运气,这只是一场噩梦。  我醒来的时候,生活的节拍走了  但遗憾的是,珍妮佛是太  我想那里的东西,真是太好了  而我,好吧,  是的我是
2023-07-19 02:04:331


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2023-07-19 02:04:522


2023-07-19 02:05:125


问题一:长期喝白酒可以减肥吗? 长期喝白酒可以养胃,但是减肥的话绝对是谣言。首先这个量在三分之一小碗那么多,也就40-50ml的量。否则喝多了容易喝醉胃了反而。喝酒也不要多种酒混合喝,容易醉,吐多了还会引发急性的肠胃炎。 想减肥,就要养成一个好的饮食习惯。早餐必须要吃,而且要吃饱,但不能吃撑。中午也要吃,可以只吃一点点。晚上也要吃,不能吃多,比如可以先喝杯热茶,再开始吃饭,饭一小碗左右,多吃蔬菜鸡鱼肉,猪肉啊牛肉啊少吃,油的也少吃,水煮的都OK。有可能的话再适量运动下。我阿姨常熟饭后百步走,活到99.年轻人也一样的 问题二:喝酒真的可以减肥吗? 喝酒能减肥,你认为世界上还会存在胖子吗。 减肥嘛 第一,别从吃上下工夫,不吃饭5天就可能内脏器官衰竭,抢救都没有用。非和吃叫劲就吃7成饱吧。(听说有人吃蛔虫效果相当快相当不错,网上有卖的但敢吃的人少,还得小心蛔虫卵跑到脑子里。)(吃减肥药也会有效果,但是同时还会头晕无力,虚汗狂出,心脏狂跳,相比还是吸毒更好点,也可以减肥。) 第二,局部减肥是不可能的。局部肌肉的运动并不会消耗肌肉附近的脂肪(好象飞机有独立油路供应系统,人体还没进化出此系统)。脂肪只能整体消耗,平均减少。 第三,别把减肥和塑型搞混。(高强度的重复动作,是用来塑型、长肌肉、增加力量的,结果想减的没减掉,反到多了肌肉)(不过长肌肉也是很难的,要专业的训练才可以,一般跑跑步什么的,是达不到增长肌肉的效果的。) 第四,保鲜膜之类的东西不要用,那个是竞技选手赛前减重用的,效果超级快,但是只减水分,不减脂肪!喝水马上增重。蒸桑拿和保鲜膜一个道理!(我那教练参赛前多2公斤,直接穿雨衣去跑5公里了,还是夏天,我那个汗啊,不过要小心虚脱。) 建议40分钟以上不间断运动(慢跑、羽毛球、乒乓球、健身操、等等根据个人喜好可以随时变换)每天2次,运动量可以小到快步走,但是不能停,全身慢慢减吧。1年见效果。想快点减就延长运动时间吧。你需要的只是坚持。 40分钟内的运动,只是在消耗你今天吃的东西,消耗身体脂肪的那些酶、循环系统还没启动呢。 跑步确实会让腿粗,不过你跑步是不会粗的,你不是专业的运动员,你的运动量根本就达不到增粗的境界。 经常运动的地方不容易堆积脂肪,但是堆积脂肪的地方并不会因为经常运动而减少。 每天运动的时间长的话可以瘦。 中医药物减肥、针灸减肥、 *** 减肥,一定要找个正经的地方,每个人的阴、阳、虚、实,气、血、盈、亏,都不是一样的,千万别拿别人的方子往自己身上乱套。 问题三:减肥期间可以喝白酒吗 减肥你还喝酒啊。是不能喝酒的,啥酒都别喝,喝酒最长肉了,喝酒的时候啥都不吃,第二天你会发现,你的体重又增长了。喝酒这个东西其实热量特别高的,有很多人都说,酒精在体内代谢不会形成热量。这种说法严重不对,我试验了好几年,基本只喝不吃,没有用,体重不减反增。结果我一个月没有喝酒,该吃吃,体重反倒减少了10斤。所以结论就是喝酒是增肥的,因为酒是开胃的,所以喝完酒后一般饭量很大,另外酒精这个东西增加脂肪的吸收和储存,所以一般喝酒的人都有脂肪肝的病(促进脂肪吸收导致肝上裹了一层厚厚的脂肪,不光肝脏,还有一个大肥腰子,哈哈)。还有一个就是喝完酒第二天早上,你会发现,你的脸是浮肿的,脸都是肿的,人就看起来不健康,而且还有一个就是喝酒可以加快人体的衰老,尤其是面部皮肤。减肥千万别喝酒 问题四:喝酒能减肥吗 你好! 可以.减肥要喝酒的话一定不能喝啤酒,要的话只行喝Lightbeer。喝Spirit类酒精如vodka,gin等最低卡路里。一般情况下,目标减掉少于15磅的女性每星期可喝两个单位(即10oz,约两个standardshot),要减多过15磅的话可喝3个单位。而进食低碳餐的人每天喝7oz约500卡的酒(除beer外)可减磅。喝酒前一小时吃含丰富蛋白质加些plexcarbohydrate有助减肥。最后,酒与酒之间喝水,可减掉一半卡路里。 很多人知道,每克酒精内含7个卡路里,被迅速吸收后身体会第一时间把酒精的卡路里消耗,因而阻碍了燃烧体内本身脂肪而导致肥胖。不过如美国亚特兰大疾病控制中心就曾经发过有关女性在减肥期间,每星期食7-13个单位的酒精(一个单位为5oz)即最多65oz,可减掉更多体重的报告,同时其它研究证实喝酒不一定会肥。 根据美国权威机构的指标,beer含最多卡路里,而这些卡路里比同分量的碳水化合物高两倍半。 但英国伦敦则证实了进食低碳餐的人同时喝酒(每天7oz)可加速新陈代谢,足够燃烧酒精卡路里外还可减胖。其中更说明除啤酒外所有酒精都很可能是不致肥的。 另外,还有一位有二十多年经验的减肥顾问AnneCollins指在一般情况下,目标是减掉少于15磅的女性,每周合理的酒量为两个单位,要减多过15磅的话可喝3个单位。最后,健身专家PhilKaplan在他的文章提及过,喝酒前一小时吃含丰富蛋白质加些plexcarbohydrate可令新陈代谢没完全被酒精影响得那么慢,有助减肥。 希望能帮到你,望你采纳。 问题五:喝白酒减肥吗? 减肥的时候不能喝酒,尤其是喝白酒。因为酒精的热量1克释放7千卡热量,比蛋白质和碳水化合物释放的热量(4千卡)还高。仅仅低于脂肪(9千卡)。因此我劝你减肥期间不要喝白酒,喝白酒就是在吃能量。在营养学上白酒属于纯热能食品和油脂属于同一类。想减肥就尽量克制一下吧!如果酒瘾太大等减肥成功以后就少喝一点,也不能多喝。 问题六:喝酒会影响减肥吗? 喝础会影响减肥。 首先,酒精的热量很高,在正餐之外喝了高热量的酒精饮品很容易使得摄入热量过高,直接影响减肥。 其次,研究显示,喝酒时通常也伴有进食过量的情况,这更增加了热量摄入过高的几率。 第三,根据研究显示,人体在饮用酒精饮品后会停止消耗脂肪,而待酒精带来的热量消耗完成后才会继续。 所以,喝酒不仅会影响减肥,而且更可能增加体重。 问题七:喝酒能减肥吗? 可以。 红酒中所含的丹宁能抑制细菌繁殖,有效帮助消化,其所含的维他命C、E及胡萝卜素,亦具有抗氧化功能,可预防老化,保持身体的正常代谢,使体形不会随岁月流逝而逐渐臃肿走样。据说每天睡前饮一杯,可以让你轻松减去5斤肉哦。 建构好体质 红酒含有由葡萄皮和籽释放出来的酚类物质,如红色素、类黄酮素,可以提升体内“好胆固醇”的比例,帮助预防血液毒素的产生,使身体始终维持良好的轻盈循环,fat当然难上身。 减少水肿 红酒含有丰富铁质,加上酒精本身具有活血暖身的作用,因此可以改善贫血,暖和腰肾,有效减少身体内水分的堆积。浮肿体质者尤其适合这种既美肤又纤体的红酒瘦身法。 保存小贴士 保存红酒最忌讳的是温度的强烈变化。如果购买的时候红酒是处于常温之下,那么拿回家同样常温条件下保存;想喝冰凉口感的红酒,在饮用时加冰块即可;如果一定要放入冰箱,也只适合存放于温度变化较小的蔬果室内。 最佳瘦身时机 要发挥红酒的瘦身效果,最好在睡前饮用。含有少量酒精的红酒可以辅助睡眠,更能缓慢升高身体的温度,让本来新陈代谢缓慢的夜晚也能参与脂肪的燃烧代谢,红酒中的葡萄多酚还能舒缓身体压力,有效抑制压力性的暴饮暴食。 食用方法 一般来说,每天睡前饮用50ml的红酒较为适宜。但因个人体质的差异,完全不能饮酒或者对酒精过敏的女生不建议使用这种方法。 认为红酒能减肥的理由如下: >>>饮红酒有益肥胖者健康 A.提高新陈代谢:红酒中所含的维他命C、E及胡萝卜素其抗氧化力,能提高原本随着年龄而降低的新陈代谢。 B.放慢进餐速度:养成用餐时品尝红酒的习惯,并且给自己一个舒畅宽裕的时间来享受用餐乐趣,能够提早 *** 脑的饱腹中枢,让自己不会吃得过量。 C.避免暴食暴饮:当然,血中酒精浓度也会缓慢升高,对解除压力也有效果,因此也能抑制压力性的暴食暴饮。 D.减少体内水肿:红酒含有丰富铁质,加上酒精本身具有活血暖身的作用,因此可以改善贫血,暖和腰肾,有效减少身体内水分的堆积。浮肿体质者尤其适合这种既美肤又纤体的红酒瘦身法。 问题八:减肥期间为什么要尽量不喝酒 减肥由于运动,少量饮食身体有些虚弱,喝酒耗身体,这样身体容易吃不消,导致生病,必须调理好了在饮酒 问题九:即要喝酒又要减肥怎么办? 你就适量啊!别喝太多就好了,其实适量的喝酒对人身体是有好处的 问题十:减肥期间喝白酒会胖吗 减肥期间肯定不能喝酒什么酒都不能喝,而且也不能喝饮料,特别是碳酸饮料,一定要坚持下去呀!祝你减肥成功
2023-07-19 02:06:071


2023-07-19 02:06:284


吉斯波尔精酿啤酒 采用德国技术 纯麦芽发酵 口感浓厚 真正喜欢啤酒的人也大都喜欢浓厚口感
2023-07-19 02:08:0310


1 英国英语和美国英语之间并没有太多的区别。主要的区别是语音方面的。词汇和拼写上的区别是很有限的。当然它们的关联范围可能有差别,英国英语具有欧洲的关联范围,而美国英语和澳洲英语也反映了地理位置的关联。这也是美国英语和澳洲英语在东南亚这么重要的原因。 2 无论你学的是什么英语,你最后一定讲的是中国式英语。这是无法避免的。这就是说,尽管英语学习者能够听懂并理解不同种类的英语,但他们(当然极少数才智优秀和年轻时有得天独厚的条件的人除外)所说的英语仍然反映了他们各自的文化。但如果学美国英语,应该从一开始就要训练理解美国英语。很多学生觉得标准的美国英语口语理解起来比标准的英国英语口语要困难。 3 英语是一门世界性的语言。英语的统治地位有其历史原因,可以追溯到大英帝国时代,但今天英语的广泛应用在很大程度上是因为美国在世界上的影响。 4 不管你最后选择哪一个,都应该坚持下去,不要一会儿英式一会儿美式
2023-07-19 02:09:246

Her face lit up with Joy中 lit 是什么词性?light作为动词的用法是什么?

2023-07-19 02:09:433


1.外籍教师说:每天听半小时英语,培养语感(注意,是无意识地听),我们小时候也是这样才学会说话的。你可以在休闲中播,但只可以是半小时! 2.抄得多自然熟,知识点抄抄抄.. 3.设立错题本(非常有效),把错的答案,为什么错,列出来 . 4.要对英语充满兴趣,细细体味英语中的词语表达精妙之处。 5.我跟你说!你每天要看以两段文字,如果没有时间,那就考试前一个星期每天看两篇!这样可以保持考试的阅读速度! 6.抄的单词本你们要复习啊! 7.找一个外国歌手做你的偶像,把他(她)的歌听完全 . 8.多看中英对照文章,这样对你的翻译语感非常有帮助 1.逻辑记忆:通过词的本身的内部逻辑关系,词与词之间的外部逻辑关系记忆单词。1)把几个字母看作做一个来记 如:"ight" light, right, fight, night, might, sight, tight 2)外旧内新,如:bridge “桥”看成 b+ridge ridge "山脊”sharp 看成 s+harp harp "竖琴。3)外新内旧,如:cleave “劈开”看成 c+leave, tact "机智:看成 t+act 2 联想记忆:1)音与形的联想,即根据读音规则记忆单词。2)形与义的联想,如:eye 把两个e看成两个眼。banana 把a看成一个个的香蕉。bird 把b和d看成两个翅膀。3)象声词,联想实际的声音,如:gong 锣 coo 咕咕声。 3.构词记忆:利用构词法,通过分析词根、前缀、后缀、派生和合成等记忆单词。 4.分类记忆:把单词进行分门类 如:动物,植物等,进行分类记忆。你可以找一本分类字典作为参考。 5.卡片记忆:自制作单词卡片随时随身进行记单词,卡片写上单词的词形、词性、词义、音标、搭配、例句等。 6.词典记忆:即背字典,这种方法是一种强行记忆的方法。它的缺点是容易忘记,只是孤立记住单词的意义。可以作为一种短时间的强化手段。 7.比较记忆:1)英汉比较 如:mama, cigar, beer, bar,fee等。2)单复数的比较 如:good-goods, spirit-spirits wood-woods 3)同音词的比较 如:right-write, eye-I 4)词的阴阳性的比较 如:actor-actress host-hostess 8.理解记忆:通过正确理解单词的本义、引申义和比喻义等如:second 是“秒”,它来源于古代的六分法,分,秒,它是二次划分, 因此second 也是“第二”,进一步引申,还可理解为“辅助”用这种方法特别适合那些一词多义的词。 9.联系记忆:记忆单词最好不要孤立地记,尽可能地和有关的东西联系来记。1)联系所学的文章大概意义,联系上下文,2)联系短语和搭配 10.感官记忆:记单词时,不要只用一种感官,尽可能地用多个感官,耳听、嘴读、手写、眼看、心记等。 11.软件记忆:有电脑的可利用电脑软件进行记单词,如:《开心背单词》、《开天辟地背单词》、《我爱背单词》等。 12.阅读记忆:通过阅读英语文章,小说等记忆单词,注意选择难度要适宜。 13.同义记忆:通过同义词一起进行单词记忆,可确切理解词义,这时不必注意它们的意义的区别。 14.反义记忆:通过反义词一起进行单词记忆,扩大了词义。 15.图表记忆:利用形象的图表进行记忆,它的优点是意、形、物直观的结合到一起。你可以找一本英语图解字典作为参考。 16.游戏记忆:通过自己和集体做游戏"在轻松愉快的气氛中进行记忆单词,你可以参照笔者主页上的“英语游戏”。 17.歌曲记忆:通过唱英语歌曲记忆单词,“听霸”“听力超人”等软件中有许多英文歌曲,并配有歌词和译文。 18.复习记忆:单词记住了,很快会忘掉,每隔一段时间要进行复习,巩固所学单词 19.商标记忆:通过看到的商标和广告随时随地进行记忆单词。 20.综合记忆:记忆单词最好综合利用多种方法,而不只是一种,利用各自的优点 根据单词的读音,多背背就找到规律了。 可以拆开成伱會的單詞背 Connect: 将单词的记忆建立在一个常用主题的基础上更容易记忆单词。建立你自己的单词间的联系还可以用蜘蛛网的方式组织单词。 Write: 实际使用词汇能帮助在脑海中真正记住单词。用新的词汇造句或用一组单词或表达方式编故事。 Draw: 激发出你自身的艺术性画那些和那些新学单词有关部门的图片。你的图片能在今后帮助你激发记忆。 Act: 将你新学的单词或表达方式用动作表达出来。或者,想象并表演出你可能会使用到那些单词的场景。 Create: 用英语设计你的单词卡并在空闲的时间学习。每周都要制作新的单词卡,但是要不停的回顾所有的单词。 Associate: 不同的单词指定不同的颜色。这种联系方式能在今后帮助你回忆单词。 Listen: 想一想有没有什么听起来和你新学到的单词接近的单词,特别是一些复杂的单词。将你的新单词和其他单词联系起来以帮助你记住发音。 Choose: 记得你感兴趣的话题要更容易学习。因此,仔细选择你认为有用的或有趣的单词。就算是选择单词的过程也是一种记忆的手段! Limit: 不要试图一天之内记下一本单词!每天限制你自己记忆15个单词,你就会不断的增添自信而不是感到没有办法应付。 Observe: 当阅读或是听英语的时候注意那些你正在学习的单词。 我个人觉得最重要的还是要花费大量的时间和精力,这个好像也没有什么绝着,那加油吧,祝你成功了~
2023-07-19 02:10:181


CultureIrish culture derived from Celtic culture, mainly by literature, music, dance and sports the traditional pose.Belong to the Celtic Irish language, with the Scottish Gaelic language, is closely related to Welsh, since there are many things in common. Early Irish Literature in the form of history, mainly with "poem" given "history", but also legendary epic hero-oriented. The 5th century, Christianity introduced into Ireland. The early Middle Ages, Ireland did not withstand the destruction of the Roman Empire that the intrusion of war, has been isolated from the outside world is a Christian learning center. 6-11 century, when the European continent is still in the darkness of the Middle Ages, the Irish priests at all over Europe set up a religious study center in Ireland as the "Island of scholars, scientists Island."AD 12 century, the English invasion to the Celtic culture hit. Until the early 19th century, the Irish language or the language used in the majority of the residents, but in the late 19th century and be able to speak Irish Irish people accounted for only 15 percent of the total population.12th century English imported Ireland, the Irish Writer in English began in the 13th century creation. Ireland cultivated a lot of world-renowned writers and artists, of which four have won the Nobel Prize for literature, they are: the poet Yeats (1923), playwright Bernard Shaw (1925), playwright Samuel Beckett (1969 years, the masterpiece "Waiting for Godot") and the poet Seamus Heaney (1994). Have the 19th century aestheticism of Oscar Wilde and representatives on behalf of the highest achievements.End of the 19th century, with the revival of national culture and Ireland"s independence, the Irish language has also been a considerable degree of restoration and exhibition. Now there are about 35% of Irish people to master the Irish language. At present, the Irish language is compulsory in primary and secondary schools. Irish National Committee to promote the use of Irish language in the country, set up the Irish language radio and television stations.Music in Irish culture occupies an important position, harp are typical of traditional Irish instruments, and its shape has been chosen as the national emblem love signs, shows the music in Ireland occupied by the extremely important position.Ireland hockey (hurling) is a unique tradition of sport, its history can be traced back to the introduction of Christianity Ireland (5th century AD) before, is the world"s fastest lawn sports.Irish River Dance passionate, beautiful melody, rhythm and wealth to the very sharp changes in collection of traditional Irish music, song, dance the best of all in one, embodies the spirit of modern Ireland around the world, has been widely praised, are Irish culture an excellent representative.DietFood Culture of Ireland"s traditional diet and the United Kingdom is very similar to home eating potato, vegetables, beef-based, bread is the staple food of Ireland, one people. Ways Cook potatoes rich in vegetables, water-based approach to the Cook. Near the sea because of Dublin, it has a lot of fresh seafood, seafood dishes are also a lot of categories. Ireland in the traditional diet based on the introduction of France, Italy and other countries of the dietary pattern, Ireland greasy food is not very light. General meals for potatoes, meat (lamb, pork, chicken) or fish, one or two vegetables (carrot, celery, Yuan Chinese cabbage, onion, pepper, cucumber, mushrooms are seasonal vegetables), or eaten raw (salad), or boiled; In addition, the Irish people love to eat dairy products, eggs, cheese, milk, sour milk, fruits, etc..Irish people usually eat British-style Western food habits, eating habits of the use of knives and forks, clear beef broth In particular, they like to eat food, especially food with high nutritional value, the more they preferred; happy to drink the broth, enjoy at the table with a variety of condiments; At the same time, Cantonese is also very fond of. Irish hospitality is about a friend"s tea party, when friends visiting seated, the first guests to drink Irish unique black beer (several Martinez), then, the master before it is prepared to end up, such as tea or coffee and other Convenience foods.
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大米粥 rice gruel/porridge 小米粥 millet gruel 豆浆 soybean milk牛奶 milk汤类 清汤 clear soup/thin soup/consomme 浓汤 pottage/thick soup 肉汤 broth 牛肉汤 beef soup 西红柿汤 tomato soup 洋白菜汤 cabbage soup 菜汤 vegetable soup 鸡汤 chicken soup 奶油鸡汤 creamed chicken soup 番茄鱼汤 fish and tomato soup 奶油火腿汤 creamed ham soup 牛肉丸子汤 beef balls soup 奶油虾汤 creamed prawn soup 牛肉蔬菜汤 beef and vegetable soup 奶油菠菜汤 creamed spinach soup 酸辣汤 hot and sour soup 鸡茸粟米汤 minced chicken and corn pottage 咖哩鸡汤 curry chicken soup 面包 bread糖饼 sweet pancake馅饼(肉) meat pie 猪肉馅饼 pork pie 牛肉馅饼 beef pie蛋糕(像康师傅妙芙那样的,也就是咱吃的发面饼,不过比自己家做的油) muffin ()有奶油的那种)cake花卷 steamed twisted roll香肠 sausage哇呀呀呀~!其他的东西我不会翻译了~!我把我笔记本上其他的好吃的也给你打下来吧!看看你有米有需要的哈!馒头 steamed bun/steamed bread 煎饼 pancake 饺子 dumpling 馄饨 wonton/dumpling soup 面条 noodles 担担面 sichuan style noodles with peppery sauce 炒面 fried noodles 拉面 stretched noodles 汤面 noodles with soup 炸酱面 noodles with soybean paste 牛肉面 beef noodles 春卷 spring roll/egg roll 米线 rice noodles 元宵 sweet dumpling 蛋炒饭 egg fried rice 油条 deep-fried dough sticks 油饼 cruller 调味品 Condiments 食盐 salt 白糖 sugar cheese 奶酪/干酪 vinegar 醋 butter 黄油 pepper 胡椒 soy sauce 酱油 cream 奶油 curry 咖哩 mustard 芥茉 tomato sauce 蕃茄酱 honey 蜂蜜 gravy 肉汁 jam 果酱 cube sugar 方糖 ginger 姜 garlic 大蒜 shallot 大葱 mayonnaise 蛋黄酱 sweet soybean paste 甜面酱 主食 Staple food toast 烤面包/土司 rye bread 黑麦面包 bun 小圆面包 hamburger 汉堡包 bacon cheeseburger 腊肉奶酪汉堡包 sandwich 三明治 tuna sandwich 金枪鱼三明治 hotdog 热狗 biscuits/crackers/cookies 饼干 pancake 烤饼/薄饼 pizza 比萨饼 barley gruel 大麦粥 oatmeal 燕麦粥 fried eggs 煎鸡蛋 boiled eggs 煮鸡蛋 poached eggs 荷包蛋 omelet/omelette 摊鸡蛋/蛋卷 pickled cucumber 酸黄瓜 甜点 Dessert cake 蛋糕 cream cake 奶油蛋糕 ice-cream 冰淇淋 pie 馅饼 vanilla ice-cream 香草冰淇淋 shortcake 松饼 chocolate ice-cream 巧克力冰淇淋 tart 果馅饮料drinks 软饮料非酒精饮料 soft drinks/beverages coffee black coffee 不加牛奶的咖啡/清咖啡 decaffeinated coffee 无咖啡因的咖啡 white coffee 牛奶咖啡 coffee with cream and sugar 加奶加糖的咖啡 instant coffee 速溶咖啡 plain coffee 纯咖啡 milk 牛奶 tea 茶 green tea 绿茶 black tea 红茶 jasmine tea 茉莉花茶 tea bags 袋泡茶 yogurt 酸奶 cocacola/coke/cocoa 可口可乐 7-up 七喜 Pepsi Cola 百事可乐 Diet Pepsi 无糖百事可乐 Sprite 雪碧 fruit juice 水果汁 lemonade 柠檬汁 orangeade 桔子汁 mineral water 矿泉水 soda water 汽水 fresh orange juice 鲜桔子汁 Fruit Punch 水果混合饮料 beer 啤酒 light beer 淡啤酒 draught beer 扎啤
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英语和美语的发音最大的区别之一在它们对浑元音(schwa,音标中的倒写e,)的处理。英语中,浑元音在单元音中常通发生在一些非重读的短音a(如about)和短音er(如computer)上。美语中的er很少为浑元音,并有时对短音i(如sentimental,actuality)和u(如wuss),甚至短音的oo(如:hooker)采用了浑元音。(这四个例子在英语中的发音分别为[i], [i], [u:], [u])浑元音的读音是不定的,但是听起来差不多像一个急促的介于“俄”和“啊”的发音。 英语和美语的发音最具代表性的区别是对er的发音的不同。英语中,短音的er是如上所述的浑元音,但长音的er也不过是个拉长了的浑元音,听起来是一个很夸张的介于“俄”和“啊”的声音。而美语中,er听起来怎么都是个“儿”音(例外是一些俗语中发成浑元音)。 ar:除了轻读短音(如singular)和者后连元音(如clarity),英语的ar全部清一色的长音[a:],而美语中,是“阿尔”。事实上,凡是有r在一个音节尾部的时候,美英发音通常都是不一样的,如tour(英:吐啊,美:吐儿),tear(英:踢啊,美:踢儿),pair(英:pe啊,美:pe儿)。甚至在刚才提到的clarity中,英语["kleriti],美语["kle儿r(er)ti] 元音的发音中还有一个比较重要的区别。一是[o]音:短音的o(如often),英语中发音仅仅为一个缩短了的长音o(如or),而美式的短音o听起来和英语的短音[/]很像,同时长音o后面如果有r都通常像上一段里说的那样儿化了,没有的话(如plausible, applause)就自动变成了一个短音的o的发音。 另外对u,i和其他元音组合的浑元音化,前面提到了一些,其他就靠大家自己体会了。 辅音: 英语的辅音和美语的辅音是基本一样的,但在使用习惯上有些差别。比较重要的也只有以下两个: r:字母r简直是代表了英美两国的所有差别,到处都是它。在做辅音时,其实差别也就是当r在第一个词的词尾,而第二个词以元音开头,英语把r完全当作元音处理,而美语会把r连读当作后面一个词的开头元音的辅音,如词组clear animosity,英语会读成clear|animosity,而美语会读成clear-ranimosity。 另一个比较明显的区别是d和t。在一部分非重读音节中(如paddle,rattle, actuality),英语会清楚地发音这两个字母,但在美语中d和t常常会被模糊成一个很难解释的音,跟其它的语言比较,如果你知道西班牙语或者意大利语,它跟短弹音r很接近;如果你懂日语,那么らりるれろ行的辅音很像。如果你都不知道,那么最接近的解释就是边音l了,但是差了那么一节,就看你自己体会了。 还有一点,history, factory这些词,大家可能都发现o的发音(是一个浑元音)在很多音标标注中都是打了括号的。在英国,英语受文言文的影响喜欢省略这个o,而在美国,这个o常常是发了音的。(如果大家对文言文或者诗歌感兴趣,会发现很多浑元音的字母是用一个单引号"表示的,表示省略) 拼写: 英语和美语的拼写无非有以下几种区别: -re和-er:部分以re结尾的词在美语中以er结尾,如: metre/meter, centimetre/centimeter, theatre/theater, centre/center等等 背景:这些词全部都是从法语中来的(分别是:mètre, centimètre, théa^tre, centre)。其它大部分的re词都是,如genre, hors-d"oeuvre等,不过这些的拼写都没有变化了。 our和or:英语部分our在美语中的拼写为or,如: colour/color, favourite/favorite等等。 背景:这些词大部分也都是从法语中来的,不过没那么明显,很多都因为时间原因变化了。如colour是couleur,favorite是favorit。 -ise和ize:英语中的-ise动词在美语中拼写为-ize,如: organise/organize, actualise/actualize, realise/realize 这些词的衍生也因此而异: organisation/organization 背景:这些词还是从法语中来的,分别为organiser, actualiser, réaliser(但因为语言的演变,法文里这些词现在的意思和英文里这些词现在的意思不完全一样了,如actualise现在的意思是“实现”,而actualiser是“升级,使不过时”;realise现在的意思是“意识到”,而réaliser就变成了“实现”)。 其他还有些特殊变法。我一时间想不起来所有的常规变法,如果有遗漏,欢迎补充。 用词: 英语和美语中有些同样的词语的常用意思是不同的,或者同样的东西用不同的词语来说,而且绝大部分这种词语是和文化风俗有关的,但并不对交流产生实质性影响。如jumper一词在英国可指毛衣,而美国人很少用这个词当衣服讲(是个过时的词),而用sweater来做毛衣。另外有如jersey, slacks, trousers等等。有很多例子,一时想不起来,大家欢迎补充。 俗语和俚语: 这些实在是太多了!就算在美国的不同地方,英国的不同地方,不同的时间,都是不一样的,我就不一一举例了。不过可提的一词是英国人对bloody这个词的用法。旧时,当f-ck一词是完全不可用的时候(以前书籍中印刷这个词需要用星号f***,否则是要治罪的),bloody一词的猥亵性不亚于现在的f词。不过现在时过境迁,英国的小孩儿都能用了,而美国人就不用这个词了。但在其他的一些英语国家(如埃及,印度等),用bloody还是要小心的。 语气: 英国人的语气抑扬顿挫,语调高亢,和法语颇有几分类似(不过他们是不会承认的),并且英国人嘲笑美国人说话有气无力,松散无韵律。 美国人说话相对比较稳重低沉,句势通常呈降调,并且速度慢一些。美国人则爱嘲笑英国人的语气的轻微的歇斯底里,女里女气的说法。 其他: 澳洲口音:澳洲口音和英国口音大部分很像,不过澳洲人发[ei]音全部发成[ai],也就是,即使他们最常用的词儿mate,都说成[mait](像might)。 埃及口音:埃及口音的英语听起来和埃及口音的阿拉伯语很像。另外,用弹音发r也被使用。 印度口音:印度口音和英国口音比较相似,带了些泥巴味儿,不过现在的印度人开始倾慕美国口音了(印度人特崇洋媚外,排的电影全是关于在发达国家的富裕美丽年轻的印度移民)。 香港口音:没有对香港同胞污蔑的意思,不过香港口音听起来和粤语差不多,发音非常的重,同时带了英国口音的味道。很多人发不出th音,说不出three就说free. 南非口音:没听过。 英国乡土音:英国自己的口音都众多,不过共同的特征是h常常不发,并且连音特多。 美国北方口音:以夸张的o音出名,如talk, walk, off, coffee这四个词,纽约市人会发成:twok, wok, woff, kwoffee(这里的o均为长音“喔”)。 美国南方口音:以把[ai]发成[ae]为最大特称,如I"d like a light beer,南方人会说成ae"d laek a laet beer。同时说话慢条斯理。 英式英语和美式英语有其显注不同之处,以发音方面来看,以卷舌音为例,无论是英式英语还是美式英语,当出现在母音之前时,讲话者都会发出sound,但是如果出现在一个母音后面时,英国人一般就不发sound了,但是讲美式英语的人就会发很清楚的卷舌音。 拼音方面: 英式英语的拼法和美式英语的拼法略有些差异.
2023-07-19 02:11:111


  你的聪明,让我感动;你的活泼,让我快乐;你的纯真,让我开心;你的全部,让我幸福。六一儿童节,愿你幼小的心灵充满阳光快乐!下面是英文的节日祝福语,欢迎参考阅读!   1、皓月闪烁,星光闪耀,中秋佳节,美满时刻!   Bright moon, sparkling stars, Mid Autumn Festival, happy moments!   2、万事大吉!合家欢乐!财源广进!恭喜发财!元宵节快乐!   Everything will be fine! Happy family! Money and treasures will be plentiful! May you be happy and prosperous! Happy Lantern Festival!   3、守着你的承诺,让我们一起在五一节实现。   Keep your promise, let"s make it together in May 1.   4、送走旧年的时候,也送走一年的阴郁,迎来新春的时候,也迎来新的希望。   When you send away the old year, it also sends away the gloom of the year, ushering in the new spring, and ushering in a new hope.   5、玉界琼田三万顷,著我扁舟一叶。谁与我共度元宵?   The jade border is ten thousand, and my boat is a leaf. Who will share the Lantern Festival with me?   6、恭祝您的事业蒸蒸日上,新年更有新气象!在新的一年里大展宏图!   I wish you every success and New Year! In the new year, we will make great progress.   7、花好月圆,灯市红火,寄去相思,恭贺圆满!   Good luck, full of lights, send Acacia, congratulations on the success!   8、元宵到,祝愿你春风春雨春常在,好花好月好年景。   When the Lantern Festival arrives, I wish you spring breeze, spring rain and spring.   9、新年到,祝你在新的一年里,工作顺利,家庭幸福,身体健康,万事如意!   In the new year, I wish you success in your work in the new year, family happiness, good health and all the best.   10、亲情爱情,情系佳节。家园月圆,圆满中秋。   Family love, love is a holiday. The moon is full and the Mid Autumn Festival is perfect.   11、今天是你的节日,伟大的老婆,今天想干什么呀?   Today is your holiday. What does your great wife want to do today?   12、我送你的短信:物超所值,质量上乘。欢迎你尽情享受我的温馨祝福!   I send you the message: value for money and quality. You are welcome to enjoy my warm wishes.   13、学而不厌,诲人不倦,桃李芬芳,其乐亦融融。祝福您,节日愉快!   Learning is never tiring, teaching tireless, sweet and fragrant, and happy. Wish you a happy holiday!   14、老师=妈妈=我最亲爱的人!老师:祝节日快乐。心情愉快,身体健康。   Teacher = mother = my dearest person! Teacher: happy holidays. Happy and healthy.   15、愿我寄予你的这份祝福是最新鲜最令你百读不厌的,新年快乐,万事如意!   May I send you this blessing that is the freshest and the best you can read, happy new year and all the best!   16、因为你世界变得好美丽!因为你世界变的好亲切!祝你妇女节快乐!   Because your world is beautiful! Because your world has become so cordial. I wish you a happy women"s Day!   17、三五良宵,花灯吐艳映新春;一年初望,明月生辉度佳节。   35, the Lantern Festival is full of new lights.   18、抓革命,搞生产,咱俩的事情你说了算!亲爱的,妇女节快乐!   Grasp the revolution and engage in production. You has the final say in both of us. Dear, happy women"s Day!   19、幸福来报到,事业步步高,送个金元宝,钱财装满包,祝你xx年行大运!   Happy to report, cause BBK, send a gold treasure, money filled with bags, wish you XX luck!   20、你不仅是一位合格的教师,更是一位好朋友,谢谢你所做的一切。   You are not only a qualified teacher, but also a good friend. Thank you for everything you have done.   21、祝教师节快乐,永远年轻,并愿阳光般灿烂的笑容永远与你相伴!   I wish you a happy Teacher"s day and a bright young smile.   22、甜甜的话语给你捎去甜甜的`问候,愿这甜言蜜语伴随你迎接新一年的到来!   Sweet words send sweet greetings to you. May this sweet talk accompany you to welcome the coming year!   23、真正的劳动者对工作就像对自己的妻子那样挚爱。   Real laborers are just as devoted to their work as their wives.   24、千言万语,道不尽那年哪月那日;万水千山,隔不断缕缕师恩。   Thousands of words can not tell which month of the year it is.   25、天若有情天亦老,月若无恨月常圆。   If the sky is clear, the sky is old.   26、哥们,姐妹们要注意劳逸结合哦!五一开心!   Brothers, sisters should pay attention to work and rest. May day be happy!   27、劳动带给我们一切!庆祝劳动节,迎接红五月!   Labor brings us everything! Celebrate labor day and welcome red May!   28、窗前明月光,你我在远方,中秋思故乡!   The bright moon in front of the window, you and I are in the distance.   29、您像一支红烛,为后辈献出了所有的热和光!老师,新年快乐!   You are like a red candle, giving all the heat and light to your posterity. Happy new year, teacher!   30、我的牵挂;当你准备关机时,记得我今天说过三八节快乐!   My worry; when you are ready to turn off the machine, remember I said 38 happy days today!   31、竞渡深悲千载冤,忠魂一去讵能还。国亡身殒今何有,只留离骚在世间。   It is sad to have a long journey. There is nothing left in this country but left in the world.   32、有分离就有相聚,分别得越久越是亲昵。我想告诉你,这个端午节我特别想你。   When there is separation, there is a gathering. The longer they are, the more intimate they are. I want to tell you that I really miss you on this Dragon Boat Festival.   33、劳动光荣!不劳动可耻!大家都先去劳动吧,我一会来!   Labor is glorious! No work is shameful! Let"s go to work first. I"ll come later.   34、时际上元,玉烛长调千户乐;月当五夜,花灯遍照万家春。   When the time comes, the jade candle rises and restores thousands of households. When the moon falls on five nights, the lantern is illuminated by Wan Jia Chun.   35、亲爱的,今天是三八妇女节,有句话忘了告诉你:我爱你!   Dear, today is the 38 women"s day, there is a sentence forgot to tell you: I love you!   36、古话说,天增岁月人增寿,新春伊始,祝您身体健康,长命百岁。   As the old saying goes, "the sky increases, the years increase." I wish you good health and a long life at the beginning of the new year.   37、老师,感谢您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途。   Thank you for illuminating the journey of my life with your own light.   38、敬爱的老师,并不是只在今天才想起您,而是今天特别想念您!   The beloved teacher does not think of you only today, but I miss you very much today.   39、端午节,赛龙舟,争先恐后,好热闹!一齐来过个开心的端午节吧!   Dragon Boat Festival, dragon boat racing, scrambling for fun! Let"s have a happy Dragon Boat Festival together!   40、明月千里寄相思!月亮代表我的心!   The moon sends thousands of miles of Acacia! The moon represents my heart!   41、淡淡胭脂淡淡酒,淡淡酒解淡淡愁,淡淡思念给朋友,祝端午节快乐!   Light Rouge light wine, light wine solution light sadness, light thoughts to friends, wish Dragon Boat Festival happy!   42、我们喜欢您,老师,您不仅有渊博的知识,还有一颗和我们相通的心。   We like you, teacher, you not only have profound knowledge, but also have a heart that communicates with us.   43、祝您新年:身上不长膘,人前你最俏;手头有钞票,梦里都在笑。   I wish you the best of luck in the new year.   44、工作者是美丽的。当你以勤勉奉献社会时,犒劳一下自己吧,多多吃粽子。   The workers are beautiful. When you dedicate your diligence to the society, reward yourself and eat more zongzi.   45、月圆,人圆,事事圆满!花好,灯好,好事连连!   The moon is round, the circle is round, everything is perfect. Good flowers, good lights, good things!   46、五一我要睡个长觉,但是吃饭时你可以通知我!   May I have a long sleep, but you can tell me when I eat.   47、三八节是你的节日,我赚的钱都归你,家里的活都归我。   The 38 day is your holiday. All the money I earn belongs to you.   48、祝你的努力和汗水尽快变成明天成功的果实。劳动节快乐!   May your efforts and sweat become the fruits of tomorrow"s success as soon as possible. Happy International Workers" Day!   49、老师给我的影响和教育让我终生难忘,感谢您,亲爱的老师。   The teacher"s influence and education for me will never be forgotten. Thank you, dear teacher.   50、千山万水,隔不断我在佳节对你的思念。   Thousands of mountains and rivers keep thinking of you on Christmas day.   51、中天皓月明世界,遍地笙歌乐团圆。   The bright sky, bright moon, bright world, everywhere happy song and happy reunion.   52、元宵夜连连,万户雪花开。欢歌笑语,千家把酒赏花灯。   The night of the Lantern Festival is continuous. Laughing and singing, thousands of wine appreciating lanterns.   53、亲爱的,谢谢你让我天天在过男人节,今天你过女人节吧。   Dear, thank you for letting me spend the men"s day every day. Today, you celebrate Women"s day.   54、五月五,是端午。吃粽子,看龙舟。齐欢聚,贺佳节。祝你节日快乐!   May five is the Dragon Boat Festival. Eat zongzi and watch dragon boat. Qi Huanju, he Jia Festival. I wish you a happy holiday!   55、美丽大方的女子,愿你青春永驻,活力永存!节日快乐!   Beautiful and generous woman, may your youth live forever, and vitality will last forever! Happy holidays!   56、元宵到,祝愿你:春风春雨春常在,好花好月好年景!   The Lantern Festival arrives, I wish you: spring breeze, spring rain and spring are always there, good flowers, good months, good year!   57、雪花啤酒:开心有理由,一次吃两个月饼!   Snowflake beer: happy reason, eat two moon cakes at a time!   58、在元宵节来临之际,祝你平安,快乐,幸福。万事圆!   Wishing you peace, happiness and happiness in the coming of Lantern Festival. Everything is round!   59、我们不能改变天气,但是我们可以露出笑脸。祝你今天心情愉快。端午节快乐!   We can"t change the weather, but we can smile. I wish you a happy mood today. Happy Dragon Boat Festival!   60、风雨端阳生晦冥,汨罗无处吊英灵。海榴花发应相笑,无酒渊明亦独醒。   There is no way to hang spirits in Miluo. The hair of the sea should be laughed.   61、五一节到了,你要少喝酒,多吃菜,还有要听老婆的话。   When the May Day comes, you should drink less, eat more vegetables, and listen to your wife.   62、蒿高高门前舞,驱邪气,防五毒,高高兴兴过端午。祝端午节快乐!   In front of the dragon dance, you can drive away evil spirits, prevent the five poisons, and enjoy the Dragon Boat Festival. Happy Dragon Boat Festival!   63、你知道吗?世界就是因为有了你,才会变得如此精彩!   You know what? The world is because you have become so wonderful!   64、对于您教诲的苦心,我无比感激,并将铭记于心!   I am very grateful to you for your teaching, and I will remember it in my heart.   65、老师不是万能的,没有老师却是万万不能的。祝教师节快乐。   Teachers are not omnipotent, but no teachers can do nothing. Happy Teachers" day.   66、劳动节,不劳动,呆在家里把觉困!嘻嘻,真舒服!   Labor day, do not work, stay at home and feel sleepy! Hee hee, really comfortable!   67、五月是放飞心情的好时节,你愿意和我一起双双飞吗?   May is a good time to relax. Do you want to fly with me?   68、老师,谢谢您!老师,我衷心地祝您节日快乐!愿您永远年青幸福!   Thank you, teacher. Teacher, I sincerely wish you a happy holiday! May you always be young and happy!
2023-07-19 02:11:201

求“break of down”的歌词翻译!

2023-07-19 02:11:393


I am a girl. I 是主语。am是 谓语,a girl 是宾语。I am a beautiful girl.I 是主语。am是 谓语,a girl 是宾语.beautiful是形容词做定语。I am beautiful. I 是主语。am是 谓语,beautiful是表语,这里是细表结构。系动词是am。I give him a pen. I 主语give谓语 him 直接宾语a pen间接宾语。这里是双宾结构。也可以等于I give a pen to him.类似的有show,bring,take,pass,sen后都可以接双宾语。I was born in 1990.I 是主语,was谓语,in 1990 是时间状语。He was elected monitor。monitor 是主语he的补语,补语就是补充说明的啦。英语句子有主,谓,宾,定,状,补。我用的最简单好懂的方法哦。采纳哦。
2023-07-19 02:11:513

求一首英文歌 中文谐音 阿里哦为 三个男的唱的

Remember the Name - Fort MinorYou readyLet"s goYeahFor those who wanna know what we"re all aboutIt"s like this y"allIt"s 10% luck20% skill15% conncentrated power of will5% pleasure50% painAnd 100% reason to remember the nameMikeHe doesn"t need his name up in lightsHe just wants to be heard whether its the beat or the micHe feels so unlike every body else aloneIn spite of the fact that some people still think that they know himBut fuck emHe knows the codeIt"s not about the salary its all about realityAnd making some noiseMaking the storyMaking sure his clique stays upThat means when he puts it down takes pickin" it upWho the hell is he anywayHe never really talks muchNever concerned with statusBut still leavin" em starstruckHumbled through oppurtunitiesGiving despite the factThat many misjudge himBecause he makes a living from writing rapsPut it together himselfAnd the picture connectsNever askin" for someones help or to get some respectHes only focused on what he wroteHis will is beyond reachAnd now it all unfoldsThe skill of an artiste20% skill80% beerBe 100% clearCuz ryu is illWho woulda thought hed be the one to set the west in flamesI heard him wreck it with the crystal method name of the gameCame back dropped megadef took em to churchI like bleach manRyu had the stupidest verseThis dude is the truthNow everybodys giving him guest spotsHis stocks through the roofI heard hes fuckin" with s-dotIt"s 10% luck20% skill15% conncentrated power of will5% pleasure50% painAnd 100% reason to remember the nameRyuThey call him ryu the sickAnd hes spitting fire and micGot him out the dryer hes hotFound him in fort minor with takHe"s a fucking nihilist porcupineHe"s a prick hes a cockThe type women wanna be with and rappers hope he gets shot8 years and the makin"Patiently waiting to blowNow the record with shinoda"sTakin" over the globeHes got a partner in crimeHis shit is equally dopeYou won"t believe the kinda shit that comes outa of this kids throatTakeHe"s not your every day on the blockHe knows how to work with what hes got makin" his way to the topHe often gets a comment on his namePeople keep askin" him was itGiven at birthOr was it stand for an acronymNoHe"s living proof look at him rockin" the boothHe"ll get you buzzin" quicker than a shot of vodka with juiceHim and his crew are known around as one of the bestDedicated to what they do and give 100Forget mikeNobody real knows how or whyHe works so hard it seems like hes never got timeBecuz he writes every note and he writes every lineAnd I"ve seen him at work when that light goes on in his mindIt"s like a design is written in his head every timeBefore he even touches a key or speaks in a rhymeAnd those mothafuckas he runs with the kids that he signed rediculousWithout even tryin"How do they do itIt"s 10% luck20% skill15% conncentrated power of will5% pleasure50% painAnd 100% reason to remember the nameIt"s 10% luck20% skill15% conncentrated power of will5% pleasure50% painAnd 100% reason to remember the nameFort minorM shinodaStyles of beyondRyu takbir cheapshot
2023-07-19 02:11:591

英文歌,开始时候是you ready go,曾是qq飞车主题曲

remeber the name
2023-07-19 02:12:083


2023-07-19 02:12:181

跪求devil in my hand (part 2)歌词

2023-07-19 02:12:392


Optics is the study of the behavior and properties of light including its interactions with matter and its detection by instruments. The word optics comes from u1f40πτικu03ae, meaning appearance or look in ancient Greek.Optics usually describes the behavior of visible, infrared, and ultraviolet light; however because light is an electromagnetic wave, similar phenomena occur in X-rays, microwaves, radio waves, and other forms of electromagnetic radiation and analogous phenomena occur with charged particle beams.Since the discovery by James Clerk Maxwell that light is electromagnetic radiation, optics has largely been regarded in theoretical physics as a sub-field of electromagnetism. Some optical phenomena depend on the quantum nature of light relating some areas of optics to quantum mechanics. In practice, the vast majority of optical phenomena can be accounted for using the classical electromagnetic description of light, as described by Maxwell"s equations, resorting to phenomenological rules (e.g. Beer"s Law, constitutive equations) to describe the interaction of light with matter. Even when still completely classical, complete electromagnetic descriptions of optical behavior are often difficult to apply to practical problems. This is why particular simplified models are used instead, notably those of geometrical optics and physical optics. These limited models adequately describe large subsets of optical phenomena while ignoring behavior that is insignificant for the system of interest.The pure science of optics is called optical science or optical physics to distinguish it from applied optical sciences, which are referred to as optical engineering. Prominent subfields of optical engineering include illumination engineering, photonics, and optoelectronics. Some of these fields overlap, with nebulous boundaries between the subjects terms that mean slightly different things in different parts of the world and in different areas of industry. A professional community of researchers in nonlinear optics has developed in the last several decades due to advances in laser technology.Optical science is relevant to and studied in many related disciplines including electrical engineering, psychology, and medicine (particularly ophthalmology and optometry).
2023-07-19 02:12:471

Blinded By The Light 歌词

歌曲名:Blinded By The Light歌手:Bruce Springsteen With The Sessions Band专辑:Live In DublinBLINDED BY THE LIGHTBruce SpringsteenMadman drummers bummers and Indians in the summer with a teenage diplomatIn the dumps with the mumps as the adolescent pumps his way into his hatWith a boulder on my shoulder, feelin" kinda older, I tripped the merry-go-roundWith this very unpleasing sneezing and wheezing, the calliope crashed to the groundSome all-hot half-shot was headin" for the hot spot, snappin" his fingers, clappin" his handsAnd some fleshpot mascot was tied into a lover"s knot with a whatnot in her handAnd now young Scott with a slingshot finally found a tender spot and throws his lover in the sandAnd some bloodshot forget-me-not whispers, "Daddy"s within earshot, save the buckshot, turn up the band"And she was blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightShe got down but she never got tight, but she"ll make it alrightSome brimstone baritone anti-cyclone rolling stone preacher from the EastHe says, "Dethrone the dictaphone, hit it in its funny bone, that"s where they expect it least"And some new-mown chaperone was standin" in the corner all alone, watchin" the young girls danceAnd some fresh-sown moonstone was messin" with his frozen zone to remind him of the feeling of romanceYeah, he was blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightHe got down but he never got tight, but he"s gonna make it tonightSome silicone sister with her manager"s mister told me I got what it takesShe said, "I"ll turn you on, sonny, to something strong if you play that song with the funky break"And Go-Cart Mozart was checkin" out the weather chart to see if it was safe to go outsideAnd little Early-Pearly came by in her curly-wurly and asked me if I needed a rideOh, some hazard from Harvard was skunked on beer, playin" backyard bombardierYes, and Scotland Yard was trying hard, they sent some dude with a calling card, he said, "Do what you like, but don"t do it here"Well, I jumped up, turned around, spit in the air, fell on the ground and asked him which was the way back homeHe said, "Take a right at the light, keep goin" straight until night, and then, boy, you"re on your own"And now in Zanzibar, a shootin" star was ridin" in a side car, hummin" a lunar tuneYes, and the avatar said, "Blow the bar but first remove the cookie jar, we"re gonna teach those boys to laugh too soon"And some kidnapped handicap was complainin" that he caught the clap from some mousetrap he bought last nightWell, I unsnapped his skull cap and between his ears I saw a gap but figured he"d be all rightHe was just blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightMama always told me not to look into the sights of the sunOh, but Mama, that"s where the fun is
2023-07-19 02:12:551

Blinded By The Light 歌词

歌曲名:Blinded By The Light歌手:Bruce Springsteen专辑:The Essential Bruce SpringsteenBLINDED BY THE LIGHTBruce SpringsteenMadman drummers bummers and Indians in the summer with a teenage diplomatIn the dumps with the mumps as the adolescent pumps his way into his hatWith a boulder on my shoulder, feelin" kinda older, I tripped the merry-go-roundWith this very unpleasing sneezing and wheezing, the calliope crashed to the groundSome all-hot half-shot was headin" for the hot spot, snappin" his fingers, clappin" his handsAnd some fleshpot mascot was tied into a lover"s knot with a whatnot in her handAnd now young Scott with a slingshot finally found a tender spot and throws his lover in the sandAnd some bloodshot forget-me-not whispers, "Daddy"s within earshot, save the buckshot, turn up the band"And she was blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightShe got down but she never got tight, but she"ll make it alrightSome brimstone baritone anti-cyclone rolling stone preacher from the EastHe says, "Dethrone the dictaphone, hit it in its funny bone, that"s where they expect it least"And some new-mown chaperone was standin" in the corner all alone, watchin" the young girls danceAnd some fresh-sown moonstone was messin" with his frozen zone to remind him of the feeling of romanceYeah, he was blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightHe got down but he never got tight, but he"s gonna make it tonightSome silicone sister with her manager"s mister told me I got what it takesShe said, "I"ll turn you on, sonny, to something strong if you play that song with the funky break"And Go-Cart Mozart was checkin" out the weather chart to see if it was safe to go outsideAnd little Early-Pearly came by in her curly-wurly and asked me if I needed a rideOh, some hazard from Harvard was skunked on beer, playin" backyard bombardierYes, and Scotland Yard was trying hard, they sent some dude with a calling card, he said, "Do what you like, but don"t do it here"Well, I jumped up, turned around, spit in the air, fell on the ground and asked him which was the way back homeHe said, "Take a right at the light, keep goin" straight until night, and then, boy, you"re on your own"And now in Zanzibar, a shootin" star was ridin" in a side car, hummin" a lunar tuneYes, and the avatar said, "Blow the bar but first remove the cookie jar, we"re gonna teach those boys to laugh too soon"And some kidnapped handicap was complainin" that he caught the clap from some mousetrap he bought last nightWell, I unsnapped his skull cap and between his ears I saw a gap but figured he"d be all rightHe was just blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightMama always told me not to look into the sights of the sunOh, but Mama, that"s where the fun is
2023-07-19 02:13:031


2023-07-19 02:13:1312

Blinded By The Light 歌词

歌曲名:Blinded By The Light歌手:Manfred Mann"s Earth Band专辑:Running With Scissors (Soundtrack)BLINDED BY THE LIGHTBruce SpringsteenMadman drummers bummers and Indians in the summer with a teenage diplomatIn the dumps with the mumps as the adolescent pumps his way into his hatWith a boulder on my shoulder, feelin" kinda older, I tripped the merry-go-roundWith this very unpleasing sneezing and wheezing, the calliope crashed to the groundSome all-hot half-shot was headin" for the hot spot, snappin" his fingers, clappin" his handsAnd some fleshpot mascot was tied into a lover"s knot with a whatnot in her handAnd now young Scott with a slingshot finally found a tender spot and throws his lover in the sandAnd some bloodshot forget-me-not whispers, "Daddy"s within earshot, save the buckshot, turn up the band"And she was blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightShe got down but she never got tight, but she"ll make it alrightSome brimstone baritone anti-cyclone rolling stone preacher from the EastHe says, "Dethrone the dictaphone, hit it in its funny bone, that"s where they expect it least"And some new-mown chaperone was standin" in the corner all alone, watchin" the young girls danceAnd some fresh-sown moonstone was messin" with his frozen zone to remind him of the feeling of romanceYeah, he was blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightHe got down but he never got tight, but he"s gonna make it tonightSome silicone sister with her manager"s mister told me I got what it takesShe said, "I"ll turn you on, sonny, to something strong if you play that song with the funky break"And Go-Cart Mozart was checkin" out the weather chart to see if it was safe to go outsideAnd little Early-Pearly came by in her curly-wurly and asked me if I needed a rideOh, some hazard from Harvard was skunked on beer, playin" backyard bombardierYes, and Scotland Yard was trying hard, they sent some dude with a calling card, he said, "Do what you like, but don"t do it here"Well, I jumped up, turned around, spit in the air, fell on the ground and asked him which was the way back homeHe said, "Take a right at the light, keep goin" straight until night, and then, boy, you"re on your own"And now in Zanzibar, a shootin" star was ridin" in a side car, hummin" a lunar tuneYes, and the avatar said, "Blow the bar but first remove the cookie jar, we"re gonna teach those boys to laugh too soon"And some kidnapped handicap was complainin" that he caught the clap from some mousetrap he bought last nightWell, I unsnapped his skull cap and between his ears I saw a gap but figured he"d be all rightHe was just blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightMama always told me not to look into the sights of the sunOh, but Mama, that"s where the fun is
2023-07-19 02:16:171

Blinded By The Light 歌词

歌曲名:Blinded By The Light歌手:Manfred Mann"s Earth Band专辑:Running With Scissors (Soundtrack)BLINDED BY THE LIGHTBruce SpringsteenMadman drummers bummers and Indians in the summer with a teenage diplomatIn the dumps with the mumps as the adolescent pumps his way into his hatWith a boulder on my shoulder, feelin" kinda older, I tripped the merry-go-roundWith this very unpleasing sneezing and wheezing, the calliope crashed to the groundSome all-hot half-shot was headin" for the hot spot, snappin" his fingers, clappin" his handsAnd some fleshpot mascot was tied into a lover"s knot with a whatnot in her handAnd now young Scott with a slingshot finally found a tender spot and throws his lover in the sandAnd some bloodshot forget-me-not whispers, "Daddy"s within earshot, save the buckshot, turn up the band"And she was blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightShe got down but she never got tight, but she"ll make it alrightSome brimstone baritone anti-cyclone rolling stone preacher from the EastHe says, "Dethrone the dictaphone, hit it in its funny bone, that"s where they expect it least"And some new-mown chaperone was standin" in the corner all alone, watchin" the young girls danceAnd some fresh-sown moonstone was messin" with his frozen zone to remind him of the feeling of romanceYeah, he was blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightHe got down but he never got tight, but he"s gonna make it tonightSome silicone sister with her manager"s mister told me I got what it takesShe said, "I"ll turn you on, sonny, to something strong if you play that song with the funky break"And Go-Cart Mozart was checkin" out the weather chart to see if it was safe to go outsideAnd little Early-Pearly came by in her curly-wurly and asked me if I needed a rideOh, some hazard from Harvard was skunked on beer, playin" backyard bombardierYes, and Scotland Yard was trying hard, they sent some dude with a calling card, he said, "Do what you like, but don"t do it here"Well, I jumped up, turned around, spit in the air, fell on the ground and asked him which was the way back homeHe said, "Take a right at the light, keep goin" straight until night, and then, boy, you"re on your own"And now in Zanzibar, a shootin" star was ridin" in a side car, hummin" a lunar tuneYes, and the avatar said, "Blow the bar but first remove the cookie jar, we"re gonna teach those boys to laugh too soon"And some kidnapped handicap was complainin" that he caught the clap from some mousetrap he bought last nightWell, I unsnapped his skull cap and between his ears I saw a gap but figured he"d be all rightHe was just blinded by the lightCut loose like a deuce, another runner in the nightBlinded by the lightMama always told me not to look into the sights of the sunOh, but Mama, that"s where the fun is
2023-07-19 02:16:251

去泰国喝Singha beer(胜狮啤酒),大家觉得怎么样啊?

2023-07-19 02:16:321

比尔—朗伯定律(Beer–Lambert law)在实际生活中有什么应用?急求!在线等!

2023-07-19 02:16:424


我刚帮你问过美国的同事the beer tates light这是最地道的说法,别怀疑啦
2023-07-19 02:17:004


◎AROUND THE WORLD 环游世界 12 OZ GLASS (SHAKE)果汁杯 1 OZ GIN琴酒 1/2 OZ MENTHE (GREEN)绿色薄荷酒 PINEAPPLE JUICE 8。凤梨汁 * CHERRY GARNISH樱桃 摇酒器加入适量冰块 将 1 盎司琴酒 1/2 盎司绿色薄荷酒 及约8 盎司凤梨汁 摇晃后倒入杯中,用樱桃做装饰即完成,清凉的感觉适合女孩子 ◎BLUE LAGOON 蓝色珊瑚礁 CHAMPAGE GLASS (BUILD)香槟杯 1 OZ BLUE CURACAO蓝色香橙久 TOP WITH 7-UP七喜 NO ICE不要冰块 先冰杯 将1 盎司蓝色香橙酒 倒入杯中,在慢慢倒入7七喜,形成渐层感即完成,满足你视觉 的清凉。 ◎ZOMBIE 12 OZ GLASS (SHAKE)可林杯 1 OZ LIGHT RUM白色莱姆酒 1 OZ DARK RUM深色莱姆酒 1/2 OZ APRICOT BRANDY杏桃白兰地 DASH GRENADINE SYRUP红石榴汁 FILL WITH LIME CORDIAL & ORANGE JUICE浓缩莱姆汁 & 柳橙汁 * ORANGE SLICE & CHERRY GARNISH柳橙片 & 樱桃 HRC"S BEST 摇酒器中加入适量冰块 将1 盎司白色莱姆酒 1 盎司深色莱姆酒 1/2 盎司杏桃酒 和少许莱姆汁 & 柳橙汁放入摇酒器中摇晃后放入杯中,加入 HRC"S啤酒再滴上几滴红石榴汁增添点颜色用柳橙片 & 樱桃做 装饰即完成,此种酒光看起来就会让人印象深刻得的。 ◎BLOW JOB 吹管之乐 LIQUEUR GLASS (LAYERED)香甜酒杯 1/2 OZ KAHLUA咖啡酒 1/2 OZ BAILEY"S香甜奶酒 1/2 OZ VODKA伏特加 这是一种分层酒 先准备一只香甜酒杯 最底层1/2 盎司咖啡酒 第二层1/2 盎司香甜奶酒 最上层1/2 盎司伏特加 此种鸡尾酒的喝法为:双手不可碰到杯子,用嘴巴将酒杯含起把 酒喝掉才能享受它的乐趣。试试每个人的技术 ◎BULL 公牛 12 OZ GLASS (BUILD ; NO ICE)高球杯 & 不要冰块 1 OZ LIGHT RUM CORDIAL白色莱姆莱姆酒 1 1/2 OZ LIME CORDIAL浓缩莱姆汁 TOP WITH BEER (SAN MIGUEL)生力啤酒 准备一只可林杯 将 1 盎司白色朗尼可莱姆酒 1 1/2盎司朗尼可莱姆酒 直接倒入杯中不加冰块,再加上满生力啤酒即完成,喝这杯酒 的勇气就像此酒名一样"公牛"。 ◎C.M.F. 加州枪侠 12 OZ GLASS (SHAKE)可林杯 1/2 OZ GIN、VODKA、LIGHT RUM、TEQUILA、琴酒.伏特加.莱姆酒 COINTREAU、BAILEY"S、DRAMBUIE龙舌兰.橙皮甜酒.香甜 ASH GRENADINE红石榴汁 奶酒.蜂蜜酒 FRUIT PUNCH 8。综合果汁 摇酒器中加约适量冰块 将1/2 盎司的琴酒.伏特加.白色莱姆酒.龙舌兰.橙皮甜酒.香甜 奶酒.蜂蜜酒 加上综合果汁(柳橙汁.凤梨汁.特制柠檬糖水)摇晃后倒入杯中, 滴上几滴红石榴汁即完成,当你一口气喝完这杯时就可以体会到 此酒名的由来了。 ◎GRAVEYARD 恶魔坟场 12 OZ GLASS (BUILD ; NO ICE)可林杯 1/2 OZ TEQUILA、DARK RUM、SCOTCH、BRANDY、龙舌兰.深色莱姆酒. AMARETTO、PERNOD苏格兰威士忌.美国威士忌.杏仁白兰地. TOP WITH GUINNESS STOUT健力士啤酒 将1/2 盎司龙舌兰.深色莱姆酒.苏格兰威士忌.美国威士忌.杏仁 白兰地.倒入杯中不加冰块最后倒入健力士啤酒即完成,光闻味 道就可以想像离恶魔坟场不远了。 ◎DAIQUIRI 台克利 (SHAKE/STIAINED) 1 OZ LIGHT RUM白色莱姆酒 1/2 OZ COINTERAU橙皮甜酒 1/2 OZ LIME CORDIAS莱姆汁 1/2 SUGAR SYRUP糖水 * LEMON GARNISH柠檬 先冰杯 摇酒器中加入适量冰块 将1/2 盎司白色莱姆酒 1/2 盎司橙皮甜酒 和1/2 盎司莱姆汁 & 1/2 盎司糖水倒入摇酒器中摇晃后倒入 杯中,用柠檬片做装饰即完成,另一种做法是将摇酒器换成 果汁机打成泥状,不失原味颇受女孩子喜爱。 ◎SCREMING ORGASM 高潮 COCKTAIL GLASS (SHAKE/STRAINED)鸡尾酒杯 1/2 OZ KAHLUA咖啡酒 1/2 OZ BAILEY"S香甜奶酒 1/2 OZ AMARETTO杏仁白兰地 1/2 OZ VODKA伏特加 先冰杯 摇酒器中加入适量冰块 将1/2 盎司咖啡酒 1/2 盎司香甜奶酒 1/2 盎司杏仁白兰地 1/2 盎司伏特加 倒入摇酒器中摇晃后沥出酒来倒入杯中,另一种做法是将摇酒 器换成果汁机打成泥状,香甜容易入口酒精浓度仍然不变让你 HIGH到最高点。 ◎SEX ON THE BEACH 性欲海滩 COCKTAIL GLASS (SHAKE/STRAINED)鸡尾酒杯 1 OZ VODKA伏特加 1/2 OZ CASSIS黑莓酒 1/2 OZ PEACH水蜜桃酒 1 OZ PINEAPPLE JUICE凤梨汁 先冰杯 摇酒器中冰块加满 将 1 盎司伏特加 1/2 盎司黑莓酒 1/2 盎司水蜜桃酒 和约1 盎司凤梨汁倒入摇酒器摇晃后沥出酒来倒入杯中或另一 种做法是将摇酒器换成果汁机打成泥状,此调酒喝完后将会慢 慢挑起你的性欲让你像置身於大海一样HIGH。 一. 摇荡法 是调制鸡尾酒最普遍而简易的方法,将酒类材料及配料、冰块等放入雪克壶内,用劲来回摇晃,使其充分混合即可。能去除酒的辛辣,使酒温和且入口顺畅。 注意:摇荡时速度要快并有节奏感,摇荡的声音才会好听。 器材:雪克壶、量杯、酒杯、隔冰器 (1) 使用摇荡法需准备的基本器材 : 雪克壶,夹冰器,冰块 (2)将材料以量杯量出正确分量后,倒入打开的雪克壶中。 (3)以夹冰器夹取冰块,放入雪克壶。 (4)盖好雪克壶后,已右手大拇指抵住上盖食指及小指夹住雪克壶,中指及无名指支撑雪克壶 (5) 左手无名指及中指托住雪克壶底部食指及小指夹住雪克壶,大拇指夹住过滤盖。 (6) 双手握紧雪克壶,手背抬高至肩膀,再用手腕来回甩动。摇晃时速度要快,来回甩动约10次,再以水平方式前后来回摇动约10 次即可。 (7) 左手无名指及中指托住雪克壶底部食指及小指夹住雪克壶,大拇指夹住过滤盖。 (8) 双手握紧雪克壶,手背抬高至肩膀,再用手腕来回甩动。摇晃时速度要快,来回甩动约10次,再以水平方式前后来回摇动约10 次即可。 二、 搅拌法 将材料倒入调酒杯中,用调酒匙充分搅拌的一种调酒法。常用在调制烈性加味酒时,例如马丁尼、曼哈顿等酒味较辛辣,后劲较强的鸡尾酒 器材:调酒杯、调酒匙、量杯、隔冰器、酒杯 备注:有时也可直接在酒杯中搅拌 步骤:将材料以量杯量出正确分量后,倒入调酒杯中,用冰夹夹取冰块,放入调酒杯中。 用调酒匙在调酒杯中,前后来回搅三次,再正转两圈倒转两圈即可。 三. 直接注入法 把材料直接注入酒杯的一种鸡尾酒制法,作法非常简单,只要材料分量控制好,初学者也可以做得很好! 器材:鸡尾酒杯、量杯、冰块、夹冰器 (1) 使用直接注入法需准备的基本器材:鸡尾酒杯 量 杯 冰 块 夹冰器 (2)将基酒以量杯量出正确分量后,倒入鸡尾酒杯中。 (3) 以夹冰器取冰块,放入调酒杯中。 (4)最后倒入其它配料至满杯即可。 四. 果汁机混合法 用果汁机取代摇荡法主要有水果类块状材料需要搅拌时,也是目前最流行的作法,混合效果相当好。事先准备细碎冰或刨冰,在果汁机上座倒入材料,然后加入碎冰(刨冰),开动电源混合搅动,约十秒钟左右关掉开关,等马达停止时拿下混合杯,把酒液倒入酒杯中即可。 器材:果汁机、量杯、冰块、夹冰器 (1)使用果汁机混合法需准备的基本器材:果汁机 量 杯 冰 块 杯 具 (2)将酒类以以量杯量出正确分量后,倒入果汁机内。 (3) 以夹冰器夹取冰块,放入果汁机内。 (4) 最后倒入其它配料,开动果汁机搅拌均匀即可
2023-07-19 02:17:201

英语歌曲《Happy New Year》的歌词

Girl it"s almost the new year, and its too clear, me you and a RootBeer, Float  In my house "bout to count down cause we got the whole crew here  Yo they bout to party hardy. lookin for a hottie with a nice body  Ooh ya"ll have fun with that we dont need the mistletoe we was under that like 20 minutes ago  And if you can give me all your love you better give me some more  The new years commin you aint trippin no more  So I dont need music bout to listen to yo"h-h-h-h-h heart beat  Try to stop me if you want to but you know you dont want to  So don"t do it, dont ruin the moment I put me and you in  It"s the start of the new year, baby, baby yeah  And I know what to do with it, baby baby yeah  Im gonna make your cheeks red when I kiss your neck  Girl im never leavin cause you are the best baby  Yeah yeah. I wanna give you everything  Never feel "cause girl you"re coming home with me, yeah  5,4,3,2,1  Kiss me  Kiss me  5,4,3,2,1  Kiss me  Kiss me  Its the new year me and you girl yeah I know this love is true  I remember when you moved here everything was oh so new and  Yeah I promise to be true and ill give all my love to you  Jaden smith is to my right thats the cougar and hes got a root beer  Uh got friends I called em all  Cause 2012 is the year of the love  And we gon" start it off  We can get a plane today and get a car toma"  We dont do it small at all  No girl tell me what I gotta to do  I can be the beat that you rockin to  I can do anything nothing is impossible especially with you girl  And I never need a new girl  This love is true girl  Aye welcome to the crew girl  2012 im so excited  The mayans was lien nobodys dyin"  Yeah girl but you knew that  Knockin" at your door like Who"s That?  Yes I love you, you say true dat  Guys they want you I say too bad  It"s the year, I wanna give you everything  Never feel cause girl you"re coming home with me yeah  5,4,3,2,1  Kiss me  Kiss me  5,4,3,2,1  Kiss me  Kiss me  If you got a girl put your hand up  Ladies if you got a man put your hands up  If you got a girl put your hand up  Ladies if you got a man put your hands up  Girl 2012 is the year to be  Better  Stronger  Closer to the people around you  So grab someone special  And just  5,4,3,2,1  Kiss me  Kiss me  5,4,3,2,1  Kiss me  Kiss me  5,4,3,2,1  Kiss me  Kiss me  5,4,3,2,1  Kiss me  Kiss me女孩几乎是新年,它太清楚,我你和一个RootBeer,浮动  在我的房子里的谜底要倒计时,因为我们得到了整个剧组在这里  你方他们谜底要吃苦耐劳。对这种景色的一个很好的身体  哦你玩,我们不需要在槲寄生下,我们就像20分钟前  如果你能给我你全部的爱,你最好给我多来点儿  你不是commin跨年trippin一去不复返了  所以我不需要听音乐比赛哟"h-h-h-h-h心跳  试图停止了 5,4,3,2,1 吻我  吻我  5、4、3、2、1  吻我  吻我  它的新年你们和我的女孩是啊,我知道这爱是真实的  我记得当你移动了这里一切都是真新  是啊,我保证会真实、病给我对你所有的爱  史密斯Jaden向我右边的那只美洲狮,他得到一根啤酒  嗯有我打电话给他们的朋友  造成2012那一年的爱  我们开始下定了它。  我们能得到一架飞机今天的工作,去让赛车托马”  我们不做小  没有女孩告诉我我必须要做的事情  我能成为他的节奏很强,你rockin  我可以做任何事,尤其是你,没有什么是不可能的女孩我不需要一个新的女孩  这份爱是真实的女孩  永远欢迎船员的女孩  我很兴奋  玛雅人是nobodys渴死留置权的  是的女孩,你知道  “你在门Knockin像那是谁?  是的,我爱你,你说得真式的  我说伙计们他们想让你太糟糕了  这是一年里,我想给你一切  你从来都不感到引起女孩回家我是的 5、4、3、2、1  吻我  吻我  5、4、3、2、1  吻我  吻我  如果你有一个女孩举手  如果你有一个人女孩请举手  如果你有一个女孩举手  如果你有一个人女孩请举手 2012那一年的女孩  更好的  强  接近你周围的人们  拉上一个特别的  就  5、4、3、2、1  吻我  吻我  5、4、3、2、1  吻我  吻我  5、4、3、2、1  吻我  吻我  5、4、3、2、1  吻我  吻我
2023-07-19 02:17:2814


Midnight sunlight At present the Shenyang most fire enlightens, should not be on the non-midnight sunlight.The decoration style, the scale is not low. I like the midnight sunlight, a very important reason is because of there environment, midnight the sunlight another big enticement is the beautiful woman who inside dances. Midnight sunlight orchestra actually really very general, long a little looks like HOT except that yellow to send the boy, he sings the song all very much has the fervor, moreover very can provoke the atmosphere, the light also to coordinate good.But several Philippine singers really do not dare to think highly. In the midnight sunlight, certain main point sea awl, the potato strip, dried beef these snacks, all are extremely the delicacy.In particular potato strip, but although very slow flavor extremely on time, but everybody remembered must use the beautiful milk to incite replaces the ketchup oh, such flavor is better. BabyFace Speaks of Babyface, my first response is meditates a seven character admonition “Shenyang first to swing slowly” fast, afterwards is out of control a laugh at secretly.This not normal physiological reaction is completely four retransmits ESPN for Shenyang the English ultra evil, that LOGO was in fable BabyFace (Philippine Silk Club), below was that several gigantic characters, Shenyang first swings slowly.Really is, this year also nobody comes out attacks the sellers of fake and low-quality goods. BabyFace in Shenyang"s two family stores, the management is all not very good, recent one time goes to 13 latitude road shop, a building swung slowly already alters to swung quickly, was good at doing strange BabyFace really curiously to have own advertisement language alters to “Shenyang first to swing quickly”. 13 latitude road BabyFace new old speed swings, maintains the expense not to be high continuously, does not suppose the lower limit the principle, the pak wai medicine co, the silver bullet and so on beer 25 Yuan/bottles, my this kind of alcohol capacity 300 beer were also similar.Likes the BabyFace 12 buildings very much the bead curtain theater box designs, although do not have to tell mother, the south wind and so on some enlighten all has the similar theater box, may think BabyFace cleanly, moreover more spacious. The human spirit not high should be puzzles BabyFace continuously the major problem, except the weekend, the booking rate which a building ends always not to 50%, atmosphere that calls cool, cool executed simply.BabyFace is considered as is really a tunnel bar, but must enlightens. Three buildings swing reserve a room only then truly are slowly BabyFace are in sole possession of, so long as you pay 880 Yuan, you can have the liquor water, the snack which as soon as the stuff reserves a room fully, but also can enjoy for instance next to the skin DJ, kneeling served any.Certainly faces kneeling serves you to have to have certain preparation, or you inborn are work as landlord feudal bully"s material, otherwise also really not too feels all right. The server, straightens up after bowing or performing the kowtow, for me on two bottle of iris China gentlemen, 20 bottles of snows blue.Drinks the foreign wine to have to exchange the snow blue, now bosses all mix the snow blue to drink, young people, attention observation life.
2023-07-19 02:17:545


2023-07-19 02:18:147


conjflkt osrklerl krtor56o ,gterltlr kflgt ldtgfldgl lfdgldflgldlgl
2023-07-19 02:23:277


2023-07-19 02:24:012


  汉语解释:椅子是一种有靠背、有的还有扶手的坐具。古代席地而坐,原没有椅子,“椅”本是木名。《诗经》有“其桐其椅”,“椅”即“梓”,是一种树木的名称。大家想知道椅子的英文是什么吗?   椅子[yǐ zi]   椅子的英文释义:   chair ; tablet chair 英 [tu0283eu0259r] 美[tu0283er]   网 络chair;the chair;Chairs;Office chair   椅子的英文例句:   他把椅子从窗户中丢掷。   He hove a chair through the window.   那把椅子原本是为你准备的,但是被她拿走了。   The chair was intended for you, but she took it away.   两把椅子坐起来都不舒服。   Neither chair is fortable.   她把椅子从餐桌向后挪了挪,再也吃不下了。   She pushed her chair back from the table, satiated.   我可以把我的椅子移到你的旁边吗?   May I bring my chair next to yours?   在他重压下,椅子断了。   The chair fragmented under his weight.   伊莎贝尔猛得把她的椅子往后一推,差点把椅子弄倒。   Isabel shoved her chair back so quickly that it almost toppled over.   他猛然坐到一把椅子上,椅子被压得吱吱作响。   He crashed down on a protesting chair.   他们总是背靠著椅子,把脚放在前排的椅子上。   They always lean back and put their feet up on the seat in front of them.   1. He sat penitently in his chair by the window. 他懊悔地坐在靠窗的椅子上。   2. Bob slid from his chair and lay prone on the floor. 鲍勃从椅子上滑下来,趴在了地板上。   3. Use your lunch hour to have a nap in your chair. 利用午饭时间坐在椅子上打个盹吧。   4. Alistair saw the dim figure of Rose in the chair. 阿利斯泰尔看见了坐在椅子里的罗丝的模糊身影。   5. I staggered and had to clutch at a chair for support. 我踉踉跄跄地,不得不抓住一把椅子稳住自己。   6. We had kept its presence hidden with a strategically placed chair. 我们用一张摆放得很巧妙的椅子将它隐藏了起来。   7. He rose from his seat and made for the door. 他从椅子上起身向门口走去。   8. Spencer waded through the debris of broken chairs and beer bottles. 斯潘塞艰难地迈过一堆破椅子和碎啤酒瓶。   9. Check the actual construction of the chair by looking underneath. 看看椅子的下面,检查一下它的实际构造。   10. Her voice was shockingly loud. "Put the chair down," she brayed. 她的声音大得吓人。“放下椅子,”她粗声说道。   11. He pointed to a chair, signalling for her to sit. 他指著一把椅子,示意她坐下。   12. She swivelled her chair round and stared out across the back lawn. 她把椅子转过来,向外凝视著屋后的草坪。   13. The chairs were light in construction yet extremely strong. 这些椅子构造轻巧,但却极为结实。   14. He pulled up a chair and sat down across from Michael. 他拉过一把椅子,坐在了迈克尔的对面。   15. She came towards me so quickly that she knocked a chair over. 她飞快地朝我这边走来,把一张椅子都撞翻了。   16. Mother was sitting in her chair in the kitchen. 妈妈坐在厨房里的椅子上。   17. He waved towards a chair, and seated himself at the desk. 他挥手指了指一把椅子,自己在书桌旁坐了下来。   18. He gradually relaxed his grip on the arms of the chair. 他紧握椅子扶手的手逐渐松开了。   19. Eva pulled over a chair and sat beside her hu *** and. 伊娃拽过一把椅子,坐到丈夫的身边。   20. She sat on a chair in the flagged yard. 她坐在铺着石板的庭院里的一把椅子上。
2023-07-19 02:24:511


1 folk2 goat3 meet4 fan5 beer6 night7 box8 hold9 foot10 lead11 last12 shirt13 thing14 feel
2023-07-19 02:24:595


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: This is what I want, What I really really want 。。。。。。 together we have fun everyone。。。。 Together on the way to the sun。。。。歌词大部分都能听出来,就是不知道名字 女生唱得,中间带说唱 解析: 你问的这个歌,由于给的条件不详,我觉的有两种可能。 我给的这两个歌的歌词的前部分都一样,只是后面的不同。 你听听,我想应该有你满意的一个咯。 **情况一、这个歌是 Weird Al Yankovic 唱的 Polka Power 这里可以听,你去听听 *** /watch?v=yugldxpRDMo 这是男的Weird Al Yankovic 一个摇滚乐队唱的。 下面是歌词 歌名《Polka Power》 歌词 Yeah, I"ll tell ya what I want, what I really really want So tell us what you want, what you really really want I"ll tell ya what I want, what I really really want So tell us what you want, what you really really want I wanna ha, I wanna ha, I wanna ha, I wanna ha I wanna really really really wanna zigga zigga ah If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends (gotta get with my friends) Make it last forever, friendship never ends If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give (you"ve got to give) Taking is too easy, but that"s the way it is Hey! I"m not sick, but I"m not well And I"m so hot, "cause I"m in hell I"m not sick, but I"m not well And it"s a sin (yes it"s a sin) to live so well Ghetto superstar - that is what you are Coming from afar, reaching for the stars Run away with me, to another place We can rely on each other, uh huh From one corner to another, uh huh Everybody (yeah) Rock your body (yeah) Everybody Rock your body right Backstreet"s back, all right All right So don"t delay, act now, supplies are running out But now if you"re still alive, six to eight years to arrive And if you follow, there may be a tomorrow but if the offer"s shun You might as well be walking on the sun Might as well be walking on the sun Intergalactic plaary, plaary intergalactic Intergalactic plaary, plaary intergalactic Intergalactic plaary, plaary intergalactic I get knocked down, but I get up again You"re never gonna keep me down I get knocked down, but I get up again You"re never gonna keep me down I get knocked down, but I get up again You"re never gonna keep me down I get knocked down, but I get up again You"re never gonna keep me down Quicker than a ray of light Quicker than a ray of light Quicker than a ray of li-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ight I wanna push you around, well I will, well I will I wanna push you down, well I will, well I will I wanna take you for granted I wanna take you for granted Yeah, yeah, well I will I want something else To get me through this semi-charmed kinda life, baby baby I want something else I"m not listening when you say good-bye Doot doot doot doot do do do Doot doot doot doot do do do Doot doot doot doot do do do Do do do do do do There"s lots of pretty, pretty ones That want to get you high But all the pretty, pretty ones Will leave you low and blow your mind We"re all stars now in the dope show We"re all stars now in the dope show Mmmbop, do floppa do wop Do be dop ah Do wap, do zap ah, do Yeah-ee yeah Mmmbop, do b"zap ah, do wop Do be dop ah Do wop, doom zap ah, do I *** ell sex and candy here Who"s that lounging in my chair Who"s that casting devious stares in my direction Mama, this surely is a dream Yeah, yeah mama, this surely is a dream Dig it, yeah mama, this surely is Closing time One last call for alcohol So finish your whiskey or beer Closing time You don"t have to go home But you can"t stay here I know who I wanna take me home I know who I wanna take me home I know who I wanna take me home Take us home "Cause it"s closing time Yeah it"s closing time We"re talkin" "bout closin" time It"s really closin" time Hey **情况二:下面的这首歌是(女的唱的) 辣妹组合---Spice Girls 的歌 歌名字叫---Wanna Be 这里有辣妹组合的照片和这个歌的歌词,自己看看哟,忽忽 我这里给你可以听的地址,自己打开去听听,里面有歌词的: so.6621/so/search 另外,这个是这歌的MTV,打开看看哟,相当好------taodu/dispbbs?boardid=27&id=29542 这个地址是歌的连接,可以下载,也可以听--------loveyw/...le/20069120441781.mp3 下面的歌词,看看哟: Wanna Be 歌手:Spice Girls Yo Tell you what I want What I really really want So tell me what you want What you really really want I"ll tell you what I want What I really really want So tell me what you want I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna Really really really wanna ziga ziga ha! If you want my future Fet my past If you wanna get with me Better make it fast Now don"t go wasting My presure"s time Get your act together we could be just fine If you wanna be my lover You gotta get with my friends Make it last forever Friendship never ends if you wanna be my lover You have got to give Taking is too easy but that"s the way it is What you think about that Now you know how I feel Say you can handle my love Are you for real I won"t be hasty I"ll give you a try If you really bug me then I"ll say goodbye Yo I"ll tell you what I want What I really really want So tell me what you want What you really really want I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna Really really really wanna ziga ziga a! So here"s a story from A to Z You wanna get with me you wanna listen carefully You gotta M in the place who like in your face You got G like MC who likes on a easy V doesn"t e for free She"s a really lady And ask for me haha you see Slum your body down and wound it all around If you wanna be my lover You gotta you gotta you gotta you gotta Slum Slum Slum Slum Slum your body down and wound it all around Slum your body down and ziga ziga a! If you wanna be my lover!^_^ 希望你满意
2023-07-19 02:25:131

一本书,忘了叫什么名字了... ...

2023-07-19 02:25:2413


2023-07-19 02:23:532

这两个名字有什么不同吗?Stephanie/ Stefanie

2023-07-19 02:23:544


2023-07-19 02:23:581


[英]["bʊkki:pɪŋ] [美][ˈbʊkˌkipɪŋ]The new mandates also present auditing and bookkeeping challenges.新的规定同样显示出审计和记帐的问题。
2023-07-19 02:24:041


2023-07-19 02:23:491


先看看相关的图书:要有好几本作为参考,最好是角度差异大、深浅程度不同,比如系统的导论式的、深入的有推导的、浅出的手把手的。它要充当不同学习过程中的工具书。网络教程:比如Andrew Ng的、各种专题的博客,有针对地找相应的教程,相对着看,网络资源比如51cto学院的课程跟书的表达方式毕竟是不一样的,也是很有益的信息源。paper:比如学CNN的时候,就搜一堆论文来,集中一段时间看一轮,一定要有针对性,带着很明确的问号去看。开源资源:很多很多东西,其实都有人做出来开源了,直接拿来用,一边用一边理解,甚至可以学习源码。关注这个领域:关注相关的会议期刊,关注大牛们(Hinton、Bengio、LeCun等)的动向,微博加一堆领域大牛每天看一眼他们分享什么上来。基础知识:线代、统计、概率、数学分析;信息论方面基本概念要理解,比如要知道相对熵是什么意思和怎么算;凸优化和最优估计相关内容,在各种各样问题中都会遇到,学好了可以帮大忙。机器学习主要就是找到目标函数并且做参数估计,虽然有很多现成工具,但是不熟悉优化问题的话,会很抓瞎。熟悉几个模型:神经网络(SAE、RBM、CNN等)、SVM、最大熵、CRF、随机森林、GMM等等。了解不同应用场景下各种模型有什么优劣,挑一些自己以后可能常用到的多练习。
2023-07-19 02:23:473


孙燕姿,新加坡歌手。燕姿从小热爱音乐,大学时,母亲为燕姿报名李伟菘音乐学校,学习唱歌,担任校园乐队主唱。经李伟菘推荐,签约华纳音乐公司。2000年出首张专辑。被视为华语歌坛继王菲、张惠妹之后,难得的天后接班人,而至今的成就造就了畅销天后的美誉,受奖无数,与同期出道的蔡依林、萧亚轩、梁静茹合称为亚洲四小天后。2005年获得台湾金曲奖最佳国语女歌手奖。中文名:孙燕姿外文名:Stefanie,Sng EeTze(正式)别名:十三姐国籍:新加坡出生地:新加坡出生日期:1978年7月23日(农历六月十九)职业:歌手毕业院校:新加坡南洋理工大学行销系代表作品:绿光,天黑黑,神奇主要成就:2005年台湾金曲奖最佳国语女歌手身高:162cm体重:42kg生肖:马个人履历  孙燕姿的父亲是南洋理工大学教授,母亲在工艺学校执教。父亲是燕姿音乐的启蒙者,燕姿从小热爱音乐,五岁开始学钢琴(出道之前有八级钢琴文凭),十岁留下第一张在舞台上唱歌的表情 ,十八岁写下第一个音乐作品《Someone》。 大学时,母亲为燕姿报名李伟菘音乐学校,学习唱歌,担任校园乐队主唱。经李伟菘推荐,签约华纳音乐公司。   经两年准备,2000年6月8日,首张专辑《孙燕姿》发行,获得台湾2000年度专辑销售总冠军。《我要的幸福》获得台湾2001年度专辑销售第一名,《风筝》获第三名。《Start自选集》获台湾2002年度专辑销售亚军。2003年《The Moment》销量150万张,宣布暂别歌坛一年,成立个人音乐公司Make Music。2004年携《Stefanie》完美复出,全亚洲热卖220万张。2005年,获得新加坡南洋理工大学杰出青年校友奖。2006年新加坡十大杰出青年。2007年,荣膺新加坡杰出青年,献唱东南亚国家联盟40周年庆典主题曲《Rise》。2008年,受邀参与演唱了四首北京奥组委推介的奥运会官方歌曲,为中国港台及海外女歌手之最,并参与奥运会闭幕式演出。2009年,答案是孙燕姿世界巡回演唱会启动。   唱片中也有一些孙燕姿的创作作品:作词,作曲,制作,以及钢琴演奏。唱片的质量和销量俱佳,受专业音乐人和歌迷一致推崇。出道第一年,即获得亚洲14项年度新人奖。燕姿以后在颁奖典礼上频频获奖,如在七届全球华语歌曲排行榜中,获得了五届"最受欢迎女歌手奖",在六届音乐风云榜中拿下"港台最佳女歌手奖"四届、"港台最受欢迎女歌手奖"四届。孙燕姿&百度  孙燕姿积极致力于慈善事业:慈善演出,捐款,认养贫困家庭的儿童,亲自探访印度尼西亚的海啸受灾地区、中国河北寄宿学校、中国汶川地震受灾地区(三次),以及印度、刚果、尼日尔的贫困地区。燕姿说:“诚心诚意想借用自己的影响力去帮助这些人。我将把当地的故事与影像带回来,有一天当我老了,我会庆幸趁自己还有影响力的时候,走了这一遭。”   艺人对孙燕姿的评价用语有:「性格温和,细心,纯真,开朗,直接,不做作,大方,风趣,真诚,非常可爱,有理想,有音乐性,有才气,有上进心,招牌的钻石笑容,很有魅力和个性,声线非常有特色,她不用靠多华丽的言辞和哗众取宠的动作,就能够笼络无数歌迷的心。」燕姿喜欢阅读,向往自由,清爽的短发造型成为经典,有大导演邀约却未曾跨行做演员,只专注于音乐。燕姿希望把影响力放在对的地方,她没有任何负面新闻,买榜、绯闻等炒作手段都与之无关,又行事低调,曝光率低,却在亚洲形成了独特的「孙燕姿现象」。   自出道以来,这位亚洲天后已拥有10张个人专辑,1830万张唱片销量(2006年权威官方数据,不含《逆光》的百万销量),37场演唱会,200多项音乐大奖(专业奖和人气奖兼有),50余支商业广告,18个慈善和公益活动代言(包含8次慈善探访),2个新加坡杰出青年奖。
2023-07-19 02:23:451