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英语动词短语辨析figure out 和pick out 领会

2023-07-19 17:05:10

pick out: 1. 取出, 去掉2. 挑选, 选择; 选拔

figure out: 1. 计算出; 解决;想出2. 弄明白,理解











figure out是什么意思

figure out 英[u02c8fiɡu0259 aut] 美[u02c8fu026aɡju025a au028at] [词典] 想出; 解决; 计算出; 弄明白; [例句]It took them about one month to figure out how to start the equipment他们花了大约1个月的时间才搞清楚如何启动设备。figure 英[u02c8fu026agu0259(r)] 美[u02c8fu026agju0259r] n. 人物; 数字; 身材; 算术; vi. 计算; 出现; 扮演角色; vt. 计算在内; 估计; 推测; 认为;
2023-07-19 05:17:321

figure out是什么意思

  figure out英 [u02c8fiɡu0259 aut] 美 [u02c8fu026aɡju025a au028at]  [释义]想出; 解决; 计算出; 弄明白;  [网络]弄清; 搞清楚; 想 出;  [例句]And who knows, maybe it will finally figure out how to have Sony Music content benefit its electronics businesses.  后事难料,或许索尼最终能想出一个让其音乐内容业务惠及电子业务的办法。
2023-07-19 05:17:402

figue out的意思

2023-07-19 05:17:583

figure out是什么意思

work out和figure out 都是解答,解决的意思。但work out 比较理性, figure out 比较感性,你看这个句子大概就能理解了:If there is something you can not figure out , time will tell. 其实相似词义的单词,很多时候不能从字面意思去理解,要感性地去认识。
2023-07-19 05:18:062

figure out是什么意思

你好,figure out翻译成中文的意思是:弄清楚。求采纳,谢谢亲!
2023-07-19 05:18:143

figure out是什么意思 figure out的意思

1、figure out的释义:解决;算出;想出;理解;断定。 2、例句:I think we should figure out some ways to stop people from polluting the river and call on them to fight against pollution.我认为我们应该要想出一些办法来阻止人们污染这条河,并号召人们同污染做斗争。
2023-07-19 05:18:211

figure 和 figure out 的区别

work out:解决;算出;实现;制定出;消耗完;弄懂n. the activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep fit v. 1. come up with 2. happen in a certain way, leading to, producing, or resulting in a certain outcome, often well 3. work out in detail 4. do physical exercise 5. be calculated 6. make a mathematical calculation or computation 7. find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of 8. give a workout to figure out :解决;算出;想出;理解;断定find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of 请采纳答案,支持我一下.
2023-07-19 05:18:281


弄清楚的英文是figure out。figure out通常是用于指需要花费一些时间和精力去思考或推算某事的情况。同义词:1、understand:指理解所说或写的话的含义,它通常着重于感性认识,不需要进行破解、解读或推算。2、comprehend:比understand稍微正式一些,包含理解意思并且掌握要点的含义。通常需要花费更多精力去理解或学习某事物。3、decipher:意为解析、领悟、破译,通常指需要推算或解读代码、密码、符号等需要花费一定时间和精力去理解、破解或读取。4、solve:意为解决、处理、答案,通常用于指需要解决一个问题、找到一个答案或达成一个共识。5、crack:意为破解、攻克、打败,通常用于指成功地解决了一个复杂的问题,或者在竞争中能够胜出。6、work out:意为解决、处理、计算,通常用于指通过一系列步骤来解决或计算出一个问题的答案,或者用于指体育锻炼。figure out的例句:‘1、I need to figure out how to finish this assignment before the deadline.我需要想出如何在截止日期之前完成这项任务。2、Can you help me figure out the answer to this tricky math problem?你能帮我算出这个棘手的数学题的答案吗?3、I had to do some research to figure out the answer to that question.我不得不进行一些研究才能找到那个问题的答案。4、It took me a while to figure out how to properly cite my sources in this paper.我花了一些时间才弄清楚如何在这篇论文中正确引用我的来源。5、We worked together to figure out a solution to this programming assignment.我们一起努力想出了这个编程作业的解决方案。6、I can"t figure out what the professor wants us to do for this project.我不知道这个项目教授想让我们做什么。7、It"s important to figure out what the instructions mean before starting the experiment.在开始实验之前弄清楚指示的含义很重要。8、I"ll need to figure out a study schedule to prepare for these exams.我需要制定一个学习计划来准备这些考试。9、She couldn"t figure out the right formula to use for the chemistry problem.她无法找到正确的公式来解决这个化学问题。10、He spent hours trying to figure out how to write a good introduction for his essay.他花了几个小时来想出如何写一篇好的论文引言。
2023-07-19 05:18:421

我弄不明白她说什么figure out)?

这道数学题”。Me:我弄不明白她说什么figure out)?out thismathproblem"的意思是"我搞不清楚白”、"搞清楚”、"解决”。例如:"I can"t figure"figureout"是一个常见的英语短语,意思是"弄明
2023-07-19 05:19:374

figure 和 figure out 的区别

work out:解决;算出;实现;制定出;消耗完;弄懂n.
2023-07-19 05:20:016

find out与figure out 的区别 get away with 与get away from的区别

1.If you find something out,you learn something that you did not already know,especially by making a deliberate effort to do so. 2.If you figure out a solution to a problem or the reason for something,you succeed in solving it or understanding it. 3.If you get away with doing something wrong or risky,you do not suffer any punishment or other bad consequences because of it. 4.注意一下,没有get away from,你看到的from一定是跟在后面的搭配. get away :(1)If you get away,you succeed in leaving a place or a person"s company. (2)If you get away,you go away for a period of time in order to have a holiday. (3)When someone or something gets away,or when you get them away,they escape.
2023-07-19 05:20:312

work out和figure out 的区别

都是解答,解决的意思。但work out 比较理性, figure out 比较感性,你看这个句子大概就能理解了:If there is something you can not figure out , time will tell. 其实相似词义的单词,很多时候不能从字面意思去理解,要感性地去认识。
2023-07-19 05:20:393

figure out的用法及意思

work out和figure out都是解答,解决的意思。但work out 比较理性, figure out 比较感性,你看这个句子大概就能理解了:If there is something you can not figure out , time will tell. 其实相似词义的单词,很多时候不能从字面意思去理解,要感性地去认识。
2023-07-19 05:21:132

英语这里figure out什么意思?

figure out想象出,
2023-07-19 05:21:344

figure out是什么意思?一般怎么用?

常用 表示弄明白figure something out 就是把什么弄明白
2023-07-19 05:21:423

figer out是什么意思

2023-07-19 05:21:544


2023-07-19 05:22:131

figure out作‘想出’的意思时,常用于什么句子中 和think及他的短语的区别.

figure out:vt.算出(想出,理解,断定,解决) I can"t figure out why he is absent.我弄不明白他为什么缺席.I can"t figure out why he quit his job.我琢磨不透他为什麽要辞掉工作.He"s trying to figure out a way t...
2023-07-19 05:22:201

Figure out /catch on /get across 都是理解的意思,有什么用法词性上的区别啊?

figure out, 是自己想出来的某个问题,某个想法。例如:After several days, I still can"t figure it out.【经过几天了,我还是想不出来】catch on, 是针对对方的问题,或者某个提示,理解了对方说的话。例如:Sorry, I don"t catch on your joke. 【抱歉,你说的笑话我没听懂。】get across, 通常代表的意义,是被动的。例如:Although I explained, I couldn"t get my meaning across.【虽然我解释了,我还是不被理解】至于词性,是没有啥区别,都是一个动词加上一个副词的组合。
2023-07-19 05:22:321

figure out是什么意思

figure out 英[u02c8fiɡu0259 aut] 美[u02c8fu026aɡju025a au028at] [词典] 想出; 解决; 计算出; 弄明白; [例句]It took them about one month to figure out how to start the equipment他们花了大约1个月的时间才搞清楚如何启动设备。figure 英[u02c8fu026agu0259(r)] 美[u02c8fu026agju0259r] n. 人物; 数字; 身材; 算术; vi. 计算; 出现; 扮演角色; vt. 计算在内; 估计; 推测; 认为;
2023-07-19 05:22:541

用figure out造句,要简单的

I can"t figure out what he"s trying to say.
2023-07-19 05:23:152

figure it out 是什么意思?怎么用?给几个例子

计算出,领会到figure out the meaning
2023-07-19 05:23:556

make up solution 和figure out solution有什么区别么?

figure out 表示 看透;make out表示 理解、懂得.前者主要指人,后者重要指事物、事情
2023-07-19 05:24:322

“我不太清楚如何去处理这个问题”用“figure out”翻译?

I am not sure how to figure out this problem.
2023-07-19 05:24:434

figure sth. out和figure out sth.的区别?

2023-07-19 05:25:103

He went on talking while i tried to figure out what it mean?正确翻译

2023-07-19 05:25:212

roll the dice高珊中文歌词

Sometimes you wonder有时你会惊奇what if you could rewrite the moment那些你可以改写的时刻Sometimes you figure out有时你找出there"s another luck in imperfection那些不完美的另一面Sometimes you"ve been hurt有时你会受到伤害then you learn to think about and feel more那么你将学会思考和接受Sometimes you"ve been bored有时你会感到厌倦with the life you hate并讨厌自己的生活always be amazed你总是让人吃惊always take a risk总是喜欢铤而走险always keep the pace in a lifetime game总是保持着游戏般的人生步伐1,2,3,4,5,6,1、2、3、4、5、6life is rolling the dice,babe生活就是掷骰子,宝贝you can not imagine what would happen in a second你无法想象下一秒会发生什么1,2,3,4,5,61、2、3、4、5、6life is rolling the dice, babe生活是掷骰子,宝贝while you"re lost in the dark, close your eyes,当你在黑暗中迷失了方向,请闭上双眼you"ll find the lights shine in the other side这时你会发现在另一个方向有灯光在闪烁————————个人翻译 不完善之处 敬请谅解
2023-07-19 05:25:474

figured out和thinkout的区别?

figure out 有经过努力完成的含义而thinkout只是简单想出来
2023-07-19 05:25:561

翻译:我理解不了她,她对我来说是个谜(figure out)

I could not figure out what she was thinking, and she was a mystery to me.
2023-07-19 05:26:122

Her borther ,Jim, ____[live] in China.正确形式填空

2023-07-19 05:24:237

if i just eat less, i will lost weight.many peop

if i eat less, i will lose weight. many people only focus on the amount of food they take each day.
2023-07-19 05:24:246


2023-07-19 05:24:253


2023-07-19 05:24:273


2023-07-19 05:24:311


Marni是由一个设计师Consuelo Castiglioni女士在1994年创立的女装与配饰品牌,纯粹的奢华感是Marni所致力打造的风格。1994年创立了Marni品牌 。Marni就如艺术家挥洒色彩般,让颜色在服装身上呈现最佳的搭配效果。波普风格和波希米亚是品牌的灵魂。Marni是一个由设计师Consuelo Castiglioni女士在1994年创立的女装与配饰品牌,纯粹的奢华感是Marni所致力打造的风格。设计师Consuelo Castiglioni女士坦言:"我觉得喜欢对高端品牌进行混搭穿着的人会比较喜欢Marni的时装和配饰,这也是现在的一个流行趋势,仅仅只穿单一设计师的成套作品的时代已经过去了。"MARNI于1994年由Castiglioni家族创建,如今已是意大利的一线时尚女装。出色、独到的设计以及严谨、高品质的风格,为MARNI这个品牌赢得了专属的标志性风格:折衷主义。对于MARNI来说:折衷主义就是早期的嘻皮风与现代感的完美融合。长期以来,MARNI的主设计师Consuelo一直坚持自己的理念,不标新立异也不因循守旧或盲目跟风,从而使MARNI在众多设计师品牌中树立了自己鲜明的个性。十多年来,MARNI一直坚持着其独特的少女化轮廓、别出心裁的印花设计和淡淡的波西米亚风情,使MARNI的追随者队伍不断壮大。如今的MARNI已经成为引领时尚的意大利奢华女装品牌,在国际一线时尚中展示自己的风采。2011年,Marni 官网网络旗舰店在中国正式上线,由YOOX 集团运营,Marni 官网支持本地配送,可以送达中国100多个城市及地区。扩展资料意大利的Marni可说是迅速走红的一个品牌。丰富的色调、多变的图案印花,有别于传统女装的新颖设计,Marni就如艺术家挥洒色彩般,让颜色在女装身上呈现最佳的搭配效果,再加上精致的剪裁与质料,要穿上Marni可是必须要有相当的自信心与足够的搭配技巧,才能穿出Marni的精髓。为Marni女性诠释出自信、潇洒且优雅摩登的时髦风范。Marni品牌,以一种甜美、带有梦幻般的风格,迅速掳获了全球女性的心。Marni,Consuelo Castiglioni的设计思路着眼于简约风格,继续通过巧妙的拼贴搭配运动风,使用明快的色调,使这个原本中性的春季看上去更具有现代感的青春气质。敞怀式外套,蛋形裙,休闲毛线衫,粗跟鞋,这些元素凑在一起,就构成了Marni的设计风格。2007年,Castiglioni延续了2006秋冬撞色效果的混搭风格,设计上大量采用及膝束腰外衣造型,用宽大的腰带将前面部分拉紧,而后面部分则任由它随意的系着,春天的轻松、自由活脱台上。在束腰外衣里面,白色紧身体恤,不对称剪裁的运动式紧身裤,黑漆皮木纹底高跟鞋,巨大的帆布或漆皮手提包袋??都成为了Castiglioni为之选择的搭配。而Marni著名的落肩设计和圆领剪裁设计本季则多采用轻薄、更注重装饰效果的人造革面料。颜色选择上,白色、赭石色、暗蓝灰色和上好石灰色成为Marni本季的主色调。想要测试一个设计师的受欢迎程度,就要看有多少时尚人士穿着她的服装去参加她的时装发布会。而对于她的设计被大量模仿,则应该算是对Castiglioni设计的一种肯定吧。
2023-07-19 05:24:331


NIC是英文“Neck Injuries Criteria”的缩写,中文意思为“颈部伤害指数”。 颈部伤害指数(NIC)的评分根据测量假人头部加速度和胸部加速度而产生。经过计算,得出颈部伤害指数(NIC)。 在中国的C-NCAP中,颈部伤害指数(NIC)这一项的最高分数为2分。
2023-07-19 05:24:341


2023-07-19 05:24:381

Supplementary reading material:Volcanic Eruptions

As with earthquakes,volcanic activity is linked to plate-tectonic processes. Most of the world"s active above-sea volcanoes are located near convergent plate boundaries where subduction is occurring,particularly around the Pacific basin. However,much more volcanism—producing about three quarters of all lava erupted on Earth—takes place unseen beneath the ocean,mostly along the oceanic spreading centers,such as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the East Pacific Rise.Subduction-zone volcanoes like Mount St. Helens ( in Washington State ) and Mount Pinatubo ( Luzon,Philippines) ,are called composite cones and typically erupt with explosive force,because the magma is too stiff to allow easy escape through volcanic gases. As a consequence,tremendous internal pressures mount as the trapped gases expand during ascent, before the pent-up pressure is suddenly released in a violent eruption. Such an explosive process can be compared to putting your thumb over an opened bottle of a carbonated drink,shaking it vigorously,and then quickly removing the thumb. The shaking action separates the gases from the liquid to form bubbles,increasing the internal pressure. Quick release of the thumb allows the gases and liquid to gush out with explosive speed and force.In 1991, two volcanoes on the western edge of the Philippine Plate produced major eruptions. On June 15,Mount Pinatubo spewed ash 40 km into the air and produced huge ash flows ( also called pyroclastic flows ) and mudflows that devastated a large area around the volcano. Pinatubo,located 90 km from Manila,had been dormant for 600 years before the 1991 eruption,which ranks as one of the largest eruptions in this century. Also in 1991,Japan"s Unzen volcano,located on the Island of Kyushu about 40 km east of Nagasaki,awakened from its 200- year slumber to produce a new lava dome at its summit. Beginning in June,repeated collapses of this active dome generated destructive ash flows that swept down its slopes at speeds as high as 200 km per hour. Unzen is one of more than 75 active volcanoes in Japan; its eruption in 1792 killed more than 15,000 people—the worst volcanic disaster in the country"s history.While the Unzen eruptions have caused deaths and considerable local damage,the impact of the June 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo was global. Slightly cooler than usual temperatures recorded worldwide and the brilliant sunsets and sunrises have been attributed to this eruption that sent fine ash and gases high into the stratosphere,forming a large volcanic cloud that drifted around the world. The sulfur dioxide ( SO2) in this cloud—about 22 million tons—combined with water to form droplets of sulfuric acid,blocking some of the sunlight from reaching the Earth and thereby cooling temperatures in some regions by as much as 0. 5℃ . An eruption the size of Mount Pinatubo could affect the weather for a few years. A similar phenomenon occurred in April of 1815 with the cataclysmic eruption of Tambora Volcano in Indonesia,the most powerful eruption in recorded history. Tambora"s volcanic cloud lowered global temperatures by as much as 3℃ . Even a year after the eruption,most of the northern hemisphere experienced sharply cooler temperatures during the summer months. In part of Europe and in North America,1816 was known as “the year without a summer. ”Apart from possibly affecting climate,volcanic clouds from explosive eruptions also pose a hazard to aviation safety. During the past two decades, more than 60 airplanes, mostly commercial jetliners,have been damaged by in-flight encounters with volcanic ash. Some of these encounters have resulted in the power loss of all engines,necessitating emergency landings. Luckily,to date no crashes have happened because of jet aircraft flying into volcanic ash.Since the year A. D. 1600,nearly 300,000 people have been killed by volcanic eruptions. Most deaths were caused by pyroclastic flows and mudflows, deadly hazards which often accompany explosive eruptions of subduction-zone volcanoes. Pyroclastic flows,also called nuées ardentes ( “glowing clouds ” in French ) , are fast-moving, avalanche-like, ground-hugging incandescent mixtures of hot volcanic debris,ash,and gases that can travel at speeds in excess of 150 km per hour. Approximately 30,000 people were killed by pyroclastic flows during the 1902 eruption of Mont Pel e on the Island of Martinique in the Caribbean. In March-April 1982,three explosive eruptions of El Chichón Volcano in the State of Chiapas,southeastern Mexico,caused the worst volcanic disaster in that country"s history. Villages within 8 km of the volcano were destroyed by pyroclastic flows,killing more than 2,000 people.Mudflows ( also called debris flows or lahars,an Indonesian term for volcanic mudflows) are mixtures of volcanic debris and water. The water usually comes from two sources: rainfall or the melting of snow and ice by hot volcanic debris. Depending on the proportion of water to volcanic material,mudflows can range from soupy floods to thick flows that have the consistency of wet cement. As mudflows sweep down the steep sides of composite volcanoes,they have the strength and speed to flatten or bury everything in their paths. Hot ash and pyroclastic flows from the eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz Volcano in Colombia,South America,melted snow and ice atop the 5,390-m- high Andean peak; the ensuing mudflows buried the city of Armero,killing 25,000 people.Eruptions of Hawaiian and most other mid-plate volcanoes differ greatly from those of composite cones. Mauna Loa and Kilauea,on the island of Hawaii,are known as shield volcanoes,because they resemble the wide,rounded shape of an ancient warrior"s shield. Shield volcanoes tend to erupt non-explosively,mainly pouring out huge volumes of fluid lava. Hawaiian- type eruptions are rarely life threatening because the lava advances slowly enough to allow safe evacuation of people,but large lava flows can cause considerable economic loss by destroying property and agricultural lands. For example,lava from the ongoing eruption of Kilauea,which began in January 1983,has destroyed more than 200 structures,buried kilometers of highways, and disrupted the daily lives of local residents. Because Hawaiian volcanoes erupt frequently and pose little danger to humans,they provide an ideal natural laboratory to safely study volcanic phenomena at close range. The USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory,on the rim of Kilauea,was among the world"s first modern volcano observatories,established early in this century.In recorded history,explosive eruptions at subduction-zone ( convergent-boundary) volcanoes have posed the greatest hazard to civilizations. Yet scientists have estimated that about three quarters of the material erupted on Earth each year originates at spreading mid-ocean ridges. However,no deep submarine eruption has yet been observed “live”by scientists. Because the great water depths preclude easy observation,few detailed studies have been made of the numerous possible eruption sites along the tremendous length ( 50,000 km) of the global mid- oceanic ridge system. Recently however,repeated surveys of specific sites along the Juan de Fuca Ridge,off the coast of the Oregon and Washington,have mapped deposits of fresh lava,which must have been erupted sometime between the surveys. In June 1993,seismic signals typically associated with submarine eruptions—called T-phases—were detected along part of the spreading Juan de Fuca Ridge and interpreted as being caused by eruptive activity.Iceland,where the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is exposed on land,is a different story. It is easy to see many Icelandic volcanoes erupt non-explosively from fissure vents,in similar fashion to typical Hawaiian eruptions; others,like Hekla Volcano,erupt explosively. ( After Hekla"s catastrophic eruption in 1104,it was thought in the Christian world to be the “Mouth to Hell. ”) The voluminous,but mostly non-explosive,eruption at Lakagígar ( Laki) ,Iceland,in 1783,resulted in one of the world"s worst volcanic disasters. About 9,000 people—almost 20% of the country"s population at the time—died of starvation after the eruption,because their livestock had perished from grazing on grass contaminated by fluorine-rich gases emitted during this eight month-long eruption.TsunamisMajor earthquakes occurring along subduction zones are especially hazardous,because they can trigger tsunamis ( from the Japanese word tsunami meaning “harbor wave ”) and pose a potential danger to coastal communities and islands that dot the Pacific. Tsunamis are often mistakenly called“tidal waves”when,in fact,they have nothing to do with tidal action. Rather, tsunamis are seismic sea waves caused by earthquakes,submarine landslides,and,infrequently, by eruptions of island volcanoes. During a major earthquake,the seafloor can move by several meters and an enormous amount of water is suddenly set into motion,sloshing back and forth for several hours. The result is a series of waves that race across the ocean at speeds of more than 800 km per hour,comparable to those of commercial jetliners. The energy and momentum of these transoceanic waves can take them thousands of kilometers from their origin before slamming into far-distant islands or coastal areas.To someone on a ship in the open ocean,the passage of a tsunami wave would barely elevate the water surface. However,when it reaches shallower water near the coastline and “touches bottom,”the tsunami wave increases in height,piling up into an enormous wall of water. As a tsunami approaches the shore,the water near shore commonly recedes for several minutes—long enough for someone to be lured out to collect exposed sea shells,fish,etc. —before suddenly rushing back toward land with frightening speed and height.The 1883 eruption of Krakatau Volcano,located in the Sunda Straits between the islands of Sumatra and Java,Indonesia,provides an excellent example of an eruption-caused tsunami. A series of tsunamis washed away 165 coastal villages on Java and Sumatra,killing 36,000 people. The larger tsunamis were recorded by tide gauges as far away as the southern coast of the Arabian Peninsula-more than 7,000 km from Krakatau!Because of past killer tsunamis,which have caused hundreds of deaths on the Island of Hawaii and elsewhere,the International Tsunami Information Center was created in 1965. This center issues tsunami warnings based on earthquake and wave-height information gathered from seismic and tide-gauge stations located around the Pacific Ocean basin and on Hawaii.Both texts are selected from: This Dynamic Earth: The story of plate tectonics,Online edition,USGS.By: W. Jacquelyne Kious and Robert I. TillingNew words and expressionsPart A地球科学专业英语地球科学专业英语Part B地球科学专业英语
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摘要——申请个别的分布式发电机组 能引起许多问题,因为这可能解决这个问题。一个更好的办法 这个新兴的潜力,实现分布式发电 将系统方法的观点和吗 作为一个子系统相关荷载或" microgrid”。这个 源可以并行运作的网格或者可以操作 岛,UPS服务。这个系统将断开 在重大事件的效用(即断层、电压 崩塌),但是也会故意断开的时候 从电网质量低于一定的 标准。利用余热的来源 增加总效率,使项目的更多 有吸引力的。实验验证了 对电气可靠性技术方案联合体 (亮)microgrid控制理念。 索引术语——CHP、分布式发电、故意的 地区性、变频器、microgrid、电力vs.频率下垂, 电压下垂,
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So does /is Jim. did/was
2023-07-19 05:24:142


BNetwork Interface Card,简称“NIC”,
2023-07-19 05:24:101

lose fat到底是什么意思呢?

lose weight~
2023-07-19 05:24:085


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尽管起名没有一定限制,但起英文名时最好与自己的中文名有联系,让人感觉就是你。起名时要注意:1.根据中文名起英文名时,注意姓氏通常不变。2.起英文名时要注意性别。下面是根据星座经常起的一些英文名,供大家参考:白羊座男性最适合的英文名:Charles,Mark,Bill,Vincent,William,Joseph,James,Henry,Martin引申为嗜战的白羊座女性最适合的英文名:Malcolm,Joan,Niki,Betty,Linda,Whitney,Lily-百合花金牛座男性最适合的英文名:Fred,Gary,William,Charles,Michael,Karl-肖似上帝的人Karl-金牛座女性最适合的英文名:Barbara,Helen,Katharine,Lee,Ann,Diana,Fiona双子座男性最适合的英文名:Bob,John,Thomas,Dean,Paul,Brooke意思;Bob-战斗John-Thomas-太阳神;一双孪生子Dean-Paul-小家伙;幼小的Brooke-双子座女性最适合的英文名:Judy,Doris,Rudy,Amanda,Shirley,Joan,Tracy意思:Judy-赞美Doris-海洋女神名;属于大海的Ruby-红宝石Amanda-值得爱的Shirley-来自牧场的Joan-上帝仁慈的赐予Tracy-通往城市的小路巨蟹座男性最适合的英文名: Kevin,Louis,John,George,Henry,Benjamin意思:Kevin-出身很好的;圣人Louis-战功彪炳的John-George-耕种者Henry-家里的管事者Benjamin-勇悍的卫士巨蟹座女性最适合的英文名:Melody,Helen,Debbie,Lisa,Yvonne意思:Melody-Helen-光亮的;光彩照人的女孩Debbie-蜜蜂;蜂后Lisa-美好的;为了理想Yvonne-弓箭射手;上帝的恩赐狮子座男性最适合的英文名: Robert,Carl,Scott,Tom,Eddy,Kris,Peter狮子座女性最适合的英文名:Shelly,Mary,Dolly,Nancy,Jane,Barbara处女座男性最适合的英文名: Johnson,Bruce,Robert,Peter,Bil,Joseph,John意思:Johnson-Bruce-一片树林Robert-Peter-岩石;磐石;坚强的人Bill-勇悍的卫士Joseph-愿上帝增加;耶和华增加John-处女座女性最适合的英文名:Shirley,Emily,Sophia,Vivian,Lillian,Joy天秤座男性最适合的英文名: Burt,Charlie,Elliot,George,天秤座女性最适合的英文名:Ross,Julie,Gloria,Carol天蝎座男性最适合的英文名: Richard,James,Charles,Bruce,David意思:Richard-勇敢的James-代替者;排挤者Charles-男子汉;有男子气概的Bruce-一片树林David-可爱的人;朋友;司令天蝎座女性最适合的英文名:Taylor,Wendy,Grace,Vivian,Caroline,Samantha意思:TaylorWendy-勇于冒险的少女Grace-优雅的Vivian-活泼的Caroline-勇敢,刚毅和强壮的Samantha-虚心受教的人射手座男性最适合的英文名: Nick,Walt,John,Mark,Sam,Daria,Neil,Lewis,Billy射手座女性最适合的英文名:Maaria,Kate,Demi,SUNNY,Wendy意思:Maria-Kate-纯洁的人Demi-SUNNY-阳光的Wendy-勇于冒险的少女魔蝎座男性最适合的英文名: Richard,Howard,Allen,Johnney,Robert,Martin,Jeff魔蝎座女性最适合的英文名:Ava,Christina,Judy,Susan,Grace,Alice水瓶座男性最适合的英文名: Paul,Sam,Francis,Lewis,Stephen,Andy,Scott-水瓶座女性最适合的英文名:Joyce,Sally,Margarat,Rebecca,Teresa,Rita,Jessica双鱼座男性最适合的英文名: Alert,Kevin,Michael,Taylor,Jackson,Jack,Jimmy,Allen,Martin,Vincent-征服双鱼座女性最适合的英文名:Elizabeth,Kelly,May,Julie,Amanda,Fionae
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