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instead of 的用法 instead of 后到底加do还是doing

2023-07-19 18:00:43

instead of:代替,而不是...例句与用法:1.I made this cake specially,with brown sugar instead of white.我特别地以红糖代替白糖做了这个蛋糕.2.I gave him advice instead of money.我给了他忠告,而不是钱.3.There...


英文「instead/ instead of」中文意思跟用法!「作为..替代」英文怎么说?

instead 中文 意思是指「作为替代」的意思,instead 相关的英文片语有instead of,其意思为「作为…的替代」的意思。instead 跟instead of 在英文里很常用到,因此一定要学会。 下面列举出instead/instead of的英文用法、英文例句跟中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.instead 作为替代、作为代替 instead 中文意思是指「作为替代」的意思。 instead相关英文例句: 例: She is too busy, let me go instead. 她太忙了,让我代替。 例:There"s no tea here. Would you like a cup of coffee instead? 这里没有茶,你愿意用咖啡来替代吗? 2.instead of 作为…的替代 instead 中文意思是指「作为…的替代」的意思。 instead of 相关英文例句: 例:Will you go to the party instead of me? 你会代替我去参加聚会吗? 例:You can go instead of her if you want. 你可以代替她去,如果你想的话。 instead, instead 中文, instead 中文意思, instead 中文的意思, instead 中文解释, instead 意思, instead 用法, instead 翻译, 作为替代 英文, 替代 英文, 英文 instead
2023-07-19 07:24:361

instead和instead of的用法理解

2023-07-19 07:25:252

instead of 和stand for的用法区别

stand for  1. 代表;象征  The American flag stands for freedom and justice.  美国国旗代表自由及公平。  What do the letters UN stand for?  字母UN代表什么?  2. 主张;支持,拥护  We stand for self-reliance.  我们主张自力更生。  instead of 代替/而不是,是个介词词组,后面通常跟名词、代词或动词的-ing形式等。【用法比较狭窄】  Instead of giving him the money,she gave it to me .  I want to be a tour guide rather than an English teacher.instead和instead of在用法上的区别instead作副词,是“代替”、“顶替”的意思。如:Mr. Wang is ill, I will take his class instead.instead of为介词短语,它后面可跟名词、代词、动名词、介词短语或形容词等。如:(1)I will clean the window instead of him.(2)We will skate instead of playing football.
2023-07-19 07:26:011

Rather Than 和 Instead Of 有什么区别

2023-07-19 07:26:111

instead of 在句首,造一个句子

Instead ofdoingthegreatprojectshe/shebraggedincessantly about,he/she justbragged.她不断吹嘘那些伟大的项目,但从不去做,只是吹嘘而已.
2023-07-19 07:26:193

请问instead to 用法

2023-07-19 07:26:293

instead和instead of的区别

instead和instead of 都有“代替”的意思,但它们的用法不同。1、instead 是副词,意思是“代替”、“顶替”。一般放在句子末尾,或放在句中,前后用“,”隔开。如:1). Mom , you "re too tired. Let me clean the floor instead. 妈妈,你太累了,我来拖地吧。2).I broke Jim"s glass. He didn"t blame me,instead , he smiled at me . 我打坏了吉姆的水杯。他没有责备我反而对我微笑。 2、instead of 是介词短语汇,意思是“代替”、“而不是”。它后面跟名词/代词/动词ing形式等。意思是“代替”、“而不是”。如:1). Jim watched TV instead of playing games last night . 吉姆昨天晚上看电视,没有玩游戏。2). She had noodles instead of porribe for breakfast this morning . 她今天早上早饭吃面条,没有吃稀饭。
2023-07-19 07:27:021

能用instead和instead of造几个例句吗?

一.instead意为“代替”“替代”,作副词用,通常位于句尾.如位于句首时常用逗号与后面阁开.instead 在顺接句子中作“代替”讲,而在转折(或逆转)句子中作“然而”讲. 例如:1.Lily isn"t here.Ask Lucy instead. Lily不在这儿,去问Lucy吧.[注意]当instead在祈使句中时,只能位于句末. 2.she didn"t answer me,instead,she asked me another question. 她没有回答我,反而问了我另外一个问题. 二.instead of是介宾短语,其意与instead相同,不同之处在于它后面常接宾语,起宾语多由名词、代词、介词、短语、动词 + ing 形式充当. 例如:1.We"ll ask Li Mei instead of Mary. 我们将去问李梅而不问玛丽. 2.I"ll go instead of her. 我会替她去. 三.instead 与instead of的转换. 例如:1.He didn"t answer me,instead,he asked me another question → He asked me another question instead of answering me. 2.I"ll of instead of her.→She won"t go.I"ll go instead
2023-07-19 07:27:351

用“instead of”怎么造句?

一.instead意为“代替”“替代”,作副词用,通常位于句尾。如位于句首时常用逗号与后面阁开。instead 在顺接句子中作“代替”讲,而在转折(或逆转)句子中作“然而”讲。 例如:1.Lily isn"t here. Ask Lucy instead. Lily不在这儿,去问Lucy吧. [注意]当instead在祈使句中时,只能位于句末。 2.she didn"t answer me, instead, she asked me another question. 她没有回答我,反而问了我另外一个问题。 二.instead of是介宾短语,其意与instead相同,不同之处在于它后面常接宾语,起宾语多由名词、代词、介词、短语、动词 + ing 形式充当。 例如:1.We"ll ask Li Mei instead of Mary. 我们将去问李梅而不问玛丽。 2.I"ll go instead of her. 我会替她去。 三.instead 与instead of的转换。 例如: 1.He didn"t answer me, instead, he asked me another question → He asked me another question instead of answering me. 2.I"ll of instead of her.→She won"t go.I"ll go instead参考资料:
2023-07-19 07:28:011

instead of跟instead的用法一样吗?

1、词性不同:instead of是介词短语,后接名词或动名词。instead是副词,修饰动词或句子。2、用法不同:instead of可以独立构成短语作状语、同位语以及其他平行结构,语义明确,与help others并列。instead只能修饰动词或句子,语义不明确,由主句确定。because his classmates can"t deal with homework,he chose to help others with their study instead.这里,instead没有语义。3、读音不同:instead of:英[inˈsted ɔv],美[ɪnˈstɛd ʌv]instead:英[ɪnˈsted],美[ɪnˈstɛd]用法上的的区别:4、instead of是介宾短语,意为“代替,而不是”。注意instead of有“否定后面宾语”的意思。它后面常接宾语,宾语多由名词、代词、介词、短语、动词ing 形式充当。例如:We"ll ask Tom instead of Mary.我们将去问汤姆,而不是去问玛丽。I"ll go instead of her.我将会替她去。扩展资料Instead of 是个短语介词。在语言的实际运用中,instead of后几乎可连接各种词类及短语,其功能与连词十分相似。1 跟名词:I give him advice instead of money.我给了他忠告而没有给他钱。2 跟代词:Will you go to the party instead of me?你代我去赴宴,好吗?3 跟形容词:Things are now better instead of worse.情况不是更坏,而是更好了。4 跟副词:He walks slowly instead of quickly.他走得慢,而不是快了。5 跟动词(短语):A word of encouragement might have made me respect instead of hate him.一句鼓励的话可能使我尊敬他,而不是憎恨他。That increased instead of decreased our courage.那不但没有减弱反而增强了我们的勇气。6 跟动名词(短语):We should encourage them instead of throwing cold water on them.我们应该鼓励他们而不是对他们泼冷水。7 跟复合结构:They must make up their own minds instead of our making their minds for them.他们应当自己下决心而不是我们替他们下决心。8 跟介词短语:He laughed with (us) instead of at us.他跟我们一起笑,并不是嘲笑我们。9 跟(to do)不定式(短语):I went to borrow a book instead of to buy one.我去借了一本书,而不是买了一本书。10 跟从句:He describes it as he saw instead of as it was.他是按他看到的样子而不是按其本来的面目来描述它的。
2023-07-19 07:28:311

instead of 的用法

instead of为介词短语,它后面可跟名词、代词、动名词、介词短语或形容词等。如: (1) I will clean the window instead of him. (2) We will skate instead of playing football.
2023-07-19 07:29:013


instead是副词,一般放在句首或句末。注意:它一般位于句首或句尾,但不能位于祈使句的前面,也不能位于句中。如:Ifyoucan"tgotothemeeting,Icangoinstead.  如果你不去开会,我可以(代替你)去。而insteadof是介词短语,表示“代替”时,含有“对比”的意思,其后常跟名词、代词或v-ing形式。如:MissWangisill.I"llteachyouinsteadofher.  王老师病了,我代替她给你们上课。
2023-07-19 07:29:342

instead of的相关知识

2023-07-19 07:29:511

instead和instead of的区别

一.instead意为“代替”“替代”,作副词用,通常位于句尾.如位于句首时常用逗号与后面阁开.instead 在顺接句子中作“代替”讲,而在转折(或逆转)句子中作“然而”讲.例如:1.Lily isn"t here.Ask Lucy instead.Lily不在这儿,去问Lucy吧.[注意]当instead在祈使句中时,只能位于句末.2.she didn"t answer me,instead,she asked me another question.她没有回答我,反而问了我另外一个问题.二.instead of是介宾短语,其意与instead相同,不同之处在于它后面常接宾语,起宾语多由名词、代词、介词、短语、动词 + ing 形式充当.例如:1.We"ll ask Li Mei instead of Mary.我们将去问李梅而不问玛丽.2.I"ll go instead of her.
2023-07-19 07:30:262

instead和instead of的区别

2023-07-19 07:31:042


2023-07-19 07:29:454

一首英文歌曲 男的唱的,沙哑的声音,开始是轻唱, 大概意思是希望没有战争的,诶!急死人了

john lennon<<imagine>>
2023-07-19 07:29:463


Multilateral trade agreement 多边贸易协议 Its primary function is the implementation and administration of the plurilateral trade agreement 世界贸易组织的主要职能是执行和管理 多边贸易协议 。 Russia must now sign a multi - lateral trade agreement with the entire world trade organization , a process that moscow says may take until the middle of 2007 俄罗斯现在需要与全世界贸易组织签订 多边贸易协议 ,莫斯科方面估计这个过程大概会在2007年年中完成。 The pitchbooks typically identified the *** ysts on the team and dedicated several pages to the *** ysts experience , credentials , and specific role in the contemplated transaction 根据dsu第1条第1款, wto争端解决机制的规则和程序适用于建立wto协定及其 多边贸易协议 与数边贸易协议。 Research coverage was part of the package of services for which morgan stanley was pensated in those investment banking deals . 18 . *** ysts played an important role in morgan stanley s pitches for banking business 2附件1 2 3即 多边贸易协议 所含诸协议及相关法律文本是本协定不可分割之部分,对所有成员均具约束力。 ” This essay consists of five parts . the first part is general introduction of the wto agreements . it briefly introduces the systems of the wto agreements , points out it is the international treaty in substantial and fulfillment of international obpgation is a very important question after china " s accession to wto 全文共分为五个部分:第一部分为引言,主要考察了wto的法律框架,著重分析了wto的国际条约性质,在wto的体系框架内, 多边贸易协议 是对所有成员具有拘束力的国际法。 Decision on review of article 17 . 6 of the agreement on implementation of article vi of the general agreement on tariffs and trade 1994 ministers decide as follows : the standard of review in paragraph 6 of article 17 of the agreement on implementation of article vi of gatt 1994 shall be reviewed after a period of three years with a view to considering the question of whether it is capable of general apppcation 在贸总协定乌拉圭回合中,根据国际贸易发展新变化,在上述协议的基础上,又达成了关于实施1994年关税与贸易总协定第六条的协议,并在1994年4月15日马拉喀什部长会议上获得通过,成为世界贸易组织统管的 多边贸易协议 的一部分,是世界反倾销法的一场革命。
2023-07-19 07:29:491


设置线宽度(LineWidth),标记点的边缘颜色(MarkerEdgeColor),填充颜色 (MarkerFaceColor)及标记点的大小(MarkerSize)例:设置绘图线的线型,颜色,宽度,标记 点的颜色及大小:t=0:pi/20:pi;y=sin(4*t).*sin(t)/2;plot(t,y,"-bs","LineWidth",2,... %设置线的宽度为2"MarkerEdgeColor","k",... %设置标记点边缘颜色为黑色"MarkerFaceColor","y",... %设置标记点填充颜色为黄色"MarkerSize",10) %设置标记点的尺寸为10
2023-07-19 07:29:502

jeans 是什么意思?

2023-07-19 07:29:501

我要fiona fung首forever friends歌词

中英文歌词: Fiona Fung - Forever friends I believe I can love 我相信我可以爱 You give me your loving care 你给予我深情的~爱的关心 I believe in what we are I don"t know where I would be Without you staying with me 我相信无论我们在那里~~~只要是没有你与我在一起~~~我们都不知道我们会变成怎样 Sometimes I"m lost in misery 有时候我可能会遇到痛苦 不幸 悲惨 穷困 苦难 You will take me all the way I"m not afraid 只要有你在我的身边~我就不会害怕 Oh you and me hand in hand to everywhere 你与我手牵手至天涯海角 amazing Be my friend oh friend 十分惊喜的~我们能做朋友 We are forever friends 你们永远都是我最好的朋友 Oh baby you give me all the love I need 亲爱的~你给予了我所需要的爱 You are the only one 你就是我的唯一 I believe I can love 我相信我可以爱 You give me your loving care 你给予我深情的~爱的关心 I believe in what we are You will take me all the way as day by day 我相信不论在那里~日复日~你都会与我同在 Oh you and me hand in hand to everywhere 你与我手牵手至天涯海角 amazing Be my friend oh friend 十分惊喜的~我们能做朋友 We are forever friends 你们永远都是我最好的朋友 Oh baby you give me all the love I need 亲爱的~你给予了我所需要的爱 You are the only one 你就是我的唯一 You will take me all the way as day by day 日复日~你都会与我同在 Oh you and me hand in hand to everywhere 你与我手牵手至天涯海角 amazing Be my friend oh friend 十分惊喜的~我们能做朋友 We are forever friends 你们永远都是我最好的朋友 Oh baby you give me all the love I need 亲爱的~你给予了我所需要的爱 You are the only one 你就是我的唯一 佢系咩国家既就唔知..不过都可以禁下面个网check check佢其他既资料: .geocities/proudoffionafung/ hope can help u~^^
2023-07-19 07:29:531

estebel 1833serum actif中文是什么

estebel就是一个著名的法国化妆品牌子,源自1833年。至于你说的serum actif按理来说应该是指精油,这个牌子的精油也的确非常好,纯天然,产自花香弥漫的普罗旺斯。如果不放心,怕买到假货,可以到estebel的官网查询,附上地址,官网是英文的,希望能帮到您。附录翻译:serum是液状的化妆品(翻译为精华素),serum其实就是一种浓缩液体,大多含有抗氧化剂或者是缩氨酸(肽)。总体来说SERUM就是一种质地比水儿浓但不及LOTION浓的液体。 actif来源自法语,形容词扩展:active,就是活跃的意思。
2023-07-19 07:29:541


<Pretend> —— Ken Peplowski
2023-07-19 07:29:552


两种说法 直接摘抄自我手头的Oxford Advanced Learner"s Dictionary (7th edition)Melody (pl.-ies)1. a tune, especially the main tune in a piece of music written for several instruments or voices2. a piece of music or a song with a clear or simple tune3. the arrangement of musical notes in a tunerhythm (U.c) (即不可数)1.a strong regular pattern of sounds or movements2. a regular pattern of changes or events
2023-07-19 07:29:573


最小二乘法(又称最小平方法)是一种数学优化技术。它通过最小化误差的平方和寻找数据的最佳函数匹配。利用最小二乘法可以简便地求得未知的数据,并使得这些求得的数据与实际数据之间误差的平方和为最小。最小二乘法还可用于曲线拟合。其他一些优化问题也可通过最小化能量或最大化熵用最小二乘法来表达。最小二乘法原理:u2002在我们研究两个变量(x,y)之间的相互关系时,通常可以得到一系列成对的数据(x_{1},y_{1}.x_{2},y_{2}...x_{m},y_{m});将这些数据描绘在x-y直角坐标系中,若发现这些点在一条直线附近,可以令这条直线方程如(式1-1)。 _{}:代表下标,^{}:代表上标。y = a_{0}x+a_{1} u2002(式1-1)u2002u2002u2002其中:a0、a1u2002是任意实数2 常见拟合曲线:直线:u2002u2002 u2002y = a_{0}x+a_{1}u2002u2002u2002u2002u2002u2002多项式:y=a_{0}x^{n} + a_{1}x^{n-1} + a_{2}x^{n-2} + …+a_{n}一般次数不易高于3。3 matlab函数polyfit函数基于最小二乘法,使用的基本格式为:p = polyfit(x,y,n)[p,S] = polyfit(x,y,n)[p,S,mu] = polyfit(x,y,n)注:其中每个命令中的n为多项式拟合的次数,当n为1时,即为一次拟合(很多情况下等价于一元线性回归)。p是n+1维参数向量p(1),p(2)….那么拟合后对应的多项式即为p(1)*x^n + p(2)*x^(n-1) +…+ p(n)*x + p(n+1)。S是规模为1×1的结构数组,包括R(系数矩阵的QR分解的上三角阵),df(自由度),normr(拟合误差平方和的算术平方根)。mu-包含两个值 mean(x)均值,std(x)标准差。求出p之后我们需要作出拟合函数,那么只需要使用命令:Q=polyval(p,x)然后plot出x和Q即可。另外需要强调一点的是,多项式拟合不是拟合次数越高越好,而是残差越小越好。往往需要在回归分析的时候给出相关系数(correlation coefficient),实际上也很简单,我们可以使用命令:r=corrcoef(x,y);这样得到的r即为相关系数矩阵,其中r(1,2)=r(2,1)为相关系数,其值在[-1,1]之间,1表示最大程度的正相关,-1表示最大程度的负相关。相关系数绝对值越靠近1,线性相关性质越好,根据数据描点画出来的函数-自变量图线越趋近于一条平直线,拟合的直线与描点所得图线也更相近。4 举例1. 已知观测数据为:X:0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Y:-0.447 1.987 3.28 6.16 7.08 7.34 7.66 9.56 9.48 9.3 11.2用多项式曲线拟合这些数据点:Matlab 代码:clear all; close all; clc;x=0:1:10;y=[-0.447,1.978,3.28,6.16,7.08,7.34,7.66,9.56,9.48,9.3,11.2];plot(x,y,"k.","markersize",25)hold on %图形保持功能axis([0 13 -2 16]) %坐标轴范围order=2; %阶数(一般不要超过3,可以更改确定)[p s ]=polyfit(x,y,order);t=0:1:12;Q=polyval(p,t);plot(t,Q,"r"); %画出图形r=corrcoef(x,y); %相关系数
2023-07-19 07:29:581


jeans一般情况下是复数,jeans是可数名词,而且只有复数形式。n.牛仔裤;工装裤;因为一条裤子有两条裤腿,所以jeans一般情况下是不用单数的,是可数名词。 jeans例句 Skinny jeans are a must-have in today"s fashion. 紧身牛仔裤是时尚潮人的必备单品。 These jeans are too tight in the crotch. 这些牛仔裤的裤裆太紧了。 He wears an oily old pair of jeans. 他穿着一条沾满油污的旧牛仔裤。 Where is the jeans with cartoons? 那条有卡通画的牛仔裤在哪? He wears an oily old pair of jeans. 他穿着一条沾满油污的旧牛仔裤。
2023-07-19 07:29:581

求dew君へforever friend 中文歌词翻译,非常感谢!

因为-先生。而为了达到了大海的面向前方活这样恐怖的汽车和困惑,记得也踏之人的我)等现在是立了让人买了吗?”“没有空闲打架()。着的别嘲笑了通过相互的梦想,像传达的那一天,他忽然想到了你是否也正仰望着你的笑容故作)男:你的笑容故作就喜欢有一只巨大的梦的手掌上我)等上面掲颤抖地前面向前方活。终于被你,大概要花! ! 2008-8-18 12:24:47最近走着去做。大人声势浩大的)现在! ! !一切都变,实在令人感到看不到未来啊!完全踏叔母人不打架()。着的别嘲笑了不安的我像传达的那一天,一个人吗?”“你是要用我的荞麦面,有一只巨大的梦我忘了,我)等胸口上,而想要走总有一天你又围绕合(可以日子)那一天,别嘲笑一样想变成现实的海浪一样,吞噬灯去了。邻座,支辛辣课的笑容故作)期间放弃无法现在怎么成了有一只巨大的梦的手掌上我)等上面掲颤抖地前面向前方活。终于被你,大概要花! ! 2008-8-18 12:24:47最近走着去做。一起去见过那个海也闪烁的那个下雪的)一生忘来了?而且开始起来! ! !现在踏现在之人是因为挺棒的你的那份笑容故作
2023-07-19 07:30:002


2023-07-19 07:30:031

怎样用matlab作聚类分析啊?求操作T_T T_T

展示如何使用MATLAB进行聚类分析分别运用分层聚类、K均值聚类以及高斯混合模型来进行分析,然后比较三者的结果生成随机二维分布图形,三个中心% 使用高斯分布(正态分布)% 随机生成3个中心以及标准差s = rng(5,"v5normal");mu = round((rand(3,2)-0.5)*19)+1;sigma = round(rand(3,2)*40)/10+1;X = [mvnrnd(mu(1,:),sigma(1,:),200); ... mvnrnd(mu(2,:),sigma(2,:),300); ... mvnrnd(mu(3,:),sigma(3,:),400)];% 作图P1 = figure;clf;scatter(X(:,1),X(:,2),10,"ro");title("研究样本散点分布图") K均值聚类% 距离用传统欧式距离,分成两类[cidx2,cmeans2,sumd2,D2] = kmeans(X,2,"dist","sqEuclidean");P2 = figure;clf;[silh2,h2] = silhouette(X,cidx2,"sqeuclidean"); 从轮廓图上面看,第二类结果比较好,但是第一类有部分数据表现不佳。有相当部分的点落在0.8以下。分层聚类eucD = pdist(X,"euclidean");clustTreeEuc = linkage(eucD,"average");cophenet(clustTreeEuc,eucD);P3 = figure;clf;[h,nodes] = dendrogram(clustTreeEuc,20);set(gca,"TickDir","out","TickLength",[.002 0],"XTickLabel",[]);可以选择dendrogram显示的结点数目,这里选择20 。结果显示可能可以分成三类重新调用K均值法改为分成三类[cidx3,cmeans3,sumd3,D3] = kmeans(X,3,"dist","sqEuclidean");P4 = figure;clf;[silh3,h3] = silhouette(X,cidx3,"sqeuclidean"); 图上看,比前面的结果略有改善。将分类的结果展示出来P5 = figure;clfptsymb = {"bo","ro","go",",mo","c+"};MarkFace = {[0 0 1],[.8 0 0],[0 .5 0]};hold onfor i =1:3 clust = find(cidx3 == i); plot(X(clust,1),X(clust,2),ptsymb{i},"MarkerSize",3,"MarkerFace",MarkFace{i},"MarkerEdgeColor","black"); plot(cmeans3(i,1),cmeans3(i,2),ptsymb{i},"MarkerSize",10,"MarkerFace",MarkFace{i});endhold off 运用高斯混合分布模型进行聚类分析分别用分布图、热能图和概率图展示结果 等高线% 等高线options = statset("Display","off");gm =,3,"Options",options);P6 = figure;clfscatter(X(:,1),X(:,2),10,"ro");hold onezcontour(@(x,y) pdf(gm,[x,y]),[-15 15],[-15 10]);hold offP7 = figure;clfscatter(X(:,1),X(:,2),10,"ro");hold onezsurf(@(x,y) pdf(gm,[x,y]),[-15 15],[-15 10]);hold offview(33,24)热能图cluster1 = (cidx3 == 1);cluster3 = (cidx3 == 2);% 通过观察,K均值方法的第二类是gm的第三类cluster2 = (cidx3 == 3);% 计算分类概率P = posterior(gm,X);P8 = figure;clfplot3(X(cluster1,1),X(cluster1,2),P(cluster1,1),"r.")grid on;hold onplot3(X(cluster2,1),X(cluster2,2),P(cluster2,2),"bo")plot3(X(cluster3,1),X(cluster3,2),P(cluster3,3),"g*")legend("第 1 类","第 2 类","第 3 类","Location","NW")clrmap = jet(80); colormap(clrmap(9:72,:))ylabel(colorbar,"Component 1 Posterior Probability")view(-45,20);% 第三类点部分概率值较低,可能需要其他数据来进行分析。% 概率图P9 = figure;clf[~,order] = sort(P(:,1));plot(1:size(X,1),P(order,1),"r-",1:size(X,1),P(order,2),"b-",1:size(X,1),P(order,3),"y-");legend({"Cluster 1 Score" "Cluster 2 Score" "Cluster 3 Score"},"location","NW");ylabel("Cluster Membership Score");xlabel("Point Ranking"); 通过AIC准则寻找最优的分类数高斯混合模型法的最大好处是给出分类好坏的标准AIC = zeros(1,4);NlogL = AIC;GM = cell(1,4);for k = 1:4 GM{k} =,k); AIC(k)= GM{k}.AIC; NlogL(k) = GM{k}.NlogL;end[minAIC,numComponents] = min(AIC); 按AIC准则给出的最优分类数为: 3 对应的AIC值为: 8647.63后记(1)pluskid指出K均值算法的初值对结果很重要,但是在运行时还没有发现类似的结果。也许Mathworks对该算法进行过优化。有时间会仔细研究下代码,将结果放上来。分享: 56喜欢4赠金笔阅读(21209)┊ 评论 (4)┊ 收藏(1) ┊转载原文 ┊ 喜欢▼ ┊打印┊举报前一篇:[转载]拉普拉斯矩阵后一篇:[转载]用matlab做聚类分析
2023-07-19 07:30:081

jeans是什么品牌标志 加盟jeans有什么要求

1、jeans,太平鸟女装旗下的四大系列之一。客户定位为22~28岁都市女性。其产品设计独特,品质优秀,在市场上备受时尚人士的喜爱,现已成为一个永恒的品牌。 2、素质要求:中国的合法公民,具备完全民事责任能力,拥有良好的商业信誉,品行端正,诚实守信,对当地的市场充分了解,具备一定的店铺管理能力和沟通能力,且服务意识强。 3、品牌认同:具有较强的品牌意识,能够高度认可jeans的企业文化和经营方式,遵守jeans总部的各项规章制度,愿意接受jeans总部的统一管理,维护jeans的品牌形象。 4、资金要求:具备一定的经济实力,准备好充足的项目启动资金,能够承担开业前期的各项开支以及店铺后期运转的所有费用,且资金来源合法。 5、店铺要求:有符合jeans总部要求的独立门店,租赁或自有皆可。
2023-07-19 07:30:081

有人知道《forever friends》是谁唱的?

2023-07-19 07:30:084


Hangover hangover hangover hangover (hangover)Hangover hangover hangover hangover (hangover)Party"s over, it ain"t overTryna" make a bad memory over and overHangover hangover hangover hangover (hangover)Hangover hangover hangover hangover (hangover)Party"s over, it ain"t overTryna find a single piece of me game overHangover. Hangover. Hangover. HangoverTryna find a single piece of me game overDrink til you drunkSmoke like a broke" stoveDon"t quit take flightI can"t remember last nightIt"s aight this the life of a superstarPsy-fi with that boy trooping hard couping cars snoopy hardIn the paint drink another cup until i fall flatAll lead and then some 1-5-1 done dillyReally for sure thatI"m tow back intoxicatedChange over, game over, hangover, fadedBody shit missDeche reoki yes kkoekkori moschajgesseuI-i-inimanimo catch a lady by the toeAnyeppeumyeon yeppeoboilttae kkaji pparabeorigoDrink it up and get sickBottoms up get wastedPour it up drink it up live it up give it upOh my god dammit there"s the fucking limitPour it up drink it up live it up give it upBadeusioBut i can"t stopMaking bottles pop until the wheels fall offBadeusioAnd i can"t quitI wake up in the morning do the same shitWake up in the morning do the same shitHangover. Hangover. Hangover. HangoverTryna find a single piece of me game overWaking and baking, shaking the fleesCaking and baking, raking the cheeseEarly in the morning in the bathroom on my kneesTipping and dripping, flipping the flowWhipping and dripping a drink on the floorThis it the only way that i was taught a long time agoSeoul, korea, you"ll see a g-ah like me-ahNever would there ever be another like he-ahG-a-n-g-s-t-a, nothing left to sayI done smoked my whole dayBaby nareul siheomhaeEoseo na siheomhaeGeosigiga geosigihani geosigihago jjage geosigihaeNaeireun eopsda eraMoreugessda nae bae jjaeraNaeirui naneun oneurui neoreul baekpeuro mollaDrink it up get sickBottoms up get wastedPour it up drink it up live it up give it upOh my god dammit there"t the fucking limitPour it up drink it up live it up give it upBadeusioBut i can"t stopMaking bottles pop until the wheels fall offBadeusioAnd i can"t quitI wake up in the morning do the same shitWake up in the morning do the same shitWaking and baking, shaking the fleesCaking and baking, raking the cheeseEarly in the morning in the bathroomOn my knees tipping and dripping, flipping the flowWhipping and dripping a drink on the floorThis it the only way that i was taught a long time agoSeoul, korea, you"ll see a g-a like me-ahNever would there ever be another like he-ahG-A-N-G-S-T-A, nothing left to sayI done smoked my whole dayHangover hangover hangover hangoverHangover hangover hangover hangoverHangover hangover hangover hangoverHangover hangover hangover hangoverDrink it up get sickBottoms up get wastedPour it up drink it up live it up give it upOh my god dammit there"t the fucking limitPour it up drink it up live it up give it upBadeusioBut i can"t stopMaking bottles pop until the wheels fall offBadeusioAnd i can"t quitI wake up in the morning do the same shitHangover hangover hangover hangover (hangover)Hangover hangover hangover hangover (hangover)Party"s over, it ain"t overTryna" make a bad memory over and overHangover hangover hangover hangover (hangover)Hangover hangover hangover hangover (hangover)Party"s over, it ain"t overTryna find a single piece of me game over
2023-07-19 07:30:141


2023-07-19 07:30:164

sales pitch是什么意思

sales pitch推销双语对照词典结果:sales pitch<非正>推销员的宣传腔调; 复数:sales pitches以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Forgetting that a resume is a sales pitch. 5.忘了简历的真谛在于自我推销。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-19 07:29:412


2023-07-19 07:29:403


用从句比较恰当吧,“你是我永远的好朋友”,这儿应该是强调“永远的好朋友”,上面的句子都是强调主语you。所以我觉得应该是 "You are the friend who will last forever of mine."
2023-07-19 07:29:371

21 guns的中文歌词

16) 21 GUNS 21支枪 do you know what"s worth fighting for, 当已不值得用死亡来争取 when it"s not worth dying for? 你还知道什么是值得奋斗的吗? does it take your breath away 它是否带走了你的呼吸 and you feel yourself suffocating? 让你透不过气? does the pain weigh out the pride? 这痛苦能承载荣誉? and you look for a place to hide? 而你却在寻找藏身之处? did someone break your heart inside? 有人从内心击垮你了吗? you"re in ruins 你正在毁灭 * one, 21 guns 一,二十一支枪 lay down your arms 放下你的武器 give up the fight 放弃这战斗 one, 21 guns 一,二十一支枪 throw up your arms into the sky 把你的武器扔向空中 you and i * 我和你 when you"re at the end of the road 当你走达道路的尽头 and you lost all sense of control 你失去了控制感 and your thoughts have taken their toll 你为你的想法已经付出代价 when your mind breaks the spirit of your soul 当你的头脑击碎灵魂 your faith walks on broken glass 你的信念在玻璃碎片上行走 and the hangover doesn"t pass 余波还未平息 nothing"s ever built to last 没有什么是永存的 you"re in ruins. 你正在毁灭 repeat * did you try to live on your own 当你把房屋付之一炬时 when you burned down the house and home? 你试过自己生存吗? did you stand too close to the fire? 你是不是太靠近大火 like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone 像个骗子似的从石头里寻求宽恕? when it"s time to live and let die 当生存还是死亡的时刻已到 and you can"t get another try 你再也没有重试的机会 something inside this heart has died 你内心的一些东西已经消亡 you"re in ruins. 你正在毁灭 repeat * SEE THE LIGHT 看见光明 i crossed the river 我穿越河流 fell into the sea 掉进海洋 where the non-believers go beyond belief 那里无信仰者令人难以置信 then I scratched the surface 然后我在地狱的出口 in the mouth of hell 撕开表面的伪装 running out of service in the I fell 筋疲力尽掉入鲜血中 * i just want to see the light 我只是想看见光明 i don"t want to lose my sight 我不想忽视 i just want to see the light 我只是想看见光明 i need to know what"s worth the fight 我需要知道什么值得战斗 i"ve been wasted 我已经被遗弃 pills and alcohol 药品和酒精 i"ve been chasing 我一直在被追逐 down the pool halls 直到桌球房 then I drank the water from a hurricane 然后我从暴风雨中喝了水 and I set a fire 我点燃了火 just to see the flame *只想看见火焰 repeat * i crossed the desert 我穿越沙漠 reaching higher ground 寻求高地处 then I pound the pavement 然后我重重敲打地面 to take the liars down 想让骗子们都摔倒 but it"s gone forever 但这些都永久地逝去了 but never too late 但永不为时过晚 where the ever after is in the hands of fate 此后,在命运的手中 repeat *
2023-07-19 07:29:372

Skin Recells翻译成中文是什么?Serum是什么意思

2023-07-19 07:29:361

请问 “五音”这个词用英文怎么表达, 我这里的“五音”是指音乐中得宫商角徵羽.

2023-07-19 07:29:332


21 guns或者not meant to be不是我再找。。
2023-07-19 07:29:293

安装serum table

你要问的是serum的安装教程吗?先取官网链接下载。安装步骤:1、按顺序先安装两个pkg安装包,Serum 1.286和1.301。全部点默认就可以。2、安装完毕后,打开第一步和第二步替换下文件。3、替换完成后复制注册码,注册码码在说明书里。4、在宿主里打开血清合成器,复制进去注册码。5、按扩展说明,把扩展放到指定文件夹后,重新打开宿主即可载入扩展。
2023-07-19 07:29:281

冯曦妤forever friends歌词的中文意思?

forever friends永远的朋友 believe I can love 相信我的爱, You give me your loving care你把你的爱给了我, I believe in what we are 我相信我们的爱。I don"t know where I would be我不知道要去到哪里, Without you staying with me 如果没有你在左右。Sometimes, I"m lost in misery 有时,我会掉进痛苦的悬崖, You will take me all the way, 你一直陪着我, I"m not afraid 我不再害怕。Oh, you and me, hand in hand 哦,我和你,手牵手, To everywhere amazing 去到每一个神奇的地方, Be my friend, oh friend 做我的朋友,哦,朋友, We are forever friends 我们永远是朋友 。Oh baby, 哦,宝贝,you give me all the love I need 你给了我所需要的所有爱, You are the only one 你是那个唯一。I believe I can love 我相信我的爱 ,You give me your loving care 你把你的爱给了我,I believe in what we are 我相信我们的爱, You will take me all the way, 你一直陪伴着我, as day by day 日复一日 。Oh, you and me, hand in hand 哦,我和你,手牵手To everywhere amazing 去到每一个神奇的地方 Be my friend, oh friend 做我的朋友,哦,朋友,We are forever friends 我们永远是朋友 。Oh baby, 哦,宝贝 you give me all the love I need 你给了我所需要的所有爱, You are the only one 你是那个唯一。
2023-07-19 07:29:273


jeans是可数名词,而且只有复数形式。作为名词它表示牛仔裤;工装裤。因为一条裤子有两条裤腿,所以jeans一般情况下是不用单数的,是可数名词。例句:I only buy my jeans at Goodwill.我只买我的牛仔裤在善意。 jeans是单数还是复数 jeans是一个英语名词,它的意思是牛仔裤,工装裤。与此同时,jeans还能表示人名,意思是琼斯。jeans是可数名词,jeans是复数形式,但是在用法上一般都是a pair of jeans,这时候是单数。 jeans词组短语 blue jeans 牛仔裤,蓝色斜纹布裤子 jeans wear 牛仔裤的总称,牛仔装 Disney Jeans 迪士尼牛仔系列,迪士尼 Black jeans 黑色牛仔,黑牛仔 wear jeans 穿牛仔裤,穿牛仔 jeans相关例句 This jeans look says. 这条牛仔裤像是在说。 Jeans are still in fashion. 牛仔裤仍然流行。 His jeans were too tight. 他的牛仔裤太紧了。 Young people really like jeans! 年轻人真的很喜欢牛仔裤! I quickly stripped my jeans off myself. 我飞快地把我的牛仔裤脱掉。 I bought a pair of jeans . 我买了一条牛仔裤。 Most of all like jeans very much. 我们中的大多数非常喜欢牛仔裤。 Jeans became popular in 19th century. 牛仔裤在十九世纪开始流行。 Where are the jeans with cartoons? 那条有卡通画的牛仔裤在哪? Red jeans catch—and keep—his attention. 红色牛仔裤吸引眼球,让人移不开眼睛。
2023-07-19 07:29:261


我的爱为维塔斯第一次我有已知的生命是告诉我的我的兄弟; 他介绍我们给这位特别的俄国人歌手认识。 他高度地他,带来了我的好奇心说。 那跳跃明暗开始, 一瘦的男孩出现。 他开始唱,以俄国人, 我做的不了解。 迷人的声音, 我想法。 音乐突然变成强烈,不过我是喘不过气来的--- 一可惊异的高程度哪一是 " 制造 " 被那瘦的男孩进入我的耳朵。 它是如此高度以便任何的字是不能用来描述它。 我注视,它是真正的吗? 我正在做梦吗? 程度真的被他唱吗? 我的疑问很快被回答--- 当做时间他移动喇叭筒远离他; 那声音消失。 唉!! 它如何可能是有如此的一个人类声音在世界上? 为天他的声音在我的耳朵的周围逗留。 我下载了他的一些歌, 仍然最后的考试是来临和我有到休假他们一阵子。 但是然后, 在夏天假期我幸运地去俄国。 我想念俄国这么多在我回来了之后, 和一日子我想法生命突然--- 这只是开始。 我下载了他的歌和发狂地他的音乐会。 我整天穿着了我的耳机,听他的歌而且同时的俄国取消天。 当在之后的时候悲哀不见的, 我已经有无法活的没有他的歌。 我找没有人其他的取出歌手能比赛他为所有的方面。 他是不只有善行在歌唱高度程度, 但是能唱各种的明暗和程度辉煌地。 他有投标, 吸引人的声音, 有是 " 吻在~手边上帝 ", 和音乐的伟大的才能。 他也有一类型心,许多的感性和深处思考, 哪一个避免来自存在的他的歌的主题限制在狭窄部份范围同类爱。 举例来说, 他唱有关一个乞丐二手的是一个出名的女演员但是引导费力的生活目前。 他为孩子唱是升起被唯一的一父母。 他为罪行为上帝的宽恕唱哪一俄国有曾经制造。 他为的他的故乡唱他的爱…那最他的碰触歌是妈妈。 他为他的亲爱的妈妈后悔谁有已经离去; 他将他所有的爱丢进这一首歌。 每一次几乎听妈妈的话我破裂对泪滴。 它是说他是秘密; 在他相当逍遥自在和阳光充足的我的眼睛中的时候。 There"re 一些谣言有关他, 当我的时候不理睬他们, 因为当做长的当做我爱, 我有没有怀疑。 多数人喜欢他,仅仅因为他很英俊, 当我的时候从不法官一个人被他的容貌---虽然我有承认生命的外表是毫无瑕疵的。 什么吸引我大部分是他的声音, 他的感性和他的思考。 当做片刻,你开始唱,我确定你是我的天使。 对于你的我的爱是永远地, 我的天使--- 维塔斯。
2023-07-19 07:29:263


Guns- Green DayDo you know what"s worth fighting for你知道什么才是值得为之战斗的?When it"s not worth dying for当并不值得为之而死Does it take your breath away它有没有让你无法呼吸And you feel yourself suffocating你是否感觉到了窒息?Does the pain weigh out the pride难道遍体鳞伤才能凸显尊严的价值?And you look for a place to hide而你只是在寻找一个藏身之地?Did someone break your heart inside是不是有人深深地伤了你的心?You"re in ruins你 分崩离析One 21 guns嘿,21声炮响Lay down your arms Give up the fight 放下你的武器放弃这场战斗one 21 guns Throw up your arms into the sky嘿,21声炮响把武器都抛向天空吧You and I When you"re at the end of the road我和你当你身困路的尽头And you lost all sense of control而丧失了所有的控制力And you"re throughts have taken their toll你的想法已开始制造混乱When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul当你的头脑背叛了灵魂Your faith walks on broken glass你的信仰行走在碎玻璃渣上And the hangover doesn"t pass宿醉不会醒来Nothing"s ever built to last You"re in ruins没有什么得以永恒你 分崩离析One 21 guns Lay down your arms Give up the fight嘿,21声炮响放下你的武器放弃这场战斗One 21 guns嘿,21声炮响Throw up your arms into the sky把武器都抛向天空吧You and I Did you try to live on your own我和你你是否尝试过自力更生When you burned down the house and home当你焚毁房子和家园?Did you stand too close to the fire你是否站得离火焰太近了?Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone如一个向石头寻求谅解的骗子When it"s time to live and let die当准许生与死的时刻到来And you can"t get another try而你没有了再次选择的机会Something side this heart has died You"re in ruins心灵深处有些东西已如死灰你 分崩离析One 21 guns Lay down your arms Give up the fight嘿,21声炮响放下你的武器放弃这场战斗One 21 guns Throw up your arms into the sky嘿,21声炮响把武器都抛向天空吧One 21 guns Lay down your arms Give up the fight嘿,21声炮响放下你的武器放弃这场战斗One 21 guns Throw up your arms into the sky嘿,21声炮响把武器都抛向天空吧You and I我和你
2023-07-19 07:29:211

《Forever Friends》的歌词

作曲:林一峰 作词:林一峰 + 朱治良 编曲:四方果@POO RECORDS 监制:四方果 + EVI YANG 记得当天一起唱着[告别校园时] 那些愉快动人琴声 仍像奏到面前 让我轻闭着眼睛 记住同学每张脸 这感觉 仿佛更新鲜 这天翻开这本记念册再想到你 小心用胶纸封了表 来让我更希冀 若照片有日退色 你在文字里给我 好天气 应该也很美 曾共你天天相对 失恋也一起 共你担心功课 赶不到限期 班房里放影机 逐格愉快记忆 在倒退 让我看真你 明日我翻开笔记 即使记不起 学过数理经济 通通都抛弃 一想到你笔迹 或满载我记忆 在心里没有忘掉你 得到过 我心中有你 若有一天翻开记念册 你可会笑 有些造作一点句子 其实心丝不少 Stephy:My pen is blue,My friend is You 今天再看 也可使我微笑 英文 You"ve tasted bitter defeat and the sweet success You want it all and you settle for nothing less You"ve tried harder than the rest You"ve become one of the best This is the time you"ll remember for all you life Forever friends In harmony As the whole world joins and sees Days of unity and peace Forever through the years We"ll hear the cheers Joy and laughter everywhere We"re together here to share Forever friends You"ll meet all races see faces you"ve never seen People from parts of the world where you never been And you"ll feel it in your heart We spent too much time apart This is the time when all dreams of man come alive No matter where we are or go No matter what we hope for or know No matter how we word our prayer There is one dream we share One world one dream Forever friends In harmony Forever friends One dream we dream One world we share希望采纳
2023-07-19 07:29:181


pressure Pressure exists evrywhere for our works and lives. Under great pressure, some one can make things good ,So they could think that pressure is the power. they hope have some pressure in their life But there"re also someone are failure under the great pressure., that cause them to fear the pressure. In my opinion , the pressure is a double-edged sword. If we treat correctly the pressure,it can make the person progress, then pressure is power. otherwise , it make people fail, pressure is resistance. How to correctly treat the pressure. there "s below steps in my view: Firstly,To good use of pressure.Too much pressure to bear, and the pressure is too small a lack of motivation. Have the pressure, you can keep a clear mind at any time and place, keep up the fight, and keep the spirit of indomitable. Especially on the basis of consciousness, grasp their own learning and improving. Secondly, To dicharge pressure.A man too much pressure, must cause the mental is a very critical problem how to learn to self discharge pressure.Learn to discharge pressure, let oneself at any time to keep energetic morale lightly. Thirdly, To thanks pressure If a man does not have a bit of pressure, life is not likely to find direction, might not firm ideal faith, more not for to realize my ideal and unremitting ground floor to all fight to the end. Pressure can make stronger more stong and make the weak more weaker.
2023-07-19 07:29:183

serum physiologique用法

serum physiologique是用于冲洗眼睛,2-3天一次,向鼻孔里滴2滴Serum Physiologique也可以防止婴儿鼻腔干燥,serum physiologique其实是一种生理盐水。婴儿眼睛里进个小毛毛什么的,没办法及时发现,也不可能用手揉出来,那么最好的方式就是每天清洁眼睛。新生儿鼻子里面会有脏东西,只要问题不大用棉签就可以清洁了,按照助产士的建议,棉签拉长棉花头,沾Serum Physiologique擦出洛伊克鼻子里的脏东西,耳朵每天用棉签沾Serum Physiologique清理外耳道,由内向外。serum physiologique使用须知已经开封的serum physiologique,不要再用于内用,也就是不要再拿来做注射液使用,里面的细菌已经生成了,不适合注射进身体里,留着外用,洗皮肤、洗鼻子都是可以的。serum physiologique这种溶液在生活中非常常见,无论是皮肤创伤还是过敏,亦或者在手术的过程中,都是比不可少的,往往在意想不到的时候都可以派上用场,可见生理盐水的功效之强大;因此有条件的话,其实家中可以储存一些生理盐水,以备不时之需。
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