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请问 翻译 “手影”英文怎么说,谢谢

2023-07-19 18:57:13

经典的:Hand Puppets

通俗的:Animal Shadows

但是上面两位的hands shadow 没有见过,实际上就是在光线照射下把各个手指捏成不同的形状,在幕布上投下小狗等等各种类似动物的阴影而已.小时侯天天玩的


Hand shaow..

may I know what context you are talking about?


hands shadow



2023-07-19 09:44:191

为什么Master of Puppets可以成为敲击名曲

2023-07-19 09:44:392

shadow puppet plays课文

shadow puppet plays课文的翻译Shadow play or also known as shadow puppetry is an ancient form of storytelling and entertainment which uses flat articulated figures (shadow puppets) to create cut-out figures which are held between a source of light and a translucent screen or scrim. The cut-out shapes of the puppets sometimes include translucent color or other types of detailing. Various effects can be achieved by moving both the puppets and the light source. A talented puppeteer can make the figures appear to walk, dance, fight, nod and laugh.Shadow play is popular in various cultures; currently there are more than 20 countries known to have shadow show troupes. Shadow play is an old tradition and it has a long history in Southeast Asia; especially in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Cambodia. It is also considered as an ancient art in other parts of Asia such as in China, India and Nepal. It is also known in the West from Turkey, Greece to France. It is a popular form of entertainment for both children and adults in many countries around the world.皮影戏影子戏也被称为皮影戏是古老的娱乐故事,它使用平面铰接数字(皮影)创建切口数字之间举行一个光源和一个半透明的屏幕或纱布。切口形状的木偶,有时包括半透明的颜色或其他精雕细琢的类型。通过移动双方的木偶和光源,可以实现各种效果。一个有才华的艺人可以出现走路,跳舞,打架,点头笑。皮影戏在各种文化中很受欢迎;目前有20多个国家有皮影戏剧团。影戏是一个古老的传统,在南洋有悠久的历史,尤其是在印度尼西亚、马来西亚、泰国和柬埔寨。它也被视为在亚洲的其他地区,如中国,印度和尼泊尔的一个古老的艺术。从土耳其、希腊到法国也很出名。它是一种流行的娱乐方式,在世界各地许多国家的儿童和成人最受欢迎的娱乐方式。
2023-07-19 09:45:101

英语 用词的正确形式填空

1到5,any drawing has have play
2023-07-19 09:45:204


问题一:匹诺曹的英文 Pinocchio 问题二:匹诺曹 用英语怎么说? Pinocchio 问题三:说谎的人叫"匹诺曹" 用英语怎么说 The one who lied is Pinocchio 问题四:匹诺曹英文简介的翻译,不要翻译器翻译的。 匹诺曹是一个在1883年首次出现在Carlo Collodi的幻想文学作品-------匹诺曹历险记中的角色。 在此之后还出现在各种改编作品当中。 问题五:匹诺曹的英文故事 Once upon a time an old woodcarver named Gepetto carved a puppet which he called Pinocchio. When Gepetto finished , he was amazed that Pinocchio came to life―but Pinocchio did some very naugty things.He stuck out his tongue at Gepetto and stole his wig and kicked him. Then Pinocchio ran away. When he got tired of running around ,Pinocchio returned home .But the house was empty except for a talking cricket who warned him ,‘You`d better settle down and go to school or you will turn into a donkey福. When Gepetto returned , he forgave Pinocchio but made him promise to be good and to go to school . The next day,the old man sold his only overcoat to buy Pinocchio a spelling book and sent him off to school . On the way to school ,Pinocchio passed a puppet show and sold his spelling book to buy a ticket to the show. When the puppets and the owner saw that Pinocchio was also a puppet , they stoped their show to wele him.Then the owner gave him five gold pieces . Pinocchio thanked him and set out for home. On his way he met a fox and a cat . He showed them the gold pieces .The fox and the cat looked greedily at the gold ,but said nothing. Later ,as Pinocchio went down the road.He was attacked by two robbers with bags over their heads.They demanded his gold piecies . Pinocchio thrust the gold into his mouth and ran away from them .He didn`t know it , but the robbers were really the fox and the cat in disguise. He ran until he came to the house o......>> 问题六:有没有能只录手机发出的声音的录音软件啊?比如说放的歌什么的,想录 比如说放的歌什么的,想录下英语听力,然而有很大噪声,可以用匹诺曹录音软件的现场录音。
2023-07-19 09:45:281


My father can make puppets。一般疑问句。Can my / your father make pppets?
2023-07-19 09:45:453

Master Of Puppets 是什么意思

能控制 玩偶的人
2023-07-19 09:46:104

Robin teaches students to make puppets为什么要用to?

因为teach 和make 都是动词谓语,中间的to用来隔开两个动词。
2023-07-19 09:46:203


2023-07-19 09:46:312


假酒:adulterated wine傀儡:一般是puppet我们是听任命运摆布的傀儡吗? Are we the puppets of fate? 2. 革命者计划推翻傀儡政府。 The revolutionist planned to overturn this puppet regime 人偶应该也可以用puppet
2023-07-19 09:46:411

求< Master Of Puppets>歌词加翻译?

master of puppets专辑歌手 Metallica 发行时间 1989-11-13所属专辑《Master Of Puppets》End of passion play, crumbling awayI"m your source of self-destructionVeins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clearLeading on your deaths constructionTaste me you will seeMore is all you needYou"re dedicated toHow I"m killing youCome crawling fasterObey your MasterYour life burns fasterObey your MasterMasterMaster of Puppets I"m pulling your stringsTwisting your mind and smashing your dreamsBlinded by me, you can"t see a thingJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterNeedlework the way, never you betraylife of death becoming clearerPain monopoly, ritual miseryChop your breakfast on a mirrorTaste me you will seeMore is all you needOou"re dedicated toHow I"m killing youCome crawling fasterObey your MasterYour life burns fasterObey your MasterMasterMaster of Puppets I"m pulling your stringsTwisting your mind and smashing your dreamsBlinded by me, you can"t see a thingJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterMaster, Master, Where"s the dreams that I"ve been after?Master, Master, You promised only liesLaughter, Laughter, All I hear and see is laughterLaughter, Laughter, laughing at my criesHell is worth all that, natural habitatJust a rhyme without a reasonNeverending maze, drift on numbered daysNow your life is out of seasonI will occupyI will help you dieI will run through youNow i rule you tooCome crawling fasterObey your MasterYour life burns fasterObey your MasterMasterMaster of Puppets I"m pulling your stringsTwisting your mind and smashing your dreamsBlinded by me, you can"t see a thingJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, master
2023-07-19 09:46:492


2023-07-19 09:47:271


How many maps are on the wall?Can your father make puppets?
2023-07-19 09:48:396


佩奇一家去猪伯伯家做客,一路上猪爸爸吐槽猪伯伯吃完午饭会睡觉,打呼噜超级大声。 猪妈妈批评猪爸爸不应该在孩子面前说别人的坏话,猪爸爸让佩奇和乔治把刚才他说的话忘掉,佩奇笑着答应了。 但是当佩奇和克洛伊他们一起玩木偶表演的时候,佩奇还是忍不住问克洛伊扮演的猪伯伯:你是不是打呼噜非常大声啊?猪妈妈和猪伯母面面相觑,场面一度非常尴尬。 幸运的是猪伯伯和猪爸爸都睡着了,根本就没有听到他们的表演对话,避免了一场尴尬,但这是动画片用诙谐的手法来表现日常生活,他实际上是在告诫我们,不要轻易的在孩子面前说别人的是非。 一来对孩子影响不好,二来也会让孩子养成说是非的习惯,而且孩子处于是非黑白分明的阶段,成人随意的批判,容易影响孩子对是非的判断。 另外一个非常值得一提的是佩奇在玩克洛伊的玩偶时,每做一个动作都会咨询克洛伊,这一点经常被忽略,就是孩子物品所有权。 动别人的东西之前都要问一声,这是礼貌,我们都知道。但通常来说,我们都只是礼节性的问,没有真正的重视这个问题。 比如:两个孩子一起玩,其中一个喜欢另外一个孩子的玩具,另一个孩子不愿意给,做家长的通常会替孩子做主把他的玩具借给别人玩,完全忽略孩子的感受,根本不承认那玩具是归孩子所有。 有人会觉得我小题大做,但是换位思考,如果有人不经你同意把你的房子借给别人住、把你的车借给别人开,你能乐意吗?不乐意吧。 所以一定要尊重孩子的物品所有权,孩子的东西就让孩子做主,你也许会说价值不一样怎么能相提并论呢,但是对孩子来说,他喜欢就是无价的。 旁白:Peppa and her family are visiting Uncle Pig and Aunty Pig and Cousin Chloe. 爸爸:I expect UncIe Pig will fall asleep after lunch, like he always does. 妈妈:Daddy Pig! You shouldn"t say such things about your own brother! Especially in front of the children. 爸爸:But it"s true! Uncle Pig always eats too much lunch and falls asleep, snoring loudly! Like this. 爸爸:Err... Peppa, George, forget what I just said about Uncle Pig. 佩奇:Okay, Daddy! 旁白:Peppa and her family have arrived at Uncle Pig and Aunty Pig"s house. 佩奇:Hello, Aunty Pig and Uncle Pig! 伯母:Hello! 伯伯:Hello, everyone! 爸爸:Hello, big brother! 旁白:Uncle Pig is Daddy Pig"s brother. Chloe Pig is Peppa and George"s cousin. 佩奇:Hello, Chloe! 克洛伊:Hello, Peppa! Hello, George! I want to show you something! 佩奇:Wait for us! 克洛伊:This is my new puppet theater! My daddy made it for me. WoW! Ooo! 克洛伊:I"ve made two puppets already! 克洛伊:This one is called Chloe! Hello! I am Chloe Pig. 克洛伊:And this one is my daddy. 佩奇:Uncle Pig! 克洛伊:Hello, Peppa! I am Uncle Pig. 佩奇:Chloe? Can me and George make puppets, too? 克洛伊:Yes. 旁白:Chloe paints the puppet"s eyes. 佩奇:Can I do the mouth? 克洛伊:Ok. 佩奇:My name is Peppa! 克洛伊:George? What puppet would you like to make? 乔治:Dine-Saw! 克洛伊:A dinosaur? 佩奇:George always says ""dinosaur"" for everything. 克洛伊:Ok, a scary dinosaur puppet. 旁白:Chloe is making George a dinosaur puppet. 克洛伊:It needs pointy teeth. There! A scary dinosaur. Grrrrrrrrrr! 伯母:Lunch time, everyone! 克洛伊:Coming! After lunch, we"ll do a puppet show!! Hurray. 旁白:Aunty Pig has made spaghetti for lunch! 爸爸:This spaghetti is delicious! 伯伯:Best spaghetti ever! 妈妈:You can tell you two are brothers! 伯母:Alike in everyway. 爸爸:What do you mean? 伯伯:We are completely different! 克洛伊:Peppa, George and I are going to do a puppet show! 伯母:Fantastic! Call us when you"re ready. 佩奇:See you later 爸爸:A puppet show! That sounds fun. Have I got time for some more spaghetti? 伯伯:Could I have some more, too? 旁白:The puppet show is about to begin! 克洛伊:Hello! My name is Chloe. 佩奇:And I am Peppa! Grrrrrrrr! 佩奇:Ahhhh! It"s a dinosaur! 克洛伊:A scary dinosaur! Eeek! Grrrrrrrr! 妈妈:I say! That"s very good! 爸爸:Bravo! 克洛伊:I am Uncle Pig 佩奇:Hello, Uncle Pig! 克洛伊:Hello, Peppa! 伯母:It looks just like you! 伯伯:I think they"ve made my tummy a bit big. 克洛伊:I did enjoy my lunch! 佩奇:Uncle Pig? Are you going to fall asleep and snore like you always do? 克洛伊:What do you mean? 佩奇:Daddy says you always fall asleep and snore loudly, like this. 克洛伊:Your daddy"s right. I do snore like this. 妈妈:Oh, Daddy Pig! You shouldn"t have said those things about Uncle Pig! 伯母:I don"t think Daddy Pig or Uncle Pig can hear you! 旁白:Daddy Pig and Uncle Pig have fallen asleep. 妈妈:You can tell they are brothers! 伯伯:Eh?! what happened? 爸爸:Ugh? Has the puppet show started yet?
2023-07-19 09:49:061


2023-07-19 09:49:179

求< Master Of Puppets>歌词加翻译?

2023-07-19 09:49:341

小木偶 匹诺曹的 翻译

2023-07-19 09:49:411

一首英文歌曲! 刚开始节奏很强 后面大概一分20秒左右就唱歌词了 歌词里面有唱 马斯特 马蹄特 马斯特

你这首歌是TRIVIUM的MASTER OF PUPPETS,注意是TRIVIUM,这首摇滚有同名的。End of passion play, crumbling awayI"m your source of self-destructionVeins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clearLeading on your deaths" constructionTaste me you will seeMore is all you needYou"re dedicated toHow I"m killin youCome crawling fasterObey your masterYour life burns fasterObey your masterMasterMaster of puppets I"m pulling your stringsTwisting your mind and smashing your dreamsBlinded by me, you can"t see a thingJust call my name, cause I"ll hear you screamMasterMasterJust call my name, cause I"ll hear you screamMasterMasterNeedlework the way, never you betrayLife of death becoming clearerPain monopoly, ritual miseryChop your breakfast on a mirrorTaste me you will seeMore is all you needYou"re dedicated toHow I"m killin youCome crawling fasterObey your masterYour life burns fasterObey your masterMasterMaster of puppets I"m pulling your stringsTwisting your mind and smashing your dreamsBlinded by me, you can"t see a thingJust call my name, cause I"ll hear you screamMasterMasterJust call my name, cause I"ll Hear you screamMasterMasterMaster, master...MasterMasterWhere"s the dreams that I"ve been after?MasterMasterYou promised only liesLaughterLaughterAll I hear or see is laughterLaughterLaughterLaughing at my criesTaste me!!Hell is worth all thatNatural habitatJust a rhyme without a reasonNeverending mazeDrift on numbered daysNow your life is out of seasonI will occupyI will help you dieI will run through youNow I rule you tooCome crawling fasterObey your masterYour life burns fasterObey your masterMasterMaster of puppets I"m pulling your stringsTwisting your mind and smashing your dreamsBlinded by me, you can"t see a thingJust call my name, cause I"ll hear you screamMasterMasterJust call my name, cause I"ll Hear you screamMasterMaster!如果 是你需要的,请采纳,谢谢。
2023-07-19 09:49:481


Is that my sister?Whose scarf is this?This picture isn"t mine.Is that cake yours?What"s your father?Is that my fork?Whose mug is this?That isn"t kate"s T-shirt.They can"t play the piano.Who is that man?Are these peter"s balloons?Whose puppets are these?Those scarves are hers.These coats are mine.Is that his dictionary?(抱歉视频目前很难找到......)
2023-07-19 09:49:596


balluff0cdolluff0crobotuff0cpuppetuff0cTeddy bear
2023-07-19 09:50:172


2023-07-19 09:50:269


puppet是名词,意思是木偶、傀儡、受他人操纵的人、玩偶、木偶人、手偶。下面列举出用puppet造的句子。Whether Mr Hatoyama will emerge as his own man or apuppet of Mr Ozawa is unclear.鸠山到底会是独立自主,还是成为小泽的傀儡还不得而知。We are allpuppets and I"m just apuppet who can see the strings.我们都是木偶,我只不过是能看见绳子的木偶。We had the perfect idea. We would make apuppet show!我们想到了一个很好的方式:制作一个木偶剧。She is leading the children in performing an excellentpuppet show.她正和孩子们表演木偶戏。His mother was the only one who went up without apuppet-like show.他母亲是唯一在台上不像木偶表演的。Think of yourself as apuppet with a string coming out of the top of your head.把自己想象成是一个牵线木偶,头上有一根线牵着。
2023-07-19 09:51:151


puppet是名词,意思是木偶、傀儡、受他人操纵的人、玩偶、木偶人、手偶。下面列举出用puppet造的句子。Whether Mr Hatoyama will emerge as his own man or apuppet of Mr Ozawa is unclear.鸠山到底会是独立自主,还是成为小泽的傀儡还不得而知。We are allpuppets and I"m just apuppet who can see the strings.我们都是木偶,我只不过是能看见绳子的木偶。We had the perfect idea. We would make apuppet show!我们想到了一个很好的方式:制作一个木偶剧。She is leading the children in performing an excellentpuppet show.她正和孩子们表演木偶戏。His mother was the only one who went up without apuppet-like show.他母亲是唯一在台上不像木偶表演的。Think of yourself as apuppet with a string coming out of the top of your head.把自己想象成是一个牵线木偶,头上有一根线牵着。
2023-07-19 09:51:481


木偶:puppet; marionette; 1、marionette 英 [mrinet] 美 [mrinet] n.牵线木偶 2、puppet 英 [ppt] 美 [ppt] n.木偶;傀儡 复数: puppets 扩展资料 例句:1、Pupils presented a mime and puppet show. 学生们奉献了一台哑剧形式的木偶戏。 2、The development of marionette had a great influence on the future development of opera. 木偶戏的发展对以后的`戏曲有十分重要的影响。
2023-07-19 09:52:231


然后制作木偶英文翻译如下Then make puppets.
2023-07-19 09:52:422

傀儡的英语翻译 傀儡用英语怎么说

puppet 英[u02c8pu028cpu026at] 美[u02c8pu028cpu026at] n. 木偶; 傀儡; 受他人操纵的人; [例句]When the invasion occurred he ruled as a puppet of the occupiers外敌入侵时,他作为占领者的傀儡行使统治。[其他] 复数:puppets
2023-07-19 09:52:522

make some puppets

can he make any puppets? No,he can"t
2023-07-19 09:53:001


puppet英 [u02c8pu028cpu026at] 美 [u02c8pu028cpu026at] n. 木偶;傀儡;受他人操纵的人词汇难度:考研 / TEM8复数: puppets
2023-07-19 09:53:071

2014八下英语课文翻译。shadow puppet play

shadow puppet plays课文的翻译Shadow play or also known as shadow puppetry is an ancient form of storytelling and entertainment which uses flat articulated figures (shadow puppets) to create cut-out figures which are held between a source of light and a translucent screen or scrim. The cut-out shapes of the puppets sometimes include translucent color or other types of detailing. Various effects can be achieved by moving both the puppets and the light source. A talented puppeteer can make the figures appear to walk, dance, fight, nod and laugh.Shadow play is popular in various cultures; currently there are more than 20 countries known to have shadow show troupes. Shadow play is an old tradition and it has a long history in Southeast Asia; especially in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Cambodia. It is also considered as an ancient art in other parts of Asia such as in China, India and Nepal. It is also known in the West from Turkey, Greece to France. It is a popular form of entertainment for both children and adults in many countries around the world.皮影戏影子戏也被称为皮影戏是古老的娱乐故事,它使用平面铰接数字(皮影)创建切口数字之间举行一个光源和一个半透明的屏幕或纱布。切口形状的木偶,有时包括半透明的颜色或其他精雕细琢的类型。通过移动双方的木偶和光源,可以实现各种效果。一个有才华的艺人可以出现走路,跳舞,打架,点头笑。皮影戏在各种文化中很受欢迎;目前有20多个国家有皮影戏剧团。影戏是一个古老的传统,在南洋有悠久的历史,尤其是在印度尼西亚、马来西亚、泰国和柬埔寨。它也被视为在亚洲的其他地区,如中国,印度和尼泊尔的一个古老的艺术。从土耳其、希腊到法国也很出名。它是一种流行的娱乐方式,在世界各地许多国家的儿童和成人最受欢迎的娱乐方式。
2023-07-19 09:53:161

Master of puppets 歌词

歌曲名:Master of puppets歌手:Dream Theater专辑:Official Bootleg: Master Of PuppetsDream Theater - Master of puppetsEnd of passion play, crumbling awayI"m your source of self-destructionVeins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clearLeading on your deaths constructionTaste me you will seeMore is all you needYou"re dedicated toHow I"m killing youCome crawling fasterObey your MasterYour life burns fasterObey your MasterMasterMaster of Puppets I"m pulling your stringsTwisting your mind and smashing your dreamsBlinded by me, you can"t see a thingJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterNeedlework the way, never you betraylife of death becoming clearerPain monopoly, ritual miseryChop your breakfast on a mirrorTaste me you will seeMore is all you needOou"re dedicated toHow I"m killing youCome crawling fasterObey your MasterYour life burns fasterObey your MasterMasterMaster of Puppets I"m pulling your stringsTwisting your mind and smashing your dreamsBlinded by me, you can"t see a thingJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterMaster, Master, Where"s the dreams that I"ve been after?Master, Master, You promised only liesLaughter, Laughter, All I hear and see is laughterLaughter, Laughter, laughing at my criesHell is worth all that, natural habitatJust a rhyme without a reasonNeverending maze, drift on numbered daysNow your life is out of seasonTaste me you will seeMore is all you needYou"re dedicated toHow I"m killing youCome crawling fasterObey your MasterYour life burns fasterObey your MasterMasterMaster of Puppets I"m pulling your stringsTwisting your mind and smashing your dreamsBlinded by me, you can"t see a thingJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, master
2023-07-19 09:53:241

there was once a man who liked puppets ~~~

两个字:very much……who liked puppets very much。从前有一个酷爱各种木偶的男子。三个字:all his life………who liked puppets all his life。从前有一个终身酷爱各种木偶的男子。四个字:better than anything elseThere was once a man who liked puppets better than anything else。从前有一个酷爱各种木偶远胜过任何东西的男子。
2023-07-19 09:53:432

Master Of Puppets 歌词

歌曲名:Master Of Puppets歌手:Metallica专辑:S & MEnd of passion play, crumbling awayI"m your source of self-destructionVeins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clearLeading on your deaths constructionTaste me you will seeMore is all you needYou"re dedicated toHow I"m killing youCome crawling fasterObey your MasterYour life burns fasterObey your MasterMasterMaster of Puppets I"m pulling your stringsTwisting your mind and smashing your dreamsBlinded by me, you can"t see a thingJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterNeedlework the way, never you betraylife of death becoming clearerPain monopoly, ritual miseryChop your breakfast on a mirrorTaste me you will seeMore is all you needOou"re dedicated toHow I"m killing youCome crawling fasterObey your MasterYour life burns fasterObey your MasterMasterMaster of Puppets I"m pulling your stringsTwisting your mind and smashing your dreamsBlinded by me, you can"t see a thingJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterMaster, Master, Where"s the dreams that I"ve been after?Master, Master, You promised only liesLaughter, Laughter, All I hear and see is laughterLaughter, Laughter, laughing at my criesHell is worth all that, natural habitatJust a rhyme without a reasonNeverending maze, drift on numbered daysNow your life is out of seasonI will occupyI will help you dieI will run through youNow i rule you tooCome crawling fasterObey your MasterYour life burns fasterObey your MasterMasterMaster of Puppets I"m pulling your stringsTwisting your mind and smashing your dreamsBlinded by me, you can"t see a thingJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, master
2023-07-19 09:53:511

Master of Puppets 歌词

歌曲名:Master of Puppets歌手:Metallica专辑:S&M [live]End of passion play, crumbling awayI"m your source of self-destructionVeins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clearLeading on your deaths constructionTaste me you will seeMore is all you needYou"re dedicated toHow I"m killing youCome crawling fasterObey your MasterYour life burns fasterObey your MasterMasterMaster of Puppets I"m pulling your stringsTwisting your mind and smashing your dreamsBlinded by me, you can"t see a thingJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterNeedlework the way, never you betraylife of death becoming clearerPain monopoly, ritual miseryChop your breakfast on a mirrorTaste me you will seeMore is all you needOou"re dedicated toHow I"m killing youCome crawling fasterObey your MasterYour life burns fasterObey your MasterMasterMaster of Puppets I"m pulling your stringsTwisting your mind and smashing your dreamsBlinded by me, you can"t see a thingJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterMaster, Master, Where"s the dreams that I"ve been after?Master, Master, You promised only liesLaughter, Laughter, All I hear and see is laughterLaughter, Laughter, laughing at my criesHell is worth all that, natural habitatJust a rhyme without a reasonNeverending maze, drift on numbered daysNow your life is out of seasonI will occupyI will help you dieI will run through youNow i rule you tooCome crawling fasterObey your MasterYour life burns fasterObey your MasterMasterMaster of Puppets I"m pulling your stringsTwisting your mind and smashing your dreamsBlinded by me, you can"t see a thingJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, master
2023-07-19 09:53:581

meat puppets的《open wide》 歌词

歌曲名:open wide歌手:meat puppets专辑:forbidden placesTwenty-one little pink salamanders pass me by tonightTwenty-one little red tongues are flickering in my sightAmphibious thoughts are flowing with the salamanders showingOf the "touch of evil" tinted black and whiteSeventeen fat ripe rats hold stacks of juniper pie aloftThirty-four clever rat hands are juggling tarts on highThese rodents know the craving for a slice, a sliver or shavingNo request for satisfaction is deniedOpen wide, open wideTwenty-one little pink salamanders pass me by tonightMeat PuppetsTwenty-one little red tongues are flickering in my sightThese amphibians know the craving for a slice, a sliver or shavingNo request for satisfaction is deniedOpen wide...Another MoonAll these nights have made me crazyI can"t seem to come aroundDays of hiding in the sunshineFeeling nighttime"s falling downOh, I see another moon over meAll these lies have got me thinkingMaybe this is just a thoughtSoon my ship of thoughts is sinkingSlipping through the thinking knotOh, I see another moon over meOh, I see another moon over mePulling back the veil are monkeysHidden there are monkeys moreSomeone spills a jar of honeySticky monkeys crawl the floorOh, I see another moon over meOh, I see another moon over meOh, I see another moon over meOh, I see another moon over me
2023-07-19 09:54:061

Master Of Puppets 歌词

歌曲名:Master Of Puppets歌手:Metallica专辑:The Metallica CollectionEnd of passion play, crumbling awayI"m your source of self-destructionVeins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clearLeading on your deaths constructionTaste me you will seeMore is all you needYou"re dedicated toHow I"m killing youCome crawling fasterObey your MasterYour life burns fasterObey your MasterMasterMaster of Puppets I"m pulling your stringsTwisting your mind and smashing your dreamsBlinded by me, you can"t see a thingJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterNeedlework the way, never you betraylife of death becoming clearerPain monopoly, ritual miseryChop your breakfast on a mirrorTaste me you will seeMore is all you needOou"re dedicated toHow I"m killing youCome crawling fasterObey your MasterYour life burns fasterObey your MasterMasterMaster of Puppets I"m pulling your stringsTwisting your mind and smashing your dreamsBlinded by me, you can"t see a thingJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterMaster, Master, Where"s the dreams that I"ve been after?Master, Master, You promised only liesLaughter, Laughter, All I hear and see is laughterLaughter, Laughter, laughing at my criesHell is worth all that, natural habitatJust a rhyme without a reasonNeverending maze, drift on numbered daysNow your life is out of seasonI will occupyI will help you dieI will run through youNow i rule you tooCome crawling fasterObey your MasterYour life burns fasterObey your MasterMasterMaster of Puppets I"m pulling your stringsTwisting your mind and smashing your dreamsBlinded by me, you can"t see a thingJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, masterJust call my name, `cause I"ll hear you screamMaster, master
2023-07-19 09:54:131


Who are you?你是谁西班牙 加的斯 [西班牙港口城市]What is this?怎么回事Your Majesty, caught him up in a fishing net. A fishing net.陛下 我们用渔网捞起了他 渔网Sire, he"s been telling stories. Stories that...大人 他有许多故事 那些故事...We believe he"s found a...我们相信他找到了Ponce de Leon.庞塞·德莱昂[西班牙探险家]Says he found Ponce de Leon"s ship.他说他找到了庞塞·德莱昂的船Or sailed on it. No, I told you,还乘那船出海过 不 我告诉过你Ponce de Leon died 200 years ago.庞塞·德莱昂死了两百多年了Aye, but he died searching for something, didn"t he?没错 可他终其一生在寻找什么吧The Fountain of Youth.不老泉How soon can you sail?你何时能启航With the tide.潮起之时Over here! Lucky heather!看一看瞧一瞧 幸运草英国 伦敦Pirate swords! Pirate swords!都来买我的海盗佩剑Pirate"s execution today. Watch him swing!今日处决海盗 快去看呐Pirate puppets!海盗玩偶Take that, you!接招吧 小子Hurry, Papa, or we"ll miss the hanging!快点 爸爸 要不就赶不及看绞刑了It"s not a hanging, dear, it"s a trial.那不是绞刑 宝贝 那是审判The hanging comes this afternoon.下午才行刑呢Pirate hanging today!今日处决海盗Come on. Up you get.快点 起来Move along, pirate.快走 海盗Or should I say, "Captain Pirate"?是不是该叫你 "海盗船长"Come on. Come on! Up you go.快点 快走Quiet! Order!安静 肃静Quiet!安静Now appearing before the court,传唤臭名昭著the notorious and infamous pirate, pillager,声名狼藉的海盗 劫掠者and highwayman... Quiet!匪徒 安静Captain Jack Sparrow!杰克·史派罗船长上庭...I told you, the name"s Gibbs! Joshamee Gibbs!我说过了 我叫吉布斯 约什米·吉布斯How many times... Hear ye, hear ye!我还要说多少... 注意Presiding over these trials,全体起立 有请主持本次庭审all rise and attend, the Right Honorable Justice Smith!尊敬的史密斯法官大人My dear sir.大人Now...现在what do we have here?是什么情况...Jack?杰克Shut up!闭嘴I don"t recognize him.我不认识他Not necessary. You were saying?没这必要 你刚说什么Jack Sparrow is not my name.我不是杰克·史派罗My name is Joshamee Gibbs.我是约什米·吉布斯Is that so?是吗It says Jack Sparrow here. I told "em.上面写着你是杰克·史派罗 我说过了I"m not Jack Sparrow,我不叫杰克·史派罗who I would be happy to identify to the court但我很乐意向庭上指认他if it would help my case.要是这能证明我的清白I think that would be a poor defense,我认为这辩护并不高明unless you want to be bludgeoned again like a harp seal.除非你还想像头蠢海豹一样被打一下The prisoner claims of being innocent囚犯辩称自己不是杰克·史派罗to being Jack Sparrow. How do you find?你们陪审团以为如何No trial? But aren"t we here to examine the evidence...没有庭审 可我们是来检验证据...Foreman, your finding. Guilty?团长 告诉我你的结论 有罪吗Guilty verdict means he"ll hang.有罪裁断将处以绞刑Hang him! String him up!吊死他 把他吊起来Guilty? That"s not fair!有罪吧 这不公平Shut it.Joshamee Gibbs, the crime of which you"ve been found guilty of约什米·吉布斯 由于你并非杰克·史派罗is being innocent of being Jack Sparrow.所以你没有犯下他的罪行I hereby commute your sentence,因此本庭赦免你的死刑and order that you be imprisoned for the remainder宣判你将被处以徒刑of your miserable, moribund, mutton chopped life.在监狱里度过你那行尸走肉般的悲惨余生What?! Hang him!什么 吊死他Hang him! There.吊死他 闭庭Balderdash! String him up! Hang him high!胡说八道 吊死他 把他吊起来Means shall be arranged to transport this prisoner法庭将安排将囚犯押至to the Tower of London.伦敦塔Thanks very much.非常感谢Ta.拜拜Come on. Get up there.快点 给我上去Get up!上去Hell"s teeth. Now we"re both headed for prison.真见鬼 这下咱们俩都得进去了Not to worry. I"ve paid off the driver.别担心 我买通了车夫Ten minutes, we"ll be outside London Town, horses waiting.用不了十分钟 咱们就出了伦敦城 有马等着Tonight, we make the coast.今晚 我们就能到海边Then it"s just a matter of finding a ship.再然后就是弄艘船的问题了All part of the plan, yes? Exactly.这都计划好了吗 没错I arrived in London Town just this morning我今早刚到伦敦城to rescue one Joshamee来救和绞刑架有个约会的Gibbs from one appointment with the gallows.名叫约什米·吉布斯的家伙Seeing as how you"re still alive,鉴于你目前还活得好好的I"d say it"s all been very successful thus far.我认为目前为止还挺成功What happened to you, Gibbs?你怎么了 吉布斯I thought you were employed elsewhere or otherwise engaged.我以为你出海了或是在忙别的Aye. But I always listened没错 可我一直在like a thief for news of the Black Pearl.打探黑珍珠号的消息Nobody"s seen where she might next make port.谁也不知道她会停靠在何处Then, I hear a rumor:后来 我听到流言Jack Sparrow"s in London with a ship and looking for a crew.杰克·史派罗在伦敦找了条船 在招募水手Am not. But that"s what I heard.才怪 可我是这么听说Fact is, you"re signing up men tonight.说你今晚就在Pub called The Captain"s Daughter."船长之女"酒吧招人Am not! Well, I thought it a bit odd,才怪 我是觉得有点奇怪but then, you"ve never been the most predictable of sorts.不过话说回来 你做事总是这么不靠谱Tell me something.跟我好好说说There is another Jack Sparrow out there sullying my good name?这儿还有个叫杰克·史派罗的家伙冒充我的大名An impostor. Indeed.冒名的骗子 没错But... an impostor with a ship.不过 人家有船And in need of a crew.还有水手Which, as fate would have it, so am I.这些 苍天在上 我也会有What about you, Jack?你怎么样 杰克Last I heard, you were hell bent to find the Fountain of Youth.我上回听说 你拼了老命要找那不老泉Any luck?运气如何Circumstances arose and forced a compelling insight经历了千辛万苦后 我顿悟了regarding discretion and valor.此行既需要勇气 也得小心谨慎Meaning, you gave up. I did not.那就是说 你放弃了 我没有I am just as bent as ever. Hellishly so.我还是一样不要命 妥妥的I shall taste those waters, Master Gibbs. Mark my words.我一定要尝尝那泉水 吉布斯水手长 我把话撂在这儿Short trip.真快All part of the plan, yes?这也是计划好的吧No.不是You are Jack Sparrow?你就是杰克·史派罗吗There should be a "Captain" In there somewhere.你好像漏了"船长"二字I"ve heard of you.我听过你And you know who I am.你一定知道我是谁Face is familiar. Have I threatened you before?看起来挺面熟 我是不是恐吓过你You are in the presence of George Augustus,在你面前的是乔治·奥古斯都Duke of Brunswick Luneburg,伯伦瑞克 吕纳堡公爵Archtreasurer and Prince elector of the Holy Roman Empire,神圣罗马帝国的首要财务官和选帝侯King of Great Britain and Ireland, and of you.大不列颠及爱尔兰的国王 也是你的国王Doesn"t ring a bell. I am informed还是没想起来 我听说you have come to London to procure a crew for your ship.你来伦敦是为了招募水手Vicious rumor. Not true.恶毒的流言 假的Then you lied to me when you told me you were Jack Sparrow.那你就是在谎称自己是杰克·史派罗I am Jack Sparrow, but I"m not here to procure a crew.我是杰克·史派罗 不过我来不是为了招水手
2023-07-19 09:57:001

master of puppets表达了什么主题,说下歌词大意

2023-07-19 09:57:073

如何make the puppets

the parents of our pupils
2023-07-19 09:57:151


什么是同义替换呢?同义替换即将同一意思通过不同的方式、不同的角度进行表达。它是为了表达的丰富性与多样性而存在的。而在雅思听力的考试中,同义替换与信息陷阱、逻辑关系一起,构成贯穿在雅思听力考试中的三大难点。其实,雅思听力中的同义替换除了 近义词 替换,还包括同根词替换、类别词替换、数量词替换。本文就为考生具体介绍这四种同义替换形式。 雅思听力 同义词 替换4大类型实例讲解 雅思听力同义替换之近义词替换 顾名思义,近义词替换是通过近义词的方式来展示题目和录音内容的联系,这种同义替换也是所有同义替换类别中最基本、最容易掌握的形式。考生若是对单词的近义词十分熟悉,那么便可以轻松解决这类问题。 例1 Most useful language practice: learning 23 vocabulary (《剑5》Test 2 Section 3第23题) 分析 该题是一道表格填空题,需要考生补充最有用的语言练习是什么。通过审题,考生可以发现本题的最佳定位词应该是vocabulary,而空格中缺少的应该是一个修饰vocabulary的定语成分。根据定位词vocabulary,考生可以在录音中听到这句话:“I also learnt some technical words that I hadn"t heard before.”在这句话中,考生发现通过一个正式和非正式的同义词转换,题干中的定位词vocabulary在录音中被替换为words,由此考生就找到了答案信息所在的位置。录音中words的修饰词为technical,所以technical为本题答案。 以上是一个名词近义词替换的例子,但对于广大考生而言,在做题过程中感觉更让人头疼的是动词或形容词的近义替换,因为这类词的替换更加灵活。不过,如果考生能够掌握相应的解题 方法 ,也可轻松解题,如下例所示。 例2 STOP B: has good 16 of city centre (《剑7》Test 2 Section 2 第16题) 分析 该题也是一道表格填空题,让考生补充完整景点B有何特色。按照定位词选名词不选动词的原则,考生在处理本题时倾向于选city centre作为在录音中定位答案信息的定位词。通过of的所有格结构,考生可以判断出空格处应填名词。根据定位词,考生在听录音时,会把答案信息定位在下面这句话:“This is a place where you can sit and enjoy the wonderful views over the old commercial and banking centre of the city.”在这句话中,考生不难发现,centre of the city在句末出现,centre前还加入了冗长的修饰成分the old commercial and banking。在考试中,考生听到centre of the city时,可能已经忘了该句前面的内容了,因此很难准确找出题目答案。 如果换一种方式进行定位,效果会不会不同?这一次考生可以试试利用题干中的形容词good以及good和空格处应填词汇之间修饰与被修饰的关系在录音中定位及寻找答案。这样一来,考生很容易在录音中找到good的近义替换词wonderful,从而找到紧跟在其后面的词语views。所以,views即本题答案。 在考试时,很多考生会避免选题干中的形容词或动词定位。但是笔者认为,如果题目中空格前后的形容词或动词属于基础词汇,而且考生也比较熟悉其近义词,不妨将这些词归入定位词之一,很多时候可以快速帮助解题。 雅思听力同义替换之同根词替换 很多非英语专业的考生可能对同根词的概念比较陌生。同根词指的是词根相同、词意相近/相反的一 组词 。比如excite和excitement即为一组同根词。同根词在考试中出现次数较多,但很多时候考生并不能很好地掌握住这类同义替换,主要是因为在发音过程中,很多同根词由于词缀的变化会导致发音、重音等的一系列变化,这使得对发音不熟悉的考生在听录音时无法及时辨认出这些词属于同一个“单词家族”,最终导致定位答案失败。 例 Reading sessions help students to read ___________ A.analytically. fast as possible. C.thoroughly. (《剑4》Test 3 Section 3第24题) 分析 通过审题,考生应该大致理解了题干的意思是“阅读课帮助学生读得___________”,也就是要考生填写学生阅读的效果。考生可以通过题干中的定位词reading和session在录音中定位到答案信息:“With reading, there"ll be sessions aimed at getting into the habit of analysing material as you read it …”之后,根据录音中的“getting into the habit of …”(养成……的习惯)找出答案。但是录音中使用的是analysing,它与题目选项A的analytically的发音出入较大。因此,很多考生即便听到了analysing这个词,也不能及时将它与analytically联系起来,最后导致丢分。因此,从这道题来看,听力中同根词考查的难点为重音及发音的变化,类似的同根词还有theatre—theatrical、deep—depth、analysis—analyse等。这要求考生平时在记忆单词时不仅要注意拼写上前后缀的变化,同时要注意发音的差别。 与此同时,在运用同根词替换时,考生也要小心同根词的“反义替换”,因为有些词缀本身就有相反的意思,比如in-、un-、il-、-less等就表达相反含义,所以考生在听的时候要对这些表示相反意思的词缀做到心中有数。 雅思听力同义替换之类别词替换 类别词即对一类事物的统称,比如中文里用“学科”统称学校里的某类课程,或者用“动物”统称狮子、老虎等。那么英语里同样有类似的对应词,比如subject、animal。这类单词在雅思听力中出现的频率非常高,且往往在“神不知鬼不觉”中被偷偷替换掉。下面通过实例来看一下这类替换的特点及方式。 例1 Produce from the area was used to 31 the people of London. (《剑6》Test 1 Section 4第31题) 分析 通过题干中was used to的结构,考生很容易推测出空格处应填入动词,听录音时的定位词可以选people或主语produce。Produce作名词时意思是“农产品,产品”。录音中提到下面这句话:“… consisted of farmland with crops and livestock which helped to feed that population.”在此处,考生会发现题干中的people与录音中的population进行了近义词替换,而produce在这里没有重现也没有近义词出现。但在这句话中,考生却发现了crops and livestock(庄稼和牲畜)这个表达,换句话说,类别词produce在这里被两个具体的例子替代了。这便是类别词替换的一大特色。考生在做题时,如果发现题干中有概括性的类别词,那么要注意想想属于该类别的例子都有哪些,对应的单词是什么,以帮助自己适应可能在录音中出现的类别词替换形式。这种类别词替换在选择类题目中经常出现,如下例所示。 例2 Dr Merrywhether thinks Antarctica was part of another continent because ___________ A. he has done his own research in the area. B. there is geological evidence of this. C. it is very close to South America. (《剑7》Test 2 Section 3第26题) 分析 这道题目问的是“Dr Merrywhether认为南极洲曾属于另一个大陆是因为什么”。在录音中,考生可以听到Dr Merrywhether提到:“… because fossils and rocks have been discovered in Antarctica which are the same as those found in places such as Africa and Australia.”在这里,fossils and rocks代指了选项B中的类别词geological evidence,而places such as Africa and Australia替换的是题干中的another continent。在这道题目中,无论是题干还是答案,都用类别词与录音中的表述进行了替换。类似的替换形式在选择题中还有很多,可以参考《剑7》Test 3 Section 4中的选择题去复习这类替换。 雅思听力同义替换之数量词替换 在考试中,数量词替换常出现的形式是形容词与数量词间的替换,也就是通过数量词表达与形容词同样的意思。比如,我们既可以直接说“这个书包可真贵”,也可以说“这个书包花了我2000块钱啊”,两句话表达同一个意思。在这两句话里,“贵”和“2000块钱”进行了替换。这种替换由于有着较高的隐蔽性,往往成为考生定位答案时的漏网之鱼。 例 When investing in stocks and shares,it is suggested that women should put a high proportion of their savings in 40 . (《剑5》Test 1 Section 4第40题) 分析 在这道 句子 填空题中,通常考生会选用题干中的a high proportion作为本题在录音中的定位词。在录音中,与这句话对应的答案信息是:“It is usually advised that at least 70% of a person"s savings should be in low-risk investments …”考生发现,从听的角度来讲,这句话的一大亮点便是出现了70%这个数字,而这个词与a high proportion意思相近,可以互相替换。由此,考生便能轻松找出本题的答案low-risk investments。这类替换往往出现在选择题或搭配题中,类似的考点词还有too long—fortnight、regular—every six months等。 雅思备考:四大情绪缓解方法让你轻松面对雅思听力 首先:“有备而来”。在听之前要做好充分准备,雅思听力考试中要求学生边听边答题,所以听之前的准备工作很重要,要先了解答题要求,看清例题,明确题型,这样才能准确的回答问题。 其次:“提高速度”。充分快速的阅览试题和选项,找提示,标出关键词和关联词,以确定它的主题或意图,了解自己将要回答什么样问题,预测出相关的答案,预测是为了更准确的找到答案,使你在听题过程中更为主动,高效率的预览和准确的预测对考生是非常重要的。 再有:“协调配合”。提高听题的效率,要求考生在听,读,写时要紧密配合,滤除不相关的内容,减轻听力负担。在卷面上应该尽量用自己能够辨别的缩写符号或速记符号,在保证准确度的前提下提高速度,因为在写答案的同时还要继续听题,做到手,眼,耳协调一致。考生在将答案誊写在答题纸上时要保证拼写和语法的正确,如有错误也要相应扣分。 最后:“严谨认真”。在每部分和考试全部结束前,都留有时间给考生检查答案,考生应该利用这段时间迅速检查答案,改正做错的题目并完成没有完成的题目,特别注意是否正确按照试题要求去做了,不要在答题卷上留空白,(因为答错了也不扣分)。 雅思备考:四大雅思听力不良审题习惯 雅思听力不良审题习惯一:不拘小节,在审题时只关注文字内容,不注意题目要求。 不论是填空还是选择,题目中都存在一定的要求。单选题和 配对 题问题不大,只要记得一定是一对一选择就可以,遇到多选题时要关注是选对一个选项算一题还是全部选对算一题。如:Question 25 Choose two letters和Question 25-26 choose twoletters这两个要求意义是不相同的,前者比后者要求高,必须全选对才能得分。这对考生最后答题卷的填写也会产生影响,一定要注意。 遇到填空题一定要看清字数要求。由于No more than three words and/or anumber是比较常见的字数要求,可能考生会因此习惯性认为填空就是这个字数要求而忽略了其他形式的要求。在这个要求中,即使只少了“/and”意义也是完全不一样的。 如果要求是No more than three words or a number,那就意味着不能写单词和阿拉伯数字共存的答案,如果出现阿拉伯数字就得写成单词形式。如果出现One wordonly这样的答案就更需要注意了,哪怕多了一个冠词也是错误的。有些考生特别容易把textbook这样的合成词分开写,one wordonly这个要求反而是提醒考生注意单词书写而不是限制了。 雅思听力不良审题习惯二:审题不客观,主观意识太强。 既然是审题,当然要以问题的客观意思理解,不能强加自己的想法。 建议考生在看选择题的问题和选项时尤其需要注意这一点,问什么答什么都要客观理解,不能因为某个选项意义比较符合常理就认为其对,也不能因为选项符合某些判断规则就认为其一定是错的。即便有预先的判断,也需要最终去 文章 中找到证据来支持或反驳。 如果遇到的是填空题,当然首先还是客观理解整个句子的意思,再做找关键词、预测等工作。比如在预测时发现需要填的空格出现在名词前,修饰名词,一般考生第一反应需要找一个形容词,但仔细想想,能修饰名词的不仅仅是普通的形容词,名词也可以,动词的现在分词形式和过去分词形式也可做形容词来修饰名词,甚至量词也可以修饰名词,所以在听的时候不能因为想到了形容词就只关注普通的形容词。 雅思听力不良审题习惯三:片面理解,选择性审题。 听力考试重在听,卷面上出现的每一字每一句都是提示信息,审题自然不能漏过一丝一毫。但考生往往会因为看到自己熟悉的内容而忽略了剩余的,造成理解错误。最具代表意义的是剑桥7 Test 3 Section 3 Question 23: Float dropped into oceanand________ by satellite. 在教学过程中发现考生经常对该空的预测是填名词,因为看到了oceanand就认为两者并列。事实上从整句看和空格并列的信息应该是dropped, 所以要找的是动词的过去分词表示被动。预测出错后听题中就容易忽略正确答案了。 雅思听力不良审题习惯四:视而不见,只看不用。 审题之所以要思考很多问题,是为了在听题的时候能对找答案有所帮助,看到想到的就得在听题时充分利用。但很多考生辛苦审题却不知道运用,例如剑桥5 Test4 Section 1 Question 3: intended length of stay______________ ,通过审题可知需要填的是时间长度,限制信息intended意味着这段时间是想要、打算住的时间,既然有打算,那么还有可能会出现实际的情况。 原 文:I"m planning on staying a year but at the moment I"m definitely herefor 4 month only. 显然planning和intended是对应的同义转换点,因此答案是ayear。很多考生其实意识到要找的是想要住的时间长度,但在听的时候却没有注意到对应点。又如剑桥5 Test 2 Section 4 Question 37:average daily requirement for an adult in Antarctica is approximately ________kilocalories. 此题中应填数字是非常容易预测的,在审题时需要意识到这个数字要符合average、daily、adult、inAntarctica这些条件才能成为正确答案,事实上原文的干扰点就在地点Antarctica上,而考生经常看到却在听的时候忽略了这个信息。 雅思备考:时态考点 which Two facilities does the theatre currently offer to the public? A.rooms for hire B.backstage tours C.hire of costumes D.a book shop E.a cafe 15/16题 which Two workshops does the theatre currently offer? A.sound B.acting C.making puppets D.make-up 剑桥8 test 1 section 2中19/20题 which Two activities can students do after the tour at present? model dinosaurs film C.draw dinosaurs D.find dinosaur eggs computer games 剑桥8 test 2 section 2中19题 what can you see in the park at the present time? A.the arrival of wild birds B.fruit tree blossom C.a demonstration of fishing 剑桥7 test 4section2中12题 theoriginal buildings on the site were A.leisure B.apartment blocks C.a sports center 从这些题中我们可以看出,前两道题都出现了currently, 第三,第四道题at present, 第五道出现original,它们都是表示时间的词,都是选择题中题干出现的限定词,也是这些题中的考点词。 比如说第一道题which Two facilities does the theatre currently offer to the public?哪两个设施是theatre 目前提供给公众的?那我们要选择选项中包含现在时间词的选项,录音中可能还会出现将来时间进行干扰,所以计划,打算,不久将开放的就是干扰项。 根据录音:so we ‘re looking into the possibility to open a cafe in due course. (in due course 在适当的时候)排除E there are 2 large rooms will be decorated next month , and they"ll be available for hire排除A. we ‘re also considering hiring out costumes 排除C 所以排除法就可以做出来了。以上干扰句中都出现了将来时间词。 而答案句: one way is by organizing backstage tours,so people can be shown around the building and learn how a theatre operates we have a bookshop which specializes in books about drama and that attracts plenty of customers 都是一般现在时。 第二道题:题干出现currently,问现在情况 所以根据录音:we intend to learn run courses in acting, but we"re waiting until we"ve got the right people in place as trainers.出现将来时间排除B we ‘re going to start sound next month.出现将来时间词可以排除A. a number of people have enquired about workshops on make-up, that"s something we"r considering for the future.排除C 答案句中:our lighting workshop has already started with great success. a surprise success is the workshop on making puppets…… is so popular we"re now running them very month. 是现在完成时或者现在时。 那么我们来 总结 一下考试中常见的时间时态词: 过去的时间词:original/originally / previous/ previously / former/ initially/ first / last / used to do / ago/ before / did /past 现在的时间词:current/currently/ at present/ at the moment / now/ recently / have already done 将来的时间词:future/ be about to do/ be going to do / next / be considering / plan to do / intend to do / be thinking of / soon / 所以做做时态型的选择题时,我们审题时一定要注意题干中限定的时间词,如果是现在的,那么一般会大量用将来进行干扰。而答案句对应也是现在时或现在完成时。如果审题中题干时过去限定词,那么常用过去时间对应,当然也会部分出现干扰。题干中直接出线一般将来时的题很少,基本上都在问过去或者现在的情况。学员要牢记常见时间词,进行同意替换或者进行干扰排除,这类题就迎刃而解了。
2023-07-19 09:57:341


皮影戏的英文是:Shadow Play.皮影戏(Shadow Puppets),又称“影子戏”或“灯影戏”,是一种以兽皮或纸板做成的人物剪影以表演故事的民间戏剧。表演时,艺人们在白色幕布后面,一边操纵影人,一边用当地流行的曲调讲述故事,同时配以打击乐器和弦乐,有浓厚的乡土气息。皮影戏是中国民间古老的传统艺术,老北京人都叫它“驴皮影”。据史书记载,皮影戏始于西汉,兴于唐朝,盛于清代,元代时期传至西亚和欧洲,可谓历史悠久,源远流长。
2023-07-19 09:57:421

u300aHow to Make a Sock Puppetu300b

Making a sock puppet is really quite fun. What"s especially fun about sock puppets is that you can make each one unique and individual, so that they each have special characters. And they don"t have to be humanu2013u2013animals and aliens and astronauts and computers are great possibilities.Start by assembling your special materials in a large shoe box with your name on it. You"ll need at least one clean sock of your choice, a large needle and some strong, thick thread. This is just the bare minimum. Of course you can add any other decorating items you want to use to embellish an decorate your sock puppet, making it more original, like glasses, jewelry, special hair material, etc... Your teacher will have some decorating materials on hand in class, (assorted buttons and beads, wool, pipe cleaners, felt material, ...) as well as all the rest of the items required to make your puppet like scissors and glue guns.1u3001Find an old, clean sock. It can be any color you like, and it should be long enough for you to stick your arm in. Preferably the sock should almost reach the elbow. *Avoid socks that are too thin or that have holes. Any material will work just fine but if you plan on busting out the scissors, you may want to use a material that won"t automatically fray (like cotton). Of course, the type of character the sock puppet has is, in part, determined by the sock chosen. For example, spotted socks suggest creating leopards, cheetahs, Dalmatian dogs, etc., while striped socks suggest creating zebras, tigers and jailbirds. Plain socks could be a wide range of things but the color can help, so a white sock could be a white mouse, while a gray sock might be an elephant. When choosing the sock, let the sock"s feature be a part of what decides your sock puppet"s final character.2u3001Glue (using a Glue Gun and hot melt glue), or sew the googly eye or eyes, (the number, size and colour are your choice), either to the bottom of the sock, at the toe end, or pretty much wherever you"d like. Experiment with a few placements before you glue them on. The eyes might look good really close together, close to the nose, or somewhere you might not expect. This is your puppet so your body parts are yours to create and position as you please. However, make sure you get adult supervision if unsure how to do this! Superglue can be trouble, as can a needle so don"t be afraid to ask for help.3u3001Once the glue is dry, stick your hand in. Form your hand into the shape of a mouth, with your thumb below your fingers. Use your free hand to force an indentation mirroring the inside of the mouth. Your arm should look like a snake.4u3001Now what about the rest of the basics? For the tongue, you can either use a smaller oval in a different color to simulate a tongue, or use an actual tongue shape that hangs out. In fact, a felt tongue can be made and cut with a "v" at the end like a snake"s tongue.You can also make a nose using felt. Cut a small triangle or circle to form a cute little nose. Either sew or glue it into place above the mouth. If you"ve added whiskers, keep these below the nose.Also, if you"d like this sock puppet to have whiskers, cut whisker length pieces of string or cord. Sew into place at the top center of the mouth. Just make sure it doesn"t look like a mustache or... Maybe you"d like your puppet to have a mustache? Why not?5u3001The same string can be used for hair. Consider a pile of string for hair, (puppets are not the most well-manicured of characters), or more pieces of felt for spikes (if glued upright), or scales. Wow, this is fun! Does it have ears? These could easily be but out of felt and sewn on wherever you want them to be.6u3001For arms, simply roll up a length of felt with a pipe cleaner inside. The pipe cleaner will make your puppet able to pose. Glue the roll closed, with one end attached to the puppet.To make fingers, simply make two cuts into the end of the roll of felt. Two cuts will result in three fingers. The two cuts should force the end of the roll to splay out, resembling a hand. Round off the edges as you"d like, sculpting the fingers.7u3001Finally, add on the extras! Your puppet could have everything down to eyelashes, hoop earrings, bow ties, hair ribbons... It"s really all up to you! You can even dress it up. If you like making clothes, give the sock puppet a few too.
2023-07-19 09:58:231

急求数首simple plan , green day , lostprophets , metallica , element eighty 的快歌。

2023-07-19 09:58:316


  大城市固然好,车水马龙、熙熙攘攘,但是小镇也别有风味。更何况,在国内我们见惯了大城市,多伦多、温哥华 跟北京上海一比简直就是乡下。所以既然来了加拿大,不如我们就去体验一下地地道道的小镇生活。   不要指望有电视塔、银行大楼或是市政厅当背景,来到小镇,迎接你的将是鸟语花香、银河星辰和热情友好的人们。现在,就跟着出国移民网我一起来看看加拿大你不可错过的10个小镇吧。   坦伯勒岭(Tumbler Ridge), BC   坦伯勒岭的人口还不到3000人(我表示还不如自己的初中人多...),但却拥有北美唯一两个联合国教科文组织世界地质公园(UNESCO Global Geopark)中的一个。这里有山有水,有步道有瀑布。冬天还可以享受雪橇滑雪(tobogganing),再来上一杯红酒或是热巧克力,这叫一个滋润呐。   阿尔蒙特(Almonte), ON   阿尔蒙特是一个超级可爱的沿河小镇,这里大概居住了5000人。有花不完的时间和吃不完的美食。最出名的必然是Robin"s Nest Tea Room的奶油馅饼了。夏天这里还会举行大众小巴车的露营活动 BusFusion festival(我已经按捺不住了,大众小公共绝对是世界上最可爱的小车!)。不仅有露营活动,这里还有小狗游行Puppy Parade,八月还有木偶节(Puppets Up! International Puppet Festival),放心吧,来到阿尔蒙特,你绝对不会觉得生活无趣的!   皮斯里弗(Peace River), AB   皮斯里弗的居民人数也只有7000人,这里最热闹的就是7月的音乐节PeaceFest了。你还可以到这里租一艘独木舟,体验一下水上游览的别样风味。另外,还有轮渡可以载你到山上徒步游览。绝对是户外运动的好选择。   温克勒(Winkler), MB   温克勒其实是曼尼托巴省彭比纳谷(Pembina Valley)最大的城市,但也只有1万人左右。来到这里,你既不用在人群中挤来挤去,也不会半天都看不到一个活物。这里的音乐和艺术景象更是值得你到此一游,8月的音乐节Harvest Festival还会有免费音乐会。如果你是个充满艺术细胞的人,这里绝对不容错过。   雅茅斯(Yarmouth), NS   雅茅斯的人口大概7000.这里最著名的大概就是彩色的屋顶了,让你分分钟感觉自己住在明信片里。沿着柯林斯遗产保护区(Collins Heritage Conservation District)漫步,你会看到很多安妮女王时期风格的小别墅,另外也千万不要错过这里全年无休的农夫市场哟。   纳尔逊(Nelson), BC   这个小山城只有1万人口,但却很有自己的风格。这里的省立科迪洞穴公园(Cody Caves Provincial Park)将会带给你别具一格的旅游体验。除了山以外,库特内湖(Kootenay Lake)还可以让你尽享水上运动。   萨默赛德(Summerside), PEI   萨默赛德最出名的就是每年7月底的龙虾节(Lobster Festival)了,届时不仅有鲜美龙虾,整个小镇还会聚集在一起跳踢踏舞。同时,这里还是淘古董的好地方,Spinnakers" Landing水边市场可是必游之地。   米罗米奇(Miramichi), NB   米罗米奇人口大概1.8万,坐落在米罗米奇湾旁。来到这里,一定要去米罗米奇河的游船看看,你可以到达Beaubears Island小岛,体验另一个年代的文化和生活。同时还有新不伦瑞克省最长的滑索Over the Hill Zipline,全长1100英尺。   里维耶尔·杜·卢普(Riviere-Du-Loup), QC   这个魁北克小镇可谓是藏在地图深处的国家宝藏。到了这里,就别想着总拍照定位了,好好享受一下国家级的自然景观吧。Jardins Secrets de L"arc-en-ciel花园是你绝对不能错过的景色。另外还可以看看19世纪的宅子Manoir Seigneurial Fraser。享受生活才是小镇游览的原则!   劳埃德明斯特(Lloydminster), SK   劳埃德明斯特的人口大概有2.8万人,也是我们这个表单中规模最大的镇了,但是不要担心,这里绝对有你要的那种小镇风情。从春天到秋天,路边都会有各式各样的餐车(food truck)。如果你喜欢戏剧,不要错过Vic Juba Community Theatre剧院的表演。每年的5月,Bud Miller All Seasons Park公园还会举办马拉松(Lloydminster 5K Fun Run)活动,在泥巴里体验长跑的乐趣,绝对是你旅程最记忆犹新的一部分!
2023-07-19 09:58:451


2023-07-19 09:44:502


ai抠图的方法如下:电脑:联想AIO520C系统:Windows101、首先导入素材,在左侧选项中,点击钢笔工具。2、点击钢笔工具后,即可开始抠图图片。3、抠图完成后,点击鼠标右键,选择建立剪切蒙版。抠图发展抠图是图像处理中最常做的操作之一,是把图片或影像的某一部分从原始图片或影像中分离出来成为单独的图层。主要功能是为了后期的合成做准备。方法有套索工具、选框工具、橡皮擦工具等直接选择、快速蒙版、钢笔勾画路径后转选区、抽出滤镜、外挂滤镜抽出、通道、计算、应用图像法等。Photoshop中,抠图的方法有很多种,常见的有通道抠图,蒙板抠图,钢笔工具抠图等,在PhotoshopCS3之后的版本中,更是新增了快速选择工具。Photoshop CS3之后的版本中,添加了一款新的工具,可快速选取需要的部分,初学者也可以轻易操作。钢笔抠图法图像边界复杂,不连续,加工精度度高。不过很慢,抠一个图连手脚指都抠的话,要15分钟左右。
2023-07-19 09:44:521


2023-07-19 09:44:553


2023-07-19 09:44:561


前5题分别用如下回答:How old How often How manyHow muchHow farwas变为wasn"tI didn"t go to school,because I had a cold yesterday。Please don"t tell a lieyesterday用this afternoon替换just now用tomorrow morning替换
2023-07-19 09:44:454


1、缺乏信心并不是因为出现了困难,而出现困难倒是因为缺乏信心。——塞内加A lack of confidence is not because of the difficulties and problems is because of the lack of confidence。 2、我们应该有恒心,尤其要有自信心。——居里夫人We should have the perseverance, especially must have the self-confidence。 3、自信是向成功迈出的第一步。——爱因斯坦Confidence in yourself is to take the first step to success。 4、有必胜信念的人才能成为战场上的胜利者。——希金森Triumphali *** talent can be winner on the battlefield。 5、深窥自己的心,而后发觉一切的奇迹在你自己。——培根Deep insights into their own heart, and then find all the miracles in yourself。 6、一个做主角的非有天才不可。可是天才在于自信,在于自己的力量。——高尔基Do a character must be a genius。 Genius is confident, however, lies in their own strength。 7、相信就是强大。怀疑只会抑制能力,而信仰却是力量。——弗烈德利克·罗伯森Believe is strong。 Doubt will only inhibition, and belief is power。 8、价值产生信心,信心产生热忱,而热忱则征服世界。——华特·H·柯亭姆Value have confidence, confidence, enthusia *** , and enthusia *** to conquer the world。 9、在真实的生命,每桩伟业都有信心开始,并由信心跨出第一步。——奥格斯特·冯史勒格In real life, each pile great confidence, and the confidence to make the first move。 10、信心是人的征服者;它战胜了人,又存在于人的心中。——马·法·塔伯Confidence is the conqueror of people; It beat, and exists in the hearts of people。 11、决心就是力量,信心就是成功。——列夫·托尔斯泰Determination is power, confidence is successful。 12、缺乏自信常常是性格软弱和事业不能成功的主要原因。——索洛维契克A lack of confidence is often not the main reason for the success of the weak character and career。 13、自尊不是轻人,自信不是自满,独立不是孤立。——徐特立Self-esteem is not young people, confidence is not placent, independence is not isolated。 14、人多不足以依赖,要生存只要靠自己。——拿破伦More people to rely on, to survive as long as on your own。 15、我们爱我们的民族,这是我们自信心的源泉。——周恩来We love our nation, this is the source of our confidence。 16、教育能增加人固有的价值。有素的训练能坚定人的信心。——贺拉斯Education can increase the intrinsic value。 Of the training to firm the confidence of the people。 17、坚决的信心,能使平凡的人们,做出惊人的事业。——马尔顿Firm confidence, can make the ordinary people, do amazing career。 18、缺乏一种自信的精神,这往往导致一些本来是萌芽了的天才走向自我扼杀。——舒卓The lack of a spirit of confidence, which often result in some was budding genius to kill myself。 19、地位越高,自我评价就越高,自信心多强,能力就有多强。我们总能表现出与环境的和谐平等。——赫兹里特The higher the position, the higher self asses *** ent, how strong self-confidence, ability how strong。 We can always show the harmonious equality with the environment。 20、请一定要有自信。你就是一道风景,没必要在别人风景里面仰视。——柯少爷Please be sure to have confidence。 You are a scenery, the necessity has not looked up inside others scenery。 21、如果没有自信心的话,你永远也不会有快乐。——拉罗什夫科If have no confidence, you will never have happiness。 22、勇敢乃是自信与害怕中间之道。——亚里士多德Brave is confidence and fear。 23、谁中途动摇信心,谁就是意志薄弱者;谁下定决心后,缺少灵活性,谁就是傻瓜。——诺尔斯One midway shake confidence, is a milquetoast; Who is determined after, lack of flexibility, who is a fool。 24、劳动使人建立起对自己的理智力量的信心。——高尔基Labor makes people to establish confidence in his intellectual power。 25、一个人敢于暴露自己的弱点,代表他自信强大。——周正A man dare to expose their weakness, self-confidence strong on his behalf。 26、坚信自己的思想,相信自己心里认准的东西也一定适合于他人这就是天才。——爱默生Believe that their own thoughts, believe yourself look in heart of things will be suitable for others that is genius。 27、幽默是表明工人对自己事业具有信心并且表明自己占着优势的标志。——恩格斯Humor is that workers about their career with confidence and signals of the advantage。 28、人有了坚定的信念才是不可战胜的。——贝蒂People have faith is invincible。 29、除了人格以外,人生最大的损失,莫过于失掉自信心了。——培尔辛In addition to personality, the biggest loss of life, than to lose confidence。 30、社交场上的信心比机智更加重要。——拉罗什富科The social field of confidence is more important than wit。 31、任何人都应该有自尊心,自信心,独立性,不然就是奴才。——徐特立Anyone should have self-esteem, self-confidence, independence, not is a slave。 32、能够使我飘浮于人生的泥沼中而不致陷污的,是我的信心。——但丁Can I float in life without being trapped in the mire of the dirt, is my confidence。 33、先相信自己,然后别人才会相信你。——罗曼·罗兰Believe in yourself first, and then others will believe you。 34、我们对自己抱有的信心,将使别人对我们萌生信心的绿芽。——拉罗什富科We have the confidence in myself, will make others green shoots of confidence to us。 35、发明家全靠一股了不起的信心支持,才有勇气在不可知的天地中前行。——法国Inventors on a great confidence to support all, didn"t have the courage to move forward in the unknown world。 36、地球上的任何一点离太阳都同样地遥远。——伯顿Any point on earth are equally distant from the sun。 37、我们对自己抱有的信心,将使别人对我们萌生信心的绿芽。——拉劳士福古We have the confidence in myself, will make others green shoots of confidence to us。 38、人须有自信之能力,当从自己良心上认定是非,不可以众人之是非为从违。——章太炎People should has the ability of self-confidence, when that is from their own conscience, not all is as from the breach。 39、一个人面对正当之事物,从正当的时机,而且在这种相应条件下感到自信,他就是一个勇敢的人。——亚里士多德A personal face as things, from the proper timing, and under the condition of the corresponding feel confident, he is a brave man。 40、有自信心的人,可以化渺小为伟大,化平庸为神奇。——萧伯纳Small people with confidence, can bee great, mediocre to magic。 41、一个人是否有成就只有看他是否具有自尊心和自信心两个条件。——苏格拉底Whether a man is success only to see whether he have o conditions of self-esteem and self-confidence。 42、自信与骄傲有异;自信者常沉着,而骄傲者常浮扬。——梁启超Confident and proud of; Confidence is always calm and proud people often float。 43、畅开心扉是为了虚荣,为了侃侃而谈,为了得到别人的信赖,为了交换秘密。——拉罗什富科Open your heart to vanity, to talk about, in order to get the trust of others, in exchange for a secret。
2023-07-19 09:44:451


亲是JAM吧?92年发行的,是专辑《DANGEROUS》里比较出名一首和乔丹合作的,希望帮助的到你! Jam 困境   作词、作曲:Michael Jackson   Do You Wanna Get Out 想跳出去吗   Do You Wanna Get Out Of Jam… 想走出困境吗……    Nation To Nation All The World 全世界所有的国家   Must Come Together 必须团结起来   Face The Problems That We See 去面对我们所看到的问题   Then Maybe Somehow We Can Work It Out 如此我们才可能将它解决   I Asked My Neighbor For A Favor 我请邻居帮个忙   She Said Later 她说下回吧   What Has Come Of All The People 人们这都是怎么了   Have We Lost Love Of What Its About 我们是否遗失爱的真谛了   I Have To Find My Peace Cuz 我得让自己冷静一下   No One Seems To Let Me Be 因为人们似乎不愿成全我   False Prophets Cry Of Doom 伪先知哭泣着世界末日   What Are The Possibilities 究竟会发生什么   I Told My Brother Therell Be Problems,Times And Tears For Fears,   我曾告诉过我的同胞定会多次因畏惧而生问题、痛哭流涕   We Must Live Each Day Like Its The Last   我们必须珍惜眼前每一天   Go With It 解决它    Go With It 解决它   Jam 困境   It Aint Too Much Stuff 这不算什么问题   It Aint Too Much 不算什么   It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 对我来说根本不是问题   It Aint 这不算   It Aint Too Much Stuff 不算什么问题   It Aint 不算   Dont You It Aint Too Much For Me To... 告诉你这对我来说根本……   The World Keeps Changing 世界片刻不停地变化   Rearranging Minds And Thoughts 冲击着思想和观念   Predictions Fly Of Doom 预言飞来横祸   The Baby Boom Has Come Of Age 生于这时代的婴孩如今已主沉浮   Well Work It Out 我们会处理好   I Told My Brothers 我曾告诉我的同胞们    Dont You Ask Me For No Favors 别指望我能帮你什么忙   Im Conditioned By 我已融入了   The System 这个体系   Dont You Talk To Me 我不要听你们说话   Dont Scream And Shout 别叫叫嚷嚷   She Pray To God, To Buddha 她求神拜佛   Then She Sings A Talmud Song Confusions Contradict The Self   在唱犹太圣歌的惶惑中迷失自我   Do We Know Right From Wrong 我们能从错误中汲取教训吗?   I Just Want You To Recognize Me 我要要你认清我   (Recognize Me) (看清我的脸)   I"m The Temple 我便是圣人,   (In The Temple) (在圣殿里)   You Cant Hurt Me Within Myself 坚不可摧,   I Found Peace Within Myself 我终于寻得真谛。   Go With It 解决它   Go With It 解决它   Jam 困境   It Aint Too Much Stuff 这不算什么问题   It Aint Too Much 不算什么   It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 对我来说根本不是问题   It Aint 这不算   It Aint Too Much Stuff 不算什么问题   It Aint 不算   Dont You It Aint Too Much For Me To... 告诉你这对我来说根本…   (Rap Performed By Heavy D) (Heavy D说唱:)   Jam Jam 困境 困境   Here Comes The Man 他来了   Hot Damn 老天   The Big Boy Stands 看他踮起脚尖   Movin Up A Hand 抬起一只手。    Makin Funky Tracks With My Man 跟我兄弟一同做这醉人音乐   Michael Jackson 迈克尔 杰克逊   Smooth Criminal 犯罪高手   Thats The Man 就是此人   Mikes So Relaxed 麦克是如此无拘无束   Mingle Mingle Jingle 联手团结   In The Jungle 敲响警钟   Bum Rushed The Door 3 And 4s In A Bundle 游民三五成群冲破门槛   Execute The Plan 要执行这个计划   First I Cooled Like A Fan 我得先拿扇子冷静下来   Got With Janet 先是和珍妮合作如此   Then With Guy 然后是那个家伙   Now With Michael 如今是迈克尔   Cause It Aint Hard To... 这难不倒……   (Michael) (说唱束)   Jam 困境   It Aint 这可不是   It Aint Too Much Stuff 这可不算什么问题   It Aint Too Much 还够不上    It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 这无法难倒我   Get On It 拿出冲劲   It Aint Too Much Stuff 这根本不算   It Aint 不算   Dont Stop 片刻别停   It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 我不会怯步   It Aint 这不是   It Aint Too Much Stuff 不是什么问题   It Aint 不是   Dont You 听好了   It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 这根本难不倒我   It Aint 这算什么   It Aint Too Much Stuff 这算什么问题   It Aint 算不上   Dont You 告诉你   It Aint Too Much For Me To 它不过是……   It Aint Too Hard For Me 这对我称不上   To Jam (x9)   Get On It 继续努力   Jam 束手无策了   It Aint 这是什么   It Aint Too Much Stuff 这算什么问题   It Aint Too Much 算不上   It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 这根本就难不倒我   It Aint 就这个   It Aint Too Much Stuff 这点问题   It Aint 算什么   Dont You 告诉你   It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 这根本难不倒我   It Aint Too Much Stuff 这算得上什么   It Aint Too Much 算不上   It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 我不会被这些给难倒   It Aint? 这也?   It Aint Too Much Stuff 这也算问题?    It Aint 这也?   Dont You 听好了   It Aint Too Much For Me To 这点问题对我来说……   Get On It 拿出冲劲   Get On It 勇往直前   Give It Baby 努力吧   Give It To Me相信我吧   Come On 来吧   You Really Give It Too Me 我值得你信任   Got To Give It 必须奉献出   You Just Want To Give It 你正想奉献出
2023-07-19 09:44:431