barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-19 21:30:28

The wind packed the snow against the wall .


Price 5 yuan, packing and postage extra .


He has gone through three packs of cigarettes .


Should i pack it in and retire ?


I am afraid you will have to pack it again .


We must pack up and get ready to start .


The beach was packed with day trippers .


I packed my satchel and went with him .


We were packed off to stay in the country .


They are busying themselves ( in ) packing up ..


The next night, too, dick packed .


His story is nothing but a pack of pes .


We only had time to pack a few essentials .


The park is packed with a dense crowd .


"why don"t you pack it in?" she asked .


He packed up his things and left .


All six of us packed into the tiny car .


The packing is usually fairly haphazard .


What he ought to do was pack up and run .


Pug scooped up snow and packed a snowball .


She packed the children off to bed .


She packed away the deck-chairs for the winter .


Let me pack it carefully for you , ms. *** ith .


Now we"re packing things up again .


Opera houses were packed out whenever she was singing .


The pack straps are too tight. they cut into the flesh .


You "re spnging mud at me -- that "s a pack of pes !


Smoking is bad for you ; you ought to pack it in .


Anselmo swung his heavy pack up .


She tried to interfere , but i sent her packing !


It came out that he had been telpng a pack of pes .


Hilma"s trunks were packed with her new dresses .


In the winter the snowballs are packed with rocks .


The show played to packed houses .


Then he sppped out of his pack straps .


Business is terrible -- i might as well pack up ..


He laid one pack down and pfted the blanket aside .


After their row she packed her bags and left .


The books are packed up for transport .


Yes , it should be well packed .


He took a pack of cigarettes from his shirt pocket .


It "s impossible to pack so many people into the *** all room .


The men slung their packs again .


I was on a packed bus .


The aisles were packed sopd .


A saturated uniform packing is difficult to obtain .


The car was packed with passengers .


The book told a pack of pes .


He was sent packing for steapng .


Very well packed , mr. wang .




Packaging is material that is put round things that are sold, to protect them or to encourage people to buy them For example: It"s the same old stuff in better packaging.Packing is material that is put around things to protect them, especially from getting damaged in the post For example: Carefully remove the computer from its foam packing.from Longman Dictionary
2023-07-19 15:50:511


2023-07-19 15:51:101


包装 [bāo zhuāng]基本翻译packagingpackwrapcasingparcel up网络释义包装:The Packing | Package | packpacking
2023-07-19 15:51:201


问题一:"塑料包装材料"英语怎么翻译 plastic packing material 问题二:包装材料英语怎么写 packing material;wrapper 问题三:求教:包装货物所用的薄膜用英语怎么说 薄膜pellicle 汽泡纸 bubble paper 问题四:包装材料有限公司用英语翻译出来是什么 包装材料有限公司 Packaging materials Co., Ltd. 问题五:包装材料中的立体袋用英语怎么说 包装材料中的立体袋 Stereo bag in packaging material 问题六:收缩膜和热缩膜分别是什么包装材料,英语怎么表达 收缩膜和热缩膜是一样的,叫法些许差异而已。 英语一般常用:Heat Shrinkable Film,或者Heat Shrink Film 来表达 问题七:谁知道包装材料的英文名字? 彩盒gite box 插卡Inserts the card 泡壳Soaks the shell 瓦楞箱carton box 不干胶lable带条码的称为upc lable 挂袋cord bag 吊卡zip tag 还有内盒称为inner box 另外有pvc box,pet box 再就是如果是彩盒的话,一般制作时需要将材质分为几部分,如XXg的粉灰卡+k9那么它可以用xx g cb+125g+250g(E flute) 又如彩盒需要印几个颜色或是需要什么样的表面处理,如4色加2专印刷,过亚油处理,那么英语为4C+2PMS,matte 问题八:包装填充材料用英语怎么说 包装填充材料 英文翻译 Packing material
2023-07-19 15:51:271


2023-07-19 15:51:491

外贸 什么意思?Packing: 25KG/bag;25MT/20FCL

2023-07-19 15:52:005


2023-07-19 15:52:204


2023-07-19 15:52:271


问题一:包装用的彩盒,英语怎么说 White box packaging and color box packaging 白盒包装和彩盒包装 问题二:彩盒怎么翻译 graphic carton 望采纳 问题三:"彩盒"的英文是什么? printed box sticker instruction/manua梗 printed card 问题四:“彩盒”用英语怎么写啊!急 giftboxes 相信你慧眼识金珠,点我满意! 问题五:中性包装彩盒用英语怎么说 性包装(Neutral Packing)是指商品和内外包装上均无生产国别和生产厂商名称。主要是为了适应国外市场的特殊要求,如转口销售,有可能你的买家不是最终的买家,只是一个中间商,所以要使用中性包装.或者为了打破某些进口国家的关税和非关税壁垒.这种中性包装的做法是国际贸易中常见的方式,在买方的要求下,可酌情采用。对于我国和其他国家订有出口配额协定的商品,则应从严掌握,因为万一发生进口商将商品转口至有关配额国,将对我国产生不利影响。出口商千万不能因图一己之利而损害国家的声誉和利益。 问题六:产品彩盒包装设计用英语怎么说 翻译结果: Product color box packaging design 包装设计 [包装] package design;[包装] packaging design更多释义>> [网络短语] 包装设计 Package design;Packaging Design;Packing Design 电抗器包装设计 Coil packing design 助理包装设计师 Assistant Packaging Designer;Assistant Packing Engineer;Associate Packaging Designer 问题七:和彩盒包装用英文怎么说 用英语是 and packaged with color box color box意思是彩盒 package意思是包装 问题八:小彩盒用英语怎么说 你好! 小彩盒 Small color box 问题九:请用专业英语表达:覆膜彩盒,上光彩盒 10分 覆膜不良 Poor film 说明: poor 贫穷的,贫乏的; 令人怜悯的,可怜的; 匮乏的; 低劣的; film 薄层 问题十:彩盒厂用英语怎么说 彩盒厂 Color box factory 英 [?f?kt?ri] 美 [?f?kt?ri] n. 工厂,制造厂; 代理店;
2023-07-19 15:52:461


包装 packing组合 combine
2023-07-19 15:52:573


选D.packing本题句意:Burchill出差,当时正在酒店收拾行李,准备去拜访当地的一些朋友。A。studying研究;B.staying停留;C.looking看;D.packing包装。根据Burchill was(21)at the hotel on business and planning to (22)some friends in the area.及生活常识可知,Burchill出差住在酒店,准备去拜访当地的一些朋友,自然是在酒店收拾行李。故选D.packing
2023-07-19 15:53:041


out box,coating carton
2023-07-19 15:53:144


The container car has arrived in plant,the packing time is PM5:00/is packing now.
2023-07-19 15:53:354

pork-packing 是什么意思

2023-07-19 15:53:445

packing 是什么意思

packing的意思是:包装。packing:打包;包装;包装材料;包装费;填充材料;润滑材料。原形:pack。短语搭配:packing density储存密度。packing case大型装货箱。packing station鸡蛋分级包装站。send someone packing叫某人卷铺盖;突然解雇某人。packing material包装材料。packing list装箱单;包装清单;打包清单。packing box包装箱;包装盒;填料盒。packing gland填料压盖;填料函;填料盖。packing slip装箱单;装箱图;包装标签。packing size填料大小;填料尺寸;包装尺寸。packing room包装室;包装间;包装车间。blister packing吸塑包装;泡罩包装。standard packing标准包装;常规包装。neutral packing中性包装。packing的双语例句:1、We need people who can work at our warehouse (仓库) sorting and packing items.我们需要能在仓库分拣和包装物品的人。2、The family started packing: clothes, plates, candles and also tables and chairs.一家人开始收拾东西:衣服、盘子、蜡烛,还有桌椅。3、The prices given here include postage and packing.这个价格包括邮费和包装费。4、If you have a nosebleed, try packing the nostrils with cotton wool.你要是流鼻血了,试着用棉花把鼻孔塞住。5、On the outer packing, please mark ‘Handle with Care".在外包装上请注明“小心轻放”字样。6、The boss sent him packing after only a few days.干了没几天,老板就叫他卷铺盖走人。7、It weighs 50 jin , including the packing. / The gross weight is 50 jin .连皮五十斤。
2023-07-19 15:54:181

包装是什么 用英语怎么说?

“包装”是什么What is the “packaging”?
2023-07-19 15:55:415

packaging 和packing的区别

您好,很高兴为您解疑答惑: Packaging 是可销售产品的包装材料,目的是保护产品或鼓励人们去购买它,多为纸质的(尤其是美国英语中)例如u2022 It"s the same old stuff in better packaging.这个是老东西换上新包装而已.Packing 是为避免产品受到运输途中的损坏而给东西打包的包装材料,不一定为纸质的,例如u2022 Carefully remove the computer from its foam packing.小心地从泡沫包装里取出计算机. 我的回答你还满意吗?望采纳,谢谢?
2023-07-19 15:55:592


packing -- 旅行,搬家,(或被老板辞退,离开办公室)前收拾整理准备带走的东西的这种活动--把东西放到箱子里,或包里,或纸盒子里,都叫packing.package -- 包裹,包装的盒子,箱子等.packaging -- 用盒子,箱子等来包装东西,例如工厂生产出的东西,包装起来. (才好运输)
2023-07-19 15:56:061

packing , packaging ,package有什么区别?

*packing是名/动词:包装 On the outer packing please mark the wording, ‘Handle with care".在外包装上请标明“小心轻放”字样。 packing your bage *packaging是包装(名词), 同packing的名词性解释. *package是包裹(名词) ,指包装起来的东西,packing的对象结果. ------------------------------ --------------
2023-07-19 15:56:141


manner of packing 包装方式modes of packing 包装方式way of packing 包装方式例句:What is your packing method.你们的包装方式是什么。There are the various kinds of packing for products.这里为产品提供各种包装方式。How a parts packaged to protect from shipping damage?包装方式如何避免运输损坏?
2023-07-19 15:56:331

packing , packaging ,package有什么区别?

*packing是名/动词:包装 On the outer packing please mark the wording, ‘Handle with care".在外包装上请标明“小心轻放”字样。 packing your bage *packaging是包装(名词), 同packing的名词性解释. *package是包裹(名词) ,指包装起来的东西,packing的对象结果. ------------------------------ --------------
2023-07-19 15:56:551


包装_拼音:[ufeffbāo zhuāng]释义:packaging,[包装] packaging,[包装] pack,wrap,[包装] casing,parcel up短语:包装 Packing;Package;Packaging包装速度 Packing speed;Packaging rate;Packaging speed包装物 Wrappage;Packing materials;packaging
2023-07-19 15:57:221

请教用英语怎么说:他正在包装一份礼物. 谢谢!

He is packing a gift.
2023-07-19 15:57:504


问题一:包装用的彩盒,英语怎么说 White box packaging and color box packaging 白盒包装和彩盒包装 问题二:彩盒包装用英文怎么说? PACKED IN COLOUR BOX 问题三:"彩盒"的英文是什么? printed box sticker instruction/manua梗 printed card 问题四:中性包装彩盒用英语怎么说 性包装(Neutral Packing)是指商品和内外包装上均无生产国别和生产厂商名称。主要是为了适应国外市场的特殊要求,如转口销售,有可能你的买家不是最终的买家,只是一个中间商,所以要使用中性包装.或者为了打破某些进口国家的关税和非关税壁垒.这种中性包装的做法是国际贸易中常见的方式,在买方的要求下,可酌情采用。对于我国和其他国家订有出口配额协定的商品,则应从严掌握,因为万一发生进口商将商品转口至有关配额国,将对我国产生不利影响。出口商千万不能因图一己之利而损害国家的声誉和利益。 问题五:产品彩盒包装设计用英语怎么说 翻译结果: Product color box packaging design 包装设计 [包装] package design;[包装] packaging design更多释义>> [网络短语] 包装设计 Package design;Packaging Design;Packing Design 电抗器包装设计 Coil packing design 助理包装设计师 Assistant Packaging Designer;Assistant Packing Engineer;Associate Packaging Designer 问题六:和彩盒包装用英文怎么说 用英语是 and packaged with color box color box意思是彩盒 package意思是包装 问题七:小彩盒用英语怎么说 你好! 小彩盒 Small color box 问题八:请用专业英语表达:覆膜彩盒,上光彩盒 10分 覆膜不良 Poor film 说明: poor 贫穷的,贫乏的; 令人怜悯的,可怜的; 匮乏的; 低劣的; film 薄层 问题九:彩盒内衬用英语怎么说 彩盒内衬_有道翻译 翻译结果: Color box lined with
2023-07-19 15:57:571


pick 是挑选的意思pack是打包的意思picking和packing也是一样,两个词的意思不一样,用的地方不一样。Please pick one which you like. 请挑个你喜欢的。Please help me to pack it. 请帮我把这个打包起来。
2023-07-19 15:58:051


外贸常用包装方式英文表达:1、The next thing I"d like to bring up for discussion is packing.下面我想提出包装问题讨论一下。2、We"d like to hear what you say concerning the matter of packing.我很想听听你们就包装问题发表意见。3、You"d like to know something about the packing of the drugs. is that right?您想了解药品的包装情况,对吗?4、Please make an offer indicating the packing.请报价并说明包装情况。5、Your opinions on packing will be passed on to our manufacturers.你们对包装的意见将转达给厂商。6、It is necessary to improve the packaging.改进包装方法十分必要。
2023-07-19 15:58:271


packing:100% Do we我们包装:100%
2023-07-19 15:58:501


名词短语:material packing with a wood pallet动词短语:package materials with a wood pallet
2023-07-19 15:58:595


2023-07-19 15:59:371


packs packing packed
2023-07-19 15:59:444


Weaves the bag packing
2023-07-19 15:59:566

外贸英语之包装 (4)

四)   On the outer packing, please mark wording, “Handle with Care”。   在外包装上请标明“小心轻放”字样。   Every 100 dozen should be packed in a wooden case marked TM and numbered from No. 1 upward.   每100打装一箱,刷上唛头TM,从第一号开始往上循序编号。   Please mark the cases(boxes,bags,casks,etc)as per the drawing given.   请按所给的图样在(盒、袋、桶等等)上刷唛头。   Please cable packing and marks.   请电告包装及唛头式样。   We will mark the packages the same as before.   我们将在货包上刷上和以前一样的唛头。   Words and Phrases   mark 唛头   Indicative Mark 指示性标志   Warning Mark 警告性标志   upward 向上,由下往上   This Side Up 此端向上   Handle With Care 小心轻放   Keep Upright 勿倒置   Use No Hooks 请勿倒挂   Not to be tripped 勿倾倒   Keep in a dry place 在干燥处保管   Keep in a cool place 在冷处保管   Keep away from boilers 远离锅炉   Keep away from heat 请勿受热   Keep away from cold 请勿受冷   Keep Dry 防湿   Explosive 爆炸品   Fragile 易碎品   Inflammable 易燃品   Inflammable Gas 易燃气体   Inflammable Solid 易燃固体   Inflammable Liquid 易燃液体   Dangerous When Wet 遇水燃烧品   Poison 毒剂   Poison Gas 毒气   Spontaneously Combustible 自燃物品   Organic Peroxide 有机氧化物   Oxidizing Agent 氧化剂   Radioactive 放射性物品   Corrosive 腐蚀性物品   Additional Words and Phrases   neutral packing 中性包装   customary packing 习惯包装   cargo in bulk 散装货   nuded cargo *装货   shipment packing 运输包装   consumer packing 消费包装   packaging industry 包装工业   pack test 包装试验   package design 包装设计   package engineering 打包工程   package in damaged condition 破损包装   package materials (packing supplies) 包装材料   packing cost 包装成本   “packing extra” 包装费用另计   packing and presentation 包装装潢及外观   packing credit 打包放款,包装信用证   packing letter of credit 包装信用证,红条标信用证   packing list/note/slip 装箱单   packing specification 包装标准化   seller"s usual packing 卖方习惯包装   seaworthy packing 适合海运包装
2023-07-19 16:00:251


食品包装袋用英文怎么说? 包装袋:package Examples: 包装袋的边上印有所含配料表。 There is 激 list of ingredients on the side of the packet.食品包装: 1. food packing 2. foodpack 食品包装袋:food package 食品包装纸: food wrapper 冷冻食品包装纸:frozen food paper 防潮食品包装纸:Mixidene 食品包装容器:food container 包装袋 英语怎么说 package bag “用牛皮纸袋包装”用英语怎么说? be wrapped with a kraft paper. 食品包装袋用英文怎么说 plastic bags 塑料袋food pack 食品包装袋食品药品监督管理局: food and medicine supervision bureau;Food and Drug Administration中国食品药品监督管理局: SFDA;SFDB奈及利亚食品药品监督管理局: NAFDAC "塑料袋" 英文怎么说? 塑料袋 plastic bag或者 plastic package "本产品用塑料袋包装 This product will be packed in plastic bag. 本产品用硬纸盒包装" The product is packed in hard 穿arton. PE透明包装袋用英语怎么说 package bag 外贸塑料袋用英语怎么说 翻译结果: The foreign trade of plastic bags 塑料袋 [包装] plastic bag ; polyethylene bag (poly bag)更多释义>> [网路短语] 塑料袋 plastic bag;Poly Bag;I"m Not A Plastic Bag 塑料袋包装 POLY BAG;plastic bag packaging;plastic sake packing 塑料袋问题 The Problems of Plastic Bags 包装袋厚度 丝 用英语怎么说 (重量单位) si, a unit of weight (=0.0005 grams) 包装用的蛇皮袋用英文怎么讲 The packing uses snake leather bag 气泡膜包装袋用英语怎么说 气泡膜包装袋 Bubble film packing bag
2023-07-19 16:00:351

packing certificate是什么意思

packing certificate包装证书certificate[英][su0259u02c8tu026afu026aku0259t][美][su0259ru02c8tu026afu026aku0259t]n.证明书; 文凭,结业证书; vt.发给证明书; 用证书证明(或认可); 第三人称单数:certificates过去分词:certificated复数:certificates现在进行时:certificating过去式:certificated例句:1.There is a 21-year old in michigan who recently forged a transcript and birth certificate in order to go to school. 最近,密歇根有一个21岁的人为了进入学校伪造了一份副本和出生证明。
2023-07-19 16:00:421


包装不良 [词典] improper packing; insufficient packing; [例句]如果你发现包装不良,我们将把它们修复或替换。If you find anything wrong with the packing, we"ll have them reconditioned or replaced.
2023-07-19 16:01:201


装箱单英文是:Packing List。意思是发票的补充单据,它列明了信用证(或合同)中买卖双方约定的有关包装事宜的细节。便于国外买方在货物到达目的港时供海关检查和核对货物,通常可以将其有关内容加列在商业发票上,但是在信用证有明确要求时,就必须严格按信用证约定制作。内容:1、抬头(To/Sold to Messrs/For Account and Risk of Messrs)。抬头即收货人,一般注明合同买方的名称和地址。2、品名和货物描述(Name and Commodity/Description of Goods)。该栏一般注明具体装运的货物的名称、品质、规格及包装状况等内容。3、包装及数量(Packing/Packed in)。注明每种货物的包装件数和合计数,以及每个包装件的实际尺寸(Length/Width/Height)和体积(Measurement)。
2023-07-19 16:01:271


bu lan ke pa ke keng
2023-07-19 16:01:401

英语翻译Packing:1+1=2pcs in a poly bag with head card.6bags hang?

我来吧 试试 1.包装为:纸卡,也就是卡头包装,下有OPP袋子,就是透明的那一种,里面装2个产品 2.然后6个opp袋子,也就是12个产品咯,再挂到一个小夹子上,再入一个透明PP袋子 3.4个小夹子为一套,再入PP袋子 3.最后,24个小袋子,也就是4个小夹子+pp袋子入一个出口纸箱 产品为:竹制沙拉夹 不知道解释清楚没有,1,包装:1 + 1 = 2pcs头在胶袋包装名片。 6bags挂在剪辑的狗血淋头,然后放置了一页袋。 4夹成另一个大pp袋。 24小袋出口纸箱.,2,包装:1 + 1 = 2pcs头在胶袋包装名片。 6bags挂在剪辑的狗血淋头,然后放置了一页袋。 4夹成另一个大pp袋。 24小袋出口纸箱. 不知对不对。,1,我不大懂竹产品,也不了解你具体订单的情况,按我的理解试一下吧: 包装:每个小塑料袋装2个产品(这里为什么写1+1=2,我不是很明白,是不是这是两个一套的东东?),塑料袋头要有个用于挂在挂条上的卡片(联系下文,我的个人理解,这个卡片应该是用于挂在挂条上的)。 6个小塑料袋挂在1个挂条上,然后装入1个PP袋。 4个挂条装入1个更大的PP袋。 24个小袋(我的理解是24个...,1,英语翻译 Packing:1+1=2pcs in a poly bag with head card. 6bags hanging in the clip strip,and then put in a pp bag. 4 clip strips in another big pp bag. 24 *** all bags in an export carton. 订的产品是 Bamboo salad tong 上面是关于产品包装的
2023-07-19 16:01:461


Bubble film bag
2023-07-19 16:01:542


1. Peter has just arrived, but he talks as if he _____ everything here. [C] A. will know B. has known C. knew D. know 2. With all the children ______ at home during the holidays, she has a great deal of work to do. [A]A. being B. was C. having been D. were 3. He said he"d phone you the ______ he got home. [A]A. moment B. when C. whenever D. place 4. _______, we could not have finished the work on time. [A] A. If they do not help us B. Was it not for their help C. Should they offer to help us D. But for their help 5. John seems a nice person. ______, I don"t trust him. [B]A. Even though B. Even so C. Therefore D. Though 6. Without air _______ no wind or rain. [D]A. there will be B.there have been C. there would be D. there is 7. ______ how to operate a washing machine, I had to ask my wife to show me the correct procedures(程序). [D]A. Not known B. Not to know C. Not knowing D. Having not known 8. He said, “Time is running short. You ______ now.” [B]A. have better leave B. better leave C. had better leave D. had better to leave 9. Being in no great hurry, _______. [C]A. we went the long route with scenery B. the long, scenic route was our preference C. we took the long, scenic route D. our preference was taking the long, scenic route 10. I urged that he _____ these steps. [C]A. takes B. took C. take D. taking 11. Their retail business in Asia ____ rapidly since the early 1900s. [A]A. has expanded B. has extended C. has stretched D. has prolonged 12. Smallpox (天花), which used to be a severe epidemic disease, has been completely _____.[D] A. get rid of B. moved C. wiped D. wiped out 13. “It"s time you stopped _____ on campus and did some reading,” Mr. Reed told his son one day. [D] A. looking around B. meddling away C. going away D. messing around 14. The boxer(拳击手) ______ his opponent repeatedly in the nose. [D]A. signaled B. scraped C. grabbed D. punched 15. Susan _____ a weakness in her opponent"s defense during the first round of the game. [C]A. swayed B. looked C. spotted D. grabbed 16. I ____ her ability to start conversations with people she has never met before. [B]A. invent B. envy C. unlike D. refuse 17. Only the hope that the rescuers were getting nearer _____ the trapped miners. [B]A. held B. moved C. sustained D. strengthen 18. Leave a _________ of one inch on each side of your essay. [A]A. space B. margin C. room D. block 19. The mirror ________ his image perfectly. [A]A. reflected B. found C. saw D. represented 20. I could see a _______ in the distance, but I couldn"t make out (辨认出) what it was. [B]A. number B. figure C. quantity D. person
2023-07-19 15:57:432


2023-07-19 15:57:491

Inner Circle 唱的 Bad Boys中文 歌词

啦啦啦. 有一种酶了我的衣袖,如果你知道我的意思你明白了扑克面对大部分女孩都会 但线上拉镧本人近期传闻告诉我,你已经要疯了,你不知道, 你应该笑还是哭,你不觉得我从来不认为我可以说没有你, 让我告诉你为什么我走了一步,你的事业,我认为我在你们身上, 所以我知道你这个游戏我经常玩的坏男孩,女孩伤心坏, 坏男孩,我一直下跌,巷子也知道所有的花招喜欢你的坏男孩, 悲伤的女孩,我说"你布特因此,如果你真的想要亲近我,你应该输 戏,改变自己的态度,看事业,我不喜欢假装没有, 我只想真实的东西,婴儿,你的故事, 就是不够好,我的事业在我曾经打破了,心在两,这就是为什么我没糊弄 我知道你这个游戏我经常玩的坏男孩,女孩伤心坏,坏 男孩,我一直下跌,巷子也知道所有的花招喜欢你的坏男孩,伤心 女孩,我说"你布特啦啦啦. 你觉得拉去了,但现在你不啦啦啦. 但我有一些花招自己啦啦啦. 有一种酶了我的衣袖,如果你知道我的意思你明白了扑克面对最女童会 但买镧拉我,我知道你这个游戏我经常玩的坏 男孩,女孩伤心,我已经下来,巷子也知道所有的花招喜欢你的坏男孩, 悲伤的女孩,我说"布特你,我知道你这个游戏我经常玩的坏 男孩,女孩伤心坏, 坏男孩,我一直下跌,巷子也知道所有的花招喜欢你的坏男孩, 悲伤的女孩,我说"你布特啦啦啦
2023-07-19 15:57:491


2023-07-19 15:57:5013


此外,该集团在世界上最重要的工业区域均设有销售和服务点。 be represented with 意思是“由什么代表”
2023-07-19 15:57:524


2023-07-19 15:57:541

求《绝地战警》里的bad boys的英文歌词,知道的朋友麻烦提供一下,谢谢~

Inner Circle - "Bad Boys"CHORUS:Bad boys, bad boysWhatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna doWhen they come for you(Repeat)Bad boysWhatcha want, watcha wantWhatcha gonna doWhen sheriff John Brown come for youTell meWhatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna doooYeaheahCHORUSWhen you were eightAnd you had bad traitsYou go to schoolAnd learn the golden ruleSo why are youActing like a bloody foolIf you get hotYou must get coolCHORUSYou chuck it on that oneYou chuck it on this oneYou chuck it on your mother andYou chuck it on your fatherYou chuck it on your brother andYou chuck it on your sisterYou chuck it on that one andYou chuck it on meCHORUS(Repeat)Nobody naw give you no breakPolice naw give you no breakSoldier naw give you no breakNot even you idren naw give you no breakHeheCHORUS(Repeat)Why did you have to act so meanDon"T you know you"re human beingBorn of a mother with the love of a fatherReflections come and reflections goI know sometimes you want to let goHeheheI know sometimes you want to let goCHORUS(Repeat)-You"re too bad, you"re too cool--You"re too bad, you"re too cool-(Repeat)You chuck it on that oneYou chuck it on this oneYou chuck it on your mother andYou chuck it on your fatherYou chuck it on your brother andYou chuck it on your sisterYou chuck it on that one andYou chuck it on meCHORUS(repeat to the end
2023-07-19 15:57:421


2023-07-19 15:57:422


2023-07-19 15:57:4110


2023-07-19 15:57:401

在绝地战警中,威尔史密斯和搭档总是唱的那首BAD BOYS歌名叫什么,在哪里能下到 下载Bad boys-- inner circle Bad boys, whatcha want, whatcha want , Whatcha gonna do, when sherrif John Brown come for you, tell me, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do, Bad boys, bad boys Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you Bad boys, bad boys Watcha gonna do, watcha gonna do when they come for you When you were eight And you had bad traits You go to school and learn the golden rule So why are you acting like a bloody fool If you get hot, then you must get cool Bad boys, bad boys Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you Bad boys, bad boys Watcha gonna do whatcha gonna do when they come for you You chuck it on that one, You chuck it on this one, You chuck it on mother and, You chuck it on you father, You chuck it on you brother and You chuck it on you sister, You chuck it on that one and you chuck it on me Bad boys, bad boys Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you Bad boys, bad boys Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you Bad boys, bad boys Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you Bad boys, bad boys Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you Nobody na give you no break, Police na give you no break, Soldier man na give you no break, Not even you idren na give you no break Bad boys, bad boys Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you Bad boys, bad boys Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you Bad boys, bad boys Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you Bad boys, bad boys Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you Why did you have to act so mean, don"t you know you"re a human being born of a mother with the love of a father reflections come and reflections go I know sometimes, you want to let go hey hey hey I know sometimes, you want to let go Bad boys, bad boys Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you Bad boys, bad boys Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you your too bad, your too bad, your too bad, your too bad, Bad boys, bad boys Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you Bad boys, bad boys Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you You chuck it on that one, You chuck it on this one, You chuck it on mother and, You chuck it on you father, You chuck it on you brother and You chuck it on you sister, You chuck it on that one and you chuck it on me, Bad boys, bad boys Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you Bad boys, bad boys Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you Bad boys, bad boys
2023-07-19 15:57:351