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give directions是什么意思

2023-07-19 23:45:15

give directions 予以指示



ask for directions 请教,请求指导〔指示〕

assume direction 负责管理

disobey sb"s directions 不遵从某人的指示〔指教,指挥〕

follow sb"s directions 听从某人的指教〔指示,指挥〕

follow out sb"s directions 遵照嘱咐

give directions 发出指示

go in a direction 朝一个方向走

have a direction 有指示

keep sb"s directions in mind 记住某人的指示〔指导〕

listen to sb"s directions 听取某人的指教〔指导〕

obey sb"s directions 遵从某人的指示〔指挥,指教〕

point in the direction of 指向…方向

remember sb"s directions 记住某人的指示〔指导〕

turn in the direction of 转向…方向


all directions 四面八方,各方面

brilliant direction 卓越指挥

clear directions 明确的指示

competent direction 得力的指导

each direction 每个方向

easterly direction 东方,朝东的方向

elaborate directions 详尽的说明

every direction 四面八方,各方面

full directions 详细说明〔指示〕

general direction 总的趋向〔趋势〕

good directions 好的指导〔指教〕

important directions 重要指示〔指导〕

new direction 新的指示〔倾向〕

opposite direction 相反的方向,反方向,对面

personal direction 亲自指导

right direction 正确的方向

wrong direction 错误的方向


mother"s directions 妈妈的话

stage directions 舞台导演


according to one"s directions 根据某人的指示

at the direction of 奉…的命令

in all directions 四面八方

in every direction 四面八方

in the direction of 朝…方向

in the direction of London 朝伦敦的方向

under direction 在指导下


directions for the use of medicine 药物使用说明

direction of President 总统之命

directions on the medicine bottle 药瓶上写的说明


I am not certain about what to do,I feelneed of direction.我不确定该做什么,我觉得我需要指导。

She was entrusted with the direction of theproject.她受委托负责这项计划。

He feels the need for firm direction.他觉得需要坚定的方向。

Follow the directions that your doctorgives you.根据医生给你的说明。

I gave him full directions to enable him tofind the house.我向他作了详细的说明,好让他能找到那房子。


give directions




give directions




Responded I can only give directions from your current location.








Directions读法为/du026a"reku0283(u0259)nz/。具体内容如下:1、Directions的含义Directions是指导,说明的意思。通常用于给某人介绍如何做某件事情,或者引导他们到达一个地方。2、Directions在英语教学中的应用Directions是英语教育中比较重要的一个部分,特别是对于初学者来说。教学内容通常包括问路和给出方向的表达方式,并且需要进行大量的实践和练习。3、Directions的常见表达方式在问路时,我们通常会使用Where is...?或者Could you tell me how to get to...?这样的表达方式。在给出方向时,我们可以使用go straight,turn left/right这样的词组,或者描述其中的路口或地标等。4、Directions相关的短语和表达方式"on the corner of"表示在一个拐角处,例如"the store is on the corner of Main and Elm street.""across from"表示在对面,例如"the post office is across from the library.""around the corner"表示在邻近的转角处,例如"The bank is just around the corner."5、如何学好Directions首先需要熟练掌握基本的词汇和表达方式,尝试通过多练习,加强听力和口语能力。其次可以通过使用地图或者模拟实际情境来提高学习效果。最后需要坚持不懈的学习,以达到流利使用Directions的目的。
2023-07-19 21:18:301


2023-07-19 21:19:105


direction. directions.
2023-07-19 21:19:332


2023-07-19 21:19:558


2023-07-19 21:20:121


方向 望采纳
2023-07-19 21:20:375

can i have directions to the post office?中为什么“direction”要加s

direction本身就有复数形式例如:Giving Directions指点方向;指路;指引方向;指出方向Good Directions正确的方向Correct Directions辨明方向可能提问人的意思去邮局的路不止有一条,所以用了复数形式,不影响句意。
2023-07-19 21:20:541


2023-07-19 21:21:042


说明explainnarrateaccount forilluminatemake outsayshow
2023-07-19 21:21:207


这玩意是防嗮霜么?Directions 提示,指示: 在暴露在阳光 15分钟之前( 涂抹) 重新 (涂抹): 1. 在游泳或者流汗80分钟后 2. 用毛巾擦干之后立刻(使用) 3. 最少每两小时 (涂抹)
2023-07-19 21:21:351


2023-07-19 21:21:472


directions[英][du026a"reku0283nz][美][du026a"reku0283nz] 读:狄 如爱 可 新子year中国真好 为你解答如若满意,请点击[采纳答案]或【满意】 O(∩_∩)O谢谢如若您有不满意之处,请追问,我一定改正!希望给您一个正确答复!祝您学业进步!
2023-07-19 21:22:241


2023-07-19 21:23:257

direction 和tendency的区别

选B 表示倾向~~ 含有意愿的意思 A 只是方向,方位上的方向 题目中提到大学生作暂时教育工作是一种趋势,不是方向
2023-07-19 21:24:034


英语常用单词中文翻译   英语的应用无处不在,我们已经身处在一个开口就是英语的时代和地方,英语对于我们而言,就像一日三餐,对于人类而言不可或缺。结合中文来记忆英语单词往往会让我们的英语单词记忆事半功倍,我整理了一些带中文的英语单词大全,供大家学习。    英语单词性--简写语的意义   n.名词noun的缩写v.动词verb的缩写   pron.代词pronoun的`缩写   adj.形容词adjective的缩写   adv.副词adverb的缩写num.数词numeral的缩写   art.冠词article的缩写prep.介词,前置词preposition的缩写   conj.连词conjunction的缩写interj.感叹词interjection的缩写   u.不可数名uncountable 的缩写c.可数名词countable noun的缩写   pl.复数plural的缩写    英语单词——学习用品(schoolthings)   钢笔pen铅笔pencil铅笔盒pencil-case   尺子ruler书book书包schoolbag   漫画书comicbook明信片postcard报纸newspaper   包bag橡皮eraser蜡笔crayon   卷笔刀sharpener故事书story-book笔记本notebook   语文书chinesebook英语书englishbook   杂志magazine词典dictionary数学书mathbook    英语单词——器官(body)   脚foot 头head 脸face 头发hair 鼻子nose   嘴mouth 眼睛eye耳朵ear 手臂arm 手hand   手指finger腿leg 尾巴tail    英语单词——方位(directions)   南south北north东east   西west左边left右边right   课外拓展:   东北northeast西北northwest东南southeast   西南southwest前面front在前面;当面infront   在…前面;当…面infrontof在...之后,在...后面after   后面的,在后面back在...之后behind   在...上方above在...之上ontopof   在...之上over在...下面below/down    英语单词——职业(jobs)   教师teacher学生student医生doctor护士nurse   司机driver农民farmer歌唱家singer(男)警察policeman   作家writer男演员actor女演员actress画家artist   电视台记者tvreporter工程师engineer会计accountant   销售员salesperson清洁工cleaner棒球运动员baseballplayer   售货员assistant(女)警察policewoman    英语单词——患病(illness)   发烧haveafever疼痛hurt牙疼haveatoothache   感冒haveacold头疼haveaheadache喉咙疼haveasorethroat   课外拓展:   胃痛haveastomacheache流行性感冒havetheflu   背痛,腰疼haveabackache咳嗽haveacough    英语单词——动物(animals)   猫cat狗dog 猪pig 鸭duck 兔rabbit   马horse大象elephant 蚂蚁ant 鱼fish   鸟bird鹰 eagle海狸beaver蛇snake   老鼠 mouse松鼠squirrel 袋鼠kangaroo 猴monkey 熊猫panda熊bear 狮子lion   老虎tiger 狐狸fox 斑马zebra 鹿deer   长颈鹿giraffe 鹅goose母鸡hen 火鸡turkey   小羊lamb 绵羊sheep 山羊goat 奶牛cow   驴 donkey鱿鱼squid龙虾lobster 鲨鱼shark   海豹sealsperm 抹香鲸whale killer 虎鲸whale    英语单词——人物(people)   朋友friend男孩boy女孩girl母亲mother   父亲father姐妹sister兄弟brother叔叔;舅舅uncle   男人man女人woman先生mr.小姐miss   女士lady妈妈mom爸爸dad父母parents   (外)祖母grandma/grandmother(外)祖父grandpa/grandfather   姑姑aunt儿子son婴儿baby堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹cousin   小孩kid同学classmate女王queen参观者visitor   邻居neighbors校长principal大学生universitystudent   笔友penpal旅行者tourist人物people机器人robot    英语单词——食品、饮料(foodanddrink)   米饭rice面包bread牛肉beef炸薯条frenchfries   水water蛋egg鱼fish豆腐tofu蛋糕cake   热狗hotdog猪肉pork汉堡包hamburger牛奶milk   曲奇cookie饼干biscuit果酱jam面条noodle   肉meat鸡肉chicken羊肉mutton蔬菜vegetable   沙拉salad汤soup冰ice冰激凌ice-cream   可乐coke果汁juice茶tea咖啡coffee   早餐breakfast午餐lunch晚餐dinner ;
2023-07-19 21:24:121

The Cribs的《Direction》 歌词

歌名:Direction歌手:The Cribs所属专辑:The Cribs发行时间:2005-01-25I may be leaving, but it"s okayTo say what you"re feeling, but baby not for freeIt"s called directionSo many times I can seeThat the way that you are is rubbing off on meIt"s called directionDid you realise it"s not quite timeYou look out the window, the trains keep rolling byIt"s called directionYou"re still in but then comes the eveningIt"s the best time of day, cause that"s when you"re on your ownIt"s called directionFinding you face down I heard you sayNo-one needs to know anywayThe reasons why we"re lateFinding you face down I heard you sayNo-one needs to know anywayThe things we did todayHolding on, but is that right?You take me home but only on a nightIt"s called directionDon"t forget, we"ll wait and seeThey only ask because you are with meAlthough we"ve got no directionFinding you face down I heard you sayNo-one needs to know anywayThe reasons why we"re lateFinding you face down I heard you sayNo-one needs to know anyway
2023-07-19 21:24:252

give directions是什么意思

give directions予以指示; 例句:1.Responded I can only give directions from your current location. Siri回答,我只能从你的当前位置进行导航。2.According to alycia hund and colleagues at illinois state university, there are two waysto give directions. 根据伊利诺斯州立大学的艾丽西亚洪德和同事们所言,为人指路有两种方法。
2023-07-19 21:24:342

on the direction ,at the direction ,in the direction 的区别??

in the direction是说“以”一个什么样的 “方向” ,我们有“向四面八方”的词组in all directions,in不能换成感觉上想要用的“to”;而at这个介词表示地点,是说处在一个什么样的 “方位”;还没有见过on the direction 有关的用法
2023-07-19 21:24:432

Directions: Complete the passage below with the correct forms of the given words and...

小题1:went missing小题2:due to小题3:disappearance小题4:creatures小题5:assumed小题6:dismissed小题7:made up小题8:convincing 试题分析:题目是Reading部分的改编,主要考查对课文大意的把握。主要讲的是一个15岁男孩贾斯汀失踪的事情。警方正在加紧寻找线索,并排除了有外星人出现的可能性。在找到贾斯汀之前,警方不会放弃努力。小题1:句意:警方已经加紧搜寻两天前在丹佛失踪的15岁男孩贾斯汀。go missing失踪,根据ago用一般过去时,故填went missing。小题2:句意:人们对这个事件感兴趣,因为他们看到了奇怪的光线和关于外星人的报道,故填due to。小题3:根据第一句可知,贾斯汀失踪了,有报道称,贾斯汀失踪时有外星人来过。disappearance消失,故填disappearance。小题4:句意:贾斯汀妹妹凯莉回忆说,飞行器里站着许多白皮肤、黑眼睛的奇怪生物,creature生物,故填creatures。小题5:句意:贾斯汀的妈妈认为凯莉是在做梦,并让她去睡觉了。assume假定,认为,故填assumed。小题6:句意:警方已经排除了贾斯汀被外星人带走的可能性,仍在寻找其它的可能性。故填dismissed。小题7:句意:负责此案件的侦探说人们有时会编造一些故事,实际上还有其它的可能性,比如谋杀。make up编造,组成,弥补,故填made up。小题8:句意:警方不会放弃,直到他们找到有说服力的证据。convincing有说服力的,故填convincing。
2023-07-19 21:24:511

大学英语作文标题:An Application LetterDirections:Write an applicatio?

Ms Kate Allen Economics Dep. University of Edinburgh 21 Hill Place,ET 89DP Edinburgh,UK Dear Ms Allen, I read with great interest the prospectus of graduate studies of your university.I am particularly interested in the course of economics.I wonder if you could consider me as an applicant for the MA course of Economics and Statistics beginning in October,1998. I am a graduate of the Economics Department of Beijing University where I have had four years of training in Economics,World Economic History,Applied Economics,Mathematics and other subjects.I hold a SBC degree in Economics.I am enclosing a certified copy of my academic record at the university.You will notice that I have obtained very good results in Mathematics and Applied Economics. After my graduation in 1987,I worked for seven years at Shanghai Besearch Institute of Economics.In 1994,I was transferred to Shanghai Ocean Shipping pany where I am still working now. I have always found economics an interesting subject.I would like to further my study in this field at your college.I hope you can send me relevant information about the course. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Yours truly, Li Lin,1,Subject: Applying for the job Dear Sir, I am very interested in the job you have advertised about. I have came across it on the newspaper"s job column the other day. I am a newly graduated stu...,3,大学英语作文 标题: An Application Letter Directions: Write an application letter for a job you are interested in in reality.Make sure to include: reason for writing(including how you found out about the job,the real one,seriously); relevant information about yourself; how to contact you; closing. 单词左右100
2023-07-19 21:24:581

关于这个的作文。 Directions:For this part,you areallowed 30 minutes to write a compositi

Helping others has always been a virtue in traditional Chinese culture. But what"s strange nowadays is that people dare not show their helping hands to those in need. I would like to elaborate my views on this issue.Firstly, I think people"s moral sense has degraded. When egoism gains the upper hand, many people find it growingly hard to help others. Secondly, there is no denying that some tragic events turn out to be traps by people with evil intentions. So common people are becoming more risk-conscious and are more wary of traps and deceits.In general, I contend the idea that we should be warm-hearted and offer help as well as look out for potential hazards so as not to be deceived.
2023-07-19 21:25:192

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brack...

1. Tom"s learning methods is different from his brother"s.2. It"s not a good habit to miss meals and replace them with snacks.3. He didn"t let down those who had helped him, and won the first prize in the competition.4. So naughty was the little boy that his grandmother didn"t know how to deal with him.5. Up to/By last month, the woman writer had published over 300 children"s books. The reason why/for which her books sell well is that she understands how children think and what they want. 略
2023-07-19 21:25:371

Directions (25’): Write an English composition according to the information given below in Chin..

Life is not easy. As a student, we should learn how to protect ourselves in the school. When an earthquake happens, first we should calm down, which is the most important. Shouting and crying is of no use. Follow the teachers" guidance and keep our actions in order. Second, hide beneath our desks with the schoolbags on our heads if we are in class. That can keep us a little safer. Be sure not to jump off the building. Third, if we are on the playground, don"t move. Sit on our feet and use hands to cover our heads so that they can be kept from being hit on. At last, help each other. Faced with natural disasters, individual power is tiny. Only by uniting can we overcome the difficulties. These are my suggestions. Keep them in mind and maybe some day we can survive in case of an earthquake!Another version: Life is not easy. As a student, we should learn how to protect ourselves in the school. When a fire breaks out, don"t forget to call 119 for help and tell the police the detailed address so that the firefighters can get there in time. Then we should try to find a safe exit to escape. Never take a lift because the electricity may be cut off if there is a fire, otherwise we will be trapped in the lift. Next, if we can"t find the way out, just stay in a room. Don"t open any hot door but stay close to the floor! As we all know, smoke can be more dangerous than fire. In many cases, the air near the floor is fresher. If possible, try to cover our mouths with wet towels to prevent taking too much heavy smoke and wait for rescue. There are my suggestions. Keep in mind and maybe some day we can survive in case of a sudden fire! 略
2023-07-19 21:25:451

in the directions什么意思? from the directions什么意思? 有什么区别??

in the directions朝各个方向from the directions是从……方向
2023-07-19 21:25:544

怎么用英语给老外指路Give Directions

直走 go straight 左右拐 turn right turn left 前后in the front of behind 对面across from
2023-07-19 21:26:302

give directions是什么意思

予以指示;指点;予以指示;指示方向;指路双语例句1. He proceeded to give Dan directions to the computer room. 他接着告诉丹去计算机房该怎么走。2. He did not give any directions. 他没有作任何指示.3. Depressed when, how is knowing good! Hope expert is great give directions! 郁闷的时候, 不知道如何是好! 希望专家多多指点!4. A court can give directions to a local authority. 法院能向地方当局发指示.5. For instance, they give directions to the lost traveller , I will say. 例如, 它们可以为迷途的旅人指引方向.
2023-07-19 21:26:391


2023-07-19 21:26:594


  问路是日常生活中经常要遇到的事,当某人不明白如何到达某地的时候,并且遇到愿意回答的人时,就会出现问路的情况。下面就由我为大家带来关于问路的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于问路的相关短语   问路 ask the way   问路 ask directions   问路 asking for directions   问路人 Ask passers-by   关于问路的相关例句   1. He inquired the way.   他问路.   2. He slowed down and turned up the lane, looking for guidance.   他把车放慢,转向小巷, 想问问路.   3. " Oh, yes, that was a man asking directions. "   “ 噢, 是的, 那是有个人问路. ”   4. She should have known when he first stepped out of his truck to ask directions.   从他一开始从卡车里走出问路时她就早该知道这一点.   5. Let"s find a souvenir store. We can ask for directions at the information desk.   那我们找一家礼品店吧. 我们可以到问讯处去问路.   6. If you get lost in the city, you can ask directions.   假如你在城市迷路了, 你可以问路.   7. A tourist walked up to me to ask the way.   一位观光客走过来向我问路.   8. He stops his car and asks a man on the sidewalk.   他停下车,向人行道上的一位男士问路.   9. Joe, please swallow your pride and pull over to askdirections!   乔, 请你放下身段,停车问路吧!   10. Then a friend would like to ask the way to Qingdao!   于是想向青岛的朋友问问路!   11. Review how to ask directions and how to use public transports.   复习怎样问路,怎样问方向,怎样使用交通工具.   12. He breezed up to the police officer asked for directions.   他信步走到警官跟前问路.   13. Josephine is lost. She is asking a bobby ( police officer ) for directions.   约瑟芬迷路了. 她向一名警察问路.   14. I kept asking for direction all the time from train station.   我从火车站一路问过来的(问路).   15. We can ask for directions at the information desk.   我们可以到问讯处去问路.   关于问路的双语例句   也许最重要的是,这些选举将使大众认识新面孔,尤其是来自反对党阵营的。这样投石问路将会测如候选人的影响力,建立知名度,并过滤问题。   Perhaps most important, these elections will put new faces before the public, especially from the opposition camp. This testing of the waters will measure the impact of the candidates, build name recognition and sift the issues.   避免在火车站和汽车站里随意向人问路,居心叵测的人正等着呢!   Avoid asking the way in the railway or bus station in case of baddie.   他走上前去向警察问路。   He came up to the policeman and asked the way.   他信步走到警官跟前问路。   He breezed up to the police officer and asked for directions.   开口问路,行遍天下。   He who has a tongue can go anywhere.   有时候我们只好打消了问路的念头继续赶路。   Sometimes we just give up and move on.   我们得拦个人来问路。   We have to stop someone in the street to ask the way.   凯西停在路边一家小餐馆,向一名当地人问路。   Kathy stops at a sidewalk cafe to ask a local directions.   我不断地停下车来问路,问得我都烦了。   I got tired of stopping and asking for directions all the time.
2023-07-19 21:27:061


本文基于悟空问答里我给别人的回答而来,那个回答并没有完全展开,有的朋友私信追问,所以特作此文以飨有此需求的朋友。请注意,本文所述观点颇有临时抱佛脚之意,但是只要你用的好,会对你本来一片空白的大脑有醍醐灌顶之效,练熟了,应该可以让你在英语作文考试里至少得到及格分。下述写作套路除了写信等特定格式无法应用外,基本可以用来处理各种文章类型:记叙文、说明文、议论文等。套路格式如下:文章分为三段。第一段要对给出的题目进行定性的评价(即表达自己认为这个题目中的事物或人物或者话题如何如何)。第二段则根据第一段定性的评价,给出具体的理由来支持这个评价(列举理由时,可以用这几个词来排列:firstly首先,secondly第二,thirdly第三.....Lastly最后)。一般来说,理由的多少和理由的详细程度要看题目对字数的要求了。第三段即结尾部分,我们要换一种说法来重复一下自己的观点。有时,还可以加一些句子询问读者对此话题的意见。有的朋友看到了不相信就这个套路就行了?下面给你举几个例子看看。第一个例子题目是个议论文的话题:吸烟应不应该禁止?按照套路,可以这样来应付(具体字数,细节程度请根据考试题目进行调整):第一段,写出对题目的评价:Whether smoking should be banned (stopped) is a very hot topic today. In my opinion, I think smoking should be banned.第二段,写出理由支持自己的评价:I have several reasons to say. Firstly, smoking is very dangerous to the smokers" health. It is very harmful to the smoker"s lungs. secondly, smoking is harmful to non-smokers. when a person is smoking beside you, you are also harmed. Lastly, smoking costs a lot of money. We can use the money to do many meaningful things.第三段,换种说法重复自己的评价:From what I said, you can see smoking really should be banned. What"s your opnion?议论文的题目可以用这个套路,那么记叙文的题目可以吗?给你再看一个例子。题目是:What happened to you on New Year"s Day?(元旦你发生了什么)。按照套路如下(具体字数,细节程度请根据考试题目进行调整):第一段对题目给出总的评价:What happened to me on New Years" Day? Well, too many things happened to me that day. I really think it was a bad day.第二段,给出理由支持自己的评价:Firstly, I lost a lot of money in the subway on my way home. Secondly, I broke up with my girlfriend. Thirdly, I was fired by my boss on that day.第三段,重复评价:So you see, I really had a bad New Year"s Day.好了,授人以鱼不如授人以渔,让你背诵文章来在考试中碰运气,不如让你知道一个写作套路来应付。当然,这个套路基本上是临时性的对策,真正提高写作水平还是要多积累基础的词汇和语法结构知识。但是对于一些中考和高考的学生来说,未尝不可以善加利用。(本人文章皆来源于自己的教学实践,个人观点,仅供参考。欢迎转发,但是请保留出处!)
2023-07-19 21:27:162

The Craze for Certificates Directions 英语作文 在线等 跪求

Campus Certificates craze If you just randomly ask a student on campus what he is busy doing ,very possibly, he mayanswer that he is preparing for a certificate of some kind.Inverstigating a litte more ,you will find that this has become a new craze among college students.The reasons behind the phenomenon can be summarized into just one:the pressure of finding a job arter graduation. With the admission expansion of colleges, a lot more graduates have to copete for the limited job posts. How to make oneslf more competitive? Maybe more certificates at hand. Hoping that the employers might find one of them more attractive,the students are compelled to run from one exam to another.As far as I am concerned, the students should have a more rational attitude toward certificates, because exam certificates do not neceesarily represent one"s ability.For me one should work hard at his or her major.Opportunity will come to you if you are competeht enough in your field. Nowadays there is a "certificate craze" on campus . Thousands of college students are keen on working for various certificate, such as CET Band 4 and Band 6 certificates, Business English Certificate, and other different professional certificates.翻译:当今校园出现一股考证热,成千上万的大学同学热衷于各种各样的证书,比如英语四六级证书,商务英语证书,以及其他不同的专业证书。But why is there such a craze ? First , it has much to do with the fierce competitive workforce market. It is widely believed that the more certificates a college student has on graduation, the better chance he has for a decent job. Second, many students just want to prove themselves by working for a certificate.They have been interested in a certain field and have worked hard on it, so they want a certificate to justify their efforts.翻译:为何出现这样的狂热?首先,在市场竞争激烈的劳动力市场有许多工作要做,。人们普遍认为,一个持有更多认证的大学毕业生,他有机会得到一个像样的工作。第二,许多学生只是想通过认证来提高自己。他们一直感兴趣的某个特定领域并且努力的学习,所以他们想要一个证书来证明他们的努力成果。I think the certificate craze is good for both the society and students. When students combine their work for some certificates with their academic efforts,their college life will be more fruitful than otherwise.翻译:我觉得对于认证的狂热是有利于社会和学生的。当学生结合他们取得的认证和学术知识,他们的大学生活将是更加丰富。
2023-07-19 21:27:421


您好亲!Direction和direct是两个完全不同的单词,不能交换使用。虽然它们的拼写相近,但是它们的含义和词性不同。Direction是一个名词,表示方向、指引、用法等概念。而direct则可以是一个形容词或者一个动词。作为形容词,它的含义是直接的、直系的,作为动词,它的含义是指导、引导、管理等。 我们来举几个例子理解这两个单词的区别: Please give me directions to your house. (请告诉我去你家的路线。) He directly told me what to do. (他直接告诉我该做什么。) She"s the director of the company. (她是这家公司的董事长。) 在这里,我们可以看到,direction和direct的用法是不同的。在第一个例句中,我们只能使用direction,因为我们需要询问路线,并不需要指导或管理什么;在第二个例句中,我们使用了direct作为动词,因为它的意义是指导和引导所需要的;而在第三个例句中,我们使用了director,因为它是 direction 的派生词,表示管理层的职位。希望这样的解释有助于你理解这两个单词的差异。谢谢!
2023-07-19 21:27:491

Directions: There is a passage in this section. The passage is followed by some st

原文尝试补充为: You are required to select the correct words to fill in the blanks.整段话的翻译为: A部分的指导,在这个部分,将有一个消息有十个空,你需要选择合适的词语填空。这里应该就是英语考试常见综合能力考查题型的完形填空,需要注意时态,语态,语法,语境以及相关的固定搭配和猜测词义等。
2023-07-19 21:27:571

Good Directions 歌词

歌曲名:Good Directions歌手:Billy Currington专辑:Doin" Somethin" RightBilly Currington - Good DirectionsBy:LikealanI was sittin" there sellin" turnips on a flatbed truckCrunchin" on a pork rind when she pulled upShe had to be thinkin" "This is where Rednecks come from"She had Hollywood written on her license plateShe was lost and lookin" for the interstateNeedin" directions and I was the man for the jobI told her way up yonder past the caution lightThere"s a little country store with an old Coke signYou gotta stop in and ask Miss Bell for some of her sweet teaThen a left will take you to the interstateBut a right will bring you right back here to meI was sittin" there thinkin" "bout her pretty faceKickin" myself for not catchin" her nameI threw my hat and thought, "You fool, that could"ve been love"I knew my old Ford couldn"t run her downShe probably didn"t like me anyhowSo I watched her disappear in a cloud of dust.I told her way up yonder past the caution lightThere"s a little country store with an old Coke signYou gotta stop in and ask Miss Bell for some of her sweet teaThen a left will take you to the interstateBut a right will bring you right back here to meIs this Georgia heat playin" tricks on meOr am I really seein" what I think I seeThe woman of my dreams comin" back to meShe went way up yonder past the caution lightDon"t know why, but somethin" felt rightWhen she stopped in and asked Miss Bell for some of her sweet teaMama gave her a big "ol glass and sent her right back here to meThank God for good directions:and turnip greensBilly Currington - Good DirectionsDoin Somethin Right
2023-07-19 21:28:031

a sense of directions还是direction?

表示方向感用a sense of direction希望对你有帮助
2023-07-19 21:28:132


2023-07-19 21:26:041

King (BBC Radio One John Peel Session) 歌词

歌曲名:King (BBC Radio One John Peel Session)歌手:UB40专辑:Signing OffAudio Adrenaline - KingToday I finally found a melody that fitsA melody that fitsToday I finally found a song that I can singA song that I can singYou are my King, You are my KingI bow down before You and crown You the King of all KingsForever I"ll sing, forever I"ll singI"ll sing of Your mercy and how I have been set freeThe rulers of the earth will bow before Your throneThey"ll bow before Your throneThe nations You have made will worship You aloneThey"ll worship You aloneThey"ll sing for YouYou are my King, You are my KingI bow down before You and crown You the King of all KingsForever I"ll sing, forever I"ll singI"ll sing of Your mercy and how I have been set freeIf the King has set you freeYou are free indeedIf the King has set you freeYou are free indeedYou are my King, You are my KingI bow down before You and crown You the King of all KingsForever I"ll sing, forever I"ll singI"ll sing of Your mercy and how I have been set free
2023-07-19 21:26:051

c#中的 Instance的作用是什么?全局脚本和普通脚本有什么区别?通常用于什么情况?

你这应该是unity脚本吧?这里说的全局脚本指的是public static静态关键字定义的EnemyHP类型的全局对象Instance。当你初始化Instance之后,就可以再其他脚本中直接通过声明Instance变量的这个类的名称来访问Instance对象,而不需要实例化该类。比如你在MyClass类中声明了public static EnemyHP Instance;并对instance初始化。那么你在其他脚本中就可以直接用MyClass.instance来操作使用EnemyHP中的公共属性或方法。
2023-07-19 21:26:091


2023-07-19 21:26:101

oppo reno有几个镜头分别是什么焦段和光圈?

Oppo Reno系列手机配备了不同的镜头组合,这里列出三个型号的具体情况:1. Oppo Reno 2:主摄像头使用了4800万像素的索尼IMX586传感器,同样支持超广角模式和长焦模式,超广角为8MP,长焦为13MP。主摄像头采用f/1.7的大光圈。2. Oppo Reno 3 Pro:主摄像头使用了6400万像素的索尼IMX686传感器,辅助的长焦望远摄为1300万像素,支持5倍混合光学变焦和20倍数字变焦。主摄像头采用f/1.7的大光圈。3. Oppo Reno 4 Pro:主摄像头使用了4800万像素的索尼IMX586传感器,辅助的超广角摄像头为1200万像素,支持5倍混合光学变焦和20倍数字变焦。主摄像头采用f/1.7的大光圈。总体来说,Oppo Reno系列手机的主摄像头使用了较高像素的传感器,并且采用了较大的光圈,可以获得更好的
2023-07-19 21:26:111

Feist的《still true》 歌词

歌曲名:still true歌手:Feist专辑:monarchFeist - Still TrueLRC123 带你心飞I like my covers to be heavySo I don"t get cold when I sleepMy love affairs always seem unsteadyAnd I never go half-way when I weepTake me anywhereWith youTake me in your careWith youTake me anywhereWith youTake me anywhereWith youI"m still trueTake on my spine and spit shine itPull on my heart and unwind itFold my wings back offmy shoulderbladesAnd peel meTake me anywhereWith youTake me anywhereWith youTake me anywhereWith youTake me anywhereWith youTake me anywhereWith youTake me anywhereWith youTake me anywhereWith youTake me anywhereWith youStill true
2023-07-19 21:26:121

星河coco park靠近哪个公交站

在“星河COCO Park”附近 165米龙岗cocopark东-公交车站途经公交车:309路, 351路, 358路, 366路, 380a线, 651路, 812路, 833路, 905路, m266路, m268路, m320路, m322路, m359路 328米富生酒店-公交车站途经公交车:811路, 905路, m278路 433米龙岗cocopark西-公交车站途经公交车:923路, m229路, m317路, m318路, m368路 452米爱联社区-公交车站途经公交车:长18路, 深惠3a线
2023-07-19 21:26:181


2023-07-19 21:26:181


rock dj 嗨到令人佩服,不过mv不要看了,和恶心paper cut 林肯公园的,十分嗨楼主,对x起,键盘坏了,就这么多吧
2023-07-19 21:26:033

魔方品牌 好一点的魔方品牌有哪些

2023-07-19 21:26:033


2023-07-19 21:25:591

翻译短文 阅读理解。 Even before my father left us, my moth

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★历年专辑★   1993年与香港华星唱片签约.与台湾现代派公司签约(华星之子公司)  93火热动感 爱情动感LaLaLa 粤语合辑(全8曲~已绝版)  93火热动感 爱情动感LaLaLa 国语合辑(已绝版)  1994年《爱就要趁现在》 华语 首张个人国语专辑 首版Digi-Pack花漾精装可旋转盘,Digi-Pack精装版紫盘  《火热动感94恋爱Party》 粤语 与郑秀文、许志安等人所出的合辑   《爱情宣言情歌对唱》 粤语 与郑秀文、许志安等人所出的合辑   《圣诞礼赞》 华语 与张瑞哲、丁子俊等人所出的合辑   《答应我》 华语 第二张华语专辑(Digi-Pack厚纸精装版台湾盘)  1995年 《Brave Enough To Love/勇敢去爱》 英语 专辑中翻唱多首经典歌曲   《被爱的女人》 华语 第三张华语专辑,也是现代派最后一张专辑   《李玟/玟风起舞 》加盟现代派第1张英语 Remix专辑  《李玟/非常精选》 非常Hi Remix合辑   《李玟/玟所未闻》CD Plus(互动式影音光碟CD全4曲)  《李玟/ 校园-真实1995台湾校园》演唱会精彩实录  《李玟/原声原影 历年精选辑》精装版全16曲+VCD合辑  《李玟/全盛时代》纸盒黄金CD精装版合辑4CD  《李玟/全球首播Live》英文专辑(全13曲)  《李玟/4 in 1》 初回限定纸盒4CD合辑(和台湾现代派合约全部结束)  1996年 《CoCo李玟同名专辑》 华语 第四张华语专辑,加盟新力音乐之后第一张个人专辑 销售40万张 Sony Music发行了3个版本,首版,数位影像黄金版和初回限定纸盒精装版(Sony Music合约正式开始)  《CoCo"s Party》 英语 加盟Sony Music第1张英语专辑 在台湾销售50万张,堪称是截至1996年止,台湾女歌手英文专辑的销售新纪录 本专辑特别在韩国发行  1997年 《每一次想你》 华语 第五张华语专辑,CoCo以这张专辑销售80万张并入围第九届金曲奖入围最佳国语女演唱人奖 Sony Music发行了2版本   《CoCo李玟/下次小心》 粤语 NO.1粤语大碟,本专辑在香港地区创下10万+销售佳绩 初回香港版特别收录MV(爱你是我的自由+It"s a party)  1998年 《DiDaDi暗示》 华语 第六张华语专辑 98年金曲龙虎榜年终总冠军专辑,1998台湾年度最畅销专辑,全亚洲突破180万张的最佳销售!Sony Music特别发行了CD+EP限量版   李玟是华语歌坛第一位染红头发的女歌手!   《我听你说Everything"s O.K.》 首张广告EP,收录广告歌《DiDaDi》 +《爱你是我的自由》  《5颜6色DiDaDi》 华语 首张个人EP,收录3首《DiDaDi 》Remix版+《颜色》于1998世界杯足球赛指定台湾版合辑中  《Sunny Day好心情》 华语 第七张华语专辑 98年金曲龙虎榜年终亚军专辑,Sony Music特别发行了98‘轰天碟CD+EP纪念版  《碰碰看爱情》 华语 个人第二张(胜利)EP,收录两首新歌《碰碰看爱情》+《想你的365天》,动画电影“花木兰”亚洲英文版主题曲《Reflection》  《MTV Fantastic Females/女力大对抗》PK合辑 台湾版光荣收录CoCo演唱电影“花木兰”亚洲英文版主题曲《Reflection》  TaiWan 同志Bichonen 电影 OST-美少年之恋 电影插曲“答案 Answer” Postcards Set 明信片+VCD礼盒版  《大家都爱李玟CoCo万人迷演唱会精采实录》收录1998年于台北、高雄所举办的演唱会实况,新力唱片在99年发行了限量精装CD,VCD,VHS和DVD(双场景切换)  1999年 《今天到永远》 华语 第八张华语专辑,本专辑特别邀请李宗盛制作单曲---完整 Sony Music发行了4个台湾版本(Sony Epic)台湾双封面首版/书夹限量首日封版/蓝色迈向国际豪华庆功版2CD+VCD 版/销售分红庆功Remix版  《Just No Other Way》 英语 个人第3张英语专辑,CoCo Lee在千禧年进军国际的首张全球英文专辑,第一张全球唱片行正式贩售以及网络付费下载的英文专辑!收录OST-“Runaway Bride 落跑新娘”电影插曲“Before I Fall In Love” 本专辑于台湾(亚洲荣耀版特别收录Do You Want My Love的MV+ CoCo进军国际真心告白Epk)、香港、日本(分为正式盘/宣传纪念盘)、韩国、马来西亚、泰国、菲律宾、新加坡、欧洲大陆、土耳其、澳大利亚、美国、加拿大、墨西哥等国家地发行,美国Sony Music总部特别限量发行千禧年全球纪念Book Set礼盒版~本礼盒在美国、澳洲等地发行已绝版)  这张英文专辑(Sony Epic/550 Records) 在全球总销量突破200万张 让李玟登上世界舞台  《Do You Want My Love》 英语 首张英语Single/EP,国际级混音大师为CoCo制作国际级水准Mix Single,独立发行.2000年2月在澳大利亚、美国、墨西哥、英国等地区发行。最终登上美国/澳洲Billboard排行榜(于2000年在HOT舞曲榜取得了#49,进榜时间:20/2/2000 - 11/6/2000 (17 weeks成绩分别为#20→18→ 16→ 21 →24→ 24 →15 →14 →15 →21→ 24 →24 →29 →34 →37→ 44 →46,最高达到#14是华人歌手在澳洲Billboard Hot100成绩最好的)   《Wherever You Go》 英语 第2张英语单曲EP,在欧洲、澳洲等地正式发行(登上澳洲Billboard舞曲榜取得了#20→18→16,并在2000年终单曲榜取得了#91,美国「Club Play」#39,(San Francisco"s #1 Hit Music Station)#26,奥地利#15,意大利#17 ,韩国#9)  《Before I Fall In Love》 英语 第3张英语单曲 日本单曲、美国以宣传盘的形式出现  《A Love Before Time》 英语 第4张英语单曲 台湾、欧洲、西班牙以宣传盘的形式出现  2000年《The Best Of My Love》 华语 个人第2张精选专辑 台湾销量27万6千,特别收录现代派成名歌曲(一发行,首周排行冠军) Sony Music发行了2个台湾版本+4个封面纪念宝盒版VS精装版  《真情人You & Me》 华语 第九张华语专辑,首波主打歌真情人带著拉丁曲风,台湾销量突破22万(一发行,横扫台湾各大唱片行并拿下首周排行冠军) Sony Music发行了3个版本 首版/影音双冠超优CD+VCD /全胜香水限量版   2001年 《Promise CoCo》 华语 第十张国语专辑,此专辑特别请来周杰伦帮忙写曲,特别收录“卧虎藏龙”电影歌曲---月光爱人。台湾唱片行销量18万张(一发行,拿下3周排行冠军)   2002年 《爱琴海新歌+电音精选》 国/粤 第一张电音Remix书册版专辑(一发行,拿下首周排行冠军)   2003年 英文单曲《A dream of one》韩国大运会主题曲VS韩国音乐教父朴振英(JY Park) 合唱  2003年 李玟首张DVD 《All My CoCo 》新力6连冠 03年新力独卖   2003年 英文单曲《All Around The World》赠给全球CoCo 歌迷的歌曲 、好莱坞电影霹雳娇娃2:全速进攻亚洲版主题曲  2005年 《Exposed》 英语 第4张英文专辑 本专辑在韩国、马来西亚、菲律宾、印度、泰国发行 菲律宾版14首歌(收录“卧虎藏龙”电影英文版歌曲---A Love Before Time)  2006年 《要定你》 华语 第十一张华语专辑(和Sony Music11年合约全部结束)  2007年 《forever friends》单曲,收录于《北京2008奥运会歌曲专辑》(为著名2008北京奥运会歌曲 ,MV耗资500万)  2008年 《I have a dream 》(一经推出,拿下各大电台排行冠军) 台湾限量发行200张  2008年 《CoCo李玟1994-2008年豪华典藏精选》4首未曝光秘密珍藏全新收录(“撒哈拉冰室”、“是真的爱你”、“我和爱人和我”、“冥想爱”)+26 首成名精选  2008年8月底 单曲《我爱看电影》  2009年4月 单曲《BYOB》地球环保单曲  2009年8月14日全新国语专辑《CoCo的东西 East to West》(首周空降台湾五大唱片行华语榜冠军)  2010年1月 单曲《hello-c》(娃哈哈广告主题曲)  附:CoCo96年加盟Sony Music的华语专辑到09年新专辑都有在台湾、香港、韩国、新加坡、菲律宾、马来西亚等国家地区发行。  (至2009年为止共发行12张华语专辑、1张粤语专辑、4张英文专辑)
2023-07-19 21:25:551

instance 是否可数

instance (例子)是可数名词,我绝对确定。(我学过的)呵呵:-)
2023-07-19 21:25:521


1.scrawl a teaspoon of butter on the bread.2. This cup banana milkshake is my own doing.3. Turn on the radio. I want to hear news.4.Can you help me mix the flour and eggs together?5. Do you want some milk in the coffee?6. You should first put off apple peel .7. How do you do salad with fruit and vegetable ?8. I think that is very simple to cook noodles.9. First of all, Wash the apple clean. Then cut it into small pieces.10. Would you like popcorn?11. We just need a small amount of sugar.
2023-07-19 21:25:483