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2023-07-20 10:06:40
TAG: 英语


Thursday 英 [u02c8u03b8u025cu02d0zdu026a] 美 [u02c8u03b8u025crzdeu026a] n. 星期四;周四


① on Thursday 在星期四;于星期四

② every Thursday 每周四

③ the following Thursday 下一个星期四

④ a fortnight on Thursday 两周后的星期四


He phoned on Thursday, just before you came.


On Thursdays and Saturdays the market comes to town.





星期四的英文是:Thursday其他几个都是:Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.











Thursday 缩写:Thur.

例句:I have an English on Thursday.星期四我上了英语课。























n. 星期四




  • bright sun-shining Thursday 阳光明媚的星期四

  • on Thursday - 在星期四

  • alternate Thursday 每隔一个星期四


  • Thursday可以与其他时间词搭配使用,如morning、night、afternoon等,表示星期四的不同时间段。

  • 表示“在星期四”时,一般用介词on,但如果有this, that, last, before, every等词修饰时,不能再用介词on。


  1. We have a meeting on Thursday morning.


  2. Let"s go out for dinner on Thursday night.


  3. The library is closed every Thursday.


  4. I have a doctor"s appointment on Thursday afternoon.


  5. Thursday is my favorite day of the week.




Thursday 英[ˈθɜːzdeɪ] 美[ˈθɜːrzdeɪ] n. 星期四; [例句]On Thursday Barrett invited me for a drink星期四,巴雷特约我去喝两杯。[其他] 复数:Thursdays
2023-07-20 04:45:441


2023-07-20 04:45:523


2023-07-20 04:46:072


2023-07-20 04:46:282


2023-07-20 04:46:483


星期四的英文是Thursday。复数形式 Thursdays,缩写形式 Thur.。Thursday的第一个字母须大写,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。星期一:全写Monday缩写Mon.星期二:全写Tuesday缩写Tues.星期三:全写Wednesday缩写Wed.星期四:全写Thursday缩写Thur.星期五:全写Friday缩写Fri.星期六:全写Saturday缩写Sat.星期日:全写Sunday缩写Sun.Thursday的英语句子:1、I visited a friend of mine on the Thursday of last week.上周的星期四我去拜访了一位朋友。2、She"s due to arrive on Thursday.她预定星期四到达。3、Look, I need you to do me a favor, all right? Thursday is Family Day. Spread the word. You guys are up.你只能帮我一个小忙,星期四是家庭日,你们要出席,记得告诉其他人。4、"If you say so, sir, " the bartender says, "but Thursday night, you came in to ask how soon the police were planning to shut us down. "“如果您这么说,阁下,”男招待说“不过星期四晚上,你来问过关于警察打算什么时候来关闭我们这里的俱乐部。”5、He dined with us the next day, and was to leave town again on Wednesday or Thursday.他第二天跟我们在一起吃饭,星期三或星期四又要进城去。
2023-07-20 04:47:031

急求Lovestoned 唱的Thursdays 的歌词

Hey, man I"m alive I"m takin" each day and night at a time I"m feelin" like a Monday but someday I"ll be Saturday night Hey, my name is Jim, where did I go wrong My life"s a bargain basement, all the good shit"s gone I just can"t hold a job, where do I belong I"m sleeping in my car, my dreams move on My name is Billy Jean, my love was bought and sold I"m only sixteen, I feel a hundred years old My foster daddy went, took my innocence away The street life aint much better, but at least I get paid And Tuesday just might go my way It can"t get worse than yesterday Thursdays, Fridays ain"t been kind But somehow I"ll survive Hey man I"m alive I"m takin" each day and night at a time Yeah I"m down, but I know I"ll get by Hey hey hey hey, man gotta live my life Like I ain"t got nothin" but this roll of the dice I"m feelin" like a Monday, but someday I"ll be Saturday night Now I can"t say my name, and tell you where I am I want to roll myself away, don"t know if I can I wish that I could be in some other time and place With someone elses soul, someone elses face Oh, Tuesday just might go my way It can"t get worse than yesterday Thursdays, Fridays ain"t been kind But somehow I"ll survive Hey, man I"m alive I"m takin" each day and night at a time Yeah I"m down, but I know I"ll get by Hey hey hey hey, man gotta live my life I"m gonna pick up all the pieces and what"s left of my pride I"m feelin" like a Monday, but someday I"ll be Saturday night Saturday night Here we go Some day I"ll be Saturday night I"ll be back on my feet, I"ll be doin" alright It may not be tomorrow baby, that"s OK I ain"t goin" down, gonna find a way, hey hey hey Hey man I"m alive I"m takin" each day and night at a time Yeah, I"m down, but I know I"ll get by Hey hey hey hey, man, gotta live my life Like I ain"t got nothin" but this roll of the dice I"m feelin" like a Monday, but someday I"ll be Saturday night I"m feelin" like a Monday, but someday I"ll be Saturday night Saturday night __________,all right, all right Saturday night Made by Conspir@cY Enjoy it !!
2023-07-20 04:48:021


2023-07-20 04:48:105

What do you have on wednesdays? What do you have on thursdays? 请问为什么周三周四后面要加S

I like wednesdays 我喜欢礼拜三。这句话只能用复数因为这里你说的是你普遍性的喜欢礼拜三,而不是你喜欢某一个特定的礼拜三,所以每周都有礼拜三的话,不是就要加s表示复数,说明你就是喜欢礼拜三这个日子,而不是某一个礼拜三至于What do you have on wednesdays? 单复数都对,但是他们的意思其实是不一样的What do you have on wednesday?问的是,“你这周三要干吗?”回答比如说,这周三要去买东西,或者要去看XX电影而What do you have on wednesdays? 就是要问,“你周三一般都有什么安排?”回答就是类似,周三要上语文课,数学课等等。因为每周三都上语文数学课,不只一个周三,所以是复数 如果还有不懂问我哦~
2023-07-20 04:48:411


Thursday 星期四Thursdays 凡是星期四都做同一件事We have English on Thursdays.
2023-07-20 04:49:182


2023-07-20 04:49:268

Thursdays, 8pm et/pt 是中国时间几点

若你在东部,美国thursday8pm是中国周五早上8点钟若你在美国西部,thursday8pm是中国周五早上11点钟et是easternstandardtime的简译翻译成中文的意思:东部时间pt是pacificstandardtime的简译 翻译成中文的意思:西部时间8pmet/pt是指8点在美国东部和西部同时上演美国本土的48州共有四个时区,从西往东依次为“太平洋时间”、“山地时间”、“中部时间”和“东部时间”,还有阿拉斯加(州)时间。美国还实行夏令时,美国夏令时始于每年4月的第1个周日,止于每年10月的最后一个周日。夏令时比正常时间早一小时
2023-07-20 04:49:541

on thursday与on thursdays具体的区别

on thursday就是在星期四,比如 He went to swim on thursday在星期四他去游泳了只是在某一个星期的星期四去游了次泳on thursday就是在每周星期四 He goes to swim on thursdays每周四他都去游泳
2023-07-20 04:50:042


2023-07-20 04:50:112


What do you have on Thursday? 你周四吃的什么?
2023-07-20 04:50:305


Does Amy always play the on Thursday dat?
2023-07-20 04:50:442

thursday 的简写格式是什么?

2023-07-20 04:51:042


英[_θ__zde_] 美[_θ__rzde_]。Thursday主要用作为名词,意思为星期四,复数形式Thursdays。扩展资料:《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》The store stays open until late on Thursdays.这商店每星期四都会开到很晚。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》I"m always terribly busy on Thursdays.一到星期四我就忙得不可开交。《汉英大词典》We do not receive on Thursdays.我们星期四不会客。以下内容供参考:百度百科-Thursday
2023-07-20 04:51:421

thursdays英语怎么读 单词thursdays怎么读

1、Thursdays英[u02c8θu025cu02d0zdeu026az]美[u02c8θu025crzdeu026az],n.星期四;Thursday的复数。 2、[例句]The store stays open until late on Thursdays.这商店每星期四都会开到很晚。
2023-07-20 04:51:491


2023-07-20 04:51:561

急求Lovestoned 唱的Thursdays 的歌词

Hey, man I"m alive I"m takin" each day and night at a time I"m feelin" like a Monday but someday I"ll be Saturday night Hey, my name is Jim, where did I go wrong My life"s a bargain basement, all the good shit"s gone I just can"t hold a job, where do I belong I"m sleeping in my car, my dreams move on My name is Billy Jean, my love was bought and sold I"m only sixteen, I feel a hundred years old My foster daddy went, took my innocence away The street life aint much better, but at least I get paid And Tuesday just might go my way It can"t get worse than yesterday Thursdays, Fridays ain"t been kind But somehow I"ll survive Hey man I"m alive I"m takin" each day and night at a time Yeah I"m down, but I know I"ll get by Hey hey hey hey, man gotta live my life Like I ain"t got nothin" but this roll of the dice I"m feelin" like a Monday, but someday I"ll be Saturday night Now I can"t say my name, and tell you where I am I want to roll myself away, don"t know if I can I wish that I could be in some other time and place With someone elses soul, someone elses face Oh, Tuesday just might go my way It can"t get worse than yesterday Thursdays, Fridays ain"t been kind But somehow I"ll survive Hey, man I"m alive I"m takin" each day and night at a time Yeah I"m down, but I know I"ll get by Hey hey hey hey, man gotta live my life I"m gonna pick up all the pieces and what"s left of my pride I"m feelin" like a Monday, but someday I"ll be Saturday night Saturday night Here we go Some day I"ll be Saturday night I"ll be back on my feet, I"ll be doin" alright It may not be tomorrow baby, that"s OK I ain"t goin" down, gonna find a way, hey hey hey Hey man I"m alive I"m takin" each day and night at a time Yeah, I"m down, but I know I"ll get by Hey hey hey hey, man, gotta live my life Like I ain"t got nothin" but this roll of the dice I"m feelin" like a Monday, but someday I"ll be Saturday night I"m feelin" like a Monday, but someday I"ll be Saturday night Saturday night __________,all right, all right Saturday night Made by Conspir@cY Enjoy it !!
2023-07-20 04:52:131

Thursdays, 8pm et/pt 是中国时间几点

若你在东部,美国 Thursday 8 pm 是中国 周五早上 8点钟若你在美国西部, Thursday 8 pm 是中国 周五早上 11点钟et 是eastern standard time 的简译翻译成中文的意思:东部时间pt 是 pacific standard time的简译 翻译成中文的意思:西部时间8 pm et/pt 是指 8点在美国东部和西部同时上演美国本土 的48州共有四个时区,从西往东依次为“太平洋时间”、“山地时间”、“中部时间”和“东部时间”,还有阿拉斯加(州)时间。美国还实行夏令时,美国夏令时始于每年4月的第1个周日,止于每年10月的最后一个周日。夏令时比正常时间早一小时
2023-07-20 04:52:341


Lovestoned - ThursdayMorning news: that coffee"s getting cold 早间新闻是咖啡变冷Thursday again, yeah, this is getting old 又到了星期四,呃,司空见惯The clock at work is always slowing down 工作日的时钟总是慢慢腾腾My desk"s a boat running aground 我的办公桌就像搁浅的船Is life just a number seven bus? 难道生活只是7路公交的运转Goes by and leaves me standing in the dust 绝尘而去只剩我在原地盘桓I"m glad you"re here to help me fill the years 我很庆幸有你陪我漫度年华But we both know we"re bored to tears 但这样的日子我们都已厌倦Give me a few silly Saturdays 给我几个轻松的星期六吧I"ll take “thank God it"s finally Friday”s 那我将拥有许多“谢天谢地的星期五”or a lot of “lazy Sundays” 或大把大把“星期天的慵懒”If we have a million more to go 如果说来日方长Let"s live them or end up making hey-days 让我们享受时光把日子过得完满and not just a bunch of Thursdays in a row 别让星期四接星期四一串又一串Oh-ooh-oh-ooh, oh-ooh-oh-ooh, oh-ooh-oh-ooh-ohNot a bunch of Thursdays, no, 别让星期四接星期四not a bunch of Thursdays in a row 别让星期四接星期四一串又一串On a wheel that"s circling the week (生活)如同机械循环的车轮Inside a box where all the doors are sealed 如同紧锁门窗的孤馆I want my feet to dance on different ground 我的舞蹈,需要别样的舞台We"ll get somewhere, not sit around 即刻出发,就能到达彼岸Give me a few silly Saturdays 给我几个轻松的星期六吧I"ll take “thank God it"s finally Friday”s 那我将拥有许多“谢天谢地的星期五”or a lot of “lazy Sundays” 或大把大把“偷懒星期天”If we have a million more to go如果说来日方长Let"s live them or end up making hey-days and让我们享受时光把日子过得完满not just a bunch of Thursdays in a row别让星期四接星期四一串又一串Oh-ooh-oh-ooh, oh-ooh-oh-ooh, oh-ooh-oh-ooh-ohNot a bunch of Thursdays, no,不要一堆堆的星期四not a bunch of Thursdays in a row别让星期四接星期四一串又一串How about we add a little spice, 给生活添加一点调料吧I"ll take you on a roller-coaster ride 我要带你做过山车飞上云端So throw your hands up in the air, 伸出你的手来去感受吧hold your breath and maybe close your eyes 摒住呼吸闭上眼睛用心去看Give me a few silly Saturdays 给我几个轻松的星期六吧I"ll take “thank God it"s finally Friday”s 那我将拥有许多“谢天谢地的星期五”or a lot of “lazy Sundays” 或大把大把“偷懒星期天”If we have a million more to go如果说来日方长Let"s live them or end up making hey-days and让我们享受时光把日子过得完满not just a bunch of Thursdays in a row别只是星期四接星期四一串又一串Oh-ooh-oh-ooh, oh-ooh-oh-ooh, oh-ooh-oh-ooh-ohNot a bunch of Thursdays, no,不要一堆堆的星期四,不not a bunch of Thursdays in a row别让星期四接星期四一串又一串Oh-ooh-oh-ooh, oh-ooh-oh-ooh, oh-ooh-oh-ooh-ohNot a bunch of Thursdays, no,不要一堆堆的星期四,不not a bunch of Thursdays in a row别让星期四接星期四一串又一串
2023-07-20 04:52:431


"Thursday" 的英文简称是 "Thu" 或 "Thur"。这两种简称都是常见的缩写形式,用来代表星期四。
2023-07-20 04:52:511


thursday I am usually free between tuesday and thursday . 我通常在星期二至星期四有空。 2.Next thursday is 12 april . 即将到来的星期四是四月十二日。 3.Lewis plans on finishing his work on thursday . 路易斯预计星期四完成他的工作。 4.Shall we assign thursdays for our weekly meetings ? 我们把每周例会定在星期四好吗? 5.Mrs. williams : yes , he was absent on thursday . 威廉斯夫人:是的,他星期四没上学。。 6.The bay harbor messenger doesn"t come out until thursday . 《港湾先驱报》要到星期四才出。 7.Thanksgiving day is usually on the last thursday in november . 感恩节通常在十一月最后的星期四。 8.The meetings are on tuesdays and thursdays in the main hall . 会议在星期二和星期四于大礼堂举行。 9.The boat-race has been officially fixed on thursday , april 2 . 划船比赛已正式定于四月二日星期四举行。 10.Thursday, may 22, was a day of uncertainty and suspense . 5月22日,星期四,是情况多变,令人不安的一日。
2023-07-20 04:53:271


Thursday 英[ˈθɜ:zdeɪ] 美[ˈθɜ:rzdeɪ] n. 星期四,礼拜四,周四; [电影] 惊爆星期四; [例句]On Thursday Barrett invited me for a drink.星期四,巴雷特约我去喝两杯。[其他] 复数:Thursdays
2023-07-20 04:53:582

thursdays 在句子里t要大写吗

要大写,因为题目中只要是实词首字母就要大写 追问: 我都糊涂了,我们老师说不大写
2023-07-20 04:54:231


问题一:星期四用英语怎么写 Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期天 问题二:星期四英文怎么读 Thursday 英 [?θ?:zde?] 美 [?θ?:rzde?] n. 星期四,礼拜四,周四 星期一:Monday [?m?ndi] 忙day 星期二:Tuesday [?tju:zdi:] 求死day 星期三:Wednesday [?wenzdi] 未死day 星期四:Thursday [?θ?:zdi] 受死day 星期五:Friday [?fraidi] 福来day 星期六:Saturday [?s?t?di] 洒脱day 星期日:Sunday [?s?ndi] 伤day 问题三:星期四怎么读星期四的英语怎么读 thursday[英]u02c8θ?:zde?[美]?θ?:rzde? 星期四,礼拜四,周四对应汉语拼音 se zi dei 问题四:请问用英语星期四怎么读? Thursday 读音:色死的 音标:Thursday[英][?θ?:zdi] [美][?θ?zdi, -?de] 问题五:星期四用英文怎么说? Thursday 如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助, 请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢! 问题六:星期四用英语怎么说 星期四(附音标) Thursday 英["θ??zde?; -d?] 美["θ?zd?] 问题七:星期四用英语怎么说 40分 Thursday 问题八:星期四.用英语怎么说 Thursday 英[?θ?:zde?] 美[?θ?:rzde?] n. 星期四,礼拜四,周四; [电影] 惊爆星期四; [例句]On Thursday Barrett invited me for a drink 星期四,巴雷特约我去喝两杯。 [其他] 复数:Thursdays 问题九:星期四用英文怎么写? Thursday(*^_^*)
2023-07-20 04:54:301

求lovestoned的thursdays 歌词翻译··

2023-07-20 04:54:571

what do you have on thursdays和what do you have on

Thursdays指凡是星期四 做的事
2023-07-20 04:55:072

what do you have on thursdays.为什么THURSDAY要加S?

2023-07-20 04:55:271


可以加 on, 意思是在星期四
2023-07-20 04:55:342

What do you have for lunch on Thursdays?是什么意思?

2023-07-20 04:55:5810

What classes do you have on Thursdays?为什么Thursday后面加s?

2023-07-20 04:56:191

today is ___,i have computer today.A:Thursdays B: Sunday C:Thursday 选什么,为什么

2023-07-20 04:56:272

What do you have onThursdays.是什么意思?

2023-07-20 04:56:331

怎麽排序 do have on what you thursdays?

What have you do on thursdays?
2023-07-20 04:56:424

what do you do thursdays,grandpa

2023-07-20 04:56:492


We have art on Thursdays.星期四我们有艺术课。
2023-07-20 04:57:072

What do you have on Thursdays是什么意思

2023-07-20 04:57:163

We have English,math and science on Thursdays是什么意思

2023-07-20 04:57:585

win7系统无法启动smart card服务和Smart Card Removal Policy 服务

2023-07-20 04:45:232

Three-dimensional culture在细胞培养时是指什么,看到很多外国文献提到过,但始终不懂?谢谢。

三维细胞培养技术( three-dimensional cell culture,TDCC) 是指将具有三维结构不同材料的载体与各种不同种类的细胞在体外共同培养, 使细胞能够在载体的三维立体空间结构中迁移、生长, 构成三维的细胞载体复合物三维细胞培养亮点   ① 三维培养体系为细胞提供类似体内生长环境的支架或基质,细胞通过紧密连接和/或缝隙连接等连接方式建立细胞间及细胞与胞外基质间的联系,形成一定的三维结构;  ② 三维培养细胞在基因表达、基质分泌及细胞功能活动等方面与单层培养均有明显差异,而与体内细胞生长情况更为相似;因此,三维细胞培养既能保留体内细胞微环境的物质结构基础,又能体现细胞培养的直观性及条件可控制性,把体外无细胞及单层细胞培养体系与组织器官及整体研究联系起来。
2023-07-20 04:45:241


halo 波西米亚狂想曲
2023-07-20 04:45:254


音节划分:guiu25aatarguitar生词本 中频词,你记住了吗?英 [gu026au02c8tɑ:(r)] 美 [ɡu026au02c8tɑr] n. 吉他;六弦琴 vi. 弹吉他 网 络 吉他; 电吉他; 六弦琴; 吉它 复数:guitars 过去式:guitarred 过去分词:guitarred 现在分词:guitarring 第三人称单数:guitars 词条标签:CET6 考研 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 现代英汉综合大词典 英汉双向大词典 1. N-VAR 可变名词吉他;六弦琴 A guitar is a musical instrument with six strings and a long neck. You play the guitar by plucking or strumming the strings. 【搭配模式】:oft the N英英释义 网络释义 Noun 1. a stringed instrument usually having six strings; played by strumming or plucking双语例句 语源派生 1. There"s some nifty guitar work on his latest CD. 他最新的激光唱片里有一些吉他曲弹得非常精彩。 来自《权威词典》2. As she sang she strummed on a guitar. 她边唱边弹吉他。 来自《权威词典》3. The book contains lyrics and guitar tablatures for over 100 songs. 这本书有100多首歌的歌词和吉他奏法谱。 来自《权威词典》
2023-07-20 04:45:261


以microsoft visio 2010为例,首先在电脑上下载并安装visio 2010软件,然后打开该软件,如下图所示。点击模板类型里的【网络】,在该模板下可以找到【基本网络图】和【详细网络图】,如果我们仅仅画一个简单的网络拓扑图,可以选择【基本网络图】,如下图所示。点击【基本网络图】进入绘图界面,在左侧形状列表里可以看到绘制基本网络图所需要的基本形状,如下图所示。接下来开始绘制网络拓扑图了,首先点击左侧的形状列表,找到计算机和显示器形状,将图形拖到绘图面板,作为网络设备,如下图所示。然后在图形里绘制交换机,路由器,防火墙,无线接入等设备,并用连接线连接,如下图所示。最后在添加上设备注释,经过以上操作,一张简单的网络拓扑图就绘制完成了,如下图所示。拓扑图绘制完毕后,可以通过【另存为】功能将图纸保存为图片格式,方便非专业人士浏览,如下图所示。
2023-07-20 04:45:261


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微软公司。Visio系列软件是微软公司开发的高级绘图软件,属于Office系列,可以绘制流程图、网络拓扑图、组织结构图、机械工程图、流程图等,所以网络拓扑图是微软公司提供的。拓扑图是指由计算机、打印机、网络设备以及其他设备构成的网络结构图,又称为拓扑结构图,简单来说就是用图示的方式 将实物的连接方式表现出来。
2023-07-20 04:45:111

英语分别怎么说 。。。 被绊倒 。 绊倒某人 。

be tripedtrip sb.
2023-07-20 04:45:102