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卧虎藏龙影评 英语

2023-07-20 11:24:33
TAG: 英语
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A 19-year-old newcomer and a middle-aged veteran
steal the show from two legends of Hong Kong cinema


Director Ang Lee would not be an obvious first choice to direct a Hong Kong martial arts film, even at a time when the genre is practically dead and thus ripe for resurrection by a highly regarded craftsman like Lee. His previous films — Sense and Sensibility, The Ice Storm are two — are careful, thoughtful works but also slow and stately to the point of torpor, traits that seem inimical to the whole HK aesthetic as seen in the work of megastars like Jackie Chan and Jet Li; producers and directors like Tsui Hark and John Woo; and films that cover a vast range of styles from the genderbending histrionics of the Swordsman series (starring the queen of HK androgyny, Brigitte Lin) to the homoerotic bloodbaths of Woo (Hard-Boiled, The Killer) to the sweet everyman epics of Jackie Chan.

Lee"s new film, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, is being marketed as both a loving homage and a redemption of the alleged excesses of the HK martial arts movie, a questionable approach since excess — in the larger-than-life characters, stylized violence, and dazzling shifts of tone — is a primary lure of these films. In Lee"s words, "People tend to look down on the genre. Some may have thought it strange that I could just drop what I normally do and make something like a B-movie. And as I was doing it, there was no escape. I had to bring in drama, I had to bring in women, I had to bring in beauty and whatever I feel added quality to it. It became an Ang Lee movie."

The good news is that the attitude behind such patronizing statements — drama, women, and beauty are hardly rare in HK films — is only partly in evidence in this "Ang Lee movie," in the film"s tedious, cliché romantic sequences. When Lee (or was it a gifted second-unit director?) focuses on the martial-arts sequences, the effect is breathtaking indeed and deserving of all the accolades the film is receiving.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is based on a pre-World War II novel about characters who (in spite of Lee"s protests of originality) will be quite familiar to fans of HK"s golden age films. Li Mu Bai (Chow Yun Fat) is a legendary martial artist whose attempts to find enlightenment have left him disillusioned. He gives away his famous sword, the Green Destiny, to signal a move into a new, nonviolent life. His courier is Shu Lien (Michelle Yeoh), another well-known fighter who"s been pining away for him for years. Shu Lien becomes friendly with the aristocratic young Jen (Zhang Ziyi), who is secretly a superior swordswoman, the lover of the desert bandit Lo (Chang Chen), and a disciple of the vicious middle-aged female criminal Jade Fox (Cheng Pei Pei). From this setup, the film details the theft of the Green Destiny, the romantic and political intrigues that ensue, and the major characters" life quests: Jen for love and power, Li Mui Bai for peace, Shu Lien for Li Mui Bai, Jade Fox for revenge against all men, and Lo for Jen.

The film has a muted, elegant look that works in its favor to transport the viewer to its setting of ancient China, meticulously recreated. But this rich pictorialism has a down side: Lee seems to be so in love with his compositions and conceits that the film slows to a crawl in some sequences. A particular offender in this regard is a seemingly endless diversion in the desert, where the love affair between Lo the bandit and Jen the captured lady begins. Lee exploits the bleak beauty of this setting (shot in the Gobi desert and the Taklamakan Plateau north of Tibet) but eventually loses the viewer in the interminable love scenes.





一、 学习用品 (school things) pen钢笔 pencil铅笔 pencil-case铅笔盒 ruler尺子 book书 bag包 comic book漫画书 post card明信片 newspaper报纸 schoolbag书包 eraser橡皮 crayon蜡笔 sharpener卷笔刀 story-book故事书 notebook笔记本 Chinese book语文书 English book英语书 math book数学书 magazine杂志 dictionary词典 二、 人体 (body) foot脚 head头 face脸 hair头发 nose鼻子 mouth嘴 eye眼睛 ear耳朵 arm手臂 hand手 finger手指 leg腿 tail尾巴 三、 颜色 (colours) red红 blue蓝 yellow黄 green绿 white白 black黑 pink粉红 purple紫 orange橙 brown棕 四、 动物 (animals) cat猫 dog狗 pig猪 duck鸭 rabbit兔 horse马 elephant大象 ant蚂蚁 fish鱼 bird鸟 eagle鹰 beaver海狸 snake蛇 mouse老鼠 squirrel松鼠 kangaroo袋鼠 monkey猴 panda熊猫 bear熊 lion狮子 tiger老虎 fox狐狸 zebra斑马 deer鹿 giraffe长颈鹿 goose鹅 hen母鸡 turkey火鸡 lamb小羊 sheep绵羊 goat山羊 cow奶牛 donkey驴 squid鱿鱼 lobster龙虾 shark鲨鱼 seal海豹 sperm whale抹香鲸 killer whale虎鲸 五、 人物 (people) friend朋友 boy男孩 girl女孩 mother母亲 father父亲 sister姐妹 brother兄弟 uncle叔叔;舅舅 man男人 woman女人 Mr.先生 Miss小姐 lady女士;小姐 mom妈妈 dad爸爸 parents父母 grandparents祖父母 grandma/grandmother(外)祖母 grandpa/grandfather(外)祖父 aunt姑姑 cousin堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹 son儿子 daughter女儿 baby婴儿 kid小孩 classmate同学 queen女王 visitor参观者 neighbour邻居 principal校长 university student大学生 pen pal笔友 tourist旅行者 people人物 robot机器人 六、 职业 (jobs) teacher教师 student学生 doctor医生 nurse护士 driver司机 farmer农民 singer歌唱家 writer作家 actor男演员 actress女演员 artist画家 TV reporter电视台记者 engineer工程师 accountant会计 policeman(男)警察 salesperson销售员 cleaner清洁工 baseball player棒球运动员 assistant售货员 police警察 七、 食品、饮料 (food & drink) rice米饭 bread面包 beef牛肉 milk牛奶 water水 egg蛋 fish鱼 tofu豆腐 cake蛋糕 hot dog热狗 hamburger汉堡包 French fries炸薯条 cookie曲奇 biscuit饼干 jam果酱 noodles面条 meat肉 chicken鸡肉 pork猪肉 mutton羊肉 vegetable蔬菜 salad沙拉 soup汤 ice冰 ice-cream冰淇淋 Coke可乐 juice果汁 tea茶 coffee咖啡 breakfast早餐 lunch午餐 dinner/supper晚餐 meal一餐 八、 水果、蔬菜 (fruit & vegetables) apple苹果 banana香蕉 pear梨 orange橙 watermelon西瓜 grape葡萄 eggplant茄子 green beans青豆 tomato西红柿 potato土豆 peach桃 strawberry草莓 cucumber黄瓜 onion洋葱 carrot胡萝卜 cabbage卷心菜 九、 衣服 (clothes) jacket夹克衫 shirt衬衫 T-shirt丅恤衫 skirt短裙子 dress连衣裙 jeans牛仔裤 pants长裤 socks袜子 shoes鞋子 sweater毛衣 coat上衣 raincoat雨衣 shorts短裤 sneakers网球鞋 slippers拖鞋 sandals凉鞋 boots靴子 hat(有沿的)帽子 cap便帽 sunglasses太阳镜 tie领带 scarf围巾 gloves手套 trousers裤子 cloth布 十、 交通工具 (vehicles) bike自行车 bus公共汽车 train火车 boat小船 ship轮船 yacht快艇 car小汽车 taxi出租车 jeep吉普车 van小货车;面包车 plane/airplane飞机 subway/underground地铁 motor cycle摩托车 十一、杂物 (other things) window窗户 door门 desk课桌 chair椅子 bed床 computer计算机 board写字板 fan风扇 light灯 teacher"s desk讲台 picture图画;照片 wall墙壁 floor地板 curtain窗帘 trash bin垃圾箱 closet壁橱 mirror镜子 end table床头柜 football/soccer足球 present礼物 walkman随身听 lamp台灯 phone电话 sofa沙发 shelf书架 fridge冰箱 table桌子 TV电视 air-conditioner空调 key钥匙 lock锁 photo照片 chart图表 plate盘子 knife刀 fork叉 spoon勺子 chopsticks筷子 pot锅 gift礼物 toy玩具 doll洋娃娃 ball球 balloon气球 kite风筝 jigsaw puzzle拼图游戏 box盒子 umbrella伞 zipper拉链 violin小提琴 yo-yo溜溜球 nest鸟窝 hole洞 tube管子 toothbrush牙刷 menu菜单 e-card电子卡片 e-mail电子邮件 traffic light交通灯 money钱 medicine药 十二、地点 (locations) home家 room房间 bedroom卧室 bathroom卫生间 living room起居室 kitchen厨房 classroom教室 school学校 park公园 library图书馆 post office邮局 police office警察局 hospital医院 cinema电影院 bookstore书店 farm农场 zoo动物园 garden花园 study书房 playground操场 canteen食堂 teacher"s office教师办公室 library图书馆 gym体育馆 washroom卫生间 art room绘画教室 computer room计算机教室 music room音乐教室 TV room电视机房 flat公寓 company公司 factory工厂 fruit stand水果摊 pet shop宠物商店 nature park自然公园 theme park主题公园 science museum科学博物馆 the Great Wall长城 supermarket超市 bank银行 country国家 village乡村 city城市 hometown家乡 bus stop公交车站 十三、课程 (classes) sports体育运动 science科学 Moral Education思想品德课 Social Studies社会课 Chinese语文 math数学 PE体育课 English英语课 十四、国家、城市 (countries & cities) China/PRC中国 America/USA美国 UK联合王国 England英国 Canada/CAN加拿大 Australia澳大利亚 New York纽约 London伦敦 Sydney悉尼 Moscow莫斯科 Cairo开罗 十五、气象 (weather) cold寒冷的 warm温暖的 cool凉爽的 snowy下雪的 sunny晴朗的 hot炎热的 rainy下雨的 windy有风的 cloudy多云的 weather report天气预报 十六、景物 (nature) river河流 lake湖泊 stream河;溪 forest森林 path小道 road公路 house房子 bridge桥 building建筑物 rain雨 cloud云 sun太阳 mountain山 sky天空 rainbow彩虹 wind风 air空气 moon月亮 十七、植物 (plants) flower花 grass草 tree树 seed种子 sprout苗 plant植物 rose玫瑰 leaf叶子 十八、星期 (week) Monday星期一 Tuesday星期二 Wednesday星期三 Thursday星期四 Friday星期五 Saturday星期六 Sunday星期天 weekend周末 十九、月份 (months) Jan. (January)一月 Feb.(February)二月 Mar.(March)三月 April四月 May五月 June六月 July七月 Aug.(August)八月 Sept.(September)九月 Oct.(October)十月 Nov.(November)十一月 Dec.(December)十二月 二十、季节 (seasons) spring春 summer夏 fall/autumn秋 winter冬 二十一、方位 (directions) south南 north北 east东 west西 left 左边 right右边 二十二、患病 (illness) have a fever发烧 hurt疼痛 have a cold感冒 have a toothache牙疼 have a headache头疼 have a sore throat喉咙疼 二十三、数词 (numbers) one一 two二 three三 four四 five五 six六 seven七 eight八 nine九 ten十 eleven十一 twelve十二 thirteen十三 fourteen十四 fifteen十五 sixteen十六 seventeen十七 eighteen十八 nineteen十九 twenty二十 thirty三十 forty四十 fifty五十 sixty六十 seventy七十 eighty八十 ninety九十 forty-two四十二 hundred百 one/a hundred and thirty-six一百三十六 first第一 second第二 third第三 fourth第四 fifth第五 eighth第八 ninth第九 twelfth第十二 twentieth第二十 thirtieth第三十 fortieth第四十 fiftieth第五十 sixtieth第六十 seventieth第七十 eightieth第八十 ninetieth第九十 fifty-sixth第五十六 二十四、形容词 (adj.) big大的 small小的 long长的 tall高的 short短的;矮的 young年轻的 old旧的;老的 strong健壮的 thin瘦的 active积极活跃的 quiet安静的 nice好看的 kind和蔼亲切的 strict严格的 smart聪明的 funny滑稽可笑的 tasty好吃的 sweet甜的 salty咸的 sour酸的 fresh新鲜的 favourite最喜爱的 clean干净的 tired疲劳的 excited兴奋的 angry生气的 happy高兴的 bored无聊的 sad忧愁的 taller更高的 shorter更矮的 stronger更强壮的 older年龄更大的 younger更年轻的 bigger更大的 heavier更重的 longer更长的 thinner更瘦的 smaller更小的 good好的 fine好的 great很好的 heavy 重的 new新的 fat胖的 happy快乐的 right对的 hungry饥饿的 cute逗人喜爱的 little小的 lovely可爱的 beautiful漂亮的 colourful色彩鲜艳的 pretty漂亮的 cheap便宜的 expensive昂贵的 juicy多汁的 tender嫩的 healthy健康的 ill有病的 helpful有帮助的 high高的 easy简单的 proud骄傲的 sick有病的 better更好的 higher更高的 二十五、介词 (prep.) in在……里 on在……上;在……时候 under在……下面 near在……的旁边 behind在……后边 next to与……相邻 over在……上面 in front of在……前面 二十六、代词 (pron.) I我 we我们 you你;你们 he他 she她 it它 they他(她,它)们 my我的 our 我们的 your你的;你们的 his他的 her她的 二十七、动词 (v.) play(.ed)玩;踢 swim(swam)游泳 skate滑冰 fly(flew)飞 jump跳 walk走 run(run)跑 climb爬 fight(fought)打架 swing(swung)荡 eat(ate)吃 sleep(slept)睡觉 like像,喜欢 have(had)有;吃 turn转弯 buy(bought)买 take(took)买;带 live居住 teach(taught)教 go(went)去 study(studied)学习 learn学习 sing(sang)唱歌 dance跳舞 row划 do(did)做 do homework做作业 do housework做家务 watch TV看电视 read(read) books读书 cook the meals做饭 water the flowers浇花 sweep(swept) the floor扫地 clean the bedroom打扫卧室 make(made) the bed铺床 set(set) the table摆饭桌 wash the clothes洗衣服 do the dishes洗碗碟 use a computer使用计算机 do morning exercises晨练;做广播操 eat breakfast吃早饭 eat dinner吃晚饭 go to school上学 have English class上英语课 play sports进行体育运动 get(got)up起床 climb mountains爬山 go shopping买东西 play the piano弹钢琴 visit grandparents看望(外)祖父母 go hiking去远足 fly kites放风筝 make a snowman堆雪人 plant trees种树 draw(drew) pictures画画 cook dinner做饭 read a book看书 answer the phone接电话 listen to music听音乐 clean the room打扫房间 write(wrote) a letter写信 write an e-mail写电子邮件 drink(drank) water喝水 take pictures照相 watch insects观察昆虫 pick up leaves采摘树叶 do an experiment做实验 catch butterflies捉蝴蝶 count insects数昆虫 collect insects收集昆虫 collect leaves收集树叶 write a report写报告 play chess下棋 have a picnic举行野餐 get to到达 ride(rode) a bike骑自行车 play the violin拉小提琴 make kites制作风筝 collect stamps集邮 meet(met)见面 welcome欢迎 thank谢谢 love爱 work工作 drink(drank)喝 taste尝 smell闻 feed(fed)喂养 shear剪 milk挤奶 look看 guess猜 help帮助 pass传递 show展示 use使用 clean打扫 open打开 close关上 put放 paint绘画 tell(told)告诉 kick踢 bounce反弹 ride(rode)骑 stop(stopped)停 wait等 find(found)寻找到 drive(drove)驾驶 fold折 send(sent)寄 wash洗 shine照耀 become变成 feel(felt)感觉到 think(thought)思考 meet(met)遇见 fall(fell)落下 leave(left)离开 wake(woke) up醒来 put on穿上 take off脱掉 hang up挂起 wear(wore)穿 go home回家 go to bed上床睡觉 play computer games玩电脑游戏 play chess下棋 empty the trash倒垃圾 put away the clothes收拾衣服 get off下车 take a trip去旅行 read a magazine阅读杂志 go to the cinema去看电影 go straight向前直走
2023-07-20 07:53:081


不知道女的 就知道男的兵临城下 老经典了
2023-07-20 07:53:187


2023-07-20 07:53:322

有谁知道DJ舞曲The Killer Song 杀手挽歌的歌词啊??

Carolina Marquez - The killer"s songI love the killer"s songI love the killer"s songI love the killer"s songThe song of thunderdrumI love the killer"s songThe song of thunderdrumI love the killer"s songThe song of thunderdrumI love the killer"s songThe song of thunderdrum He"s the king of the night, you think he"s aliveHe"s sexy, wasty, he"s so stuck in his mindHe"s a DJ in my dreamsHe"s a king and I"m a queenWe love each other in the dark, in the bush Play or stop I love the killer"s songThe song of thunderdrumI love the killer"s songThe song of thunderdrumI love the killer"s songThe song of thunderdrumI love the killer"s songThe song of thunderdrum He"s the king of the night, you think he"s aliveHe"s sexy, wasty, he"s so stuck in his mindHe"s a DJ in my dreamsHe"s a king and I"m a queenWe love each other in the dark, in the bush Play or stop
2023-07-20 07:53:391


2023-07-20 07:53:553


2023-07-20 07:54:034


seem(似乎;好像) rest(休息) woods(树林) camp(野营) plan(计划) wonderland(奇妙的境地) people(人民) vast(辽阔的) land(土地) grand(壮丽的) rolling(波涛起伏的) speeding(疾驰的) hop(【单足或齐足】跳) skip(跳绳)taste(品尝) word(话;单词) smell(闻到) bake(烤【面包】) easy(容易) quick(快) at all(根本) rest(其他的)。 望采纳= =。。
2023-07-20 07:54:223


Aside: Once upon a time, a beautiful princess named Snow White. We referred to as her white. But! In the near future, the queen is dead, the king married a new queen, is the new queen of drowning fish, birds killed, more than indescribably beautiful! Queen game, holding a lady-in-waiting behind 2 brand, brand, "Beautiful Invincible" After: a woman so good! I am the world"s most beautiful woman, you say, right? Lady-in-waiting: yes! Earth know! Do not believe it, you ask mirror on the wall! After: Mirror mirror on the wall! Who is the world"s most beautiful woman? Mirror: ... that ... before the most beautiful queen you are wrong you, but more than a decade, and indeed some Shenmeipilao now to the world"s most beautiful man is - white! She also on the latest issue of the Flower The son does the cover! After: I say no wonder that fewer and fewer of the recent paparazzi! Her she was her she was her! I kill her! (Meditation, refers to the ring) waiter! Killer (wearing a mirror on the wall, toothpicks Diao, rickety, rub the new queen) Why Why? After: the image of the attention! I have a serious matter and you want to talk about Killer: "What " After: Snow White, what"s that called you to help me kill her! Killer (money than the position): ... After: 2,000,000! Enough Killer (spit toothpicks) 2,000,000? Will not do not! Too few! Plus point! After the (killer arrived fist holding his chin): 2,010,000, the line! Or not!! Killer: closing! After: Ha, ha, ha ha ha (end) Killer turn their backs to the audience in clothes loaded things Turned I Shuai is the legendary killer of the dead shark!! Princess: In a dark night of the toes, he he he he grasped my left hand. Then, he he he he he grasped my right hand, then we jump up a dance, I have to be from his Mei Nanji into being Aside: all of a sudden! His face changed, from the arms out (gadgets out) out! (Gadgets out) took out a knife!! Princess while doing back-girls "Do not scare you at home, people are you girls!!" Killer bow, sighing, turning, hair strand: wrong, wrong, wrong! Hey, I always Xintai Ruan, Xintai Ruan, all have their own problems Tam! You go! I do not kill you Aside: Princess ah fled away and escaped to a small forest! Met her fate in the 7 men! (7 Dwarfs along with the music of Swan Lake ballet dancing game) Dwarfs 1: Who are you! Dwarfs 2: how do you here? Dwarfs 3: eat our rice Dwarfs 4: wear our clothes Dwarfs 5: sleeping in our bed? Dwarfs 6: to bring you the cash 7 Dwarfs together: here, but we do not use their credit cards to the yo!! White: I! Is the legendary beautiful and lovely, lively, smart, loves everyone, see flowers bloom, the car tire of the car see Snow White! Though, alas, utterly devoid of conscience, I want to drive people out of the Queen! Sent killer To kill me, and thanks to a crucial moment, I performed like a honey trap, was able to escape! Hey, my prince ah, why can not you hurry up to do!! Since then, the 7 Dwarfs of Snow White took a day, dwarves dig out gold on the Snow White at home to do housework, this day, people have to go out of small dwarf, Before I left, they gave snow Princess a couplet. Alliance on: domestic violence to resist! Xia Lian: Call of the community of love! Hengpi: Do not talk to strangers! White: hey, really difficult to do housework ah! From morning till now more than 3 hours, and I did not even have a table Cawan! Hey Queen from the mirror on the wall that there has been no dead white, fly into a rage, ready to participate personally! After the (door); room was right! White (to himself): Oh, must be engaged in the marketing! Dwarves can not let people come in to sell out! (Shouting) you are selling out of it After: Yes, ah White: That person is no room!! After: I have nothing to do with the marketing, I recommend some good things in particular the Special! Aside: it is not engaged in the marketing ... ... White: Oh! Have nothing to do with the marketing ah! Come in, do not lock the door! After (to himself) I knock on the door unlocked for a long time nothing! After the (smiling): beautiful girl, I have been here for the beautiful things you have prepared Oh! White: a small umbrella with it? Pass after a small umbrella White: I brought you! Yes! Ah! Yes! (Back) After: how it has not White (see shrug days) did it rain! After: In that case, what you have to walnut? White; do you have carrots After: What I said was, you have to do walnut? White (Sha Sha"s) do you have carrots After the (loud) I said yes, you have to, nuclear, peach, it? White (to increase the volume): Oh! Yes walnut! (Sha Sha return to the expression) you have a carrot it? After the princess will take a small umbrella in the Dayun chair, pick up the walnuts, in all seriousness of the audience: the walnut is toxic Oh! Mouth to feed into the white, left the Queen Small dwarf people to go home Dwarfs 1: Pig! Do not sleep! Up soon to work!! 2 dwarves with white hand-breath test, like an idiot: she is dead, al - Small dwarf people to repeat them finished, "she died in Jerusalem" Took out his pocket tissues, weeping, while throwing tear while shouting: she is dead, al ~ ~! At this point, the Prince of neighboring countries to come here to hunt Prince under the sheets when a small plane cloak-like game, ran twice in the next to Princess Margaret came to a halt. Prince: Who is this! Dwarf small people: As a matter of fact, this is a beauty! Prince look carefully: I kao! This is also called beauty!! Aside: After the poisoning of the white beyond recognition Prince Princess flat: an insult to my eyes! Princess spit walnut, wake up, get up, look around: Who hit me! Who! Who! See Prince White: wow! Ge Ye Shuai! Prince (back) are you going to do you, you White (men loaded mature voice): beautiful! Too beautiful! Prince: Princess! You long as it is the unrestrained, as the tragic, as people forget to look over (the tragic tone) White: Do not you say so, others just a little small but beautiful you, Ha ha. Prince (referring to days); why! Why do I have to accept such a fate!! White: Prince!Do not worry! We do not like the Butterfly Lovers and so sad! Prince: Oh! Why! Why do I have to accept such a fate! (Run office sight) White: We have not married Prince you can not go!! Narration: Since then, White began a pursuit of Prince, but according to official historical records, and since then they have on the well-being and happiness of life! Ultimately the whole 旁白:很久很久以前,有一个国家,国家里有一位可爱的公主,我们都叫她白雪公主,她过着无忧无虑的生活,我们以后简称她叫小白。可是,王后死了(电闪雷鸣声),国王又取了一个新王后,新王后长的是淹死鱼,摔死鸟,别提多beautiful了 (王后上,身后两个宫女,王后手拿一张白纸,纸上有beautiful。)魔镜立在场边。 王后:做女人挺好,我是世界上最美的女人,(转头问身后的两个宫女)你们说是吗? 宫女1:这还用说,地球人都知道。 宫女2:不信,您问镜子。 王后走向,手指镜子)魔镜,魔镜,告诉我,世上女人谁最美??(做搔手弄姿装)(音乐起, 王后自己在场上用模特步走来走去。)快节奏音乐响 后:快说 魔镜:那个~从前最美丽的人是王后您没错啦,可是,10多年了,确实有点审美疲劳,现在世界上最美丽的那个人是-小白!她还上了最近一期花花公子的封面呢!听说现在有好多杂志请她拍封面呢! 后:难怪现在狗仔队越来越少了!原来是她!她她她她她她!我要杀了她!(沉思,响指):waiter! 杀手:(墨镜,叼牙签,摇摇晃晃上,蹭新王后)干吗干吗 王后:跟你说正经事,有个叫白雪什么公主的,去帮我宰了她 杀手:(比money手势)这个~ 王后:两百万!怎么样 杀手:(吐牙签)200万?不行不行 太少了!!再加点 王后:201万!行,还是不行!!! 杀手:(无比黑线)成交 杀手转过去蹲下身来往衣服里装东西 转过来 杀手:我就是人称玉面假飞龙的杀手killer!! POSE 白雪公主:在一个伸手不见脚趾的夜晚 ……省略 他说要带我去武大看樱花(二人摆革命姿势) 忽然 杀手脸色一变 从怀里一掏…… 掏出一个小玩意= = 掏 又掏出一个小玩意 再掏 掏出了一把刀 (killer拿住刀,架公主脖子上。公主边退边做女生状) 白雪公主:不要吓人家啦啦 人家是女生诶 killer:(低头,叹气,忽然转身,手缕头发,pose)错错错,春如旧,人空瘦,泪痕红浥鲛绡透,都说自古红颜多薄命,但是我这个英雄跟是难过美人关啊!(唱:我总是心太软 心太软,把所有问题都自己扛!)你走吧,我不杀你 于是公主逃到了森林里……………… 遇到了她宿命中的7个男人 7个小矮人跳着芭蕾上场 小矮人1:你是谁? 小矮人2:你怎么在这里? 小矮人3:吃我们的饭? 小矮人4;穿我们的衣? 小矮人5:睡我们的床? 小矮人6:带现金了吗? 7个小矮人一起:我们这里不可以刷卡的哟! 小白:我纯洁善良美丽可爱人见人爱花见花开车见车爆胎的白雪公主!只可惜那丧尽天良的王后竟然要追杀我,幸亏我在关键时候施展美人计,才得以逃脱!哎,我的王子啊!你为什么就不能快点来呢! 事实是这样,请你们收留我吧 就这样,7个小矮人收留了小白,每天小矮人出去挖金子,小白就在家里做家务。今天,矮人们又要出去了,临走前,他们送给公主一副对联 上联:抵制家庭暴力 下联:呼唤社会爱心 横批:不要和陌生人说话! 公主做家务(音乐嘻唰唰) 小白:哎,做家务真辛苦啊!从早上到现在都3个多钟头了,我连一张桌子都没有擦完!哎! 此时王后知道小白没死,暴跳如雷,决定亲自上阵 后:屋子里有人吗? 小白(自言自语)咦!一定是搞推销的!小矮人说不能放搞推销的人进来!(大喊)别敲了!屋子里没人!! 后;我不是来搞推销的,我是来推荐几种特别特别好的东西的 旁白:还不是搞推销的!~ 小白:不是搞推销的啊!请进!门没锁! 后(自言自语):门没锁那我敲了半天算什么~ 美丽的小姑娘,我们这儿的一切都是为了美丽的你锁准备的噢!! 小白:带小雨伞了吗 后;带了 递过 小白(仔细端详)嗯,不错!不错!(还回) 后:怎么不要了》 小白:没下雨呀! 后;那么~你要核桃吗? 小白:你有胡萝卜吗 后:你要核桃吗 小白(痴呆状)你有胡萝卜吗? 后(大声):我说的是,你,要,核,桃,吗? 小白(声音提起):噢!核桃啊!(回复白痴状)你有胡萝卜吗? 王后用小雨伞将小白击倒在椅子上 掏出核桃,面对观众一本正经的说:这个核桃是有毒的噢! 然后喂进小白嘴里 撑开雨伞,旋转下台,跳着唱着;你是痛苦的,噢~~我是快乐的,噢~ 小矮人回家 小矮人1;猪,别睡了!该干活了! 小矮人2试小白鼻息,白痴状:她死了耶…… 小矮人一一重复 最后一个说完后 从口袋里掏出面巾纸,边撕边哭边扔,还一边喊:她死了也~~呜呜 这时,邻国的王子来这里打猎… 王子披床单当斗篷做小飞机状绕场跑2周,指着公主:这是谁啊? 小矮人:其实,这是一美女! 王子仔细端详:我KAO!这样也叫美女! 旁白:中毒后的小白已经面目全非 王子扁公主 公主吐核桃,醒。站起身:谁打我!谁!谁! 转头看见王子,做花痴状:哇!帅哥诶! 王子惊慌状往后退:你你你要干吗 小白抓住王子的手,学成熟男人声:漂亮!太漂亮了! 王子:公主!你长的是那么奔放!那样的令人过目难忘!那样的……(悲壮) 小白:呵,不要这么说啦,人家只是有点小漂亮而已啦! 王子指天:为什么!为什么我要接受这样的命运!! 小白;王子你放心,我们不会像梁山伯和祝英台那样悲惨的!! 王子慢慢解下公主的手,公主却越抓越紧 王子逃脱:公主!下辈子我还会记住你的! 小白追赶王子:王子!我们还没有结婚!你不能就这么走了!(追下台) 旁白:从此,小白开始了对王子的追捕,但是据官方史料记载,他们从今以后过上了幸福快乐的生活 全剧终
2023-07-20 07:54:323


2023-07-20 07:54:391


皇后乐队是一个英国的摇滚乐乐队,成立于1970年,由主唱Freddie Mercury、吉他手Brian May、鼓手Roger Taylor和贝斯手John Deacon四人组成。其在英国国内的地位尤其高,
2023-07-20 07:54:471


2023-07-20 07:54:553

Queen Of Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Queen Of Heart歌手:buglug专辑:KILLER×KILLER×KILLERQueen Of HeartBugLug作词:一圣作曲:一树「はねろ首を」独裁は感情で缚られた罠白い蔷薇赤く涂り替える兵队狂っている狂っている…缲り返すあなたの为のわたしの为の爱の为、平和の为にこの国に今から键をかけて「教育」を私は间违っているけど世界はもっと间违っているよくご覧奇妙な御时世Queen Of Heart is Murderous「はねろ首を」何故か涙が頬をつたる呜呼、「幸せ」とは…地位や、名声、権力、富全て手にし満たされても不条理と嗫かれるアンバランス恋爱と戦争では全てがフェア狂っている狂っている…缲り返すあなたの为わたしの为爱の为、平和の为にこの国に今から键をかけて「教育」を私は间违っているけど世界はもっと间违っているよくご覧奇妙なご时世Queen Of Heart is Murderous
2023-07-20 07:55:021


2023-07-20 07:55:135

Android killer 运行后闪退怎么办?

!# direct methods.method public static a()Lcom/qxshikong/ol/queen/c/c; .locals 1 .prologue .line 31 sget-object v0, Lcom/qxshikong/ol/queen/util/h;->a:Lcom/qxshikong/ol/queen/c/c; return-object v0.end method.method public static a(Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String; .locals 2 .prologue .line 46 sget-object v0, Lcom/qxshikong/ol/queen/util/h;->a:Lcom/qxshikong/ol/queen/c/c; invoke-virtual {v0}, Lcom/qxshikong/ol/queen/c/c;->b()I move-result v0 .line 47 const/4 v1, 0x1 if-lt v0, v1, :cond_0 #跳到 钻石不足 的判断,删除之。 .line 48 sget-object v1, Lcom/qxshikong/ol/queen/util/h;->a:Lcom/qxshikong/ol/queen/c/c;
2023-07-20 07:55:292


2023-07-20 07:53:478

adobe photoshop CS5和Phoneshop7.0有什么区别?

photoshop7.0是2002年出的,然后下一代从CS这号开始,现在最新的是CC版本。photoshopCS5相比photoshop7.0还是有很大的改进的。1.ps7.0的优点占的体积小,功能基本健全,用起来比较快,对机器配置要求比较低,功能少就上手容易一点 CS5的优点 功能更加强大,许多7.0通过很多步操作完成的,ps CS5里面只需要一步或者更简单。ps CS5操作更加人性化,和其他AI等ADOBE公司出的其他软件兼容比较好建议是如果以前没玩过PS,就从高版本开始学吧 ps CS5也行 如果习惯了7.0 那就用7.0 。
2023-07-20 07:53:487

win8 激活报0xc004f069错误怎么弄啊

关闭网络,使用win命令slmgr -ipk Key 安装产品密钥slmgr -upk 卸载密钥slmgr -ato 激活密钥slmgr -dlv 显示激活信息slmgr -xpr 显示是否永久激活SLUI 4 显示电话激活选
2023-07-20 07:53:503


【 #英语资源# 导语】规则是死的,领悟是活的;规则将成为一种禁锢,领悟将给你无垠的天空。下面是 !1、你有你的规则,我有我的选择。you have your rules, i have my choice. 2、不想遵守规则,就去改变规则。 don"t want to follow the rules, go and change the rules. 3、与其抱怨规则,不如利用规则。 rather than complaining about the rules, using rules. 4、只有了解规则,才能更好的利用规则。 only understand the rules, can better use of the rules. 5、规则是人定的,但规则是用来打破的。 we make the rules, but rules are made to be broken. 6、被动,是一种礼貌,还是游走规则边缘? passive, it is a kind of polite, or travel rules edge? 7、不要盲目服从规则,要学会自己创造规则。 don"t blindly obey the rules, learn to create your own rules. 8、人都是这样,规则之内的人嫉妒规则之外的人。 people are such, people envy rules within the rules. 9、弱者适应规则:智者不受规则:强者创造规则。 to adapt to the rules of the weak: a wise man is not subject to the rules: the strong create rules. 10、要想改变这个世界的规则,必须先适应这个世界规则。 to change the rules of the world, must adapt to the rules of the world. 11、人们不仇视潜规则,人们只仇视对自己不利的潜规则。 people don"t hate hidden rules, people only hatred against their rules. 12、爱的规则,就是没有规则;创造幸福的画面,没有规则。 the rules of love, is that there is no rule; create happiness, no rules. 13、游戏本来并没有规则,所有的游戏规则都是王者所设立。 the game had no rules, all the rules of the game is set up by the king. 14、这个世界里没有什么规则,就算有,那也是由我创造的。 this world there is no rule, if any, that are created by me. 15、以规则之名,行规则之事,走规则既定之道路,无所畏惧! in the name of the rules, the rules of the line, walks road of the rule set, fearless! 16、潜规则这个东西,当有利于自己的时候,就是个可爱的规则。 hidden rules this stuff, when their benefit, is a lovely rules. 17、你知道左手牵右手的规则吗?不,你不知道,因为那是潜规则。 do you know the rules of the left hand holding the right hand? no, you don"t know, because it is hidden rules. 18、商业模式就是自己制定游戏规则,不要照着别人的游戏规则玩。 business model is formulated the rules of the game, do not play according to the rules of the game of others. 19、在这个世界上有很多规则,不能打破规则的话,那就利用规则。 in this world there are a lot of rules, can"t break the rules, then make use of the rules. 20、强者制定规则,弱者困守规则,勇者破坏规则,智者游戏规则。 set rules for the strong, the weak bound rules, a brave man rule breaking, the wise rules of the game. 21、只有不懂规则的人就会依照着规则走。懂规则的人,他们跳着走。 only people who do not know the rules will be in accordance with the rules. know the rules, they jump to walk. 22、如果你所遵循的规则把你带到这里,那么这个规则又有什么用呢? if you follow the rules of what brought you here, so what"s the use of this rule? 23、规则,是用来让你们学会经验。而经验值则是让你们拿来打破规则的。 rules, is to let you learn to experience. the experience value is let you to break the rules. 24、人类很大程度上,都是希望别人能够遵守规则,而自己不用遵守规则的。 to a large extent, human beings are all want to be able to follow the rules, and don"t have to follow the rules. 25、比起制定规则的人而言,我更加厌恶那些不带丝毫怀疑就遵守规则的人! rather than making the rules, i more hate those who follow the rules without a doubt in!
2023-07-20 07:53:511


1. 微博在电脑登陆不了怎么回事 1、有可能是系统在升级,影响了登陆的功能;有可能是你的账号密码错误,导致了登陆不了;有可能是你的验证码输入错误,导致登陆不进去。 2、新浪微博登陆不了了怎么解决?第一种方式是大家可以换一个浏览器试试,看看能不能登陆进去。 3、第二种方式就是清除你的浏览器的缓存,再打开登陆页面,输入登陆密码试试看。 4、第三种方式就是如果是你的账号密码出现错误的话,就要找回密码了,然后再进行登陆希望我的回答对你有用,如果不行你还可以去雷达下载看看,还有其他方法可以试试。 2. 电脑版微博无法登陆怎么办 新浪微博网页版登陆不了解决方法: 一、清空缓存及Cookie: 1、以360安全浏览器为例,点击菜单键,再点击【清除上网痕迹】(不同浏览器操作大同小异,请尝试类似的途径)。 2、重点勾选“Cookie”和“临时文件”,当然其他的浏览痕迹也可以顺便清除一下,再点击【立即清除】。 3、重新登录微博看是否已经可以登录,如果还不行请尝试第二种方法。 二、利用新浪微博移动网页版登录 1、直接在电脑浏览器内打开,这就是手机上的浏览器打开网页微博时显示的页面。 2、页面会有点变形,但是我们一样能点击右侧【登录】按钮登录自己的帐号。 3、关闭移动网页版,直接打开新浪微博网页版weibo,你应该会发现自己已经是登录状态
2023-07-20 07:53:511

问一个英文歌的名字 好像有一句是“I walk a lonely road,the only one that i have ever known"

I love you лл
2023-07-20 07:53:592

Windows 8 Pro VL (x64) - DVD (Chinese-Simplified) 就是win8专业版64位的吧?

是的Windows 8 Pro VL (x64) - DVD (Chinese-Simplified) 就是win8专业版64位的
2023-07-20 07:53:597


1.微博如何查看自己浏览记录 1. 首先电脑版登录微博。 如图所示: 2.进入微博首页之后,点击个人头像。如图所示: 3. 点击个人头像进入个人主页,如下图: 4. 进入个人主页后,点击数据助手。 5.再点击数据助手中的互动分析就可以看到最近访客了。 6. 再往下拉还可以看到个人影响力以及个人评论数。 扩展资料 微博特点 1、背对脸 与博客上面对面的表演不同,微型博客上是背对脸的交流,就好比你在电脑前打游戏,路过的人从你背后看着你怎么玩,而你并不需要主动和背后的人交流。可以一点对多点,也可以点对点。 当你follow一个自己感兴趣的人时,两三天就会上瘾。移动终端提供的便利性和多媒体化,使得微型博客用户体验的粘性越来越强。 2、原创性 在微博客上,140字的限制将平民和莎士比亚拉到了同一水平线上,这一点导致大量原创内容爆发性地被生产出来。李松博士认为,微型博客的出现具有划时代的意义,真正标志着个人互联网时代的到来。 博客的出现,已经将互联网上的社会化媒体推进了一大步,公众人物纷纷开始建立自己的网上形象。然而,博客上的形象仍然是化妆后的表演,博文的创作需要考虑完整的逻辑,这样大的工作量对于博客作者成为很重的负担。 “沉默的大多数”在微博客上找到了展示自己的舞台。 3、草根性 微博客草根性更强,且广泛分布在桌面、浏览器和移动终端等多个平台上,有多种商业模式并存,或形成多个垂直细分领域的可能。 但无论哪种商业模式,都离不开用户体验的特性和基本功能。 参考资料来源:百度百科:微博特点。 2.新浪微博有个人浏览的历史记录吗,怎样可以找到手机上面的 1、首先打开浏览器并输入网页版新浪微博地址weibo,并不进入微博客户端,登陆后在界面最下方选择“彩版”。然后进入目标微博的主界面,在微博内容上方找到“筛选”功能。 打开网页版新浪微博 2、进入筛选页面后输入查找的关键字,微博还提供了是否原创、是否带图等选项,让搜索结果更精确。 3、新浪微博客户端仅能将内容分为原创和图片两种,想要精确查找只能靠一条一条查看这种方式,浪费时间又麻烦,利用网页版查找速度快了很多,只是界面比较杂乱。 3.新浪微博可以看浏览记录吗 可以。 1、首先在电脑上找到新浪微博的应用程序,点击打开,进入到登陆界面,输入自己的新浪微博的账号和密码,点击登陆 2、登陆新浪微博成功后,找到自己的头像,点击进入。 3、点击我的头像,进入到的的主页后,在界面的导航栏中,找到管理中心的按钮,点击进入。 4、点击计入到管理中心后,在页面的左边栏,可以看到各个选项的导航栏,然后在这里点击数据中心查看记录。 4.新浪微博怎么查看浏览记录 微博客户端是看不到别人浏览自己主页的记录,也看不到你浏览其他用户主页的记录。 可能天天刷微博,经常有些话题挺吸引人,从手机通知栏点击去就没了,或者是消息栏点进去看着一半呢手一滑,给关了;又或者看一半博文翻查看别的软件那条就没了。想翻微博浏览记录,对不起没有这个功能。 经过琢磨初步解决了这个问题,那就是再找个手机,同时登陆一样的账号,如果出现上述问题,就看另外一个手机没点过的通知,就可以找到那条微博了。虽然不是完美解决方案,但是避免了前面几个遗憾的出现。两个手机还能解决看视频微信两不误。谁没个旧手机,为了微博这个缺陷唤醒它吧。 主要功能 发布功能:用户可以像博客、聊天工具一样发布内容 转发功能:用户可以把自己喜欢的内容一键转发到自己的微博(转发功能是对twitter RT功能的改良,保留原帖,避免在传播过程中被篡改)转发时还可以加上自己的评论。 关注功能:用户可以对自己喜欢的用户进行关注,成为这个用户的关注者(即“粉丝”)。 评论功能:用户可以对任何一条微博进行评论。(这是基于中国用户习惯而设置的特殊功能,之后Yahoo Meme 和Google Buzz也都有了评论功能) 搜索功能:用户可以用两个#号之间,插入某一话题。像这像,#某一话题XXX#,则发出的微博,可以点击这个,自动搜索微博上所有的包含有“某一话题XXX”的相关微博。可以展开讨论,实现信息的聚合。 私信功能:用户可以点击私信,给新浪微博上任意的一个开放了私信端口的用户发送私信,这条私信将只被对方看到。实现私密的交流。 产品特点 门槛低:每条不能超过140个字符,仅两条中文短信的长度,可以三言两语,现场记录、也可以发发感慨,晒晒心情 随时随地:用户可以通过互联网、客户端、手机短信彩信、WAP等多种手段,随时随地地发布信息和接受信息。 快速传播:用户发布一条信息,他的所有粉丝能同步看到,还可以一键转发给自己的粉丝,实现裂变传播 实时搜索:用户可以通过搜索找到其他微博用户在几秒前发布的信息,比传统搜索引擎的搜索结果更有时效性,更鲜活 分享到新浪微博:“分享到新浪微博”的按钮被添加到了百度百科词条的下面,用户可以直接分享词条到新浪微博。
2023-07-20 07:54:003


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2023-07-20 07:54:031


开立中行电子账户后可以使用电子银行服务的客户:1、非中行客户开立II类、III类账户后可以使用电子银行服务。2、中行未开通过电子银行的客户在新开立II类、III类账户后可以使用电子银行服务。3、中行已开通电子银行的客户在新开立II类、III类账户后可以使用电子银行服务。以上内容供您参考,业务规定请以实际为准。如有疑问,欢迎咨询中国银行在线客服。诚邀您下载使用中国银行手机银行APP或中银跨境GO APP办理相关业务。
2023-07-20 07:54:031

ecological validity是什么意思

生态效度(ecological validity)指一个研究在多大程度上可以从一个地方或者情境推广到其他地方或者情境。
2023-07-20 07:54:053

翻译英文: 请查收附件资料,在此我司附上最新的报价,及规格, 另:产品规格书,在今天下午4点左右提供,

Please find the latest quotation and specfication of our products attached.PS:The specifications manual will be provided tday around 4:00pm.
2023-07-20 07:54:064

问一个英文歌的名字 好像有一句是“I walk a lonely road,the only one that i have ever known"

是 Green Day (绿日)的boulevard of broken dreams (梦想破灭的大道)以下是全部歌词:I walk a lonely road the only one I have ever known  我走在一条荒凉的路上,这是我唯一认识的一条路.    Don"t no where it goes but it"s home to me and I walk alone  我不知道它通向哪里,但它对我来说就像家一样,我独自走着.    I walk this empty street on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams  我走在这条梦想破灭的大道上.    Where the city sleeps and i"m the only one and I walk alone  整个城市都入睡了,除了我,在街上独自走着    [Chorus]  I walk alone I walk alone  I walk alone I walk alone  我独自走着    My shadow is the only one that walks beside me  唯一与我同行的是我的影子    My shallow heart is the only thing that"s beating  唯一跳动的是我那空虚的心灵    Sometimes I wish someone up there will find me  有时我希望哪里有人可以发现我    Till then I walk alone  然后我独自走着    I"m walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind  我在路上走着,这条路把我的心撕裂    On the border line, not the edge and where I walk alone  我在路的边缘独自走着    Read between the lines what"s ****ed up and everything"s alright   领会了言外之意,分辨出了是非。    Check my vital signs and know im still alive and I walk alone  我的心还在跳动,知道我还活着。我独自走着    [Chorus]    I walk alone   I walk alone  我独自走着    I walk this empty street on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams  我走在这条梦想破灭的大道上.    Where the city sleeps And im the only one and I walk alone  整个城市都入睡了,除了我,在街上独自走着    My shadows the only one that walks beside me  唯一与我同行的是我的影子    My shallow hearts the only thing that"s beating  唯一跳动的是我那空虚的心灵    Sometimes I wish someone up there will find me  有时我希望哪里有人可以发现我    Till then I walk alone  然后我独自走着
2023-07-20 07:54:071


four forty- five
2023-07-20 07:54:073


2023-07-20 07:54:112

Validity Sensors 指纹驱动

您好,欢迎您使用惠普产品~ dv6是惠普家用机型系列总称,有多种不同机型和配置使用的驱动可能是不完全相同。按dv6名称查找到的指纹驱动下载链接如下,您按使用的系统版本下载对应驱动试试看。XP指纹驱动指纹驱动指纹驱动 若无法安装,帮忙查看下笔记本背面或电池插槽中惠普标签中的model后的dv6具体机型全称,和使用系统的具体版本,按具体机型全称为您进一步查找专用驱动~我是惠普员工希望以上回复对您有所帮助,若问题没有解决欢迎您再追问~
2023-07-20 07:54:121


1:I 2:II 3:III 4:IV 5:V 6:VI 7:VII 8:VIII 9:IX 10:X 11:XI 12:XII 13:XIII 14:XIV 15:XV 16:XVI 17:XVII 18:XVIII 19:XIX 20:XX 21:XXI 25:XXV 29:XXIX 30:XXX 40:XL 50:L 这是罗马数字,区分大小写
2023-07-20 07:54:132


310000杭州通用邮编 不管哪个区的填这个都可以到
2023-07-20 07:53:466


one two three four five
2023-07-20 07:53:411


学习英语的方法技巧:1、背单词最重要的就是记单词。但是记单词不是一个一个字母的背,可以根据单词的发音将单词的几个字母分成几组,什么音对应哪几个单词,很多单词其实都是这样的,找到规律就好记了。此外,单词要每天都记,而且不能忘掉,定时的复习。比如隔一周就把前五天记的单词重新复习,一个月后又把这个月的单词复习一遍。2、多做题英语可以多做题,但一定要多总结,不能做完题就丢在一边,错的题目最好认真看,多总结错在哪里,为什么会做错,然后对照课本知识点纠错并改正,争取以后遇到类似的题目不出错。英语学完基本语法及知识点,要通过习题加以巩固,做题才能检验自己是否学会了,而且通过做题会发现哪里不会,同时还能学到更进一步的知识点,掌握更深层次的知识。3、重阅读阅读数量标准,每天应坚持30分钟,500字的阅读,可集中时间读,也可利用零散时间读,精读、泛读相结合,精读是指认真处理生词、难句,对句子成份认真分析等,既学语言又学语法,泛读则是指重视了解文章大意,可采取略读、跳读等方法,不论是精读还是泛读都切忌边读边查字典,这样会打断阅读的整体思路不利于语言能力的提高。4、常练习学习英语是随时随地的。比如说买了一件新东西我都会对上面的包装或说明书仔细研究一番,当然不是在研究商品本身,是为了看上面的英语注释,想多几个地道的 英语表达而已。买了一瓶止咳露,从上面也学到不少东西。比如说,有效期可以说成validity,规格可以说成specification,贮藏可以说成 storage,放在儿童接触的地方可以这样说keep out of the reach of children,等等等等。这些东西都非常实用,虽然有时你看了一遍不一定记得,但当你下次再遇到它们的时候你的印象就会更加深刻,久而久之便会记住。
2023-07-20 07:53:411


1、four point zero two six2、five point one two six five3、zero point o one(或按照分数读法one hundredths)4、one point two5、fifty one thousand two hundred and thirty6、four hundred and tewnty-one thousand five hundred and sixty-three7、five million four hundred and twelve six hundred and fifty-three8、ninety five million six hundred and forty-two thousand one hundred and thirty-three9、twenty million10、three hundred million(注:小数点后面的不连读,直接读数字就行了,英文里的读法是按照三位读的,hundredmillionillion等是不加s(若跟在数字后面,若后面跟of,就要加上s)
2023-07-20 07:53:405


2023-07-20 07:53:373


你家电脑啥配置啊?说说CPU、内存和显卡。这样吧,给你个参考,以下是流畅运行低画质的条件,可能有一些出入,毕竟不能只看型号(特别是显卡的型号)因为生产厂商不同:CPU:怎么的也得2.6GHZ以上吧。内存:低于512就别玩了。显卡:N要5200以上,最好5700以上;ATI 9系列的卡,推荐9550以上。显存至少64MB,支持SMOOTHVISION1.1以上。以上仅供参考。
2023-07-20 07:53:363


2023-07-20 07:53:361


问题一:网页版新浪微博如何加通讯录好友 在设置那里绑定手机号,开通微博短信服务即可。(1)发送短信仅需支付由运营商收取的标准短信费(一般不包含在您定制的短信包中)。 (2)免费版短信微博 问题二:怎么在新浪微博的网页版上@别人啊? ]@]@] XXX(昵称),记住:打完名字后会显示“想用@提到谁”,要选定想@的人,才能生效。 问题三:新浪微博怎么把关注的人添加到好友圈。 进网页版,然后点全部关注下面就是好友圈,可以添加! 望采纳 问题四:新浪微博(网页版)想加入群聊,要怎样更新? 就是那样就可以了,你加入微群就可以聊天了 问题五:微信电脑版怎么加好友 通过电脑登录wx.qq后使用手机对准电脑浏览器上的二维码进行扫描后即可登录微信网页版。微信网页版登录后必须和微信同时在线,且接收短信也会在网页端和手机端同时接收,如退出手机端微信,网页版也会关闭。 微信电脑版登录方式:通过电脑下载电脑版本后,打开微信客户端后,选择登录,通过手机微信客户端扫描页面中的二维码=》手机确认登录即可。 注:微信网页版暂不支持添加微信好友。 问题六:用ipad上微博,如何加对方好友,和关注呢? 网页版一样操作,ipad浏览器和PC基本一样 问题七:如何加入新浪微博群 在这里找到你想加入的围裙,就会在图标上看到加入,点击就可以了 问题八:如何在新浪微博上@别人 直接在发微博的时候,在内容中写@某人就可以,如果想提到一群人的话,就在每个人名前加上@符号。 在应用@符号的时候,@符号相当与一个链接~@后面加一位好友的名订~就会有消息提示这位好友查看这条消息~ 问题九:新浪微博怎么查找别人的微博 直接在微博页面上面的一个站内搜索框里键入所要查询的用户名、广播关键词即可。 跳转页面后还可以分类盯找。 问题十:新浪微博 定位按钮在哪里了 网页登陆发微博 支持GPS定位的手机才能定位。PC是不能定位的。
2023-07-20 07:53:321

表面效应(表面效度)(face validity)

2023-07-20 07:53:311

Element type "bean" must be followed by either attribute specifications,

2023-07-20 07:53:282

challenge the validity是什么意思

2023-07-20 07:53:241


安迪苏瓦 韦恩帕尔 白须康仁
2023-07-20 07:53:214


一、寄包裹: 1、What"s the surcharge on this express parcel? 这个快邮包裹的额外邮资是多少? 2、I want to mail this parcel to Singapore. 我想把这包裹寄往新加坡。 3、I"d like to insure this package for 50 dollars. 我想给这包东西保险五十美元。 4、Please send this parcel off special delivery. 请用快邮寄送这个包裹。 5、Please send this trunk C.O.D. (cash on delivery) 请邮送这只大衣箱,货到付款。 二、取邮件: 1、Please endorse it first. 请您先签收。 2、Please sign this order. 请在这张汇票上签名。 3、Can I have this money order cashed, please?请问可不可以把这张汇款单兑现? 4、I got a parcel arrival notice yesterday. Can I get it here? 昨天我拿到一张邮包到达通知单。我能在这儿领取吗? 小对话:Lisa: I need stamps to send eight post cards. How much are they?Clerk: Eight cents each. Anything else?Lisa: I also need ten fifteen-cent stamps….I want to send this package. Which window should I go to?Clerk: Go to the window marked "Parcel Post."Lisa: Thanks…..(At parcel post window) I want to send this package parcel post, registered.Clerk: What does it contain?Lisa : There are books and manuscripts.Clerk: Do you want it insured?Lisa : Yes, please, for thirty dollars.Clerk: That will be forty cents. Here are your stamps.Lisa: Thanks.(Lisa sticks the stamps on the package and gives it to the clerk.) I also need to buy some aerograms. Which window is that?Clerk: Go to window 9.(Lisa walks away.) Wait a second, miss.Lisa: Yes?Clerk: You forgot to put the return address on the package.Lisa: Oh, sorry. I"ll put it on right now.Clerk: Now, here is your receipt.Lisa: Thanks. Is everything done?Clerk: Yes, miss. You may go to window 9 now.邮政术语: YN801型铅志夹钳||MODEL YN801 Lead seals tongs YN801型铅志夹钳用印模||Seals model for MODEL YN801 lead seals tongs 包裹、印刷品、总包设备噪声测量方法||Measurement methods of noise for parcel equipment flat equipment & bag equipment 包裹粗分机||Primary parcel sorting machine 包裹收寄电子秤||Electronic weighing instrument for parcel posting 包裹细分机技术条件||Specifications for secondary parcel sorting machines 多媒体邮电业务查询台技术条件||Specifications of the multimedia inquiry system of post and telecomunucation services 给据邮件条码签 国际挂号函件部分||Bar code label for record mail International registered correspondence 滚筒式邮袋除尘机邮电专用汽车标志挂式邮政信箱||Wall mail box 国际包裹五联单||Bill in five parts for international postal parcels 国际明信片||International postcard 国际业务用航空公司代码||Codification of air carriers for postal services 国际业务用机场代码||Codification of airports for postal services185 国际邮件袋牌||International label of mail bags 国际邮件互换局代码||Codification of international mail exchange offices 国内邮件袋牌||Bag-label for domestic mail 国内邮件单据通用技术条件||General specifications for domestic mail documents 贺卡信封||Congratulatory card envelope 红框理信机技术条件||Specifications of red box letter facing machines 金属按扣式封志||Metal button seal 全国邮政管理和生产机构代码编制规则||Rules of coding for nationwide postal establishments 双孔铅志||Lead seal with double holes 信函分拣机测试卡片||Testcard of letter sorting machines 信函分拣设备电磁兼容性 静电放电和电快速瞬变脉冲群抗扰度要求||Electromagnetic compatibility of letter sorting equipment Immunity technical requirements of electrostatic discharge & electrical fast transient burst 信函分拣设备技术词汇||Technical vocabulary for letter sorting equipment 信函过戳机技术条件||Specifications of letter letter stamping machine 信函邮票盖销机技术条件||Specifications for letter stamp-cancelling machine 信筒||Pillar box 用户服务中心技术要求||Technical requirement of 185 customer care 邮袋||Mail bag 邮袋封扎带||Plastic tying string for mail bag 邮袋封扎绳||Closing string for mail bags 邮电日戳技术条件||Specifications for date-stamps of post and telecommunication 邮简||Letter-card 邮件封面书写规范 国际信函||Writing specifications on mail envelopes international letters 邮件封面书写规范 国内信件||Writing specifications on mail envelopes domestic letters 邮政包裹包装箱(国内)||Packing boxes for parcels 邮政带式输送机 固定式胶带机||Belt conveyor for mail processing fixed fabric belt conveyor 邮政日戳用铅字钉||Type for post date-stamp 邮政特快专递详情单||Detail bill for express mail service 邮政特快专递业务单据 国际特快专递邮件封发清单||EMS operational forms Express mall service manifest 邮政特快专递业务单据 国内特快专递邮件封发清单||EMS operational forms Dispatch list for domestic EMS 邮政特快专递业务单据 国内特快专递邮件收发路单||EMS operational forms Delivery bill for domestic EMS 邮政特快专递业务单据 收发航空邮件总包路单 || EMS operational forms Delivery bill airmails 邮政条码生成器技术条件||Specifications of postal bar-code producers 邮政业务词汇 特快专递部分||Postal service vocabulary EMS part 邮政营业电子秤准确度等级||Accuracy class of postal counter electronic weighing instrument 邮资票品和集邮品的分类与编码规则||the classification and the principle of coding of postage item and pgilatelic item 住宅楼房信报箱||Private letter box for multi-storey and high-rise block of flets
2023-07-20 07:53:201

高考全国卷分为I、II、III卷 是什么意思啊?

中国有教育强弱省的差别 为了弥补这些差别 考卷分了3个级别 教育强省当然拿的难度大的 考卷! 他的都不固定 不到高考那天谁都不知道 你会拿到几
2023-07-20 07:53:193


2023-07-20 07:53:181


谢谢你的关注战国时赵国大将廉颇跟大臣蔺相如不和。后来他认识到了这样对国家不利,便脱了 上衣,背着荆条去向蔺相如谢罪,请他用荆条责罚。后用“负荆请罪”指主动向对方赔礼认错,请求对 方责罚。(不喜勿喷,谢谢!)(^O^)
2023-07-20 07:53:166

win7下所有程序都打不开,一开就进入windows media center里了,并且快捷方式的图标也变成WMC了

2023-07-20 07:53:122


2023-07-20 07:53:111