barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-20 20:05:06



①[ju:],例如:student use。

②在字母l、r、j之后读做[u:],例如:blue rule June。


①[u028c],例如:but bus cup。

②,例如:put full。




单词的记忆算法基于两个比较成熟的记忆理论或算法,一个是艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线理论,另一个是Super Memo记忆算法。艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线理论在1885年提出,通过大量数据,证实了人的记忆存在着一个相似的遗忘规律。









例如在16和17世纪出版的图书upon常拼作vpon,而have常拼作haue。甚至到了1847年,伦敦Henry Washbourne公司出版的《英语词典》(A Dictionary of the English Language)仍在沿用这一做法。

U起初是一个像J那样的大写字母,后来由Pierre de la Ramée把它与大小写字母分开来。






①[ju:],例如:student use

②在字母l、r、j之后读做[u:],例如:blue rule June


①[u028c],例如:but bus cup

②,例如:put full


①[u018f],例如:upon suppose suggest

②[ju],例如:communist occupation


④在词尾的-ute,-ude中u读[ju:],例如:institute attitude




在重读音节中读做[a:],例如:turn nurse

在非重读音节中读做[u018f],例如:Saturday murmur


[juu018f],例如:pure cure


[u018f],例如:figure injure pleasure




suicide["sjuisaid] tuition[tju:"i u0283 u018fn]

在字母l、r、J之后读做[u:],例如:fruit juice,或者读做[ui],例如:fluid ruin


④qu一般读做[kw],例如:question quite quickly



uniform的读音是:英式读音[u02c8juu02d0nu026afu0254u02d0m],美式读音[u02c8juu02d0nu026afu0254u02d0rm]uniform,英语单词,主要用作为形容词、动词、名词,作形容词时意为“统一的;一致的;相同的;均衡的;始终如一的”,作动词时意为“使穿制服;使成一样”,作名词时意为“制服”。短语搭配:in uniform 穿制服,uniform distribution 均匀分布;一致分布,school uniform 校服,military uniform 军装,uniform temperature 均匀温度;恒温,uniform customs 统一惯例例句:Nurses have to wear a uniform.护士必须穿制服。He cut quite a dash in his uniform.他穿着这身制服显得特帅。His uniform was crumpled and untidy.他的制服有很多褶皱, 而且不整洁。
2023-07-20 15:52:301


2023-07-20 15:53:234


uniform的读音是:[u02c8juu02d0nu026afu0254u02d0m]。英语词汇是英语教学的重要内容,在提高学生英语综合能力中有着重要意义, 词汇学习始终贯穿于英语学习的全过程,教师要探索有效的词汇学习方法提高教学。笔者结合自己的教学实践体会,探讨英语词汇教学的重要性和词汇教学的方法,目的是使学生能积极地学习和运用词汇,提升英语语言能力和运用能力。词汇是外语学习和交流的基本要素,学习英语离不开词汇,词汇如同建房所用的砖,是最基础的、不可缺少的材料,在语言文化交流中起着重要作用。随着中西文化的频繁交流以及外语教学研究的深入发展,词汇教学越来越得到高度重视。要学好英语必须掌握一定数量的英语单词,学生掌握词汇数量的大小和运用词汇的熟练程度直接影响语言交际能力。在语音、语法、词汇学习中,词汇掌握难度较大,大多学生对英语单词花费时间多但记忆效果不佳。词汇是语言的基本单位,英语的表达、交际要通过词汇来实现,没有词汇,就无法表达、无法交流。所以,词汇是培养学生语言交际能力不可缺少的基本语言。
2023-07-20 15:53:311


uniform这个单词的发音是/u02c8juu02d0nu026afu0254u02d0m/,因为它以辅音音素/y/开头,所以前面要用不定冠词a,而不是an。例如,你可以说a uniform policy,但不能说an uniform policy。uniform这个单词有两个词性,名词和形容词。作为名词,它的意思是“特定的服装,用来表示某个组织或团体的成员身份”,例如军队的制服,学校的校服,护士的工作服等。作为形容词,它的意思是“相同的,不变化的,不区别对待的”,例如统一的拼写规则,统一的建筑标准,统一的处理方式等。
2023-07-20 15:54:001


问题一:制服 用英语怎么说 Uniform 问题二:一件制服用英语怎么说? a uniform,定冠词用 a 还是 an,是要看后面的单词的发音,发音以元音开头就用an,辅音开头就发a。尤其要注意很多单词以u开头,发音却是/ju/,即以辅音开头。 问题三:“制服”的英文怎么说 制服 [拼音] [zhi fu] uniform to subdue ; to subject ; to bring *** . under 问题四:制服英文怎么读 uniform(制服) 有你粉 最好去学学音标,然后来自我探索,再读 一直用中文代替音标,后面就会发音不准,以致于听力做不出来的。 问题五:英文穿制服怎么说 wear uniform 问题六:制服的英文怎么讲? uniform 穿制服be in uniform Wear uniform 问题七:穿一件制服用英语怎么说 wear a uniform 或 in a uniform / on a uniform , 具体看用在什么句子里,举例如下: 1. She was well turned out in a brandnew uniform. 她穿着一般崭新的制服,显得非常漂亮。 2. Tha厂 morning they all had on their army uniform. 那天早上他们都穿上了军服。
2023-07-20 15:54:281

uniform是什么意思 解读uniform一词的含义?

2023-07-20 15:54:381

the只有在强调,和元音字母前读zei吗, 什么时候读zei而不是ze?请举例

2023-07-20 15:55:221


packet of seeds to me, "the gi
2023-07-20 15:55:319


2023-07-20 15:56:201

夏季校服 校服短裤 运动校服的英文该怎么说?

2023-07-20 15:56:425

it sounds great.couldyoupleasesendmeaphotoofyouinschooluniform怎么读

2023-07-20 15:57:161


2023-07-20 15:57:283


uniform 英["ju:nu026afu0254:m] 美[u02c8junu0259u02ccfu0254rm] n. 制服;军服;通讯中用以代表字母 u 的词 adj. (形状,性质等)一样的;规格一致的;始终如一的 v. 使规格一律;使均一;使穿制服 [例句]She also looked good in a csi uniform.她在《犯罪现场调查》里穿制服也很好看。2.The chameleon won"t ever be a uniform color. 变色龙永远不可能有一致的颜色。3.Can you spot the gold threads in the army combat uniform shown above? 你能一眼望到军装上分布的微小金线吗?4.You look beautiful in your new uniform. 你穿新制服看上去很漂亮。5.He thinks he is something in that uniform. 认为他穿上制服就神气非凡。
2023-07-20 15:58:021


问题一:英文穿制服怎么说 wear uniform 问题二:“制服”的英文怎么说 uniform一般用于学生的校服等统一的服装 suit用于上班族穿的制服:西装等 问题三:制服 用英语怎么说 Uniform 问题四:穿一件制服用英语怎么说 wear a uniform 或 in a uniform / on a uniform , 具体看用在什么句子里,举例如下: 1. She was well turned out in a brandnew uniform. 她穿着一般崭新的制服,显得非常漂亮。 2. Tha厂 morning they all had on their army uniform. 那天早上他们都穿上了军服。 问题五:一件制服用英语怎么说? a uniform,定冠词用 a 还是 an,是要看后面的单词的发音,发音以元音开头就用an,辅音开头就发a。尤其要注意很多单词以u开头,发音却是/ju/,即以辅音开头。 问题六:制服英文怎么读 uniform(制服) 有你粉 最好去学学音标,然后来自我探索,再读 一直用中文代替音标,后面就会发音不准,以致于听力做不出来的。 问题七:他经常在上班的时候穿工作服.用英语怎么说 英文原文: he often wears uniform when working. 英式音标: [hi?] [??f(t?)n] [we?(r)] [?ju?n?f??m] [wen] [?w??k??] . 美式音标: [hi] [??f(t?)n] [wer] [?jun?f?rm] [w?n] [?w?k??] . 问题八:秘书在工作室的时候穿制服吗用英语怎么说 Does the secretary wear uniforms in workroom? 供参考 问题九:工作服英语怎么说 uniform 它可以指统一的着装 my partners all feel surprised ! overalls工装裤;长罩衣( overall的名词复数 ) stunned可以表示petrify也行 仅提供参考正误不敢保证QWQ
2023-07-20 15:58:501


“制服”的英文怎么说 uniform一般用于学生的校服等统一的服装 suit用于上班族穿的制服:西装等 制服 用英语怎么说 Uniform 求一篇关于制服作用的英语作文。 Possible Version: Dear "Chat back",Taking the advantages of wearing school uniforms into consideration, I"m all for it that school uniforms should be a necessity for students. Since clothes play an important role in our daily life, many students feel like showing themselves off. In this way, school uniforms help students avoid being pared to others about the clothes. For example, my friend flora is born in a poor family. Her parents are both laid off now. So she can"t afford the fashionable clothes. Smart as she is, she used to feel unfortable when staying with the students who are dressed up. Thanks to the school uniforms, she is never looked down upon. Now, she has already cleared up the negative feelings and stood out among her clas *** ates. In a word, I think highly of school uniforms. It can always do us good. 135Many high schools, both public and private, requirestudents towear uniforms. I think that such a policy is anexcellent ideabecause uniforms can make things more equal for allStudents.First,uniforms make students equal on an economic level.With uniform “制服”的英文怎么说 制服 [拼音] [zhi fu] uniform to subdue ; to subject ; to bring *** . under 制服英文怎么读 uniform(制服) 有你粉 最好去学学音标,然后来自我探索,再读 一直用中文代替音标,后面就会发音不准,以致于听力做不出来的。 制服的英文怎么讲? uniform 穿制服be in uniform Wear uniform 英文《制服》怎么写 Uniform 制服 我能制服他们用英语怎么说 I can make them under control 或I can make them obedient 或I can subdue them 穿一件制服用英语怎么说 wear a uniform 或 in a uniform / on a uniform , 具体看用在什么句子里,举例如下: 1. She was well turned out in a brandnew uniform. 她穿着一般崭新的制服,显得非常漂亮。 2. Tha厂 morning they all had on their army uniform. 那天早上他们都穿上了军服。
2023-07-20 15:59:081


英语48个音标正确读法如下1.链接:48个英标读法2.补充:英语字母正确发音图如下表英标表2.拓展:特殊的元辅音字母的特殊用法①A,E,I,O,U元音字母不用an的单词举例如下A:adult(成年人)、airplane(飞机)、angel(天使)、arm(胳膊)。E:error(错误)、end(结束)、entry(入口)、ear(耳朵)。I:illness(疾病)、insect(昆虫)、identify(证明)、item(项目)。O:official(官员)、one(一)。U:useful(有用的)、university(大学)、uniform(校服)。②特殊辅音字母——用an的辅音字母举例如下:H:hour(小时)、honoran(荣耀的)、honest (诚实的)。
2023-07-20 16:00:351


we have a new nui form for this term这学期我们都有新的改进形式百度翻译机翻译
2023-07-20 16:00:552


T恤的英文单词叫做为T-shirt。读音为:英 ["ti:,u0283u025c:t] 美 ["tu026a,u0283u025c:rt]T-shirt是名词,意味:T恤,短袖汗衫;样式类似T恤的外衣。T-shirt的复数形式为: T-shirtsT-shirt的例句:1、Nicole loves wearing her diamonds, even with jeans and a white T-shirt.妮科尔很喜欢戴她的钻石首饰,即使穿的是牛仔裤和白色T恤衫。2、Mark"s is the uniform of the young male traveller — green Army trousers, T-shirt and shirt.马克一身年轻男性旅行者的典型行头——绿军裤、T恤外加衬衫。3、He wore a T-shirt that had been tie-dyed in bright colours
2023-07-20 16:01:173


2023-07-20 16:02:213


字母u的发音基本上就2种,[u028c] 和[ju:]。[u028c] ,例如bus(公共汽车),unknown(未知的)等,发短“啊”的音。单词例如:but [ bu028ct] 但是;而是;然而adv. 仅仅,只nut [nu028ct]n. 螺母,螺帽;坚果;难对付的人,难解的问题 vi. 采坚果jump [du0292u028cmp] n. 跳跃;暴涨;惊跳buff [bu028cf]n. 浅黄色;软皮butterfly ["bu028ctu0259flai] n. 蝴蝶;蝶泳mud [mu028cd] vt. 弄脏;用泥涂2,[ju:] ,例如dude(哥们),excuse(原谅)等,发类似于“哟”的音,发这个音的时候u算元音字母,如果它是一个可数名词且单数且u在开头,前面的a要变成an类似单词有:few、cute、use、useful,used, usual ,university ,usually,unique,Europe,unit, unify ,unicy ,uniform unionist ,usable ,usability。
2023-07-20 16:03:061


2023-07-20 16:03:164


light 英[laɪt] 美[laɪt] n. 光; 发光体; 电灯; 点火器; adj. 轻的; 明亮的; 浅色的; 少量的; v. 点燃; 照亮; 用光指引; [例句]Cracks of light filtered through the shutters斑驳的光线透过百叶窗照射进来。[其他] 比较级:lighter 最高级:lightest 第三人称单数:lights 复数:lights现在分词:lighting 过去式:lit 过去分词:lit
2023-07-20 16:03:441


2023-07-20 16:04:113


wear的发音为 /wu025br/。英音[ weu0259(r) ] 美音[ wer ]释义v. 穿(衣服)穿衣服,戴(首饰等);蓄(须),留(发);销蚀,磨损,踩出1·She doesn"t often wear heels.她不常穿高跟鞋。《牛津词典》2·Do you have to wear uniform ?你非得穿制服不可吗?《牛津词典》3·She"s too vain to wear glasses.她太爱虚荣,不肯戴眼镜。《牛津词典》4·I used to have to wear braces.我以前不得不戴牙箍。
2023-07-20 16:04:581


fixed的读音是:英[f_kst]。fixed的读音是:英[f_kst]。fixed的例句是用作形容词(adj.)He received the fixed dole every month.他每个月都能领到固定的救济金。fixed的意思是adj.固定的;不变的;确定的。一、详尽释义点此查看fixed的详细内容adj.(形容词)不变的,不动的,不能变的,不易改变的固定的,稳定的确定的固执的【化】凝固的,不易挥发的处境...的通过作弊预先安排好结果的规定的不屈的,坚定不移的_null.动词fix的过去式和过去分词二、英英释义Adjective:(of a number) having a fixed and unchanging valuefixed and unmoving;"with eyes set in a fixed glassy stare""his bearded face already has a set hollow look""a face rigid with pain"securely placed or fastened or set;"a fixed piece of wood""a fixed resistor"incapable of being changed or moved or undone; e.g."frozen prices""living on fixed incomes"三、网络解释1. 定光:灯质的种类很多,最基本的有定光(fixed)、闪光(flashing)、明暗光(occulting)和互光(alternating)四种,这四种灯质又可联合或组合成不同类型的灯质. % m8 v9 ...2. 固定利率:浮动利率(Variable)和固定利率(Fixed):浮动利率是随著市场公告利率变化而变化的,浮动利率每月当时公告转牌价作一次调整. 但为简便程式,银行通常规定的供款额是保持不变的,如果现期利率比你申请贷款时为低(但每月还款额是根据贷款时利率计算的),四、例句He received the fixed dole every month.他每个月都能领到固定的救济金。Fixed wages and lack of promotion act as a disincentive to employees.工资固定又无晋升机会遏制了雇员的积极性。He has a fixed pattern of behavior.他有一套不变的行为方式。He"s a person with no fixed abode.他是个居无定所的人。五、词汇搭配fixed charge固定支出fixed assets固定资产fixed capital固定资本fixed costs固定成本fixed account定期存款fix使 ... 固定fixed pie固定馅饼Fixed Order Quantity固定订货批量法...fixed parameter[经] 固定参数, ...fixed asset固定资产fixed cost固定成本fixed joint刚性连接fixed load固定负载fixed blade固定叶片,固定剪刃...fixed storage固定存储fixed carbon固定碳fixed contact固定触点,固定接点...fixed light固定窗,固定舷窗,固...fixed nozzle固定喷嘴fixed income固定收入六、经典引文In which of all these Orbes hath Man His fixed seat.出自:MiltonA fixt and uniform rent.出自:C. ThirlwallEvery Hanse town was in its turn represented, according to a fixed cycle.出自:M. PattisonColours which are dyed in this way become fixed.出自:B. JowettTo..disappear like the image on an improperly fixed photograph.出自:P. Careyfixed的相关临近词fixture、fixation、fixedly、fixedend、fixed up、Fixed RF、fixed ash、fixed gas、fixed oil、fixed fat、fixedtime、fixed tab点此查看更多关于fixed的详细信息
2023-07-20 16:05:191


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2023-07-20 16:05:557


A:Alpha B:Bravo C:Charlie D:Delta E:Echo F:Foxtrot G:Golf H:Hotel I:India J:Juliet K:Kilo L:Lima M:Mike N:November O:Oscar P:Papa Q:Quebec R:Romeo S:Sierra T:Tango U:Uniform V:Victor W:Whisky X:X-ray Y:Yankee Z:Zulu
2023-07-20 16:06:161

英文 wearing怎么读?

2023-07-20 16:06:323


2023-07-20 16:06:416


2023-07-20 16:01:592


róng yuán。两栖动物,外形像蜥蜴,头扁,表皮粗糙,背面黑色,腹面红黄色,四肢短,尾侧扁。生活在水中,卵生。吃小动物。蝾螈都有尾巴,体形和蜥蜴相似,但体表没有鳞。蝾螈的视觉较差,主要依靠嗅觉捕食,以蝌蚪、蛙、小鱼、孑孓、水蚤等为食。它的四肢不发达,成体可分为水栖、陆栖和半水栖几类。 róng yuán。两栖动物,外形像蜥蜴,头扁,表皮粗糙,背面黑色,腹面红黄色,四肢短,尾侧扁。生活在水中,卵生。吃小动物。蝾螈都有尾巴,体形和蜥蜴相似,但体表没有鳞。蝾螈的视觉较差,主要依靠嗅觉捕食,以蝌蚪、蛙、小鱼,孑孓、水蚤等为食。它的四肢不发达,成体可分为水栖、陆栖和半水栖几类。水栖类型在水中产卵,陆栖类型在繁殖时回到水中产卵。 蝾螈大多体色鲜艳美丽,但它们是有毒的,它们就利用这种鲜艳夺目的颜色告诫来犯者,当蛇向蝾螈发起进攻时,蝾螈的尾巴就会分泌出一种像胶一样的物质,它们用尾巴毫不留情地猛烈抽打蛇的头部,直到蛇的嘴巴被分泌物给粘住为止。 中国现有4种蝾螈属(含两个亚种),但分布范围较宽,东起东海沿岸地区,西至云贵高原,北自河南省南部,南达广东;其中东方蝾螈分布较广且连续,蓝尾蝾螈仅局限与云贵高原,另两种的分布区较窄,其中呈贡蝾螈,迄今只见于模式产地地区。
2023-07-20 16:02:001


The core technology of financial transactions is the correct valuation and pricing for the trading of financial instruments. Traders are worried wrong estimates the value of a financial instrument, and that factors not estimate to make the price deviates from value and the expected value. Financial derivatives value attached to its subject matter, its price has interacts with the subject matter of the price. Financial derivatives such as futures, forward for basic financial tools and financial stock reverse trading practices, can avoid risks from traders worry. The stock option is the stock derivatives, divided into "call option" and "put" two. The option "or sexual" can prevent other financial derivatives risk, but also makes his valuation and pricing is very complex and difficult. The so-called "or" is in the event of a desired situation, the exercise of its subject matter of the right to buy or sell the right to meaningful. Option is a insurance; two is the transfer of risk. One of the most important applications of option is to manage risk, to manage risks effectively, it must be correct valuation of options. The option pricing theory and methods to promote the development and perfection of the options market has played a huge role. Analysis and decision-making basic principle and method of option pricing research that has been widely used in the macroscopic, microcosmic economy and management problems, which is applied in the financial aspects of the most concentrated in the investment decision-making, and is widely used in many fields. Reflection on the price and option risk in the subject matter, and mark price also reflects the market"s expectations for the future.请采纳。
2023-07-20 16:02:052


To calculate someone"s age in English, you typically subtract their birth year from the current year. For example, if someone was born in 1990 and the current year is 2023, their age would be calculated as 2023 - 1990 = 33years old.
2023-07-20 16:02:062

hundred与hundreds of的用法

hundred与hundreds还有hundreds of有什么区别? 习语中“hundred”并非表示精确数字,往往强调数量之多,如: by the hundred(by hundreds) (数以百计,大批大批地); a cool hundred([口]百镑巨款,巨款); hundred percent(百分之百,完全地); hundreds of thousands of people(成千上万的人); hundreds of millions of people(亿万人) eg."a hundred to one"一百比一,指概率极高(high probability),非常可能. eg."ninety-nine out of a hundred"意义与前者类似:百分之九十九,几乎全部,差不多总是. eg."a hundred and one"许多,如:in a hundred and one ways(千方百计地) eg."We have a hundred and one things to do."并非具体说明要做一百零一件事,而是强调 "有许多事要做". eg."hundreds and thousands" 指的是糕点上作点缀用的小蜜饯(或小糖果).不过,"great(or long) hundred" 指的是实数,意同 "six score",或 "one hundred and twenty" 一百二十. 谚语中,"hundred"更是虚指,强调 "多",而且 通常与 "一" 形成对照.收集整理如下: A fool may throw a stone into a well which a hundred wise men cannot put out. 傻子一个投石井内,智者百位难以捞回 (或:一愚闯祸,百智难补). A hundred pounds of sorrow pays not one ounce of debt. 百镑愁难还一分债(或:烦恼不能还债). Buyers want a hundsed eyes; sellers,none.买东西的要有百只眼,卖东西的可以不长眼.(卖者装马虎,买者要小心). If you kill one flea in March you kill a hundred.三月杀跳蚤,杀一少百. One cannot do a foolish thing once in one"s life,but one must hear of it a hundred times.蠢事一生不可做一件,但一定会听到成百上千. One enemy is too much for a man in a great post,and a hundred friends too few.身居要职,朋友百人太少,敌人一个太多. One father is more than a hundred school masters.胜过师长百位. One good head is better than a hundred strong hands.强手百双,莫如智者一人. One man is worth a hundred and a hundred is not worth one.一人可抵一百,一百不抵一人. What is lost in the hundred will be found in the shire.乡里丢失,郡里可得. 本句中“hundred”指的县或郡是基层行政单位 (subdivision of county or shire,having its own court),大抵相当于乡或镇.据Brewer"s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable,最初可能是"100 hides" 组成一个基层行政单位,因此有了 "hundred" 的名称.(hide是英国昔日之地积单价,相当于60至120 英亩不等). When angry,count ten before yoll speak; if very angry,a hundred.生气时说话前先数十,大怒中数百后再开口. 另外: a hundred of 一百个的. hundreds of 几百的,许多,数以百计的 注意的是只有当hundred后面加s的时候才可以和of 连用,要是前面有数词,表示大于一百,比如300的时候要说成three hundred没有s
2023-07-20 16:02:081


2023-07-20 16:02:081

This way they will not get bored.是什么用法?

2023-07-20 16:02:124

Mutter (Remastered) 歌词

歌曲名:Mutter (Remastered)歌手:Westernhagen (Wea)专辑:Geiler Is SchonBlink 182 - MuttHe pauses shavingand he tells himself that he is the bombShe has her curlers set,her credit cards are paying the fundsHe"s not that old,I"ve been told a strong sexual goalHe goes out every day,she goes every way, oh yeahAnd they don"t even care at allShe"s open waiting for moreAnd I know hes only looking to scoreAnd it is way too unhealthyOften they typicallyBeen starved for attention beforeShe smokes a dozenand he doesn"t seem to notice the smellHe took the seat off his own bikebecause the way that it feltHe wants to bone,this I know she is ready to blowThey go out every night,his pants are super tight, oh yeahAnd they don"t even care at allShe"s open waiting for moreAnd I know he"s only looking to scoreAnd it is way too unhealthyOften they typicallyBeen starved for attention beforeShe"s open waiting for moreAnd I know hes only looking to scoreAnd it is way too unhealthyOften they typicallyBeen starved for attention before
2023-07-20 16:02:141


简介:四川省医药保健品进出口公司创建于1987年,是全资国有公司,隶属四川省外贸集团有限责任公司,系省国资委领导并授权经营的全省25户大型重要骨干企业之一。公司近二十多年来除经营传统的中药材、医药保健品外,还大力开发和经营了植物提取、天然食品、医用辅料、医疗器械、轻纺产品、精密仪器、机电产品及成套机械设备等。 公司多年来长期为政府部门、科研院所、医院、大专院校以及生产企业提供优质进口的检验、测试仪器、医疗及成套设备,已成为上述单位进口设备的主要供货商,公司是四川省首批重点培育的外贸综合服务企业,能为国内外各类客户提供专业、周到、全面的进出口商务服务,现已发展成为自营和代理各类商品及技术的综合性进出口贸易公司。 随着市场的不断开放,公司在注重商品进出口服务质量的同时,还建立了出口产品生产基地,为公司出口提供了稳定的货源基础。四川省医药保健品进出口公司与益海嘉里集团合资组建了嘉里粮油(四川)有限公司和益海(广汉)粮油饲料有限公司,与日本国株式会社津村合资组建了四川川村中药材有限公司,与日本松浦药业株式会社合资组建了四川广松制药有限公司。合资公司生产的产品全部出口日本、欧美、澳大利亚、香港、台湾等地。质量上乘,深受国外消费者的好评。 Sichuan Medicines & Health Products Import and Export Corporation (SCMEHE), a wholly state-owned company founded in 1987, is now under Sichuan Provincial Foreign Trade Group Co., Ltd., one of the 25 large-scale key enterprises authorized by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Sichuan Province (SASAC). In addition to the business of traditional Chinese medicines and health products, the company, in recent 20 years, has also been engaged in herb extract, natural food, medical consumables & devices, light industrial & textile products,precise instruments, mechanical & electronic products and complete sets of mechanical equipments. For a long time, the company has been engaged in supplying high-class imported inspecting & testing instruments and integrated medical equipments to local governmental departments, scientific institutions, hospitals, colleges & universities and manufacturers. SCMEHE has been confirmed as a key supplier by above business partners. The company is authorized as one of the first comprehensive foreign trading companies by Sichuan province, and is able to offer professional, considerate, all-sided import & export service to all customers. Now SCMEHE becomes a comprehensive foreign trading company which conducts its own trade and acts as an agent for importing and exporting of different kinds of commodities & technology. With the development of markets, while focusing on the quality of business services, the company has also established some production bases for stable exports. The company has some joint-ventures, such as Kerry Oils & Grains(Sichuan) Industrial Ltd. and Yihai (Guanghan) Oils, Grains and Foodstuffs Co., Ltd. cooperated with Yihai Kerry Group, Sichuan Chuancun Traditional Chinese Medicines Co., Ltd. cooperated with Tsumura Co., Ltd. Japan, and Guangsong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. cooperated with Matsuura Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Japan. Their products are exported to Japan, Europe, U.S.A., Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other places. Their excellent quality won good reputation from foreign consumers.四川省医药保健品进出口公司创建于1987年。是全资国有公司,隶属四川省外贸集团有限责任公司,系省国资委领导并授权经营的全省42户大型重要骨干企业之一。公司自营和代理各类商品及技术和精密仪器设备的进出口业务。公司致力于多元化经营并兴建实体,公司与日本津村合资组建了川村中药材有限公司,与日本松浦合资了广松制药有限公司,与香港嘉里粮油(中国)有限公司合资组建了四川嘉里粮油工业有限公司。精密铝管产品,是公司与四川东创电工机械制造有限公司合作,采用目前国内先进的连续挤压技术生产圆铝管、汽车空调用平行流多孔扁管、冷凝器、蒸发器等多种规格铝管。具有理化检测、在线涡流探伤、抗拉强度试验、保压检测等质量保证手段。目前已经形成年产各类铝管1000吨的能力,是国内技术比较先进的铝加工生产线。公司愿在平等互利的基础上,以良好的信誉,高效优质的服务与海内外各界人士进行合作,共同发展。法定代表人:刘思京成立日期:1987-06-03注册资本:21340万元人民币所属地区:四川省统一社会信用代码:91510000201802683W经营状态:存续(在营、开业、在册)所属行业:批发和零售业公司类型:有限责任公司(非自然人投资或控股的法人独资)英文名:SICHUAN MEDICINES & HEALTH PRODUCTS I./E. CORP.人员规模:100-500人企业地址:成都市青羊区大墙西街33号1栋6层经营范围:许可经营项目:销售医疗器械;批发预包装食品。(以上项目及期限以许可证为准)。一般经营项目(以下范围不含前置许可项目,后置许可项目凭许可证或审批文件经营):进出口业;租赁业;商品批发与零售;仓储服务;商务服务业咨询。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)
2023-07-20 16:02:151


2023-07-20 16:02:154

get bored of是什么意思?

2023-07-20 16:01:556

iPhone5手机用索尼 sbh70耳机,蓝牙连不上怎么办?

  手机要先打开蓝牙并处在被发现状态,按住蓝牙耳机开关键不放,直到手机蓝牙搜索到耳机并显示出耳机型号,再点击手机中显示的耳机型号进行连接(有时还需要输入PIN码,默认一般是”1234"),显示“已连接”说明连接成功,此时方可松开耳机开关键。x0dx0a  以下以科奈信蓝牙耳机为例,说一下具体与手机的连接步骤,供参考:x0dx0a  1、在耳机关闭状态,长按多功能键约 5秒,语音提示”开机“”配对中“,此时红蓝指示灯快速交替闪烁;x0dx0a  2、激活手机或其他设备上的蓝牙功能,然后使用菜单来”添加“、”搜索“或”扫描“新的蓝牙设备;x0dx0a  3、从手机或其他设备的蓝牙设备列表中选择蓝牙型号名(如”Y4“)并连接(如果要求输入密码,请输入”0000“)。连接成功后语音提示”蓝牙已连接“。就可以在手机或其他设备上使用通话功能及收听设备上的音频。x0dx0a  还有的蓝牙耳机连接手机用以下办法:x0dx0a  1、在耳机关机的状态,长按NFC功能(大约10秒钟),先会出现蓝灯闪烁,这个时候不要激动,继续长按保持,直到耳机指示灯出现红蓝交替闪烁的状态,进入被搜索的状态。(切记耳机一定要在被搜索的状态,才能被其他蓝牙设备搜索到。)x0dx0a  2、打开手机的蓝牙,点击搜索蓝牙设备,直到手机搜索到耳机的信号,会显示出蓝牙型号。x0dx0a  3、点击进行连接,连接成功后,耳机指示灯会显示为蓝灯间隔闪烁
2023-07-20 16:01:501


2023-07-20 16:01:485

用get bored造句

I get bored when I am alone
2023-07-20 16:01:472


大便的英文是excrement。音标:英 ["ekskrɪm(ə)nt] 美 ["ɛkskrɪmənt] 释义:粪便,排泄物短语excrement collector 粪便收集器 ; 大便采集器animal excrement 动物排泄物pig excrement 猪粪bird excrement 鸟粪excrement liquid 粪液egret excrement 鸟粪cow excrement 奶牛粪便例句1、My main role was to analyse human excrement. 我的主要任务是分析人体排泄物。2、They should be especially careful around uncooked meat, domestic animals, human excrement and lake or river water. 他们应对未煮熟的肉类、家养动物、人类粪便和湖泊或河流的水特别注意。3、Poultry needs a large amount of food and space, which is typically limited on expeditions, and it produces a lot of excrement. 家禽需要大量的食物和空间,而这正是太空旅行特有的局限,同时还会产生大量的排泄物。4、The virus is transmitted to humans by close contact with infected birds or their excrement, and cannot be passed from human to human. 此病毒是靠人类接触受感染的禽类或者它们的粪便而传播,而不能在人与人之间传播。5、He collects the excrement from a panda breeding center in southern China. 他从中国南方的一个大熊猫繁殖中心收集大熊猫的粪便。
2023-07-20 16:01:461

这些英文单词的英文意思谁知道.1.operate 2.designated 3.defend 4.cake 5.attr

operate verb work in a particular way 运转;工作 V See also:function Synonym Most domestic freezers operate at below –18u2009u02daC.多数家用冰柜能制冷到零下 18 摄氏度以下. Solar panels can only operate in sunlight.太阳能电池板只能在日光下起作用. Some people can only operate well under pressure.有些人只有在压力下才工作得好.figurative use or control a machine or make it work 操作;控制;使运行 VN What skills are needed to operate this machinery?操作这种机器需要什么技能? be used or working; to use something or make it work (被)使用;(使)运转 A new late-night service is now operating.现在推出一项新的深夜服务.V The regulation operates in favour of married couples.这一规定的实施有利于已婚夫妇. The airline operates flights to 25 countries.这家航空公司经营飞往 25 个国家的航班.VN France operates a system of subsidized loans to dairy farmers.法国对奶农实行补贴贷款制度. work in a particular way or from a particular place (以某方式或从某地方)经营,营业 V They plan to operate from a new office in Edinburgh.他们计划由爱丁堡的新办事处经营. Illegal drinking clubs continue to operate in the city.非法饮酒俱乐部继续在城内营业. cut open somebody"s body in order to remove a part that has a disease or to repair a part that is damaged 动手术 V (on *** ) (for sth) The doctors operated last night.医生们昨夜做手术了. We will have to operate on his eyes.我们得给他的眼睛动手术. be involved in military activities in a place (在某地)采取军事行动 des·ig·nate 1.Appoint (someone) to a specified position 2.Officially assign a specified status or ascribe a specified name or quality to 3.Signify; indicate de·fend 1.Resist an attack made on (someone or something); protect from harm or danger 2.Speak or write in favor of (an action or person); attempt to justify 3.Conduct the case for (the party being accused or sued) in a lawsuit cake 1.An item of soft,sweet food made from a mixture of flour,shortening,eggs,sugar,and other ingredients,baked and often decorated 2.An item of savory food formed into a flat,round shape,and typically baked or fried 3.A flattish,pact mass of something,esp.soap at·trib·ute 1.Regard something as being caused by (someone or something) 2.Ascribe a work or remark to (a particular author,artist,or speaker) 3.Regard a quality or feature as characteristic of or possessed by (someone or something) fla·vor 1.The distinctive taste of a food or drink 2.The general quality of taste in a food 3.A substance used to alter or enhance the taste of food or drink; a flavoring ap·prove 1.Officially agree to or accept as satisfactory 2.Believe that someone or something is good or acceptable 3.Prove; show ad·mit 1.Confess to be true or to be the case,typically with reluctance 2.Confess to (a crime or fault,or one"s responsibility for it) 3.Acknowledge (a failure or fault) trans·mis·sion 1.The action or process of tran *** itting something or the state of being tran *** itted 2.A program or signal that is broadcast or sent out 3.The mechani *** by which power is tran *** itted from an engine to the wheels of a motor vehicle so·lu·tion 1.A means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation 2.The correct answer to a puzzle 3.Products or services designed to meet a particular need
2023-07-20 16:01:391


这个没法直接理论推断,只能查数据,如果你对气态氢化物沸点的图比较熟悉,也能做出来。SbH3的分子量大,但NH3有氢键,所以无法推测沸点谁高谁低。这种比较,一般是不会考的。附图:所以还是SbH3高一点……SbH3 沸点 -17℃,NH3沸点-34℃
2023-07-20 16:01:371


2023-07-20 16:01:351

英语,词组。“对……感到厌烦 ”有多少种

be tired ofbe fed up withfed upbe sick ofget boredbe bored withbe cheesed off aboutbe disgusted with sth.
2023-07-20 16:01:296

SbH3 中Sb为-3价,课本说Sb没有负价,为什么?

2023-07-20 16:01:282