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求一个英文单词 表示刺激 促使xx去做XX 但刺激的原因是不好的点 问题内有详细解释

2023-07-20 20:20:11
result in、lead to、bring about、

contribute to、give rise to、

responsible for 用法辨析



result in 侧重强调所造成的结果,而结果通常是不良或消极的结果。

1)The fall he had during his infancy resulted in his deafness.


2)Experts estimate that surgical complications result in at least one million

deaths a year.


3)Excessive dosage of this drug can result in injury to the liver.


4)Any violation of the rules or guidelines may result in expulsion from



lead to 与 result in 相似强调会造成某种结果,但产生的结果并不一定是不好结果,

也可能是好的结果,而且多用于描述客观的可能性和对未来的预测。使用比result in广泛。

1)Such an armament race can only lead to one thing — war.

这样的军备竞赛只会导致一件事 —— 战争。

2)This condition can lead to other health issues such as diabetes, high blood

pressure, heart attacks and strokes.


3)Repeated use of a substance can also lead to physical addiction or substance



4)A full-scale nuclear war could lead to the annihilation of the human race


bring about 多指“带来”某种变化、好处等,或“导致”“造成”某种问题、不良结果


1)The Internet has brought about many changes in our work, study and life.


2)Great importance should be attached to the problems bought about by the

increase of juvenile delinquency.


3)A mere trifle brought about a quarrel between the brothers.


4)Yoga is an exercise to bring about a state of calm.


5)They claim that they have now found a new method that may bring about

innovative developments for cancer treatments.


contribute to 本意是“对……作贡献”,在不好的方面作贡献引申出“造成”,“导

致”的意思,相当于lead to 的用法。 用于好的方面则表示“促成”、“有助于”的意思。

1)Cigarette smoking is believed to be a major factor contributing to lung



2)The Canadians want the American government to join with Canada in limiting

sulfur and nitrogen emissions, which contribute to acid precipitation.


3)Analysts say that the move will hit energy companies hard and contribute to

an increase in electricity prices.


4)This will ultimately contribute to the expansion of the gap between the

poor and the rich.


5)Proper rest and enough sleep contribute to longevity.


6)There is no doubt that these measures will contribute to the solution of the



give rise to 多见用于比较正式的表达,指“引发”、“ 引起”某种现象的出现。

1)High intake of salt is believed to give rise to high blood pressure.


2)The circumstances of his death gave rise to a suspicion of murder.


3)Her disappearance gave rise to the wildest rumours.


4)The great increase in food prices gave rise to a lot of complaints.


responsible for 本意是“对……负责”,引申出“是造成……的原因”。 result

in、 lead to、contribute to、give rise to 强调的是“果”,而 responsible for 侧


1)The bad weather was responsible for the ill growth of crops in the region.


2)The sewage discharged from the chemical plant is believed to be responsible

for the occurrence of the disease.


3)Global warming was one of the many factors responsible for the worst

flooding in decades.


4)Economic condition may be responsible for the creation of the social unrest.


1.precipitate 使(通常指不好的事件或形势)突然发生

The killings in Vilnius have precipitated the worst crisis yet...

2.cause(常指坏事) 引起;导致

This was a genuine mistake, but it did cause me some worry.



to lead to; to bring about (or on); to result in; to cause; to spark off; to conduce to; to procure; to induce; to generate


(某结果)due to (某原因),, lead to , result in








谣言的英语翻译 谣言用英语怎么说

rumor, 复数rumors
2023-07-20 16:27:093


RUMOURS牌子有手机(roumors plug),但手表没听说过. RUMOURS英文是谣言、传闻之意。QUARTZ是英文“石英”,表示是石英表。在淘宝上没有找到相关品牌的手表信息,同样京东商城上,也没有找到关于此手表的任何商品链接,所以估计是杂牌的石英表(整个网页也没有搜到RUMOURS手表信息),该商品的商业价值应该不会太高,不然也不会在网络上找不到相关信息。
2023-07-20 16:27:181

rumors jake Miller的歌词

Rumors - Jake MillerYeah heh rumors绯闻八卦Yeah we the word up on the streets街头巷尾都是我们的八卦They talk talk talk "bout you and me他们都在议论我们Let"s start some rumors rumors就让我们制造些绯闻吧And no I don"t know where they came from我也不知道为何会有这些绯闻But I"m always down to make some rumors rumors虽然我有时会故意制造些八卦Yeah they saw me sneaking out your crib last night没错 昨晚他们看到我从你的家悄悄溜出来3 AM to catch a flight凌晨三点赶飞机Caught me driving through your hood他们看到我开着你的车Paparazzi got me good狗仔队将我逮了个正着We like stars yeah baby they astronomers我们像是天上的明星 而他们就像是观察我们的天文学家Look at everybody camping out with they binoculars用双筒望远镜每天观察每个人的动向All up in the headlines me and the wifey每天的头版头条都是我和我的老婆But let them gossip girl Blake Lively就让他们做做“绯闻女孩”布莱克·莱弗利吧I don"t know where they"re getting their news我都不知道他们哪里来的风声But I"m not mad if tonight it comes true但如果今晚绯闻成真 我也不会生气Ooh let"s start some rumors就让我们制造些绯闻吧I"mma start some rumors with you with you with you我要和你传绯闻 我想和你传绯闻I wanna start some rumors with you我想和你传些绯闻八卦Yeah rumors I wanna start some rumors with you绯闻八卦 我想和你传些绯闻八卦Yeah rumors I wanna start some绯闻八卦 我想和你传些绯闻八卦Man how the hell they spread so fast天啊 那些绯闻怎么传得那么快Yeah my homie called and asked是啊 我的兄弟都打电话来问Have you heard the rumors Wait what Rumors你听过那八卦吗?等等什么八卦?Yeah we the topic of the town是啊 我们成了热门话题We might as well just own it now我们不妨现在就澄清好了It ain"t no rumor no it ain"t no rumor这并不是流言 也不是八卦They caught us hooking up all in my whip他们看到我们在我车里约会Man I needa tint that shit天啊 我真该将车窗弄黑Now your cell is blowing up like此刻你家里像是炸开了锅Oh my god tell me everything所有人都是 老天啊 告诉我一切We like stars yeah baby they astronomers我们像是天上的明星 而他们就像是观察我们的天文学家Look at everybody camping out with they binoculars用双筒望远镜每天观察每个人的动向All up in the headlines me and the wifey每天的头版头条都是我和我的老婆But let them gossip girl Blake Lively就让他们做做“绯闻女孩”布莱克·莱弗利吧I don"t know where they"re getting their news我都不知道他们哪里来的风声But I"m not mad if tonight it comes true但如果今晚绯闻成真 我也不会生气Ooh let"s start some rumors就让我们制造些绯闻吧I"mma start some rumors with you with you with you我要和你传绯闻 我想和你传绯闻I wanna start some rumors with you我想和你传些绯闻八卦Yeah rumors I wanna start some rumors with you绯闻八卦 我想和你传些绯闻八卦Yeah rumors I wanna start some rumors with you绯闻八卦 我想和你传些绯闻八卦No we don"t care if somebody knows body knows我们根本就不在乎谁会知道我们之间的事People talking that"s just how it goes how it goes因为人们所议论的就是本来的事实You know we love to keep them on they toes on they toes你明白我们就喜欢让他们猜个不停Yeah let"s start a rumor tonight今夜就让我们制造些绯闻吧If they ain"t talking we ain"t doing it right rumors如果他们不议论我们 我们就不爆出绯闻I don"t know where they"re getting their news我都不知道他们哪里来的风声But I"m not mad if tonight it comes true但如果今晚绯闻成真 我也不会生气Ooh let"s start some rumors就让我们制造些绯闻吧I wanna start some rumors with you with you with you我想和你传些绯闻八卦I wanna start some rumors with you我想和你传些绯闻八卦I wanna start some rumors我想和你传些绯闻八卦I wanna start some rumors with you我想和你传些绯闻八卦I wanna start some I wanna start some yeah我想和你传些 想和你传些绯闻八卦I wanna start some rumors我想和你传些绯闻八卦
2023-07-20 16:27:251

求Rumors--Jake Miller 下载,高清MP3。

2023-07-20 16:27:401

银河护卫队2星爵和他父亲打架时的音乐是什么 经典金曲太燃了

2023-07-20 16:27:532


  兴趣以需要为基础。需要有精神需要和物质需要,兴趣基于精神需要。人们若对某件事物或某项活动感到需要,他就会热心于接触、观察这件事物,积极从事这项活动,并注意探索其奥妙。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    兴趣的英语说法1:   interest    兴趣的英语说法2:   hobby    兴趣的相关短语:   学习兴趣 learning interest ; Study interest ; Interest ; Interest in learning   有兴趣 Interest ; have interest in ; be interested in ; be of interest   感兴趣 Interest ; mood ; intrigued ; be interested in   社会兴趣 Social Interest   共同兴趣 mon interest ; Mutual Interest   兴趣宣告 Statenent of interest   表示兴趣 Expressing interest   兴趣区域 region of interest ;area of interest ; RegionOfInteresting   培养兴趣 develop an interest in ; To cultivate an interest ; Cultivate interest ; Development interest    兴趣的英语例句:   1. It bothered me that boys weren"t interested in me.   男孩子们对我不感兴趣令我很烦恼。   2. His parents tried to discourage his interest in music, but he persisted.   他的父母设法打消他对音乐的兴趣,但他始终坚持。   3. He thumbed through a couple of pages, feigning just a slight interest.   他随手翻了几页,假装兴趣不大。   4. Can I just ask something "cos I"m really quite interested in this.   我能不能问个问题,因为我对这个真的很感兴趣。   5. We"re interested in the source of these fictitious rumours.   我们对这些子虚乌有的谣言从何而来很感兴趣。   6. They are only interested in preserving the power of the privileged.   他们只对维护特权阶层的权力有兴趣。   7. My department had a healthy interest in keeping expenses down.   我部门对维持低水平开支有浓厚兴趣。   8. There"s a sufficiency of drama in these lives to sustain your interest.   这些人的生活充满了戏剧性,总能让你兴趣盎然。   9. What got me interested was looking at an old New York Times.   我感兴趣的是看一份旧的《 *** 》。   10. What was it that sparked your interest in motoring?   是什么让你对开车产生了兴趣?   11. If she ever fancies a job swap, I could be interested.   如果她想和别人互换工作,我会很感兴趣的。   12. He bought me records to encourage my liking for music.   他给我买了唱片,希望培养我对音乐的兴趣。   13. Investors weren"t concerned about short-term profits over the next few years.   投资者对未来几年里的短期收益并不感兴趣。   14. Oh I"m not political, I take no interest in politics.   噢,我不关心政治,对政治一点也不感兴趣。   15. His sporting and political interests coalesced admirably in his writing about climbing.   他在写登山的文章中,把自己对体育和政治的兴趣完美地结合了起来。
2023-07-20 16:28:151

Blasphemous Rumours 歌词

歌曲名:Blasphemous Rumours歌手:gregorian专辑:Masters of Chant Chapter IIIBlasphemous RumoursGregorianMaster of Chant IIIGirl of sixteenWhole life ahead of herSlashed her wristsBored with lifeDidn"t succeedThank the LordFor small merciesFighting back the tearsMother reads the note againSixteen candles burning in her mindShe takes the blameIt"s always the sameShe goes down to her knees and praysI don"t want to startAny blasphemous rumoursBut I think that God"sGot a sick sense of humourAnd when I dieI expect to find Him laughingLaughing...Girl of eighteenFell in love with everythingFound new life in Jesus ChristHit by a carEnded upOn a life support machineSummer"s dayAs she passed awayBirds were singingIn the summer"s skyThen came the rainAnd once againA tear fellFrom her mother"s eyeI don"t want to startAny blasphemous rumoursBut I think that God"sGot a sick sense of humourAnd when I dieI expect to find Him laughingI don"t want to startAny blasphemous rumoursBut I think that God"sGot a sick sense of humourAnd when I dieI expect to find Him laughingI don"t want to startAny blasphemous rumoursBut I think that God"sGot a sick sense of humourAnd when I dieI expect to find Him laughingAaah...
2023-07-20 16:28:221


2023-07-20 16:28:301

new romantics taylor swift歌词翻译

We"re all bored我们如此无聊We"re also tired of everything我们厌倦了一切We wait for我们在等待Trains that just aren"t coming火车还是不来We show off我们展示Our different scarlet letters我们不同的疯狂爱情Trust me, mine is better相信我,我的更好We"re so young我们是如此的年轻But we"re on the road to ruin但是我们在毁灭的道路上We play dumb我们做愚蠢的事But we know exactly what we"re doing但我们很清楚地知道我们在做什么We cry tears我们在浴室里Of mascara in the bathroom把睫毛膏哭花Honey, life is just a classroom亲爱的,生活只是一个教室"Cause, baby, I could buildthe castle因为,宝贝,我可以建造这个城堡Out of all the bricks they threw at me用那些他们朝我扔的砖块And every day is like a battle每天就像一个战斗But every night with us is like a dream但是每天晚上我们就像一个梦Baby, we"re the new romantics宝贝,我们就是新浪漫主义Come on, come along with me来吧,和我一起来Heartbreak is the national anthem心碎是这里的国歌We sing it proudly我们骄傲地唱出来We"re too busy dancing我们忙着跳舞To get knocked off our feet直到绊着我们的脚Baby, we"re the new romantics宝贝,我们是新浪漫主义The best people in life are free生命中最好的人都是自由自在的We"re all here我们都在这里The lights and boys are blinding炫目的灯光和男孩We hang back我们一起回来It"s all in the timing这是所有的时间It"s poker这是扑克He can"t see it in my face他看不到我的脸But I"m about to play my ace但我准备出我的王牌We need love我们需要爱But all we want is danger但是我们想要的其实是危险We team up我们抱团And switch sides like a record changer频繁转换阵营,就像老式唱盘片机The rumours谣言Are terrible and cruel是可怕的和残酷的But honey, most of them are true但是亲爱的,其中大部分都是真实的"Cause, baby, I could build the ca
2023-07-20 16:28:511

try 歌词colbie caillat唱的版本

最后一段那里,应该是put your hair done。。。还有,那个带中文翻译的直译的有些醉人啊。。。推荐你去音悦台找找,有几个做的字幕翻译得挺好的
2023-07-20 16:29:065


2023-07-20 16:29:2812


  出来是指从里面到外面,表示动作朝着说话人所在地,表示动作使人或物在某一方面获得某种好的能力或性能。下面是我为你整理的出来的英文,希望大家喜欢!   出来的英文   come out;   emerge   出来的英文常见例句   1. He was hand-picked for this job by the Admiral.   他是由海军上将精心挑选出来担任这项工作的。   2. Few would argue that this team has experience and proven ability.   这个队伍的丰富经验和表现出来的实力是众所公认的。   3. Tamsin materialized at her side, notebook at the ready.   塔姆辛从她身旁冒了出来,且备好了笔记本。   4. Mr Martin was taken out of his car at gunpoint.   马丁先生被人用枪指着从车里带了出来。   5. We found a cyst and I suctioned off the liquid within.   我们发现了一个囊肿,我把其中的液体吸了出来。   6. A pigeon emerges, wings flapping noisily, from the tower.   一只鸽子从塔里钻出来,扑扑地拍打着翅膀。   7. Rumours of financial scandals have come bubbling back to the surface.   有关财务丑闻的谣言接连不断地冒出来。   8. Mark was dragged from the burning wreckage of his car.   马克被人从他着火的汽车残骸中拉了出来。   9. He recounted how heavily armed soldiers forced him from the presidential palace.   他讲述了自己是怎样被全副武装的士兵从总统官邸里赶出来的。   10. Information is called up at the push of a button.   按一个键信息就会被调出来。   come out的近义词   out 出   emerge 浮现   surface 表面   come in 进来   go forth 出发, 离去, 发布...   show up 揭露   issue 议题   pop out 突然出现   come to the fore 出名   egress 外出   come forward 涌现   come on 突然产生   break through 突破   appear 出现   fall out 争吵   come out of the closet 公开(同性恋身份)...   start 开始   step up 增加   turn out 结果是   place 地方   push through 促成   erupt 爆发   bug out 撤军   turn up 朝上翻   step forward 站出来   come forth 出来   bulge 膨胀
2023-07-20 16:30:001


巴西将发挥对他的同胞丹尼阿尔维斯在bernabéu. "我不想让人们思考或即将对决vannistelrooy和kanouté. 真正的决斗 将在塞维利亚和皇家马德里队. 我也不知道我将起动. 阿尔维斯是 伟大的球员,如果传言属实,我也不会介意,他加入皇家马德里队. 皇家马德里队目前正在壮观在最后一段的比赛和cicinho赞同他的意见,对他们的改变. "我们非常有信心,对我们的工作尽管传言不要相处. 我们正打击很多人 谁不相信法比奥主教练, 实际是谁设法建立一个充满竞争的团队. 我住了类似的情况,在圣保罗市: 我们开始在最底层的表上的时间,我们赢得了联赛,我们甚至打败 利物浦队在洲际杯决赛时,没想到我们能. 我们谦卑的理由 我们能够做到的. 我们要拼搏到最后,让球迷和董事会成员 俱乐部很高兴同我们的工作,即使我们不赢的称号. 我们必须赢得每一场球. 我们正处一个伟大的时刻,我们一定要利用好. 所有subs全力时 发挥太像古毕尔巴鄂. 我敢肯定,巴塞罗那和塞维利亚将下降点别的路上. " 我想给我的一切,在皇家马德里队,以帮助该团队冠军. 如果我干不好, 也许甚至dunga会打电话给我打巴西在美洲杯今年夏天. "一如既往 cicinho股份,他兴奋地与家人团聚. "假如我是一个起动机sunday我会把我 儿子出的音高有他拍摄的团队. "
2023-07-20 16:30:592


Though you don"t known (虽然你不知道) A required course (必修功课) Rumours and slanders (流言蜚语) Extreme happiness; ecstasy (最大的幸福)
2023-07-20 16:31:064


2023-07-20 16:31:141


2023-07-20 16:31:242

The Seventh Stranger 歌词

歌曲名:The Seventh Stranger歌手:Duran Duran专辑:Seven and the Ragged TigerThose words are all remaindersEchos growing in the heart of twilightThey lay back laughing at naivety"s star.Awaken all those whispers,The dusty shadow of a passing favourI wouldn"t say that you were ruthless or rightI couldn"t see from so far.Was i chasing after rainbows?One thing for sure - you never answered when i called.And i wiped away the water from my faceTo look through the eyes of a stranger...For rumours in the wake of such a lonely crowdDuran DuranTrading in my shelter for dangerI"m changing my name just as the sun goes down -In the eyes of the stranger!Can"t tell the real from reflectionsWhen all these faces look the same to meIn every city such a desolate dream.Some days are strange to numberSome say the seventh sounds a little bit strangerA year of sundays seems to have drifted right by -I could have sworn in one evening.And i"m not seized in desperation,No steel reproaches on the table from before.But i still can feel those splinters of iceI look through the eyes of a stranger...(chorus)-I must be chasing after rainbowsOne thing for sure you never answer when i call.And i wipe away the water from my faceTo look through the eyes of a stranger...For rumours in the wake of such a lonely crowdTrading in my shelter for dangerI"m changing my name just as the sun goes downWalking away like a stranger(chorus)In the eyes of the stranger..In the eyes of the stranger..In the eyes of the stranger..
2023-07-20 16:31:421


损失的英文是lose。lose的动词意思是失去;丢失;输掉;未赢得(游戏;竞赛);入不敷出;亏损;迷路;专注于,第三人称单数是loses、现在分词是losing、过去式是lost、过去分词是lost。短语搭配有lose weight减肥、use it or lose it用进废退、Lose oneself in失去自我;沉迷于。lose的例句1、He even gets his way in what would clearly be a lose-lose situation.即使在明显会是两败俱伤的局面中他都能找到出路。2、One day you may lose this pride of place wherefrom you now dominate.也许有一天你会失去你现在拥有的主导地位。3、Some day someone will plough up the bomb and lose a leg.总有一天有人会挖出那颗炸弹并失去一条腿。4、he confided that stress had caused him to lose a stone in weight.他吐露说压力使他的体重减轻了一英石。5、A hospital executive quashed rumours that nursing staff will lose jobs.一位医院管理人员平息了护理人员将要失业的谣言。6、We should not lose sight of the fact that the issues involved are moral ones.我们不应忽略这一事实,所涉及的问题是道义上的问题。7、They could ill afford to lose a man of his calibre.他们不能失去像他那样才华横溢的人。
2023-07-20 16:31:491

Rumours (Ko 7 Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:Rumours (Ko 7 Mix)歌手:Damage专辑:Rumours关淑怡Rumour曲: Lauren Christy 词: 陈少琪 编: Tony A.无谓又费心赶快披露谁在盛赞他很有风度不必多哄骗我你看到听到某段事实已暴露!无谓像探测天气风暴谁为猎到他刻意改造不必早晚报告再对我劝告放弃自视过高!*谁愿付这代价 Rumour结局会被破坏吗? Rumour说话永远有偏差 Rumour我绝对永远信任爱他直至我发觉再也爱不到他!无谓又说他早已表露常扮做友好假戏真做不必多哄骗我你看到听到某段事实已暴露?谁愿付这代价 Rumour结局会被破坏吗? Rumour说话永远有偏差 Rumour我绝对永远信任爱他直至我发觉再也爱不到他!谁愿付这代价 Rumour结局会被破坏吗? Rumour说话永远有偏差 Rumour我绝对永远信任爱他谁愿付这代价 Rumour结局会被破坏吗? Rumour说话永远有偏差 Rumour我绝对永远信任爱他直至我发觉再也爱不到他!It"s your lies! Did he hear the rumour?It"s your lies! Did he hear the rumour?
2023-07-20 16:32:151

Wayne Wonder的《Rumours》 歌词

歌曲名:Rumours歌手:Wayne Wonder专辑:Collectors Series关淑怡Rumour曲: Lauren Christy 词: 陈少琪 编: Tony A.无谓又费心赶快披露谁在盛赞他很有风度不必多哄骗我你看到听到某段事实已暴露!无谓像探测天气风暴谁为猎到他刻意改造不必早晚报告再对我劝告放弃自视过高!*谁愿付这代价 Rumour结局会被破坏吗? Rumour说话永远有偏差 Rumour我绝对永远信任爱他直至我发觉再也爱不到他!无谓又说他早已表露常扮做友好假戏真做不必多哄骗我你看到听到某段事实已暴露?谁愿付这代价 Rumour结局会被破坏吗? Rumour说话永远有偏差 Rumour我绝对永远信任爱他直至我发觉再也爱不到他!谁愿付这代价 Rumour结局会被破坏吗? Rumour说话永远有偏差 Rumour我绝对永远信任爱他谁愿付这代价 Rumour结局会被破坏吗? Rumour说话永远有偏差 Rumour我绝对永远信任爱他直至我发觉再也爱不到他!It"s your lies! Did he hear the rumour?It"s your lies! Did he hear the rumour?
2023-07-20 16:32:221


Fox On The Run是这首吧
2023-07-20 16:32:302


嫂子的英语是:sister-in-law,也可写作elder brother"s wife或wife of one"s friend。双语例句:1、伊索贝尔那轻佻的年轻嫂子。Isobel"s giddy young sister-in-law.2、嫂子总是幸福的说“这个傻丫头。”Sister-in-law always happy to say" silly girl."3、就是嫂子跟小侄子来家里睡了!!!Is a wife at home with a small nephew to sleep! ! !4、又为什么梁奶奶老是对嫂子啐唾沫?Why always spit on beam grandma sister-in-law?5、还有传言称,梅根与她的嫂子凯特不和。There have also been rumours of a rift between the duchess and her sister-in-law Kate.
2023-07-20 16:33:321

Warning Sign 歌词

歌曲名:Warning Sign歌手:Electronic专辑:Twisted Tenderness (Special Edition)Electronic Warning SignFate just took a wrong turn,It would appear that we don"t agree,And without warning sign I stopped just in time,When you ran straight in front of me.Well I don"t listen to the rumours,And I don"t care who you have for tea,I think you"ll find that the thief commits the crime,At the end of the book you"ll see.You tore me right down,You"ve got a hold on me,I can"t believe it"s true,But I believe in me.It"s been so long,It"s been so long.Don"t ever talk to strangers,You never know what they"re gonna say,And it may be a surprise right in front of your eyes,They get up, and they walk away.So the next time you see me listen,Cos I"ve got something I want to say,You"ve got the wrong attitude and you act like a fool,And you will pass by within a day.You tore me right down,You"ve got a hold on me,I can"t believe it"s true,But I believe in me.You tore me right down,You"ve got a hold on me,I can"t believe it"s true,It"s just the end of time.You tore me right down,You"ve got a hold on me,I can"t believe it"s true,But I believe in me.You tore me right down,You"ve got a hold on me,I can"t believe it"s true,But I believe in me.It"s been so long,It"s been so long.It"s been so long,It"s been so long.It"s been so long.
2023-07-20 16:33:541

一首歌 说唱 里面有 get out of the way 这句歌词是哪首歌?在线等

2023-07-20 16:34:026

not as as与not so as 各是什么意思,有什么区别

not as as 不如not so as不像,
2023-07-20 16:34:263


2023-07-20 16:34:413


2023-07-20 16:34:518


1. 含有蜚字的成语 蜚声世界: 蜚黄腾达: 腾达:上升。形容骏马的飞驰。比喻官职地位升得很快 蜚鸟尽,良弓藏: 藏:收藏。飞鸟射尽,弹弓也就藏起来不用了。比喻事成之后,把曾经出过力的人一脚踢开或加以消灭 蜚蓬之问: 蜚:通“飞”;蓬:蓬草。比喻无根据的传闻 蜚瓦拔木: 形容风力迅猛。 蜚短流长: 指散播谣言,中伤他人。 蜚英腾茂: 蜚:同“飞”。英:指名声。茂:指实际。指人的名声与事业日益昌盛。同“飞声腾实”。 凤皇于蜚: 比喻夫妻和好恩爱。常用以祝人婚姻美满。同“凤凰于飞”。 流言蜚语: 毫无根据的话。指背后散布的诽谤性的坏话。 2. 蜚字开头的成语有哪些 【蜚短流长】指散播谣言,中伤他人。 【蜚黄腾达】腾达:上升。形容骏马的飞驰。比喻官职地位升得很快。 【蜚鸟尽,良弓藏】藏:收藏。飞鸟射尽,弹弓也就藏起来不用了。比喻事成之后,把曾经出过力的人一脚踢开或加以消灭。 【蜚蓬之问】蜚:通“飞”;蓬:蓬草。比喻无根据的传闻。 【蜚瓦拔木】形容风力迅猛。 【蜚语恶言】蜚语:没有根据的流言。形容诽谤的言辞。 【蜚英腾茂】英:英华之声,指名声;茂:茂盛之实,指实际。称颂人的声名事业日盛。 3. 蜚短流长相似四字成语 贪生怕死 开天辟地 截长补短 口是心非 有头无尾 积少成多 贪生怕死 舍生忘死 醉生梦死 承上启下 承前启后 开天辟地 惊天动地 顶天立地 花天酒地 欢天喜地 改天换地 经天纬地 遮天盖地 震天动地 翻天覆地 翻来覆去 顾此失彼 厚此薄彼 虎头蛇尾 街头巷尾 继往开来 扬长避短 说长道短 三长两短 截长补短 取长补短 今是昨非 口是心非 似是而非 空前绝后 除旧布新 拈轻怕重 弄假成真 七上八下 欺上瞒下 完整无缺 借古讽今 颂古非今 起死回生 避重就轻 头重脚轻 将信将疑 尺短寸长 积少成多 瞻前顾后 挑肥拣瘦 同甘共苦 声东击西 喜新厌旧 凶多吉少 眼高手低 假公济私 惩前毖后 自始至终 朝思暮想 飞短流长 返老还童 争先恐后 转败为胜 大同小异 深入浅出。 4. 蜚短流长相似四字成语 贪生怕死 开天辟地 截长补短 口是心非 有头无尾 积少成多 贪生怕死 舍生忘死 醉生梦死 承上启下 承前启后 开天辟地 惊天动地 顶天立地 花天酒地 欢天喜地 改天换地 经天纬地 遮天盖地 震天动地 翻天覆地 翻来覆去 顾此失彼 厚此薄彼 虎头蛇尾 街头巷尾 继往开来 扬长避短 说长道短 三长两短 截长补短 取长补短 今是昨非 口是心非 似是而非 空前绝后 除旧布新 拈轻怕重 弄假成真 七上八下 欺上瞒下 完整无缺 借古讽今 颂古非今 起死回生 避重就轻 头重脚轻 将信将疑 尺短寸长 积少成多 瞻前顾后 挑肥拣瘦 同甘共苦 声东击西 喜新厌旧 凶多吉少 眼高手低 假公济私 惩前毖后 自始至终 朝思暮想 飞短流长 返老还童 争先恐后 转败为胜 大同小异 深入浅出。 5. 疯狂猜成语中一个蜚字和一个流字的成语是什么 疯狂猜成语中一个蜚字和一个流字的成语是什么——流言蜚语。 流言蜚语 liú yán fēi yǔ 【解释】毫无根据的话。指背后散布的诽谤性的坏话。 【出处】《礼记·儒行》:“久不相见,闻流言不信。”《史记·魏其武安侯列传》:“乃有蜚语,为恶言闻上。” 【结构】联合式。 【用法】含贬义。多用于背后对人的诽谤和中伤。一般作主语、宾语。 【正音】蜚;不能读作“bēi”。 【辨形】流;不能写作“留”;蜚;不能写作“裴”。 【近义词】蜚短流长、风言风语 【反义词】金玉良言、药石之言 【辨析】~和“无稽之谈”;都可指没有根据的话。但~多用来指那种出于险恶的用心;躲在背后散布的坏话;而“无稽之谈 ”侧重指没有根据的话;并不出于险恶用心。 【例句】只要问心无愧,这些~又有什么可怕的。 【英译】rumours and gossip 【成语故事】公元前131年,安武侯田蚡娶燕王的女儿,失势的魏其侯窦婴与将军灌夫奉王太后的命令前去祝贺。灌夫给他们敬酒,田蚡及他的手下不理不睬,灌夫大骂他们,田蚡抓了灌夫全家。王太后出面要挟杀了灌夫,窦婴也被流言蜚语所杀。
2023-07-20 16:35:371

UB40的《Cover Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Cover Up歌手:UB40专辑:Cover UpTrapt - Cover UpYou must have pulled the triggerYour eyes give you awayThe gun in your hand"s still smokingYou don"t have to take the blameYou have to do what you have to doYou know I"d never judge youStill time to close those eyesForget what happened, forget you liedPut the mask back onPut the mask back onDon"t take it off "till everybody"s gonePut the mask back onPut the mask back onNever a disguise as ever lasted so longCover UpCover UpDon"t let them see the real youIf your secrets cast aside meAll those rumours might just end up being trueYou"re free to do what you wantYou never though of consequencesYou created your own little worldWhere you could always beat a friendA place where the rules do not applyYou could never be deniedYou took advantage of a good thinkNow the void you filled is emptyPut the mask back onPut the mask back onDon"t take it off "till everybody"s gonePut the mask back onPut the mask back onNever a disguise as ever lasted so longCover UpCover UpDon"t let them see the real youIf your secrets cast aside meAll those rumours might just end up being trueCover UpCover UpDon"t question anything you doYou have always get decoyedBut your conscience hunts youEvery time you chooseDoes anyone, ever reach down to you?Does anyone, ever seen your real face?Does anyone, know what you"ve been doing?Does the one we used to know fades away?Cover UpCover UpDon"t let them see the real youIf your secrets cast aside meAll those rumours might just end up being trueCover UpCover UpDon"t question anything you doYou have always get decoyedBut your conscience hunts youEvery time you choose
2023-07-20 16:35:451


2023-07-20 16:35:565


Brittany Cairns的《Behind the Scenes》 -"t remember how I got here from my bedroom to the TV studio But I remember when I saw you you were talking to your friends across the room You looked at me As if I knew you or was about to get to know you soon Then we traded our numbers And you called me When I answered it was On, On, On, On Yeah it was On, On, On, On We started falling in love like the movies there for everyone to see Wasn"t even looking it found me Then we talked all night the sun was coming up by the time it got bright I was in love Falling in love like the movies But it"s happening Behind the scenes We were hanging the in green room and were trying to keep our secret safe But the picture in the paper almost gave it away and the rumours just went On, On, On, On They just go On, On, On, On We started falling in love like the movies there for everyone to see Wasn"t even looking it found me Then we talked all night the sun was coming up by the time it got bright I was in love Falling in love like the movies But it"s happening Behind the scenes It"s happening Behind the scenes We started falling in love like the movies there for everyone to see Wasn"t even looking it found me Then we talked all night the sun was coming up by the time it got bright I was in love Falling in love like the movies there for everyone to see Wasn"t even looking it found me Then we talked all night the sun was coming up the by time it got bright I was in love Falling in love like the movies But it"s happening Behind the scenes
2023-07-20 16:36:131


描述, 股票经纪人已知的币值的谣言。你一直在简约的开发方法间传播,指责给雇主股票的战术优势在股票市场。为最大的效果,你必须散播谣言最快的方式。 不幸的是,对于你,股票经纪人只相信信息来源来自他们的“信任”,这意味着你不得不考虑结构的接触时的谣言。它需要一定的时间为一个特定的经纪人通过传闻中每一个人在他的同事。你的任务是将编写一个程序,告诉你哪个证券选择作为起始点的谣言,以及要花多少时间,对传闻传遍整个证券经纪人的社区。这就是以所需时间的人,也是最后一个接收信息。 输入, 你的程序将输入的数据为不同的股票经纪人。每一套始于一个符合数量的股票经纪人。这是一条线为每一个经纪人所包含的人数比他们有接触,这些人是,时间为他们传递信息的每一个人。格式的每一个经纪人线如下:线从多个联系人(n),其次是n成对的整数,一对每次触球。第一个数字列出每一对参照联系(如“1”,指人之一(套),其次是时间在几分钟内送到传递信息的那个人。没有特别的标点符号的规则或间距。 每个人都是数的数字1到的股票经纪人。时间来传递信息将在1到10分钟(含1年),而且这个数目的接触会范围从0到一个小于数量的股票经纪人。股票的数量将范围从1到100。输入是一套股票经纪人含有0(零)的人。输出 对于每一组数据,你的程序必须输出一行中含有的人,结果以最快的信息传输,多长时间过去的人将得到任何信息后,你给这个人以整数分。 它可能是你的程序将会收到一个网络连接的排除有些人,如某些人可能是遥不可及的。如果你的程序检测这样的断网,简单的输出信息"凸”。注意时间来传递信息从一个人给某人不一定是相同的时间把它从乙到,如果这种传输是可能的。 给分
2023-07-20 16:36:452

英语问题 高手指点

1 spread 做及物/不及物动词,有传播,蔓延等等的意思2 一个动词具体用主动语态还是被动语态,要具体判断才行3 after that,knowledge and ideas spread quickly, 意思是在那之后,知识和思想传播地很快。 这里的 spread 做不及物动词,不需要用被动语态。4 how are ideas spread today? 是不是针对课文内容的提问呢? 这个 spread 是及物动词,意思还是传播蔓延,因为要表达 思想是怎样(被)传播 这个意思,所以用被动语态。5 还是这句话,用还是不用被动语态,要具体分析。6 books are a wonderful invention,and they are also much cheaper/cheaply than computers。 用 cheaper, 因为后面有个than computers,一定要用比较级的。7 much more的用法比较多。 和你的问题最相关的就是比较级, more 是 MANY/MUCH的比较级形式, 前面的much 修饰more,进一步加强语气。
2023-07-20 16:36:563


英文高手分都没啊? 现在的高手都不值钱了..
2023-07-20 16:37:042


2 Find U(Album Version)- jewel candy- bila If even -3rd Storeeno matter -angelstay-tonya
2023-07-20 16:37:244


  trouble表示麻烦; 烦恼; 故障的意思,那么你知道trouble的 同义词 有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了trouble的同义词,希望对你有帮助哦!   trouble的同义词辨析1   bother, disturb, trouble, annoy, irritate, vex   这些动词均有"使人不安或烦恼"之意。   bother : 指使人烦恼而引起的紧张不安或感到不耐烦。   disturb : 较正式用词,多用被动态。指拢乱,使人不能平静或妨碍别人工作、思维或正常秩序,是程度较深的烦恼。   trouble : 指给人在行动上带来不便或在身心上造成痛苦。   annoy : 强调因被迫忍受令人不快、讨厌的事而失去平静或耐心,多指一时的打拢或恼怒。   irritate : 语气比annoy强得多,指激怒,使发怒,多指一种短时间的反应。   vex : 侧重指因不断的干扰而引起的烦恼,有时含激怒的意味。   trouble的同义词辨析2   effort, trouble, pains, endeavour, struggle   这些名词均表示"努力"之意。   effort : 通常指完成某特定任务所需付出的或大或小的努力,可指一次的努力,也可指坚持不懈的努力。   trouble和pains均侧重在面临困难或阻力时所作的努力,但强调在努力时的细心和谨慎,相比之下,pains更适合表示尽力的努力。   pains :   endeavour : 指持久的,坚持不懈的,甚至是终身的努力,强调努力的认真与决心。   struggle : 指为克服困难或阻力所作的努力,也指因决心、意志或干劲而产生的极大努力。   trouble的词组习语   ask for trouble   1. (非正式)自找麻烦,自讨苦吃   想免费搭便车是自找麻烦。   hitching a lift is asking for trouble.   look for trouble   1. (非正式)惹是生非   酒和毒品混用过以后,这群年轻人就出去惹是生非了。   youths take a cocktail of drink and drugs before going out to look for trouble.   trouble and strife   1. (英, 谐俚)妻子   a trouble shared is a trouble halved   1. (谚)苦恼让人知晓,负担一半减少   trouble的例句   1. She dropped out after 20 kilometres with stomach trouble.   20公里后她因胃痛而退出了比赛。   2. Her husband had never before had any heart trouble.   她丈夫以前从来没得过任何心脏疾病。   3. A dentist may decide to extract the tooth to prevent recurrent trouble.   牙医可能会决定拔掉那颗牙,以免反复发作。   4. She was fitted with a pacemaker after suffering serious heart trouble.   她患上严重的心脏病后安装了心脏起搏器。   5. There are recognised black spots in marriages which can lead to trouble.   婚姻中有一些公认的容易引发问题的雷区。   6. Left-handers have trouble using can-openers, scissors, and potato peelers.   左撇子在使用开罐刀、剪刀和土豆削皮器时会有困难。   7. Your non-conformist ways will probably get you into trouble.   你特立独行的行事方式可能会给自己惹来麻烦。   8. Banks have brought trouble on themselves by lending rashly.   银行滥放贷款给自己惹来了麻烦。   9. Riot police are being deployed throughout the city to prevent any trouble.   正在全城部署防暴警察以防止发生骚乱。   10. His captaincy of the team was ended by mild eye trouble.   他由于患轻度眼疾而不再担任队长一职。   11. The couple laughed off rumours that their marriage was in trouble.   夫妻两人对他们婚姻出现问题的谣言一笑置之。   12. The government accused unnamed "foreign interests" of inciting the trouble.   政府不指名地谴责“外国利益集团”煽动骚乱。   13. Analysts warned that Europe"s most powerful economy may be facingtrouble.   分析家警告说,欧洲最强大的经济体可能将面临困境。   14. Would you shut up, please! I"m having enough trouble with these children!   请你闭嘴!这些孩子已经够我烦的了.   15. Might I trouble you for a drop more tea?   能否麻烦您再添一点茶? 猜你喜欢: 1. complete的同义词 2. happy的同义词 3. involve的短语有哪些 4. hard的同义词 5. cause的同义词 6. all的同义词是什么
2023-07-20 16:38:081


2023-07-20 16:38:165

Simon 翻译成中文是什么意思!

. 西蒙
2023-07-20 16:38:582


  如果我们生病就需要打针吃药,我们每个人都有过打针的经历。那么你知道打针的英文是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的打针的英文,希望大家喜欢!   打针的英文   give or take an injection   injection的近义词   shot 注射   inoculation 接插芽   dose 剂量   jab 刺   vaccination 接种疫苗   booster 支持者   addition 增加   instillation 慢慢灌输   insertion 插入   instilment 滴注物(浸润物)...   introduction 介绍   infusion 注入   instillment 滴注物(浸润物)...   injectant 注入物   injection常见用法   n.注射; 注射剂; [医]充血; (卫星等的)入轨   1. Execution by lethal injection is scheduled for July 30th.   定于7月30日执行注射死刑。   2. It has to be given by injection, usually twice daily.   它必须通过注射摄入,通常一天两次。   3. He was executed by lethal injection earlier today.   他于今天早些时候被注射处死。   4. to give sb an injection   给某人打针   5. The injection sent his leg into spasm .   一针打下去,他的腿就痉挛了。   6. A new method of fuel injection was developed during the war.   一种新的注油方法在战争期间发展起来.   7. Those drugs are given by injection as well as through the mouth.   那些药品可以注射,也可以口服.   8. Giving every patient an annual anti - flu injection would be prohibitively expensive.   每年给每个病人注射 抗 流感针剂的花费是无法承受的.   9. The doctor gave her an injection to alleviate the pain.   医生给她注射以减轻疼痛.   10. We used a combined regimen of injection treatment and radiation therapy.
2023-07-20 16:38:331


每天1个汽车知识中国汽车四大集团中国四大汽车集团是指中国第一汽车集团有限公司、东风汽车集团有限公司、上海汽车工业(集团) 总公司、中国长安汽车集团有限公司4家汽车集团,是国家重点扶持的汽车企业。2009年1月14日,国务院出台了《汽车产业发展和振兴规划》 ,首次正式提出一汽、东风、上汽、长安四大汽车集团,并鼓励这四家汽车企业在全国范围内开展汽车产业重组兼并。一汽中国第一汽车集团有限公司 (简称一汽集团,中国一汽或一汽,英文名称为FAW) ,位于中国吉林省长春市绿园区,前身为第一汽车制造厂,由毛泽东主席亲笔题写厂名,饶斌创建,于1953年7月15日奠基。业务领域包括汽车的研发、生产、销售、物流、服务、汽车零部件、金融服务、汽车保险、移动出行等。中国一汽集团直接运营红旗品牌,同时拥有自主品牌一汽解放、一汽奔腾等品牌。上汽上海汽车集团股份有限公司 (简称“上汽集团”,股票代码为600104) 是国内A股市场最大的整车上市公司。上汽集团主要业务涵盖整车(包括乘用车、商用车)、零部件(包括发动机、变速箱、动力传动、底盘、内外饰、电子电器等)的研发、生产、销售 ,以及汽车服务贸易业务 (包括汽车金融) 。上汽集团所属主要整车企业包括乘用车公司、商用车公司、上海大众、上海通用、上汽通用五菱、南京依维柯、上汽依维柯红岩、上海申沃等。东风东风汽车公司 (中国第二汽车制造厂)于1969年在湖北省+堰市成立。主营业务涵盖全系列商用车、乘用车、发动机及汽车零部件和汽车装备事业。在国内汽车细分市场,中重卡、SUV、中客排名第一位,轻卡、轻客排名第二位,轿车排名第三位。东风集团旗下品牌有:东方风行、东风乘龙、东风霸龙、东风龙卡、东风风度、东风风神、东风风度。合资品牌有:东风标致、东风雪铁龙、东风悦达起亚、东风本田、东风日产、郑州日产、纳智捷、东风雷诺、英菲尼迪等品牌。中国长安汽车集团有限公司 (简称中国长安、CCAG) ,原名中国南方工业汽车股份有限公司,成立于2005年12月,2009年7月1日更名为中国长安汽车集团股份有限公司,是中国兵器装备集团有限公司对旗下汽车产业进行整合优化,成立的一家特大型企业集团,是中国四大汽车集团之一,总部设在北京。
2023-07-20 16:38:361


雅思大作文中有一类题目是因果关系类,具体包括三小类:cause and effect、cause and solution、problem and solution。这三小类问题也可以穿起来,即针对某个topic的cause—effect(即problem)u2013 solution。无论哪种题目,写明因果关系很重要。关于因果关系的表达同学们都很熟悉,无非是BS(because / so),而且大家也一定很清楚的知道BS在英语中,用了前者就不能用后者的道理。例如:Because further education has become more accessible for a wider range of people, an increasing number of people have degreesFurther education has become more accessible for a wider range of people, so an increasing number of people have degrees.但是除了BS之外,还有很多其它表示因果关系的表达,具体如下:Because系列(表原因):1. because of : because后接的是一个句子(主谓宾);because of 后一般直接跟名词。例如:Because of the increasing number of machine—and as we noted before, machines magnify human effort—then anyone using a machine canget a higher wage than anyone not using a machine.2. as / since (除了“因为“外,还有”自从”的意思,使用时要注意避免歧义)Hours spent on commuting, traffic jams, and fights for parking should diminish, since workers make fewer journeys or work staggered hoursUnfortunately, as the number of people living in the city increases, so do the different problems associated with population growth. (注意此句中的so不表示“所以”,而是“u2026也u2026”的意思)3. thanks to (positive situations 通常适用于结果好的时候)Thanks to new technology, it"s easier than ever to work remotely.due to (negative situations通常使用与结果不好的时候)owing to / attributable to /on account ofDue to /u2026 / On account of extreme weather conditions, damage to property occurs.4. 当原因需要的表达较多时,我们还可以把以上表达改写为原因状语从句,使用thanks to the fact that /due to the fact that /owing to the fact that 或者on the grounds that ,,,Will we live longer merely due to the fact that / on the grounds that technology, if implemented properly, will take stress away from our lives5. caused by / result from 也表原因Many car accidents were resulted from / caused by a lack of guardrailsSo系列(表结果):1. thus/ therefore / thereby / hencethus: 表示u2018in this/that wayu2019As a country develops, its cities become the engines of development, thus jobs are available in these areas.therefore: 表示 u2018for this reasonu2019 /u2018because of this or thatu2019Therefore, the influence of the peer group is important both for oneu2019s own competence and for the relative evaluation of the process itself, given that one sees oneself in relation to others.thereby: by that means, as a result of thatIn some countries, reduced budgets have led to the elimination of busing systems, thereby increasing the use of cars and the congestion they create.hence: 表示 u2018from this/thatu2019Drinking lots of water is healthy and reducing plastic waste is great for the environment. Hence, trendy reusable water bottles that you can refill yourself are health-promoting, eco-friendly, and green.2. As a result / As a consequenceAs a result, those people who were indoors had much lighter skin, which means that whiter skin is now associated with having a higher status than dark skin.As a consequence, environmental health must address the societal and environmental factors that increase the likelihood of exposure and disease.3. consequently /accordinglyConsequently 更偏重因果逻辑;accordingly 更偏重后续解决Water pollution affects drinking water, rivers, lakes and oceans all over the world. This consequently harms human health and the natural environment.Some of the laws were contradictory. Accordingly, measures were taken to clarify them.Cause系列(表结果):1. cause (v.) 引起The amount of garbage produced by the people also increases which causes sanitary landfills to fill up faster.2. lead to/ result in 导致注意这里是result in, 后跟结果,前面提到的result from后面跟的是原因。The societyu2019s attitude to food often leads to over-consumption.3. bring about: to cause to take place 引起,带来(注意使用时更倾向于“带来“这个意思)The internet technologies that have brought about so much social change were scarcely imaginable just decades before they appeared.4.spark off 引发、引爆 ,具体指引发比较严重的后果、冲突等(=trigger / activate),或指”点燃“(=inspire)Spark off a series of problems / a chain of events related tou2026They can spark off each other"s talentsaffect系列(影响到)1. Affect/influenceMore likely than not, getting a vehicle from point "A" to point "B" involves combustion of a fossil fuel, a process that emits gasses and affects the environment and the ozone layer.People"s behavior is influenced by circumstances and events, friends and family, education, job prospects, income, housing and environment.2.impact on 对u2026产生影响(impact 一般做名词使用,也可以作为动词Over the last few decades, there has been a tremendous growth in information technology, which can impact on our everyday life.3. give rise to 使发生The decrease inthe number of bicycles and cars might give rise to another new set of problems.名词系列(因果)1. cause (of sth.)/ reason 原因Obesity can be divided into three main causes u2013 diet, lifestyle and education.Thousands of people migrate to the cities not only for jobs but also for educational and personal reasons.2. result (for sth.)/ effect 结果This is a difficult problem with many serious effects on the individual and country.Another result is lack of self-esteem.3. causality 因果关系(cause and effect) causation 原因The correlation between population and housing price does not indicated causality, only the association. 这里的causality也可以换成:causal effect (因果效应)Such a causality-driven, prevention-focused approach to homicide and other serious crime would revolutionize our conception of criminal justice, moving from the imposition of “just deserts” to the enlightened pursuit of a less violent society.4. impact/influence 影响This area is often overlooked but has a tremendous impact on your lifeFriends have a big influence on the way that we use social media—from unwritten rules to buying decisions and so much more.形容词系列(因果)表示因果的形容词不是很常用,使用时多和factor, element 结合1. causal 原因的,因果的Low income and elderly are among the potential causal factors of prevalence of obesity among adults2.consequential 结果的,随之发生的Measures other than ratings will prove more consequential3.influential 影响的,有影响力的(大多数情况下使用第二个意思)Family is the most influential factor on happiness.雅思写作:表因果关系词汇总结的内容小编就说到这里了,更多关于雅思考试报名入口,报名时间,成绩查询,雅思报名费用,准考证打印入口及时间等问题,小编会及时更新。希望各位考生都能进入自己的理想院校。
2023-07-20 16:38:371


应该是 huh 吧, 就是语气词 哼! 哈! 表示轻蔑、吃惊或疑问的感叹词
2023-07-20 16:38:371


infusion 英[u026anu02c8fju:u0292n]美[u026anu02c8fjuu0292u0259n]n. 注入; 灌输; 泡制,浸渍; 注入物;injection 英[u026anu02c8du0292eku0283n]美[u026anu02c8du0292u025bku0283u0259n]n. 注射; 注射剂; [医] 充血; (卫星等的) 入轨;
2023-07-20 16:38:411

求J TWINS标有假名的 my dear friend 歌词.感谢!!

せつ)setsuない 别れ(わかれ) 爱(あい)が 消え(きえ)たそれでも 负け(まけ)ない 私(わたし)には あなたがいるJay:泣い(ない)てもいいよそばには 私(わたし)がいるから そうだよJay:残さ(のこさ)れた部屋(へや)で 泣き(なき)疲れ(つかれ)て眠る(ねむる)夜(よる) 深い(ふかい) 迷路(めいろ) 迷い込む(まよいこむ)お愿い(おねがい) 伤つい(きずつい)た心(こころ) 抜け出す(ぬけだす)术(じゅつ)を教え(おしえ)て もう一度(もういちど)Jay:広い(ひろい)世界(せかい)で あなたに会え(あえ)たJay:忘れ(わすれ)ないで そばには私(わたし)がいるから ずっとJay:忘れ(わすれ)ないで そばには私(わたし)がいるから ずっと
2023-07-20 16:38:442


我是学校摇滚乐队的负责人。I"m in charge of the school rock band.我是学校摇滚乐队的负责人。I"m in charge of the school rock band.
2023-07-20 16:38:301

Greenlight Planet Inc.怎么样

对的 我想的就是这样的
2023-07-20 16:38:294


2023-07-20 16:38:292

My dear friend,what a thing is the heart of man!怎么翻译?

我亲爱的朋友 能告诉我人心到底是什么吗
2023-07-20 16:38:235


He often helps his mother do the housework. He often helps his mother with the houswork. that needs two musicians.
2023-07-20 16:38:221


2023-07-20 16:38:221