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concerned用英文解释 造句

2023-07-20 21:21:49


She is concerned about your safety.



Everyone who was concerned in the affair regrets it very much.



She"s most concerned to solve this problem.



To be concerned about something is to be

1. Interested and involved. For example I have sent a memorandum to those concerned.


2. Anxious or troubled. Example: We are concerned that children today do not receive enough English language instruction.




feeling or showing worry or solicitude; "concerned parents of youthful offenders"; "was concerned about the future"; "we feel concerned about accomplishing the task at hand"; "greatly concerned not to disappoint a small child"

(antonym) unconcerned

(similar) afraid

(see-also) attentive

1.Visual information designers are concerned with the visualization of data, content, and navigation rather than interactive functions.


2.Whereas the concern of contemporary artists is primarily self-expression, visual designers are concerned with clear communication.







concerned[英][ku0259nu02c8su025c:nd][美][ku0259nu02c8su025c:rnd]adj.有关(方面),被牵连的; 担心的,烦恼的; 关心政治的,关心社会的; vt.涉及; 关心; 参与,卷入; 使担忧; vi.有关,利害关系; 顾虑; 装置; 例句:1.Pc road warriors more concerned with making a visual statement will find the vaio prooffers that and more. 更关心视觉表现的PC商务骑士们会发现,Vaio Pro在这个方面不仅满足而且超过了他们的需求。2.My increasingly concerned husband suggested counselling. 我越来越担心的丈夫建议我做心理辅导。
2023-07-20 18:56:451


2023-07-20 18:56:522


concerned[英][kənˈsɜ:nd] [美][kənˈsə:nd] 生词本 简明释义 adj.有关(方面),被牵连的;担心的,烦恼的;关心政治的,关心社会的 vt.涉及;关心;参与,卷入;使担忧 vi.有关,利害关系;顾虑;装置
2023-07-20 18:57:181


英 [ku0259nu02c8su0259u02d0nd],美 [ku0259nu02c8su0259rnd]
2023-07-20 18:57:419


concerned[英][ku0259nu02c8su025c:nd][美][ku0259nu02c8su025c:rnd]adj.有关(方面),被牵连的; 担心的,烦恼的; 关心政治的,关心社会的; vt.涉及; 关心; 参与,卷入; 使担忧; vi.有关,利害关系; 顾虑; 装置; 如果您有什么疑问和不解之处,欢迎追问我!!!如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢
2023-07-20 18:58:151


2023-07-20 18:58:264

all concerned是什么意思

all concerned_翻译all concerned 有关各方; [例句]Working abroad should be an exciting and positive experience for all concerned.在海外工作对所有相关人员来说都应该是一段让人兴奋而愉快的经历。
2023-07-20 18:59:081


concernedv. 关心(concern的过去时和过去分词);与…有关adj. 有关的;关心的以上是改词的主要含义。由此可见,该词按照你说的意思是积极的。
2023-07-20 18:59:163


be concerned with/in (doing) sth 和...有牵连/有关,参与/关涉 concerned about/for sb/(doing) sth 担心,关心,挂念...
2023-07-20 18:59:241

concerned 相关搭配

be concerned about / that... “关心……;担心……”。如: I"m concerned that they may have got lost. 我担心他们可能迷路了。  have a concern in / with... “与……有利害关系”。如: I have no concern with that company.我与那家公司没什么关系 be concerned for..."惦记......"。如:we are all concerned for their safety!我们惦记着他们的安全!   1、作“关心‘讲的时候,通常要大用反身代词;concern oneself about2、作"惦记”或者“焦虑”讲的时候,多半用与被动语态;we are all concerned for their safety!3、作‘相干,关联“讲的时候,多半不用于人称结构;this doesn"t concern you !  另外,给你找了一些与concern有关的词组:  as concerns  关于  as far as... be concerned  关于;至于;就...而言  so far as... be concerned  关于;至于;就...而言    be concerned over sth.  为某事忧虑  be concerned at sth.  为某事忧虑  be concerned in sth.  和某事有牵连    everyday concerns  日常事务  feel concern about  忧虑,挂念  give oneself no concern (about)  不关切,对...冷淡  have a concern in  和...有利害关系  have no concern for  毫不关心  have no concern with  和...毫无关系  it is no concern of mine  这不关我[你]的事  it is no concern of yours  这不关我[你]的事  of much concern  很重要,很有关系  of no concern  无关紧要,没有意义  whole concern  [口]一切,整个  with concern  关切地  worldly concerns  世事  concern oneself about sth.  忙于;从事;关心,关切  concern oneself in sth.  忙于;从事;关心,关切  concern oneself with sth.  忙于;从事;关心,关切
2023-07-20 18:59:321

be concerned about 与be concerned for是不是也有区别?

2023-07-20 18:59:524


这两个词的词义并不相同,用法亦有异。 Concerned是分词形容词,其意为“有关的”(involved);concerning是由分词转换而成的介词,其意为“关于”(relating to)。请看下面的例句: This agreement will be signed by the parties concemed. 此协议将由各有关方面签署。 They called on all departments concemed to take prompt steps to promote the development of light industry. 他们要求各有关部门迅速采取措施,促进轻工业发展。 由例句可见,concerned用作形容词解作“有关的”时,是后置定语,大都放在它所修饰的名词之后。但在verb“to be”之后而同样解作“关于”时,则要用be concerned with的形式,如: This book is concerned with English usage. 此书是与英语惯用法有关。 值得注意的是,concerned(亦可表示动词之意)也可解作“关心”、“担心”解,与之搭配的介词为at、about或,用作此意时,concerned也是形容词。例: He was deeply concerned at the news. 听到这个消息时,他深为担忧。 We are all concerned about the pollution of the environment here. 对这里的环境爱到污染,我们都感到不安。 Parents are naturally conerned for their children"s safety. 父母自然关心他们儿女的安全。 下面是concerning的例句: This is a proposal concerning the construction of the new airport. 这是关于兴建新机场的一项建议。 Yesterday we wrote him a letter concerning the business arrangement. 昨天我们就业务安排问题写了一封信给他。 在个别场合下,concerned with可以和concerning互换使用,原因是从句which are concerned with中的which are 省略了。例如: We had several disputes concerning/(which are)concerned with this matter. 关于此事,我们曾争论过数次。 请注意,下列语句的区别: They were concerned(worried)about the matter. 他们为此事而担忧。 They were concerned(implicated)in the matter. 他们参与此事。 They were concemed (connected)with the matter. 他们与此事有关。 此外,作为特定词组,as far as I am concerned解作in my opinion;as far as sth is concerned解作concerning sth/ talking about sth.例: As far as I"m concerned,this plan is impractical. 依我来看,这个计划不切实际。 As far as funding is concerned,some banks have agreed to provide loans. 关于资金方面,一些银行同意提供贷款。
2023-07-20 19:00:011

高一英语concerned 的一些词组的问题

一般高中就考be concerned about/with,这两个介词,about是关心,担忧的意思。with是和。。。有关。What we are concerned about is air pollution.The subject is concerned with the study on animals.
2023-07-20 19:00:102

concerned with与concerned on都作"涉及,与…有关"时的区别

concerned with 关心;涉及;忙于;与…有关例如:In this case, we are concerned with the danger of a rogue application.在这种情况中,我们关心的是恶意应用程序的危害性。concerned on 有关例如:China is ready to strengthen consultations and cooperation with all parties concerned on the issue.中方愿就朝核问题同有关各方加强磋商和合作。concerned in 牵涉;参与例如:I"m most concerned in this discussion with clarifying the relationship between user interfaces, system interfaces, and use case descriptions.这次讨论中,我更关心的是阐明用户接口、系统接口和用例描述之间的关系。对比:一般讲“涉及(某事);与……有关”时,多用 be concerned with sth. 句型来表达。concerned on 一般多使用concern的动词用法,前面较少跟be动词,而直接加主语。concerned in 一般表达牵扯其中,陷入事情漩涡等,意思靠近在其中的表达。
2023-07-20 19:00:211

be concerned是什么意思

你好!be concerned关注
2023-07-20 19:01:492


concern [ku0259n"su0259:n]n.关心,忧虑,关心的事,企业vt.涉及,影响,关心没有做形容词的用法concerned可以理解成是个形容词,, 都是“就...而言”的意思。
2023-07-20 19:02:501


concern形容词是concerned。例句如下:1、Don"t interfere in what doesn"t concern you.不要管与自己无关的事。2、The loss was a tragedy for all concerned (= all those affected by it) .这损失对有关各方来说都是极大的不幸。3、Where our children"s education is concerned, no compromise is acceptable.在事关我们的孩子的教育问题上,那是毫无妥协余地的。4、The individuals concerned have some explaining to do.涉及到的每个人都要作出一些解释。5、To whom it may concern … (= used for example, at the beginning of a public notice or of a job reference about sb"s character and ability) 敬启者(如用于公告或求职推荐信的开头)6、Everyone who was directly concerned in (= had some responsibility for) the incident has now resigned.所有与该事件有直接牵连的人现在均已辞职。
2023-07-20 19:03:221

the person concerned is not fully integrated into the community 中的 concerned 是形容词做后置定语吗

2023-07-20 19:03:591

be concerned with和be concerned about有什么区别?

两者的意思不同,差别很大,不难区分。1、be concerned about 是“关心、挂念”的意思;be concerned about sth是“关心某事”的意思;例如:In this age of globalisation, China is also a partner - which is why we should all beconcerned about the challenges ahead.翻译:在这个全球经济一体化的时代,中国也是一个参与者——这就是为什么我们都应该关心即将到来的挑战。2、be concerned with是“参与、干预”的意思;be concerned with sth是“与什么有关联”的意思;例如:Some ideas may be concerned with local operations, while others might haveglobal or organizational implications.翻译:有些想法可能会关注本地业务,而另一些可能具有全球或组织的影响。扩展资料关系是指人与人之间,人与事物之间,事物与事物之间的相互联系。市场营销中的关系是指精明的市场营销者为了促使企业交易成功而与其顾客、分销商、经销商、供应商等建立起长期的互利互信关系。它促使市场营销者以公平的价格,优质的产品,良好的服务与对方交易,同时,双方的成员之间还需加强经济,技术及社会等各方面的联系与交易。人际关系是人与人之间在活动过程中直接的心理上的关系或心理上的距离。人际关系反映了个人或群体寻求满足其社会需要的心理状态,因此,人际关系的变化与发展决定于双方社会需要满足的程度。人在社会中不是孤立的,人的存在是各种关系发生作用的结果,人正是通过和别人发生作用而发展自己,实现自己的价值。参考资料来源:百度百科
2023-07-20 19:04:301


2023-07-20 19:04:451

concerned 与 concerning

be concerned about是固定搭配,你这里写的concerned about…应该是省略了主语和系动词的形式。而concerning是动词的现在分词,并不能和about搭配使用,因此只能用concerned。
2023-07-20 19:04:541

be concerned about中 concerned是什么词性

2023-07-20 19:05:113

be concerned with还是be concerned about

1、be concerned with 是“关心、挂念”的意思;2、be concerned about sth 是“关心某事”的意思3、另外be concerned about 还有担忧某事的意思,而be concerned with没有。concerned: (adj.)1、担心的、忧虑的 be concerned about :We are all concerned about her safety.我们都担心她的安全。2、与……有关 be concerned with: Her lastest film is concerned with wild life。她最近的一部电影是关于野生动物的。comfort英语记忆技巧1、(使)舒适(服)(vt.) Cool water can comfort you in summer.凉水在夏天能使你感到舒适。2、安慰(vt.) The mother was comforting the crying boy.母亲在安慰哭泣的男孩。3、安慰(n.) It is a comfort to know that she is safe.知道她是安全的是一种安慰。
2023-07-20 19:05:291


2023-07-20 19:05:441


形容词:有关的,关心的动词关心,与……有关concerned with涉及,关切,忙于administration concerned有关主管机关
2023-07-20 19:05:511

be concerned with和be concerned about有什么区别?

1、be concerned with 是“关心、挂念”的意思;2、be concerned about sth 是“关心某事”的意思3、另外be concerned about 还有担忧某事的意思,而be concerned with没有。concerned: (adj.)1、担心的、忧虑的 be concerned about :We are all concerned about her safety.我们都担心她的安全。2、与……有关 be concerned with: Her lastest film is concerned with wild life。她最近的一部电影是关于野生动物的。comfort英语记忆技巧1、(使)舒适(服)(vt.) Cool water can comfort you in summer.凉水在夏天能使你感到舒适。2、安慰(vt.) The mother was comforting the crying boy.母亲在安慰哭泣的男孩。3、安慰(n.) It is a comfort to know that she is safe.知道她是安全的是一种安慰。
2023-07-20 19:05:591

As far as i am considerd 和concerned分别什么意思

2023-07-20 19:06:161


相关部门, Concern sth, sth is concerned, 此处 authorities (which is ) concerned.作为后置定语
2023-07-20 19:06:261

be concerned with和be concerned about有什么不同吗?

他们的意思不同,差别很大,不难区分be concerned about 是“关心、挂念”的意思;be concerned about sth是“关心某事”的意思In this age of globalisation, China is also a partner - which is why we should all beconcerned about the challenges ahead.在这个全球经济一体化的时代,中国也是一个参与者——这就是为什么我们都应该关心即将到来的挑战。be concerned with是“参与、干预”的意思;be concerned with sth是“与什么有关联”的意思Some ideas may be concerned with local operations, while others might haveglobal or organizational implications. 有些想法可能会关注本地业务,而另一些可能具有全球或组织的影响。
2023-07-20 19:06:331


直接翻译的话,可以是下面几种意思。 1. 虹膜 ipsilateral 同侧...iris 虹膜...ischaemia 缺血2. 蝴蝶花 crocus 番红花...iris 蝴蝶花...hyacinth 风信花3. 光圈 光圈(iris):位于摄像机镜头内部的、可以调节的光学机械性阑孔,可用来控制通过镜头的光线的多少。4. 虹膜,可变光阑 ionosphere 电离层...iris 虹膜,可变光阑...iron core 铁心
2023-07-20 18:58:061


是的 可以说是消防工作类的“宪法”
2023-07-20 18:58:075


2023-07-20 18:58:085

materiality threshold是什么意思

materiality threshold阈值重要性
2023-07-20 18:58:141


2023-07-20 18:58:152

howard johnson是什么意思

2023-07-20 18:58:205


2023-07-20 18:58:201


“IRIS”一词多义,IRIS(国际反动个人集团International Reaction Individuall System的简称)是一部韩国电视剧,讲述国家安全局要员与犯罪组织进行周旋、斗争的故事。另有同名歌曲、希腊神话、CISCO计划、网络游戏、信息系统中均有这个名词出现。
2023-07-20 18:58:222


2023-07-20 18:58:251


2023-07-20 18:58:291

ACCA考试科目 F8 What is Performance materiality?

PERFORMANCE MATERIALITY1. Is the calculation of materiality for the financial statement as a whole.2. Additionally, calculating a lesser amount when designing audit procedures to reduce the risk that misstatement in aggregate exceed the financial statements materiality.
2023-07-20 18:58:311

中央台放的BBC的纪录片《深蓝(deep blue)》哪能下载?

2023-07-20 18:58:002


2023-07-20 18:57:581


2023-07-20 18:57:562

You Are My Everything 歌词

歌曲名:You Are My Everything歌手:Aaron Gillespie专辑:Anthem SongYou"re my everythingThe sun that shines above you makes the blue bird singThe stars that twinkle way upin the sky tells me I"m in loveWhen I kiss your lipsI feel the rolling thunder to my fingertipsAnd all the while my head is in despairDeep within I"m in love.You"re my everythingAnd nothing really mattersbut the love you bringYou"re my everythingTo see you in the morningwith those deep brown eyes.You"re my everythingForever and the day I need youclose to meYou"re my everythingyou"ll never have to worryNever fear for I am near.Oh, my everythingI live upon the landand see the sky aboveI swing within her oceanssweet and warmThere"s no storm, my love.When I hold you tightthere"s nothing That can harm you In the lonely nightI"ll come to youAnd keep you safe and warmIt"s so strong, my love.
2023-07-20 18:57:531


2023-07-20 18:57:521

so far和by far的区别

2023-07-20 18:57:514


2023-07-20 18:57:501


世界的统一性在于它的物质性世界物质统一性原理,它是马哲关于世界本质问题的一个基本原理。世界是统一的,即世界的本原是一个;世界的统一性在于它的物质性,即世界统一的基础是物质; 物质世界的统一性是多样性的统一,而不是单一的无差别的统一,世界的物质统一性以具体物质形态的差异性、多样性为前提,而物质形态的差异性、多样性又以它们的客观实在性为基础。在辨证唯物主义理论体系中,世界的物质性和世界的统一性是既有区别又有联系的两个概念。世界的物质性(Materiality of World)是指在物质和意识两大类现象的关系中,物质决定精神,世界是物质的世界。世界的统一性(Unity of World)绝不仅仅是肯定“精神统一于物质”,而且进一步强调世界上无限多样的事物通过具体的相互联系而构成统一的整体。
2023-07-20 18:57:471

Skye Boat Song (Medley) 歌词

歌曲名:Skye Boat Song (Medley)歌手:The Band Of The Gordon Highlanders专辑:The Gordons On Parade发行时间:2003-03-01流派:流行发行公司:EMI歌词:Speed bonnie boat,like a bird on the wing,Onward, the sailors cryCarry the lad thats born to be kingOver the sea to SkyeLoud the winds howl, loud the waves roar,Thunder clouds rend the air;Baffled our foes stand on the shoreFollow they will not dareThough the waves leap, soft shall ye sleepOceans a royal bedRocked in the deep, Flora will keepWatch by your weary headLoud the winds howl, loud the waves roar,Thunder clouds rend the air;Baffled our foes stand on the shoreFollow they will not dareSpeed bonnie boat, like a bird on the wing,Onward, the sailors cryCarry the lad thats born to be kingOver the sea to Skye播放地址:
2023-07-20 18:57:462

《生活大爆炸》中,Howard 给 Bernadette 写的歌是原创么

2023-07-20 18:57:452