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2023-07-20 22:14:49
TAG: 英文 医院



nosodochium; nosocomium:

传染病医院 hospital for infectious diseases

儿童医院 children"s hospital

妇产医院 obstetrics and gynecology hospital

兵站医院 camp hospital

隔离医院 isolation hospital

结核病医院 tuberculosis hospital

口腔医院 stomatological hospital

陆军医院 army hospital

性病医院(英) a lock hospital; a

VD hospital

野战医院 field hospital

战地医院 clearing hospital

中医医院 hospital of Chinese medicine

肿瘤医院 tumour hospital

综合性医院 general hospital

被送进医院 be taken (sent) to hospital

上医院 go to hospital

办医院 run (operate) a hospital

他很快就要出医院了。 He will soon be out of hospital.


hospital; nosodochium; nosocomium; Job"s dock; infirmary;


the doctoru2018s











医院 hospital
2023-07-20 20:58:434


hospital==================================================================亲~你好!````(^__^)````很高兴为您解答,祝你学习进步,身体健康,家庭和谐,天天开心!有不明白的可以追问!如果有其他问题请另发或点击向我求助,答题不易,请谅解.如果您认可我的回答,请点击下面的【采纳为满意回答】或者手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角点击【评价】,谢谢!你的好评是我前进的动力!! 你的采纳也会给你带去财富值的。(祝你事事顺心)==================================================================
2023-07-20 20:59:004


hospital英["hu0252spu026atl]美[u02c8hɑspu026atl, -u02ccpu026atl]n. 医院;收容所;养老院;〈古〉旅客招待所名词复数:hospitals[例句]You accompanied me to hospital appointments.你也会陪我去医院。
2023-07-20 20:59:402


2023-07-20 21:00:041


读音:英 ["hu0252spu026at(u0259)l] 美 ["hɑspu026atl]释义:医院短语:unionhospital 仁安医院;协和医院;联合医院themehospital 主题医院;杏林也疯狂;正题病院;主题病院hospitaladministrator 医院管理;医院治理;院务主任;病院办理词组短语:inhospital 住院inthehospital 在医院里generalhospital 总医院;综合医院hospitalinformationsystem 医院信息系统;医院资讯系统affiliatedhospital 附属医院例句:we rushed him tothe hospital. 我们把他急忙送往医院。the hospital has threehundred beds. 这所医院有三百张病床。his father flew out tosee him in hospital. 他的父亲从远方乘飞机到医院来看他。he left his property to a hospital. 他将他的财产遗赠给了一家医院。he willsoon be outof hospital. 他很快就要出医院了。
2023-07-20 21:00:181


2023-07-20 21:00:564


hospital英 ["hu0252spu026at(u0259)l]美 ["hɑspu026atl]n. 医院n. (Hospital)人名;(英)霍斯皮特尔
2023-07-20 21:01:231


2023-07-20 21:01:377


2023-07-20 21:02:024


hospital,读音:英 ["hu0252spu026at(u0259)l] 美 ["hɑspu026atl]。hospital,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时意思是“医院”。医院词汇搭配:1、build a hospital 建立医院2、general hospital 综合医院3、manage a hospital 管理医院4、enter a hospital 住院enter a hospital 住院常见句型:1、The hospital receives a good deal of money in donations. 这家医院经常得到大笔的捐款。2、The red brick building over there is the city hospital. 那边的红砖楼是市医院。3、I see a hospital on my right hand. 我看到右侧有一所医院。
2023-07-20 21:02:401


2023-07-20 21:03:175


2023-07-20 21:04:113

住院 英文

2023-07-20 21:04:214

“hospital” 怎么读?

读音:英 ["hu0252spu026at(u0259)l] 美 ["hɑspu026atl]释义:医院短语:UnionHospital 仁安医院;协和医院;联合医院ThemeHospital 主题医院;杏林也疯狂;正题病院;主题病院HospitalAdministrator 医院管理;医院治理;院务主任;病院办理词组短语:inhospital 住院inthehospital 在医院里generalhospital 总医院;综合医院hospitalinformationsystem 医院信息系统;医院资讯系统affiliatedhospital 附属医院例句:We rushed him tothe hospital. 我们把他急忙送往医院。The hospital has threehundred beds. 这所医院有三百张病床。His father flew out tosee him in hospital. 他的父亲从远方乘飞机到医院来看他。He left his property to a hospital. 他将他的财产遗赠给了一家医院。He willsoon be outof hospital. 他很快就要出医院了。
2023-07-20 21:05:242

hospital怎么读 hospital的意思

1、hospital的意思:英[u02c8hu0252spu026atl]美[u02c8hɑu02d0spu026atl] 2、n.医院; 3、[例句]He had to go to the hospital for treatment.他不得不去医院接受治疗。 4、复数:hospitals
2023-07-20 21:05:391

hospital 怎么读

hospital /u02c8hu0252spu026atu0259l/
2023-07-20 21:05:483


2023-07-20 21:06:141


hospital的意思是医院。 记忆技巧:hospit 客人 + al 表名词 → 把病人当客人的地方 → 医院 扩展资料   The new wing was built onto the hospital last year.   医院的新翼楼是去年增建的。   Some hospital patients experience high levels of anxiety.   有些住院病人十分焦虑不安。   She was taken to hospital after her collapse at work.   她在工作时晕倒后被送进了医院。   He worked in a hospital for ten years nursing cancer patients.   他在一所医院里工作了十年,护理癌症病人。   He is considering taking legal action against the hospital.   他正考虑起诉这家医院。
2023-07-20 21:06:331


医院的英文是hospital。hospital短语搭配:in hospital住院、in the hospital在医院里、general hospital总医院;综合医院、hospital information system医院信息系统;医院资讯系统、hospital administrator医院管理、build a hospital建立医院、enter a hospital住院;入院、leave a hospital出院;离开医院。manage a hospital管理医院、run a hospital开医院、send to hospital送进医院、walk the hospital当实习医生、modern hospital现代化医院、children"s hospital儿童医院、city hospital城市医院。hospital、clinic、sanatorium这组词都和医疗单位有关,其区别是:hospital是医院的统称,特指综合医院;clinic指医院等的门诊部、私人诊所,学校等的医务室;sanatorium一般指疗养院、休养所。hospital例句:1、Objective to strengthen hospital management and raising the comprehensive benefit by appraising.目的通过综合评价,加强医院管理,提高综合效益。2、A hospital is no place to be sick.医院不是去生病的地方。3、He was kept in the hospital overnight as a precautionary measure.为了谨慎起见,他被安排整晚留院观察。4、Their mother was taken to a hospital for evaluation.他们的母亲随后被带往医院确认。5、The metrological management is the important element of the hospital management.计量管理是医院管理的重要组成部分之一。6、Thirteen days ago, he went to the hospital for a check up.十三天前,他去医院做了体检。7、The erection of the new hospital took several years.建造这所新医院用了几年时间。8、Is there a hospital near here?附近有医院吗?
2023-07-20 21:06:401

in hospital和inthe hospital的区别

  含义不同。  in hospital:住院;在医院里住院; 因病住院。指的是病人。  in the hospital:在医院里面。可能是病人也可能是医生也可能是别的什么人,只是在医院里而已。  例如:  But then, the next thing there was an ambulance and I was in hospital.  此后,我能想起来的就只有救护车了。 接着我就住医院了。  Only 38 of the injured remained in hospital.  只有38名伤者还在医院接受治疗。  He remained in hospital for a solid month.  他在医院里住了整整一个月。  She died in the hospital petted by all her nurses.  作为医护人员的宠儿她死在医院里。  School was over now, so I spent every hour I could in the hospital. He was everything to me.  现在学校已经放假了,所以我尽可能多地呆在医院陪大卫,他就是我的一切。
2023-07-20 21:07:351


hospital,主要用作名词,作名词时意思是“医院”。短语搭配:Union Hospital仁安医院 ; 协和医院 ; 联合医院Theme Hospital主题医院 ; 杏林也疯狂 ; 正题病院 ; 主题病院Hospital Administrator医院管理 ; 医院治理 ; 院务主任 ; 医院行政管理人员 双语例句:1、They go to the hospital.他们朝医院走去。2、You have to go to the hospital.你必须到医院去。3、Is the nearest hospital in this area?最近的医院是不是在这个地区?
2023-07-20 21:07:421


2023-07-20 21:08:108


hospital英 ['hu0252spu026atl]释义:n. 医院n. (Hospital)人名;(英)霍斯皮特尔[ 复数 hospitals ]短语:teaching hospital [医] 教学医院 ; 医学院的附属医院扩展资料:词语辨析:in〔go to〕 hospital, in〔go to〕 the hospitaln. (名词)1、在英式英语中, the hospital指具体意义,即医院的外在形式;2、 不带the的hospital则指医院的内在功能——治病。故“在医院住院”“去医院看病”用in〔go to〕 hospital; 而“去医院看病人”“在医院”则用in〔go to〕 the hospital。3、在美式英语中一般都要加上the。
2023-07-20 21:09:031

in the hospital和at the hospital的区别

2023-07-20 21:09:1910

读音:英 ["hu0252spu026at(u0259)l] 美 ["hɑspu026atl]释义:医院短语:UnionHospital 仁安医院;协和医院;联合医院ThemeHospital 主题医院;杏林也疯狂;正题病院;主题病院HospitalAdministrator 医院管理;医院治理;院务主任;病院办理词组短语:inhospital 住院inthehospital 在医院里generalhospital 总医院;综合医院hospitalinformationsystem 医院信息系统;医院资讯系统affiliatedhospital 附属医院例句:We rushed him tothe hospital. 我们把他急忙送往医院。The hospital has threehundred beds. 这所医院有三百张病床。His father flew out tosee him in hospital. 他的父亲从远方乘飞机到医院来看他。He left his property to a hospital. 他将他的财产遗赠给了一家医院。He willsoon be outof hospital. 他很快就要出医院了。
2023-07-20 21:10:061


“hospital” 的音标为 /u02c8hɑu02d0spu026atl/。意思是 “医院”,指专门治疗疾病和伤害的医疗机构。He was rushed to the hospital after suffering a heart attack.他心脏病发作后被紧急送往医院。The doctors at the hospital worked hard to save the sick child"s life.医院里的医生们努力拯救生病孩子的生命。The hospital staff were all wearing face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic.COVID-19大流行期间,医院工作人员都戴着口罩。The hospital was located in a remote area with limited medical resources.医院位于偏僻地区,医疗资源有限。She worked long hours as a nurse in the hospital"s emergency room.她在医院急诊室担任护士,工作时间很长。The hospital provides free medical care for low-income families in the community.医院向社区的低收入家庭提供免费医疗服务。The hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art medical technology.医院配备先进的医疗技术设备。
2023-07-20 21:10:131


2023-07-20 21:11:154


  医院一词是来自于拉丁文原意为“客人”,后来,才逐渐成为收容和治疗病人的专门机构。大家知道医院的英文怎么说吗?现在跟我一起学习关于医院的英语表达吧。   医院的英文释义   hospital ; nosodochium ; nosocomium ; Job"s dock ; infirmary   网 络hospital;Hospitals;hosp;infirmary   医院的英文例句   新医院的全部设备需要一年才能装备好。   The complete equipment of the new hospital will take a year.   这位医生颇为炫耀地带着我们参观了他的医院。   The doctor showed us about his hospital with much flourish.   这家医院有二百个床位。   This hospital has accommodation for 200 patients.   无限的耐心使她成为这个医院最好的护士。   Her endless patience made her the best nurse in the hospital.   我住在那家医院。   I am an inmate of that hospital.   这个医院是那所大学的附属医院。   This hospital is affiliated with that university.   她不仅建了医院还给医院捐赠资金。   She both built and endowed the hospital.   这家医院就是好医院的榜样。   This hospital is a pattern of what a good hospital shall be.   恰在这时,医院来了一个电话让她立刻去医院看看她的妈妈。   Then a call from the hospital asked her to go to see her mother immediately.   医院的英语 句子 带翻译   1. You are welcome to visit the hospital at any time. 你可以随时来医院。   2. They were taken to hospital suffering from smoke inhalation. 他们因吸入大量烟尘被送往医院。   3. I should point out that these estimates cover just the hospital expenditures. 我应该指出,这些估算仅包括医院的费用。   4. She was admitted to hospital with a soaring temperature. 她因发高烧被送进医院。   5. She was taken to hospital, apparently amnesiac and shocked. 她被送往医院,好像是受了惊吓出现了失忆。   6. The doctors gave numerous examples of patients being expelled from hospital. 医生们列举了大量病人被逐出医院的实例。   7. The results show the level of frustration among hospital doctors. 这些结果显示了医院医生的不满程度。   8. The hospital has pioneered the use of birthing pools. 这家医院率先使用了分娩池。   9. She attended a cancer support group at her local hospital. 她参加了当地医院的癌症互助组。   10. He is still fighting for his life in hospital. 他仍在医院与死神搏斗。   11. Today the best tests are performed in the hospital .see chap. 17.. 现在,本医院可提供最好的化验(见第17章)。   12. A survey of 57 hospitals by Newchurch, a consultancy, reveals striking improvements. 一家名为纽彻奇的咨询公司对57家医院所作的调查显示改善十分明显。   13. St Bartholomew"s is one of four London hospitals facing the axe. 圣巴塞洛缪医院是伦敦4个面临关闭的医院之一。   14. He hanged himself two hours after arriving at a mental hospital. 在到精神病医院两小时后他就上吊自杀了。   15. She was taken to hospital suffering from an irregular heartbeat. 她因心律不齐被送往医院。   16. He went off to hospital after a blow to the face. 他脸部受到重击之后就去了医院。   17. We are doing this all without any support from the hospital. 我们正在没有得到医院方面任何支持的情况下做这件事。   18. She knew all about my schoolwork, my hospital work etc. 她知道有关我的学业、医院工作等所有的一切。   19. Staff at the hospital went on strike in protest at the incidents. 医院员工举行罢工,抗议这几起事件。   20. The hospital blamed the mix-up on a clerical error. 医院方面将这一混乱归咎于一处笔误。   关于医院的英语对话   Where is the hospital?   医院在哪里?   Take a left at that light.   在那个路灯处左转。   Then take your first right.   然后在第一个十字路口右转。   The hospital will be on the right.   医院就在你的右手边。   Thanks.   谢谢。 猜你喜欢: 1. 医院的英语单词 2. 医院科室名称英语词汇 3. 医院常用英语口语 4. 平台用英语怎么说 5. 目前用英语怎么说 6. 挂号用英语怎么说
2023-07-20 21:11:221

in the hospital和in hospital的区别是?

又到了为小伙伴们解惑的时候了u273au25df(u2217u275bu0e31u1d17u275bu0e31u2217)u25deu273a,in the hospital可以表示在医院的任何地方,不一定是住院。而in hospital则明确表示某人正在医院接受治疗或住院。这里就给大家总结了一个它们基础知识的表格,可以先简单了解一下先:了解完它们的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别吧u10da(u30fbu2200u30fb )u10da区别一:含义不同in the hospital可以表示在医院的任何地方,不一定是住院。而in hospital则明确表示某人正在医院接受治疗或住院。例句:①I work in the hospital. 我在医院工作。②He is in hospital because of a severe illness. 他因为严重的疾病住院了。区别二:语境使用不同在描述工作或访问医院等非住院情况时,通常使用in the hospital。而在描述因疾病或伤害而住院的情况时,英国英语中通常使用in hospital。例句:①I left my bag in the hospital. 我把包忘在医院了。②After the surgery, he will stay in hospital for a few days. 手术后,他将在医院住几天。
2023-07-20 21:12:133


2023-07-20 21:12:534


问题一:医院的英文怎么写? 中文:医院 英文:hospital 韩语:?? 中文:医院 英文:hospital 韩语:?? 希望会对你有所帮助,有什么问题的话请追问!满意的话望采纳...... 问题二:医院用英文怎么写 医院 hospital; nosodochium; nosoium: 传染病医院 hospital for infectious diseases 儿童医院 children"s hospital 妇产医院 obstetrics and gynecology hospital 兵站医院 camp hospital 隔离医院 isolation hospital 结核病医院 tuberculosis hospital 口腔医院 stomatological hospital 陆军医院 army hospital 性病医院(英) a lock hospital; a VD hospital 野战医院 field hospital 战地医院 clearing hospital 中医医院 hospital of Chinese medicine 肿瘤医院 tumour hospital 综合性医院 general hospital 被送进医院 be taken (sent) to hospital 上医院 go to hospital 办医院 run (operate) a hospital 他很快就要出医院了。 He will soon be out of hospital. 问题三:医院英文怎么写 Hospital 问题四:医院的英文怎么写 hospital 问题五:去医院英文是什么 去医福(看病):go to hospital 去医院(不一定是看病):go to the hospital 问题六:医院在那儿用英语怎么写 where "s hospital 问题七:中医医院用英语怎么说? hospital of t鼎aditional Chinese medicine 因为中医药大学是:university of traditional Chinese medicine。 而楼主翻译的那个只是“传统医院”。 问题八:“医院简介”的英文是什么? 如果是资料和网站的栏目标题的话 可以这样: Hospital Introduction 也直接用:Introduction(简介)
2023-07-20 21:13:241


2023-07-20 21:14:257


2023-07-20 21:14:431


2023-07-20 21:15:072

pet hospital是什么意思?

2023-07-20 21:15:574


the way she came into the place i knew right then and therethere was something different about this girlthe way she moved her hair, her face, her linesdivinity in motion as she stalked the roomi could feel the aura of her presence every head turned feeling passion and lustthe girl was persuasive, the girl i could not trustthe girl was bad, the girl was dangerousi never knew but i was walking the linecome go with me , i said i have no timeshe said dont you pretend we didnt talk on the phonemy baby cried and left me standing alone , shes so dangerous.the girl is so dangerous, take away my money, throw away my timeyou can call me honey, but youre no down good for me.she came at me in sections with the eyes of desirei feel trapped into her web of sin, a touch , a kiss, a whisper of love i was at the point of no returndeep in the darjness of passions insanity , i felt taken by lusts stranger, inhumanityi never knew but i was living in vainshe called my house and said you know my nameand dont you pretend , you never did me before, with tears in her eyesmy baby walked out the door, shes so dangerousdangerous!!!the girl is so dangerous.i have to pray to god, cause i know how lust can blindits a passion in my soul , but youre no damn lover friend of minei cannot sleep alone tonight, my baby left me here tonighti cannot cope til its all rightyou and your mainpulation , you hurt my babyand then it happened , she touch mefor the lips of a stranger woman, drop as a honey-comband her mouth was smooth than oil , but her inner spirit and words were as sharp as a two-edged swardbut i loved it, cause its dangerous她来到这个地方我知道就在那时,有什么不同的是这个女孩她把她的头发,她的脸,她的台词在运动中,她却为神性房间我感觉到她的存在各人头上的光环了激情和欲望的感觉那女孩是有说服力的女孩,我不能信任这个女孩很糟糕,那女孩是危险的我只知道我走线来和我一起去,我说我没有时间她说你不假装我们也在电话中说话我的宝宝哭了,让我一个人独自站在那里,她如此危险。这个小女孩是如此的危险,拿走我的钱,扔掉我的时间你可以叫我亲爱的,但是你没有掉好给我。她向我扑过来的章节中与眼睛的欲望我觉得困进她的网络犯罪的,一碰,一个吻,窃窃私语的爱我在无可挽回的地步darjness深处的精神错乱,我觉得激情所采取的私欲陌生人,残暴我只知道我是白活她打电话给我的房子里说你知道我的名字和你不假装,你们从来没有做到我在,泪流满面我的宝宝走出门,她如此危险危险! ! !这个小女孩是如此的危险。我不得不向上帝祈祷,因为我知道欲望会盲目它的激情在我的灵魂,但你没什么该死的情人的朋友今晚我不能独自睡觉,我的宝贝让我今晚在这里我不能应付直到好了你和你的mainpulation,你伤害了我的宝贝然后它发生的时候,她碰我一个陌生人的嘴里的女人,honey-comb下降她的嘴很流畅,比石油,但她的内在精神和的话,快如两刃的草地但我喜欢它,因为它的危险拿走我的钱,扔掉我的时间危险take away my money, throw away my timedangerous
2023-07-20 21:03:424

crocodiles get sixty teeth中文是什么意思?

2023-07-20 21:03:428

Time flies by这句话的句子结构,是五大句子结构中的哪种

主谓结构 time flies by = 时间飞逝而过。 Time = 名词 Flies by = 动词,所以这个句子是主谓结构。 小伙伴儿~如果你觉得我的答案对你有帮助~请采纳~请给予好评哦~
2023-07-20 21:03:431


2023-07-20 21:03:477


2023-07-20 21:03:511


2023-07-20 21:03:516

The Fabulous Les Paul & Mary Ford的《Am I Blue》 歌词

歌曲名:Am I Blue歌手:The Fabulous Les Paul & Mary Ford专辑:The Fabulous Les Paul & Mary FordAm I blueam I blueAint these tears in my eyes tellin" youAm I blue, you"d be tooIf each plan with your manjust fell throughWas a time I was his only onenow I"m the sad and lonely oneWas I gay, till todayNow he"s gone and we"re throughAm I blueWas a time I was his only onenow I"m the sad and lonely oneWas I gay, till todayNow he"s gone and we"re throughAm I blueAm I blue
2023-07-20 21:03:541


2023-07-20 21:03:545


2023-07-20 21:03:381


MY PROCESS IN COLLEGE ENGLISH GRAMMER LEARNING First time before I entered BENGBU COLLEGE, I chosed English to be my major.. As is known to all, IF you want to learn English very well, you should be good at English Grammar, so grammar is the first step you will challenge MR LI is our college grammar teacher, he has delivered a praxis to us ,during the class ,he would talk about the problems we met with us ,if you had some questions about grammar ,he would explain it to you directly and clearly, after his explanation,I felt more confident about learning grammar better and better ,according to what I knew,he could simplify all kinds of problems , *** ysizing problems from all aspects, also what impressed us most was his friendly attitude. We could not municate with MR LI constantly ,because we only had two classes a week, in other words ,we saw MR LI only once a week ,but it did not matter ,he gave us his cellphone number so as to got touch with him at any time ,that moved us . It is so important to have a good English teacher, especially grammar teacher ,it is his effort that help us ,.I often misunderstood the sentence instructure before ,and also felt confused about how to use the tense correctly, but under my teacher is help ,I began to practice my English grammar increased my vocabulary ,read English texts ,and so on,I made a greater progress in college English grammar learning, I think. Before long ,we were gave a book which related to the grammar, MR LI told us to master it thoroughly, I often went to the library to search for the grammar book,.,I have read a lot of grammar books ,they have something in mon ,that is the structure of sentences, Time flies ,this semester will be end ,what I learned most is the English grammar, I think if I want to do well in English,grammar is foremost. Zhang ya
2023-07-20 21:03:381

苹果手机用微信登陆账号的时候出现Appid参数错误 是什么意思

2023-07-20 21:03:382


2023-07-20 21:03:371


2023-07-20 21:03:365

― It will be only 6 months before we take the college entrance examination.―Time flies! _______.

D 试题分析:本句考察的是谚语。A静以修身;B时间对我们有利;C人多力量大;D分秒必争;句义:—6个月后我们就要参加高考了。—时间过得真快啊!分秒必争!根据第二句义说明要珍惜时间。故D正确。
2023-07-20 21:03:351


dangerous 英 ["deu026andu0292u0259ru0259s]   美 ["deu026andu0292u0259ru0259s]  副词: dangerously 名词: dangerousnessadj.危险的;不安全的
2023-07-20 21:03:332